Minutes 1976-03-23 --i39 . GITY COUNC~L MARGH; 23;,- 197,6,. ARROYO GRANDE, CALI~OItNIA The City Cou~tcil met in regular sessi.on w1.th Mayor Gak~e de L,eon presid~,z~g; ' Upon roll call, CQUnci1 Memb~xs A1 3pi:erling, Ma~thew Gallagher,Jr.,`Ca~u~.i'~ Sch]:eg~l and Mark Millis reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATiON ` Mayor de L~c~n l~d the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and imn?eda~at~ly thereafter, Counea,lman Mill,is delive~ed tl~e invo~at~;c~n, APPROVAL O~' MINUTES , The minutes of the combined election results, sessian,. ~s; zequired~ k~y. ]~aw,, and regular m~etiz~g of March: 9:, 1976, were app~t~ved= a,~: p~epa~ed:. APPROVAL QF WARRANT~ Or~ matiorl of Council;man Sp~:e~ling, secondec~ by Coa~ncilm~.~ Gal]~agl~~~,, J~:.. ~~is~ unanime~usl`~ carried, General Warra~~s No-., 4582 th~°ouqh No:., 4b56.;,~ in th~ ~ta~a~. ` amvt~t. o~ ~ 15, 936. ~8; and Payroll Warrants' N~ a, 610 Y th~ough; No . 6186.,, tti~; ~a~~:~ ~tpt~t~~ o~ $26,133.,4,2, w~re approved<and.ord~red paid. MEMORANDUrii I~E. CITY' S. FTNANCTAL STATtJS: - ROS~15T~~N: The Council receive~ ar~d ~eview~d a m~mcYrand~m; f~om F~z~~r~ce: L~.~r~~~a~ ~i~t~g~;e.ra=,+ setting forth ~he Cit~''s financ~a7: status,, wYiicl~" is sou~t~° arad, ~d+~c,~ua-~~: ~'a~ '~1~~; City°s needsa PRESENTATION RE o EMERGENCY N~EIZICAL RESFONS~ MANUAL - GOU1tiiT3~' ~Q~3MT.~'I'~~~ Ra.y Eo Cach~°ane o~ the° County ~clministrative S~aff_ of the ~rme~g~~~ #~~~~c:a,I;. Care Committee,, was present., along with S~'-Comm~:tt~e: I~mb~rs;, anti< g~~ I~e&~;t~~a~:iQn~ on the Emergency Medical Re~ponse Manual. The mans~~~e.d+, re~,~,ir~me~~s: ~d:~: t,k~}e A~!~ tor California a~d the Coun~y at~ State level w~~; reviewed,; along wi;tl~~ dia~~msi: o~; the ambulance service areas, wh~.ch div.id+es: ~he Co~n~y in~o: si~: sect~or~:.. [~~r~r QE ~entral di~patching was re~ra~eraed alsoe. A~ter a question. artdt answer perzQd` and' Council d~scussian, a motion was made by Councilman M~:llis;,., ~econ~de.d:. by ~ca~.r~~i~li~i~~ Gallaghe~°, ~r. and unanimously carried, appoa;rsting Fire Chief Tcany Marsa7.~k ~o ~h~ Co~unty Emerg~nc~ M~d~cal C~~e Cammd~~tee . ~ty Attorr~ey ~h~pse~ w,a~ i~z~s~'ut~'~~1, tp look into the ado}~t~,qn of an Ordin~.nc¢ or Joint Powzers Agreeme~it ~o impl.e~lt~3lt Emergency Medical Response proposal. PRf~T.,~MATZON - EASTER SEAL CA~`1PAIGN TIME - 1~RCH 1$T TO APRIL 1:$T~3'~- 1'-9'7~i ~ Ntayor de Leor~ read a~ pxocl;amation ~Md~ proe.laimed Ma~ch 1,, 1976 tQ• ~~~1 'I~~:~ 137Si as "Eas~e~° S+eal Campai~~ Time" in: the City of Arroyo G~and~,. as: ~+~u~„~~~d.li~ Cil~istene Owre, President of the Easte~° Sea1 SocietX for Crippled Ci~.iid~~r~ Adults of San Luis fJ~ispo Count}?o ~ INi7ITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN LA FTESTA PAI~ADE - MAS~ 1'5TEi In respo~se tQ an invitation, Councilmer~ Schleg!el and Spiex~ling a,x~~ M~~ZQr~ cle Leon stated tYaey would participafe in the San Luis Obisp~5 La Fiesta P~~d.~ o~ Saturday, May 15, 1976. AUTI30~.IZE RELEA~aE OF BUDGETED FUNDS '1'O CHAIKBER OF COMMERCE On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded b~ Councilman Splerlinc~ ane~ ~ unanimously carried, the balance o€ th~ $5,Q00 allocated funds for ~he Cham~e~ of Commerce, in th~ amount of $2, 50-0 0 00 , was autl~orized: r~leased to ~l~e A~°rqyp, ~~and~: ! Chamber of Commerce, as requested by Cham3~er Preside~rt Fraril~ ~e~er arxcl F'„~~ttb~a~ ~ Manager Fay Lanea I PROCLAMATION -"PUBL~C SCfi00LS WEEK° - APRIL 26-3Q, 197E~ ~ Mayor de T~~~a~ proclaa:med the week of April 2~Etl~r ttsrorugl~ April 3Q~~r,; 1~'~6,, ~ as "Fublia Schools W~ek" in the City o€ ArrQyo Grarid;e, asf reque~~~d b~ Ro}ae~ 14i(. ! Eioagland, Sup~rintendent of the Lue~:a Mar Unifi~d Scl~ool Dis~r~.et.. 1 MAYORo S APPOINTMENT C'~F COMNiIT2'EE ASSIGNNIENTS TQ GOUNCIL 1~'IEMS~l~;S: ' ~ Ma•yor de L~4~? appointed Council repre~entatives and sta~~ ta ~ ~.~c~ ~o~~~e~s ~ and commissions, ~s ~ollows o ZONE 3 ADi7TSO~Y COIKM~Z'TEE:, Mark ~s.ll~~x ` i~~ ~c~~a + as alternate; C~UN~-WTDE WATER COMMITTEE: Matthe~ ~allagher~J~.~~rl~ ~~'~}s~s~ ~ ~ dltmrna:tes AREA PLAN~frN~ CO~TC2Lo A1 Spierling, asad Gabe de ~,eA~ a~e a~~~t~'~A?i~~ ~ UNL7ERGROUND UTILITY COMMI~TEEe Mark Millis; SO. SAN T,CTIS OHISPO CO~ '~~Q~t' DISTRICfi: Cal Schleg~l, and Al Spie~ling as alternate; CQiI1~TY SET,~~~Q!~ ~w Gabe de Leon; COiJi~iT3t. RUBBISH .COMMITTEE: Cal ~chlegel, and ~'cse Ga~cia a~ ~.~~+~~~er and SOUTH COLF~aT~Y WAT~R ASSOCIATION: Al Spierling. i4o _ C~'I'3C ~Ot3I~I~~~ MARC~I 23, 1976 ARRC7Y0 ~~AI~3~ b ~P,I~I~"OE`tN~~ PAGE 2 I~IiJrT~~~~~~ ~~l~E ~ME~VI~i~N`~ ~ O1~~I~TAI~T~E ~OPTION - RE~ONE #76-93, `~A" TO "A-P", ~o cxE~~r & ~~rt~x r~~~~ ~D~xor~~ ~~.~~r ~,tt~~n~y ~h~.~sey ~°e~d the ~i,t~e of an ~~rdir~ance am~nding the Municipal Code ~~a ~~~~x~~ p~~p~r~~ ~rz ~~~t Che~°ry E~t~~,~~an and Branch Mill Road from ~~A~~ to 'B~,~F~'" ~ t~Y~~~ea~t~~, ~ areo~~~ora ~a~~ mad~ by~ C~u~~~i~Lm~n Sch7Lege1, seconded by Caun.~ilx~~r~ ~p~~~~~~g ~nd ~nanin.c~~z~~L~r ~a~r~ed, to c1~,~pense with reading the balance of ~h~s ~~d~n~~~~o O1~D~NAN~~ I~1~ 0 13~ ~ m S o 1~I~T OF~~N~ICE ~F ~'FiE C~TSC O~° .~RI20Y0 GRANDE APJIENDING A PORTION ~"~i~ ZOI~T~I~TG OF' TfiE ~~~'Y' OF° A1~ROY0 GRANDE REFERRED TO IN >E~TI~DN ~30~ OF T~TLE 9' CHAPTER 4 OF THE MUNTCIPAL CODE S0 AS '~O ~ZGJ~ C~Ft`T"p.I1V P~.20~'~.RT~ IN °I'HE ~I~ OF AkR0Y0 GRT~NDE e CSs~B moti~r~ C~au~~~lm~n l~illis, seconded by Councilman Spierling and on ~he fol~;owir~~ ~c~l~ ~~,lY ~~te, to ~,r~t: A~E~s Cauxa~i~;m~rs Sp~e~~i~sg9 Gallagh~r,,7rm, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon I~~~~ m ~Tor~~ ~ A~ s~I~I'1° m Nua~~ ~ trae ~~~ego~.rag ~~~~,~~ra~e ~ra.~ pas~ecl arad acl~pted ~his 23~cd day of March, 1976. ~ NIUt3ICIP~i~, ~t~D~ ~MEN~l~1V~ - ~FtD~NAI~TCE ADt~I~T~ON ~ REZ~NE #75-83, ~~RAB3" TO "RAB2-D" &'~RAB2", °I'~I~Y HO F2Do ~1GCEP'.P 9TEI~tT~1.'TI~IE SUBDIVo MAP OF TRACT #453, RANCHO LA BARRANCA V ` ~he C~c~cil. r~~~~wred r~~olut~an from °the Plarana.ng Commission accepting the p Negat~ve E~~~~~r~mer~tal Decla~a°~~mn for Tract Noa ~53 "R~.ncho La Barr~.nca", which ~ subd~,~ri~~~~ ~ov~rs a majo~ po~tion of the lancl undier consideration for rezoning. h~ Admi.n~~°t~~~~~ ~u°~ch ~~par°ted tha~c ~~°eport has been rece~.ved ~oday from the Arroyo Gr~nd~ ~t~~o~~~e ~~~se~~a°t.ion D~st~ict, cfa 705~-A East Main Street, Santa Ma.ria, 'a ~e~~~d~,a~g ~~~~r~,e~ mad~ ~f ~~e ~~is~~ng c~raditions and pot~ntial p~oblems of the ~ imrn~d~~~~ ~f tl~e '~ra~t No~ 453 elev~logmento The s~.abmiie°ters of the report Q request~~ ~~~t ~,t be fi~ec~ as pa~°t of the N~gative Envzranmental Declaration for y~. said T~~~~. a ~c~~rc~.n~.~~~a~or ~utch p~in°~~d out that the ~ive ~ecomm~ndat~ons in thi5 ' ~ report ~e co~~~e~ in t~~ 1~~ ~nel Subd~.vis~an Fteview B~ard a s recommencla~t~~s~~ ~ which h data wra~ ~lse~ r~~ie~ed b~ tY~~ ~aunci~o After Council d~.scussion, a mot~vn was made j by Counc~~:man ~chl~gel~ ~~~~nded by C~unci4man Sp~erling and ~n the fc~ll~~rri.r~c~ ~oll c~Yl ~rote, °t~ P,YESo ~ouracilmex~ Spi~~°ling, G~1lagher,Jro, Sc,hleg~l~ IVlili~.s and ~ i~tayo~ de T,e~n; ~O~~e None, ~1B~~NTo N~n~, th~ motian passed ~t~ ~c~e~~ °~I~° x~~~~l.ution o~ ~tY~~ P~.a~r~a.~~ ~~~~,~sioa~ ~cc~p°t~.ng ~.he Negat~ve Enva~rorrimmental Declaaea~~on for ~1 Tx~act 453, °aR,~:nc~~ La Ba~ranca°" ancT that the ~il~ng of ~he NED include the report of ! ~ recommendat~.~n~ ~la~ted Ni~.:rch 23 & 1975 ~r~m the A~royo G~ande Resource Conser~ration ~ Dist~°i~~. ~ ~ f ~s °~h~ ~~~~~~1 ~~.d m~.cl~ ~t a ce~ncli~ti~ra, after giving a first reading of an ( e~~d~r~a~c~ ~o ~~ez~r~e °th~ ~~je~~ ~.rea, ~hat the Tentative Subdivision Map be presented ~ far ~°ts ~e~r~~w~ ~efm~e ~in~l. acl~ptiora ~f ~he rezoning is acted on, sa~.d map was now E p~esen~e~,, ~s ~~p~~~ecl ]by °the P3anning Co~na.~~ion, and ~°ev~ewred by the Council. C~~n~~5~, d~~~~s~ion, m~~~~n was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Co~c~~,man ~~~.1~gY~~~~~~m ~~.d ~r~anim~us~y ca~r~ecl, accepting the Tentative Subdivi- s~.~r~ Ntap ~~~~t 453 y"Ranc1~~ I~a ~a~°ranca" e as s~mitted by Garingy Taylor & ~lssoc~.~~~s a C~,~y ~lt~~rne~ ~l~~p~~y ~hen read the title an ordinance amending the Mcxnici~aY. a~ °ko ~e~one property at Tally H~ Road and James Way from nRPa~B~" 't0 '"RA~B~-I~~~ ~,Y`~C~ IBF~m$201 ~ ~~1~~"~d~~~Y°y c`1 MOt10T1 4~7aS made by Councilman _ ~chl~g~~,, se~~~ci~d ~y C~~n~~.lm~; Spie~rla.ng and un~nimously carried, to dispense witl~ ~e~d~ng ~~he balaz~ce of th~~ O~°d~.xa~n~e o O1~~NANC~ NQo ~35 ~oS~ I~I~I Ofti?~I~T~1~C~ ~F ~F~E C~'~Y O~' ~1~t0~0 GRANDE ~NDING A PC7R'I"ION ~F TIiE ZO1V~~TG ~ OF 7CIiE ~~'I°Y OF" ARROYO GRAI3DE RE~ERRED TO ~N s 30~ T~~'T~~ ~~I~~'~~ 4~~" T~i~ MtT1~T~~~PAL ~0~~ A~ REZ01~E ~~R~TP?IN PROPEFtTY IN Tf~ C27,'X AF ARROYO GRANDE. C~r~ ma~ian n~ Ce~tane~ilm~r~ ~piarlin4, w~eor~ded b~r Co~z~~ilman i~chlsc~al ar~-on the folloraing r~ll' ca~,~. vo~e, t~ w~.ta AY~~ e Gcs~zra~~.lm~n ~pier~.sx~g ~ Gag.Yac~her aSx e, Sch7L~ge1, Millis and Mayor de Leon DTOES o N~n~ AB~EN~` m Ne~rae the f~reg~a.ng ~~d~,nance ~as pas~~c~ ~nd ~.cisa~t~cl th~,~. ~3xd day of Niarch9 19760 : --i~i CITY COUNCI~ MARCH 23, ~975 _ ARROYO GRANbE, CALTE"ORN~~ PAG~ 3 _ NQT2CE OF RE~ULAFt ME~'Z°~1V~ D1~TE~ SET F°OR 7A~ SPLIT & ARCFiIfiECfiURAL REVIEW CQMMI~".['~ES Adni~rais~r~xto~ Bez°tch ~eported tha~t pu~suan~t ~o City Attorney Sha.p~~~r' s advs~~, the Planning ~er~a.~~~.cm has, set r~gular meeting d~t~s ~or the Lot Spl~.t r~~d Architectural R~~ri~w ~omtmit~~~, ~.s °the' Wednesday bef~re ~ach regular P1~ni~ing ~c~m- ' mission meeting? ~.t 1 e'30 poNio tY~e ~lanning D~,~°e~~,~r's Office, The ~ubdi,vision Rev~.e~a Board'~ mee~iaxg~ w~1~ be notzced t~: all inte~e~t~d p~rties, :c•rhen such meet.~gs I are set as zxee~lecio , ' ~ ' APPOINTMENT OF" PLANI~II~TG COI~ISSIt~NER - POPE;` JFto 1 On motic~n'Q~` C~unc~lman'Sc legel, sec~nded by Councilman Spieriing ~nd ; unanimously carried9 Hugh P~pe, ~x~,, 723 Bennet~t Avenne, was:appointed to fi1Z the vacancy on the Planna,ng Comm~ssion created by the resignation. of 1~,e11,y Calhoon, said appointment to b~ e~fective ten.day~ afte~° M~r. Rope, Jr.,has filed the .required Sta~eznent af ~con~m~.c Interests. His tez~.:~ill expire._Jt~~ 30,;~fi977. RESOLUTION ADOFTIOIVS "130 PARK~NG" ZO1~iE ON GRAND AVEI~tiJ~ & STOP:< ST~1~ A'~,'- €3T,~VE, ~ ~i7IRGINIA & WI~(?W $TREETS AT i„IQQI3LAND DRIVE " . ~ ~ ~ The C~~iriail ~eview~d twro r~com~enda~ions 'from ~he Parkinq Tr~.~~~,~ Commiss~.~n, as follows: 7~) ~hat two pa~kir~~ ~p~,c~~ .we~tsrly of the in~ers~~tion 4.~`.~aa~~ett Street and Gran,d Avenue in f'~ont o~ McDonald' ~_a~ 410 ,Grand ~1ve~ue:l::-b~ de~~...gnated ~"No Parking" ~~sne, as reques~ed by Po~ice Chief C~.ark. Manager af: M~DQi~~.3:d's, Gharles William~, has s~katecl he has no obj:ecta.ons to thiso After Co.unc~.~: c~iscussion, City Attorney ~hipsey ~~acl the t~tle of a resolutio~ estabTishing a"1~c~ ParJsing" zone in the C~ty; ther~after, a motion was made by Counc~:lman Sehlegel, s~ec~ded~.~by Councilman Spi~rling ~nd urianim~usly carr~ed, to dis~s~nse with ~°eading ~~~ie. l~al:ance of this resolu~,ione FtESOIaUT20N NQ. 1205 A RESOLUT~ON OF THE GTTY COUNCIL'OF THE CITY OF ARR03t0 ~RA~1DE ESTABLIaHING A"NO PARKING" ZONE ON A PORTION OF AVENUEa ~~t`~on c~~ Councilman Spierl~mg, seconded by Council.man Gal~.a~hex~, Jr:.and or~ the' fol.lo~ving ra~l ~all votee to wr~,t: : AYES s Cour~eblm~n Spie~Ying,; G~ll~gher,, Jr m, Schlegel, M~~lis a~id Mayo~ e~e...I~eo}~ ~ NOESe None ~SENT: Non~ ~ , ~ ~'c~~going ~tesolution wa~ pa~~ed and adopted this 23rd day. of Nla~c~, 1~76. 2~ The Com¢nission ~ecommended that stop signs be placed on Ol~.ye $treet, Virqinia Dr~ve and'Willow S~reet so-as to ~top.traff~.c upvn ent+~ring:Wocadland:Dri~e, as requested by I~olice Chief C~~rk pursuan~ to requests for same he-had ~eaeived from resadentso After Cour~ci~ discusssony City.Attorney Shipsey r~;ad ti~~ ~'tle~of a.,resalixtion establishing stop s~gns on certai:n: streets, thereafter, a mo~i~a: saas ma~~ by Councilman Schlegel, ~~conded by C~uncilman Spierl~.ng and unan~.~ usl~r , carried, to disp~nse wi~h r~ading the balance of this ~esolution. a ~ . . . . . .r . . REaC)LUTION NOo 1206 A~SOLUTION OF` TYiE ~~TY COUNCIL OF.THE CY~Y OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABI~ISHING ~QULEV~RD STO~'-SIGN~a ON OLIVE, VIRGINIA , . AND W~Li~OW STREETS P~'.Y" WOODLANiD ISRIVE. On mation o~ Cotxnc~.lman Mill.is,:: s~conded by ~tiuncilman Spier~iz~c~ and on ~he followrinc~ ro~.l ca~.l vote, to wi~.m AYES: ~~urac~.lzn~n Sp~.erl~.ngy G~11.agher,Jr. ,`~.chlegel, Millis . and ~Iayor de; Leon NOE~ o ~Tone ABSENT: Non~ tk~e f~regoing Resolut~oza wa~ p~ssed and adopted this 23~rd day of Marc~, 99760 RECEIPT OF FQLIRZ"~II UARTERLY aALES TAX & CIGARETTE TA}C REV'ENUff REPORT ~ on 8ala~ Tax~ .v~z3uoe~orWtheafourtheSUart~r~ofp1975~e' by'C ty ~Admini~~x,at~r~.:~ch q ~,nd Cigaret~e Ta~ ~s~r ~'~~~ry, and February, 1976. The receipts are the.highest ir}~the City's hi~~o~y and ind3.cate a 13.8~ increa~~ in total saYes revenue in`~93~ ~ver 1974n , . ~ ~ "X~".~. . _ . . _ - ~ 4~~~ . _ 4 ~ C~C~'X' ~17~~~"~ NlARCfi 2~ y 1976 ARRO~(~ ~Ft~I~I~~ ~ ~~I~~~"~1R~~,7~ PAGE 4 APP~tO~ Pd~~EEP/~rY°~ ~'~"I~ ~~~JI.V°~ E°OR ~I~T~P~.Y~ COIeI`~°ROIa iEe1~v.~~CE~ °B 9`~6-7"7 ! 1~co IS.~~~ Ko~~~,~~D ~r~~~aa.~ ~~r~~~~a~. ~~~~.~~.~.~~~d~n~D w~~~ ~~e~~nt ar~d reviewed i the ~~~~r~~~s ~Y~~ C~rax~~~~, P~~~~~~no ~~~z~~t~~~ and answ~r pe~iod followed ~ amo~ag ~Yne ~~+~~~~~.D I~o ~~d ~~~i~~en~ y~~~~~~`~, ~r~~~e ~omments ~rere r~lative ~ ~p~y~~~ m~ D ~a~ cl~~ci ~~im~~~ 9 ~~~~s°t~ce b~ ~h~ PaZice Depart- mezzt r~~~~~~a~~ ~~,~~y ~.~^~i~~~~e ~e~,~Y~ ~,a~a er~fo~~~nnerat in the Cityo Mr. ICo~~~~~ s~~~~d ~~a~, ~,~w~ ~~~y~~~~~ p~~l~sa~ ~~s b~~n dropped because th~ ~~p~~~~ ~1~~~ w~~~~~ ~b~ ~~~z>~~-~ed ~~dl ~o~ w~~~~x~t ~uch a al~nico After ~az~~~~~ ~~~n~~~ d~~~~~~~~n, a m~~~~~ ~as m~cl~ ~a~ ~oun~~lm~~ ~p~.erl~ng? seconded ~y ~o~xr~~°~~.~~r~ ~~hl~~~~ ~r~c1 t~~ ~ol~,~ws.nq ~alT ~~11 ~r~~t~ ~ ta ~ait m AY~~s C~~~~~~~ S~~e~~~~h~~ G~~~~.gY~~~,~~o ~~~~~;ege3 arad l~ia~ror de Leonp NOES o ~~e;.~ci~x~~r~ 1~I~.~.~~. ~ o ~~~~I~°I' e N~ra~ ~ t,~i~ m~~ian c~~°ried author~ ~ing the Mayor and ~~~~k ~r~ ~.~~r~, c~x~ beh~~~ ~:h~ ~~~y, ~ con°tr~e~ for Anzmal Control Sere~i~es ~~~r~r~~~ ~h~ A~~c~~~ ~~~r~de ~r~cl County ~f ~~n Lui~ Obispo, for the ~a~~~~l ~ 9`~~~77 0 ~~s~~x~~~o~n ~r~~ be~e~~~n ~h~ ~,be~~~ ~~~i~n A s~,ntroduction arac~ the roll call, regardi~g ~o~~~ A~~~re~~. ~~~k~.~e~~ ~~og~~m, w~~~h sugge~~i~r~s being made that the thr~e ~~~tY~ ~~~~,~3~ ~~~i~s ~~~~tY~~~ and ~~udy t~.e f~~:sibil~~.y of an anima.~ con°t~~3, ~r~~~~a ~s~~ b~ ~~n~ ~h~~~ ~~~~~~o KECEIPT 0~ RE~C~F~"~ ~i~1 ~CS~ ~ i1~L~Fc1~,"~~ ~~i~E3NI~E FYC~USI~G '~Yn~ ~~~~c~I w~s in~~~t~~d ~]r~~~, the Ci~.y ~s in re~~~,p°t of ~n~ copy of the Atto~ne3r Gen~~~l °~~~~a~~~ l~w~ ~~^Acl ~~cler~,t~ ~~com~ k~~u~ing o The Council reviewed 1~~~,~~ f~~~r ~°~a~~~ A~'t~a~r~~~%~ ~~~~~a~ ~~~arag~~° ~~~~~d~r~g ~~e Housbng Element of ci~ie~ ° Ger~~~~~~ T~S~a~~, wh~~h ~~a~~~ °~k~~°t ur~~~~~ ~.Ya~ C~~~ h~s ~ Hous~ng Eiement which i~ ~cc~~~a~~~ °~Y~e ~~~~ee ~~~~ci n~t; b~ ~~ra~~d~~~~l ira housing grant funds. A~~~or~ f~~~ra P~~;~a~i~g l~i~~~~o~ ~~ga~ox~~ ~k~~~ ~°t~t~~ tY~at the Housing EYernera~t a~ ~~~d~~~~~ b~ ~h~ ~~~y ir~ ~9~5? in~e~s the r~~~~~'~~er~ts o~ ~e legislatio~. r~am~~~ c~~ ~~~v~~r~~ ~~r~r~~~~~~~ P~x~~~ x~~~~~ x~ o~z~ ~°o~ ~~x~~ e 4J6/76 ~~~n~n~~~ ~ a~ ~ ~~~~~r o~ i~~~~m~°t~.~ng ~~ce~veci n~t~~e °~l~~t °the Planning Comm~~s~~~ w~~~,l Y~~~..~ ~ p~~~~ ~ea~°~~c~ e~~ °P~~sdayy Apr~l 6, ~9769 on th~ Environmental Impa~t Reg~~~t ~a~ P~~?~ ~~~~~o ~CR~Vi[,L'~7w~ ~rtr.'CVdtJ. m ~1VJL.~m ~L'J3tlg~L'd~ Ltld:~~2~7 ~1.V~1 . Ae~~~a~.~t~~~~~ ~~ux°~~5~ r~~~e~aed t~~ 1~~°~Y~ ~ 5~h ~rce~~.~a~g o~ th~ Ci~~z~x~~ e P,dviso~y ~~rrutt~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~g ~ C~~~~ ~~ra~~~ N~~~s ~~t~elyo ~r~~a~x~: ~r~rn C~°t~ St~~~ had been g~~en t~n~ ~~n~~°~~~~ ~~r~~a~c~~~~t~~c~~~ ~rh~~Ya in~l~x~ecl ~~~g~e~~~~rs th~~ the Coaarn~~.~~ ~t~~,~cl~~~ ks~ ~~ed ~~m~~~e~~~a~~y ~~r C~~c~.l m~e~~a~c~~ ~d th~.t the Communi~y Su~~lc~~~~ ~~cp~a~d~do I~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~ ~h~ ~~r~~l so~n°t~ ~f °~h~ C~.ty Hall across the creek ~r~,~ ~1~~ d~~~~~~ec~o `c~~~ ~~~~e~ ~ c~nce~°tecl e~fmr~ be made to locate a n~~r £i~°e ~t~~i~~ ~~,teo ~~~'t m~~~ing ~f ~h~ ~~mm~t~ee has been set for ApriY ~ a ~9°~6o C~~~~.~an~r~ G~~~L~.g~~~e~ro s°~:~t~d tl~~.~ he ha~irag ac~omodations for pub~~~ me~~~~~~ ~i~~~ ~~a~~~~~~~~ ~~at~ng ~or ci°t~z~ns A i~pu~t of p~ime impor~a~~~m ~c~~~~ o~ r~z~v~~°~~ ~~r~~ ~~~~o~as ~~r~x~~~~~ ~E~~~v~ m ~/7~ `I~,e ~a~~nu°~~~ c~r °~Y~~~ ~°~~~~~ae~r ~ ~ y ~ 9~~ me~t~rag ~f ~;he ~Y~n~n Relations Commission a~ South ~~n I~~i~ Ob~~p~ ~~~xr~~~ ~nr~~~ ~~v~~~naed ~ncl c~d~~°~d ~~~.~do CLA~N! AGA~-i~~Z° GI~ BY A~ [n~~N~R~'ENf - D~I~~ED ~n m~~~o~ o~ C~~n~~lr~~n :p~erb~~gy ~e~~r~~e~ b~ C~u~~ilm~n ~chlegel and un~.~.~m~~a~~,v ~~r~e~~s~, ~.~a~ o~ In7~~r~~~~~°~~r~ f~~ pe~~o~al i~~~~ies was denies~9 x~~~~er~de~, b~ ~~a~ ~~t~9s ~n~~~a~a~~ ~a~x~~,e~o REt7IEW ~E° ~EGI~Y~~~~ ~~IaVI~~~~I~~ ~ C~I:~~"C~~TIA ~~~]~ES °T~~ ~~a~~~~s ~~~~~w~e~ t~~ L~~~~l~.ti~~ ~~1~~~~~~ r~~eiv~d f~eom the Le~g~~ ~i~ C~l~~~~r~~~ C~~~,~~, e~~~~~~~~~g the ~a5~~~~~~ ~3~~~ CS~ 839) which ~rould place g~~a~ c~p ~r~ p~~t ~~npl~~~~,~ ~~e~~pt~~xa~ ~~~~rc~~ng l~~~lth c~.a~ans ~y public safety ~m}~l~ye~~ o A~.~~ ~~~~~~~d b~ ~1~~ ~~~n~~:L r~~s a r~por°~ on the I~eacnze ° s ~o~i~~~z~ ~ , ~ ~~a p~g~~s~~ ~~~~~~i~r~~ ~f ~ ~79, v~hicl~ ~~~e~~ ~o ~he CO~419°~~1 e REPORT ~13 1~CEI~1~ NIAYORS ° 1~E~~N~ R~ ~~°~31~TT ~OTnY~i2,S AGREEMEN'~ e L m O o CO o AREA COUNCIL ~~~~~y.m~.n ~~~~~Y~ng ~~~esr~~cl c~~ ~ ~°~~~aat mi~~tixag ~f re~p~°e~~ntatives from al~, ss.~ c~°ts.~~ ~n~ ~h~ ~0~~1 ~S~p~~•v~~~~~, at va&~~.cka p.rim,~~°~ d,~scu~si~n had been h~ld mn the ~~a~gs~~~sY ~'e~~.ra°~ ~~w~~~ Ag~r~~m~~nt fo~ ~az~ I~~x~.s Ob~~po Co~nty Area Council of C~overxa~r~er^x~~ m A~&n~,~e~ d~°~~t ~ka~ ~.g~e~m~n°t wa~ r~~~.~vaed by the City Council . Councilm~.n Sp~~r~~r~g s~.a°~~d t~~t tk~~ ~~~~r:r o~' i~~~ae ciur~x~c~ discus~a~x~ of this was the Cm~t~r°~ ~e~~~~~~a~~~~~n ~ar~ ~,fl~~ ~e~~ ~~~~a~~la An~~.~~~: ~han~~y x°~fl~cted on _ 143 C2TY COUNCIL MARCH 23, 19^~6 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIF°OR~1~A PAGE 5 Pae~e 6 of the .~,gr,eemen~., ~egarda.r~g the annual work prog~am and btzdget, was znade w~i±?r~ it was recommend~d tha~ th~se be adopted through a standard hea~°ing p~°oce~s.to a3law ci~~es plera~y ~f t~.me for inp~x~t ~ At the. end of the , me~t:~~5? the Mayor~ ~.ndica~ed they would like th,~ Count~ ~o send a sample agreement to see ~:f signa~~~~s,can;J?e c~}at~.ined ~dop~ing the aq~~ement m The ~ity Council indi~ated gene~~l_ ac~~'e~ment: vai#-.h this late~t: dr~£t af the proposed ~o~r~t Powers Agreement, including th~: ~l~~nges ~a,~;~ the adopt~on o~ budget artd wa~k program b~:do~e,~h~ough a public hearing,J~~ocess a,~cl ~hat all f~ve,Board of Su}~erv~~ors b~ listed~as~_.members of ~Ghe:Area,Caunca.I but on~y have one co].lea~~ve vo~te. DEi~ONSTRATION Q~ HOA3E ~'IRE DE'I`EC`I'OR - 1~IARS~~K In ~onjuz~c~~.csn w~.th an inforniational. ~eport prepared ,by; the: Fi~~ .~epartment regarding Home ~°ire Det~cte~rs, which tl~e Cqrxnczl ~ece~.v~d c4pies of ;.:ar~d ~~v~.e~ed', ~°~re :~~~~f - Marsalek gave a:dem~stration of sueh a..un~.t: a~?d ~.~plain~d wl~ere: ~.t ~ ;shouTd be instal~,ed, the t~rpes of . detectgrs avai~.ab~e, etc. ~LEAk'FIRI~TZON (7E" STUDY FOR JOIN"r RECREATION AROGRAM . T~e Counezl reviewred data, compa~led_ by tk~e .Cit~es of;. ~r~oyo .~~~:d~: a.z~d G~o~~r ~i°ty, and . the ~ucia i~tar Unified Sc1~oo1. D~.str~.~t, giv~.z~c} aen~er~tp~~es :A~. ~`aareat:iox~al facilit~.es, equip~t~nt, pers~xinel, etcm .a~a~lable.~o-eacho -..~is ~.'e~u~~:~~d.k~y-.t;k~e com~tittee, of ~epr~eser~tatives studying the ,f~a~a.ba.l.~ty ~f _a ~t2~rat~ r~~~~~..~~~r~";prog~~~p, the City Council reaffirm~d.its de~i<re that the,.study cQnt~nuee RECEIPT OF-A.G. SPRI;NG RECREATIQN ~RO.GR~N1 As. a matter of in€ormation, ° t~e. Council - received ~o,p~.es : qf t~Y~e .~,p~°~~g Recreation Program f~r ~976 in the ~~ty.of Arroyo.C~rande, sponsQred:.by the Recreation Departmento PRbGRESS REPQRT - CREEIC CLEANING PROJECT BY CUESTA CON'a~F2VATIQN: GO~PS 'I'1~e Council reviewed a.report da~ed March 18th frqm Director_of Pub~.ic Works And~~son clescribing the prog~ess of the ereek cl~aning projeet;b~ing done„by~;~~ Cuesta Gox~servation ° Corps m Orally, : he repe~rted that ;they :haue: ~learaed ~ust abcr~tt to Hi.ght~aay 101 ,~nd are do~ng a good ~obo REPORT - MARCH 1$`~H MEETII~IG OF' TfIE ZONE 3 ADVISORSC C0INMITT~E --~~MI~I~2S Councilman Mi11.is report~d on the March 18, 1976 meet~.r~q; ~f -~~e Zo~.e 3 Advisory Commi~tee, , stating that ~he.:-regt~lar month3.y Beaches & Par.ks Repcar~ ar~d Treatment Plant Repo~°t had been heardm ~3ther items repor~ed were as ~411owss spec~fications fQr a new reservo~r ccs~r~r a~e being prepa~ed; a repo~'t ~ra~ `.heard from Ue S m G~A e r~garding sediment i.nto Lopez Lake; a.nd a, report `from the' £?epart~t~r~t af R~sources saying that the Tre~tment P7.ant at the . lal~e ~.s working :;at ~~,~acity, which Bob McLain o~ th~ Treatznent Plaz~t d~spu~es.~s the s.tt~dy ~~s ~ade i~ ~uly when the plant is working-at peak levelse RECEIPT QF° DRAE°T COPY OF TRANSIT SYSTEM FIVE CITIES TRANSPORTATION, 53~5`I'EM The Counc~l 'reviewed a Transit System proposal prepared by 3'ohn i~i~~Ce~sqn, T~°ansit Manage~ Gf the Reg~.onal Transportatian: Planning P,gencyo The rep4~'t outl~.~s three a~°t~rnatives for a poss~.Iale transit system in the So.uth Gou~ty< A~~v~e~a of the p~apqsals prepared by Cit~ ~~g~neer Garc~.a was also st~died by th~ Councii,o ~x~ answrer to a camment, a~suranee wa.s g~ven that ample opporturaity woul.d bs giuen:~ar s~nior citizens" ~.npu°t on any system cons~.deredo Administrator Butch adv~.s~d t~~t Mra N~.ckelson wi~.l malse a presentata.on on the outlined proposs~ls at ~he ~un~ii's next regular m~:~tir~g. F2ESOLUTIQN ADOPTION - FORMATTON OF 3PRPROiIEMEN~' DISTRICT SHORT 1911 -ACT (S. HA~C~~T) Adm2nis~rator Bu~~h ~ev~ewed t~iat on ~7~nuary 13, 1976 ,the. Cot~nc~.1- k~~.d established an iz~nprovement d~:~trict on S~uth Halcyon Road for ~nst~l~.a~ion 4f ~a.dewalks where nqne exi~ted, but dur~rag a public hear~;ng whieh follr~wed, r~~~:.den~s o~ the area nczted confus~ora regardin s~dewalk width ~equ~rements9 ~o.the p~°oce~d~~s ~or tl~.e d~strict were cancell.edo "I'Yi~ sidewalk wid~hs w~re, then x°e-estab],~.sl~ed,,~rid ~.J~1 but two prop~rta~es l~ave now kaad- sidewalks ~.nstall~do A report ~rorn ~iree~:~r ,~q~ Fublic Works ~derson was reviewed, citing that t~e two r~maining,ur~~i:d~walked parcels are as fQl~:ows, and xeacmmending the fo~snation of a short.f0rm a~s+e~~~t diotriat ~roaN~d for ao~pl4tion of ~ic~~walks on both eide~ of 8outh Halcyon Rc~~d be~ween G~and Avenue and Fair Oaks Avenue: Parcel No. Q6-542-09 (331 S. H~.lcxs~n Road) and Parc~l`Noe 06-391-18 (east side of South Haleyan Road). Aftsr Co~anea.l discussiora:, Cit~ At~orney Ship~e~ read the t~.tle of a resolu~ion instx~ucti~c~ the Superintenden~ of Streets to order the construction of sidewalks, as z~diCated abov~; ~therea£~~r, a motion was m~ade lsy Councilman Millis, se~onded::b3r Cou~?ci;l.man Gallagher, Jra a~d unanimou~ly ~ar~~.ed, to dispense witY~ re~ding the #~ala~nce bf this resolutionm .~44 CITS~ C~IJI~T~IIa N1A12CH 23, 19'76 ARROSt'0 t~RP~I~IDE ~~I~~E"Ol~~~ PAGE 6 R~S~LU~~~IV NOo ~2d7 Pa ~~~~~3~`~C~~ ~F `~Fi~ C~~ CO1UnTCYIe C~~t OE° AFtR~YC9 . GF~,I~D~ ~I~~"I°I2L7~~"~1~]'~ S~ERII~TEIVI3~1~T~ S~T'~TS T~ O~~EFt ~~I~ ~t~I~~'TF~LT~~°~GI~ ~F" Cf9~C1~T'~ sTD~InI~i,][~Sg ~VD ~I~~2~°t~I~13~'~ ~°C~F~ TFiE Pi~~~~R ~iR3~~~.0I~TT~T~ ~"HE ~I~TS.~'ATsLEII~ ~~~~v~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~r~~~ ~~c~~o~ ~s°~o a s~Q o ~ ~.~~~a~r~ ~~~~~c~~.~m~n ~~~~~ls~~~, se~~~cl~c~ l~~ ~~ur~cilman Schlegel and on t~e ~oll~~s~r~g te~ w~to ~~ESm ~~aax~~~~re~~~ ~~i~r~:~rag, ~~l~.aghe~,J~o, S~Y~leg~l, Nt~llis and Mayor de Leon I~~ES e ~~r~e ~BSEN~ m ~~r~~ °tYge ~~~~~~~r~g R~~~~~~.~~~ w~a~ ~~~~ecT aracl ado~t~d th~~ ~3~°d ~a~r ~f MarcY~, 19760 C~LTI~T~II~I~II~t SPI~I~~I~Y~ EXCiJ~ED fi~NIS~IeF" ~LTE TC3 A POSSIBLE CONr^L,ICT OF INTEREST AND I S 1V~~Y' AB sE1V~ a ~~~ov~a~ o~° ~°~~v~r~ r~i~ ~r~c~° ~,oc~r~~~ ~~~xTS (~t~~,~~) D~.rec~~~ ~~1:~~ G~o~k~ ~d~r~~sra r~vi~wecl the E°ia~al. Map of Tract 577, Loomis He~gh~s, ~rhi~~i is ~~c~.°t~d on the n~~°~~a~~ly s~de caf L~ l~~~nt Street between Tally Ho Ro~d and °th~ M~t~~~~~t ~~mpgrc~~xrac~ e ~`Yie pa~cel i~ bea.r~g s~cl~vided into 27 lots using Opt~onal Des~gn ~~~.~d~rd~ ~~rith °~Y~~ ~a°t~ ~ra~y~.a~g from Q o 46 acres to 2 0 53 acres in s~zeo M~,l~e in1~~d~~~de C~vi~. ~ng~r~ee~ v~ho ~r~g~a~ed °the plan~ ~or developer of the T~°ac°t, J~hn ~22~.5.1i,~~°, r~~rie~r~e~ ~he Op~~ona~ D~sig~ aa~d Tenta~i~re Subdivision Map were r~~a~~~ved ~r~d a}~,~r~~~c1 b~r th~ ~l~nn~.ng C~mm~ss~.~rao Op~r~ Space desi.gnations in ~the Txeac°~ ~ere di~c~~~~d~ ~u~tl~ Nix°so Honeycuttp 560 C7ak E~il~. Rc>ad~ st~ting her feela~n~ p~~ ~~e Opt~,o~~l D~sign Ord~,naa~~eA open sp~~e needs ~o be open to the pu~al~~e Cit~ A°~~~~ne~ S~~.p~e~ beg~n ~esea~°~hing th~~ nta°tt~rm Discussion proceed~c~ r~~~~ding cl~°~~n~~~ ~~~m °the T~act, ~rith F°red ~te~~;e, 1598 H.~Zlcres~., que~°ti~x~~n~ '~he cu~,~~~t p~~pos~d f~r t~k~r~g the d~aina~e ~roin th~ hgll o Ni~ o W'oodya~~ ~~p~«~taec~ tk~e dr~~,nag~ ~~c~ that the C~R's ~nc~ude be~ms on e~ch lot to guid~ d~~~,~aar~e, ~h~~h ka~~xn~ m~~ n~~ la~ cli~°tu~~ed by tl~e l~a~ ~~e~° e~~~~~~a°~ ~e~mis- sion f~~m ~h~ ~~~y ~~cl A~chi~~c~rz~~l ~t~~ie~a B~a~rda ~r~d ~~e~l~ ~ 1 ~9~ ~~,~,~~~es~., ~t~t~d ~ne would dr~~ th~ s~xat p~r~d~~;~° ~~ainst the C~ty ~°~gardin~ th~ I~e~~°~~,~~ ~r~vi~oa~ent~.5~ ~~cl~rati~n ~~led for ~r~c~ ~ if the So~.3. ~epc~~°°~ pre~~nt~d ~~~,l~x~~~n in °tYa~ N~D fil~~g ~r~~ T~~~t 453e ~~rac~~ La B~~rancaD i~ ~1~~ ~i~ed a~ p~~t c~~ ~he I~D or~ ~°~-~~t 5770 '~1~~ Counca;l d~s~x~s~ed the ma°t~~r ~~c1 th~ ~~~re r~co~~x~da~~~~~ ~,n tYte 5~~1 ~c~po~t at length, grades in the Tract enf~xecement o~ l~co~~~nc~at~~rz lVoo 4""~o g~~ding s~.o~ld be perm~tted during the rainy s~a~o~:°° < l~e A C~Y~~~~r~rd s~e~ge~~tec3 ~h~~ Ite~r. 4 la~ amended by adding a. o urithout the Di~~~~~o~ o~' ~~~~c W~~elc~ °~~~~,~s~.c~n" 0 1~3r o SteeTe stated he would go ~.he~d ~~.th the ~~x~~ the ~o~l R~p~rt v~~~ n~~ ~~cep°tecl for inclusion without amendmen~:~o D~~ec~o~° of ~~3~,c W~~lcs ~d~~~on req~e~ted clax°ificati~n of "rainy seas~n,°' ax~d the ~~unc~Y agr~~cT ~hat e~her~ ~a~ eYninent, no grading w~uld be perm~.tt~clo 1~~, I~on~y~u~.~ s~gge~ted tha~t the au°t~~r of °th~ So~1 Report be contacted for ara ~r~t~~pre~t~°t~.~~ ~i '°~°~i~°~y ~ea~on" e ~n ~m~~~r '~o a qaaes~a,~n Eli~abeth Ja.c7c~~n~ ~0~ ~°ai~ ~7ge~a8 1~°o V~'~~~y~,~°e~ ~Zar~,f~ed °~h~ rolled ~tat°~ers }~ro~sed on Le P~intm 1~~0 ~~~k~on ~o~~~~~c~ ~n ~ d~~~ ~lid~ ~~~r~z~g o~~rz~red ~n the past at the ea~t ~rad of ~~°~~~a~~r~, wh~,ch ~i~y c~°e~r~ c~~~n~d up> A~°t~r ~urthe~ C~uricil discussion, a mo~i~n was anad~ by ~o~~ilman I~I~„~,1~~, ~econded by Councilman G~llagher, Jr. and unanimo~sly ~~~~~ec~~ ix~cT~d~ ~~~~1 R~po~t~ prep~~ee7 by the Arroyo Grande R~~~urce Co~~e~~~~~n ll~st~r~.~°~ ~~ac~ 453 a~va.th t~e ~~~L~.rag of tl~e Negative Enviror~n~nt~~: ~e~~~~~t~.on ~~a~~ 5`77 ~ L~~ar~~s He~gh~~ e Th~r~after, ~ motion was m~de by~ C~~~~~m~ ~t~~~,~~, ~~ccsr~~ec~ by Ccsun~~l~n ~c~~.e~gel and ~ara~nimo~z~ly carried, f~a~d~.a2g ~ract Noo 5°7 r, I~+~r~~~ I~eigkz~~ b~~~a~ ~~x~~~~t~n°t s~ri°th the City a s General P1,an ~~d Zora~a~~ O~d~r~an~eA au~~ho~~z~.n~ tY~e M~.y~~ ~x~d ~~~y ~l~~lc to ~ign a deed, on beha~,f °~~e Ci~~~ °to ~~.~~.m a~.l i;~ ~ ~ee~~~decl Irr~vocable Offer of B~d~~~.~iox~ a~.~~g t~~ ~~a~~~i~ag s~ri~r~wra~r ~a~~~n~x~1t ~n~l ~ re~~~°ded ~lope easement gr~n°teel ~he ~~~3~ ~Yong ~~1~,~ I3~ I~~~.d ~r~ a pr~,~~ P~~~el l~.p p~oc~edi~g w~~ch was never fin~li~~cls accQpting, or~ 1~~h~1f o€ the p~lic, ~11 ~°~.e~ht~ of way and ~asements shown en ~he Tract Map with the ~x~eptiora of the fa~ve foot strip shown for "Future Street PL1~pO~eB" ~loxag aIl ~txeet~ within the Tractg and ~pproving sa~.d Tract Noe 577, subj~ct ~.o ~~mis~i~r~ the ~°equ~.r~c~ Da~nc~~o Di~°e~~~~° PnY~~?cs Anc7.ersmn ~~~t~c1 t~a~ ira ~ez~ard th~ prevs.ous que~tion reg~rdbng a~~~~~ ~a~ Op~~ ~}~a~~ ~.n ~he `~rac~t, Yae h~d ca].led ~l~nning Directmr ~~lls~p ~sYa~ 1~~cT ind~.c~~~d P~.~nning C~zr~~.~~i~ra had not f~lt open spac~ t~ be ~~~,~raka].~ ~.~a t~ai~ ~~°~c~. b~~au~~ of i°~~ ~t~epnes~ arad hill~, and there- for~ moa~~y ~'~x p~rk barncl a~~e~s~ee~ ~.ra ~.~.,~u ssf p~Ys.~ a,~~n spa~e. In answer to Mr~o ~i~n~~rc~ait~~~ ~g~~~~~c~~ ~~ga~rdin~ ?~a~~~~~g a~f ~a~~e~, Ni~~ G3'oocl;yard stated that reHnoval ~~E ~.xs~ t~~~~ sn~x~~ ~~~~°t b~ ~ss~~b~~d b~ ~n~~~c~~eane~;~ P.utho~~.°~3~0 i45 C~'T~ ~~9iJ1~~~~ ~2~H 23, 1976 ~1Ft]~tO~t'2~ U~~~~, ~'~~~~"~~T~~ PAC~aE 7 C~t3~T~~~,~4~Y ~~~~~~i~:~ ~~~u~ ~x~.~~~~~, A~I~~~~E "t~~`~~~2 v~~~~ ~~~i'~~~~ ~~~~~,~~~~v~~ k~~~~~~~ ~~anc~~ I~~s~~°~c°t C~metarY, f~~ a ~~~e~ ~~:~~~p Rz~d ~ ~g~~~~~~~,~~~ ~~~in D~~~~~~~ of Public V~io~~s ~-ac~~~~~~ ~ ~a,~°~~~~~ ~ d ~]Pl~i ~.~~~~~~~on w~ll a~ its p~c~p~~~~~~~ ~"k~~ ~~~~t~~ ~~~se~~~~~~~~ ~,p~~~v~c~ ~v~~l, s~:~~~~t to ~e~tain ~a~ndit;~~n~o ~~~~~~~r~ ~~~c~~ra~~~~~ ~~~r~~~~ ~f °~~e applic~- ~~.~r~ ~~~~:~~~u~, ~~r~~~~.°~.~~~ ~~~~x~~~ d~~~~z~~~~ra9 ~ mots,c~r~ was made by Cotzx~~~Ta~~~i ~s~~~~~~u~~~~ :~~~~~d~~ ~~~~e~~~ ~~d ~arn~,r~~mo~~l~ ~~~ra.~cT, ~F,~~o~~~~ ~h~ ~~m~~~~~°~ ~~}~~,~~~~~~n for a ~ra~er vae~.ly sa~j~~~ ~a~~~~~~~~~a~~ ° ~i ~ ~,h~ p~~p~~~d ~~lY lo~~ta~~n .la~ moved ~~a ~'a~L~ ~~°~~~~i~ ~ ~ ~°~~~e~~;~ ~~~~n~~c~a~ ~~~n~t~ 1~u€~n~ae and ~ to~~ b~ ~~o~~~ ~ S6 ° ~ ~~~r c~~~~~~~~~ m~ ~he w~~;~~ ~~nf~~m t~ ~ ~1~.~~ ~h~ -~'~q~~.~e-~ m~~~~ ~~a~.,~~~~e F~~ ~r~ ~g~~~r~~~d ~a~k~~,a~~r p~e~en~ic~n d~~~~,~,~ ~~.~a~~~~~~;s~ ~.~~~r °~~°~~~°s ~~cl 9~~! d~~~~~~r~g ~~~~~~;~~n~ and >dispc~s~l csf de~~Tn}~~~~t ~~~e~ ~i~~v A~~oy~ V~andeo -x~~~s°~ ~~r~~~~~~~~ ~r~~ ~~~~~~c ~~z~ v~~~~~ m ~E~z~~ ~ ~ ~~~a~ ~v o , 2 ~ 4 ~pruc~ Stre~~, req~~~~~~b~ p~~~a~~~ ~~aa~ ~~;~~a~r~~.~~ ~ew~ge cla:spc~~~,l ~~~tem, per P~.~r~~~~~r~ ~~~~~a~ ~b~~ ~m~o~a~ ~i~~ ~~~y9~ ~~c~~,~~~r~~ Na~o a~05 CeSe Al~o ~~~i~~~~ ~«r~~ ~ ~u~m~~~ ~~~ni ~~bl~~ W~rk~ P,x~d~x~son, in ~s~ich ~~~~L~i~~~~~ ~~a~°~~~~ ~~n~.~cto I~~ w~~~ p~~~°~~~ ~eqa~~st, th~t the ~~pta~°~ ~~d ~~~~a ti 9`~~ ~~~c~ p~xi~~~~ ~~a ~ 975 ~s prevent~ve m~.i~t~~~a~~~ ~ Y~~ ~~~~w~ ~;~a~ ~~~~r~~~~~ ~°~~x~,a~~:rag °~Y~~s . aet~:~n. T~~ ~.°~~~u~~~~. ~~a~ ~;~r~. ~~r^y~~~~a~~r ~g~~~~ ~ha°~ ~he C~°~~e~ C~~d~.nance sh~u~.dl ~:~~~°~~ci ~~A ~~r,~~~; ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~g~ ~~r~~.~n~J C~~r~ci~, d~s~aa~~i~n, a mo~,~.~r~ rr~~c~~ ~g~ ~~~~~~~,~;~g ~~~~neTed bg~ ~~~~~gl~~r and un~r~~~~~~`.~: ~~;~°~~~~i~~ ~1~x~~~~.~,~ ~~~r ~xn ~~t~a~~~~n ~n u~~,r~c~ ~~~~v~~~~ ,~;~~a~~~ ~,~~~¢~u~~. ~~4 ~p~-~ne~ ~~~e~~, b~~~r~cl #~h~ Oc~,~be~ ~~a a ~ 9'~'~ ~~~,v~~ ~~~i~a~p ~~~~t~t~e~s~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ P~l?OP°I` E~~~~,`d~`T'~~I~T~ ~ ~ ~~~'II ~1~''~ "~F~~ ~;i`~R~~~t~I'3"~ A~SE~~1~1V°~' I~~~~"Fc~~~' ~~~~~;~~~~g ~o~~~ ~~;s~~,r~~~~ ~~~~~a ~h~ f~.~~a ~~~aa~a~~~g ~~~~L~t~t;& Ass~c~~~~.~ ~s~ ~c~,~~,.;~-~~ ~1~~ ~~~r.~,•~~y~~ ~'~a~ ~~~~a ~~.y Imp~~~~ra~~a`~ As~es~~~~s~ ; k~;~~~~, 5~;~,~~.~~~d °~~5~ ~~r~~~o~~nae~~ ~~L~n~ ~~cl ~~~~ee~aires for ~Y~~ ~t.~~,~~:.~~~ ~~~7 ~x~~~~~~~~~ ~~~°~~,~~~~c~ ~Y~~~ t1~~ p~~pe~~y ~~ez~s ~n t~,~ ~~a y~~~ ~i~~ ~~a~,~~1 ~r~~~~~~~m~n~~~ o ~'Ya~ ~oux~~~.~ d~~cu~sed : the : m~tt~r ~r^~d ~~c~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~e ~~~lir~~d l~y N[~c°o B~u~ka,~rian °~his e~~n~rx~s ~C°°.~~ :~~g~~~°~ ~~.~~cT M~~~°h ~3~ ~9°160 ~fter Coua~~~,~ d~~~~~s~~~~i~sy ~:~~~,~~~a~.~~ ~~~~~a~~~.~~~ ~ve~~ ~~.~p~~c~o ~~~~~~r~~ ~Y~~;~~c~~r ~ ~~~~g~a°~~r~g p~r5ons t~ p~~l~c~~°~cc d~+~ o ~ ~~a,~ m~~c~ ~~~r~~~:lYn~n S~Yal~gel, second~c~ ~a~ 1~~~,~.~ ~~~.~~~~~~~y~ ~~~~~~~e t~ d~~per~~~ va~th ~~~d~ng the b~~~~~~ r~~ ~~~~~~a'~~~,~, ]~~~~EJ~' ~~r~f 1~~0 `~20~ A ~,~~~~I'~~~~9~ i~~YJ~T~~~~ f~~" ~e Al~E£C3`~O ~~~5~~~~a'~~rT~ ~~~~1~T7~ ~A~2~~~~ DiJ~"I~~ ~'~r~ ~F~1~~"~~L9~~T~~ .~~V ~i ;~k~~~~~~~, ~~~~y~~~~~' ~~~°I"R~~`~`a ~~a ~~~~~lr~e~~~ ~~-`~~~w~ ~a~ ~~~~~~~x~~n ~p~e~~~ng and on ~~ae ~'~~.1~~~~~ ~ ~~.~~,~L b w~°~,~ ~ L~~~~~~.:~~~r~~~~ ~~~~~~~.~W~~~ ~~,~,~~g~~~~9~"~~~, e,~~~~~.:~~~~g ~~cl 1~ay~r de I~e~n o ~~~~c~ A~~~~"~ ~ ~'~~a~ the .~~~~~~s~~~ i~~~u~~.~x~i,~~ a~~~ ~~~~~~e~ t~~cY~, 1~760 ~~,ty ~'~~;w~r~~~ ~Y~~p~~~ ~~~dl ~ ~~~~~,~n3e,i~a~a ~d~p~~.ng the }~oundary ma~i~°o~' tYa~ L~~.~tx°~~:~ ~rn~. ~x~~ra°~ p~~.:~~ .~~m~a~~~r~~ne~~ ~~~~C; t~her~af~er, a mota.on wa~ ariae~~ ~~~~a~S.~L~~ ~~~x~~~~~.p ~~~~~~1~~ Y~~ ~~~~~~~~~n~~, 1~~~.1.~~ ~rac~ un~ni~usly caz~~~.eda ~1~.~~Z~~~~~ ~.~a~~ ~~~~i~r~~ ~a~al.~~~~ ~.~h~~ ~~~~~u~~e~no 14fi , ~ cz~ courTCZZ r~RCx 23, 1 g76 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORNIP, PAGE 8 RESOLUTION NO. 1209 A RESOLUTION OF THE CTTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE GENERAL NATURE, LOCATION AND EXTENT OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT WORK AND SHOWING THE PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICT TO BE ASSESSED FOR CERTAIN COSTS AND EXPENSES OF SAID IMPROVEMENT. On motion of Councilma.n Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, Jr. and on the following ro~.l call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, Ga1l:agher,Jr., Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de ~,eon NOES: None ABSENT: None the foreqoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 23rd day of March, 1976. City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution of intention to order construction; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolutiQn. RESOLUTION NO. 1210 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DECLARING INTENTION TO ORDER THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVENiENTS TOGETHER WITH APPURTENANCES AND APPURTENANT WORK IN CONNECTION THEREWITH IN A PROPOSED ASSESSMENT DTSTRICT PURSUANT 'TO THE TERMS AND PROVISION5 OF "MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1913"; DECLARING THE WORK Tq BE OF MORE THAN LOCAL OR ORDINARY BENEFIT AND DESCRIBING THE DISTRICT TO BE ASSESSED TO PAY THE COSTS AND EXPENSES Z'HEREOF; DETERMINING L3QUiDATED DAMAGES; AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS. On motion of Counci~man Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, 3r. and on the following roll caT1 vote, to wit: AYES. Councilmen Spierling, Gallagher, Jr., Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leort NOE5: None ABSENT: None ~e foregoing"Resolution was passed and adopted this 23rd day of March, 1~76. City Attorne-y Shipsey read the title of a resolution approvinq the E~e~ineer's Report and setting a public hearing for April 27, 1976 on the District's fo~.tion; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel; seconded by ~~~~1man Millis anc~ unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of tYf~..~ . resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1211 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE.CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PASSING ON THE REPORT PRESENTED PURSUANT TO THE "MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1913"~ GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL AND SETTING TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEARING. ~ On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, Jr. and on the following roll call vote, to wit:' AYES: Councilmen Spierling, Gallagher,Jr., Schlegel, Millis and Ma.yor de Leon NOES: None , ABSENT: None , the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 23rd day of March, 19'76. Ci,~ty Att~oar~ey Sha.ps~y r~ad the ta.tle of a zesolution calling for ba.ds and referencing the wage'~cale: thereafter, a motion was made,bg Cout~cilman Sc~legel, seconded by ~uri~ilman Millis and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading . the balano• o~'thio r~solutiono ~tESOLUTI•L)L+T NO. 1212 P,:I2ESOLUTION OF-THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARRbYO GFtANDE REEEFtENCIN6 THE ' PREVAII,YNG WAGE SCALE AND ' DIRECTZNG THE CALL FOR COY~TSTRUCTION'BIDS.' i . ~ . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . .A.~~ CITY CO.UNG2L : ,M~RCH. ~3, 1'~~7~ ' AI2R~Y0 GRANDE, CALTFQRN~A - ~,~t~ ~ On. motion of Councilman Sp.ie~°l,~z~g, : seconded by Councilman.Ga.~.~.a~l~~~, Jr. and on the foilawir~g ro31 c~:ll vote,-::~to wi.t: AYES: ~our~~i7.men Spierli~g,: G~.1laghex',.Jr., Schleg~l, M~,~.1is;~a~d ~yt~rr;d~~.~An NOES : ~Tone - AB5ENT: ~Tpne the foregoa.ng ~eSQlut~~n was pas.sed and:adogted tY~~is 23rd:day of .MareY~, ~±~~'7~, P'~20GRESS REPORT -~OUTH SA1~• LUIS OSTSPO CO'~IdTY;s~~N~~'A~'ItO1~I:;<D~~~'.R~ °T ` The ~ou~c~]. xetriewed ~opies c~f the mon~.h,1y, report~ ~fcirk ,~+eb:~ua~y, .1 . £~:~m th~.: South San ~,u~-~ t?b~spa...C~uz~ty S~.n~.:~ata:qn I~~.~s~ir>~.ct. ..~,,dntinis~^~tar _ reported ~hat a p~}a~ic. heaxing; has> b:een setr~ ~or; M~rch~° 31 ,;~19~'~6 at : 5~:s~~: P'.$~S. <on ti~e ~zR for tha cace~n c~ut.fall ~;~:a~e . ~ PROCRESS: REPOR~" REO: LAWLER<REZO~FTNG~~iT~T=.AGAINa~T ~~'.~Y _ The 'Gota~~,~ ..,recsiu~d:a~d ~e~r~.e~a~d a:, ~.e~~r~ ~~amT~aicty'~ea~ex,~ ~,'~t,.~~n~y ,repre~ent:~xig .~~~~y Laialer;.in.~a: rezoni~g suit,~.ga~.~st~~he:;Ca.:~y. s~n:t~e~ 1~~~~~,.~1±~, t~Teaver reva.ew~~ h~.stcsry. of :Mrs.; L,a~ler:"s ~zt~ni~cl.=r~s~ues~,~~dz,=~&=~,~r~gt~~la~tt _.:the_: sti11: pznd~~ng: ~~zon~x~~.~e;::plaeed: on :~;h~ .~~un~~3=" s-~~e~1da' ,fnr,. ~u~c`~i~~K'; conside~ati~on. ~~.ty At.t4rn~y ~hipsey.:~rev~.~~~d=.~'tYx~t:.,~~~::~~.~y~~had,~.~t~.1;•`~~; :15:, : 1976 to attempt to ce>mple~e x°e~r~.s~.~t~s: nf~. the. Generalr~Pl~.n, ~$y! ~,pr~.l x 1 a return is :~o b~: ~~.led : with:: the:' Court advis~rsg;.~~h~.t' ~he: ~d~as~~ d~e .~~?~'~s complying: with the Gourt : Order o He has~ pr;e}~a~ed., the: retur~s: ar~d- v,i~.~.l : h~ve# .them filed, wa.th t~e Co~urt;by Aprz1 lste FtJTURE. PLANN~I>tG FOR SCH~OL`: GROT~ITH :i7,R(~D -:::~1Z~,A'GH~R~. JR, Caunei.3.man.. Gal~,ag~er, Jx'o su~ge~sted t~.~t~: a~:;a~~:ti-~g:. bf~~ a~.1...~r~ai:~I~ler~r~ers: Lucia i:Mar :,Uni~,~ed. School :~Dis~r•ict p,l~nr~ears=. ar~d. ~-he~~~o~nty~;~et~: ~~ier~;in~ »~eg~d to the. sch~bl si;tuatioz~, to see; if an as~es~e~t.ons•~w.~i~wel~pz~i~tt-+~,~i~1cL~;?~ , establisl~ed ~tp ur~~lerwrite;- possibly what ~.s:: ever~tuallyj, go~~gt. to~:. ~e-~ a;.~actnd~ ~.~~ue.: ~r to ~~lp wri;~th a bond ~.ssue f~r our: school..sys~tem. _~ha.s: is- bei~g::d~~e~ in: a~l~~r,~a~~~as. He requested t~at letters be written ux~g~.~g°; these -fa~ct.iaot~s: ta wo~°k% ~,~:i~~°G :~o~..h+~l.p plan the. s.choo].s' ~uture as ~~wv~~scYzool bui.ld~.rsgs.,wa.1l:.be~::need,~d. w~h ~~.e,.:~pi:~s~nt qrowth; rate, T,'h~ Coun~il discussed tl~e- suc~c~estion ~d , gex~~~.i=1y-., ac~z°~.~d:.'~~,~.t~,~ ~e.ei=~~ the c~::ti.~s ,and~ co~ty wo~kir~g closely- with. the~ :school district . ta. plar~. ~cs~ .~~i~u~re grc~~th, neec~s o~. ~he :distri:c~ w~uld be ,gobd. ~Admini.st~ator~.8ut`ch.. ~r~~.l~ ~r~~.te ,ie~te~s ~as°oposing a me~t~ng tq discuss the,aba~e. URGE STtJDY OF A~~EfiNAT~~7ES':'1'O ~OUNT~=;AN~~IAL.~~N~RC3L~ FRO~RAM -~.:G~~1~Its '~R. Ca~zriczlmar~ Gal:lagher, Jr...urged' tY~at study..se~si~ns be= ~in~.t~:a~~~:':,~~AS' °the`' three:: ~ou~h Co~~~~ . c~ties,~: ~or : a3te;~natiVes to. t~e ~,bunty'~ ~nimal C~n~°b1=, ~,~~g~am. He felt ~tliat t~e: ~~.~y sho~ld have ava~.l~.ble sa~me , optio~s%; i~y ~the` t~ney ~~i.~; ~~,~s~at Animal: Con~rol `GQr~t~ac~ ~xpi~e's. next: year. Myr-~n ~ay, 154 wals~ut, _~~'ge~~~d:~s~,a~g the Police Aepart~tent, reserves to~ h~1p ga~ther st~°aY dogsa =He. ~elt; ~t~ ~i?~;t:~~ lexa.ency ;,was ~ei~c~. gi~~n to dog o~ners~ viol.ating t.:~e' ~ity ! s:An=a:~n~l<'.;~o~,~.~Q].~=t3~°c~.r~~e ~ REQUEST FOR CQN~XT~E~tATIE)i~I OF E~AWLER .REZC3N~'NC ~'~I,ICATI~N ~+~IEAV£s;R ' At~Qrn~~r ~~~ry Weaver was. pres~nt and clar~fi~ed ,t~iat::h3s. ~.et~t~~° tQ> ~he Cour?ci]. dat~d Ma.~'ch 18, 1976, which~ h~d been ~°e~r~.ewed: earlier,°: was:: a r~c~t~+e~t: t~~::be put on the ac~~nda ~or> a hearing. on the~ Lawler petition tcr: Y~ave; p~~~+e~~~. ~~~r Traffi:c Way Extens~,on. rezanedo He re~ri~wed~t~?e; Y~3.s~c~ry of ~l~e_.t~a~l~:r'~: ~~~.~it~n : for rezoning. Gi~t~€ Attorney Shipsey recommeMded t~at ~e:..~G~~nc~.1 a~aai~. s~e Judge`s dec~si~on 4n ~he C~.ty`s_ return-+~o°°~e, fi~ed.by Ap~il~ 1st,°-~o. ;se+~,~a~a~t~he:~~~s shouid: l~e~ don~ en the matter. ~ ~~:GOMPF,A~INT. RE . ` ~`",RAI>I'NG ~ f~N ~ORBE'.~T CA1~3~`ObI.: f7~~TEL` O~~NT - ' iit~Y°~U~'T _ &x : S~MM01d~ ~ ~ ~ °M~s. Hc~rae~r~i~'~t, 560 Oak Hi11 Ro~.d, .;~es~~~~d~a.~t~er, ~Zf°:~h~.t~~~~~~~.~n by Mrs. s~~n.~ o~°: ~r~iiy xo .R~aa, of three ~o~nes~ being::bu~,1t~ i.n 'the :~Q~~~~t=;~~~n area, for. whick~ . c~~~ding was done w~thout a; g~°ad~.ng. ~perma:t o Buildir~g. ar~d~, ~~~~~8 . permi~s h~ve; ~.ciw:•, l~,~en i~sued, but ~he gradinq..l~ad be~n. ~~e~ w~:`~h~at~t~ p~c~p~~:; p~r~nYi~s, ' The pic`ttz~`~s "~l~o~d'~t~ie Tcpndxtxon of the =silt r~n t~ie: raad"f~q~n< t~e;,~gr~.~}~,~=~id qu c~ '~ZY}~~ -~:t is. ~osting the ~i.ty° ~o clean ~,up. ~the .m~~..~,t~ ~~~~~+~1~''t she es~a.cin~ - . . . ~ , ha~~ happened ~in; '~e: first- p3ace. TY~e Cou~~i]: ~ev3ewed~ a~ re~ort.: ~~~,,,~~~',~~s~.~a+~r. ~e~z~ia regazQ,~.~g ~.e~ : i~~r~;cticar~- i.~n Txact ' No . 54 7,. whiah ~ e~bd~via~.o~~ 1~~d ;~+A~!~ approved. Di~e~~pr pf Publyc Warl~s. >Anders~n.: e~pla~.t~ed~ that ,~aar~l].y ~~a ~~r~~~9 plan is. requir• ed. to b~ gubmitted wi.th the subdi.u~si~n. : In .~h~.s. ~~se, v~,t~~s ~ . ~ , ~ ~ ~ - were all an , acr~ c~~ two 'in siz~; and t~e develc~per - ch~se to t~`ave &~n23~,u~~~al~;"~d~~~ plans submitt~cl s~h~n each lot ~vas to`~°be~deve~.op~d, ,be~ause-owrie~s,:~i~.d ~~i~~.~~.:"~vri prefe~ence as, tA kae,tuse }.ocation or~ ~he .Zot.. ~o~.ra'ther than,~grade «a~.lT `_~~~.~sa,"~t one' time, t~ey t~c~x~ld be done on an i~dividual.basi~o So wi`th the~`~u~.~s~~.~~=`~~~~, t#~e owner would i~~.'~e to get a grad~ng plan appro~red. The awr3er..at _ 14~ _ CITY COUNCIL MARCH 23, 1976 ARROYO GRAND~',, a CAL~FORI~~A PAGE 10 writhout any C~t~r kn~wr~:~dge c~r any per~u..~, hirecl a bullcle~zer ope~ator and graded four build~ng sitesa TI°Le City observed it ar~d toTd him he wauld have to get a grad~ng pl,an ~n on this~ tah~ch ~he developer ~~~d Yse would d~o Tn the meantime, he so}~d the ~rhole c~evelopm~nt to ~ncsth~r cleve~.opere Th~s new developer came in and qot twro bu~lding permi,°t~ ~r~d vaas ~n~ormecl he t~ould have i~o get in a grading plan ~fo~' said'1~tsm Said developer h~recl an ~ngineer and said plans were received tod~y. The a~orementioned g~ad~ng had b~en done in May of 1975. Mrso Iioneycutt felt this was too much ~ime for the City°s Engineers to be spending on this one job, as they were needed can o~hPr p~r~jectso She felt a stop order should have been issued on those lot~ last ~°r~day, instead af permits being issued. _ The Council dis~u~~ed th~ matter at length, with City Staff indicating that a study is kseir~g m~de of a m~ans to c~ose any loop holes to avoid future occurrences o~ ~his ~o~°to ~1 checklist is being considered, whereby developments are cY~eck~d and approv~d by ~ach relative department in the Cityo The Ccauncil agreed that the time ~uill h~~e to be ta~en ta route such a checklist and agreed to the concepto Director of Fu1~].ic Works Anderson also suggested that bonds be ~ required of contractors for grading, so that the City has some hold over them. He further s~ated that the City has been reluctant to bring chaz°ges against people who do violate the City'~ ordinance, b~cause many of them_are not aware they are violating the law ancl someone has ta catch them doing it. The Council generally agreed that th~ proposed checlcls.st should be developed; that along with that, the contractox°/developer is g~vera ~ list of the City's regulatians; and that the City proceed with the bonding requ~rement, ~o that when an infraction is made, the bond is forfeited. Mrso Honeycutt felt that past violators should be held responsible for the dirt slides cau~ed from grading i,n the Corbett Canyon tract. ADJOURNNlENT On motion of C~uncilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Spierlir~g and unan~mously carried, the meeting adjourned at 11:17 PoMo ~ ATTES~'s -c~3'C,~4~ ~ - Cf':~f' ~C~~7~ ~ `-C--~i CITY CLERK ~ , MAYOR