Minutes 1976-04-13 ~49 CIT3C• COLIN~IL ~P1tTT, 13; ~ 9~976 ' ~1FtROYO G~DE.; CAL~F'O1~T~A ' TY~~, City Cour~ci~ me~ ~s~ ~~gu~.~r ~~s~ion ~~°~h 1~~~~ c1~ I~ecsn pre~a~tl~r~, Upon roll-call, Counc~,~ ~t~~~~~ ~J~ Sg~sea~li.ng, l~ia°~~t~~~ ~~I~,agh~;~R ~ro , Calvin ~chlegel and~ M~.r]c M~l~.i~ ~°~p~~~~c~ ,~~~~~r~to ' ~ PT~EDGE OE;. ALLE~~P.I~TCE Z~31~1L~ TNiIU~.'~~~I~T l~ayor de~ Leor~ led <~h~ Piedg~ of. ~l~.egiar~c~ to o~ Flag; ~n~i i.mmeti~ately thereafter., Couricilma~ I~~1~i~ deliv~~~d ~the ~n~e~~~~~.an. ~'~,PPRO~TA~,- QF: NIINiITES s W2`I'H CONDIT~~1V RE m RE~OI~T~ #75-83, 'I'P.LLY H~i RI?o JAMES -VJAY ' art::motian of Caun~ilm~n Mi~lis, ~ecor~~ed b~ Councilm~xa ~aal~.aghe,r:yJro and u~nan~mou~l3r;.~.:ca~°ried', t~e mir~ez~es' c~f tl~~ ~eg~x~a~< meeting af lyt~~°ch ~3, 1~76; : were ~'„~PPrca~ed: a~: ~srepared, c~~th the e~cep~t~.~~` ~f: ~laat p~~taina~n5 t~! .aRpr~~al•: of Rezon~ng~Case 75~83, a~ T~~~~ Ii~ R~~d dF~~n~~~ ~;a Ba~raric~? and J~sne~~:Way, which is~= an i~em on the Agend~: ~or cla~~.f~cat~.on ~later in th~s . mee~t~.nq. - APPRQUA~~ OE' 4,lARRANTS , <.r, On mo~ion of ~ouncilmar~~:Sp~erl~ng°, seconcled,,'b~ C~uncilma~ ~alI:aghe~°•;Jr::; ~nd ,;,anax~~mo~zsly carried, Gen~~°~~ War~°ant~ Noa 4658 thro~ag~ Noe 47~0a i~r;~the to~al am~unt, of" $58,047,7~; and Payrol~ ~7ar~ar~~~ Noo 6187 thre~ugl~ Ncr":.6~10., ,in-the t~ta1 amoun~::o~.$33";~75.61, we~e:appro~red and ~rdered,paido , P~F~uEN~'AT.ION.`RE: 5-E:I"I°IE i?T'~,N~P~12T13~!'TOI~1 S~~,TEM - 1~1ICKETi~ON Mr.~ Joh~:: NicJcelson, T~~.ns~°t 1~Ianag~r of the CQUnty-•Ci~i~~ ,~°ea= Planrning Goorc~inating Council, was ~,ntroducecio. H~ gav~ a p~esen°~at~,on~;~°eg~rdir~g= p~o~~sals fo~° a. f~.~re:-cities °trar~s,~o~tat~,dn sys~emo He; rev3ewed the~ legi:~l~:'~ive :~~r[a1~~~es x.~°eqtz~ring° ~he ; int~°~.-c~t~ and ~nter-~~ty ~ystem~ y h~st~ry, of ,~tk~~a.~'- de~~3:?apanent°; in the ~~ount3~•:.~nd actual p~°opo~als for the S~uth G~un~~ro He pa~~ed~ pu_t ~~coTaie~': of a draf:~; six-y:ear:eost es°t~.mat~, whic~ ~he Counc~l re~~e~red~ Als~ rev~eweai,~vvas a z°ep~rt f~ofn City Eng~:nee~° Gax°~~~ ~rn ~rhic~a kae ~pp~i~ed th~ ~~un~i~: :tha,~:.at a~re~~nt cc~nf~rence: he. attenc~ed, had-been ~Yte opin~.on P.s~~inlal~rcnan. W.: T~ga~.~.s.j':PCha~~°ma~ of the ~lssembly Tx~an~p~~tation ~oxnm~~tee and Mro Gayl~ Dougla.~s3 ~Admi~~~ra~~ve -:.--.~~:1:stant.- t;o Al;f~°ed Alqc~~.st, Chai~~~n o~ th~ P~li~ LTt~lit~es Tr~n~i~ .:~=.En~rgy ...Gcsmmi~~ee,. _ that; ,~~the f~v~ y~ar~ in wrh~,ch~ SB325 ~uncls can,: b~ u~a~~ €or. ,any.. 1~xwful tx°ansit clperation co~t~ wrill no°~ be e~tended so thaty a'~: the ~~d of f~iv~:~.~~ars.,, ~ne hal~ o~ the; op.erating e~~nse~ of ~xay °tr~nsit; ~y~~e.~n must be p~.id- fo~,~ by. !~ther _ f.~ands ~ ~ Council diseu~sican Qnras he~cl on the m~:tte~° e ~n ~nswer to ~ouncilmari 1~Iil:li.s' :ques~iori,::Mr. Niekelson ~ta°t~d that ~€.by ~ v~~e t~~ p~~pl~ dec~dei ~~te-r a~r~.al peri.od af a: trans~t ~~rs°t~in, °~hat' °they do ~aot w~,n1t this 4aac~til.d' ci~s~l~r meet; the de€~ni~ion. of the C~t~ h~ving no `~~xx~m~~ ~~ansi~ ne~els", in.wh~;cTi ~~.se ~th:e City's r~c~e~.pt. af;-:. SB= 325 -,funds would no°t be. i,r~ jeo~a~dy f~r la~l~ of a trans~.t~. sys~tem. ; C~uncilmar~ Spierls.ng ~~po~t~d ors th~ r~~erat me~~~.ng of~ the~ ~,~°e~•. P1ann~.ng Gouncil at; : which the T~~~is~~t Syste~~ had been the : major:. t~pic o~ dis~cuss.~.on. t: He ~°efer~°ed ta' the.[ "Transit ~mpl~mex~~tatsc~n C~i~~~ia`~ s~xkami~ted h~: Mr.:; l~'~.~k:~lson, exp3aining' it furtherm He stated ~hat ~h~~~ type~ of, ~ystems: rxee+~' ~'c~-be cor~5idered: 1.)° Inte~Comin~.xz~~ty S~~tem (~oura~~-uride} 2) In~tra:-~ommun~ty;~ S~rstem :(City) ; and 3a Hand~capped/El,de~°ly ~ystem (Co~~~ymwride) o: He r~ccuxtmerixied that-~he City:conside~ a Jo~nt P~~we~s Ag~eemer~~ ~r~~h ~h~ Coun~.}r ~n& othe~ cities; ~.nd.;~hat said. agr~ment. not last for mox~e: than ~h~e~ y~a~~ ~rhe~ a. revie~ s~£ the; ~ystem-: and input from: ~citizens on ~tY~e sy~t~n will b~ accomplsshed to ascertai~ p~'oblems-: of the> system and , whether ~.n ~act i~~ ~ont~r~uat~on is d~s~red by the cit~:zens . In regard ta the:Handicapped~~lderl~ Transi°t S~s~em~ he fe~t a t~.x-supported service co.uld no~t give the k~.nci of s~~vice nou~r being e~perien~ed; by thi~ c~'aup :through-.~he Senior Ci~izens' vans, whi~h ~.re being par~t~~l~~ supported by ~o'unty,~€t~ds. _,Coun~ilman .Spier~ing askecT t~ae Coun~il to ~tudy alY data g~ve~ t~em: t~: ~Iate r+~g~x°~~ng .;~h~~ Transirt, System and ad~~,se h~.m ~t °the Cou~cil a s nex~ ~~gul~r ~tt~et~.ng> as ho~ he sho~ald vota on th~'ma~°t~~ ~t up~oan~.ng A~ea Planning meetings. ~fter Gouneil :~li5cuss:i~n, a mation was mac~~ ~y Cour~~ilnlan M~.~li~e ~~c~nded b~r..~ounc~.~ma7c~-=~~.~~~e~ghexr;;Jr. and unanimously carr~ed, app~ir.t~n~ ~~{unc~lman Spierl~ng as th~ City's representa- tive to deal with othe~ ci°~%e~ oa~ ~h~.s T~ans~t System on the Area, Plann~.ng Counc~,l.. PUBLIC HEARING - ANtEN1~N~I~TTS T0 IsAND USE E~E1~1~1'~ C~F THE GENERAL PL~AN Th~ Counca~l ~'~v~,~~v~d ~e~omtn~a~da~,~~z~~ c~f ~h~ ~}.ann~.~g Gammission for a ~umber of atmandmentB 'ans~ adder~d;um to the Land Use Elemez~t of ths General Plan adopted in 1975. A le~tt~~r from Robert Manning,DDS, 135 Bridge Street, was reacl, o~ajovtin~ to indu.t~°ia~]. ~d~inq ~d~~a~n~ °t~ ~~h~al~ ~nd ah~rah4~o City Attorney Shipeey reporte8 on hi~ ~pp~~~~n~~ ir~ c~~~t ~oday on ~he Ordez ta 6h~tiv Cause Re. Can~en~t in the I~awri~~ o C~~y ~~wt~ui'~ ~~~~~°e1~a~g tl~~ Cit~' ~~u~rsnt Land Use Element ar~d Zoning O~d~nan~~ ~~r~c~ ~~~y~ ~a~r~~il c~~r~ia1 of l~s: Lawler's rezo~iag request on h~~ prm}~~~°~~r S~~~h ~'~~ffic `~~y Eae~~n~~on. After hearing _ ~50 CITY COUNCIL APRIL 13, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALYFORN~~ PAGE 2 tk~~ a~`gumen°ts, th~ Judge ~o~~c ~1~~ ~~1~~~ ~nd~ar ~~arn~,s~~.~~x bu°t d.~d ga.~r~ C.i~~ ~tto~ney Shipsey h~.s thaugh°~~, ~~:~.ck~ v~~~~ h~ dl~.d ~aa~t y~~ krry~w~ how h~ va~u~d ~~zle ~rs the O~d~r to Show Cause, bu~ ~'e1~ ~th~ p~c~p~~'~y ovme~ s~ruld b~ allowed to develop her land ~n some manner. The ~udge h~d f~s~t~~~ sta°ted th~t he did not wi.sh to direct this legislative body on ~ora ~~~~~~se i~~ di~c~etiom, but that he did feel the uses proposed in the General Plan w~~~ ~~~ec~nableo Ntayor de Leon dec~,~red ~he hea~ing opex~ ~nd all person~ w~ould now be heard or~ the proposed amendm~r~~s ~o tl~e ~~r~c1 U~e Elemen~ e The ~ollowing persans were p~esent and epo]ce on tk~e m~~~tex: ~~.11 ~IcCann, 428 Tann~r ~,ane, presented and read a p~repared statement, affixed wi°th ni~e s~gr~atu~es, pratesting the manner in which pul~lic input, given at Planning Commi~~ion meetings on the Plan, had been handled in the 1976 Addendum and Am~ndmen~ to the 1975 Land Use Elemen~. Fred Wolf, 540 Gaynfair, addressed himself to the probl~ms oi~ the school~s, stating that input given regarding ~this ma.tter were nnt con~id~r~d t~a ~is ~atisfaction and not included as amendments in the Land Use Plan~ He subm~.tted his writt~n proposed revisions regarding schools wh~ch he felt should be includecl in the Elemento Joe Moore, 2U0 Nelson, discussed the area south of Nelson to Poole, asking that it be made to comply with the present zoning and not be shown as C~ntrca3 Buss~ness Districto Andy ~'ohnson, 1279 Poplar, spoke in opposition to bringing industry into the areas proposed in the Element. Bill Langwarthy, Printz Raad, lo,~°royo G~°ancle fringe, presented and read a prepared s~katement, affixed with ten signatures, expressing concern with the proposed modifica- tions on Page 13 x~egarding Planned Development of a large rolling tract of land in the area of Oak Park Boulevard and Highway 101o Mro Vandeveer, 756 Myrtle, cited the reasons he chose Arroya ~~rande to live in and commended the Council for its past ~tand against indust~ial z~ning fo~° the area between Highway 101 and Traffic Way Ext. i~iike Greenelsh, 453 Tanx~er L,~rae, spok~ in opposition to the light industrial axeas proposed adjacent to ~choeslso He~stated he is the President of the Parents Organiza- tion at Saint Patrick'~ 8chool and owner of a small industr5r in Grover Citye Father Ntichael 0'Sullivan, Pastor of Saint Patrick's Church, spolse in opposition to the proposed light industry design~.tion of the area next to St. Patrick's School, rescinding his letter to the Planning Commission dated February 27, 1976, within which he had supported such development, cond~tic,n~d on assurances that the school would be protected. Don Woeste, Oak Park Road, opposed light indus~tr~r next to schools for the same reasons already stated and safety of chiidreno Gerald Weaver, 653 GVoadland, ~°epresenting Mrso Lawl~r, reviewed the history of Mrs. Lawler's attempts to ~~zone her property since 1972 witha.n the bmunds of the Land Use Element and the changes made in said Element by the City over the yearsm He stated that the City's ordinances contain controls for the manner ~n rahich structures will be built and the citizens' objections are premature anc~ un~ustifiedo He s~ated that the Judge had urged that the Cauncil rezone the prop~r~y tc~ allor~ some use and that he had agreed, upon pe~°sonal inspection of the Lawler prop~rty, that it is not usable as residential or agricultural. A~torney Weaver conitinued, stating his feeling that if there is objection to the propez°~ty be~.ag macl~ ~conc~mically usable, then those persons objecting should purchase said prope~tym Ken Sumne~°, Atlanti~ City Avenue, Grover City, said this property is within the ju~iscliction of tk~e Cali~ornia Coastal Zone Conservation Commission and has been classified as ~aatex° shed and agricultural areas. He stated that the Commission's studies sh~uld be fol7Lowed cuith the land being kept as agri- cultural or residential and that the Mo~°man Church would have no problem in doing somethinq with this landa Elsie T~~.ycock, P~.smo Beach realtor representing Mrso Lawler, stated she had off~red ~the property to the Mormor~s but they did not want it and had nc~ use for ito Ro Dean Rob~.nsnn, DDS, San Luis Obispo, representing the Mormon Churchy stated that th~ prop~rty where ~the chu~ch is located was purchased bec~use it is zoned residential-agriculture and they desire ~o build churches in such areaso He eletailed the chixrch's membex°ship and method of purcY~asing property for church locationso Ntarie Cattoir, Arroyo Grande, urged development of other ~ssets in the Ci~y rath~r than ~ndustr~al, and urged deal.ing towards retirees needs. There being no fua~ther public di~cuss~on on this matter, Mayor de Leon declared the hearing closec3s T~e Counci~. d~scussed and acted ~n the PZanning Commission's recommended ~harsqes to t~e Land Use Map, adop~ed in 1975, as follows: A) Page 35. After C~uracil d~.scus~~on,- a motion was made by Counci}.man Millis, seconded by Councilman Spierling ~,nd unan~.mously carr~ed, upholding the Commission's recommendation to delete °the Ne~gl~}aorhood Commerc~al u~~ area noted at the inter- section of Oak Park B~ulevard and Noyes Road from the lvtap,~raith a general reference to the need of a neighborhood commerciaZ facility wit~in the general hillside acre- ag~, r~ortherly o~ Highway 101 and eas~erly af Oak Pax~k Blvd., being ~ontained in the ~~x~6 ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ _ ~ ~i 51 c~~ courrcz~, z~~r~ ti ~ AFtROYO GRANDE, CAL~FORN:IA PAGE 3 COLTNCILMPST SPIERLING E~CUSED I~~NISE~~ DUE TO A POS~IBLE COle1FLICT OF° INT~R~~°~` ~7L? ~S NIOTn7 ~B~ENT> B) Page 35. After C~uncil d~.scussion, a rnotion was made by Coun~ilman ~llis, s~~onded by Councilmar~ Gallagher,~7ro and carriedt acceptir~g the recommendation of the PTanning Commission ~hat a medium dens~.ty area indicated on the 1975 Map on either s~de of Tally Ho- Road, Westerly f~°om James Way; and including Tract No. 577, "LaomiS Heigl~ts", be removed from the medium density designation, and tQ b~ put into lcaw density designation. COUNCILNSAN SPIERLING IS NQW PRESEI~TT,. C) Pag~ 35o A~.scuss~on was held regarding the Commissiqrz's recommendation to add 7Light industrial areas to the Map, with the Couneil genera1.13~ agreeing to ]~eave ~he suggested areas i~ their present use and to make changes as the need-ar~.ses for l~e~ht industrial area5. After Cauncil discussion, a motion w~as inade by;Councilman 1~I~llis, seconded by Caunci~.man Gallagher, Jr. and una~imously carried, rejectzng the P.lanning Commission's re~ommendat~on that a new lic}ht~ irrtiustrial area be added-~to tY~e Map, northerly of ~iwSr, 101 , easterly of St. Patr'ick•'s Faroch~a~. S~hool to tl~e Sev~nth Day Adventist School. and Gity property, cont~a~.ning. app~o~ci~ately 40-60 acres. Councilman Spie~rl~.~ac~ voiced his continued object~~ori t~ tYse Sa~uwatari`s p~ime agricultural-land•b~~.ng designated light-industriai. This ~~nd is generall~r l~c~tecl between Valley Road and.Grand Avenue,.westerly: of Hig~iway 1014 After Ccsuncil.discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, s~cc~r~ded by Council- man MiTlis. and carried, recommending to ~Yie Planning~Commission that the Saruwatari property be designated ag~icultural rather,than industra.al?in.t1~~ Land Use Plano D) The: Council da.sCUSSed the recommended addition to Page 18 reg,~rcl~ng spot zoninge After Council discussion,.a-mot.ion was ma.de by. Cour~cilman Spierlingq seconded by Councilman Ge.llagher,Jr. and unanimot~siy carr:iedy a~p~o'~ring ti~e Planning Comm~..ssion's recommendation ta add: to Bage 18 of'~ th~- Land Use E~erme,nt, reg~rding spot zoning, the followiz~c~. "There are sma11 areas-of: spot zon~.ng.which a~°e non- c~~formi:ng:due to probl~ms arising prior to the: adoption of the G~neraZ P].an a.rr 1967, and these areas s~ill rema:in on the Zoning Map, but are no~ re~lec~~d in the I~nd TJse Plan becaus.e of t~~ir small and unimportant effect on the abut°~~ng p~opertieso" Councilman Millis reeo~nended that the third parcel of property sho~n ds industrial on the Land Use Map, the Lawler property at South Traff~c`Way Ex~ension and H~ghway 101, be changed to show this land "R=A-B-3" to-confor~m with the p~°esent zoning of light density, which recommendation he then made into a motion, s~conded by Coixncilman Ga.llagher,Jr. and said motion carried: Between the mo,tion a~d vo~e _ on same, the Council discussed the matter at lemgth. Councilman Spierling responded to Nir°o Sumner of Grover City regarding his earlier comynents of th~ subject property being in the CoastaZ Fiar~. He informed Mra S~amner that the. Plar~ is a current recommendation to the legislature, but is not law at this time, ~~to~'neys W~a~re~° and S~ipsey also courtnented during this discussian, regarding:conditiQn& ~nat-can be imposed to control construction by use of a"D" override on-a xezoning, and ~udge IC~.rlcpatrick's instruc~ions regard~ng the Lawl.er.rezoning reque~t were reiteratedo It was notec3-several times by the Couneilmen that the Land IIse Pla~ can be ~hanged thr~e times a year. Councilman Spierling made a motion to approve the text changes as ~eccs~ran~nded by ~h~ Planninq.Commission on Pages 13, 20, 26 and 18, as presented, which m~tion was second~cl by Councilman Schlegelo Discussion on the. various amenc~ments ensued, saith th~ foregoing motion being droppecl fbr laek of! a vote. E) Page 13. Coun~ilman Millis cited dissatisfaction witk~ the way "~lanned Dev~lopment" is defined'in th~ text of the Gity's>Land"U~e Elem~;nt and i~ the mate~ial presented recammending changes from the`P"lanning Commissz.ox~o He defines "planned development" as the uses of land being precisely defined, but that "any mix of permissiv~ uses ~ai~ha:n th~ Zoning Ordinance of the City ax'e acceptahl~" is a blank check, allowing p~c~ple ~o do whate~er the~ want. He feeis this is unplanned dev~lopmen°t and request~d that a stuc~y session be held on the a~?endment ta Page 13, Planned Development, to b~'kter define this term, which the ~ouneil ~vas in agreement ~vith o ~is~~ ZA. ~i~a~~~nq a r~oc~~nd~d ohang~ r~qurding ~v~ocl ~tar~dard~, Co~r~c~,lmar~ Millis sugg~est~d a lin~ be adde~ stating that schco~.s are overcrowded and ~ecent bond issues h~v~ failed, stre~sing his feeling that the school probl~ms ha~~ not been su~ficiez~t~,~r atdd~e~~edo Ths C~uncil discussed t~e matter, gan~ral~:y ~c~reeing writh the fos°eqoing, but M~.~ro~ de Leon pointing out th~t m~xch development _ 15w c~TSt co[J~TCIT,' A~R~I~ ~ ~ 976 ARR03~0 GRANDE' CAIa2~°t~R1~T~A ~AC~ 4 t~~e~ng p].~ce in ~e f~~r~ge ~~e~~ nr~°~ uncl~r °t~~ ~~~i~d3ct~on ~he ~.~~~ro ~~~~,her C~un~i]: disc~xs~~.on, a motiQ~ ~as mad~ b~r ~~txn~slmar~ Spie~°1~ng~ ~~c~~dl~d by ~c~u~~~Ym~~t Gall~gher,~~o and ~arried., ~rith Couri~~lman Millis dissent~:nc~, tha~. the ~~~~~wrin~ be added to the Comm~.ssion's recommended paragraph addition on ~age 20y f~a~~t p~~agraph. "tha~ px~esent ~.nd futu~°e citizens and planners of all the en~ities ~ ~~~~n the schocsl distr~ct should recog~n~ze their respons~.bility to provide ~duca- ~,~~~aal ~ac~,l~.~ties° e (Pl~a,s~ a3so zsote mfnu~tes immediatelz~ after the recess) G~ A mc~~~on was mac~e by Counc~lrrsan S~ierling, seconded by Counc~].inan Mi1Xis and ~n~n~mou~ly carriecl, approving the'recoa~endation csf the Planning Commis~ion s~n Page 2O regarding schoo~.s, ~ewriting the first two sentences of the third p~agraph followrs: "Sto Patrick's Catholic School, nora located on Highway 101, no~th of tti~ dcstirntown area and nor~herTy of the Brisca Road underpass, ha.d been e~cpected to Y~e ~elc~ca~edR how~ver, it now appears that ~he Church p7.ans to retain the sch~ol on th~s property, and relocation or redevelopment of the property seems ver~r unli~Celyo In ~riew of this fact, development o£ aksutting and surrounding propert~,es should ~~coe~a.ze the existence of the schooZ f~cilityo° H) A motion ~,vas made by Counciiman Spie~ling, seconded by Councilman M~Ilis a~ei unan~.mous.ly car~°ied, app~°oving the Planning Commission' s reco~nendata.on ~o add ~~ne f~ll~wring paragraph on Page 26 under the "Agricultural Preserves° subhead~,ng: "5irzce ~the preparation and adoptiean af ~he 1975 Element, the necessary ordinances and ~t~ndm~nts have been ~dopted to allow the Gity to praceed with the impiementa- ~~ora o~ the Wil.liamson Act, and as of Ma~°ch 1, h976, three preserve zoning appla.ca- tior?~ have been received and processed, and are now pending submittal of the con~~~.cts for campletion of °the establishment of the agricultural preserve distric~so" N~Y0~2, DE L,EON DECLARED A RECESS AT 1 U:10 P. M. The Counci]. me~ting reconvened at 10;15 F.Me with al1 Counc~l Members p~e~ent as showm on r~ll call. ~~I~T~~I~TilED D~SCUSSIOI~T REe ~ND USE ELEMENT fF) ~ouncilman Spierling requested to amend his m~tion reqardir°~g s~h~~l fa~~,l~ties, P~ge 20, to state as follows. "In view of the present av~~°~r~v~cTed condi~ions in the Lucia Mar Unified School District and the failure of ~he r~cer~°~ boncl elections, the present and future citizens and planners of all ent~tie~ wi°thin the school district should recognize their responsibilities." Cotaxacilar~n lvl:~~:Y,a,s ~eco~ded the amended motion, Pnrhich carried unanimously, ~LJ~~~~ T~~R~NG - R~ZONE~ ~7Ei-94D np" Z'O nRAB2° &°AP", BRI~NCH MYIaL RDe (GRE~:IVVJ~D} 1~EZONING FAILED. REFER TO PLANo COMMm RE. CONFORMANCE OF AREA IN LAND U5E PI~AN (niYTH EX~STING ZONING. NR~~r~r de ~eon requested he be excused du~°ing discussion of this ~tem, st~t~.r~g a p~ssible conflict of ~nter~st as nis property is adjacent to thYS ~:r~~ uncTe~ di~cuss~onm NTro Leonard Blaser, agent for rezoning applicant Charles Greenwood, objec~ecl to Mayor de Leon's excusing himself from this matter and presented ~ le°t°ter, v~it~en by ~lttorney A. Jo Shaw o~ Sarr Luis Obispoe Administrator Butch r~ad the lett~rp v~hich gave a.nterpretations of the Conflict of Interest La.w under f~ropc~~~~ion 3, ~nd ~ited. several precedent setting ~ases. City Attorney Shipsey stated th,at el~,~s~ual~.f~.cation d~pended on the Cauncil Pe~snn's ovm situationo 1N~,~'~R DE LE~N EXCUSED IiIMSET~E° DUE TO 1~ P~SSIBLE CONFLICT OF' INTEREST AND YS 1~OW A~SEN7'o MAYOR PRO TEM M:CLLIS TS NOW PRESIDIPIGo Administrator Butch rev~ewred the history of this rezoning ~equest by Charles Greenwoode Also reviewed were the Planning Commission's minutes and re~oluti~n of M~rch 2, 1376, approvs.ng the r~zoni.ng of approximately 23 acx°es from "A" to "R-Am~-2" and approximately 11~ acres f~om "A" to "A-P", all lying adjacent tc and ~ast~r3.~ c~f Tr~ct No. 256 (Green~nrood Drive and northerly of Branch Mi11 Road)o L~pc~n b~ing assured by the Cit~ Cl.erk that all requirements as prav~ded by ~a~r reg~.rding notificat~.~n ~f hearing had `been compl~ed with, M~yor Pro Tem M.i11is dec]:~red the hearing open and all persons would now be heard, firs~t for and ~hen ag~ins~ this rezoning. The following persesns were present and spoke in favor of th~ r~zoninqs Loonard Sla~or, Rout~ 2, Sox 111A, San Luis Obi~~c?, r~viewed the h~story of rezoning atte~npts for this property, read a letter from the County ~r~~i~~~~ring Dep~tmen~t ~ega~~i~g the baeis fo~° sewer a~ee~~me~ts l~v~led cn ~~~p~~~~t~~ ir~ ~he City, and ~dd~e~~ed himaelf to the o~jectiona previou~Y~r cit~c~ ~n~ple againet °the ~e~oninq., M~. Charlee Gre'enwood, 17842 Irvine 81~d~, Tu~tin, - , - _ f53 CITY COiJ~CIL APRI~, 13, 1976 1~1FtR0Y0 GRANDE, .CALIFORNII~ PAGE 5 ~~p~.~~~ra~, fc~r ~he ~ezon~ng, r~°~iernr~d ~he a~°~~~ ~f tl~~ p~~pe~t~ p~°~pased ~~t~~~~~~ j~Y~e land to b~ dedicat~d ~ar park].andl, ~n~ °th~ poor farm~.r~~ on °~he ~~~a p~co}~a~s~d ~or rezon~rig ~t~ ~l-l~+n~ dev~lc~pm~n°to "I~a~ ~'~llowra~a~g per~ons ~rere pr~~~nt and ~polce ira opposita.on to °th~ rez~n~nc~a ~~1~ M~Car~n, 428 Tanner I,ane, s~af~d ~1~e land sh~uld be left irz ~gr~;cul:°ture, ~eel~ B~~nch ~till R~ad dax~gerous and inadequate, and that Mro Gre~~a~c2~d Yaad an appor- t~ur~~ty °to withdraw ~ram the Sewer 1~ssessment D~s~~~~ct o Fred Wctl~, 5~0 Gaynf~~~ 9 r~}~o~t~d on how ~taly f~~s a11 a~railable land and o~re~~aopula~zor~s My~on May, 154 V3~lnu~., cited the pr~va.t~us defe~t for r~:zona.ng Qf thi~ prope~~y b3~ re~e~°endLUn of the people, Peggy Langworthy, Pr~ntz Raad, Arro~ro G~ande f'rinqe, x°ead from the I,anc3 Use Element and ~ov~rnment Cod~ seetians regarc3a:ng Open Spac~ and spoke ala~ut ove~populationo John'Lundgr~n, 1103 Flora, rei~erated p~°eviousl~~gnent~oned ~b~ec~~,~r~s, aiso stati~g that `a~ter pressu~e in the ~ub~ect ar~a ~:s already very p~~ cTu~ing th~ ~ummer, 1~YY°so Hc~ne;~cutt, 560A Oak Hill Etoa:d, qu,~stia~~d the dens~ty °t~ansfer poli~y on agx°icuTtu~°al.land> Nlike G~eeneTsh,.~53 Tan~er Lane, cit~d c~1c~Iations he did on `hi~ oCUn ~egarding traffic on °B~anch' NL~.11 Ao~:de Nadine :~~lv~~, 1~ 55 F°l.o~a, comment~c~ o~ the road o Ken Sumner, Ati~r~n~a.c ~ity :Ave P, Grover Cit~, ~~acT ~rom the Coastal i~~.aM ~°egaz°ding agricultural 1~ndo ~'hex°e be~ng no f~°the~ publ~c di~cussion o~ this:ma~ter,=Ma~or ~ro Tem 1~3~~~is declared th~ hear~.ng c2osed. After Gouncil 'discussi~n, -a motic~n uras made ~a~ C~ux~~~.lman : Gallagher,J~°. that l~~zon~ng C~.~e Nao '76m94, B~anch Msll Road from "A" ~o °BRAB2" be .denied and that the. zoning remaim ~:gricul~t~a3.> CouMC~:~m~n Spierl~;ng ~econded the motion and on the`following roll cal]. vote, to wit: AYE~: Cauncilman Gall:agher,Jr.-and Mayor;Pro Tem Mi1Tis NO~S< ~ouncilmefl:Spierl,ing_and.Schlegel ABS~N~'m Mayor de`Leon ~he ~oregminq motion fai~ed on a spli.t vote. Ma~ro~ Pro Tem Mi}~lis asked the ~nuncil wrhether it sl~oul.cl cons~der any ch~nqe ~.n th~ Land Use Element for ~reenwood Manor. Afte~° Co~un~~.l dis~ussion, ~ mo°~~:on ~~s m~de Y~y Counci.lman Spierling, secanded by Counc~lm~.n Gallac~her and unaraimo~x~ly ~~r~~,~d, th~t the Pla~ni~g Commi.ssion stnd~r a chax~ge .in the Land U~~ E~.~men~ ~o~ ~~i~ ~~caperty otirned by Ntro Green~rood so tha~ it would conform Pa~~h ~~i~~ing ~~n~x~ga 1~Y~Ft DE I,EON IS NOC~t PRESENT PUBIa~~ H~RING - HALCYC3N RD, STDE~n1ALK IMPR0~7EMENT DI~`rRTCT - APPRQ~TED Administrator Bu~ch reviewed that the Coun~i]. had authori;a~d ~h~ form~t~c~n ~f ~.ra ~~se~sment distric~ under t2~e Improvem~nt Ac~ of 191 1, Sk~o~°t :Forn?, for c~n~~t~euction of sidewal~s on Soutl~ ~ialcyon Road b~twieen Grand ~vea~t~e and Fai~ Oak~ ' P,venue; that the unsid~wal}ced properties .had been post~d_ setti~g a..p~zbli~ ~~~c~:ng ~th~ m~.tter for th}~s evening; and that no protests on the di~t~ic~-had,been ~e~~ived ~o fara Two pax°cels ~emafn-to be sideYaalked in this.are~. (t~~-542-09 and 06-391-18) besides the ~,~ra~o Grande Hospital property, which. wi:ll be sidewal3c~d ~n ~onjunction with a U~~-Permit issued them, and therefcr~e th~s praperty i~ r~~~ in~~,uc1~d ~n the distric~. 1~Iayor d~ Lean d~clared the hearing op~n anc~ all persons wc~uld ~c~v~r be ~~e~~.~dirag the improv~mer~t d~s°tr~ct. The~e being no ~~].~c dis~ussion on this m~t°te~, Nia.yor de Leon d~cl~red the hearin~ closedo ~~~er Council. d~scu~s,~~nD ~ mo~i6n wras made by Councilmai~ Spierling, seconded by Councilmar~ Gallaghery~~°o'ar~cl rara~nimc~usl~ car~°~.ecl, approving the Halcynn Road Sidewa3.k Imp~~r~ment Ass~ssgiz~rzt D~.st~a.ct, S~Y~ort Form 1911 , and to proceed under ' tl~e Improvement Ac~ prava,s~~~s o Nc'~T~CE RE o RECENT LAND [JPLIFT IN SO. CALI~'ORNrA - OFFICE OF . E;NiFRGFNGY S~R~TTCES The Council read a l~tter'from the State Office of Emergency Services,,gi~r~.ng r~~~i~~ °~~.~t ~he Llnited States Gemlogical Survey sc~.entists have: disCOVered a}~ancl upli~t ~l~rsg a sectipn of Cal~:forn~:a' s-San Andreas Fault nea~ • Pa~.~ndale and t~at s~a~h ~pli~t~ ~.~ve preceded some earthqualces o This r~ras ~ matter of a.nformation °~o Cou~cile 1~ROGRE~~ ~PORT - SfiATUS C}F CABI,~ `I'ET,Ei72 ~'TON SERi7ICE ~ C B C. C. C, C~~~~l ~A~d ~ l~tt~~ €~°om-~th~ C~r~~~al C~la,~o~~a C~m~nua~~,~~~~c~r~~ ~~~~~~~,~i~i au~t~,ir~it~~ ~3~~ ~~$e~r~~l~ ~~r~g m~ae ir~ ac~di~ior?al p~A~~a~s, ~hann~l ~hnn$es aru~ contir~uit~q w+ork ,k~eing clono can transmia~ions. Adm~i#~~~t~°mtor Butck~ ; ~~~~~r~w~ ~ha~ t~~ ~i~y~ ° ~ cea~pls~.z~~ ~o ~ha ~CC ~q~xir~M~ ~hh• Micxov~~w T~razz~smis~cior~ Co~po~catior~ wrili be he~rd~ i54 C~~°St C~UNCIL APR~~, ~ 3, °d 976 ARfY0Y0 ~RAND~, ~ALIE°(3Etl~i~~. Pp,GE ~S ~trA~~~~ r~~~rt~ ~ C~~~~ n°~~~. ~~~c~ ' ~ic~r~zc~ ~Ya~ ~~ur~~~l ~ec~~~re~ n~s~.ic~ tki~t ~~5~ n~~c~ ~~~.~r~~~~~ m~e~~,rag s~f ~th~ ~~a~xaraeY Di~risior~ o~ ~the ~e~g~n~ a~ Calii~~ar~~~ C~~.i~~ ~~Y;~. b~ '~elcT on M~y 7, b976 t~a~ Ga3c7:er~ Tee in Mcs~~¢s Ba~~ '~~S~e~ Cor~Ynca.~. 1~e~.Ya~rs stated the~ wauld at.~~nd4 DEPA~~N~NTAL REPf3Ft~ E°~R I~IARCH, 1976 ' ~he monthl.~r Depaxtm~nta]. Repa~°°~ for M~~~~, '~97C, raa~` ~ec~iv~d b~r t&~e Caun~il, x~~i~w~c~ ~~d orde~°ed fil~rde DELET~ ~T~S inTAY PROPERTY F°ROM TA~LY HO ~ZQN~II~IG ~¢~RD o 13S C o S o) - ORD o 1 ST R'~ADING ~dmini~tra~,or Butch stated that some ~f ~h~ Counc~,l Members had indiaated an unar~~z°eness af the James Way property bein~ rezonec~ ala~ng''with the rezoning of Rancho La B~rranca Tx~ac~ on Tally Ho Road wrhen O~dYnan~e N~o 135 CoS. was adopted at its la~t meeting. Tl~e matter wras now befor~ the Councsl for clarificatsono Applic~tion for the rezoning had ineltzdecl °the J~mes lnlay propez~ty, but Council clis'- c~s~~on hael cen~ered on the Rancho La Barranca Tra~to Councilman Spierling ~ev~ew~d ma°t~r~al: ~ie had on tlie sub~ect rezoning and m~d~ a mo~~o~ ~.pproving La Ba~~anc~ with ~"`D`a o~r~~ricle for 39 units anc~ approving the to°t~l ~ezoning °~o "R-A-B-2~~, which mo~~~n w~~s now seconded by Councilman ~chlege~.m D~~cu~~ion among the Coixxi~il and ~~~~z~n~ present en~ued, r~ri~h comment~ k~ea.ng mac~e ~h~t °there was an impres~~on the J~i~~ ~~~r p~operty hacl been w~thdrawn froin th~ rezon~:a~e~, alt~ough this was not sho~ ~~a C~ty a~~ecords ,~rad that the re~on~rag actior~ wa~ ar~ly ~or tl~e 18 0 7 ac~e~ R~n~h~a La ~ar~anca Tractm City .~tto~n~~ SYaip~~y ~ta~ted t~at Ord~nance 135 ~~So ~~u~~. b~ amended and the Jame~ GV~y prope~ty ~aea~d sep~ratelyo The motion on ~e f~.oo~ by ~ouncilrnan Sp~er~ing r,~as ~oted ~n a~d ~~~~;~c~ °~l~ee °to twro, r~ith Cot~cil;men I~~~li~ anc~ GallagYier,~firo ancl i~ayor de Le~n d~s~er~t~~gm Th~reafter, a motxon rnras made by Counc~l~it~ ~~,~l~s an~l ~~coxaclecl by Courica~l- mari G~l~l~gY~er,J~, to ~l~r~fy the Council's ~c°tion ~~o~n l~~t Council meeting on t~.e rezon~,ng case for I~a B~r~ar~ca Estat~s, ~h~t the Cc~~mc~l'~ ~ct~;on ~r~s only to ~e~~~e ~he 18e7 acres of l~nc1 known a~ La ~arrar~ca ~stat~s °ta "R-A-B-2-D" anel th~t J~~~ Wa~ was not included in thaty and that i~ Jame~ V~ay w~nts tc~ b~ ~e~o~~d ~,t h~s ~,o coine ~n separ~telyo T12e motic~ri ~aas ~o~ ~°oted on a~ Ci°~y A°ttorr~~~ Sh~p~ey ~dv~~ed ~hat an O~dinan~e should be adopte~ ~men~l~ng 0~°d~n~nce 1~100 135 ~oSo clel~~~ °the portion of p~operty described as the J~~s C^]~y parcela A~t°tcs~n~y Shipse~ then read the tit~e of an ox°dinan~e a fo~ it~ ~'irst ~°eacl~ng, am~r~d~r^ba~ ~~d~.ra~nc~ Noo 135 CoSo by deleting theref~om the prc~vi~~on fo~ ~ezon~ng ~~~~~Y 2 k~aawrri a~ ~the ~7ames Wa~r praper°ty; f~ereafter, a mc~taor~ w~.s m.ade by Coun~~lm~n 1~I~~l~s, ~econcled ~r Councilman Gallagher,J~o and unar~~.mo~xsly carr~,ed, to dispen~e v~i°~~, ~e~cl~ng tY~e balance of thi~ ord~n~nce a I~ft~~ discus~~on on °the ~ta°tu~ of th~ ~~aes W~~ p~cape~t~, ~ mo~i~n z~a~~e ~oux~c~l,m~a~ t~llis~ seconded by ~ounc~lman Gallaghe~y~~o ancl un~im~u~l~ ca~r~~d, to ~~nd the ~ames Way parc~l of property baclc.to ~h~ Planning Comma.s~i.~~a ~~r ~ezon~,r~g. - ~7.EQtTE~'T TO giEAft PETITIOI~t F°OR ~E1VD~NG ~Z011T~I~1~ APPLIC~'~ION-"I'~~°T~ :WAY ~~T m'~~I~GJ~RJ _ The Gounci~ ~°~ce~~red a' le°tter c~ated Ma~ch 29, 1976 from Atto~°ney Jerry W~~.`~re~, ~eque~t~ng tha~t the pencl~:r~g Law1~~° rezonin~g appl.ic~tion be placed mn the ~ge~~~ ~nd I~eardm " Ci~~r Attorney Sh~.psey ~g~~n ~~v~~~rec~ b~iefly ~the Lawle~ s~x~,t ~g~in~~ the City after ~he Counc~l den~ed t~ae re~on~ng ~°~que~t, and that the Co~a~t O~de~ sta~ed th~°t b~ Marcla 15, 1376, ~f th~ ~ner~~; Pl~n had not been amenc~ecT9 °th~ C~.~~r ~ounc~l would set a~~de the act~on it took 7.as~ ~Tul~, ~rl~~h was to den~r ~he ~~~~n~ng, ~rad pick up ~he rez~ni~g ma°tter at ~~a°~ po~nto ' 1~. Ships~}~ a~~ume~ ~~at ~t~~ C~~zncil.y by a.~s ac°~ion earl~:er this ev~nsng on the Ge~er~l Plan, Y~as d~cided n~t to p~°~ceed wi~h ~tYie rezon~.ngo fie will repo~t to the ~~tzrt the C~ty' ~~cta:on ~n ~,he L~nd Use Element of ~he Gene~a]. Plano' The Judge h~s now taken the ~?at~er uncT~r ~ubmi~sion, pendinc~ the ou~come of th~ Counc~l' ~ act~.ons this evera~ngo ~~°~~a~~r~y Weaver expounded on the ~~tter, ancl ~e~d a~ain tl~~ Judgment on Pet~~~an fo~ Wr~~~ of Nianclate is~uecl by ~uclge K~.~kpa°t~ick on De~~e~ 29 ~ 1975 0 l~iz°o We~~e~ a~~~cl ~,h~~ the reque~t f~~ "I~-M('~ be g~antec~ w~.°t1~ a`"D" o~rerride wrhich vaouldl coxatrol c1~~~lopinen~ on ~he I~ar~+rler prmpe~°°t~o ~~~cu~~ion con~in~xeel at lengti~ ~m~;ng the Coun~~~ ~nd the ~wro attorneys, r~ga~ding wrhat the Judge o s o~°clers hav~ }~en ~ncl what ~th~ Council mu~t now do 1~0 ~omply with said o~8ersa Nir~r C~ttoir, Traffic Way, Aridy Johnson, 1279 Poplar~ l~~o ~tee~e, '1598 I~il.lcre~t; z~nd Ella Honeycut~, S~OA Oak Hill Rd. comanented on ' ~~ti~. C0~4"~~~~i'l ~~~.~~/V I~11~'~11~'~NC~ '~hlll~ ~~il~ a7L1d~~ l"il"!$i9:'¦ ~ dAC~..~.021 ~c~~~~~~t ~he Ci°~y° th~t i~ kae a~ap~~~~d t~a a h~;gY~~r~ ~a~~t a~~l that legi~lat~,on by j~c~g~~ ne~dtcle P,f~~~ Gc~u~c~l di~~r~~~,i~~, v~~~ °~hh~ ger~e~~,l ~~eYing o~ ~~e C~taa~c~,l ~tha~t it had d~r~~ ~°t~ j~ in r~~o~ex~c~~~g chas~g~ ~o th~ ~d i1~~ ~~~~~r~~ thr~ Gea~~~~l ~l~n ~'o~ ~k~,~~ ~~~~e~!t~e ---~;55 CITY COUNCTL APR~L 13, 1976 AkROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 ~ AD~"OURLJNlENT The Council ag~eed to conside~ °t~e ~°em~.in~~~ c~~ °t~se items scheduled or~ tl~~s meeting's agenda at its riext re~la~ me~~~nc~ ~r~ ~pr~i1 27, 1976a Thereafter~= r~n mat~.on of Councilman Mil~.is, secondec~ by C~u~cilman ~pie~ling and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 12e12 Ao1tilm, P,pr~l ~4, 1976m ATTESTs ` - ~t-Z¢--~~ CITY CLERK NIAYOR