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Minutes 1976-05-11
~ 165 CITY COUNC~L M~~ 10, 7976 A].2ROStO ~~N1D~' CALIFORNI~. 0 0 P v M a ~°h~ C~unciY a~:n ~~s~~~~ ~.d~r~~~ned m~et~izag ~i~~a i~I~.~~~ :L~c~n pre~icl~.n~o LTp~~, roll ca~.l~ ~~~~c~.l M~mlae~s Spi~z°7..i~a~i Gal~.agh~r, S~~aT~g~~ ~~d Mill~:s rep~~ted p~e~~n~o PRESENaI°A~ION 01° C~'ACY~ ~UII~l3IRT~ ~M~LaEEMENTATIOI~T P~AN ~°OR THE ~I~ P, rev~ew and stuc3~r $cs~~ion ~aa~ held on the Capacity Bu~].d~~~ ~m~l.em~xa°~at~,on Plan for th~ Ci~~ of Arr~yo ~°andeo l~ro Iaou~.s Garciap of th~ L~ac~ue ~f California Cities B~ta.f~, ~~viewed tar the Cesuncil °the proposed implementati~~2 ~~itted to the Ci°tye ~°evi~wted th~ backc~roiand and the proposecl cal~nc~~ ~~°~ican f~r the City? which wras follc~w~~ by a ques~icsn ~nd answer period< Nes acti~n w~~ taken at this time. ADJOURNI~NT On mo~ion ~f Councilmaz~ Mi11is, seconded by Councilanan Gal~.as~~e~~ ~a~ unanimously car~ied, the meeting adjourned at Ss45 P.M. ~ G~i ATTES°~ s ~ DEPUTS~ CI't'Y Gi+ERK MAY012 CI~ COUNCT~ 1~Y 11f 1976 ARROYO Gf~ARTDE, CAL~FOR1dIA The City Counail met in regular ~ess~.on with 7Mayor Gabe de L~on pr~~id~,ngo Upon roll ca11, Council ~Iem~ers A1 Spierling, Matt GalTagher, Jroe Cal ~~h}~eg~l and Mark Millis reported presente PLE~C~E OF ALLEGIANCE A1QD INVOCATION Mayor de Leon led the P3edge of Allegiance ta aur Flaga an~I i.s~rs~d~~~~~,~ tharea~t~r, C~suncilman Mill~.s delivered the inve~cationa AFPROVP~I, OF MI1~TtJTES The min.utes of the regular meet%ng of April 27, 1976, w~x~~ app~~~~~. prepared~ APPRE)i7AL OE° 6A1~Rd~ANTS On motic~n of Counc~.lm~..n ~pierl~mg, seconded by Coun~ilm~n ~a~.~,~e~1~~~ ar~d unanimous3.y carried, General Warrants Noo 4863 throug~ Ncae 4920, ira ~e ~o~~~, amount of $'10,593d33, and PayrolT Warrants No. 6392 through Noo 6466, t,~ae ~otal amount o~ $43,468,75,- were approved and ordered paida PRESEN~'A~Y(7N RE m CENTRAL R~HABIT~IT'ATIOI+i CLIPi~C' 3 VAN PROJ~CT (k20SS) ~'P.1R¢3~ ~°[JND~ _ A~,an Ross, Directo o Funding and Public Relations for Centr~l. ~~kt~:R~.~.ta- t~on Clinf.c, Inc v in San Luis Obi~pm, gave a presentation raha.ch 3n~laxdled ~a h~~~ory of the ~l~nic and descriptio~a o~ its pre~ent i~an Project, for wh~cka 1~e ~.s ~o~i~i°~ing furnd~ this e~r~nirtge The Council discussed the matter at leng~th, asksn~ ~r~.~~.cat~~ question~ al~~at the prc~ject anel Cli:nic, which Mrm Rc~ss answerede `I'~e ~cszan~il generally favored the C1~.~ic°s ~ervices and Van Project, and that t1~~ ~mo~a~ ~f $438 0 91 being requested f~0m this ~ity ta help fund the ~van, b~ b~adg~~ec1 `the _ Cit~` ~ next €iscal year t~~dg~tm Councilman::M311~.s sugges~~d t'h~°~ ~t~a~I3~ ~essic~n be held aftex° budget hear~.ngs tn es~ablish a City pc7licy on financi~.l ,p~r~k~.~ipation by ~e Ci~y ir~ soaial w~lfare programs in the County. Nan~y Dav~d ~f' ~I~man Rel~.ti~ns Commission of ~c~uth San Luis Obis}~ Count~y was a].~o pr~~~n~, ~.axc1 s~x'ged ~uppc~rt r,~ the pro~ect in ~he amoura~t x°equ~st~d~- :he also as]ced tha~ ~k~~ Fiufman ~te~a~i~ar~~ Commis~ion be perimittec~ to p~rticipat~ in th~ Counc~l ~ s p~a~~~~~d ~~.ucly sessian ~sn social welfare prog~ams, After Council di~cus~ion, ~~?~t~.orn made by Councilman Spierling, seconc~ed by Councilman GaTla~gher and unanimou~~~ carriecl, granting the funding request c~f the Central Rehabil~.tation Clinic, ~n~m9 ~n the amount of $438 , 91 , for its V~i Pro~ ect . ~~~s ~ °~a ~ o zoR x e ~s ~z~ s~~oQZ~» ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ Th~ Courxc read a 3.g~ter af invitation from ~he Sou~h Cor~zn~t~ J~arai.c~r ~~ir ~~°~~rad ~th~ arrul~e,l ~ai~ ~4~~i C~~a1a~ ~x~d F.~'.1?. ~~p~~a~~, ~e~ k~~~,e~ bl~y 1 ~r~a~ 1 ~t~ ~e~ ~arr~yo ~~a~~~ ~ii~gh Sa'~a~1 e ~a,il~y. ~ ~ ~~ss c~z~ cou~c~:~ r~.~ ~ ~ A ~ ~76 A~.o~o ~~~vn~, ~~~~~°c~~v~~ ~ ~~~~r~°~~~~ - "~r~°r~c~~r~~ r~u~~~~ s ~ °r~Rtr ~ ~ ry ~ ~ i~ M~yo~° dl~ I~eon ~a~~~l~~,m~d °~h~ ~~~k l~i~~ ~~;h f.hr~u~~a fi~~~r ~ ~ ~.1~ ~ ~ D ~~Nat~onal Nu~~ing ~Is~~tae ~1~~~" ~ra Ca~°ky o~ A~~°~~r~ ~~an.~~ ~ ~°~~z.~~~~~ ~he C«lifo~~~~ ~.s~~~i~~~o~ H~a1t;1~ F~~~~~.%~ie~ o PROCI.eAN1~1TI0N - ~~B~~~I+T°;P~I~TDi~1~I, F°~ s~~~I~ ~E ~92T~ G~~K~~ - N;~~ ~t~ ~'T~~~1 2~, 137a l~iayor de Leon pro~la~zree~ t~e ~~~1~ e~f 1~~.~r 20~k~ °~~,~~~~s~~a ~t~~ ~£3~~8 as ~~Bi~entennial ~e~ti~r~l. of tl~e A~t~s W~~~" ~,a~ t,Yx~ ~~~y of ~~~o~~ G~an~~~ ~eqtzestscl b~ °~he I~~~~.n~s ~lu}~ c~f ~~~csy~ ~~~nc1~ ~7~:~,~~ya PROCIoA1~;TI0I~T - "~C)PF~Y DAS~~" - Y~~ ~ °9 ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1976 Mayor de L~or~ prc~claim~d t~e cla~~ of 21 s~ a~d May 22r~d, 1976 s~~ ~~poPp}~ Days" in th~ City of Ar~o3ro ~a~~nde ~~s ~°~~~~s~~ci b~ ~h~ i7e~~~ans ca~ Fore~c~n Wars of ~Y~e United 5~.~~.e~e R.ECE~P`T OF MON`T'~IZ,Y DEI~A~2.°I'ME1V~1~.~ R.~~(~R~.` ~°i~l~ P.T'K°~T,, a 9~'C The monthly Depa~tm~ntal ~t~~o~t ~c~~ ~}~:~~,1, 1976, w~.s ~~~~~~~d ~Sy ~h~ Counc~l, reviewred and ox~dere3 f~l~do RE~7IEfn1 O:E ZEGTS~T~~ BULLETIl~S - 1a~~~ C1~ Ct~~~°ORNIA ~TT~E~ The Council ~eviewed th~ l~~e~~ ~,~g~.~l~~.~,ve Bulle~ins ~~~m th~ I,ea.gu~ ~f C~liforn~a C~t~~s, and direct~d a~t~on ~x~°three ~~nate Bills, f~ll.owsa P.elm~.nis°trator ~utch was di~°~c~t~d ~ko ira~ar~n ~~a~~.~or Grur~sky ~f the Ci°~~' ~~up~or°t of SB 1590 t~'en~toxs0 °~ax b~nefi~j ~nd ~B ~000 (p~e~per~y ~a~ ~~1ief}; ~c~ ~he City's oPposit~on ta SB 1674 (P~°~pe~~~ ~e~r~nue l~m~.~s) o REZONE #'75-79, ~~~83~~ ~'tJ "PMII~", T1~E`g°IC WA~ E~{~e (I,~Ai~R~ M t~~2Do 1S~ REA~7~I3G Adminis~rator ~u°t~h bri~fly r~v~~wed the backgro~r~d o~ the ~aabjec~ ~~zoraing matte~ and con°t~nu~.t~~n, appr~v~c~ ~y ~he J~~.g~ an °tYa~ ~awl,~~ ~rs o~~~y ~.~.~r~u~.to Counc~].man S,~aie~lix~g passed out ~ l~st of f'~f~~~n ~~xgg~~~~d ~c~r~da.~~,mr~~ ~c~ b~ placed on a"P_M°' r~zon~,ng f~r p~~p~~ty, mar~y o~ tYae c~rad~t:~c~n~ ka~~,z~g ~lh~se suggested p~ev~.ousl~ by nei.gh~io~~.r~g prop~~~y owners at Tr~.ff~c 4~1~y' ~~~.~r~~iorao ~o~ar~~ilm~ Spierl~ng °tlz~n made m~~~o~, e~a~.i~h w~s ~cc~n~~d ~y C~'.aa~.~z1~s~~ S~i~~eg~ly to appr~ve the rezoning of C~.s~ ~Tc~ o'7S~`79 ~~a ~'~a~~~,a Tn~~.y ~~~.~a~~~,~a~ p~~°~~:,~~~ed b~r Bet°ty Lawrle~, f~°oxn "R-A~~-3~~ ~o ~~p~~i~D`~e ~r~,~~ t;l~~ °~D" ~~r~z~~~~ ka~~..z~a~ f~.ft~~~n l~s°tecl condit~ons }~~r Councilmara ~,~~e~°ls,r~g a ~ ~~~a~~~, ~f ~~,~r °G 1 , 9 ~'7~ o cn~t~,~n was not voted on ,pe~ ~u~s~quen~ in~t~°uc~~;c~~,s ~y C~.~.~r ~~:~.~~~a~~ S~a~.~s~~~ m C°~~~an~~,l d~scus~ion o~n th€: ~a~ter ensu~cl, w~~Ya ~~me ~h~ ~cs~an~i~. 2~i~m3~~~~ f~~.~~~~ t~.~°~ int~~e~°ted pa~t~.e~ ~n the ~ez~~.~~ag sY~~ulcl g~.vexa ar~ op}~o~~~it~ ~~~e~~ ~~d re~pond ~to the f~~teers sugqest~d ~~sa~~~~a~a~~ o ~~~~r fur~,her C~i~c~l. ~~~~~~~ion, and ~t the direction o~ C~.t~ P.t~cs~r~~y Sh~ps~~9 a motion `aa~~ m~de by C~u~~~~lman S,aier~ling, ~~canded by Councilm~n S~hl~~~~. ~a~~ oz~ th~ ~o1T~v~r~x~g ~~7:1 c~~l vo~e, to ra~t: A~S: Cc~unc~.7.men ~p~.e~°1~,~gA ~~h~,~ge~. ~ei Mayor de ~~on, ~G~~a Ce~uncilman Nlillis; ~~SENTe C~rancilman G~llag~s~~; ~S~N'~: N~n~, rn~~~c~r~ ~a~~°i~c3 to ~et a~ide the Council's dec~.sion o~ ~7u1y 2~, b975, d~~ying ~t~~~n~ C~.~~ Na9 7S~79p ~equested by Bett~ ~awrlere I~ft~~ ~ua~~.~~~ C~~nc~,l d~~~u~~~~n, Ci~y A~t~~rn~~ Shipsey read, £or ~ts firs~ read~ng? tY~~ ~~;~t~.~ o~ an orcli~anc~ ~en~la~r~c~ °~he ~~~a~ing Ntap ~o ~s to ~ezone f~om ~~12_A_Bm3~~ ~o ,~1~_~i~I9eB' ~~~tain p~o~~~°~~ in °~~a~ ~i.~~r ~r~~~ t~e °-D" overri~e ~mnsisting csf ~~~~e~n ~~r~cli~~ons ~o l~e s~~ oc~~ ~~i~ ~~°din~nce; thereaf~er, a moti.~n ~a~ m~.d~ b~ ~csuncilman ScYtleg~l g~~~end~d ~~t ~~~ci~.mar~ Sp~e~°~.i~g azsd u~x~n~~rc~~~~.~ ~~~~r~~cl, ~c~ di~pens~ ~r~~~ r~ad~~g ~b~~.~~~~ cs£ th~~ o~c~in~n~~e C~un~ilm~ir~ ~~1,~~~ ~~~~~c~ T~~ wi~.l ~~at~ ~a~~~,a~~~ a~o~°~a~~n o~ ~hi~ ardinance wh~rs ~t come~ up sa~d act~on a~ ~h~ ~o~an~~~.'s ne~~ r~gtala~° m~e°t~xag ~ SET o7~I1~I~° a~TLTDY SESS~~N TaT°I'~ PI~Ftt~~ S~ R~C~E25.~~~I~T COMMIS~TONe M~7P 12~ ~976~ 7:3Q P'mNie As reques~ecl l~y the F~~l~~s ~~~c~e~~~.:or~ C~m~ussion, °t~e ~~izr~~il ~c~~~ed to se~ a jc~~,nt ~t~dy se~sion vvi~Ya ~~.~d Coman~~s~a~~ ~~r 4VecTne~day, JN~~ 12, 1976 ~t 7e30 PoMo NOTICE O~ ~UBL~C giE~,F~I~TTG ~~°Ia ~I7`x°~ ~ W~i`~ frI~~GH'~ ZIM~'z'o - I~~ ~5, '1976 $ 8 e 00 P o l~im TYie Counc~.l rece~:~recl nc~~~c~ t&aa~t ~}~a~al~c l~~arin~ h~~ been ~e~ to~° May 25, 137C ~:t 8:00 PoM~ to cansid~r th~ ~°ec~m~ner~d~t~~on of ~h~ Pl~nning ~~amina~~~ican to rezone Ruth Ann Way from "R-1" ~o "~.-T-D" ~ with t,he °1-D'° o~rerride ~~ea~~d for construction height limitation~ in said ax~e~.e ~tEC~~P'T QP" S7:'1~'i"E D~~Al~°i"~N°I' O~" P°~11~TT.~TCE"~ F'~1~~9~t°Y' RE'. ~t7~UT~fi~f~'~ L^~A'~T~ ~ ~~;~~~~~r~~ ~ri~~a~q ~~d~ i~a ~i~y ~ ~ ,~~~~a1~~~~~ ~r~ ~'~~i~~~ ~ ~ 19?~ ~~~~~r 9 b ~~q~i~~~d 90'e ~ ~g~4~ ~i~~~ ~a51~ 9~3~~~'g ~ ~ =~a.. ---is~ CI'I'Y COUNCIL MAY 11 , t976 ARRC3YCi G~NDE, GAIe~ ~'O~T~~1 PAGE 3 i~~'OR~II' ~ ARE~. PT.~1V1~I~NCY ~C?~C~~~NA~TI~G ~tgil'~IC;~~ M~~"1'INt9S ~ ~&'IE~S,~1~tz ~~~~~Yzn~r~ ~~~~~~,irsa~ r~g~~~t~d ~as~ ~3~ril 27s~ ~ra~' M~~ ~th mee'~iz~~'~ a~ the A~°ea ~l~aning ~~~~~~~.~t,a~r~g' Coura~a.~, ~~~t~.~a~ ~hat p'sb~.ic Yi~ar~.ng had ~r~~i~ 'h~lc1 c~n ttae ftegion~]. ~ragi~p~rta°tion P]:~.ra tlpd~.~~ ~ wi°~h th~ itpdat~ beiz~g apArov~d o~ ~Y 6th w~,~ no ma~~r ~~~~age~ ~.o i°~~ ~~ec~p~ a.n th~ area transit imp].~m~r~ta~~.ca}~; ~?~~ch t~.is Gi~~r Cou~c~i3~ k~~d pr~v~:~us1y di~eu~s~d4 'The pub].~.c l~a~ qen~rally ~q~pon~38d ir~ fa~or of d~~r~l~~.ng ~ tr~n~i~ ~y~t~u~e- Al~c~ eliscussed Ysad been- ~h~ Joa,nt F!~W~x°.~ Agtreem~nt and ~unding f~r tr~s~:°~m AUTHORIZE SPRIN~ BCTRN WEEK NlA~I 16 '~HRU NlAY 22, 1976 On motion of Couracilman Nti.lli~, s~conded bq Councilman Gallaghex c~s1 unanimously carr~ed, Spr.~ng Burn Week was authorized in the City o£ Arr„Qyp G~'ande during the week of May 76~ through 22nd, 1976, as requested by Fire C~ti~~ ~xsalek. GLAIM OE' JACK RITCHTE REm- k'ROP7ERTY DAMP,GE - I~ELD OVER Adminis~rator Butch requested, and ~he Counc~:l agreed, to -ho:1d,=~c~v~~-,~ie m~,tter rega~ding a claim af ~ack. Ri.~~hie, 62Q Bennett Avenue, ~er}ardi~~ ~a~cap~r~ty damage, as fu~th~r ir~format~io~ rec~arding the raa.tter has just b~en::.~~3:~c~~.' ` EI,TMINATE SI}C-MOI3'~H ASSM".Co P11YN~NT i~1AIVER (CBD) - ORl)INANCE FIR~T~.:~t}3A~~~TG City P,ttorney Ship~ey read, fo~° i~ts first reading,: the ti:tle.. ~€.~~,~t: ordit~xi~e amendinq th~ Mursic~.pa1 Cvde so as to el~.mi.nate a six manth;•~~ ~nt payment waiver in °the C~ntral Busin~~s Distrirt; ~thereatter, a ma~i:ax~ewa.~•..?~~de by Couneilman Spierlircg, s~c~nd~d by Cc~uncil.man Gallagh~r and unanim~usl~:~~~.ed,-to dispen~e wi~h readiMg th~ balanc~ of` th~s csrdinanceo PRESEI~Y'rATION OF 1976-77 PRE~,IM~I~TAR'Y BUDGET Administrata~ Butch stated that the Budg.et Book ~or 1976-7T >is 's~.~.1~ ~.n the process of being pu~ together and 'i~k will be given th~ Council ,tc9zr~,r.~'~v~r. He r~ported ~hat th~ p~°opossd 2 e 3 million dol:iar budget is an approar~mate ~:M~c~ease over las~ yea~, b~x~ a 1G property tax reduction is proposedo H~°f~rt~~~-'~~ated - that the City°s firaancia]. pi~ture is one caf the b~st in yearso R;ECONQ~IQUATIt~NS OF' CIT~ZEIV~ ADVIS e COMMITT~E O1V CIVIG CENTER NEEDS STUDY' - The Council reviewed four raco~nendations made-by the Ci.vic Center Adv~so~y Committee, as foTlow~m 1~ Keep the civi~ cent~r in ths present ~.acat~.on; 2) City Council purch~~~ tk~e propez°~ty south of ~:he pr.°esent cavie center, next tc~ the creels, as sc~on a~ po~~flb7.~; 3) CoixriciT purchas~ l~nd for the fi~°e statiora as soc~n as possibl~ aa~d b~gin ~i.tYr th~ bu~.lcling o~ a fire station, and 4) the. Cammi.s~~.on. ask~cl if the C~ty Coiancil c~n ls.ve with the present Coux~cil Chambers for two mcare years o The Caixncil indicated a.za °th~ af~irmative to Item 4, agreea:ng that ~he twc~ priorities are Pir~t for a~ire station reloca~ion and then ~tl~ie Caunci~ ~Inaznbers. Th~ Commit°tee ~vas also r~qu~:sted to Frcark witka the Fire Departinent perso~nr}el in lacating new fire ~t«tion ~ite. The ne~ct meeting of the Advisory CQ~r:x~t~~ wall be h~ld on June 3, 19760 PROGRES~ REPORT - S~UR'£S COMPL~X AT ~I~M & ASH STREETS The Council r~~riec~red a report from Parks Director Ga11op regardi~g developznen~ caf temp~~°ary fa~ilities at the Sports Complex at Ash ~~d Elin `~~reets, and that a genexa3, agreem~nt, was ar~°i~sed at for the development, betweei~ ~he City a~ad the Baseball A~~oci~:te~m- AcZm~.nis~rator Butch re~orted that prepara~iot~ of the f2el:ds has ]a~en ~mmp].e°ted by the ~ont~actors, who did a fine jab. Couz~~~:l.man Gal.laghe~ ~eques~~d tha°~ letters app~°eciatian be sent to the coMtra~~ctrS invol~sd ~n th~ srolunteer g~°ading o~ ~Yae compZex. R~COI~'~+IEI~TDA~°~ON RE e E~CESa FROPER~'Y OUTSIDE OF° SO. ELM STREET PLAN LINE Tl~e City C~un~~.l ~e~rie~ved a rec~~nsnend~~ion £ram the P~.anning. Cc~mmi~s~zan, th~t abandoram~n°t proc~ed~ngs bee~~.n fo~ th~ excess prap~rty outside of ~he ~lm S~reet ~laa~ S~in~, a~ ~~commenel~d; by ~a.~ector of Pub]:ic Worlss Anderson~ ~~~t~r Co~ncil dis~us~~:on, C~.~.~ P,t~orne~ ~h~,psey was instructed tea prepare a' R~!~t~~.t~tion s~t~ine~ a puk~:~.~:c h~~riny on the ma~t~ter. REQUES7:° FC3R DOUBI~ L?l~]:~EG3AY AT ~HUR,T & A7~LEN STREETS (NEtn7MAN~ - APP~'tUVED City Engine~r Garcia r~viewed th~ request trom Pete ldewman,`328 Short S~r~~~ ~ ~o }aQ ~l].caw~d to ~~ve ~ s~ou~~.~ +~ziv~way wi~k~ou~ ~e~axatioz~, b~csu~~ o£ t.~~ undersizsd lo~ he cai11 hav~ 71e~'t ~~t~~ nec~ssary proper~ty dedicatio~~ to th~ p A7~W ~4J~~~L•'47~ ~`V ~F:FM~.4~57i ~ 4k~~~A,~e4i 4F~ 7ecd,R'in MFia1.~RA~#s W~ ~~Q~64s AF1e+i~~4e aM A~~OAf ~LeM~~~m R'~~i~~Q~.4 4+,4A~ ~~,MLe~,~ a;d~~'~~.r4~~. ~~de~.ie~~ SN~~A~~ i7Aa~~.~.'~~1`3, ~fl.~'~~~6i ~sii.~ Sr.6t9yl..a. d~~.v~ws~~° ~t~~~a~~~~~ ~,~ac~ a~~~s~n~~~l~~; ~c~~~.r~~~ ~~~z~~3aag~ ~,la~ ~~~u~~~, ~~a~ix~~ i~ would ~ k~~~~~ a ~~a ~a~~~ ~a~g~~~.~~c~~ w~~ ~~~,~~~ra~ dvu~~,~ t~'~,v~way~. _ ~s~ CITI' COUN~~:C9 ~ NiA,'Y ~ ~ ~ 1976 ARROYO ~~~1~`'~1~~~~~, FAGE 4 The ~~~x~~Y~.~ ~t~~~~~~~c~ ~ra~ ~.~~~~~~aQ ~:~~rr._ ~ e ~~~a~,~ ~.~.d ~cs~he~° p~r~c~n~ presem~ ~k~~ ~~~~~:~~~o ~~1.~~~;~~, ~~.~~~~~~:~~r~~ ~ ~~d~ by Councflman Ga11~gY~~~, ~~~~~~~d ~a~ ~~~~~~.~z~~r~ ~~~~~°~~~x~ ~.~id[ ~~~.~,~,~a~~~T~ ~.~~z ~,~d, ~utYacaara.z~.r~c~ a v~a~i,az~~~ ~~~z~ ~Ya~ ~~~~s~~~c~ ~~~~~~~~r ~~~n~~~~ ~10 ~ ~a ~~s~mm~a, 328 ~~.or~ Street, ~es~ ~ i~~~~~ t~0 ° ) d~°a~~~~~~ ~z~~~~rsc~~ ~a.~~h,~u~ ~~p~~a~~,carnw RE U~S"I' ~~1~I~T~C~~T tC~~~~~~ ~3~ ~t~~~"`15 ~~R ~'C~ l~~~~Tt.~ ~9MMT~~TI'9I~I '?WOJMd14'~m~.. 4~bNdk~YN~~ ~d.l YR"rv~4sYW'es'8~ ~A.~V'LlL ~Yd'GiAA.f.~~ 9~f S~1GeA~~'Mi 9.IV1?~AYr~6.~+40./6~~1I1i) rmO•~ 7.7MX 209, A~~r~~a~ ~~~~;d~y ~1~~~ ~ ~~~~~e~ ~cr~,~~ betw~reen ~~~r~n a`t~c1 L~ Pain~ Stre~t~n b~ ~b~~doz~~c3o ~~ur~~~,~ d~.~~u~~~csn, ~ mc~~•~,on ~ra~ ~aac1~ by Go°un~i.lman Spierling, s~c~sma~~~ b~ G~~~~~~m~n ~~~a.~h~~° arad °~ana.i~.~.mau~l~r ~~.~~ied, ref~r a~ceq~a~s~. to ab~,nd~an ~ pc~~°~~~r~ T~~ ~~~~~ce, ~h~ ~l~nx~~,rsg Ccamm~~~~~n far i~~ consid~rat~.on ~~~~~r~aer~~~°~i~ns ~ REPOR.T - T~ETII~1~ "IS~ ~t1T~~~ "v~F~'~~R RE:i~TJ1~CE5 AD~~C71~~.' C0~3I~l.~TBI'EE - ~ALLAGHER,JR. Co~xnc~:~,a~r~ Gal~~ghe~a ~~m ~~par~ec~ ~r~ ~h~ May 5~ rnee~ing ~f the Coiar~ty Water Res~u~°~~~ ~~~~~o~~ ~~~rei~°~~~? ~~t~t~~~ ~Ya~.~ ma~~~ d~~c~t~~.~~n ~..ad been held regardirag lea~i~c~ ~i~ ~~~~;y B~~1,~~~at~~,art of ~1~~ ~~I.i~e~~nia Aqtzeduct Water Project Y~~~~,~~ ~n°~~.Y ~,h:~~ ~~~~~5 ir~ ~~~e~. cr~ ~~~d ~x~~.,~.~.I.~ment. The 5tate~s ,fsos~°t~on ~~.~t ~t ~~,Yl r~~t ~p~ar~~e tE~~.~ ~,y}~~ ~f ~~r~°~r~~tm It ~,s now estim~t~d °~h~.~ ~k~~ ~~m o~ ~~e 7~q~~~~~~ w~l,l. be c~mpl~~~e1 ~td ~h~ County in 1982, It Ev~~ ~~g~~s~~cl ~h~~ ~h~ C~t~ d~ ~Ll ~an ~c~ ~sap}~ort ~Yae coastal arm of the Ca~~.~orn~~ ~q~,~d~~~o ~~~~~~lm~ri G~1~~~Y~er, ~~e fu~°~he~ r~ported tYzat a meeting wr~.~,~. b~ ~~~c~ ~Z~~°~ on ~f~~ ~7t~ a~ 7 Po1ti++Ie c~n. gro~nd r~rate~ ~a~r and pre~cr~pt~ve ~~~h~~o AMEND 4VA°I'~R Ol~, E~e ~E~`c~i~~ ~RC~~~ ~'O ~~12`~'pi~I~T ~U~II~T~S:~E~ ~Y'~~(i'E1VCY ORDe ADOP"I'ED C~.~ty~ At°~~~n~y ~1~.~~~~~ ~~~i~~nr~~ ~ ~~a~~~y ~~a~c~rrtea~~ ~'~aur~d ~g~~z~st the City and for Or~~~ Ro Hecl~~~ ~r~c~ D~a~~~~ Tnl ~~i~~~e~, ~~~a~~ing a~~:~~. ~g~ ~x~~~ ~he City ° s policy of ch~.rg~~g ~~;e ~r?~n~~~am wo~.~~~ ~~r~~c~ ~to ~nd~.~r~.d~al bax~sr~~~~ c~x~ tkae same ~ne~ero He s~;a°~~c~ th~t u~c~~~ ~~~,~c~~~~g ~r~ ~,~~~1:1a°t~ ~~~z~~ c~~~i~~a~ ~ra a. sa~milar case~ The Judg~ O~d~~° e~~"~~~~~~ ~p~~~, ~Q g 1976< The ~~ur~~~l d~.~~~ssed tYie matt~~°, includia~g °tl~~ e~~~ct ~a~ ~~a~ ~~°ty du~ ~c~s~ of t~aa.s revenue m T~e chazage w5.~~. not aPAly t~ d~p~~~~~ ~s~~° ~pa~°°tm~s~t~, ~n~~ cc~znzn~~~~~1 x~~e~, ~a~,na~.c~ I3~~e~t:s~~ ~~t.,:,~;~n~x°~x~ requested d~~°e~°~~,c~n ~n ~Y~~ ~~y~ l~~r~~le ~k~~ rc~~°~,~;;~~e A'~~.o~n~y ~h~p~~~ ~~=~.~d that ~eg~.~cl~.~s~ a~~ d.~~~ ~sn ba~k-l~a~g~d v~r~~er ~~~ling~ rzot ~~a~~ ~u~ ~F~~9.:, r~~ zns~: ~ than ~ra~ nn~~~~ra~ c~~~~~ p~~ ~~,s~n~~~ ~a~.a.lcl~ng on m~~~~ ~~e~ b~ ~~a.~~~ed ~s of Ap~e~~. ~6, ~9~60 ~aaa~~~~ c~a..s~°~,~~~c~ m~t,~~~°~ ~ug~~~~,~xag ~h~~. ~~~~a~~ ~a~h bus~.n~~~ b~ ~e~~a~5~~s~ h~~~ ~~°~~ro ~he g~r~~raZ ~~~~~n~us was t~a~ a study ~e~~~~n b~ d~,~~~~s t~~~ rn~~.~~~ ~~z~~,h~~o Rft~~ Caaxz~ci~ discussiora, City At~t~~n~y ~~.~p~~y ~T~~ ~~~1~ ~ ~.~d.anaxzc~, ~n~l;~c1~x~~ ~xa ~mergency clause, to am~nd °tYae ~t~~~~~~~ C~d~ ~~~°~i~n 6~7 0 01 ~~c~a.rd~ng ~r~.~~r ~~r~~~e ~harges; ~h~re- aft~ry ~ m~~~,~r~, ~v~~ bgs~ ~~~c~l~~.~ 1~~1~,~~, s~~~nc?~d ~y ~o~~~,~znan GaZlagher and unanim~u~l~s ca~~~„~d., d~~~en~~ ~r~°~~ ~e~.d.~ng ~h~ ~Sa~~rn~e of ~h~.~ ~~dinan~em ~i~~I~~TC~ ri~O a ~ 3~ ~ ~ ~ o ~1 (~~~1V~1~~~ `~F~E C~~[°Y ~7F° A1ZR~~O ~I2~ND~ AI~IJ~~I~?ts s~~T~~~ ~~`~00~~~ `T°I3E ~~2.~~0 ~RANI3~ MU'~IIC~~AIa ~ODE DE~~~'~iV~ 'Z'~Y~ >tTE~~~~°~~~N I~I.,7~~IN~ TO Cr1~Z°~~2 ~°E~Y7I~E ~1~~~~ ~°~~t ~~R.~°~~N T~t7~°~~~7~ ~iT sTN~S~ USE~ o t7n m~~~~z~ ~a~~~~s~~~a ~p~~~~~.~~s ~~~~ndi~i~ b~ ~c~czra~~lm~ra ~allagher and oa~ the ~c~Y~~~ing ~~~,3, c~~T~ ~~te ~`~E~: ~o~x~~~.lm~z~ ~~~~~~ir~g~ Ga~l~g~,~~°, Scl~l~g~l, Ni~.l~~s ~nd Maya~° de Leon I3~E~ : 1Ve~n~ P,B~EN~' o I~t~r~~ the fc~r~g~i~ag ~~d~.~~~~~ ~~d ~~.~p~~d °~l~~.s 1 ~ ~,h ~~y of Ntay , 1976 0 APP120~TE P~2C~Is ~i~ F~~ e~~~6 ~`~'C7;yI3 T~~T~ ~~n7lVio ~C:I~Y) ~ity Er~g~;~~~~ ~°~~r~.~.~~c~ ~r~~h ~h~ ~oun~~.~ Pa~c~~, I~~ P:G 76-80, reflects,r~~ c~~ ~~c~~. L~n~ e~~.s~ 1V~o ~6~•~4 4 9 ~°eqt~e~~~d ~illiazn La~k~ym After ~oa~n~~~. e1i.~~~~~°~~~~y ~ rr~e~ts~~r~ ~r~~ ~~c~~ ~y ~~e~x~~slz~n S~h7.~~~5., se~ox~ded by . Councilman ~l~,agher and ~~n~~~~ly ~~~~~.~c~, f~.ndsrag ~~rcel Map AG 76-~86 consistent with tY~.e City 0 ~ ~~a~~°~~. ~'k~~ ~.nd ~~s~~r~~: ~r~d ~~p~~vixag ~~exd ~ar~el Map m ~ ~S Vi+ i'['l.C~l.~a~.t 1•M~C' !!c5 6~°'S.,G,~ y a71Ca'~YJI:obV'62.c..~83~ iL.i?L'S8/ ~i~4.tlA7~~o dd~.'l..~ai ~ ~~g~n~~,~° ~°~~~~v~~c~ e~~.~t~, ~.k~~ ~~~c~:~.p F~~~c~~. ~i~~ AG i5-225, refl~c~t~ra~ ~ ~;cs~ ~p~~~ ~~n "~~~2~~~ l~~s~~,~+~d ~r~~~~~~~r ~~~~~c~ia~k~ Road app~o~cim~~~~~ ~ 44~ ~~~~~ti~~Y~ ~.~a~~~~~~~~,~~i ~vi~3s ~T~~~r~~ ~a~d. '~h~ ~~ua~~il diseu~~~c~ ~~,~~,~~~a~at~ Y ~ ~~~a~~~°~ ~:a~ b~r~c~ ~c~~ ~°e:;~ui,red impr~~rr~m~~~~ ~ ~n~~o ~~a~z~~.~iZ ~ M~~,1~~ ~~u~°~~a~~~d ~k~at ---~s9 GITY COUNC~L MAX 11, 197f . ARROYO GR~„N~E, ~I~~~°CS~~,~ PAGE 5 ~lo~~r~~ ~~,c~ ca~a ~~a~t~ b~ a~~dli~s~ ~he~r m~.ght a}~A~.Y to hill~, ~~~c~4 w~~ ,~ain~~~ ~u~ ~1~~,~ this is alre~,~d~' reflectsd in ~h~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~a ~~~z~~~~ d~~~us~~.cn, a moti~~ t~ae made by ~oura~~~~n~r~ ~~~~~c~~d ~~~~~i~~n ~c3~l~g~~ ~nd un~aimaue~y ~~txried, lir~di~~g ~a~~~~ ~ ~~~-22~ ~~~~~~~~n~ w~~~k~ ~~a~ ~en~x°al Flan arid C~.~~' 2onir~g~ ~~a~~~~,rag ~ ~r~ ~~k~~~~ ~~a~~~ ~ ~c~~~~i~r~~l ~~v~~ f~et ~f width `cn 8~agecoaah Road ~k~~~ ~~~1 ~,~~a~~~~~~ P~~~~~1 i~p P~G 75-225 sub~~~~ '~c bands b~~ng ~c~~~~~~d~ ~c~~ ~~a~~v~~r~~~ e NO~~C~ v ~'~i~~i~~ ~~~~~~~~+fi p 3 ~~~~A~ ~P" ~~~NE - ~~SE #76-9 R~#IR OAK$ ~~Nt~~ ~5~~~~ ~ ~~~T~ i~ ~t~~ ~~~a ~3~ 25, 1976, 9 ~aM. ~a~ ~~u~~~~ 1~,~~ ~~~r~ filed by tna ~gez~t ~or ~s~~g~~ Nt~y~~e~ ~r~ ~~~~,~i ~l~~a~~s~~ ~a~nzni~~ior~ ~f ~~o~~ Caee ~fc~! '~~5~95, to re~or~~ ~.~a~s~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~y~,z~~ ~s~~~Y~ ~f Oa~e ~ver~ue° an8: e+~~~ Q~ ~he A~°~~y~ ~~~r~~~ ~~~~n s~~~~~~~~~, P9~~1 R A~~3a1~~ h~a,x~ng before ~1~e ~~uncil k~~~,` ~a~~~ f~~ ~ ~7~ ~ ~ QA ~ ~Mr RE~~i~'~ ~P~~~ "V~~ 't'~ tn~~'~~ GV~A `~"~iE ~QS~?" ~ MCCANI~t T~~ll~~.m N~~~~~~, ~a~~~~.d~n~. ~~~ar~~ 1~~ ~~a~c~e~~ad Citiaex~~-~ Iz~¢. p~~~er~~~d ~h~~ ~~~z~~~~. ~ ~ ~~~~~c~ ~~~~~e~~~~~~~~, a~ ~e~o~t enti~Ied "t~ho T~,~~~ ~~a~ ~ " ~ ~~~~~e~ ~as~oa~°r~ ~bbut` the ~.m,~~~~ c~~ ~~~w~~ ~r~~ ~~~~~~~m~~~ ~ ~~~TO~fi~N'~ ~~~~T~"~tT~ ~~~~~~N ~ ~~~~~i~~~ ~~~~~a ~~~~a~~~~ ~y ~c~ur~~~i~a ~~,llagher at~d ~~~~i~~~l~ ~~~~~~d~ ~1~~ ~~~r~~~~ ~d~~~~a~~~ 10s07 ~q~a ~a~utiiva~~~A~s~cu~ t~ ~~s~~e~ ~~a~~ ~~i~~~~s~~ a R~~Ai+~~M~~T~' ~ ~ ~~~n~~~ ~~~~~~~ra~d 14 ~ ~0 ~ 9~te ~~~k~ ~n~~~~~ p~e~en~~r a.s s1~o!wrr o~ ~~1~ ~~~~e ~~Oid~~~i~" ~~~~z~ ~s~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~d~~ ~y~ C~ur~~il~~~ Mi~1~~ ar~~ ~r~~~~~n~~~~~ ~~~~~~~i, ~~~z~~~~ ~ 0 a 5i ~ eM~ 7 e 3G ~,M, ~r~ ~1sdr~~sday, ~~r ~ ~ 9~~ ~ ~ ~~~r~~ ~~r~~~ w~~~ ~Y~~ ~~~~e ~z~~ R•~~sa~tion ~~t~nniesion. ~ ~ ~ ~t7 • c~~'~ ~r'r~~~ c~.-~.~~~ ~~ei~~s~ ~tife~8~}e~~p~@ey{~ miese~ ~eev s~ e~ ae p . 'ke~ ~k~ 4.c~E+~ ~ i'Yf~Of~ . . CT~ !'~?~t 1 Z, 1976 ~~~~~~~4~. I~;.~Q ~eM• ~~~~r ~~a ~~~~~s~~~d ~n~~tix~~ ~o~ ~ jaint s4~a~is~r~ wi~h ~~d ~~~~-~~~~za~ v~~~~ ~a~~s ,~~s~i~izag. U~toz~ rc~ll ~ali+ Coux~~~~ 1~~~~~ ~~~a~~~~~a ~~id i+~y~~~ ~e~~ ~~~~~ed ,~reeer~~. ~o~r~~~,~~n~,~ ~~1~~~~~~~ ~~a ~~a~~~=~~ d~~~z~~ ~.~a m+~~~,~r~e~ ~z~s~ 6,~,~a~~~d~~ ba~arre ~~~~i~ ~raa ~ ad j ~~~r~~~ ~ ~ ~ REVIEtiI ~P" ~~n~03]~~ ~ ~76~~'7 ~fiJ~G~°~~ ~C?R ~~~T~~N P,~TD PAk~KB DEPARTN~N'~S G~~~e~~.~ cl~.~~~~~~~~ ~r~~ k~~~el ~~g~,~d~.~~ thQ p~apase~ i976-7? bude~at~ ~or the Recrsa~icaz~ ~~,~~~°~~t~~~ ~~a~ l~~}a~~tm~nt; ~h~e S~~~t~er Park Developm~r~t P1an~ ancl a 1'a~x~3~ ~n~~;~,y~a~~~ ~~ca~ o ADJOURNMENT On an~t~.oaa cs~ C~~n~~,~,~n ~i~.~,~~, se~onded by Councilman Spierling and' unanimr>usly ~a~r~~d., °~h~ ~~~~~.~ag ~.djc~~rned at 9:30 P.Mo to 7:30 P.M. Qn 1~ndaY, May 17, 1976. ~ ,J' ATTEST: 1 1 \ . G'~eQ--'~-~ DEPU'T'Y CI°I'Y C~E1~IC MAYOA