Minutes 1976-05-17
C~T'Y CC~i7NCI~, MAY 17, 1976
ARROYO G~I3~~ ~7~T:,~~~~~~ 7:30 PvMo
T'l~~ ~~~~a~~a~ ~r~~~ ~ ~~~~a~~~ ~cl~~a~~~~c~ ~~~°~~ng a ~o~nt s~udy ~ession
wit~ the ~~~x~~~~g ~c~~am~,~~~~~a ~r~~~;~.o.C~Z~~~~n~..~, a~~c~t~ ~~e~~.d~nga Upon roll
call, C~°~m~~l ~t~~~~~ ~~~~~~l~,~g~ ~~Y~~~~el~ Nt~~.~~~ ~nd Mayc~r de Le~n reported
present o ~~~s~~~~L~:~ ~N~,~,~~~Yr~~ a~~ o~r~'~~~~d dia~~~~~ th~ meeting o
Gen~~~l d~~ :~~~~~~a ~~~d reg~~slix~g the ~ez~ning of property adjacent to
James Way ~°t I~~a hta~~~o ~~~,~~~~cl ~h~ne~~~ °~~ae Lax~d U~e Element of the
General P~~n we~-~ ~~~o ~~~~~~~do
Admin~.~t~~~~~ ~u~~h ~~~~~c~~~ed g~.r~~1 C~uncil ~greeel, to set a budget
study sessi~n ~te~~acl~~r D M~~ ~4 s~ 976 s~t 4 e 00 ~ o l~to
On mo°t~,~n ~f Co~n~~~~r~ ~p~~rl~nga ~econded b~ Cauncilman Gallagher and
unanimou~ly c~x~~i~dly ~he m~~°t~~ag ~c~j~u~~°raec~ at 9 c40 Pa~to to 4:00 PoM. an Monday,
May 24, 13760
~ ~ ~
DEPjJ~ C~~~ ~Ia:~1~ ~ MAYOR