Minutes 1976-05-24 i'71 CITY COUNCIL MAY 24,' 197b ARROYO GRANDE, CALTEORi~iIP, 4; 00 P. M. The C~:ty Council m~t ~n r~gul~r ~djourned me~~ing with l~ayor de Leon presidingo Upon rall call, ~mu~acil Niembers Spie~l~~age Schlegel anci Millis ~repor:ted .p:resent o Ca~nc~.~.~.m G~l~.a~her i~ absent m BUDGET S!i'C1I}Y SESS~ON ~he Counc~: ~rev~,ew~cl wa~h ~'ity Ael~ain~strat~sr ~utchy his Bud~~t Message;, from:Page A fihroug~'~~ge Uo :AD~~TJRNi~NT On motion of Caun~ilm~n Sp~:~rl~.ngp ~econ~~d by Coun~ilman Sc~legel and 'urran~mously carri~d, ~~e m~e°t~.ng a~l~c~urnecl at 6eOQ PoNi. , ~ ~ ATTEST s ~ • U~J~~ v`~-~" DEPZJTY C~~'Y ~L,ERIC I~IA~'QTT~ ` CITY :COUNCIL ~~Y 25, 197~i 3lRROY`O ~RANDE., CALIEORNTA Tl~e C~.tty C~uncil met in ~egular sess~~r~ r~ith Ma~ox° Gabe de 'L~on p~°esa:t~ing, °Upon ro11 call, Council M~~r~ A3 ~p~erlin~, Nt~tt ~all,~~gher, Jre , Cal 'Schlege`l and Mark Millis r~ported presento :FI;EDGE OF P,LL,EGIANCE PiND YN'VOC~TI01~ Ma~or ele Leon led the ~Yed~e c~f AT~~gi,ance o~ F~:ag t and ~.nunedaa~e:ly thereafter, Council.m~.ra Mill~~ cl~lx~~~c~d ~~i~ ~.nv~catas~~m APPROVAL C3F MINUTES On motion of Counc~.].rnan Sp~e~ling, s~c~neled >b~r Counc~lman Gallagher :and unanimausly carried, the minutes a~f ~he r~g~lar m~e°tang of 'May 1'1 , 197`6 a'~d regular adjourned meetings of P~ay 1Oth~ l~ay 12th an~l May 17th ~rere apprc~veri as preparetl, with ~ correction to ~he m~raut~~ of the May~ ~ 7~h C~ty Caun~~.l:/Planni~,ig Commission Joint meeting as follov~~s Paq~ Paragraph 2 under ~~.scussi.csn o-f Rezoni;~g Case Noo 75-83 ('R~::nch~ La Bar~anca) , the f~rst s~ntenc~ is cc~r~°ec~ed °~o =~eacl: o a m o aMilli~ stateel h~ had no obje~ti~sn to R-A-B-2 ~c~ning; but v~h~n.;.<.." -Pr~PRC)VAL ~F` W~RRANTS On motion ~f Counca:lman ~p~e~l~.ng, ~econdecl by Cournc~lman Gal'lagher and - `unanimously carried, Gener~ l W~rrants No u 152 tYa~°o~c~h No o~ 70 y in ~he total amaut}~ o~f $'11~6,5fs9.90 and l~oo ~921 through N~o ~977, in th~ total aznount of $'11.,30Z.48~ and ~Payroll Warran;ts No , 6467 tl~co~xgh No 0 6570 , i~ ~h~ t~t~:l aznpura~t s~f ~$30 , 984, 9~ x were approved and orelere~l pa~eT o T:~'+.TTElt RE;~IUE.STIrTCi IiORSE °~RAIT~~ o L o O o ~RAYTe~ PiD~i'Ia.~iC"3~t~~ m REeE°ER 7.'O ,~A1ZIC~ S~ R~;(:.n The Cc~uncil r~ad a let~~~ ~~~m the S~.n L~x~s ~b~~spo Trails ~d~risory Ct~nimittee;, urging the es°~ablisYa~aea~~ ~ Yaors~ n~twr~rk in ~Yae new fleveltspments proposec~ ~.n t3~~ Ci°~yo T~he C~~c~.l ~g~e~d °th~s matter ~hould b~ studied, ancl referred it ~~s th~ P~~a~~~ ~rad l~~crea°tion C~~~i~sa.on, LET!1'ER OF` APPRE~IA`i'IO1~T ~ m I~LI~~~~ ~O~ E11FTs05tEES -~i7CIA IMAft SCfi~~L UISTRICT The Council r~ac~ a le~t~er ~.ppr~c~.~tion ~~°om the L~ucia Mar Un_if~ed School. District, thax~lcir~g ~lae Citye s Pa~a~.i~ i~~~k~ ~epartan~n°t ~ple~3rees ~fe~r ass'istance to the ~cho~l ir~ vari~u~ ~Sa~a~e~t~o PETITION F~OI2 HELl~ A~AII~3~~~ Cr~ I~3~~~~ G~.e'Fill~ ~~T~~ F~~I~~1V°~S~ °~~R~FiER ~~iJDS~ The Coune~.l ~-~~iewa~d ~~e~t~~ ~~°~rn : G~~r~~~. Nl~G~~1, 22~ ~alnut S°G~°~et, a]:so signed by app~o~c~.m~~~~g~ ~"a.f~ ~~~id~~~.~, ~equ~~°~ang ~Yne City's heTp ~n a~ating tY~~ o~k in~~~r~~ a wh~.cY~ ~~n?~g~.r~c~ '~he ~~k ~~cees in ~he aream Also ~°e~r~.evaed ~ra~ snfc~~a¢c~~i~r~. ~~~z~ ~~a~ d~oSm Depart~n~ o~ Ag~~cultur~ regarding oak moth con°trcal; a~c~ ~ re~~r~ f~c~~ I~~:~°~~t~~' o~ P~blic Worl~s As~der~~xz rega~diz~g mca~h cc~r~~a~~al azac~ ~a~~~ W wr~,~ c~~~~~°~~.]~~ ~~~~~d k~~ ~h~ ~c~~r~~i~ t~a~' a coopexa~iv~ v+~a~~~~~s b~~~r~~~ ~h~ ~~.c~ ~a~~~?~~ ~r~u~d 3a~ ~~e bee~ s~k~p i~ atte~{ptiMg to cor~t~cl ~th~ mo~~a~ o F~~~~~~~ ~f ~hg ~t~ge t~e mo~~ ~r~ fe~ now~, •in tl~el.r worm-aocaon-mo~h ~~ro]~~, th~ d~~1~~~~ a~~a~r ~r~i~c~~rre .pra~ring ~rogr~? coultA :be undert~]sen i~ ear~.y sp~~.r~~ ~f ra~~~ ~r~ th~ me~ntim~, ~ity s~aff was directed to contirzue res~~~~h of ~~a~ a~s~~~t~r~, ~~~~~~t~in the nu~,~r , o£ property e~mers interestecl in :~~rticiF~~Yrag ir~ s,~~~.y~~.~sg ~a~a~gram, ~~~~~~ure fr~om them