Minutes 1976-06-01 CITY COUNCIL MAY 25, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, C~1r,~~°~1~1~~1 PAGE 7 REPORT - NUMBER OF SE~ZtF~C~S ~~ECT~13 RE ~ 12ECENT CC)LTRT R.UIsIN(~ m ROSENGREN _ _ - The' Council re~r~,ewed ~t~tist~,cs prepared by F~.nan~ce Director Rosengren regarding the number of ~r~°t~~ se~~w~~es ~,ffecteel by th~ ~ecent Court ruling regarding minimum ch~rc~es on ~ack~ b~~~ness vri°~hin on~ building l~eing served by one water metero Thirty-se~rera ac~aua~~~ vaere changed, w~~.h th~ Cit~ losing 67 minimums, which repre~~nts ~$160 lo~~ to the Ci°ty per month, or approximately $2,-000 per year. City ~taff v~as r~qu~st~d to research what can Y~e done to make up this loss in revenuee PROGRESS REPORT - SQUTH ~AN LLIIS E~~~~PO CCBt7N`.PY SANIT2~ITIOI~T DI~TRICT The Council reviewed ancT orc~er~d fil~cl the monthly report for April, on the South San Luis Ob~~p~ County ~an~°t~°~~on Di~trict°s operationo Administra- tor Butch stated that ito M~cl~ael ~.o~cl~~ ha~ ra~w been appointed as Chief Plant Operator. PERMIT ONE~TIME PUMPING OF° SEP'~IC `T'AI~TI~ AT 661 I~NCASTER URo - SNIART, JR. Mrs. Smart of Grover Ci~~ in~de a request on behalf of her son, Victor Oe Smart, Jr. , 661 Lancaster Dri~r~ a to ~tunp thea.r full sep~ic tank but del.ay hook- up to the sewer system for s~~ mon~hs, due to financial. problemso After Council discussion, a motion wa~ made b~ Councilman Sp~erlinq, seconded by Councilman Ga.llagher and unanimous].y car~~ed, ~uthoriz~ng one (1) pumping only of the septic tank at 661 Lancaster Drive, ~rnrn~c~ by V~ctor O e Sr~art, Jr e e with the sewer hook-up to be ma.de by the Octol~er 24 g 1976 dead~,~ne a~ sooraer if additional pumping of the septic tank becomes zaecessar~r }aefore that date o PERM~SSION TO BE ABSENT FRONi STA°~E - NIA~OR D~ IBEON On motion of Councilznara Millis, seconded l~y Coua~ca.lman ~al~.agher, and unanimously carried, I~yor de Leon wras au~~iorized to b~ absent fz°om the State intermittentl.y betwreen now through Juz~e, 1976, as per h~,s requeste AD3QURNMEL~FT On motion of Councilman Niill~~, secand~c3 by C~s~xncilman Gallagher and unanimously carrzedy the meetir~g adjourn~cl a°t 1Oc07 Fml~~ until 4:30 PoMm on Jtxne 1, 1976, for a budget ~tusl~r ~~s~iona r Ge~ A`I'TEST e _i-`~~~2lj~ ° ~ CITY CIsERK MAYOR CITY COUNCIL JUNE 1, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALTFORNI77~ 4 s 30 P.l~io The City Council met in r~gular~ adjou~ned ~~~~~~ravsith Maymr de Leon presiding. Upon roll ca11, Coun~i). M~mber~ Spierl~.ng, Gallagher, Schlege}~ and Mi~l.is reported presento BUDGET STUDY SESSIOI~ The Council cant~nu~ci ~tuia~y w~,~h ~c~~iir~~.~-trator ~utch of th~ Pr~la.minary Budget f6r the fisca~. year 1976-77 D b~g~r~ninc~ wri~h Page 1°tl~ro~xgh Page 16 a ADJOURNNIEN~` TO EXECUTTiTE ~~~~~~Di On motion of Coixri~~la~n Sp~.er°:L~.r~g, seconded bgr C~unc~.lman Milla~s and unani- mously carried, the C~iancil: adjc~~z~°ned ~.°t 5 e 30 PmMo t~ an Executive Session to discuss labor relation~o RECONiTENEMENT The Couneil rece~n~rened at ~:~4 ~oMa with all membe~s present as shown on roll callo ADJOURNMEIQT On mo°tion o~ ~ouncil~n Schlege~,, ~~c~nded k~3P Cauncilanan Gallagher and unanimously carried, the meet~ng ~d~~urraecl at be15 PmMa until 4.30 ~eM. on June 7, 1976~ to continue. stucty of ~h~ prelimin~ry budtqe~ra r ~/j~ , G--~~e- ATTEST : ' ?1 ' ~~~a~~ ' DEPUTY CITY CI,ERK N3P~YOR