Minutes 1976-06-22 184 C_i:T" COUNCyL ~UNE 22 , ~ 976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The Citp Council m~t ir. reqular sess~.an wi~tt~ Ma}ro~: Cala~ d~ Leorz presiding. Upon rol]. cal~, ~ouncil Niembers ~11 Spierl~ng, Matthew G~llagk°a~r, ,~r., Cal.vin Schlege~ and Mark Millis reported presen~~ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATTONI Mayor de Leon led the Pledge of Allegiance to ou~c ~°~~c~; ~nd im¢ned~ately ther~after, Reverend Gorsline of the United Methodzs~ ~hur~h ~n A~~oyo Grande, delivered the invocation. .FIPPROVAL OF MINUTES T e minutes for the regul~r meeting of June 8, 197E; ~~a~Y regular ad~ou.rnec3 meetings of June 7th and June 14th, 1976, r~~re approved a~ pr~~~~ed. APPROV~i,G C7F WA,RnANTS On motion of Cour;cil.man 5pi,erl~ng, seconded by Coun~~?m~n V~1~~gT~e~° and . unanimously carried, Gene~al 43a~ran~~ No, 171 through I~o. 190 ~a~c~ IVo„ 5023 ~1~~~~gh i7o. 5078, in the total amoun~ o~ ~106,662.62; and 1~ayro~.~ C~~..~~ar~t:,s 1Vo~ 6651 ~through No. 6752, in the total amoun~ of $31,552.49, were app~oved ~zz~i s~rde~~d pa~dm RECOGNITION OF GRADUATES FIZC?NS FIRE ACADEMY - ROOICUS, VAN d~~ ~~ND~N ~ iniHl'?`NEY Fire Chief Marsalek pxesen~k~d to the Councii t~wo a~ ~hP thr~e ~cal~aa~~eer fighters who recently grad~:~t~d ~~~m the Fire Fightex I Ac~dem~r a~ Al~ ~.r ~I~~~ock College. Mayor de Leon congra~u~~w.~d the fol.law~ng and pre:~e.z~t~ed ~~~x^: ~r~t1~ ~hea~r Certifi.cates of Graduation f~vnr t~.~ A~ademy: Kafi~hy Rc~o}cusF whc~ gr~c~~~~-~~r~ s~~ond ~n the class of thirty-two; Richard itan der r~inde~l and S°teve Wh~ ~n~~, wr~~ w~~ na~t p~esen~ and has been employed a~.r~ady by the Californi~ I~ivisian oiE F"~restr~ro LETTER OF APPRECIATION FRQM MOBII,EHOME OWNER5' LEAGUE 1~Ea F'IR~ UEPTa The Council read a letter from Larry Mansfi~ld, iTi~~ ~~e~ider.~t and Prc~gram Chairman of the Golden 5tat~ rilabilehome O~aners League, Inc., ~~p~essing th~ I~eague'~ appreciation forr ~he Volur,teer Fire nepartment's presen~a~,~~n ~~r ~unri~~ T~rrace r~lobilehome Park on Rescu~ B~eathing. REQUEST FOR FUNDS - SENIOR C~'AN - SQUTE3 COUNTY SENIOR CIT~~ENf~ The GaunGil re~ci E~ le~~.er, frc~m Ma.ri.e :'l~k~~rt, Pr~~~d~n~ ~f ~he ~out~ka ~ounty Seninr Citizens and He~tax Biz~i_n~, Chairman of the Tr~n~~~~:~~~ioz~ ~omm~~~~e, reauesting ~he Ci~y cca~t.~~b~ate S1 , 000 foY~ insuranae an~ ~~~~~~~.an ~~s~~ af ~he S~nio~° Citizens` Van. Caunc~.l.m~~: Spie~l~ing stated that fundins~ ~ca:~ °~k~~ Van ~s prov~ded ~r~ ~he proposed Regional ~'~anspor~a~:~c~n Plan, wh~.ch is b~:~r~g ~~~.c~ ~p b~~ause ~wo ci~ties in th~ County have nat yet ~ea~i~ied th~ plan and fua~d~~g fe~~ ~~°s Th~ C~oun~~.1 discus- sed the request, 5enerally agx-eezng to hc~lc3 it in ~be.~~r.e~ t~~ what 1z~pp~ns °to the Reqional Transpc~~ta~.ion P~.an, dur~ne~ which t~me ~h~ ~ar~ ~hauld b~ able to cnn~i.nue on the ; 9, 000 buc~geted ~y t~he Cr,uz~~~ Li~ax,~d ca~ ~x a ~f 'tY~e Regional Plan falls thraugh, ~hen the ~c~un~~l wi,ll agai.n ~~ns°~~1~a~ ~r~~ r~r~~~~~t, 1"oal~ing %n~o the already approv~d budc~et (wha.c:h doe~ no~ ~.nclude ~r~r~c~~~~ ~b~~ ~~e van) fo~ d~~re~sia~ of £unds to the Van program: r~r~urs2~ v~T~~~~~~ Avxrz.,~~~~~~~~ cara:~~ cz~~~ r~~~~~~•~ t~rcxAxr~or~a - r~Er~~~~ - The Coun~i,l ~e~c~ ex 1~°;°t~~ i::~c-~tn Ncs~r~~n Fi.r~s~ ~~.~~~.ra, 10~3 F3~anclh M~17 ~Zoad, requestang an ~pinic~n ~'x-c~n~ t.~,~ C;aj:~r~~~ ~s a~=~~.~~L~~l~~y af C'~~y ~~t~~ h~.s p~~p~~~:~ ad~acent t~o, b«k. out;~id~ c~t` t~~a~ C`m~~~r I~~mi.~:~ ~t~ 8:~:~~~h I~~1~ a~~i N~w~r~m~ ~p~~~ag~ R~ac7~, for ~ developmente ~'h~ ~~ep~~e~y3 ~~~a°eert~.~y ~ ~l:~~p ~anc~Z w~~h zzu ~w~~~lz~y ~xis+~~z:~ on it, and ~.t is not withan ~h~ Zcaz~~ ~ ka~~~~r~c~~r•i~~. Af~e~• C~u~~~1 c3i~~~~s~~on, w~s agreed tha~t the City`s ~c:].:~~y c~n th~: ~*°a~~:,~~~~s b~ adh~~~~l to, ~h~~~ c~~f~~ ~o water fc~r areas autsid~ c~~ +kh~ C;i.~y ur~,l~T~~; tY~~~°e z~ ~n exi~~ang ~~~°up~.~d ~~~tzc~cz~e an em~rgen~;y ~r hax°dsh~p . d~h~ C~t~,~~T~ a. c1~c~ n~ t~e~1 +~h~t. ~~is s-~~ f~t ~1~~ P~esent reques~. Ci~~x s~aff w~~s a,~~st~~~a~Ft~d ~:cs ~ri,te Mr, ~~~har.c~~ca~l a~' ~t~~ ~~r~e~ai~~ denial and City~s poli~y an tY~ese matte.r~. PETITION REQUESTING C.QNC'RETE ;TMk~RGVEI~N'I"S dN D~I. ~C7I~ 57'RE~:T - E"C~~I`H~:~ The Council r~~iewed a pet;i,tic~n, ~igned b}a p:roperty Gwa~er~ on ~?el ~aI v~re~~ r~presenting 92~ of the frc~a~.°tag~ c~n tY~e ~rres~ ~ic~e ~t~c~ 8~ ~ of f~°c~r~~c~~ ~n ~he east side, request~.ng cons~ru~tiar~ af ~.ancret~ c~x:rb~, r~ut~~rsq dr.~v~w~~r ~~rnn~ and ~id~= walks. A report from C~ty Ei:c{~.r~ee~ ~arci~ c~n estim~t~d ~o~~~ fc~a~ th~; ~ar~~~~~ wa~ ~°eviewed, which included ~os~ts ~o ~he C~,ty for t•~c~r~s~ru~ti~n af ~~i S~l uah~~k~ ~r~ll be necessary ~o accommod~te ~he r_equ~sted impxc~vem~n~sP Th~ C~nn~.~l ~3~.~~~~~~d ~he matter, pointing out that th~ ~stimated $26,000 r~rc~nstruct~.an ~~~~s have n~~ be~n budgeted. City staff was instructed t-a study th~ proje~~ furthe~ ~oz def~n~te cos~s and bring the matter baek to the Cc~uncil ~n an~ mcnth for further ~on~~~~~a~ion, ~85 CITY COUNCII, Jt3NE 22, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 Pt3BLIC HEARING - ABANAON EXCE55 RIGHT q~' WAY (EI:~M STREET) - RESOLUTION ADOPTION Administ~ator Butch reviewed the background of the recommendation previously received from Directox of Publ~.c inYoz:ks Anderson, tha~ excess right of way on South Elrn S~reet, b~tween Maple and Ash St~eets, k~e abandaned so that it reverts back to adjacent proper~y ~wners. C7pc~n be~ng assured by the City Clerk that all requirements t~s provided by law r~garcTing notification of hearing have been complied with, Mayor de L~on declared the hearing open and a11 persons would now be heard on the matter. There being no publi~; d~.s~tzssian on this matter, May~.ar de Leon declared the he~~ri.nq clo~~d. The Go~ane~il discu~sec3 thi~ matter, agre~in~ tt~at it is hoped that ~he prap~rt~ ~~x~ers re~e~vi~r~c~ ~his excess ~~.ght nf wa~ w~11 ~ut ~n curb, gutter and sid~wa]Jc i~r~~:~~r~ments. ~f~~~ C.crunei~. dz~~rassion, Ci.tq At~c~~n~y Shipsey read the title c~f a~e~~~~m~~c~r: c~rde~~ng ~h~ ~bandc?nr.ien~. of a portion of righ~ Qf way in the City; ~h~~~~.r:~~~°, ~ mc~~:£~.~n wds macle lay C;~aun~ilman 5ch1egel, seconded by Councilman Spierlinq ~enc~ unani,mausly c;~r~a~~d, ~tca di~~er~e t~~~.h. re~ding the balar~~:~ csf this resolution. F~ESC`~LUTION N0, 1225 . A RE:rC7LUT~C91v OF' TI~E CI,TY c;OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GkANDE ORDERING THE ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF RIGHT OF WAY O1V SQUTH ELM STRE~T (STREETS & HIGHWAYS CODE SECT~ON 8320 ET s~Q.) Un rno~i~n c~f Councilm~n ~~~erl~.ng, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and on t1~~ fnllowing roll eall vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Sp~erizng, Gallaqher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES: None ABSENT: None the foreqoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 22nd day of June, 1976. MUNIo CODE AMENI~. - ORDTI~TANCE ADOPT. - REZONE #76°95, "RAB3" TO "R1" FAI~Z OAKS AVE. r.. (N~IYAKE) City A~fi.orney ~hipse}~ read an ordinance in full, as requested by Councilman M:~~lis, amerad~.ng the Zoning Niap so as to rezone property on Fair Oaks Avenue from ~~R-A-B-3~~ to ~~R_1~~. OR]?TNANCE N0. 139 C.S. PaN ORDINANGE OF THE GTTY OF 7~1RROY0 GRANDE ANlENDING A POFL'~°TON QF THE ZONTNG P9AP OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REF'ERRED 'TO IN SECT~ON .302 OF TITLE 9~ CHAPTER 4 OF 'rHE MUNTCIPAI~ CODE S(7 g1S TO REZONE CERTAIN PR.OI~ERTY IN THE CITY C7F ARF20Y0 GRADTDE. On mation o~ Coun~ilman Spa.erlirag, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and on the following roll ~all ~rote, ta wit: AYES : Councs.lmerx S,pierl~.ng, Schlegel and Mayor de Leon ~ 1VOES: Ccaux~~ilm~n Ga1Zae~her ar~d Mi13.is ~1BSEN'r : Non~ ~he ~ax.egoing C~~d;i,r~~n~~ wa~ ~ass~d ~nd ad~~ted this 22nd day of June, 1976. AI~Of"T`IC3N OF ~Ot~F"TaIC'T 0~ IN'~ET~FST C~DES BI' CTTY ° EiELD OVER Ca.~.y A~~orney Shipsey r.eque~ted, and the Council agreed, to hold off adoption ot ~an~lict of in~~resi: Codes far the City, awaiting requested resolution copies from citi~s whose cc~des have alr~~dy be~ri approved by the Fair Political Practices Comrni ss ion . TRANSFER OF ~1BNi. FUII~CTIONS TO LOLINTY T2E. AMBUI,ANCE URDINANCE - HELD OVER Ci~y .~ttorney Shfpsey stated that his review of the proposed authorization to ~ransf~r the Ci~~ Adma.n~str~~~:ve functi.ans i~s the County in regard to the Ambulance t~z•d~.nance far em~rgen~.oy m~di~al response is in order. The Council discussed the rcra~t~r. and agreed i~ rniqht be bsst tcs check with other cities to see what their feeling is on th~.s and held o~rer this m~tter until the Council's next meeting. ~8fi ~ GTfiY COUNCIL JUNE 22, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CAI,IFORNIA PAGE 3 SET PUB. HEAR. - AI~ENDMENTS TO LAND,USE ELEMENTS: JULY 27, 1976, 8:00 P.M. The Coun ~~isaussed two pu~i~:ic ' hear::ngs to be set pursuant to recommendations received from the .~lanning Connnissic'~az,, one b~-~ing on recommended changes to ~he Land Use El~nent of tha E~et~.zal P2an,ar~d er re~~~mmending apprt~ral af ~tezQning Case No. 75-84, Oak Park A~e~ request~ci b R. D. Kvi~::t. In anticipation of l~ngthy p~1ic hearings on each of these matters, the Council generally agreed that these items should be set fox"separate Council meetings. Persons presen~ at this evening's ~eeting requested ~hat the Oak Park"Acres Rezoning be set for the July 13th meeting beaause of involv~tnent in othex act3.va.ties the week of ~uly 25th. The Council agreed tr~ hold ~he public-.,hearing on amendmsnts to the Land.Use ~lement on July 27, 1976 at 'S:QO P.M. x"` ~~b'~' PUB. HEARING ~-~~EZONE #75-84, Q,~1K PARK ACRES, "A" TO "PD" (KVIDT) : JULY 13, 1976 f, ° The CounC 3'~~eed ~,o set a,pu~il.i~ hearing on JuXy 13 976 at 8: 00 P. M. to ~ consider the recc~ndation of the P~a~ning ~ommission to x°~~can~ 250°k acr~s north of Highway 101 and e~s~erly af Oak Park Boulevard, from "A" to '°F-D", ~nd t~ro parcels - ad~oini.ng said ar~~, tcrtdlin_g 15+° ac~°es and in the process o~ r~o~ganization, to be px°~z~ne~ to ~~P_D~~, as requested by R. D. Kvid~. ~ REPORT RE. USE, qF oOP`rIONAI• DESIGN STd~il?AR~S.° _ GALLOP The C~unc~,Z "zeview~d a repar~t' grozn Planning D" rec~mr Gallop, r~~a~~~ding use of Optiona~. Desiqn 9tandards, which clarif~cation had been r~quested bp t.ra~ ~ouncil a~ its pretaiaus m~et3.ng. DISCIXSSION RE. RECAMA2EI~tDED ABADIDOLJMENT OF' NC). f~AI.~Xl7N RD. ~T.~~7 LINE - R~QUES'I" INPUT ' The ~ounci~. s~euieweel a~ecp tiQn ~rom the Fark~ng & Traffi~ C~c~mmission ~ ~~'that the North Hal~ybn koad P~.an T,~:1~e be abandon~d as en.~c~rc~mer4t 6t :.t i s :mpractical, due tu ~he eneroacl~rit ot several exi.stinc~ buildings , and a~npr~babl.e acquisition of approximat,elyr 20~ of th~ cem~~ary. The C;ouncil. disaussed ~he matter at length, agreeing that some~,hing will h~ve ta be done scaor~ with Nort~ E~~ycyon Road ~o make i+~ fc~r larses. Lity ~nc~it>~~r Garcia stat.~d that a meetiny ~z~~ k~tc:n held with property awrsers on;Grar,d Av~n~xe betweer; H~l~.yor, and the fr~ew~y, ~rcd they had vaiced s~rong cpposition to the e~.iminatian of on-street parking k.~ anti~ip~zted a similar re~ponse on Na~th Halayon. Mr. Garcia reviewed ~:h~ fzsllc~wing passib~e alternatives for ~he Halcyon Road t~'affic ~rc~i~limc 1) le~~~~ ~hr~ ~~an ~.~.ci~ as is and proceed to acquire'the xequired right ef w::~~ (E~-+ eas~, >F4~st ~~-iden tQ 4 driveway l~n~s ar~d ~wo parking l~n~s7 : 2) ac~~ust the ~lan Line t{~ i s..r~ ~t..,.. cen:~~~ta~µy (requix~e~ v5-~- f~c.t ea:;t side wi.de~ tc~ dri.vee,ray 2arees an~ 2~;ark~ r.a 1.~r ; 3) ~}~andon the P~ r r: LL.:xi~ ~nd proh~.l~i~: al~ t7n-str•eet pa~kine,;, leavir~g ~c:~,~ ; C?' +:?r iz-ing lanes; ~aju~t tre Plan Lir~e to ~ermit 12' lanes sti:.~ px°ahi.~i*~~.~ ~:~•-st:zeet ;,ark~_ng (acquire S' off ea~h side or 1 Q' off eas~ sicie) : or 5) ~~r.m~ ~~,a~:~ks.ng ass~ssment dfs~:rict in the aresa ~o replace on-street ~.~~ark~.r,g wzth ~rayF +~t the ubov~- The Counci; directed that l,ett~rs be se~t to pro;aerty OhiT'4G'Z'S <~n Ne~r~i2 ~~,mc~y,~ra R~ad cu~Iinixzg the above ancl reques~~.ng their preferexice be submitt~d ta the ~:°~.~~r, ~~ith a p~,b1iG hearir~a~ to be called ~n i:h~ r~sults ~.f warranted. Brief discu~sion was also held by the Caunc~i~. r~garding improv~m~n~C of Bri.s~o Road, which w~ll rneGes~~x°3y befors ~too much m~r~ d~velopmert occurs al~.ra~ said ' stxeet and on tl~e east side of Higl~wwdy 101 , to p~~v~;e1e better access. RESOLU~'IOr3 A17C}PT2C3N -"NC3 PARKING10 ZONE ON PQR'~'I~N C)F' SO. HALCYON ROAD The Coun~il`reviewed an action of the Parking & Tratfic Gommissi~n that the '~irst p~rking sp~c~ narth ar~d south Q€ t~e sau°~r;erly driveway and th~ first pa~king - space south of, ~h~: nort~?erly drivewt:aya a.11 adj~cent -to ~the Arr~yc~ ~ranc~e Community Ho~pital, be desic,~ated a~ nr~ p~rkf:~~ zones. r~p~unnsr?ded to th~ Cour :~il °tha~ ~e&a~ middl.e p~rking spa~e b~twsen the d~°ivsways be d~signated as a"Nc~ Pa~l~~r~r~r' ~on~. Park~nc;~ congestipri 3.n the a~ea ~f ~he I~~spital and Halc}r~n Medi~al Graup was discus- seci k~y tl°i~ Cc~ur.ci~:, witl~ ~t~ty Engine~r G~rci~ r3ir~~t.~d t~a la~k intn it ~nd come b~ck wiirh reco~r~nter~dat~.cans ~c~~ pc~s~i~le sealu~ir~rts. ~fter Counc~l c~iss~~~s~zara, ~:i~.y ~ ;,At~orney Shipsey .,t~a.d the titl.e a~ a r~s~luts.~as~ ~~t~li~r~s~~ ~ r~ ~SUrlcir.•g zone in ~~'the Cityt therea~xj a mc~tion` wara ~c~e;.b~r Courzci3zn~n Sch~e~~1, ~~cunucc~ by daun~:i3..~ :t~ m~ ~pi~rlin~ andt~ut~z~rri,mc~u:~~~ ca.rx'~.e~, ~~a dispense; w!~.~ re~dine~ tht~ ,balance of thiv zesr~luti~n. , ; , ~t.3;: OT~U`~IUIV A1C=: 1 't' z7~i - _ A FtE80LUT~~i~J `I`H~ t;~TY C~tl1~~.~L, C>~` Ti?L ~1T'Y ~rF' F1,F.fS~+,~~~a~ CsI2~iI3~?~,` ~ST~1$I~ISI~INCs- A " vr ~ . - y~ 1~3~ PF~,l21CI3~] G C;I~T~ L3N H F:L!., . CJI~i i7is ~ L.° ~ ` .76~br.n4Ye«u'r~~zfider.'Yae:"~--.a~~ nc~+,~.,=_ •o_:,.;.w~.^L.11'e,~+~.. ~>.~:iw ,rt...a::a- ~ . . . . . _ . . . . • _ ~x An,~'~~~ tr : rfi., z~:.,^4n ~fa~,,..c~..., ; . . , i 8'7 ~`C~i:EZ~c~:[1~ JUrd~ 22, 1976 #~.F.~;C)i~ GRANL?E~ CAL~IFORNII~ ~AGE 4 ~n m~~ioz~ Q~ Cour~~~~znars S~l~~~ge~, s~~ar~cl~d b~ Cour~~i.lrrcan S~ierling and on the fc~~~~inc~ xc~~~, ~.~~,1 vote, ~o w~.~: ~~ES: Councz~nen ~p~e~li~g, ~~~.lae~k~e~, S~h~ec~~l, i~z],~~s and Niayor de I,eon NOES : Nor~e ABSE~1~ a None tfie ~o~°egoing Resol~.°tion was passed az~d ~dopt~d tia~s 22nc1 day of June, 1976. RESdI;UT~aN ~DUIPT~~N E~~'.A~I,I~FI ~TOP S~GI~1~ A',~ ~12AN~I3 ST. ALLEY ~a.~y Eragir~~e~ Ga~°c~a ~e~ri~wed ~~e~~mm~ndation from the Parking & Traffic Go~n~s~i~~r~, ~~rsuan~ ~a ~~eques~ ~~r ~"z~~ Ck~a.~f Marsalek~ for }alacement of stop ~~r~ra~ ~h~ B~an~h ~t:~eefi. a~.~~~ ~o °~ca ~top ~~1 traf~ic ea~i°t~.ng from the alley and G~~.:y ~i~`lI p~~king l~a~ ~e~w~e ~r~°~~~~n~ B~r~dg~ arsd Shert Stre~ts. After Council d~.scu~s~on, Attorne~ Ship~e~ ~ea,d ~~a~ ~~~le of a re~olution establishing stop sigr~s in the ~i~y~ ~he~°e~f~e~, ~~no~t~oa~ w~s made by Councilmara Schlegel, seconded b~ Go~~a~lm~xa Gallagk~e~° ~~ze~ ~r~~z~imously ca.r~°~~d, ~o di~pense with reading the balanc~ of ~1~i~ ~°~~olu°~~on. ~2ES~iZ,U°~~~I3 NOe 1227 ~ F2ESOT~UT'~ON CD~` '~Fi~ ~:I~Y ~QUNCI~ OF THE ~IT~ C~F ARROYO GR~NLIE ~S"~~,B~~SH~[~TG ~~?UI;~~7~2D ~TOI' S~~N'~ ON BRAI~CH S'I'1~E"I" ~IaT,E~ 5I-~OR.~` ~T17 B~7[ ~G~ ~~T12EE'PS , (7r~ mo~t~.~r~ a~ Ccaua~~,~.~~n~~ Sp~.er~~z~g j~~c~n~~d by Coun~ilman Ma.llis and on the fr~l~a~~,~~ ~a~.l ~~.11 ~~a~~r ~o ~ri°~m P.~E~z Cc~unc~lmera Sp~~~l~r~g~ ~~I.~a~Y~~~°, ~c~Zl~gel, Mi11is ~.nd l~iayor de Leon T~OE~ m Nor~e ABS~NT e T~7on~ ~h~ ~~~~~c~.:i~r~ R~~ol~z~;i~sr~ ~a~s~~dl ~r~d ~do~°~~c1 ~th~s 22z~e1 c~~g~ of ~une, 1976m ~E.~PP(3xi~TY~iEIeTT"~' ~k ~~2~~tJ~ ~(7~l1;~S~~OI~E~S ~t?Ft ~1~~?~`I"~.~~~.~ 3~~~~ ~El2NIS ~a~cs~ r~~ ~~~rz ~~~~~~~c~ °~h~~ 1~~~ ~~~;~a ~~n~~c~ ~r~.°~Ya e~cl~ t~ae City's ~ra~i~~~ ~~~mz~i.s~~~n~x~ ~~~n~ ~a~~~ ~0, 1976, ar~d ~hey 1~~d ~r~di~~~ed ~g~~~~~~~ ~~~r~ ara a,~~~~~=~~a~ ~~~zr~~ ~~~~~~o~~ ~e~orrdm~nded th~i~ ~°eappo~ntmer~~o T~~~~~~~,~~, ~ z~v~io~ zr~~.d~ ~c~~z~~iln?~~ ~~hl.~~el, ~~~anded by ~ouncilman ~pi~~°~~,nc~ ~r~c~ ur~animora~~~r ~~~~a.e~t, ~~~a~~t~,~e~ ~~r~~ Nioc~~cs ansl NTo~gan Ma~thews to an ~c~~i~~~n~~ ~~ar~~-~r~~~ ~~~°zn ~r~ ~;1~~ i~~.~~~~.~ag ~~s~nm~~~ionm A v~cancy ~~ill ex~.sts on ~~e P~~nr~~~c~ ~or~mi~~~c~~, va~,~~~ wr~~,~ b~ ~~ll~d at ~ late~ c~~teo ~ ~ zr~o~~,on was mael~ lay ~ca~~~a.;l,~~~~ ~~~~~l~~g, ~~cond~c3 I~~ Councilman Schle.gel ~~d ~zn~n~ma~~l}~ ca~~iee1, ~~~p~o~~~~.~ae~ ~Tr~~ Nt~ore ~to ~tY~e P~~°~s & 12ecrea~ion Commission ~z~ ac~d~~ion~l thre~~~~~~ ~~~me ~ ~ Y~eca~~on was anad~ b~r ~s~~.z~~i~m~~ ~~;~.~rl.~n~, ~~t^onc~ed by Councilman Schlegel a~d un~n.~.mo~~l~ ~~~°~a~edA ~~~~~o~s~~.~~c~ ~`~r~y [nloc~d °~.ka~ Pa~°k~.ng & Traffic Commissi~n for ~r~ ~cld~~~~r~~~ °tY~~~~~~e~~ °~~~~a~ ~ZEiTI~in~ C3F fifi:~EEG~S~7~T~V~ ~UY,~~~`~TVS ,~R01~ I,~AUIT~ ~F° ~AT~~FORNTP, C~T~ES ~h~ .~~g~~~~~~~~ ~~l~~t~~~ ~~o~n the League a~ California Cities were ~~~~~~r~d ~a~r Cou~~~l$ RECY~E~ O~" I~NiJ'~'~~ & Fi~EN~~ I~i7NlAIV R~~~~'IOI+iS C~I~Y~'I~SS~~N O~' SO. S. T~ a 0. COUNT"Y ~a?:ra~~~. ~r~~r~eva~c~ ~la~ m.~.z~u~es of ~he May 12tY~ meeting and Agenda for ~~e ~~~a~ 16~h zne~~a,ne~ fo~ t~~~ k~aatnan ~el~°t~ans Cc~mmi~s~.on of South San Luis Obispo Caun~:y ~ R~:~7~~~1' C?~` ~1~t~~ RE~U~~~C)~ AA~~~c7I7~ CQMriY~T`I"EE M~E'~'~1VG Th~ Gouna~l r~~r~~w~~c~ ~~ep~~~ ~°eg~~°d~r~g th~ May 27~tYa me~ting of the Animal ~~g~a~~~~o~ ~dv~so~ ~aznm~~~~e r Th~ ~i~z~~ ` e~n~t~°~~~Gs fo~° Animal Contro~. Services ~y ~~e ~'~~an~;~ ~a~r~ b~~n ~~~r~~c~ ~r~ sic~r~a~ure ~~r C~~~y off°a~ca.als; d~scussion ~a~ ~n ~he ~~p~~~~ ~~a~ ~he ~~~°i.~~s ~.i~~~~ ~eg~~°elir~g sp~~~al sen~o~ citizens' c~~c~ ~~,~~n~e ~a~,e~; ~~~1 cl~~cu~~~ca~a ~nr~s h~lcl ~r~ ~Y~e Gx°and Jury ~eport to the ~oa~rd Su~~~vi~o~s ~~ga~d~~g ~h~ ~z~~m,~l ~or~t~c~l ~~°og~~ma ~8~ c~~ covrTCZL ,~urr~ ~2, ~~a~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIF'ORN~A PP~GE 5 R~V~~W OF" SALES & C~GARETTE T~1}L REVENUES F~RST QU~2~12, 13'76 Th~ C~azr2~i1 revi~wed ~ report se°~ting fo~°~h ~~venrx~ r~c~ipts from sales tax for ~h~ firs~ quar~er of 1976, and c~gar~t~te ~a~c ~°~~ren°~e for March, .~pr~l, Ma}r and ~7ua~e o~ °N 976, The sales tax rs~ea.p~s t~e higl~est ~.z~ `the City' ~ h~story far a ~ix~~~ quarter, being ~ 24. 3~ ira~reas~ ovex° the same qua.r~~x~ .zx~ °9 975 m Br~Qf discussa.on wvas &~slsl regaz°ding ~duaa°~ioz~ o~ ~roung people, by use of ciga~r~t~e °~ax funds, to ~urtail ciga,rette smok~ng among ~~~m. Several Council M~mb~~s felt tha~s was the ~uz~e~ion o~ ~,he school distra.~t a~ ~~ate, bu~ agreed th~t i~ is a problemm RESOT~tJTION ADOPTTON - BUDGET FOR 1976-77 FI5CAL YEAR Ci.~y Attorney Sh~p~ey r~ad the title of a x°esolution adop~~ng ~he City's approxi.zna~tel.y $2,300,000 Munz.c~pal Budge~ for the 1976-77 fiscal y~ar; thereaft~r, a mo~~~~x was made by Counailman ~chleg~l, eeconded by Caura~il.man Spierling and wnanimously aarried, to dispen$e wi~h reada.ng ~he balance of th~.~ :~esolut~.on. RESQLUT~~N NO. 1228 A RESOLUTTON OF THE CI~'1' COUNCIL QF° T~IE GTTY 0~° ARRGYO GR1~,IVDE AAQP~'ING THE ARROYO GRANDE CTTY BUD~ET FOR THE 1976-77 FISCAT, YEARa On motion of Councilman S~h~,~gel, seconded by Cauncilman ~pier].inc~ and on the ~ollowing ro11 call vate, to wits AYES: Cauncilmen Spierla.ng, Gal.lagh~a~, S~hlegel, t~llis and Mayor de Leon NOES: None ABSENTc None the ~o~ego~.ng Resalutior~ wa~ pass~d az~d adopted ~lzis 22nd day Qf Jun~, 1976~ RESOI,U`~'T~N ADOP'I"7~ON - E^a'~'~1EiL~S~ SAIa~1RY S!C~~IIEDTJJdE ~'qR 1976-°77 ~~ty P,t~orney Sk~~,ps~y ~~~d the title o~ a res~ilut~ion ad~pting a sa~ary ~ch~du~,~ ~or C~.t}r Employ~e~ ~o~ ~he 1976-77 ~~,~cal yea~; ~h~reaf~~r, a motion uras znade by Cauz~~i~xnan Spi~rl~rag, s~~cand~d by Counca,~m~n ~all~gher and unanimously ~a~~~~aed, ~o dispens~ vr~,~~. ~cead~rts~ th~ ~~1anc~ of s~es4lu°t,i~c~n, . ~ESC9Li7~~0~ 1~C~, 1229 ~1 ~tESOT,UT~~l~ a~' ~~~E C~T~C ~4JLTNCTL f~F 'I'E~E ~ITS~ OF f~~2ROY~ GRANDE ES~~T,]CS~T~N~ MTNIMUM ~A MAX~MUM COri~ENSA~~QN B~ ADOPTZNG A S~T..A~t'Y ~C~~I?~JT.~ ~ND ~(3S~TTCJ1~ C~S:YF`TCAT,~~NS, ASSZGNING CTTY ~MPTAXE~S TO CI~~~~"~GAT~01+1u A'ND a:A.LA~I~Y° STEPS W~THfTI+T THE RES~EC~'IVE R.F,NG~S 0~ THE S,AI.,AIZY SG~~DL~, D~SCR~BING METHOAS QF ADSIANCENlENT' ~1ND ~1~EA~,TNG P~TrOUS SAT.,~~S~ R~50~UTSONa 4 On znotic~n o~ ~un~~.]~m~,zx NXi~l~.s, se~on,ded lay CQ~tn~ilm~n ~~k~legel ar~d on the follawi.ns~ rol~ ca].l ~o°te, tcs w~~: AX~S o C~aran~,~lz~en 5p.~.~~l~~g, Ga~~.a~~i~~, Sc~leg~l., M~1~.is and l+~ycs~ d~ Z,eon NQ~S : ~Tane 7aBaENT; AT~~1e khe fo~~s~oing R~~ol~u~~ on w~.~ pa~~~d ~,ncl ~dap~ed ~tk~~~ 22r~~ ~a.y o~ ~un~ 97G a REa~OLUTZ~I~T ~.DQFTTQN ~VE~V~ SI~,:R:IN~ PRC9+~k~M FCJR 7/1 76 TO 12/31 76 $S1 850 The ~4ur~ca,~. r~~v~i~wed a~a~nur~~c~~~or~ f~am Cong~e~sm~,n I~agomarsino, sho~ring thi~ City' ~ allocatior~ o~ ~$v~nue ~la~~~ng ~uncl~ fc~~r th~ per~od frsam ~ul.y 1, 197F~ to De~~mber 31, 1976, ta 1a~ $51'$50,004 A~ ~ndica~ed ~n tk~~ Budg~~, 520,000 is p~oposed f4~° ~xp~siar~ o~ Conanun,ity G~ant~~° anc~ ~Y~e I~al~n~e of $31 ,850 i~ b~dg~ted f'o~ ~kh+~ Stro~her ~car~nunit~ Pa~rk ~aym~n~ on the~ lea~e-pur~hase agreem~n.~> ~fte~° Couz~c~1. di~~ussion, ~.~torney Sk~~,ps~y ~e~ci ~1~e ~~.tle af a resoluti~n adopting p~.an,z~~d use o~ ~ev~nu~ ~har~z~g funds ~.nd~.~ated abov~; thereaf~t~r, a ma~a~on ra~s m~de by Counci].maz~ Sch,l.ege~, ~econded b~ Cc~uncilman Spierlsng and uz~~n.~.:mous7~y c~r~°~e~., ~.o d~~pense w~~h read~z~g °~Ya~ b~lance of this resolution, RESO~,UT~ON NQ. 1230 ~ ~1 RESOT.t7T~Qi~ O~ TIiE CI'l"Y COCTNCI'~ O~' TaEi~ ~ITSC OF FiIiR05t0 GRAI~IDE A170PTINCa ~I~ANNED UaE O~' 12E~ATtJ~ SHg1R~NG ~"id1~IIDS E~OR JUI~3~ 1, 1976 ~0 DE~EINBEft ~"I , 1976 0 . ---iss CITY COUNCIL ,7tlNE 22, 197Ei ARROYO GRANDF, C:`.L?`":'C^~~TA PAGE 6 On motion of Counca.lman Sahlegel, se~o~d~d by Gounc~.lm~n Spierling and on the following roll cal]. vote, tcs cait: AYES: Councilmen Sp~erling, Gallaqher, Sc~il~gel, 1~Iz11.~s and Nlayor de Leon NOESo None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adop~ed th~s 22nd d~y af June, 1976, RESOLUTION ADOPTIOPI - ADOPT JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT F2Eo AFt~A PLANNTNG COUNCIL Councilman Spierling recommended ~.he Couna~l ~.dopt the Joint Powers Agree- ment for the San Luis Obispo County and Cit~es Ax°ea Planning Coorclinating Council, with an amendment to Section 4 on Page 6 regardimg the Area Council's annual work program, which amendment has been approved and adopted by the Board of Supervisors. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution authorizir~g execution of an Agreement; thereafter.,,a anqtion was made by Couneilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1231 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCTL OF THE CITY OF ~FtROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING THE NIAYOR AND CTTY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR THE SAN ~UIS OBISPO COUNx'Y AREA COUNCIL OF GOVE121~TMENTS . On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman ~chlegel and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Counc,ilmen Spierling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Mi~lis and Mayor de Leon NOES: Npne ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adapted this 22nd day af ~une, 1976. APPROVE WORK STUDY AGREEMENT - CAL POLY & CITY - 1976-77 FTS~AL XEAR Administrator Butch advised that the federally financed work study program administered by Cal Poly has agai.n been funded ar~d reques~~d authorizati~n for the City to again participate in this programo A~ter Coun~i]. c~iscussion, a motion was made by Councilman Sp~.erl~ng, seconded by C~unc~lman Ca.llagh~r° ~nd unanimously carried, authorizing the Niayo~° ancl C~~y Cle~°]c to sigr~, on b~~aalf of the City, a Work Study Program Agreement fc~~ the fiscal year 19'76-77 b~tween Ca~.~fornia Polytechnic State Universit~r aa~d tY~e Cit}r o~ Arroye~ ~ranel~a REPORT & RECONiMENDAfiIONS OF' CIT7~ZE135 ` ADV~SLI~tY ~faMbl~~"~'E~ C7N G~~~C CENTER STUDY Administrator Butch rev~ewed the June 21 s~t mee~iz~c~ ~the Cit~.zens' Advisory C~mm~ittee on a Civic Center Needs S~tudy, a~ wh~~1~ ~ rep~~~ c~n fire s~at~.on needs and requirements by Architect ,~ame~ Maul had b~e~r~ ~°~°~~e~a~c~ ~y tl~e Co~nit°~ee and Fire Chief Marsalek. The Comm~~tee recomrnenderl ~~i~.~ ~he C~c~ncil pursue ~h~ av~~1- ability of property for p~zrchase for a publ~c s~f~~y ~~n°~er be~~r~en ~he~ry .~venue and Branch Street on Traffic Way; °Ghat the Counc~l ~irs~ l~ok for a 2~ acre site that would have adequate raom for both a police ~nd f~~e join~ fa~ili~,y; that the Council should make immediate plans for °~he fir~ s°t~tic~n si~e and ~c~nstruct.~on and 1ong-range plans for the police facila~ty at this t~mee ~fte~ Council discussian, Administrator Butch was authorized to research proper~y availabila.ty and casts in the suggested fire stata.on relocation si~e areaso The n~xt meeting of the Advisory Com~nittee will be on August 2, 1976. ACC~PT PARKII~TG SPACE ASSESSMENTS IN C--B-D - POT~IIV & ROHAN The eounci~. rev~.~wea a memorandum from Plann~ng Dir~ctor Gallop, recotr~?ending acceptance of Acknowled~nents for five parlcing 5pace asse~sm~nts in ~h~ Centr~l Busines~ Distriet, After Council discussion, a motion was ~?ade by Councilman Spierling, secondsd by Counc~lman Milla.s and ~xnan~m~usly carx~~ed, au~hor~.xing the Mayar to ~ign Aclcnowledgments fa~° five park~.ng space a~sessmen~s f~~° 100 East Branah Street and 103 $ricige Street, with 4~ sp~ceg being pa~d f~~ by Martin ~n1in in the amount at $4,500.00 and ~ parking space pa~d by ~tix~gin~a Rohan ~n the amoun~ of $50t~, REPORT - ZONE 3 ADV250RX COMM~T'TEE NIEE~'ING - MTLL~~ Councilman Mil].is repearted on th~ rec~nt me~t~.ng ~f t1~~ Zar~e 3 Advisory Cammittee. The regular monthly repor~s f~orn th~ Re~r~ation~l R~°ea and Water Treatm~nt Plant had been h~ard. The lake ~1.eva°~~~r~ is down a,~;praximatel~r below the spillwa}r. Yt i~ being ~°ecommended ta th~ Bo~~d ~f Super~risor~ t'hat for 1976- 77, the amount of 1455 acre fee~ of water be cl~cla~~d ~~zrplua, ~o b~ ~~ld ~or $45 per acxe £oot to water users. ~ifls ~~re ~°e~~a.v~cl fc~~r ~Y~~ r~ew re~~rvoir c~sver, writh Owings-Corning-Fard coming in ~s ~he ~.~w ka~.c~c1e~ ~n ~Y~e amoun~ of $~3 , 76~ . t10 . ~90 CITY COUNCIL JUNE 22, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 RESOLUTION ADOPT. - AWARD FOR SALE OF BONDS(STERN~BRENNER & CO)-RUTH ANN WAY DIST. The Council reviewed a report from City Engineer Garcia regarding bid opening for the sale of bonds on the Ruth Ann Way Assessment District, which was held at 2:00 P.M. on June 22, 1976 in the offices of the City's Bond Consultant, Stone and Youngberg in Los Angeles. Bids received were as follows: BIDDER NET INTEREST RATE NET INTEREST COST Sterrl, Brenner & Company 8665 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills 7.2060~ $173,968.69 CA 90211 Stone & Youngberg Investments 445 S. Figueroa, Los Angeles, CA 90017 7.2092~ $174,047.13 Grande & Co., Inc. Hoge Bldg., Seattle, WA 98104 7.2200~ $174,307.02 MuniciCorp of California 1888 Century Park East, Los Angeles 7.415~ $179,021.41 CA 90067 Morgan, Olms~ead, Kennedy & Gardner 606 S. Olive, Los Angeles, CA 90014 7.4871~ $180,759.99 After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title a~ a resolution accepting proposal and making award for sale of bonds to Stern, Brenner ~ Company, apparent low bidder; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION N0. '1232 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PROPOSAL AND MAKING AWARD FOR SALE OF BONDS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT O~ A REDEMPTION FUND FOR THE PAYMENT OF SAID BONDS. On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Counci~.man Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Mil].is and Mayox~ de Leon NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 22nd day of June, 1976. RESOLUTION ADOPT. - AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCT~ON(HERMRECK) - RUTH ANN WAY DIST. City Engineer Garcia reviewed that as the bonds for the Ruth Ann Way Assessment District have now been sold, that the contract for construction of the improvements should now be awarded. Bids for the construction had been received previously, with M. J. Hermreck being the apparent low bidder, After Couricil dis- cussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution awarding the contract for construction of improvements to M. J. Hermreck, Inc.; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilma.n Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and ur~animously carried, to disp~nse with reading,the balance of ~his resolut~on. RESOLUTION NO. 1233 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL AWARDING THE CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN PUBLIC WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT IN A SPECIAL ASSESSNIENT DISTRICT. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 74-1 (RUTH ANN WAY) On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon _ > NOES. None . ..ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 22nd day of June, 1976. As further recommended by City Engineer Garcia, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign Utility Contracts on behalf of the City, in conjunction with the Ruth Ann Way Improvement Assessment District. _ f91 CITY COUNCIL JUNE 22, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALTFORNIA PAGE 8 FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF IN1PROtlEMENTS IN ~RACT 525(~1RROY0 VILLAGE UNTT 2(MARTIN) City Engineer Garcia repo~°ted ~hat a~equest has been ~~ceived from C. L. Martin of Golden West Homes, Tnc. that the bonds for Trac~ 525 " Arroyo Village Unit 2" be released. Mr. Garcia stated that a11 required ~ra~k on the tract has been completed satisfaatorily. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, accepting the improvements in Tract 525, Unit 2 of Golden West Homes also known as "Arroyo Village", and releasing the improvement bonds. CONSIDERATION OF SEWER CONNECTION WAIVER REQUESTS - J. ESSARY & METHODIST CHURCH The Council reviewed a report from Director of Public Works Anderson regarding additional requests of City property owne~s for a waiver f~om the sewer hookup requirements. Regarding the request of James Essary, 157 Sm Elm, the Council agreed with the recommendation of Mr. Anderson that the water meter be removed at this vacant property which has o~ly a garage on it, and that credit be given for the water meter and the hookup requirement be waived. City Engineer Garcia reviewed the assessment for sewer on the First United Methodist Church on North Halcyon Road. When °~he disltrict sewers were constructed, it was thought that the proper°ty cou~d be served by gravity, but when connection to the system was at~empted, ~t was d~scovered that a pump is necessarya The Council agreed to abide to its previously established policy in cases where pumping is required, by allowing the church a pump credit in the amount of $1,131,15, and that as this assessment has been levied by the County, that said ~redit be turned over to the Board of Supervisors fo~° payment out of surplus district funds. The Council also ~eviewed a memo~andum incorpo~ating the items discussed by the Council at a recent s~udy session regardi,ng sewer hoolc-up extensions. It is hoped that an ordinance on th~s matter will be available for the Council's considera- tion at its next reqular mee'~ing. PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN T~UIS O~ISPO COUNTY S~INTTATION D~STR2CT The Monthly Repo~t ~o~ May, ~976, from ~he South San z,~zis Obispo County Sanitation District's Chief Pl.an~ Ope~ator was reviewed and o~dered filed. The District's Board is revie~r~ng the p~esent residential rates ~or a proposed increase of 20~ i.n tl~e monthly se~°vic~ charges. PROGRESS REPORT - MEET~NG O~° ~REA PLAI~tNERS OF CT'I"~ES, COUNTY & SCHOOL DISTRICT Administrator But~h stated ~ha~ a m~eting had been held recently attended by the follow~ng: D~°e Hoagland, Supe~ir~~enden~ of the ~uc~a M~r Unified School District. and plannex°s from the C~tie~ o~ G~°ove~ City, Pismo Beach, Arroyo Grande, and the County, Discussion was held on the feasibility of establishing some kind of a fee on dwelling uni°~s to pay fo~ ~the aos~ of educa~~dna~L faci,lities. Dr. Hoagland did not feel °~he~e is a need for add~~ional land ~r~°the F~,ve Cities area when the possibility was suggested of requiring land dedica+~ions with major developments. He felt most of the school facil~.ties have adequate land for expansion, but that Nipomo was ~he major area where a new ~a~~lity is required. Dr. Haagland was asked to prepa~°e a report fo~ this group setting forth the existing land that the schoo~.s have availab~e ~n the Five Cit~.es area and how much of an expansie~n could be made to meet s~a~e code~ and the number of new students the expansions could hand~.~o When this in~ormation has been comp~.led by Dr. Hoagland, it wi11 be brought back to this group of planne~°s who will then discuss the feasib:~lity of the establishment of some kind of educational bu~.lding fee. Any proposals would go back to each city and the county for ~eview and consideration. Any type of proposal would have to be agreed upon by all the cities and county, as most of the growth is now occu~ring ~n un~nco~po~ated areas. RESOLUTION ADOPTION - AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF ilEHTCL~ fiIRES THROUGH STATE Administrator Butch advised that the Public Works Department has requested authorization to purchase needed tire~ for police autos, through the State, which is a savings to the City. After Council discussian, Adm~.nistrator Butch read the ~ title of a resolution authorizing the purchase of tires through the state; there- after, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallaqher and unanimously carried, to dispense wit,h reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION NOe 1234 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL~ OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHOR~ZING THE DEPI~RTMENT OF GENERAZ SERVTCES OF THE STATE OF CAZ2FORNIA TO PLJRCHASE CERTAIN ITEMS. 9 ~ CITY COUNCIL JUNE 22, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA L'AGE 9 On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, ~o wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Mill~.s and Mayor de Leon NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 22nd da}r of June, 1976. PROPOSAL TO PRESERVE PRODUCTIVE AGRICULTURAL LAND - DE LEON Mayor de Leon read a statement, proposing that as a tribute to this Nation's 200th birthday and Arroyo Grande's 65th bi~°thday, that all productive agricultural land on the valley floor with Class I soil, from 5 acres and larger, be preserved, except the Miyaki and Greenwood parcels as developmerit is.pending. The Council discus~ed the matter and generally agreed that it would like to study the proposal further and that said proposal be incorporated with the materials being prepared by City Staff, pursuant to previous Council direction that the staff come up with a viable proposal for preserving the City's agricultural land. Councilman Gallaqher reported on a recent visit with other Arroyo Grande residents, including Mayor de Leon, to the City of Ventura to study their methods of preserving and utilizing agricultural land. A copy of Ventura's Zoning Ordinance will be requested and a Council study session held when all possible materials and information regarding preservation of agricultural land are compiled. C~MMENDATION OF CITY EMPLOYEES - SCHLEGEL Councilman Schlegel commended City personnel for not joining a union and camplimented the City Administrator for the harmony and communication among City employees. ADJOUE~tNMENT On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. ATTEST: • CITY CLERK MA7COR CITY COUNCIL JUNE 30, 1976 RRROYO GRP,NDE, CALIFORNIA 4:00 P.M. The City Council met in special meeting wi~th Mayor de Leon presiding, who had also called for this meeting. Upon rall call, Council Members Gallagher and Millis reported present. Councilmen Spierling and Schlegel are absent. , AUTHORIZE FEE EXEMPT LICENSE FOR BEEFt SALES AT E~M ST~ PARK ON 7/3/76 - J CEES tR~,~~?„ Le~n r~-~~Ytec3 that a request has been received from the Five Cities J Cees for a fee exeru}aiV business license to se11 beer at the Elm Street Park on Saturday, July 3, 1976, in conjunction with the A~royo Grande Bicentennial Picnic to be held there. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimcusly car~ied, granting a fee exempt business license to the Five Cities J Cees for sale of beer at the Elm Street Park during the Arroyo Grande Bicentennial Picnic to be held July 3, 1976, subject to supervision and control of the area in which beer is being sold, under the direction of the Arroyo Grande Police Department, with said monitoring of the area by the Police Department not to be construed as to lessen the responsibility of the J Cees as to adherence to the rules and regulations of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Department. The Council requested staff to write a request to the Police Department requesting them to monitor the area of beer sales periodically. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 4:20 P.M. ATTE S T : ~~s~ . ' C~~~/ ~`-C/ CITY CLERK MAYOR