Minutes 1976-07-13 i93 CITY COUNCIL JULY 13, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular sessian with M~yor Gabe d~ L~o~ p~~~id9ng~ Upon roll call, Council Members A1 Spierling, Matthew Gallagh~r, JraA Cal~r~ Schlegel and Mark Millis reported present. Also present a~e J.E. And~~s~n, J~~, Acting City Administrator, Ptanning Director Gallop, City Engineer Ga~~ia ~nd ~it~ Attorney Shipsey. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor de Leon led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Fl~g; a~d immediately thereafter, Reverend Stanley Durham of the First Southern Baptist Church in Grov~~ City delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes for the regular meeting of June 22, 1976, were approved as prepa rede APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Spierling, s~conded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, General Warrants No. 5079 thraugh N~. 5134, in ~he total amount of $13,207.97; and Payroll Warrants No. 6753 through No. 6975, tn the total amount of $66,73~.40, were approved and ordered paid. EXCERPTS FROM CITY'S BOARD OF TRUSTEES' MINUTES - 1g11 The Council recognized that Ju1y 10, 1911 was this City's 6~th ~nniver~ary of its incorporation. Administrativ~ Intarn, John R. Barnes, had prep~r~d ~ b~se~ report on the City, exce~pting int~~~sting facts from the Bo~~d ~f Tr~~t~~s' Minutes during the City's first ye~r, which wncluded a requ~~t f~om ~he City Ma~shal to be paid $1040 f~r burying two dog~, which r~quest had b~~~ d~~i~d; a~d a~ Ordinance was adopted cha~ging the speed timit ~f vehicle~ f~~m 15 map.h, 10 m.p.h. RE UEST FOR FUNDS 70 BUILD H OTH OUSE - FUNCTIONAL LiVING ~ FUR~H~R S~AF~ S~UbY 7he Council read a lette~ f~om the Function~l Living P~ogr~~ ~f ~~~oy~ Grande, requesting ~unds ~rom the City'~ Revenue Shari~g a1loe~tion b~il~ a hothous e so they can cuttivate plants for local marketingv Th~y ~~timat~ ~o~~~ for a 25° x 35' hothous e wvth ~ccessories at $2,600, with d~sig~ a~d 1~b~~ b~ volunteered by Cal Poly. Planning Dire~to~ G~llap stat~d th~ City might b~ dnterested~n having Functi~n~l LAVing a1so rai~e annu~t plants fo~ th~ G~ty, a~ now spends approxfmately $1,000 pe~ year for these nowo ~he Coun~il ~gre~d tha~ the matter should be discussed further with Larry ~teff~n, Executi~e Direct~~ Function~l Living, to s~e what can b~ wo~ked out jointly. Aft~~ furth~r di~~~~~~~~, a motion was made by Councilman Sps~rling, s~~onded by Coun~alm~~ Mil1i~ ~nd unanimously carrfed, ~efer~~ng this request fr~m Functi~nal Livi~g ~o the Park~ and Recreation Commission far its considerat~on and recomm~nd~~ionsa REQUEST FOR ORDINANCE REGULATING SKATEBOARDS - R~FERRE~ fi0 PARKING ~ TRAFFIC COMM~ The Council read a requ~st from the Arroyo Grande V~llage Merchant~ ' Association and Police Ch~ef Cla~k, th~t reconsiderati~n b~ given tm adopti~~ ~f ordinance regulating skateboards within the City. In~idents h~ve bee~ w~t~e~~~d involving skateboards which could have cau~ed ser~ous accidents, An ~~di~a~~~ proposed by Chief Clark for this matter was also reviewedP The Coun~al di~cu~~~d the matter, indicating it would ltke to ~ee if and how other ~itie~ ha~~ ~mpl~m~~~~d controls of this sport, Acting Administ~ator ~nde~son s~~ted a~~py of Gr~~e~ City's Ordinance had been obtawned, but it o~ly r~gulates skateboa~d~ i~ tionat areas, The Council stres~ed that it does not wish to ba~ ~kat~bo~~di~g, bu~ put controls on it to pr~vent seriou~ accid~nts. J. Ira Hughes of Ira's Bike Shop, read ~ prepar~d statem~nt p~~~~nting "four general ideas ~nd a summary dealing with the us~ ~f ~k~t~b~ard~ in th~ affected (business district) ar~a". Mr. Wughes was oppos~d to ~n~ r~stri~tio~~ on skateboarders, stating it infringed on their rights p~d~~tre~n~a Afte~ further Council di~cussion, a moteon was mad~ by Counc~lm~~ Spi~~lYn~, s~~~nd~d by Councilman Mitlis and un~ni~ously carried, referring the requ~~t f~r r~g~l~t~~~ of skateboarding to the Pa~k~ng b Tra~fic Commisston fo~ fwr~h~~ ~t~d~ ~nd its recommendations. Mrs. Kent (Velma) B1ank~nbu~g asked th~t int~r~~t~d pare~fi~ ~f sk~C~b~~~d~~~ be notified o~ the meeting at which th~ Commis~io~ will di~~u~~ t~i~ m~~~~~~ a~ ~Ad Ira Hughes and Peggy Po~ter, ~n beh~lf of the Village M~~~han~~ ~~~~~i~~i~~a RECEIPT OF DEPARTMENTAL MONTH~Y REPORT FOR JUNE, 1976 The Departmental Repo~t for June, 197~~, w~s r~ceg~~d by th~ C~u~~il, reviewed and ordered filed. ~94 CiTY COUNCBL ~UL~ 13, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CAL9~ORNVA PAGE 2 DBSCUSSION REo CONFLICT OF VNTERES7 CODE FOR CI~Y COUNCfL Coty Attorney Shipsey stated he had ~eceived a cop~ a~ S~nta Rosa's adopted and approved Conflict of ~~te~e~t Code, which he intended to ~evi~w ~~~h City Administrator Butch on his return and have an Ordinance ~eady for the C~uncil`s consideration for adoption at its next meeting, unless it wishes it soaner. Sant~ Rosa's Ordinance is very s~malar to the model sent the City by the Fai~ Political Practices Commission (FPPC)o Councilman Millis question~d the last sentence of Section 4 of the model code, which allows pa~ticipatlon of a member, having a conflict, an making a decision ~f said participat0on is legatly required for the decision to be made. City Atto~ney Shipsey stated the wording comes directly from the Political Reform In~ti~tlve Measure, but if the Counci1 wishes to adopt a stricter code than set fo~th by the Government Codes, it couid be submitted to the FPPC and see if they will appro~e it< The matter ~as held over until the Council's next regular meeting, PUBLIC HEARING-REZONE #75-~4 "PD" OAK PARK ACRES(KVIDT)-S7UDY 5ESSION SET: 7/26 JeE. Anderson, Jr, reviewed a map o praposed Rezone Case No. 'S-~i and 7entative Tract Map No. 604, that has been approved by the Planning Commession. The proposal includes 250+ acres northe~ly of Highway 101 and e~sterly af Oak Park Boulevar°d for rezonirag f~rom "A" to "P-D"; a 1Q.8+acre parcel adJacent to Oak Park Bivd, ln the same gener°al a~°ea (now in ths C~ty of Pismo Beach by legal description) to be prezoned "P--D", and ~ 4.7+ acre par°cel ~djacent to Frontage Roael9r~ow in the County, to be prezoned "P-D", the latter two parcels being in the process of r°eowganizataon and anne~eatd~n to th~s City. Appl~cant for the r°~zonin~ of the subject ~rea, also r~ferred to as "Oak Pa~k A~res11, is R< Ds K~ridt. The Council had r°ece i ved wi th the Agenda a memo f r~am P 1 ann i ng D i r°e~tc~~° Ga t 1 ap wh N ch i ne 1 uded a complete set of conditions adopted by the P~~nning Comm~ssion fo~° the Oak Park Acr°es "P-D" zoning cha~rge and °Tentative Tract Map No. 604, and the EIR for the proposed rezoning a~ad subdwv~sione Upon being assured by t~e City C1erk that all requi~emer~ts p~°ovided by law as to raotification of hea~eng had been complied with, Mayor de Leon declared the hear°ang oper~ ar~d all p~rsons wou1d now be hea~d on the matter, The fotlowF:ng per°sons were present and spoke on the matte~: Reuben Dm Kvidt, limited partner of Oak Par°k Acr~es, 1451 E. !r°ving B1vd,, Suite Et, Tustrn, CA; Sandra Tessitore, Printz Road; Elrzabeth Jackson, 208 Fai~r View; R, D. Rsce, Nnyes Road; Caroi Htr°orrs, Oak Pa~°k Road; Fr°ed Wo 1 f, 540 Gaynfa ~ r°; Penny and Ph i 1 1 i p Ben, Oak Par°k Road; Sandra Osean(?), Prsntz ftoad; Bill McCann, 428 Tanner Lane; Howard Flankins, County Supervesor; Carolyn Moffatt, Noyes Road; Peggy Rizon, Pr~intz Road; Harry Hoover, 710 Branch Mill Road; Jennsfer Langworthy, Prsntz Road, representing tlhe Arroyo Ver~de 4-H Club; Denn'is Ice, t631 Sier~a Drsve; Peggy and Bill Langworthy, P~intz Road; Jim De Pue, Oal~ Pa~rk Road; Fred Strong, 2426 "I" Street, Santa Ma~garita, repr°esenting South County Citi~ens for Environmenta~ Balance and Economic Stability; Nancy Warden, Saratoga St., G~ove~ City; ICaren Troxett, Noyes Raad, a 4-H member; Dr. and Mr°s. Mayer-Harnisch, Oa~C Park Road; and Karl Hogar~, 1255 Poplar°~. There being no fur°the~ public comment c~n this matter, Mayor° de Leon declar~d the publ~c hearing closeda Council diseussion followed, with Councilma~ Spierl~ng request~ng that the City Clerk tr°anscr°ibe the evening's testimony to be reviewed by the Counc~l at a study session on 0ak Park Acres~ A motion was then made by Coun~ilman Spserl~ng, seconded b~ Counci1man Gallagher and unanymously carried, cer°tifying that the Environmental lmpact Repat°t an Oak Par~C Acr~~ has been recei~ted fo~- considet°ation. A motion was then made by Councilman SpAerltng, seconded by Councelman Schtegel and unanimously carried, adjo~rning act~e~~n on Oak Pa~°k Acres until Monday, July 26, 1976 for a study session ta start at 3:00 P,M~ Councrl discussAOn contsnued on the number° of dwelling units proposed en the pr~nj~cte =Mre Kvidt clar~ified that the number~ of un~ts niay change, but not th~ number of p~Up1e because of occupancy r°estrictionse Couracilman Mi11~s ~F~en p~°opo~ed th~ fot1owing for inclusion in the Or°dinar~ce to ~ezone Oak Park Acres: "The conditi~n of approval; that any change of the apprc~ved la~d u~e as ~ndic~ted ora th~ tentatiere and ~eco~ded map and attendant documents shall requr~e reconsider°ation o~ ~he entir~ project"< MAYOR DE LEON DECLARED A RECESS A°f 9:55 PaMo The Counci 1 r°econrrened at 10:00 PaM~ vui th at 1 rne~nbers pr°esent as shown ~n roll callo i95 CiTY COUNCIL JU~Y 13, i976 ARROYO GRANDE, CAL@FORNtlA ~A~~ 3 AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT ~0 TRANSFER ADMINISTRATNON OF AM6ULANCE ORbINANC~ T0 CpUNTY City Attarney Ship~ey stated that the agr~~ment tr~nsfe~~~~g admi~istr~tN~n of the Ambulance Ordinance to the Caunty ~ppe~r~d to b~ in o~d~~. After° C~un~il discussion, a motion w~s made by C~uncelman Speer~ing, se~~~d~d by G~u~~ilman Gallagher and unanimou~ly ca~ried, authore~ing ~he May~r and Cit~ Gl~rk t~ s~gr~, an behalf of the Gity, an agreement with the County of San Luis Obaspo, ~ra~sf~~ri~~ the administ~ative functions under the Ambulance O~dinance, adopted pur~uant t~ [h~ adopted Emergency Medical Response Manual, ta the County of San Lui~ Obispo. RECEIPT OF LATEST LEGISLATIVE BULLETINS FROM LEAGUE OF CALIFe CITIES The latest Legrslative Butletins f rom the League of California Cities wer~ received by the Council and reviewed. REPORT ON FARMLAND INVENTORY The Council reviewed an inventory prepared by Tom Sullivan, City Planning Aide, of undeveloped property within the City limits, giving size, soil class and ownership of said parcels. An addendum to ths report was distributed, giving ~ summary of ownerships falling into the 5-10 and 10+ acre parcels containing Clas~ i and Class II soils, bu~ not including properties presentty committed ta develapm~~t.. The Council discussed the reports, with Plenning Directar Gallop clarffying that the reports are information only for guidance in the futu~e, and that the sail c1assifications are generalizations as traced from the Soi1s Conservation Maps, which did not fnclude actual soil testing and walking of the properties for their determinations, as was done for the Miyake property. APPOINTMENT OF PLANNING COMMISSIONER - DOUG HfTCWEN Mayor de Leah recommended Doug Hitchen, Princ~pal of the Valley R~~d Nigh Schoal Campus, to fill the ~acancy on the Planning Commission, After Couneil dis~ussion, a motlon was made by Cou~cilman Schlege~, s~c~nded b~ C~un~iiman Spi~rli~g and unanimously carrled, appointing Doug Hitchen to the Planning Commiss9on, subJ~ct to his acceptance of fihe positaon and said ~ppointment to be~ome eff~ctive t~~ d~y~ after his ~iling of the Disclosure of E~onomic Intere~ts repo~t, as required by la~o His term ys to expi~e June 3~, 1977~ APPROVAL OF CE~A WORK SITE AGREEMENT FOR 7976-77 The Council re~Aewed the ~97 -77 W~rk Site Agre~ment ~~d~r th~ C~mp~e~ensiv~ Employment and Tra~nang A~t 1973 (C~TA) whe~eby job~ a~e provided by v~raous employers and the CETA employe~s' wage~ are paad by the federal gaver~~e~t. ~h~ Program ws administe~ed b~ the C~unty Manpowe~ offi~e~. Th~ Ag~~~me~t ss ~imil~~ to last years', und~r which the Gs~y presently has six CETA ~mpl~y~e~. Aft~~ Counc'il discussion, a motio~ was made by CouneAlman S~hlegel, ~e~onded by Cau~cil~ man Millis and unanimously ca~ried, authnri~ing the M~yar and City Cle~k t~ sign, on behalf n~ the Ci~yy a GET~ Wo~k ~ite Agr~~rn~nt fa~ t976@77. REPORT - COUNTY ~ CI~IES AREA PL~No COORD~NA~ING COUNCI~ ME~~ING ~~PI~RLING Councilman Spierling ~eparted on the Jun~ 2, 197 meeti~g a~ ~he~C~u~ty ~n~ Cities Area Planning Coordinatang Councel at which t~~ f~ll~w~r~g had tak~n pla~~a the Council had voted to encourage cities to be responsible fo~ t~ei~ ow~ ~~an~it System within thei~ own cities and act a~ ~ndependent agents! ~ motso~ passed authorizing the staff to proceed ~wth steps necessa~y to put the ~~an~it Sy~t~m the ballot; and $117,000 was app~oved for Senio~ Citizens' transpo~t~tio~. H~ further ~eported that on~ meeting has been held so fa~ with repr~~ent~ti~~s fr~n~ each South County city and Supe~visor Mankins and John Nickelson, ~ransit M~~age~~ at which general discussio~ had been held ~ega~ding ~ne t~ansit ~ystem f~r th~ Five Cities areae RECEIPT OF COORDINATING COUNCIL"S PRELIM, OVERALL ~ORK PROGRAM ~0~ 1976~7j Councilman Spierling noted ~hat the Cou~cwl had ~ece~ved c~pie~ o th~ County S Cities Area Plan~ing Coordinating Couneil'~ P~eBim~na~y Ove~~11 Work Proqram for the fiscal yea~ 1g76-77, a~d that ~h~nge~ t~ ~he p~~liminary dra~t have already been made, sinc~ the Council's ~eeeipY of ~t. RECEIPT OF UPDATED INFO. RE. HUD'S REN~ SUPPLEMENT PROGRAM IN CITY The Council ~ead a letter from M~~ A. R. Chubon, Execut~ve Dir~~tor of th~ City of San Luis Obispo Housing Authority, advi~ing th~m, ~or infa~mation~~ pu~pos~~, that proposed legislation (562082) would greatly ~impl~fy e~tending H~D"s ~~nt supplement program into this City. A copy of the proposed bi11 was ~lso attached. ~ss CNTY COUNCIL JULY 13, 1g76 ARROYO GRANDE, ~AL~FORNBA PAGE 4 AUfiHORVZE AGREEMENT FOR USE AS PISTOL/RkFLE RANGE BY POLVCE DEPT~ - GENOVINI The Council reviewed a License Agreement proposing the use of a portion of prope~°ty owned by Jsm ~ Della Genovini for~ use by the Polic~ Departmerit as a Pistol and Rifle Range. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Counci~man Millis and unanimously carr°ied, ~utharizing the Mayor to sign, on behalf of the City, a License Agreement with Della Genovini and Jsm Genovini, of 1010 Newsome Springs Road, for the use of a portion of pr°operty approximately 150' by 100' off of Branch Mell Road by the Arr°oyo Grande Poltce Department as a pistol and refle practice range, for° an annual fee of $200.00. DISCUSSION RE. PARKING PROBLEMS ON S0. HALCYON ROAD - FURTHER STUDY REQUESTED C~ty Ertgineer Garcia r°eviewed with the Councfl his report regarding parking problems on South Halcyon Road, which listed commercially c~eveloped or multiple residential properties and the~r° respective avaitable parking and required parking under the current Municipal Code. The Onyx and Jade Apar-tments and Dr. Jenkin's office do not conform to code requirements, lacking 26 and 3 parking spaces respectivelyo The apartments were constructed when only one space per dwetiing unit was required, and they are using a vacant area behand the apartments for overflow. The doctor°'s office is negotiatwng with a ne~ghboring property owner to pr°ovide his requsred spacese Mr. Gar°cia recommended that the Planning Depart- ment be requested to study the area and see if targer complexes shouldn't be r°equired to provide additional parking spaces and that consider~ation be given to amending the Zoning Ordinance to require that space be provlded for g~aest parking and recreational vehicle~. After Council discussion, a motson was made by Council- man Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously earried, referring the pa~°king pr~oblem matter on South Halcyon Road to the Parking ~ Traffic Commission for its consideration and recommendat~ons. After further Council dis- cussion, a motion was made by Councitman Gallagher°, seconded by Counculman Schlegel and unanimously carried, that the C~ty's present Parking Ordinance be brought before the Council by the staff for re-evaluatlon. PROGRESS REPORT - OAK PARK ACRES REORGANSZATION - COUNTY The Counc~l read a copy of a letter to the Boar~d of S~rperv~sor°s from the County Admindstrative Office, advising the Board of the r°eorgar?szation of parcels of prope~°ty beong a po~°tion of ~vhat Ms known as Oak Park A~re~, wh~ch was approved by LAFCO. No further Csty Counci~ ~ction ~s requi~ed on this, as the County will handle ito APPROVE SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM FOR AUTO DAMAGE - TORRES The Counc a 1 rev e evu~ed a report r°am C i ty Eng e nee ~ Ga r°c d a, rvega rd i ng a c 1 a i m made by Manuel Torres for° paant damage to his veh~c~e whsn he was fla~ged thr°ough an area of C~ty street or~ June 30, t976 which was besng restriped~ Estimates submitted by Mr. Torres indreated the lowest to b~ $125,00 1=rom Pete°s P~int S Body Shop. The c1aMm wa~ canfirmed by the Streets Fo~eman, ~rad it wa~ ~r~comm~nded the claim be settled as ~t ~s less than the City'~ liabil~ty d~ductib~ea Afte~ Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher°, seconded by Counc~lman Spierling and unanimously carraed, author°mzing the payment of $125.00 to Manuel Tor~~°es, 108 Rosewvoc~d Lane, fo~ paint damage to h~s vehicle caused by the street ~t~ipeng c~ew of the Ci~y. REPORT - RECENT MEE°TING OF SLO COm WATER RESaURCES A01~IS~ COMMITTEE - NOT HEARD No report was hea~d on the July 7th mee~sng af the San Lu~s Obispo County Wate~° Resour~~es Advisor~y Committee as no City represen~ats~re h~d been able to attend said meetingo PROGRESS REPORT - JOINT PROJECT WITH COUNTY FOR IMPROVEMENT OF VA~LEY ROAD Dir°ector of Public Works Anderson, Jr~ repo~rted that he had met with County Engineer George Protopapas, to discuss what could be wo~°ked out on Va~~ey Road, fr°om the south City Limits to the high school, to inc~rease the wrdth and maybe get a bicycle path. Mre Pr°otopapas is going ~o have the County Engineering Department look over some plans and come up with an estimate on st and g~t back to the City to see what can be wo~°ked out on a mutual p~oJect. Br°ief discussion was held among the Council about the improvement of Brisco Road, with the general feeli~g being that plans and cost projections should be obtained in the near- future. FINAL APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP AG76-253C~ISSORI) - N. HALCYON RDs - HELD OVER City Engineer Garcia r°equested, and the Council a4~eed, to hold ove~r f~raal appr°ovai of Parcel Map AG 76-253 for Lot Spldt Case Noe76-245 on Non Halcyon Road, r°equested by Et-nest Fissor~i, as the No~th Halcyon Plan Lsne matter° needs to be . resolved first. ~ ~ ~ ~ 9'~ CITY COUNCIL JULY 13, 1g76 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNtA PAGE S ACCEPT IMRROUEMENTS IN`TRACT #54T "CORBETT PARK" & RELEASE BOND SUBJECT TO CONDI-TIONS Th'e-Council reviewed a report from City Engineer Garcia recommendi,ng acceptance of the improvements in Tract No, 541 "Corbett Park", subj>ect to certain , condition5. The City has obtained a one-year maintenance bond to guarantee establishment'of plants on cut slopes. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher; seconded by-Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, accepting for maintenanc~ the imp~ovements in Tract No. 541 "Corbett Park" and releasing the (mprovement BQnd~, subject to the completion of minor grading adjustments to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. ACCEPT IMPROVEMENTS IN TRACT #550 "CERRO VISTA" S RELEASE BONDS SUBJ. TO CONDITIONS The Counci 'reviewed a report rom C ty Engineer Garcia recommending: " acceptartc~ of the improvements in Tract No. 550 "Cerro Vista'', subject to certain , conditions. After Cowncil discussion, a motion was made by Councilman 5chlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, accepting for maintenance the improvements in Tract No. 550 "Cerro Vista" and releasing the Improvem ent Bonds,subJect to submission of a cash bond for the rep}acement of a driveway, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, at a house currently under construction. ACCEPT IMPROVEMENTS IN`TRACT"#551 "WOODLAND GARDENS" ~ REtEASE BONDS SUBJ. TO CONDITIONS The Council reviewed a rEport rom City Engineer Garcia recommending " acceptance of the improvements in Tract No. 551 "Woodland Gardens", subJect to certain conditions. After Council discussion, a rtrotion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Courrcilman Spierling and unanimously carried, accepting for matntenance tMe improvements in Tract No. 551 "Woodland Gardens" and releasing the 'ImProvement Bonds,su6ject to the installation of a required fence on the public walkway to the creek and some pavi~ag in front of a driveway. RESOLUTION'AD~PTION+- AMENDE~`TRANSPORTATION CLAIM FOR 1976-77 The Council revi~wed a report from City Engineer Garcra, s~ating that certain; SB 325 funds have been reteased following recent a~t~on by the County-Cities Area, Planning Coordinating Council when the;amount of money to be withheld for the; Regional Eiderly and Handicapped Systems was reduced due to the deletion of the funding of the Regional System at this time and their recommendation for the forma- tion of a Transit District to implement the regional system. An amended Trans- pc~rtation C1aim from the City is now.required, a pr°oposed copy of which was review~d, showing that the additional funds were added to the widening of a portion of Haicyon Road, and thus cutting dawn the amount prevsously ear-marked for this project from Gas Tax funds. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read th+~ title of a resotution approving submission of an amend~d Annual Transportation Claim for 1976-77; thereaft~r, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilm~n>Spierling-and:unanimously carried, to dispense with reading,the balance o€ this resolution. R£SOLUTION N0. 1235 A RESOLUTION:OF TW£ C1TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AFPROVING'AN AMENDED'ANNWAL TRANSPORTATION CLAIM- FOR 1976-7~ AN~ AUTHORIZING ITS SUBMITTAL 70 THE SAN LUIS OBISPO C4UNTY CJTIES AREA'PLANNING COORDINATING COUNC1Lo On motion of Councitman Mi11is, s~conded by Councilman Gallagher and on,the following roll call vote, to witc AYES: Cowncilmen Spierling,.Gallagher, Schtegel, Mi~1is and Mayor de Leon NOES: Non~ ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted thts 13~h day of Ju1y, 1976• LOCAL SUPPORT REQUESTED IN PURCHASING 4~H/FFA ANIMALS AT FAIR The Council read-a letter and information r°om H. Paul Reynolds of the B.lue, Ribbon Gommittee, urging support by local people in purchasing the animals raised by local 4-H and F.F.A. members, which Blue Ribbon animals will be auctioned at the Santa Barbara County Fair from July 20th through 25th. Mayor de Leon also urged support of these local groups. 19~ CITY COUNCIL JULY 13, 1976 ARROYO 6RANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 PERMISSION GRANTED TO BE OUT OF THE STATE DURING JULY ~ AUGUST - MILLIS On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, permission was granted to Councilman Millis to be absent from the State of California intermittently during July and August of 1976, as per his request. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanfmously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M. until 3:00 P.M. on ,luly 26, 1976. ATTEST: -C_3~~ . G'~.'~`s~ ~~s~-- CITY CLERK ' MAYOR