Minutes 1976-08-24 ?14 CITY COUNCTL AUGUST 24, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayox° Gabe de Leon presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Matthew Gallagher, Jr., Calvin Schlegel and Mark Millis reported present. Councilman A1 Spierling is absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIp,NCE AND INVOCATION Mayor de'Leon led th~ Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag; and immediately thereafter, Reverend Kirschner of the Peace Lutheran Church in Arroyo Grande delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular rneet~ng of August 10, 1976, were apprnved as prepared. 14PPROVAL OF WARRP,1VTg On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, Payroll Wax°rants No. 7179 through No. 7260, in t:he total amount of $30,229.39; and General Warran°ts Noa 5252 through No. 532~, fn the total amount of $3,168.50, were approved and orelex°ed paid. TNVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN ANNUAL HARVEST FEST2VAL P~1RADE - CLOSURE OF STREET In response to an invitation, ~he Council indicated it would participate in the Annual Arroyo Grande Valley Gay Nineties' Harvest Festival Parade on Saturday, October 2, 1976. .`~lso read tnras an invitation to participate in a goat milking contest on Friday, October 1st, in conjunction with the festival activities. The Council received and read a letter from Fest~.v~l President, Jim Scrivani, requesting closure of Branch Street (Highway 227) for the parade. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, authorizing the City Administra°tor to write a letter to the State Department of Transportation requesting permission to close Branch Street, from Mason Street to Traffic Way, on October 2, 1976 for the duration of the Harvest Festival Parade. INVITATION TO LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRTCT"S NEW TEACHERS' LUNCHEON: 8/31 In response to an invitation, the Mayo~° indi~ated he would be attending , the Lucia Mar Unified School Distr~ct's New Teachers' Luncheon on August 31, 1976. INVITATION TO PAI~TICIPATE TN ANNUAL MEXICAN F~EST~. PARADE: 9~11/76 In response to an in~ritation, the Council, indicated i°t would participate in the Annual Union Civ~ca Y Cult~°al Mex~cana F'ie~°ta Parade on Sep°tember 11 ,°1976 in Grover City. INVI'I~ATION TO 3RD ANNUAL AIRpORT DAY & AI~t SHOi~I ~N PASO ROBLEa : 9/25 The Council read an invitat~~n from °the Paso R~bles Municipal Airport, inviting the Council to its 3rd Annual Airport Day and Air Show on Saturday, September 25, 1976. ~ ~ ~ LETTER OF THANKS FROM BICENTENNIAL COMMI°I'TEE OF" SOUTH COLJNTY . The Council read a letter of thanks for suppor°t and involvement from the Bicentennial Committee of South San Luis Ob~spo County's Chairman, Dick Blankenburg. NOTICE RE, INTENT TO ENTER AG PRE$ERVE CONTRACT WITH FUKUHARA FARMS~ INCm - COUNTY The Council read a letter from the County Clex°k's Office, advising that the Board of Supervisors will consider entering into an agricultural preserve contract with Fukuhara Farms, Inco Administrator Butch pointed ou°t the approximate location of this property, which is not within this C~ty°s limits, but by 1aw the County gives this notifieation to the City. NOTICE OF ANNUAL FALL HAPPENINGS FOR YOUTH - STe BARNAB,~.S EPISCOPAL CHURCH The Council read a notice from the St. Barnabas Episcopal Chureh, advising it of the Annual Fall Happenings for Youth to be held November 26th, 27th and 28th, 1976, with activities to be held at the Methodist Camp Grounds and the Church. INVITATION TO FIRST ANNUAL SMALL CITIES' ROUNDUP - KING CITY: 8/27-28/76 The Council read an invitation from the City of King, California, to attend the First Annual Small Cities' Raundup to be held in that City on August 27th and 28th, 1976. 215 CITY COUNCIL ~iJGtJ~T 24, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORN~A PAGE 2 MINUTES & RESOLUTION FROM CHANNEL COUNT~~S ° DIi7m ~E" ~UE OF' C.~1~I~° m CITIES The COUnCi]. ~°evieWed ~the mirzutes mf ~he la~°t meeting a~~ °the Channel Counties' Division of the League of Califo~nia C~°tiesm ~lso ~ev~,e~a~d were two resolutions submitted by the Cities of San°ta Bax°bara (~°eg~~°el~ng t~x refo~°m) and Carp~nteria (requesting the State to provide ~inanc~al as~is°tance to c~~~es impacted by state activities). The Counc~l ~ook no action on the subm~.°~°ted resolution~m RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING COUNCIL MEMBEI2S TO E°IT.~ ARG~1Q`r F°OR C~TY ME~ISURE City Attorney Shipsey reviewed ~u~°th the Counc~l, his wri°tten opinion regarding the filing of arguments on City measure~, laased on an opinion by the Attorney General and the Elections Cade~ of Californiam In essence, he was stat~.ng that it is too late for argu~men~s to be f~led in favor of °the Referendum Measure (opposing adoption of Ordinance 139 C.S.) as they should have been ~'iled along with the petition. The Counca.l however car~ subm~t an ~~gumen~t f~~ra~~ng adop°t~.on of the ordinance. After Council discus~ion, a mot~on wra~ in~de b~ Cc~un~il,man Sch].egel, seconded by Gouncilman de Leon and on the following ~ol~ ~a~~ vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Schlegel and M~.yo~ de Leon; NOE~: Cou~~~lmen Gallagher and M~.llis; ABSENT: Councilman Spierling, °the motion appoin°~ir~g Coun~ilman Spierling to write a statement in favor of °the adopt~.on of O~dinance Nom 139 GoSm, which will appe~.r on the November 2nd ballot, fail~d an a sp~~~t vote. Discuss3on continued on ax°gument~ ~avo~°ing the adopta,on of amendments to the City's Garbage Ordinarace, to p~~~ide for m~nda~o~y g~.rbage collection, granting of a franchise by the City ancl col7.ect~on of sex°v~ce charges tl~e City. The Counc~l agreed it would l~ke to ~ubm~t an argumen°~ ~a~ro~~.ng the adopt~.on of such an ordinance and ins°tructed the staf~ °to p~°epare ~ a~guinent for the measure, for the Council Members' ind~vidual app~oval be~ore Au~~zs~ 2~°th, the deadline for subm:Lssion of. az°gtiunen°ts o 1~fter Counci]. discussion, C~~ty At°torney 5h~.psey ~°ead the title of a resolut~on authorizing the Council °to submit an argument for a City ` measure; thereafter, a mo°t~on wa~ made by Coun~ilman S~hlegel, seconded by Council- man Gallagher and unanimously carr~ed, to di,spense ~ai°th ~eading °the bala~~e o~ this resolution. RE~OLUTION NO~ ~243 A RE~OLiJ°I'ION OE° THE CI~Y GOUNC~~ OF' TFi~ C~TY OF ~1RROY0 ` GRANDE, C.~IBTFORNIA, AU'Y"FiORIZ~NG CER~AIN OF° ~~'S NIE1~E1~.S _ TO FTLE A WRTTTEN ARGUMENT ~OR A C~"I'S~ MEi~~t11~ m On motion of Counc~lm~n S~hlegely ~econded by Co~ncilman Gallagher and on the following ro].1 call vote, ~o w~°t: ~ AStES: Co~ncilmen Gallaghe~, ~chlegel, M~lli~ and I~yor d~ I,eon NOES: None ABSENTe Councilman Sp~erl~ng the foregoing Resolution was passed and ~dopted °~his 24°th da~ of Augu~t, 1976. REPORT ON RECENT ANIMAL CONTROL MEETING - CANC~??~ED No progress report was heard ~n P,nimal Control, a~ th~ last schedu].ed meeting had been canceled. A n~w mee°ting ha~ been set for August 26, 1976m RECEIPT OF REVISED 1976 ~.L.Om REG~OI~TT~1I~ 'I'RANSP~R2`AT~OIJ PL~AN Administratox° Butch advised °that °the City has received a revised issue of the Regional Transport~tion Plan ~or San Lu~s Obispo Coun°ty, which is basically similar to the original 1975 plan. A mee~ing wa~ ~e~ently hel.d by °the Five Cities' Transit Committee, at which Tr~nsi°t Ni~nager Na,clcel~on had been requested to come back to them with a report as to cos°ts for a South Coun~y Tr~s~,t 5ystem. RECEIPT OF A.G. RESOURCE CONSERVATION D~S`I'. P3.20GR~1M &~NI~UAI, ~n10~2IC PLAN Administrator Bu~ch reported °that the City has received cop~es of the Arroyo Grande Resource Conservat~on Da,s°trict' ~ I~ong ~nge Progr~ne The Counci]. had received copies of the District's P,nnual Wo~°k Plan for °99°77. AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF STROTIiER COMMTJ~II~ PARK ; Administrator Butch reviewed that °the °th~ee-yea~ per~~d ~s now up on the Strother Community Park lease~purchase agreernen~., and ~ugges~ed the City pick up its option °Co purchase this proper°ty norao Af°ter Coun~~l. discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Counc~.lman 1~2ill~s and unanimously carried, authorizing the City Attorney to exe~ci~e the City°s op°t~.on under °the lease-purchase agreement and open an escrow for the purc~a~se of °th~ ~t~other Gommuni°ty Park proper~y, with the fin~l cost estimated at $37,SOOo . ~ 1 ~ CTTY COUNCTL ARROYO GRANDE, CAL~E°ORNIA '~~~~5~' 24~ 1~76 PAGE 3 1'UBLIC HEARING - CONFLTCT OF INTEFtEB~ COBE FOR C~Ty COiJ1~JC~L - i~$~~~~p~J ~p~I~N Mayor de Leon verified w~.th the C~.~ty C1er]c °that al~ r~qu~~emez~~s as provided by law, regarding notification of hearing, have been complied with. The Mayor then declared the public hearing open, City Attorney Shipsey reviewed w~~h ~he Cour~ci.l, s~ction by section, a praposed resolution adopting a Conflict of Tn~k~xest Code for City Counail Mernbers, pursuant to the Political Reform Act of 1974: City Adrninistrator then read the resolution in full for benefit of the pub,li~ presenta The following persons were preser~t and ~poke on ~.he matter: Ella Honeycutt, 560 Oak Hi11 Road, inquired as to dinnez°~ ~nd gifts t,o C~~ty Officials. Administra- ~or Butch stated tha~ any°~hinc~ over S2~ ~,~~~ady has t~ b~ ~~p~~~eda Pegg°y` L~ngworthY, F~rir~~:~ Roac~, ~°u~al ~°roy~ G~~nde, q~es~ioz~~d °~h~ l~~°t s~~it~n~~ a~ S~c~ican 4, rer~arcli.ng ~~uncil Ma~nb~rs ~rc~~.ing on ~~m~th~ng e°~r~r~ ~~~y ~~v~ a ,~~n~~,~~t, ~f their pa~~ic~.pa- 't~.~r~ is ne~ess~~y for a de~~~~c~n be ~?ad~~ Mad~l~~a~~ 5~~~].~, 1~9~ ~I~11~~°~s~ D~r~v~ . also questic~ned ~i.s sec~ie~r~. ~~.t~ A~~~~°r~~y ~h~,p~~y ~x,plai~x~d th~t th~ wording fs j '~~ken exactly f'rom the Gavernmen~ Code ~~g~~ding ~h~ Polit~aal Refo~m Ac~. There being no fuxther pu1~l~~ comm~nt or~ °~k~;~s m~°~~er, IKayo~ de Leon declared 'the public hearing closed. Th~ Cour~c~.l di~cussed p~opo~~d resolu°~ion at length. Councilman Millis stat~d he takes excep~%on ~o the las~ ~~r~t~nc~ o~ Sect~on 4 and suggested eliminating it from the propos~d ~°esolu~ti,on, ~e~1,ir~e~ ~~a~, Would be proper to go beyond the Sta°te's requ~rem~r~°~~ when makinq s~meth~ng more stringente Aftez° further Council discussion, a mat~on was made by Coun~ilman Gall~gher, se~onded by Councflman Millis and on the follow~nc~ roll call v~te, tm r~~t: AYES: Councilmen Gallagher, Millis and Schlegel; NOES: Mayor de Leon; ABSENTr Councilman 5pierling, the motion passed to remove the last sentence from Section 4, which reads as follows: "No Council member shall b~ prevented from making o~ participating in the making of any decision to th~ e~c~~nt h~s or her par~icipation is legally required for the decision to be made". Councilman Millis then suggested an addi~ional. sect.zon be added for inclusion fn this resolution, regardins~ qift~ and as follows: "No Member of the City Council shall acceuttan~ ~o ~o~~~~ M~~exs, from any agenc~, company or p Y 5~-~t or gratu~.ti~s person or persons doing busin~ss wvith the Ci.ty or who con°templates doing business with the Cit~o Nor sha11 an~r membex of ~he G~.ty Council accept any gift or gratuities f~om ~n who pl~n to ask the City for a rezat~ing or oth~~°eC~~y ~~~p~n~Qghat wouldofinanciall benefit the person o~° per~ons or corporation. A gi~t or grat~uzty a~s defined as y ha~ring a monetary value of more than One Dollax° ($~.p0)." The Counc~l discussed the suggestion, with some feeling that th~ is adequate. Councilman Nli llis then made apmot~an °~oSinQlude~the~afc~rementioned section regarding gifts and gratuities to Council M~mber~, in th~ proposed Gonflict of Interest Code resolution for the City Counc~~lm Councilman G~llagher seconded the motion, provided the minimum value be a~mended to Five Dollar~ Councilman Millis agreed to and amended his motion toe On the following,rqlllcall vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Gallagher and Millis; iVOES: Counc~lman Schlegel and Mayor de Leon; ABSENT: Coun~ilman 3pierT~.ng, motion ~ailed to pass on a split'vote, to include the following ~n the propo~~d Conflict o~' Inte~°est Code resolution for the City Council Members: accept any gift or ~~NO ~~~eY` ~~e CitY Coun~~l shall gratuities from any agency, company o~ pex°son or pe~°sans doing business with the City or who contemplates doirag business wi°th the ~~ty, Nor sha11 any member of the City Council accept any q~~~ o~ persons or corporations who plan to ask °the Ci~y ~o~a~u~ezoningoor~other~City~~r actions that would financially benefit the per~on or perspns or corpo~a°tiona 1~ gift or gratuity is defined as having a mone~ta~y ~ralu~ of more °than Five Dollars ($5.OOj . Councilman Schlegel stated he voted "No" for two reasons, one regarding enforcement and the other because it is not included in the official p~°oposal presented by Attorney Shipsey. Adminis°~~°atpr gutch then read the ~itle o~ a resolu~ion aelopting a Conflict of Tnt~rest Code f~r th~ Council Members; there- after, a motion was made by Councilman Schl~gel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ~°esolution. RESOI~UTTON NO. 1244 . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL p CITX pF ARRpYp GRANDE ADOPTING A CONFLICT OF INTER~>T GODE .`~Pp~,~CAgLE TO `THE MEMgERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL PURSUANZ' 'I°O THE POLITICA~'12EFORM ACT OF 1974, 21'7 CITY COUNCIL AUt3L1ST 24, 197Fs ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORNIA PAG~ 4 On motion of Councilman 5chlegel, seconded by Ce~un~~:lman Gallagher ~nd t~n the following roll ca11 vota, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Gallagher, Schlegel, Mi].lis and M~~a~ +~~3 L~~ir~ NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Spierljng the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 24th c~~y of Aucgu~t, 1976. PUBLIC HEARING - CON3IDER E.I.R. FOR OAK PARK ACRES PLAN. I9EV~IAP. (KVIbT) Administrator Hutch confirmed with the City Clerk that a11 requi~~ment~ as provided by law regarding notification of hear~.ng have b~en complfed with. He th~n introduced Mackey Deasy of Meyer, Merr~.am and Associates, the firm who prepared the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) on ~ak Park Acre~ Plannecl Develop- rnent f~r the City. Mr. Deasy revie~?ed with the Council each of the mitigating factors in ~he r~p~rt. Maya~r d;e Leon then declared the public hearing open and all pert~ons interast~d would nc~w be heard on the E.I.R. The following pers~ons w~re present and sp0ka on the m~tter: Guenth~r Mayer-Harnisch, Oak Park Road, rux°~l Arroyr~ Grand~, encnuraged the Couneil to con~ider the "phasing" and "low density" he has heard, and £urther stated his feeling that the area pres~ntly has ample medic~l facilities. Bill Langworthy, Printz Rc~ad, rural Arroyo Grande, feel~ th~ EIR is generally a well balanced and useful document, but fe~l~ it is weak regarding the traffic impact. Reuben Kvidt, 1451 E. Irving Blvd., Tu~tin, applicar~~ for th~ reznning, stated he knows of no development that has more op~n apace tlian this one. Madeleine Steel~, 1598 Hillcrest, agreed wi°kh Mx~, Langworthy's cc~mnents; Peggy Langworthy, Printz Raad, rural Arroyo Grand~, expresseci concern ~bout the additional traffie and cc~mmented on the driving habits of present ~°esidenta in the area. She suggested that Farcel 7 be designed ~o include a lim~.ted numb~r of exits. Mr. Kvidt replied that this matter had already been recogniz~d and discussed with the Ci~y Engineer. There being no further cammen~s by the public, May~r de Leor~ dec].ared th~ hearing closed. Council discussion ensued, with gen~~al consesasus being f~v+~r~ble to~ard the Planned Development and EIR. Af°ter Couricil dis~cussion f a mot3dyt~? wa~ made by Counailman Schlec~el, seconded by Councilman Gallaghe~ and una~iSmmusly carried, setting f~rth ~e fact that the Environmental Impact Report'e cont~r~ts have been considered, an thn Oak Park P~cres Planned Dev~iopment~ Thers~f°t~r, a nuation wae made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Cou~cilm~,n Sch~leg~l, ~,nd unanimously carrieal, finding the p~°eposed z~ning of Oa~e P~rk Ac~°eg t~o be consiat~nt ~+~.t,h tkae City's General Plan. ~RDINANCE 1ST READING ! FiEZONE #75-84, "Pi" TO "PD" -~P,IC P~ A~RES (ICVIDT) The Council reviewed with City Attorney Shipsey his letter and propased ordinance Pc~r the rezmning of bak P~rk Acres frcm "A° to "P-D", as requested by R. D. Kvidt. The Council discussed the pro~osed ordinance ~d A~torney Shipsey's sugg~stiAns at 1•enqth, al0ng with suggestions th~t had been znade during tehe Council'~ previoue study session on the development. Aft~r Cour~cil discussiQn, Administrator 8utch read, for its first reading, tY~e title of an ordina,nce rezoninq certain property in ~he City from "A", Agriculttis~e to "P-D", Plat~ned Devel.opment; prezmning a portian of property pres~ntly in °~he City af Pismc~ 8eaoh to "P-D"= and prezoning a portion of property p~°esently in ~th~ c~unty to "P-D", all portions making up what is knosarl ~,s Oak Park Acres ~.t Oa.~C Park Bmulevard and Highway 101j th~reafter, a motion was made by Ccuncilman Schleegel, ~econded byr Gmuncilman Gallagher and urianimously carriecd, to dispense with readin~ the balance of this brdinance. RESOLUTION ADOPTION - ESTABLISH 1976-77 MUNI. TAX RATE -$1.89 PER $1D0 A.V. ~alm3.nistratc~r Butch reviewed with the Council a proposed resolution fixing the tax rate for the City, for the 1976-77 fiscal yeax°, at $1.89 per $100 of assessed valuation on ~axable property within the City. He reported that the assessed valuation fer the City has increased approximately two mil;lion alollars over 1975-76. He recaanmended a 1~ reduction from last year's $1.90 per $100 a.v., being pcssible because of increased assessed valuations. Aft~r Council discus~ion, City Attorney Shipaey read the ti~le of a resol.ution fiacina~ the rates of ~axes for the 1976-77 fisaal year as follows: $1.64 for General Government Operations= $0.19 for Employee R~tirem~~t; and $0.06 fa~r Recreation, for a total of $1.89 upon each $100.00 mf assessed valuation af property within the City; there~fter, a moticn was made by Cauncilman S~hlegel, secr~nded by Cpuncilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. _ ~?1~ CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 24, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 RESOLUTION NO. 1245 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFQRNIA, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1~ 1976~ AND FIXING THE RATES OF TAXES FOR SUCH FISCAL YEAR. On mction of Councilman Schlegel, saccnded by Councilman Millis and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Gallagher, Schl~gel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Spierling the foregoing Resoluti0n was passed and adopted this 24th day of August, 1976. RE~IIEW OF LATEST LEGISLATIVE BULLETINS FROM LEAGUE OF CALIF. CITIES The latest Legislative Bulletins from the League of California Cities were reviewed by the Council. Also reviewed was a memorandum from Donald Brown, First Vice President of the Channel Counties Division of the League of California Cities, submitting information to the Council regarding a proposed permanent head- quarters office building for the League in Sacramento. The building assessm~nt for this City to help fund the building is approximated at $1,505, and can be paid over a three-year,period at no interest. The Council discussed this, with g~neral consensus being to go along with the proposal. RECETPT OF`HEARING DRAFT - PUBLIC SERUICES & FACILITIES ELEMENT OF GENERAL PLAN The Council received and reviewed the hearing draft of the City's Public Services and Facilities Element of the General Plan, on which a public hearing will be set before the Planning Commission in the near future. RESOLUTI~N ADOPT. - AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT WITH MONTEREY BAY AREA REG. TRP,INING.CENTER The Council reviewed information received regardsng the establishment of the Monterey Bay Area Regional Training Center. The Center is a cooperative venture of local government agencies in Monterey, San Benito, San Luis Obispo and Ventura Counties whereby training sessions would be set up as required by public employees and officials. The cost to the City to belong to this program would be about $84 per year, which figure is based on the number of full-time City employees. After Council discussion, which generally favored the program, Administrator Butch read the title of a resolution authorizing the execution of a joint powers agreement for participation by the City in the Monterey Bay Area Training Center; thereafter, a. motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Millis and unani- mously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1246 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO EXECUTE A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH THE MONTEREY BAY AREA TRAINING CENTER. On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis and on the followi.ng xoll ca11 vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES: None . ABSENT: Ca~n.+~ilman Spierling the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 24th day of August, 1976. RESOL. ADOPT. - ELIMINATE BUS LOADING ZONE ON CHERRY AVE. (ORCHARD ST. SCHOOL) Administrator Butch reviewed with the Council a recommendation from the Parking and Traffic Commission that a bus loading zone on the south side of Cherry Avenue, between Orchard and California Streets, be eliminated, as requested 'by the Lucia Mar Unified School District. After Council discussion, City Attorney'Shipsey read the title of a resolution eliminating an existing bus ` loading zone; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading th~ balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION N0. 1247 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ELIMINATING AN EXISTING BUS LOADING ZONE ON WEST CHERRY STREET. ---zis CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 24, 1976 ARROYO GRANpE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 On motion of Councilm~ Gallagher, seconded by Councilm~n:Nli llis and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Spierling the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 24th day of August, 1976. AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT WITH CUESTA COLLEGE FOR WORK STUDY PROGRAM Administrator Butch requested Council consideration for the continuation af the annual Work Study Program with Cuesta College for the school year of 1976-77. Under this program, participants are paid by the school at xates of $2.30 to $2.4U . and the City's share is 2U~ of this amount. Monies have been budgeted for this program. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign:, on behalf of the City, an agreement with Cuesta College for a Work Study Program for the school year of 1976-77. RECEIPT OF ANNUAL REPORT ON LOPEZ CHARGES AND FEES mhe Council received, reviewed and ordered filed the City Administrator's annual report on projection of cash requirements for Lopez Contract funding for the next five years. No change in charges are necessary at this time. REQUEST FOR WATER SERVICE OUTSIDE OF CITY - 1240 HUASI3A ROAD (SHAVER) The Council read a letter from Mrs. ~'ohn Shaver, 12~0 Huasna Road,-~equesting City water service to her existing home just outside of the City Limits, because of a newborn infant in her home and her fe~ling th.at the high iron content of her well water is not suitable far consumption and costs of bottled water too expez~sive. A].so r~viewed was a report on the matter from City Engineer Garcia, recommending approval of the request, provided the water main is extended,as required-by the-•- City, and all applicable fees are paid by the Shavsrs. The Council discussed the matter at length, generally agreeing that this case does fall into the criter~,a previously established as policy of the City in providing water serviae outside the City Limits. After further Council disaussion, Administrator Butch was authc~rized to write to Mxs. Shaver advisinq that the City will grant w~~~r serviae to he~ house on the following conditians: 1) that annexation to the City will be requested by her and her neighbors to the west agree•to a~,nexation also, and 2) that costs for the extension of the w~ter line and service will be paid l~r her, at a~ approximate overall cost of $2500. REQUEST FOR ABANDONMENT OF ALLEY ON CROSS ST. - REFERRED TO FLANNING CAMMISSION ~ The Council reviewed a request from Vick Pace Construction Co., Inc. tha.t an alley owned by the City of Arroyo Grande, lying between four vacant lots on Cross Street that this construction firm owns, be abandoned. After Council dis- cussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, referring this abandonment reques~ to the Planning Commission for its study and recommendaticans. REPORT -~CENT ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING City Engineer Garcia reported on the August 19th meeting of the Zone 3 Advisory Committee. The regular monthly reports from the T~opez Recreation Area . and Treatment Plant were heard. Att~ndance and revenue at Lopez are up from last year so far. Four leaks were found in the water line, resulting in an estimated loss cf 7 million gallons of treated water. Regax~ding the groundwater basin, the wells are at their lowest siace Lopez Dam was built. APPROVE FINAL MAP OF TRACT"554~'RUTH ANN WAY City Engineer Garcia reviewed with the Council the Final Map of Tract No. 554, Ruth Ann Way, which is a 22-lot subdivision located between Fair View Drive and Corona De1 Terra, on the north side of Grand Avenue within the Ruth Ann Way Assessment District. Improvements for this tract are being installer3 as part cf the Assessment District proceedings. After Council discussiQn, a motion:-was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously• carried, finding Tract Map No. 554, Ruth Ann Way, to be consistent with the General Plan and Zcning of the City; accepting, on behalf of the public, the easements shown on said Map; and approving Tract Map No. 554, subject to payment of the prescrfbed fees.- ?20 CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 24~ 1976 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 PROGRESS REPORT - SO. SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT The Council reviewed the Chief Plant Operator's monthly report for July, 1976, for the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District. Administrator Butch reviewed the District's Board's action to inarease its rates, which will provide funds to be set aside for capital improvement~ and emergencies. NOTICE OF INCREASE AND RENEWAL OF CITY'S LIABILITY INSURANCE Administrator Butch reported that the City's liability insurance has been renewed, with an increase of l.ess than 10~ over last yea~°'s premium. He noted however that the State Compensation has increased to over $15 per $100 of Police Officers' salaries. DISCUSSION RE. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM CITY COUNCIL TO PLANNING COMMISSION Discussion was initiated by Councilman Gallagher relating to the Council's recommendat~ons to the Planning Commisaion coming back intact, and not interpreted. It was suggested by Councilman Millis that a tape of the Council's discussian regarding recommendations to the Planning Commission, be made available to said Commission for its listening. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis and unani.mously carried, the meeting adjourned at 1U:35 P.M ~ , Ccr,~A~ GQ-2.~ ATTEST • ~ - C.~-~"ini,~-~ , CITY CLERK MAYOR