Minutes 1976-10-26 ~4w CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 26, 1g7fi ARROYO GR~1ND~, CAI,IFORNIA The Ci~y Counc.il me~ in r~gulax~ ~~ss~.on ~rikh Mayo~ Gabe de Leon presiding. Upon roll call, Counc.~l Members Al Sp~.e~ling, Ma°tthew Gallagher, Jr., Calvin Schl~qel and Mark M~:11is reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOC~~~ON Mayor de Leon led the Pledge of Allegiance ~ko ou~ Flaq; and immediately thereafter, Reverend Gox°sline of ~he United Methodist ~hurch in Arroyo Grande, delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OE" MINUTES The minutes of the regu.lar meeting o~ Octob~z° 12, 1976, were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRAN'I'S On motion of Councilman Millia, ~e~ondad by Cour~cilman Gallagher and un~ni- mously carried, General Warrants Na. 5562 ~hrough No. 5629, in the total.~mou~t o~' $14,914.40; and Payroll Warrants No. ~430A ~Y~~ough No. 7522, in the total amQUMt of $33,195.75, weze approved and orde~ed p~~d. PRESENTATIQN & APPftdVAL OF BUDGE~ 12E UES"~ - COAS~'AL VALLEY PLAN. COUNCIL Wi].bur Wright, Vice Chairman and Lar.ry Kelly, Administrative Secr~tary o~ the Coastal Valley Planninq Council ~re~e pre~~nt, and clarified the events leading to and actual recomanendat~.on mad~ ~o ~he Board of Supervisors regardiri~ selection of a site for the South Count~ ~teg~onal Government Center. Mr. Kelly stated the PTanning Council is presentl~r ~ror~s~ng on the development of a street index system so tha~ names ~n the Five G~ties a~e n,ot duplicated. A seminar on the State Subdivision Act is also pl~nned9 In the past, the Plann,inc~ Council haS worked on the Lopez Scenic Drive and the Oceano A~rpnrt Report. Mr. Wright expounded on Mr. Kelly's reznarks, and stated that the Planning Cauncil works on projects that benefit the whole South County and that each of the cities has representatives on the Plann~ng Counc~,l who are ~to report back to their respective cities. After Council discussion, a motion wa~ made by Councilman Millis and seconded by Councilman Gallagher, author~zing paymen°t in the amount of $275.00, representing Arroyo Grande's share of tl~.e Coastal Va17.ey Planning Council's budget for the 1976-77 fiscal yeare Councilman Spierling requested the motion b~ amen~led ~ a to xnclude that the Coastal Valley Flann~ng Cour~cil submit a written report to the City Council ~t the end of each fiscal ye~r, relating its year's activities. Councilman Millis accepted the amendment and the motion was unanimously carried. REPORT RE. DUPLEX DEVELOPMENT AT 334 S~UTH Hp,.I,CYON ROAD The Council reviewed a letter from Drv Rice of th~ Halcyon Medical Group at 336 So. Halcyon Road, objecting to the appearance of a duplex moved on~ko the property next door to the doctors' offices. Also rev~eeaed was a report on the matter from the Building Inspector, s~ating that the Building Permit for the duplex development is valid and there are presentl~ no violations of the City's ordinances or condi'- tions,and it is expected that the building wi.ll develop in compliance with the Uniform Building Code. Photog~°aphs showing the state of the building when it was first moved in were also ~r~.ewed. Nancy Ferrari, awner of the build~,ng ~nd property, displayed architect's plans of what the development will look l~ke ~ahen campleted. She stated no complet~on date has been set, but work is p~°oceeding diligently. Elizabeth Jackson, 208 Fair Vie~r, state€1 hex~ objections to the building being moved into an area being developed with new commercial and px°ofessionaZ buildings. Mrs. Ferrari stated that the building~ are being b~ought up to commercial code standar~ls, in the e~ent it is somed~y pur~h~sed ~or prcafession~l office space, but that no interest was shown for this when ~dvez°tised for such a t~se. Paul Corrella, housemoving contractor raho moved th~,s building, spoke in favor of the development. NOTICE RE. YOUTH IN GOVERNMENT DAY - DECEMIBE~2 14, 1976 The Council reviewed a schedule for the Youth in Government Day planned £or ~F!' the morning of December 14, 1976, when High School Government Class students w~.il participa~e in activities with City Gove~°nmen~ personnelv The program will terminate after a luncheon tha~ day sponsored by the Gre~°ter P~.smo Beach Kiwanis Club. DISCUSSTON RE. SAFETY ET,EMENT O~ GEIQ~~1L ~IgAN - HELD OVER Administrator Butch requested, ancl °the Cauncil agreed, to hold over further discu5sion regard~.ng adoption of the Safe~~ E].ement of ~he General Plan, as the Fire Department has come up with some sugge~tion~ in reference to mutual aid and a joint powers agreement that they wish to add~e~s themselves to. ~43 CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 26, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 MUNI. CODE AMEND, - ORDINANCE ADOPTION - INCREASE FE~S FOR REZONINGS, ETC. City Attorney S hipsey read the title of an ordinance amending the Munieipal Code so as to increase fees for rezoni.ngs, use permits, variances and appeals, and establish fees far Environmental Impact Report req,uirements; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagl~er and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 141 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ,AMENDTNG CHAPTER 4 OF TITLE 9 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAZ CODE BY AMENDING SECTIONS .3106(a), .3102(b), .3103(c) AND .3203 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR FEE CHANGES TN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE IN ZONING MATT~RS RELA~ING TO APPEALS, USE PERMITS, VARIANCES, ANp APPLICATZONS FOR REZONINGS. On motion of Councilman SchTegel, seconded by Cou~cilman Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AXES: Councilmen Spierlinq, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOESr None ABSEN~: None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 2Gth day o€ October, 197b. APPROVE LEASE-PURGHASE AGREEMENT FOR S0. MASON ST. PROPERTY - LC)VETT~ ET AL Administrator Butch reported that the owners of the 126.,6outh Mason Street property, that the City wishes to purchase for expansion of the civic center, have signed a Lease-Purchase Agreement with the City and requested its approval. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, aufihQrizing t1~e Mayoz and City Clerk to sign, on behalf of the City, a Lease-Purek~ase Agreement between the City and Lee R. & Eudora O. Lovett; Addison B. & Millie M. Waod; Morgan H. & Myrtle A. Mathews; and Clifford H. & Mary Lee Clark, for property a~t 126 South Mason Street. RECEIPT OF COUNTX' POPULATION & HOUSING REPORT AS OF JULY 1, 1'976 The Council reviewed a report prepared 2~y the San Luis Obispo County PZann~.~g Depar.tment, showing comparative figures on population, and housing in the County and each of the cities,- as of July 1, 1976. The Council also reviewed a report from Planning Aide Tom Sullivan, pointing out that the hqusing figures given for the City are low by 218 units, according to the City's Building P~rmit records. REPORT RE. APPRAISAL FOR FIRE STATTON RELOCATION Administrator Butch stated the City is not yet ready to request approval to hire services of an appraiser for the Certified Freight Lines property on West Branch Street as a possible future aite for the Fire Station. A selling price is still being solicited from Certifi~d Freight Lines. AUTHORIZE CITY ATTY. TO PREPAEtE RESOI,UTI'ON ADOPTTNG AMENDED LAND USE ET,EMENT The Councii re~iewed a memorandum froan ~he Pl~nning Gommission denying the Council's previous recommendation to include certain wording in the Land Uae Element amendment regarding the "P-D° portion, ur~til the agricultural lands matter ie clarified by the Agricultural Lands Committee. The Council discussed the matter at length, generally agreeing to stand behind Councilman Spierling's previous recc~nmendation, as fully set forth in the Council's minut~s of Octcber 12, 1976. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unani.mously oarried, approving the addendum to the Land Use Element of the General Plan with the add~tion of the amendment recommended by Councilman Spierling, and directing the City Attorney to prepare a resolutian to adopt the amended Land Use Element, w~.th said changes. ADOPTION OF 1976 EDITION OF VARIOUS UNIFORM COD~S - HET~D OVER City Attorney Shipsey requested, and the Gounci~. agreed, to hold over the second reading of ordinances for the adoption of the 19~6 Edition of the Uniform Building, Housing, Swimaning Pool and Mechanical Godes. He explained that there is a Code section which provides that the Uniform Housinga Buildi~g, Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical Codes will go into effect autcmatically in tY~e City one year after the State's adoption, unless the Council adopts them before that. A further Ccde section states that if the Council wishes to make any mcdifications, it must make cer~tain findings that locaY aonditions dietate th~t these modifica- tions must be made and said findings must be sent to t~he D~partment of Housing & Community Development for approval. Therefcare, he is zequeating that the matter _ ?44 < OCT08ER 26, 1976 ~OY~ ~1~ANDE, ~A~~~`C7~Nf~~1 PAGE 3 be ~e~c1 0~~ ~u~~~~~ ~~~r~~ww r~x:~.l ~~~a a~a;p~y ~he ~lect~ical Ccde, but he e~ded ~h~~ ~~e ~l~ie~' ~ ~~~~c~~~ ~~x~ ~m~r~~zn~~a~ ~~que~t be heard. DIS~ti~a~~~ FiE. ~~~1~'~°IQN 19~5 ~I7~'~~'O~fi E~~~'T"R~CP~L ~O~E G~~TH AMENDMENTS F re, C i~ 'Tony Ma~~a ~k wv~~ ~~~~~n~ ~ir~d reviewed h~.e ~eaeone, ae per pr~~v~orasl~ ~eaea~~re~ ~e~o~~~ ~~~m h~m, ~r~~ ~~que~t~ng th~~ ~he 1975 Ed~tion of the ~1~~~~ical Cod~ ~ae~ ~~~~r~g~her~~d befo~~ ~d~~°~~o~ °~o ir~c~ue~a the rmguire~anta ~h~~ w,~~iz~g bs er~~~~~d ~t~ ~ne~ai ~~ndt~i°~ ~za ~o~ne,~cie~1 bu~ldir~ge and apa~t- ment~ o~ mo~e °~han firre dwe~l.~~c~ u~i~~~ Caun~~l die~u~~ed the mntter nnd ~g~eecl ~r~~h F~~^e Chie~ l~a~ga~~k'~ a~ecomm~~~~~iana C~~y Att,orney Shipeey will p~°ep~~°~ ~~°epo~t fo~ t~Y~e Counc~l' ~~~n~a~d~~~~ion ~,t it~ r~ext meeting, regard~.ng the f~nd~.nge nece~sa~y to ~m~nd t7ni~c~~m G~d~~ e RECEIP~' OF HUMAN RE~,TIONS CONIMTSS~O~ M;INU~"~S & P,GENDA The Counc~l receiv~d, reviewed and orde~°ed filed the minutes for the September 8, 1976 meet"xng of the Hum~n Relat~.ons Comma~ss~on of South San Luis Ob~spo County, and its ag~nda for O~tUbez° ~3, ~976. AUTHORI~E FALL BURN ~EIC: NO~~IBER 1~°~HR~J 20 9`76 On mot~on of Cou~a~~lmar~ M~~1~~, se~o~ded by Counc~.lman Spierling and unan~~nc~usl~r carr~ed, F°a~.l Bt~~n Wee~ wa~ au~ho~~~ed f~om November 14, 1976 °throug~ Novemb~~° 20, ~976, as ~eque~°~ed by F~~e Ch~ef Ma~°s~1ek. REC~IPZ° OE' I,~~E~'I' I~~CaiJE ~(JI~~~'~I~S & RE~~12'~ ON ~O1~TFERENCE Th~ Goun~~7. ~ece~~ec1 arid ~~~ie~r~d the la°tes~ Leg~slat%ve Bulletins from °°~~hhe Leag~z~ o~ Cal~~orr~~a Ca~.~~es s Ad~t~z~~st~°~~a~° Butch also gave a brief report on the ~ecent Leag~e Con~~~~nce ~°~t~r~d~d ~~r ha.zn ~long w~~h Mayor de Leon and Cou~cs,lYn~n Gallaghe~ m He ~'t~~ed ~k~~~ ~~d~~ ~,s the ~~~°st day to submit applica- ~ions unde~ 'th~ P~li~~ W~~7cs Einpl,oym~~t o£ 1976; °that under new federal rec~ui~~~ren~s, ~znexpencled ~te~ren~~ Sha~~n~ ~'unds ~s o~ January 1, 1977, will require a p~l~c T~ea~~ng b~ he1c1 on °~he~~ e~cpendi~u~e, ev~n if they have been otherwise des~gnated ~ox° c~~°t~.~n p~~,~c~s ~n ~he b~~lge~; ~r~d a serious debate had been held on p~°oposed p~°ope~t~ ~ax ~eas~r~s. t~a~o~ cle I~eon ~ev~ewed discussions h~ld rega~dir~g ~elf-insu~ar~c~ b~ c~t~es, ~ta~~ng ~l~e C~°t~ should look into this and get ~ogether with ~he Coun~t~ or~ ~tm H~ r~;~~~ br~ng °the subjec~t up at the next Mayor~' mee't:~ng. OiZD~1~~1VCE '~O REGLTT~ITE SIC.~'TEBO~~D 1~~D~I~T~ ~ FI~S'~ READING The Counc~l ~eviewed a~e~ri~~ed Ska°~eboa~d Ord~n~nce recommended for adpptio~ by °~he F~~~king &'~ra~f~.c Cc~mm~,ssion. Af°~er Council discussion, City Attorney Sh~.pse~ ~ead, fo~° ~.~s f~~°s°~ re~d~ng, °the ta~tle of an Ord~nance providing for the regulat~on of wheeleel toy~ ~r~ ~he G~t~; tk~ereafter, a motion was made by Council- man Schlegel, seconded by C~un~~lman G~llaghe~ and un~nixnously carried, to dispense with read~ng ~he b~~.an~e of this ox°d~.nance. APPROVE STDEWALK IN~Z°AI,I,li'T~ON ~iT C~ROWN Sc ~AS'I^ BRADICH S'I"12EaETS Di.rectox° o~ Public Wo~ks Ande~s~n d~.spla~red a di~gram for proposed sidewalk ~ns°ta~~a~~on a~ound ~he G~~~ p~ope~°~~ a~ ~1~e b~se of Crown Street where it meets Ea~°t ~~°~nch ~°tree°tm ~°h~.s ha~ bee~ ~ecyu~~t~d by ~he ~~°inaipal of the Paulding Interean~d~a°~e Scl~ool ~n ~o~ o~ C~°o~ H~11 ~r~cl recommendecl fo~° approval by the P~rk~ng & T~°a~f~c Co~ran~~~~on. F, a~e~~es~ ~o~ a~~osswalk at this i:ntersect~.on wa~ d~s~~u~aged b~r the D~~~~~o~ of P~~%~ Works as ~°t t^rould give pedestrians a false ~ense o~ safe~y. A~~e~ Co~n~~l d~~cussio~, a motion was made by Council.xrtan Schlege~, seconded by Cotznc~lm~ra Gal.laghe~ ~nd ux~~n~.mausly carried, approving the 4' s~cle~al~C ~n~~alla~ti~n ~~~~~d °~he C~°ty-owrned ~roperty ~t Branch and Crown Stree~t~, a~ p~e~~n~ed ~~S ~he ~~lal~~ Work~ D~~°~cto~°m RE~(7LL1~'~(~1~1 ADOP~'ION m E~T~Z~~~~i B(J~ LO~D~I~G ~C~1V~ & CROS~W~ILIC ON CROWN HILL ~ D~rector of Pub~~~ Work~ Ande~s~n ~°eviewed ~u~ther requests made by the Pauld~.x~g Schaol on Cro~m Sta~~~~t, that a~~°~~~w~lk lae e~~abl~shed in front of the school b~ ~he drivew~y e~~~, ~nc1 ~k~~t a b~as load~.ng zone be establishecl in f~ont nf the Ad~in~st~°~~a~or~ ~~ng ~r~d s~yann~.~~~, w~~Y~ s~gns to be posted "Bus Stop~No Parking b~~ween 3:30 PmMm az~d 4:00 P~NIm"o .~~~ear Cc~~n~il di~cuss~.on, Ca.ty Attoxney Shipsey :~ead °~he °t~~le ~f a re~~lu~~on ~~~ai~l~sh~ng ~ passenger loading zone and cros~wal~C or~ Cro~vn ~~~ee°~; ~he~~~f~~~, ~ mo°~i~n ~a~s mad~ by Councilman Schlegel, se~ond~d by Coun~~~znan ~pi~~:l~~c~ ~nd ~r~~~:~zn~~~~~r ~a~r~ed, ~o dispense with ~e~d~.ng ~h~ bal,anc~ o~ th~~ re~o~~~~or~a 24~ CTTY COUNCIL OCTOBER 26, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 RESOLUTION NQ. 125? A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY QF AR1~OY0 GRANDE ESTP,~LISHING A PASSENGER LOADING'ZONE g1ND CROSSWALK ON CROWN STREET. On mot~on of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Couricilman Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Counci].men Spierling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Mi11is and Mayor de Leon NOES: None ABSENT; None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 26th day of October, 1976. Nadine Silva, Arroyo Grande resident, aomplained about ~he double parking at the ice cream parlor on East Branch Street. PROGRESS REPORT RE. PUBLIC WORKS E1~LOYMENT ACT of 1976 Administrator Butch advised that a resolution should be adppted assuring that the City will follow through with the requiremer~ts o~ th~ government under the Public Works Employment Act of 1976 and the City Attorney will t;hen write a letter assuring City ownership of the properties involved in th~ applica~ion projects. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey ~ead the ti~le af a resolution adopting assurances required with Grant Applications ~or Title 1 of the Public Works Emplpyment Act of 1976; thereafter, a motion was mad~ by Councilznan Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carr~.ed, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTIQN N0. 1258 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C~'~Y OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING CERTAIN ASSURANCES FOR THE PUS~IG WORK5 EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1976. On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and on the following roll ca11 vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, Gallagher, Schl~gel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 26~th day of Oatober, 1976. AUTHORIZE HIRING OF ENGINEERS TO AIDE IN GRANT APPLICATIONS Administrator Butch reviewed that stozm drains in the Fair Oaks area and water lines on Grand Avenue were also listed as priorities for grant application under the Public Works Employznent Act of 1976, as were a water reservoir and distribution. City staff has not had time to put these appl9,cations together and proposals have been solicited from two engineering f~.rms to aamplete these. The Council reviewed said proposals, one being f~om Gentral Coast Laboratories, 396 Buckley Road, San Luis Obispo, for a flat fee of $5,10O.OQ; a~d the other from Ghoxmley Engineering, 1197 Highland Way, Grover G~.ty, for time and material costs. Funds would come from the drainage and water budgqts. Tf the City does not get the grants, the engineering plans would still be u~~,lizEd by the City as these projects need to be accomplished anyway. After Council discuss~on, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman $chlegel and u~animously carried, authorizing the hiring of Ghormley Enqineering for preparation of prelim- inary designs and applications to the Office of Economia Development, for the purpose of obtaining federal grants for the City's wate~ distxibution and storm d~rain projects, at a fee not to exceed $5,000. REPORT RE. P.O.S.T. SURVEY MADE OF POLICE DEPT.'S RECORD S!~'STEM The Council reviewed a report prepared by Adm~.na,stra~ive Zntern Scott Baldwin, on a special survey recently mac1~ by the Peace Of~icer Standards and Training on the Police Department's record keeping ~ystem, as requested by the City. The department was well pleased with the survey and hopes to implement suggESted changes by the first of next year. REVIEW OF REPORT RE. ELECTRICITY FORECASTING & PLANNTI~G REFORT - HELD OVER Review of a summary on the State's Electricity Forecasting and Planning Report was:held over pending receipt of a response by Pacif~.C Gas & Electric Company on the subject. Councilman Millis requested a progress report be abta~.ned on funds avail- able for underground utilities. ~4S CITX COUNCIL QCTOBER 26, 1~76 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 RESOL. ADOPT. - I'NTENT ~O ABANDON POR'TION OF LE POINT STv - PUB. HEARING: 11/23/76 The Council reviewed a recoznmendation from the Planning Commission tl~at ten,. ~eet on the south side of Le Point St~°eet, between Crown Terrace and State Highway 227, be abandoned, as it is exeessive for City street needs. After Councxl dis- cussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution of intention to abandon a portion of a C~.ty street, and setting'a public hearing thereon for 8:00 P.M. on November 23, 1976; thereaf~ter, ~ motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman G~llagher and unanimously carried, to disp~nse with reading the balancE of this resolution. 12ESO~UTION N0. 1259 A RESOLUTTON OF IN'~ENT~ON TO VACATE, ABANDON AND CLQSE A PORTION OF LE POINT S'TREET, IN THE CIT7C OF ARROYO GRANDE, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA~ AND FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING AS PROVIDED FOR BY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE SECTION 8320, ET SEQ. On motion of Counc~lman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spie~l~ng, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de ~eon NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolut~on w~s pas~ed and adopted this 26th day of October, 1976. Clarific~tion was g~ver~ ~0 1~i~°sm Stinson, 562 Le Point Street, that the resolution just passed w~s sett~ng ~ pu~lic hearing on the proposed Le Point Street abandonment. DISCUS$TON RE. EXPIR~1'~~ON OF° TE1~1~A'I"~VE Y`fiAP TRACT 555 The Couneil re~r~.eraecl a resolut~on and report from the Planning Commiss~,an-, granting a one-year ex~ens~on fo~ ~en~ta~ive Map of Tract 555, as requested by Garing, Taylor & Assoc., eng~neers ~o~ the developer. A resolution approving said map was passed by the Commi~s~on on ~anua~°y 21, 1975, and approval ot the` Negative Declaration of Environmen~al ~mpact w~s given May 6, 1976. The Code allows extension requests i.~ they are made with~.n 18 months after approval of the Tract. The Planning Comm~ssion felt approval was not effective until the Negat~ve Decla~ation was ad~p~ed, C~t~r ~ttorney Shipsey feels the eighteen months start running wrhen the r~solut~on appx°o~ring the Tentative Map is passed, and therefore approval. of Z°entative Map T~°act 555, fn his opinion, has expired . and proceedings for ~ract 555 wri.ll have to begin anew. Mrs. Ella Honeycu°t°t, 560 Oak H~11 Road, stated her feeling that approval of Tract 553 has also expired and encou~°aged a new hearing on an Environmental Impact Report for this tract be he~.d, b~cause of a natural pond in that area which she felt should be p~eser~red for natux°e walks. REPORT - RECENT MEETING OF ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMIT'I°EE - MILLIS Councilman Millis reported on the Oc`tober 2~st meeting of the Zone 3 Advisory Committee, stating that the ~egular monthly reports from the Lopez Recreational Area and the Water T~°eat>m~nt P1an~t had been given, which he reviewed~ Roy Shez°win had resigned as D~.rector of the County Parks & Recrea- tion Department, and in parting cautioned against g%ving discounts into the recreational facilities, such as to senior citizens, because other groups will request the same courtes~r and Lopez ~s barely making it financially now. The Oceano water district area is having problems with nitrates in its wa~Cer and therefore using a large suppl}r of Lopez raater. ~t was suggested that surplus Lopez be sold to this districta The air cover on the reservoir has been placed and is working well, and Cc,un~i].man ~illis described how it was designed by a computer. Camping fees at Lopez inc~°eased effective October 1st, and the Board of Supervisors is considering a chan~e in an ordinance to allow windsurfing at the lake. A publ~c hea~ring ~,~rill be held on the proposal. APPROVE PARCEL MAP AG-.~,L-76-447, LOOMIS I~EYGHTS (EVANS) ~ City Engineer ~arc~a reviewed with the Council, Parcel Map AG-AL-76-447, reflecting a lot split (Case No. 76-25i~ to make a~.ot line adjustment between Lots 18 and 19 of Trac°t No. 577, Loom~s Heigh°t~, as requested by Clifford Evans. After Counc~.l discussi~on, a mo~~on was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Millis aneT unanimousl}r ca~ried, find~ng Parcel Ma.p AG-AL-76-447 to be consistent with the City's General Plan and zoning, and approving said Parcel Map . 2~ 7' CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 26, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 APPROVE PARCEL MAP AG 76-451, HIGHWAY 101, COUNTY OF S.Z,.O. City Engineer Garcia reviewed with the Council, Parcel Map AG 76-451, reflecting a lot split (Case No. 76-252) requested by the County of San Luis Obispo to separate 40 acres from a 189 acre parcel for the development of the South County Regional Government Center located easterly of Highway 101 between Brisco Road and Branch Street. The Council discussed the propos~d development at length, indicating its desire that the County work within the City's ordinances and keep the City informed on its progress. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and carried, finding Parcel Map AG 76-451 to be consistent with the City's General Plan and zoning, and approving said Parcel Map. Albert Browne, 327 Corona Del Terra, suggested the Council appoint a liaison to work with the County continually on this project. After further Council discussion, Administrator Butch was directed to incl.ude a letter with approval of the Parcel Map, indicating the Council's desire to work with the County to be k~pt informed on the development of the Regional Center, and offering to appoint a liaison to work with the County. AUTHORIZE SIGNING OF DEED OF CONVEYANCE TO P.G.& E. FOR RUTH ANN WAY The Council reviewed a report from City Engineer Garcia, requesting approva]. for the signing of a Deed of Conveyance giving P.G. & E. the electrical facilities installed at district expense in the Ruth Ann Way project. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to s,ign, on behalf of the City, a Deed of Conveyance to Pacific Gas and Elect~ic Company for electrical facilities installed in the Ruth Ann Way project. AUTHORIZE TIME EXTENSIONS, WAIVERS & PUMP CREDITS RE. SEW~R HOOK-UPS Administrator Butch r,eported that approximately 2~0 properties not previously exempted or given extensions, have not yet hoqked up to the City's sewer systems and the deadline for doing so was October 24, 1976, per Municipal Code Section 6-6.303. Director of Public Works Anderson reviewed the pump credit given even if property owners are hooking up to the old sewer system and`City Engineer Garcia further clarified that a portion of the sewer assessment is waived, but no monetary refund is involved. The Council then reviewed each request received for an extension of time or waiver. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, apprr~ving recommenda- tions per Director of Public Works Anderson's report dated October 26, 1976, as follows: Sixty-day extensions to take out a permit to hook-up to the City's sewer systems were granted to the following: Mrs. Kathy Le Roy, 1147 Huasna R~sad; Mrs• Edna M. Barringer McKain, 1255 Sage Street; Rod Hatch, 1321 Sierra Drive; Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Olsen, 1211 Fair Oaks Avenue; Miss Pat Lauthbury, 225 Tally Ho Road; John & Lucille Robison, 1065 Ash Street; South County Convalescent Center, 1212 Farroll Avenue; Barton Shishmanian, 117 Pea~wood Avenue; Eddyth R. Devens, 1169 Ash Street; Doris Allen, 1114 Huasna Road, Hilo Fuchiwaki(AG Japanese Welfare Assoc.), 490 E. Cherr;r Avenue; Vernon E. Ketz, 131 Rosewood Lane; Ralph J. O'Hagan, 255 Walnut Street; Marilyn Nelson, 1203 Farroll Avenue; Earl & Helen Hallgren, 1062 Maple Street; Reverend Ritchie, 571 S. Traffic Way; Mrs. Florence Pfluke, 315 Corona Del Terra; Mrs. Jimmie G. Gaines, 1076 Ash Street; Jimmy R. Fortson, 139 Rosewood Lane; Roger Cline, 404 Pecan Street, and Rancho La Bei?.e Tract "A" Consortium, 1122 El Camino Real and ad~acen~ property as requested by general partner, Dorn L. Schmidt of Malibu, California, A thirty-day extension was granted to Flossy E. Howell, 963 Dodson Way. Waivers to the sewer hook-up requirement were granted as follows: E. C. Loomis & Son, 520 E. Branch Street, until plumbing is instal.led in the building; Evelene Lovasz, 990 Highway 101, pending development; Robert A. Wienold, 211 Corbett Canyon Road; and Mary Oliveira, 804 Grand Avenue, until such time as there is a problem with the private disposal system or the pxoperty is sold. Pump credits were granted to the following for i.nstallation af their sewer lines: Mr. R. W. Doherty, 116-A South Halcyon Road and Walter Stultz, 102 Traffic Way. ~4~ CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 26, 4976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 NOTICE OF AWARD TO STREET DEPARTMENT FOR INVENTION Administrator Butch reported that the Street Department recently won a $25.00 third place award for submitting its invention to the Street Maintenan~~~ Supervisors Association of a device making it easier to put up and take down the street flags, which resulted in saving~ to the City in time and costa. - - ACCEPT DEED FOR SEWER EASEMENT - CARROLL The Council reviewed a report from Director of Public Works Analesaon,- requeating acceptance of a deed for sewer purposes from the "Malis" proper~y to permit future sewer connection to Robles Road. After Council discu~s,ior~, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign, on beh~lf of the City, a Certiftcate of Acceptance for a ten foot sew~r easement deed in Lot 1 81ock 5 of Txact 546, from Pauline Baker Carroll. AUTHORIZE SIGNING OF LAND CONSERVATION CONTRACT - DIXSON PROPERTY Administrator Butch advised that Mz°s. Dixson has brought in th~ Land , Conservation Contract for sign~ng by the City, to put the Gordon Dixson property into an Agricultural Preserve, sahich will make said property eligible for tax reductions in 1977-78. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Counci~:~n Millis, seconded by Coun~ilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, authorizing tk~e Mayor and City Clerk to sign, on behalf of the City, a Land Conservation Gontraa~ between the City and Bank of America, Trustees of the Gordon F. Dixson Estate, to put property at the East Cherry Extension and Branch Nli 11 Road into agricultural preserve status. MEMO CLARTFYING REASONS FOR RESYGNATION - G~.RCIA The Council received and read a memorandum from City Engineer Gareia, clarifying his reasons for the submission of his resignation, which the Council had previously received. COMPLAINT RE. STRIPING ON GRAND AVENUE - TIERNEY Shaxon Tierney, 474 Coach Road, ~tated that the striping on Grand Avenue . causes confusiori because the old lanes which are ?~lacken~d over are still visib~,e. REQUEST FOR CITY TREE ORDINANCE & COUNCIL ATTENDANCE AT PLAN. COMM.-'HONEYCUT~ Ella Honeycutt, 560 Oak H~11 Road, r~quested the City look ~:th development of a tree ordinance to prevent the cutting of trees on private property. She also admonished the Counc~l for not having a membex pr~sent at each of the Planning Commis~ion meetings. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Sehlegel, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:42 P.M. 7 ATTEST: - - CC_. <i__.~ CITY CLERK ' MAYOR