Minutes 1977-01-112'71 CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 11; 1977 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in reg~xlar session with Mayor Gabe de Leon presiding. Upon roll call, Cauncfl Members Al Spierling, Matthew Gallagher, Jr., Calvin Schlegel and Mark Millis reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor de Leon led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag; and immediately thereafter, Reverend Sohn W. Rose of St. John°s Lutheran Church in Grover City delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes for the City Council's last regular meeting held on December 14, 1976, were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, General Warrants No. P184 through No. P215, in the total amount of $257,606.50, and No. 5791 through Noo 5902, in the total amount of $106,546.99; and Payroll Warrants No. 7860 through No. 7869, in the total amount of $691.87; and No. 7874 through No. 7971, in the total amount of $53,042.57, were approved and ordered paid. INTRODUCTION OF NEW CITY ENGINEER - KARP Administrator Butch introduced the new City Engineer, Paul Karp, who will begin work with the City officially on January 31, 1977. The previously appointed replacement for the position, Angel Espiritu, had declined to take the position after all. RESOLUTIONS FROM CITIES OPPOSING REDISTRIBUTION OF SALES TAX - SUPPORTED The Council reviewed resolutions from the Cities of Compton, South. El Monte and Palm Desert, opposing any change in the local sales and Use Tax Law which would redistribute sales tax revenues solely on the basis of population. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Millis and carried, supporting the aforementioned cities'. opposition to redistribution of sales tax revenue based on population, and directing that letters to this affect be sent to the City's legislative representatives, RESPONSE FROM ASSEMBLYWOMAN E3ALLETT RE. CITY'S CONCERNS The Council read a letter from Assemblywoman Carol fiallett,-which stated she shares the City's concern regarding Housing and Community Development and also opposes the proposed California Transportation Plano RESOLUTION RE. ILLEGAL ALIENS - LIVINGSTON The Council reviewed a resolution from the City of Livingston, supporting legislation allowing for identification of illegal aliens without abusing individual rights and further supporting legislation which r~rill substitute the mass entry of illegal aliens with a program of contracted alien labor on a temporary basis. The Council discussed the matter briefly and took no action. RESOLUTIONS OPPOSING.. SUPERTANKER PORT IN AREA - SAN LUIS OBISPO & MORRO BAY The Council reviewed similar resolutions from the City of San Luis Obispo and City of Morro Bay, citing opposition to a proposed supertanker port and related facilities in the San Luis Obispo County Area and Northern Santa Barbara County.. Administrator Butch reported that. in response to an inquiry by this City for more information on the matter, a representative from SOHIO had tried to reach him by phone today, and no response has been received yet from Tom Quinn of the State's Air Resources Board. The Council discussed the matter, with several Council Members stating they would still like to get more information before taking a stand. After Council discussion, Councilman Gallagher made a motion to support the City of San Luis Obispo's Resolution No. 31.88 opposing a proposed supertanker port and related facilities off the coast of San Luis Obispo County and Northern Santa Barbara County® Councilman Millis seconded the motion, and on the following roll call Grote, requested by Mayor de Leon, to wit: AYESe Councilmen Gallagher and Millis; NOESs Councilmen Spierling, Schlegel and Mayor de Leon, the foregoing motion failed. ~~w CITY .COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 11, 1977 PAGE 2 LETTER OF APPRECIATION TO A.G. POLICE DEPARTMENT - STEWART The Council read a letter of appreciation from Don A. Stewart, an Arroyo Grande resident, thanking the Arroyo Grande Police Department for its vacation house check program and generally praising the whole department as being out- standing and efficient. .REQUEST FOR EASEMENT REDUCTION IN RUTH ANN WAY TRACT(McHANEY) - REFER TO PLAN. COMM. The Council read a letter from Donald E. McHaney, 1 Grand Avenue, requesting the reduction of a 15' easement across the west side of Lot 1 in the Ruth Ann Way Tract, to five feet, be considered to allow normal construction on the site. The City Engineer saw no problems with the request as all utilities are in place and would not be affected by the easement reduction.- After Council- discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and carried, referring the request of Donald E. McHaney for an easement reduction in the Ruth Ann Way Tract, to the Planning Commission for its review and recommendations. . The Council requested that in the future they receive a map indicating the property, easement,. parcel, etc. with their agenda items so they may better review the matter before the meeting. INVITATION. TO ANNUAL CLAM FESTIVAL PARADE IN PISMO BEACH: MARCH 5, 1977 In response to an invitation, the Council indicated it would participate in the 31st Annual. Pismo Beach Clam Festival Parade on Saturday, March 5, 1977. LETTER OF INFO. RE. CONSTRUCTION ON CROWN HILL - SMITH The Council read a letter from B'Ann Smith, 548 Crown Street, forwarding a letter she had received from the Soil Conservation Service in response to her request that they review the construction sites easterly of Crown and Le Point Terraces. As per her request, copies of the Soil Report had been given to the Planning Department and Commissioners. The City will require a soil test on the project. PUBLIC HEARING - ESTABLISH DIXSON AG. PRESERVE- RESOLUTION ADOPTION Administrator Butch reviewed the background of an application for agricultural preserve status requested for the 40+ acre Dixson property lying northerly and easterly of Branch Mill Road and southerly of the easterly extension of Cherry Avenue® The property has previously been rezoned to allow for agricultural preserve status and the Planning Commission has recommended that the City now enter into the Ag Preserve Contract. Upon being assured by the City Clerk that all requirements as provided by law regarding notification of hearing have been complied with, Mayor de Leon declared the hearing open and all persons would now be heard on this matter. The following persons were present and spoke in favor of the agricultural preserve: Bill McCann, 420 Tanner Ln; Elizabeth Jackson, 208 Fair View Dr; and Ella Honeycutt, 560 Oak Hill Rd. There being no further public discussion on this matter, Mayor de Leon declared the hearing closed. In response to Councilman Schlegel's inquiry, City Attorney Shipsey stated he felt there would be no problem if the City needed to acquire some of the property in the preserve for road purposes should this. be necessary in the corrective alignment of Branch Mill Road someday.:. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution establishing the Dixson Agricultural Preserve; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried,. to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1267 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING AN AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE TO BE KNOWN AS THE DIXSON AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE. On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Spierling and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 11th day of January, 1977. 2'73 CITY COUI~ICIL JANUARY 1 1 , ~ 9? 7 ARROYO GR~!!It?E' CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 PUBLIC- HEI~RZHG - .ADOPT ADEi7 PUBLIC BUIII~INGS ELEMENT - #cESQLUT2fB1 ADOPTION Administxa~r Butch reviewed that the .Planning Comn-i~s~cin hae recommendacl adoption of the amended Public Buildings Element of the Ganerai Plan,'copies of which the Council has previously received Upan being assured by tho City Clerk that all requirements as provided by law x®gaxd~ng not#.catian of hearing have been complied with, Mayor de Leon declared the hearing open and all persons would now be heard un this n+:ittex. _ Thane being no public;: dis::usbi~rn an this matter, Mayor dra Leon declaxed the hearing cloaetl. Aftex Cacxn..ail discussion, City Attorney Shipley read tr,E title of a resolution adopting t:he alaended Public Bui.idings Ele~aents thexeaite~, a motion was made by Go:anc;zlnaar~ Schlegel., seconded by Counr..lman Gallagher and unanimously carried, to dispenme with reading the balance of this .resolutaono RESOLUTION NO 126H A RESOLUTION OF THE fiTT Y COUNCIL OF T'HE CITY OAF ARROYO GRANDB ING T4iE REVISER, UPDATER, AND AMENDED PUBLIC. EtIZLT)IS ELEN"I' tiF THE (~ENE&AL PLAN On motion of Councilman Spset~3s,ng, seconded by Councilman Gallagh~sr at~d on thefollawing roll: call vote, t~~ wit.: AYES: Celuncila~sn Spiexlrg, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayer de Lean NOBS: None ABS: Noxie the foregoing kesolut+.on watt passed and adopted this 11th day of Jdl~!'luary, 49?7, PRESENTATION BY MRS E. WASEiBURN - Hk:LD L'?VEk .~.MI.Y~~1~/Illlrl/ll4q~~11 • l~Alel~l IMw.' ~~~ A prese-ntataan that was to be made by .Mrs- Edna Mashburn ~Dcawall} was held over.. DEl'ARTMBN'i'AL REPORT FOk DEC EA~BER, t 9`7 6 Ths t~partmental Report #'o:c the month of Decembex, 1976, was received the Council: ravieared and t~rdered f i I.eci„ ORDINANCE AtJOPTION -REZONE X76-96 ~ GRRNDfHR:SCO "PM" TO "HS" i~'CASLIN'~ City Attorney ShiFaey read the true of ati ordinance: am~.+ inner -g -~th Municipal Code sa ae~ to zezone fr4mr "F-ir!" cv "H-S", certain propeY~ty in the City: theraa€ter, a motion was tt~ade hY Councilman S;:hlege2, seconded Councilman Spiering and unanimously carried, to da9pense with raatli~g the balance of thin ordinance. OFiD:I IYANCE NO., 14'7 C : S AN ORf11NANCE t3~' 'TH& CITY OF AkttOYO GTAtIRE ANiEI~IING A PORTION ~,+' THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF ARROYO? GRA~TDS RBF 'l`O IN SECTI ~V ~ 3C2 OF TITLE 9, CHAPTER ~ ~' THE MtiNIC1PAL GOD& SD AS TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY IM THE CITY OF' ARROYO GRANaB. v on tioh of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spi.eriing and on the follclwing roll call votes to wit: AYRS: Councilmen Sp:ierling, G.iilaghez, Schlegel, ~tillas and Mayor da L I~KB+S : Nonei ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopter this 11th clay of January, Y9??. ~s ~tl .__ ~dt~ Azn. - oxnrr~Axc~ nr~~'rxc~rr - cA~aAC~ ~ REFUSE FRANCSI3S CODE C ty Attorney shipsey read thAs t.a.tle of an azdinanc® amending the Municipal Code so as to provide far mandatory gaxbage collection in the City, the granting cf a fzanch~sa by the City >:or said services and providing fac the..billi;~g and .fee callecticn to be done by the Citys theraaltar, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, se~onaed by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried,. to dispense with wading the balance csf this ordnanca~ ORDIerANCE r~ca. x+48 C:.S~ AN ORDINANCE OF 'I'E1E wITX OF ARR,t?Y"O GRANDE A1~IENDING CHAPTER 4 OF' TITLE fi OF TI3E ARR07CO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITD GAFiBAt~E AND REFUSE ~ X74 CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 11, 1977 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and on the fo lowing roll call vote, to wit: AYES-: Councilmen Spierling, Gallagher,. Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES: .None ABSENT:. None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 11th day of January, 1.977. PROGRESS REPORT - COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL Administrator Butch reported he had recently met with the new Animal Control Supervisor, Mr. Dollahite, and was impressed with him and his proposed programs. Livestock pick-up costs will. be charged to the owner of the livestock that-has been retrieved by the Animal Control, as suggested by the City Council. A_program of wild animal control is also being started. PROGRESS REPORT - COUNTY REGIONAL GOVERNMENT CENTER - HELD OVER Councilman Spierling reported that the meeting scheduled for last Thursday regarding the County Regional Government Center was cancelled and has not yet been rescheduled. PROGRESS REPORT - HOUSING AUTHORITY'S RENT SUPPLEMENT PROGRAM Administrator Butch reviewed information received from the Director of the San Luis Obispo Housing Authority, regarding the new housing assistance program. Under this program, eligible householders pay no more than 25~ of their income for their share of the rent, with the balance paid by the Housing Authority. The Council felt this is a good program and should be supported. ATTORNEY'S REVIEW OF CITY'S E.I.R. & NEGATIVE DECLARATION PROCEDURES City Attorney Shipley stated that the City's adopted guidelines regarding evaluation of projects and the preparation of Environmental Impact Reports. provides that the Planning Commission make .the determination. of Negative Declarations., so that the Council is the body to which appeals can be made:.. Environmental Impact Reports need to be approved by the body having final approval of the project on which the EIR is being made. Arroyo Grande resident, Fred Steele, commented that the State's guidelines allow 30 days for appeal, but the City's guidelines allow only ten days, and they should be made consistent. The Council also reviewed a survey prepared by Planning Aide Sullivan, showing that most of the cities within the County of San Luis Obispo follow the procedure as 'set forth by Arroyo Grandee making the Planning Commission the determining body of .Negative Declarations. REPORT RE. PLANNING COMMISSION POWERS - HELD OVER A report prepared by Administrative Intern Baldwin,. reviewing-the powers delegated to the Planning Commission, was held over for further review by City staff before- the Council considers it. REVIEW OF COSTS FOR CONSOLIDATED SPECIAL ELECTION: NOVEMBER 2, 1976 The Council reviewed a billing from the County and a report on same from the City Clerk, regarding the costs of the City's Special Election which was consolidated with the General Election of November 2, 1976. The County's billing is in the amount of $.1,186.86, and only $300 had been budgeted as anticipated costs. REPORT - RECENT MEETING OF AREA PLANNING COUNCIL - SPIERLING Councilman Spierling reported on the December-15th meeting of the Area Planning Council, as follows:. the joint powers agreement has been signed by all six cities and will now go before the Board of Supervisors for approval.; the Senior Citizen Van Project was discussed; the Advisory Vote question regarding a Transit District which will appear on the ballot in March elections, was worded into a single question which will require only a "Yes" or "No" answer; a Merno of Understanding will be on the Council's next agenda concerning the Area Council and Cal'Trans; and each city is being asked to reissue contracts for John Nickelson, the Transit Manager, and the secretary-clerk, both of whom were-hired by the Area=Council and paid by SB 325 monies at the county level. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried,- approving the reissuance of contracts for the Area Planning Council's Transit Manager and Clerk, for the present calendar year. - - 2'75 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 11, 197 7 PAGE 5 PROGRESS REPORT - PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYMENT ACT GRANT APPLICATION Administrator Butch reported that no word has yet been received by the -City either denying the submitted claims or notifying the City of their approval. RESOLUTION ADOPTION - NAME PARK IN SUBDIVISION "LA MESA PARK" The Council reviewed a memorandum from the Parks and Recreation Commission, recommending that a park in the Arroyo Village Subdivision, located at the southerly end of Valley Road, developed by Golden West Homes,, be named "La Mesa Park". After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipley read the title of a resolution naming a City park; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of .this resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1269 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF ARROYO GRANDE. NAMING A PARK AREA IN THE ARROYO VILLAGE SUBDIVISION AS "LA MESA PARK". On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 11th day of January, 1977. AUTHORIZE FUNDING FOR CONTINUATION OF SENIOR VAN PROGRAM Councilman Spierling reviewed with the Council his report to all Area Council Member Agencies, written as president of the Area Planning Council,. informing them that the formation of a county-wide Elderly/Handicapped Transit System, anticipated to have been in operation in January, 1.977. with SB 325 funds, has been delayed. He therefore requested that member agencies contribute funds to support the senior vans to enable the retention of an interim system of transportation for the period of January, 1977 through June, 1977. The report set forth estimated total costs and the funding level for each agency based on a population pro-rata share, with Arroyo Grande's share being $431.82.- After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Schlegel. and unanimously carried, approving the amount of $431.82 as the City's share to fund the Senior Van Program for the remainder of this. fiscal year. REVIEW OF LATEST LEGISLATIVE BULLETINS AND INFO. FROM LEAGUE OF CALIF. CITIES The Council reviewed the latest Legislative Bulletin from the League of California-Cities, which gave updates of various bills and new legislative committees. Also reviewed was a notice of a workshop on Effective Conduct of Council Business to be held in January in Santa Clara. CLAIM .FOR DAMAGES AGAINST CITY BY OLSEN - DENIED A motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and carried, denying a claim for damages against the City submitted by Charles J. and Doris Olsen, 1212 Fair Oaks Avenue, as recommended by the City's insurance carrier. REVIEW OF THIRD QUARTER SALES TAX & CIGARETTE TAX REVENUE REPORT The Council received and reviewed a report on sales tax revenue for the third quarter of 1976 and cigarette tax for October, November and December of 1976. The Sales Tax Revenue ($96,206) was an increase of 18.1 over the same quarter for 1975,. but was 6.8~ lower than the second quaxter of 1976. REVIEW OF FIRE DEPARTMENT'S APPLICATION FOR GRANT The Council reviewed an application made by the City's Fire Department for Assistance (Grant) under the Rural Development. Act of 1972.- A total amount of $4,175.-OU in funds has been requested to cover 50~ of the cost of 10 pager monitor radios .and one forcible entry tool (jaws). REPORT. - SPOT CHECK OF POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS The Council reviewed a report from Planning Aide Tom Sullivan, regarding the Planning Department's proposal to update its information in the City's census characteristics by making a spot check on population characteristics throughout the City. College students may be doing the survey® ~~s CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 11, 1977 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - REVERSION TO ACREAGE--LE POINT TERRt 1/25/77, 8 P.M. The Council was informed that a public hearing has been set or January 25, 1977 at 8:00 P.M. to consider the request of Lenzi & Meagher Construction to revert back to acreage fourteen small lots on Le Point Terrace,. between Le Point and Crown Streets. Said reversion has been approved by the Planning Commission. RECEIPT OF ANNUAL LOPEZ WATER CONTRACT BILLING FOR 1977-78 FISCAL YEAR The Council reviewed the annual Lopez Water Contract it ing or the fiscal year 1977-78, in the amount of $368,607.62. nrrvici - tlrr;•t'11VCi Ur' GONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE - APPOINT ALTERNATE REPS. The Council reviewed a report prepared by City Engineer Garcia, regarding the December 16, 1976 meeting of the Zone 3 Advisory Committee. The regular monthly reports had been heard,- with Jim Antoine stating that revenue and attendance at Lopez Lake were up from the same period last year. A Group Camping Area is scheduled for completion in May or June of 197.7 and will be called "Sherwin Forest" in honor of LeRoy Sherwin. Ward Phelps had reported that Lopez Lake is 12' below the spill and there is a four year supply of water in the lake, not counting evaporation. The proposed budget for 1977-78 had also been presented and reviewed. Councilman Millis, representative to the Zone 3 Committee, requested that the newly hired City Engineer be appointed as an alternate to said Committee, since Mr. Garcia will be leaving. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, appointing Paul Karp as alternate representatsve to the Zone 3 Advisory Committee, with Councilman Spierling to remain second alternate. REFORT - COUNTY WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING GALLAGHER Councilman Gallagher reported on the recent meeting of the County Water Resources Advisory Committee, stating that discussion had been held regarding the water supply in Morro Bay, which is now critical. It had been suggested that farmers be allowed to take the effluent water now being discharged through the outfall line, for use in irrigation and the additional well water this would leave, could be used by regular water users. Further discussion had also been held on a weather modification program, with it being reported that the history of the program shows it works very well and specific data had been heard citing agencies who used it and their increased precipitation as a result. COUNCILMAN SCHLEGEL EXCUSED HIMSELF FROM THE .COUNCIL TABLE DUE TO A POSSIBLE CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND IS NOW ABSENT. APPROVE PARCEL MAPS AG 76-433 & 434, STAGECOACH ROAD (KUDEN, ET AL) City Engineer Paul Karp reviewed with the Council Parcel Maps AG 76- 433 and 434, and read the report of City Engineer Garcia dated December 10, 1976, which-had been previously reviewed by the Council at its December 14th meeting. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and carried, finding Parcel Maps AG 76-433 and 434 to be consistent with the City's General Plan and Zoning; accepting, on behalf~of the public, the street dedication and public utility easement shown on said maps; and approving said Parcel Maps. COUNCILMAN SCHLEGEL IS NOW PRESENT. APPROVE PARCEL MAP AG 76-162, WALNUT STREET (VAN CORDER) City Engineer Karp reviewed with the Council Parcel Map AG 76-162, reflecting afour-parcel lot split (Case No. 76-243)- located on the east side of Walnut Street at the north end of said street, requested by Elizabeth and Albert A. Van Corder. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Council- man Gallagher,. seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, finding that Parcel Map AG 76-162. is consistent with the. City's General Plan and Zoning; accepting, on .behalf. of the public, the street dedication shown on said Parcel Map; and approving said Parcel Map, subject to the required street paving. CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA ~~ JANUARY 11, 1977 PAGE 7 COUNCILMAN SPiERLING EXCUSED HIMSELF FROM THE COUNCIL TABLE DUE TO A POSSIBLE CQNFLICT OF INTEREST AND IS NOW ABSENT. EXCHANGE OF EASEMENTS-TRACT 577, LOOMIS HEIGHTS - REFERRED TO PLANNING COMMISSION The Council reviewed a report from City Engineer Garcia, recc~cnmending an exchange of easements with John Miller, developer of Tract 577, Loomis Heights. The City had previously received, with the recordation of the Tract Map, certain parcels for a water tank, xun around and pump station purposes. An additional parcel, better .suited far the stated purposes, had been purchased by the developer since then and the tank, etc. moved to that site. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, referring this matter to the Planning ,Commission for its review and reccc~nnendations, per the advice of City Attorney Shipsey. COUNCILMAN SPIERLING IS NOW PRESENT. APPROVE PARCEL MAP AG 76-252, SO. TRAFFIC WAY (SCHMITT} City Engineer Karp reviewed with the Council Parcel Map AG 76-252, reflecting two parcels being split into four lots fCase Nos. 76-235 &.236} located on the easterly side of South Traffic Way southerly of the trailer park, requested by Paul Schmitt. After Council discussion, a motion was oracle by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and carried, finding Parcel Map AG 76-252 to be consistent with the City's General Plan and zoning;. and approving said Parcel Map. GRANT TIME EXTENSION E'OR SEWER HOOK-UP f10© TRAFFIC WAY}& PROGRESS REPORT Director of Public marks Anderson reviewed with the Council a letter by Lee Lovett, owner of property at 100. Traffic Way, requesting a one-year extension from the sewer hook-up requirement. After Council discussion, a motion was-made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and carried, granting Lee Lovett a one-year extension from the requirement to hook-up 100 Traffic Way to the City's sewer system, subject to no problems occurring with the septic tank, in which event immediate hook-up will be required, Director of Public Works Anderson reviewed with the Council a copy of a letter sent to 29 property owners by certified mail, requesting they contact City Hall by January 22, 197'I regarding the sewer hook-up requirement. PROGRESS REP(~tT - SO. SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT The Council received and reviewed the monthly operation end maintenance report for December, 1976 from Chief Plant Operator Rhoades of the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District. REQUEST FOR EXPANSION OF C0~4MUNITY CENTER - A.G. WOMAN'S CLUB Administrator Butch read a letter frown the 'Woman's Club of Arroyo Grande, requesting consideration be given to the expansion of the Community Center building, stating that a larger building is urgently needed. The Council referred the request to the Parks and Recreation, Commission for its review and recommendations. COMMENTS RE. "ZERO BASED BUDGET" GUIDELINES - GALLAGHER Councilman Gallagher requested Council support and comments regarding the zerio based budget outline he had introduced for implementation considers- tion. Administrator Butch stated. that the City is working on getting a workshop planned for City staff to aid in fully comprehending this type of budgeting. NOTICE OF INTENT TO SUBMIT AF~GUMENT RE. INITIATIVE PETITION - COMMITTEE TO SAVE AG Bill McCann, 428 Tanner Lame, read and presented a letter to the City Clerk, stating that the "Committee to Save AG" is prepared to submit its argument in favor of the ordinance introduced by initiative petition in August of 1976. The petition had been disqualified due to its zoning subject matter by local courts. A higher court. has recently ruled differently on a similar case however, ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Spierl-ing, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:42 P.M. ~~ /~ , ~__ ATTEST :.~3!jl~ C, ~ , (.l'_.-¢_~- ~.G~.. ~,~.-r CITY CLERK. MAY012 i i i