Minutes 1977-01-25~. 7~' CITY coUNCZ~, JANUARY 25, X977 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFt~RNIA ,"" The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Gabe de Leon preszcling. Upon roll call, Cc~uz~c~.l Members Al Spierling, Matthew Gallagher, ,7r. , Calvin Schlegel and Mark Millis reported present. RLEDGE OF ALLEGIAt~TCE AND INVOCATION Mayor de Leon led .the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag; and immediately thereafter, Reverend Alan Gorsline of the United Methodist Church in Arroyo Grande delivered. the invocatian. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes for the regular meeting of January "-.~, '1977, were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF W NTS . On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, General Warrants No. 5903 through No. 5978, in the total amount of $194,998.95 .(including a. Lopez bond payment in the amount of $179,178.65); and Payroll Warrants No. 7972 through No. 8072, in the total amount of $34,654.89, were approved and ordered paid. RESOLUTION FROM PISMO BEACH OPPOSI'~'^v SUPERTANKER PORT IN AREA - SUPPORTED The City Council reviewed a resolution from the City of Pismo Beach opposing. the location of a supertanker port off the coast of San Luis Obispo County and Narthern Santa Barbara County or any other location .which would adversely affect this area's environmental quality and drastically alter the economy. also reviewed were summaries. an the supertanker port from the State Office. of Planning and Research and the City Staff. Admina.strator Butch reported that in his discussion of the matter with Mr~ George Schaadt of Standard Oil of Ohio (SOFIIO), it had been indicated that they wisYi to locate the port in Long Beach and not the San Luis Obispo ax°ea. Aftex Council dlscussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Mi11is and carried., on the following roll call vote., to'wit: AYES: Councilmen Gallagher, Spierling and Millis; NOES: Councilman Schlegel and Mayor de Leon, to support Pismo Beach°s Resolution opposing the location of d supertanker port ~n the San Luis Obispo% North Santa Barbara COtlntleS area. RESOL. ADOPT. - SUPPORT LEGAL SERVICES' RE~IUEST FOR FUNDS FROI'n COUNTY Mr. Barry hammer, South County Attorney, made a presentatian regarding the Legal Services Corporation of San Luis Obispo County., He expounded on nforma-- Lion the Council had received Frith its agenda material, regarding history of the Corporation and ser~rices it renders to low income citizens, many of whom come .from the South County area. Direct funding from the City was not being requested, but rather support in the form of a resolution urging the County Board of Supervisors to favorably consider the request of the Legal Services Corporation for funding until federal or other funding is obtained. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shapsey read the title of a resolution supporting the Legal Services Corporation in concept; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, secondedl by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the kaalance of this resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1270. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO G E URGING THE BOARD. OF SUPERVISORS TO FAVORABLY CONSIDER REQUEST FOR FUNDS BY LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION. On moticsn of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and on the follov~ing roll call vote, to wite .AYES: Counc~.lmen Spierling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOE5s None ABSENTz None the foregoing Resolution yeas passed and adopted this 25th day of January, 1977. RECa NDATION ~a aRIALazE FRED GRTEB - REFERRED TO PARKS & RECREA°IION CaMMITTEE 2 ~9 CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 25, 1977 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 NOTICE RE. COUNTY AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE CONTRACTS ADJACENT TO CITY The Council received notice that t e Boar o Supervisors will consider entering into Agricultural Preserve Contracts with the following property owners, whose property is in close proximity of the City's boundaries: Annie G. Shannon; George K. O Ii ve r; Joe C. Silveira; Ken Kobara; and Haruo Hayashi. RECEIPT OF QUARTERLY REPORT - S.L.O. CHAPTER OF .AMERICAN RED CROSS SAFETY PROGRAM The Council received and reviewed the quarter3.y report o tie San u~i~b~spo ~ Chapter of the American Red Cross Safety Program. PRESENTATION BY MRS. EMMA WASHBURN {DOWELLj - HELD OVER A presentation that was to be made by Mrs. Emma Washburn (Dowell? was held over. RECEIPT OF '76 ANNUAL~REPORT FROM POLICE DEPARTMENT The Council received, reviewed and ordered filed, the Annual Report of the Arroyo Grande Police Department by Police Chief Jim Clark,. for the year 1376. RECEIPT OF ANNUAL RESERVE PROGRAM RESUME - A.G. POLICE DEPT. The Council received, reviewed and ordered filed, the Annual Reserve Program Resume of the Arroyo Grande Police Department, for 1976. RES~IPT OF 1976 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. A The Council. received, reviewed and ordered filed, the Annual Rdeport of the Arroyo Grande Fire Department by Fire Chief Tony Marsalek, for the year 1976. 1 iii PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH COUNTY REGIONAL CENTER MEETING - SPIERLII+TG Councilman Spierling reported on a recent meeting regarding the South County. Regional Center and reviewed with the Council a packet of information received at said meeting entitled "South County Citizens Facilities - Guidelines for Site Pian Development". One of the plans in the. guidelines was discussed by the Council, regarding access roads to the Center and the connection of West Branch Street with the Center, to possibly be developed by the City with SB 325 monies. Councilman Spierling stated that another meeting will be held after preliminary drawings have been completed with sketches of buildings .and architecture. Discussion was also held regarding the County's capital project funds available for this Center, with Bruce Dodson of the. Center's planning firm offering to produce a report regarding funds set aside for this. It was also reported that meetings have been 'held with Father O'Sullivan of St, Patrick's School regarding the minimization of hazards far pedestrian traffic in the area of the Center's site and school location, with various proposals being discussed which are not yet reflected in the Guidelines reviewed this evening. D - RSI{~1 TO AC QN LE POINT TERR. - REFER TO PLAN... COMM. City Attorney Shipsey reconunended the Council not hold the noticed public hearing to consider reversion to acreage of Lots 1-15, Block 28-A, 8eckett's Crown Hill Addition on Le Point Terrace as requested by Lenz & Meagher Construction. He stated that this proceedings canes under the Subdivision Map Aet whereby the Council actually approves a final map, which requires action by the Planning Can.- mission to either make a determination that this is categorically exempt or if it is not, and in his opinion it is not, make a determination whether or not a Negative Declaration or Environmental Impact Report. is necessary, and therefore the matter should be referred back to the Planning Commission. Discussion was held regarding filing of appeals and time limitations, and City Attorney Shipsey was requested to clarify this matter for people attending the Planning Commiss~.on at which the reversion to acreage will be considered. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, referring the reversion to acreage application on Le Paint Terrace by Lenzi & Meagher Conatruetion to the Planning Commission fora determina- tion of whether an Environmental Impact Report is necessary; making a Negative Declaration; or determining that this is categorically exempt. TED FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR END1111G JUNE 3Q;,_ 197__5 The Council received, reviewed and ordered filed, the Annual Audited Financial Statements for 'the City, for the fiscal year ended June 3Q, 1975. PROGRESS REPORT - PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1976 GRANT APPLZCATiON Administrator Butch reported that the Federal Register has net listen the City as having its applications for various projects accepted, but no official denial has yet been received. Congress is looking into the possibility of appropriating additional funds for grants under the Public Works Employment Act of 1976. 2 80 CITY COUNCIL AF~ROYO GRANDE, CALIFOa~23IA JANUARY 25, 1977 PAGE 3 APPROVE MEMO DUM OF UNDERSTANDING RE. COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPORTATION PLANNING Councilman Spierling reviewed with the Council, a proposed Memorandum of Understanding wha.ch is an agreement between the San Luis Obispo County and Cities Area Planning Coordinating Council, which has been designated the Regional Transportation Plan Agency, and the State Department of Transportation. Said agreement is to designate members of the Transportation Technical Advisory Committee, to assure the expertise of those speaking on technical matters relating to the transportation planning, After Council discussion, a motion was made by Council- man Gallagher, seconded. by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, approving the Memorandum of Understanding between the Area Planning Coordinating Council and the State Department of Transportation. REVIE(a' OF LATEST LEGISLATIVE BULLETINS FROM LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES The Council received and reviewed the latest Legislative Bulletins from the League of California Cities, REPORT RE. ESTABLIS NT OF MAIL DROP BOXES IN CAR CORRAL PARYZING LOT The Council reviewed.a report and diagram regarding installation of drive-up mail boxes in. the. Car Corral Parking Lot, A request had been received by the Parking & Traffic Commission that a drive-u mail box be established to allow mail deposits be made from the driver's side, Chairman of the Commission, Sonia Wagner, had come up with the placement plan in the Gar Corral. The Council commended the idea and plan, and directed that letters be written to the gentleman giving the idea and Sonia Wagner for the excellent plan, thanking them, RECEIPT OF AL REPORT ON COMMUNITY BUILDING USE FOR 1976 The Council received anti reviewed t1~e Annual Report on the Community Building Use for 1976, which indicated that the building is being used extensively by the area's residents. RESOLUTION ADOPTION - INVENT TO ABANDON P0~2TION OF EASEMENT - Rt7TH ANN WAY(McHANEY) The Council reviewed a recomtnendatian from the Planning'Commission that the request of Don McHaney be approved, regarding reduction of a fifteen foot easement to five feet, in Lot 1 of the Ruth Ann way Tract No. 554, After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipley read the title. of a resolution of intention to abandon a portion of an easement and setting the public hearing thereon for February 22, 1977 at 8:00 P.M.a thereafter, a motion was made. by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION N0. 12"11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO G E SETTING FORTH ITS INTENTION TO VACATE,. ABANDON AND CIASE A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT ON LOT 1 IN THE RUTH ANN WAY TRACT, IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE,. AND FIXING TIME AND PLACE-FOR NG AS PROVIDED FOR BY GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 50430, ET SEQ. On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and on the following roll cal°I vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES: None A3~SENT : Nine the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 25th day of January, 1977. COUNCI SPIERLII+IG EXCUSED HIMSELF FROM THE COUNCIL TABLE DBE TO A PASSIBLE CONFLICT OE' INTEREST IS NOW ABSENT. SET PUBLIC HEARING - EXCHANGE OF EASEMENTS RE. TRACT 577 (MILLER):. 2/22/77 The Council :reviewed a report from the Planning Commission, recommending that an easement exchange be accomplished regarding Tract 577, Loomis Heights, as requested. by John Ma.ller and recommended by the City Engineer,. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanmau~y carried, setting a public hearing for February 22, 1977 at 5:00 P.Ms to consider an exchange of easements with John Miller. COUNCIL. a SPIERI:ING IS NC3W PRESENT. X81 CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 25, 1977 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 ACCEPT RESIGNATION - DOWNTOWN PARKING ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER - BURKE A motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, accepting, with regrets, the resignation of Kelly Burke from the. Parking and Business Improvement Area Advisory Board, effective immediately. TYe Council directed that a letter of appreciation be sent to Mr. Burke, thanking him for his services to the Gity. The Parking Advisory Board will make a recommendation to the Council for a replacement on said Board. REQUEST TO RESCHEDULE TIMING REQUIREMENTS ON OAK PARK ACRES(KVIDT) - HELD OVER The Mayor directed that a request from Reuben Kvidt be held over regarding his request for the rescheduling of the timing requirements for the improvement of Oak Park Boulevard. The Council was well ahead of the agenda's time schedule and Mr. Kvidt was not yet present, nor had he arrived by the time the evening's agenda was completed.. APPROVE ANNUAL BURN WEEK SCHEDULE On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, an Annual Burn Week Schedule was approved, as requested by Fire Chief Marsalek, as follows: WINTER BURN WEEK:. February 20th thru 26th, 1977 SPRING BURN WEEK: May 22nd thru 2$th, 1977 SUMMER BURN WEEK: August 21st thru 27th, 1977. FALL BURN WEEK: November 13th thru 19th, 1977 REPORT - ANIMAL REGULATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE - NO MEETING HELD No progress report was heard on the Animal Regulation Advisory Committee, as no meeting had been held. REPORT - RECENT ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE. MEETING - MILLIS Councilman Millis reported on the January 20th. meeting of the Zone 3 Advisory Committee. Bob Gregory had given the monthly and annual Parks and Beaches Report, stating that 1976 was the highest year for attendance at Lopez Lake, with revenues and exAenses being in line with what was anticipated. It is felt the low level of water may discourage attendance this year.. The monthly Operation and Maintenance.. Report for the Treatment Plant .was heard, with Bob McLane stating the lake was down 13' as of December 31, 1976, but there is enough water available far two years .even if it does not rain. RECEIPT OF STATE.°5 REVISIONS TO TRANSPORTATION PLAN The Council reviewed the second report on the revisions being made by the State Transportation Board to the draft Policy Element of the California Trans- portation Plan. Councilman Sperling stated that in reviewing the revisions, it does not appear that much is being changed in the Plan. He stated that a COG group is being formed, consisting of elected officials who are leaders of COG organza- tions throughout the State, so the cities can be more affective in dealing with the State Transportation Board. PERMISSION TO CALL FOR BIDS RE. DEL SOL STREET IMPROVEMENT - HELD OVER Director of Public Works Anderson requested,. and the Council agreed, to hold over a call for .bids for improvement of Del Sol Street, as the public utility schedules had been changed. AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF ONE-TON DUMP TRUCK - BUDGETED ITEM The Council reviewed a report from Director of Public Works Anderson and bids received, regarding. the purchase of a one-ton dump truck for the Water Department, for which $10,000 had been budgeted. Bids received were as follows For the one-ton chassis: Paul Reynolds Ford of Arroyo Grande - $5,724.44 Christianson Chevrolet of Arroyo Grande - $5,805.59. For platform stake body & Hoist: Universal Truck Body Inc of L.A. - $2,462.45 Brigham Mfg. Co. of Saticoy - $2,374.40 After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, accepting the bids from Paul Reynolds Ford for a one-ton chassis and Brigham Manufacturing Co. for a platform stake body and hoist, and awarding the purchase orders to each in the amount of $5,724.44 and $2,374.40 respectively. 12sz cITSt cOtlNCtL JANUARY 25, 1977 ARROXO G E, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 GRANT AND DENY SEWER HOOK-t7P EXTENSIONS - REFER NON-COMPLIERS TO CITY ATTORNEY - - -- The Council reviewed various requests for sewer hook-up time extensions and considerations, along with recommendations on each from the Director of Public Works, and took the following actions: A motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and carried, denying the request of Reverend Reynolds Ritchie for help in hooking up 571 Sm. Traffic Way to the City°s sewer system. A motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and carried, granting Mildred Lovall a 60-day extension of time to hook-up 125 and 133 Cherry Avenue tg the sewer system, with the condition that if a permit has not been taken out by the end of the time extension, that the matter be immediately turned over to the City Attorney for further action. A motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded. by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, granting David Doll a four-month extension of time to hook-up 1151 Ash Street to the City's sewer system. A motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and carried., granting Robert A. Wood a six-month time extension to hook-up 529 Carmella to the City's sewer system. A motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, granting Dewey Shepherd a three-month extension of time to hook-up 1118 Palm Court to the City's .sewer system. A motion was made by Councilman Scl~.legel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and carried, granting Dirs. Eddyth Devens a pump credit in the amount of $754.10 for hooking up 1169 P,sh Street to the City°s sewer system. The Council reviewed a progress. report from Director of Public Works Anderson regarding sewer connections. He stated that. 29 property owners received certified letters warning they must hook-up to the sewer by January 22, 1977. Of these, 10 have made the connections 16 .have special problems which are being worked out; and 3 have made no effort to contact his office. After Council dis- cussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and carried, referring three non-compliers with the sewer hook-up requirement, to the Casty Attorney for further processing. AAJOUA NT On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis. and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:52 P.M. 1 1 ~~ f ~" ®~, /~ /~ r ATTEST : ~- ~ C,~G-(' (-~t~7 ~'~'~~2~ ~ 2, CITY CLERK MAYOR 1