Minutes 1977-04-12CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 12,` 197 i 1 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Gabe de Leon presiding. Upon ro17, call, Council Members- Al Spierling, Matthew Gallagher, ~'r., Calvin Schlegel and Mark Millis reported presents PLEDGE OF-ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor cle Leon led the Pleelge of Allegiance to our Flag; and immediately thereafter, Reverend Roland Gustafson, of the-Bethel Baptist Church. in Grover .City, delivered the invocation. .~__~ APPROVAL OF WARRANTS. On motion of Counc%lman 5pierli.ng, seconded by Cauncilman Gallagher and .unanimously carried, General Warrants Noa f243 through No. 6344 and No. P246 through No.P27.1, in the total amount of $237,210.24; and Payroll Warrants ` No. 8518 through No. 8625, in the total amount of $35,644.36, were approved and ordered paid. PRESENTATION RE. ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS. - DOLLAHITE Robert L. Dollahite, County Animal Supervisor, was present and: reviewed various amendments he is recoirunending the City adopt.. Said amendments have been ...passed by the County Board of Supervisors. He reviewed each separate proposed amendment, along with reasons for and ramifications of each. Proposed amendments include: appointment of the poundmaster by the county, a spay-neuter deposit on all cats adapted from the: county facility; leash law and unlicensed dog violations to be an infraction,. nuisance abatement to include animals disturbing. the neighborhood; interference with an animal control officer to be a misdemeanor;- allow for a hearing whenever a dog is seized unlawfully; and making it unlawful to not provide information necessary to license a dogm The Council wi11 consider these: amend~:ents for possible adoption. CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION PRESENTED TO: DAGUE, MOORE,- RUNELS & ROBERTS Mayor-de Leon presented the following persons with Certificates of Appreciation for their-many hears of free service given to the City°s Recreation Department°s activities of basketball, bicycl-e safety, and tennis: Duane Dague, with the Certificate accepted in his behalf. by Lester and Karla. Dague- ~7ae Moore; Tom Runels;..and Don Roberts,.. with the Certificate accepted in his behalf by Carol Roberts. DESIGNATION OF MAY AS "ANTI:-LITTER MONTH" IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, Mayor de Leon proclaimed the Month of May as "Anti-Litter Month" in _. the- City of Arroyo Grande, as requested. by the.. California Anti-Litter League® REQUEST FOR REUSE OF TREATED WATER - WILLIS The `Council read a letter from Skinny Willis, 305 Longl~ranch, Grover City, directed to the Mayers of Grover City, Pismo Beach, and Arroyo Grande,. suggesting that the water being discharged-into the ocean from the Sanitation District Treatment Plant be reused for irrigationaf the mesa area. Administra- for Butch reported that the Regional Quality Control Board has put out a directive that all Sanitation Treatment Facilities- such as the South County`s be required to have .reclaimed water available for-such things as irrigation of orchards, to contractors, etc® The South County Sanitation District's Board has authorized the staff to prepare,. in their ne~et fiscal year budget, funds for the conversion of the plant to this type of used The Council directed that Mr. Wi11is' letter be referred to the South County Sanitation District.- PROCLAMATION - "ELKS NATIONAL YOUTH EK11 - FIRST WEEK IN MAY Mayor de Leon proclaimed the week beginning-May 1, 1977, as "Elks National Youth Week", as requested by the Oceano/Five Cities Elks Lodge #2504. SUPPORT REQUEST FOR EXPEDITIOUS IMPORT. OF LIQUIFIED NATURAL GAS - SO. CAT,v GAS The 'Council read a letter from Howard Newby, District Manager of the. North Coastal Division of Southern California Gas Company, urging support for expeditious State legislation for the importation of 'liquified Natural Gas to California by`1980. The Council generally agreed that this wras urgently needed and-supported-itA as long as the importation is done safely. The receiving ,, terminal 'is proposed in-Oxnard. After Council d~scu~sion, the-City Administrator was directed to write le~t:ers to the City's legislative representatives, urging expeditious. State`'leg.islati®n for flee-importation of liquified ,Natural Gas, and urging its receiv-ing terminal to be 1®cated south of this area.- **APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes for the regular meeting_of_March 22, 1977, were approved as prepared. 31 ~+ , :CITY; .couNCIL ARROYO' `GRANDE, ~:CALI'FORNIA APRIL. 12,..1977 PAGE 2 PROCLAMATION - "PUBLIC SCHOOLS WEEK" - APRIL 18 THRU 22, 1977 Mayor de Leon proclaimed the: week of April 18th through April 2.2ndr 1977, as "Public Schools Week" in the City of Arroyo Grande, as requesited-3~a the Lucia Mar Unified School District. DEPARTMENTAL REPORT FOR MARCH, 197 7 The Departmental Report for the month of March, 1977, was received by the Council, reviewed and. ordered filed. The Police Department was canunended by the Council in the-areas of apprehensions; continuing education of the -officers; and their program of keeping the public informed andedueated.;'' STUDY SESSION SET RE. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO SUBDIVISION ORD.: 4/25/77, 4 P.M. The Council set a study session for 4 P.M. on April 25,.1977 to discuss the proposed amendments to the Subdivision Ordinances Councilman Millis passed out copies o€ his comments regarding said amendments, to be considered at said study session. FEES ON NEW CONSTRUCTION FOR PARKS, & RECREATION PURPOSES.- HELD OVER Further discussion regarding the proposed payment of a fee by all new construction, for Parks and Recreation purposes, was held over for additional staff study. SET PUBLIC-HEARING - CONFLICT OF INT. CODE FOR PLAN. COMM. & CITY STAFF:- 4/26/77 The Council had. received in its agenda a report prepared by Administrative Intern Scott Baldwin, regarding adoption of a proposed Conflict of Interest Code for the Arroyo Grande Planning Commission and-City Staff, as required by Government Code Section 87400, et seq. A public hearing needs: to be set on the matter.. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded. by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, setting a public hearing. at 8:00 P.M. on April 26, 1.977, 'to consider a proposed Conflict of Interest Code for the Arroyo Grande Planning Commission and City Staff. PUBLIC,,HEARING.- INTEREST TO FORM ASSMT. DIST. FOR CONCRETE IMPROVEMENTS: THE PIKE BETWEEN S. ELM & N'. OCEANO SCHOOL - FURTHER STUDY Administrator Butch reviewed that the Council had set a hearing this evening. to- ascertain the interest of property owners, on the north side of. The Pike, between South. Elm Street and the-North Oceano School, for the forma- tion of an assessment district under the Short Form Improvement Act of 1911', for the installation of curbs, gutters,. driveway aprons and sidewalks, as urged by officials of the North Oceano School and: parents of children attending said school. Upon being assured by the City Clerk that all requirements as provided by law, regarding notification of hearing, have been complied with, Mayor de Leon declared-the. hearing open and all persons interested in the matter would now be heard. The following persons were present and spoke in favor of the improvements: Tom Murray, Principal of the North Oceano School; Kris Wolf, parent of a No. Oceano School child; Dianna McClave, 691 Del-Sol; Bud Laurent, 661 Garfield; Gail Baxley, The Pike; Joan Lange, 653 Garfield Place-,.Fred Wolf, 540 Gaynfair; Dave Wickham, 681 Elm; and Bi11 McCann, 428 Tanner. Ln. The following persons were present and. spoke against the matter, due„to the"costs the improvements. would incur on them: Joyce Lubbeny The Pike; and Dwain Zsadanyi, 1220 The Pike. The following persons were present and commented on the matter: Carol Zsadany, 1220 The Pike, questioned whether they could be forced to_put-in the sidewalks. Administrator. Butch stated that if a safety hazard exists, the City could force the instal ation.- Bud Laurent, 661 Garfield, asked if there is some. method of grants or aid the City has to relieve the homeowners' burden in this installation. Administrator Butch explained that the City has set up funds which can be borrowed and repaid over a three-year period at 7~ interest, with one third of the amount being placed on their tax bill for three consecutive years.- The full amount may be paid within a certain time after borrowed, without being placed on the tax bill. Tom Shrode, 691 Lancaster, asked why the City doesn't share the costs, since-.the improvements would-go on City 'right of way and as some property owners involved would additionally have to: put up retaining walls when the grade is cut for the improvements. Director of Public Works Anderson replied". that the City's policy is to just provide the engineering and grading.- Joyce Lubben, 680 Lancaster,- and Mrs. Zsadanyi asked whether it would be necessary to install sidewalks as there. is room to walk on'the dirt and installation of just curbs and gutters would separate the children from the traffic.- Mr. Zsadanyi CITY COUNCIL APRIL 12, 197 ARROYO GRANDE., CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 suggested that. a toll be charged to the families whose children need to walk in this area, which would at least help pay for the-7~ interest. There being no further public discussion on this matter, Mayor de Leon declared the hearing closed. The Council discussed the matter at length, generally agreeing that the safety of the children is of foremost importance, but also concerned with the hardship the costs of the improvements-would cause the involved property owners. Discussion was held regarding lowering or elimination of the interest charge on funds loaned;. special consideration for hardship cases, and elimination of the sidewalk installation at this time for .later development, with just the curbs and gutters to be installed now. After Council discussion, the City staff was directed to study the matter further,. in view of the various suggestions for changing City policy regarding improve- meet assessment districts in-this particular case, and that. the Council_be _ presented with a report, at its next regular meeting, on the minimum requirements for curb and gutter installation and the safe passage of children in this area: CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS & ESTABLISHMENT OF "O', "S-F" AND "P-F" DISTRICTS Administrator Butch reviewed that the public hearing and consideration of amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and establishment of "O", Open Space Zoned District; "S-F", Secondary Flood Plain Zoned District; and "P-F" Primary Flood Plain Zoned District, was. continued to thus meeting.. A memorandum from Planning Director Gallop was read, clarifying that the three proposed districts are not ce~mbining districts, but single purpose primary districts that would be applied as dictated by-the district; the "O" District would be applied for through application and approval of new subdivisions or by some individual who owns a large parcel of property, not in agricultural-use, for some tax relief.; and correcting- the residential building height limit in the "S-F" District proposal to thirty feet (30'). In answer to Councilman Gallagher, Administrator Butch stated he had no idea. when the Corps of Engineers would complete the flood plains map and they could not be rushed. Mayor de Leon declared the hearing reopened,. and all persons interested in the matter would now be heard. There being no public comment on the proposed. districts or .Zoning. amendments,. Mayor de Leon declared the hearing closed. The Council discussed the matter at length. Councilman Gallagher stated he wished to see a map first to identify the areas affected by the "S-F" and "P-F" Districts. Administrator Butch stated that the proposed ordinance would give the City the right to establish these areas and not automatically rezone areas.- Councilman Millis stated that in reference to the "S-F" and "P-F", he felt a combining district. would be-better than a single purpose district; that the people owning land by the creek would surely be put in the "P-F" District by the City and the property owners have a right to know this; and that he prefers waiting for the maps-from the Corps of Engineers and having said maps published. He strongly favored. combining districts as the more restrictive would prevail.. Councilman Gallagher agreed with waiting for the maps, stating that people buying-here should know if they are buying in a "P-F" or "S-F" District. The-Council generally agreed with the proposed "O" Ilistrict. After Council discussion,. a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously .carried, approving the "O" District and directing City Attorney Shipsey to prepare an Ordinance for adoption of said District; and referring the "S-F" and "P-F" Districts back to the-staff and then the Planning Commission for rewording and consideration to provide for combining districts.- APPEAL - PLANNING COMMISSION'S CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT #77-262, BRIGHTON A B EN - WITHDRAWI3 Admin~,stxator Butch passed. out a letter dated April 11,.1977,. from J. M. McG~Lll~,$ of San Lu~,s Engineering, Inc,, representing Arroyo Grande property ot~tne:~ Siegfried Baden,. withdrawing an appeal filed March 17th in_the event the Plann~;ng Commission denied his request of March 17th for a rehearing. .The Plann~,ng Commise~.cn's vats on the lat split-resulted in split votes on March 15th-and Apx'~t1 5th and therefore it was deemed that no action was taken by them, which. according to the City's Municipal Code Section 9-3.608(c) would xender the lot sp1~Lt automatically approved in thirty days. Councilman Millis stated hi;s opin~,on that procedures on this lot split should be started over aga~.n,.stating that the first Planning Commission vote was flawed due to a confl~,ct of interest and further stating his feeling that the Commission had acted on the matter even though the vote was tied.. He requested clarification of the time limits involved in filing appeals either by the developer. or stir 314 C~•t''s Cut1Nt;IL - APRI~z 12 1977 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA ., PAGE 4 residents opposed to the development. City Attorney Shipsey read Government Code Sections 66452.-1_(b) and 66452.4,. which are part of the Subdivision Map . Act as amended effective January 1, 1977, regarding time limits for action on '' Tentative Maps and autcunatic approval of said maps if no action is taken on them within a certain time;-.and Sections 66452.5(4) regarding the filing of appeals withim fifteen days-from Commission action. City Attorney Shipsey determined that the fifteen dogs would start from April 5,.1977, with Aprl'20th as the d:eadl ine . REVIEW OF PROPOSED SO. COUNTY BUS ROUTES - APPROVED WITH ADDIT'L STOP SUG~~TEIB- Administrator Butch displayed and reviewed with the Council a map showing _~~__ twc~ proposed bus routes fwr the South County area, including. transfer points. City staff has reviewed the routes and suggested only that an additional stop be added to Route 2 at the Sunrise Terrace Mobile Home Park, which the Council concurred with. After Council discussion, the general consensus was to go ahead wth~the~~oint~po~ers-'with other South County cities,and.the Eounty;'fo~ the s routes 'as 'presented, w h the suggested addition of a stop on.Route'2 in the area of the Sunrise terrace Mobile Home Park. MUNI. CODE AMEND. - ORDINANCE ADOPTION - REZONE #77-98, IDE.- WHITELEY. NELSON ETC. FROM "R-2" TO "'R-1" (CARPENTIER, ET AL) ., City Attorney Shipsey read the title. of an ordinance amending the City's Zoning Map so as to rezone, from "R-2" to "R-1", certain property in the-City;_ thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel,. seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordnance.- ORDINANCE NO. 151. C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. AMENDING A - PORTION OE' THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE` REFERRED TO IN SECTION .302 OF TITLE'9, CHAPTER 4 OF THE'MUNICIPAL CODE S0 AS TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE:- ~_>~ On-motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman.Gallagher and on the following roll call. vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, Gallagher,. Schlegel, Millis-and Mayor- de Leon- NOES: None ABSENT's None: the foregoing Ordixrance>was>passed=and adapted this 12th day of April, 1977.. APPROVE REDUCED WEEkI ABATEMENT PROGRAM FOR 1.97'7 - FIRE. CHIEF NI.nRSALEK The Council reviewed a report from Fire Chief Marsalek, recommending that this year a selected enforcement Weed Abatement Program be approved, because of-the drought condition keeping growth o€ vegetation sprase~ Enforcement would be applied where a hazard to surrounding property exists, or if complaints-about unsightly properties are received. After- Council: discussion,.- a.motian was made by Councilman Schl.ege3., seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, approving. the Fire Chief's recommendations for selective. ___,_ weed abatement enforcement far this yearonly.- REVIEW OF LATEST LEGISLATIVE BULLETINS FROM LEA,G ~ .,OF CALIF.- CITTES` The Council received and reviewed the latest Legislative Bulletins from the League of California Cities. REVIEW OF PROPOSED SELF-INSURED WORKER'S COMPENSATION :;PROGRAM -< ",~ The Council reviewed a statistical: report for a proposed San Luis Obispo County-Cities Joint Powers Self-Insured. Worker's Compensation Program, prepared by the insurance management firm of R. L.-Kautz & Co. The pr-aposal will be- reviewed. at the next Mayors'' meeting. and come back before the Council with recommendations. CLAIM AGAINST CITY BY J.- & C. FORREST - DENIED ()n motion of Councilman Spierling; seconded by: Councilman Schlegel and< unanimously carried, the claim of James and Carol. Forrest, against the City, was denied and referred to the City's insurance carrier. ~, ¢~, . ~- ----_ \~:~ CITY"COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL ,2, 197'15 PAGE 5 RECEIPT OF BIDS & AUTHORIZE PURCHASE: BUDGETED TWO-TON TRUCK & DUMP BObY The Council reviewed a memorandum from Construction Inspector.Felmlee, regarding bids received for a two-ton cab chassis truck. and A dump body, ` for said truck. Low bid for the truck was from Paul Reynolds Ford of Arroyo Grande for a total price of $9,863.30; and. Universal Truck Body, Inc, of Los Angeles was low bidder at $3,206.58 for the dump body. Total budgeted for this item was $16,500. After Council discussion, a moti-on was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, accepting the low bids of Paul Reynolds 'Ford and Universal Truck Body, Inc. and authorizing purchase from said firms of a two-ton cab chassis truck and dump body, for the amount of their respective bids. NOTICE RE. PUBLIC HEARING SET: GREENWOOD:ACRES'REZONING "A" TO "A-D" -.4/26/77. The Council was notified that a public hearing has been set for Apri`1 26, 1977, at 8:00 P.M., to consider the Planning Commission's recommendation to rezone, from "A" to "A-D", with the "-D" override to provide for a basic five acres minimum parcel size., the thirty-five acre parcel located between Branch ., Mili Road and the Arroyo Grande Creek, easterly of Tract No. 256, "Greenwood. Manor", as petitioned for by residents of "Greenwood Manor" and approved by the }5roperty owner, .Charles Greenwood. .REVIEW OF FIRST ANNUAL A.G. CRIME PREVENTION FAIR HELD MARCH .26TH The Council reviewed a summary of the first Annual Arroyo Grande Crime Prevention Fair held. March 26, 1977, which was attended by approximately 2,-0 U0 ..persons. The event was praised by the Council Members as having been well received and informative to the public. ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF PLANNING COMMISSIONER - MATHEWS The Council-read a letter dated April 4, 1.377,. from Morgan H. Mathews, in which he tendered his resignation. from the Planning Commission effective immediately. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, accepting the resigna- tion of Morgan Mathews from the Planning Commission with regrets, and directing that a Certificate of Appreciatiom be presented to him for his three years of ~~vic~ to the City. w REPORT - RECENT S.L.O. COUNTY WATER ADVISORY COMMITTEE'MEETING - ANDERSON Director of Public Works Andersen reported on the April- 6, 1.977-meeting- - of the San Luis Obispo-County Water Advisory Committee, stating that a recommendat-ion has been submitted °to the Board-of Supervisors, by the. Coanmittee, to proceed with a cloud seeding program; that the-County has adopted a Water Conservation Plan, which includes the required installation of water saving. devices in rtew construction; and the Arroyo Grande groundwater basin study, by the Corps of Engineers, has been delayed due to the drought. PROGRESS REPORT - PROPOSED CREEK CLEARING PROJECTS - CALIF'. CONSERVA3'ION CORPS Administrator Butch. reported that applications are being prepared to have the California Conservation Corps clean the creek behind City Hall, then the creek area in Strother Park, and then the creek along Tally Ho Road. The City's funding-match is 20~. It is hoped-that the-project will get going before the rany~scason next year. __-_ COUNCILMAN SPIERLING EXCUSED HIMSELF DUE TO A POSSIBLE CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND IS NOW ABSENT. ACCEPT. IMPROVEMENTS IN'TRACT N0. 577 - "LOOMIS HEIGHTS" (MILLER) City Engineer Karp-reviewed with the Council hi:s report recommending acceptance of improvements in Tract No. 577, "Loomis Heights", developed by John Miller. He stated that the asphalt berms put in may become a problem to the City in the future.-. After Council discussion,_ a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried., accepting the improvements in-Tract No. 57 7 on behalf of the public,-and authorizing release of the bonds covering said-work, subject to the ihstallation of a fence surrounding the temporary reservoir, and receipt by the City of the required $10,000. one year maintenance bond effeetivefrom the date of acceptance. 31 fi CITY: COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDEy CALIFORNIA APRIL'12, 1977 PAGE 6 APPROVE CONCEPT OF HIGH LEVEL-RESERVOIR IN TRACT 553, UNIT 3 (CARING) _. The Council reviewed a letter of request from Engineers Caring, Taylor & Assoc., and a report on said request by Director of Public Works Anderson, regarding-the installation of a high: level reservoir as part of the Unit 3, of Tract 553. development, which would service homes within the: City only.- This wou~.d primarily serve residential areas above 20EJ'. Mr. Anderson's report outlined the reimbursement of-funds to the developer:,-.over a 15 year period of time or until the prorated cost of the main has been refunded. He recommended that on the 8' feeder main., the City main charge of $4.50 per front foot be charged for any property fronting on this line, which has not participated in the- cost of the main,. when connection is made. On the cost of the reservoir. pump system, he suggested that the Ci y's-distribution charge of: $300.00 per 5/$" meter be charged for any property which has not participated in the-cost of the high pressure system lying within the benefit area and within the present City Limits when connection is made. He further stated his belief-that the proposed system is essent~.al for the development of this area and that thee. alternative of small individual systems to serve each separate development or parcel will be extremely cumbersome and expensive to install-and maintain. '~ ~` ~ ~~_.r ;- After.CQUncl discussion,- a motion was made. by Councilman Spering, ' -°:seconded by Councilman Mifils and carried, with Councilman Schlegel abstaining, approving the concept of the hgh~level reservoir to serve Tract No: 553 and: other tracts within the-City. APPROVE PARCEL MAP AG.77-63 PRISCILLA LANE (MIOSSI, ET AI;) City: Engineer Karp reviewed with-the Council, a copy of Parcel Map AG77-63,- reflecting a five parcel lot-split (Case: No .- 75-215)-, located on the south end of Priscilla Lane, requested for approval by Developers Mioss, Powell and Henderson. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierl~ng, seconded by Councilman Milks and unanimously carried, findzng Parcel Map AG77r63 to be consistent witY the City's General Plan and Zoning, and approving said Parcel-Map as presented. APPROVE PARCEL MAP AG77•-105, IDE STREET (C & H PROPERTIES) City Engineer Karp reviewed with the Council a copy of Parcel Map AG77-105, reflecting a four parcel lot split (Case No. 77-256) located on the south side of Ide Street at the north end of. Crosse Street, requested for approval- by C & H .Properties.- After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Millis. and unanimously carri.ed,.,fnding Parcel Map AG77-1U5:to be consistent with the City's General Plan and Zoning; accepting on behalf of-the public, the additional--one foot of width on Ide Street and the ten foot wide easement dedicated for drainage and sewer; rejecting without pze3udce to future acceptance,- the twenty-five foot-wide offer of dedication-for roadway; and approving said Parcel Map as presented.- NOTICE RE. DEADLINE OF LOCAL SOLID WASTE MGMT. AGENCY DESIGNATION The Counci `received notice that the State-Solid Waste-Management Board has set July 1, 1977 as-the deadline for cities and counties to designate-a lpcal solid waste management enforcement agency. A public hearing has been set by the County's Department of Public Health for April 18, 1977, to consider- _.. the F'inal.Report, County-Wide Solid Waste Management Plan. for San Luis- Obispo:: County, which includes the draft Environmental Report. A representative from this City will-attend-said hearing. AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF SEWER CLEANER. Administrator Butch reviewed that during budget study sessions, the Council had discussed the Public Works Department:`s request fvr a Rockwell Flexsble High: Velocity Sewer Cleaner.- It was reccmmended that the purchase of this item be initiated now, to save money on-possible cost increases-and- aeure~,gettng,the type of unit desired. Total cost of the cleaner is $16y412.21, with $1,D,000 budgeted in-this fiscal. year and the balance to be paid August t, 1977 out of next year's budget. After Council discussion, a motion was made- by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman.Gallagher and unanimously carried, authorizing the purchase of a high velocity sewer cleaner as outlned'- above. a CITY CO`[fiTCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA r.. PPRI'L 12 a 1977 1 1 PAGE' 7 PROCLAMATION - "CITY CLEAN-UP WEEK:" - 15T WEEK IN MAY,-1977" In conjunction with the May Anti-Litter Month, and as requested by Director of Public Works Anderson, Mayor de Leon declared the 1st week of May, 1977, as "City Clean-Up Week" in the-City of Arroyo Grande, at which time the City, with the help of the South County Disposal Service, will pick-up trash and discarded items not usually picked up on the regular service.. CHANGE OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING-OF`MAY 10TH TO MONDAY, MAY 9, 1977 As the City will be holding its special election on May 10, 1977,. which is a regular Council meeting night, City Administrator Butch suggested the Council might wish to change said meeting.- After Council discussion, a motion was made:by Councilman Schlegel.,. seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried-, changing the meeting date of the first regular Council meeting in May from the 10th, to 7:3.0 P.M. on Monday,. May 9, 1977. PERMISSION TO BE OUT OF STATE - GALLAGHER On motion of Counclman..Spierling, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried,. Councilman Gallagher was given permission to be out of the State of California during the latter part of April, 1'97.7. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried,: the meeting adj'ournea at-10:22 P.M. until 4:00 P.M. on Monday, April 25, 1977. ATTEST ;e--~~ytL~ ~/,~ - ~C ~ CITY CLERK /~`-e~ MAYOR