O 388 C.S. . . ,. ORDINANCE NO. 388 c.s. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING QIAPJ'ER 5 OF TITLE 8 OF THE ARROYO GRANDB MUNICIPAL roDE, TO ADOfT BY REFERENCE 'mE 1988 UNIFORM PLUMBING roDE AND THE 1986 UNJPORM roDE FOR SOLAR ENERGY INSTALLATIONS INCLUDING AMENDMEN'l'S TIIERHTO roNCERNING STOP ORDERS, FEmI, AND WATER HEATERS; REPEALING ALL roNFLlCl'ING ORDINANcm AND SHCTlONS THE CITY roUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: - SECTION 1: Olapter 5 of Title 8 (Sections 8-5.01 through 8-5.06) of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Is amended to read in its entirety as fallo\\5: ~ 8-5.01. Adootion Qt. UnifOmt Plurrbi~ ~ F()I' the purpose of pro~ mininun requirements and standard! for the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare, that certain Code known as the Uniform P1uOO~ Code, 1988 Edition, inclusive of appendices and imtallation stl1nd8rQj, and U.e Unifonn Code for Solar Energy IMtWlation, 1986 Edition, published by the International Association of Plll11bing and Mechanical Officials, three (3) copies of which have been filed for use and examination by the public in the office of the CIty Clerk, is hereby adopted by reference and made a part of this O1Ilpter in.full, subject, however, to the amencknents, additiom and deletiom set forth in this O1Ilpter, and said Code shall be known as the PlIJIbi~ Code for the City of Arroyo Grande. ~ 8-5.02. Ackninistration. In order for the orderly enforcement of the UnifDnIl Plunbing Code, 1988 Edition, as adopted by Section 8-5.01, there is hereby adopted the Unifonn Aaninistrative Code, Chapters 1, 2, 3 and Table No. 3-D-~ Pennit Feel, as published by the International Conference of Buil~ Officials, save and except such portiom as are hereinafter deleted, added thereto, changed or BCllended, of which Code -- not less than tIu'ee (3) copiel are now on file in the office of the CIty Clel'k; and said Administrative Code is hereby adopted and incorporated herein by reference. ~ 8-5.03. Aaninistrative Authority. The "A<ininistrlltive Authority," as used in this Qwpter, shall be the Duil~ Official or designated representative. ~ 8-5.04. Aiwnanents: Unifomt Administrative ~ Section 29.2..un. Section 202 (d), Stop Orders of said Unifonn Aaninistrative Code is wnended to read as follows: ~.2.0.2. (d) ~ Orders.. Whenever any work is being done contrary to the provisiom of this Code and the Technical Codes, ()I' in violation of any other Code or CIty Ordinance, the Buildil€ Official may order the work stopped by notice in writing, served on any person{s) ~aged in the conduct 01' causiqt such work to be conducted, and any such person{s) shall stop such work W\til authorization Is provided by the Building Official to proceed with such work. If unable to serve such persoo{s) with a notice, the Buildil€ Official shall palt the Stop Order in a praninent place on the site. Such posted notice shall only be removed by the Building Official or designated representative. Ally person{s) ~ with unauthorized work after being served 01' having a notice pa;ted on his/her (their) job site, shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day, or portion thereof, - duril€ which such work is beil€ performed. ~ 8-5.05. Amendments: Unifomt Plunb~ ~ Section lWI. .w. Section 1310 (a) is wnended to read as fallows: ~ ili.U. (a). Water heaters generat~ a glow, spark or flame capable of igniting flanmable vl1pOl'S shall not be imtalled in any group M Occupoocy (garage), W1less such wilter heater is i2-'.:-: ORDtNANCE NO. 388 c.s. PAGE 2 installed in an flpproved one-hour fire-resistive compartment ha~ access only from outside the garage; or if access is necessary from the garage, a solid core, self-closing, full frame exterior door I must be used. Required cont>ustion air must be obtained from a source other than the garage. I Addition ~ Unifonn Plunbing Q&~. I ~ 8-5.06. (a) Copper water lines are prohibited under buildirg slab foundations. I --- (b) Wherever work is being conducted that requires a pennit, existi~ non-conformirg water heater installations must CO!I\Jly with suOOection 1310{a) ot the Unitonn P.ItJnbirw QIde. S&m:ON 2: That Ordinance No. 223 c.s. ot the CIty ot Arroyo Grande, titled "ORDINANCE OF THE .cJTY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO AMEND CHAPTER 5 OF TITLE 8 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE THE 1979 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE INCLUDING AMENDMENTS THERETO CONCERNJNG STOP ORDERS, FEES, AND WATER HEATERS, REPEAL OF ALL CONFLICI'ING ORDINANCES, and 8ll other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are repealed. S&m:ON 3: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is tor nny reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the 1'EI1IIIinirg portions ot this Ordinance. The Council hereby declares that it would have adopted the Ordinllnce and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that nny one or more sections, subsections, sentence, clause or phrases be declared invalid. S&m:ON 4: A~"UII111Ill'y of this ordinance sholl be published in a newspaper, published and circulated in said CIty, at least five (5) days prior to the CIty Council meetirg at which the proposed ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed ordinance shall be posted in the otfice of the CIty Qerk. Within fifteen (15) days mter adoption of the ordinance, the sunmary, with the .-,- names of those CIty Council members voting for and against the ordinance, shall be published again, and the CIty Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted ordinance. On IOOtion of Council Member Moots, seconded by Council Member Smith, and on the foUowir€ roll call vote, to wit: I I A YF\S: Council MenDers Moots, Smith, Dougall and Mayor Millis NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 13th day of Decerlber, 1988. '- ~A~ MAYOR ATIEST: - ?!:=tt a. ~ .....-..' CJTY CLER 1, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Ordinance No. 388 C.S. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 13th day of December, 1988. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 16th day of December, 1988. ~a.~ CITY CLERK 'ff -----,~----- --,- - --- .~ -