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Minutes 1977-07-12
3'73 CITY COUNCIL JULY 12, 1977 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Gabe de Leon presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Al Spierling, Matthew Gallagher, Jr., Calvin Schlegel and Mark Millis reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor de Leon led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag; and immediately thereafter, Reverend John W. Rose, of the St. John's Lutheran Church in Grover City, delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher .and unanimously carried, the minutes for the regular meeting of June 28, 1977 and regular adjourned meeting of June 29, 1977, were approved with the following corrections to the June 28th minutes: 1) to include approval of the minutes of the Council's May 31st and June 8th regular adjourned meetings and June 14,`1977 regular meeting; and 2) to change the word "thoroughfare" to "through street" where used twice on Page 3 of the June 26th minutes, .under the heading "Receipt of Appeal on Baden Lot Split No. 77-267 - Jackson", in paragraphs two and three. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman. Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, General Warrants No. 6743 through No. 6871, in the total amount of $249,788.01 {which includes a Lopez Contract Payment of $184,303.80)t and Payroll Warrants No.- 9081 through No. 9198, in the total amount of $40,097.21, were approved and ordered paid. COUNCILMEN MILLIS AND SPIERLING EXCUSED THEMSELVES, ON THE ADVICE OF CITY ATTORNEY SHIPSEY, DUE TO A POSSIBLE CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND ARE NOW ABSENT. PRESENTATION AND REVIEW OF E.I.R. ON REGIONAL COUNTY CENTER Sandy Lindbloom of Stuhr, Dodson, Ward & Foster, reviewed in detail :the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) prepared by said firm, fcr the proposed Regional County Center, to be located in the City north of the Community Center and adjacent to Highway 101 on the east side. After reviewing the impacts, which fell under fourteen categories, she opened the matter to questions from the Council. City Planner Tom Sullivan reported that generally the City Staff feels the report is good, except for a few details, which he outlined as followss 1) Ths City would like to acquire the County property at Whiteley and Nelson for use as a park, when-the ..County's Corporation Yard moves to the Regional Centert 2) the City's youth population is at present actually about 50~ lower than the figures given in the EIR. Ms.Lindbloom conceded that1970 population figures hadbsan used and not current statistics available in the City's Planning Departments 3) on Page 100 the term "Urban Reserve" is used to define tha lecation of this and other proposed projects, which is incorrect as the Urban Reserve Arsa of the City is the County area between the City Limits and about three miles outs 4) on Page 102 one alternative to the project is overlooked, which is General Plan Implementation-- low density residential or Planned i~evsiopmentt 5) Architectual Review of the development will be required by the City; 6) phased development of parking facilities should be addressed and should be reviewed in a year to sss i! additional parking is neededs 7) regarding information on Pags 38 addressing surface water runoff, the Staff would like to see more detailec! dater 8) also on Page 38, a state- ment is made that the drainage path of "Watershed 'A "' is designated in the City's General Plan as a flood hazard area, which is not so, although a small portion of the site is within the Lopez Dam Inundation Area, as shown on the Natural Hazards Map of the Safety Element; 9) on Page 40, several comments are made regarding water and its quality. The water within the Arroyo Grande Groundwater Basin does meet minimum State standards for human consumption and it cannot be assumed that the groundwater quality nt the site is the same as the water quality within the A.G. Basin, as said site is not within the A.G. Groundwater Basins 10) on Pags 51, the Existing Circulation Inventory Table states that Oak Park and Noyes Road are currently inadequate. There is no way to ascertain the reasons for this classifica- tion until Dr. Jones returns from vacations and 11) the,ElR speaks to the extension of West Branch Street "as traffic warrants", but the City Staff feels that this improvement should come with Phase 1 of the development.- The City has ;budgeted for its share of the road's development. Ms. Lindbloom-spoke on some of the concerns, Board of Supervisors' Chairman Mankins was present and explained the beginnings of the Regional Center and how each entity had bean given an opportunity to have facilities at the Center, with only the Lucia Mar Unified School District indicating interest in .doing so and that the requested rezoning is only due to the School District"s possible relocation to the Center. Discussion was held regarding improvement of West Branch extension, 3'74 CITY COUNCIL JULY 12, 1977 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 with Supervisor Mankins pointing out this is not planned for until people will have something to drive to at the Center., In regard to the County's present Corporation Yard property, Supervisor Mankins stated that sister entities have the first right of refusal for such property. Discussion among the Councils the public and Supervisor Mankins continued regarding the EIR, proposed buildings at the County Center, and the School District's involvement.- COUNCILMEN MILLIS~AND SPIERLING ARE NOW PRESENT. NOTICE OF .CLASS ACTION RE. P.E.R.S. City Attorney Shipsey reported that the City has received notice of a class action suit against the State Board of .Administration for the Public Employees' Retirement System. He has been trying to discuss this matter with the League of California Cities and 'will report further to the Council on this matter when he finds out more. LETTER OF CONCERN RE. "S" CURVE IN VALLEY ROAD - RARER The Council read a letter from Oscar E. Rader, 283 Sunrise Drive, in which he relates an accident he had in June,. 1977 while walking on a portion of-the unsidewalked Valley Road. He urged the road be improved with sidewalks for the safety of the public, especially in view of the many families in the vicinity who walk along the street.- Supervisor Mankins was asked for help regarding the improvement, as a portion of the road is in the County. Supervisor Mankins stated that the acquisition of the' right of way to straighten out the "S" turn would involve costly court costs which have not been budgeted; however, funds have been budgeted for the engineering to improve the road generally. The Council discussed the matter, with the general consensus being that the "S" turn stay in to deter speeders, but that improvement of the road proceed as a joint project with the County for he development of a walkway on existing right of way. REQUEST FOR RATE INCREASE - SANITARY SERVICE - COMMITTEE WILL STUDY MATTER The Council read a letter from Charles F. Cattaneo, President of the South County Sanitary Service, requesting to increase service rates. Enclosed with the letter were schedules of the proposed rates and unaudited income and expense state- ments from April 1, 1973 to March 31, 1977, which show the company is operating at a loss in the last year. The Council also reviewed a report on the matter from Finance Director Bacon, which requested that audited statements be requested] and a comparison of rate charges in other cities for garbage pick-up services,. which show that even the proposed rate increase request is lower than what is being charged elsewhere Administrator Butch suggested that since all three South County Cities are being requested for this rate increase, that they°get together to work out something. He distributed a letter to this effect from Grover City, requesting the establishment of a committee to study the proposed rate increase request. Mr. Cattaneo was present and pointed out that although an Ordinance was passed by voters in November, 1976 making garbage pick-up mandatory, it is not being enforced.- After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, appointing Councilman Gallagher and Administrator Butch to a committee of representatives from Grover City and Pismo Beach to study the proposed rate increase by South County Sanitary Service. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS FOR JUNE, 1977 The Departmental Reports for the month of June, 1977, were received by the Council, reviewed and ordered filed. In response to Councilman Gallagher's concern that high water users get a preferred rate, the City Administrator stated that City Staff was working on this matter to make changes. AMENDMENTS TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE - FIRST READING City Attorney Shipsey read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code by making certain amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance, per Planning Commission, City Staff and City Council recommendations; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. REPORT - RECENT TRI-COUNTY MEETING ON AGING AND PUBLIC POLICY Administrator Butch reported on his attendance recently, with Mayor de Leon, at a seminar on aging and public policy. He stated there is much activity going on with elders in the various counties. The key speaker had been U.S. Congressman Lagomarsino whd said many communities are developing Commissions on Aging just like Parks & Recreation, Human Relations, etc. Commissions and addressing problems 3'~ 5 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JULY 12, 1977 PAGE 3 of nutrition, friendship, new retireds, inflation eating into the dollar, etc. He felt the seminar was very worthwhile and has requested a similar seminar be presented in this area. NOTICE OF RECOMMENDATION FOR DESIGNATION OF LOPEZ CANYON AS WILDERNESS AREA - OPPOSE Administrator Butch reported that on the previously described sem nor on Aging, Congressman Lagomarsino had informed him that a committee of congress has recc~mm~ended that the Lopez Canyon Area, behind Lopez Dam, be declared a Wilderness Area, and will hold a hearing on it tomorrow. Congressman Panetta, in wh®se district Lopez Canyon is, strongly supports this designation. Lopez Lake is in Congressman Lagomarsino's District, wh® requested the Council's feelings about the prmposed designation. Administrator Butch distributed information to the Council which indi- cated that the U.S. Forestry Department believes a Wilderness designation would hinder their ability to manage the water shed of Lopez, as planned fuel breaks or development of "helaspots" in the Lopez area. Also, wilderness designations tend to draw more people into those areas. The Council discussed the matter at length, being concerned about fire protection to preserve the watershed and prevent siltation into the lake. Supervisor Hankins also pointed out that if-a fire should really get out of control, it could also effect the Santa Margarita water- shed. Councilman Spierling related his knowledge of Wilderness Areas, stating that fire equipment can be used, but no other type of motor vehicles are allowed and that said area would be maintained in the same condition as it now is. He felt the question was whether we want to maintain the area in its present primitive environment and ask for limited fire equipment access, or go on record opposing it and allowing unlimited access with no control or access and development. After Council discussion,- a motion was made by Counci]anan Gallagher,. seconded by Council- man Millis and carried, with Councilman Spierling dissenting, directing the City Administrator to send telegrams to Congressmen Udall, Lagomarsino and Panetta, citing this City's opposition to a full Wilderness Area designation for the Lopez Canyon area, because of its concerns for the protection of Lopez water shed. APPOINTMENTS TO CITY COMMISSIONS - HELD OVER FOR APPLICANT INTERVIEWS Mayor de Leon nominated Robert Eger to the vacancy en the Parka & Recreation Commission. As the Mayor did not have Mr. Eger's application available, it was suggested that appointment be held off until it could be reviewed. Mayor de Leon stated that Doraee Johnson and George Ross had indicated on their "Reservoir of Citizens" applications an interest to serve on the 8muth County Human Relations Commission. The Council requested, and the Mayor agreed, to interview persons being considered for appointment to ciesions with the City Administrator and cane back to the Council with his recommendations. RESIGNATION OF COMMISSIONER FROM SO. CO. HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION - FISCHER On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Counc ]anon Schl®a~®1 and unani- mously carried, the resignation of Sharon L. Fischer,frcm the South County Human Relations Commission, was accepted with regrets, and City Staff was directed to prepare a plaque of appreciation for her, in thanks and appreciati®n for her service to the City. MUNI. CODE AMEND. - ADOPT ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR BINGO_GAME REGULATION City Attorney Shipley read-the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code by providing for the licensing and regulation of bingo games by certain non- profit organizationsp thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Gall~ghar, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of: this ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 159 C®S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE A1tROY0 GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE SY ADDING CHAPTER 12 TO TITLE 5 THEREOF TO PROVIDE F~~R LICENSING AND REGULATIONS FOR BINGO GAMES WITHIN SAID CITY. On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leom NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 12th day of July, 1977. .H 37s CITY couNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JULY 12, 1977 PAGE 4 APPOINTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE Administrator Butch read a letter from Supervisor Mankins, in response to a letter frown the City stating its concerns about insufficient notice about developments occurring adjacent to the City. Mr. Mankins' letter stated that the County Planning Department has been asked to notify this City in adequate time of said developments before they reach the Board of Supervisors. Mayor de Leon nominated persons to an Agricultural Committee, as recommended by Councilman Spierling during the Council's May 24th meeting and discussed at a study session held subsequent to two Town Meetings. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unani- mously carried, appointing D.G. Porter, Doug Hitchen, Don Talley, Ken Levine and Al Spierling to an Agricultural Committee to study the concerns of area residents and farmers regarding the future of farmland in the City and formulate a City policy. NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDOMINIUM COMPLEX ON EL CAMINO REAL IN COUNTY AREA The Council reviewed a report from Director of Public Works Anderson regarding a 22-unit condominium complex proposed on Frontage Road in the County but adjacent to the City Limits, and therefore will be served by the City with water, sewer disposal, etc. The report outlined what the City would require in the way of improvements, parking, and water main charges. The Council discussed the matter at length, generally agreeing that the City°s policy on serving areas not within the City has to be changed, feeling these areas should be required to annex if they wish these City services. Barbara Carlson of the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) stated that the City could initiate the annexation process® If there is much opposition to the annexation at the required public hearing, the matter would have to go to a vote of the people. It was also general- ly agreed by the Council that a survey of the area be made to see if any other adjacent areas wish to annex. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, that the developer of the 22-unit condominium complex on El Camino Real in the County be informed that the City. will not allow any change in the use of the present water service to this property unless said property is annexed to the City. A resolution applying for annexation of this area will be considered by the Council at its next regular meeting. AUTHORIZE CONTINUATION OF BLUE CROSS COVERAGE FOR RETIRED EMPLOYEES Administrator Butch reported that the Blue Cross Foundation, which handles the City employees' medical coverage, has indicated that if the Council so authorizes, the Foundation will permit the continuation of Blue Cross medical coverage for City employees who have retired and are not yet eligible for Medicare because of retiring under the age of 65 years. If allowed, the employee could continue the present coverage with the retired employee paying the full cost him- self and dependents. There would be no post to the City and it would assit some of the retired employees who have not yet reached the age of 65. After Council dis- cession, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, approving the continuation, under the City's Blue Cross medical coverage, for retired employees at their own expense. PROGRESS REPORT - SALE OF SURPLUS SAND_AT CITY'S ELM STREET PROPERTY Administrator Butch reported that the Director of Public Works had informed him that in three months' time, the City has received the amount of $393.20 from sale of surplus sand being taken by contractors, etc, from the City's Elm Street property where the ponding basin is being enlarged.. AUTHORIZE HIRING OF APPRAISER FOR_P~2OPERTY AT TRAFFIC WAY & CHERRY AVENUE Administrator Butch reviewed that the City has been attempting to negotiate with Certified Freight Lines for acquisition of their property at West Branch and Wesley for relocation of the fire station. Attempts have been made to make other land available to Certified Freight for a possible property exchange. He requested authorization to hire an appraiser to appraise the 4 sore commercial portion of property at the corner of Traffic Way and Cherry Avenue as a possible site for Certified Freight, a location they have shown an interest in. The City could then make an offer to the Traffic Way/Cherr}i Ave. property owner, purchase the property if the offer is acceptable, and trade properties with Certified Freight. The Counoil discussed the matter, generally agreeing that other alternatives for property to be traded should be looked. at also. Administrator Butch was directed to approach Certified Freight regarding property at the northeast corner of Oak Park and Highway 101 in Pismo Beach, as suggested by Councilman Gallagher, who felt it might be cheaper. After Counoil discussion, a motion was made by --~A/ CITY COUNCIL JULY 12, 1977 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried; authorizing the hiring o£ an appraiser to appraise the 4t acre commercial portion of property at Traffic Way and Cherry Avenue, owned by Mr. Williams. APPROVE WORK STUDY AGREEMENT - CAL POLY - 1977-75 FISCAL YEAR A moti®n was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign, on behalf of the City, a Work Study Program Agreement for the fiscal year 1977-78 between Calif®rnia Polytechnic State University and the City of Arroyo Grande. Under-this agreement, the City pays 20$ of the total compensation for employees from the program, with the balance being. paid by the university. REVIEW OF REVISED DRAFT OF CALIFORNIA TRANSPORTATION PLAN The Council reviewed a "Summary of Significant Revisions since the October Draft" of the California Transportation Plan, from the California State Transp®rtation Bmard. The summary includes rec©mmended statewide transp®rtation goals, policies and objectives. ORDINANCE FIRST READING - ADD BLDG. REGULATIONS RE. WATER SAVING DEVICES The Council reviewed a proposed ordinance whiah wc~uuld provide for an addition to the City's Building Regulations by requiring the installati®n of certain water saving devices in new construction for which a building permit is required, and replacement of plumbing fixtures within existing structures.. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read, f®r its first reading, the title ®f an ordinance regarding water saving devicest thereafter, a m®ti®n was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF TRUCK FOR PARKS DEPARTMENT - BUDGETED ITEM Administrator Butch reported that only one bid had been reaeivad, fr®m the 1®ca1 Ford agency, in response to a call for bids for a 3/4 ton chassis #®r the Parke Department, which is a budgeted item.- After Council disaussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanim®usly carried, accepting the bid from Paul Reynolds F®rd for a 3/4 ton chassis truck and awarding the purchase order to said agency in the am®unt of $6,451.65. UEST FOR CITY'S SURPLUS LOPEZ WATER ALLOCATION (BEREBKY~_- DENIED The Council read a letter frmtn Attorney Timaathy J. Seresky, representing owners of property in Avila Beach who are interested in buying sar-s of the City's surplus water allocation from Lopez Lake, After Council discussion, a m®timn was made by Councilman Spierling, sea®nded by Councilman Millis and unanim®wly carried, denying the request of Mr.= Beresky. AUTHORIZE CALL-FOR BIDS FOR STORAGE BLDG.- AT CORP. YARID - SUDCiETED ITEM Administrator Butch reported that the Publio W®rks Department is requesting authorizati®n to call for bids for a metal st®rage bui~l~ing t® be wed at the City's Corp®rati®n Yard, which item was budgeted in the 1977-78 budget. After Council discwsion, a moti®n was made by Councilman Spierling, sec®nded by C®uncilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, authorizing a call for bids for a metal storage building. APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP FOR TRACT C57 (DE SLAUW) - HELD OVER City Engineer Karp requested, and the Council agreed, to hold ®ver considera- tion of the Final. Map for Tract 657 (IDsBlauw). MAYOR DE LEON EXCUSED HIMSELF DUE- TO A POSSIBLE CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND IS N®W ABSENT. MAYOR PR® TEM MILLIS IS NOW PRESIDING. APPROVE FINAL MAP FOR TRACT N0. 600, BRANCH MILL ROAD (GREENWOOD) City Engineer Karp reviewed with the Council hi• report dated July 7, 1977 regarding approval of the Final Map for Tract No. 600, which is a parcel of land between Arroy® Grande Creek and Branch Mill Road adjacent to the easterly City Limits, to be developed by Charles Greenwo®d. The Council discussed the tract, particularly the water service and a loop in the water system. General consensus was to ailcow wells ®n Parcels 4 and 5, with the remaining parcels t® be served 'by the City's water system. A letter-fratn the Department of Public Health, dated July 5, 1977, showed approval for use of septic tanks ®n these large parcels. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, sec®nded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, taking the following actions on the Final Map for Tract No. C00: 1) Approving the conaspt allowing reduatia+n of \ 37~ CITY COUNCIL JULY 12, 1977 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 Parcels 3 and 4 to 4.92 acres by crediting to these the area of the street dedication; 2) waiving the requirement for a water main extension for use on Parcels 4 and 5 and approving the use of wells on these two parcels; 3) author- izing the Mayor to execute the Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City; 4) accepting, on behalf of the public, the easements as dedicated on Tract Map No. 600; 5) accepting, on behalf of the public,. the offers of dedication for street or roadway purposes as shown on said Tract Map; 6) approving the concept of creating the undersized lots north of Arroyo Grande Creek to be restricted as noted on the Final Map of Tract No. 600; 7) finding said Tract t© be consistent with the City's Zoning and General Plan; and 8) approving said Tract Map. MAYOR DE LEON IS NOw PRESENT AND PRESIDING. APPROVE PARCEL MAP 77-133, ASPEN & MAPLE (PACE). City Engineer Karp reviewed with the Council a copy of Parcel Map AG77- 133, reflecting a four-parcel lot split (Case No. 77-265) located between Aspen and South Elm Streets at the intersection of Maple Street. After Council dis- cussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, finding that the required construction of curb, gutter and sidewalk on Aspen Street and sidewalk on South Elm Street is a necessary prerequisite to the orderly development of the surrounding area; requiring said construction to be completed prior to December 9, 1977, and authorizing the Mayor to execute an Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City; accepting, on behalf of the public, the one foot (1') strip dedicated for street purposes finding said Parcel Map to be consistent with the City's General Plan .and Zonings and approving said Parcel Map AG77-133. APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAPS 75-336s 77-280; AND 77-195 - HELD OVER City Engineer Karp requested, and the Council agreed, to hold-over consideration cf Parcel Maps 75-336 (Robertson)s 77-280 (Curtis)s and 77-195 (Castro), as they are not yet ready for approval. AUTHORIZE PROGRESS PAYMENT, PROTECT #~90-77-1, DEL SOL PAVING (SULLY-MILLER) City Engineer Karp reviewed with the Council his report regarding Project No. 90-77-1, involving asphalt paving of Del Sol Street,- done by 3ully- Miller Contracting Company. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, accepting, on behalf of the public, the improvements done by Sully-Miller Contracting Co. on Del Sol Streets authorizing the City Staff to make the first progress payment to said contractor in the amount of $5,220.00' authorizing the Mayor to sign the Notice of Completion and directing the City Clerk to rev®rd said Notice; and authorizing the staff to release to the contractor the final 10$ retention, 35 days after the date of recordation of the Native of Completion. COUNCILMAN GALLAGHER LEFT THE MEETING DURING THE ASOVE AGENDA ITEM AND REMAINED ASSENT FOR THE DURATI@N OF THE MEETING® 379 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JULY 12, 1977 PAGE 7 APPROVE PREPARATION OF PLANS & CONTRACT FOR SIGNALS ON GRAND AT ELM & BARNETT The Council reviewed a proposal from Garing, Taylor & Associates, Inc., Civil Engineers, to prepare plans and contract documents for revised signals or new signals at the intersections of Grand Avenue and Elm Street (from Phase 2 to Phase 3), and new signals at Grand Avenue and Barnett Street (using the old signals from Grand and Elm), for a cost of $2,500.00. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, accepting the proposal of Garing, Taylor & Associates, Inc. for plans, etc. for signal systems in the City as outlined above, and authorizing the City Staff to proceed with the project. CITIZEN COMPLAINT RE. LA BARRANCA DEVELOPMENT - HONEYCUTT Ella Honeycutt, 560 Oak Hill Road, stated she was representing area residents in making a complaint about the La Barranca development, stating a bad dust condition exists and work is proceeding at early morning and late evening hours and weekends, and that the sewer pipes were being covered ' bef~t~e being inspected. She urged that the conditions of the E.S.R. for this tract be followed. CONCERN RE. GRAND AVENUE CONSTRUCTION g~,E'FECT ON BUSINESSES - SCHLEGEL Councilman Schlegel indicated concern regarding the affect on businesses the Grand Avenue construction project will have, and urged that all courtesies be extended to said businesses along Grand Avenue in making the construction schedule. Director of Public Works Anderson stated this point had been brought up at the first pre-construction meeting just held, and accesses will be provided to businesses during the improvement work. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Counci]siaan Spierling, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried,. the meeting adjourned at 10:34 P.M. ATTEST : -e=%~~ ~ • C~~ ~'_" CITY CLERK MAYOR