Minutes 1977-08-09~' 387 cITY courlcxL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 9, 1977 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor de Leon presiding. Upon roll call., Council Members Al Spierling, Matthew Gallagher, Jr., Calvin Schlegel and Mark Millis reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor de Leon led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag; and immediately thereafter, Rev. Durham, of the First Southern Baptist Church in Grover City,. delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of July 26, 1977 and regular adjourned meeting of July 27, 1977, were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, General Warrants No. 6952 through No. 7016, in the total amount of $15.,904.56; and Payroll Warrants No. 9322 through No. 9420, in the total amount of $40,848.19, were approved and ordered paid.- INFORMATION R.E. GRADING DURING RAINY SEASON - A.G. CONSERVATION 1?IST The Council read a letter from the Arroyo Grande Resource Conservation District, allowing developers to grade during the rainy season if mitigating. measures are enforced to control erosion and sediment. A report on the letter from Director of Public Works Anderson stated that the City Staff will prepare a standard on mitigating measures to present to the Council for its consideration. RESPONSE TO COUNTY RE. E.O.C. REPRESENTATION The Council read a copy of a letter addressed to the County Administrative Office from Grover City Administrator Arnold Dowdy, letting them know that at a recent Mayors.` Meeting it was agreed that there is sufficient representation of cities on the Board of the Economic Opportunity Commission. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS FOR JULY, 1977 The Departmental Reports for the month of July, 1977, were reviewed by the Council and ordered filed. Also reviewed was a Monthly Report for July, 1977 from Roy L Gibson, Youth Services Officer with the. Police Department. A six-month Summary on Crone Problems, from Police Chief Clark, indicated a reduction of crime in the City during the last six months. For the Council's general infarmation, the City Administrator reported that approximately $1,700 has now been collected in sale of sand at the Corporation Yard. Also, an update of the City's water service quad maps was displayed, which has been done "in-house" for a savings of over $900. MUNI. CODE AMENDMENT - ADOPT AMENDMENTS TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE The Council reviewed a memorandum from Planner Sullivan, reporting that the Planning Commission had reviewed the proposed amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance and voiced its recommendation that the Council adopt the amendments as proposed. City Attorney Shipsey then read the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code by making certain changes to the City's Subdivision Ordinance;. thereafter, a motion-was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this Ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 161. C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 3, TITLE 9, AND BY ADDING. SECTIONS 9-3.204A, 9-3.205A, 9-3.207A, 9-3.218A,; 9-3.2188, 9-3.219A-AND 9-3.222A TO CHAPTER 3, TITLE 9 THEREOF, AND BY DELETING SECTIONS 9-3.209, 9-3.225, 9-3.228, 9-3.505, 9-3.506, 9-3.705, 9-3.706, 9-3.707 AND 9-3.708 OF CHAPTER 3, TITLE 9 THEREFROM, ALL RELATING TO REGULATIONS OF SUBDIVISIONS WITHIN SAID CITY. On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 9th day of August, 1977. 38~ CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 9, 1.977 PAGE 2 APPOINTMENT TO HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION - N. M;TCHELL Mayor de Leon reviewed the application of Norma Mitchell, 430 Beech, and nominated her to represent the City on the South County Humstn:.Relations Commission, which nomination was seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, for a non-specific term of service. SET STUDY SESSION - PROPOSED REVISED BUSINESS LICENSE O ~~INANCE: 9/12/77, +~ P.M. As suggested by Administrator Butch, a study session was tentatively set for September 12, 1977 at 4 P.M. to review the proposed, revised Business License Ordinance. REQUEST TO SELL BEER AT HARVEST FESTIVAL (JAYCEES) - DENIED The Council reviewed two reports from Police Chief Clark regarding the request by the Five Cities Jaycees to sell beer at the Arroyo Grande Harvest Festival. Various controls were suggested t© be carried out by the Jaycees, if their request is approved, which the Jaycees are agreeable to. He also reported that on August 8, 1977 he received-nine letters from citizens in the Community opposing the serving of beer at the Festival. Councilmen had also individually received letters of opposition from Rev. Lorenz and Robert Coffman.. The Council discussed the matter at length, with. general consensus being. that the Harvest Festival is a family event and use of alcoholic beverages should not be encouraged in this way. Mayor de Leon felt it should be tried. for one year, to see haw the sale of beer is accepted and controlled. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher and seconded by Councilman Millis to deny the Five Cities Jaycees' request to sell beer at the Arroyo Grande Harvest Festival being held September 29th through October 1, 1977. The motion carried on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYESe Councilmen Gallagher, Schlegel and Millis; NOES: Mayor de Leon; ABSTAINED: Councilman Spierling. Reverend Lorenz of the First Baptist Church in Arroyo Grande; and Ernie Ped of-the Five Cities Jaycees commented on the matter. ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF HOUSING ADVISORY &-'BLDG. APPEALS BOARD MEMBER - THURMAN The Council read a letter from Calvin L. Thurman in which he tenders his resignation from the Arroyo Grande City Housing Advisory and Building Appeals Board effective August 1, 1977. A motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried,. accepting Mr. Thurman's resignation with regrets and directing that a letter and plaque of appreciation be presented to him in thanks for his 5~ years of service to ties City. VARIOUS ACTIONS RE. ANNEXATION OF BRISCO/EL CAMINO REAL AREA - RESOL. TO LAFCO The Council read the. report-from the Planning Commission recommending approval of the El Camino Real Annexation No. 1, as proposed by the Council. Planner Sullivan also noted that the proposed annexation is in conformance with the "Annexation: Policy" as stated in-the General-Plan. The Council discussed the matter at length, generally agreeing that the City should proceed on the basis that the entire-area should be made a part of the City, whether done piece- meal. or as a whole® A letter was reviewed from VIP Future Corporation, developers of the apartment project at 171. Brisco Road, stating their interest in annexing to the City. City Attorney Shipsey pointed out that this letter from VIP Corp. and the Covenant he has prepared to be entered into by Glen Cherry (owner of another parcel in the subject area requesting water service), will be useless if the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) recommends against annexation. After further Council discussion, City. Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolut6on making application to LAFCO for the "El Camino Real Annexation No. 1°'; thereafter, a motion Qvas made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1294 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION BY THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY LOCAL AGENCY FOR~'fATION COMMISSION RELATIVE TO A PROPOSAL TO ANNEX TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: .Councilmen Spierling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES:- None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 9th day of August, 1977. ---389 CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 9, 1977 ARROYO GRANDE, CALTF°ORNTA PAGE 3 Discussion was held regarding a Covenant, prepared and reviewed for the Council in detail by City Attorney Shipsey, which will be entered into with Glen Cherry, owner of property in the subject area proposed for development. Said Covenant would grant water service to Mr. Cherry's property with the condition that he annex it to the City, Discussion was also held regarding inspection and building standards to be followed by Mr. Cherry's development. Mr. Cherry was present and stated he would not go along with being inspected by two inspectors from two different governmental ;agencies. After further Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman M3,llis and ascended by Councilman Spierling, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a Covenant with Glen Cherry requiring him to annex his property on Brisco Road (being a portion.. of Lot 106 of Parts of the Ranchos Corral de Piedra, Pismo & Bolsa de Chemisal), to the City as a condi- tion to receiving water service to his proposed development. Said motion carried unanimously on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon a After further Council discussion, a motion. was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, waiving any annexation fees for the E1 Camino Real Annexation No. 1, as it is City initiated. AUTHORIZE DEMOLITION OF OLD "ANDERSON" HOUSE - ALLEY SOUTH OF° BRANCH The Council reviewed a memorandum from Parks Consultant, Robert Gallop, reporting that the Parking & Business Improvement Area Advisory Board is requesting approval for removal of the "Anderson" house Q111 Bridge Street) in the alley area south of Branch Street between Bridge and Short Streets, which is being ex~.~nded for public parkinga The cost of said demolition is undeterminedo After Ccsuncil discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, authorizing the demolition of the '"Anderson" house as described above. The Council read a report from Parks Consultant Gallop, stating that the P~.rking ~ Business Improvement A~°ea Advisory Board has re¢~uested that its members' termis of office on the Board. be adjusted to coincide with the other Commissions and Boards in the City, and that election of officers take place in duly of each year following the adjustment of Board terms® After Council discussion, general consensus was that the terms should lee consistent with other Commissions and Boards of the City and the City Attorney was directed to prepare an ordinance to affect this change 1tEVIE41 Off` LATEST LEGISLATIVE. BULLETINS & APPOINT VOTING DELEGATES AT LEAGUE MEETING The Council received and reviewed the latest Legislative Bulletins from the League of California Citieso Councilman Millis briefly reported on the recent Channel Counties Division of the League dinner at which League Counsel, Bill Kaiser, had reported on the various Property Tax Relief Billso The Division had also passed a resolution supporting the repeal of the ~°ederal Voting Rights Act provisions regarding language minorities' special election provisions. A motion was then made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unani- mously carried, appointing Mayor de Leon as the City's voting delegate at the upcoming Annual League Conference, with Councilman Gallagher appointed as alternate. UPDATE RE. STANDARDS & PLANNING GUIDELINES >a'OR 911 EMERG>~NCY NUMBER The Council reviewed the latest State System Standards and Planning Guidelines for the 911 emergency number, with the state-wide system to be in service by 1885. CONFLICT OE INTEREST CODE AMENDMENTS - REFERRED TO PLANNING COMMISSION ~ ASSOCm ENG. City Attorney Shipley reported that the recently adopted Conflict of Interest Code for the Planning Commission and City Staff omits the requirement that Planning Commissioners report their interests in real property and does not include the Associate. Engineer in the reporting requirements. It has been suggested that the Code be amended to include these provisions. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, referring the proposed amendments of the Conflict of Interest Code to the Planning Commission and Engineering ..Department for their review before adoptionm 390 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 9, 1977 PAGE 4 APPEAL RE. WATER SERVICE TO BRISCO AREA (JONES) - FURTHER STUDY BY ATTORNEY The Council read a letter from Jerry Jgnes, 761 Shell Beach Road, Pismo Beach, appealing to the City its recent established policy to not extend new water services to the Brisco/E1 Camino Real county area unless it is annexed. He is proposing a skateboard park on property he is leasing from Leo Brisco, in which project. he has invested much money and stands to lose much if he can't proceed. He has no say in the matter of annexation, as the property is owned by the Briscos. Administrator Butch reported that a 1964 Agreement was reviewed for him today, in which the City agreed to serve the Brisco property with water service in exchange for an easement over a strip of their land for installation and maintenance of City water lines. The Council discussed the matter and generally agreed that the City Attorney should review the Agreement°s ramifica- tions, history, maps of the area and location of lines and how much water service was intended to be given, before any further action is taken. APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP FOR TRACT 657 - REFERRED TO CITY ATTORNEY FOR STUDY In regard to a request for approval of Final Map for Tract No. 657, the Council reviewed a letter from the developer, Ra.chard DeBlauw, about a problem which needs to be resolved before approval. His 16-unit condominium complex ties into the City's .sewer main at two different locations (which is allowed for apartment buildings), instead of 16 separate connections, as is required for condominiums per the City's Ordinance.. This development was originally planned as an apartment project and changed to a condominium, which resulted in the mis- understanding of the City's Ordinance by the developer.. He suggested a solution to the problem, whereby the upkeep and maintenance of .the waste water lines in the common area of Lot A would be set forth in the Homeowners' Declaration of C.C. & R.'s as being the responsibi~.ity of the Homepwners° AssociationQ After Council discus- sign, the matter was referred to the City Attorney and City Staff for their review and recommendations. APPR~E FINAL MAP' FOR `~~RACT NOo 604 "OAK PARK ACRES" (KVIDT) City Engineer K.a reviewed with the Council the Final Map for Tract No. 604, i°fydk Park Acres", located between State Highway 101 and Noyes Road just easterly oaf' Oak Park Road, being developed by yak Park Acres, a Limited Partner- ship, represented by Reuben Kvidlt, General Partnero Engineer Karp stated every- thing has been ccamplete~l except for submission of Improvement Bonds, which is a minrar matter and approval can be given subject to receipt of said bonds. Elizabeth Jackson, 20S Fair View, requested approval be held over for two weeks t~~ allowcitizens tame to review the maps, which were not available yesterday when she requested them. Lengthy discussion was held among the Ce~un~cil, City Staff and citizens, as to whether the maps had been properly reviewed and appr~sved by the Planning Commission.- City Staff reviewed past minutes and actions caf the Council and Planning Commission and read portions of the Subdivision Ordinance and correspondence from the State Dept. of Fish and Game, assuring that everything had been done in proper order. After Council discussion, a motion was made by C¢~uncilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and ~sn the f®llowing roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, Schlegel and Mayor de Leon; NOES: Councilmen Gallagher and Millis, the motion carried as follows: 1) accepting by separate instrument, subject to satisfactory cc~mpletie~n of Phase I, Tract 604 improvements, certain water line and sewer line easements over areas designated as Greenbelt on Tentative Tract Map No. 604; 2) finding that Tract Map No. 604 is consistent with the City°s Zoning and General Plan; 3) accepting on behalf of the public, subject to satisfactory completi®n of all Phase T improvement, all easements for drainage structures, embankment slopes and cut slapest 4) approving reservations of the Public Utility Easen-entst 5) accept- ing appr®priate offers of dedication for roadway purposes - stipulated by Strips A, B, and C and James Way; 6) rejecting without prejudice. to future acceptance apprmpriate offers of dedication - stipulated by Strip D; 7) making the determine- tion specified by Section 664360 that certain signatures of the Public Entities or Utilities listed on the Map as "other interests" may be omitted because division and development of the property in the manner set forth on Tract Map No. 604 will not unreasonably interfere with the free and complete exercise of the rights of way or easements listed; 8) authorizing the Mayor to sign, on behalf of the City, all appropriate improvement agreements; and 9) approving Tract No. 604, subject to receipt of the Improvement Bonds. __ CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 391 AUGUST 9, 1977 PAGE 5 APPROVAL OF .PARCEL MAPS 75-336; ?7-280 & 77-195 - HELD OVER Approval of Parcel Maps 75-336 (Robertson); 77-280 (Curtis); and 77-195 (Castro), were requested held over as they are not yet ready. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT CHANGE WITH CALTRANS RE. GRAND AVE. CONSTRUCTION - HELD OVER City Engineer Karp requested, and the Council agreed, to hold over c®nsidera- tion for approval of changes in the CalTrans Contract with the City for the Grand Avenue Construction Project. SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF IMPROVEMENT ASSMT. DIST.-THE PIKE: 8/23 The Council reviewed a report from Director of Public Works Anderson, outlining plans and costs for the installation of curbs and gutters on the n®rth side of The Pike between South Elm Street and the westerly City Limits. Costs of sidewalks have been included in the property owners' costs and will be included in the bid if necessary for the property owners convenience or can be deleted if they do not wish this installation. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, setting August 23, 1977 at 8:00 P.M. for the public hearing on the establishment of a Short 1911 Act Improvement. District, with the following to also be notified of said hearing, as requested by Fred Wolf: Kristen Wolf, President of the North Oceano School Parent-Teachers Association; the Principal of the North Oceano School; and the Lucia Mar Unified School District. PF<tOGRESS REPORT - VALLEY ROAD IMPROVEMENTS The Counc~.l read a letter from Supervisor Mankins, reporting that funds for the Valley Road Improvement Project cannot be expended until after the final budget is adopted, which will be sometime in August. The Director. of Public Works has been in touch with the County's Engineer to proceed on this project as soon as the County budget is adopted. P,PPROVE TIME EXTENSION RE. PARCEL MAP 75-338. ASH & SPRUCE STREETS(SHIGENAKA) The Council read a letter from Milton Hayes of Arroyo Grande Realty, representing Bob Shigenaka in his Lot Split Case No. 75-225. He requested a 30-day extension to complete improvements reflected on Parcel Map 75-338. Delays have been encountered in moving public utilities. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis and unani- mously carried, granting the requested time extension for Parcel Map 75-338. PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT The Council reviewed the monthly Maintenance and Operation Report for July, 1977, from the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District. The District's Manager, Tom Butch, introduced Howard Hoffman, P.E. of Jenks & Harrison, the consulting engineers on the District's ocean outfall line pr®ject. Mr. Hoffman made a detailed presentation regarding progress of the new ocean outfall line-the District is being required to build. The State's Water Quality Control Board has requested the consultants to prepare dual plans--one .for just the District's use of the outfall line and the other if Pismo Beach hooks into the District's outfall line as a joint project. The District would have to give approval for such plans.- He stated that the proposed agreement from Pismo Beach for a joint outfall line study is very favorable to the District and therefore favorable for the people of Arroyo Grande. Mr. Hoffman then answered various questions of the Council. Councilman Schlegel, the City's representative on the District's Beard, stated a study session will be-held on Friday, August 12th on the proposed Agreement with Pismo Beach. C~UNCTLMAN GALLAGHER LEFT THE MEETING DURING THE ABOVE AGENDA ITEM AND REMAINED ABSENT FOR THE REST OF THE MEETING. MEMO. RE. ESTABLISHMENT OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE A memorandum from the Division of Environmental Health was reviewed, informing the Council that a five member hearing panel will need to be appointed when the State approves the designated enforcement agency for the County-Wide Solid Waste Management Plan. Said panel will hold hearings on enforcement matters pertaining to the Solid Waste Control Act of 1.976. COUNTY'S RESPONSE RE. REQUEST TO WITHDRAW FROM SEWER DIST.(GREENWOOD) -_HELD OVER The Council agreed to hold over discussion of the County's response to Charles F. GreenwoQd's request to withdraw his development --"Greenwood Acres" on Branch-Mill Road -from the Arroyo Grande Sewer Assessment District No. 1, as Mr. Greenwood would like. to be present when discussion is held. 39? CITY' COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIE°ORNIA AUGUST 9, 1977 PAGE'6 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - REZONE #77-105, CORNWALL/OAK - t1 R1" TO 01HS" - 8/23'77 The Council was informed that a public hearing has been set for 8P.M. on August 23, 1977 to consider the recommendation of the•Planning Commission to rezone, from "R-1" to "H-S", certain property at Oak and Cornwall Streets. APPROVE ALLOCATION FOR .SENIOR VAN INSURANCE COSTS Administratoz°-.Butch reported that the City has been. informed by the County that the'City's share of the insurance costs to keep the Senior Vans going is $500.00. .After Council discussion, a motion was m~de.by Councilman Schlegel,,, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, approving the amount of • $500.00 to be paid as the City's portion of the insurance costs for the Senior Vans. LETTER OF INFO. RE. WILDERNESS AREA - LAGOMARSINO The Council read a letter from Congressman Lagomarsino, stating he also had not been informed in a timely manner on the proposed Lopes Canyon Wilderness Area designation and has been assured by the Committee hearing the matter that this will not happen agaa~n. In regard to the Council's concern to lim~.t access to the wrilderness area, he stated.rhe shares this concern and .feels access should be restricted during the fire season. He has written to the Los Padres Supervisor for his opinion regarding restricted access. Councilman Millis cited his concern regarding the proposal to drill for., oil and gas in the Lr~pez Lake ores, which the Cor.ncil had not been informed about to allow for its opinion. Councilman Schlegel stated a permit for this`has already been issued by the County. Councilman Millis, as the City's represents t~,°;~e o>~ ~~cae Zone 3 AdF~~.,sary Committee, will bring up this concern at said ~."~mm.~t.t~e ° ~ newt rt~eeting. ` PROCLAMATION -~ "CALIFORNIA SPACE WEEK°" -~ AUGUST r4-20, 19`77 Ntayor de Le~a~ proclaa.med the Meek of August 14th through 20th as "California Space. Week.°` in tYie City oaf .Arroyo Grande '?~OCLAM~,TIc~N - "~® LEWIS Y~1rJSCCTLAR DYSTROL~HY TELETHON WEEKEND" - SEPT. 4TH & 5TH Mayor "fie Le.en proclaimed September 4th :and 5th,"1977, as "Jerry 7~ewis Muscular Dystroph~;~"IElethoxb Weekend'" in the City of Arroyo Grande, 'as requested by W~~ll::~am Ho E;~ia.x°e, I~Sayo~° of Las Vegas, Nevada. SST Ft`33P. COL7NCIL DIRECI"ION RE. AGREEMENT F8R JOINT OU'~'E`ALIs LINE - SCHLEGEL Councilx~aan Schlegel requested the Council's directon.regarcling the ~:~ ~ op~~~se:t agreement- between the City of Pismo Beach and the South .County Sanitation i3.y,strict, for a point outfall line. ~3ayor de Leon felt sash city should take care of ~:€onitor,~orel the quality of their effluent. Mayor Schlegel invited Council Members to attend the District°s study session on Friday regarding the proposed joint project.. COMPLAINT RE. LACK OF TREE ORDINANCE - HONEYCUTT Ella Honeycutt, 560 Oak Hi11 Road, voiced her complaint that~the City, even though discussed a year ago, still has no'tree ordinance regulating the cutting of trees on private property ._ She stated particular concern with the tree removal occurring on Crown Hill. Administrator Hutch stated that sample tree ordinances have been requested from various sources which will be studied by the City staff and comtn~.ssions to de~relop something compatible for the City. Mrs.. Honeycutt further stated her concern about the "big apartment" on Crown Hill in-regard tca the steepness of driveways allowed there in comparison td what a Mr. Lemon was required to do in building his garage. The Council will receive copies of the City of San Luis Obispo°s Tree Ordinance for scene possible action st its 'next meetinge PROGRESS REPORT - AGRICULTURAL STUDY COMMITTEE.- McCANN Councilman Spierling gave a progres$ report on the Agricultural Study C®mmittee, as requested by Bi11 McCann, 428 Tanner Lane. He stated-that letters have gone-out to the appointed Committee members to ascertain the most c®nvenient time for them to meet, When this information is received, a meeting Pain'be called. Mr. McCann also voiced his concern regarding development in-.the hills. As an example, he cited La Barranca,>which had a specified number of units allowed ~ - with the rezoning and density transfer to minimize cuts, efill and grading, and yet now there is little. of the natural state left. He asked 'whether .this will. happen with every development and.. stressed that the Councii:be-concerned about how 'the builders are interpreting how they are. to grade and prepare the property for development. - 393 ~ CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 9, 1977 PAGE 7 Councilman Spierling reviewed that as a result of recent Town Meetings, any top soil must be stockpiled and then redistributed following grading, which was never a requirement in the past. COMMENTS RE. SOIL - WOLF Fred Wolf, 54U Gaynfair, reviewed a development taking place in the area of his residence, where top soil was moved around to level the area and 18" of clay was unloaded and spread over the top soil. PERMISSION TO BE ABSENT FROM STATE DURING AUG. & SEPT., 1977 - DE LEON A motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, authorizing Mayor de Leon to be absent from the State intermittently during August and Spetember, 1977, as requested by him. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:36 P.M. ,r"~ ATTEST: ~ % .' L~--~~ p~i CITY CLERK '~ MAYOR