O 386 C.S. , ORDINANCE NO. 386 c.s. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING CHAPrER 3 OF TITLE 8 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CX>DE, TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE THE' 1987 NATIONAL EJ.F.CI'RICAL CX>DJ~ AND THE 1988 UNJIlORM ADMINISTRATIVE CX>DE, INQ,UDING AMENDMEN'I'S .. CX>NCERNING LIGHT OUTLF."IS, SERVICE ENTRANCE CX>NDUrrs, SERVICE DISOONNECrING MEANS, ELECrRODE GROUNDING, OPEN WffiING ON. INSULATORS, CX>NCBALED KNOB AND TUBE WmING, NONMETALLIC SHEATHED CABLE, U.F. CABLE, CEILING AND WALL MOUN'1'&> FI~DELETING SECTIONS 338, 339-3 (6); FEES; REPEAL ALL CX>NFLICTING ORDINANCI!S ,- THE CITY CX>UNCIL OFTllli CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECI'lON 1: Q\npter 3 of Title 8 (Sectiom 8-3.01 through 8-3.07) of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code is amended to read in its entirety as follows: ~ 8-3.01. Adootion Q!. National Electrical ~ For the purpose of providing mininun stanclar<il to Sllfeguard life, limb, health, property and public welfare, that certain Code known as the National Electrical Code, 1987 Edition, also known as N.F.P.A. 70-1978, as adopted by the National Fire Protection Association at its lIMual meeting held May 21, 1986, in Atlanta, Georgia, save and except such portions as are hereinafter deleted, added thereto or amended, not less than three (3) copies of the National Electrical Code, 1987 Edition, are now on file in the office of the Qty Clerk, and said National Electrical Code, 1987 Edition, is hereby adopted and incorporated herein by reference as though herein set forth in full. ~ 8-3.02. Acministrntion. In order for the orderly enforcement of the Unifonn Electrical Code,198'l Edition, as adopted by Section 8-3.01, there is hereby adopted the Unifonn Aaninistrative Code, 1988 Edition, O1IIpters 1, 2, 3, and Table No. 3-B, Electrical Pennit Fees, as published by the International Conference of Bui1~ OfficiaJs, save and except such portions lIS are hereinafter deleted, added thereto, c~ed, or amended, not less than three (3) copies of said Unifc:>nn Aaninistrative Code are now on file in the office of the Qty Clerk, and said Acministrative Code is hereby Adopted and incorporated hp.rein by reference Os though herein set forth in full. ~ 8-3.03. ~~ Authority. "Administrative Authority," as used in this Code, shall be the Building Official or designated representative. ~ 8-3.04. ~ Electrical Inscector. The office of aJief Electricallnspcctor shall be part of the Building Department, and the tenn "aJief Electrical Inspector" shall be the aJiefBuilding Inspector or designated representative. ~ 8-3.05. Connections. The Q\ief Electrical Inspector may not authorize the connection of the source of supply until all other provisions lIS may be required by the Municipal Code of the CIty of Arroyo Grande are canplied with and npproval of other CIty departments is granted. ~ 8-3.06. Amencinent .tQ. Section m.<!1l. Unifonn Aclninistrntive QI!& Section 202 (d), Stop Orders of said Unifonn Acmnistrative Code, is amended to read os fol1ows: - (d) ~ Orders. Whenever any work is being done contrary to the provisions of this Code and the Technical Codes, or in violation of any other Code or City Ordll1lll1Ce, the Building Officialll1llY order the work stopped by notice in writing, served on any persons e~aged in the conduct or causil'€ such work to be conducted, and any such person shall inmediately stop such work until authorization is provided by the Buildil'€ Official to proceed with the work. If unable to serve such persons with a notice, the Building Official shall post the Stop Order in a prominent place on the site. Such posted notice shall only be removed by the Building Official or designated representative. Any person ---- ---~,-- . ~ ". ,.'; ORDINANCE NO. 386 c.s. PAGE 2 proceeding with unauthorized work after be~ served or ha~ a notice posted on his or her job site, shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day, or portion thereof, d~ which &'Uch work is be~ perfonned. Sec. 8-3.0'1. ADICJ.dnPQts Made to the National Eleetrical Code, 1987 Edition. ~ The National Electrical Code, 1987 Edition, adopted by Sections 8-3.01,15 hereby amended in the following respects. The section numbers hereinafter referred to are the section J1IJI1bers of said National Electrical Code: Section 210-26 is hereby deleted. Section 210-70 is emended by add~ hereto the following: Onc light outletshall be provided at each outside entrance to a building intended for residential occupancy where one light serves more than one entrance; switch control shall be provided at each such entrance. In multi-family dwellings these outlets may be centrally controlled. Section 230-43 is emended to read: See. 230-43. W~ Methods for 600 Vlits or Less. Service entrance conductors shall be installed in rigid metal conduit or rigid norvnetallic conduit. Rigid norvnetallic conduit shall only be pennitted within the wall cavity and not exposed to physical damoge. For circuits not exceeding 600 volts, busways may be used. (a) The length of the service conduit within a b~ shall be as short as reasonably practicable and shall in no case exceed 30 linear feet. . Secrtions 230-50, 230-51, Bud 230-52 are hereby deleted. Section 230-'10 Is emended by adding thereto the following: ,..,..,.. See. 230-'10. Gmeral . . . The service diseonnectmg meers shall be located at a readily accessible point nearest to the entrance of the service conductors and, in residential property, shall be ucccssible from the exterior, except In a carport or where a meter room is provided. In J1JJltiple occupancies the service disconnect shall be 0/1 the ground floor and readily accessible to all parties concerned. The handle of the disconnecting me!ll1S shall be not more than six (6) feet above the floor or wor~ platform. Section 250-5.1> is emended by adding thereto the following: Notwithstanding, the grounding electrode in any new building or stnIcture shall, whenever possible, car{)ly with Section 250-81.c. Section 320-3 is emended to read as follows: See. 320-3. Uses Pemitted. Open wiring on insulators shall be pennitted only when approved by the QUef Electrical Inspector. Section 324--3 is emended by acld~ new sul:5ection (3) to read as follows: (3) Concealed knob and tube wiring shall only be used in residential buildings, their accessory stnIctures and miscellaneous structures, as defined in the UnifO!'l\1 Building Code, of wood freme construction. ...." Section 3311-1 is hereby amended by adding thereto the following: See. 336-1. Def'mition... Nonnetallic sheathed cable shall only be used in the hollow spaces of wa1Js and attics, in unaccessible under-floor areas" in residential buildings. Nonneta1lic sheathed cable shall not be permitted to be used in any A-B-E-lH occupancies, as defined in thc Unifonn Building Code, 1988 Edition. Nonneta1l1c sheathed cable shall be concealed by the pennanent finish of the building, except in garage ceilings. k~, - '. ;;;u ' . "- ORDINANCE NO. 386 C.s. PAGE 3 Section 337-1 is amended by adding the following: ~337-1. Definition. .. and may be used only where the use of I1OM1etallic sheathed cable is pennitted, or by special pennission of the arief Electrical Inspector. Section 339-3 (a) is amended by ad~ suOOection {4} to read: {4} Type U.F. cable may only be used in buil~ of wood frame construction and of residential occupancy and shall not be 1'lIl\ exposed. Section 339-3 {b} is hereby deleted. '- Section 250-91.b is hereby amended by adding thereto the foll~: ~ 250-91.b. A separate suitable ground wire is to be installed in all metallic electrical tubing. Section 25Q-91.b notes 2-3-4-5 are hereby deleted. Section 410-3 is hereby deleted. SECrlON 2: 'That Ordinance No. 229 c.s. of the Oty of Arroyo Grande, tiUed "ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPI'ER 3 OF TITLE 8 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CX>DE BY ADOPrING BY REFERENCE TIlE NATIONAL ELECJ'RICAL CX>DE, 1978 EDITION, AND THE UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE roDE, 1979 EDITION, INCLUDING AMENDMENT CX>NCERNING LIGHT OUTLETS, SERVJCE ENTRANCE CX>NDUITS, SERVICE DISCONNECTING MEANS, ELECrRODE GROUNDING OPEN WIRJNG ON INSULATORS, CX>NCEALED KNOB AND TUBE WIRJNG. NONMETALLIC SHEATHED CABLE, U.s. CABLE, CEJLING AND WALL MOUNTED FJXTURES, DELETJNG SECfJON 228, 339-3 {6}, AND REPEAL OF ALL CX>NFLICfJNG ORDINANCES," and all other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: If any section, sulEection, sentence, clause or phrBse of this Ordinance is for any reoson held to be invalid, such decision sbaII not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The Council hereby declares that it would have adopted the Ordinances and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any sentence, clause or phrase be declared invalid. SECTION 4: A SIII1111W'y of this ordinance shall be published in a newspaper, published and circulated in said Oty, at least five {5} days prior to the aty Council meeting at which the proposed ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed ordinance shall be pc6ted in the office of the Oty Clerk. Within fjfteen (15) days after adoption of the ordinance, the SUITI11IIl"Y, with the names of those Oty Council merrbers voting for and against the ordinance, shall be published again, and the aty Clerk sbaII pa;t a certified copy of the full text of such adopted ordinance. On motion of Council MeniJer Smith, seconded by Council MeniJer Moots, and 01\ the fo11~ roll call vote, to wit: A YES: Cbuncil MenDers Smith, Moots, Dougall and Mayor Millis NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 13th day of December, 1988. ~~ MAYOR ATI'EST: ~ a, ~ CITY CLER