Minutes 1977-12-13 445 CITY COUNC~I~ DEC~ER 1'3, 1977 ~OYO GRANDE, CP,LIE°ORNTA The City ~ounciT met in regular session with A4ayoz° Gab~ de Le~sa pr~s~.d~ngm Upon roll call, CounciZ Members Al Spierling,. Matt.I.laew G~lYae~her, ~~°m, Calsrin Schlegel and Mark Millis reported pre~entm PLEDGE OF ALI.oEGTANCE AND TNVOCATIDN Mayor de Le~n led the Pledge of Al~egianc~ o~a~ F~:ag~ anc~ ~.mnn~c~ia~t~l.~ thereaft~z°, Reve~end Alsn P, Gorslin~, of th~ Unit~cl Nie~a~d~~t ~Y~~°e~ xn ~is~ro~ro Grande, deli~rered °tne invocationm APFROVAL OF° MYi~1UTE~ The minutes for the ~~gular mee~tinc~ of Na~vembe~ 22 a 1977, w~er~ appz°o~red a~ preparedo APPIt~VAIa O~ WP,RRANIT~ On m~tion of C~suncilmara ~chlegel, ~~ce~nd~d ~y ~~~~ilrnan G~~.l~g~s~~ and ~~a~nimously caz°rei~d, D~anfl Warz°ants No-. 7565 ~hr~ugh Nom ??23 ~x~rl H~ro 1~42~ °through No. P434, i~ t~h~ tcs:tal ~no~n~ af $13 83 a m 82 a anc~ ~ayrabl C~~~~S~ No 0 ~ 0253 ~Ti~~ugh No, ~ 036?:, in the tota]L' amoum~t of $42, ~32 0 23, va~r~ ~ppz°~v~~ ~nd orde~~ecl paid. RE~f7R~ R~m Yb~`~H IN GOVERNMENT L9~,Y A~~~V3TT~S ° IC~GC~T~ICT Yoa~~h i~ Gove~°nment Ds~y ~~Me~ymr", Ke~in ICr~oea~ki, A~°r~r~ ~r~r~d~ ~fa~~ Schrs~l: ~~uelen~,, ~~~r~ed an th~ a~tivi~~,~s ~f ~the d~y, ~°~~~~na~ °~h~ ~~°~d~rat~~ alY ~n~c~~ea~ ~~iei~ ~°c~1~~ a~ City ~~f~~~.dl ~r~d ~~~f~ ~caun~~~rp~~ts ~r~r~ Y~~,c~ l~~r~~cl ~~°~m °~h~ ~acp~~ies~~e. H~ ~~r~v~y~~i ~2i~.n~a ari~ a~>~~~ci~°~~~n, ~n ~~l~a~l~ a~~ ~lze ~`tc~d~en~~~ °~s~ ~he Cit~r c~~~'ieittl~ and ~t~~9~f ~r~~te~ ~~~~tc~ ~~~~1~ Ki~tx~r~~~ whi~h h~c~ hm~te~i ~he ltz~c~~e~n,m- S~UI~~c~~E~° f~~°Cll~i ~N C~TMTI~A~ ~Y~~~ ~ ~1~1~,~~°~~fi~~ ~1~~ C~ssrn~~:l ~r~~d ~.~~t°~~z° f~~m C~,13,fa~r~~.~ Ci°~y, ~g~~~ ~~i~ ~~~~~1~~~~°~ t~ i~~~~~~x~~ ~~~~~.~n ~~~~~m~ ~,n °~t~~ p~n~,1 r~r~a~ ~~~nir~~l ~~1~~~.~c~ ~~ra~t~n~~r~~ ~c~ b~ ~~r~~ 3~y jus~g~,~ ~~s~ ~~~c~l~~~ ~i~~~ t ~~at~~~~ ~nsra~~a~~~~~x~' ~sa~rv~~ ~~i~ ~~°~~~~a~~s ~n~ °~h~~ pur~~~l~men~ ~~x~~~L ~~e°t~~n~ °~t~ ~'m~~31 ~~,~~~~~~d t~~ ~~b~~~~, ~i~t~, ~~~i~~ ~~~~a~~~x~ n ~~~p~~~~~1~ ~r~ ~~c~~~~i th~ p~r~i~~~s~~ ~~~aag ~d~1 ~.h~ ~~a~~~ ~~~~~~nb ~~~a~~.~xn ~~~i~~~~1 l~~Y~ ~1~~ r~~°~~~~r ~~.~ul~ ~~~~~°~~cl ~s~ C~imi~~~. ~1,~a~a~~r~~ ~~~~~1 ~e~~ ~~~~n~r~~~~3.~a~~~ ~a~u~~~~ ~~~~u~~i~~~ ~ s~~~~~~s ~r~~ m~¢~~ ~~~z~a~~,l~ ~~n ~~~l~~~i~~°, ~~~~r~d~~l ~y ~~~~~,1~~~ ~Ya~1Y~.~ a~~~ rsa~ ~~11.~~r~~~ ~e~1~ ~~,~1 ~r~~~, A~°~~: ~c~~r~~~;lm~~ ~~11~g~Y~~~°, ~l~~.li~ ~r~c1 ~t~~~a ~~~a~~ilrn~~ ~~Si~r~i~~ ~.~cl ~~~~eg°~~i 1~~~~~: ~~~t~, °~~i~ m~~#,~r~ ~.Y~~ ~~~~~~~t~ ~.~A 1~~~~~ C~13~~s~~~~ ~i~~, ~r~c~ 1~~t~.~ag ~Y~~~t ~i~y~ 9~e~vv °~Y~~~ ~~i~~ ~~~~~i7~ ~~vor~ ~,ri~ ~~i~~rt~n~ ~ i~n~~~ ~f ~~~n~~, ~r~~ ~~~~~°~~n~r ~~i~ ~~~pa~~~~ ~e~~~~m~ ~o ~t~~ ~ri~air~~~. ~us~~i~~ ~~~~ni~c~ ~c~~~,~~1 ~~ar ~~~°~~at- ~,~d ~°a~~ ~r~c~~°~i~r~~ ~ ~~~f~~2'~ A~~. ~7~~ ~`bf~ C~1~~E1~~" ~1~ ~ ~~~C~T ~~i~ Cou~~i1 ~°~~r~,~rovedl ~ ~~~sn t~h~ ~n~~i~~~~ i~~~~~~~ ~~h~~~, ~~°ging~ ~h~ ~t~t~n~~~~~ ~t~~s~~~t ~ 1752, ~~~.~h v~~~al~ ~~~a~~~ ~~~~z~n~~ ~~r~~~r~~ ~r~ ht~maz~ ~~~ri~~r~~~~~.~~~ f~~~~~° ~~a~~i1 ~~,~~a~~i~n~ ~ ~?~~~.~n ~r~~ sm~~~ k~y ~~~~a~iira~xn ~~i~~~~~ae~, ~~~c~~~l~ ~jr Cmr~acilmn~ ~~1~~~~~~ ~ru3 un~r~~~v~~l.~ ~a~°ari~c~, ~upp~r~3.ng f~175z ~tc~ g~~°c~~rid~ in~~ d~~n~~~°~ tYt~ p~~~~r~ k~~f"~~~ I~umar~ ~x~perim~n~.~ti~n i~ ~lc~n~ ~n that ~~~~on. 5tJF~PC7R°I' ~RG~~+Fi~lA°1:`T~N F'C9Y~ "FItJ1~TC~ER I~RUJP~C~t' ihrEE~C" ~ ~~~C ~h~ ~cstz~cil rend a lette~ and pzc~clatna~ion ~r~m °~h~ ~sf ~my~~s~, ~r~~.na~ p~tr~3c~,pr~t9.on ~.n a"Project Hting~r W~~k" in ~n ~ffc~z°~ °~e~ a~,imir~~~t~ ~ta~va~t3~n the wmrld v~ithir~ the nex°t tw~o d~~~d~s. ~,fter ~~ur~~i1 d~.~~u~~~.c~n, ~ sn~s~3~n ~a~ mad~ by Councilmr~n S,pier3.ing, ~e~r,~d~d by ~~uri~ilman ~~ll~c~h~r ~~d ur~~r~~~ualy c~r~ied, recc~gniz~r~g th~r~ i,~ ~ n~~d fe~~° p~°a~pex di~tr~.~u+~i~n c~f fn~c~ ar~und °~he ra~o~l.d and eupparting L~mpr~c's ~r~~ol~z~ior~ fm~u~~,r~g ~°t~~n~ion c~~ ~his6 DEPAR~'MEN~'AI, I~PdR~~ E'bR NG9'VEMBER, 1977 The Departmental Repmrt~ for th~ ~r~~h ~f N~v~~~c, 1977, w~~~ ~°~~~i~r~cl by °th~ Cr~unc~il, reviewed and ord~red filscl. ~ 44s CITY COUNCII. DECF.[~lBER t3, 1977 AR120Y0 GRANDE, CALIFORNIA pA(;g 2 MUNI. CODE AMEND. - ORD. ADOPT. - REZONE ?7-109~ T1iAFFIC i~AY,.'"RAB3" TO "R1" City At~orney Shipsey read the title of an ord~eusce aMaen ing t e City's Zoning Map so as to rezone, fram "RA83" to "A1", Propesty at 571 arld 5'79 So. `Traffic Dlay,~as requested by Ritchie, et al. A motion was then made by Counci?- man S~hleqel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carr~.ed, to dispease witfi ~?eadinq tbe balance of this ordinance. ORDINANCE N0. i70 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARRC3Y0 GRANDE AMENDING A PORTION QF THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF' ARkOYd GRANDE REFERRED.TO IN SSC~I0~1 .302 OF TITLE 9, CHA#~T~R 4 OI~' THE MUNIC3PAL CODE SO AS TO REZONE CEATAIN PAOPERTY IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. Ori motio}~ of Councilmaa Spier~.inq, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and ai~ ~the followiriq roll call vote, to wit: AYE6c .COuncilmen Spierling, Gailagher, ~chlegel, Mil.lis arsd Mayor. d~ I.~on NOES: None ASSE~iT : Nane the £orecjoing °O~dinance was passed a~~3~ ~dr~~~:ec~ this 13th day of Decemb~z, ~ 977 , P__ROPOSED 0_ RDINp~idCg $E. TRUCK PARKIPIG P.~S~.i'Ft2~`~IGNu ~ FURmE~IER STUAY The Cour~cil reviewed ~ prnpased Ordinance prepared by Cit.y Atto.~nay Shipgey, tQ amend certain provisions of the Municipal Code, SeGtions 4-3.11 ~nd 4.-3.12, regardinq truck and recxeationa~. vehiclc p~rk3ng in pub7.i~ rights Qf way, The aiaendment~,were reiquested b1~ Pavice Chief C1ark. Councilmaa Schleg~l p~inted ~~at tha~. the li~a~.tation of vQhicles weighing 10,000 ibs. would.prohibit awners oi~ the larger re~reat3.ona1 vshicles frrnn ~ parking it in front ofi their re~ir~enae. The Counc~I genera~.ly agreed that the regtriction ahould be limited to co~nmercial vehicle~ and instructe@ the City Attor~ey to study that portion of the arc~irance furtzher with Chief Clark and bring it back to the Council f or cnnsideration. ACCEPT RESIGNATInN; OF PARKS & REC~k~f~',C7~"(7N CCIMM~SSIONER B~NTLE:Y A motion wai8 ade y Courc.~.~.man ~};;~ier.~..tng, a~CO31d.~C~ I~~ CC51j11C1Iltl~;xri M~l~.f..~3 and unan~.mously carried, accc~~~:~.z~.~ wi~ti i:~gra~; ~:rr~ ~Q~igr~ar.ian of ~'rank P« Ben,tl~y TTT y from the Pa,~k.~; t~ ~,~rL~-~at.~.csn Ccsmmcnni~;~ion, effe~tive 3anuary 1, i978. The Council praieed Mr. S~nt~.~~~' far hi~; manST y~ars of service to the City and directed that a plaque cs~ ~;:~5~~t:±,at~.on be ,~repared for presentation to him. APPOINTMENT OF PARtCB & RECREATION CdMMS.~`,SIONEIt - tiPINGERD Mayor de Leon reparted that he enci the C3ty Admini~trator 1Yad interviewe8 an appl3cant for the Pnrka & Recreation Cc~uais~inn. A~ter reviewinq ~,h~ appl3~ati,on for the Council, he recom~pended that ~udy Wingerd, 251 A~p~.na, be appo~,nted to aaid Coianisaion effective January 1, 1978. Councilman Spierling secctnded the nomination, ~vhich carried un~nimausly. PROP.ERTY..DAMAGE_CLATM AGAZNST CTTY (NOLVERTON) Administratar Butch reqvested, and th Cauncil agreed, ta adjdurn to an executtve sessian $t the end=of the meetinq to discuss the cl~~m ~o~ prape~ty damag.e against t'he+City b~ Irene WoZverton, 168 Ta~ly Ha Road. AUTHORIZE BURN'"1~EEK SCHEDZJLE FOR 1978 The Council revievre8 a me~wrandusa from !'ire Chief Mar~alek, requesti.nq that a tentative burn we~k schedule be adopted for 1978. After Council discus- aion, a mottori was made by Councilman Schlegel; seconded by Councilman Spierlinq and ur~animously carried, approving the followi~}q Burn Neeks: FEBRUARY 5-11, 1978 (Winter Burn Week) , MAY 7-13, 1978 (3pring Burn Week) AUGUST 20-26, 1978 (Summ~er Burn Week - ~subject to chanqe) NQVEMBLR 12-18, 1978(Fall Burn Week) APPROVE A~IENDMENT TO JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT RE, REGIONAL TRAINING CENTER Adm n s rator Sutch reported that the City o! Saata Maria is interested in joining the Monterey Bay Area Reqional Traininq Center, ahich will require an ~mendment o€ the aqreement with the Center. After Ca~cil discussion, a motion was made by Co~-_~c~iLaan Spierlinq, ~econded by Cot~r~cilman Gallaqher and unanimously carried, suthorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign, on behalf of the City, ass amended Agreement with the Monterey Bny Area Training Center, to include the Cities of the County of Santa Barbara in participation of the Trsininq Center. CITY COiJNCIL DECEMBER 13, 1977 ARI20Y0 GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 REPORT RE, SORT PRChTECT The Counci~ reviewed a letter from Project SORT (Separation of 4ffice and Residential Trash), relating a recent meeting held with City repr~sentatives. At the meeting it was brought out that some form of fundinq Will be necessary to implement the program. Tt was reques~ed that $15Q0 be appropriated for education ~nd ~ublicity pf the program; that the City have available a backup collectian tr'ack in case one of the Project's triscks bresks downj and that the City provide repai=r and maintenance service for tha trucks, as we11 as a storage site for th~ :~:~4e~,ials. 'T~=e '~cun~i:c 8ise~ssed this ~dditional iriformation, which ~~aried fra~ t3te ~ir~t preaer.tation made by SORT wherein it had been ~tat~d that the program ~:-°:~d rot cost the City anything a~3 the Counci~ h~d a.r,die.ated its i.r.terest ~n p~r=~ci~ati~n. The Council ncw g~neral~y «gre€~d ~hat a ieiter be sent tc SOkT,~ s`3ting its ~uppor~ of the project's Gancept, but that the ~`ity dne~ noc fin3 it ~v:~ibie t~ partic~pate at this time in view of the ca~ts to the City bre~ugh~ c;~.t ncw. The Gity ma~r reconsider° partic.ipat~~n in the fvf.ure, ;f the ~YO~~~.F is f~:-~de~ fz~m +~ther s~u.~ces~ and timely pivku~ of t.he xecyclaiale materiais ~ar. be. ~ ~ s;~ r~d . s;:i"~~(^vr2IZG C,^,N~"TR~CT~AIG SEPARATE ATTGRNfEY TO HANDI,~ CIfiY'S CI2?MII3F.I.~ FROSEGt1?:t'G`NS ~.~.t~ A*torney Sh~ps~y r~v~iewed ~ r€cent judiGial r~ling mad~ 3.~ this ~:1,~:~t~~ w'r.ereby- ~ity Attnrney°s and thei.r ~~~cciate~ may nc*_ h~;~dle ~ri.va~e =~~~~~n~~ ~asss and a?so prosecutQ cr~.minaJ. vio:atians af Cifiy cudes, stating ~h~s a~ confiict r~f interest. Attorney Shipsey s~ated th~t t~e City cQUld r~ `-'~i~ confl~~t by finding s~me other ~tto~ney tca h~ndle jus} ~:he p;ase;:ut:~crs ~h~ c:casi~rdal ~rimin~l case~ the City may have to b~ing eg~airst ~~tarecsne. T~a~ ='~-="Y ~~ntraYt th~s othez attorney on an hcurly basis per c~~e, The Co~zn::il discussed the matter, generally agreeing t.hut as svggested ::y ':i.':y Admini~~xator Butch, the District Attorney's Offic.e be contacted ta they ~ca=11d handle thzs Gity's and th~ other cities' c~imin~~. ~ase~. T~t~ ~<i~~ ~~r ~~r~~l be b~xought Lp at the next Mayors' meeting. ~ Af±er Coun.^i:l di~~u~si~r~, a mo*ian was m~de by Counc:i~lma*~ ~ch?~~e~~ ~:~~~1 b~ Counca. ~m~n Milii~ and un~nimou~ly c;~xried, all~,w~aa~~ th~ C: t.v staf~ . ai'.,.,i'~ ;~r~o*_1-,er attorrey tc h~ndle the City's crimin~~ }axcs~~~ut~~n ra~e~, i~ better zc~ett-x~,d is faund af` hanaliriq this conflic~. c:~:~L~J'.~'"'i:i ~;~GF~a:~t7P7 ESTA~~;ISH LIMiTEI3 ~ARKxNG ZONE ON PAkK W~~~ ;~1' HAI:(`YC~N ihe ~'~~:ncil reviewed a recammendation frcm th~ Parkir.~ ~;:aff'ic ~cmmi~~i.~Y~, 3~~tr;;r;;;re 13mited. parl~ing zon~ bE} ~~tabA~,shed on thc~ sc~oth ~~d~ r~` ~az~~ r~'>=1 ~1 ~;~w~r.~* t~a t:Y~p amb~lar~r~ ser~rice an S~;uth Halcy~n ~:aad. GLa~:~lair:t~ ra~ be~n >~`ra~`A xagar~ling ~v~.~ibil.;ity~ ~~b~fr,::ct.i.r~r f'~~r ,f~hic:l~s t.r~t~z°~..x~~ F~:~~.r.y~~n R<aad 1v~::m ~ ' ' ~ , ; t. t , ~3 f,,,.. ~o ~r~ ~~rk~ng S~Z~Le wil.l be ~lima<zGt..~.~ ;_n frc~nt ;1a~ ~~nt:bu~,_r,; ~ v~~~a.,_~~, ,~~r.r r.e.:e~sit~~e~ the limi~ed parkirig sp~:.:c~ ~~ri k~~rk 'W~y far t;h~ ~~mb~,.IQn~F GFrc°i;.c . ~fter C~uracil ciiscuasa.on, City Attarn~y Shipseg£ read ct~e ti~.a.~ c~i a ~£~~~1 `i..~r~ r,=stri:~.in?~ }y+3Y~ClYlt~ ~rr a portion a~ Pr.Yrk Way, A rr~i.xe~r~ wa;~ thFn m~d~ ,~~ar~~-i;.~a::~r. api~r3in~~, set;ond~d by Cauncixman G~l.la~h~r ar.c3 unnr~i.an~:usl}9 4~ar::~.ec~, clz~~:e..~P ;a.ith re~dir.g `the balanc;~ of thi~ r~~c~l?eta.an. REB~LU'I'IOI~T Nt7. ? 31 ' A RESOLi.ITI0I3 OF THE CT'?'~: COUI+tCIL OF ~'HE GIT'Y GF AIiRuYC~ GR~Nt"iE ~S2'AB~SSFIIIVG laARKiNG RESTR.I:CT,IC~1V~ ~JN FARK WAX . On m.otion ~sf. Councr.Lman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Galla~gher ~nd on t~ae f,~~:~_?owin~ Y-ol~. ~all vate, w.i~: ~ F;Y:~;,: Councilmer~ Spi~rlin~, Gail~ghe~, Schlegel, Mi11is and Mayor de Leon •;t~`;F;.; : r3Grie c t.; L'~ v'i , Il ~ !'~`~r~ ~~T;rEgr~i.rxy .ke5ral.ution w~~ pass~d ~xnd adopted this 13th day of DE*CE?mb2~`a ~97~, Fix,~;r~~.Si' rt"'.u. ?12~.~~~drX~;,~Fii^.T;()i~ t~F' F?~~tC~~S::I3 SCI~I(~Ci~, 5~1'E(CI-ll2~~aTIAN ACFiDEMYj-Rk;k`ER `~`C7 ~T.AN.C:QMM, ~.e~mini~txa.tc~:r Butch z°eview~s3 that a request. has been recei`ued fzc~m the C;~rt'.r~l ~,:~~4:s~: Christ:.~n Aca~le~cy, for C:it}a s~rvi~es to, or annexat~.on Jf ~ 22+ ac;re s~ ~acs r;3r~~. th~ n~rth s_t~e esf b~le Pa~:-k Baul~vazr~, approximafiely o~~e-half m~le ~ast of ?I.;.:;t;w~.y ' U", Tt-~e ~.~z.c~ :LS Y~~ir.g dcr~tE~d ~ he Academy by th~ develc~pars ~f Uak t':~: k ~•_:~E~, f'ur ~uxp:~~;~s ~e~f ~u.:~.:ny ~ r,E_w :;c.n~:c>x .:~ampus, J~ a4: 1_~i.:r,i4l1II~J iJFY:~UX"a:> WE.'.:::r r ~t=E':.aL. ~Z1C{ Zp%;d~RP pZG~~!^t:iit.1:711~ 1.1' r:E?^~.:~.:(~' ~:17 :tic: c<Y:,C>"iF~ Y'Bt:~'siE',~E_`: j~j;x].''.~_!.1'~ ~iiL`tW1Cj$ (~YC~r.t711Z1T1C~ ~:~Y''t?C"tOY' r1C`~C~ ~'iF?:;.!C~4?Ci*; C?~ ~.~7E 7a~::A«6*i~j'; j~`T(' Cstic::kr~r~,t1?"eG: !S'?~C'?ai..C:;~!Yil '.'?t1 ~~°lP 1~C.';1C3f.'fij7 ~ilt~ I1~S j70:~.1~..'.~,iE? ~~I..`?::'~ C~Tt ~~°I'S~ CC~i7N~~~, • . µ ~~~iB~R 1.3 , 1977 ARRO'h't1 GTP~ND~ ~ ~73L~F`OI~1~iI~1 ; $ , ~ ~~!E Q~ - f ~e cera~v~ni~cgr edlu~~~ic~n~l.I.y an~l e~on~i~ally # 1~arXin I~i3.ll~z, Prirc~ipa~ the : A~acl~m~, ~~~~.~~ei e~~~~ pra~ ~cti.~sn~ c~~ ~~c~~l an,d academ~.~ sc:~~~ss o~..°the schcsol o~ edu~~~i~r~~~. prs~g~°~sn~, ~ubea~ K~ri~t~' r~p~~s~n~ative a~~ OaI~ Parl~:~,ares, ~howred ~l.~.d~~ ~af ~h~ ~~a~ect prope~~yo: I~~ a].~~a ~~tre~~ed tks~t ~h~~e is x~o,~c~;an- nection b~t~reeaa ~the l;~ci s3~x~ati~ ~o ~~e A~~~~m~ ~a~d ~he de~r~~l~pment of Oak Park Ac~s. L~u Gab~lle~ r~vi~~r~d ~he envf,x9ars~en~~.1 k~~c~kg~°ournd of the proposed site, inc7:u~iing on ~xci ~~~-~~te iinpro~rem~n~s a Mx o H~~~cwa~g ~t~e~s~cl tYa~t tYaey woul$ lik~ ~e ~~~~~3,1 ~~s ~~r~~ic~e~ giv~~ag City ~e~sric~~ ~.c~ the si~~ r~~~~a~r or nat it i s ~n~~e~ci . ~e Co~ci.l di~~rx~~~ ~~e~~~t ~t l~zagt~, beirsq gen~~ally in favor tsf tl~~ ~rapas~cc~ ~c~~~ c~~~~~.icsra ~r~d ~~~1~mg th~t a~nn~~~~tion ~th~ mos~t l:c~qi~~l~ ~a3~ t~ p~oc~~a ~ T.~~t~ ~ 3~x~„~ ~a~s ~l~ea ~°evi~raed which ~e~ f~~° ~the Gc~sis~iara"~ ~1~.~~~a ~r~g~~iasc~ s~p~~al ~l~,~tr,~~~~ aazd ~nn~atior~~~ T~a~ ~~a~n~.~~~.en cli~c~~~a~~ ~~~~:i7d~r,~g ~~er~,c~~ ~ ~c~~~~~n~, v~,itho~at aiaal~x~~ion ane~ ~tl~e . a~~~~t a~~e~ i.r~ C~ty ~f ~is~a B~~~h' ~~ph~re ~f in~].~x~~ce o Cou~cil~- m~n ~chlec~~l ~~a~~d l~i~ ~u13. ~~ap}~~~ t~ae pr~ j e~t ~ brat st~iteei hi~ eooncern wrhetlaer tk~~ ~ev~~r ~s~<i w~te~ I.fa~~~ ~r~sa~l.y ~:r~ t~e ~~°ea ~an ~ccc~n~d~~e tla~ addit~.~n~l c~evel.o~nra~rs~ and c~f. ~r~e~e~~ ~rope~°ty on the c~th~~ ~ide ~f t~lc F~rk ~¢a~le~ra~d e~h~:n ~~~.t ~~,~~~t ~n~~ l~~n tka~ 2~ux~c1~~ b~tv~ee~ P~~mo B~ach ~~~e~yea G~and~, ~elmei~ai~t;~~t~s~ B~stch r~vi~r~re~d ~h,~ ~rars~~c~~,ion proc~s~, w~ich i~ ~~n~~a~~r~~ ~ra xpP~a~r~,l: Ys~ ~l~e ~aI Ag~r~~3~ ~~~~.~o~n ~~i~sion. A~te~ C~un~il c3i~~~~~iem9 ~ xars~ia~ra ~a~ s~e by Caursc~..]L~xa ~~hlegel, ~ecanel~d b~ C~~,n~f..l.nta~n ~p~.~rli~g as~l ux~~n~snes~~3~ ~~rried, r~fe~rirae~ the re¢~ue~~c af t~~ C~ntral ~~~s~.~t ~li~°#~~ti~n t~~ad~ ~~~r ~~~ca~3.~sn ta °~he P~.anr?~ng Con~i~a~~.~m f~r ita r~+vi~w s~xad ~~~~mt~~n~a~~.aan~s e I~1Y~R I2~ I~ONf ~~+~~D 14 T~IFY~E M~I+7~U~~~S REC~~~ o ~~rux~ci~. ~~caa~~?en~;c~ w~.~~ ~1~ 1~~~~~°~ ~r~~~~a~ a~ ~~o~ ~n ~al~. ~~t1, 1~tIfiHC9~~E A&3~1~.Ut+~1~~ F'C31~ T~ B47~II~tE~~ I~IC~~t~~ ~~~N~IVf~'E Adra~n~,~~~~e~.a~° ~~x~ch r~a~i~~~ b~c~~u$~ c~~ th~ tf,me ~l~n~~+~ ~n~~~r~ci in g~~~.ing ~h~ ra~va B~~;ix~~~ I,.~.~~ra~~ ~~gn~~.~~icar~~ s~ f~~ a~t~p~tec~ p~r~c~r ~cr ~e~~~r~l~D ~~~~~ra~l ~~aar~g~~ ~1~,~~~~~x~a~ ~r~~~ l~~le~ o~~'~ r~~~.c~i ~he~~~.c! lb~ ~e~r~~id~~~~ ~~l~e~r~s ~k~~a~~~.~~ ~Y~~ e~~ ~5~ ~c~r i~1~~x~3,~~,~a~~~,c~ ~~.~~]e~~~ ~~1~i~1,~~s ~~~~~~+~e 3-~'~94~~Q~~ ~b) °~cs s~~~,~, Ci°~y ~:~~t"~ ~~i~k~~~ ~i~:~, r~~v ~:~a~ Ci~~ ~~a~~~ °~c~ ~ ~ s 04 ~~~i t1~ ~~c~i~~ ~rfl~ ~llc~r ~c~~~~ is~a~~~~~~~ s ~ ) ~ ~t~~ ~1x~ ~~~i'~~ra~~ ~x~ ~~~~~.o~, ~~ti ~ 1 ~i ~~~~~c13~x~~ ' ~~lic~,t:e~~'~/l~e~t~~.~~~, re'~~C,~~ c~i~~.i~°k~ ~~°~3h, ~~,~~r pt~l~~~t ~rtc~ 3) b~z'~~ ~2x~~~ w',~1~. ~ i~~r~v~d 3~xe~n ~Y~~ ~~~1~3.~n ing ~a~~ p~r~~~~~~~ra~, to ~,~r ~thei~ ~~,~~i d~r~s~~.~~ a~.~l~~ °~h,~ "9~r~~~~~~~~n~~~' ~~~~~~a~ - ~~a~ ~v~grg~~+~~,d k~~ ~p~~ ~~~r ~sl:~,~ 0 00 pe~ ~°1~~,~~o A ~¢~np~,~,~n°~ h~c~ l~~~s~ ~~~~~,~~c~ .f,s~~n l+~b~~~ ~~;~k ~~~~~d1,i~a~ ~ ~at~t, °~h~ ~~~a~3,1 1~c1 ~~~~~e~ed ~hi,~ ~r~~riau~~~.~r ~nci °~he ~~~~a~ ~c~ ~.~~,r~e l~~~c s~b~~e ~t~ p~~1c~ v Ci~~r A~~~~°n~ ~~i~~r ~a~ e~t..~~~~~ ~~a; p~~s~~~ ~3~c~~n~~ ~ea ~1~ C7~.~i~ee ~cs ~~~r~.~r~z~ D ~uz~~i~. c~~~~~1~~°a°k~~r~ a~°~ ~ i~~r~~~ m~~1t~,~,~ < ~~~1~~.' ~9F~ E9~~iA~ BG~tS~ E":~12 ~ ~~ae ~s~~~~~.1 a~~~~~,~~ ~3n~I M~a~~~.~~1 ~~9e ~aa~ ~,h~ 1977~°PA ~~~~~1 ~e~~o ~o~~~~a~~ ~i~,3~r~~~~ ~~q~~~~.~~ ~,1~~~ °t~~~n~ng ~~~~~~ra~ ~ h~ld ~i~f~~~ b~c~e~~~ ~].~~~~~e ~o ~cs~~i~~~ ~~~-~~~a~~d ~~c}e~~xa~~ m~,~~~~n~ b~ ob~ecti~e, ~~.c m A~iin~.~~~~~o~ ~~~~1~ i~~xa°~~~~~r ~~~is~i~~ ~~n+~~r ~ro~ld ~ ~~q~x~~!~~c~ Yaa~,~ ~~u~~s ~~~~~~a~.: ~It1~~tE~~ ~pt~~Z'~ a ~ri~'~~, ~aEI:~-~1~~~T~T~'~ fih~ ~~r~n~~,~. ~~«~1,~r~ec1 ~~5~ ~i~~.~~i~l ~~~r ~a~ ~e~tra~ ~ast Self- Tn~u~ance ~°~ac~ t~~ ~~~i~ ~~elira~ ~~~a~~~e~ ~£1 ~xicl ~c~~~~ 3' , 97 7 , I'1~~ ~~,t~ r~~ ~.~~o~~s ~~~~xca~ ~i~~ ~a ~'~r ~~r~~e~l ~ 1~~~ 1~~~, ~v~s~n ~~°~~~~1 ~ig~~~s w~~~ ati?e~~~t?~ b~r ~~l~a~ ~hi~~ ~c~rn~,~.ira~r~g ~ ~i~~, .~xaci has~ ~~~.~e~ ~r~~.p.i~a~ ~~~~x~~~~~o ' ' ~?~~i D~~1~~~~ C~1~ ~~~3 Th~ ~ou~~~ 1 sr~~r~.~~r~d ~r~a~°~z~~~ r~s~~~~~~c~~~a~~ ~ei~wre~n c~~~ ~~a~~ ~~aa~ ~ o ~ C~~rey, ~eg~~~izxc~ h~~ ~cam~sal~~;xa~ c~i~ ~ ciz~~.~~g~ ~~~Jb~.~n csz~ ~I~~t ~~~~k~ ~t~~~~o a?~t~~ ~auddl~~ 3n ~r~s~~ ga~o~~~~~ ~o ~3~~~a~Y~e wr~i~~a h~ ~~~Y~ un~~.~~s~ly ~c~ ~~~~~bl:~ ~ Ya~~~:~c~o ~1 ~~e a~ti~~~~r ~~~m ~i~°~~to~ oi~ Pu~lic 7~`~r~~C~ ~~~~~e~a~ ~Y~°~ p~r~ wrat~~ ~ccumaal~t~on Y~adl' b~~~a due ~o d~~ix~ag~ ~r~ ice ~e~~Ya~,r~~, ~~a,~~I~ ta~~ ~a~w b~~ra ~~~ua~~c~d'~ta the se~~, ~.~x~~~o 7 , ~ - v 449 CITY C0~]NCIL L~ECF~IBER 13 9?7 ARRtt~~YYO GRANDL, ~ALIF`ORrTIA PA~E 5 Thi~ will co~ract the steadly law flc~vr prob2em, but oc~a~ional puddling wil,l ~ontinu~ to cccur valz~ra it raina or ~ideavaTk~ are v~ael~ed down, PROGRES$ REPORT - ~C1UTH COU1V°~Y ~A TRAi~~IT (~~'~T) Councilman 9pierling gatre a prog~~eaa~ r~pe~rt on th~ Sss+~r:,h ~QUnt~ A~~~ Tran~it, whiGh cc~nnittee had m~~t D~~emb~~ 'Pthe Tl~~ Co~i~.~~~ ax~d p~~po~~s~ operator~ of the ~yst~~n had revicwed the pre~9~~u~lgr ~dop~~~i bu~ ro~~e~ ~d ~.ade a few ch~nge~~ which wer~ r~viewed cn ~ m~p, ~'k~~ joint pa~r~~~~ ~~r~~ne~at ~ad been revi~wed and ~ome eh~ng~a wexe recc~an~n~~~d, whi~h wil~ ksa b~oa~~ht t~ ~he Council for cmn~id~rat~ion at its n~~et m~eet~.nga apexatore ~v~se a.~l~i~~~i. ~s~ proceed with the purcha~se of ~k~ bur~e~. Adminiatratcr Butch review~d the t~~ pr~pa~~~d rou~~~ ~n ~a m,a;~, ~f~ st~~~d the propoaed faxe ie 25~, 1'l~e bu~e~ take foux° n~csnth~ bw~,~~. ~n~ 2~i~s~ed t,hey will be ~~~dy far us~ kaq Apr~.l D 1~°79 ~ rni~~.r~l c~q~r~~ic~n wiT~?. ~~~n houra per day a f iv~ da~y~ ~ v~eek m Gouncilmisn C~allagh~r e~uqg~r~?te~ 1kh~t~ ccnaiderax±~ian be giaen P~~ bu~ ~~rwalr~~ 'tm Cueeta a~nd Cal Pol~? C+~r~~~~~, ~a ka~ w'o~k~cl aut ~a3+ n~~ct ~ep~~ac, L~a~n~i.~n spierling eta~te8 he ~aiS.~. bring thi~ to ~he ~ti~er~~.i~n af th,~ ~r~a~i~ ~u~i:kaar~*SN gr~aup. APPFtONE TRACT N~, 679, FARROt,L AVEN~ (PH~Ti.L~3~T~) City Eraqin~rer Ke,rp review~d with th~ Counril a~opy of Tra~ct ~to, 679, whial~ is a 17-lot tract 4n ~he soukh ~ide ca~ 1~~r~c11 ~.venue jus~ we~t of. Gsyn~a~i~ Texrac~ e~nfl adja~enti ta re~en~,ly a~ppx~ve~ Tx~~arG~ ~ta, r~6 can S~~ch ~l~~ae He stated t2az~~ the devslmper hr~~ anet ~.11 conditiona ~f ~i~y ~t~x~Pf and reca~nm~s~id~d approval o ~onqthy Counail d~.a~cu~~ion ~c~llowe?d, r~egnxfl~.rag the Be~~h Place nam~ anc~ the aul de aac~. ~ounciXma~ra Mi,l].i~ feit th~ ~eerh P1.~ce nenn~ wo~ald a~u~se canfuaior~ to emsrqe~t~~y services be~cau~a of th~ n~axr°by 8~e~h S+~r,~~t. Pl.adt~r~er Sullivan ~teted tha~ xhi• ~matt~x ha. baan ,p~at on th~ ~+lanning Cc~n~.e~iozs' ~ neact a,genda ~c~r r~uiawa Ths ~QU~c3Y indiaat~~! iti~ aota~~rn reg~?rc~.~ng the c~.~1 ~e ~acs ee~p~a~.a~~.ly f.ra rrie~w ot thd fact tha~ City etsPi' do~e rsat f~e+~l they me~°~ C~.~y standard~, b~u~ h~d baen overruled by the plerining Cex~ma~.eMicm, whic~i had a~~c~ptiad ~hem, The cu~ d~ ~aea hevd 3~1andE, p'lsich ene4b~.a oa s~r~et parking ~nd t2~e kra~ffic f].ov~ will be one-wa~~r a~r~und eaah oul de sac i~land, ~i.~y Erigir~oe~ Karp po~.r~t~d aut ~hat ~tY~e ~Sra~cx: h~ns g~otx~ 'beyond tha prain~k ~af s:m~~a~~~inn e A~t~r. ~oura~il ~,iacu~~ip~n, a n~atf~+r~ wa~~ ~,~c3a~ 2~y Coun~i]l~n~n Sp~~~~~ra5s seaon8ed by ~nc~lsp~z~ Sct~].a~,a1, ~nd c+~~riec~, a,~ ~c~llow~r ~°t~nding mz~?ct ~1~e 679 to be aonsidtan~ ai!th Citiy~~ c~~ner~.l l~l~n a~a~ Zor~iaa~g~ ~~~~cariz:~nq t,he~ M~y~x ~~aeecut~, o~ beh~lf c~f th~ C~typ tl~e Y~np~a~r~na~ra~ Pe~~~aanuen~y ~r~~pti.ngD zsr~ behal~ e!' ~he Gi~ye ~ub~~~~ ~o ~aanplr~,~ar^~ ra~ ~'ha~ xeq~a~x~~o~ ,S~m~rczvem~n~~, ~~.1 r~f the a~tr•et~ e~ru~l eoa~~r~z~~u e,~ c~~!'er,~rd Paa~ ~a~~3~~~~a~i~sn aa~ Tare~~t 1~e~p 67~~ ~rsc1 a,ppravl.z~g t:hr Tsac~t. - , A n~ticn toas th~r? m~deo. ~~~u~a~~9,~.ma~n; ~~ll~gh~rr, ~aaanda~d k~y Cc~~..~~~.~n?+us !ll,llir~ end CAt'x~~G~I, ~~~~~ISc~' ~h~ p~l~,~°~y ~~°nat ~Y~~ Gi~y ~tafF ~s av~x~r~l~ad an itesns it 3.~ pa~ticulr~r~.~r coa~ce~ne.d abe~u+~ k~ tk~~ ~lat~n~ng ~ca~nm~.s~~ton, t;h~t the matte~ be brauq~t k~lor~ tha~ Co+~xs~cil wi~k~.1r~ ~~n daye. A~'PRON'E COIblPLET~C GFtAATD_ 1elVE~It1E ~~t'3J'E~°~° } The Counoil vraa infmrme~ that t~e~ ~z°~ru] Av~nur ~'.AeUm Px°oject r.~a~ b~en „ omtplofi.ad snd ~ppraval !,s reque~t+~~l. Af~tax Caunail di~cuosiaa, e. mation r~a~ ~ m~de b~? . Gduncl,la~e~r? schl~~l, eeaen~ed bgr C~auricilm~,n Galla~gher and unanimnuely carr3ed, y~pxmvinq tht Grand Avenus F,A,U. Pza~~c~, ~ ~ 1tS~AlT -~Ctl~'1' ~.L.~. Ct?U~R'1C 1iA2~R RE~WFt~~B AnVI;~ORY Cfl~MiI7'TEE b~EfiINC-GALL~~R : Couna Oai agher repa~rtiesS ~n tiha Dec~mber ~t msetir~g of the S~ L a Obispo ~ Cout~ty Nater ltesource~r Advismry Comnti~tse, A r~por~ ha8 l~een r~viewed ahooving th~ rtsul~s ot a ~rurv~y done ~h~vit~g ths,~ ther~ axe ovsr 3 mSllion ~ars teet o! Mater 3n th~ underqround rs,rsrvoir~. xt ~v~e stnted ~ha~ th~ Pngo Roblqa oerate? ; ~houid b~ atili~ed and manitorinq ~ta~irans us~9 to moni~or tha emeur~t oP dra~+ ~afcen fraa tha stratia. cour?Gs.i~ a~?ii~net ~ugqested that the Cauncil hold a study aet~ion ~ft~r the ftrs~ af naxt ysar an the reCOmineh~lAti.an8 ~f ~hi~ reporte ~u~~'_ Faa s~o~rt n~u+zrr ~rrsxr+zs.~?~tenv s~xr~crRS~rrr-~~c~rs ~ t~~:s~.~) ~,r.~~ r.~+sEn The Council, ~~as~ a l~at~er fr~n W~A,. F'iler, requeetiz~g r~:~nbu~~n:e~r+~r~t ~a~ aoats fraa Tracta t~a. 63S ~.nd 67~3, ~'oac a~~a~cn drafn inatal.led r~~th ~Txa~~ N~~ 28~, Mr. Filer f~1t thet ~h~ p~r.iad far ~~l~undir~g pt~~~rtiiannC~ c~e~,s v~a~ aup,p~a~ed k~s be 20 yee~re. The Counci.l revie~?~L! ~~~py cf ~he Maxc;h ~ 9£ ~ minutee ~ wlai.:~h set , , , t , ) ' C~9~t C TL ' D~;~~~~ °@ 3 a ~ 97? YCO C°r ? ~~,~F°Ql~if!! ~ E~~~ fs tl~~ p~ri~ ~a~ ~~~e~i~~L~ p~~s~~~.~~ sha~~ of ~~~~~l~~~on ~~a~ ~e~a~s~ v~h~~~ t~arn~ ~~pse~io '7~s~ ~~~~r ~.s~~~~e~ ~&a~~ ~~re ~~~~~a~ p~~i~d ~v~~ ~+r~,~~r~ ~h~ p~~.~~~~~ ~f ~~e C~~~D ~Ya~~ ~~g~~ de~~~~~in~u~~o ~ ~c~ ~~~x~~iA ~~er~ewed ~ ~e~t~~ ~nc~ ~.x2~~~a~~r~n ~~°~m t~~t~~ F~~~~~~~~ C~~a~~~, fr~ 5~~~~ 1i~rb~~a .~oun~~? tahic~n ~na~ }~e~ ~~~~~~c~ ~n p~~p~~°~~~~ra ~s~ ~~~~~~g~ ~~c~~v~~~ ~t~°t~ ~r~~e~o '2~~ w~~.ll ~e~u~~~ tka~~ aa~~aa~~~ ar~ m~.a~~.te~ ~h~ ~u~~~r~~~ ~~.~rnc~,~ a ~ m~~~t.~n~~ ~~~~~~r~~ kao~ ~~S~y ha~ne3Y~ t~~a~~~g ~~ea~t ~h3s~ ~ot~a~y~ ~~~s a ~~m~~~~ ~r~~~,~3~.m ~ ~ ~ ~~a ~tr~~ o~~ ~c~ ~~v~~~.~r~ ~~,~~~z~~~ ~`t°a~ ~o~r~~~~ r~~es.~~d, sc~v~~v~c~ ~~el''a~~~~.~ed ~~.:~:~a~ ~k~~ ~aa~~~~~~~d~~ ~a~a~ ~p~~°~~~~~a ~~~~~t ~~~~a~~~ ~ ~ ~77 ~ ~~a~~ ~~~~i a~ I~aa~~ ~k~~~~ ~~.~t~~i~n 1~~~~~~~~ ~e~ ~k~~ ~as:~~~e~~~ ~~~SO~°~ ~~~~~a~~ ~x~s~~.d~t~nr~~ o I~`~~R S~~° T~~ E°R~! ~tl ~tlftFlAM ~d&~ C:~~Yl'~~..~ ~~~d~ ~ ~&E~~18~:~ ~~°~9gtF R,~q7 0 ~~R~YA~YCQp ~7~E~ ~'~~~~fl°~~~7 .~r~~v~~~~ t~a ~r~~~ano ~3i~ ~~tte~ ~~s fn ~~~p~~~~ ~ 1~~?~0~~ ~f' Y~~ , i~;.N~ ~~ty ~gy~ hi~ ~a~~.~ ~ln p~~~~,d~,na~ ~a~ ~v~~~i p~~~~~°~ ~gr~aa ~Y~~ ~a;~ ~~.~;~g~ m Y3~ ~ IJ F m DEN C~~' P2t~~~1~~~T~ V~~I~ C~a~~~3 ~a~ .~Sf~~~ t~a~~ ~ p~a~~.~ %~~~~n~ ~a~ ~ ~ s ~i ~ m ~ al~ m c~~~~~~~ ~he ~~p~~~ S~g,~,~~ I~ m ~ o W~~~,~ 5~~~~sr~ing ~ @ ~ c~~n~~~ p~ez~~~~,~ ~~q~~.~~ ~~a~ a~~~~~~~ ~a~ ~h~ H~~~s~ ~?~~~s¢~ A 1~ ~ ~ ~~D A~~~~TY~N o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~°~a~ ~~~~~.~~d ~a~~~~e th~t ~~n~ d~~~~~~~~~ ~k~~ ~a~~el~~ ~r~ ~x~an~~ ~~~s~ ~~~.~~D ~ii;~~, k~~ ~a~ ~ ~Q~~. 1~~.~~~a~~~ ~~~~~g ~~c~~s~~' °~~`7~ 2a30 ~~P1o CI°!"~~~V ° ~ ~ ~~I~°~~ ~ o ~r~~Y.~9P~1~ lv~~ ~~~¢~~~~~~~i F~~r~~~~~x~~, 56~ O~?c n ~~~~°~~~~n~el ~r~~~~~~~ ~v~~ ~'~,~y p~b~~~ ~Ya~~ ~ b~ ~~~u~~~~~~ b~~~~~ ~ by~~~,~o b~~~g an~~t~~~~ b~ ~'~~y ~g~ ~h~ ~~~~~ru~~~,~~~ ~h~~ ~~~a~t~~l ks~ ~~~~~;~~~~~n ~~d °kk~~~°~ ~ ~rY~~i~°~~ k~~e~ a~e k~~f~~ b~~~~ 1b~x~, ~r~~~ x~~t ~,~~,~~~=«~~d~ C~~~ Ita~~ ~~~5~~i~~~ t~t~~~ °~~r~ ~]L~~ ~~n~ ~h~ e~~~~ ~o~d~ p~~~~~~ ~i~°at~e~~~~ ~~a ~~~~~.E ~k~~~~ ~~~d lb~ ~~a~tx~~~e ~~~b~~~~ ~~~t.~~<, ~°o ~~i~ ~~~~C ~~~~~~m E°~~ ~~°A°I~J~ ~o NW~~E C~~a ~"O El~i~°~F~~~ ~T~~~~ ~~i~~*~ ~~I~o ~'~~~~M¢~~~ aY~~ a•8~~~'~g do4d~ L~9~.&.a~~~y~ ~~~`b~o~ °LLmS6~.M ~am `~~'d~ ua.J6~d~ ~aN~s. 3M~~,~'~ ~`ndl,~i'~~~'~ `~1i~.~ ~~n~~~~L ~~~~8 t~n~ ~~~rr~~~ ~n~~ w~~~~, ~bd~~~ ~r°~ ~~°a~~.~~~~ ~n~~~~~ .~,to H~ ~~~h~zY ~g~~~ ?sn~~ ~h~n ~~a~~ w~~~~ ~ ~.~~~~a~~~~h~~m C'~t~~ ~~~°t~~ ~,t ~v~aala~ ~~~~~~°ch °~he m~~~~e.~~ ~IC~TJrT~I~I' ~F 1~~~~2~ ,~OiK G~D~TC~T~ ~.`T ~DiD `~E~te 1~~F3f~ °8~°~~ m ~~~~~E~ Cou~~~,~~rn ~ch~~g~~ ~~+~~1 ~ ~a~ep~~ed st~~~a~~~t annoaixi~~~g 1~~~ ~.nt~~~~or~ °~o ret~,~e f~~ ~~unc31 ~ah~r~ hi~ p~~~~x~~ ~xpi~~~ aaa M~~°ch 7, ~ 978 0 ~Ie tY~~rs~c~r~ the ~~;t~ ~t~ff$ ~zad ~~au~ci].~ ~~~h ~h~m v~~~lsed ~~x~~ng ~ y~~r~ ha~ ~e~~s~ ~s~ Cou~a~~,l~t~n ~~cl i~~~ro~, ~t~t:~n~ l~i~ ~ppre~~~~i~n f~~ °~~~i~ ~~xpp~~~o ~I~ ~e~l~ ~,t i~ t~me for ~~me~n~ °t~ h~v~ tYn~ ~y~por~~xa~~t~r t~ ~s~x°ve t~~~ cap~c~,ty ~ad ~t~ted h~,~ ho~a~ ~~a~ ~n ~.n~~persc~~a~~9 ~~~a~~-m~,~~ec~ ~~1 la~~~nes~ o~i~nt~cl pe~aon ~vill fil.l tYa~ ~o~it3os~, C~~~i~ara l~li~.li~ e~ep~~~s~~ his ~h~rn~~ ~e~ ~~~a~~~Y~ean ~~h~~~~~T e~t~~~ng ~~t ~3~ I~n~~~.~clg~ h~~ }a~~n ~ ~~~Y ~~s~~ t~~ ~o~~il m 21~J~3J N~ ~0 ~~~J~~~ ~~SST~ ~J~a in~~;~~rn Co~s~c~,l~~~ ~~.]L~.~c~h~~~ ~~~~r:,desl ~~~~~~~~~a N~~~,~::~~ ~~a~ ~~n~aes~~~.~ ~a~~~~~, ~t~~ m~~~;~r~~ ~d~~u~~~~d ~ ~ e ~ a~ o ~s~ ~~c~~~~~~~~ ~~~~i~~ ~o ai~~~u~~ ~~~a~~ W~~.~~~toraes ~g~~,~~°~ ~t~~ s~~~~~~ 451 ~ ~ a ~ A ~~~~~or~~~ ~ ~.~~~ra~r~r~rr~ ~ ~~~rn~~,~ ~~~~n~r~ne~l at ~ 0 a ~I ~ ~ ~~T~ ~~~Y~ ~71~ ~~e~~~~. ~h~wr~~ ~L ~~1~, o l~~y~a~ ~~~~~*~~d r~~ ~~+~~~n ~a~~l ~~~c~n ~,n ~~~~~~i~~ 5~~~~~~n o ~Y~~~~~ ~~!~~1~~~2 2`~, ~3~"~ ~ ~~~~~a~ ~~~a~~~:~~n ~~~L~~~~a~~°, ~~~~~~~t~~ b~r ~~p~.~~~~r~~ ~~~1 ;~;~,s ~w~o~~~ag ~~11 ~~11 ~ ~r~~ v o ~~~n ~s~g g Ga~.]~ag~~~ ~ ~ ~i ~i. ~ t~~ ~ ~ ~a~ M~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~n~ B o ~i~~a~ 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~w~ c~~ ~ ~t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~a~ <r_ ,,.c ~~~i~°s~~ ~ ~~~~~~~n ~y ~~~~~~~~~~.~~b ~~a~~~~~~~ ~~s~ ~~ar~ 5;,~~D ara~~~_t.~~~ ~ 0~ t ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~