Minutes 1978-01-31 464 C.I2°I' C'OiJ1VC,~~ - SPEC~~iL ,S~"IJl?~' ~~S'S~O111 ~A~E O1VE ~1R12~Y~ ~RAdl1~~'„ ~~~~"F°GRN'"A ~~1VU~R~ , 1 ~78 Th~ S'pe~i~~ ~~~ade~ ~'e~~~~n ~h~ ~~t~ C~~n~~.3 ~~~~ed t~ ~rcie~ ~t ~.~0 ~.1~, ~ith M~ye~~ G'~be ~e Le~~ ~;~~~:i~"~a~~, Tl~e ~'01~~~~n~ C'~c~n~ilrre~n rnt~~e zn at°~enaance: ~'otancslman l~lilli~, C~~~ac~~~~san. Sp~~~~~ng,• Cc~~n~~Zm~r~ ~«ll~gher o ~°~as~ra~~lrrt~r~ ~~fa: egel ~~s ~bsent . C~t~ers ~n ~t~endan~~ ~.~eo 2"l~m~~ Mo Bu~~~~ ~~:t~ Aa'm~n~st~~t~.~, ~7me ~nde~~on, P~b1.ic ~ Wo.~k~ Direc~~~ m~~~.~ ~~g, C~~~ Ea~q~~a~e~ a SPECI°~.L, S2'UD~ S~'su~O1N Olli d~.EC'EI~T S'Z~~IZIII? ~R.~1~°t11~~E I~R~B~EMS ?"IV ~iRF~(7Y~ GR~i1VDE° C~te~ Adm~.~a~st~°~to~° ~ut~I~ g~~~ a~~~.ef e~p~.~na~ion o~ tPae ~eason fo~ the ~pe~ial s~tudy ~e~~~o~s9 n~~~n~ t~ia°~ ~e~~~°~l ci~~,i~~ge p~a.~lem~ ~~°e ~i~ot~~h~ ~bout ~i~ ~he ~e~~nt ~toz°m. The ~oun~i~ ~~ld be ~~a~d~~xag ~e~~~~~ ~.~e~~ ~~t°e~~e~ b~ ~.he~e ~to~ms a ~'Fie t~ ma jor ~rea~ ~ffe~t~c3 ~~e ~~Z~ ~"a~~ ~ H~ ~~d t~~~~ey ~'~~d~n~ ;~~~~;dent~~.I ~~°~~~m I't ~as ~Ie~~ded to hold ~n in~a~~.id~,.~1 ~~~~~~~~e~~ ~aa ~a~1~ , 2'~iL~I' FIO I~OAL~ ~~~ty ~Sam~n~~t~°~t~~ B~°~~.h eacpl~~.ned f~h~~ ~~~n~~ ~nd ~~he ~.z~~ 1~~~ zr~e~ ~everal ~.mes °~o d~~~~~~ and ~~~~~t ~.he ~~~~~~g°~ czz ~'~1~~ H~o TFi~ ~~aun~~g~ ~tue~~ ~n °tli.~~ ~a~t~s° pz°o~~e t~ie ~~~~~1~;~hm~n~ ~r~.~ ~~~e~~~er~~ r~~°~°~~3~t ~he ~°e~lut~on o~ the p~oblerr~~ on 2'~~~~ Fi~O 2'~i~ C~.t~ :~5~~ ~p~n~ m~nec~~ ~~~e~ ~I~e ~e~~~ ~nd ~e~ent~~, ~~~~ng° to ~~Z~e thjs p~o~.~~m; ~n~~~d~~~ ~ ~~~n~ ~u~~~~ ~lie ~~~ek 3n ~rae~ to dete~m~ne .~ts e:ar~~~ channe~ t~ ~~~~,~de ~n~o~m~°t~~~ r~~~~'ed .~or ~~ie ~~~~°t~~n o~ ~h~~ ga~~b~erer ~f anci when an ~sses.~ment d~~~~°~~~ ~~~rr~~', C'~te~ ,Eng~ne~~ K~~p p~°~~~~z~~d ~ ~e°~°~~~ ~~om ~~e ~~~xzat~ ~~t~d Apr~~', Y973, ~°~ating that the ~~e~a~ ~e~°a~ ~~~~~~,~~~e~ ~h~ anto~nt ~1ea~? tPt~~~ugP~ the a~e~ anci ~e~ol~t3on of the pro.bl~ ~u~~ ~S~ ~d~~~g~s ~..~2~ ~~~°ma°~~~~ ~n ~~~~s~rt~~z~ a Ne ~~Sen pz°e~en~ed a map ~rT~~~=_h ou~~ine~ a~e~~ ~rad ~~~~~n~ ~r~~~Pz ~~ra~~~~~t~ ~o ~fi~ ~'~1~~ H~ ~nd Cor~ie~t Can~on ~~:~c.~~~'e ~,~e ~aa~~?~~ ~e~.~~ ~ ,~~ae.~~~~~nq ~.~~a ~£~~a~~:d be ~i~~~ra z~p and formerl to ~mp~ove the ~~~~n~l, ~~~~~~~~~r~g ~a~e~ ~~a~n~ o~ez~ Ta~~~ H~ l~~~d ~~ci 2°~~~~ Ho Creel~o He z°ev~ewed ~1~~ ~a~~d ~1~~ d~~,~.~~ ~'~11y H~ c~~^~el~T~n ~f al~~~~x~m~~e~~ ~~00 acr~esa Th3s zeie~ ~be~~~ _~S4 ~e~~°~~ ~1~~ ~~t~'~ I~m~~~~ tf~e ~°es~ p~~pe~~z~ ~n Coun°ty az°ea. ~~~m ,~r~~~~~~~ ~~a~~ ~ ,~~~~c~ ~p~ing ~i~ ~:r~~t~~~~d ~hanne~, ~d'~e ~ursot°~ unde~ tl~e ~~~d~~ °~h~ ~~~e~e ~~e ~ ~ea~ p~~b~~zn~ °db~~~~?~~d ~r~~~ ~h~~: ~ ~ c~ept~~i ~f ~Tie ~~e~I~ ~;~~s ~~m~ p~a~e~ ~~~~e~ ~I2~rs ~ome ~Iz~ home~; a11 ~he grourad ~ra~G~~ ~1ao~~~ ~i~ ~,Fe~r~ ~;~5~ I~~zne.~ ~~~F~e.~ ~I°~n ~~~e t~s~ l~a~me~: 2'~s ~13:a~ g~~~na ovatez ~ ~~~s~~~~~~~e ~'~~~~a ~i~~~~1~~c~a ~a~~~~za~~ ~~~b a~sd g~~~~~ alone, to ~ollect ~~e ~~ra~~'~~ ~a~~.~ ~a~~ ~.~e p~~Ia~~~ ~aec~~~~~ tl~e ~~mp,~r~g a~'~e~t ~s~ ~Fae g°ro~nd raat~r c~~x~~~~~~~~~a~ ~.~a~~ ~~5~ ~~~u~ta~~~~o ~'~e~°e ~s ~ p~c~Ia~~~ ~Fie b~~~a~~.r~ ~~ie ~e~~ anc~ e~~~ ~~c~e ~a~~~ Ho Road is ~e~y ~ma~~ > ~"la~;~ z~~~I~~ ~ae ~aa~c~~~~~ ~1~~ ~~~ar~~m~~~:~~~~ci ~~.~--~~~°f~~~ ci~~~;n ~nc3 curb ancl g~tte,~ ~~1.~~~~.~ng ~~e ~~reo~~ FI~ R~~r3 ~~d cia~~s~a~rs~ ~r3~c~ ~he ~ p~~nt ~~Se~e ~ ~A~.~~~~:a;e~~ ~ha~r~~1 ~a~~~~s A .3. .~ls~~ i~ ~~t~x~;~,3~ ~~2 ~.~~~5~~~~, ~'h~ ~~e~1~ ~leanec3 through coopez°- at~on a~ tT~c Dep~rtmesat ~r~~ ~~ma. Mz°o ~im L3dberqp ~v.~,~d~~:~e ~a~o~og~~t ~~t2~ tt~ D~pt~ o~ P°,~s~2 ~nci G~me, explain~r3 that w~en t~sc ~r~~k ~1e~n~ng~ ~ra~ g~~s~~° on ~ b1~r~~~t ~g~~e~sne~~ ~r~s g~~ren go h~nd clean the cz°eek. TFie Department a~a~ ~~~t,fc~c~~,~~^.~y ~~ate~e~te~1 p~~s~ect~ng tEt~ R3p~ri~sn X~bit~t grow~ng along the cz°eekm At th~~k ~~me no ~c~a~~e~ra~ ev~e~~~ ~~rp~e~~~d ~b~ut deepening ~Pz~ ~Fiannel, or such work. A~~p~~~an ~sr~~~~~ ~s r~eed~d to s~~~rl~ze ~he bar~~c~ p~°e~rent e~°s°o~ion, and pz°ovide a w~:ldlif~ habit~~, If t~e C~~y w~n~~a ~o d~~gen t2ts cl~anxae~ ,~t could have been done ~f the ~;~,~ar~~n l~b~~~~ pz°v~e~~eci and Tc~pt the ~meq 4o fihe C~tz~ Engtneer expZ~ixsed ~he othe~° pa°obl.em a~ t.he ~ollect~on of th~ ~.i1t in the c.~~ek wh~,~h z~~i,ses t12e p~°of.~le af th~ ~z°eek. It ~o~a1d be po~n~tless to dig out under the br,.idge on.~r~' to Izave ~t ~"j1~ a~p ag~in ~r~ a~~~ ~~oz°m, City Eazg~:n~ez~ IC~~°p pz°e~~~s~~d sarne poss~~ile tempoz°~r~ solutions t~ ~he problem: 1 o The dz°~~nage c~ome~ eioem ~~°~m b~th si~es of ~x°~ntz Road ~nd ~s c~z°ried to T~.Z1y Ho Road m Th~ ch~nnel had been ~andbagg~~ te~ help ~f~~ce the ~v~ter ~nto the pipe. A 1a~°ger p~pe ovas o.rdex°~d for ~h~ ~~°eek ovh~~~ ~~;11 he~p, .is ~n egg~sffi~ped pYpe a~hi~h w~1Z ~ie under the road~-~w~Si1e 3t e~i13 ne~t ~u~~ the wh~1e proble~r ~t ovi11 ~11ev~ate the ~vater a b~t. 1~so, under ~an~~ci~rat,ion a~ma1Z c~am 3n th~ ~re~ Nith a spi11 .~nto the cla~nne~ to control ~1~~ ~ater o 20 ~rge ~arads ~nd th~o~tl~ng ~~e~s to hoZd ~he w~ter, and mete~° it out at preaTe~ermined rates ovhicla the ~~eek ~cs~lci handle we.~e suggesteci bz~ the public. These ~su1d solve the pr~ablem .p~x°zra~anen°~~~~, f~' ~omeBody w~s ~.i1l.ing to pna~ foz° the arork and r~ght--af-wa~. Erren ~hor~gls°c c~a~ex° ~reg~z~~ t~ collect on pra.erage p,z°opez°ts~ out~.~d~ af ~he C~ty 1im3t~~ the Citz~ c~snnat force pro,perty o~rners in the Coaxr~ty ~o bu~1d tF~~se stra~~tuz~~ to a1ler~iat~ ~he C~ty°~ p~°oblems, e~pe~~alYy ~f tF~e~e ~i.tjzen~ are °to Be~r the cost of 3mprov~nq Coazzz~~ are~sa C~ty Eng~neez° Ka~°p expla3ned th~t tP~ C~ua2ty ha~ ag.~eed to do ~he c~rk, if ~ Di~tr~ct finan~es the pz°~Je~~o CITY COUN~I~ S~°11D~ ~E55I~N PA~E` T~O ~ U~ ARROYO GR111VDEo C~LI'F'OR1VI'~! ~'e~IVl7~1P ~1 ~ 3~78 1~1~o C1ark Moo~°eo :Z1~'f~ ~~h ~~~e~to ~t~~ed ~G~iat °the A~~~~~ ~rande Fte~~r~e Conserr~a~~on Di~~~~t can ~rork on p~~rr~t~ Z~ne~ ~~°tlx tY~e oo~nera~ pez~m~~s~~n ~nd ~oope~~t,~oa~e 2"here ~s not en~ug?~ mon~y to 1au~1d and p~o~e~~ ~11 ~ls~~ ~°~~~rvc~~z°~ ~n1es~ th~ p~~sp~e tT~e h~11s e7o ~o~netl~ing to prote~t t~ie 1~nd and k~ep t~ ~~nd fa°om ~vas~ng doo~m the h,~11 m ~n educa- t~onaZ progrxxm ~i11 have to ~ develop~d to ~nf'~rm ~~te ~°e~~den~~ ~x~ tlae~~ ~~ea~ ~n wF~at 3s ac~ur~;~nq anci th~ cog°~ ~nvolr~ed . There wa~ con~~de~able d~s~u~~~~n laetcv~e~ ~la~ Coun~~:1 ~nd ~taff ~zz °tl~~ po~s~bilit~ of obta~n.~ng ~t~te and~~r fede~~1 ~°~n~,~ t~ f~n~n~~ t~ ne~~~~~°e~ ~r~. 2'~i~ ~~~a~f expl~~.neei th~t ~v~ra1 ~C3me~r tFiz°ma.aqI"~~~ the year~r ~~e C;~~a~ ~ppZ.~en t1a~~e g~ant~~ ~SUt be~n turned doom-. I~~1uc3ed ~n °~he d3~u~~~fox~ c~~ nat~~e ~r~m Congre~~n T~gam~~~.~no~.~ af $21Qo00C1 made av~,~~,~la~e ~o ~t~~ C~un~y .~or f1s~~d d~maqe prevention, ~Iaough ~~ie C~~~ of San Lu.~s Obispo m~gh~ have .~~~st p~3o~,~°tt~ ~xa tlz.a~ ~n~~o T.h~ ~'it~ I~~ e~~~b~~~hed a dz°~~,r~g~ a~~e~~ment ci~~tr3~t ~'oa~ ~eg°ta.~n ar~~~ o~ Cit~, l~we~er ~a~cdz ~ fund 1~s not 8e~n e~t~I~~i~~ti~d fo~ °th~ ea~te~n side o~ °to~?ra. T~~ ~~:te~ h~~ a1~o app~~ed to F1IID for grant func~~a l~o~ver the~e ~~e manc~ o~khe~ ~~°e~s and p~~p3e ~h~ ne~ tT~e m~nea~ ~d1y; ~~so an applic~n~ mu~t have a p~~g~a~ anci pl~n ~"o.~ pr~~~riuz°~ Faefo~e ~~y ~,a11 be ~on~~de~~:d , Councilman ~~11ag~~° que~t3oned th~ Co~zntr~'s r.~gl~t °t~ p~t raater ~nt~ th~ 2°~~~a~ Ho Cr~ek. ~u~i1,~c Wa.~ks D3~e~to~ ~nde~°~on e~rpl~.tneci t~t °tl~e cre~k an ex~~~~ng ~~tabl~sh~d dz°a~n~ge channelo M~°sa I,eeo .199 Ta1Ir~ Ho Ieoad, ~n~m,~m~d the Co~n~s1 sh~ p~z°sued some ~~~nues to help allevzate ~ pxob.lem on he.~ p~~pe~tc~. Sh~ e~~~ 3nfo~med .zt ~vould cos°t apgr~x~,rr~t~ly S2,t1@O,Q00 to l~r~e th~ creek ~~pr~p~d to g~cste~t hez° propertyo 2°hese ~o~t~ to~ I~eac~y fo~ a pr~~r~te ~~°~~~~n ~o c~a.~~°y a Shawn Da~iese 25~ T~1Ty Fi~ Ra~~~ apok~ ~t~t~ng t,h~ x°e~~dents on Ta1l~ Fio ~~°e r~~Iling ~ea r~~~~s ~.he C'~~~ ~n~ ~~s ~~~p~~~~~ ~o ~1~e t~~ pa°o~Xem~ Cftz~ ~~~~r~~~~ l~~~p ~da~z~l~~~ th~ ~°e~~d~~t~~ o~ T~l~c~ ~i~ ~o~ ~h~i~ ~ooperaticsrsm He a~so expl~~n~~' th~°~ ~n e~c~P~ si~~ ae~e~opeei .~r~ the taps'~~e~r~ d~°~jnag~ ax°e~, the Cjt~ x°ec~xests the Co~;a~.~z~ ~rasu.~~ ~~t the ~~~~raage r~~te~° is ~x~dlea? ~gpr~~priatelc~n The Ci~c~`~ Pl~nning T~~~,~:~~~rrs~~~ h~~ ~a~d.~~~°t~a ~.hey ~~e ~e~e~~~ng ,~osne ~~~pez°ation on thz~ from the County's Dep~~~m~n°~a Van ~~~a~u ~r~a~n°~~ Eng~~~~~~°~n~ ~po~Ce ~ra ~ub~e~~ ~xplain.~ng t?2at the Coun~y can ~m~;~~~ ~fi~~~ ~~q°~u.~~errs~sa~~ o~ t~~ p~~ ~S~t the~ 1~~e n~ ?vay ~f rro~.in~a~ining themo ~°h~.~~ ~vho ~a~~e ~2ae p~oD~~m ~~ad ~1~~ ~1~ ~u~~~~ ~~om ~t ~~e g~~ng tc~ b~s~ the cos~,. U~:Ze~s - ~~r: ~pgs~orre~ ~a~ t~~ +~v~~~~ ~v~~~ ~o~ g~ t~~t~g~~ Z'~ ~n ~s~e~~rnen~ d3stz°~ct f~ foz°meat arl~~~~a ~Xo~~ no~ ~n~~~~~ t,~~ ~p ~ ~~~a~a ~ ~~a~ ~o~t ~o ~h~ ~v~e~ l~nd~, ~ou ~z°e r~un- ning ~~~~C ~ ~I~a~ ~~~pg~ty ~?~t ~on°~r~~u~es ~o th~ p~oblem. ~'f t.~ m~ja~.~~c~ th~ ~1~~ ~~~~~~~r~~° ~~~m the ~1~~~r~g obje~t, t~se pro- ,~e~~ ~v.~~l n~~ ~a th~°ou~1~e ~',h~~~r~ ~"~o~ Coa~~t~°~~ ~~~t~°~c~ ~ndea°t~l~e °tl~e project ~he ~hsanne~ ~r~ll b~ a~e~, ~~t~~r~~~ t~~~~m~z ~ ~ 1~0~-~e~~ ~~ooat (~pproxi~tel~ 150~9 ~~b~~ fee~ ~er ~e~~xac3~ ~,..~I~~~ ~r~~~~c~~~ ~n~t~~r~g T~re w~~ ~on~Zd~~~,b~~ d,~ ~~~~~o~ ~~~~~o Cw~r~~~1 ~nd ~ud~en~e w~th z°egaz°d to k~u~lclinc~ of ne~v .~~c3~~.~d~z~~ l~~m~~ ~r~ ~rc~ the ,~c~ent~~~c~t.~on of flocd ~re~ss in ~°~oe~v G~~ndea ~pp~,~~nt~~ r~o~ ~~e ~~oo~ ~~e~~ .~°~oyo ~rande ~rre be~n 3denti- fl3ed, ~and ~rh31e n~rv °t~^a~t~ ~~~e ~~~~~~,~~d ~~~~c3 ~~o~~, tP~~e no ~egcxZ~t~ons on indivi- dual hoz~e~ as yet . 1K~°sb Ell~ Hon~y~t~~t, 5~Q ~~It ~t~l~ 1~c~~d~ ~~h~~e ~ Iette~° ~n .~,i1~ ~r~t~ the City t°rom t.he Depas°tm~nt ca~ .~~~h anc~ ~~me ~r2~~~ ~t~t~~ ~~~C~ ~~nn~t d'~ ~ny bu3lrZ~ng or~ a srpec3al flooc~ 2~z~x°d zsz°~~ ~n°~~1 th~ Crr~p~ o~ Eng~nee~~~ ~t~aty ~s comple~~. 1~Sro S~ndy F°a~h~r.~ao 248 T~11y H~ Re~~c~, ~~~ted .~.s~ p~~~e on the ~reek held fa~r1~ ~el~, but ~1o~v h3~ land ,~t ~s toc~ ~h~l.Ymcv ~nd o~~~ ~Ic~a~re~d. Pie h~~ kep°t his ar~a ~.1ean through th~ yeaz°s to he3p the ovate~ floo~n ~I~e c~eb~.fs ~v~~ ~le~n~d ~ut of the r~~t of the cr~ek ~t o~ould help l~eep t,~~ r~°~e~° ~1cs~~~qe M~~o Ruth Bu~kYe~~ 282 T~11 a~ H~ ,~~s~~, ~s~~e nat~:ng ~h~~ avF~ile tr~ct cleve.Zo~nents az°e cont~°o11e~~ ina~~~r~du~l h~u~sng .is n~+~ ara~ ~th~se ~r~ th~ hou~es cvhzch ~re ~ubject to flooc~T- ~ngm St~ff e~cpla~ned ~h~z°e no ~ct~~~~~ ~°~~t,~~ctions on inc3zcr,~dua~ homes being buil~ in th~ C~tz~ ~t th3~ ~~m~o <1~~Q I~~~• .I~9. Ta1l~t H~ s~c~ac~,, ~s1le~~-a~~ tF~ ~~C°~ d~~~ . . ~ ~;2 ' ~,~a:: 2~he C~~ ~ ~~~sdf :~~.r ,~gr~~ ~nd mta~~ meet .~t~ z°equ.~rementsm S?~e felt t~ r~qzxire- m~ra~~ ,~n ~he ~1ood zone~ ~r~ be,~ng .igno~°ed ~n ~rroyo ~z°anrie, Thre~ r~r~ov lacsuses wh~cla o~z°e eonsrtruc~~d at the g~°ound level of t?t~~e f~~od areas ~~e zn dir~t c~~.s~1at~~n bf tl~is pro- graxrt and the C,ity could be w~,thdz°~wn from the p~°ogr~m B~cause of these v~olatzons. Counc~ilman Mi~~~~ ~~~ted that ~in~e z°~xnoff from the C~unty area z~ ~a~xs~ng th~ C~tr~ such problems, ff devel¢~pment is tc~ cont.~nue .~n tho~e ~~ea~ t1~e Coun°t~} ~I~~taZd c~~~~°~b~a~te te~ ~etent~on bas~n~ ~nc~ ~nd,~ ~o ~e~o1 ve the px°oAalemQ Mr.o Ph~,11ip Aguer~d 254 T~ZIy lio I~o~ci, stat~d ~laese a~e Iong-~erm p~~~~~ h~we~~r ~mmed- ~ate a~t3on is r~eedeai ~n ~~se o~ ~Iaod~rzg in Febr~ar~ ar M~rc~lam ~ so~a~t~~~ n~ed~~ a _ 46S CITY COUNe3"L - SPEC.T`AL STUDY SESSlON P~GE THI~EE ~QYCY G~LtE', G'AL1rF0RN2'14 JANU~Y 31, Z 978 Courtc~Zm~~t Sp~erl.~ng ~xpres~ed t~ Cmunc~;l conc~rn, suggest3ng t~vo ar~~s ~h:ich re- qu~re ,~c°~a~~na t~tte Counc~I ~ou1d endor~e an ~duc~t3on c~mp~.~gn foz° ~i~11 and ~°~dge resi- den~~ ~ ce~n~x°~b~;zte to t2r.~~ pro~ilem and ~~uZd ~nvest.~g~te po~s~ble ~auz°ces af fur~is for t~~ w~ez°k. He a.Z~o z°eque~t~d staff to lock ~nto ,~urned.~~te solut.~on~ tv tlu~ probl~n. C~ty Lng.~nee.r Ka.rp explained td~ st~ff ~s wor~ng on ~mmediate ~o1ut~;on~ to tk~ pro> b;Zemo C~~~n Wat} ~ pro2~lem because ~t ~s sa.Zevel, no matter Tioc,; many times it is gz°aded out ~t ~~IZ~s up aqain. Staff ~tt~nd~d many m~et~ngsand applied for sev~r~1 gr~rtt~l~s~ I"aa~ been t~rned down, _ _ 1~.~sm C~t~.leen Scott, 245 TaZ1y Ho FEoad, expl~ineei t1~t the residents of Ta11y H+~ .~ave m~t ar~d aceu~z3ated informat3on and possible solutYons to the probZem. She a~k~d th~ Counc.~~- tbat t~ b~ ~,llow~d to present t~~r suggestions tonigY~t. Mr•,- lY~ns Var~ter Veen, 235 Ta11y No, ~uggestec3 ~n o3,Z b~rm ~Zong Ta11y Ho ta ~a1ve a Zot a~` tBie~,~s~a2~lem~, A1soa taro p~.pes cvl~.fch go underneath the ra~d at Jam~s Wa~} ~nd Ta11y Ho Rr~~ ~e~c°i to b~ cleaned out ~ C.~ty Engineer Karp expl~ined th~t mne of th~ main problerrson C~nyon i~i~y was ~$e fenc on hir, Vand~r Veen's property. Mr. Vander~:V`e~n took exception to this statement exp2ain ~ng he.put ~ s~.i1 fn tl~e b~ck of his praperty, but the w~ter comes down with such force .ft ~r~l-1 not turn to prevent flooding. Mro M~ke Mmrr~~, 253 Ta11y Ho ~oad, expla3n~ he put ~ ret~~ning wa11 on the b~ck af y~rd ~nd g~tve th~ G~t~} seven feet of propert~ on Canc~on W~y, This kept tl'ie ~ater ga~ng t.lrraug~ unt~1 Mro V~nder Veen &utlt h~s ~me and stoppers th~ n~tur~Z dra~nage of t~ie ev~te~° dc~?m Jarrr~s Waye H~s ne3gd~r2~ors then had to ~Zock the drain.age to prevent flood-~ ~ng ca~ tl°~e~r proper~y. A13 of the flmod.fng could 2~ve been anoided if t~te~e c&annels h~d ~~n kep~t c1 e~r . Mra Sa~ndy Fash~r~a expl~~tned that before the d.ttch w~s blxked, Canyon Waa~ ~rad nevex ~'~~oded , T~xe ~a~ con~siderable d~~cuas.ton bet~veen Counc~l,, ~ud~ence and st~ff on the n~ed for concerrtz°ataat stt~ntaton t~ t~ pz°oblema oa Ts11y H0 1Ro~d . After discus~ion, ~t ~s dec.ided ~r~ ~aQ1d aan ~nd~~~dt~~1 study sess.ion on Ta11g Xo ~oad, et ~vh3cFr t.fine the Counc.f~ a~~11 ~~r~~~d~x t,d~ ,~uggeat~ons ov~jch the res~den~~ haue prep~ared . The spec~al ~tud y se~s3on for T~?Zy Ho Roed dratn~g~ prablems vvaes set fcar Februsry 8, 1978, ~t 7:00 P.M., in the Gounc~:1 ~h~r~~°~ of the City Xa11. St~ff ~v~s requested to ~rr~nge far represent~tive~ from the Crs~z~ty ~nd Ca1 Trans to be pre~ent ~t th~a meet~ng. V~Z~LEY GA1lDENS C.fty Adnt~n.tatratar 8utch rerrjer~ed t~te V~11ey a~rden~B fZood~ng, eupl~3n~ng th~s area .~,s~ never 1~Pore exper~enceda~ny fZ~od~ng. lublaEc Norka D~~°ector Andersan cxpl~~ned th~ ~unt of w~ter carr~ed be~~nd the h~gh,.acl~ol t~s ~sat~sfactory, but when ~t h~t t2~e celez°~ f.~elda ft could not be handled aadaquately and flowed ~cross ~he road ~nd 3nto Va11eg Gar~ens. Tn prev~cue years the waeter traveled scuth along the raad and found ~ts ~y back to the channel south ~nd esst of Sunr~se Terrace, Now there is a reta~n~ng wa11 e~~c~i ?~locks tP?~s fZow of w~tera so .instead: ~f~ went ~~r~e th~ f.ialds and valZey ~o~d and ~nto Va11ey Gardens o~me~, TX~ere waa~ cont.fr~ued d~scuss~an on some „possibZe soZutions, ,~ut Works~ Djrector Andersan ~tatec3 thatt ~taff 2~s not yet had the t3me to ful2y ~tudy ~.nd develo~ solut~ona, Tc~m 14~ne1.~, farmer on Va11ey road, expla~ned th~ major.~ty of tl~ o~~ter came from the. south~ arnd av~st of th~ fz°~eway. W1~en the I2~ghw~y e~rs put ~n the culvert was 4~ to 6 feet and ~t alarays carr3ed th~ ~rater ~3th very Z.~ttle overflow. This t3me a Zot caf tlz~ ~~er d#d n@t soak ~nto t~ graund, the +~lvert~ o~re running fu11 and over f3oa?ed znto the f~~1da and out to the ~3de of the r~d. The walnut trees which helped tt~ ~bsorb t~ie wat ~ere no longex tl"iere, Wh~n Sunrise Terraee arent in the ground was elevated to pr~vent fZc~md~ng, and ~ xet~in.~ng ta~,l~:.:~~:.~ox~,&~'u~'L~. So the ~r ovent ~cross the road,r-~j+dined ~~~~i o~tes~ from t~ie otliez° ~~de of the rcad, ~nd went ~nto Va11ey Gardens. l~bl.~c ~~s D~rector Anders~on stated the dra.~ns oaere not designed to handle th.fs~~-~:.~ amount of ~ater, C~€tg Adm~n~strator ~ez~h presented a pet~t~on from the res~dent~ of V~ZZe~:G~rderr.~ ask3ng ~gr 3mmed~~te ~ct~Ean to 6arestall ~ny furt~er fZood~ng, Thez°e e~ansr3d,~x°~b1e d~scuss.ion between the aud~ence, staff and Council during which sever,al pQ,~r~t~ ~aere t~kenm 90~ of the water carr~ from ,ur~ie~;~:.t ar~as--the ~b1ia ger~r831y f~1t t,hat if the are~ ~s ever• developeaT there ovi11 be even more ~t~r tFm-~n ev'er ,~efore; res~dents are request~ng 3mmed.i~te act~vn to prevent these pz~oBlem.s; ~*~ile ~~x~a~a$~~rrg cmula r~elP ~1leviat~ the ~ar~I~p? tl2ee~ cannot be sct up in advanc~ because of r0~t.~~t a 1~~rr~cade of ~~ndbag~ ~s not pr~ct~c~3 ~~nce .it ~u3d create a wa11 of ~ter ~a1~c~t c~oa3d m~e do~n a11 at once oxr tI~ h~mes ~nd it ~s doubtful that the crops ~n the ~~`~,°I~,dt: COI2ZFX K~tfT3t~2Ns~ Z-3 feet cf w~tex on top ef thenzJ regardless of svhetFier or not dev~l~p~tent should h~v~ been a11o~i ~n the ar~a, .it ~,as approved and the current problem --4s~ C~~`Y ~~ITIV~~'~ ~ ~~'EC'~A~:; ~2°~,91~Y S'E~:~~O1V ~AC~E FOUR ~ItO~~ G14~.1~D~o ~~~~°~O~11i~'T~ a71~NUAIZY .31, 1978 m~~~ r~oc~ ~ ci~~~~ e~~~~s9 5~~~t ~nd ~~~~~3ea~~~ mu~t ~ra~k °~ogeth~~ to ~~~~1~e ~I'~s~ p~a~xlema ~'ot~.n~~,~znan G~~~~g°~~~ f~~~ ~ome ,p~~c~r~~i~~ ~hould .iae ~~~ka~1i~X~ed fo.~ ~~e P~sb3~~ Works D~pa~~e~a~o FI~ ~r~~~~~T re~o~d a~ e~~ab.X~~~ng a px°~orities I~st ~n tl~e flooaT ax~~~ ~~d ~~~°~~~~~e~ ~~~a~ t~ ~~~ve ~rrae o~ tTxese p~~blerr~s and Zet go the ~~ther pro- ~~d ~~a~~~e~~o ~'~~c~ ~a~g~n~~~ .~Ca~,p ~x~s~~~~aed t~ the ~~a~r~~i~ ~l~at °there ~ ~o~ of ~a~rJ~ ~iappen~ng in ~he ~i~~ ~h~~ atr~~t ,pe~~~~art ~~d ~~r~~r~l o Th~z°~ a~e rnan~ proje~t~ %n ~he works ~~~a~o~ ~gno~~d, su~.~ Ra~a~ho ~~anaeo Oa~ P~~k A~re~ and FIa1~~on X~11s o Tlie ~~~~e~~ ~~e~a~~ app~~a~l~ zn~g~it be to ~°eta~n a pr~~a~e eng~nee~ ~o ~°tudc~ tFie~e pz°oblems. 5~~a~e ~~ez~ de~~n~~3 ~~~blerr~ °thec~ ~~~a1d appx~opr~atel~ be haradlecl w~°th the ~erv.~~es ~f ~ p~~~~te e~a~~~~~~°~ ~han ~oaa~d o~he~° C~.t~ ~ts~~ne~~m Upor~ d~~cu~s,~~n and que~tion, 1~ro ~~~~°k l+~oo~e ~g~~ed ~o .he~p an~ eng~nee.~ hireci tl~e City wl~ miglat w~sh ~o ~on~ult ~i~h h~r~ ~~i~ p~~~e~~~ C~~~~i~~i~n G~;~~.~ghe~ a~ked ~1~~ th~.~ be ~~c~~ght ~o ~lae ~~unc~.1 a A1~v tlaat ~~ae H~ID ~n~~~~a~~e ~e ~~e~l~e~ c~e~~~ar~~ne ~1z~ ex~erz°t ~sf the pol3~~ and ~t~ requ~remerz~~a Council- m~~ ~~.~.~~~1~~~° ~a~o~~°h~ ~p ~he saalaj~~°t of tl~e fencing o~ ~nd~.ng b~s~n~ and ~as ~n.~ormed i~ a~~°e~e~~ a~o~Is~ng on fencing these ponds as per Coun~i.~'s d~rec°t~on fz~om a p~e~~ot~~ ~ee~~~t~~ S'l,~N~~~° IS.~~~~` ~1'JI~ ~T~IUD E~~E1Vi~E Adrra~~~~°~~a~o~ Bu°t~h ga~e a b~~~f rev~ew of °tlae pz°oblems on 5unset D~°~~e, Gx°and ~~~i ~~rkl~n~, 1~~, ~T~1~,~~r~ ~~~r~e~, ,~64 ~'un~et~ exp~a~ned °tha~ h~s T~ous~ ~:s behirscl Scolar~'~ ~nd gets ~Iou•°A~~ b~ ~a~°~~~ ~~or~ ~~a~~ ~iven~e wh~r~ ~°~~:ns~ ~'~Se ~rater g°oe~ randerneat~i la~s lao~se, ~ ~~a~ ~r~~~ ~.T~ ~~o~~ ~o ~t~~~, et~> ~'a~~~~ee~ I~~~p ~~p1~~~aed tla~ ~'~tc~ ha~ appl~ed f~~ a gx°an°~ for sto~m d.~ain~ for mT?.~ ~~e~ a~~~ ~~e~e~s~ra1 ~n ~e~e~rring the ~cand~ ~o ~~nsta°u~t the prcajec~t ~~~rne~. ~~z~~~ a d~°~~~ i~ pu~ ~n,~ ~taf~ ~s a~temptir~g to l~.mi~~~ th~ ~10~ of futuz°e ~~-.~~~~p~~~~ ~~~~x~za~~~ ~r~~ ~~~~d ~r~e~~e ~nd S~nset Dr~~eO Upon q~est~ozz9 he explained ~s~~~ ~a~~k r~rasle~°~~~a~~ad pipes ~o ~o~ne~t ~aitla tl~~ ~I~n Street ~i.~asn~ge s~~tem ~~a ~~~~~ar~~r~~~~~ ~~~I~on do11~~°~~ ~ PE'!xt<~T°R=:~~`% ~ .~a ,~~z~~.~~._..~t~~~~«~ ~3~~~~~ ~~~~~z~~~ ~1~~~ r~~~~~a~~~ ~~b~~ ~~e d~~~~ag~ ~a~~~ t~ ~he ~as~ h '~s~ ~w; ~~t~a,^~.~~, ~rr~_~.~ d~~~~a?~.~ ~s~~~rag ~~~~l~~rnes~~ ~ ,p~.pe ~r~s ~u~ ~.1~ ~t~~ ~~~a<~~~~ a~~,a~~~~, ~~h~z~ ~~e ~~a~r~ ~~Z~n ~r~i~~ ~~i~ p~:~~ ~~r~~.~~ ~ ~ . ~t~ ~~r~i ~ ~:'~~a~ ~ ~~?~~Z~pe~ ~I~~ ~i ~~r~,~~r~cted ~~r~ a~~~"~~a~ z,r~~~:;~r~ ~1~~~~~a ~~e ~~~~~s~ o~ ~h~ a~~~~ ~~:ra~~ ~1~~~, p~~pe~~t~ ~~vs~e~s P~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~s~ ~1ae ~hs~:,~ ~~z ~~~~men~t ~~~~a¢~~°~, ~~r~ ~~a~ ~~~~,~~~ra: ~ ~;b~~~a~ ~ ~~~~z~~r~~ or~ ~~°o_ p~~ ~y ~:3~~ ~'~~y ~r~~~ ;~5 1~~,~~ car~~e.~ ~n~~~ ~~ea~~e ~he « 4„~~ _ ~I~~;°x~?~~a~ ~~i.i~_~z~~~ ~~~~w~~~p sp~,~~ t,~~~ ~la~ ~,~~n ~1~~~ ~ea~ t~ie ~r~~~~ ~~t~.~a~~~ ~~~I~ly~ T:~i~ ~-~~a~ ~~ae ~~~c~ ra~~ c~~a~~~ ~n~~~ac~ t~ie r~~~e~ ~~c~~~ ~°°a~~~ ,~P~~ ;~~~~p ~~~a~~~e :ha~ .1e~~~c~ ~~e p~~g~~~~ ~~~~~g P~~~~~r~~ ~~d n~~ ~~~.~ing :~.n.~ ~~r~c? ~~a~~e ca~te~ ~o ~~~x ~~en wo~se ~°~a~ :A~~~ - ~ %~~='_N .v~.~: . ..,.~n3";~~'C~' ~~~~s~~~~rs~ ~asi Yi'~ti~ ~xu~~~2t7~ ~~P.~ ~~~~¢2~~?I~~ ~£51L~dW lm~ ;si!~~ ~x`i~~~~e~~':7~~ a^.r~ ~~~~~~~z~~ ~e~:~+~~ ~~~.~.z~ ~~~~~rc~ ~~Z~ ~1~e ~~~~a~.i; ~a~~ n~~ l~ee~ ~~~~~~~ng th~ ~~~~?~~~e~ d~ ~~a~~a~~> ~°1~~ ~~k~~ ~1~~~ ~1a~ ~r~~~a~.i~ ~°~~~~.~c~~~ ~~e~ ~n~~~~~ ~~~;::~~~ti~~a~ ~x;~~y~e~~ ~lae~e ~~~re~ p~~~~~~a~ ~~~a~ ~~~a~.~~~.ng, ~~~r~g° ~-~~~w~~~a ~ ~ x~ ~a~ez ;~°~~P~~~~zz:~~~~ ~~~~°~c~ t~~ 1~~ ~~the~ a~en~~e~a AD~~TJ.~74~1~?~`U~" ~he~~ ~a~~.~g n~ ~~u~°~1~~~ Ia~~:~~ae~~ ~a~~~x~ t~e ~ t~ ad~ou~n ~it~ r~~~~ ~d~~~~~a~~c~ ~n ~~1~~~~~a~ ~.q 1~~~~ ~t ~a~0 P~1y~ to ~o~a~~~~~ ~~~~~1~~~ ~o~ut~~azs ~I~e ~~~~y ~~~~~~r~s~ ~aas .rraoW~~d b~ C~~n~~~~~~a ~g~~~dirzg, ~~~~~~ed b~ ~~c~~a~~~.~max~ ~~~~~~°~'~e~ ~n~n,~rra~~s~ ~ ~~~~.:~ect ~h~~ °~~Se m~e~iz~g .b~ ~d~~~~~xed ~ fiF~e meet~ng ara~ ~d~,~=,~: ~al~, A2"~'~°S'2~ o • : ~ ~ D~~~~"~ ~~'~"k' ~Zr~F~Il 1K.~~~~Z