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Minutes 1978-02-14
- 469` ~~'TY COUN~~~ ~`.~~Rt~d~RY' ~ ~ g ~ 9~8 ARR03C0 GRP,IVDE, ~A~~~~F~1~T~ ~Yae ~~a~~°~~~:.: ~s~~ ~~;~;~~~r~~ ~~a~.~~~ ~d~~~~ L~~n ~a~~si~~~ga Upor~ ~o~Y c~~~, ~~a~a~~~~ ~.~~~~;h~+~~ ~~~~~~.~g~~~°, ~T~,, ~al~a~ra S~hZe~~l ~nel NY~~~ N~~ ~i ~.i;a ~~-~~~~d,'~~, PL:EBG~ ~F° A~I,~~Y.A~J~r; ~:.~1~2 ~~`a~f~.~~°~ ~'~:~;?4; l~~yo~ ~i~ .~rz~ ~`r~~~~, c:m ~~z ~'~.~~g ~.ant~s~d~~~~1~ ~~lE.'Y~~~~~5.'°y ~~T~~,"~t3~' i~:~4h~;~~ ~~,'~Zl"ui~'~~ ~?i t°~~ ~9~"SP~','°,~~'fl ~e~~i ~3.~.W2~~~~~~ ~k3~La~:;s'~'1 y,T°k ~~~`~y"~ ~~°~~c~e, ~1~~,~~~~~~ ~~°h~,~~~~~ ~~ROV~ i~IY~i~7~~~ ~n irao~~'~~r~ ~.~;~~~;.b~r~~~k ~ ,.~~.,F-...~~~ ~a~ ^~~r~~~.~.~ra~~*~ ~p~~~~~ra~ ~~c1 unan~zr~=~a~~~r ~.~~~~_~~i~ ;~~_~..~y`~::~_ ~~4°~h a~c~ ~°~g~lar ~~~,~a~~~~~ ~ ~ ~e~~ ~.a~e~ ~'~~~~a~ ~ 9 ~ ~ A ~~r~ ~~a~.~°~a~~~ a~ p~~~sa~~~ o ~~~ZO~T~I~ ~F~ ~n ~ca~~~~~ ~,~~~°.~°~~i~~r ,~~,~~~~.~:a,~~~ ~a~~~~x,~~~~ ~s~ ~~~~~~T~~~ ~~~,~~~~~r ~~d unani~n~~~~y ~~~~~~~,ID ~~am.~~_~ ~~'~:~:~~~A4,. t~'~~ r'~SP'~ :~:~~°~a~~h I~~~ ~z~~l i~~ ~444 ~~ar~ug~ iV~~ r~,;~ ~~z~ ~~.;~~b~-~~ ~s~ ~r'~"~;,~~~a"~; ~~~~~3..~. ~~~~~~r~a~s ~~o °~0676 1~;~~~ m°t~ ~;~~~~"r'n~~D ~~p~ove~l a~~ ~~~ler~~ ~ i~~i~JE~~ ~~7~3i~p,~' i~s~~.~.~~o::;~,~ 6 ~:~~"~~~2~..f 'i~; ~x"?"'~ ~ ~,~~3C~ ~ ~~o ~~~2~~aS~ON ~h~ ~ ~~~~s:;r~~ ~°~.~rA1~ t~~~~~~~ ~I~~~~~~a~~ ~is~~~~~~:~~~~ ~°~~~~~~k.~.~ :~4~ ~:,.s~i~~.~.~a.~,r~ ,~w ~~f ~'~u~ ~~.~~r ~~~a~ ~°~~~~~~arrt~ ~r~ ~7~,~..'~;-~~ ;u,._.~~:x ~a~ ~ ~3~i~.s~~ ~l~~~~.~r~ ~~~~o ~'Iz~ ~t~~a.,~~~r~ ~~.r °.~~~r~~~~~, ~;~,_a~_~~:!~ tk~e ~'s`s.sl~~Y~GYh~17~~ 'Ge;= ~~i~a3 `~.a.~~~s..a~.,.a,~~ x..,+_a '::~"t~ ~i.~~~i~'j+ iu~ ~Y.~~~'A ~-~~t."~'~'~Y'£~ie~~ 3d& ~~~1~Y ~k~~~°~ ;~~~;~~a~~ a~~~,_<~.~~~~ c~~~~a i~~~~i~~~~~~1~ .~~~i~~~~m ~~~~~~,~~.:~F ~'c~~ ~r~~;~„~~ ~~x~r,~;~~ ~a~ ~~~°~~~~~t ~~°os~~id ~a~,~r ~°ta~e~ ;~,.a~-~ a,~~ y.;~;~~~~N ti.~~ h~_~~ W 't~'~';:l~d~`a. ~l,i ,~":'''uLLz~° ..u~; M ~ ~i.r° t .1"il f+°~~a a2:,~:~~ &~'..tio"u~~,~..~3Kta~~1 ~~~,~~~~.X7~J a~~~Snd~~ ~J~ a~~`S~ a~"I.a.~ ~ x,n~. 7~~~ ~.::,~_tY~~ :..rs ~~:t~"~,~~p ~~k~ a~~~~a~~ 1~°~C~il@~~ °~~3~ ~~1.~ ~u .'~;a ~""~.i,»,:i ~ t~a.,~Y"~ a~",.^)P'Ct~`~i~.;~`:i,~~ ~~'Z~~.~ ~~L~Q~~I a~se~ re~~mm~~a~~~a~.~;~~aa• ~'~~E'`i~] ~Y~~~°j~,ial."~ g',~ K~$ ;s;~~Jv%'~r'3,~e" k{N_~_1er,~;lC ~o,~.,.~...P~m,.ma.. `The ~rs~~;~~% ~~~~?~r~ ~ ~~a~~~~~~ y~~~y,,5, ~ ~~~°?y .r ::.a:a~~~.~ .~~:>~°rr,a~°~~~~~ ~a~ ~°.a~0~°~J~ ~m ~~'~.~"1}ig ~a"`c~~~"~ie..s~~ ~3~ "~'k"d~` ~'Ca~.~ ~?s,?~;.~.E".e :„i ~.~ul~,~i.~.~~.._ i;~ ~`~A~ ~~E~Y24.:~.~ I10~ G`OTCITCI~EY°~ ~Y3 ~;~A~' µ~xa.~~?.'~.,~ v~~` t$:J:~: iw'i`x~ 't`~a,~y~~1` ~;a~ la?~;1~, s~~t`zas~ ~~~k~~~°:Yt I1~C~~~~~ ~.21 ~.~'^g~'d~~°~`~~aY;~'c'~ 'm~}C h~.~~r3v;: 1~E~~J~S~ 7E°~~ ~~`T~~d~$2~ 0i~ ~::~L~=s~~. i?~Y~v~;u'u 1~"`~'~":`~i~~t~~e-s;r~ ~~~~u'3FtI+z~~~ ~t°~a~.1 ~I~~'~ ~'~1~ ~Z3E~Tl'~~~ ';~"~';~'J'..l~:m', c°~=Y~G~:n; +y~„'1~ .,:~,"~~."~~!T4+~.~''l~~? 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D1a~~ ~~~N`T' o iV~rae the ~or~go~ng O~d~.~~~~~ ~~e~ ~~~p~~~ tk~~~ ~ ~'~~~~~~r~ ~ 9°~~ m OR~TIQA1~tCE S~T ~~I3~1T~ ~ ~~~FiT~~~ M~~~~ I~T ~~d~~,~~ ~i.aA;;~~ Aclan~n~s°t~~°~~~ ~~x~~k~ ~°~~~~~ra~~ ~c~4~~z°~,~ ~~~~~r~;~~~~,~ ~~rn~~dere~l a ~°e~~~nenda~s,~~ ~~~Y~,:.. n:;~ ~~~.,~~~ng ~ixa~~~ ~n cert~3ra ~p~l~~ p~~~~~o ~~~~~~~t '~~~1 ~~:2 s~~~.~~~~ be ~~,~~i~~~d ~~a°t mino~°~ ~~~~~~~~T ~~u~~,~~ ~~-~~e.~ v~~r~ ~~~~~d ~~r g~ling purp~~~~ m ~~e ~~~s~~~ ~ ~~~1~~~~z~~ ~~~~~p~ra~ixag ~h~ ~~~ego~,~ag m ~ A~°t~se Co~n~~~. ~~~~~~~~i~~i~ ~~~~rr~~~ ~~~~a~~y ~~~~e~, ~he ~ ~~.~le ~f ~.r~ ~~~~~~n~~ ~e~a~i~g i~~~~~~~p~~ ~~d~ ~n ~~~~~~d ~~a a~~a~~~ ~ b~~~a~ p.~°ohi~~~esl ~S~~s;~~~~ ~~~~~~o A ~h~~ m~~e ~y C~~n~~l~~~ :pi.erl~~~~ s~c~r~d~~l b~ ~~~~~~;~~ra~~ ~~~~~an~~~~~~ c~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~a~~ ~~~~n ~~~d~~a~ °the ~~Y~n~~ ~~°~~~~~~~o FLT~2~FiE~t. 1~I~~iJ~~IO1V OF ~ZJS~N~~~ ~7~~~1V,~E O~ ~1V~1~ETT~~ ~ ~i~~„1? ~~'F~ ~ ~he ~au~a~~ ~ ~~~r~~~r~d ~ ~~~~~~~~1 ~~di~n~~c~~ ~~~r~~~~r~.~ ~.1~~ r;g~ ~cl~~+~ed ~usin~~~ L~~e~s~ ~~°z~~~~~~~ a_~~ ;~~~~~~r~~ ~°~~~~~~~~r ~~~m~.~~~~°~; ~~~ad~,~g mach~.n~~; and~ Y~~~n~~ Ya~~b~.,~~~~~a~o ~~~~h o~~.~si~ns h~ve ~~i~~ b~~~ ~1~~~~~~~~d ~l~~a~ ~r~~d~~,~ mac~a~r~e~ aa~d h~ ~ec~~e~~~~3 ~nn~t~~~ ]b~ ~~~~i ~~re~~~~~~as b~. a~ncorpo~ated i~~~ ~h~ ~~op~s~d a~n~nd~i~~~~ a DISCLJS~~d~II~1 f~o ~P~~1~1~Y~I~N~T°~ ~~"i ~~1~Y~~~~~~1 `tT~~~~~~~ - S'~7IP~ ~~~~~~SIV ~E''I' ~"Ol~ ~Pl'I,~C~1NT ~rI'~~RiY~~V~ o N~~~Fi ~i 5 . ~ ~ l~~y~~ d~ I~~~~ ~eq~~~~~d ~~a~ ~~a~~~~.~~n~n~ a ~~~z~~~~g ~~an~re~~~~~~e~ ~~.~Y th~ ~~~~~~y ~~~~i~~~~~~~ b~ h~~~~ ~1~~ ~a~~~ ~r~~~~~g ~~~xd~~~~ tk~~ ~~t~;~~. '~~h~ ~~~x~~~~ ~~~~~~~~d ~e ~.~~g~~ ~ ~r a;~~ ~~,'~~~~~r~,~win~ ~~Y ~p~~' a~~~~s~~ b~ ~~~a.~~i~ ~p~~ ~~~~~~r~~ ~ b~ ~na~~ ~n ~ t~~e~y ~~~ne~ ~h~ ~~~a~s~~~~ ~~ap~re~ ~i~k~~ ~ ~ ;,~~~~~h~p; a~d ~t xn~~ be~~ wa~~ ~~e~~l ~f~~~ ~ew ~ r~~~ . ~~~,~~d ~f~~~h ~ ~ ~a~.~~ ~p~~~n~gnea~~~ a~d ~~~cT ~h~ ~a~~~~~~,~~r~ ~;~]~~~~~n~~m ~ ~r~~~~~~ th~ H~~~y ~2~~a~~e~~~ C~~a~~~~~~,o 4'71 CITY COUNCIE, FEBRU1~FtY 14, 1978 PiRR0Y0 GRAI~'D~, CALIFORNTA PAGE 3 After Council discussion, a motion was made by C~uncilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carr~ed, setting a study session for March 15, 1978 at 3:30 P.M. to interview all appla.can'cs for the various City Commiss~.ans . PUBLIC HEARTNG - AMEND ZONING ORD. RE. HETGHT OF ACCESSORY BLDGS,-ORDe 1ST READING Flanning Director Castro reviewed a recommendation from th~ Planning Co~nmission that Section 9-4.505{b)_ rsgarding "R-A" Distr~.cts be amended to allow for the development of accessory buildings to a greater height than the present fourteen ~oot (14') limit, with the granting of a use permit. Mayor de Leon deC~ared the public hearing open after being assured by the C~:ty Clerk that it had been properly noticed, The following persons spoke on the matter: Marie Cat~toir, 195 Orchid Lane, asked wh~.t the maxi.mum height would be. Planning Director Castro stated there would be no lsmit, except the discretion of the Planning Commission when it grants the use permit. He further ~ stated that the biggest concern right now is the' limi~ of 14' and that in most cases fihe height will not exceed 30'. There`being no further public comment, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. After Council discussion, C~.ty Attorney Shipsey read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinance amending Section 9-4m505(b) of the Municipal Cod~ relating to height restrictions for aacessory buildings; thereafter, a mction was made by ~ouncilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanim~usly earried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. SET 'STUDY SESSION RE. CAPITAI, Z~RS7S1~,,,~, FEE ON BI,DG. PERMITe 2/21/78, 4 PmMm The Council set ~~t~sly s~~~ion for February 21, 197f~ at 4 P.M. on the . C~.uttmulative Cast/Revenu~ Arial~yai~ ~epo~°t prepared by the Planning Dep~rtanent in regard ~o the impa~°~ ~s~ ~k~~ p7,ann~~l d~vel~pmer~ts of ~Jals Park Acres, Rancho Grande, Grande High~.~~ds ar~d Hal~y~~ H~l~s, s~r~ the Gity. Study will ~.nclude. the p~°aposed establiahment of ~~~;~i~al Im~r~emex~~ ~ee as p~.~°~ of the building permit fee, to pay ~or i~~zg~a~~d ~i~~ s~~v~ce~ snd rela~ed ma°t~~rs. N ICE P I - TO W STACT TS 7[N "CN" L1IST; 2 28 78 Tha' Gcur~cil was ~,r~~z~rtn~c~ ~h~~ a publi~ hears;ng has beer~ set on the P~.ar~ning Commissio~' ~~°~cc~mm~r~da~~o~ t~a~k ~~c~Los~d fami,~3'-tYPe restaurants be allo~~d ir~ "C-N" Di~~r~.~~~. ~ai~ ~~~~ing b~en ~et f~~ February 28, 1978 at 8•OQ P.M, F TE T I~E I L T CALI~'~RN~CA CI~TES T1~e Gauncil r~vi~w~d ~k~~ lat~~t L~g~~~a°~iv~ Bulle~ins frc~z~ ~he Lea~u~ of California Citie~. M~~~r ~or~~ext~ is still wi~h th~ twc~ ~~.x reform ~a~,lls Jarvis & Behr, Cau~cilman ~~1l~gher r~q~~~~~d tk~~~ A~semb~~r~mar~ Ha],le~~ b~ notified rega~ding k~i~ ~~~~g~z~ ~}ao~~ th~ ~u~°c~i~.rg~ tc~ be ~mposed on sal,~ c~f prcperty, which a pravi~ivr~ ~k~~ ~~h~° ~ili. He fel~ th~.s would b~ an' addition~l hnrde~ip oz~ ya~r~g p~~pl~ ~ryir~g ~o ?~uy a house. PRC~RESS REPORT - 911 CQ1~It~T~~A_~~Q~I~j~ SYSTE,~I The Council reviewsd a progress .report fr~m Polfae Chief"Clark on ~:he establishment of a 911 Commun~cations Sy~~cem a.n tha~s County, as mandated by State'law. Tt is anticipated that the system will go.into effect ~n 1982m The - equ~.pment of `the phcne c~npany will no~ be able to la.mit the 91 ~ System to th~.s City's limits, so all emerger~cy calls in the "489-" pref~x area wi11 be answered by the.Sheriff's Offiae and then swi:tahed to the A.Gv Police if they are within' the City. RE'~ORT - SPECIAL MEETTI~G OF S.~,. 0. COt,JNTY AREA COUNCIZ O~, GOVT' S- SPIERLING Councilman:Spierling reported on the special meeting th~-San Luis Obispo County Area Council of Goverrsmenta held on February 6, 1978 to determine who is going to be the lead agency for the plan implementation of ~he Claan Air Acta The Board of Supervisors could 'have been designated,; but most of the cit~es, wishing input inta the p1an, des~.gnated the Area Council of'Governments as ~he lead-agency. AtJTHbRTZE ADDITIONAL ~'t~tNDS FOR SENIOR VAN INSURANCE The Ccuncil read a letter from the San Luis Obispo County & Cities Area ` ~lanni,ng Coordinating Council, requesting additianal funding from ~the City ~elating to an insurance premium for the Senior Vans. After ~~~tncbl discussiony 47w ~~~Y COUNCIL F~~RUARY 14, 1978 ARROYO GR~NDE, C~~I~ORIVTA ~A~E 4 a motion wa~ mad~ b~ C~~~cilm~n ~c~l~gel, ~~~~n~ed ~y Co~~~~lman ~a~lagher and unan~nmusly carxi~dp appr~~~~g ~h~ a~di~ion~~e ~udget~d ~~~nt ~f S94o69 be p~id ~o~ the Senio~ ~an~° i~su~~n~~ ~r~fa~mo ~PROVE 1~IETHOD F'O1Z FiAN~I~I1V~ ~MPLO~I~IE~T`T ~1~~i1k~NCE ~'he Counc~l ~~vie~aed a r~po~~ ~~e~m F°~~,~nc~ Di~~~~~r B~.~~n, z°elating to the unemploymen~ iz~sur~n~~ prog~°~n nY~ncla~~c~ by ~h~ ~~~~~~Y g~~rerrim~nt fo~ all piabl~c employe~so ~ie ~e~~endecl ~ha.t ~h~ a'~ool~d ~~~ad~a~ ~~°~hod be u~ed initially ~3~ °tYae C~°~yD ~a~e~~l~y ~~n~~°ib~xti~n~ 8~i 0 ~ ~ ~i~ne~ °t~~al ~ros~ of each ~npioy~~ p~i~l ir~t~ ~~p~c~aZ fund o A~~~r ~ocanc~l d~~~~a~~~ox~, ~ ~c~~~,~n ~a~~ ~~~1~ 1~g~ ~~~~:~.Ilaman ~allagher, seconded by C~uncilman ~}~~er~,ine~ and ~zn~~~.~a3~~~~,~r ~~~~~~a~ ~~thor~~~ng the F~nance Dire~°to~ ~to u~e ~l~e }~oa~~d f~x~.~l~ ~n~~:~~~ im~legn~n~tation of the atiandat~d unempl~~nerr°~ ~.n~~~an~e p~~g~am. The Coun~il wa~ ~ara~e~necl ~bo~~ ~h~ ~~~e~~~ a~f~~~ thi~ adcl~.tional cost and r~n~.f~catior~s of t~e ~nempl~~rn~~~ ~~~~x~~r~~e pr~g~am ~a~ll k~av~ on the City's Recreati.on Dep~~rtan~n~' ~ pa~°°~ °~i.n?e ~r~~lc~~~ ~umme~° ~el~ ~ ~t ~ras dire~ted that a ~.etter be ~en~ °~o th~ ~~°~y' ~ ~~r3e~~l ~.~gi~3.~°~~,v~ rep~e~~ent~ti~res pointing ~ut th~t °ti~is a~~~~n a.~ p~~~~n~ g~o~xr~~ g~eop~.e ou~ of sa~mmer ~obs a AP~'OINTMENT 0~ REPRES~N'~A`I'~~ ~'O CO~INl~T~`I~ ~L~a COY~NI~`TTE~ -~7~HI~T~ON A m~tion ~ras made by ~oun~~,lmar~ ~~h1~geY, ~e~~ndecl by Counc~lman Gall~ghe~ anc~ ~~~n~m~~ns~y ~a~~~e~l, a~poin~.~,ng ~~~1~~ R~~rea°tion Comm~s~~.oner Dorav~ J~hnso~a t~ ~he .~~~r~y~ ~~=~n~~ ~om~~~i~~ ~~i~~1~~.g ~ommi~t~ee? a~ recommended b}~ that Co~ni~~ior~ o f2ENANSTNCa O~° C:~'I'S~ PA12IC ~3N ~n10Z3DTrI~TT~ A~1vITE - n~„~~~'JLT~, PEG'UEI~TO/e - The Counci~ re~~~wed ~~ec~[r~enda°t~on ~~°om ~h~ Fark~ & R~ecreation ~omm~ssion °~ha°t °tY~~ ~gr?al~. p~~~C on Pn7o~d~.~nd A~re~au~ g fo~m.e~l~r known as "Poquito Verde P~,~k", be ~~n~zned "Fa~~u~ P~qu~n~°1, ~h~.~l~ ~e+~°t~~ ~~~lec°~~ t.l~e nam~.ng of the park in ~parn~~~, A~~e~° C~~xn~~l cl~s~u~si~n, ~~rmin~~t~~~~~ B~~~~ ~~~c~ °~he t~.tle ~f a resolu°ti~n ren~n~.ng a~e~~~.~~ ~i~~r Pa~~k; ~k~~rea~~~~, ~ m~~ion ~aas ~ade by ~ouncilmar~ Sch~eg~ly ~e~oa~decl b~ ~oa~r~~~7m~n ~g~~erl~ng ~~ad ~xnar~~.m~~~sl~r ~~~r~ed, °~o ~~.~pen~~ ~a~°th ~°eacl~ng the b~~a~~~ o~ t~~~ ~e~~~~°~~~~e ~SOi~tT`~'~"~7~T ~T~ o ~ 3 ~ 4 A RE~~I~U'~ION OE` THE ~~TY ~C)~T~~~ ~E` ~°Ei~ ~F' ~I~03~~ ~1~11V~E ~~R~C'~~~1C; °~'HE D1~ OF° ~ ~~T°5~ ~ t1~~~iJu' P~~,9LLT~I~IOa~ On mo~~~n ~¢~~r~~~~ta~ G~1.~~~~~~, ~~~~ncled k~~ ~~un~~~~a~n Spie~~~.a~g and on the f~l3owing ~~11 ~~1~ ~~a~t~.~ ~r.;~~t: AS~ES: ~oun~~~men ~p;~~~°~~ng, G~~~~~he~A ~~hl~~~~, l~iillis and May~r de ~e~ra NOES : Norae ~~~NT e 1Von~ the for~c~oi~~ Resol~~i.;~ ~aa~ ~~~~~d ax~c~ ~~~s ~~~r ~f ~'eb~~~y, 1978m PROPOSEI7 ~~MMM~~°~EE ,~Oi1J'I` 1~~~~,~~IO1~1 ~~OG~I ~~~2 ~~m CCjLT~T~S~ ~ ~~CE~~„E~ Ad~si~i~t~°at~r B~t~~ r~~~e~s~~ ~Y~~~t C~~ar~~°~la~~.~ ~~'_lagl~e~ ~iad pre~i~usly requested ~ joint powre~~ a~~°eeanen~ be p~~~~~~ r,~.~~~ ~~~~r ~a~~~ ~~un~~ ~it~e~ in regard to t~e re~~~~.°~i~o~ ~~~~.~~n~a ~n ~°~~~anp~~~,_~ ~ ~~~¢nit°k~e °ta study °~he fea~~.b~;~i~3~ a yo~.r~~ ~~~g~r:,~?, °~h~ ~.~.~y ~f ~~~:~~r ~i~~r has ~ndi~~i~ed ncs~ ~n~~~e~~~d a ~~~°m~~ ~~~~~m~n~o ~~p~.~~~,~~~~ M~~a~~.~ ~~c3g~st~~ tha~. the Citi~s of" Pi~mo B~a~h ~ncT ~~~~r~~ ,~p~~°oa~Y:~~I ~ pos~~ble ~~in~ p~og~~n af~er ~h~ n~~r C~~~~~~1~ a~~ s~~~~d~, k~~ga p~rs~~nc~ 1b~~a~se o~ clupli~~°t~.ora~ ~n ~he th~~~ citie~' p~~g~~m~ . IQO~~~~ ~PO~I3TNIEI~TT'~ W~:'~~lV PA~IC~ ~~REA'i`~~II~T ~~NYItiY~~S~(3I~T ~he Co~zr~c~l ~~~:~.~~r~~c~ no~~~~ :~~~s~ g~~~s ~ it~~~e~~~~~ ~o~nis~~on~~ CYa~~~a:~, ~7oe I~~ ~~~~ee ~~~t ~;Y~~ ~~l~~w~~~ ~p~~~x~~~n~~ ~~~re 1~~~~ ~r.i~h~n *~;s~~ ~~~azn~~~i~ne ~omm~ity ~~~l~~~g ~~za~~~~~~ ~a 1~~~~~ ~a~d D~~~~e ~oi~~~on; 1~~~~c~at~~ ~ ~oan Ftur~~T~; ~~xd ~~~~r~~~ ~o~~t~~~ - ~'taa~~n~ ~z- ~ ~~k~~<~~ ~~d I~r~th V~n I~T~~~ o ---4'73 C~~ COUNCIL E°EBRUP,RY 14, °8 978 ARROYO CRANDE' CAI~IFOF2NIA PA(;E 5 P,WARD CON°I'R.AC~' F°OR PARK & T~1~,ND~CP,PE AREP, NIP.TI~TT~NAIVCE -~~1~~ ~~E I~P,NDSC~E The C~unc~.l rev~.ewed a repor°t fr~ ~h~ Parks & Re~reats.on Cmmm~ssion setting forth th~ three iraf~rmal b~cl~ ~e~~~ved a pa~°k ~nel l.andscape area maintenance contract fmr a~otx~-tnort~h peri~~1 ~~oin M~.~~h ~~h~mugYa June 3~ , 1978 m Bids received wre~°e a~ ~ollows m Kar~.~~k~nt ~cl Crs~ at ~480 p~r montY~ ~or a°total of $1,91U; Busy Bee L,and~cape & M~a.rnten~~c~ ~t $294 pe~ m~n~h for a tatal of $1 ,176; and for a five month per~~c1 ~ L~~a~ ~a~C b~eT $490 p~~ month f~r a total of $2,450.OD, After C~uncil discu~~ion, a ms~~~~n was ~nade by ~~~c~.].man Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Spierlia~g ana3 ~nanimoans~,y ca~r~.ed, a~cepting the b~d ~rom Busy Bee L~nd~cape & Main°t~nanc~ $~94000 p~~ m~nth and awardirng said firm the four-mon~h con°trac~ t~ maia~~.~~~ ~~rtas~n p~~9c and laa~~T~cap~ areas in °the City frein March °9 978 ~hrou~h ~~xrae 3~, ~ 97~ y f~~ ~ tot~l fee ~f 76 a 00 a RECEIPT OF P,NNUP,L REPOR°I'~ ~°ROM P~IdICE DE~P~Ft~'NI~1~1P1' S~ RE~ERi~E P1~OGRAM F'~R 19`77 The Council received and reviewecl ~h~ ~.r~~al. rep~~°ts for 1977 from th~ Arroy~ Grande Police Departinent and ~t~ F~~.i~e Re~~~°wre Pr~~ramo The Council comanended the Depaz°tm~nt and tl~~ R~~~rv~s y st~.ti~a~ ~,ts ~pp~~ciation for ~he good work ithey clo. 7"he ~oun~il direc~~cl ~h~~ ~~:~~t~~ be ~ez~t t~ °th~ Fo].i~e Depart- ment and the Reserve~ l~~.ting ~tl~~ ~cnow ~he ~ouaac~7. aw~a~e ~.n~l appreciative of the fine job they do, RECEIPT OF° ,AUDI~ REPOR~ RE, P.~. RECO~ K~~P~1~TG - DEP~o ~E° JUSTIGE ~'Y~e Coun~il r~~~~wecl ~~et~~~ ~,rns1 rep~~t ~'~°onn t~a~ ~~.~,~~'ox°nia Department of J'~~ti~e, reg~xcl~r~g a~~cez~t audi~ m~c~~ ~f ~~,e P~~,~~~ ~~p~~°~ment ~elata.ng to t~~i~° ~~p~,~axi~e w~,~~ C~l~~o~~~~ ~~gu~~,~~.o~a~ ~~~~~~~r~~ ~a~ ~~~ap~~ use and control ~i~ ~~im~n~l c~ffe~ele~ ~~~o~d in~o~n~~~o~~ ~a~~~.~t d~~~~~~~d °tha°~ the Police ;~ep~~~m~~~t ~s~~al~~d ~ri~,~ ~1~ ~~c~,i~~m~n~~ ~~d ~~~t ~h~ ~~a~f ~,~n;dle~ the procedures i~ ~ v~~}r compe~~~~k ~,ar~~~~°s ~CE~~T OE" P,NNUP,~ ~~~i~~' ~p7~ ~ 976-77 ~~NT aT~,,~'~ B0~ 0~° EQt~~1LIZAT~ON ~nini~~~~~~~ ~a~~~~ ~z~g~~~~, t~~,~ ~~~~~,1 ~1~~t ~n.~ ~~py ~af ~he annual ~+~por~ ~~a~ 1976-77 ~~~an ~~x~ a~~~~ o~ ~~~~~.~,~a~~,o~a h~~ b~en ~e~eived and ~r~ £~.le in ~1~~ ~~~r~~~,n~ ~~p~~~~~~ ~~yo~~"~ ~~v~:~~vm ~CEx~"~ DR~1F°~ ~'A~ ~~1~ ~~J~~ ~ _ A ~cux~~~l ~~c~~~~~~ ~a~c~ ~~vi~~a~~ ~~~a~~s ~~~~t}r ° ~ ~+relimi,nary Dia~u~~~i~a~ D~~~~ of ~Y~~ 01~~~ ~~i~ ~~y ~~~z~~a~a~~ A~~~" o H~ ~am~ra~t~d out severa.l a~e~tion~ ir~ ~kl~~ ~°~p~~~ ~~~~ka ~ b~ ~o~a~~~~ ~a~ ~~anz~~~.~, an~ ~tated ~tha~ City ~°~,pr~~~r~~~~iv~~ rai~,~. ~~~~r~~ m~~~~~~~ ~1~~ ~~,~tt~9 ~i~~~ ~,°ts input. AUTHORIZE R:CGFi'I' OF WAY '1"~ ~ . G . 6~ ~ . ~ ~ ~~~'~'"1' 7'he Councf~, ~~~i~~a~sl ~ ~~c,~~~~ ~~oz~ ~a~;~~~~ ~ ~~~~,~~~~c Ce~mp~y (P.G~&: E.) ar~d ~ repo~°~ s~n s rega~cli~~ ~1~~~~~~~~, ~~:~v~~~~ a pr~~rate . l~~me, The ~a~sam~n~ v~ou~~ p~~~~~~~ ~r~ ~k~~ N~p~ Nl~~a, ad~~c~x~t ~c p~r~,per°t~? ~eix~c~ ~e~~~~ ~o °~Y~~ ~~~a~~~~~~~~~ ~~.~sa~ C~~, ~ir~~°t~~ o~ Publ~~ Wor]cs P,r~c~~r~~~a r~c ~r~ecl ~~a~ i~ g~~~~~dl, ~~~g~o~~~led and sY~oulci be place~ along ~Yte ~h~ C~ty ,~~cs~~~~~ ~ A~t~~ Caun~,i7. e1i~~~~s~,or~, ~ sn~~~,~~: ~a~s zn~s~~ ~y ~o~~i~~n ~~ierlanc~, aeconded by ~~~~~ilm~.sa ~~~1ag~a~~ ~~ci ~~~~~~d, ~.~~h~~°~z3,~a~ t;~~ ~ta~r~~c and City Clerk tcs sig~, ~r~ J~h~l,f oa~ ~k~~ ~~.°~y~ ~~~~zn~~a~ ~.c~~~~n~n~ Pe~@ & E. ~ra a portgcan of Ci~y~-awr~ed p~op~~~y 1~~~5~~~ Nt~~~, p~re~~r~~.~a~~ ~that °~h~ lines ~~e under- ~roundsd and ~s~,a~~d al~r~~ °~lae ~~s~~~~ tla~ pr~~s~a~~°~~r m REPORZ' - ~OUN~"Y WP,TER ~SOU~~~ ~TT~C?~2,X ~~N~L~~'~'EE NYEETII~ No repc~~°~ wa~ ~~~~d ~m t1~e ~`~b~~~~ ~~t m~~~irac~ of ~tY~e ~~s~xnty Wa°~er Resourcea Advi~c~~y C~ms~a~~~~~, ~s c~z~~ ~~~m ~~ae ~i~~r had be~~n abl~ to a°t°tenel. RECETPT OF MTNU~E~ ~1Z~3M ~P,1~T~~, BARB~. ~n1A~~~ ~~UFt~~9~ ~~?~d11~TCIL 1~ETING The Co~~il ~e~~~v~~. aa~d ~~~i~~~d ~h~ ~n~„~a~t~~ ~f ~h~ ~~u~~ ~ 8th mee°t~.ng of ~h~ ~1ate~ Pu~s~ve~rors C~aurac~l ~a~~~ C~aaara~y a D~CU~~3N I2E ~~C~" 453 "RAIJCI~~1 B C~'~ ~ A~T~OL~1 OG~Ed~~TCY CDF 5Q0 ~7IA LP. ~ ~A ~i~~ ~°~s~~~l~ r~v~~w~e1 ~ ~ep~~°~ ~m~~.~~~~° I~~p, r~~~a~enclira~ appr~~~l "1'.L'"~~°~ o ~ J~ g t1~.Y1C.°a12'1 ~acL B~IC.K'~.E3Ga`~°t ~ ~ ~~~"t~~.p3 ~L~~IIC9~ ~Rll d °~bAl'~~°Y1 ~~.S~~s ~"1~ST~ ~~~~m~n~~~.sh~dle His r~po~°~ a~,~c~ ~~~~~d ~,'h~.~ a~u~~.s~~~~an~~ bon~ bn the ~nour~~ :~~~~50~ ta~a~ b~~ttn pro~r~d~el ~h,~ kay th~ ~~~a~~.v~d~~°, ~rh~.~h i~ ~.n a~~~c°~ ~~a~° ~~n~ ~~a~° f~~m °~he dat~ ~~n~~. a~~~~a~~ra~~ c~~ ~k~~ ~~~~~,e 4'74 C~~JNC~~ F`~~r~LT7~Y 114 ~ ~ 978 ARft~Y~ ~R~IVDE, ~.~~~E'~f2N~~ ,~A~E C D~r~~to~ ~f ~~1~.~ G~~~°k~ ~~~~~r~~~~d~~l ~g~~~~~ appr~v~~ ~f the tra~°~ ~t ~h~.~ t~ree, a~ ~~~m~ h~~r~ ~5~~~ ~~~~~~~~d, ~ol~.ow~ o slope d~~i~~s~e di~~h ~nd ~~~n°~~.n~o ~~s°t b~ the ~ally Ho/ Hwys 227 wr~°ke~ l~~e: 3~ pas~~~~ ~Y~~~ ~~~~i~~~~r ~~~~v ~.~~1 ~1ea.~, ~p of the st~eetso C~un~~~n~n Ga~lagh~~ ~~a~~~ h~~ ~~~~~5~rr i~~~Ldir~g p~n~l~ wh~.ch he ~~l,t ~n~a~~t be ~nsuf~~,~~e~~ ~a~~ fa~~~t ~~p du~ing °th~ ~e~ea~t ~to~m. FI~ ~u~the~ s~~°t~~ h~s ~ ~e~~l~~~~~~~a ~Y~~~ ~r~~~ ~~a be pu~t i~am ~'k~~~ ~vill be ~he~~c.eel o~°t b3~ C~,~~ Beverly ~~~~~n~, ~'~Y~~ ~I~ ~~~~v ~z~~1~~~~~~ ~ora~e~n~ ab~ut ~Yne tract, ~~~~~rag that a~°~h~~g~i ~~~~~~.1 ~a~c~ ~~:;~.~~s~~~~~ ~~e ~~~~e kae ~c~~p.~.ed, the~°~ ~er~ t~r~ ~ouse~ 1~~~~g ~~~~~~~~~e M~.l~~ Fo~~e~~, ~~~a~~~~~~~a~,a ~~E ~ta~ ~~~~e 500 iTia La ~~r~°anca, ~nrt~~~~ i~ tYs~ s~con~ ~~~n~ ~~~~~~~~e~ ~~~t~p~.ed~ s~t~°ted ~o°t ~°~~~~~°tly occ~xp~edl, ~Z~°~ ho~n~~~a~~~ ~~~1~~ ~~~~~~rie ~ard~h~.p ~r~ n~t be~.ng ~~l~~nresl ~cc~p~a~c~r ~s ~3~~ ~~~1~ ~~n~,~~ ~,x~ ~ ~~~~~:~oom apar'tm~n°te D~r~~~o~ ~~1.~~ ~1~~~~ ~;~~~~or~ ~~~~~n~~ ~~e ~e~~~~~.1 °tha~ °~~ao bacte~ial te~~~ ha~e ~~er~ m~~~ o~ ^~~e ~s~~~~ ~~c~ ~ailed °t~ p~s~ requ~red ~~a~d~rd~o Pa~~ G~~h~y, 5Q0 ~7~~ ~~~.~~d he i~ not ~iv~r~g ~.n tl~e ~~~a~~e ~Y~~n~~e~h 1~~ ~a~~ ~i~~.~n~~~g~ i~ ~to~age m He ~~z~t~e~° ~~a~ed °t~a~ Y~i~ ~io~~~ i~ ~~~~Ces~ 1~~~~ "~~~a~~ H~ wa°ter sy~°tem and not the ~~~h ~,s ~~~~~.ng ~~~°~~~~a~ ~i~ ~~~~~~a~ed ~t~e ~arclsh~ps being c~.~~~~ h~ ~nd Y~~~ ~~l~~a~~ ~~~~pas~c3~ of his housem ~Y~~ Coa~~~~ ~an~~~~~~ ~~s~~~~~~~ ~.~ng~h ~nr~t~ °~he C~.ty ~ns3 ~it~~~nsm ~~a az~~~~~ t~ ~~^~~~~~.~r~~ M~~~~~, ~~~y ~,~°t~~~ey Sl~~psey ~°~~ted ~n~t f~e~,~ ~~e~~ ~v~~ ~n3~ ~,~~b~~,~~~ ~~~~a~~ ~n th~ pa~~ o~ t~.~ Cit~ un~~l it :~.~~e~~~ t~~ ~~u~~~,~~~~ ;~h~~~~~ ~~~t ~~~it ithe ~s~+~y has ~he bond ~~a~~~3r ~~d ~~n ~n ~rny °~~rn~ f~~~~ ~z~~~ ~~~~~~~,~~~e ha~ ~o~ fu1~~Yled k~is ~~~.~ga~~o~ th~ C~~~r ~~c~ ~l~ ~~~-a~ ~~a~ ~~e ~~~t~ out ~he boz~d ~n~ney ~~~°~C ~h~~~e hi~no ~~~e~~o~ ~~a~~~ ~~.~~~~z~ ~~~~ecl tk~~.~ ~his r~ras ~or~°ec°t, ~~~are~na°~~,~~, ~~~~~m~~~o ~r:~~~ °the ~o~z~~~l lcrio~ a~ ~ts r~~~t ~~~~~~.~e~ wh~t °~he~ ~e~~rn~~a~~,o~ ~~c ~~~a~~s~~~~~~ ~g~e~ment ~sa C~~~~~~,aa~ ~p~~~9~~~~ ~mp~a~ize~ t~at ~~~t ho~se Y~~ r~r~~~~ ~~~~°o~e ~~~~~y~arn~y ~aa ~h;~~ °~aa~ ~ m ~ A~te~ ~~u~~~5~ ~3~i~~~~~~~~~ ~b~ ~~~sga~~l~nan Ga~.~.~g~i~~°e ~~~~~c3ed by ~~~rn~i~€~n ~p~~~~~~~ ~~c~ ~°~a~ t,~~~~~r~~~ ~aa~~ ~ro~e9 ~nrit: o ~~~~3~~rt~n ~~ai~~l~~n~, ~~.~~~g~~~ ~ k~~~~~~ ~r~~ Ni~g~~~ ~e ~eo~z; NC?E~ e ~~~~~lm m~.~ I~Ii~~~.~a ~~~N~'a ~a~~~~ ~~a~~,~a.~n~ °.~~~.~a~y 50d V~.a I~a ~3~.~~a~~~ by °th~ G~~~a~ fa~~~~ y ~~Ya~ ~c~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~a~e~~a~~~ ° ~ ~pp~~~~l o ~ounc~l~~~. ~~hlee~~l :~°~q~ze~~~~ ~he ~'~actas ~~~~a~~ e~pe~~er~~~ ~~a~~a~e~~:~~~°~ ~~~~b ~~~~~raing ~~e ~~~~i~°~ ~~~i~~~ in ~1~eady ~g~~~~~~ i~ ~~~~~t~ Cour~~~~i~~ ~I~llis ~~~3~~raed I~i~ ~e~~~~ s ~;n~s~~~ ~~p~~hize~ w~~h ~h~ ~~~1~ ~1~~ :a.~~~ 1a~ ;~~~g~r~~~~, ~~a~ d~~~~~lo~e~°~ ~*~1~ ~°~~~~~~n~e ~~~lz t~~ t~~~ ~ ~P~1~~ P~~~I~. 1tAP ~C's9 J- ;~s.~ ~ ,~T~~~YZ ~~rc"tu~7'; ~~~°~~~k~~- ~°ub~~.~ ~55~~~~ ~~s~~~.~~~ ~az~~ ~ ~o~~ ~t~~ ~G%A~383~ r~~1~~~~~;~ ~ ~~~~e ~1~~ '~°~~~~~A ~ra ~i~~~ ~~~e~~ ~r~~~ ~c~~~~~~¢ Gv~;~ A ~~~o~~ ~~~cs~uc~e~~~,m ~~a th~ b~ I~~r~p ~~,F~;~ ~ ~ W ~~,~.~~~~1~ ~~~er C~~ra~~~ ~~~~~x~~~~~~ ~ n~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~m~~ ~~~,~~g~~A ~~~c~ne~~d ~S~ C~~an~~~~n~.a~ ~~1~~~gh~~~ ~~~a~~a~~`-~ ~.~~;~~~d~ as f~~.lo~~m ~ ~ ~~~~f~in~ ~~Ze ~~~~z~~~ea~ent~ s~~ ~¢°r°~ ~p~~~ ~~~a~.~~~~ cl~~i~n~~~ p~~~s i~p~~x~s~ ~p~~~~nt~a~t ~r~t~~ o~ ~~ie ~r~~~~~°~~~~ .~~.r~ ~~~el p~r~d~ ~1~~~.1 ~3~Y~ ~~~~tY~~~ ~~~t~~~~qrt~~°~; ~,;'s #~a~;a ,.~~~~~~n~~~a~ ~h~ ~~~a~opa~~at~ ~t~~e~ ~~c~~o~r~~r~~~ ~r~ `~,~~~,~y~~ Y:~~~~e~e~ecl ~e~~s~~~~ ~a~~m ~c~~~~~~~~~ ~h~ ~~~°d~~~~ ~~~~~u~~~~~: ~n: ~~i~ ~u~r~~~~°.~~n~ ~~~~s ~t~t~,~~.~~~~~ . ~r~, 1~~~~~~ ~~a~ k~n~~~~~an~~~ ~~~e~~~ni~; 4~ f~~~~~,~ ` m N~~~ ~.~.~~A~ ~~~a~~~~ ~~a~ az~~ ~~a~~~ga ~ ~a~~~~~~~~ ~~~,~~3. MY~~ ~1~'~ a'~ n 4'75 `;I~Y ~ObTN~~L~ ~~~~~JA~~1 "G 4 8 9 978 P.RRO~~ GRANDE~ ~~1LI~""~~I~iIP, REPOR~ - ~~IT'~°ii ~.~,.I~ T~~JI~ ~5~~~~Q ~~~T'~~ ~7~~~~ ~~~~~~~1~°~~Dt ~fi~~°,~~~~ ~ ~~~ER~ING ~o~~x~~iY~~n ~p~.~~?~~.~~ tY~~ ~~~~nt ~~~°~~~ag ~f ~3~~ ~a~xth ~ar~ L~uis Obi~p~ ~~~n1t~ ~V~ter ~4~~~~~~~~~~, x~~ga~~ ~d~and~~a~~~r~ ~he ground~ater bass.~a, ~ le~te~ h~d ~~en ~~~.~Y ~~~~n ~~m~~~ ~~~y ~r~~~~~r~ ~~,~t~ ~1a~y ra~t °t~i~~C ~c1~ur~~~~.°~~.~n ~e~~~~a~°~ a~ ~,~a~~ ~r~~Y~ ~~~ee~l~ ~olu~~~~r ~g~~~~a~~~ ~p~p~a~°~~~~a ~~~Y~~~ o~ tY~~ ba~~ra, if ~ai~ a~~eegnen~ ~r~~lucle~l "a ~a~~~~~~t~~ ~~~a~.~~~a~~.~~, a~a~~~ ~he I~~pez W~~~~° Con~e~ra~~~n ~n~rag ~1~~ a~~n~.~~~~~~~" ~~~~.~o ~~~a~~~~m~~~~ ~~~~~l~~g ~ep~~te~l ~~~t ~n ~ ~~e~~~~~:~~~ ~~~ara ~Y~~ B~a~~b t~~~r ~~~~~~nend ~that ~der~~~~u~,d ~r~~e~ ~k~~a~~,~ ~a~ ~s~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~°~~~x?~ ~~°~g~~ b~~n es°~ab~.~~~h~e~ ~ CONI?~~"~~~TAL ~P~OiY~, ~i~3~°~~ ~ U~~'~ ~N ~ ~~k7~~ ~k" B~ s~~ l~o ~'~e ~o~n~~.~ ~~~d ~ ~~~°k~~ ~~~~~~cl 20~d ~ ~~qu~~°ti~~ w~te~ ~~~~r~~e J~~~ p~~p~~~3a ~~~~~~ri~~~~~ ~ ~a~~p~~~d ~~~.t~-~~~~~ ~~n~~a~~a~, Aclnt~~~~°t~at~~ ~t~~~~ ~e~~~~~~1 ~k~~ ° ~ ~a~~~~~~~~n ~~pY~~~t~~~ ~h~s ~~e~. l'o~ir~~ ~~r~s~~~~~~~ ~a~r ~r~~ ~r~~~ ~k~~ a~~li~a°t~o~~ ~o ~~Z~~ Board of s~pe~~~~~~~ ~~r ~~n~~s3e~a~~,~~°xm ~k~~ ~:~~n~~~ ~~q~ze.~~ ~~~n~ ~ri~~ ~he ~a~her ~~~~~tr~~t~~~ ~~k~~g ~~~~e ~~~do ~~n~~~x~~ ~,a~~~ ~~i~~~ by ~,Yne ~oura~i~ a~ f~~~~°~ ~a~~~~~ 1~~~~ ~n ~~~a °~~a~ ~ ~ C~~~~~~°k~o~ Eleinen~ ; °~he ~~nst~u~t~~~ ~r~~ Y~y~~~ ~1~e ~~x~~c~~n~~s a~d ~~~~~a~e ~~~z~~ laea~~~ ~~.lo~reeT ~h~ C~~r~~y, ~"F~~ ~c~~~~,~~Y ~T~~~~~~~1 °~h~~ ~'t~~~ ~~e ~~rcul~- ~io~ E~em~n~ an~ ~ ~.~ne ~o~~ A ~r~ ~r~e~ o ~h~ ~~a~~~~~~n~t ~ develop- ~ ~n~nt~ b~~~g ~~~a~~~~~~~a ~2~acie ~.Y~~ ~~~p~~e~ ~1~~~~¢~~~e~~~ ~.he eas°~ sicle ~Ii~~,~~~ ~~~Je ~n~ ~~a~~ b~ixa~ a a~~~~~ ~t~e~~~ ~~~x~~ne~s ~~ux~~~~~a~.~ ~~~g~~ ~d~ ~~~r~~~ ~~~~~~~1 ~~a~ ~k~~ ~~~~c~ a~~~ a~~~~~° ~~~,~~~~~~~~~x~ ~raa~~~~.~~~n ~k~~ C~ty° ~ncl t~a~ ~~e~nr ~f ~hi~g ~rY~~~h~~ ~,h~ ~~a~~~Y p~~rr€it~ec~ ~o ~g~~~~~e ~a~~~d~n~ ~S~~a~~ ~a~~ ~l~at ~r~a, Co~~~~~i~ra i~Y~~l~~ ~~an~ ~tia~s~ ~f ~~~°Jc~ng re~~ti~~a~~i~ ~r~t~~ ~he ~o~~~~ ~md r~~~ds ~~g~~d~~g ~~~~~.~~°d~~ n~ mo~e ~ ~~~ts~~wr~~~ d~°~~,~~~~ ~~~w~r~ ~~~~u.~ ~~~~~~d ~r~ ~ ~~~~~~a~l~r ~om~~e~~d ~~~~~ent ~~m~r~~~ ~3~°a~~~oo ~ft~~° ~¢~~r~~~~ c~~~~u~~~~~ag ~~e ~~~~~rk~°~~ ~a~~ ~~~y ~t~~~~ ~t~~y °~k~~ Ci~c~l~t~~~ ~le~n~n~ an~ p~~~ ~~~~~o R~~~; ~s~d °~~at City ~,rat~~ ~ae ~~°~n°~~d ~t~~k~~~~ R~~ ~f E ~~~c~~ pr~~~d~ra~ he~ ~~gns a ~ ~o~r~~~n~ ~~~°~~~ng ~r~~~~e~~~~~9 k~~~ ~~~~.~~,A~ ~n~l ~~a?.~~~e b~ s~bjec~ ~i~ty ap~~o~~~a ~zECE~P~ ~OP~~ ~P,'2"~~2 ~0~~~~~`~ ~~~~~~T~ ~~3I~ i i 9 ~'h~ ~~~~s~~~Y ~~~r~~w~~~ ~~a~ ~fi~~~~ ~~~b~:~~~~ ~e~~ ~~378-7~~ ~k~.~~a ~ 5~0,~00 ~~~~°~a~~ ~~e~ ~o~a~t~ ~~~a~ $368~608 th~,~ ~~~~~Y y~~~ $~~8y9~~ f~~ °~he ~~~u~~°~~ ~Y~~ ma~~ re~~~n ~..n~~°~~~~ ~ ~ ~ S2~ ~ 400 ~~a~~~~~~ _'a~~ ~~~~~~~a~~~~~ ~ c7~~~~°~~~n, ~a~~~ no ~red~~ ~r~ ~tY~~~ po~~~~~°e ~~~m ~~x~ ~r~~~ m ~~~~7 ~F ~v~EZ 1~~'~~ ~'25t'Y ~3~5~~"~~~~ ~1~TI3 ~~~HQ1~9~~ ~ P~P 0~2D~ ~~1~'.~1~TT '~e ~~~~~~T ~ ~ a~'~ ~~p;~~ ~k~~~~°~~~ 1~~~~; ~1,~~;~ ,~~a~ ~:~b:~~; ~~~~a~~~,Y~~~ ~n~~;~a ~.~w~ ~~~r~~~ ~a~s~;~ ~ ~~~~~t~~~ c,~~~~~~, ~ ; ~ , ~~~a ~~~s~~~~g ~~~~a ~i~'~ ~ ~~~~5 1~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~1 a~cl~~~~~~~ ~~a,~~~~ ~~~,~~~::R~a~~ ~~ae~Y~~~ ~o ~~ie ~~cs~ ~ra~~~~~ I~~~~~~~~~ ~c~ ~ =~~~z~~~~ k ~~~~~.~~m z~c~ °th~~ s~a~~~~ p~~~c~~ ;.W ~~;~~r~~~~~ ~~r~ ~~w ~~~~c~~~ ~ ~~~n~~~ gene~~~~~ ~~~e~d ~ ~ ~ t~~~ ~ ~~aq~~F~p~~~~~ ~~rd ~~~e~~~c~ ~r, ~~dl~x~~~~~~ ~~~~~~i~~~~ ~h~°r~~~o Nf~~TCE ~ e ~'I~I2C3~A~ ~?'F` F~~~~N€ ~ ~~~G3~~ D~~~~~~~ +~~a~~ ~ ~'~~`P~ 1~~~ b~en ~~p~~~~~ ~o~ 9 ~ ~~.~7~~nr~~~ ~~r a ~;-~~k~~ ~~~~k~ ~~o~~~zn d~~°~r~g ~;~a~~?,~~a ~ ~~~~~~~~~A ~~~~`i~ ~$E~T~Mf~~'~' ~G~~~~ 4r?~~'~ ~P,~.~ ~'~N~ ~m ~i~~d3~~~ ~~~"'~'~~TF,I~fi~~ ~ :a~~#~~~ f~~~ ~~~~.r~,~~~~ ~~~°~~~~i~~ e~_~-;..;~.i ~~°a ~~~r~~r~~~~ ~~~~~~~ra.~~~ C~~~~r ~~~ii ~,A ~~~~s:~~y~ ~:ra•~ ~~°~~rH ~y ~'~~~r~ ~'~a~ ~m~~~~~~~ ;,<.a§ ~:~:~~+~~i~r~~~, ~~~~~r~~ ~~~z~~~~x~~.~^~ ~esp~~a~~~~A~~~~~ , ~ u~~~~.~~~ ~~~~i~~~ ~~~~i~ a,r~.~ ~ uA~ ~I~~.r~~~~ 1~~~~ c~~~~~°~~o 4'76 CITY COUNCIL' FEBRUARY 14' 1978 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 8 After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallgher, seconded by Couneilman Spierling and ~nanimously carried, app~ovi.ng Amendment One to the Highway Maintenance P,greement with the Dep~rioment of Transport~tion, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign, on behalf of the City, ~aid Amendment. APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 689. "0~1K PARK VILLAS" (LOT 7 OF" OA3Z PARK ACRES) Planning Director Castro reviewed the Tentative Tract Map 689, "Oak Park Vi11aS", wh~.ch is Parcel #7 of the Oak Park Acres Planned Development. City staff'has placed 32 conditions on this Tract, if approved. A total of 96 dwelling units are planned on 16 acres of the ~8.2 acre parcel, with the remainder to be used as a passive type park area. A par°`tian of" the dwellings ~rill house families, and 6.8 acr~s will be for adult onl~ housing. Planning Director Castro ~°eporteel that the Planning Commission had failed to pass motion~ reco~r?ending appro~ral of denial of the tract, as ~hey were concerned about the curve of Oak Park Boulevard ~djacent to the developmen~ and the point at which the interior street - Meadowlark Avenue - exi~.s onto Oak Park Blvd.; the site locatimn of the proposed neighborhood park; and the grading plan and placement of units in ~elat~an to topograph~ of the parcel. The Council, City staff, devel~pers and area residen~ts discussed at great length the cancern of whe~°~ Meadowlark Avenue meets Oak Park Blvd. Reuben Kvidt, representing Oak Park Acres, pointed out that when Trac~ 604 "Oak Park Acres" was approved, ~the Ci~y Engineer had worked on the ~ri~ibil~ty matter at this Oak Park Boulevard curve with the Tract's engineero Eie further stated that the visibility will be improved more than what it is today when completed and will meet all of the State Depa~~tment of Transportation's ~afety standards. In answer to Councilman Schlegel, Director of Public Works ~lndex°son stated the basic speed limit would be 35 m.pvh. Councilman Millis felt ~he ma°tter should first be referred to °~he Parlcing & Traffi~ Commission for its rev~ew and recommendations and suggested that in the future, that tracts up for approval be considered by that Commission too. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and on the following roll call voteH to wit: AYES: Councilmen Gallagher ~nd Millis; NOES: Councilmen Spierling, Schlegel and Mayor de Leon; ABSENT: None, ~the motion fa~led to refer Tract Map 689 to the Parking & Tra.ff~.c Commiss~on for ~ts study and ~recommendations on the safe°ty aspects of the in~ersection of Meadow~~rk Avenue and Oal~ Park ]Boulevard, and that their ~ecommenda- tions be brought ba~lc t~ ~the Council a°~ its next regula~ meeting of Feb~°uary 28, ~978. After additional Council discussion, a mo°tion was rr?ade b~ Councilman Schlege~, seconded by Councilman Sp~erling and on the following roll caTl vote, to wi°~: AYES: Councilinen Spierl~.nc~, Schlegel and 1~Iayo~° ~e Leoa~; ~T~E~: Counca.lmen Gallagh~~° and Millis; .°9BSENT: None, the motion carried ~o approve ~~n~ati~re Trac°t Map Nom 689, subject to the following conditions: 1) Developmen°t to car~form °t~ a11 requirements and conditions of Ordinance 140 C.S. and 150 C.S~; 2) Street lights per PaG. & E. standards. Ornamental poles to be locat~d behind sidew~lks; 3) Street signs ~nd traffic regulatory sign~ to City requ~rements; 4) Drivewa~ slopes °to conform to Cgty standards; 5) Struc~ural section of Oak Park Boulevard to be 2°' A.Co over 8" A.B, minimum, pr per R values Fi~ O~k Park Bou3evard impr~vement~ tc~ San Luis ~bispo Caunty and/or City requiremen°t~; '7 ) Oak ~ark Boul.evard ~mp~°ov~er~ts to be :~oncret~ curb, gutter and 10 ft, sidew~l.lc, 34 ftm pavement (~~aa~ 12e driving lanes and o~ae 10' parking lane) adjacent to Tract, and 34 ~°t. ~aaving betvaeen tract and West B~anch Street intersection; 8) Nec~ssary ~°ight of way declicati~r~s; 9~ No lot access to Oak Park Boulevard; 10) Mino~c street structu~al sections to ~e 2" AaC~ aver 6" A.B. m~.nal.mum, or per R valr~ea 1~~ Minor streets to be 52 ft. rig~tc of w~y - 40 ft. pavingy 6' integral sidewalks with cancre~e curb and gut°ter, 10 ft. street tree and Public Utility Easement; 12) Cul-de-sac radii 52 ft. minimum to prop~rty line ancl 45 ftm to curb face; 13) Tract d~°ainage subje~°t ~o fu~ther review and appro~al by Public Works Department; 14} Control drainage from back of lots into greenbel~t; 15) Dra~nage plan discharging to greenbelt to be approved by owner of greenbelt; 16) Improvemer~t water to street unles~ otherwise approved; 17) Runoff calculations to be subm~.tted and approved by Public Works Dept; 18) Gracling Plan to Public Works Depar°tment approval and subject to ~ppropriate ordinances; 19) Tract raater s~stem shall lae Asbestos Cement Pipe Class 150; 20) A11 line valves 6" and under shall be Clow R/t~7 gate valve; over 12" to be Dresser 45Q Butterfly; all tees to be ring tite by Fl~.r~ge; Valve Tocations to be app~°oved with improvement plans, 21) Individual water and s~~r~r ser~rice to each lot; 22j Trac°t sewer system shall be 6" V.C.Pe; 23) Hydrant and ~low requiremen°ts to be met per Fire Department standards and memo on fi~e in ithe Plann3ng Department~s Tract 689 file; 24) Entire projec°t subject to Archit~ctr~ral Review Comm~ttee review and app~oval; 25) Redesign of driveways for Lots 8, ~0, 83n - 4'7'7 CITY COUNCIL F°E~RiT~tY ~ 4, 1978 ARROYO GR~NDE, CALIF°ORN~A PAGE 9 87 :and 96, subj~ct to approval of Pl~nn~.ng Di~°ector8 26~ Tr~ct }~undar3r fence detail to Plann~.ng Director'~ app~oval; 27~ ~x^xy }oropm~~~ ~~ee remova7. sul~jec~t to Planns.ng Depar°tment re~riew and Comm~ssion ~ppr~v~.~; 28~ ~To pa~°k~.ng on e~.ther cul-de- sac; 29) All ~lopes and dr~inage facil.itie~ out~ide a~ t~~.ct boundar~ mus~ have appropriate easemerats ~n~l maintenanc~ agre~merat~; 3U) It be n~ted on the final, map that Unit g+, i~ f~~ adults on~.y~ and Ura~t ~~s ~or f~ni.lies9 and ~pp~opr~,ate deed restrict~ons be pla~ed on individual lots; 3~) Pa~~ ~~es o~ $°~UOo00 per lo°t ~ be paid; and 32) Stree°~ tree ~ees at th~ rate of $12050 pe~ tree b~ pai~ on ~e basis of one tree per each 50 f~m ~f frontagem REV~EW OE° PROPOSED ZO1~TG RANGE SOLiJ~'IO1J ~O '~AI,I~Y Fi0 I)1~I1J~11GE PROBr•F~? Adm~.nistr~tor Butch rev~.~~ve~l ~our p~ssib~.e d~rect~ons the City is investigating a.n an ef~ox°t t~ aYlev~a°~~ the Tal~y Ho d~°a~rsage probl~m~ o i~e outl~:n~d them as foll.owrs: 1) P, mee~~,ng ha~ been ~et z~p w~.tl~ ~ff~~i~1.s f~¢~m the federal Department of Hou~ingr and ~Urban Dev~l~p~nen~ ~H~) °to ~e~ if t1~ey have funds available for public worls~ project~ in sma].1 ~it~~s, 2~ Congressm~n Laga- marsino's ~ffice is lookinq into ~ou~° or ~iv~ g~can°t po~~~il.i~fe~ iEor which the City may be eligib].e; 3? the Dep~~~tm~n~ m~ ~oi~ Con~~~ration w~.ll be asked t~ clo engineering work on the p~ep~~a~.~.on of a ma~t~~r flood ~~n~rol pl.~n; and 4) tJss "feed money" from the County, which has to be paid bacls, bu~ wi1~h the money an engineer could be h~r~d ~~o ~tart a~ a~se~~m~nt ~~s~k~i~t stud~rA The Council cliscu~~~d t~h~ ~rarious po~~i~ilitie~q ag~eeing that this matter sh4ulsl be pur~~~d with d~.~,~~~~~~ ~x~~ ~,ha~ cc~~°~ ~~t~.~n~~~~ ~th~ engine~~r~ng be sought ~irs~ks a.s~ ~a~~ ~~e°~l~a~~~ ~~~x~~ ~~~~u~h fa~x wh~.~ka ~.h~ ~os~~ ~,ri,~.]. have to 1~ ~,~ec~i~tel~A ~~~~~~1~~~ ~~l~~s~~,~~ ~~~~~~~~d ~h~+~ ~~~t ~~timat~s fox ~r~gine~ri~ng be g~~~~s~ ~'o~ 25, ~0, 1 Q~ ~e~~° ~~~~n inte~a~it~~~ ~ COU~TC~LMAN ~aAI~P,GHER ~~k"~" ~i~ 1t~~'~'~~1~, ~J~ N~(nl ~ a~1vTo Mx°~e ~~c~~°~ g~ ~T~ 1~~~ ~~e~~~°~~cT ~ca~n~~~. ~r~.~h ~op~~s +~f a rsport en.titl~~1 !'~,c~~g ~~~~.~a~~ ~~~~x~ ~a~ '~'~~l~r Ro~d ~i~°~~°° , px°ep~~~d and ~ubmit= t~a ~y ~e~~,de~~s ~o ~~~~4 Ru~Y~ ~rs~k~.e~r, ~~Z f~~ ~ ~~~,~~c~ ~ha~k ~1~~ ~l~~d~aac~ w~~~rs ha~, h~.d, ~ di~fiir~ct s~w~g~ ~m~~~. a~~ ~k~~~~~~ ~~a~~~ ~ni~~~ ~.~L~c~ l~~ s~~a~~° p~roblem4 D~are~t~r of Pub~:ic Work ~nsl~~°~c~a~ ~a~~n~~ ~~.~~~c ~n~k~a t~,~.~ z~a~~e~9 p~o~~~s ~ ~os ~u~~ ~~~rrr~~ ~~~~~z~~°r . 'I'h~ ~~~an~~~ ~~~~~~~c~, ~~~~.~wa~cl ~z~d ~~c~~~~~, ~~.l~s~ ~.k~~ M~.~n~~n~ce ax~d ~a~~a~ior~ ~3~0~°~ ~s~r ~r~~ ~~~,r~~ ~~a~ ~~~~Y~ c~~a.s~ae~ Cou~~y Sani~at~.c~~ D~,~s~~i~~, ~o~° ~k~~ ~n~r~~~ F ~ 4 ~ ~~.~~~~~~t¢~r~ Bu~.~h ~eport~d °~h~t ~t~s~ ~~a~~~7~ ~ ~~ap~~~r~~l ~%~~~i~~t ° ~ ~a~~ra~,~ ~ox° ~he ou~fall 1in~, CFi3~L~N~E ~0 COU~T~~S~ Ni~'~~F~ ~~~1~~~~~i Fi~G~ SGHAO~ ~ (BRAI~L~X) Aclniinis~r~,~~~ ~+aa~d w~~~~~n ~~~na~z~~~~~~~~ ~~~n ~~n~~ ~~~dle~, v~hc~ h~d been ~~esent ~r~ m+~~~~~~, ~~~1~w~9 1°I~ ~~~r~~~l w~.~.1 ~e~aag~~~e the hard work of th~ l~~~c~ ~~~ld~~z~ ~vi~k~ ~ p~~~l~m~+~~~x~ ~f ~a~}ape~~~, I w~l,l mat~h c~ntribution~ meznb~r~ ~he ~i°~~ ~s~~~~~.1 fo~ a~to~~~. ~~n~ribax°ti~sz~ by me o~ up tc $25. 00" . ~"h~.~ wa~ fn ~~f~~°~~~~ to ~h~ ~~r~~.~~ ~c~~ra¢~~ ~.~~m ~~q~ses~~ng moraetary ~upport ~o~ th~ Ha.gh S~hc~~~ Ba~~' ~ ~nv~tat~~~~l ~k~°.ip ~.e~ ~~~r~o 0 ADJOURNI4IENT ~z~ zno~i~r~ o~ Co~x~~ilni~a ~pA~~~in~9 ~~~canded ~a~ Go~ara~~~ma~ ~lfYlis and unani- mously c~r~°i~d, °th~ m~~~a.n~ ~~lj ~~~~a~d p~ 0 P<M m ~an~il 4 P oM m~ra F'eb~aazry 21 , 1978 a ATTES°r ~ ~ CT~3t CLE~tK. YvIAYO~t