Minutes 1978-03-14 ! = ~ITY C~LTNCIL M1~RCH 4, 1978 ARROYO GRANDE, ~1~L~EaORNIX~ ~he Ci~y Co~~il met ~n combin~d ~°egular se~sion and a session as requiz°ed by th~ El~~tion Code ~f °the Stat~ of California, wi~h Mayor Gabe de Leon presiding. Upon roll ~all, ~ounc~I Ntembers Matthewr Gallagher, ~r., Calvin Schlegel and Mark Millis repor~~d p~°esent. Councilman A1 Spierling is absent. P?~IEDG~ O~" ALLEC~~ANC~ I~ND INiTOCATION Ma~ror de Leon ~ed ~.he Pleclge of AYleg~ance to our Flag. Rever~nd Duane Kix°~lzrie~D ef t~e Pea~~ Lutheran ~hurch in Arroyo Grand~, deliver~d ~h~ invocation. ~1D~P~' RE~OI~LT~IOI~I RECITTIVG ~°AC~ O~' ~HE GENER~I, MUN~C~PAL ELEC2'IOl~im-MARCH 7, 1978 ~it~r P,t°to~°ney ~h~.psey read the ~~.t1e ~f a r~s~lu~ti~n ~ecit~ng th~ fact ~f March 7~ 1978 g~nera~. ~ra~n~.~ipa~ ~lection y which had I~een consolidat~d ~ai~h the ~oun~ty° ~ special e1.~~tiona A rno°tion vaa~ ~hen m~ele b}r Councilinan Schlegel, s~co~d~c1 b~ Couazc~.lma~ Gallagher arad unanim~~~l~ carz°i~dB °to dispense w~.th read.Yng the ~alarn~e o~ ~hi~ resolutior~ m RE~JIaLTT~ON I~70 a 1315 ~1 3.2E~~LI7~°~ON OF' 'I'I3E C~TY COUNC~I, OF° ~H~ C~T3C OF P,RROYO GR~NDE, C~~FCIRNTP~, RECI~l'~NG `~HE F°1~~T OF THE SPEC~~L 1~'I[71VTC~P~ EI,~C~`~C)1~T CONSO~~DP,~ED T~+TITH ~HE COLJNTY-WIDE s~~~IAZ EL~CTI~N HEY.D 21~T SAID C2T3t OF° I~RROYO GRAI~IDE ViV 1S1G A lil dJLiZ ~l 1`l~it~.ri y 9 7 d O D AJEA.diL-1il.~StlV 1R~s SV.:+s7VdJ1 1RJG^e'.'Vl S1LM~ w7V1.31 V1RL~dt A•!t]1AY:e.Rs7 Cl~ L'1rtr,• p1SllV~LT,L DY JJL2YYo~ s~. :e~~~zl~.~° ~~a~~~~~ rn~~~c~.p~.~ el~c~~.oxa, con~ol~.da°ted w~th the .=~~~~v,~~~'~~~~: ~Y~c~~~~r~~ v~a~ ~eTs~ and c~nd~actecl ~n the City of Arx°oyo Grande, r~°~~t~r ~~is t~~~~~~~ ~:~1i~~~°r?ia, or, T~xe~d~}r, °~he 7°th day of March, ~i 9~ 8 ~ ~.~c1 T~i~~~~~ e r~otice af ~a~d ~~.~~~~on wa~ dazly ax~d rec}u~arly given in t~me, ~~xc~ m~~n~r p~°oviclecl l~y 1.~~aa °tYa~t ~r~°~ing preci.nc~ks were prope~ly ~~~~~I.~.~~~d; ~lec~ion o~f~~~~~ ~aer~ app~si.nted and °that in all respects said ~:~~~~~<~~m w~~ h~~.~ ar~d c~r~c~uc~ecl ~nd ~the ~otes cas~. therea~, rece~veel and canvassed ~~°~c~ ~e°t~ar~a~ made and d~~~arec~ ~n t~me, ~orm anel inanner as required by the ~~c~~r~~~~n~ e~~ ~h~ ~~~~ti~r~s ~od~ ~f th~ ~~ate of Ca].ifo~ni~. ~ox the holdia~g of ~~.~c°t~a~~ ~a~ c~~ta.~~; ~nd ~ ~'I~~~P,~, p9,x~~u~~t ~s~ R~soYut~.on Noa 1307 adopte~ th~ 22nd day a~f No~r~mber, ~~7'~ p~~~ ~'~~t~r C~.er~ °the County of S~n I,~~.~ ~b~.s~~ caravasssd the r~turns of ~~.id e~~~~~~n and h~~ ~~rt~~iecl t~ae ~°esaslt~ to th~.~ ~i°ty ~cauncil, said resu].ts ~°~~~~~~cie a~~~~Y~ed and made ~ part her~of as ]E~ibi~ °1~Na N0V3y "I'I~~~'t7FtE, ~~iE C~°1"~i' COLTNCIL OF' ~I'TiE ~T~ O~ 11RROY0 iaFt~11VDE, C1~IFORNIPi~ DOE~ ~~OL~E P.S ~OZT~bWS : S~CT~OIV 1 a Tha~ °th~re ~r~re s~.~ (6~ ~rot~ng precinct~ established for the purp~s~ of h~~ding sa~d e].ecti~n consisting ~sf ~onsolidations of the regular el~~t~.~a~ p~ec~ncts ~n ~.he City of Arroyo Grande as establi~~ed f~r the hold~.ng o~ sta~e and corxizty election~ m ~~~TiON 2 s That said ~°egular gen~r~l mun~.ci~al ele~~i~n ~ras he~..el for the F~r'P~~~ °~ne follcawing offi~ers of said Cit~ a~ reqa;,ired by the laws re7~~ting to cita~e~ in the State of Cal.~fornia, to wit: Tw~ ~2) l~tember~ of ~he Cit}r Co~zn~i1 0~ saidl Ci~y ~~r the fuli t~rtn o~ fottr C4~ y'ears, ~E~T~ON 3 9 °I'Iza~ a°t ~aid regular general mun~~ip~l ele~t~on tl~e whole niamb~r of ~ote~ c~~°t ~n said Ci°ty (except absent vo~e~ l~allot~) wa~ Two '~'housand One Hur~c3~ed ~ad Se~enty (2170) . ~'hat °the whole nu~e~ of absen°t ~oter b~ll.ot~ ~ast in said City vvas F'i~ty ~50) , ma~~n~ a~ota~. ~f Two ~hottsand Two Eiund~ed ~nd Tcaenty (2220) e ~ECT~Ori7 4, Tha°t °the names of person~ vo°~ed for at said el~ction for Meml~e~ ~f th~ ~3~y Coun~i.l ~f ~aid Citgr ar~ ~s follows: Ron H~.rris Hug~i O. Pope, ~~o 1:2ITlj~eY' 11PT'~C~/1 F`d~~O11eY' ~j~l~Y'~lI'1C~ B' AYlgl ~Ttl lt~"! '~h~t ~Yce ~~e~ v~°~~s given at ea~h precinct and tl~e n~.imber o~' srotes given i~ tl~e Ci°~y t~ e~ctz o~ sucki p~~~mns aboer~ r~amed for ~he office of Council Me~ber f~~ vriz%~h sa~d p~~~ons wae~°~:~ancTidate~ were a~ lssted in Exh~bit ~~Ate attachede --485 CITY COUNCIL MARCH 14, 1978 ARROYO GRP.NDE~ CALIFORNTA PACYE 2 SECTION 5. The City Council does declare and determine that: B'ANN SMITH was elected as Member of the City Council of said City for the full term of four years; HUGH O. POPE,f. JR. was elected as Member-of the City Council of said,City for the full term of four years. SECTION 6. The City Clerk shall enter on the records of the City Council of said City, a statement of the result of said election, shoeaing: (1) The whole number o£ votes cast in the City; (2) The names of the persons voted for; (3) For what office each person was voted for; (4) The number of votes given at each precinct to each person; (5) The number of votes given in the City to each person. SECT~ON °1. That the Gity Clerk shall immediately make and deliver to each of such persons so elected a Certificate of Election signed by the City Clerk and duly authenticated; that ~he City Clerk shall also administer to eacY~ person elected, the Oath of Office prescribed in the State Constitution o£ the State of California ~nd shall have them subscribe thereto and file the same in the Office of the City Clerkd Whereupon, each and all of s~id persons so elected shall be indueted into the respective office to which they have been elected. SECTION 8. That the City Clerk shaTl certify to the passage and adoption of this ~esolution; shall enter the same in the book of original Resolutions of said City; and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meetings at r,ah~ch the same is passed and adoptede On motion of Councglman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Millis and on the following r~ll call vote, to wite AYE~: Councilmen Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Spierling the f~regoing Resolution was passed and adopt~d this 14th day of March, 1978. 486 CITY COUNCIL MAR.CH 14, 1978 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 . ~ . EXHi81T ~~A~~ CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CLERK RESULTS OF CANVASS OF ALL VOTES CAST AT c CONSOLIDATED SPECIAL b~ GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION CITY OF ARROYCI GRAIrIDE ~ MARGH 7, 19?$ OFFICE OF CQUI~ITY GLERK ) CUUNT'Y OF SA~ I~UIS OBISP~}} as . P ~ STATE OF CALIFaRAIIA I, I~ISBETH i~TQI.LAAI~E, ~au~tg C1erk c~€ the County of San Luis Qbf.spo, Stat~ o€ Cali€os~nia, do hereby certify t~tat pursuant to law, I e~id canv~es titi,e retu~ e~f saf~ election h+~ld March 7, 197$, . ft~ aafd CitT crf Ar~o~c~ Gr~~de, astd tha~ the total number of votes cast far eech esndirlste fa~ saf.d ~ity~ and in each of ~ the xespective precincts tt~rei~t, are a~ folic~rs; I~ER QF CITY E~tJ~II. (2 to be elected) _ ~o ° ' ~ L~ 4 ~ p~ ~ Z >c~ •..s p~ H o~~ ~ wo ~ x~ c.°~a E+ a o~a~ aa x a~ w d~n r~ cn 63 331 137 1Q4 18 118 230 64 342 12Q 155 19 14I 143 65 326 I42 I54 37 II0 154 66 426 172 196 31 190 212 67 322 112 122 36 136 188 68 463 262 221 40 212 234 Sub-tota : ; , Absentee vote: SO 19 25 6 20 23 TOTAL VOTES CAST: 2220 864 977 187 1184 ; DA D: ~ s 'y 87 CITY COUNCIL M~;RCH 1.4, 1978 ARROYO GRANDE, CALTFORNIA PAGE 4 ~ ADMINISTRA'T'~'f~N.'OF. ('FATH.. .OF ~_~OF~TC~~ TO NE4VLY ELECTED COUNCIL MF~NIBERS City Clerk del Campo administered the Oath of Office to newly elected Council Members B'Ann Smith and Hugh O. Pope, Jr, and signed and delivered to " each a Certificate of Electione PRESENTATION TO AND COMMENTS BY RETTRTNG COTJ1~tCIL MED2BER SCHLEGEL Mayor de Leon presented to retirinq Council Meinber Schlegel a plaque of appreciation for his service to the City as Mayor from April, 1972 to March, 1976, and Council MemY~er from April, 1966, to March, 1978a Mr. Schlegel stated he has enjoyed his 12 year~ of service and reviewed from~.a prepared statemen~ some of the major things accomplished in the Gity during his tenuree He gave thanks to the City Counc~ls and City Staff and other people he has worked wi~th over the y~ars, writh special thanlcs to Administrator Tom Butch. Mayor de Leon then read resolutions adopted by the glrruyo Grande Chamber of Commerce, coirmiending Calvi.n Schlege2 and A1 Spierl~ng for tizeir dedicated service to the City, SEATING OF NEW COUNCIL MEMBERS AND ELECTION OF MAYOR AND MFIYOR PRO TEM Mayor de Leon invited the newrly elected Cauncil Memb~rs to assiune their places with the Council as he stepped down and turned th~ meeting over to the City Clerk. City ~lerk del Campo placed al~ Counc~l NTe~ers on an equal basis and stat~d nominations for Mayor were novv ~pened. Councilman Pope nominated Matthew Gallagher for Mayor, and that voting be done by secret ballot, whi.ch ncxnination v,ras seconded by Counc~.l Member de Leon. Councilznan Gallagher thanked Councilman Po~e far the nom~.na~ion, but declined to ~ccept it. A mot~,or~~aa~ then made by Councilman Gallagher and seconded by Council Mem~er Smith, to rznan~.mously appesint Mark Irlillis as Mayor. A unanimous: vote failed on the follo~a~ng ~oll call vote, to wite AYESs Council Members Gallagher, ~sn~th ~.nd Millis; NOES: Council Members Pope and de Lecan; ABSENTs None. Councilman de Leon nominated Hugh Pope for Mayvr, but Coun~ilman Pope ia~nnsdi~tely declined fi.he nominationo A motion was then m~de by Councilman Gal~.agher and seconded by Council Member Smi~, naninating M~rk Millis for Iriayor, On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Pope arad carried, nominations for Mayor were closed.- The nomination of Ma~k Nli].13s for Mayor then c~rried on the following roll call vote, to wit: 1~YES: Caiancil M~mbers G~1lagher, :mith and Mill.is; NOESs Council Members Pope and de Leon; ~.B~ENT: None. Ntay~r Millis assumed the chair and declared nominations for Mayor Pro Tem were now opened. Councilman de Leon nr~minated Hu~h Pope for Mayor Pro Tem, whiah nomination d3ed f~r lack of a second, Counci.l Membe~ Smith nominated Matthew Gallagher for Mayor Pro Tem, which was seconded by Mayor Millis aazd carried unanimously on the f~llowing roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Pope, Gallagher, Smith, de Leon and Mayor Millis; NOES: None; ABSENT: None. COMMENTS BY NEW MAYOR AND COj3NCTL MEMBERS Mayor Millis thanked Calvin Schlegel and A1 Spierl~.ng for their service to the City and thanked the Council for electing him as Mayor, He then read a prepared statement outlining what he thinks the priorities are facing Arrayo Grande, as follows: The.number one priority is "ta complete a flood control project for the Tally Ho area by the end of the summer"; secondly, completion of Strother Comnunity Park by ~,~~r-p~+::- 1979; thirdly, expand recreational Qpportunitiess and fourth, get mcving on the projects of the Conununity Building expan~ion and land purchase for a new fire station. He requested that these four po~.nts become regular agenda items v~ith progress reports. Councilman de Leon thanked the Council and Staff for their cooperation while he was Mayor and urged that the Council work for the best interest of all citizens. Councilwanan Smith thanked aTl those who had supported her and stated her enthusiasm and optimiam in carrying on her duties as CourYCil Membera Councilman Pope stated his hope that the Council would work together for the best of all citizens and be truthful in its duties. ~~8 ; CITY COUNCIL MARCH 14, 1978 ARROYO CRANDE', CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 MAYOR M~J'_I~LI~ DECLARED 1~ FIVE MINU".PE RECE~~ ~'he Council reconvened with all Members present, as follows: Mayor Millis presiding and Ccsuncil Members Pape, Gallagher, Smith and de Leon, APPROVAL OF M~NL7'1°Eg On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanunously carried, the minutes for the regular meeting of February 28, 1978, were approved as prepared. APPROVAI, OE° WARRP,N~'S On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded b~r Councilman Gallagher and unaniznously carried, Demand Warrants No, 8126 through No. 8194 and F464 through P482, in the t~t~l atno~nt o]E $211,553011; and Payroll Warrants No. 10961 through Noo 11089, in the total ~nount of $41,042a61, were approved and ordered paid~ MAYOR' S~POTN@I°MENTS TO COMMTT'rEE ASSIGNMEI~T'I'S - HELD Oi7ER Mayor I~Iill~.s stated he would hold over mak~ng a.ppoa.ntments of Council Members ~to various commit~ees, until the Council's ~+d~c~~}r°ned meeting on Thursday, March 16, 1978, to enabl.e h~m an oppo~tunity to speak to the individuals about the appointmert~. PROCLAIM C~MP ~IRE GII2LS ° BIRTHIlAY WE~Km NIAFtCH 12 - 18 1978 Mayor Mill~.s read ~ res~~ution and procla~.med the week of March 12°th ' t~a~,'~x~h ~ 8~~, ~ 9°~8, Camp ~°i~°e ~i~°°~h~1ay ~nleek in the C~ty° of P,rroyo Grande. ~1~.~a~~c ~~c~~n~~~cl Nancy Walters, T~irec°tor of the Southern Re9ion of the Natoma Counc?~1 ~f ~:a~~ Fire Girls, tivho ~aa~ p~°esent, She introduced members of the ~~~P~~~° e~ C~p ~°~re ~~~°ls ? wha presented the Council with a birthday cake . ~ROC~~ "I~'I'~c~NAL EN~I~Y 'I"HE OLDEl~ WO~R WEEK" MARCH 12 18 1978 I~a~or 1~I~.llis re~d a~°e~oluti~n and procla2med the week of March 12th throaxgh ~8~h, 19'78, as "Nat~.onal Employ the Older Worker Week" in the City of Arroyo ~randem PROCI,~IM "E.`~STER ~~AIa ~~NYPA°~GN TIME" • M?,1tCH 26 1978 NT~yor MilY~s procla~ed March 1st through ~6th, 1978, as "k~aster Seal Campaign T].ICtQ°1 in the Ci~y of ~°~°~y~ Grande, as requested by the Easter Seal S~oc~:e°ty of San L,ta2~ Obispo Co~ty. .`~PPROVE ~1NNU~ STDEWAI~C S1~I~E IN A G i72LI~GE• 4/7 & 4/8/78 A moti~n caas inade by Coiaricilman Gallagher, ~econdea by Councilman de Leon and unanunously ca~rYed, appro~r~.ng °the request of the Arroyo Grande Village Merchants 1~ssoc~.atiort to hold its annual sidewalk ~ale on April 7th and 8th, 19780 AEPAf2T1KENTAI, REPORTS FOR FE~RiJARY ~ 978 ~'he Departmen°tal Itepor°ts for °the month of Februaz°y, 1978, were received by the Council, re~rieraed and ordered filed. report on the recent water main flush3ng prmgram was also re~iewed~ with it being noted that it urent much smoother w~ith the advance n~°tifica°tion th~t had been given °to °the City ~°esidents . ADOPT ORDI1U1~1VCE - AMEND "C-N" D~S~'RTC°I' TO T~OW CERTAIN $ES~ALTg~NTG Ci°ty A°ttorney ~hip~ey reael th~ title ~f an ordinance amending the Municipal Code by adcling a permi~sible use ~o th~ "C-N'~ Distric°t of the Z~n~ng Ordinance to allow enclosed, family-type re~~au~°an~ts ~ mo°~i~r~ wras then made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Cou~cilma,n de Leon and unaniznously carried:, to dispense with reading the balan~e of °th~s ord~nance. ORDIN.~NC~ I~TO. 175 C. S. AN ORDINP,NCE OF° THE CITY OF .21RROY0 GRANDE AMENDING THE ARROYO GI2~NDE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ~MENDING SUB- SECTTON (a) OF SECTION ,°9202, CHAPTER 4, TITLE 9, RELATING TO USES PERMTTTED IN THE "C-N" DISTRICT, On motion of Co~ncilgnan de Leon, seconded by Councilman Gallagh.er and on the following ro11 call vote, to wr~t: AYE~: Council Member~ Pope, Gallagher, Smith, de Leon and Mayor Millis NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted th~s 14th day of Niarch, 1978. ~89 ~~~'3t ~OUN~~L NTAR~H i 4, 1978 ARR.O~O GR~,ND~, CAI.,~F°OR1V~A I'AGE 6 .~1D~PT RE~iI~IODIS ~°O ~tJ~~NESS LICENSE ORD~NADTCE - HELD Oi7ER A~ini~tra~or Bu't~h ~nformed the Council that the F°xnance Di~°ector and C~°ty A°ttorney have m~.de adclitional change~ to the Bu~ine~s L3.c~nse ~~d~nance to be°tter pro°tect the Ci°ty in ~egard to money solic~t~tions by non-pr~fit organi- zat~.ons. Th~ Coun~il agreed °to hold off hearing the firs°t reading of ~hi~ new o~°dinance ~antil i°t~ next regula~ mee°ting °ta ~llow time for its revieva by them. SET ~~"UDI' SE~SIOIV ON ~CHO GRANDE DEVEI,OPMEN~: 3/29/78, 3c30 P.M~ The C~t~r~~i~. rece~~red and read a l.ett~r f~om Ronald Benne°tt', Pre~ident of Ran~h~ Gra~cle Pr~}~er°t~,es, in r~rhich he reque~~tecl that before the C~unc~l holds ~,p~bl~c hear~ng ox~ ~~e Ranc~o Grande d~~°elopment, ~ha°~ ~t~xdy ~~~s~on b~ held with C~ty S°t~~f ~o ~e~~~w ~~pe~°ts of ~he propo~ed planned development~ This ; hacl been ~~ce~i~~~l~ ~ugg~s~~d b~ ~he Co~c~~, al~ng w,~th ~n on~site inspe~tion of the prop~:r~y i~self m ~,fte~ Co~x~c~l ~3i~cu~~ion, ~~t ~v~s generally ag~°eed °that th~ ~~udy s~~~ion ~e ~et at 3 c 30 P,Ma o~ IJl~z°ch 29, 1978 ~ arnd °tha°t ~ pul~l~c h~arin~ not b~ set ~°~i~ the ~o~rcc~.l ~'~~1~ ~~t ~a~ studiecl the planned de~relopmen~ suffi~ientlym ~CE~PT OF° ~ZESO~LT~ION F'k~OI~ L~IK o U, ~ a D. RE m OiT~R~FtC54VDE~ SCHOOL COND~~'LOIQ~ ~h~ C~~ra~il re~a~~~~d a re~~l~°~io~a from th~ I~u~ia Ma~ LTni~~.ed School D~~~r~.~t' ~ Bo~~~ e~~ ~c~u~~~i~n, wrh~ch "~le~l~~e~ t~~ ~~:Y~o~~. d~str~~t ~~erarowrded ~.~c~ ~~~~;e~~~n~ ~Ys~ ~~~~e~ ~.~d c~~n~y t~ p~~s ~~~~~aance~ r~qaziring deve~.opers to ~~~~°tr~~x~~~ ~~e~ ~~e d~.~tr~~°t ~.s pro~ir~ed in ~B 201"o The resolution s,~4,- :~~~a~ ~ ~1~m~~~°~.~hic s~uel~ prepared the direction of g:~~: ~I.~s~~~:::'~ z°~y ~~~~~~-~~e~~an, Fo~te~°, NlcCl~ve Archi~tec'~u~°e and ~~~~~n.'~~4~0 'C'`~~ ~~~z~~~l ~°e~~~~ed ~op~es of th~.~ ~eporte wrhi~h included long ci~~~:~5: ~;~~nu ~the ~~F~~s~l ~ys~~mo di~~~ss~ox~_,. M~~or M~llis ~~s~~int~d Counc~~man Gal]~agher, ~~acT Ad~i~.~~~~-~~~r~~ ~%~~~h a~.te~rza~e, ~ep~°e~~nt °~he Ci°ty on a~omm~.~tee t~ ~~~3c ~~°~h th~ ~~~.~s~Y. ~ncl ~t~er publ.ic ag~r~c~.es ~n ~he rep~~~ and resolutionm ~E~`~1~7NI~DI~7~~~~I~T ~°R~F~ a C~MI~i m RE o~EX~°r~~N REQIJE~'T ~Y CHRISTTAI~T ~,CADEMY I'~~ ~:~~n~i~. ~ev~ew~cl a~~~ ea~~a~~~n f~°~~a th~ ~l~nn~ng Co~ni~~i~n that °~1~~ ~eq~~~~ ~.~~~xt~~~a ~y th~ C~n°tral C~~.~~ C~ri~tian Acade~y, of property :~n ~~e ~r~ ~h~ ~.~~th side of ~ak ~a~~ Boulevarc~, be d~ni~d? bu°t that ~h~ p~~~~~~ ~~~~r~t~ ~~~Y~ ~~hool) b~ a1.~~~r~c1 °t~ de~e~~p ~~ject °to the Ci°ty pa~~~ric?~~e~ u~i~l~~~~~ ~n~ o°~he~ C~.ty s~~°v~.~~s arac~ p~lice) on a contractual ~.~e~angemer~t o ~,~m~~~~~t~a'~or ~~~~h ~~~~ed °that un~~fi~~.ally, the C~ty of Pismo ~each and I~"CO a~~ again~~ th~~ ~rea's annexation to A~royo Grande, because it is wi°thin P~~mo ~~~cl~'s ~~here influence, Marvin H~.r°tw~g, Presider~t o~ ~he Academy, ~e~riew~e~ ~l~e r~a~~n~ ~~r °the ~nnexation reque~t to Arr~~o Grancle ~~nd stated his hope ~hat ~f Ci°t~t s~~~:~~~~ ~re extended to them wi~h~ut annexa~eion, that said se~ri~es are o9~fe~eci ~a~~out premiuxn cost ~n, v~ew o~ ~his orgaz~ization's non-profit status ancl ~t~e ben~~~t o~ °tt~~ir schooY tak~ng quite ~ num}~e~° of s~uden°ts fr~m the ~~°~wded ~~,z~a~~.r ~~r~°~.-~c^_a ~,~u ~~ba~.l~ro, B~aard M~~~r of °th~ AGademy, also ~:ommented on ~he ~~b~~~t, ~~~.t~ng th~°~ L,~'CO@S spheres ~f inf].~xence ~ou1d chan~e and if the area ~~.~~~~1~r ~er~i~~c3 b~ ~he ~i°~~r, ~n~e~~°tion ~rg the ~~~~~e m~y be e~sie~° m Afte~ ~~uncil di~c~s~~or~~ M~yor M~~.l~~ ~~~~iz~d tha°~ ~Y~~ ~on~~ra~u~ of ~h~ C~u~i~~..~. ~,r~~ ~upp~r°~ ~f }~~~~ec~ b~xt t~at acTdi,tio~a~ info~m~tion ~s needed ~o e~~~°~ o~ th~ ~~ec~~~~ ~e~i,~es ~~~~~~°~~cl ~~~h~u~ a~~e~~~i~r~ and tYaat mee~~rig w~l~ ~e ~eld writ~ ~~preser~°t~~~ves f~~~n th~ Acad~m~r ar~d ~~ty ~~~f~ ~o ~tudy ~~e ~~~te~ ~~a~~he~ as~ci la~ve a ~ougYa d~a~°t ~f tt~~ ~ora~~~c~~a3. ~greemeri°t drawn ~xp o REC~IP~ OF° FiU~ f~I~"I`~ON~ CON1NlIS~ION NiTIIe1iJTE5 ~he Council ~ece~~ec1, reviewed and ~~d~red f~~ed the Feb~uargr ~5, 1978 minute~ of the ~o~z~;h Co~~}r Fiuman Relations Co~¢n~ss~onm REQiJE~~' Ee0~2 LT~E OE° CTT3~' S FiOI~DTNG CELI,S ~~R JtJVEI~TIL,ES - COUN`T~ Th~ C~~~il scev~ewed ~ r~port frram P~l~~e ~h~.ef CZa~k in reference to a rec~ue~t ~rom ~1~e ~ounty ProJ~~~ion Depar~rcent ~h~~ °this Ci~y's Pol~~e Depar°tment's holdin~ cell~ be ~~e~1 ~t~ ~ecure ju~reniles izntil ~hey are ~rarzsported lay the Prob~t~on Dep~r~m~nt ~o ~ant~ Barbar~. The Co~x~~~ ~~un~el's office a~~ preparing a jr~in°t power~ ag~eeinent to all.ev~~°te ~he Ci~y' ~ l~~:bility i~ the p~°oposal i~ accep°tecl . 490 CITY C~JNCIL MFIRCH 14, °f 978 ARROYO C~RANDE9 CP,LTFOI2NIA PAGE 7 After Co~sncil discrission, it taa~ generally agreed that no action ,be taken on this matter ~nt~.l the Jo~n°t Powers Agre~nent is received and reviewed by the city ~,tto~cney o REVIE~~I OF ?JEGISLATTiTE BIJI~LETINS E"RFQM LEI~GUE OF CC~II~TFORNIA CT~'IES The Cottncil rece~.ved and reviewed the latest Lega.slative Bulletins from the I,eague of California Cities. REC~IPT OF ~i7ISED COPY OF URBP~N ~TRg1TE~Y F`OR CALIFORN~A F°ROM STATE glchnin~s°trator B~x~ch reported t:hat the City has received a copy of the ~tate's upda~ed Urb~n ~~rat~e~r fox° Cal~.forn~a, w~cl~ is available at City Hall for anyone's rev~e~t. 1~PPROVE USE PERi~I~ 78-272~ CIiURCH AT FPiIR 6AKS & i7~1I,I~EY F2D. ((~O~PEL LIGHTHOUSE) T'he Coun~~l ~~~iewed a recommer~dat~on from the Pl~n~ng Cox~aia~ssion in regard to the tTse Pe~nit appl~ca~t.ion (No. '78-272) of the Gospel Lighthouse Church to builcl a cl~~rch on 3+ ac~~~ of property at the co~°ner of Valley Road and Fair Oalts Avenuem The Cornmis~~on had approved the a~plica~ion, subject to the Coun~il ° s approval ~.n ~~ew of tl~~s pr~perty being part of °the ~arsds included in consa.d~~atio~ and ~cecomm~x~dat3,ons by tha Agricultur~7. I,ands Coma~ittee. Tlze Cor~a~~~l discus~ed tl~e application, gea~erally agree~ng the proposal. was a good use of °the landa R~~r~rensl Baglin, Past~r of the Chu~°cl~, stated it was ~he~r a~ntenta,~n ~c~ ~Ceep tl~e parcel ~.r~ on~ p~ec~ and leave as many trees as possible. a~~~~~ C~~~~~ d~,~m~~s~,or~e a rre~tio~ ~aaas m~d~ by ~oixnc~lman Gall.agher, seconded ~y ~c~~'.~~~?~ ~~n ~~c~ ~~~ously car~~~~, approv~~ag Use Pe~nit I~iom 78-272 sub~ect to °th~ ~c~~tec~u~a~ ~2e~~e~v Co~ttee's ~°eviewrs and approval~. RE~~~~ - R~~°EN`~ ~OITN'rY in1A~R RESOtJ~2~~ ~,DVIS0~3C COMMITTEE I~lEET~1~G - NOT HEARD ~t~ ~epo~°~ wras heard on ~~e 1~~~h 19°~8 m~eting of the Courity Water R~~o~~~~s Ac1~~~o~gr ~~~nitt~e, ~s r~~ ~~~y ~e~~eSentat~ve had been able to attend ~he m~~t~~~. ~Iti~`~ ~~I2~~1 ~e ~ a It~~0~312CES ~OI3~ERi7AT~L~N DI~TI2ICT RE o F°ZOCRD~NG Iltl CTTY ~e ~~~cil r~a~ a l~tter ~f ~nformati~~x fr~m ~he P~°royo Grande Resou~`ces C~~se~rv~t~~r~ D~~~r~~t, ~egard~n~ ~].ooding ~n cer~ain areas of the City. The I~~.~°~r~c~ c~nme~~ee3 the C~°ty ~o~ ~nergency measures ~~cen ~n the Valley Road area t~ ~ed~zce f~o~ d~g~ y~d o~feseed ~ts as~i~tance ta tl~e City. P, meeting with the ~?i~~~~~t ~~ad ~~t~r ~~a~f ~.s ~~hedul:ed for th~~ Thr~r~day. RE~ORT RECEIQ°P ~Tt?~i5 C~~T ~CFi 312D 1~NB 4~i m PiJBI,IC L+10RI~S DEPT. C~ty Engineer Karp re~riewre~l a leng~h~r report regarding the storm of Mareh 3rd and 4th, and resulting f~ood problems in var~ous parts of the City, and pos~~ble remediesm Ae also r~ported ~at the C~unty has been deelared a Disaster 1~rea and ~ere~ore ss e].a,gible to re~eive F~de~°al Disaster Assistance. repmrt wras al.~o reviewed from Admin~~tx°ator ~u~ch ~°egardirig federal assistance progr~ns that tll~ Ci.ty of ~rroyo Grand~ appe~s ~o meet the basic el~.g~b~l.ity era.te~°~a ~~r fl~ocl pr~~rention ~cl ~on~ro~ program~ e Iiowever, out of 2°E possib3.lit~e~, ox~l.y five ~~eaned o~' valrze ~ta the City and ~nly one, No, ? 2-°~ 06, "F].ood ~~r~t~ol. F~°~~e~ts", ~.p~~~r~cl gno~t feas~le a The ~aork under th~s prograxn is dor~e ~y ~e Corps o~' Er~g~r~e~rs f~~n d~sigrb to construct~orao ~1f~er Counc~l discu~~~,~xa y a mot~,on was in~de by ~ounci.~zn~ Pope, seconded by Co~c~~~ G~11~gher arxd ~an~no~~~,~r ~arri~d, pur~ue Program Noa 12~106 a~ outl~ned ~o~e and ~eek the laelp of ~Ya~ Corp~ ~f Er~g.~n~er~ ~a~ reso~,ving the Tally Ho Road f2o~din~ ~roblenls. ADOPT O1ZDIIJAN~ ~IEIrT1~~1~TG LOPEZ ~B ~I~TER R1~TE~ C,ity P,ttorney Slx~psey read the t~tl~ o~ ~a orcl~nance ~nending the Municipa7. Code by malc~ng cer~t~~.n res~~.~~ons to tlae 4~at~~ ~el Lopez rates. A inotion was then made by C~~zr~cilman Gallagher, seconcled by ~csuric~lman de Leon and unanuaously carriecl, to cli~pense wri°th read~rag ~he balance ord~nance. ORD I1JP,I~TCE I~TO o ~ 7 Fi C m S m P,I~T ORDI~CE OF ~HE CT~ OF 1~7.t120Y0 GR~TDE AMENDI1~tG CH~TER 7 OF T~~'?~E C OF THE ~OYO GRANDE MUNTCIP~I, ~OD~ REI~T~NG ~O THE ARROYO GI~NDE CTTSC 4VA`TER RATES P~1~TD THE LOPEZ in1ATER CHAI2GES BY ~NDING SECTION ~-7 e o 7(a) s~~DUZ,E oF ~~~~~orr 6-~ . o~ (g) a --491 ~~TY COUNCTL; MARCH 14, 1978 7~1RROY0 GR1~1A]DE CALTF~RNIF1 PAGE 8 ~ri m~°~~on o~ ~~~ncilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and ~n the following ro1T call. vote, to wi~: ~YE~: Council Me~ers Pope, Gallagher, Smi~h, de Leon and Mayor Millis NOES : Nox'ie ABSENTe None ~he f~~e~~ing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 14th day of M~.rch, 1978. : 12~CEIPT OF M~NU~'ES E°~20M S1~I~TT~1 B~RBARA WATER PURVEYORS COUNCIL ~he Coiu~acil r~c~ived and reviewed the February 8t minutes from the Water Pur~r~~rc~~°~ ~~~~~il o~ ~anta ~ar~ara ~~ounty. ~'PRO~1I-1Is T~CT NOm 453 "FtANCHO LA BARRANCA" - HELD OVER ~~~y En~ineer K~~p s~at~d the request for approval of Tract No. 453, "R~n~h~ ~arranc~", Y~as be~n w~thdrawn as it is not ready yet for acc~ptance. I~E~"~E~ OF ;~T~t~'~. ~'ROM ~OU1~TT~ ENUINEER RE. LOPEZ SURPI~US WATER zh~ Coun~~l. ~~v~.e~red a l~e°~~ter ~rom ~he San Luis Obispo County Engineer, ~rl~~.~h c~~~~,~,~~c~ the ~].1o~ation of surplus water from Lopez Dame APZ~~2C7i1~ ~E~T~I~N"I° TO REgl~'~~~Fs'P~D CROS~~CONI3~CTIQN PRQGRAM D~~~ v~~~ o~ ~ub~i~ Glork~ Arielerson reported that the Coiinty is reactivating ~1~~ ~~'~~=°~~r~~~~°~~..o~i prog~°~p vJh~ck~ ~ad beQn discont~nued for several years due ~~~a~~r~~ =~i~~ ~ ~f q~a~~.i~ied insp~c°tor. The amendment revises the ~~;~n~~~ i~~~~r~~~i arzd Cc~unty t~ increase the hourly rate by ~2~~~ ~~"~~m ~'G~~6 $~~m00)e ~~~x~s~~~ e~~~~~s~~on, a mo~~.on wa~ made by Councilman de Leon, ~°u~~~~i~~ ~~~n~a,~m~~ G~~Iagh~r and un~.nimousl.y ca~ried, authorizing the Mayor ~~*ct ~it~r ~'~,~ylc ~~.~r~, ~n b~h~lf o~ the City, an axnendment to the Agreement ~h~ ~~t~ a~~ ~o~~a~,y H~al~h D~par~.ment ~or ~~oss-connection inspection ~e~:r~ ~i~t4`~'rT~~ ~~~~`T -~t)o s~I 3~~II~ OBT~E~t~ COUN`rY Sr'~NIT7~,TION D~~~RLCT `~h~ ~~un~~.T re~~ived, reviewed and ord~red filed the monthly report for ~"~b~~xa~r~ ~978, ~~ga~°sla.ng m~.~~i~ena~ce and operation of tkie South San Lu~s Obispo C~~s~~y ~~~~~~~t~on D~:~~ri~~. Treatment Plant o PItOGR~~~ ~P~ft`T - T,~~1~T7~°I' ~1GA~23~°I' P. E o Re S. ~i~y At~o~°ne}r ~h~.ps~~ ~n~ormed t~.e Council that the firm of Rutan & Tucker, ~°~p~°e~~ra°ti~ag t~~ C~ty i~ t~e ~lass actior°r lawsuit by a party against PmE.R.S., has ~ev~~~~~ it~ fee~ to $75a00 pe~ hou~° which w~ll be shared with the,other cities rep~esen°tecT by the fi~an, in ~ts a~~emp~ to hav~ this and ~~her cities dismissed from ~he ~a~e. CI~'~ZEDI~' COM1~N~'S .~ND CONCERNS 8~.~1 I~a~gv~rorth~, resident ~.n the ~,rroyo Grande fringe area of the County, ~e~cl ~ x~~'~~S~~ed ~~at~m~nt regarding h~s canc~rns ab~ut the Oak Park Acre Develop- men`~, ~~~~~-~g for~h °~he ~rarious i~ems ~rhere he feel.~ inconsistencies are ~ccaz~~~r~g w~.~h ~,r~~t wa~ set fo~th ~r ~he EIR ar~d Resolu~ion Noo 140 C.S. for the p~~~ v ~epca~t~~° Dor~.s Olsen c~u~~t~on~d the Cit~ services requested by the Christian Ac~demy, ~he ~r~perty is ~~~ts~d~ af the Citye Mayor Millis pointed out this ~rould lae fully s~ttzdied by s~t~ff and r~}~re~~ntativ~s from the Academ~a ~°red and Madel~in~ S°~ee1e, ~598 Hillcrest Dri~re, indicated their concern aba~a~ t~ee :~°emo~ral on O~l~ P~rk Acres and the cont~.nued lack of a tree ordinance in ~h~ Ci~ye Pl~.nning Director Cast~°o sta~ed that the Planning Commission is ~~aai°~irzg re~ponse~ f~om o~her cities on how they hand~e tree ordinances; that the Park~ & Rec~ea~ion Commis~ion hacl felt the City's current ordinance is adequate; and that a t~ee ~~pe~°t from i7e,C, at Davis is overseeing the tree clean-up and ret~o~ral on Oak Pa~k Ac~es . A~JOURNI~IENeI' On m~~ion o~ Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimousl;y ~a~°riecl, tl~e meeting adjourned at 9:46 PmMo until 3:30 P,Me on Marcl~ ~ 5, 1978. ~ AfifiE~~' ~ • C%'~-c..C C~T~ ~LERic