Minutes 1978-03-15 49w . CITY COUNCII, M1~1RCH 15, 1978 ARROYO GR~iNDE, CALIFORNTA 3:30 P.Me The Council met in rec~u~.~r adjo~rned sessian with Mayor Millis presiding. Up~n z°oll ca11, Council Members Pope, Gallagher, Smith and de Leon reported present. TNTERVIEW OF APPLICP~NTS TO CITY C01?'flKISS~ONS The Council interviewed var~.ous applicants to City Commiss~.ons. NtAY~R MILLTS DECLARED A 1~ HOUR RECESS AT 6 P.M. The Coun~il reconvened at 7:3U P.M< with all members present as shown on roll callm CON~INUE IN7.'ERVIEWS OF ~iPPI,ICANTS TO CITY COMMISSIONS Interviews by the Council of various applicants to City Commissions ~ontcinued, ~,ri°th a total of fourteen persons having been interviewed throughout the ~regular ad~ourned meeting. ~OZJRNP2ENT ~n inotion of Counc~lman Gallagher, seconded by Councilwoman Smith and unanimousl~r carried, °the mee~ting adjourned at 8:50 P.M. until 4:00 P.M. on Thursciay, MarcTi 16, 1978. ~T'I'E~°I' ~ ~ ~ , D~~.T~ ~T~'S~ C7.~ERI~ MA R ~~T~ ~~IINCI~ MARCH 16, 1978 ARROYO GR.`~NDE, C~LIFORNIA 4:00 P.Ma ~'he C~ty Counc~l met in regular adjourned meeting with Mayor Millis presiding. Upon roll ~~11, ~ounc~.l Members Pope, Gallagher, Smith and de Leon reported present. ~1PPQ~N~.'1~'lEDI~` OF PI~NNTNG CO~SSIONEIt - S~MMONS Ma~or N13~1~.~ reviewed that a vacancy exists on the Planning Coaanission due ~o tl~.e ~~~~gnati~n of Doug Hitphen and interviews for a replacement had been held \ yes~ercTay~ Mayor Millis then nominated Beverley Simmons to the Planning Com~nissaon,, wh~ch vva~ seconded by Counc~lman Gallagher. Council discussion was held regarding the ~ppoin~nen°t9 and any° possible confl~ct ot in~erest. After Council d~.scussion, Beverley Simanons, 150 T~l~y Ho Road, was appointed to tl~e Planning ComQnission by a unanimous vote of tYae Council, with her appointment fio becoqne effective ten days a~ter she file~ °the requ~red ~tatement of Economic Interests. Said term expires ~ June 30,~ 7 980 . ~ ~ ~ ~ Adminis~rator Butch reviewed the various other Commissioners' terms which will e~cpi~e June 30, °1978:. P~Iayor Millis encouraged the public to fill put Rese~oir of ~itizens applications for the various coanmiss~.ons. Councilman Pope suggested that in fihe futurs the Mayor make ha.s Commission noininat~,ons at one Co~xr~c~.l nleeting and hold off action of appointment until the following meeting to enable ~ouncil Members to individually intervie`a the nominee. He ~l~o recommended for consideration the rotation of the City`s Commissioners among the various Commissionsm ~POINTMEIVTS TO COMMITTEES BY MAYQR M~yor MiZlis made appointments to various Committees on which the City needs to be represented, as follows: ARE~1 PLP,NNING COUNCIL: Matt Gallagher S0. COIJNTY CIVIC CENTER: Matt Gallagher Alte~°nate: B'Ann Smith SO. COUNTY WATER ASSOC.: Matt Gallagher COUNTY RUBBTSH CONIl4I. : Hugh ~ope S0. S.L.O, CO. S.~NITATION .`~lternate:~. Paul Karp DTSTRICT: Mark Millis CO. ~~L'ECTION COMM.: Mark Millis Alternate: Matt Gallagher CO,-WIDE WATER COMM. : Hugh Pope ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMM: Mark Millis Al~ternate: Joe Anderson Alternate: Paul Karp SO> COo P,REA TRANSITe B'P,nn Smith UNIIERGROUND UTTLITY CQMM: B'Ann Smith .~lternatee Tom Butch SELF-INSURANCE COMM: Gabe de Leon Alternate: Tom Butch