Minutes 1978-03-28 494 COUN~~L N.ARCH 28; 1978 I~T~'Z~YO ~:~1~TDE~ CAT~YFO~IVIA ~h~ C~,~y Coun~~I m~~ ~a~ regula~ ses~ion w~~~ ~layor Mark M~l~~.s presidinge ';,~~~~'~°~~1 ~~1Z, Counc~l Meml~~rs Hu~h gop~, ;7~e, M~°~~hevv G~llac~l~e~, ~abe de ~;~on ~x~d B' Ann ~mith, ~~por~ed ~resen°~ o ~~EDGE ~,L~,I~~GZ~NCE AI~ID 31VT7C?CA~I~N Mayo~ Ni~17~:is ~.ed ~1~e P~eclge of Allegiance orxr ~`~~~s and ~.a~tcn~diatQly ~ ~~e~°ea~~e~°, ~ou~~~lm~n ~allagher d~live~~d ~he in~oca°~i~n@ ,~~RO~T~~ fJF M~NtJ`TE~ On mot~on ~f C~uncilm~n Gallagher, ~~con3~c3 by ~~~an~~.lanan de ~eon and +~~a~:~mo~a~~L~r ~~.~r~~~,, , tk~e m~.nufee~ ~'o~ ~h~ res~ul~~ m~~~~.ng o~ Ma~ah ~ 4th and x~~gul~~ ~djourn~d me~~ings r~f Ma~ch ~5~h and c6, '978, ~re~°~ app~~ved as preparedo ~~Rt~~7P.I, OF ~7~`i~'~t~1N'PS ~n mo~~.~n ~f C~~ra~~~:m~n de Leon, seconded by C~~zn~i~ma~ Ga~ i~s~l~er and ~~z~~i~m~~s~~r ~~rr~.ed, D~m~rsd ~a~°rants No. 8195 ~hr~ugh No. 8272~ ~.n tl~e total ~~,~~z~~ 5~ 06F~~ 34; ~n~ ~~y~°oZ1 ~7axrar~~s N~, 11090 ~~x°~ugh No. a 7'?, ~r~ the ~z~o~x~~ ~38$602~Q3, wex°e ~.pproved and orde~°~d p~i~,. f~,CE~P°r t7,F CC3NTR~~tJ'I`ION F`~R ~~lEN CENTER - A e C~ P W~MAN C~UB A~an~r~~~~z ~~ea~ ~u~~h ~~por~ecl ~ha~ ~:~e Ci~ty has :~~ceived a check in °the ~u~ ~ ~f $°3 ~ ~ o "7 ~ ~~~m th~ Arroyo G~°ande W~m~n' ~ C~~zI~ j,~~e a~ ~h~ ~'e~n ~ e° s ~1 M~e~s vo~.ced ~heir ~ppre~~.~~~~n o~ ~h~s dorL~tion and ~ ~hazaks and gr~t~tude be s~r~ ~o the W~m~;~ ° s Ciaal~o ;~xr~~.~~~ ~t°9~T~~~~' ~7k° P~+~v~~I? °'E°~1.RME;E2 B~ MP:RKE~'~'~' ~l~T C~~!`~ . ~~~~.~~ecl ~~~~°~spssnd~n~e ~~~m ~he Eco~om~c Opp~~~~~nity ~ Commission ~ ~u~~.~ ~~•~~a~y ~n~T t~ie Ci~3~'s ~a~°~:~ & P~ec~°e~°~~or~ Comani~sia~, req~esting ~ ~,~~d,~~~°t ~f ~he ~s~abl~shmerst of ~ "F~.~n~~ ° s I~Iarke~" . ~'he ir:°~ent is ~:.~s ~~~M~ ~t~:~~~nly m~~7~~~ d~~r~ ~rher~ lacal hozne-~ro~ a~d homeinad~ p~ocluce az~d artifac~s ~~~dd ~ac~~~d b~ ~ b~zad~ ~~r ~es~~.e o~ mar~uf~.~~tur~d good~~ It was a~~ ~e~ s~.~~~ ~t~a~ Ci~~ ~ s ~a~°ks ~~:~~u~~an°~, Rober~:' ~alZ~p, be ~~~a.~.~e~ ~rg~r~~.~~ ~~~cti~n9 ~"h~ ~~s~n~~.~. di~~~~~~cl ~k~~ prop~sal ~~~c~~h~ g~~e~°a1~~ ~~pportir~g ~the ~:~x~~e~t ~~.~r~n~ g~°~~~r°,~~~ ~p~.ni~:a~ on de~~i,~.~ of °~he Fa~m~~'s Nia~ke~, sueh as ~~~~.d b~ ~~Id ara~ ~ah~~ ~nc~ ~ow ~f~~~a ~o ~aca~.c1 Co~n~~~.Ynan Fape ~I~jectec~ ~a~~ ~l~~rerss ~s t~a~s m~g£~~ ~onflict u~~°~~ 10~~.~ flar~s~s,, r~ho ~re ~'~~a~~~~~ p~~r b~~sn~s~s ~nd ~~sale ~,~.~ens~~ ~r~d ~~x~s. Ca~n~~l Mean~ers Ga~lagYaer ~~e~ ~~c~~~ ~c~~~ed wi°~~a ~~i~, ~~at~.ng on~y p~c~d~~~ ~ho~x~.el be s~?d anc~ ~h~~ inpu~. ~Y~a~z~cl be so~g~i~ f~~m ~h~ ~~val ~u~ines~ c~mmu~i~y a~ ~o th~ p~opa~ed rn~n~~Iy - m~rk~t. ~c~n~~~~n ~a~~ ~ls~ ~.nd~~a~ed a~ ~o th~ ~i~~ a s l~.ab~.~~.~y, esp~,~i~l:1y in ` t~ae of p~ese~-~~~ arad ~ha~ ~ype of ite~n b~~ng ~o~da ~~~ace ~7ohn~on of °~h~ ~~rk~ & Recr~~°~i~n C~znmis~,ic~r•_ ~~~~e~a~ed the C~mmis- s~~n e s s~~a~~~t ~l~e ~~r~~~pt ~hat handcra~~~d it~~ts ~e sc~~el aicang wi+~~Z prad~ce e ~f~~~ ~urt~~r C~axna~i dis~uss~on, a mot~~~ w~r~~ m~d~ by ~o~an~~~m~~ ~aZ3.a~he~, ~~~o~~~cT ~gr ~~ur~~~im~sa ~1e Leon ancl una~n~mous3.y ~a~~iec~9 suppo~~zng ~Y~~ c~nc~p~ of "F`~~m~r'~ N~~~Ice~°° di.:r~~~~z~g ~that ra~~es~~~~ ~~°~~~~~a be ~~°~~.bi~sne~l f~~ ~~..~'°~~~^a ~.s:ci ~~a~~ ~'~i~ P~~Jcs ~ Re~zx~at~can ~om~ais~~~:~a ~~m~ b~~k ~a~°~h ~ f~ rm ~~~~o~~~ ~ca b~ r~~~~~r~~ ~y t~~ C~~y A~.~c~~r~~y ar~d ~~c~~ ~~~~rae~s mer~ham~~ f~~ ~hei~ ~l~~ue~h~~ aa~c~ ~u~~a~;~~ ~ b~f'a~~ ~~m~s back tk~~ L~~nc~.1 f~r its ~~°~~on. ~I~7~~~~'~~N PARTi~~PAT~ IT~ AI~TNUA~ LA F`~E~~~ PARADE - MAY 20, Tk~~ ~o~~a~~~. ~ec~~~ree~ an i~auita~~~r~ ~a pa~~~ ~ipate in ~he ~.~~y ~f ;~an La~is ~~~spo ~ s ~nr~~zal !~a F~es~a P~rade ~r: Sa~~ard~~r, M~}~ 20 9~ 9~ 8 R ~Nt7~T4~~'I~I~ 'TO ~~I~EBRA~E TIiE 100""I""H ~IRTHDA~ OF' GFt~~7ER ~I'T~ ~ESIDEIV'I' - ~'r ti,ARC}LAN '~h~ C~ur~~il ~~vei.ve~ arz ~~ava.t~~ion ~o a~~~n ~ ~y p~rtp ao e e ~r~ A~~~;~ ~9'~8, honax ~om Ca.r~~an, a G~^o~e~° C~~y re~~den~, ~alzo ~ail.l b~ y00 years of ~~e o~ ~k~at d~y~ ~'1~~ Cou:acil d~re~ted tha~ ~ re~olu~~~n be pr~pared ~.n 1~or~or of Mr. Car.oian, tc~ be adop~ed a~t ~he a~ex~ ~~g~zlar m~et~ng. NO'I'ICE RE. ~~TY`~ p,LI~OC~IT;ION O~' UNDERGRC)UND CONi1~E2SZON F°tINDS - PPG.m & E. The CauraG~.l revi~wed a notic~ f~om Pac~~i~ ~as & El~~t~°~c ~~m~ax~y ~l~a~ ~he e s ~ 9°78 aYl~c~ti~n ~~r ~he ~on~ers~.on of r~v~rhe~d ~~~~~ric~ i.in~~ ~o u~~l~~grour~d i~ $~~,i00, ~n ~ncr~~~~ a~ $~04 ov~~ ~977m ~Iayor Mill~~ ~~a~~d th~~ Und~rg~~~z~d U*~l,~~y ~om~n~,t~~~ h~~ r~~st met for se~r~~al ye~~~ s~nce ~h~ ;;~mp'le°~ion of ~he Bran~h ~tr~~~ Re~~ns~zuc~~~no He urged ~hey me~~ s~on ~o wo~~e ~~t p~iori~y List ~o~ u~dergr~,and~r~g ~in~~ ~he ~.ead time for ~u~h p~c~flje~~s i~ 2 t~ 3}r~arsa 495 ;~~.ra~~;~~ ~s~ v9~8 ~ - ~ ~ ;~~~a~~~ ~ ~ m~~_"v- ~ :s= ~sz.,. n~.~~,~ r ~~:T - ~y` ti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . e , , _ , . ~ ~ _ :3~f~]:~s°33'1~~ ~ ~ w = _ - . ~ , y~ ' Y..~ b_3~.C?.~~s... 3!~.,.~:.~ ;<r.~;:. ..,.,5.v'. ~ ~.::ar t` > '='s';~ . a.~ < e ~ _ . _ ~~:L~.L~k~.~~ .~n ~ ~ ti:~ a_~_ ~ .,~v~rr~ , 1~w~~"_."~~~ ~ - - " _ »a, ry . ~ . `~,b' . ~ i'~~5 , i ~~9~~ra 3hF~ YS~ ~ «~"i~ ~?~~~T1G°~ , a_ ~ ~ ~ ~ w . . . ~ . ,,~w.~ ~ TC:Ko:~ u :v ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~'4" ~~~1~-' ~ ~ u ~ r ~ . ~ ` ~ t"' X M ~.ba ~ Y _ r~ ti~~~~~'~~~'°a O~ ~ 3,..,.y„,., . , r~.ti-~ ~ , _ _ ~ ~ y _ ~ ` . . _ , , - u ~ = ~ _.y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i~~ ~CS~ .,^'i'tx.~'.J.. ~"v'v. x~l.~ ~;,iJ~. `~'~s, sZ'~~7..lrj:,,. ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ . _ ~ , r . . . .~i~~~~~~ - ~ ~ ~ . _ . ~ d . _ ~ . , ` s• _ . _;i. _ ~ , . ~ . ~ ' ~ ; ~ , ~ _ . ~ , , z x. M.,. _ q„ u a~ ~ . ~ ~ >~z'~i . . . t `b`4~~-,.-. ~ ~ :'z r ~=~u ~ . - ~ . . . . .,~.~.~.-..T...~...~ ~ .~.~.m~,mm..,_..~ - . . r o a _ ':i~ ~ . M~`~_ > _ ._w~~ wt , _ y }`f'°~~ ~:~~,-".k ~~~c~~~'(f~Y[°~ ; . , ` , , >.i-' . ,'r..... . ~ p't ° . . +.r Tlt~'~h ~~"'a~ . _ _ u _ _ ~ ~ ,,,s , e e ~ . .'i~ a, ' ~ , ~ s ~ ° `1ti[ ~ ~ _ ';s~ ~ . _ ~e ~ . s „ . u . , ~y'°2°~ ~~~A~~~~ _ x . .6__ _ "'c° ~ ~ . ~_va , ~;'3,,~:~~~_ . _ . . _ <6+'. a _ , ~ _ „ , . n.«. ~ e3`-_ ~l".~~~'~~ ~~1~1~ ~ ~ _ ~ _ „ „ _ - 4 ~ , . . ~r~ , ~ , c~- : , a , _ u ''R , „ a. _ , , . _ . _ . . - _ "v?c. ~ _ `as~`'''~. ~.~1~ ~ _ _ . e - r _ ~ n - ~ ~ r~ - - - . _ . _ . . a L ~a'~~ . ~ ~ « :'~.~~~`3~~ ~J s ~ d ~ , , t~_ ~s~ ~ _ ~ . . - , , . , u a, , ~Y sa~ r, ~r~ _ ~ a a7h, _ . : ~ . ~ < ~ _ ~;.7!: ~ ~ 3~.n~~Y1 . - . _ r_ . . . . . ~z . . . ~ a e ~ ~ . e . ~,~$~.5.1, . . , , . . ,d. s , e ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . , . - . . ; , _ , x , , ~ . v st . ~ 6;~Q~s:b r ~y, ~~i v . . . ~ - . , ~ , - ss _ . . . . . , _ha ~ rv'`~ - ~ ,:a, ~ _ - - ~ . ~ . . , ..M - ~ ~ ..aa __y . _ _ 4-'.~ .'~~,.i , i;'. _ , _ ~ ,ti^~ e .'~.~ue° ~ . a. . , . r ~ _ _ ~ . ~ ; ~C ~ . , . . ~ . - '~;t` _ ' . „ r_ .t x~, ~ ~s~C ~ ~ - _ . . ~ _ _ _ _ m ~ b . _ , A ~a ~ - _ ;<'.~s:i, ~ r~;Ct~;;~~C ~j'~' ~ ~ . , _ . , , , _ ~ , ~ s _A , ~ e ~ _ . ~ , '4~fi a~:~:. ~`Ja~~9.1~~~ . ~ ~ - . . ~ _ . ~ , ~.,~r k x~ 4 , . : . ~ _ _ - x _ x > > _ d _ ~,1~ . - _ ~~x; y ~~'s~ ~ ' ~ „ , . , _~.:~;s , k , . _ ~ o.. ~s ~ar - ~ ~ . ~ , _ _ . . . F. , _ ~ z _ .aE. ~ ~ a _ _~i _ _ ~ ; _ n , , v . . , ._r _ _ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ . t r 4~ . ~ ~ , 7 , x ti~ _ . r_,. t . ~ a °f'~~a~€ ~'iR _ , ~ , r < _ _ ~ < ~ Y.~. ~ - _ b ~`s. ~ , . . . , . _ ~ ~ sa..x ~ H ~ b,F .~dCfl~aix ' - dr ~ ~.K _ s,. . ~ s - n - , ,.w r ~ "'C _ ~r~V~~'i . ~ . , re. . ~ ,a ~ .~u. .:aa ~u< _ fl. L t.~. ~ < „ i~~. ~ , ti . ~ 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ , a ? b., i±J~ ~ ~ ~ ti, ~ w s.~' . - .,'~:t ~ . ~ ~aa~~~~ - a ~ ~ ~ . ~ A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ - - ~ ~ ~ ~ " ° , _ ~ _ . ,_u~ , ~3~ > ~ t ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ t^ . < - 3. .1 , W : k ~ f~ hr > . i..S~ Sd~° _ .,..4 , - . ~ , , r d n < . ~ . . ~ _ . ~,G Nv~.LC4t~ . _.v~"..~ sr ~ _ _ . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . 9+. .y~ n., c ~ . ~ . i _-a .~.rs n . . .n~s viF Sdy ~ ~ ~ ~t . ~ r ~ . ~ _ _ _ ~ ~ ~ _ 2 _ £ '1'~'S i~"'~~ ~ ,dn_, w~,.'~~t. R, M s t.:.r ..s, . . . _ - .;;~i.~~~ . ~ v o- , , r ' P " . , , .w. ii , r. ?lai, t,"; ~ ;J.. , il~. , 'S - F+ , . _ . . _ a , ~ . . . ~ ~ . _ _ ~ e. ~...1~- _ . . ~ 7~i~ :.e - - - . e., - , e ~ , . . , _ . . ,..,P Y . ti_ ~ _ y ` . ; , ~ ~ ~ ~ . „ ~ k e - _ +p, '-a e ~~.t,.,.~ : . . ~ . . . . "h , m ....Y ,e.r . ~4,k~_ . ~ U _ _ < . . a. =~sr_ ~ .-,a. ,.a - ^-r if ~ ~~~tSNd ~ -°ac~.~ -s,~~ sa ~i~ .n.ti~',°. ~C ~ i:~~ r.~, ,.,t-.t ~ ~ e~ „e ~ ~a~.m.~: 1~~.~ ~ u. ~ '~~1"" _ t. , . ~ . tl .a -n . ~ ~'~r~.;.a> ,~..t ~'.~i ~w4:.: ~ . . . ~ ~~~~'~~~X~ ~ w a.r.~:~ i~ :.°`i,'. . r, ~ K~ ~ ~w v ~ , Yr"i~' y",`s a~:'~~1L~~ „ ' ? . a _ ~ . _ _ . . ~ . . ~u~~ ` ~L . ~r,~`c~~,a~ . v~1: _Ca, ~ , .G , ~R`~~.~~ ~ ' ys = ~ _ ~ i~ ~ b~_ 7 _ . ~~~i£~ w t _ , ~ ~ „ ~ . . ~ _y:_ s. ~ ~~`Ii~~ q ~ W~~~~`i =y' u z~': n ~ ~.tR~, . ~ . ! ~a~ ~ - : . . . ~~~~'~A~ ~R , ;r'°°,. , , _ c;:~ . .`k E., . , .4 r' r ~ . ~ ~nc . ~:t .~ne~°'s~.'s . e . _ . T.:j` , ~?.y ~ _ . . ~ G= , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,.49fi ~ C~~~ ~~LTN~~~, ~ " ~ ; ~ MARCH ~f~ ~'',''~~7~ ~ v: ~ ARRb3~0 ~~N13E, :~AI.BIF°ORNIA ~AGE 3 . ~,f~~~ C~~sracil d~~~a~~~~.o~~ a m~°ti~n -~a~~ mad~ b~r ~~ur~~i.~,m~ri de'L~sany- sec~i~d~d- , ~ r. f~~~€ai~~,~:~v~inari ::S~it1~ ~r~d .izzi~nianou~~~ ~ar~°~~d, :di~eetirag ~i~~r Sta~~ , ta vv~~°~~ ~o 'Ae~era~~r F°o~aa~~on C~mm~ssi~r~ ~~t~~ng fcs~th,=~,h~ 'Ci~y ° s ~.n°te~°est in t~~ , , ~~operty b~ir~e~ prop~s~d f~r ~~ne~a~ian ~o Gro~e~ Ci~y~a P12~RESS REPOR~' - P120POSE1~ ~021`i~ POWEl~ Is2~1BII,~~'Y PROTECTION PROC~R~M , Ad~n~nist~°at~r But~h r~p~~°~~d °that rep~°e~en°ta~ives froin the ~i~ies in °t~i~ C~~nnty have be~n meet~ng °to~ethe~ in an e~for~ ~to fonnu].a°te a j~~:n°t powrers 1~.~~1~t~ ,pr~tect~~~ p~~~r~nm H~ ~t~.~ed thait uncler a jo~.a~°t umbre~.l~ co~e~°age, ~he ~~v~~~g~ wtou~,d be r~i~~d ]~ut n~~ th~ p~°em~.t~re .~nd ev~ntuall.y ~ven a reduc°tion ~.n p~e~n~~n~ ma}r b~ r~al~.zed. ~tucli~s ora °the proposecl px°ogram are cont~nu~ng. ATJ~'FiO12IZE ~~GE~~NG ~°LTND~ ~012 REG~OIQ P ~~NIQ~NfG ~0~1RD ~he Coe~~cil ~~~~ewaed ~n~~rxnat~~n f~~in ~~e Office of Cr~nin~l Jus~~ce P~.~~a~~n~9 12~g~.on P~ ~f ~ah~,ch C~:ty .`~dm~r~istra~or ButcYa the curren°t C~Zaa~~manm A~n~~~~tr~~o~ B~t~h ~°ep~~~.ecl that the Plan~~.ng Board ha~ dete~mined fund~ng i,s ~~~~~~~.ry ~roin t~e ent~t~es ~nv~l~ed °~o ~ont~.raue the R~~~on P Board for a yearo ~I~ r~~ie~nrecl ~~at th~~ C~ty ~lone ha~ re~~~~ed ov~r $~14~OOU in fund~ng bene~i~s ~~°~n ~mCs~oPo o~r~~ t~e pa~°t ~e~r~ral ye~rsm The C~°ty's share ~or 1978 tm keep t~~ Itega.on P B~~~cY go~g ~ro~lcl b~ ~~590 ~~ter Co~~~l d~s~u~~i~n, ~ m~~~on wr~s ~nade by Cotanc~lin~n d~ Leon, ~~~~~x?.e3ed b~r ~o~anc~].~nr~m~ ~m~~h and ~an~~?o~~~y ~a~r~ed, ~that t~e ~mount o~ 0 4~~ ~o~asa.elered ~n the C~.ty neac~ b~dget as ~ts share °t~ keep the Region P ~~~a~~~ th~ Of~'i~e ~f C~~,~n~l ~~st~ce Plana~~~g goingo •~a~;~I~7'fi1~N'I9 ~Fa ~OIIeI"Fi ~Q~T°~ ~iT~ l~~",[°~ONS CO~~~IONE~t m BURGH May~r Ni~~~.~,~ re~~~encled tha°~ J~ha~ ~~~ch of 637 Cer~o Vista Ci~°cl.e b~ ~~~~~~a~~~l ~e ~ra~anc~ ~n ~he ~~u°t~ C~~n~y Htiman Re~.a°~~ons Comm~ssion, 'I'lze ~~~e~x~a~~~~; ~ras ~eco~~l~d ~~r C~un~i~m~n ~ope ~nd c~seried urianianouslyo ~~:s~r"~~~u k~P~12~ ~ ~O~ C~ ~,]l~A 'Ia1t~I~! s~'~ (SCA~) CO1~~T~E ~1dm~.ni~~~~~~r Bu~~h repo~°~eel t~e re~~n~ ineet~ng of 9~he South Co~snty A~ea 'Tr~s~t ~~~~t~~~D aa~ch t~me it ~acl been fo~ma~ly organized saith ~~~,~o~ing ~f~~.~~rs. G~~~~~ ~~ty Co~~i~ I~I~la~x° Niaysel Fuller as Cha~r;person; C~uxa~y ~up~~~i~o~ Fi~~va~d ZR~a~a3c~~~ ~s ~i~~e-CYt~~.~n~; G~over ~i°ty Aclm~nistrataa~ - ~~~o~d Do~dy ~~c~~~~~~ anc~'. ~r~yo Grande C~:ty ~iclministra°tor Tom Butch ~~e~~~~~~~o ~'Y~e Cost~~.tte~ has s~gn~d ~as, agreement writh San Lui~ Trara~it< The ~i~~e~ ~~~uld b~ he~°e ~~o~racl t~e f~,rs~ May e D~~v~~~ being ~~red and the ~ur~~as~ ~f b~nch~s, ~~~~y ].ogo~ etco ~ont~nu~ngo R~T~EtnT O~° I~1~~E~~ I;E~I~I~aI'~i7E ~~ILoIoET~NS ~1201~I I~~iGUE OF' C~,I.~F°O~I~1 CI~°~E~ The Cou~~~~t rece~v~d asad re~riewed °~he lat~st L~~~~la~i~re ~u].le°t~ns f~om the Ioeagu~ o~ ~al~~~rnia C~tie~. ~!~~IGNATE DI~CTOR OE° Pi7~LIC WORI~ AS ~F°F°ICI~Io AG~N`.P ~Em L3~SP,STE12 ~SI~~.`~NCE The Co~xr~c~.l ~~~~~~r~d a propo~ed resolu~i~n ar~d assu~°ara~e~, ~~e~u~.recl as- p~t of th~ C~°ty's d~~a~te~ a~sis°tan~e appl~.~a~ion, wrhe~el~~ a~ ~~fi~~al ~gent ~eeeTs t~ ~lesign~.°ted s~gn °the City'~ appli~a~iona ~ft~r C~unci~ c1i~s~~~sion, ~~t~ ~~~~s~ne3~ ~h~p~~y ~~a~ th~ ti°tle ~ reso~ut~~n el~s~gnat.~ng the ~ity"s a~ent t~ ~~gn D~~aste~ As~~~~ar~ce l?,pp~~~at~ono ~1 Yno~~on wras t~en made b}~ Cou~acilm~°i Ga~~,aghe~, ~econcTed b~r ~~~nc~.~~nan sle I~~zsa~ az~~ ~xrn~:~~mo~z~~y ~~~~ied~ to ci~spe~se ~nr~..~h read~n~ the ba].~n~e o~ t~h~~ re~~lut~onm RE~OIatJT~OI~I NO e ~ 31 Fi ~ RESOI~IJ"~~O~i OF° ~FIE CITS~ ~OTJI~tC~~ O~` THE C2~1' O~' AE2R03C0 GRP,NDE ~E~IGNP,~~1~TG °SFiE DIREC`~'O~t O~° F'ZTBI,~C ~012ICS ~ ~~S I,OC~ ~1GEN°~ 0 On motion Coun~s~an de Leon~ s~~onded by Counc~l~r~~nan Sm~~ and on th~ ~oll~wi.ng ~ol.l call voteA to w~t: AYE~: Couric.~l I~e~e~~ P~pe, GalYagher~ de Leon, ~~rci°th ar~d Ma3ro~ Mill~,s NOES: None ABSENT: None the ~o~°egoing Re~o~u~ion raas pass~cl aa~d adop~ecl th~s 28th clay of March g~ 978 m° -_-:4'97 ~~uNC~i~ r~cx 2a, ~ ~7s ~ROYO C~12~I~iDE ~ CP,Id~F'O1~T~~ ~AGE 4 ~~A~~~~ - ~v~ c~~a~~~u~~~o~v su~cx~~~~ m ~ ~7~ ~ ~ ~ or~a ~~e C~~ncil r~~i~wed va~i~ex~ ~a°ka ~~oan Ci~~ ~~a~~ ~ncl ~~he~ ~i~~~~ ~°~~~r~1~r~g ~ ~r~p~~~c1 s~rch~r~e ~~a c~~~~~~~~a~o~ ~h~ ~~t~, th~ esta~li~hment ~f ~ Cap~tal Ignp~°~~ement F~nc3a ~~u~nc~Y~?~ ~allae~he~ ~~~~~~~~d ~h~~, the p~ovi~ions ~f ~~e s~xr~ha~ge ~ncl~zde ~ ye~~l~ ~~a~~~tion ~f °~he ~ees o C~~n~iTinna.ri ~~pe stat~d he ~aa~ulcl ~~k~ t~ have a p~ali~ l~e~~i~ag ~he ~~t~r ~nd m~~r~ ahead qu~cklyo The C~~~i~, ~ene~al~~ ~~~~~d ~a~t th~ l~~e~ ~~r~~d~~ ~d ~Ya~~~d p~o~eed on th~ m~tt,~r e Pif~t~~ C~un~~~ d~~~u~~~~~n9 ~ ~n~°~i~~a ~a~ ~~~ua~~~SL~n d~ ~e~ne sec~raded by C~~~~l~~ ~all~gh~~ ar~d ~~ni~~u~~~ ~~rr~~d~ ~~tt~a~~ ~ p~SLi~ h~a~~ng for ~,p~~.I e ~ 37~ at 8 P oM[o ~n th~ pr~p~~~~ ~a~~ c~~~~~~x~~,i~a~ ~~rch~~°~e f~r ~he ~~~~li~lzment o~ ~ Cap~~al ~~[ep~~~~in~a~~ F°~e~ o ~E;C~~IITDA~t'IOI\T 'I'O ~~~IV~; ~`~`~m~l ~i ~ A ae~~ee n~~ ae p FF~ o ~Eik~~~ ~1t~F2~~EK~ ~-FiEIJd) ~~lFIZ r~~~~~~~ ~ a~~~~~a~~~~t~~rn f~~an ~he PYars~a~~~ ~~~mis~~~n . °t~ ~~z~~~ I~T~o ~'7-`~ ~ 0~ s~~~m ~~~t_~i~~m3~~ 'eR~ u n ~ ~~~~s~~'t~ 59~ Ea a S~Y1e~~ ~i~~~a~~~ ~~~u~~~~~ ~a~ i~~.~~~~~~o ~~~y Att~~~~ ~F~p~~3~ ~~~~~a~n~l~~ ~,~a~ ~~~un~~.~. ~~n~id~~ h~1~Y~~~ caff ~n itt~~ ~~~t~~g o~ a p~l Y~~~~~ne~ ~rn ~ ~~~~rn~n~ ~~q~e~~ ~ ~r~~ra ~f tka~ P~.anning ~,~~iesa~"~ yal.~x~~ ~es ~~~d~ ~nd p~~s~~l~ a~a~?ce ~n~aa~nexa~ ~~~~~a~racl~,tion~ on the ~I~a? ~~t~~Ya ~~~.~.d t~~ ~~~~al~~C ~~~per°~~ o '~Ya~ C~a~aa~~~. indi~ated ~~~~~~~1~ ~ill'a'.~g ~~~~~~~C$~~ ~'t~~~'Y~.~~ ~'~~~~1~°~ ~~1~ ~3~1L~~y . ~a~ th~ ~~~r~~~.~. t~ ~~.9ce ~ct~.~n ~n ~h~.~ ~°~z~a~~~n~ re¢~~ae~~a s~l~~..~'~ '~~e ~I~1~I~A~~ ~iti ~,~aI2~~~~ R3~i°I"~~ ~c~~~~~. ~~~K,~~t~~ ~ ~,~t~~~ ~t~~.~.~ ~pl~~~~~ ~ l~t~.~eme~nt System ~~~.6~0~ e~~ ~ ~~~~~t~~a~ ~~n~~ vn ~~~8 ~~i~ ~as~~~~~.gan~~a~~~employee~~a ~~:~.nn '~.~nFs~~~n R~~~~'~ ~ ~El~~ ~E~,~ ~I~~~T C~ F°~d1~1~ ~~h~ ~~~~~t~r~~ ~ ~~~~~~tta~k~~ ]~~~~s~~ ~he~°~ ~~sr ~"~ae ~C~ntr~~. ~¢~~~t 5e1~- ~~~~°~~x~~~ FA~~.~ ~~~ks ~e~ ~.~«.r~~~~ ~e~ ~h~ ~hi~ y~~r ~~r °~~~lcman'~ ~oanpen~a~i~sa ~.~~~~~zs~~, ~a~u~ ~~R~ o ~ ~~~:Et~.`~~~~31~ ~br ~~~:~~8~~~ ~NC~~~ & R~~~ ~~NdMa riREN~B~R~Fi]CP~ ~h~ ~~~a~~.~ d~.~~~~~~~ ~1~~ ~~~g~~~~~s~ ~f M~.~~~ ~3~~~~.~8 ~t~ pr~vimu~ tl~~~, t~~ ~~~5.~ ~~~~~~~~,~~s~ ~~z~~~~§,m~a ~S~ ~~s~~~~s~d fr~an 5 t~s 7 m~a~~~o M~~~~ ~~~~e ~s~a~~~a ~rad, G~.~,~a~~a~~ ~~;c~~~~l ~~a~ incr~~~~~ ~t~g~rs~ ~Yxa~ ~.npra°~ ~x~~r~~.~~~n~a~~ ~~~~~~b~~:~ ~~a~~a~i3a~~ra F~op~ di~- ~c~r~~ct, ~~~~in~ ~~~s~~~ ~~:c~ ~~~~~~~~r~ ~r~~°~~ ~f~~~~~~t~y ~m~ ~le~~~ thiralt ~1~~ ~ ls~°~ ~f ~~~~~a~m~~a°~ n~c~~~~.~~l~r ~~t~~~a ~i~ ~~a°~~r: Ya~ h~.~ he~~°d rn~a ~b~~~~i~s~s ~~°~m ~3~~ ~ ~~~~~~a~r~ ~~i~~,~ ~i~~ ~ra~ fe~~~ °~he~r a~°~ dca~a~g ~ g~s~ jc~~ a ~~~~~.~sn~ c~e ~~a~~~ ~~q~a~~~~d ~~a~.~n~.¢~r~ ~f Ds~~~~~ ~~hsa~~~~ Pa~~C~ & ~~~~°~~~s~ ~ ~~,~~~~a~~° ~ka~ ~a~~ px~~~~~at e ~h~ ~~~~~c~ ~ ~r~ ~r~~r ~.o~a~ ix~ ~~~~~i~~.ng ~rad °kh~,°~ ~h~~s c1~ ~a~~ 1~~~re p~~k~]L~m~ cs~ ~r~~~,rac~ q~~r~ p~~~c~~a°t D baat ~l~a°t 9~~~~~s~ ~1~~ ~ ~~.~i~~ ° ~ u~s~~m~.r~,~ ~ra~~~~~~a~a~~ ir~ ~r~~°;~~~s p~rk ,~~~~~~~s g ~h~ ~e~~~~.~~~.~r ~s~~:~c~ ~v~~.~~~~ .GS~ss ~h~~ a~~~~ i.~ ~~ac~ragtho M~ye~ M~.l~i~ ~~~s~~~~~dl ~Y~~~ ~~c~~t~.~a~~a~. ~ra~srrks~~~ ~n~~ b~g~ra ~sna~~,l ~~1~ ~ q ~ 9`~~ m ~.~°t~~ ~mt~~~~,~ ~~~~u~~;~~~~ ~ v~~~ ~~c~~ 3~}~ ~s~5~~.~~~,~r~~a~ ~m~.~~i~ s~~~~dl~d by ~~~~~~~a~r~ G~SI~~~Y~~~ ~~d ~~~=r~~a~n ~3~°~.h ~csa~a~i~a~s F~csp~ ~~~~~~a~~r~c~; i~~~sr°~~~~r~q ~kk~~ C~~~ p~r~~~~~ ~~~t~n~~uu~~ ~~i~~~~~~ t1~~ an ~~~1~iy~ c~~ th~ ]~arl~~ ~ ].~~~~~~~~r~ ~,~~i~~~ ~~~r~ m ~r~, v~,~Y~ ~~n~~~~~°~,t~mra °th~ b~dli~n~r~e~ rt~~t ~¢~m~ la~~~~~ ~~i~ ~¢~~~i7~ u~s~~b M~~`/~ ~ ~~~aee. ~ ~ ~ e ~~1~fi ~F ~'(~tJR°~'~I ~:~7~~~~ ~AI~~ ~s ~~~1~~'~T~ ~~C ~~21~'~~ The Cc~t~nc~l ~~~.~~~d ~ r~~s~~°°~ ~n ~~i~ ~~~a~°°~k~ qua~°te~°, 1977 n~~~~s ~'ax Rev~nu~e ~°ece~,p~t~ ~~ic~ C~~~~~~°~~ t~ ~'~ra~~~ & ~eb~°~~~y, ~ 978 a Th~ ~°eceip°t~ indicate an ,~raa~~a~~ m~ 20 a~~s ~h~ ~ 9~6 €a~u~°~t~ qu~~°~~~° ~a~d i.s th~ ~~.a~h~st f~urth q~~~te~ a~n~1 ~h~ ~e~~n~ ~i~,~Y~~~~ c~~~~°°~~~ ~~e ~~~~r ° ~ h~~t~~y d ~Corrected 4/11/78 to read ",..as the new members' terms would not begin..." 49~ cou~vc~~, r~~x as, ~~~a ~o~o ~~rt~~, c~~~~x~~~ 5 ~'ROUl~.'~~ E~F°~OFT°I'.~ o E°I~ ~~°AeI°~~II~1 ~ I°I~F,' g 2."~1~IU~1~°I"~ B~I3~i e&~~'F20~'HE12 ~I~E~IC ~,c7min~~t~~to~ But~h e~~ve pr~g~~~~ rep~rt~ va~i0a~~ C~ty p~o~ec~~, as ~~llo~as : a~ In reg~~d ~ n~~a locat~o~a f~~ the ~°ire Depar~n~n~? h~ ~tated that °th~ C~~ta,~~.ed ~~~igh°t p~~pe~ty had been °to~ e~c~e~~~veo ~1~~ ~ea~~h con°~inu~.ng ~e~r a~~~st~~.~:~.y l~~a°t~el ~~te ~n the City o S~~ ~~g~~d~ t~ ~~e ~~~ntzri~ty ~u~,~.c1~n~ ~xp~~~~n, h~ ~ta~ed tha~ 50~ of th~ ~r~~}cing ~~.ans ~~~u~,~l be ~~~ilable b~ the ~cldle ~pr~.l, at s~riz~,ch ~~xne the Co~~~~~r ~~~~d~.ne~ C~~~~°~~e ~~~.1 revi~~nr ~h~ a ~rog~e~~ ~x~ th~ c~~~re5~~pnaent o~ Stro~he~ Pa~It i~ continu~.ng rnr~th two ~ta~e g~°ant~ r~~ei~e~ ~ahich ~a~~.l c~ver ~inp~oveme~~ the Iiuasna Road ~ror~~age o~ ~1~~ park, en~~ ar~~ pa~Jc~~~.~ ~~-e~ m °I"~e Conse~°~~~i~n C~~ps has planted 79 pine tr~~~ anc~ 6~ed~r~~cl~~ ~~i p~~t~ng a~p~~nlcl~r s~ste~m ~~~~"'E 12EQLT~~~ ~`Ol~ F~~~~12~~TG ~E° ~~RE ENG~NE °I'Yr~ Co~c~.~. xe~~~~~d ~~ep~rt ~'~~bn ~°~re Chie~ Ton~ I~~~alek x°egard~ng the ~~~s~~e~~x~a~ o~ F~~e Eng~n~ o R~buildi~g ~he pres~n~ engia~e is not be~ng ~er~d c1u~ t~ ~~s a~~ ~c~ a c~ac3c ~,n ~~e 1bl,~c~C e ~e Cka~ef reco~nended t~aat a ~~~~~1 ~ng~ne b~ p~t ~~~po~~d G~~n Eq~~.~zr~ea~t C~mpa~y, wh~ch h~s ~ne ~a~~h ~ro~l~l ~i~ ~n~~ ~e ~~~cka a ~o~t 5, ~00 e '~t~e current bud~et includes ~ ~ Q00 fo~ ~h~ ~a~g~~~o ~~~r~~.~.~ d~..~~~~~~o~D ~~~ti~n wr~.s ma.d~ b}~ Councilmara de ~eon, ~econded ~"~~~~i~ G~~~~~he~ ~.nd ~ax~~norzsly ~arried, ~pP~ov~.ng the request of the Fire ° ~f ~ c~~~~~~;~~ffig ~e E~~~r~ #k ~ , oa~t~ ~n~d ~ve o T'.~~'~~2~~' m~~,~~°~ ~~~T"~ ~~3`i7~~0~.~ I~~~,'~IJC~ m 1~I,Ia~S ~ s~~~~~~e~~ oa~ the 1~~~~a ~ 978 ineeting of the Zone- 3 1ldvisory ~ m~~~l~~~ ~a~.c~ b~~~ h~~~°cl froxn the I,opez Recz°eat~ona]. , ~~~b ~k~ ~~^~~a~~~ ~ ~~~~!,s~~~~~ ~~~~nd~nce ~c1 rev~aa~e ~or Feb~°uary due to the r~~ °~~c~ ~'~~~~.ae~~ P3~to ~~pe~ LaJc~ s~sa.lled ~s~e~ on Ma~ch 4~.h at ~ a ~ ~W~ ae oI~T e ~o~~ i~~he~ ~~~re sp~.~~, o ~om~cu.ttee ~a~l]. ~.our tYie f~~~~.~.~i~~o Y~~~~ 1~R~~ ~~q~ae~~~d to~s~s so 3~e a~°ranged for t~e Cou~nca.l of ~2 2~~~z ~~i~ P~~~~~. ~~c~~,~~~esp a~ ~rel~. as ~e ~an~tatian ~~~tr~ct's ~'~~~~.~a~n~ ~l~s~ o ~Y~~ ~11~??~~i~t~El~ E'~I2 '~'~~3~ Fi~ D~~1~T~~ ~1RE~1 ENGI~TE~12~I~TG -~AR~11G g T~1YI,OR &~S~C o C~a~~~~.~, ~~~~ewy~~ ~~e~~~~ f~~m Ci~g~ ~~-~~~ne~r IC~~p and D~~e~t~r of P~~.~~ ~1~~k~ ~de~~~n~ ~~~~~~a~~g y.s~~p~~~~~ ~e~~~~ed °t.~a~~~ ~i~i~ f~r the ~~g~~~e~ine~ s~~~3~ ~~o °~~e ~~~~g~ ~Y~ d~ain~ge ~~e~ o P~~p~~~ ~~in~~~~d =~~~e as ~'~~l~r,~~ s ~`~ane ~o ~~~~.m~ted ~°~.~arc C~inpl~~~~ l~a~~m~r~~ ~~s~, Ga~°~~g, Ta~rY,~~ & As~~~. i4~ So Elm, ~°ro~~ 8 a~re~]k~ $5,600 ~~~:n Engir~~e~°izng ~2~`! ~n~D 4°~ i~~ ~~~~s ~6,000 S7,OU0 ~~~d F~ o ~c~o~,~ ~ o 200 ~~~~°ba~y ~a~ ~u~~ ~b~~p~ ~ gn~~o ~o ~ ~rr~~~c~ $10y00U ~~~~ve~ ~~2i~ ~ ~nq~x~,~e ~ob ~~~~;ng s°~~~~~1 ~hc~ fa~~n ~a~ n~ ~n~e~~~~ le~t ~h~ H~ p~~s}a~~~~e~ g h~~~,ng ~~lcl t~~m~ ~ft~~ s~~n~~.~ ~~s~~x~~° ~~on, ~ ~ot~~a~ ~a~ ~~de 9a~ ~o~n~i~n~ de ~~~n$ ~~~~~;~~d ~y ~~a~~aa~~.linan ~~pe ~d earried, awra~'cl~ng ~he ~on~~a~~, ~~r ~n~~~e~~ing ~r~ the ~°~~1~5 H~ ~~a~nage ~ea ~G~ the fi~n of Ga~~n~g ~~gtl~~ ~~~~~ci~t~s, ~ m~~~Yn~n c~~t o~ $5,60Qr ~i~ ~th~ ~tudy t~ ~~m~sle~~d ~.n ~ic~~t ~~~k~ o 14(,'CF;P"!' PI'12~C~I' NQo 45~'~ Oe~C:Ii~ I.A2~ B C~1" ~G~RII~TG~ ~1'~-1YI~12) City Engineer Ka~ ~~~~~~r~cl w~tl~ ~~ae Coun~~~ hi~ ~ep~rt ~ecomHnend~:ng a~cept~nce ~f the ~np~~vements i~ ~r~c~ 1V~e 4538 "12an~ho La ~~rranca", located o~f of ~'~]el~ Fio ~'Fo~do gi~ Statecl ~~la~ C~~y S`taf~ is ~a`~i~~~.ed that `t17~ °I'~'s~et~s improv~rcents are nowr r~ad3~ fmr ac~~~~ance arid ~~at app~o,p~iate ~nd~ be re~;easedm A maintenance boncl ~n the ~noixnt $~6,500 ~nr~ll be in ef~ect ~or one ~ea~ follow~ ing the c3~te a~ a~c~pt~n~~ o~ tY~e ~~a~~o Th~ fl~za ~rater l~n~ ~~s passed the Co~ntgr' s ba~t~~~,a test o ~Q~C~~ 28, , 9~8 4 99 . ~C~7Y0 GRANDE, CALIFORNTP, PAGE 6 i~f°te~ Council discu~s~on, a motion raas made by Councilman de Leon, second~d ' by Counc~.]snan Pope and carried, accepting the a.mprovements ~n Tract Noa 453, "Ranch~ I~a Barranca", and r~leasing all bonding as~ociated with'~l~e .developmerat, except the s~ftten~nce bond. ACCEPT TR~CT NOo 636, ~~DIP,I~TA PLP,CE" ~PHII,Ia2PS & NICHC3I,S~ Ca.ty Eng~neer Karp reviewed w~,°th the Council his r~por°t regarda~ng final acceptance c~f the ~.mprovemen°t~ in Tract N~m 636, "Diana Pla~~", begng developed by Ph~llips and Nicholsm P,f~er Council cl~.scuss~or~, a mo°tion was made by Council-' man cle Le~n, ~econded by C~~acil.wornan ~mith and urian~.mously carried,. accepting, on beha~.f of the public, the i.mprovemen°ts in Tract N~a 636,"Diana Place, and author~z~ng the rel.ea~e of bond~ co~er~ng tl~e worko ~ 1vla~ntenance Bond ~.n °the amourit of $1A,OQU reznains ~n e~fect for one year ~oY.low~ng th~~ acceptancem ~,[•[`~m D1z~,`rNAGE EP,SEIIEN`~S &°I'RPsC~I' NOo 6~5 ~'JANiES HEIC~H°I°S" (PACE) C~ty Exag.~rneer Karp ~ev~e~aed ~a~th the Counc~l h~s report ~d a inap r~gardinc~ Tract N~ 0 625, Fi~~ghts" , l~ca°ted on th~ s~uthvaes°terly ~ide of ~a~e~ inTay ~ad deve].opecT by V~c Pa~~ a Improvement of the tract iracluded t~he City ~t~ff requ~~eYnen°t o~ cTra.~na¢~e ea~ments °thr~ugh °tw~ro lots on ~ract Noa 453, ~~Rancho I,a ~~rr~.nca" y wh~cYa have a~so been ~ecei~edm The Counci~. discussed th~ i.mproveYnents o~ the tract, pax°ticular].y the as~Yaalt be~s ~n Colina St~~et, caY~sch ~rere approved p~~~r t~ the City Council's p~~~~ ~gainst such be~n~ m The C~~snc~.l f~~,t ~ conditiora o~ app~oval of the tract ~t~o~~.d ~e conc~ete curbs ancl gutter~ ~n Colina ~°t~eet a ~~te~ C~~zr~c~.~. c1~~~u~s~~aa~ a~a~t~~aa wa~ ~d~ by Co~zrac~.lman Ga17:agher, seconded ~~:~nc~lm~°i de L,eor~ ~rnd ~~~ou~~,y ca~ri~dg as f~l~~ws . ~ Authorizing the ~ay¢~~ to execut~~ oxa b~~alf the C~.ty, ~he Tmproveme~a°t Agre~aenta 2) Accepting on ~e~~~.~~ ~h~ C~t3~, I,ot A a~ a~ite for ~ domes~~~ wa~er booster pumP station; 3) ~c~~a°~i~~ offe~°~ of ded~.c~°tion for ~am~s Way, Goliraa Str~et ~nd easements as ~f~e~e~ ~or d~dic~t~on ~~s the map ~ubject to cotnpYeti~n o~ the ~mmprovements ~ati~~~.ctor3r th~ 4) ~'~.nding ~ha°t T~act Map Noo 625 is consistent with . ~e C~ty°s G~z~~~°~l P~~a ancl ~orain~; 5~ Req~~ri~~ °the ~ns°tallation of concrete curbs.and gut'ters ~r~ b~°~h sicles ~f ~olina Stree~e and 6~ ~pproving Tract Map 625. A m~t~.on was tYaex~ m~cl~ by Counc~].mara G~~~.agher, seconded by Counci].woman Smith and unan~m~u~1y ~~~r.~~cl, a~xth~r~z~ng the May~r and City C].erk to sigr~; on b~~ralf ~f the pul~lic, tne ~e~tif~cates ~f Acc~ptance for five foot wide drainage ea~~ment~ ~~~n J~~~}r M. &~~san Stephenson ansl ~m~o & Max°~g~ret E. Baxrke, on Lots 32 and 33 0~ ~r~~t Nom ~#530 APPROVE PARCEIa MAP AG78-0~ fl~AI~3t I~i~ f20~ (B~Jf2KE ~ ET City Engimeer K~.~p re~~.~wed wi°tla °the C~e~~annc~l a copy of Parcel Map AG78-06, ref].ecting a 1ot split (Cas~ Nom 77-283) to make a lo~, li~~ adjustment on property located on the northwreste~°~.~ ~ide o~ ~ally Iio Road and south ~f Jame~ Waye as reques~ed by B.Jo ~u~Jce, alm After Co~anc~l d~scu~sion~ a motion wa~ made by C~uncilman Ga].laghesc, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unani.mously car~ied~ f~nd~.ng °that Parce7. Map AG78-06 is cons~.stent ~rith the Ge~aeral Plan and C~~,y Zoning, and approving Parce]. Map AG78-Q6o F'IN~,L ~,CCEPTP~NCE OF° IN~R~~7EMEIVTS ~1~T °~R~C~ I~10o Fi00 QG12EE1~4VOOD) City Eng~.neer Ka~}a revi~~red ea~~Y~ th~ Counca.Y his repo~t ~e~ommending fa.na}. acceptance of the impr~~ements ~n Trac°t 1~10 0 600 ~ lo~ated off of Branch IJIil]. Road and developed by A~Ir. Green~aoadm A~°~er C~~~c~l discuss~on, a mo°t~.on rnr~s rnad~ by Mayor Mi].l~,s, seconded by Councilm~ G~l].~gher and unanimously carried, accepting, on behalf of the publi~, th~ i.mpr~srement~ .i~ Trac°t No m Fi00 anrl auth~riz~.aag ~e - release of the cash bond guarante~~ng ~aid ~mpr~veanentsm CORRESPONDENCE RE. OAK PARK I•1CRE DE~LOPME~1~ - KVIDT The Council received~ ~~ad ancl ordered filed a le°tter from Reul~en Kvidt, devel.oper of Oa]c Park Acres, wrr~.°tten in response °to a le°tter previously received from Wm. Langtirorthy regarding the Oak Park Acre deveY,opmenta RECEIPT OF BIDS & AWARD CON'~RACT - I~ROSTEMENT OF° TIiE ~IKE, PRO~TTECT 9U-77-2 ('OXFORD) The Council rev~,ewec3 a report from D~re~tor of Public i~orks Ande~son, stating that bid~ had been received anel openecl on Mar~h 23', 1g78, for the i~stal- lation of curbs, gaxtters, sid~wra~:ks and dx°iveraay~ on The P~.lse, as fo].lows e 5 ~ ~ ~o~~~~ ~~CH 28, , 9~~ I~RROYO GR~IDE a CAI~IF°ORNTA PAGE 7 ~IDD~R TU"I'AL.'AMOUL~T~I'; ~OF BID ~;sB ~~FORD, ~ 98 P~a~r~ocl, A~~~y~ Gr~ndey ~ 93420 7,475.00 ~aCa ~iP,YES~ PeOm Bo~ 553a Grover Ci~yy CA 93433 2~,387.50 ~eJe HERI~ECK, Pa~< ~o~ 2~78 N~pomo, CP, 93444 179$2°8m50 1~~ter Counci~ d~~~u~~ion, a moti~n rnra~ made by Counci~,maa~ Gallagher, ~econcled b~ Co~ra~~Yva~~n ~~nith and unan~,mou~ly c~rrieda aw~rd~ng the contract fc~r P~o~ect l~Toa 9Um~7~2, Irrcp~o~em~s~t of The Pa~ke? to ~ob Oxford~ who subanit°ted ~he lor~r b~.cT of 7, 475 0 00 m ~OPT RESOI~U~IOIQ CONINl~I~DIIVG ~IO~ni~ 1~1E4d°~Y ON Ii~S 12~TIREIK~I~T~ F`ROM SOs ~~m Cs~,S ~c~rcin~~t~r~~o~ Bu~~h ~~p~~ed ~at I~~ward ~T~~rby w,il~, b~ ~e°~~,~~ng frozn ~the ~~uth~rn ~~~~.~~~°~~a ~~~rc~any ~~te~ ~e~~.ng th~t compar~y fo~ 3~ yea~s o H~ pr~~~~~ed ~~e~~l,a~t~~n ~o~rc~~cT~~g Nlr o Newby ~ f~r the Co~ci~ a s con~~derata.on o Af°~~~° ~~~z~~~ ~is~~x~~~~n, City Ae`~n~n~~°tr~to~ Butch ~~~c1 ir~ ~~11 a~esolu~tion ~~~~~~~n~ 1~ m Zde~rby e 12~~OI~IJ~~OrT DTO m 13 ~ 7 ~i ~S~~i7~~~'9N TI~ ~~'~5~ ~~TJI~TCIIa OF° TI~ C~T~ O~O GR~TI)E ~O~1~TDII~1~ Ii~43~,121J I~WBY E'OR I°i~S ~E1Z~~~~ ~ ~OU~E3 ~~~JN~~I o ~n ~otio~ ~~~~n de ~eon~ ~~~onded by ~o~n~~~inan Ga1lagYaer and on ~~d6~~~~_~g ~~~1 ~~te~ ~r~.~m o s i~. ~~pe y~al~,~gher~ cle T,e~n, Srnith ~nd May~r M~l.lis N~~~ ~~~x~a N~~~ °~he ~~~~g~~~,~~ R~~~~~x~~~n ~,a~~ pa~sect an~ ado~tecl 28t~a day of M~ch, 1978 m ~~1~~~~,fi~~1V CE°I~~, P1~O~I~ Th~ ~~w~n~il ~°e~cl a~~nerad~ti~a~ ~'~om ~~e Depax°°°trnent of Exnployment and ~~~~~~ng ~he ~~~ye ~~s "excel~e~~ ~,~~i~~ng and job opportun~t~,es ~e~~~`~~~t~e' ~.n p~~~~~~pat~rng in the Comp~eh~ns~ve Employcnen°t and '~~°a~~~~~ P,~~ ~~E~'~~ a ~E° CO~~P~I~T~EIV~E ~ a TD~~I,OPI~'IE1~T°~ O11~I P12INT~ RO~,Ia ~~.~Y i~ ~~~~~~°~hy ~ A~~~yo G~°and~ ~r~nge a~ea D pr~~ent~d to th~ C~~xnc~;]. ~nd ~e~el ~ ~.e°~~~~ ~~t°~~r~g ~~r~h hi~ ~oncern~ r~ga~d~~g a sl~velo~nen~ ~ak~ng p~,ace on Pr~.ntz ~~a~ b~ i~ m I~~~~~~ o El~.z~~~.h ~~~~s~ne E°ai~-,~I~~Pa D~i~e, ~z~~ecl each t~~e~ of the Co~ancil and P~ann~ng Co~n~~~i~~ t~ ~~~~C a~ ~he s~j~~~t de~elopme~te Mayo~ Niil~.~.~ ~ugge~~~cl t~ Nf~o ~~gworthy t~~.t the ~~ty couYd. ~r[ore respons~ve t~ 1~~~ ~~n~~rra~ h~ b~oughit thein ~.n °~~e fo~ ~nc~~sior~ witk~ ~e Coun~~.l' ~ agenda, cou~d be ~ul~,y ~ev~ewrecl ~he~d ~f °time o F°~°eel ~nc~ ~h~ p~~s~ r~qu~st~d ~op~~~ ~ny ~espon~e ~roan °t~~ ~ity N~~ o~~x~~~~~~°~~y e~ m~~~~~~~~ a ~7EQLTEa~I" F'~ft C'C)IJ1~T~:~~ ~I~'*aT`T° ~ o ~~"I~Y ~ ~ ~O~ ~I~T ~1`T~I'1~~°I`a~CDTG I3~ ~~7~~II~iiE~S~S ~ MILLIS li~yo~° IK~~Y~~ ~~q~~st~~l ~he e ~ ~p~n~or~ °~h~ ~~t~ e s ~ole ~r~ ~ttr~ct~n~ ne~ b~sa~~~~~~~ to the C~tyo A~te~ bri~~ cTis~u~~~on, ~~n~~~~ ~~unc~~. consez~~~s~ ~ras ~h~~ t~e ~ity ~h~~~d~ ~rork ~n t~~ ~n conjur~~~~~n ~a~~h ~k~e Ch~mb~r Co~¢ne~ce a~c~ ~~h~~ ~g~n~~es . p.DJOLT~tMEN~° On mot~on ~f ~~u~~~~nan Pope, seconcTecl Coun~ilm~ Gallag~ae~ ~n~ ~ani- morz~l}r car~~.ed, the ~ee~~.ng acl~ourned at 10 z 12 P.Mo un~~.l ~ a 3Q P aN1o ~r~ Mar~h 29, 1978a r ~ ~ ATTE~T: ~ ~L~~E~~ C~ °I`Y ~~12IC i~ p~