Minutes 1978-03-29 ~U1 ~t C~LTNGII, M1~RCEI 29, 1978 ~tOYO CRANDE 9 CAIeIFORN~A 3 a 30 P.Nim 71h~ C~ty Co~xr~c~~ met ~r~ regula~ ~dj~~~cT ses~ion r~r~,th Mayor l~lli~ pre~~dingo LJpon ro~.~. ~all, C~~cil M~e~s Po,pe, G~S.lagher, de T,eon and Smith ~eported p~esenta STiJI)Y ~E~~ION RE o ~GIiO ~~DE DEi7EI~PNIENT ~`fl~e Co~c~:~. held ~n ~n d~pth stucly ~es~~.on on th~ prop~sed ~n~ho Grancle De~elopmenta ~r~th Pl~~ng Di~eecto~ Ca~tro ~el th~ developerso D~scuss~~n raa~ held regarcl~ng a~orx~ o~ ~he subjec~ property, witYi a date to be ~et at the Coun~~.~' s next regul~~ m~et~rag a ~Ot)12RIl~lEN~ ~n nnotio~s o~ Counci cie ~,ee~na seconcled by Coixrac~lYnan Gal~.agher and ~~~nou~lg~ carr~ed, the ~nee~~.ng adj~urned ~t 4 a 55 P aM, ~1~ST . / ! , ` DEPL?TY CT7"Y .`~LERK OR ~ END OF B'00K 9 SEE B~~K 10 .