Minutes 1976-05-12 ---~s9 GITY COUNC~L MAX 11, 197f . ARROYO GR~„N~E, ~I~~~°CS~~,~ PAGE 5 ~lo~~r~~ ~~,c~ ca~a ~~a~t~ b~ a~~dli~s~ ~he~r m~.ght a}~A~.Y to hill~, ~~~c~4 w~~ ,~ain~~~ ~u~ ~1~~,~ this is alre~,~d~' reflectsd in ~h~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~a ~~~z~~~~ d~~~us~~.cn, a moti~~ t~ae made by ~oura~~~~n~r~ ~~~~~c~~d ~~~~~i~~n ~c3~l~g~~ ~nd un~aimaue~y ~~txried, lir~di~~g ~a~~~~ ~ ~~~-22~ ~~~~~~~~n~ w~~~k~ ~~a~ ~en~x°al Flan arid C~.~~' 2onir~g~ ~~a~~~~,rag ~ ~r~ ~~k~~~~ ~~a~~~ ~ ~c~~~~i~r~~l ~~v~~ f~et ~f width `cn 8~agecoaah Road ~k~~~ ~~~1 ~,~~a~~~~~~ P~~~~~1 i~p P~G 75-225 sub~~~~ '~c bands b~~ng ~c~~~~~~d~ ~c~~ ~~a~~v~~r~~~ e NO~~C~ v ~'~i~~i~~ ~~~~~~~~+fi p 3 ~~~~A~ ~P" ~~~NE - ~~SE #76-9 R~#IR OAK$ ~~Nt~~ ~5~~~~ ~ ~~~T~ i~ ~t~~ ~~~a ~3~ 25, 1976, 9 ~aM. ~a~ ~~u~~~~ 1~,~~ ~~~r~ filed by tna ~gez~t ~or ~s~~g~~ Nt~y~~e~ ~r~ ~~~~,~i ~l~~a~~s~~ ~a~nzni~~ior~ ~f ~~o~~ Caee ~fc~! '~~5~95, to re~or~~ ~.~a~s~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~y~,z~~ ~s~~~Y~ ~f Oa~e ~ver~ue° an8: e+~~~ Q~ ~he A~°~~y~ ~~~r~~~ ~~~~n s~~~~~~~~~, P9~~1 R A~~3a1~~ h~a,x~ng before ~1~e ~~uncil k~~~,` ~a~~~ f~~ ~ ~7~ ~ ~ QA ~ ~Mr RE~~i~'~ ~P~~~ "V~~ 't'~ tn~~'~~ GV~A `~"~iE ~QS~?" ~ MCCANI~t T~~ll~~.m N~~~~~~, ~a~~~~.d~n~. ~~~ar~~ 1~~ ~~a~c~e~~ad Citiaex~~-~ Iz~¢. p~~~er~~~d ~h~~ ~~~z~~~~. ~ ~ ~~~~~c~ ~~~~~e~~~~~~~~, a~ ~e~o~t enti~Ied "t~ho T~,~~~ ~~a~ ~ " ~ ~~~~~e~ ~as~oa~°r~ ~bbut` the ~.m,~~~~ c~~ ~~~w~~ ~r~~ ~~~~~~~m~~~ ~ ~~~TO~fi~N'~ ~~~~T~"~tT~ ~~~~~~N ~ ~~~~~i~~~ ~~~~~a ~~~~a~~~~ ~y ~c~ur~~~i~a ~~,llagher at~d ~~~~i~~~l~ ~~~~~~d~ ~1~~ ~~~r~~~~ ~d~~~~a~~~ 10s07 ~q~a ~a~utiiva~~~A~s~cu~ t~ ~~s~~e~ ~~a~~ ~~i~~~~s~~ a R~~Ai+~~M~~T~' ~ ~ ~~~n~~~ ~~~~~~~ra~d 14 ~ ~0 ~ 9~te ~~~k~ ~n~~~~~ p~e~en~~r a.s s1~o!wrr o~ ~~1~ ~~~~e ~~Oid~~~i~" ~~~~z~ ~s~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~d~~ ~y~ C~ur~~il~~~ Mi~1~~ ar~~ ~r~~~~~n~~~~~ ~~~~~~~i, ~~~z~~~~ ~ 0 a 5i ~ eM~ 7 e 3G ~,M, ~r~ ~1sdr~~sday, ~~r ~ ~ 9~~ ~ ~ ~~~r~~ ~~r~~~ w~~~ ~Y~~ ~~~~e ~z~~ R•~~sa~tion ~~t~nniesion. ~ ~ ~ ~t7 • c~~'~ ~r'r~~~ c~.-~.~~~ ~~ei~~s~ ~tife~8~}e~~p~@ey{~ miese~ ~eev s~ e~ ae p . 'ke~ ~k~ 4.c~E+~ ~ i'Yf~Of~ . . CT~ !'~?~t 1 Z, 1976 ~~~~~~~4~. I~;.~Q ~eM• ~~~~r ~~a ~~~~~s~~~d ~n~~tix~~ ~o~ ~ jaint s4~a~is~r~ wi~h ~~d ~~~~-~~~~za~ v~~~~ ~a~~s ,~~s~i~izag. U~toz~ rc~ll ~ali+ Coux~~~~ 1~~~~~ ~~~a~~~~~a ~~id i+~y~~~ ~e~~ ~~~~~ed ,~reeer~~. ~o~r~~~,~~n~,~ ~~1~~~~~~~ ~~a ~~a~~~=~~ d~~~z~~ ~.~a m+~~~,~r~e~ ~z~s~ 6,~,~a~~~d~~ ba~arre ~~~~i~ ~raa ~ ad j ~~~r~~~ ~ ~ ~ REVIEtiI ~P" ~~n~03]~~ ~ ~76~~'7 ~fiJ~G~°~~ ~C?R ~~~T~~N P,~TD PAk~KB DEPARTN~N'~S G~~~e~~.~ cl~.~~~~~~~~ ~r~~ k~~~el ~~g~,~d~.~~ thQ p~apase~ i976-7? bude~at~ ~or the Recrsa~icaz~ ~~,~~~°~~t~~~ ~~a~ l~~}a~~tm~nt; ~h~e S~~~t~er Park Developm~r~t P1an~ ancl a 1'a~x~3~ ~n~~;~,y~a~~~ ~~ca~ o ADJOURNMENT On an~t~.oaa cs~ C~~n~~,~,~n ~i~.~,~~, se~onded by Councilman Spierling and' unanimr>usly ~a~r~~d., °~h~ ~~~~~.~ag ~.djc~~rned at 9:30 P.Mo to 7:30 P.M. Qn 1~ndaY, May 17, 1976. ~ ,J' ATTEST: 1 1 \ . G'~eQ--'~-~ DEPU'T'Y CI°I'Y C~E1~IC MAYOA