O 375 C.S. i' OROINANCE NO. 375 C.S. \ ..;....--'-<' AH ORDINANCE OP TUR CITY roUt/elL OF 'I11E CJTY OF NIROYO ORAJolDB MPROVINO ZONE aIANQ.E NO. 88-203. JaIB 8COLILIUIlLC. LOOMIS AND ^"tENDWG 111.E ZONINO MAP \'IIIIDtEAS, the Oty O>mcll of the Oly of Pnoyo Oromle, Qillfomla, has held 0 pubUc heRrIng on the oppJlcaUOI1 ol Jole Scolari and E.C. Loanlll to amend tho MlI1ielpa1 Code or the Oty of Arroyo Oronde lIS provided by OIIIpter 4, Artlele 32 of III1Id Cede to rezone aU that property described as lollows to CDD - Central Dillin.. Distrlctl In the aty ol Arroyo Groude, CoII1ty of Son Luis Obispo, Slate of Qillfontia, the M!II generolly boII1CIecI by Muon Street on the west, 1.0 FoInt Street 011 the north, OWn Te....ce 01\ the -t, and EIIat Bronch Street on the IOUth. . Also Identified III CoII1ty AsselJDr'. PDreel Nos. 07-202-4, 1:J. 14, 17. 10, 19, 241 01-2\13-11, 11, 12, 13, 14, 07-204-1, 31 and WIIBRRAS, the Oly 0>mc11 11II!I detetmlnecl tlllt the subject slto. Is adequnte In slzo end sh/lpo by Itself to aCCu~..,.,dute the rellllOllllble nqulnment.s at c:annerciol developmanl; end WIIBRRAS, till aty CoII1eU hils detenrilned thet the ZOllO ~ Is rellllOl'ltlble or bcnl!nelnl at Uti. \kne to serve this neighborhood baeollle the present &OPing could allow II1desIruble dcvelopnent ol till .UeJ and WnnnEAS, the aty OoII1cll has. detennined that till zone eha,.. would not IKIvemly Dlleet the IIUI'I'OII1dIng property beeallle It 18 eanalatent with the adjacent IICIIfIM!I'cloJ. Illes and prov\dea a good bufler belween \8eS1 and WIlHRBAS, the aty CoII1clI leels that tho pubJlo Interest and general welfore does required such rezoning; and WIIERBAS, 1111 Envll'Olll1C!lltal Impoet Report (ElR) hils been prepared on the proJl!ct and WIllI reviewed ~ UM! aty CoII1cll at a pIblle hearing; and WllImRAS, tho F.nvlrcnnental Impact Report (EUt) has lOll1d that potential impects of the proposed zone change ean be nttJpted to Inslgnlflll8/1CeJ and WIIHREAB. the aty CoII1cll has detennlned thllt the pl'Op09l!d zone CI1W1~ IIJ nn orproprtate I1'Ie or the subject property and Is \JesIreab1e lor the orderly develcpnll!nt ot the cannll11tYI I1IId '. WIIFJtEAS, the aty Council him detennlned that the proposed zc.ne cho.n(te Is III l'Onfonmnce with the City's General Plan. NOW, '111BREPORE, the City QQ1el1 of tho City ol Arroyo CI'WIdc doI!9 hereby ordain lIS followsl I . Section 11 Thot the ZonIng Map or the aly or Arroyo Grande be &mended to rezone the property Identified PI CoII1ty /lannor'. Parae! Nos. 07-202-4. 13. 14, 17. 18, 111, 241 01-203-9, 11, 12, 13, 141 01-204-1, 3. and .hown 01\ the map IdeutUled as ~t "A." attached hereto. to OoD-D Central Duslness District. . , Section 2, 11Je Planl'llnjf Department or the City at Arroyo Grende shall Ir6Intain U\O ZonIng Mop and copies or this ORllnonce and ExhIbIt "Anon me Cor plb1Jc Uge and perIIIa1 during all regular bl81nCS9 hOllrs. Section 3: ThIs Ordinance shll1l be In Cull Coree and eUeet thirty (30) days alter Its possege, and within fifteen (15) days alter Its p8!II8ge. It 8ha11 be pubUshe<1 once. together with the nM1e!l oC the Cbuncll M8I1oors voUng thereal, In Ii newspaper or aenera1 cIrculation within the aty. On motion by CO\.IJcU M8I1ber Moots . seconded by Councl1 Member Johnson , and by the Collowlng roll call vote, to wit! AYRS: Council Members Moots, Johnson, Millis, Porter and Mayor Mankins HORSI None AlJSENTI None the foregoing Ordinance WIllI passed and adopted at this reading on the 26thd8y of ADri 1, 1988. \b~.'~;~~~ ~~. MAYOR A'J Jr.fn ~ (J. Qn~.:v CITY CLE -,-- ,- ----,-- - ___m_ - \ -. -- ~\jO JP o() " (:) 0 , '" ~ 0--- ". 0 ~ -.' - .. ':. ~ ... - .._~ -: :. - ~ ~ .--:..~:::~-~ -- ~ ~ ...- __--:r .- .."'~ ~'" ,-' i)Q, //'" (\ ,/.. ~~ O~\j ~~~ ~.~~ " .A .. - . .