Minutes 1975-02-26 4~3 CITY COUNCIL FEBRtTAItY '~5, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 AUTHORIZE PROGRESS PAYMENT TO FOREMASTER -~RAND AVE s S IDEWATJK INS T?,IaLATION: 90~ 74- 6 The Council revie~ed a~~co~nenda~~on ~rom City Engineer Garca~a that Progress Payment No, 1 be made ~o Con~ractor J~'hn Ea Forean~ster for installation of cv.rbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways and cross gutters on Grand A~enue, Project Nom 90-74-6. Completion ;of the p~oj~et is anticipa~ed with.in ~turo raeeks, After Cov.ncil discu.ssion, a motion was mac~e by Council.man de L~on~ s~eonded. by Councilman Spierling and carri~d, authora.zing P~ogr~ss Pa~neng No, 1 in the amoun~ of $13,117.25 to John E. Foremast~r, contractor on t1~e C~Cy'~ concrete improvem~nt Project No. 90-74-6, AUTHORIZE FINAL PAYMENT & ACCEPT ELM ST STORM DRAIN EXT & WTDENING-- CO1~TC0 The Council rev~ewed a x~eport from City Engin~~r Gax°c~a, reeoa~n~n:da,~.g final progress paym~nt ta contractor Conco G~n~ral Engi~~e~in~:and acc~ptance of the Elan Street S~orm D~ain Exten~ion and S~reet Reconstruction P~oject between Ash and Poplar S~reets,subject to final inspection of the pipe as soon as it is possible to go thro~.gh th~ p~pe, AfG~r Cot~ncil discussion, a motion was made by Couneilman Schlegel, s~conded by Cottncilma.~ Spierling and carried, authorizing final payment ~o Conco General Engin~e~ing Con~raetors in the amount of $5,418.94 (~rLth a 10% ret~ntion held in the amount of $19,702.40), and accepted Project No. 90-74-4-subject to a sagisfactory insp~ction of the p~pes by the City when i.t is possible to go throtxgh the pipee PROGRESS REPORT - 30. SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITA~ION DISTRICT The mon~thly report fo~ Jan~tary, 1975, from the S~uth San L~is Obispo County Sanitatfon District was received by the Council, ~evie~red and ordered fileda NOTICE RE. SOUTH S. Lo 0. COUNTY WATER ASSOCIATION MEETING - 2/27/75 The Council received notice that the South San Luis Obispo Cottn~y Wager Association will hold a meeting at 7:00 P,M. on Februa~y 27, I975 at the Arroyo Grande Valley Road Ha~gh School Cainpus, NOTIGE RE. COASTAL ZONE CONSERVATION MEETING - 2/27/75 GROVER CITY The Council was notified tha~ a meeting of the Coastal Zone Conservation Committee will be held in Grover City on F~b~°uary 27, 1975 at 11:00 A.M. regarding ~he Pismo Beach Dunes. ADJOURNMENT On motion of C~uncilman de Leon, s~conded by Councrlman Millis and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:51 P.M, until 7:30 P.M,_on February 26, 1975, ATTES T : ~X.~C C CITY CLERK MAYOR CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 26, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, Ct~ZIFORNIA 7:30 PeM, T~e City Coasncil met in r~gular adjou~n~d session ~rith Mayox° P~°o Tem Mill~s presid~.ng, Upon ro11 ca11., Counca~l M~mb~rs Sp~ex°l~ngy cl~ Leon and Schlegel reported present. Mayor Ta11ey is absent. STUDY SESSION REs COUNTY TRANSPORTATTON:PLAN The Council had an in°depth study session with rep~es~nta~ives from th~ County and J.H.K., the consulting f~°em., reg~.rding ~he County Transportat~on Plan, ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Schl~gel, secon.d~d by Councilman Sp~erling and una~.imou.sly carri~d, the me~~ing :adjo~trned at 10:00 PaM. a~n.til `~:30 PoMo on March 3, 1975. ATTES T : / / / • 'C~~~ ~ C DEPUTY CITY CLERK MA~OR