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Minutes 1974-02-13
31~ CITY COUNCIL ~EBRUARY 1.3a 19~4 ARROYO GRANDE, CALI~'OR:~IA Tl~e City Co~a~~i1 m~t ~n ~~gula~ s~ss~~sn ~r~~1~ M~.~Q~ S~I~Ie~el p~~~id~ngo Upc~n roll c~ll, Cot~ncil M~mtae~°s T°~.Il~~a Mi17L~„~ and d~ ~~o~? ~~port~d p~'~~~~~a Cc~~ancilgnan Wood. i~ absent a PLEDGE OF AZLEGIANCE AND INVQCATIO~T M~.~r~r Schl~g~l l~ad th~ P1~~~~ of A~l~g~~.nc~ ta o~~ ~l~,g; ~.nd i~rczi~dia~~l~ tktereafter, Co~.ncilm~.n M~21is ci~l.~v~x~d ~~a~ inva~a~i~r~. APPROVAL -0F MI1ViJ'~ES Th~ minut~s of the r~gula~ ~~eting of J~.n~~~°~ 2~9 19~'~ ~ncl. ~~gi~l~.r ad j ot~rnecl me~ting of. Jant~a~~ 29 ~ 19~4 9~r~r~ ~.pproved a~ p~'~pax°~d 4 APPROVAL 0~ ~IARRANTS On mo~ic~n c~~ Counc~,lana~ M~el~is ~ seconc~ed by C~a~.n~il~an d~ L~o~ ~nd unani~?ausl~ ca~r~ed, Gen~~al Warr~.nts Nc~o ~5S ~1~~c~~zg~ ~e~~ 2Ch ~x~d. ~W'~3 103~ th.rough Nd. 1113~ ir1 th~ t~i~al amc~~nt csf $I~4,~~7.24~; and PayraT~ TvT~.~~~.nts N~o 1281 ~1~ro~gYa Noe 1433~ ~n th~ ~o~al amc~unt c~f $38,90a~7~, ~r~~°e ~.~prov~d and orde~ed p~id., INTRODUCTIOIV OF NEW CITY ENGINEER ° JOSEPN C. GAItCT~A JRa 'Adsni~ristrator`B~~ch introd~.c~c1 Joseph C~ Gar~~.~9 J~o, ~th~ Cit~ra~ n~~ engin~~ro TFie M~.yo~`and Ca~.nc~ltn~n welcom~d Mr~ Garciao INVITATION TO P~,R~IGIPATE IN C~M FESTIVAL PES,RADE. PI~MO BEACH 2~ Admini~t~°a~car B~.~ch stat~d that an ~nvita~kion has b~~n r~~~iv~d fro~m tl~~ Pismo B~ach Cl~a~nber of Co~n~rc~y in~rit2ng the Co~ancil t~a participat~ rn the 28th Annual Clam Fes~ival on S~t~rday, Februa~y 23, 1974m Acirninistrai~or B~.t~~ was directed to no~if~ t~~e Pismo Beae~~ Ch~.mber of C~merc~ th~.~ th~ Councilrl~n ~aill participate in tl~~ parad.~> R~QU~ST FOR FEE EXEMPT BUILDING PERMIT ~ FIVE°CITIES JAYCEES ° DENIED Adsninistx°~.to.r Bbatch read a letter from Arth~.r Jp Spoo~ Se~~'~tar;~ of ~1~~ Five Gities Jayc~~s, w~xic~ x°ec~~ested ~ f~~ ~~exnpt baailding permit b~ iss~.e~. to th~ Jay~~es for its project ot bui~ciing hame, which home wi11 kh.~n be sold ~nd th~ profi~s used in the South Cc~~.nt~ to support and sponsor yoa~t~ a~hl~~~es and ather proj~cts~ Th.e f~~s involv~d. would be ov~r $200.00. CitS A~torney S~iipsey explain~d that th~ Mttnicipal Cod~ dae~ not prc~vide fc~r an3~ exemptions of building permit f~~, as i~ d.ae~ for c~r~~.in charitable bu.sinesses in alls~~,ring for fe~ exempt b~,sines~ licenses, T~?.e Cc~~ncil disc~.ssed the matt~r at leng~~, a~reeing that th~ px°opos~d projec~ was go~d and certainly wort~Yahile; however, that by gx°anting a fee exempt b~ilcling permi~ a preeed~nt would be set rai~hout suppox°t of the City's Municig~.l Cod~~ Aft~r Co~.nci1 discussinn, nn mation of Councilinan Ta11~y~ second~d by Go~.ncilm~.n d~ L~~n and unanimously carried, the Five Cit~es Jaycees' x°equ~st fox~ a f~~ exempt building peY°mit for a, yocnth project, was deni~d, AUTHORI~E EXT~NSI~N OF A~GREGATE SIDEGTALK ON B~2ANCH ST WEST OF BRID~E ST m KUDEN Administrator B~.tch read 1et~~r from Joh.n Kuden, r~questing th.at the exposed aggx°~gate sid~walks pl~nn.ed in conjunction with the Branch S~treet Reconstx°~ction projec~t, be extend.ed w~st of Bridge Street on both sides4 Admini- strato~° Butch ~.d~,;ised that ~he Arr~en F~.rms bazilding fs being remodel~d into a hard~rare stor~ and ~.s Mrv KZ,nd~n ~s v.pg~ading that area of West Branch, _ that this should also be entitled to tl~e upgrad~.ng of side~r~.lk.~o Administrator Butch further s~ated tha~ in discussing this rEquest with th~ State Department of Transgo~°'t~.tion, they hava indica~ed this extensir~n wc~~ld creat~ no prol~l~znse A"p~ea ~rav~l" type of ~xposed. aggregate will be used inst~ad c~f ~l~e "San SimPOn", which will bring down the costs of the sidewalks and is approwed by the Dept, of Transportatian. Afte~° Cc~uncil discuss~on, on m6tion of Councilman Talley, second~d by C~uncilman Mi11is and unansmously carried, authorizatian was given to extend tl~e aggregate sidewalk reconstruc~ion ~quallg~ on both sides of Branch Stree~, ta~st of Bridge Street, to the westex°ly edge of the old Ard~:n Farms bu~lding. DEPARTMENTAL REPURT FOR THE MONTH OF JA~TLTARY 1974~ Th.e Departmental Report for the month of January, 1974, was ~ec~ivPd by the Council, reviewed ~.nd ord~red filed. CHIEF OF POLICE' S A1~N[JAL REPORT - 1.9~3 The annual rep~r~ for 1973 frc~m the Chief of Palic.e was rec~ived bv the Council, revi~wed and ordered filed. Police Chief Clark was present and cammended for the continuing progress of the d2partmento 31~ cz~ cotrr~cz~ ~~~~~,Ta~~ i~~~ ~R:R0~0 GR.4NDE ~ CAI~I~'~R~IA z - S~MI°A1~TLTL~L IZEPOlt`T ~F P~~'~ICE R~S~RV~ ~~+'~`IC~RS ~ ~.~~~~.V~ ~ ~ s~~~,~~.~~~.~1 ~°~por~ ~~f ~ Pc~l~~~ ~ R~~~~~c~~ ~~O~fa~~~~s' ~~~~.~s ~.~c~ p~ogr~ss 9 p~ep~~~cl. b~r R~s~~~z~ S~r~~~n~ 9~~s b'~ ~h~~ Cc~~~~~~~., C~~.~f Cl~.~~ revi~vaed t~~ ~~po~~ th~ Co~n.~~~e Y~~ r~~?u~°~~d t~?~t D~~~y~s S°~~~?~~r ~,r~.s th.~ top g~~d.~.at~ng canciid~~~ of t~.~ A1an. H~.n~o~k C~~.l~~~ P~li.~~ R~~~~°~e A~a~.~s~y~ f~am ~la~~ a~ 18 gracl~~ t~~ 9 and. ~,9~ o~h~~ Arroy ~~~~z~c~~ PoY~c~ R~~~~~~s ca~n~ a.n t~ha,rd. 'I'~~ C~~a3nc~~,~. co~~r~d~;d C~~e~ Cl~~ek ~.nc~ R~~~~~~ ~~x~g~an~ ~ibbs f~r t~e d~~~~c~p~n~~.~ r~~ cr'~~~'~~nd~~~ pal~c~ ~~s~~~~ ~n~~, ~ 1~EPdRT b~' IMMEDTA~~: 1~ ~~~R PISMO S~`ATE C~I ° A.DM BiJT'CH A~.~inistr~.to~ ~~a'~ck~, r~vie~~d ~ritYa ~t~~; ~s~n~il ~ a~~.p pr~~~n~~~. ~y~ ~l~e S~~.t~ D~partxc?~~t ~f P~.rks ~r~~d R~c~~a~~.on ~ea t~a~ P~~~~ ~c~~.rc~ St~~.~~ I~~~~~. Ca~r?~.tt~e a~ it~ ~~~~nt me~tingi9 ~'~~c~. ~s ~.n "I~~di~.~~ ~T~~ Pl~n" ~nd d~~i~~at~~ carn.pa~ng a~~~~ ~.nd n~~nb~~ of uni~s in ea~~~, d~y v;s~ ~.r~~.s, etc. 0~~~~~.~~h~'~ca~p~,n~ ~i1T be ~1~o~~c~ ~n th~ d~~ignat~d ~x°~~~ 1000 f~~~ b~~~n~ ~e~.n h~.g1~ ~a~~~, a ch~.~g~ c~f $1.5(~ ~a~r ~.r~itv ~s ~n~e~~~ c~~ ~nt~;~~st, Ada~~ni.~~ra~or B~.~e~ ~~at~d that ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ . ;~~~.~.~r~:.~ ~:i: ~~~°~~~y~~~:s cs~ ~.h~ 1.~~~ ,7~~.~;; 4~~~ ~i~.~~~ ~.:~9 ~~;~i,~..~ ~G,~ !~~;;~n ~~~.~.~v.~. ~n~ ~IdO ~y~'~:~c~l~s ~~~,c~ b~~~ ~a k~e c~ri ~r~~~ ~~~;~a.~, ~t~ c~n~, ~n tr~°~r~~~~ ~h~ (1~~~.n~ ~°~rrr~ ~nr~ Osa Fl~.~,c~, I'UBLIC HEARII~~ A~PI~IC ~D~ Al`sG Tl~ S~ItVE A.,_,~~ ~~~'T~ `I'A~Iµ~SE~.~1~C~ m G~~CEd~,ED Ad.~nin~st~~.t~~ B~tch. ~,d~3.~~c~ ~:'~~t R~~'l~a~~. ~IcD~n~.~l ~f A~C,.Ta~:~~ ~.PPlic~.nt ~:e~~ a Cer~ifa~~~.t~ of P~bl~~; ~~nc,~n~.~~~e ~nci ~33~~~:s~ ~~~9 1~as ~.nfo~n~~. th~ Ci~yr tl~~~ ~is tax~ ~~~~~.~e h~.~ ~a~st b~~n sold t~ S~.n L~.i.~ '~~~nspar~tatinn C~~pa~~, In~. and r~q~~~ted ~l~at ~I~~ sch~daz.l~d. p~.b~i~ Y~~~,x~ir~~ h~ ~h~r~fa~e canc~I~~d9 '~T~z~h ~h~; Co~.ncil a~~~~d. ~o. M~. 1~~~~tc1~ fa~rt:~~er aei~~~~ci ~~~,t an app1.%c~t~~~. ~or a Certa.~~.c~.t~ of Public Cc~nv~n~~nc~: ~nd ~~.~~ss~~~ ~.as b~en rec~~vecl. fra~. San L~is Transpc~rt~.ti~n Cma A Inc., ~.nc3 a p~.b~ l~E~.ra.ng ~n th~ ~.p~l~~~.~~c~rc ~~.s 'b~~n s~~ ~c~~ F~br~.a~~ 2&, 1974 at ~.0~ P.M. R~VZ~L~' ~3F LEGIBI.~ATIVE BUT~LETINS FRQM T~EAGtJE 0~ CE~I,TFORNIA CITTES A t~~~be~ csf l~~is~~t~~re ia~alletins ~r~n ~l-~~ ~~~g~.~ of C~.~~.f~~~ia C~~i~s c~r~re r~v~.~v~r~d~ ~~th ~ar~ica~l~~ ~Xnp~~.sis on thc~ f~ll.o~aingd 1) SB 1~~0 w~.ic~ ~r~uld cl~.rif~ SB ~16 r~~~~°d~.ng d,~scla~~.~°e of se~~.r~~ ~f income; 2) ACA 18 ~~~~~'ci~,ng a S t~ ee Lo~ t~r~ p~,r~iich ~.as ~r~~n ap~arn~r~d bg~ ~h~ A~ s~mb Y~ t~ be p l~.~ed. on th~ Nov~mb~~ b~.11ot9 and no~ ga~~s tQ t~re S~:n~.t~; 3) ACA 90 `ah.ic~. wcr~.~d. ~ge~an~ntl.~ f~°~~z~ th~ ~.s~~~~~a V~.i~.~ af ~.~.1 c~wn~~-oc~~.p~.ed s~ng~.~°f~.mily hcam~~ a~ th~ir as~~ssed. v~1an~ ~.s c~f Ma~ch ~y 1~~3, ti1itY~ ~.djustme~t-~ csnly f~ar ~prov~m~nts af~er th~t ~ate. No p~eavisze~~s far ~~~~nb~zr~~~.~nt b~ tne Sta~e to cov~r r~v~n~.~ Iess~es by 1oc~.1 ga~~r~r~n~r~t ~re inc i~decl. 4) ~,CA 6~ w~ich woulci ov~rx°icl~ ~ity charters on pro~~d~.r~s far tl~~ discipline and d.~.sgn~.s~a.l of poflicen~en and fix°~an~n. After Counc:~1 d~~e~x~si~n, Adm~n~.st~~~o~ B°~t~~ ~a~.s ciir~~:~~d. ~o wr~e~e ta As~~mblyman Ga~~ia9 C~.~a,~n~~ of the As~e~nbly C~n~tf~~~ on C~nsGit~nt~,onal Axn~nd:nen~s, imdicat° ing ~~i~s C~~.~.ci~°~ opposit~.~~. ~o ACA 90, REC~IPT 0~' ~OTIC~ T~ PROPOSED T~R~~'~ CI~ANG~S BY WESTERN U1VTOIV TEI:EGI~,PH CO A~ matt~r of 3.nfo~~n~.~~~n, ~1~~ Co~a~.c~.l x°~~~rved notic~ f~ogn the W~stern t,Tnic~n T~1.~~raph Com~any ~hat i~ h.as fil~d a~n a~plic~.~i~n wi~h th~ Ca].ifornfa F~nblic il~ili~i~s Ccrerunission to revise the Gr~~ngan~'s rates and r~g~nl~.tions ix~ . re~ard ta p~blic anes~~.g~ telegrams and money ox°der se~°~r~c~s . RE~EIPT ~F P1~.OC~DlTRAL GUIDE 'F~R I~1~D & WAT~R COIVSERVAT. FUND PROGRAM - MO'~T t~~.~ninis~~~.to~ B~.tch advised that a proc~d.u.ra7. g~.ide for Land and W~.t~r C~~nserv~tion F~.nd Px~c~gra~ns ltas be~n r~~~iv~d. by~ the City fram D~.rec~tor Mot~ of tl~~ St~t~ Dept. of Park~ ~~.d R~e~~~~~.cn, ~~i~ gu~~.de h~s be~n given ta th~ Cs.~~°~ Park~ ~nd R~cr~ation C~~.ss~.~n for revi~~. RFpORT ~ COUNTY COMPRET~EENSIVE ANIMAL CONTR~OL PRQGRAM MEETING ° BUTCH Adininistxatar Butch r~p~rt~d on a x~ecen~ me~ting of represen~t~.~ives f~om th~, Co~.n~v's six citzes, ~~aith Co~anty Sup~rviso~ Ka.dw~l3., reg~.rcling a Co~.n~y C~nnp~e~.~nsive Animal C~n~rol. Pro~e~.zz~. T~e Co~.n~il r~quested t?~~.t Adma.nistr~.tor B~ak~h ~antin~.~ to x~epresen.t th~ ~~ty on ~his ica~k f~rceo NOTICE FROM P G& E RE ~NERGY CURTAI~I.1~]ENTS ~7NDER CPUC DECISION T}ie Council reviewed a notice fram Pacific Gas and Elect~ic C~anpany r~garding Decision. N~, $2305 of th~ Galifornia P~bli~. Utilities Cornmissfon, ~ahich outlines ctartailm€;nts anii' re~t~ictions nf en~rgy uae for baasinesses and r~qu.es~ing c~.stomers to c~.tback 1.5% of usage. C~azck Richmarcd of Po~. & E. ~as pr~sent ~.nd elabora+tecl. on th~ n.zatice, also indi~~ting ~hat f~.r aba~t 12.5% of t~hE r~q~ested 15% decre~se ha,s been atta.~ned. ~1~~ ° CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 13, 1974 ARR.OYO GRANDE, CA~ZFORNIA PAGE ~ APPOIN~'MENT OF PTANN1~ttING/PARK & TRAFFIC COMMTS~SI~'~ER.S I~ELD OVER M~ycar Sch1~g~1 indic~ted he had. na rec~man~nd~.tions as ~~t for agpain~tcnents to fi1~ the tyao v~cancies a.n the Plann~ng C~is~ion anci ~r~~ v~c~nc~ in ~he P~rl~~ng and ~'r~~f~.c G~?is~i~np so thi.,s z~~~~~z° ~r~~ k~~1d o~r~rr $EAP~Q~NTMFNT OF P S~lAB MENLFR,.S ~ WIZEMA~T & TAOMTS Ad~nir?i~~~~~o~ Bu~ch ~dvi~~d ~h~t th~ ~~z~~ o~ A~~ic~ ~~ca~a~.~ ~nd J~An~ Wiz~m~nn, on t1a~ P~~~~;~g & Bt~s~,r~~~~ ~~g~c~v~~a~n~ A~~~ ~d~r~ao~~ ~~~.~d (~BT.L~AB~ 1~~d ~xp~~°~d ~'~bx~~~~ 19~4, b~t batta h~~~ ~nd~~~~~e~ ~i11~,~~~~~~ s~r~~~ ~g~i~. Aft~r C~uncil, discu~s3,~n,, o~ ~~tican ca~ C~~~c~l,~z~n d,~ ~an, s~~~~d~r~ k~~ Co~r~cil- m~n ~~].1~gr ~~d ~n~n3~,a~usl~a ~~~°~i~d, JcaAn~ Wi~~a~~ax~ ~nd D~,~r~d ~e~a~~~ e~~~~ ~~~~p~int~d ~Q tk~~ F'~~iABa ~itl2 ~~~L~° ~~~a~ ~~gi~in~ F~b~~~~ 1~ ~9~7. R~ouES~ ~oR ~uRC~AsF oF pTC~Ap ~~c~s - r~~,~ ov~R Adm3nist~°~t~~° Bt~tc~ ~~q~~s~~~ ~h~~ d3~c~a~~~~n ea~ ~h~ p~~~~~,s~ o~ tk~r~e ~aa~,~~~~,~i ~-t~r~ ~ic~ia~ ~~~.~1~~ ~~1d eav~~, ~s ~~?~.~~e~~~s~~a~An n~?~ b~~n~ $iv~r~ fo~ t~~ ~u~~~~~~ ea~ a~s~~,~~~ ~~eic~~ A t~~~na~~r~dt~n f~~~t Pt~h~~,~ We~~l~~ I~ir~~t~~ ..~,~d~~~an ~ras ~r~~~,~~~:d~ ~°~garding a ~ontr~ct ~nd a~~~~a~~~ ~~~~t ~h~ S~~t~ fa~ tl~~ x°~cQ~~~~nctie~n ~a~ ~ta~ B~~nct~ Stx°eet p~~~i~n k~3,~]~roa~y~:~2~'~ f~~a T~~~fic Fla~r C~s~ px°ca~isions ~~ferring ~o San S~~~n b~~~e~ ~aa~~d ~~1I b~ ~cad~.~~~~ ~°~fl~c~ ~~g~a ~~avel~~ t~rp~ of ~~pas~d ~~~~°~g~t~ ~ill b~ ~~~d ~,n~~~~d. ~a~~Z ~a~~t t~ ~h~ C~ty is ~s ~ollea~rs : $~~~~7~.00 C~n~t~~~ic~n ~~s~s 1,UOQa00 3ugplemental Wc~act~ (m~sin. ~r~ff3.c & misc.) laO~UQ ConstructiQn sign r~n~~l $~U,070.00 $ 2,530.00 Cantingenci.es 9.2QU,00 Engin~ering $61,8QQ.Q0 Aft~r Cotancil discussion, on motion of Councilxnan de Leon? seconded by Ccauncilman Talley and unan3.mously carried, th~ Mayor and Ci~y Clerk were authoriz~d to sign the Agr~e~ment with the State Department of Transportatiox~ for the reconstr~uctic~n of Braneh Str~eC, on behalf of th~ City. NOTICE RE STZTDY UNDERWAY FOR "SCENIC IiWY" ~ESIGNA.TION OF HWY 227 & LQPEZ DR Adxninistrato~ Butch review~d ~ith ~he Gou.ncil a le~ter fram the Department of Transportati.oz~ d~.~ed January 23, 1974, ad~rising tk~~ City that a study is under- way toward th~ official sc~nic k~igr~way d~~i~nation for S~~te Highway 227 and Lopez Drive, b~tw~~n Arroyc~ Gr~nd~ and T,op~z IJa1c~, and the ~tu~dy should be aampleted by Apri1 1, 1974. ACCEPTANCE OF FTNAL M~P & TMPROVEMENTS qN TRACT 488 "C.AMERON COUR'T" - BAKER Di~°~r,tor of Pub13.c Works An~cierson ~~~i.e~aed tk~e Final Map of T~act No. 488, Cam~ron Cc~urt, submitt~d bgr Charl~s Balc~r~ for ac.~~ptanc~: of the Final Map and improvem,~nts. Mr. ,A,nderson's report on the matter w~s revi.ewed, which recoarmaended acceptanc~ of ~h~ fina~ map of the tract and i~pxov~m~nts, subject to the following conditians: 1. Submissian of a Prel3aminargr Su,bdivision Guarantee. 2, Co~aapl~tic~n of a Subdivision Tmprov~ment Agr~em~nt. 3. Pusting of ~he r~quir~d Subdivision Bonds ar Instrument of Credit as approved by th~ City Attorney to cover the esti.mated cost of irnprav~ments in the ar~ss~tsnt of $60,OOA.QOo 4. Payment of all fees, craarges and refunds required by the City of Arroyo Gxande applicable to this d~ev~lopment. Aft~r CottnciT d3;scussican;. on mot3.on .of Coun,c3.9.zna.~. Tal:7.ey, ~~:GUnrded"by Council.m~,n d~ Le4n an,d car~ri~:d, t~.~ Pinal~.MaF af' 'Cr~et ~dc~. 4£~8a Cam~x°on Coaxrt, and improvements, wer~ accep~ed ~azbj~ct to tk~e condi~tion.s as ~~t for~h abovE. PRQGRESS R~FORT - A G S~1'EIt ASSESSME~T DISTR2CT - T~MP HELD OVER Mayor Sa~aleg~l r~queQt~d and ~k~~ Co~~n.ci1 '~gr.~~d ~a g~~~ ov~x° t~.is ag~nda it~m until th~ a~ntici.pated a:~xiva,l. Uf other cit,ix~n,s inter~stc;d i;n ~his z~s.t~er~ ~ CITY C(~~T~~I~ ~~B~t'~~R~ ~38 1~G~w ARR~~'~ GR~1VD~ ~ Ct9~T~(~TZ~V~~ F'~~~ ~ PYtOGRESS REP~RT m SO 5~1~ ~L~~:S O~~~S~~ ~~~;F;l~".~Y S~T~~'~1~~~(~~~ I~L~~R~CT 'I'~~ ~~~~k~ S~.n ~~a~~ ~~~~pc~ ~~~~,~~.~~~r~ 8~:~~~~~~~~ G~i~~~ Pi~n~ Opc~r~~z~re~ ~~~p~~t ~c~r o~ J~,~~~~~~ ~.~~49 w~~ b~ ~ C~~:~c~~9 ~~~~~¢a~c~ ~ ~nd z~~e~~r~d fil~cflo ~ Ac~a~a~ni~~r~.~o~ ~~.~~1~ ~~~~s~c~ t~~~ E~~~~ ~~~,s~a~~c~9 tia~a~ ~~1~~ ~ ce~~~~a~t ~o r~p~~~ ~~e~I~~.~~~~c~a~ c~~~~.n o~~f~.~~ ~~~~9 ~~g~~rs M~rad~~ ~ ~ a~d c~n~ir~~~ ~.~~~~,1 ~ . ~.~S~~.Y 1Q~ ~9~1?~ a~~hi~ cE~~.e~~~n~ ~ ~~v~n ka~ t~~~ C~a~r~ f~~ ~°~gs~~~~ ~0 1~~ c~~p~c~~~ on. i~O~~C~ ~.E ?~~~'3~~ ~I1~ G~4~~~ 0~ F~~iB ~ 3RT~ ~~L~~.~ f~F ~AC~ ~I~~~T'~ ~~~~~c~ s~s~s~ ~~e~~~a~c~ f~~s~ ~~Pb~,~~i~~~ I~~,~~~tor ~~a~Y~~~ ~~;~"~~ng ~~n~~ B~.~ir~~~s ~~np~~v~~~~~ A~~~ Ac~~fs~~g~ ~~~~c~a~ sn~~~~ng `T~i~~~c~~a;~~ I~~~~ 2 ~18 19~~, ~r~~ ~h~~ it~ ~~~~k~~~ ~a~r~t~~~~ ~~~A h~~Tc~ ~n e~~ tfl~~~~. ~~~°sc~~~ ~n~tc~~.d of ~'~~~~~c~~~e NOTICE I~E, P~NIDI~~ ~~it~CUL'T`s~xlt~i, P1~S~RV~ COI~~~T CI~'~ As ~~:q~s~i~°~d. Y~~;~~ t~a~ C~~~~ ~~c~~~~cfl r~~~~~~ c~f ~ p~;~cY~r?~ ~~~~~~~,~.~~n~~l Pr~~~~v~ C~s~r~ac~ ~k~~c~ ~~~~c~ S~.~aa~~~,~~~~ ~c~~~~,~1~~ ~,~Y 19~4, f~~ prop~rt~ 1~~~~~~i on ~~~a~. s~c~~ of ~0~ ~~~~a°~~ ~n~ F~:~~~~~,~ ~.~d. ~~a~~~ of ~1~~ c~tg~ ~.~,~n~,~~ ~f ~rro;~c ~~~~.d~. C~~~nc~i~~a~~ ~~1~~~ ~~~~.~.~z~~cl p~~~~~~~ns of ~ G~~r~~n~~~~~~ Cc~~~ ~~ct~~n~ t~~~~;~ a~~~/ ,~~~~~~e~~~g A~~s~~~Y~~~~:~ Pre~~rv~ ~ con~ra~~~. R~FO~T R~ . R~°C~I~T 'VfiS ~T. `~~9 ~'~I~;IFPII~ES ° B~ I~~~l~~ C~~nc~~a~an i~~ I~~~a~ ~~~~~sr~~c~ ~n~k~~~ ~~~~s~~ ~~~.p ~o P~i~~~~g~n~ I~l~.nds, ~xpla~n~r~g c~ra~ of tl~.~ ~.~~1~~ ~n~~~t~a~~d pr~gr~~~ :~w~~~c~~.~~~, ~a~ t&~~ P~~~l~~p~n~ ~o~~rn~a~r~.v ~~~ii~~a ~n.~t~~~~ ~~~~pi~o°A~a~~i~~n~ ~~~~a~~ ~3~~ I~~n~T~gp~,~z~~ ~t ~alf fair. ~i~ ~~nr~i~~r ~:nu~s~~~~~~ei ~~i~ ~~.~.~g~~ ~n M~~~~a ~r~ g~~~~.~e~~, f~~ ~h~ ~bet~er~ ar~d ~~cc~¶~~~g~d ~c~~~i~~ to I~ ~~n~.~ o PROGRESS REPQR°T ° r`1 ~ SEW~1Z t~,S~L~S~M~~I°~ D7LST D~SC- R~ Tr~Ya~~' ~i~ ~'0'ME~ ~XCLUD~D D~r~ ~~c~.9 R~~~.~~~~ C~~~~~ f~~ tfl~~,A~rea~~ ~re~nc~~ S~~L~ A~~~~~rne~n~ ~ D~~~~rie~ pr~~~~~, ~~v~ p~~g~~~~ ~~:p~~~~~~.~.cfl~ ~,~.~~~d~~,~ f~a~ll~~r~~g ~~f~~~t~~n: t~ne ~a~.j~~r por~~~~~ c~~ ~.~x~: ~~o~~~~ n~~r~ b~~~ r~~~~~c~~ fc~~ ~p~~l~c ~s~~ ~~ic~ it ~ntic~~~.~~c~ p~~~B.~~.~ ~r~l~ b~ c~~p~~~~c~ ~n ~~c~'k~~ 9~+% ~f t~n~ %ro~el~ ; 5~~~~ ~~an~,~al~~~c~' ~.n 8~°fo of ~l~p~~d t~~~,, ~.O;d c~~ ~~a~ p~.~~~:n~ ~o ~?~e con~~°~c~or ~ril~. ~S~ ~itl~~~~~ ~n~il a~~ g~arnp ~~~~~.~ns ~.r~ ~~rT~~n~; ~nd ~v~rail cos~s app~~~ appzc~~~~n~~~1~ $~09000 l~.~s t~i~ra bic~ p~ic~. In an~w~r to A~~n~n~.~tr~'~~r Bu~~~~e~ q~.~~~~~~ reg~~°c~~n~ f~i~~:~~~ c~r p~~b~~~~ ~~t~, s~s~~m d~nr~~g ~h.~ ~~a~m~~~.~ g~.~~~~rn~~~ ~p~~~od9 M~~ Be~l~ ~ ex~l~~~n~~. t~a~ C~n~~~~~o~ ~S~ 1a~t~ ~~11 p~a~P~ablSr ~~~k~~c~sr~~~~.~~ ~ 1~a~~~, ~can~r~.~go~ ta f~.x ~:t, M~. B~~l~ ~~~t~d and tk~~ C~~ars~~,~ ~g~~~c~ th~ ~~~~~1~ p~oj~~~ ~~d ~~~,~~c~~d ~xp~ct~t~,an~ a.~. ~~a~ lia~i~~d iiz~~?~c~~° of p~~bl~m~ ~nc~ q~.~1i~~ of ~Fork. DISCi~~STO~T R~ ~CI~~~IO~ 0~' ~~'AT~d~~ ~i~0 P~~PER~°I~~ ~RONI I~3OOKIs~G :~NTO SYSTE~I ~c~^~~n~~~r~~~r ~~~.c~ 2~~~~~~~ f~°~~ M~~~ ~nd ~~:~r~ D~.c1~~r~r~Y~9 R~g~ ~nd B~v~r~y~ ~~~~n~~ ~r~c~ M~~. Ii~tt~ 5~~~9 ~,~ap~a.~~n~ C~~~°~ ~~~is~,e~ny ~~.tl~ C~~ntg~ sar~~t~~~.~ ~c~ ~~~limp~ tfl~~~r ~~a~~~ a~d ~T~;~cs ~t~~ sa~~~~.ern end c~f T~~.~.~~ Ho R~ad tr~~ ~a~~~~r~~ i~~~ ~~~~r ~~~~~~~~fo~ f~e~~ ~~~~~o T~~ ~'~.v~ ~p~~p~r~f~~ ~~r~ ~xc~~p~~~ anc& t~~~ r~~pc~~~~v~ ~a~a~~~~ r~;£~~~~c~ ~a~,~;~~. of t~a~ ~.~~c~~~~~n~ ~1~~.x°g~, et~.~ ta 6~~ la~~i 1~~~~ p~op~~*~i~s c~~~~u~ ~~1~ r~~~~;~~~,~~~~; ~~c~s fn~~~~~.rng l~ll~s ~91~~°~~~c p~~np and. ~~~~~n~ ~an~ak at ~~~~?~1~ ~~~~~~n~t~d c~~G o~ $~~00 ~ach. Mre Bc~~[c r~~r~~w~;~ p~~bl~~ ar~c~ in.d~~~a~~~ ~~~.s f~l.~ ~n~~~~~rnn~~~l fc~~ ~1~~ I~~s~~~.~~ 5~~ g~~ in t~t~~ p~g sm~~~c~n f~~ ~~v~ ~~r~~~~~ ~~a~ch o~~~~d b~ n~~~~s~r~ b~~~~.s~ th~ grav~ty flc~~a9 t~~ ~c~~t ~~~1~. l~~v~ b~~n $20~000 and it w~~ ~o~ f~l~ ~m b~ f~i~ ~o sp~~~.c~ ~~~,s am~tant ko ot~~x~s in ID~stx°ir.~9 a~ ~fl~e ~ p~u~rp ~~~~,d ~nl~ b~n~fi~~ ~t~~~ s~~~.~ 9 i~~ala+~~~. ~~~a.~ ~ T1~e 1~~~~~~°~ r~f~r~~cl a p~,.~p ~~~~~,cs~. ~.ns~~Il.~ci ~n P<~:~g~~.~~° ~s~~~~' a~u~~9 ~rt~~c~ ra~.~ ~1so p~~ in b~~a~se of ~~~~~~,~g~ flo~,r probl~~~ b~ut pa:~c3 £o~ by t~~ Di~~ra,~t, M~o B~~k ~~pl~in~d th~ clif~~~~n.~e s~f th~.t ~~~~s~t~o~ f~o~n t~~ T~1T~ ~30 on~o ~~~~or~~~ Caro1 All~n9 r~p~°~~~ri~in.g ~~~~ral ~f ~~~.1~r pr~g~r~k~ ~ a~~rn~r~ 9 r~~i~~~~~~c~ t1~~ r~e~ax~~~~ ~p~°~~~~?u~sl~ ~~~t~c~. in~ ~~r~ ~~~~~r~ ~~~.de M.r~ ~B~ck ~ c~ar~f~~d. t1~~~ B~ndi~.g cc~a~n~~3. ~~t~d i~~ ~p~.~a~,~n. ~~n~.~ ~a~d~r I~npr~~~° ~~nt 19~1 ~f th~; t~~~~s~~~:~t D~.~~~a~c~. p~~~~~ ~ka~ g~~~~~pe~~~ t3~~x~ ~~cp~ni~~~!~~n~~ of k1~~ a~c,~ ~aT~~ b~~~~. ~n~~ b~ t~~ Das~.~~~~ and a~~ ~.~:p t~ ~~a~ prop~rt3~ oF~ar~~ tc~ t,~o~k ~p t~ i~ a anc~ b~r ~~~~~a~~,~~; th.~ ~i~~ ~~n~°~~n~~~c~, i~: ~.s ~~i~ p~~~~~°~~ ' ~ own~~°s prcb~eaa~~~c~ ~c~~k c~~k~~n~ ~x~~•~. ~~c~bY~~.~ 1~~ f~.~~~~ a~n N~*~~Cing ~.~a.~~~ P~nb~i~~ Work~ ID~r~c~or ~nd.~~~can ~.dv~~~c~ ~;~~h t1~~~~°~ f~~f:: ~r_Y?~r ~.r~~~~.zxc~~ in t~~~ Ca~t;~ ur~i~:re ~a~op~rt~~ c~,~r~~r~ h~c~ ~a g~ i~~ acfld~.~ion~,l, F~rsnn~l ~~~~:n.~~ ~n Gc~ ~ae~.~"Yt~~e ~he ~c~o~~.r~~g ~~p p~°oces~. M°~so R~~ ~i~~x~~ and Mre Ma~.~ D~~~~r~~~h ~f T~?Y~ I~.~ Ro~.c1 ~r~~~ p~r~~nt, a.nc~ c~za~nt~~d :E~~~,~n~a° th~ ~n~.~~;~~. ~ 31~ CITY COUNCIL ~EBRUARY 139 ~9~4 AR.R0~0 GItANDE, CALIFORNIA PAG~ 5 A~.an~,nis~rator Ba~~c~ ad~ised tl~at th~ p~~sability% of ~ f~nll ~s~~~~t~~nt charg~ r~f~nd ~o t~.e~~ fiv~ px°oper~~ c~aners h~s b~~n ~~~g~~t~d b~ M~. ~eck, ~a~ick~ po~~~bilit~ ~rill b~ investigat~d. by th~ Cftg~ st~ff. If r~f~and is az~ad~, ~h~ hom~~n~:r~ u,~i11 h~.ve t~ p~y ttae ~t~11 inst~l~:~t~~x~ a~c3 p~~~ s~~.~~on cost~ the tim~ th~~~ ~a~sh t~ ~.or~1~ into t~.~ s~~er s~~~~~~ ~b~~~ ~~.11 in th~ ~~an- tim~ r~l~eve sorne of tY~e financial b~rdea~ ~xntil t1~ey c~r~ b~~~~~,~ fr~~n t~.~ s~~t~an. Th~ Coaan~~l r~q~a~s~ed a r~poxt on this passibiiity at ~t~ ~~xt r~g~~.a~ m~~~ing. REOUEST_FOR ORDTNA~iCE REVIEW RE. CREEK DUMPIl~G ° MUORE Joe M~OT'~9 ZOO 1V~iS~DL~9 W~.S px°esent and cited po~tid~.s of ~~!c~ Ca,~~°s M~anicipal C~d.e regard.ing cl~.mping of rubbish into the cx~~lc. He ~~~.~~d t~at th~ Code or~ly provic~es f~x° a~isd.~meanor pen~.lty if the x°ubb:~s~. d°~mp~d cx°~~te~ an obst~~.c~~fon ~.n th~ cre~~Z, Mx°. Mc~ore requested tl~.at ~he O~dinance r~gard.~ng this di~pix~g b~ r~vi~wed and that any type of dumpinge c~~etl~er ~b~traac~ive ~r ~.~t, b~ mad~ ~ m~scl~mean~r and that said ordinance t?~~~ b~ fu1T~ ~nf~rc~d., H~ also pre~ented. pie ~izr~s he took of various areas of ~~n~ Arroyo ~~~nd~ Cr~ek where d~p~ng 1~~s ~ccurr~d. Councilan~.n d.e L~ox~ also st~.ted t1~at per~ons 1~~.~e alc~~~~ c~~ped x°~.lrbisl~ ~t th~ cr~ek in tY~~ Co~e~ Road area, but that ~a~ h~is n~t b~~n al~l~ ~o catch the pe~son~ doing tih~.~. Dir~ctor of Public Wort~s A.nc~~~°son ta~ll cka~ek o~a~ ~the area of p~~ticuTar con~~rra9 wkaicta is be~.ind the C~~.nt~'s c.o~gor~~e ~~rd at Whit~ley Str~et, and ra~.ll r~po~t back to the Council at fts n~x~: rn~~ting, A.DJOURNMENT On ~.atian of Council~nan de Leon, seconded by Co~un.ci~snan Mi11is and unanimously carx°fed~ t~°~~ m~~ting ad.journed a~ lO:OQ P.M. ~A~'~ES T : - - ~ ~ ~ ~ CI~'S~ CLERK MAYOR w , ~ , - ~