Agenda Packet 2007-12-11 CITY ®F ' ,l ~ , " . ' A enda City Counci g Tony Ferrara Mayor Steven Adams City Manager Ed Arnold Mayor Pro Tem Timothy J. Carmel City Attorney Joe Costello Council Member y Kelly Wetmore City Clerk CALIFORNIA Jim Guthrie Council Member ' s ~ Chuck Fellows Council Member AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2007 7:00 P.M. .Arroyo,.., Grande',City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL: COUNCIL/RDA 3. FLAG SALUTE: ROTARY CLUB OF ARROYO GRANDE 4. INVOCATION: PASTOR ROBERT UNDERWOOD FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ~ 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: 5.a. Presentation by Economic Vitality Corporation 6. AGENDA REVIEW: i 6a. Mov th t II tin r in title onl and e a a ordinances presented for introduction or adop o be ead y all further readings be waived: r AGENDA SUMMARY -DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 2 7. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues,. thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response,' to your! comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: ? Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. ? A Council Member may~state a desire to meet with you. ? It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future ' Council agenda. Please adhere to the followingprocedures when addressing the Council: ? Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. ' ? Yourcomments should: be directed to the Council as awhole and not directed to individual Council members. ? ,Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any member of the public who wishes to comment on any Consent Agenda item may do so at this time. Any Council Member may .request that any item ~ be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. `The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Ratify the listing of cash disbursements for the period November 16, 2007 through November 30, 2007. 8.b. Consideration of Approval of Minutes (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings of November 13, 2007 as submitted. 8.c. Consideration of Resolution Accepting the Status Report on Development Impact Fees (AB-1600) (KRAETSCH) l Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution accepting the status report on the receipt 'j and use of Development Impact Fees AB-1600 during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007. 8.d. Consideration of Annual Financial Report -Fiscal Year 2006-07 Receipt and Use of Water and Sewer Capacity and Connection Fees/Charges (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Receive and: file the annual report of the receipt and use of water and sewer capacity and connection fees and charges, in compliance with Government Code Section 66013. 8.e. Consideration of Cancellation of December 25, 2007 Council Meeting (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Cancel the regularly scheduled Council meeting of December 25~' due to the holiday. AGENDA SUMMARY -DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd): 8.f. Consideration of Acceptance of the Redevelopment Agency's (RDA) Annual Financial Reports (KRAETSCH) [CC/RDA] Recommended Action: Receive .and file the respective RDA Annual Financial Reports for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2007. 8.g. Consideration of Agreement with DataProse, Inc. for Utility Bill Printing and Mailing Services (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute an Agreement with DataProse; Inc., to provide utility bill printing and mailing services for the City of Arroyo Grande. 8.h. Consideration to Authorize ~~Award of Bid for Purchase of Fire and Emergency Services Division Operations Room Workstations and Partitions (HUBERT) Recommended Action: Award bid to purchase workstations and partitions for the Fire and Emergency Services Division Operations Room to McAllister in the amount of $11,868.39.. 8.i. Award of Contract for the Elm Street Restroom ADA Upgrade Proiect, PW-2007- I 12 (PERRIN) Recommended Action: 1) Approve the plans and specifications for the Elm Street Restroom ADA Upgrade Project; 2) Find that the bid proposal of T. Cannon Construction in the amount of.$51,302,23 is non-responsive and reject the bid; and 3) Award a construction contract for the Elm Street Restroom ADA Upgrade Project to California Coastal Development for the bid amount of $75,089.88 and waive minor irregularities in their bid proposal; and 4) Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the 10% contingency of $7,509.00 for unanticipated costs during the construction phase !of the project. 8.j. Consideration to Approve Parcel Map AG 04-0614; Subdividing .94 Acres into Two (2) Commercial Parcels Located at 1375 E. Grand Avehue (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Approve Final Parcel Map 04-0614, subdividing .94 acres into two (2) commercial parcels located at 1375 E. Grand Avenue. 8.k. Consideration of Joint Reserve Firefighter Program and Amendments to the Reserve Firefighter Compensation Plan (HUBERT)- Recommended Action: 1) Approve the proposed Joint Reserve Firefighter Program; and 2) Adopt a Resolution amending the Compensation Plan for Reserve Firefighters. 8.1. Consideration of Adoption of Two (2) Ordinances Amending the Municipal Code Regarding Affordable Housing Requirements, and Adoption of a Resolution Approving Program Regulations Implementing the City's Affordable Housing Prostram: Applicant: City of "Arroyo Grande; Location: Citywide (STRONG) Recommended Action: 1) Adopt an Ordinance repealing' and replacing Chapter 16.80 of Title 16 of the Arroyos Grande Municipal Code regarding the City's inclusionary affordable housing requirements; 2) Adopt an Ordinance adding Chapter 16.82 to Title 16 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code regarding. the City's density bonus and affordable housing incentives in accordance with State density bonus law; and 3) Adopt a Resolution approving program regulations implementing the City's affordable housing program. AGENDA SUMMARY -DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 4 8. CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) 8.m. Consideration of Supplemental Consultant Contract for East Branch Streetscape Revised Project Cost Estimate (STRONG) Recommended Action: Authorize a supplemental consultant contract with C. P. O'Halloran Associates, Inc. to' assist RRM Design Group with a revised project cost estimate for East Branch Streetscape Enhancement. 9. PUBLIC HEARING: ' 9.a. Consideration of Application for a New Certificate of Public-Convenience and Necessity Applied for by Grover Beach Taxi (ANNIBALI) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution approving the request fora new Certificate of Public Convenience applied for by Leland and Amy Simpson. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. User' Fee Study and Resolution Establishinst a Citywide' Master Fee Schedule (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Receive and file the Full Cost Analysis of User Fee Services for Arroyo Grande and adopt a Resolution establishing a Citywide Master Fee Schedule. 11.b. Fiscal Year 2007/08 First Quarter Budstet Status Report (KRAETSCH) [CC/RDA] Recommended Action: Approve Carryover Appropriations as shown in Schedule A ~ and approve budget adjustments and recommendations as shown in Schedules A and B. I~'~ 11.c. Consideration of Selection of Council Member Fellows as Mayor Pro Tem ~i~ (ADAMS) III Recommended Action: Appoint Council Member Fellows as' the Mayor Pro Tem for ~ the next one-year period. 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council :.Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be taken. 12.a. Request Staff to Provide Information and Alternatives on Regulations Regarding Placement of Temporary'; Basketball Hoops in the'!, Public Right-of-Way (ARNOLD) AGENDA SUMMARY -DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 5 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: (Cont'd) 12.b. Request to Place on Future Agenda Consideration of a Resolution in Support of Tom Bradley Commemorative Stamp (FERRARA) 13. CITY'.MANAGER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. None: 14. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. 16. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: ~ This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. 17. ADJOURNMENT All staff reports or other written documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the agenda are on file in! the City Clerk's office, 214` E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, and are available for public inspection -and reproduction at cost. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, contact the Administrative Services Department at 805-473-5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. Agenda reports can be accessed and downloaded from the City's website at www.arroyoprande':ora City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meetings are cablecast live and videotaped for replay on Arroyo j Grande's Government Access Channel 20;. The rebroadcast schedule is published at www.slo-span.orq. ~I ~ p,RROVp ~¦a¦ ~ p~ C ~ INCORPORATE 2 ' v m ~ JULY ,0, ,s„ MEMORANDUM Cq~ ~ F ORN~P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICE BY: FRANCES R. HEAD, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISO SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION DATE: DECEMBER 11, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: . ~ It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period November 16 through November 30, 2007. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is a $632,000.61 fiscal impact that includes the following items: • Accounts Payable Checks 134030-134237 $ 199,275.38 • Payroll Checks & Benefit Checks $ 432,725.23 BACKGROUND: Cash disbursements are made, weekly based on the submission of all required documents supporting the invoices submitted for payment. Prior to payment, Finance Department staff reviews all disbursement documents to ensure that they meet the approval requirements adopted ~ in the Municipal Code and the City's Purchasing Policies and Procedures Manual of February 2000. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: • Approve staffs recommendation; • Do not approve staff's recommendation; • Provide direction to'staff. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations during the period. The disbursements are accounted for in the FY2007-2008 budget. U:\MSWORD\CITY COUNCIL FORMS\CASH DISBURSEMENT FORMS\CC Standard Staff Report-Disbursements.doc CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 2 . ADVANTAGES: • The Finance Department- monitors payment of invoices for accountability, accuracy and completeness using standards approved by the Council. • Invoices are paid in a timely manner to establish goodwill with merchants. • Discounts are taken where applicable. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified: as long as City Council confirms all expenditures are appropriate. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this .item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, December 6, 2007. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, December 7, 2007. No public comments were received. Attachments: 1. November 16 -November 30, 2007, Accounts Payable Check Register 2. November 21, 2007, Payroll Checks & Benefit Checks Register ji U:\MSWORD\CITY COUNCIL FORMS\CASH DISBURSEMENT FORMS\CC Standard Staff Report-Disbursements.doc ~ Q - I I ATTACHMENT 1 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 1 12/03/2007 2:12PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE I i Bank code: boa ~ Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total i 134030 11/16/2007 004815 AIRGAS WEST INC 103130376 10/31/2007 27.25 27.25 134031 11/16/2007 000014 ALL THE KING'S FLAGS, INC 28462 10/16/2007 166.09 166.09 134032 11/16/2007 000016 JOHN ALLEN 111307 11/13/2007 1,200.00 1,200.00 134033 11/16/2007 001050 AMERICAN TEMPS INC 48531 11/05/2007 920.40 00048588 11 /12/2007 920.40 00048567 11/05/2007 684.55 00048587 11/12/2007 552.24 3,077.59 134034 11/16/2007 006468 ANDERSON & COMPANY 0242!250-07 10/31/2007 5,000.00 5,000.00 w_, 134035 11/16/2007 005180 APEX OUTDOOR POWER 28603 11/10/2007 9.48 9.48 134036 11/16/2007 002632 API WASTE SERVICES (DBA) 7AX00048 10/31/2007 742.23 742.23 134037 11/16/2007 003175 AQUA-METRIC SALES 0019590 11/05/2007 883.76 883.76 134038 11 /16/2007 005615 AT&T/MCI T7185691 11 /02/2007 1,189.48 T7185703 11 /02/2007 88.31 T7158957 10/29/2007 87.94 T7175859 10/08/2007 29.66 T7175857 10/29/2007 28.95 T7185686 11 /02/2007 17.86 1,442.20 134039. 11/16/2007 002180 AVAYA, INC 2726377064 11/01/2007 41.22 41.22 134040 11/16/2007 000056 BACKYARD IMPROVEMENT 2007-958 10/31/2007 339.41 2007-959 10/31/2007 34.48 373.89 134041 11/16/2007 006306 BC PUMP SALES & SERVICE 21139 11/06/2007 178.38 178.38 134042 11/16/2007 000087 BREZDEN PEST CONTROL, 79613 11/05/2007 77.00 77.00 134043 11/16/2007 000090 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER 135381 11/07/2007 82.94 82.94 ~O 134044 11/16/2007 001577 BURDINE PRINTING (DBA) 7449 10/20/2007 89.70 89.70 II ~ 134045 11/16/2007 000095 BURKE AND PAGE OF AG, 2355936 10/16/2007 184.79 184.79 Page: 1 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 2 12/03/2007 2:12PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE i Bank code: boa i Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total ' i 134046 11/16/2007 005843 CALIFORNIA 5863251 11/03/2007 .62.01 62.01 134047 11/16/2007 005601 MARY CANNON 10302007 10/30/2007 40.00 40.00 134048 11/16/2007 000603 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 7314-202483 10/22/2007 189.59 189.59 134049 11/16/2007 005790 CASHIER-DEPT OF 111407 11/14/2007 60.00 60.00 134050 11/16/2007 002376 CENTRAL COAST BEARING 43359 10/03/2007 45.90 45.90 134051 11/16/2007 006040 CERTIFION CORP 11125 10/31/2007 84.95 84.95 134052 11/16/2007 001990 CHARTER 110107 11/01/2007 194.95 194.95 .134053 11/16/2007 000163 CHERRY LANE 22975 10/1.8/2007 442.05 _ 22922 08/10/2007 329.56 22983 10/19/2007 243.20 22985 10/19/2007 101.06 22976 10/19/2007 87.21 23015 10/22/2007 10.75 22986 10/19/2007 6.46 1,220.29: 134054 11/16/2007 006039 CHEVRON & TEXACO CARD 7898072884711 11/27/2007 470.33 470.33 134055 11/16/2007 002842 COMMERCIAL 1029-11367 10/29/2007 4,250.00 110277-1007 10/29/2007 700.00 1107-0307 11/05/2007 350.00 5,300.00 134056 11/16/2007 005997 COOK PAGING INC 6909991 11/01/2007 62.65 62.65 134057 11/16/2007 006435 CREATIVE PRODUCT 2633 10/24/2007 .33:00 2634 10/24/2007 30.50 63.50 134058 11/16/2007 000190 CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL 05743 11/02/2007 15.00 15.00 134059 11/16/2007 000195 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER 14273 10/31/2007 38.75 38.75 134060 11/16/2007 000196 CUESTA EQUIPMENT CO INC 339282 10/02/2007 48.14 48.14 134061 11/16/2007 000201 D G REPAIR (DBA) 2044 11/02/2007 80.00 80.00 ~ 134062 11/16/2007 000204 DAVIS & STANTON 14091 10/24/2007 109.00 Page: 2 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 3 12/03/2007 2:12PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 14110 10/29/2007 109.00 14111 10/29/2007 60.00 278.00 134063 11/16/2007 005091 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES 19609387 10/31/2007 184.45 184.45 134064 11/16/2007 001840 DELL MARKETING LP XC7XCTWN2 10/29/2007 1,419.50 XC7N9P7P9 10/23!2007 445.12 1,864.62 134065 11/16/2007 003909 VICTOR DEVENS 7105-CRC 10/11/2007 568.28 568.28 134066 11/16/2007 000208 J B DEWAR, INC 169155 11/01/2007 77.90 947742 10/31 /2007 18.15 96.05 134067 11/16/2007 000926 ECONOMIC VITALITY CORP 461 07/01/2007 5,000.00 5,000.00 134068 11/16/2007 004676 ECS IMAGING, INC. 6547 10%23/2007 4,096.94 4,096.94 134069 11/16/2007 000240 FARM SUPPLY CO 505079 10/25/2007 306.53 498378 10/17/2007 268.83 487152 10/04/2007 150.76 484704 10/01 /2007 93.07 496483 10/15/2007 78.81 490819 10/09/2007 70.03 485696 10/02/2007 38.04 493454 10/11 /2007 38.04 486143 10/03/2007 33.69 509376 10/31 /2007 30.71 1,108.51 134070 11/16/2007 001525 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, 1393702 10/26/2007 1,470.80 1394604 10/30/2007 1,347.09 1399648 11 /02/2007 639.29 1395289 10/26/2007 380.34 1399658 11/02/2007 39.87 3,877.39 134071 11/16/2007 000262 FRANK'S LOCK & KEY 26269 10/23/2007 241.27 26274 10/25/2007 75.00 26280 10/31/2007 6.47 26268 10/23/2007 6.03 328.77 ~ 134072 11/16/2007 000605 THE GAS COMPANY 11/6-1375 ASH 11/06/2007 124.43 11 /6-350 S E LM 11 /06/2007 105.99 Page: 3 i i 'I apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 4 12/03/2007 2:12PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE i ' Bank code: boa ' Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 11/5-200 N HALCYON 11/05/2007 93.74 324.16 ' 134073 11/16/2007 002813 GRAINGER, INC 9496271793 11/06/2007 132.23 132.23 134074 11/16/2007 000499 GRAND AWARDS, INC 72151 10/29/2007 412.94 412.94 134075 11/16/2007 003910 ICC - INTL CODE COUNCIL, 110907 11/09/2007 70.00 70.00 134076 11/16/2007 002820 INDOFF, INC 1075177 10/19/2007 208.77 208.77 134077 11/16/2007 003730 INDUSTRIAL TOOL BOX 30871 10/26/2007 151.90 151.90 134078 11/16/2007 000343 IRRIGATION WEST (DBA) 0022549 11/07/2007 76.71 76.71 134079 11 /16/2007 005823 J J'S MARKET 1806 10/31 /2007 25.15 1805 10/31/2007 11:90 37.05. -:,:_a.. 134080 11/16/2007 003949 KERN'S PAPER 22428 10/23/2007 524.58 22467 10/25/2007 315.36. 22411 10/26/2007 8.89 848.83 134081 11/16/2007 006467 KID PRINT SOLUTIONS 2007-3565 10/14/2007 109.00 109.00 134082 11/16/2007 005265 KIDZ LOVE SOCCER, INC 111307 11/13/2007 1,447.40 1,447.40 134083 11/16/2007 006466 M & M MOBILEHOME MAINT. 948 09/18/2007 440.35 440.35 134084 11/16/2007 006087 M & S AUTOMOTIVE 10221 10/26/2007 459.42 459.42 134085 11/16/2007 000402 MAIL BOXES ETC 09017994 07/11/2007 22.03 09017947 06/20/2007 21.07 43.10 _ 134086 11/96/2007 000419 MIDAS AUTO SERVICE 19687 10/25/2007 31.07 31.07 134087 11/16/2007 000426 MIER BROS LANDSCAPE 135064 10/08/2007 248.90 248.90 134088 11/16/2007 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, 228$34 11/07/2007 66.78 227336 10/26/2007 45.74 228634 11 /06/2007 42.52 228478 11 /05/2007 38.53 pL K29657 11 /14/2007 36.47 228080 11 /02/2007 35.28 ~ 228177 11/02/2007 34.49 Page: 4 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 5 12/03/2007 2:12PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 229010 11 /09/2007 29.05 228032 11/01 /2007 17.71 228768 11/07/2007 8.60 228044 11 /01 /2007 6.45 930332 11 /08/2007 5.39 228045 11 /01 /2007 5.38 226841. 10/23/2007 3.76 229014 11 /09/2007 -9.91 228178 11/02/2007 -40.54 325.70 134089 11/16/2007 000441 MULLAHEY FORD FOCS182725 10/18/2007 585.61 FOCS182763 10/17/2007 467.56 FOCS182576 10/09/2007 329.75 FOCS182741 10/18/2007 250.71 183117 10/29/2007 39.95 183132 10/30/2007 39.95 1,713.53 134090 11/16/2007 000468 OFFICE DEPOT 404215257-002 10/26/2007 7.74 7.74 134091 11/16/2007 001886 OFFICEMAX -HSBC 0793000040840 10/11/2007 198.76 0793000041607 10/15/2007 137.36 07930000416792 10/15/2007 -5.93 330.19 134092 11/16/2007 000514 PRYOR INDUSTRIES, INC 27100 10/19/2007 389.58 389.58 134093 11/16/2007 000520 QUINN COMPANY PC430014654 10/31/2007 47.14 47.14 134094 11/16/2007 000569 SAN LUIS PAINTS 639521 10/23/2007 79.97 79.97 134095 11/1.6/2007 003838 SILVAS OIL COMPANY, INC 805726 10/30/2007 24,346.76 24,346.76 134096 11/16/2007 006096 SLO COUNTY SHERIFF- 103107 10/31/2007 62.00 62.00 134097 11/16/2007 003668 MICHAEL SMILEY 111507 11/15/2007 152.08 152.08 134098 11/16/2007 005209 SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS 07-4987 10/11/2007 3,105.00 3,105.00 134099 11/16/2007 006465 SOUTHWEST 5114 11/02/2007 307.86 307.86 134100 11/16/2007 004393 SP MAINTENANCE 20716 11/01/2007 6,994.40 6,994.40 134101 11/16/2007 000613 STATEWIDE SAFETY & 58215 11/08/2007 138.09 138.09 Page: 5 i apClcHist Check History Listing Page: s 12/03/2007 2:12PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE t Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status Clear/Void Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total I 134102 11/16/2007 000623 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH 1309 10/31/2007 286.70 286.70 134103 11/16/2007 002904 TEMPLETON UNIFORMS 13676 09/20/2007 507.72 13677 09/20/2007 194.32 702.04 134104 11/16/2007 002370 TITAN INDUSTRIAL 1023032 10/24/2007 63.19 63.19 134105 11/16/2007 000660 USA BLUE BOOK 480820 11/02/2007 61.05 61.05 134106 11/16/2007 002609 WATERBOYS PLUMBING 110707 11/07/2007 5,929.50 5,929.50 134107 11/16/2007 000688 WEST COVINA NURSERIES 22730 10/26/2007 544.00 544.00 134108 11/16/2007 005$19 CHAD WOHLFORD 6 10/22/2007 6,627.20 6,627.20 134109 11/16/2007 002324 MICHAEL ZIGELMAN 111607 11/16/2007 518.32 ~ 518.32 134110 11/20/2007 000008 ADAMSON INDUSTRIES, INC 86702 10/16/2007 159.48 159.48 134111 11/20/2007 001259 AGP VIDEO, INC 2545 11/07/2007 1,990.00 1,990.00 134112 11/20/2007 003175 AQUA-METRIC SALES 00019590 SALES TAX 11/05/2007 67.06 67.06 134113 11/20/2007 003745 ARROWHEAD SCIENTIFIC, 30271 10/29/2007 117.98 117.98 134114 11/20/2007 000042 ARROYO GRANDE FLOWER 103107 10/31/2007 220.88 220.88 134115 11 /20/2007 005315 ASCAP 500581207 10/29/2007 287.33 287.33 134116 11 /20/2007 005507 AT & T 1117-0183 11 /07/2007 192.42 11 /8-9816 11 /08/2007 77.52 11 L7-3953 11 /07/2007 32.96 11 /7-3956 11 /07/2007 32.96 11 /7-3959 11 /07/2007 32.96 368.82 134117 11/20/2007 001917 BOB'S EXPRESS WASH 100707 10/07/2007 232.00 232.00 134118 11/20/2007 000095 BURKE AND PACE OF AG, 2355287 10/05/2007 850.77 2355945 10/16/2007 184.79 2356586 10/26/2007 156.51 o~ 2356474 10/25/2007 105.50 2355555 10/10/2007 79.52 I C~ Page: 6 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 7 12/03/2007 2:12PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 2356023 10/17/2007 66.09 2355044 10/02/2007' 47.22 - 2356809 10/31 /2007 8.96 2356487 10/25/2007 8.09 1,507.45 134119 11/20/2007 000110 CA ST DEPT OF 9362 10/17/2007 3,290.43 3,290.43 134120 11/20/2007 000603 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 7314-206469 11/07/2007 14.86 7314-205923 11 /05/2007 9.68 24.54 134121 11/20/2007 000195 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER 110807CC 11/07/2007 74.00 110807CH 11 /08/2007 11.50 85.50 134122 11/20/2007 000196 CUESTA EQUIPMENT CO INC 340020 10/26/2007 240.43 _ _ 339663 10/15/2007 79:97... _ 320.40. , 134123 11/20/2007 005671 DEATHRIAGE & CO. 7478 11/06/2007 228.80 228.80 134124 11/20/2007 005091 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES 19792741 11/02/2007 12.13 12.13 134125 11/20/2007 006296 DYER'S DIESELRO 23870 11/01/2007 723.87 23813 10/29/2007 407.55 23885 11 /01 /2007 51.00 1,182.42 134126 11/20/2007 001252 GARVEY EQUIPMENT 148539 11/08/2007 149.77 149.77 134127 11/20/2007 001474 ROBERT HOPKINS 111907 11/19/2007 190.00 190.00 134128 11/20/2007 002820 INDOFF, INC 1088617 11/08/2007 144.32 144.32 134129 11/20/2007 000348 J W ENTERPRISES 208166 11/08/2007 85.00 85.00 134130 11/20/2007 003949 KERN'S PAPER 22374 10/13/2007 323.95 22503 10/31 /2007 214.15 538.10 134131 11/20/2007 000402 MAIL BOXES ETC 00037083 08/30/2007 15.95 00347975 10/23/2007 13.64 29.59 134132 11/20/2007 001275 MORRO GROUP, INC 6592 10/31/2007 1,290.50 1,290.50 134133 11/20/2007 000441 MULLAHEY FORD FOCB182658 10/19/2007 1,300.00 ~ FOCS183121 10/31/2007 720.18 Page: 7 i apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 8 12/03/2007 2:12PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total FOCB183115 10/30/2007 286.12 FOGS182953 10/23/2007 39.58 FOCS 183197 11 /02/2007 39.58 FOCS183242 11/02/2007 39.58 2,425.04 134134 11/20/2007 000832 NEXT DAY SIGNS 470 11/08/2007 96.97 96.97 134135 11/20/2007 002174 NOSSAMAN, GUTHNER, 214362 10/26/2007 537.14 537.14 134136 11/20/2007 000468 OFFICE DEPOT 407913429-001 11/09/2007 68.94 68.94 134137 11/20/2007 001886 OFFICEMAX -HSBC 0793000030667 09/12/2007 34.46 34.46 134138 11/20/2007 000481 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 853299$718-5 10/19/2007 32,968.76 - - - 11/9-620838. 11/09/2007 2.13.59= 11 /9-7812966 11 /09/2007 20.10 33,202.45 134139 11/20/2007 003979 QUALIFICATION TARGETS 20702387 10/30/2007 372.41 372.41 134140 11/20/2007 002932 RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP 515292 11/08/2007 1,219.61 515280 11/08/2007 705.06 1,924.67 134141 .11/20/2007 000562 SLO COUNTY TAX 007,192,060 4 10/19/2007 350.66 350.66 134142 11/20/2007 001696 SOUZA CONSTRUCTION, INC 111607 11/16/2007 3,839.52 3,839.52 134143 11/20/2007 006469 SPENCER'S FRESH 675283 10/04/2007 119.07 675281 10/03/2007 109.22 228.29 134144 11/20/2007 000613 STATEWIDE SAFETY & 58237 11/08/2007 463.32 58214 11/08/2007 294.15 58217 11/08/2007 247.82 1,005.29 134145 11 /20/2007 004666 SW RCB FEES 0714273 11 /13/2007 1,185.00 1,185.00 134146 11/20/2007 002370 TITAN INDUSTRIAL 1023372 11/09/2007 819.43 819.43 134147 11/20/2007 000642 TOSTE GRADING & PAVING 1111 11/08/2007 300.00 300.00 134148 11/20/2007 000687 WAYNE'S TIRE, INC 771764 11/14/2007 15.00 15.00 134149 11/20/2007 000699 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC 0709 11/02/2007 1,593.75 I 3220 11 /05/2007 78.00 1,671.75 Page: 8 apckHist Check History Listing Page: 9 12/03/2007 2:12PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 134150 11/20/2007 000704_WITMER-TYSON IMPORTS T6207 11/07/2007 400.00 400.00 134151 11/20/2007 000810 RRM DESIGN GROUP 10071307502 11/08/2007 2,098.31 2,098.31 134162 11/30/2007 000010 AFSS 111907 11/19/2007 25.00 25.00 134163 11/30/2007 001050 AMERICAN TEMPS INC 48637 11/19/2007 736.32 00048635 11 /19/2007 736.32 00048636 11/19/2007 546.49 00048672 11/27/2007 368.16 2,387.29 134164 91/30/2007 003817 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SVCS V 11/30/2007 0.00 0.00 134165 11/30/2007 003817 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SVCS F300766 10/09/2007 ~ 32.10 F312169 10/23/2007 32.10 F312166 10/23/2007 22.50 F295082 10/02/2007 20.15 F306492 10/16/2007 20.15 F317913 10/30/2007 19.60 _ F300763 10/09/2007 18.00 F317914A 10/30/2007 17.90 F295073 10/02/2007 17.25 F3064$4 10/16/2007 17.25 F317904 10/30/2007 17.25 F295081 10/02/2007 16.80 F300765 10/09/2007 16.80 F306491 ~ 10/16/2007 16.80 F312168 10/23/2007 16.80 F317912 10/30/2007 16.80 F295083A 10/02/2007 16.80 F300767A 10/09/2007 16.80 F306493A 10/16/2007 16.80 F312170A 10/23/2007 16.80 F317911 10/30/2007 13.60 F295075 10/02/2007 10.35 F306486 10/16/2007 10.35 F317906 10/30/2007 10.35 F300760 10/09/2007 9.50 Page: 9 apClcHist Check History Listing Page: 10 ' 12/03/2007 2:12PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total F312163 10/23/2007 9.50 F300769A 10/09/2007 9.00 F312172A 10/23/2007 9.00 F295079 10/02/2007 8.50 F306489 10/16/2007 8.50 F317910 10/30/2007 8.50 F312167 10/23/2007 7.80 F312171 10/23/2007 6.35 F300764 10/09/2007 6.15 F306490 10/16/2007 6.15 F295077 10/02/2007 6.00 F306488 10/16/2007 6.00 F317908 10/30/2007 -6.00 _ F295080 10/02/2007 5.60 F295076 10/02/2007 5.00 F306487 10/16/2007 5.00 F317907 10/30/2007 5.00 F300768 10/09/2007 4.96 F295084 10/02/2007 3.64 F306494 10/16/2007 2.80 F317915 10/30/2007 2.80 F295085 10/02/2007 2.80 F300769 10/09/2007 2.80 F306495 10/16/2007 2.80 F312172 10/23/2007 2.80 F317916 10/30/2007 2.80 F295082A .10/02/2007 2.80 F300766A 10/09/2007 2.80 F306492A 10/16/2007 2.80 ~ F312169A 10/23/2007 2.80 ' F317913A 10/30/2007 2.80 F295083 10/02/2007 1.40 F300767 10/09/2007 1.40 F306493 10/16/2007 1.40 F312170 10/23/2007 1.40 ~ F317914 10/30/2007 1.40 606.85 i Page: 10 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 11 12/03/2007 2:12PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status Clear/Void Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 134166 11/30/2007 005180 APEX OUTDOOR POWER 28618 11/15/2007 38.06 38.06 134167 11/30/2007 000042 ARROYO GRANDE FLOWER 103107A 10/31/2007 183.18 42506/42691 10/31 /2007 107.76 290.94 134168 11/30/2007 000065 BRENDA BARROW 112907 11/29/2007 86.96 86.96 134169 11/30/2007 000078 BLUEPRINT EXPRESS 1869 11/07/2007 80.81 80.81 134170 11/30/2007 000090 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER 135513 11/20/2007 22.94 135496 11 /19/2007 14.16 135439 11 /13/2007 11.73 135431 11/12/2007 9.54 58.37 134171 11/30/2007 006477 RACHELBYRNE 11.0307 11703/2007 63.25 63:25 134172 11/30/2007 003536 CA FIRE MECHANICS 112007 11/20/2007 420.00 420.00 134173 11/30/2007 000112 CA PARK & REC SOCIETY 111607 11/16/2007 155.00 155.00 134174 11/30/2007 000129 CA ST EMPLOYMENT DEVEL 111307 11/13/2007 1,588.00 1,588.00 134175 -11/30/2007 000603 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 7314-207859 11/13/2007 22.15 22.15 134176 11/30/2007 004995 REBECCA CASTILLO 111807 11/18/2007 30.00 30.00 134177 11/30/2007 004883 JULIA CHACON 102007 10/20/2007 30.00 30.00 13417$ 11/30/2007 000171 CLINICAL LABORATORY OF 752350 11/12/2007 692.00 692.00 134179 11/30/2007 003579 COASTAL SAN LUIS 2007-04 10/15/2007 1,612.50 1,612.50 134180 11/30/2007 003599 COMMERCIAL SANITARY 20249 11/08/2007 848.01 848.01 134181 11/30/2007 006413 ROBERT CROOK 110407 11/04/2007 225.25 225.25 134182 11/30/2007 000195 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER 70931 11/08/2007 28.75 63949 11/08/2007 9.25 38.00 134183 11730/2007 000196 CUESTA EQUIPMENT CO INC 339306 10/03/2007 14.50 14.50 134184 11/30/2007 005671 DEATHRIAGE & CO. 7479 11/06/2007 99.00 99.00 Page: 11 apClcHist Check History Listing Page: 12 12/03/2007 2:12PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 134185 11/30/2007 005091 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES 19809203 11/15/2007 31.96 31.96 134186 11/30/2007 001840 DELL MARKETING LP XC8DD3FC7 11/09/2007 2,075.73 XC8TFJ537 11/20/2007 452.53. 2,528.26 134187 11/30/2007 005688 DESERAE DOMINGUEZ 111707 1.1/17/2007 30.00 30.00 i 134188 .11/30/2007 006473 MELINDA FESTER 102207 10/22/2007 390.00 390.00 134189 11/30/2007 004164 FEDEX 2-312-42804 10/12/2007 219.61 2-377-02806 11/16/2007 21.32 2-364-01663 11 /09/2007 17.73 258.66 134190 11/30/2007 001525 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, 1402721 11/12/2007 215.50 215.50 134191 11/30/2007 000262 FRANK'S LOCK & KEY 26263 11/06/2007 312.74 26309 11 /08/2007 88.36 26391 11 /14/2007 42.02 443.12 134192 11/30/2007.000263 FRAZEE INDUSTRIES INC 580403 .10/31/2007 680.76 680.76 134193 11/30/2007 000272 GIBBS INTERNATIONAL 34070 11/12/2007 70.99 70.99 134194 11/30/2007 000499 GRAND AWARDS, INC 72228 11/27/2007 106.88 72102 10/15/2007 56.24 163.12 134195 11/30/2007 000288 CITY OF GROVER BEACH 111407 11/14/2007 47.69 47.69 134196 11/30/2007 002405 CHUCK HARE 112707 11/27/2007 100.00 100.00 134197 11/30/2007 006421 RIKI HEATH 111607 11/16/2007 28.00 28.00 134198 11/30/2007 000307 BOB HICKS TURF 25911 11/16/2007 109.22 109.22 134199 11/30/2007 006476 DANIEL JOHNSON- 110707 11/07/2007 106.00 106.00 134200 11/30/2007 001793 J J KELLER & ASSOCIATES, 007047625 11/13/2007 433.14 433.14 134201 11/30/2007 005511 CHRISTOPHER LINTNER 112707 11/27/2007 72.00 72.00 134202 11/30/2007 001136 DOUG LINTNER 112707 11/27/2007 200.00 200.00 134203 11/30/2007 000393 LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL 080167 10/24/2007 63.90 63.90 Page: 12 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 13 12/03/2007 2:12PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 134204 11/30/2007 000402 MAIL BOXES ETC 09019378 10/29/2007 291.01 09019526 04/08/2007. 58.31 09017997 07/20/2007 17.23 09019350 09/07/2007 13.17 0901810$ 05/23/2007 12.81 09019376 09/10/2007 10.33 09019380 05/21/2007 8.18 411.04 134205 11/30/2007 005898 ANGELA MC KIM 111007 11/10/2007 30.00 30.00 134206 11/30/2007 000417 MELLO & SON'S PUMPS & 2123 11/02/2007 75.00 75.00 134207 11/30/2007 000419 MIDAS AUTO SERVICE 0019890 11/13/2007 31.19 31.19 134208 11/30/2007 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, 230369 11/19/2007 80.80 230442 11 /20/2007 48.29 229981 11 /16/2007 40.69 230462 11 /20/2007 27.07 228934 11 /08/2007 26.91 229714 11 /14/2007 24.75 230398 11 /19/2007 15.56 228225 11 /02/2007 15.02 230209 11 /17/2007 13.95 230037 11 /16/2007 12.87 228805 11 /07/2007 12.06 229894 11 /15/2007 11.39 931990 11 /21 /2007 9.70 230496 11 /20/2007 8.58 230071 11/16/2007 6.45 932051 11 /21 /2007 5.38 230387 11 /19/2007 4.29 230199 11 /17/2007 2.68 230366 11 /19/2007 1.13 230178 11 /17/2007 -12.19 355.38 134209 11/30/2007 005987 NORMAN & VASOUEZ 110307 11/03/2007 967.00 110307A 11 /03/2007 425.00 1,392.00 i Page: 13 ii apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 14 12/03/2007 2:12PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa ~ I Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 134210 11/30/2007 006472 JOHN OBERG 112007 11/20/2007 ..55.00 55.00 134211 11/30/2007 005744 OCEANO COMMUNITY AG-13 11/27/2007 880.00 OCCI-26 11/27/2007 99.00 979.00 134212 11/30/2007 001886 OFFICEMAX -HSBC 0793000091827 10/16/2007 59.94 ' 0793000092492 10/24/2007 55.26 115.20 134213 11/30/2007 006475 MARISELA OLIVERA 110307 11/03/2007 30.00 30.00 134214 11/30/2007 000473 MADRIGALE QUAGLINO 112007 11/20/2007 105.00 105.00 134215 11/30/2007 005378 BILL RAETZ 101607A 10/16/2007 101.00 101.00 134216 11/30/2007 003649 CHARLES D (DON) RUIZ 112707 11/27/2007 48.00 48.00 134217 11/30/2007 000538 S & L SAFETY PRODUCTS 105975 11/19/2007 409.34 409.34 134218 11/30/2007 005933 RACHEL SALERNO 111007 11/10/2007 30.00 30.00 134219 11/30/2007 006478 ADRIANSCHILLER 111107 11/11/2007 -30.00 30.00 .134220 11/30/2007 006474 CHEO SERRANO 111707.. 11/17/2007 30.00 30.00. 134221 11/30/2007 006471 RHONDA SETLIFF 110407 11/04/2007 30.00 30.00 134222 11/30/2007 003160 JOE A SILVA, JR 111607 11/16/2007 12.00 12.00 134223 11/30/2007 003892 SILVERADO AVIONICS, INC 2258 11/12/2007 3,835.49 2248 11/12/2007 3,835.49 7,670.98 134224 11/30/2007 001876 KAREN SISKO 100107 10/01/2007 839.23 839.23 134225 11/30/2007 000553 SLO COUNTY CLERK- 113007 11/30/2007 25.00 25.00 134226 11/30/2007 000564 SLO COUNTY NEWSPAPERS 665257$ 11/04/2007 508.64 6655644 11 /04/2007 295.46 6645248 09/30/2007 272.20 ' 6640548 09/21 /2007 188.87 6640548 09/28/2007 188.87 6640548 10/05/2007 188.87 6634033 09/07/2007 160.82 i ~ Page: 14 it apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 15 12/03/2007 2:12PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 6643280 09/29/2007 160.82 6634534 09/30/2007 151.47 li 6634534A 09/30/2007 151.47 ' 6658604 11 /02/2007 149.60 6634531 09/30/2007 147.73 6634531 A 09/30/2007 147.73 6658612 11 /02/2007 129.03 6637023 09/14/2007 121.55 6646204 10/05/2007 119.68 6633980 09/07/2007 117.81 6634002 09/07/2007 114.07 6658687 11 /02/2007 104.72 6655537 .10/27/2007.. 86.02 - _ _ 6652283 10/18/2007 84.15 6636914 09/24/2007 82.75 6636915 09/24/2007 82.75 6645288 09/30/2007 10.00 6658612A 11 /02/2007 8.50 6658687A 11/02/2007 8.50 6658604A 11/02/2007 8.50 3,790.58- 134227 11/30/2007 000598 SNAP-ON TOOLS CORP 169909 11/16/6007 140.25 140.25 134228 11/30/2007 000609 BOB SPEAR 112707 11/27/2007 60.00 60.00 134229 11/30/2007 006479 AMY SPENCE 110307 11/03/2007 30.00 30.00 134230 11/30/2007 000620 STREATOR PIPE & SUPPLY S1063935.002 11/15/2007 346.06 346.06 134231 11/30/2007 006480 KERRI THOMAS 110307 11/03/2007 30.00 30.00 134232 11/30/2007 002370 TITAN INDUSTRIAL 1023447 11/13/2007 119.54 623498 11 /16/2007 100.21 219.75 134233 11/30/2007 005252 ULTREX BUSINESS 78360 11/16/2007 1,464.32 1,464.32 134234 11/30/2007 000666 UNITED RENTALS 69914934-001 11/15/2007 124.51 124.51 134235 11/30/2007 001928 WAL-MART 112807 11/28/2007 5,000.00 5,000.00 134236 11/30/2007 000866 JAMIE WHARTON 112707 11/27/2007 24.00 24.00 ~ Page: 15 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 16 12/03/2007 2:12PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 134237 11/30/2007 005797 YANAGI SUSHI 112207 11/22/2007 30.00 30.00 boa Total: 199,275.38 198 checks in this report Total Checks: 199,275.38 - C~ try0 Page: 16 ATTACHMENT 2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 11 /2/07 -11115/07 11/21107 FUND 010. 387,501.18 5101 Salaries Full time 210,332.04 FUND 220 14,974.79 5102 Salaries Part-Time - PPT 16,578.22 FUND 284 784.73 5103 Salaries Part-Time - TPT 9,283.57 FUND 285 784.78 5105 Salaries OverTime 13,584.81 FUND 612 6,737.06 5107 Salaries Standby 406.10 FUND 640 21,942.69 5108 Holiday Pay 17,327.31 432,725.23 5109 Sick Pay 5,235.78 5110 Annual Leave Buyback 5111 Vacation Buyback - 511.2 Sick Leave Buyback - 511:3 Vacation Pay 7,722.98 5114 Comp Pay 4,119.02 5115 Annual Leave Pay 3,090.88 5121 PERS Retirement 74,283.03 5122 Social Security 18,739.52 5123 PARS Retirement 352.07 ..5126 State Disability Ins. 558.58 5127 Deferred Compensation 750.00 5131 Health Insurance 41,019.80 5132 Dentallnsurance 5,025.18 5133 Vision Insurance 1,184.73 5134 Life Insurance 591.05 5135 Long Term Disability 988.59 5143 Uniform Allowance - 5144 Car Allowance 600.00 5146 Council Expense 5147 Employee Assistance 249.47 5148 .Boot Allowance 5149 Motor Pay 75.00 5150 Bi-Lingual Pay 200.00 5151 Cell Phone Allowance 427.50 432,725.23 8.b. MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2007 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. ROLL-CALL: Mayor Ferrara called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. Council Member Jim Guthrie, Council Member Joe Costello, Council Member Chuck Fellows, Mayor Pro Tem Arnold, and City Attorney Timothy Carmel were. present. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. 3. CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: a. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54957: Title: City Manager ~ City Manager Steven Adams arrived at 6:50 p.m. 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: Mayor Ferrara announced that there was no reportable action from the closed session. 5. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:04 p.m. Tony Ferrara, Mayor ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk i (Approved at CC Mtg ) MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2007. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ferrara called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:11 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City Council: Council Members Jim Guthrie and Joe Costello, Mayor Pro Tem Ed Arnold and Mayor Tony Ferrara were present. Council Member Fellows was absent. City Staff Present: City Manager Steven Adams, City Attorney Tim Carmel, Director of Administrative Services/City Clerk Kelly Wetmore, Director of Financial Services Ange, la Kraetsch, Chief of Police Steve Annibali, Director of Building ~ and Fire .Mike Hubert, Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities Doug Perrin, Director of Public Works Don Spagnolo, Associate Planner Teresa McClish, Associate Planner Kelly Heffemon, Assistant Planner Jim Bergman, and Building Official Johnathan Hurst. 3. FLAG SALUTE Members of Boy Scout Troop 489 led the Flag Salute. 4. INVOCATION Dr. Paul E. Jones delivered the invocation. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 5.a. Mayor's Commendations; Recognizing the Arroyo Grande Police Department Explorers. Mayor Ferrara presented Mayor's Commendations to Jeremy Burns, Thomas Molnar, Chris Hall, Kelsi Kesler, David Vernon, Nicole .Pennock, Michael Day, Timothy Kohler, and Harry Bennett in recognition for taking Overall First Place at the Annual Explorer Competition on October 12-14, 2007 in Paso Robles. 6. AGENDA REVIEW 6.a. Ordinances Read in Title Only. Council Member Costello moved, Mayor Pro Tem Arnold seconded, and the motion passed 7 unanimously that all ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS: AND SUGGESTIONS None. 8. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Ferrara invited members of the public who wished to comment on any Consent Agenda Item to do so at this time. There were no public comments received. Action: Council Member Guthrie moved, and Mayor Pro Tem Arnold seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.0., with the recommended courses of action. The motion passed on the following roll-call vote: ~h_ a- Minutes: City Council Meeting Page 2 Tuesday, November 13, 2007 rr ra AYES: Guthrie, Arnold, Costello, Fe a NOES: None ABSENT: Fellows 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Ratified the listing of cash disbursements for the period October 16, 2007 through October 31, 2007. 8.b. Consideration of Approval of Minutes. Action: Approved the minutes of the Special City Council Meeting of October 9, 2007 and the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting of October 9, 2007 as submitted. 8.c. Consideration of Acceptance of the Brisco Road Rehabilitation Project PW 2007-02. Action: 1) Accepted the project improvements, as constructed by Souza Construction ~ Company, Inc. in accordance with the plans and specifications for the Brisco Road i~ Rehabilitation Project; 2) Directed staff to file a Notice of Completion; and 3) Authorized release of the retention of $27,957.11, thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. 8.d. Consideration of Award of Contract for Construction of the Mason/Nelson ADA Ramp Replacement Project, PW 2007-01. Action: 1) Awarded a construction contract to California Coastal Development in the amount of $18,986.00 for the construction of the Mason/Nelson ADA Ramp Replacement Project, PW 2007-01; and 2) Authorized the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency of $1,900.00 for use only if needed for testing and unanticipated costs during the construction.of the project. 8.e. Consideration of Acceptance of the Camino Mercado/West Branch Street Traffic Signal Project, PW 2005-05. Action: 1) Accepted the project improvements as constructed by Lee Wilson Electric Company, Inc. in accordance with the plans and specifications for the Camino Mercado/West Branch Street Traffic Signal Project; 2) Directed staff to file a Notice of Completion; and 3) Authorized release of the retention of $36,257.73, thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. 8.f. Consideration of Authorization to Close City Streets for the 5th Annual Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association Christmas Parade, November 25, 2007. Action: 1) Adopted Resolution No. 4041 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REQUESTING AUTHORIZATION TO CLOSE CITY STREETS FOR THE 5TH ANNUAL ARROYO GRANDE VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION CHRISTMAS PARADE, NOVEMBER 25, 2007'; and 2) Approved the installation of a street banner on E. Branch Street promoting Village Christmas activities. 8.g. Consideration of Donation: of Surplus Bicycles. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4042 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DECLARING SURPLUS PROPERTY TO BE DONATED TO THE ..SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT PROGRAM TO REFURBISH BICYCLES FOR NEEDY CHILDREN' ~b-~ Minutes: City Council Meeting Page 3 Tuesday, November 13, 2007 8.h. Consideration of Approval .of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Lucia Mar School District for the Bright Futures Program. Action: 1) Approved a MOU with the Lucia Mar Unified School District for the Bright Futures After School Program; 2) Authorized the City Manager to sign the MOU; and 3) Authorized the City Manager to approve minor changes to the MOU determined beneficial to the program. 8.i. Consideration to Approve Sewer System Incident Report Form and Proposed Improvements Action: 1) Approved and implement the use of the new Sanitary Sewer System Report Form; 2) Approved the locations of new bolt-down manholes; 3) Approved installation of a new sewer manhole behind 410 East Branch Street; and 4) Appropriated $11,000 from the Sewer Fund. 8.j. Consideration of Extension of Agreements with Grande Mobile Manor and Halcyon Estates for Temporary Water Service. r Action: Approved an amendment to the existing Agreements with Grande Mobile Manor P; and Halcyon Estates extending temporary water service for an additional 12-month period. 8.k. Consideration of a Resolution Approving FY 2007/08 through FY 2008/09 Memorandum of Understanding with the International Association of Fire Fighters Local 4403. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4043 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A SALARY AND BENEFIT PROGRAM FOR EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS LOCAL 4403 AND REPEALING THOSE SECTIONS OF RESOLUTION NO. 3702 ADOPTED ON AUGUST 26, 2003 IMPACTING SAID EMPLOYEES' 8.1. Consideration of Resolutions Establishing the City's Contribution Toward Health Care Coverage. Action: 1) Adopted Resolution No. 4044 as follows: "A .RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING THE CITY'S CONTRIBUTION TOWARD HEALTH CARE COVERAGE FOR MEMBERS OF THE ARROYO GRANDE POLICE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION ("AGPOA")'; 2) Adopted Resolution No. 4045 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING THE CITY'S CONTRIBUTION TOWARD HEALTH CARE COVERAGE FOR MEMBERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS LOCAL 4403 UNDER THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL CARE ACT'; 3) Adopted Resolution No. 4046 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING THE CITY'S CONTRIBUTION TOWARD HEALTH CARE COVERAGE FOR MEMBERS OF THE ARROYO GRANDE CHAPTER OF THE SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION, LOCAL 620'; 4) Adopted Resolution No. 4047 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING THE CITY'S CONTRIBUTION TOWARD HEALTH CARE COVERAGE FOR MEMBERS OF THE MANAGEMENT GROUP UNDER THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL CARE ACT'; and 5) Adopted Resolution No. 4048 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING THE CITY'S CONTRIBUTION TOWARD HEALTH CARE COVERAGE FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS': ~~~L~ Minutes: City Council Meeting Page 4 Tuesday, November 13, 2007 8.m. Consideration of a Resolution Adopting a Full Flex Cafeteria Plan Section 125 for the Management Group and International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 4403. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4049 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A FULL FLEX CAFETERIA PLAN SECTION 125 FOR THE MANAGEMENT GROUP AND INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS' 8.n. Consideration of Contract Amendment with Rincon Consultants for the Preparation of Addendum No. 2 to the Previously Certified Revised Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report for VTTM/PUD 01-001. Action: Approved the contract amendment with Rincon Consultants for the SEIR Addendum No. 2 to the SEIR for VTTM/PUD 01-001. 8.0. Consideration of Benefit Adjustments for Management Employees. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4050 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING BENEFIT ADJUSTMENTS FOR MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES' 9. PUBLIC HEARING 9.a. Consideration of Preliminary Approval of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Projects for the Year 2008. Associate Planner Bergman presented the staff report and recommended the Council provide preliminary approval of proposed projects to be funded with the City's allocation of CDBG funds for the Year 2008. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing and invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the matter. No public comments were received and the Mayor closed the public hearing. Council comments included support for the proposed projects to be funded with the City's allocation '~i of CDBG funds; acknowledgement .that it was difficult to fully accommodate all of the requests for grants; support for how the grant applications were prioritized and the layout of the criteria; and support for the proposed distribution of funds for organizations that serve the immediate area. Action: Council Member Costello moved to provide preliminary approval of proposed projects to be funded with the City's allocation of CDBG funds for the Year 2008. Mayor Pro Tem Arnold seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Costello, Arnold, Guthrie, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Fellows Council Member Fellows arrived at 7:38 p.m. and took his place at the dais. 9.b. Consideration of Plot Plane. Review Case No. 06-009 to Remove an Existing Residence and Accessory Structures. and Construct a New Residence and Garage; Applicant - Tony Janowicz; Location - 795 East Cherry Avenue. Minutes: City Council Meeting Page 5 Tuesday, November 13, 2007 Associate Planner Heffernon presented the staff report and recommended the Council adopt a Resolution approving Plot Plan Review Case No. 06-009. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing. ~ Mark Vaspuez, representing the applicant, explained that the project had been revised based on comments received at the last public hearing and meeting with the neighbors. He then answered questions from Council regarding the Lierly Lane easement and demolition of the existing structures. Colleen Martin, Olive Street, representing Lynn Titus on Lierly Lane, stated she had met with staff regarding concerns with proposed improvements to Lierly Lane. She read from a prepared letter which expressed concems regarding the timing of road improvements; ownership of the Lierly Lane easement; how "substantial conformance" is defined as it relates to the proposed replacement structure; and a request that the map show the specific Lierly Lane street improvements. Tony Janowicz, applicant, expressed appreciation for the effort put forth by City staff to assist him in the development of this property. Hearing no further public comments,`: Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. Council Member Costello provided the following comments: - Acknowledged the uniqueness of this case and circumstances as it relates to placement of the house in the agricultural buffer; - Stated that the proposal serves the best use of the property given the constraints on the site; - In response to a question regarding the timeline required for road improvements, City Attorney Carmel replied that Conditions #17 and #65 require that all essential project improvements shall be constructed prior to occupancy and explained that other conditions require bonding for other non-essential project improvements; - Supported demolition and replacement of the house as the best solution for this property. In response to a request from Council Member Fellows to respond to some of the public comments submitted by Ms. Martin, City Attorney Carmel explained that "substantial conformance" is a generalized legal principle, which means "substantially similar to" and can be subjective. He also confirmed that Condition #47 and mitigation measure 12.1 have been modified to read, in part, "20 feet street width from curb to curb, tapering to the east prior to the property boundary, as per the approved East Village Neighborhood Conceptual Plan". Council Member Fellows provided the following comments: ~ - Likes the placement of the house further back from the agriculture operations; - Appreciated that the applicant and architect worked with the neighbors to make changes; - Acknowledged that the concerns of the Dixson Ranch owners regarding the fence and road width have been addressed in the conditions of approval; - Supported drainage retention on-site with a landscaped bioswale; - Stated that although the new proposed house is further back from the agriculture operations, he expressed concerns with the changes to the size, configuration, and access of the house off of Lierly Lane and wondered if it was far enough away to mitigate potential impacts; - Noted that the 2"d unit on the site is inhabited and larger than staff estimated; is satisfied that the replacement house is only about 40% larger; i ~bn ~ Minutes: City Council Meeting Page 6 Tuesday, November 13, 2007 - Referred to :.Mitigation Measure 2.2 and expressed concern about the sufficiency of the final landscape plan for the buffer area; requested the agriculture buffer improvement criteria be thoroughly reviewed; - Expressed concern about potential toxic chemicals on the site; - Supported the proposed project. Council Member Guthrie provided the following comments: - Stated that .while he would not consider the proposed agricultural buffer as adequate, it is substantially better than what exists today and would be maintained for the long term; - Stated it is a plus to see some sort of guidance on expansion of residential structures inside the agricultural buffer; - Supported the proposed project. Mayor Pro Tem Arnold provided the following comments: - Noted that he had supported the previous project which was larger, and he could support the revised project; - Noted that is was difficult to balance distance from the buffer versus distance from neighbor; - Stated this project is a major improvement on the site; - Supported the proposed project.: Mayor Ferrara provided the following comments: - More comfortable with clarifications made regarding the road improvements; - Thanked staff, neighbors, and the applicant for working out issues regarding distance between the two homes, the landscaping, and fencing; - Believes issue of substantial conformance applies to size, footprint, and location of the home; - Noted that the area is a rural urban interface and there is a need to achieve as much space between properties as possible; - Shared concerns about the soils-issue and whether there was contaminated soil on the site; - Acknowledged that the road issue was resolved; - Supported the project as modified. Action: Mayor Pro Tem Arnold moved to adopt a Resolution as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING PLOT PLAN REVIEW CASE NO. 06-009 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 795 EAST CHERRY AVENUE, APPLIED FOR BY TONY JANOW/CZ", with modifications to :Condition of Approval #'s 44, 47,and Mitigation Measure 12.1, including. the revised map. Council Member Costello seconded. Council Member Fellows asked which condition of approval or mitigation measure addresses the potentially contaminated soils issue. Staff noted Condition of Approval #50 requires submission of a preliminary soils report prepared by a registered Civil Engineer. Mayor Ferrara suggested including wording in Condition of Approval #50 that requires an analysis by the Health Department for contaminated soils. Mayor Pro Tem Arnold agreed to amend the motion to include the additional language. Council Member Costello seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Arnold, Costello, Guthrie, Fellows, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None i gb -~7 Minutes: City Council Meeting Page 7 ' Tuesday, November 13, 2007 9.c. Consideration of General Plan Amendment Case No. 06-003 to Amend the General Plan Land Use Map and Development Code Amendment Case No. 06-005 to Amend Title 16 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Zoning Map - Co-Applicant The City of Arroyo Grande for Five Properties at the Northwest Corner of S. Halcyon Road and Fair Oaks Avenue and Co-Applicant -David Robasciotti for Thirteen Properties in the Vicinity of South Elm Street near Poplar Street. Associate Planner McClish presented the staff report and recommended the Council: 1) Adopt a Resolution to change the General Plan land use designation for five properties at the northwest corner of S. Halcyon Road and Fair Oaks Avenue from Multiple Family Residential Very High Density to Mixed Use Office Professional; and change the General Plan land use designation for thirteen properties in the vicinity of S. Elm Street near Poplar Street from Medium Density Single- family Residential to Medium-High Density Multi-family Residential; and 2) Introduce an Ordinance to change the zoning for five properties at the northwest corner of S. Halcyon Road and Fair Oaks Avenue from Multiple Family Residential Very High Density to Office Mixed Use; and change the zoning for the properties in the vicinity of S. Elm Street near Poplar- Street from Single Family residential to Multi-Family. She noted for the. record that the Ordinance had been modified to indicate the zone change would be to Multi-Family (MF), not Multi-Family Apartment (MFA). Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing. Colleen Martin, Olive Street, noted ,that when a future project comes forward in the vicinity of S. Halcyon and Fair Oaks Avenue, there would be concerns expressed about traffic. She also spoke about the lack of curb, gutter, and sidewalk on portions of S. Elm Street and noted there is a need for substantial road improvements to ensure safe pedestrian traffic. Dave Robasciotti, S. Elm Street, noted he has seen a lot of improvements along S. Elm Street over the years; however, the west side Has been challenging. He spoke in support of the rezoning and stated this was a good opportunity for in-fill projects to improve S. Elm Street. Hearing no further public comments;, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. ~ Council comments included general support for the rezoning proposals; some concern that the areas need to be reviewed more comprehensively, specifically S. Elm Street as it relates to evaluating higher density land uses; acknowledgement that there is a lot of potential on S. Halcyon for medical and office uses; acknowledgement that the proposed action would not preclude the City from completing a more comprehensive land use review in the future; a suggestion that design overlays may be appropriate for the S. Elm Street area; a suggestion that the City utilize Cal Poly students to prepare a comprehensive land use study of S. Elm Street; and a request that Lucia Mar Unified School District be notified and invited to participate on any future development proposals on Fair Oaks Avenue across from Harloe Elementary. In response to a question by Mayor Pro Tem Arnold, Mr. Robasciotti stated he ;did not have any development plans to submit at this time; however, he would support higher density zoning on the S. Elm Street if the City chose to study the matter further in the future. Action: Mayor Pro Tem Arnold moved to adopt a Resolution as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY: OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT CASE NO. 06-003 TO CHANGE THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION gb Minutes: City Council Meeting Page 8 Tuesday, November 13, 2007 FOR FIVE PROPERTIES AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF S. HALCYON ROAD AND FAIR j OAKS AVENUE FROM MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL VERY HIGH DENSITY TO MIXED USE OFFICE PROFESSIONAL; AND CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION FOR THIRTEEN PROPERTIES IN THE VICINITY OF S. ELM STREET NEAR POPLAR STREET FROM MEDIUM DENSITY SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO MEDIUM-HIGH DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL", and to direct staff to look, in a timely manner, at potentially increasing the size of the project area and increasing the density. Council Member Costello seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Arnold, Costello, Guthrie, Fellows, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None Mayor Pro Tem Arnold moved to introduce an Ordinance as follows: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT CASE NO. 06-005 TO CHANGE THE ZONING FOR THE PROPERTIES A T 362; 370; 378; & 382 S. HALCYON ROAD 8 906 FAIR OAKS AVENUE FROM MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL VERY HIGH DENSITY TO OFFICE MIXED USE; AND CHANGE THE ZONING FOR THE PROPERTIES AT 160; 162; 166; 168; 170; 174178; 180; 186; 190; 194; & 198 S. ELM STREET 8 1205 POPLAR STREET FROM SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO MULTI-FAMILY' Council Member Costello seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Arnold, Costello, Guthrie, Fellows, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS ITEMS None. ~ 11. NEW BUSINESS ITEMS 11.a. Consideration of Proposed Ordinance. Amending the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code as it relates to Building and Construction Codes. Director of Building and Fire Hubert and Building Official Hurst presented the staff report and recommended the Council introduce an Ordinance amending Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Section 8.04.010 related to the adoption of the California Fire Code and International Fire Code, adding Section 8.04.020 related to automatic fire sprinklers, amending Section 15.04.010 related to ~ the adoption of the California Building Code, California Electrical Code, California Mechanical I,~ Code, California Plumbing Code, California Existing Building Code, and the International Property ~ Maintenance Code and repealing 'and amending provisions within Titles 8, 12, 15 and 16 for internal consistency and clarification. Staff responded to questions from Council concerning the implementation of the Building Codes and regulations pertaining to fire sprinkler requirements. Mayor Ferrara invited public comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the matter. ~b-~ Minutes: City Council Meeting Page 9 Tuesday, November 13, 2007 Steve Ross, Garden Street, expressed concerns about the impact to homes with fire sprinklers if water pipes freeze during the winter season. Building Official Hurst explained several methods that exist to protect the pipes in areas that are subject to freezing weather. Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public comment period. Action: Council Member Costello moved to introduce an Ordinance as follows: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 8.04:010 RELATED TO THE ADOPTION OF THE CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE AND INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE, ADDING SECTION 8.04.020 RELATED TO AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLERS, AMENDING SECTION 15.04.010 RELATED TO THE ADOPTION OF THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE, CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE, CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE, CALIFORNIA EXISTING BUILDING CODE, AND THE INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE AND ' REPEALING AND AMENDING PROVISIONS WITHIN TITLES 8, 12, 15 AND 16 FOR INTERNAL CONSISTENCY AND CLARIFICATION." Council Member Fellows seconded, and the motion passed on .the following roll call voter AYES: Costello, Fellows, Guthrie, Arnold, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS None. 13. CITY MANAGER ITEMS None. 14. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Fellows stated he was pleased with the opening of the new Applebee's Restaurant and acknowledged staff s planning efforts related to the project, which included the removal of the large drainage basin on the property. Mayor Ferrara thanked Kristen Barneich and the Tree Guild for their continued work and acknowledged the planting of new landscaping and trees in the .parking lot at the center where Applebee's Restaurant is located. Mayor Pro Tem Arnold announced that ~ nine more trees are being planted at Ocean View Elementary School. Mayor Ferrara also announced that Arroyo Grande in Bloom activities ,occur every Saturday morning at 8:00 am and invited members of the public to participate. 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS None. ~~~~~o Minutes: City Council Meeting Page 70 Tuesday, November 73, 2007 16. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS None. 17. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 9:25 p.m. Tony Ferrara, Mayor ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore,. City Clerk (Approved at CC Mtg ) ~b-/~ _ _ f._...~. _ Q RROy S¦C¦ ~ P Oc O .p ~ INCORPORATED 92 v m MEMORANDUM ~ JULY 10, 1811 Cq~ ~ F ORN~P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE STATUS REPORT ON DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES (AB-1600) DATE: DECEMBER 11, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt, a Resolution accepting the status report on the receipt and use of Development Impact Fees (AB-1600) during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007.- ! FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact from this action. BACKGROUND: Government Code Sections 66000„et seq. (enacted via AB-1600) requires local agencies to provide an accounting of impact fees imposed on development projects. These fees (typically titled AB 1600 fees) are intended to mitigate certain cost impacts of development projects on existing City facilities and infrastructure. The basic accounting and reporting responsibilities require the City to provide a detailed reporting of the use of development impact fees every five years (beginning with FY 1997-98). Due to the fact that several of the impact fees have different reporting periods it was decided by staff toy report the status of Development Impact Fees on a yearly basis so as not to miss a reporting date in error. The City must comply with two basic requirements. First, the City must report- findings on the amount collected for each fee; the use of the fees, and any unexpended fees at i year-end. After the first report on collections and expenditures up to June 30, 1998, the City is required to report every five years thereafter. These findings must: 1. Identify the purpose for the fee; ` 2. Demonstrate a reasonable relationship between the fee and the purpose for 'which it was charged; 3. Identify all sources and amounts of funding anticipated to complete financing of incomplete improvements; 4. Designate the approximate dates these funding sources are expected to be deposited into the appropriate account or fund. ~C- i CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF REPORT ON DEVELOPMENT IMPACT .FEES (AB-1600) DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 2 When sufficient funds have been collected to complete financing of public improvements in progress but- not completed, the City has 180 days to identify an approximate date by which the construction of .the public improvement will begin or be completed. The second requirement provides. that the City shall establish separate capital facility accounts for each improvement funded by project development impact fees. Interest shall be earned and recorded in each account. The City is required to make available to the public the following information: 1. A brief description of the type of fee.in the account. 2. The amount of the fee. 3. The account's beginning and ending balance. 4. The amount of fees collected and the interest earned. 5. A description of the improvements on which the funds were expended and the amount expended on each improvement, including the percentage of the improvement funded with development fees. ' 6. An approximate date by which the construction of a public improvement will begin if the City determines that sufficient funds have been collected to complete financing on the incomplete .improvement. 7. A description of each inter-fund transfer or loan made from the', account. 8. The amount of any refunds. Attached to this staff report is the required financial information as of'June 30, 2007 (Attachments A-F). The information consists of beginning and ending fund balances for each fee charged by the City, including interest earned, and details of all expenditures made from these sources. The information in the Attachments is consistent with the yearly audited financial records. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: - Approve staff recommendation to adopt resolution accepting and filing the report; 1 - Do not approve staff recommendation and request further information; - Modify staff recommendation and approve; - Provide direction to staff: ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: There are eight active Development Impact .Fees identified as subject to AB1600 reporting requirements. Three of the eight fees were reported in I January 1999 i ~ g~ ~ a CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF REPORT ON DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES (AB-1600) DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 3 complying with the five-year reporting requirement. Those three fees are the Traffic Signalization Fee, the Transportation Facility ..Fee, and the Drainage Facility Fee. The Water Neutralization Fee was required to ,report for the first time in 2003. The remaining four Development Impact Fees were required to report financial activity in 2005. The remaining four fees are the Fire Protection Fee, the Police Facilities Fee, Community Center Fee, and the Park Improvement Fee. A summary of financial activity for the four fees (Attachment F) is attached. The City also charges a Park Development Fee, which is a Quimby Fee (Government Code 66477) and does not fall under the AB- 1600 reporting requirements so it is not included in the attached report. The City utilized the following funds to track development impact fees: • Traffic Signalization Fund (Fund 222) Ordinance 346 was adopted in May of 1986 as a mechanism for assessing fees on new developments in proportion to the amount of anticipated traffic generated by a given development. The fees were restricted for funding the construction of traffic signal systems, signing, and other traffic control devices. This development impact fee came under Government Code Section 66000 in January 1989, when AB-1600 fees were recognized. • Transportation Facility Impact (Fund 224) The fund was established in January .1994 to track fees paid by developers for the construction of improvements to streets throughout the City. When a project serves both new and existing development, only the portion related to new development is charged against this fund. • Drainage Facility Fund (Fund 231) This fund was established in January 1986 to track fees collected from developers to acquire and construct drainage facilities with a designated drainage zone attributable to new development. This development impact fee came under Government Code Section 66000 in January 1989, when AB- .1600 fees were recognized. As with the Transportation Facility Impact fees, when a project serves both new and existing development, only the portion related to new development is charged against this fund. • Water Neutralization Impact Fund (Fund 226) This fund was established in October 1998 to account for mitigation fees collected from developers to neutralize projected water demand of development projects above historical usage amounts. When a project serves both new and existing development, only the portion related to new development is charged against this fund. UL CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF REPORT ON DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES (AB-1600) DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 4 • Fire Protection Fund (Fund 210) The Impact Fee Study of March 2000 instituted the Fire Protection Fee. This fee is to be used for facilities to house fire fighting personnel and equipment serving future development. This fee was established.pursuant to AB-1600. • Police Facilities Fund .(Fund 211) The Police Protection Fund was established in March 2000 to account for monies that were collected from new development for the expansion of police facilities. This fee was established pursuant to AB-1600. • Park Improvement Fund (Fund 214) This impact fee resulted from the Impact Fee Study of-March 2000. This fee is to be used to improve parklands in order. to maintain 4.0 acres of neighborhood and community parks per thousand residents. This fee was established pursuant to AB-1600; however, FY 2000-01 was the first year monies were collected for Park Improvement. • Community Center Fund (Fund 215) The Impact Fee Study of March 2000 instituted the `Recreation Community Center Fee. The fee was enacted to ensure community center facilities be maintained at 542 square feet per thousand population. .The City utilizes fund accounting to segregate Development Impact Fees from other City revenues. Although the City pools its cash for investment purposes, interest income is allocated to each of the eight funds based on their respective cash balances. Staff examined the accounts to determine if any Development Impact Fees collected between January 1989 and June 30, 2007 remained unexpended. It was determined that a majority of the Drainage Facility Fees had been expended within the time period. The remaining balance of $20,300 is allocated towards the Newsom Springs drainage project and the storm water study. Sufficient funds have been accumulated in the Traffic Signalization Fund for one traffic signal and various :.upgrades. The Capital I~ Improvement Program includes $25,000 for a dedicated left turn pocket and signal interconnect at West Branch Street and Oak Park Boulevard, $60,000 for a traffic signal upgrade on Fair Oaks Ave and Halcyon Road, and $175,000 for a signal at Fair Oaks Ave and Traffic Way (budgeted in FY 08-09). In addition, approximately $2.6 million of t impact fees have accumulated in the Transportation Facility Impact Fee Fund. The Capital Improvement Program includes $1,109,800 for the Brisco Rd-Halcyon/Route 101 interchange and $35,000 for a Traffic Count Program/Traffic Model update. The Water Neutralization Fund has accumulated $737,200 in impact fees. The Capital Improvement Program includes $451,600 for the Water Conservation Program and $10,000 for a Central Irrigation System. Additionally, several critical supplemental water projects are in process. The Fire Protection Impact Fund ended the year with a zero gc-~f CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF REPORT ON DEVELOPMENT IMPACT. FEES (AB-1600) DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 5 fund balance due to the purchase of a new fire truck. The Police Facilities Impact Fund has a balance of $30,400. The Community Center and Park Improvement Impact funds are scheduled for various park improvements: ADVANTAGES: By accepting the status report on Development Impact Fees, the City will be complying with Government Code Sections 66000 et seq. that requires local agencies to provide an accounting of impact fees imposed on development projects. DISADVANTAGES: There are no disadvantages in relation to the recommended action. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, December 6, 2007. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, December 7, 2007. No public comments were received. Attachments: • Attachment A -Traffic Signalization Fund history for a ten year period from Fiscal Year 1997-98 through Fiscal Year 2006-07. • Attachment B -Ten year history for Fiscal Year 1997-98 through Fiscal Year 2005-06 for the Transportation Facility Impact Fund. • Attachment C -The Drainage Facility Fund history for a ten year period from Fiscal Year 1997-98 through Fiscal Year 2006-07. • Attachment D- Nine year history for Fiscal Year 1998-99 through Fiscal Year 2006-07 for the Water Neutralization Impact Fund. • Attachment E -This schedule, which is not required by the Government Code, summarizes the fees received and expended for the four funds since either the inception of the fund or the date AB-1600 became effective, January 1, 1989. This schedule demonstrates that the City is actively using the fees collected for the intended purposes. • Attachment F -The revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance for the Fire protection, Police protection, Community Center and Park Improvement impact fee funds. ~l gc-~ RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING THE STATUS. REPORT ON DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES (AB-1600) WHEREAS, Government Code Section 66001 (d) requires the City to make findings once every five fiscal years with respect to any portion of a development impact fee remaining unexpended,in its account five or more years after deposit of the fee, and to identify the purpose to which the fee is to be put, and to demonstrate a reasonable relationship between the fee and the purpose for which it was charged; and WHEREAS, the Council has reviewed the development impact fees collected between January 1, 1989 and .June 30, .2007 to determine if any such development impact fees remain unexpended; and WHEREAS, -the Council finds that expenditures made on public improvements funded from project development impact fees consistent with the requirements of Government Code Section 66006. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby accepts and files this Status Report on development impact fees. On motion of Council Member ,seconded by Council Member ,and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of 2007. OC~ RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY ~C - ~ H z W ~ = - x u ~ H H - x ATTACHMENT A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Traffic Signalization Fund Comparative Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1997-2007 FY 97-98 FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 FY 03-04 FY 04-05 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual- Actual Actual Actual Actual Revenues: Traffic Signal Assessments $ 24,477 $ 226,007 $ 18,523 $ 37,577 $ 110,055 $ 24,519 $ 94,817 $ 67,189 $ 62,842 $ 86,169 Interest Income 8,958 14,920 23,779 27,507 14,591 9,279 6,706 11,147 21,649 24,705 Total Revenues 33,435 240,927 42,302 65,084 124,646 33,798 $101,523 $ 78,336 $ 84,491 $ 110,874 Expenditures: Operating Expenses - - - - - - - - - - Excess of Revenues Over _ Expenditures 33,435 240,927 42,302 65,084 124,646 33,798 101,523 78,336 84,491 110,874 Other Financing Uses: Capital Projects 2,010 - 9,931 56,530 136,889 - - 13,282 169,672 313,851 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 31,425 240,927 32,371 8,554 (12,243) 33,798 101,523 65,054 (85,180) (202,977) Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 151,864 183,289 424,216 456,587 465,141 452,898 486,696 588,219 653,273 568,092 Fund Balance, End of Year $183,289 $ 424,216 $456,587 $ 465,141 $ 452,898 $ 486,696 $ 588,219 $ 653,273 $ 568,092 $ 365,116 Capital Project Detail Opticom Devices $ - $ - $ 65 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Traffic Loop-Fair Oaks/Halcyon 2,010 Grand Avenue Corridor Study 31 Fair OaksNalley Traffic Signal 9,381 17,480 Grand/Halcyon Traffic Signal 454 13,026 13,282 137,135 29,190 Fair Oaks AveNalley Rd Reconst 26,024 136,889 West Branch SUCamino Mercado 32,537 West Branch Traffic Signal 284,661 Total Capital Projects $ 2,010 $ - $ 9,931 $ 56,530 $136,889 $ - $ - $ 13,282 $169,672 $ 313,851 od * $85,000 of this fund balance is to be used to finance various traffic projects as included in the Capital Improvement Program within the budget for FY 2007-08. ATTACHMENT B CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Transportation Facility Impact Fee Comparative Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1997-2007 FY 97-98 FY 98-99 FY 99-00 fY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 FY 03-04 FY 04-05 FY 05-06 fY 06-07 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual ' Revenues: Transportation Impact Fees $ 72,840 $ 1,272,982 $ 68,444 $ 93,134 $ 261;625 $ 68,836 $ 258,987 $ 171,926 $ 172,840 $ 236,436 Interest income 9,915 39,592 83,772 93,796 55,846 38,697 26,059 40,565 57,246 64,352 Total Revenues 82,755 1,312,574 152,216 186,930 317,471 107,533 285,046 212,491 230,086 300,789 Expenditures: Operating Expenses - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures 82,755 1,312,574 152,216 186,930 317,471 107,533 285,046 212,491- 230,086 300,789 Other Financing Uses: Capital Projects - - 74,372 31,457 237,490 62,013 39,799 44,702 93,288 103,120 Excess of Revenues Ove? (Under) Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 82,755 1,312,574 77,844 155,473 79,981 45,520 245,247 167,789 136,798 197,669 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 103,740 186,495 1,499,069 1,576,913 1,732,386 1,812,367 1,857,887 2,103,134 2,270,923 2,407,721 Fund Balance, End of Year $186,495 $ 1,499,069 $1,576,913 $1,732,386 $1,812,367 $1,857,887 $2,103,134 $ 2,270,923 $ 2,407,721 $ 2,605,390 Capital Project Detail: Traffic Way to Garden Street $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ Brisco Road/101 Interchange 25,233 16,650 (433) 29,798 44,336 85,271 Parking Lot-Council Chambers 36,546 Pavement Mgmt Project 12,593 14,807 17,848 EI Campo Road/Route 101 Alt. 36,019 9,746 771 Oak Park Boulevard Widening 201,904 51,963 Infrastructure Inventory 10,000 Traffic Count Prog/Traffic Model 30,053 14,133 Grand Avenue & Halcyon Signal 48,952 Total Capital Projects $ - $ - $ 74,372 $ 31,457 $ 237,490 $ 61,963 $ 39,799 $ 44,702 $ 93,288 $ 103,120 **$1,144,800 will be used to finance Brisco Rd-Halcyon/ Route 101 interchange and a Traffic Count Program/Traffic Model Update study as detailed in the Capital Improvement program within the budget for FY 2007-08. 04 ATTACHMENT C CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Drainage Facility Fees Comparative Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1997-2007 FY 97-98 FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 FY 03-04 FY 04-05 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Revenues: Drainage Fees $ 9,744 $ 6,647 $ 2,958 $ 5,607 $ 21,397 $ 7,221 $ 4,725 $ 12,619 $ 47 $ - Interest Income 3,228 842 514 685 890 515 363 734 834 453 Total Revenues 12,972 7,489 3,472 6,292 22,287 7,736 5,088 13,353 881 453 Expenditures: .Operating Expenses - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures 12,972 7,489 3,472 6,292 .22,287. 7,736 5,088 13,353 884 453 ' Other Financing Uses: Capital Projects 83,021 9,300 4,079 - - - 800 19,300 15,525 10,600 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures and . Other Financing Uses (70,049) (1,811) (607) 6,292 "22,287 7,736 4,288 (5,947) (14,644) (10,147) Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 82,914 12,865 11,054 10,447 16,739 39,026 46,762 51,050 45,103 30,459 Fund Balance, End of Year $ 12,865 $ 11,054 $ 10,447 $ 16,739 $ 39,026 $ 46,762 $ 51,050 $ 45,103 $ 30,459 $ 20,312 Capital .Project Detail: Soto Bleeder Line/Drain $ - $ - $ - $ - $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ Don Roberts Field Bikeway Project Two Via La Barranca Storm Drain Drainage Master Plan Aerial Photography EI Nino Storm Preparation 75,100 Drainage Master Plan 7,921 4,079 Newsom Springs Drainage 9,300 1,000 Popular Street Drainage Basin Imprv 800 19,300 11,150 Storm Water Study 4,375 9,600 Total Capital Projects $ 83,021 $ 9,300 $ 4,079 $ - $ - $ - $ 800 $ 19,300 $ 15,525 $ 10,600 ~ * The fund balance is to be used to finance the Newsom Springs Drainage project and the Storm Water study as detailed in the Capital Improvement program within the budget for FY 2007-08. ATTACHMENT D CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Water Neutralization Fees Comparative Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1999-2007 FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 FY 03-04 FY 04-05 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Revenues: ~I Water Neutralization Fee $ 2,110 $ 19,688 $142,962 $ 319,654 $ 208,921 $109,398. $ 231,430 $ 181,152 $ 206,676 Interest Income 78 698 4,710 10,731 13,730 10,333. 16,293 27,365 30,300 Total Revenues 2,188 20,386 147,672 330,385 222,651 119,731 247,723 208,517 236,976 Expenditures: Operating Expenses - - - - 16,638 8,259 Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures 2,188 20,386 147,672' 330,385 222,651 103,093 239,464 208;517 236,976 Other Financing Uses: Capital Projects - 10,000 97,252 228,823 350,005 88,080 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 2,188 20,386 147,672 330,385 212,651 5,841 10,641 (141,488) 148,896 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 2,188 22,574 170,246 500,631 713,282 719,123 729,764 588,276 Fund Balance, End of Year $ 2,188 $ 22,574 $170,246 $ 500,631 $ 713,282 $ 719,123 $ 729,764 $ 588,276 $ 737,172 Capital Project Detail: Water Conservation Program $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 10,000 $ 97;252 $ 228,823 $ 350,005 $ 88,080 Total Capital Projects $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 10,000 $ 97,252 $ 228,823 $ 350,005 $ 88,080 * $461,600 of this fund balance is to be used to finance the Water Conservation Program and a Central Irrigation System as detailed in the Capital Improvement Program withi the budget for FY 2007-08. C~ f~ ATTACHMENT E CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Summary of Development Fees and Related Expenditures TRAFFIC SIGNALIZATION FEES Underspent Fees Percent of Year Fees (Overspent) Cumulative Cumulative Over (Under) Fees Collected Collected Expended Fees Fees Expenditures Expenditures Expended. FY 1989 $ 57,713 $ 20,900 $ 36,813 $ 57,713 $ 20,900 $ 36,813 36% FY 1990 24,254 - 24,254 81,967 20,900 61,067 0% FY 1991 - 43,883 (43,883) 81,967 64,783 17,184 79% FY 1992 15,623 - 15,623 97,590 64,783 32,807 66% FY 1993 20,496 - 20,496 118,086 64,783 53,303 55% FY 1994 26,829 - 26,829 144,915 64,783 80,132 45% FY 1995 6,282 - 6,282 151,197 64,783 86,414 43% FY 1996 7,877 - 7,877 159,074 64,783 94,291 41% FY 1997 8,903 27,645 (18,742) 167,977 92,428 75,549 55% FY 1998 24,477 2,010 22,467 192,454 94,438 98,016 49% _ FY 1999 226,007 - 226,007 418,461 94,438 324,023 23% FY 2000 18,523 9,931 8,592 436,984 104,369 332,615 24% FY 2001 37,577 56,530 (18,953) 474,561 160,899 313,662 34% FY 2002 110,055 136,889 (26,834) 584,616 297,788 286,828 51% FY 2003 24,519 - 24,519 609,135 297,788 311,347 49% FY2004 94,817.. - 94,817 703,952 297,788 406,164 42% FY2005 67,189 13, 282 53, 907 771,141 311, 070 460, 071 40% FY2006 62,842 169,672 (106,830) 833,983 480,742 353,241 58% FY2007 86,169 313,851 (227,682) 920,152 794,593 125,560 86% $ 920,152 $ 794, 593 $ 125, 560 ATTACHMENT E CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Summary of Development Fees and Related Expenditures TRANSPORTATION FACILITY IMPACT FEES Underspent Fees Percent of Year Fees (Overspent) Cumulative Cumulative Over (Under) Fees Collected Collected Expended Fees Fees Expenditures Expenditures Expended FY 1994" $ 15,524 $ - $ 15,524 $ 15,524 $ - $ 15,524 0% FY 1995 15,243 - 15,243 30,767 - 30,767 0% FY 1996 24,048 - 24,048 54,815 - 54,815 0% FY 1997 64,993 26,900 38,093 119,808 26,900 92,908 22% FY 1998 72,840 - 72,840 192,648 26,900 165,748 14% FY 1999 1,272,982 - 1,272,982 1,465,630 26,900 1,438,730 2% FY 2000 68,444 74,372 (5,928) 1,534,074 101,272 1,432,802 7% FY 2001 93,134 31,457 61,677 1,627,208 132,729 1,494,479 8% FY 2002 261,625 237,490 24,135 1,888,833 370,219 1,518,614 20% FY 2003 68;836 62,013 6;823 1,957,669 432,232 1;525,437 22% FY 2004, 258,987 39,799 219,188 2,216,656 472,031 1,744,625 21% FY 2005. 171,926 44,702 127,224 2,388,582 516,733 1,871,849 22% FY 2006 172,840 93,288 79,552 2,561,422 610,021 1,951,401 24% FY 2007 236,436 103,120 133,317 2,797,858 71.3,140 2,084,718 25% $ 2,797,858. $ 713,140 $ 2,084,718 *Represents 6 month period from January 1-June 30, 1994 oQ n ATTACHMENT E CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Summary of Development Fees and Related Expenditures I DRAINAGE FEES Underspent Fees Percent of Year Fees (Overspent) Cumulative Cumulative Over (Under) Fees Collected Collected Expended Fees Fees Expenditures Expenditures Expended FY 1989 $ 3,366 $ - $ 3,366 $ 3,366 $ - $ .3,366 0% FY 1990 2,116 - 2,116 5,482 - 5,482 0% FY 1991 1,895 - 1,895 7,377 - 7,377 0% FY 1992 4,985 31,980 (26,995) 12,362 31,980 (19,618) 259% FY 1993 4,572 31,478 (26,906) 16,934 63,458 (46,524) 375% FY 1994 8,406 - 8,406 25,340 63,458 (38,118) 250% FY 1995 1,869 - 1,869 27,209 63,458 (36,249) 233% FY 1996 32,554 - 32,554 59,763 63,458 (3,695) 106% FY 1997 16,209 69,132 (52,923) 75,972 132,590 (56,618) 175% FY 1998 9,744 83,021 (73,277) 85,716 215,611 (129,895) 252% FY 1999 6,647 9,300 (2,653) 92,363. 224,911 (132,548) 244% FY 2000 2,958 4,079 (1,121) 95,321 228,990 (133,669) 240% FY 2001 5,607 - 5,607 100,928 228,990 (128,062) 227% FY 2002 21,397 - 21,397 122,325 228,990 (106,665) 187% FY 2003 7,221 - 7,221 129,546 228,990 (99,444) 177% FY 2004 4,725 800 3,925 134,271 229,790 (95,519). 171% FY 2005 12,619 19,300 (6,681) 146,890 249,090 (102,200) 170% FY 2006 47 15,525 (15,478) 146,937 264,615 (117,678) 180% FY 2007 - 10,600 (10,600) 146,937 275,215 (128,278) 187% l i $ 146,937 $ 275,215 $ (128,278) This deficit was funded from fund balance accumulated before AB-1600 was enacted, and from interest earnings that are not subject to AB-1600 provisions. ATTACHMENT E CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Summary of Development Fees and Related Expenditures WATER NEUTRALIZATION FEES ' Unders ent Fees Percent of p Year Fees (Overspent) Cumulative Cumulative Over (Under) Fees Collected Collected Expended Fees Fees Expenditures Expenditures Expended FY 1999 $ 2,110 $ - $ 2,110 $ 2,110 $ - $ 2,110 0% FY 2000 19,688 - 19,688 21,798 - 21,798 0% FY 2001 142,962 - 142,962 164,760 - 164,760 0% FY 2002 319,654 - 319,654 484,414 - 484,414 0% FY 2003 208,921 10,000 198,921 693,335 10,000 683,335 1% FY 2004 109,398 113,890 (4,492) 802,733 123,890 678,843 15% FY 2005 231,430 237,082 (5,652) 1,034,.163 360,972 673,191 35% FY 2006 181,152 350,005 (168,853) 1,215,315 710,977 504,338 59% FY 2007 206,676 88,080 118,596 1,421,991 799,057 622,934 56% - $ 1,424,991 $ 799;057 - $ 622,934 Ui ATTACHMENT F CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 2007 Impact Fees Comparative Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Fire Protection FY 99-00 FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 FY 03-04 FY 04-05 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Revenues: Impact Fees $ 1,617 $ 52,454 $ 67,936 $ 46,271 $ 44,861 $ 104,568 $ 86,450 $ 73,360 Interest Income 1,437 2,767 3,395 2,537 5,276 6,150 13,062 Transfers in -operating 100,800 Total Revenues 1,617 53,891 70,703 49,666 47,398 109,844 92,600 187,222 Expenditures: Operating Expenses - - 8,608 - - - - 409,465 Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures 1,617 53,891 62,095 49,666 47,398 109,844 92,600 (222,244) Other Financing Uses: Capital Transfers Out - - - - - 173,271 7,206 14,385 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expendiutres and Other Financing Uses 1,617 53,891 62,095 49,666 47,398 (63,427) 85,395 (236,628) Fund Balance, Beginning of Year - 1,617 55,508 117,603 167,269 214,667 151,240 236,635 Fund Balance, End of Year $ 1,617 $ 55,508 $ 117,603 $ 167,269 $ 214,667 $ 151,240 $ 236,635 $ 8 G~ ATTACHMENT F CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 2007 Im act Fees p Comparative Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Police Protection FY 99-00 FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 FY 03-04 FY 04-05 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Revenues: Impact Fees $ 392 $ 7,032 $ 25,374 $ 6,741 $ 15,464 $ 10,588 $ 11,205 $ 12,980 Interest Income 215 437 629 531 984 1,994 617 Total Revenues 392 7,247 25,811 7,370 15,995 11,572 13,199 13,597 Expenditures: Operating Expenses - - - - - 4,802 Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures 392 7,247 25,811 7,370 15,995 6,770 13,199 13,597 Other Financing Uses: Capital Transfers Out - - - - - - 58,073 1,927 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expendiutres and Other Financirig Uses 392 7,247 25,811 7,370 15,995 6,770 {44 873) 11 671 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year - 392 7,639 33,450 40,820 56,815 63,585 18,712 Fund Balance, End of Year $ 392 $ 7,639 $ 33,450 $ 40,820 $ 56,815 $ 63,585 $ 18,712 $ 30,383 i i ATTACHMENT F CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 2007 Impact Fees Comparative Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Community Center Fee FY 00-01 FY 01=02 FY 02-03 FY 03-04 FY 04-05 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual ' Revenues: Impact Fees $ 1,503 $ 2,565 $ 2,883 $ 4,828 $ 8,361 $ 8,882 $ 8,779 Interest Income 43 81 130 134 323 830 1,580 Total Revenues 1,546 2,646 3,013 4,962 8,684 9,712 10,359 Expenditures: Operating Expenses - - - - - - - Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures 1,546 2,646 3,013 4,962 8,684 9,712 10,359 Other Financing Uses: Capital Transfers Out - - - - - - - Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expendiutres and Other Financing Uses 1,546 2,646 3,013 4,962 8,684 9,712 10,359 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year - 1,546 4,192 7,205 12,167 20,851 30,563 Fund Balance, End of Year $ 1,546 $ 4,192 $ 7,205 $ 12,167 $ 20,851 $ 30,563 $ 40,922 Capital Project Detail: Park Equipment Installation $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 04 oQ, ATTACHMENT F CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 2007 Impact Fees Comparative Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Park Improvement FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 FY 03-04 FY 04-05 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Revenues: Impact Fees $ 25,993 $ 30,702 $ 31,126 $ 83,378 $ 149,138 $ 154,861 $ 118,152 Interest Income 752 1,339 1,610 1,755 4,826 12,922 25,483 Total Revenues 26,745 32,041 32,736 85,133 153,964 167,783 143,635 Expenditures: Operating Expenses - - - - - - - Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures 26,745 32,041 32,736 85,133 153,964 167,783 143,635 Other Financing Uses: Capital Transfers Out - - 8,418 - 1,319 8,263 14,263 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expendiutres and - Other Financing Uses 26,745 - 32,041 24,318 85,133 152,645 159,520 129,372 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year - 26,745 58,786 83,104 168,237 320,882 480,402 Fund Balance, End of Year $ 26,745 $ 58,786 $ 83,104 $ 168,237 $ 320,882 $ 480,402 $ 609,774 - Capital Project Detail: Park Equipment Installation $ - $ - $ 8,418 $ 1,319 $ - $ - Turf Renovations 3,000 Park Improvements 263 3,051 Replacement pump & pipe 5,000 Picnic Shelter @ Elm St park 11,212 $ - $ - $ 8,418 $ - $ 1,319 $ 8,263 $ 14,263 I 104 n 8.d. O~ pRROyOc ~ INCORPORATE MEMORANDUM v m JULY 10, 1911 ~f c4~~FORN~P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT -FISCAL YEAR 2006-07 RECEIPT AND USE OF WATER AND SEWER CAPACITY AND CONNECTION FEES/CHARGES DATE: DECEMBER 11, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: ~ It is recommended the City Council receive and file the annual report of the receipt and use of water and sewer capacity and connection fees and charges, in compliance with Government Code Section 66013. FINANNCIAL IMPACT: No outside funding is required. ~ BACKGROUND: Government Code Section 66013 requires that within one hundred and eighty days of the close of the fiscal year, a financial accounting of the transactions dealing with water and sewer capacity and connection fees and charges (development fees) shall be made available to the public. The basic accounting and reporting responsibilities under the Government Code require the following: 1. A description of the charges, deposited in the fund; 2. The beginning and ending balance of the fund and any interest earned from investment of moneys in the fund; 3. The amount of charges/fees collected in the fiscal year; 4. The public improvements on which charges were expended; 5. The percentage of the total. cost of the public improvements that was funded by these charges; 6. The completed public improvements on which charges were expended; 7. Each public improvement that is anticipated to be undertaken in the current fiscal year. Attached to this staff report is the. financial information (Attachment A) as required by Governmenfi Code Section 66013 as of June 30,2007. The information consists of beginning-and ending fund balances for each fee charged by the City, including interest earned and details of all expenditures made from these sources. The information gd-~ CITY COUNCIL WATER AND SEWER DEVELOPMENT FEES-ANNUAL REPORT DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 2 provided is consistent with the financial records. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66013, this report is for review purposes only. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: - Approve staff recommendation and accept the report; - Do not accept staff recommendation; - Modify staff recommendation and approve; 3 - Provide direction to staff. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The City utilizes fund accounting to segregate development related fees from other City revenues. Although the City pools its cash for investment purposes, interest income is allocated to the facility funds based on their respective cash balances. The City accounts for water and -sewer development fees or charges in three separate ~ funds; the Water Facility Fund, the Sewer Facility Fund, and the Lopez Facility Fund. The information in Attachment A is presented in a format consistent with the annual audit of the Fiscal Year from July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007. The following is a description of the City funds used to track water and sewer development related fees: ~,i • Water Facility (Fund 642) Water Main Charges, enacted ,pursuant to the provision of Section 13.04.030 of the City Municipal Code, are accounted for in the Water Facility Fund. These revenues are to be used for future water infrastructure improvements. • Sewer Facility (Fund 634) Sewer Connection fees, enacted pursuant to the provision of Section 13.12.190 et ~ seq. of the City Municipal Code, is collected to help pay for improvements and future sewer system capacity as necessary to meet the needs of the City resulting from growth and expansion. • Lopez Facility Fund (Fund 241) This fund is ,used to account for the accumulation of water availability charge revenues. This charge was enacted pursuant to the provision of Section 38743 of the Government Code, and Section 13.04:220 of the City Municipal Code. -a CITY COUNCIL WATER AND SEWER DEVELOPMENT FEES-ANNUAL REPORT DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 3 ADVANTAGES: By accepting the Water and Sewer Development Fees-Annual Report, the City will be complying with Government Code Section 66013 et seq. which requires that within one hundred and eighty days of the close of the fiscal year, a financial accounting of the transactions dealing with water and sewer capacity and connection fees and charges (development fees) shall be made available to the public. DISADVANTAGES: There are no disadvantages in relation to the recommended action. However, by not accepting the Water and Sewer Development Fees-Annual Report the City would not be in compliance with the Government Code. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, December 6, 2007. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, December 7, 2007. No public comments were received. Attachment: A. Statement of Fund Balances for Water and Sewer Development Fees and Charges i ii i II ~d - ~ ATTACHMENT A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Water and Sewer Development Fees and Charges Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2007 Sewer Water Lopez Facility Facility Availability Revenues: Interest Income $ 27,068 $ 43,826 $ 35,654 Sewer Facility Charges 70,428 Water Main Charges - Distribution Charges 105,421 ~ Water Availability Charges 138,150 ~ Deer Trail Well Mitigation Fee Total Revenues 97,496 149,247 173,804 Expenditures Operating Expenses - - - j Excess of Operating Revenues Over Operating Expenditures 97,496 149,247 173,804 Other Financing Uses Prior Period Adjustments Capital Transfers Out 146,238 50,808 - 146,238 50,808 - Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures and Other Financing Uses (48,742) 98,439 173,804 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 555,480 931,703 1,525,887 Fund Balance, End of Year $ 506,738 $ 1,030,143 $ 1,699,690 ,I i 4 i ATTACHMENT A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Water and Sewer Development Fees and Charges Sewer Facility Transfers Fiscal Year 2006-07 Completed Work Transfers % of Project % Complete Sewer Lift Station No. 1 $ 146,238 18% 99.6% Total Capital Transfers $ 146,238 Fiscal Year 2007-08 Current Projects Allocation % of Project Sewer Lift Station No. 1 3;057 ~ 0.4% Fair Oaks Avenue Sewer Upgrade 467,240 85% Total Funding for Current Projects $ 470,297 I:, II CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Water and Sewer Development Fees and Charges ~I Water Facility Transfers p j Fiscal Year 2006-07 Completed Work Transfers % of Project % Complete Water Well No. 10 50,808 10% 51 I li Total Capital Transfers $ 50,808 Fiscal Year 2007-08 Current Projects Transfers % of Project Farroll Ave Rehab 125,000 22% Water Well No. 10 241,081 49% i Waterline Upgrade-Bell St & Faeh Ave 75,000 27% Pressure Zone Connection, Rancho Grande to Oro Zor 594,700- 100% ~ Desalination Feasibility Study 11,000 37% Total Funding for Current Projects $ 1,046,781 i I i i I i j 5 ~U PFLROyO S¦~¦ O~ C ~ INCOgPOAATED Z MEMORANDUM ~ JULY 10. 1811 c'9(~FOR~~P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER~~~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF CANCELLATION OF DECEMBER 25, 2007 CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 11, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council cancel the regularly scheduled Council meeting of December 25th due to the holiday. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact. BACKGROUND: As has been done in past years, the City Council has cancelled the second regularly ~ scheduled. December meeting due to scheduling conflicts surrounding the holidays, and the fact that December 25th is Christmas Day. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Cancel the December 25th meeting; - Reschedule the December 25th meeting; - Provide direction to staff. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The City Council meets twice a month on the second and fourth Tuesdays. The second meeting in December generally falls .during the week of Christmas and historically the Council has cancelled the. meeting. This year the:. regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 25th: As this is a. City observed holiday, the meeting should be cancelled. ADVANTAGES: Pursuant to the City's Personnel Regulations and negotiated employee MOU's, Christmas Day is an observed holiday for. all City employees and allows them the opportunity to enjoy the holiday with their families. 0{,' ~ CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF CANCELLATION OF DECEMBER 25, 2007 CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 2 DISADVANTAGES: Cancellation of the meeting normally results in heavier agendas at the prior and following meetings. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, December 6, 2007. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, December 7, 2007. No public comments were received. $C,, PRROyo 8¦f¦ o~ ~ ~ irlcoRPOaareo v2 MEMORANDUM ~ ° m * JULY 10, 1911 c4~~FOR~~P TO: CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIR CTORS FROM: ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE REDEVELOPMENT .AGENCY'S (RDA) ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORTS DATE: DECEMBER 11, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors receive and file the respective Redevelopment:...Agency's (RDA) Annual Financial Reports for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2007. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact from this action. BACKGROUND:. The firm of Moss, Levy & Hartzheim, CPA's were hired to audit the City of Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency's financial records for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2007. Audit services are retained for two reasons:... first, to have an independent review of internal control; and secondly, to ensure that the resulting financial reports fairly represent the financial position of the Redevelopment Agency. In October of 2007, an audit was conducted' on the 2006-07 RDA financial transactions. Documentation in support of the assets, liabilities, and fund balance of the funds in the RDA were examined and verified. This !..process assures an impartial review and substantiation of the Redevelopment Agency's fund .balances. The result of this review is the attached financial reports. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: - Approve staff recommendations and accept the audited financial reports; - Do not approve staff recommendations and return reports to auditor; - Modify staff recommendations and approve; - Provide direction to staff. CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF RDA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORTS DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 2 ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Auditors may issue three different types of opinions at .the conclusion of an audit, an Unqualified, Qualified, or Adverse Opinion. An Unqualified Opinion ,assures the audit reader that the information presented fairly represents the financial position of the City. A Qualified Opinion states that the information is fairly presented except for a particular issue. An Adverse Opinion indicates that the'agency has major accounting and/or internal control issues. The City is proud to report that for the Fiscal. Year ended June 30, 2007, the City of Arroyo Grande's Redevelopment Agency received an Unqualified Opinion. In addition, the State of California requires that the Redevelopment Agencies Financial Transaction report and the California Department of Housing and. Community (HCD) report on RDA activity be approved by the RDA board of directors and submitted to the State at the end of December. These reports are based on the Audited Financial report and are attached to this report. ADVANTAGES: By approving the attached reports; the City, will be in compliance with the State of California. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified:. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, December 6, 2007. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, December 7, 2007. No public comments were received. Attachments: 1. Redevelopment Agency Basic Financial 'Statement 2. .Redevelopment Agencies Financial Transaction Report 3. Redevelopment Housing and Community Development Report DT^~ ATTACHMENT 1 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE BASIC FINANCIAL; STATEMENTS June 30, 2007 E. f i p f ' E . ~-3 E REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CTTY OF ARROYO GRANDE TABLE OF CONTENTS Juae 30, 200'7 Independent Auditors' Report I Management's Discussion and Analysis ..........................................2 BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Government-wide Financial Statements: Statement of Net Assets 7 Statement of Activities 8 Fund Financial Statements: Balance Sheet -Governmental Funds .............................................................................:........................................................10 Reconciliation of the Governmental Funds Balance Sheet to the Statement of Net Assets I 1 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances -Governmental Funds......: ............................................................................................................12 Reconciliation of the Governmental Funds Statement of Revenues,. Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances to the Statement of Activities .....................:.............:.............................................................................................................13 Low and Moderate Special Revenue Fund - Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual ..................................................:.........................................14 Notes to Basic Financial Statements .......................................15 Auditors' Report on Internal Control Over Financial,Reporting and ' On Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards 21 Q r_~ v? !I . MOSS, LEVY &HARTZHEIM LLP CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS PARTNERS: 802 EAST MAIN RONALD A. LEVY, C.FA. SANTA MARIA, CA 93454 CRAIG A. HARTZHEIM, C.BA. PHONE: (805) 925-2579 HADLEY Y. HUI, C.PA. FAX: (805) 925-2147 Consultant: EMAIL: mihsm@mlhcpas.com ROBERT M. MOSS (Retired C.BA.) , INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT Board of Directors Redevelopment Agency of the City of Arroyo Grande Arroyo Grande, California We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities and each major fund of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Arroyo Grande (Agency); a component unit of the City of Arroyo Grande, California (City), as of and for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2007, as listed in the foregoing table of contents. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Agency's management. Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements based on ow audit. i We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standazds generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards ~ applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and discloswes in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that ow audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinions. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to abovepresent`fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position ofthe governmental activities and each major fund of the Agency, as,of June 30, 2007, the respective changes in the financial position thereof, and respective budgetary comparison for the Low and Moderate Special Revenue Fund for the fiscal year then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. The Management's Discussion and Analysis on pages 2 through 5, is not a required part of the basic financial statements, but is supplementary information required by the Governmental Accounting Standazds Board. We have applied certain limited procedwes, ' consisting primazily of inquiries of management regarding the methods of measwement and ..presentation of the required supplementary information. However, we did not audit the information and express no opinion on it. In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued a report dated November 30, 2007, on ow consideration of the Agency's internal control over financial reporting and our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, grant agreements, and other matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of ow testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part; of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and should be considered in assessing the results of our audit. MOSS, LEVY &HARTZHEIM LLP November 30, 2007 ' i I 1 5 3i OFFICES: BEVERLY HILLS.; • SANTA MARIA + I I MEMBER AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF C.PAS • CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF C.PA's • CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF MUNICIPAL FINANCE OFFICERS • CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL BUSINESS OFFICIALS ARROYO GRANDE REDEVLOPMENT AGENCY MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2007 The Management's Discussion and Analysis of the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency's financial performance provides an overall review of the Agency's financial activities for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2007. The intent of this discussion and analysis is to look at the Agency's financial. performance as a whole. Readers should review the discussion and analysis in conjunction with the basic financial statements as well as the notes to basic financial statements to enhance their understanding of the Agency's financial performance. OVERVIEW OF THE FINANCL~I. STATEMENTS This discussion and analysis are intended to serve as an introduction to the Agency's basic financial statements. The Agency's basic financial' statements comprise three components: 1) Government-wide Financial Statements, 2) ::.Fund Financial Statements, and 3) Notes to Basic Financial statements. The following explains the structure and content of each of the statements. j . r Government-wide Financial Statements Government-wide fmancial statements report information; about the Agency as a whole using accounting methods similar to those used by private-sector companies. The statement of net assets includes all of the Agency's assets and liabilities. All of the current fiscal year's revenues and expenses are accounted for in the statement of activities regardless of when the cash is'received or paid. The two government-wide financial statements report the Agency's net assets and.. how they have changed. Net assets are the difference between the Agency's assets and liabilities and are one of the ways to measure the Agency's financial health or position. • Over" time, increases or decreases in the Agency's net assets are an indicator of whether its financial health is improving or deteriorating, respectively. The government-wide financial statements of the Agency are divided into two categories: • Governmental activities -functions of the Agency that are principally supported by taxes and intergovernmental revenues. • Business-type activities -functions of the Agency that are intended to recover all or a significant portion of its cost through user fees and charges ' Fund Financial Statements A fund is a grouping of related accounts that is used to maintain control over resources that have been segregated for specific activities or objectives. The Agency, like other state and local governments, uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance-related legal requirements. All of the funds of the Agency are included in the governmental funds category. i Governmental funds. The Agency's basic services are reported in governmental funds,- which focus on ~ how money flows into and out of those funds and the balances left at fiscal year-end that are available for spending. These funds are reported using an accounting method called modified accrual accounting, ' which measures cash and all other financial assets that can readily be converted to cash. The governmental statements provide a detailed short-term view of the Agency's general government operations and the basic services it provides. ;Governmental fund information helps you determine whether there are more or fewer financial resources that can be spent in the near future to fmance the ~ Agency's programs. The basic governmental fund fmancial statements can be found on pages 10- 14 of this report. i 1 i 2 Q r G OT~~ i FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF THE AGENCY AS A WHOLE The Agency's Net Assets for Fiscal Years 2006-07 and 2005-06 are: Fiscal Year Ended Fiscal Year Ended Increase June 30, 2007 ' June 30, 2006 (Decrease) Assets: Current and other assets $ 5,198;652 $ 708,287 $ 4,490,365 Bond issuance costs 312,051 312,051 Capital assets 1,849;345 1,849,345 - Totai assets 7,360,048 2,557,632 4,802,416 Liabilities: Liabilities Outstanding 152,242 1,100 151,142 Other Liabilities 7,138,960 3,084,259 4,054,701 Total liabilities 7,291,202 3,085,359 4,205,843 Net assets: Total net assets $ 68,846 $ (527,727) $ 596,573 Total assets for the Redevelopment Agency as a whole increased between fiscal years ending 2007 and 2006 by $596,573. This increase comes from the change in net assets as recorded in the Statement of Activities. Program expenses by function, general revenues by major source, excess and/or deficiency of revenues over expenses before contributions to permanent fund principal, special, and extraordinary items, and total assets are presented in the Statement of Activities. Changes in the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency's Net Assets: Fiscal Year Ended Fiscal Year Ended Increase June 30, 2007 June 30, 2006 (Decrease) Revenues: General revenues: Property taxes $ 1,221,1::79 $ 1,056,558 $ 164,621 Investment income 51,1!28 11,815 39,313 Other 75,000 - 75,000 Transfers to City (246,504) (98,510) (147,994) Total revenues 1,100,8,03 969,863 130,940 Expenses: . General Government ' 412,494 337,479 75,015 Interest 91,736 91,736 Total expenses 504,230 337,479 166,751 Increase (decrease) in net assets 596,573 632,384 (35,811} Net assets - beginning of fiscal year (527,727) (1,160,111) 632,384 Net assets -end of fiscal year $ 68,846 $ (527,727) $ 596,573 Governmental Activities: Governmental activities increased the Agency's net assets by $596,573. The key element of this increase are as follows: • Property tax revenue increased due to the, increase in assessed values and residential development. • Issuance of Tax Allocation Bonds in 2007. 6 I 3 i FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY'S FUNDS. ' As noted earlier, the Redevelopment Agency uses fund';accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance-related legal requirements. Governmental Funds. The focus of the Agency's governmental funds is to provide information on neaz- term inflows, outflows, and balances of spendable resources. Such information is useful in assessing the Agency's financing requirements. In particular, unreserved fund balance may.. serve as a useful measure of a government's net resources available for spending at the. end of the fiscal year. As of the end of the current fiscal year, the Agency's governmental funds reported combined ending fund balances of $5,104,316. Approximately 22 percent of this amount ($1,1,46,105) constitutes undesignated fund'balance, which is available for spending at the Agency's discretion. The remainder of the fund balance is: designated to indicate that it is only available for low and oderate-income housing projects and debt service payments. Budgetary Highlights Actual revenues for the Low and Moderate Special Revenue Fund were greater than the budget by $154,383. The factors contributing to the enhanced revenues have been discussed under Governmental Activities. Actual expenditures were lower than the budget by $3,1;98. Capital Asset and Debt Administration Capital Assets 'As of fiscal year-end, the Agency had $1,849,345 invested in a range of capital assets, net of depreciation, as reflected in the following schedule: Capital Assets at Fiscal Year`'End (Net of Depreclat/on) Governmental Activities 2007 200.6 Land $ 1,849,345 $ 1,849,345 Net Capital Assets $ 1,849,345 $ 1,849,345 This fiscal year's major capital asset addition(s) included the following: • Purchase of land totaling $825,129, which is recorded as Inventory-Land held for resale and is not included in the capital asset number listed above. . ! 4 E 8~-$ E LONG-TERM DEBT At the end of the can ent fiscal year," the Agency had Gong-term debt outstanding of $7,138,960. This amount represents long-term loans payable and 2007 Tax Allocation bonds. The RDA Tax Allocation bonds were used to pay off existing debt and any remaining funds will be used-:,for future projects. These bonds are backed by the Redevelopment Agency and are to be repaid with property tax proceeds. Long-Term Debt at Fiscal Year End Governmental Activities 2007' 2006 Advances payable 853,960 $ 3,084,259 Tax Allocation bonds 6,285,000 Total Long-term debt $ 7,138,960 $ 3,084,259 FINANCIAL ISSUES AND CONCERNS The State of California's budget crisis has caused uncertainty in the government sector. This is especially true for Redevelopment agencies, which are being looked','at to assist in the huge deficit. This uncertainty has been taken into account when preparing the Agency's'budget for fiscal year 2006-07. i CONTACTING TAE CITY'S FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT This financial report is designed to provide our citizens; taxpayers, customers, investors, and creditors with a general overview of the City of Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency's finances and to demonstrate the Agency's accountability for the revenue it receives. If you have any questions about this ~ report or need additional financial information, contact Angela Kraetsch, Financial Services Director at 123 West Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, CA 93421, phone 805-473-5430. i s 5 r o i ~'T " ! g i i This page intentionally left blank. t I BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS i I I I I i r I t 2 s P 8-~- REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY. OF ARROYO GRANDE STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS June 30, 2007 Governmental Activities ASSETS Current assets: Cash and investments $ 4,252,881 Receivables: Accounts 37,719 Interest 33,417 Taxes 49,506 Inventory -Land held for resale 825,129 Noncurrent assets: Bond issuance costs, net of accumulated amortization 312,051 Capital assets: Nondepreciable: 1,84Q,345 Land Total assets 7,360,048 LIABILITIES: Current liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 94,336 Interest payable 57,906 Noncurrent liabilities: Due in more than a year 7,138,960 Total liabilities 7,291,202 NET ASSETS Restricted for: Low and moderate housing 2,589,513, Capital projects 3,430,000 Debt service 485,663 Unrestricted (6,436,330) Total net assets $ 68,846 i' The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 7 1 i REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2007 Program Revenues Operating Capital Total Charges for Grants and Grants and Program Functions/Programs Expenses 'Services Contributions Contributions Revenues General government $ 504,230 $ $ - $ $ Total governmental ' activities $ 504,230 $ - $ - $ - $ - General revenues: Property taxes .Intergovernmental :Investment earnings Transfers to City of Arroyo Grande :,Total general revenues and transfers Change in net assets Net assets, beginning of fiscal year Net assets, end of fiscal year- i The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. r 8 ~-~-~3 Net (Expense) Revenue and Changes in Net Assets $ (504,230) (504,230) 1,221,179 75,000 51,128 ~ (246,504) ~ i 1,100,803 596,573 (527,727) $ 68,846 f 9 ~ g~_i~ P 4 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS BALANCE SHEET June 30, 2007 Major Funds Low and Moderate RDA Special Capital Debt Total Revenue Projects Service Governmental Fund Fund Fund Funds ASSETS Cash and investments $ 2,571,468 $ 1,083,823 $ 597,590 $ 4,252,881 Receivables: Accounts 37,719 37,719 Interest 8,915 24,502 33,417 Taxes 9,901 39,605 49,506 Inventory -Land held for resale 825,129 825,129 Total assets $ 2,590,284 $ 2,010,778 $ 597,590 $ 5,198,652 LIfAB17,ITIES AND FUND BALANCES i Liabilities: ~ Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 771 $ 39,544. $ 54,021 $ 94,336 Total Liabilities 771 39,544 54,021 94,336 Fund Balances: Restricted: i Inventory -Land held for resale 825,129 825,129 Unreserved: Designated 2,589,513 543,569 3,133,082 Undesignated 1,146,105 1,146,105 Total unreserved 2,589,513 1,971,234 543,569 5,104,316 Total fund balances 2,589,513 1,971,234 543,569 5,104,316 Total liabilities and fund balances $ 2,590,284 $ 2,010,778 $ 597,590 $ 5,198,652 i The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. g.~ - !s 10 l REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECONCILIATION OF THE GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS BALANCE SHEET TO THE STATEMENT OF NET.ASSETS June 30, 2007 Total Fund Balances -Governmental Funds $ 5,104,316 Amounts reported for governmental activities in the Statement of Net Assets are different because: Capital assets used in governmental activities are not current financial resources. Therefore, they were not reported in the Governmental Funds Balance Sheet. Capital assets at historical cost $ 1,849,345 Accumulated depreciation - 1,849,345 In governmental funds, interest on long-term debt is not recognized until the period in which it matures and is paid. In government-wide statement of activities, it is recognized in the period that it is incurred. (57,906) In governmental funds, debt issue costs are recognized as expenditures in the period they are incurred. In the government-wide, statements, debt issue costs are amortized over the life of the debt. 312,051 f Long-term liabilities are not due and payable in the current period. Therefore, they were not ~ reported in the Governmental Funds Balance Sheet. The long-term liabilities were i as follows: Tax Allocation Bonds $ 6,285,000 Advances from the City of Arroyo Grande 853,960 ~ Total (7,138,960} Total Net Assets -Governmental Activities $ 68,846 i . The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 11 Q l / 0+ ~ . { s REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES; AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2007 Major Funds Low and Moderate RDA Special Capital Debt Total Revenue Projects Service Governmental Fund Fund Fund Funds Revenues: Taxes $ 244,236 $ 976,943 $ - $ 1,221,179 Intergovernmental 75,000 75,000 Uses of money and property 22,697 27,811 620 51,128 Total revenues 266,933 1,079,754 620 1,347,307 Expenditures: i Current: General government 16,924 395,570 412,494 Debt service: ~ Principal 3,084,259 3,084,259 ~ Interest 33,830 33,830 Cost of issuance 312,051 312,051 Total expenditures 16,924 3,513,659 312,051 3,842,634 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures 250,009 (2,433,905) (311,431) (2,495,327) Other Financing Sources (Lases) Transfer to City of Arroyo Grande (9,996) (236,508) (246,504) Proceeds from debt issuance 2,000,000 4,283,960 855,000 7,138,960 Total other financing sources (uses) 1,990,004 4,047,452 855,000 6,892,456 Revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses 2,240,013 1,613,547 543,569 4,397,129 Fund balances, beginning of fiscal year 349,500 357,687 707,187 Fund balances, end of fiscal yeaz $ 2,589,513 $ 1,971,234 $ 543,569 $ 5,104,316 • I The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 12 g-F - ~ t REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECONCILIATION OF THE GOVERNMENTAL FUNDSSTATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES TO THE STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2007 Net Change in Fund Balances -Governmental Funds $ 4,397,129 Amounts reported for governmental activities in the statement of activities are different because: In governmental funds, interest on Long-term debt is recognized in the period that it becomes due. In the government-wide statement of activities, it is recognized in the period that it is incurred. Unmatured interest owing at the end of the period, less matured interest paid during but owing from the prior period was: (57,906) . In governmental funds, repayments of long-term debt are reported as expenditures. In the government-wide statements, repayments of long-term debt are reported as reductions of liabilities. 3,084,259 In governmental funds, proceeds from debt are recognized as other financing sources. In the government-wide statements, proceeds from debt are reported as increases to liabilities: Amounts recognized in governmental funds as proceeds from debt, net of issue premium or discount, were: (7,138,960) The issuance of long-term debt provides current financial resources to the governmental funds. Also, governmental funds report the effect of premiums, discounts;' and similar items when debt is first issued, whereas, these amounts are deferred and amortized in the statement of activities. This amount is net of these differences in the treatment of long-term debt and related items. 312,051 Change in Net Assets -Governmental Activities $ 596,573 ~ The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 13 I O f i REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY,OF ARROYO GRANDE LOW AND MODERATE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND'CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2007 Budgeted Amounts Variance with Final Budget " Original' Final Actual Amounts Positive (Negative) Revenues: Taxes $ 110,000: $ 110,000 $ ' 244,236 $ 134,236 Investment earnings 2,550 2,550 22,69? 20,147 Total revenues 112,550:: 112,550 266,933 154,383 Expenditures: Current: General government 20,122 20,122 16,924 3,198 Total expenditures 20,122' 20,122 16,924 3,198 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures 92,428' 92,428 250,009 157,581 Other Financing Sources (Uses): Transfer to City of Arroyo Grande (10,000) (10,000) (9,996) 4 Proceeds from debt issuance 2,001,509 2,000,000 (1,509) Total other financing sources (uses) (10,000) 1,991,509 1,990,004 (1,505) Revenues and other financing sources j over (under) expenditures and I other financing uses 82,428 2,083,937 2,240,013 156,p76 Fund balance, beginning of fiscal year 349,500. 349,500 349,500 Fund balance, end of fiscal year $ 431,928 $ 2,433,437 $ 2,589,513 $ 156,076 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. E 14 U~'~~ I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE NOTES TO BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ' June 30, 2007 NOTE 1 - SUIVIMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The basic financial statements ofthe Redevelopment Agency (Agency) ofthe City of Arroyo Grande, California, {City) have been prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America as applied to governmental agencies. The Governmental Accounting Standards Boards (GASB) is the accepted standard setting body for establishing governmental accounting and fmancial reporting purposes. The more significant ofthe Agency's accounting policies are described below. A. Reporting Entity The Redevelopment Agency ofthe City of Arroyo Grande (the Agency) is a separate government entity established on September 10, 1991, with the project area being formed on August 27, 1996, pursuant to the State of California Health and Safety Code; Section 33000 entitled "Community Redevelopment Law". Its purpose is to prepare and carry out plans for improvement, rehabilitation, and redevelopment of blighted' areas within the City limits ofthe City of Arroyo Grande (City). -The State Health and Safety Code provides that, upon approval of a redevelopment plan, all future incremental increases in the tax base within the designated project area will be paid to the Agency until all indebtedness incurred to finance the project has been paid. The City of Arroyo Grande exercises oversight responsibility over the Agency. This includes selection of its governing authority, the designation of its management, the City's ability to influence Agency's operations, financial interdependency, and the accountability for the Agency's fiscal"matters. Based on this oversight criteria, the Agency is a component unit of the City of Arroyo Grande. Accordingly, the Agency's operations are also included in the City's basic fmancial statements. B. Description of Funds i The accounts ofthe Agency are organized on the basis of funds, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self-balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues, and expenditures. The Agency's resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based upon the purpose for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. The minimum number of funds is maintained consistent with legal and managerial requirements. C. Government -wide Financial Statements The Agency's government-wide financial statements include a Statement of Net Assets and a Statement of Activities. These statements present summaries of governmental activities for the Agency. The Agency does not have any business-type activities, therefore only governmental activities are reported. These basic fmancial statements are presented on an "economic resources" measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting. Accordingly, all of the Agency's assets and liabilities, including capital assets and long-term liabilities, are included in the accompanying Statement of Net Assets. The'IStatement of Activities presents changes in net assets. Under the accrual basis of accounting, expenses are recognized in the period in which the liability is incurred. Certain types of transactions are reported as program revenues for the Agency in three categories: (1) charges for services, (2) operating grants and contributions, and (3) capital grants and contributions. This fiscal year has no program revenues. D. Fund Financial Statements Fund financial statements include a Balance Sheet and a Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances for all major governmental funds. An accompanying schedule is presented to reconcile and explain the differences in fund. balances as presented in these statements to the net assets presented in the govermnent-wide fmancial statements. The Agency has presented all funds as major. All governmental fimds are accounted for on a spending or current fmancial resources measurement focus and the modified ~ accrual basis of accounting. Accordingly, only current assets'and current liabilities are included on the Balance Sheet. The Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances present increases (revenues and other financing sources) and decreases (expenditures and other financing uses) in net current assets. Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recognized in the accounting period in which they become both measurable and available to finance expenditures ofthe current period. 1.5 g~ " as s REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE NOTES TO BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 2007 NOTE 1 -SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) D. Fund Financial Statements (Continued) Revenues are recorded when received in cash, except that revenues subject to accrual (generally 60 days after fiscal year- end) are recognized when due. The primary revenue sources, which have been treated as susceptible to accrual by the Agency, are increment property tax, intergovernmental revenues, other taxes, interest revenues, rental revenues, and certain charges for services. Expenditures are recorded'in the accounting period in which the related fund liability is incurred. Deferred revenues arise when potential revenues do not meet both the "measurable" and "available" criteria for recognition in the current period. Deferred revenues also arise when the government received resources before it has a legal claim to them, as when grant monies are received prior to incurring qualifying expenditures. In subsequent periods, when both revenue recognition criteria are met or when the government has a legal claim to the resources, the deferred revenue from the balance sheet and revenue is recognized. ~ , The Reconciliations ofthe Fund Financial Statements to the Government-wide Financial Statements are provided to explain j the differences created by the integrated approach of GASB Statement No. 34. f E. Use of Estimate E The preparation of fmancial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumption that. affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenditures or expenses, as appropriate. Actual results could differ from those estimates. ~ F. Property Tax Revenues .Incremental property tax revenues represent property taxesin each project area arising from increased assessed valuations ~ over base valuations established at the inception of the project area. Incremental'property taxes from each project area accrue to the Agency until all liabilities and commitments of the project area have been repaid (including cumulative funds provided or committed by the Agency). After all such indebtedness has been repaid, all property taxes from the project area revert back to the various taxing authorities. G. Low and Moderate Income Housine The California Health and Safety Code requires Agency project areas to deposit 20% of allocated incremental property tax revenues (or 20% of net bond proceeds plus 20% of incremental revenues in excess of debt service payments on the bond) into a Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. ° This money is restricted for the purpose of increasing and improving the community's supply of low and moderate income housing.', The Agency accounts for these revenues in a special revenue fund. H. Deferred Revenue Deferred revenue arises when assets are received before revenue recognition criteria have been satisfied. Grants and entitlements received before eligibility requirements are met are recorded as deferred revenue. On the governmental funds i financial statements, receivables associated with non-exchange transactions that will not be collected within the availability period have also been recorded as deferred revenue. ' I. Net Assets Government-wide Financial Statements i Invested in Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt -This category groups all capital assets, including infrastructure, into one component of net assets. Accumulated depreciation and !the outstanding balances of debt that are attributable to the ~ i acquisition, construction, or improvement of these assets.reduce the balance in this'category. Restricted Net Assets -external creditors, grantors, contributors, and laws or regulations of other governments, restrict this amount. f Unrestricted Net Assets -This amount is all net assets that do not meet the defmition of "invested in capital assets, net of related debt" or "restricted net assets". ~ j 16 ~-~-a~ REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE NOTES TO BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 2007 NOTE 1 -SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) I. Net Assets (Continued) Fund Financial Statements Fund Balances -Reservations of fund balances of governimental funds are created to either satisfy legal covenants, including State laws, that require a portion of the fund ;balances be segregated or identify the portions of the fund equity not available for future expenditures. NOTE 2 -CASH AND INVESTMENTS Cash and investments at June 30, 2007, consisted of the following: Cash and investments pooled with the City $ 3,655,291 Restricted cash and investments with fiscal agent 597,590 Total cash and investments 4252.881 The Agency has pooled its cash and investments with the ,City in order to achieve a higher return on investment. Certain restricted funds, which are held and invested by independent outside custodians through contractual agreements, ~re not pooled. These ~ restricted funds include cash with fiscal agents. i See the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for disclosures related to cash and investments pooled with the City and the related custodial risk categorization. j Investments Authorized by Debt Agreements Investment of note proceeds held by note trustees are governed by the provisions of the debt agreements, rather than the general provisions of the California Government Code or the Agency's investment policy. The table below identifies the investment types that are authorized for investments held by fiscal agents. The table also''identifies certain provisions of these debt agreements that address interest rate risk, credit risk, and concentration of credit risk. Maximum Maximum Authorized Maximum Percentage Investment Investment Twe Maturity .Allowed in One Issuer i Money market accounts N/A None None Disclosures Relating to Interest Rate Risk Interest rate risk is the risk that changes in market interest `rates will adversely affect the fair value of an investment. Generally, the longer the maturity of an investment, the greater the sensitivity of its fair value to changes in market interest rates. One of the ways that the Agency manages its exposure to interest rate risk is,by purchasing a combination of shorter term and longer term investments and by timing cash flows from maturities so that a portion ofthe portfolio is maturing or coming close to maturity evenly over time as necessary to provide the cash flow and liquidity needed for operations. i i 17 ~ ~ -2-a i I I 1 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE NOTES TO BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS , June 30, 2007 NOTE 2 -CASH AND INVESTMENTS (Continued) Disclosures Relating, to Interest Rate Risk (Continued) Information about the sensitivity of the fair values of the Agency's investments to market interest rate fluctuations is provided by the following table that shows the distribution of the Agency's investments by maturity: Remaining_Maturity (in Monthsl Carrying 12 Months 13-24 25-60 .More than Investment Tvpe Amount Or Less Months Months 60 Months Held by fiscal agent: Money market funds $ 397.590 $ .597,590 - - - $ 597:590 $ .597.590 $ $ $ Disclosures Relating to Credit Risk Generally, credit risk is the risk that an issuer of an investment will not fulfill its obligation to the holder of the investment. This is measured by the assignment of rating by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization. Presented below is the minimum rating required by the California Government Code, and the actual rating as of fiscal year end for each investment type. i Minimum Exempt Carrying. Legal - From Rating as of Fiscal Year. End j Investment Tvde Amount Ratine' Disclosure AAA Aa Not Rated ~ i Held by fiscal agent: Money_ market funds $ 597,590 N/A ~ - $ - $ 597 590 ~~2Z~5 ~ ~ ~ - $ - 27 52 Custodial. Credit Risk i The custodial credit risk for investments is the risk that, in the event of the failure of the counterparty (e.g., broker-dealer) to a transaction, a government will not be able to recover the value of its investment of collateral securities that are in the possession of another party. The California Government Code and the Agency's investment policy do not contain legal. or policy requirements that would limit the exposure to custodial credit risk for investments. With respect to investment, custodial credit risk generally applies only to direct investments in marketable securities. Custodial credit risk does not apply to local government's indirect investment in securities through the use of money market funds or investment with'LAIF. Investment in State Investment Pool. The Agency is a voluntary participant in the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) that is regulated by the California Government Code under the oversight of the Treasurer of the State of California. 'The fair value of the Agency's investment in this pool is reported in the accompanying basic financial statements at the amounts based upon the Agency's pro-rata share of the fair value provided by LAIF for the entire LAIF portfolio (in relation to the amortized cost'ofthat portfolio). The balance. available for withdrawal is based on the accounting records maintained by LAIF, which are recorded on an amortized cost basis. I B t 18 g-~ - a~ REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE NOTES TO BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 2007 NOTE3-INVENTORY The Agency purchased land in the amount of $825,129 during the fiscal year. The Agency is currently holding the land for resale. Inventory is valued at cost which approximates fair value. NOTE 4 - CAPTTAL ASSETS Capital Assets Additions and Retirements All capital assets are valued at historical cost or estimated historical cost if actual historical cost is not available. Contributed capital assets are valued at their estimated fair value on the date contributed. The Agency's policy is to capitalize all capital assets with costs exceeding certain minimum thresholds, $5,000, with the exception of infrastructure at $50,000 and with useful lives exceeding two yeazs. With the implementation of GASB Statement No. 34, the Agency'has recorded all its public domain (infrastructure) capital assets, which include roads, bridges, curbs and gutters, streets and sidewalks, drainage systems, and lighting systems. The purpose of depreciation is to spread the cost of capital assets equitably among all users over the life of these assets. The amount charged to depreciation expense each fiscal year represents that fiscal year's pro rata share of the cost of capital assets. GASB Statement No. 34 requires that all capital assets with limited useful Lives be depreciated over their estimated useful lives. Depreciation is provided using the straight line method which means the cost of the' asset is divided by its expected useful life in years and the result i is charged to expense each fiscal year until the asset is fully depreciated. The Agency has assigned the useful Lives listed below to capital assets. Structures and Improvements 50 years Equipment 5-25 years , Infrastructure 15-50 years Capital Assets Additions and Retirements Capital assets activity for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2007, was as follows: Balance Balance July 1, June 30, 2006 ' Additions Deletions 2007 Governmental Activities Nondepreciable capital assets Land $ .1.849.345 $ - $ $ 1,849 345 Total nondepreciable capital assets 1,849.345 1,849,345 Net capita] assets ~ 1.849.345 ~ ' - $ $ 1.849.345 f E i i I 19 Q c OT ~ REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE NOTES TO BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 2007 ' NOTE 5 -LONG-TERM DEBT . Tax Allocation Bonds On May 1, 2007, the Agency issued $6,285,000 of2007 tax allocation bonds to provide funds for improvement activities. The bonds are secured by a pledge of the Agency's tax increment revenues excluded to be paid to other taxing authorities, pursuant to pass- through agreements, bears an interest rate of 5.304% fora erm bond of $1,280,000; maturing on September 1, 2019, and an interest rate of 5.800% for a term bond of $5,005,000, maturing September 1, 2037. As of June 30, 2007, the principal balance outstanding was $6,285,000. The future minimum payment obligation for the bonds payable attune 30, 2007, are as follows: Governmental Activities. Fiscal Year Ending Principal Interest Total ' 2008 $ - $ 275,600 $ 275,600 2009 10,000 357,916 367,916 2010 10,000 357,386 367,386 2011 100,000 354,468 454,468 1 2012 ] 05,000 349,032 454,032 2013-2017 610,000 1,653,798 2,263,798 2018-2022 785,000 1,468,220 2,253,220 2023-2027 1,035,000 1,209,445 2,244,445 2028-2032 1,375,000 862,025 2,237,025 2033-2037 1,825,000 400,925 2,225,925 2038 430,000 ,12,470 442,470 $ 6,285,000 $ 7,301,285 $ 13,586,285 Advances From the City of Arroyo Grande The City of Arroyo Grande has an agreement with the Agency providing for the advance of funds to finance improvements and operations relating to and within the project area. The interest rate charged by the City to the Agency is 0%. At June 30, 2007, the Agency has outstanding advances payable to the City of Arroyo Grande of $853,960. No payment is due within one year. Changes in Long-Term Debt Obligations The following is a summary of long-term debt obligations during the 2006/07 fiscal year. Balance Balance Due Within July1, 2006 Additions Deletions June 30, 2007 One Year Governmental activities: Tax allocation bonds $ - $ 6,285,000 $ $ 6,285,000 $ - Advances from City of Arroyo Grande 3,084,259 853,960 3,084,259 853,960 $ 3,084,259 $ 7,138,960 $ 3,084,259 $ 7;138,960 $ - S 3 S { l ,p 20 ~ S f MOSS, LEVY &HARTZHEIM LLI' CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS i E PARTNERS: 802 EAST MAIN RONALD A. LEW, C.RA. SANTA MARIA. CA 93454 CRAIG A. HARTZHEIM, C.PA: PHONE: (805) 925-2579 HADLEY Y. HUI, C.P.A. FAX: (805) 925-2147 Consultant• EMAIL: mlhsm@mlhcpas.com ROBERT M. MOSS (Retired C.PA.) i~ I AUDITORS' REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING AND ON COMPLIANCE AND OTHER MATTERS BASED ON AN AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVER1V111ENTAUDITING STANDARDS Board of Directors Redevelopment Agency. of the City of Arroyo Grande Arroyo Grande, California We have audited the financial statements ofthe governmental activities and each major fund ofthe Redevelopment Agency ofthe City of Arroyo Grande (the Agency), a component unit of the`City of Arroyo Grande, as of and for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2007, which collectively co?nprise the Agency's basic financial statements as listed in the table of contents, and have issued our report thereon dated November 30, 2007. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United j States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the j Comptroller General of the United States. Internal Control Over Financial Reporting In planning and performing our audit, we considered the Agency's' internal control over fmancial reporting as a basis for designing our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinions on' the fmancial statements, but not for the purpose of expressing an ' opinion on the effectiveness of the Agency's internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the Agency's internal control over financial reporting. A control deficiency exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent or detect misstatements on a timely basis. A significant deficiency is a control deficiency, or combination of control deficiencies, that adversely affects the Agency's ability to initiate, authorize, record, process, or report fmancial data reliably in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles such that there is more than a remote likelihood that a misstatement ofthe Agency's fmancial statements that is more than inconsequential will not be prevented or detected by the Agency's internal control. A material weakness is a significant deficiency, or combination of significant deficiencies, that results in more than a remote likelihood that a material misstatement of the financial statements will not be prevented or detected by the Agency's internal control. Our consideration of internal control over financial reporting was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and would not necessarily identify all deficiencies in internal control that might be significant deficiencies or material weaknesses. We did not identify any deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting that we consider to be material weaknesses, as defined above. Compliance and Other Matters As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the Agency's financial statements ':are free o£material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the determvnation of fmancial statement amounts. Such provisions include those provisions of laws and regulations identified in the Guidelines for Compliance Audits of California Redevelopment Agencies issued I I by the State Controller's Office, Division of Accounting and Reporting. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit and, accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance or other matters that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards. 21 I OFFICES: BEVERLY HILLS • SANTA MARIA MEMBER AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF C.PA:s • CALIFORNIA SOCIEN OF C.FA:s • CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF MUNICIPAL FINANCE OFFICERS • CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL BUSINESS OFFICIALS This report is intended solely for the information and use of the Agency's Board of Directors. Management, and the California State Controller's Office Division of Accounting and Reporting, and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. MOSS, LEVY & HARTZHEIM LLP November 30, 2007 i I f 4 i 22 ^ I Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency Redevelopment Agencies Financial Transactions Report General lnfonmation Fiscal Year 200T Members of the Governing Body Agency Officials ,Middle Middle Last Name First Name Phone last Name First Name lnitial ' Initial Chairperson rerrara ~ Tony ~ Executive Director Adams Steven ~ (805) 473-5404 Member Fellows ~ Chuck ~ Fiscal Officer ' Kraetsch Angela ~ (805) 473-5432 Member Guthrie ~ Jim ~ Secretary Wetmore Kelly ~ (805) 473-5414 Member Arnold ~ Ed ~ ~ Report Prepared By Independent Auditor Member Costello ~ Joe ~ ~ Firm Name Moss, Levy B Hartzheim Member ~ ~ ~ Last Kraetsch _wY, , _ Member _ ~ - _ First : - Angela Ron Member 0 Middle Initial f" Member - ~ 0 Street 214 E. Branch 802 East Main ~ - - _ Member ' ~ City' rArroyo Grande ~ Santa Maria ~ J State CA~ CA Mailing Address Zip Code 93420- 93454- Street 1 p.O. Box 550 Phone (805) 473-5432 (805) 925-2147 Street 2 214 East Branch Street City Arroyo Grande State CA Zip _ 93421-0550 = Phone (805) 473-5432 ~ ~ Is Address Changed? D D OO n -ice _ ~ 'General Information Page 1 9/26/2007. 3 Z OD ~ N i Arroyo Grande: Redev®topment Agency Redevelopment Agencies financial Tt'ansactions Report I Achievement Information (Unaudited) I Fiscal Year 2007 _ Indicate Only Those Achievements Completed During the Fiscal Year of this Report as a Direct Result of the Activities of the Redevelopment Agency. Please provide a description of the agency's Square Footage Completed activities/accomplishments during the past Enter the amount of square j year. footage completed this year by (Please be specific, as this information will building type and segregated by New Rehabilitated be the basis for possible inclusion in the new or rehabilitated construction. Construction ~ publication.) l I Activity, Report I Commercial-Buildings 'i _ _ i .Industrial Buildings ( ~ ` ° i - A number of significant accomplishments were made bythe'RedevelopmenY ' J Agency in 2007. The Agency completed a parking study to increase parking in the ~ Public Buildings ~ ~ central business district on a lot purchased by the Agency in 2006. The Agency also entered into_an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement with. a_developerfor-a hotel Other Buildings - _ _ I ro'ect on other__ ro ert ssuance by the Redevelopm nt Agency wasc o pleted~sn additiont ass stance Total Square Footage 0 ; 0 was provided for public improvements related to a restaurant project on a ~ redevelopment site to improve an existing shopping center. Enter the Number of Jobs Created from the Activities of the Agency Types Completed A=Utilities B=Recreation C=Landscaping D=Sewer/ Storm E=Streets/ Roads F=BuslTransit i i I I I Achievement Information (Uhaudited) Page 1 9/26/2007 n~ 7-~ ~ I Arroyo Grande Red®~elopment Agency Redevelopment Agencies Financial Transactions Report Audit Informatioin Fiscal Year 2007 j Was the Report Prepared from Audited Financial Data, Yes I If compliance opinion includes exceptions, and Did You Submit a Copy of the Audit? state the areas of non-compliance, and describe the agency's efforts to correct. Indicate Financial Audit Opinion L Unqualified If Financial Audit is not yet Completed, What is the Expected Completion Date? If the Audit Opinion was Other than Unqualified, State Briefly the Reason Given ~ i i _ ~i Was a Compliance Audit Performed in Accordance with ~ Yes i Health and Safety Code Section 33080.1 and the State = Controller's Guidelines for Compliance Audits, and Did You Submit a Copy of the Audit? i i j Indicate Compliance-Audit Opinion Lnqualified -I - If Compliance Audit is not yet Completed, What is the ~ ~ ~ Expected Completion Date? - - i I ~ i ~^j Audit Information Page 1 9/26/2007 i f Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency Redevetopmenf Agencies Financial Transactions Report - Project Area Report `Fiscal Year 2007 Project Area Name Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Project , Please Provide a Brief Description of the Activities for this Project Area - Forwarded from Prior Year ? Yes During the Reporting Year. ~ - Enter Code for Type of Project Area Report P Activity Report P =Standard Project Area Report A =Administrative Fund ' L =Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund M =Mortgage Revenue Bond Program O =Other Miscellaneous Funds or Programs S =Proposed (Survey) Project Area Does the Plan Include Tax Increment Provisions? Yes ' Date Project Area was Established (MM-DD-YY) 6/10/19971 Most Recent Date Project Area was Amended Did this Amendment Add New Territory?. -Most-Recent Date Project'Area was Merged ~ Will this Project Area be Carried Forward to Next Year? Yes i Established Time Limit Repayment of Indebtedness (Year Only) ~ 2043 Effectiveness of Plan (Year Only) 2027 New Indebtedness (Year Only) 2p171 Size of Project Area in Acres _ 748 I Percentage of Land Vacant at the Inception of the Project Area ~ 10.0 Health and Safety Code Section 33320.1 (xx.x%) Percentage of Land°Developed at the Inception of the Project Area 90.0 ' Health and Safety Code Section 33320.1 (xx.x%) _ Objectives of the Project Area as Set Forth in the Project Area Plan ~ RICP (Enter the Appropriate Code(s) in Sequence as Shown) R=Residential I=Industrial C=Commercial P=Public O =Other ~yy ~J p~ W Project Area Report Page 1 9/26/2007 Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency Redevelopment Agencies Financial Transactions Report' Assessed Valuation Data Fiscal Year 2007 Project Area Name Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Project Frozen Base Assessed Valuation 23,359,6 6 ~ Increment Assessed Valuation 104,979,020 Total Assessed Valuation -228,338,686 _ i Assessed Valuation Data° Page 1 9/26/2007 t w I -Arroyo Grande'Redevelopment Agency:` Redevelopment Agencies FinanciahTransactions Report -Pass-Through /School District Assistance Fiscal Year [2007 - - Project Area Name Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Project Tax Increment Pass Through Detail Other Payments Amounts Paid To Taxing H 8~ S Code H 8 S Code H 8 S Code Total H 8~ S Code H 8~ S Code Agencies Pursuant To: Section 33401 Section 33676 Section 33607 Section 33445 Section 33445.5 County i ~ 67,145 $67,1 Cities 47,457 $47,457 ~ _ _ School Districts 37,642_ _ 102,104 $139,746 j - Community College District ~ 16,242 $16,242 Special Districts - - _ ~ - _ _ 10;960 ._.._........$16,960 I~' - , Total Paid to Taxing $0 $37,642 _ $243,908 $281,550. _ _ _ $0 $0 Agencies Net Amount to Agency ~ $938,374 - - Gross Tax Increment _ _ ~ 1,219,924 Generated Pass-ThYough /School District Assistance Page 1 9/26/2007 W Arroyo Grande Redevelopment;Agency Redevelopment Agencies`Financial Transactions Report Summary of the Statement of'Indebtedness -Project Area Fiscal Year 2007, Project Area Name ~rroyo Grande Redevelopment Project - Tax Allocation Bond Debt ~ 8,656,463 Revenue Bonds ~ Other Long Term Debt City/County Debt ~ Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund ~ 10,663,094 - Other ~ 18,479,010 _ - - _ Total- _ _ _ _ _$37.798;567. Available Revenues _ Net Tax Increment Requirements ~ $37,798,567- _ _ . . Summary of the Statement of Indebtedness -Project Area Page 1 9/26/2007 W i Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency Redevelopment Agertcies`Financial Transactions Report Agency Long-Term Debt Fiscal Year 2007 JI Project Area Nam_e_ Arroyo Grande Redevelo~ment_Proiect._ _ ~ ~I Forward from Prior Year Yes _ Bond Type City/County Debt Year of Authorization ~ 199J Principal Amount Authorized 3,938,219 Principal Amount Issued ~ 3,938,219 Purpose of Issue City Advances J Maturity Date Beginning Year 2006 Maturity Date Ending Year I 2008 ~ - Principal-Amount Unmatured Beginning of Fiscal Year $3,084,259 . L Adjustment_Made During Year.. - ~ _ , _ Adjustment Explanation (repayment of loans ~ ' Interest Added to Principal 33,830 Principal Amountlssued During Fiscal Year ~ "820-,130 ! _ I Principal Amount Matured During Fiscal Year ~ 3,084,259 Principal Amount Defeased During Fiscal Year L I Principal Amount Unmatured End of Fiscal Year $853,960 Princi al Amount In Default p L-~ I Interest In Default ~ ~ ~ _ , Bond Types Allowed,: Tax Allocation Bonds; Revenue Bonds; Certificates of Participation; Tax Allocation Notes; Financing Authority Bonds; City/County Debt; US;State; i Loans; Lease Obligations; Notes; Deferred Pass-Throughs; Deferred Compensation; Other I I ~ ~ ~ ~ I I Agency Long-Term Debt Page 1 9/26/2007 I Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency Redevelopment;Agencies Financial Tlrar?sactans'Report Agency Long-Term Debt ! Fiscal Year i2 07 Project Area Name Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Project ~ Forward from Prior Year Bond Type ~ax Allocation Bonds Year of Authorisation ~ _ 2007 Principal Amount Authorized ~ 6,285,000 Principal Amount Issued ~ 6,28 ~ Purpose of Issue To repay debt and fund new projects ~ Maturity Date Beginning Year ~ 2007 I Maturity-Date Ending Year C 2037 i Principal Amount Unmatured Beginning of Fiscal Year Adjustment Made During,Year - _ _ Adjustment Explanation ~ ~ ! i Interest Added to Principal ! PrincipatAmount Issued During Fiscal Year 6;285;000 Principal Amount Matured During Fiscal Year L_ Principal Amount Defeased During Fiscal Year Principal Amount Unmatured End of Fiscal Year $6,285,000 Principal Amount In Default I` _ _ 1 j Interest In Default L - I_. Bond Types Allowed: j Tax Allocation Bonds; Revenue Bonds; Certificates of Participation; Tax Allocation Notes; Financing Authority Bonds; City/County Debt; US;State; Loans; Lease Obligations; Notes; Deferred Pass-Throughs; Deferred Compensation; Other OCi y 1 Wr D I I Agency Long-Term Debt Page 2 9/26/2007 Arroyo Grande:Redevelopment Agency.' Redevelopment Agencies Financial'Transactions Report Statement of Income and Expenditures -Revenues Fiscal Year 2007___. Project Area Name Arro o Grande Redevelo ment Pro'ect J Y P 1 Low/Moderate Special Capital Project Debt Service Income Housing Revenue/Other , Funds Funds Funds Funds Total Tax Increment Gross 975,939 _ ~ 243,985 $1,219,924 i _ (Include All Apportionments) ~I Special Supplemental Subvention ~-$0 i Property Assessments L_ ~ $0 _ i Sales and-Use Tax _ . _ f _ _ $0 Transient Occupancy Tax ~ ~ ~ $0 _ Interest Income _ j 26,108 ~ 21,963 j $48,071 - Rentallncome - r _~_$0 Lease Income ~ _ ~ _ $0 Sale of Real Estate $0 Gain on Land Held for Resale ~ i $0 - Federal Grants ~ ~ _ ~ _ j _ $0 Grants from Other Agencies ~ ~ $0 Bond Administrative Fees j ~ $0 Other Revenues r 3;505,000 j 2,000,000 ! $5,505,000 -Total Revenues $4,507,047 $0 $2,265,948 $0 $6,772,995 ~ Statement of Income and Expenditures -Revenues Page 1 9/26/2007 Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency Redevelopment Agencies Financial Transactions, Report Statement of Income and Expenditures -Expenditures Fiscal Year 2007 J Project Area Name Arroyo Grande RedeveloQment Project _ Capital Project Debt Service Low/Moderate Special Funds Funds Income Housing Revenue/Other Total Administration Costs ~ 17,058 ~ _ 16,924 _ _ $33,982 Professional Services ~ 91,959 ~ ~ _ $91 959 Planning, Survey, and Design L_ i ~ - Real Estate Purchases ~ 820,129 _ ~ $g20;12g - _ _ _ Acquisition: Expense.- ~ - $p - L ~ - . Operation of Acquired Property j_ ~ ; ~ $0 Relocation Costs. - _ ~ _ --_$0 - . - - _ Relocation Payments ~ ~ _ ~ _ $o... - $o Site Clearance Costs Project Improvement /Construction Costs ~ ~ l - $p N~ Disposal Costs I ._$0.._-' Loss on Disposition of Land Held for ~ i ~ $p Resale O'Q Statement of Income and Expenditures -Expenditures Page 1 9/26/2007 Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Ag®ncy Redevelopment Agencies Financial Transactions Report Statement of Income and Expenditures -Expenditures , Fiscal Year ,20Or 7 Project Area Name Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Protect _ _ J Capital Project Debt Service LowlModerate Special Funds Funds Income Housing Revenue/Other Total Decline in Value of Land Held for Resale ~ ~ $0 , Rehabilitation Costs i ~ $0 ; Rehabilitation Grants ~ ~ i $p Interest Expense ~ ~ $p Fixed Asset Acquisitions Subsidies to Low and Moderate Income 1 $0 ; Housing. _ _ _ _ Debt Issuance Costs -j $p Other Expenditures Including Pass- 286,553 r - $286 ' Through Payment(s) - Debt Principal Payments: Tax Allocation Bonds and Notes Revenue Bonds, Certificates of j ~ _ Participation, Financing Authority - Bonds City/County Advances and Loans .3,084,25 ~ ~ $3,pg4,25g-` All Other Long-Term Debt ~ $p ' Total Expenditures $4,299,958 $0 $16,924 $0 $4,316,882 Excess (Deficiency) Revenues over $207,089. $0 $2,249,024 $0 $2,456,113 . (under) Expenditures W Statement of Income and Expenditures -Expenditures Page 2 9/26/2007 Arroyo Grande Redevelopm®nt Agency Redeye{opment Agenci®s Financial Transactions Report Statement of Income and Expenditures - OtherFinancing Sources Fiscal Year2007 Project Area Name Arro o Grande Redevelopment P~ect Capital Project DebtService LowlModerate Special Funds Funds Income Housing RevenuelOther Total Proceeds of Long-Term Debt ~ ~ $0 Proceeds of Refunding Bonds $p Payment to Refunded Bond Escrow Agent ~ $0 Advances from City/County 820,130- _ $820,130 Sale of Fixed Assets $0 _ Miscellaneous Financing Sources (Uses) -236,508 -9,996 ! ($246 504) -..Operating Transfers. In_ i _ _ $0 _ _ Tax Increment Transfers In ~ $0 Operating Transfers Out $0 Tax Increment Transfers Out _J r (To the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) $583,622 $0 ($9,996) $0 $573,626 ..h a a Statement of Income and Expenditures -Other Financing Sources Page 1 .9/26/2007 Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency : Redevelopment Agencies Financial Transactions Report Statement of Income and Expenditures -Other Financing Sources Fiscal Year 2007 Project Area Name Arroyo Grande Redevel~ment Project Capital Project Debt Service Low/Moderate Special Funds Funds Income Housing RevenuelOther Total ~ Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and $790,711.. $0 $2,239,028, _ _ _ $0 _ $3,029 739..,_..1 Other Financing Sources over Expenditures and Other Financing Uses ~i I I quity, Begimm~ of Period $357,687 $0 $349,500 $0 $707,187 I, _ _ Prior Period Adjustments . ~ Residual Equity Transfers ~ ~ $0 j _ _ ~ . - Equity, End of Period $1,148,398 $0 $2,588,528..,, _.$0 $3,736,926 J ~ L I i I I II -e I Statement of Income and Expenditures -Other Financing Sources Page 2 9/26/2007 j Arroyo Grande Redevelopment-Agency Redevelopment Agencies Financial Transactions Report Balance Sheet -Assets and Other Debits Low/Moderate Special Fiscal Year 2007 Capital Projects Debt Service Income Housing RevenuelOther General Long- General Fixed Funds .Funds Funds Funds Term Debt Assets Total - ~ i Assets and Other Debits Cash and Imprest Cash 1,088,823 2,571,468 ! r $3,660,291 ! ' - _ _ ~ 1 Cash with Fiscal Agent I $0 Tax Increments Receivable 9,605 9,901 ~ - ~ _ _ - ~ $49,506 Accounts Receivable 37,719 _ ' _ _ $37 719 Accrued Interest Receivable 21,795 7,930 ~ _ -r~$2` _ _ - J ~ - Loans Receivable _ $0 - _ 1 Contracts Receivable ~ - ~ _ $0 _ I - _ - _ I Lease Payments Receivable ~ _ ~ $0 ~ _ _ _ - g ~ Unearned Finance Char a T ~ $0 - s - - Due from Capital Projects Fund ~ _ ~$0 Due from Debt Service Fund L T _T _ _ _ $0 - ~ - - I Due from Low/Moderate I ~ j $0 Income Housing Fund - - ~ Due from Special ~ I - - - Revenue/Other Funds - . - -1- ~ - , $0 1 i i I ~ i s, Balance Sheet :Assets and Other Debits Page 1 9/26/2007 Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency Redevelopment Agencies Financial Transactions Report Balance Sheet -Assets and Other Debits Low/Moderate Special Fiscal Year 2007 Capital Projects Debt Service Income Housing RevenuelOther General Long- General Fixed Funds Funds Funds Funds Term Debt Assets Total - _ - - Investments ~ ~ r $0...' Other Assets j- j - Investments: Land Held for -L_ _ _ _ _ . $U,._ Resale _ Allowance for Decline In ~ _ ~ $0 Value of Land Held for Resale - - - - _ Fined Assets: Lanii, _ _ ! ~ 2,669,474 $2,669,474 Structures, and Improvements - - - Equipment i - _ l $0 .Amount Available In Debt _ _ - _ _ ~ _ $0 Service Fund _ Amount to be Provided for ~ ~ 7,138,960 Payment of Long-Term Debt - - - ~ $7,138,960 Total Assets and Other " $1 187,942.,_„ .r. _m " " . ...$0„ _$2,589,299 . $0 $7,138,960 $2 669,474 $13 585 675 Debits _ _ (Must Equal Total Liabilities, Other:Credits, and£quities) 1 Balance Sheet -Assets and Other Debits Page 2 9/26/2007 :Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency Redevelopment Agencies Financial Transactions Report Balance Sheet -Liabilities and Other Credits Low/Moderate Special Fiscal Year 2007 Capital Projects Debt Service Income Housing Revenue/Other General Long- General Fixed Funds Funds Funds Funds Term Debt Assets Total Liabilities and Other Credits Accounts Payable ~ 38,773 ~ ~ _ - $38,773 Interest Payable j ~ $0 _ _ ~ _ Tax Anticipation Notes Payable ~T ~ ' ~ $0 _ _ - - - - - Loans Payable - r-_ ~ Other Liabilities 771 ~ 771 r' $1,542 ' Due to Capital Projects Fund ~ ~ $0 Due to Debt Service Fund ~ $0 - - - _ - i ..Due to Low/Moderate ~ ~ ~ ~ $0 Income Housing Fund - - Due to Special ~ ~ - $0 Revenue/Other Funds.. _ Tax Allocation Bonds Payable I _ _1 _ 6,285,000 ~ $6,285,000 Lease Revenue, Certificates of Participation Payable, - - ~ ~ $0 Financing Authority Bonds All Other Long-Term Debt ~ _ _ ~ ~ 853,9601 $853,960 Total Liabilities and Other $39,544 $0 $771 $0 $7,138,960 $7,179,275 ' Credits 1 Balance Sheet -Liabilities and Other Credits Page 1 Q/26/2007 ~ Arroyo Grande .Redevelopment Agency Redevelopment Agencies Financial :Transactions Report Balance Sheet -Liabilities and Other Credits Low/Moderate Special Fiscal Year 2007 Capital Projects Debt Service Income Housing Revenue/Other General Long- General Fixed Funds Funds Funds Funds Term Debt Assets Total Equities Investment In General Fixed ~ ! _ _ i 2,669,474 $2,669,474 Assets - - - - - _ - - _ _ . - Fund Balance Reserved ~ ~ $0 Fund Balance 1,148,398 2,588,528 i $3,736,926 Unreserved-Designated - - Fund Balance i $0 _ _ _ Unreserved-Undesignated - - - _ _ Total Equities $1,148,398 $0 $2588,528 $0 _ _ _ $2,669,474 $6,406400 Total Liabilities, Other Credits;-..and _ - _ Equities _ _ _ - $1,187,942 $0 $2,589,299 $0 $7,138,960 $2,669,474 $13,585,675 € t Balance Sheet -Liabilities and Other Credits Page 2 9/26/2007 Arroyo',Grande Red®velapment Agency Redevelopment,Agencies Financial Transacti©ns R®port Statement of Income-and Expenditures - Summary, Combined Transfers In/Out Fiscal Year 2007 $0 • Operating Transfers In . _ Tax Increment Transfers In $U Operating Transfers Out $0 Tax Increment Transfers Out $0 oc~ Statement of Income and Expenditures - Summary, Page 1 9/26/2007 Combined Transfers In/Out 1 ATTACHMENT 3 California Department'of Housing and Community Development .t ~ Redevelopment Agency Reporting System General Project Area Information Sch A, p1 You are Here: Se..lect Year > Sche..d...u.le Me..n..u_ > Project Area. Selector > Protect: Area Actvity_M...enu. > Project Area General Info « Previous Page , • Admin Agency:ARROYO GRANDE Fiscal Year :2006/2007 Prepared by: Angela Kraetsch • Select Year For Project Area:ARROYO GRANDE • FAQ • User Info Project Area General Info successfully saved • status 1.a Project Area Information • Print 1. Year plan for project area was adopted: 1997 • Logout 2. Year that plan was last amended (if applicable): 2004 3. Was Plan amended after 2001 to extend time limits per Senate Bill 21;1 (Chapter 741, Statutes Yes of 2001)?: 4. Current expiration of redevelopment plan: 2043 If the redevelopment plan for the subject project area was adopted before 1/1/76, and the agency has elected to apply all or part of Section 33413, identify the resolution date and scope (elected provisions).: HeID? Date: (mm/dd/yyyy)* * Note: If dd for the date is not available assume 01 Scope: _ _ _ _ J Save Redevelopment Agency Reporting System -General Project Area Information California Department of Housing and Community Development a California Department of Housing and Community Development 4;4 1 Cpl , Redevelopment Agency Reporting System '+-Y . Agency-wide Financial ,Information- Sch C, p1-4 ~ You are Here:.SeLectY...ear> Schedule Me..n.u.>Agency Wide Financials ' « Previous Page Agency:ARROYO GRANDE Fiscal Year :2006/2007 Prepared by: Angela Kraetsch • Admin Financial Information successfully saved Low 8 Moderate Income Housing Funds • Select Year Report on the "status and use of the agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund." Most information • FAQ reported here should be based on that reported to the State Controller. • User Info ' • status 1. Beginning Balance: $349,500 a. Describe and Provide Dollar Amount (Positive / Negative) Making Up Total $0 • Print Adjustments: • Logout . w , _ _ .J b. Adjusted Beginning Balance: $349,500 2. Project Area Receipts and Housing Fund Resources a. Project Area(s) Receipts (Total of all Schedule As): $2,265,948 b. Housing Fund Resources not reported on Schedule A(s) bescribe and Provide Dollar. Amounts (Positive /Negative) Making Up Total Housing $0 Fund Resources: 3. Total Resources : [Line l b + 2a + 2b] . $2,615,448 4. Expenditures Subtotal: Sch C, p1-3 #4 $26,920 5. Net Resources Available: $2,588,,528 6. Encumbrances and Unencumbered Balance a. Encumbrances (End of Year): Helg? $0 b. Unencumbered Balance (End of Year): $2 588,528 7. Designated/Undesignated Amount of Available Funds: $1 ~ ~D a. Unencumbered Designated: $0 b. Unencumbered Undesignated: $2,588,528 8. Other._Housin.g.._Fund__Assets; Sch C, p3 #6 $0 9. Total fund equity: $2,588,528 10. Reporting Year End Unencumbered and Adjusted Balance Instructions. a. Unencumbered Balance (End of Year);[Page 3, -Line 6,b] $2,588,528 b. If you are eligible to adjust the Unencumbered Balance (End of Year), identify the type and amount of the adjustment. (1) Debt Proceeds: $0 (2) Land Sales: $0 c. Adjusted Unencumbered Balance: $2,588,528 11. Excess Surplus Tax Increment Deposit Calculation: 2003/2004 -Tax Increment: $79,793 2004/2005 -Tax Increment: $94,985 2005/2006 -Tax Increment: $211,312 FY 06-07 Reporting Year Tax Increment: $244,236 Sum of 3 Prior Years' and Reporting Year Tax Increment: $630 326 12. Excess surplus to track during fiscal year 2007-2008 is: $1,588,528 Your current excess surplus, calculated last fiscal year, is $p Save Redevelopment Agency Reporting System -Agency-wide Financial Information California Departmerit of Housing and Community Development . w i California Department of Housing and Community Development ys;,~ , r Redevelopment Agency Reporting System ~ * ~ Housing Fund Revenues ,Other Resources Sch A, p2 „G° You are Here. Select Year. > Sched.u.le Me..n.u. > Project Area.._$elector > Pro~ect_Area Ac...ti.v..iy..> Housing Fund Revenues « Previous Page Agency:ARROYO GRANDE Fiscal Year :2006/2007 Prepared by: Angela Kraetsch • Admin For Project Area:ARROYO GRANDE 3. Project Area Housing Fund Revenues and Other Sources Instructions • Select Year • FAQ NOTE: • User Info Expenditures for debt service(HCD-C (Page: 2, Line 4c.)) should be reported on Agency-wide Financial • status Information 4c. a. Tax Increment • Print - • Logout (1) 100% of Gross: $1 221 178 (2) Calculate Only 1 set-aside amount (either (A) or (B) below): r (A) Minimum Deposit required by 33334.2 (Gross x 20%): $244,236 C (B) Minimum Deposit required by 33333.10(8) (Senate Bill 211, Chapter741, Statutes of 2001)(Gross x 30%): - - (3) Tax Increment Allocated to Housing Fund: $244,236 If less than 20% of the Gross Tax Increment (see (2) above) is being set aside in this project area in accordance with Section 33334.3(1); identify the project area(s) contributing the difference in the box below: Or Explain below if less than 20% is being set aside for any other reason: Less: (4) Amount Exempted* : ($0 (5) Amount Defe~Ted* : ($0 _ * If Amount Exempted or Amount Deferred is entered, after you SAVE, you need to go to Project Area Activity Menu and select Exemption(s) And/Or Deferral(s) to enter!Sch A data. (6) Total Deposit to the Housing Fund [Calculated from above, (3) - (4) - (5)] $244,236 b. Interest Income: $21 712 c. Rental/Lease Income: d.. Sale of Real Estate: ~ - f e. Grants: f. Bond Administrative Fees: g. Repayment of Prior Year Deferrals: $0 g~ -50 h. Loan Repayments: i. Debt Proceeds: j. Other Revenue: $2,000,000 (Specify) Tax Allocation Bond proceeds. k. Total Housing Fund Deposits for this Project Area (3a. through'3j.): $2,265,948 .:Save. Redevelopment Agency Reporting System -'Housing Fund Revenues 8~ Other Resources California Department of Housing and Community Development ~~_5~ California Department of Housing and Community Development 4°~°'"`"' Redevelopment Agency Reporting System . Agency-wide Expenditures Sch C You are Here: Select Ye...a...r. > Schedule M„e.nu > A. ge.n...cy Wid..e..Financals > Agency Wide Expenditure « Previous Page Agency:ARROYO GRANDE Fiscal Year :2006/2007 Prepared by: Angela Kraetsch • Admin The line items below over specific line items' from the State Controller's Annual Report of Financial Transactions of Community Redevelopment Agencies to facilitate preparation of the report. • Select Year Dollar amounts for most items below from ;what reported on the State :Controller's Annual Report of Financial • FAQ Transactions of Community Redevelopment Agencies, Consolidated Income Statement, except for • User Info reclassifying of Transfers-Out to Internal Funds and the reporting of Other Uses as discussed below. • status 4. Expenditures and Other Uses • Print • i_ogout a. Property Acquisition (1) Land Assets (portion of Inc Stmt): (2) Housing Assets (portion of Inc Stmt): (3) Acquisition Expense: - (4) Operation of Acquired Property: (5) Relocation Costs: ' (6) Relocation Payments: (7) Site Clearance Costs: (8) Disposal Costs: (9) Other: Specify other: (10) Property Acquisition Subtotal $0 b. Subsidies from the LMIHF (1) 1st Time Homebuyer Down Payment Assistance: (2) Rental Subsidies: (3) Purchase of Affordability Cov. (33413(6)2(6): (4) Other. ~rr Specify other. . 5 2~ i _ _ _ .J (5) Subsidies from the LMIHF Subtotal: $0 c. Debt Service (33334.2(e)(9)) (1) Debt Principal Payments: (a) Tax Allocation, Bonds & Notes`. (b) Revenue Bonds & Certificates of Participation: (c) City/County Advances & Loans:' (d) U. S. State & Other Long -Term Debt: (2) Interest Expense: (3) Debt Issuance Costs: (4) Other: ' Specify other. :.1 (5) Debt Service Subtotal: $0 d. Planning and Administration Costs (33334.3(e)(1)) (1) Administration Costs: $26,920 (2) Professional Services (not project based): (3) Planning, Survey/Design (not project based): (4) Indirect Nonprofit Costs (33334.3(e)(1)(B)): (5) Other: Specify other: _ _ _ _ (6) Planning and Administration Costs Subtotal: $26,920 ' e. On/Off-Site Improvements (33334.2(e)(2)): f. Housing Construction (33334.2(e)(5)): g. Housing Rehabilitation (33334.2(e)(7)): o V h. Maintenance of Mobilehome Parks (33334.2(e)(10)): ~W i. Preservation of At-Risk Units (33334.2(e)(11)): j. Transfers Out of Agency ' (1) For Use Outside Community: g p (33334.19): 2 For Transit Villa a Develo ment Plan ~r-"'~" (3) Excess Surplus (33334.12(a)(1)(A)): ~ (4) Other: Specify other: (5) Transfers Out of Agency Subtotal: $0 k. Other Specify other: Total Expenditure: $26,920: Save Redevelopment Agency Reporting System -Agency Wide Expenditures California Department of Housing and Community Development I California Redevelopment Agencies -Fiscal Year 2006/2007 - Status of Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds Sch C AAgency Financial Summary ARROYO GRANDE i Adjusted Project Agency Net Other Total *Unen- Unen- Unen- Beginning Area Other Total Resources Housing Housing Encum- cumbered cumbered cumbered Balance Receipts Revenue Expenses Available Fund Assets Fund Assets brances Balance Designated Not Dagntd $349,500 $2,265,948 $0 $26,920 $2,588,528 $0 $2,588,528 $0 $2,588,528 $0 $2,588,528 Expense Planning and Total Administration Costs 2006/200 $26,920 $26,920 *The Unencumbered Balance is equal to Net Resources Available minus Encumbrances Note: Print this report in Landscape Orientation (Use the Print Icon just above, then Properties then Landscape) Page 1 of 1 09N8/07 D California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 200612007 Status of Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds Sch C Agency Financial and Program Detail ARROXO'.GRANDE Beginning Balance $349,500 Adjustment to Beginning Balance $0 Adjusted Beginning Balance $349,500 Total Tax Increment From PA(s) $244,236 Tota/Receipts from PA(s) $2,265,948 Other Revenues not reported on Schedule. A $0 Sum of Beginning Balance and Revenues $2,615,448 Expenditure Item Subitem Amount ~ Remark Planning and Administration Costs Administration Costs $26,920 Subtotal of Planning and Administration Costs $26,920 Total Expenditures $26,920 Net Resources Available $2,588,528 Indebtedness For Setasides Deferred $0 Other Housing Fund Assets Category Amount Remark Total Other Housing Fund Assets Total Fund Equity $2,588,528 2002/2003 $55165 2003/2004 $79793 sum of 4 Previous Years' Tax 'rior Year Ending Unencum Excess Surplus for 2004/2005 $94985 Increment for 2006/2007. 2006/2007 2005/2006 $211312 $441255 $349,500 $0 Sum of Current and 3 Previous Years' Tax Increments $630,326 Adjusted Balance $2,588,528 Excess Surplus for next year $1,588,528 Net Resources Available $2,588,528 Unencumbered Designated $0 Page 1 of 2 09/18/07 S~•~~ California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 200612007 Status of Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds Sch C Agency Financial and Program Detail ARROXO~ GRANDE Unencumbered Undesignated ~ $2,588,528 Total Encumbrances $0 Unencumbered Balance $2,588,528 Unencumbered Balance ;Adjusted for Debt Proceeds $0 Unencumbered Balance Adjusted for Land Sales $0 Excess Surplus Expenditure Plan No Excess Surplus Plan Adoption Date Site Improvement Activities Benefiting Households Income Level Low Very Low Moderate Total Land Held for Future Development Site Name Num Of Zoning Purchase, Estimated Acres Date Start Date Remark Use of the Housing Fund to Assist Mortgagors Income Adjustment Factors Requirements Completed Home $ Hope $ Non Housing Redevelopment Funds Usage J Resource Needs LMIHF Deposits/Withdiawls Document Document Custodian Custodian Copy Name Date Na'me` Phone Source Achievements Description Page 2 of 2 09N8/07 P5 ~ California Redevelopment Agencies-Fiscal Year 2006/2007 Project Area Contributions to Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds Sch A Project Area Summary Report ARROYO GRANDE Tax Incr. Percent Total Project Area 100% of Tax 20% Set Aside Tax Increment Amount Deposited to of Tax Repayment Other Deposited to Increment Requirement Allocated Exempted Deferral Hsng Fund Incr Dep Deferrals Income Housing ARROYO GRANDE $1,221,178 $244,236 $244,236 $0 $0 $244,236 20.00% $0 $2,021,712 $2,265,948 Agency Totals: $1,221,178 $244,236 $244,236 $0 $0 $244,236 20.00% $0 $2,021,712 $2,265,948 Note: Print this report in Landscape Orientation (Use the Print Icon just above, then Properties then Landscape) Page 1 of 1 09/18107 California Redevelopment Agencies- Fiscal Year 2006/2007 Project Area Contributions to Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund Sch A Project Area Financial Information Agency ARROYO GRANDE Address 214 E. Branch Street. Arroyo Grande CA 93420 roject Area ARROYO GRANDE Type: Inside Project Area Status: Active Plan Adoption: 1997 Plan Expiration' Year: 2043 Gross Tax Calculated Amount 'Amount Amount Total % Cumulative Increment Deposit Allocated Exempted Deferred Deposited Def. $1,221,178 $244,236 $244,236 $0 $0 $244,236 20.00% $0 Repayment $0 Category Interest Income $21,712 Other Revenue $2,000,000 Total Additional Revenue $2,021,712 Total Housing Fund Deposits for Project Area $2,265,948 Agency Totals For All Project Areas: Gross Tax Calculated Amount Amount Amount Total % Cumulative Increment Deposit Allocated ,Exempted Deferred Def. Deposited $1,221,178 $244,235.6 $244,236 $0 $0 $244,236 20% $0 Total Additional Revenue from Project Areas $2,021,712 Total Deferral Repayments. $0 Total Deposit to Housing. Fund from Project Areas. $2,265,948 Page 1 of 1 09/18/07 ~ ~ J Q RROV V¦g¦ ~ P Oc O ,P ~ INCORPORATED ~Z t~ T ~ JULY ,o. ,a,, .MEMORANDUM cgC~FORN~P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ANGELA KRAETSCH, ;DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES BY: FRANCES R. HEAD, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISO SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF` AGREEMENT WITH DATAPROSE, INC. FOR UTILITY BILL PRINTING AND'iMAILING SERVICES DATE: DECEMBER 11, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with DataProse, Inc., to provide. utility bill printing and mailing services for the City of Arroyo Grande. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Printing, mailing, and materials costs related to the mailing of utility bills are estimated to be $27,000 annually. These costs have already been accounted for the in the current I, budget. No additional funding is required. BACKGROUND: The monthly utility bill printing is currently done in-house using Financial Services staff time and materials that are purchased by :the City. A City Public Works staff member then delivers the printed bills to the,; mailing service using a City vehicle. The current mailing service performs all other tasks involved in mailing the utility bills to customers. City staff spends an average of 6 hours per month in printing, sorting and delivering utility bills to the mail service. Staff determined that this time could be better utilized in other areas provided that outsourcing the .'printing and mailing process did not result in increased costs. Requests for Proposal (RFP) were sent to two service providers on September 5, 2007, with a required return date of October 1, 2007. Both providers submitted Proposals. The Financial Services Director reviewed the proposals and DataProse, Inc., was selected. DataProse has an existing partnership with Tyler Technologies, the company providing the utility billing and financial accounting software the City currently uses. This relationship would simplify the setup'and electronic file transmission process required to implement the new service. Additionally, DataProse has been highly recommended by U:\MSWORD\CITY COUNCIL FORMS\STAFF REPORTS - MISC\CC Standard Staff Report-DATAPROSE.doc ~~i '~j !i . ~I CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 2 ~ other clients in this area. If approved, the two-year agreement will go into effect on January 1, 2008. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration:, • Authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement; ~I • Direct staff to maintain the existing mailing procedures; • Modify the staff recommendation and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement; • .Provide direction to staff. i ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The current method of printing and mailing utility bills involves excessive machine and staff time. The estimated annual labor cost to print, sort, pack and deliver utility bills is $2,200 and uses 66 hours of staff time. The current annual cost of producing and mailing a Utility Bill, including materials and mailing costs, is approximately $.71 .each (without. labor of $.05 each). The basic cost of outsourcing the production and mailing process to DataProse is estimated to be $.50 per bill. Adding special inserts could) increase the cost per piece; however, these costs are paid for by the departments or by the; outside agency providing the insert.. These i costs have already been considered in each department's budget. Postage rates for mailings are affected by the ability to process zip- codes by the US Post Office standards. The City is currently paying the full per piece postage rate of $.41 each because the City does not have the ability to match zip .codes by address to the Post Office system. The rate of $.50 per piece reflects: the lowest postage rate available when mail is sorted using the LASS-certified software service provided by DataProse. ADVANTAGES: Approval of the staff recommendation will result in efficiencies by eliminating Finance and Public Works staff time spent in preparing and assembling the utility bills for ~I delivery to the current mail service provider. Staff time can then be redirected to other functions. Savings on machine maintenance will result from the reduction in printing volume. Additionally, options are available with the service provider for future online bill presentment and payment. Contracting with DataProse would insure that reduced postage rates would be available ;using, their CASS-certified software for address verification. A flowchart of functions performed by DataProse is shown on Page 12 of the attached Proposal. U:\MSWORD\CITY COUNCIL FORMS\STAFF REPORTS - MISC\CC Standard Staff Report-DATAPROSE.doc ~a' i j i,. ' i CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 3 i DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of :City Hall on Thursday, December 6, 2007. The ' Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, December 7, 2007. No public comments were received. i i Attachments: 1. Agreement for Consultant Services ~ 2. Request for Proposal for Utility Bill Printing and Mailing Services 3. Proposal from DataProse, Inc. I i i I~ i ~ I i i U:\MSWORD\CITY COUNCIL FORMS\STAFF REPORTS - MISC\CC Standard Staff Report-DATAPROSE.doc _ 3 i ~ I~ H - ATTACHMENT 1 AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, is made and effective as. of January 1, 2008, between DATAPROSE ("Consultant"), and:', the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a Municipal Corporation ("City"). In consideration of the'mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein,~the parties agree as follows: 1. TERM This Agreement shall commence on `January 1, 2008 and shall remain and continue in effect until January 1, 2010, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. SERVICES Consultant shall perform the tasks described and comply with all terms and provisions set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 3. PERFORMANCE Consultant shall at all times faithfully,; competently and to the best of his/her ability, experience and talent, perform all tasks described' herein. Consultant shall employ, at a minimum generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services as are required of Consultant hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 4. AGREEMENT ADMINISTRATION City's Financial Services Director shall represent City in all. matters pertaining to the administration of this Agreement. DataProse's Account Executive shall represent Consultant in all matters pertaining to the administration of this Agreement. 5. PAYMENT The City agrees to pay the Consultant in accordance with the payment rates and terms set forth in Exhibit "B", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Consultant's prices are subject to increase following the initial twelve (12) month period (Pricing Period) or any subsequent 12-month period, and upon sixty (60) days written' notice to City prior to the effective date of any increase. The rate of any price increase shall not exceed 5% at the completion of any pricing period. 6. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT WITHOUT CAUSE (a) The City may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the Consultant at least thirty (30) days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Consultant shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. If the City suspends or terminates a portion of this Agreement such suspension. or termination" shall not make void or invalidate the remainder of .this Agreement. (b) In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section, the City shall pay to Consultant the actual value of the City approved work performed up 'to the time of termination. City shall also pay to Consultant if applicable, the value of any City approved materials ordered by Page 1 of 14 ~q- I Consultant to fulfill their tasks under this agreement. Upon termination of the Agreement pursuant to this Section, the Consultant will submit an invoice to the City pursuant to Section 5. 7. TERMINATION ON OCCURRENCE OF STATED EVENTS This Agreement shall terminate automatically on the occurrence of any of the following events: (a) Bankruptcy or insolvency of any party (b) Assignment of this Agreement by Consultant without the consent of City. (c) End of the Agreement term specified in Section 1. 8. DEFAULT OF CONSULTANT (a) The Consultant's failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a default. In the event that Consultant is in default for cause under the terms of this Agreement, City shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating Consultant for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Consultant. If such failure by the Consultant to make progress in the performance,of work hereunder arises out of causes beyond the Consultant's control, and without fault or negligence of the Consultant, it shall not be considered a default. (b) If the City Manager orhis/her delegate determines that the Consultant is in default in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of, this Agreement, he/she shall cause to be served upon the Consultant a written notice of the: default. The Consultant shall have ten (10) days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Consultant fails to cure its default within such period of time, the City shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law, in equity or under this Agreement. 9. LAWS TO BE OBSERVED. Consultant shall: (a) Procure -all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees, and give all notices which may be necessary and incidental to the due and lawful prosecution of the services to be performed by Consultant under this Agreement; (b) Keep itself fully informed of all existing and proposed federal, state and local laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees which may affect those engaged or employed under this Agreement, any materials used in Consultant's performance under this Agreement, or the conduct of the services under this Agreement; (c) At all times observe and comply with, and cause all of its employees to observe and comply with all of said laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees mentioned above; (d) Immediately report to the City's Contract Manager in writing any discrepancy or inconsistency it discovers in said laws; ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees mentioned above in relation to any plans, drawings, specifications, or provisions of this Agreement. (e) The City, and its officers, agents and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Consultant to comply with this Section. Page 2 of 14 S. 10. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS (a) Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to sales, costs, expenses, receipts, and other such information required by City that relate to the performance of services under this :'Agreement. Consultant `shall maintain adequate records of services provided in sufficient detail to permit an evaluation of services. All such records ..shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. Consultant shall provide free access to the representatives of City or its designees at reasonable times to such books and records; shall, give City the right to examine and audit said books and records;. shall permit City to make transcripts therefrom as necessary; and shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings, ~ and activities related to ;this Agreement. Such records, together with supporting documents, shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years after receipt of final payment. (b) Upon completion of, or in the event of termination or suspension of this Agreement, all original documents, designs, drawings, maps, models, computer files, surveys, notes, and other documents prepared in the course of providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall become the sole property of the City and may be used, reused, or otherwise disposed of by the City without the permission of the Consultant. 11. INDEMNIFICATION (a) Indemnification for Professional Liability. When the law establishes a professional standard of care for Consultant's Services, to they fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless City and any and all of its officials, employees and agents ("Indemnified Parties") from and against any, and all losses, liabilities, 'damages, costs and expenses, including attorney's fees and costs to the extent same are caused in whole or in part by any negligent or wrongful act, error or omission of Consultant, its officers, agents, employees or subcontractors (or any entity or individual that Consultant shall bear the legal liability thereof) in the performance of professional services under this agreement. (b) Indemnification for Other Than Professional Liability. Other than in the performance of professional services and to the full extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, and any and all of its employees, officials and, agents from and against any liability (including liability for claims, suits, actions, arbitration proceedings, administrative proceedings, regulatory proceedings, losses, expenses or costs of any kind, whether actual, alleged or threatened, including attorneys fees and costs, court costs, interest, defense costs, and expert witness fees), where the same arise out of, are. a consequence of, or are in any way attributable to, in whole or in part, the performance of this Agreement by Consultant or by any individual or entity for which Consultant is legally liable, including but not limited to officers, agents, employees or subcontractors of Consultant. (c) General Indemnification Provisions. Consultant agrees ','to obtain executed indemnity agreementswith provisions identical to those set forth here in this, section from each and every subcontractor or any other person or entity involved by, for, with or on behalf of Consultant in the performance of this agreement. In the event~Consultant fails to obtain such indemnity obligations from others as required here, Consultant agrees to be fully responsible '..according to the terms of this section. Failure of City to monitor compliance with these requirements imposes no additional obligations on City and will. in no way act as a waiver of any rights hereunder. This obligation to .Page 3 of 14 g~_ ~ indemnify and defend City as set forth here is' binding on the successors, assigns or heirs of Consultant and shall survive the termination of this agreement or this section. (d) City agrees to indemnify and ;hold DataProse harmless for any and all claims from any person, firm, or entity whatsoever that may arise in connection with City supplying to DataProse the data, reports or other documentation necessary to' perform its duties under this Agreement, except that such indemnification shall not extend to: any claims that result, in'whole or in part, from action by DataProse, its officers, employees or agents` or anyone acting on behalf of DataProse. 12. INSURANCE Consultant shall maintain prior to the beginning of and for the duration of this Agreement insurance coverage'. as specified in Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full 13. INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT (a) Consultant is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent Consultant. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and control. Neither City no,r any of its officers, employees, or agents shall have control over the conduct of Consultant or any of Consultant's officers, employees, or agents, except as set forth in this Agreement. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, erployees, or agents are in any manner officers, employees, or agents of the City. Consultant shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation, or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. (b) No employee benefits shall be available to Consultant in connection with performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to~ Consultant as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages; or other compensation to Consultant for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Consultant for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 14. UNDUE INFLUENCE Consultant declares and warrants that no undue influence or pressure was or is used, against or in concert with any officer or employee of the City of Arroyo Grande in connection with the award, terms or implementation of this Agreement, including any method ofi coercion, confidential financial arrangement, or financial inducement. No officer or employee of the City of Arroyo Grande will receive compensation, directly or indirectly,'from Consultant, or from'any officer, employee or agent of Consultant, in connection with the award of this Agreement or any work to be conducted as a result of this Agreement. Violation of this Section shall be'' a material breach of this Agreement entitling the City to any and all remedies at law or in equity. 15. NO BENEFIT TO ARISE TO LOCAL EMPLOYEES No member, .,officer, or employee of City, or their designees or agents, and no public official who exercises authority over or responsibilities wifh respect to .the project during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in any agreement or sub-agreement, or the proceeds thereof, for work to be performed in connection with the project performed under this Agreement. Page 4 of 14 g- ~ 16. RELEASE OF INFORMATION/CONFLICTS OF INTEREST (a) All information gained by Consultant in performance of this' Agreement shall be considered confidential and shall not be released by Consultant without City's prior written authorization. Consultant, its officers, employees, agents, or subcontractors, shall not without written authorization from the City Manager or unless .requested by the City Attorney, voluntarily provide declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories, or other information concerning the work performed under this Agreement or relating to ::any project or property located within the City. Response to a subpoena or court! order shall not be considered "voluntary" provided Consultant gives City notice of such court order or subpoena. (b) Consultant shall promptly notify City should Consultant, its"officers, employees, agents, or subcontractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions, or other discovery request, court order, or subpoena from any°person or party regarding this Agreement and the work performed thereunder or with respect to any project or property located within the City. City retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent Consultant and/or be present at any deposition, hearing, or similar proceeding. Consultant agrees to cooperate fully with City and to provide the opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by Consultant. However, City's right to review any such response does not imply or mean the right by City to control, direct, orrewrite said response. 17. NOTICES Any notice which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Agreement must be in writing and may be given either by (i) personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, which provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) mailing in the United'States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address; of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by notice: To City: City of Arroyo Grande Angela Kraetsch 214 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 To Consultant: DataProse,; lnc. 145,1 N. Rice Avenue Oxnard, GA 93030 Attention:' Chief Executive Officer 18. ~ ASSIGNMENT The Consultant shall not assign .the performance of-this Agreement, nor any part thereof, without the prior written consent of the City. 19. GOVERNING LAW Page 5 of .14 ~g~$ it I The City and Consultant understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties, and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the superior or federal district court with jurisdiction over the City of Arroyo Grande. 20. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this. Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations, and statements, or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is ;entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 21. TIME City and Consultant agree that time is of the essence in this Agreement. 22. CONTENTS OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL AND PROPOSAL Consultant is bound by the contents of the City's Request for Proposal, Exhibit "D", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, ,;and the contents of the proposal submitted by the Consultant, Exhibit "E", attached hereto and inco"rporated herein by this reference. In the event of conflict, the requirements of City's Request for Proposals and this Agreement shall take precedence over those contained in the Consultant's proposals. 23. CONSTRUCTION The parties agree that each has had an= opportunity to have their counsel review this Agreement and that any rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not apply in the interpretation of this Agreement or any amendments or exhibits thereto. The captions of the sections are for convenience and reference only, and are not intended to be construed to define or limit the provisions to which they.. relate. 24. AMENDMENTS Amendments to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall ; be made only with the mutual written consent of all of the parties to this Agreement. 25. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Consultant warrants and represents that he/she. has the authority to execute; this Agreement on behalf of the Consultant and has the authority to bind Consultant to the performance of its obligations hereunder. Page 6 of 14 ~S - q ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto: have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF ARROYO'GRANDE CONSULTANT By: By: Tony M. Ferrara, Mayor Its:. Attest: (Title) Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk Approved As To Form: Timothy J. Carmel, City Attorney Page 7 of 14 g~- l ~ fI _ - J EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK The contracted firm shall provide the necessary, personnel, facilities, equipment and materials to provide utility bill printing .and mailing services,; as requested by the., Finance Department staff. DataProse agrees to provide to Client services defined in Schedule 1.0. During the term of this Agreement, the Client agrees to furnish data a'nd documentation Ifor, and DataProse .agrees to produce a monthly quantity of 3,000 statements based on a twelve (~12) month average ("Minimum :Commitment"), ands; based upon the rates and terms provided herein. In the event that the Client does not fulfill the Minimum Commitment, then Client shall pay to DataProse a Minimum Processing Fee. in an amount that shall be calculated t%ased upon the Minimum :;;Commitment and the rates and terms provided herein. Page 8 of 14 - I ~ !I EXHIBIT B PAYMENT SCHEDULE DataProse, Inc., will provide services based on the rates shown below: Schedule 1.0 -Fees for Goods & Services Paper Bill (Includes: data processing &simplex, 2-color, laser imaging, 8.5x11 white paper, perforated at 3.5" from bottom, #10 double window env., #9 single window reply env.,, folding, inserting, presorting and delivery to USPS) $0.13 Per Bill Search &ViewBill (Includes: data processing, pdf creation, search & access capabilities & hosting of pdf files for 3 months from creation date).. $0.01 Per Bill Other Additional Impressions (2 , 3 , & 4 pages) $0.05 Per Impression Additional Inserts (supplied by client and folded) $0.015 Per Insert Insert - 1/3 page, simplex printed and inserted $0.04' Per Insert Insert - 8.5 x 11 simplex printed and inserted $0.12 Per Insert Insert - 8.5 x 11 duplex printed and inserted ~ $0.08 Per Insert New Bill Insert -custom designed, printed and inserted w/1 S mailing only $0.12 Per Insert No Basic Set up Fee (CityBill or Standard Format and Reports) Charge Technical Services (including additional set-up beyond standard, formatting or custom reports, conditional logic & insert/forms composition) $185.00 Per Hour Freight, Courier & Air Delivery Cost Per Request Fuel Surcharge $7.50 Per Invoice Minimum Monthly Charge -twelve (12) month average $400.00 Per Month Minimum Daily Processing/Production Fee $150.00 Per Day _Postage (1 oz.) $0.341 Per Bill OPTIONS AVAILABLE BUT NOT PROVIDED FOR WITH THIS CONTRACT Additional Search &ViewBill Storage beyond 3 months (As requested by client) $0.005 Per Bill Oversized PDF Surcharge (Group E only) $0.001.5 Per impression Per ViewBill Transmission (Includes: ftp transmission to client site OR Transmission/C files copied to CDROM) $150.00 DROM Additional Disks (If more than one CDROM disk is required for Per Additional ViewBill Transmission (Described above) $10.00 CDROM Page 9 of 14 0~~~~ i 'i Per Address NCOALink -Automated address update service $0.50 Correction NetBill (Subscribed users only) (Includes: Internet bill presentment (24x7 access to customer bills hosted on DataProse servers posting of invoices, email notification of bill availability to customer) & Payment Facilitation (Real-.time credit .card payment Per Credit Card submission & batch processing of all ACH payments for daily $0.35. Transaction processing, daily accounts receivable file creation and delivery to $0.60. or Per ACH client)) 1.25% Transaction NetBill Monthly Maintenance Fee $400.00 Per Month $3,000.00 NetBill Set Up + - Credit Card Set Up $1,000.00 - ACH Set Up $1,000.00 One Time Fee Bill Suppression (data processing only -Group Y. & Z) $0.05 Per Bill Oversized Surcharge (8-99 page bills - :Group C)~; $0.20 Per Bill Oversized Surch"arge (100+ page bills -Group D;& E) $4.00 Per Bill Schedule 2.0 -Permanent Postage Deposit Permanent Postage Deposit (Based on two'(2) months estimated (2 mos. Volume volume of 3,300 statements/month) $2,251.00 * .341) City must maintain a permanent postage deposit in connection with this agreement. City shall deposit in advance with DataProse the initial sum specified in Schedule 2.0 as the permanent postage deposit. The amount required to be maintained on deposit with Consultant may be changed by Consultant on a periodic basis due to changes'~,in City's volume, postage usage, postal rates or payment history. City will be notified in writing and in advance if the deposit amount is changed. Upon termination of this Agreement, Consultant shall return the deposit amount to City after payment for all Services and postage has been paid by the' City. If this Agreement is terminated due to default of City, DataProse may apply any of City's funds it holds against any sum owed by City to Consultant upon termination of this Agreement. IF `;CITY FAILS TO MAINTAIN THE DEPOSIT AT THE REQURED LEVELS, OR IF CITY FAILS;.TO MAINTAIN CURRENT STATUS OF ALL INVOICES AS DESCRIBED IN ARTICLE 2, CONSULTANT MAY IMMEDIATELY SUSPEND ITS PERFORMANCE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT AND WILL HOLD CITY'S MAIL UNTIL THE DEPOSIT IS RECEIVED. Page 10, of 14 ~ _ J3 I EXHIBIT C INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Prior to the beginning of and throughout the duration of the Work, Consultant will maintain insurance in conformance with the requirements set forth below. Consultant will use existing coverage to comply with these requirements. If that existing coverage ;does not meet the requirements set forth here, Consultant agrees to amend, supplement or endorse the existing coverage to do so. Consultant acknowledges that the insurance coverage... and policy limits set forth in this section constitute the minimum amount of coverage required. Any insurance proceeds available to City in excess of the limits and coverage required in this agreement and which is applicable to a given loss, will be available to City. Consultant shall provide the following types and amounts of insurance: Commercial General Liability Insurance using Insurance Services Office "Commercial General Liability" policy from CG 00 01 or the exact equivalent. Defense costs must be paid in addition to limits. There shall be no cross liability exclusion for claims or suits by one insured against another. Limits are subject to review but in no event less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. Business Auto Coverage on ISO Business Auto Coverage from CA 00 01 including symbol 1 (Any Auto) or the exact equivalent. Limits are subject to review, but in no event to °be less than $1,000,000 per accident. If Consultant owns no vehicles, this requirement may be satisfied by a non-owned auto endorsement to the general liability policy described above. If Consultant or Consultant's employees will use personal autos in any way on this project,'Gonsultant shall provide evidence of personal auto liability coverage for each such person. Workers Compensation on astate-approved policy. form providing statutory benefits as required by law with employer's liability limits no less than $1,000,000 per accident or disease. Excess or Umbrella Liability Insurance (Over Primary) if used to meetlimit requirements, shall provide coverage at least as broad as specified for, the underlying coverages. Any such coverage provided under an umbrella :liability policy shall include a drop down provision providing primary coverage above a maximum $25,000 self-insured retention for liability not covered by primary but covered by the umbrella. Coverage shall be provided on a "pay on behalf' basis'; with defense costs payable in addition to policy limits. Policy shall contain a provision obligating. insurer at the time insured's liability is determined, not requiring actual payment by the insured first. There shall be no cross liability exclusion precluding coverage. for claims or suits by one insured against another. Coverage shall be applicable to City for injury to employees of Consultant, subcontractors or. others involved in the Work. The scope of coverage provided is subject:to approval of City following receipt of proof of insurance as required herein. Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions Insurance as appropriate shall be written on a policy form coverage specifically designated to protect against acts, errors;,or omissions of the Consultant and "Covered Professional Services" as designated in the policy ;must specifically include work performed under this agreement. The policy limit shall be no less than $1,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate. The policy must "pay on': behalf of the insured and must include a provision establishing the insurer's duty to defend. The policy retroactive date shall be on or before the effective date of this agreement. Page 11 of 14 4g l~f ;i Insurance procured pursuant to these requirements shall be written by insurer that are admitted carriers in the state `California and with an A.M. Bests rating of A- or `better and a minimum financial size Vll. General conditions pertaining to provision of insurance coverage by Consultant. Consultant and City agree to the following with respect to insurance provided by Consultant: 1. Consultant-agrees to have .,its insurer endorse the third party general liability coverage required herein to include as additional insureds City, its officials 'employees and agents, using standard ISO endorsement No. CG 2010 with an edition prior to 1992. Consultant also agrees to require all Consultants, and subcontractors to do likewise. 2. No liability insurance coverage provided to comply with this Agreement shall prohibit Consultant, or Consultant's employees, or agents, from waiving the' right of subrogation prior to a loss. Consultant agrees to waive subrogation rights against City regardless of the applicability of any insurance proceeds, and to require all Consultants!: and subcontractors to do likewise. 3. All insurance coverage and. limits provided by Consultant and available or applicable to this agreement are intended to apply to the full: extent of the policies. Nothing contained in this Agreement or any other agreement relating 'to the' City or its operations limits the application of such insurance coverage: 4. None of the coverages required herein will be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting endorsement of any kind that has not been first submitted to City and approved of in writing. 5. No liability policy shall contain any provision or definition that would serve to eliminate so-called "third party action over" claims, including any exclusion for;Ibodily injury to an employee of the insured or of any Consultant or subcontractor. 6. All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval, modification and additional requirements by the City, as the need arises. Consultant shall not make any reductions in scope of coverage (e.g. elimination of contractual!; liability or reduction of discovery period) that may affect City's protection without City's .prior written consent. 7. Proof 'of compliance with these .insurance requirements, consisting of certificates of insurance evidencing all of the coverages required and an additional insured endorsement to Consultant's general liability policy, shall be delivered to City at or prior to the execution of this Agreement. In the event such proof of any insurance is not delivered as required, or in the event such insurance is canceled at any time and no replacement coverage is provided,. City has the right, but not the duty, to obtain any insurance it -deems necessary to protect its interests under this or any other agreement and to pay the premium. Any premium so paid by City shall be charged to and promptly paid by Consultant or deducted from sums due Consultant, at City option. 8. Certificate(s) are to reflect .that the insurer will provide; 30 days notice to City of any cancellation of coverage. Consultant agrees to require its insurer to modify such certificates to delete any exculpatory wording stating that failure of the insurer to mail written notice of cancellation imposes no obligation, or that any party will "endeavor" (as opposed to being required) to comply with the requirements of the certificate. Page 12 of 14 ~i 9. It is acknowledged by the parties of this agreement that all insurance coverage required to be provided by ;Consultant or any subcontractor, is intended to apply first and on a primary, noncontributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self insurance available to City. 10. Consultant agrees to ensure that subcontractors, and any other party involved with the project who is brought onto or involved in' the project by Consultant, provide the same minimum insurance coverage required of Consultant. Consultant agrees to monitor and review all such coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity with the requirements of this section. Consultant' agrees that upon. request, all agreements with subcontractors and others engaged in the project will be submitted to City for review. 11. Consultant agrees not to self-insure or to use any self-insured retentions or deductibles on any portion of the insurance required herein and further agrees that it will not allow any Consultant, subcontractor, Architect, Engineer or other entity or person in any way involved in the performance of work on the project contemplated by this agreement to self-insure its obligations to City: If Consultant's existing coverage includes a'deductible or self-insured retention, the deductible orself-insured retention must be declared to.the City. At the time the City shall review options with the Consultant, which may include reduction or elimination of the deductible- or self-insured retention, substitution of other. coverage, or other solutions. 12. The City reserves the right at any time during the term of the contract to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving" the Consultant ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such change results in substantial additional' cost to the Consultant, the City will negotiate additional compensation proportional to the increase benefit to City. 13. For purposes of applying insurance, coverage only, this Agreement will be deemed to have been executed immediately upon any party hereto taking any steps that can be deemed to be in furtherance of or towards performance of this Agreement. 14. Consultant acknowledges and: agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part of City to inform Consultant of non-compliance with any insurance requirements in no way imposes any additional obligations on City nor does it waive any rights hereunder in this or any other regard. 15. Consultant will renew the required coverage annually as long as City, or its employees or agents face an exposure from operations of any type pursuant to'ahis agreement. This obligation applies whether or not the agreement is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until City executes a written statement to that effect. 16. Consultant shall provide proof that policies of insurance required herein expiring during the term of this Agreement have been renewed or replaced with other policies providing at least the same coverage. Proof that such coverage has been ordered shall be:'submitted prior to expiration. A coverage binder or letter from Consultant's insurance agent to this effect is acceptable. A certificate of insurance and/or additional insured endorsement as required in these`. specifications applicable to the renewing or new coverage must be provided to City within five days of the expiration of the coverages. 17. The provisions of any workers' compensation or similar act will not limit the obligations of Consultant under this agreement. Consultant expressly agrees not to use. any statutory immunity defenses under such laws with respect to City, its employees, officials and agents. Page 13 of 14 _ ~ r _ `fig Y~ i 18. Requirements of specific coverage features or limits contained in this section are not intended as limitations on coverage, limits or other requirements nor as a waiver of any coverage normally provided by any given policy. Specific reference to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue, and is not intended by any party or insured to be limiting or all-inclusive. 19. These. insurance requirements are intended to be separate and. distinct from any other provision in this agreement and are intended by the °parties here to be.interpreted as such. 20. The requirements in this Section supersede all other .sections and provisions of this Agreement to the extent that any other section or,, provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this Section. 21. Consultant agrees to be responsible ,';for ensuring that ',no contract used by any party involved in any way with the project reserves the right to charge City or Consultant for the cost of additional insurance coverage required by this agreement. Any such provisions are to be deleted with reference to City. It is not the intent of City to reimburse any third party for the cost of complying with these requirements. There shall be no recourse against City for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect thereto. 22. Consultant agrees to provide .immediate notice to City of any claim or loss against Consultant arising out of the work performed under this agreement..! City assumes no obligation or liability by such notice, but has the right (but'not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve City. Page 14 of 14 q ~ ~ -1 ~J I ATTACHMENT 2 i . ~ i September 5, 2007 Mr. John Garcia Data Prose; Inc. 1451 N. Rice Avenue Oxnard, CA 93030 Dear Mr. Garcia: The City of Arroyo Grande is soliciting proposals for utility bill printing and mailing services and invites your company to participate. Please read the enclosed Request for Proposal and, if interested, submit the required materials by the date indicated. Thank you for your interest. Sincerely, Frances R. Head Accounting, Supervisor CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS UTILITY BILL PRINTING & MAILING SERVICES I. PROPOSAL INTENT The City of Arroyo Grande, California intends to contract for utility bill printing and- mailing services. II. BACKGROUND The City of Arroyo Grande is afull-service city which currently comprises 5.45 square miles and serves 16,582 residents. It is located on the Central Coast of California midway between Los Angeles and San Francisco. The City, provides a full range of services, including police and fire; protection; the construction and maintenance of highways, streets, and other infrastructure; and recreational activities and cultural events. Certain sanitation services 'are provided through the Water and Sewer Funds, which function as a Public Works Department of the City. III. SCOPE OF WORK The contracted firm shall provide the necessary personnel, facilities,; equipment and materials to provide utility bill printing and mailing services as requested by the Finance Department staff. The contracted services shall include the following items: A. Dataprocessing of approximately 2700 - 3600 duplexed, 2-color utility bills per month a. 8.5 x 11 white paper with perforation li. #10 double window security envelope c. #9 single window security envelope B. Fold, insert, bar-coding, presort and delivery to USPS C. Postage D. Optional/Additional Charges for additional impressions and/or additional inserts in various formats E. Ability to search and view bills IV. PROPOSAL FORMAT AND CONTENT Firms desiring to respond shall make their proposals brief and concise, yet with sufficient detail to allow for:.. a thorough evaluation. Each proposal shall include as a minimum the following information in this format: A. Introduction Present an introduction to the proposal describing the firm's understanding of the desired work. B. Qualifications Include a brief description of the firm's background, experience with similar projects, and resumes of key personnel proposed to work on the project. ~g-I~ C. Work Plan Provide a brief description, of the work, plan proposed to carry out the tasks set forth in Section. III -Scope of Work. Proposal shall include the proposed services provided by the firm, general approach and philosophy, D. Costs Submit an itemized cost proposal, which includes the tasks set forth in .Section III -Scope of Work. Cost proposals `shall include all costs to the Agency, including any implementation, training, travel,, etc. E. References List former clients for whom similar or comparable services have been performed. Include the name, mailing address,'and'telephone number of the appropriate contact person. V. SELECTION PROCESS A review committee will make recommendation to the City Council for award of the contract. An oral interview by the panel may be requested. 'Proposals will be evaluated and rated based upon the following criteria: A. Relative experience and qualifcations B. Technical merits of the proposal C. Ability of proposed approach fo meet'the needs of the City D. Cost effectiveness VI. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE Proposals Due. .October 1, 2007 Interviews (if requested). October 15-17, 2007 Select Contractor. .October 26, 2007 Finalize Contract. November 2, 2007 City Council Consideration. .November 13, 2007 Effective Date of Contract. .December 1, 2007 VII. SUBMITTAL A. Submit a total of 4 copies to: Angela Kraetsch Director of Finance P.O. Box 550 214 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 B. Show the following information on the outside of the package: • Firm's name and address • Utility Bill Printing and Mailing Services Proposal 2 ~9-a~ i C. The proposal must be received at the,; above address by the closing date and time. Firms mailing or shipping their proposals must allow sufficient delivery time to ensure timely receipt of their proposals by the time specified. Late proposals will not be accepted. D. Closing Date: All proposals must be received by Monday, October 1, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. E. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals for any or no reason. F. For more information, please contact Angela Kraetsch at 805-473-5430. VIII. LIABILITY INSURANCE Prior to the beginning of and throughout the duration of the Work, Contractor wi// maintain insurance in conformance with the requirements set forth be%w. Contractor wi// use existing coverage to comply with these requirements. If that existing coverage "does not meet the requirements set forth here, Contractor agrees to amend, supp/ement or endorse the existing coverage to do so. Contractor acknowledges that the insurance coverage and po/icy /imits set forth in this section constitute the minimum amount of coverage required. Any insurance proceeds availab/e to City in excess of the /imts and coverage required in this agreement and which is applicab/e to a given loss, will be availab/e to City. Contractor shall provide the fol%wing types and amounts of insurance: A. Commercial General Liability Insurance using Insurance Services Office "Commercial General Liability" policy from CG 00 01 or the exact equivalent. Defense costs must be paid in addition to limits. There shall be no cross liability exclusion for claims or suits by one insured against another. Limits are subject. to review but in no event less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. B. Business Auto Coverage on ISO Business Auto Coverage from CA 00 01 including symbol 1 (Any Auto) or the exact equivalent. Limits are subject to review, but in no event to be less than $1,000,000 per accident. If Contractor owns no vehicles, this requirement may be satisfied by a non-owned auto endorsement to the general liability policy described above. If Contractor or Contractor's' employees will use personal autos in any way on this project, Contractor shall provide evidence of personal auto liability coverage for each such person. C. Workers Compensation on astate-approved policy form providing statutory benefits as required by law with employer's liability limits no less than '$1,000,000 per accident or disease. D. Excess or Umbrella Liability Insurance (Over Primary), if used~~to meet limit requirements, shall provide coverage at least;as broad as specified for the underlying coverages. Any such coverage provided under,. an umbrella liability policy shall include a drop down provision providing primary coverage above a maximum $25,000 self-insured retention for liability not covered by primary but covered by the umbrella. Coverage shall be provided on a "pay on behalf" basis, with defense costs payable in addition to policy limits. Policy shall contain a provision obligating insurer' at the time insured's:~ liability : is determined; not requiring actual payment by the insured first. There shall be no cross liability exclusion precluding coverage for claims or suits by one insured against another. Coverage shall be applicable to City for injury to employees of Contractor, subcontractors or others involved 3 gg _ a in the Work. The scope of coverage provided is subject to approval of City following receipt of proof of insurance as required herein. E. Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions Insurance as appropriate shall be written on a policy form coverage specifically designated to protect against acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor and "Covered 'Professional Services" as designated in the policy must specifically include work performed under this agreement. The policy limit shall be no less than $1,000,000 per claim and: in the aggregate. The .policy ',must "pay on behalf of" the insured and must include a provision establishing the insurer's duty to defend. The policy retroactive date shall be on or before the effective date of this;agreement. F. Insurance procured pursuant to these requirements shall be written by insurer that are admitted carriers in the state California and with an A.M. Bests rating of A- or better and a minimum financial size VII. G. - General conditions pertaining to provision of insurance coverage by Contractor. Contractor and City agree to the following with respect to insurance provided by Contractor: 1.; Contractor agrees to have its insurer endorse thethird party general liability coverage required herein to 'include as additional insureds, City, its officials employees and agents,;, using standard ISO endorsement No. CG 2010 with an edition prior to 1992. Contractor also agrees to require all Contractors, and subcontractors to do likewise. 2. No liability insurance coverage ,provided to comply; with this Agreement shall prohibit Contractor, or Contractor's employees, or agents, from waiving the right of subrogation prior to a loss. Contractor agrees to waive subrogation rights against City regardless of the applicability of any insurance proceeds, and to require all Contractors and subcontractors'to do likewise. 3. All insurance coverage and limits .provided by Contractor and available or applicable to this agreement are intended to apply to the full extent of the policies. Nothing contained in this Agreement or any other agreement relating' to the City or its operations limits the- application of such insurance coverage. 4. None of the coverages required herein will be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting endorsement of any kind that has not been first submitted to City and approved of in writing.. 5. No liability policy shall' contain any provision or definition that would serve to eliminate so-called "third party action over" claims, ;including any exclusion for bodily injury to an employee of the insured or of any Contractor or subcontractor. 6. All coverage types- and .limits required are subject to; approval, modification and additional requirements by the City, as the need arises. Contractor shall not make any reductions in scope of coverage (e.g. elimination of contractual liability or reduction of discovery period) that may affect City's protection. without City's prior written consent. 7. Proof of compliance with these insurance requirements; consisting of certificates of insurance evidencing all of the coverages required and an additional insured endorsement to Contractor's general liability policy, shall be delivered to City at or prior to the execution of this Agreement. In the event uch proof of any insurance is not delivered as required, or in the event such insurance is canceled at any time 4 g -a~- 9 and no replacement coverage. is provided, City has the right, but not the duty, to obtain any insurance it deems necessary to protect its interests under this or any other agreement and to pay the premium. Any premium so paid by City shall be charged to and promptly paid by Contractor or deducted from sums due Contractor, at City option. 8.' Certificate(s) are to reflect that the insurer will provide 30 days notice to City of any cancellation of coverage. Contractor agrees to require its insurer to modify such certificates to delete any exculpatory wording stating that failure of the insurer to mail written. notice:., of cancellation imposes no obligation, or that any party will "endeavor" (as opposed to being required) to comply with the requirements of the certificate. 9. It is acknowledged by;the parties. of this agreement that all insurance coverage required to be provided. by Contractor or any subcontractors, is intended to apply first and on a primary, noncontributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self insurance available'to City. 10. Contractor agrees to ensure that! subcontractors, and any other party involved with the project who is brought onto or involved in the project by Contractor, provide the same minimum insurance coverage required of Contractor. Contractor agrees to monitor and review all such ,coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such coverage .is provided in conformity with the ;requirements of this section. Contractor agrees that upon request, all agreements with subcontractors and others engaged in the project will be submitted to Cityfor review. 11. Contractor agrees not to self-insure or to use any self-insured retentions or deductibles on any portion of the: insurance required herein and further agrees that it will not allow any Contractor, subcontractor, Architect, Engineer or other entity or person in any way involved in the performance of work on the project contemplated by this agreement to self-insure its obligations to City. If Contractor's existing coverage includes a deductible or self-insured` retention, the deductible or self-insured retention must be declared to the City.;. At the time the City shall review options with the Contractor, which may include reduction or elimination of the deductible or self-insured retention, substitution of other coverage, or other solutions. 12. The City reserves the right at any time during the term of the contract to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the Contractor ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such change results in substantial additional cost to the Contractor, the City will negotiate additional compensation proportional to the increase benefit to City. 13. For purposes of applying insurance coverage only, this Agreement will be deemed to have been executed 'immediately upon any party hereto taking any steps that can be deemed to be in furtherance of or towards performance of this Agreement. 14. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part of City to inform Contractor of non-compliance with any insurance requirements in no way imposes any additional obligations on City nor does it waive any rights hereunder in this or any other regard. 15. Contractor will renew the required coverage annually as long as City, or its employees or agents face an exposure from operations;'of any type pursuant to this 5 9 agreement. This obligation applies whether or not the agreement is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until City executes a written statement to',that effect. 16. Contractor shall, provide proof that policies of insurance required herein expiring during the term of this Agreement have been renewed or replaced with other policies providing at least they; same coverage. Proof that such coverage has been ordered shall be submitted prior to expiration. A coverage binder or letter from Contractor's insurance agent to this effect is acceptable. A certificate of insurance and/or additional insured endorsement as required in these specifications applicable to the renewing or' new coverage must be provided to City within five days of the expiration of the coverages. 17. The provisions of any; workers' compensation or similar act will not limit the obligations of Contractor under this agreement. Contractor expressly agrees not to use any statutory .immunity defenses under such laws with respect to City, its employees, officials and agents. 18. Requirements of specific coverage: features or limits 'contained in this section are not intended as limitations on 'coverage, limits or other requirements nor as a waiver of any coverage normally provided by any given policy.~Specific reference to a given coverage feature is fore;; purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue, and is not intended by any party or insured to 6e limiting or all- inclusive. 19. These insurance requirements are intended to be separate and distinct from any other provision in this agreement and are intended by the parties here to be interpreted as such. 20 The requirements in this Sectio,nsupersede all other sections and provisions of this Agreement to the extent that any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this Section. 21. Contractor agrees to be responsible for ensuring that no contract used by any party involved in any way with'the project reserves, the right to charge City or Contractor for the'. cost of .additional insurance coverage required by this agreement. Any such provisions are to be deleted with reference to City. It is not the intent of City to reimburse any third party for the cost of complying with these requirements. There shall be no recourse against City for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect thereto. 22. Contractor agrees to provide immediate notice to City of any claim or loss against Contractor arising out of the work performed under this agreement. City assumes no obligation or liability' by such notice, but has the right (but not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such `claim or claims if they are likely to involve City. 6 ~g -~~f ATTACHMENT 3 ~~~rose~ September 26, 2007 Ms. Angela Kraetsch Director of Finance P.O. Box 550 214 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Reference: Cost Proposal -Utility Bill Printing and Mailing Services Dear Ms. Kraetsch , Thank you for the opportunity to prepare the enclosed proposal for your processing, printing, inserting and mailing needs: DataProse is to be able to meet and/or exceed the requirements requested in your request'for proposal. Upon your receipt and review, please contact me with any questions or needed clarifications. We appreciate the opportunity to bid your requirements and am confident that not only can we meet your specific needs but offer you, additional services that you may not have considered. Your time and consideration are appreciated. We invite, you to tour our facility as part of your consideration process or you may go to our website at www.dataprose.com and do anon-line facility',,tour. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Regards, ~ , John Garcia Account Executive j garcia@dataprose. com (707) 746-1905 Phone (707) 746-1724 Fax - 1451 N. Rice Avenue Oxnard. CA 93030 605.278.7430 805:278.7421 fax www.dataprose.com ~Sg -as Documerrt Tkle: page 1 Last Revised: A~A~~" Informational Pkg 9/25/2007 s,~. suu o) i~ iz~ An In~formationa~,l Package for City~of Arroyo Grande Date: 9-25-07 Prepared by: John'Garaa Account Executive Phone: (707) 746-1905 Fax: (707) 746-1724 E-Mail: jgarcia~dataprose.com DataProse, Inc. 1451'N. Rice Avenue C+xnard, CA 93030 t~ ' i n ~1~ DxumeM TRIe: Page 2 Last Revised: ~TAp1r'OSe" Informational Pkg 9/24/2007 - ' Smarter Suuernerus .0) Beaer Results . Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 Highlights of the Dataprose Proposal ............................:.....................................................4 About Dataprose 5 Overview 5 Expertise 5 Markets 5 Services Offered 5 Statement Print, Finish, and Mail Services.......: ..........:...............................:....:....................6 Perfiormance 7 Applications 7 Ctients 7 Management Team 7 Locations 7 Key Staff ..............................................................................................................................8 Strategic Diredion ...........................................................................:.....................................8 Program Methodology .................................:.........:..:...................................................................9 Implementation 9 Production .................9 Business Continuity ..............................:.........:......................................................................9 Implementation Process ..............................:...........................................':..................................10 Project Plan ..........10 Regular Updates .........................:........:...........:..................................................................10 Procedural Documentation .............................:.................................:..................................10 Production Approval .....................................................................................:......................10 Checklist ..............................................:.:.........................................:..................................10 In Production ...............................................:...........................................:..................................11 Automated Processing ....................................:...................................................................11 Production Flow Chart ........................................................................................................12 g Pncin .................................................................13 References ....................................................:....:...........................................................14 $9~a ~p~ Document Title: Page 3 Last Revised: ~~~~IJJC.- Informational Pkg 9/24/2007 - . Smarter Srtuen~encs 0) Beaer Results Executive Summary You have made the business decision to obtain infom>ation on print and mail outsource providers for the processing of customer billing statements and correspondence. As a leading provider of these services, DataProse appreciates the opportunity to present our unique services to the City of Arroyo Grande and is pleased to meet and/or exceed your requested requirements. DataProse has a successful track record of developing basic and complex billing applications and we want assure you that we fully understand the importance of accurate and timely billing processes. Working in conjunction with your team, we can develop complex Milling applications in a cost effective and timely manner. We strive to exceed our ctient's expectations in quality,', timeliness and customer service. We look forward to working with you on this important project. Working with DafaProse will reduce your risk and promote solutions that offer world-Gass customer communications. We are confident that the service offerings proposed in this document as well as future conversations will meet your current and growing requirements. We are excited about this opportunity and look forward to future meetings where we can discuss your application in order to develop a timely and cost effective solution. DataProse offers services that:cater to the specific needs of the billing industry. Through our expertise and knowledgeable use of technology, DataProse has developed a variety of services that help cities like the City of Arroyo Grande to automate the production of dynamic customer communications such as the billing statement. DataProse's in-depth understanding of different billing software packages, document creation expertise and automation can help you reduce costs and improve Gient communications. In addition, DataProse has developed a specific program that helps organizations produce and manage their customer bills and other related communications. This program includes but is not limited to: • Implemerrtation'and design services for all statements and documents • Data merging from multiple sources to create single statements or combined packages • Effiaent, high-quality print~nish/mail services • A full line of lntemet-based services • Complete maintenance, services to maintain, modify, and enhance all documents and systems The DataProse solution is comprehensive enough to meet the most complex needs of our customers and nimble enough to "meet the requirements of our most basic customers. We are confident in our ability to successfully partner with the City of Arroyo Grande for creating, processing and delivering high quality customer communications. DataProse understands that these are critical "touch-points" that generate revenue and deliver valuable information: &~-ag Document Title: Page 4 Last Revised: Informational Pkg 9/24/2007 ¦ Snutrter Sruremerus 0) Better Results Highlights of the. DataProse Proposal 1. DataProse has implementation experience with more than 450+ customers on various billing, systems and software platforms -spanning the nation from Alaska to New York, Florida';to the Hawaiian Islands'. [n addition DataProse is a partner with TvlerTechnoloaies (Eden Software) and understands the Comdex needs of h If sers. . 2. At DataProse,' our core;competency is in the;produdion of high quality customer communications that',!get results. Our staffs experience, technical expertise and customer management skill's, can help you reduce costs by streamlining the billing process. 3. DataProse offers continuity and stability in a volatile market. We have been in business for over frReen years; with multiple facilities and our outsourdng business is growing at over 15% each year. 4. DataProse has proven effiaeM in manufacturing, but as a technology company, our solutions can help you deliver exceptional customer service by providing appropriate use of technology. To further crystallize our proposed offering, we would like you. to consider a number of additional key features, induding: • Development, configuration, implementation, `and documerrt hosting/retrieval • Maximized USPS automation discounts, using CASS software and in-line sorting as well as NCOALink'for automated mail forwarding • Web-hosted archive for'atl documerrts processed • Spedal handling of bill or correspondence based on your criteria • Web portal view of job status and messaging , • Electronic reports and' data delivery • Custom messaging for your customers based on data fields in your customer information system orl'extemal files • Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (EBPP) • Highly secure and audltable operations, induding SAS 70 Type II certification In summary, our experience in' implementing print-finish-mail solutions provides you with the lowest risk and'greatest potential for success when compared to others that might be °pieced together" to form a solution. DataProse can offer all of,its services under one roof and allow you to manage one relationship that will be highly successful. We trust you will agree that we offer a complete, solution that allows the' City of Arroyo_ Grande to easily manage this portion of the billing process. 1 , ~`g-a`~ Dxument Tihe: Pape 5 Last Revised: Informational Pkg 9/24/2007 smarter Staternenu 0) Betrcr Rendcs About DataProse Overview Co-founded'in 1990 by Xerox,veteran Glenn Carter and Kinko's founder Paul Orfalea, DataProse helps companies market more effectively through improved billing statements and personalized direct mail. DataProse delivers services through its two divisions; DataProse Billing Solutions® and DataProse Direct®. With core competendes in the effedive use of data, database management and cost effedive print technology; DataProse provides integrated turnkey solutions from planning through full-scale implementation. The Company delivers highly flexible, cost-effedive solutions from state-of--the-art high-speed, color laser production fadllties in Oxnard, California and Dallas, Texas. Integrated Database Wrth escalating volumes of print information being disseminated -and decreasing time for and Personalized redpierrts to recognize critical pieces of information -businesses need to ensure that their Print-Mail Expertise vital communication efforts are; noticed, understood and quickly acted upon in order to get the best return on investment. Unlike typical mass mailers, DataProse specializes in highly personalized documents that attract attention and are dear, 'streamlined, and easy fo ad upon. DataProse's proven one-to-one methodology has been highly successful it billing statements, transaction- . marketing statements, and commercial and non-profd direct mail. Because the company emphasizes quality planning - inducting targeted audience profiling, in-depth database segmentation, recipients' preferences, cross-selling and information-content~integration-and through the creative use of its database-forms printers, DataProse has.'the unique ability to deliver print-mail programs with exceptionally high results. Each redpient receives a personalized look-and-feel, a highly tailored marketing message'and relevant,infonnation content, which maps to his or her profile. For statement presentment and customer communications, DataProse's database printing services can be tailored to group preferences - inducting content, formatting, graphical charts, color, personalized summaries and/or full disclosure details. Markets DataProse markets to rapidly growing and dynamic industry segments -inducting finanaal services, telecommunications, utilities, healthcare, non-profrt, business services, and consumer services -where there is a high pay back in disseminating complex or time-sensitive information using methods that generate~'a high rate of response. Services Offered Statement Print 8~ Mail Services Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (EBPP) Complete Process Management Custom Programming Online Job Tracking Searchable Online Bill Archive (DP Search & Vew) .3~ Document Trtle: Page 6 last Revised: J~~~~~:7C. Informational Pk9 9/24/2007 Smarter Suuemerus ' 0) Better Resulu A few examples of the Statement Prfn~ Fln/sh 8' Mall Services above mentioned Sel'Vices DataProse utilizes high-speed, cut-sheet imagers with black and highlight color capabilities. Each printer has a 4-bin capacity with expansion capabilities. The use of Xerox cut-sheet imagers allows;,for the flexibility and effiaency in handling many customized applications for many different types of customers. DataProse employs automated finishing and inserting equipment that uses various OMR technologies, such as 3 of 9 and 2-D bar-coding, along with camera systems that monitor each mail piece. These technologies provide production integrity and flexibility. Each finishing line has at a minimum, 6 intelligent insertion stations that can be optionally triggered based on specific requirements. To optimize postal savings, DataProse uses CASS-certified software for address verification, correction, postal sorting, and reporting. As a part of our service, we can automate delivery of mail to the USPS and provide clients with the address correction information as a report or data' file. This service allows our customers to maintain the most up to date addresses in their customer database. An optional mail forwarding service called NCOALink is also available. This process allows addresses to be updated °during the processing stage and provides an efficient method of forwarding mail at less the cost of traditional mail forwarding services. DP Search 6 V/ew Once documenrts are generated through our processing routine, an electronic archive of each document is created. This archive view is available even before reapients receive their documents and will display an exact view of the document. DataProse offers customers an IMemet retrievat~;service that uses the Web. Through this service, authorized users can retrieve documents and view them in an electronic version, via the IMemet and using a standard browser. DP Job Tiax DataProse's online job tracking system allows our provides our clients with access to job status information 24 hours a d„ay, 7 days a week and 365 days a year, directly over the IMemet. This information is updated in real time to provide the best method for tracking the production run from the start of the job to the finishl~ DataProse clients are assigned unique ID's and passwords and will be authorized to monitor only their job. DP NetBJll DataProse offers a complete Electronic Bill Present 8 Payment (EBPP) solution. Utilizing our servers and processing routines, DataProse can easily facilitate PDF as well as other output options for the presentment of billing statements and other documents over the Internet. DataProse combines the presentment solution with payment options designed to interface with many of the payment gateway processors. This EBPP solution is easily managed through a customized Customer Care Database, on the client's Website, and hosted by DataProse. Payment,;, options include ACH and credit card transactions. Also, you will have the ability to deliverdocuments in various; fashions. ~'g-~I ~p~ Document Tkle: pie 7 Last Revised: ~~~~~lJ~7C.- Informational Pkg 9/24/2007 Smarte. Sracemerus 0) Better Resulc~ Performance DataProse's methodology for, capturing client data from multiple sources and re-formatting information content into personalized print output helps clients deliver more meaningful communications to their recipients. As a result, clients overwhelmingly report a higher return on their investments by partnering with DataProse. Performance results reportedby clients include reductions in customer inquiries, redudions in expenses, faster tall paying and significantly improved dired mail response rates. Applications Applications include Milling invoices, transaction-marketing statements, disclosure reports, dired mail programs, acquisition-retention programs and cross-selling programs. Clients DataProse maintains client relationships with successful organizations such as Kinko's, CompUSA, PricewaterhouseC'oopers, plus over 450+municlpal utilities that provide water, electric, gas and other bundled services to theiF customers. Management Team President: Glenn Carter VP, Sales: William Murray VP, Operations: Fred Fleet Director of Marketing: Alan Denton VP & GM, Oxnard: John Ray VP & GM, Dallas: ~ Curtis Nelson Locations Corporate Headquarters: 1451 N. Rice Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 278-7431- Phone (805) 278-7421- Fax www.dataprose.com West Coast Production Faality: 1451 N. Rice Avenue; Oxnard, CA 93030 ' (805) 278-7431- Phone (805) 278-7421- Fax Southwest Production Facility: 6012 W. Campus Circle Drive, Irving, TX 75063 (972)-871-4447- Phone (972)-550-8907- Fax Contact Person: John Garcia -Account t_xecutive (707x746-1905- Phone (707)-748-1724- Fax jgarcla~dataprose.com ~g-3~ p~ Document Tkle: Page 8 Last Revised: 1 ~~~SC. Informational PkA _ 9/24/2007 Smmrer Suuements o) Beaer Rcsu(u, Key Staff -Levels of Cu~fis Nelson -Vice President and General Manager, Southwest Production Facility. Wdh experience 8 roles to a Bachelor's degree from California Lutheran University, Curtis Nelson has managed be played in the multiple people and locations; for over 20 years: Since 1993, Nelson has applied his experience to the improvement of systems, processes, quality, and teamwork at project: DataProse. John Ray -Vice President and General Manager, West Coast Production Facility. With a Bachelor's degree in Business Management, John has brought 17 years of management experience to the DataProse team, including stints at ICinko's Headquarters, the Department of the Navy, Northrop Corporation, and the US Army. Since 1996, John has held management positions at DataProse with responsibility of the Project Management, Creative, Technical and Production Teams. Scott Menke -Software Development Manager Scott put his Bachelor's degree in business to work as a regional manager for a, large health insurer. After years of seeing inefficiencies in how technology was being leveraged, he moved into application development for customer-oriented systems. Scott brings his expertise in technology and customer relations to every new statement development project at DataProse. John Garcia -Account Executive.l0 years of experience in direct mail and statement processing and information management. John's knowledge of customer communications has helped clients improve their billing. process andcommunicate with their customers more efficiently. John graduated with a Bachelor's of Alts degree from U.C. Davis. Company statement Our primary objective is to help our Gients achieve their goals. We take pride in our abilRy. on strategic direction to deliver effective billing statements while providing an exceptional customer service for the future• experience. We have teamed a great deal over the past years relative to the EBPP market ' offerings and Gienf,requirements and we must stay cuirent and be aware of the changing environment. The DataProse commitment is to be experts in our field and to continuously improve our organization to meet and exceed our Gient's expectations. l i T c~^ Document TRIe: pie g Last Revised: 1 ~~~.lc.. Informational Pkg 9/24/2007 s sue) 13eaer R~ulu Program Methodology Implementation Because DataProse treats each and every projed as a "Custom Developed Program," we take great care and planning the initial programming of your application. You will receive an implementation schedule along with speck responsibilities. Numerous people will be°involved in the completion of your program (both at DataProse and your organization)' - In order to minimize any possible confusion, you will be assigned a Project Manager to coordinate the entire process. Your Project Manager will fadlitate the interaction with these individuals and the experts in your organization. During this process, critical steps will be identified, in',',which you will be required to provide "signoffs" (written approval) to continue with the development of your program. The final step in this process is to run a minimum of one cyde in parallel with your current system. (This is referred to as the °Parallel Testy At this point, you will be provided with the complete set of bills along with an approval document. Once this has been approved, your program is, complete and considered °In Production.° You will now offidally start seeing the benefits of the DataProse way! Production We understand how complicated and frustrating the billing process can be! Because of this, we have developed a convenient, Client-friendly process that allows you to track and follow each cyGelpcojed submitted for production, -From beginning to end. This process has, and continues to evolve out of listening and responding to each of our Client's needs. From the very beginning of our relaGoriship together, you wilt be assigned a Project Manager who,will be !responsible for managing every aspect of your given application.- The purpose is to give you a single point of contact, in; order to make your communication as simple as possible. Your program will be custom developed with your spedfic needs in mind at all times -One of the key DataProse advantages! Once your program has been completed and placed "In Production," you will receive detailed documentation as to the' progress and completion of each billing cyde/projed received. You will soon see how DataProse differentiates itself from the others - Our commitment to your needs and providing each and every diem with service unlike anywhere else. You'll be treated with respell and professionalism that~will leave you believing that no . one else will ever handle your billing process! In the following pages you'll find all of the information that you'll need to get our projed completed and in `Production'. Business. Continuity DataProse understands''that your data is your most valuable asset. Wdh this in mind, we have developed comprehensive measures to ensure our data and faality security is fail- . safe. Physical site security measures such as zoned access and other theft deterrents ensure your information' and materials are handled only by approved personnel. Meanwhile, transmission and storage of your data is protected by state-of-the-art firewall software, data integrity audits, intrusion detection, data' encryption, and password-secure, application access. Additionally; DataProse maintains two production facilities, for business continuity as well as for the growing needs of our customers. These fadlities boast 'mirror" processes and equipment and have a tested disaster recovery plan as well as well as an off-site data center. , ~`g-~~ ,cps Document Title: Page 10 Last Revised: ~~~~~~~C. Informational Pkg 9/24/2007 SnuMe. Sraremerus 0) Better Resulu The Implementation Process Project Plan You will be provided with a project plan as your project commences. This plan will detail the steps that DataProse will take to complete the implementation along with any potentially related costs. Regular Updates This step is normally not necessary, as most of our implementations require less than two weeks to complete. However, for longer implementations (usually more than 30 days) weekly, documented updates will be provided. These updates will detail the progress made each week as'',well as identify any potential risks to project completion. ~ Procedural DataProse will also complete internal documentation during this time - of which, you will Documentation I receive a copy at project com~etion Production Approval Prior to moving into "Live" production, DataProse must have your written approval. You will receive a detailed document`,for approval to move beyond the implementation / development process. Checklist The following page;: must be returned to DataProse. Please select the options listed and applicable) .provide DataProSe:with the appropriate /required information so that we will be able to build the statement that you desire. Be sure to complete the checklist in its entirety so that we will have all the'. information to provide you with your sample. Please feel free to contact us if you are unGear or uncertain about one of, the options listed. You will also find supplemental documents that are attached to this fomt in order to provide more specific details. ? Graphic Format layouts ? Colors List samples ~5-35 T Dxument Title: pie ~ ~ Last Revised: 1 ~~~C- Informational Pkg 9/24/2007 - Smarter Sraremerus BeacT Raulu In Production... Automated All programs implemented by DataProse have been automated to the fullest extent Processing Possible. Upon the receipt of your data, the following'process will automatically begin: ? An email notification will be sent to key DataProse individuals responsible for your application ? Your data-.file(s)-will be ;transmitted to the appropriate location for processing. ? The program will begin ' ? We will perform predefined verification steps','(Developed application by application) ? Once your files have been automatically verified for accuracy, the processing will corrtinue. ? Print files will be prepared (Your bills will then be prirrted and mailed by the next business day for files ('received prior to 10:00 a.m. PST) ? PDF files will be generated ? Electronic data will be downloaded for presentation on the intemet ? Upon completion of the processing, you will tie emailed a processing report (usually within 4 hours of receiving your files), ? .And at the' time your bills have been delivered to the USPS, you will receive a 2nd confirmation of detivery'!(Usually within 4 hours of mail delivery) ' It is only out of our continually changing efforts to meet our Gient needs that we have purposely added several manual steps for verification in orrler,to ensure that the proper attention is given do the accurate and current insert arid insert weight verification and processing verification. ~9 - 3 ~ ~O~ Document Title: Page 12 Last Revised: i ~~lJ?J~. Informational Pk9 .9/24/2007 Svrlarrer Suue?nents 0) eerrer'fi~ufu Production Flowchart WV1NV Interface DPAutoiFTP DataProse' Servers DPAuto Client Mainframe) Fail' fJehuork System 1.} Predefined Verification Pass Or Completion ~'2.i Processing Continues Notification To Client r 3.} Output- Files Created vracsss 6 Ppsro Rocsas i Proparo ProtNS 6 Oupul Pail Figs iDF iiks b 08 br Na1Bil 4.} Perform Suppression (if required} 5.} Laser Image File Fold & Insert Bills ` l 1 osaeeel?Y 6.) Present Mail to U5 Post Office 7.} Confirm, Delivery and . Project Completion to Client ~9 - 3~ ~p~ Document Tdle: Page 13 Last Revised: ~~~~rJC~ :Informational Pkg 9/25/2007 Srnmter Staternerus o) 8eucr Raufcs Overview This pricing has been developed with the City of Arroyo Grande's sper~c requirements in mind. Please review these numbers carefully and let us know if you have any questions. PaperBill Data processing Approximate Monthly Volume Duplex 2-color Laser Imaging = 2700 - 3600 8.5x11 white paper with pertoration #10 double window security envelope $0.13 each #9 single window security reply envelope Fold, Insert, bar-coding, presort and deliver to USPS Minimum Daily Download Fee is $150.00 or the per Piece charge, whichever is greatest. The minimum monthly charge is $500.00 inGuding options and/or additional charges for other services: Postage Unlike some other services, DataProse does the Estimated First-Class Postage { presorting of your mail in-house and never sends it ~ Effective May 2007 per USPS out to a third party for presorting or bar coding. (Less than one ounce) DataProse controls your job from', start to finish. $0.312 to $0.348 Options Charges Search 8 VewBill -Data Processing, PDF file $0.01 per bill creation, search & access capabilities, hosting of PDF files on our servers for 90 days Additional Impressions (2nd, 3"d,'4"' page) $0.05 per Impression Additional Inserts (supplied by dient/folded) $0.015 per insert Insert-1/3 page simplex printed and inserted $0.04 per insert Insert- 8.5"x11" simplex punted 8~ inserted $0.08 per insert Insert- 8.5"x11' duplex printed and inserted $0.12 per insert "New Bill" Insert (custom designed, printed 8~ inserted w/ 1 ~ mailing) $0.12 per insert J NetBill (EBBP) presentment 8~ payment online. Initial setup cost $3,000.00 setup Credit processing setup $1,000.00 setup ACH processing setup $,1,000.00 setup NetBill monthly maintenance fee.. 400.00 per month Credit Card Transaction fee 0.35 per transaction ACH Transaction fee $',0.60~or 1:25% of Vansadion (which ever is greatest) Pricing informatbn is considered confidential and is to be shared with those required within the organization for evaluation purposes only. ? DataProse, Inc does not charge aset-up fee for print and mail services. ? Conditional Logic or Spedal Programming (after initial set-up) billed at $185.00/hour. ? Overweight and foreign mail billed at the amount of excess. Thls proposal is valid for ninety days ~g - 3 ~~p~ Document Title: Page 14 Last Revised: 1 ~~~~~JG Informational Pkg 9/24/2007 Seunrer Sraternenu 0) Better Results 'References 1. City of EI Paso de Robles -1000 Spring Street, Paso Robles, CA 93446 Contact- Ms. Jennifer Sorenson /Finance Manager (805) 237-3898 Volume = 5,000/monthly Contract 1/05 2. City of Grover Beach -154 S. 8~' Street, Grover Beach, CA! 93433 Contact- Ms. Eve Byrd /Assistant Finance Director (805) 473-4550 Volume = 2,200/monthly" Contract 3/04 3. IJtay Water District -2554 Sweetwater Springs Road, Spring Valley, CA 91978 Contact -Alice Schomer /Customer Service Supervisor (619) 670-2223 Volume = 35,000/monthly Contract 1/03 4. City of Santa Barbara - P.O. Box 1990, Santa Barbara, CA 931'02 Contact -Rudolf Livingston / Acctg' Manager (805) 564-5340 Volume =34,500/monthly'Contract 2/07 For Immediate Release: May 14, 2004 DataProse Combines Efforts With Tyler Technologies - Eden/Munis/Inoode. Denver, CO, May 14, 2004 -Tyler Technologies (Eden, Munis and Incode), sof~nrare development and Services Company providing technology solutions to county govemment, has combined efforts with DataProse Billing Solutions to provide ,cost effective billing statements for a variety of city, county and state government needs. ~ p,RROyo V¦~¦ o ~ INCORPOAA7ED ~2 V ~ T ~ ~ JULY 10, 1911 ~ MEMORANDUM c4~~FORN~P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: MICHAEL E. HUBERT,, DIRECTOR OF BUILDING AND FIRE BY: NANCY J. HAGLUND, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY SUBJECT: ..CONSIDERATION TO AUTHORIZE AWARD OF BID FOR PURCHASE OF FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES DIVISION OPERATIONS ROOM WORKSTATIONS AND PARTITIONS DATE: DECEMBER 11, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council authorize, the award of bid to purchase workstations and partitions for the Fire and Emergency Services Division Operations Room to McAllister in the amount of $11,868.39. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Funding in the amount of $13,000 is budgeted in the FY 2007/2008 Fire Impact Fee fund for the Fire Station Expansion Project.', . BACKGROUND: During the Fire Station Expansion Project in 2002 and 2003 the Fire Station was expanded to include six dormitories, a training room, physical fitness room, and operations room for the firefighters and staff. The dormitories were furnished to provide sleeping quarters for the firefighters workirig;24-hour shifts, and the training room was furnished with tables and chairs to ,accommodate daily and weekly training for fire personnel. Because of the tremendous amount of work that was done to expand the station, funds were carefully spent to insure they did not exceed the allotted budget. Furniture for the operations room was. eliminated, including a remodel of the kitchen. During the final review of the proposed FY 2007/2008 and FY 2008/2009 budget, it was determined that there was money available in the Fire Station Expansion Project Fund. Staff determined that the two areas with the greatest priority of needs were the operations room and the kitchen. Therefore, he workstations and partitions have been budgeted in the FY 2007/2008 budget and the kitchen remodel has been budgeted in the FY 2008/2009 budget. ? --f CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION TO AUTHORIZE AWARD OF BID FOR iPURCHASE OF FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES DIVISION OPERATIONS ROOM WORKSTATIONS AND PARTITIONS DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 2 The following bids were received for the workstations and partitions: 1. Tri County Office Furniture,. San Luis Obispo, CA $12,145.03 2. McAllister, Sacramento, CA $11,868.39 3. Modular Systems Specialists,. Ventura, CA $18,571.49 All three bids include tax, shipping, warranty, and installation: Staff recommends that the workstations and partitions be. purchased from McAllister. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: 1. Approve staff's recommendation; 2. Do not approve staffs recommendation; 3. Modify as appropriate and approve staffs recommendation; or 4. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: Redesigning the Operations Room with the workstations and, partitions will provide an additional workstation for personnel. Filing and storage space will be increased to accommodate everyone's needs. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of'' City Hall on Thursday, December 6, 2007. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, December 7, 2007. No public comments were received. gh -2- ~ ARROYO V¦~¦ o ~ INCORPORATED 9Z " MEMORANDUM ~ JULY t0, 1911 c~9~~FORN`P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DOUG PERRIN, DIRECTOR OF PARKS,: RECREATION AND FACILITIES 1~ BY: LES EVANS, CONTRACT MANAGER SUBJECT: AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE ELM STREET RESTROOM ADA UPGRADE PROJECT, PW-2007-12 DATE: DECEMBER 11, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1. approve the plans and specifications for the Elm Street Restroom ADA Upgrade Project, PW 2007-12; and, 2. find that the bid proposal of T..Cannon Construction in the amount of $51,302.23 is non-responsive and reject the bid; and 3. award.: a construction contract for the Elm Street Restroom ADA Upgrade Project to California Coastal Development for the bid amount of $75,089.88 and waive minor irregularities in their bid proposal; and 4. authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the 10% contingency of $7,509.00 for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Funding for construction of the project includes $70,205.24 from 2002, 2005, 2006 and 2007 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, and $12,393.64 of Park Development Funds. The $82,598:88 total covers the $75;089.88 bid plus a 10% contingency. The City has been advised that', the ability to utilize these CDBG funds will lapse on April 30, 2008 and the City may not be able to receives an additional extension. BACKGROUND: The Elm Street restroom ADA project is one of three park projects approved by the City Council for Community Development' Block Grant (CDBG) funding. The other projects are the Strother Park Restroom ADA Upgrade Project and the .,Elm Street Park Community Center ADA Upgrade Project. These projects were identified as eligible for CDBG funding and were endorsed by the City Council through a formal public hearing process. b~ CITY COUNCIL AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE ELM STREET RESTROO;M ADA UPGRADE PROJECT, PW-2007-12 DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 2 The Elm Street restroom ADA upgrade project includes the removal of the concrete flatwork surrounding the existing restroom and construction of ADA compliant ramps and walkways. ADA parking and signage will be upgraded to current standards, as will the nearby drinking fountain. Inside the restrooms, partition walls, grab bars and toilet paper dispensers will be adjusted to meet ADA standards. New stall doors are included in the contract as are modifications to the exterior doors. The contract time for this project is estimated at 60 calendar days. Work is expected to begin in mid'-January and be completed by mid-March as described in the attached project schedule. The project was advertised for 30 .calendar days. The City Clerk opened bids on Tuesday November 20, 2007 at 2:OOpm. There were three bidders on this project. The bids are shown in the table below: CONTRACTOR BID AMOUNT T. Cannon Construction $51,302.23 California Coastal Development $75,089.8`8 Effect Contractors $107,286.33 The Engineer's estimate for the project was $69,241.00. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . ¦ Approve staffs recommendations; ¦ Find the T. Cannon Construction bid;, proposal responsive and award the contract to that firm in the amount of $51,30223 plus a 10% contingency; ¦ Deny all bids and direct staff to re-advertise the project; or ¦ Deny all bids and direct staff to abandon the project. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: There were discrepancies in the low bid of T. Cannon Construction that staff believes renders it "non-responsive." The discrepancies include: 1) addition of an item to the bid sheet; 2) changing three lump sum bid prices to unit prices; 3) retyping the bid sheet with incorrect unit numbers; and 4):not acknowledging two of the three addendums, including the Federal wage requirements. Although California Coastal Development .submitted a bid that lacked an information sheet for each of their subcontractors, this omission is minor and could be waived by the City Council. California Coastal Development has not previously performed work for the City; however, their references were positive. g ~ _a' CITY COUNCIL AWARD OF .CONTRACT FOR THE ELM STREET RESTROOM ADA UPGRADE PROJECT, PW-2007-12 DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 3 Although- T. Cannon Construction submitted the lowest bid' by nearly $24,000, the nature of the. irregularities in the bid ;proposal is serious. The:; substitution of their own bid sheet, the modification of bid items, and the addition of a bid item are highly irregular. Additionally, their failure to`formally acknowledge use of prevailing wage (by completing the -bid proposal form,in its entirety) may put the City at risk if the Federal government audits the project bid package.' ADVANTAGES: Upgrading the restrooms to meet ADA standards. will allow our disadvantaged citizens and City guests the opportunity for equal access to parking, :restroom facilities and a drinking fountain. The project will also allow the City to comply with Federal and State ADA standards. By rejecting. the low bid'as non-responsive,° the City will reduce the possibility of a "flawed" Federally funded contract and a confusing bid sheet. DISADVANTAGES: By rejecting the non-responsive low bid the City will be spending nearly $24,000 more to complete the project than it would have by accepting the lowi,bid. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project has undergone review- according to the National Environmental Policy Act and is a Categorically Excluded activity per'24 CFR 58.35(a). The project has also been reviewed according to the California Environmental Quality Act and- is Categorically Exempt per section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of ''City Hall on Thursday, December 6, 2007. The Agenda and report were posted on the City!s;website on Friday, December 7, 2007. No public comments were received. Attachments: 1. Bid Opening Log Sheet 2. Project Schedule g; - 3 l p,RR O y0 ~ i o~ cp , ATTACHMENT 1 iNCOHPOR~I`ED 92 ~ ti V ~ M ~ JULY t0, t8tt * ~ ~ i cq~~FOR~~P BID OPENING LOG SHEET CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEADLINE: November 20, 2007, 2:00 p.m. Elm Street Restroom ADA Upgrades COMPANY TOTAL Effect Contractors $107,286.33 Nipomo, CA . California Coastal Development $75,089.88 Pismo Beach, CA T. Cannon Construction $51,302.23'. Nipomo, CA 1 Kelly Wetmo City Clerk c: Director of Public Works Director of Parks;: Recreation and'; Facilities . City Manager . ATTACHMENT 2 i Tentative Project Schedule for -Elm Sfreet Restroom ADA'Upgrade (City Project No, PW-2007-12) Bid Opening (Tuesday, 4:00 p.m. City Council Chambers)... November 20, 2007 Notice of Award ............................................................December 11, 2007 Notice to Proceed .............................................................January 15, 2008 i Construction .Start Date .....................................................January 15, 2008 Contract Completion (60 calendar days) ..................................March 15, 2008 I 8. j. ~ pRRO~~ d C,p INCOflPORATED 9 F. Z tJ ~ IT * JULY /0, 1911 c~~~FORN~P MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL ` FROM: 'DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER` BY: `.VICTOR DEVENS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER -DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: .CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE PARCEL MAP AG 04-0614; SUBDIVIDING .94 ACRES INTO TWO (2) COMMERCIAL PARCELS LOCATED AT 1375 E. GRAND AVENUE DATE: DECEMBER 11, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve "Firial .Parcel Map 04-061:4; subdividing .94 acres into two (2) commercial parcels located at 1375 E. Grand' Avenue. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact. BACKGROUND: The real ,property underlying Final Parcel Map AG 04-0614!.; is owned by Courtland Village, LLC. The property is located.: at 1375 E. Grand Avenue. The map divides .94 acres into two (2) commercial lots of 20,527 square feet. The current zoning .for this property is Gateway Mixed Use (GMU). The Final Map is consistent with the Tentative Parcel Map 05-002, approved by the Planning Commission on March 7, 2006. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are .provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve the final map, - Do not approve the final map. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: This map was approved by the Planning Commission on March 7, 2006, and subject to conditions of approval. The conditions ` ipclude requirements from the Planning, Building, Police, Fire, Parks and Recreation, and Public Works, Departments. The map includes a ten foot public utility and street tree easement along East Grand Avenue `~J.~~ - - CITY COUNCIL .CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE PARCEL MAP AG 04-0614; SUBDIVIDING .94 ACRES INTO TWO (2) COMMERCIAL PARCELS LOCATED AT ;1375 E. GRAND AVENUE DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 2 _ frontage. The owner is also required to dedicate a 15-foot water line easement to provide for a publicly maintained fire hydrant. ADVANTAGES:. The property will be subdivided into two commercial parcels located at 1375 East Grand Avenue within the City's Gateway section. Although the intended use has not been specifically identified, the commercial designation allows for use that will generate additional sales tax revenue. This project assists in accomplishing the City's economic development goals in the Gateway segment of the East Grand .Avenue corridor. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages were identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The agenda for this meeting was posted on December 6, 2007. The agenda and this staff report were posted on the City's website on December 6, 2007. As of the writing of this staff report, no public comment had been received. Attachments: 1. Final Parcel Map AG 04-0614 IIAG-FP11SharedlPublic WorkslEngineeringl0evelopment ProjectslConditional Use PermitslYEAR 20051CUP 05-007 - 1375 E. Grand - MooreICITY COUNCILIMAP APPROVALIStaff Report-Final Map Approval-PM AG 04-0614.doc li ii ~ OWNER'S STATEMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR'S SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT - II WE, THE UPDERSIGNE°, HEREBY ST^1E 1H^T WE ^RE ^LL T!E °`"A~ERS °F, Ar° ALL'IE STATEMENT TMS M4P WAS PREPARED BV OR UDDER MY DIRECTION APD IS BASED U'ON A FlELD SIINEV IN RECORgiOLOERS OF SECUPoTY INTEREST IN,AM ALL PARTIE3IWVING ANY FECORD TITLE COPFOFtlAM1CEWffHTHE fEOUIREMENTS OF TIE SUBDIVISION MAP ACfAMLOCAL ORDINANCE ~i INTEREST IN TFE REAL PROPERTY INCLUDED WITMINTIE SU3DIVISIONAM PR°JECf SHOVdi ON ATTlE FEOIEST OF COU7IIAM VILLAGE, LIC IN MAY, 2005. THEREBY STATE THAT THS PARCEL THS MAP, AM THAT EAQ1 OF L6 DOES HEREBY CONSENT TO THE FILING AMVIXi RECORDA.TON I HEREBY STATE THAT THIS MAP OF PARCEL MAP M. AG W-0614 SU3STANRALLY CONFORMS TO lIE MAP SUBSTAMIALLV COIFOfd43 TO THE CONDITIONALLY APPROVED TENTATIVE MAP. I ALSO OF THIS MAP. TENTATIVE MAP TIEFEOF, APPROVED BV PLANNNG COMMSSION OF llE qTY OF AFROVO GRMPDE. HEREBY STATE THAT ALL TIE MONUAENTS SHOWN HEREON ARE OF THE CRARACTERAM OCCUPY THE POSITONS INDICATED, OR WILL BE SET IN SUCH POSITIONS WTMNONE YEAR OF TIE ' WE IEREBV DEDICATE TO TIE PUBLIC THE EASEMENTS FOR Sf7EET TREE PLANTING AM ~ RECORDATION OF THIS MAP AND THAT THE MON/MEMS PRE OR WILL BE SUFICIEMTO ENABLE , ~ ~ MAINiENMJCE AM WATER LINE PVRPOSES SO DESIGNATED ON THIS MAPAMALL VSES INCIDENT THE SURVEY TO BE RETRAOED. - - ' COMAIUNITV DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DALE ND ~ THERETO. _ _ _ _ _ CITY OF PPROVO GRMDE _ - - 25~n RETC 4 Y, ' WE HEREBY RESERVE TO IXIRSELVES, OUR HEIRSAM ASSIGNB FOR THE USE PND BEIEFR OF - ~ v ~ Po ~ TIE SEVERAL PUBLIC UTILITY COMPANES WHLH ARE AUIFIOPoZED TO SERVE IN BALD SUBDIVISION, CITY CLERK'S STATEMENT PALL E. REIgiARDT, L.S. 5693 - EASEMENTS FOR PVBLIC Vf1LTTY PUf80SES, DELIIFATED ON SAID MAP AS9LBLIC UTILffY (EXP. 9/302009) LI`'nO'~ I EASEMENT' OR P.U.E.'. * E.pne amm - - I, THE UId1ERSIGNED CLERK OF TFE CITY OF AFROVO GRANDE, DO HEREBY STATE IFWTTFE qTY WEMEREBV RESERVETO OIRSELVES, OUR HEIRSAMASSIGNS CERTAINPRIVATE ACCESS, ENGINEER ACTING ONBEHALF OF TIE CTTV COUJCIL AND THE CITY OFARROYO GRATES,STATE - 9t oFCAL ~ REq PROCAL INGRESS, EGRESS, WATERLIPE, DRAINAGE AND PPoVATE U71LfTV fJ SEMENf3 FOR OF CALIFORNA, DID ON 2M7, APPROVE lHS MAP OF TIE USE AM BENEFIT OF TIE PRESENT OR FURIRE OWIERS OF THE lOlS AFFECTED BV SUg1 - PARCEL MMP M. AG 06-0676 AM IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SUBdVISION MAP ACTAM LOCAL - EASEMENTS AS DELINEATEDON SAIOMIP. OPo)INANGE AMTHE OFFERS OF DEDICATION FOR THE EASEMENTS FOR STREET TFEE PLANTING ~ AM MAINTENANCE AM WATER LINE PUF80SES WERE ACCEPTED ON BEFV LF OF TFE PU3lIC. ' I COURTLAM VILLAGE, LLC, A CALIFOFNA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY j BV: EDWIN AND CAROLYN MOORS REVOCABLE FAMILY TRUST, MWNGEI20F COIfiILPTDNLLhGE, LLC DATED q1Y CLEPo( OF TIE CITY OF APoaOVO GRAPDE, I, DON SPAGMLO, qTY EMIMEER OF TIE QTY OF ARROYO GRAMS, DO HEREBY STATE THAT I BV: ~ COUT'OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STALE OF CALIFORNA HAVE EXAMINED THS MAP, TI44T THE SUBDIVISION SHOWN IEFEONIS SI.BSTANf1ALLY THE SAME AS IT APPEARS ON THE APPROVEDTEMA7IVE MAPAND ANY APPROVED ALTERATIONS TlEFEOF, I ~ AM Tf14T ALl PROVISIONS OF THE SU3DIVISION MAP ACTAM ALL APPLICABLE OFIDINAN(ES OF BENEFICIARY'S STATEMENT - RECORDER'S STATEMENT TIE°TTY DFARRDYD GRANDE WIVEBEEN COMPLIEDWTTH FILEDTT7S DAY OF .2001, AT ~~„IN BOOK OF LOS PADRES BAN(, BEMFIgARV IMDERA DEEDOFTPoISTRECOFiDED MVEMEER 10, 2004, AS PAFaF1 MOPS AT PAGES .AT Ilf REQUEST OF PALIE REIgWd7f. DON SPAGNDLO,RGE, x2993 DATE INSTRU.tENf M. 2006099330 OF OFFICIAL RECOPo3S. ~ (EXP. 3/312008) DOC. M. _ FEES.. - - , - - JULIE L. RODEWALD 8V: ACKNOWLEDGMENT °OUNTV RECORDER DEPUTY REOORDER I CRAIG CAMPBELL. ACTING ON BEHALF OF TFE CRY ENGINEER OF lIE qTY OF ARROYO GRAMS, - _ - _ RECD RDER'S~~DISCL/'11MER-. _ DD FEREBY STATE THATI HAVE EXAMNED TE MAP SHOWNIEPEGN.AMTiAT1AM BAT,SFlED. STATE OF CALIFORMA ~ THAT THIS MNPIS TEQ4J CAlLV OORRECf. - - - COUNTY OF _ - _ TFE TABU.ATION LISTIM AM NUMBEPoM OF ANY SEPARATE DOCUAEMS AURgPo2ED TD BE ' I ON REFgE ME. - RECORDED COMURRENRV WRH THE MAP HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BV THE SUBDIVIDER OR LOCAL ~ - ~ AGENCY APPROVING THE MAP. THE COUNTY RECOFtOER MAKES M REPFESEMATONS . PERSONALLY APPEARED . PEASONALLV ~ CRAIG CAMPBELL, L.S. 5261 DATE j KMWNTO hE(OR PROVEDTD ME ON 7}E BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIOENCE)TO BE TIE REOARpNO THE ACCIItACY OF TIE TABU.ATON LISTM AM NUdBEPoNG OFANY SEPARATE (EXP. 7 2/312 0 0 7) - PERSON(S)WMSE NAME(S)IS/PRE SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSIRU.ENTPfD DOCUMENTS REFERRED TO ONTHIS MAP. II AIXMWLEDGED TO ME THAT ME/SME/1}EY EXECUTED THE SAME IN HS/HER~iHEIRAURiDPo2ED _ THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS WERE RECOPo]ED OOMgaa'ENTLY WITH THE MLAP: - , CAPACITV(IES), AND THAT BY MS/HEWTiE1R SIGNATURE(S) ON THE INSTPoArEMTFE PERSON(S), OR THE ENTITY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(S) ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTPoAENf. CCBPoS PER DOQBMEM NO. 2007- . - ACCESS, REQPRDCAL INGRESS, EGRESS AN00RAll`NGEEASEMEMPERD000MEMM.20W- ACCESS, REgPROCAL IMRESS, EGRESS AND DRAT W1GE EASEMEM PER DOCUMEM M. 2007- MTARYSIGNATUPE PLBA£PPoNTEO PPoVATE WATERLIM EASEMENT PER DOCUMEMM.2007- ' PPoVAIE DRAINAGE EASEMEM PER DOCUMENT M.2007- ' COIMTY OF SAN LUS OBISP0, G4 - PPoVATE BEWER EASEMEM PER DOCUAEMM.2007- - MTARY COM.aSSION EXPIRES PUBLIC Vf1LITY EASEMENT PER DOCUMEMM.2007- PU3LIC IJfILTTY EASEMEM PER DOCUMENT M. 2007- ~ _ . NOTARY ODMTAISSIONNUIBER.. _ PUBLIC Uf1LffY EASEMENT PER DOgMENf M.2007- - - - - PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTPER DOCUMEM M:2007- - _ PUBLIC VTILT'EASEAEMpER DOCIa.£Nf M.2007- I -PAR~C~E~L MAP--:. ACKNOWLEDGMENT PURL,C UTILfTV EASEM£NTPER DOCUMM M.2W7- ~ _ STATE OF CALIFOFNA RETAINM WALL EASEMENT PER DOCUdENT M.2007- A\/ 04-0614 COVNTV OF ~ SLOPE EASEMENTPLR DOC1AENf M.2007- MUTUAI EASEMEM AGREEMEM PER DOCUMEM M. 2007- - ~ oN BEFORE ME. IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE; COUNTY OF PERSONALLY APPEAFED - PERSONALLY y. SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA D KMWNTO AE(OR PImVED TO ME ON TIE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE)TO BE TIE hti 5 PERSON(s)wHOSE NnME(s)IaARE SVesatIBED TO THE WTHIN INSIRUMENTAM' BEINGASUBDIVISIONOF PORTIONSOF LOTS7AND2AND~ ~ AgcMWLEOCfiO TD ME TiAT HErsHEmEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN NSrrEwnEIRAVmor:rgD ~ ABANDONED GRANDE AVENUE PER THE MAP FILED IN BOOK CAPACITY(IES), AND TINT BV HIS/HERRHEIR SIGNATU2E(S) ON THE INSTPoIMEMTIE PEPoBON(S), B OF MAPS AT PAGE 75, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. 1~ ~ OR THE EMITY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(S) ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTfi.*£Nf. ~ - - Y r 8 - o~ PREPARED AT THE REQUEST OF COURTLAND VILLAGE. LLC BY: e.ign 8 za:~`~ prohasbnala A NOTARY SIGNATUE NAME PPoNTED _ COIMfY OF SAN LUS OBISPO, C4 c~JO u 8 MTARV COMASSION EXPIRES ~ c - - eMl en9lnsen . hnd survayon .land plennan Z NOTARY ~MTIISSION NUdBER Hhp ,T ~ 1998 tanta barbsra al • san lab oWapo, a 93M1 N'~ PM:995T519-0858.amelF.ada~adalnueam VICINITY MAP NO SCALE FIRSTAMEPoGANTfTLE 4001-1888898a DATE: 8-10-06 ®J.N 2.2468.300 ®SIEET 1 OF 3 SLEETS - ~ V PARC_FI_ ] PARCEI i i Pry ~ ~ ~ P1`/1 FD W11L 8 TAG 1S 7318' ON 1' PROD OF ~IE CORNER PER R7 - 14.06'M8R7 N 3°15'07" E 322.44' M & Ri 161,23' - 1fi1.2T ' 60' FD 3//' IP 75 3677' PER R7 - - - FD 5'8'NAILB TAG IS ]318' - - ~ - ON COLUA4J PER Rf I ti1 & ~ 1\1.1 m m l ~ ~ i ~ r PARCELI 3 PARCEL2 3 20,527 S.F. - 20,527 S.F. ~ 3 S~ c m ~ ~ e z m m 6 Z Z I ~ ~ FD 5i8'REBAR AND 1 ~1\C~ ~ CAP'LS 5693'PER Ri - JF P~vI J-^r - 161.23'.:161.27 50' 99.00' M 8 Ri 223,60' M 8 R1 I N 03°15'00" E 322.50' M & Ri . "BASIS OF BEARINGS" , PARCEL 3 PARCEL i I PARCEL MAP ~ AG 04-0614 ~ LEGEND IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, COUNTY OF a SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA EXTERIOR BOUNDARY BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PORTIONS OF LOTS 1 AND 2 AND = PROPERTY LINE ABANDONED GRANDE AVENUE PER THE MAP FILED IN BOOK 6 CENTERLINE EASEMENT INFORMATION BOF MAPS AT PAGE 75, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. g • FOUND 5I6" REBAR AND CAP "LS 7318' PER Rt - amlBn R UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE romwienals SET 5/6' REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP "LS 5693" - SEE SHEET 3 FOR ALL EASEMENT INFORMATION - ~ P R1 22 C.R 96 M MEASURED ' BASIS OF BEARINGS P.U.E. PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT SCALE: 1'20' BEARINGS HEREON ARE BASED ON FOUND MONUMENTS civi an9inwn . mnd survayon . mno pann«s ALONG THE EAST LINES OF PARCELS 1 AND 3 OF 56 P.M. 54, 1~phhc W 5194858 wndl!•tla®MPalnc,cnm401 M ~ 20 0 20 40 SAID BEARING BEING N 0°03'15' E PER R7 DATE: 6-10-06 ~ J.N. 2.2469.300 0 SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS rW i R=30.00' ®PUBLIC WATERLINE EAGFIAENT. d=39°15'31° Pr\Kr'_F _ ~l PARCLI_ ~ L=zoss _ _ ®PUBLIC STREET TREE PLANTING d MNNIENNJCE FA•FN.ENT. ~ - - - - _ I / C) A A ~I 1 I / P A A ~I ©PUeuC U1TLITY EASBAENTS. 1 1 / N109°'1/15•orE Jiz2 oz __s 1 1 lYl YJ Q PRIVATE ACCESS. RECIPROCAL INGRESS, EGRES880RNNAGE ' EASEMENT FOR TXE BENEFR OF PARC~L10F 1]PM 43. 'I`^ SCALE: i'~20' Q2'%10'RETAINING WALL EASEMENT FCR TXEBENEFIT OF I`+ ~i~ N3°15'07-E 372.44' 20 0 20 40 PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL MM AG 0406M. ©15'PRNATESEWER EASEMENT FOR TILE 6ENEFIT OFPMCEl.2 idt p(Y - 20.23' _ OF PARCEL MAP AG M-0611. f0' 9961' )0 - dI.B2' - 6381' 9160' \,y F// ,I I * * I GQ SLOPE EASEMENT FOR THE BENEFT OFPMGEL 20F PARCEL fir. 4 A r ~I, 11 /Y ~ i +„U ai MAP wG 04Gi11. ~ \ ? _ ' N~03 iS'07 E 10410 _ - ' ~ ~ + ®PRIVATE ORAINAGEd UTILITY EA6ENEM FORIXE BElENI OF - ~ _ w ~k - - PARCElS1d20F PARCEL MAP AG M-06W dPMCE110F 1] I ~ 187.85'~I i'~ 1~* + I ' R=20.00' III''' + + +I,~ 1021.tY ACCESS, RECIPROCAL INGRESS EGR[SSd IXtMIAGE 427°1719° ~ N~3 ~ 1*~ EAPEAG pI$1L TXE BENEFIT OF PARCEL51 d2GF PMm L-9.50' °3 y ~I ' * • I I/,)(Y ( I 95.51• 4 + *i QJ 31'PRIVATE WATERLINE FOR iXE BETIFEn OF PARCa10F 2'/~ i~~ r:- ~ 1 PARCEL MAP AG 09-0Gil r i ~~l I - 2 ~ N3 /5YJ E1~.99' '////////~]''y{/~//T RQ PRIVATE WATERLINE FOR THE BENEFITOF PARCEL51 d2CF ~.Y>H S/Y}'/jAj~/J _L/J_L~,I ~1//~//j °iI PARCEL MAP AG D4Afitt ~~~1 Lit uL'-' - -~/-~~_d~ I N3°157J7°E 9552' ~ ni - 1 ' 31 3~ PARCEL 1 ~I' „y~ * $I~ PARCEL 2 ~ $ 20,527 S.F. ;r+„ ~*++`„°2~^ 20,527 S,F. :1- V' J e m 77 _ _zl*~~v# . I _ _ _ _ - - ~ „ ~-~,v~, * FOR P.U.E. INFORMATION. - 7400•+ ~~~1 - SEE DETAIL AT LOWER LEFT - ,d~,~, i ~•I t~- i PARCEL ~ r * !I 't I~~ I I N3'15T17-E _ z I I - ip ip Al - 1P _ N3'1500'E 372.50' / / '~j I I I ~ I 4' i_-~hr 1__ i i I F PARCr I J^ ~ i i -----PARCr I -i; -y~---t--- i i i 1 I I ~6 PM ~4 / i --i lj j-1o J~ P J 1 I I _ ' __i___L_J_____-__~ / I/ I I I I --1 I-+9' I / cn"~ 10' I I 't i!'> X10' I I ~I / J EASEMENT NOTE: ALL OFFSITE EASEMENTS ~ ~ I I I - I ARE RECORDED CONCURRENTLY WITH THIS I I I I I I I I I I I I MAP. THE RECORDING DATA IS AS NOTED IN / I / THE RECORDER'S DISCLAIMER ON THE ~ ~ I I I I I I CERTIFICATE SHEET. I I 1/ y I I I I I - 1 I 1 I I ' / / - - I. I _ - _ _ _P.U.E. DETAIL L__ ~ ZF> i I L / . I I I e ~ PARCEL .MAP ~ c ° EASEMENT LEGEND PARCEL 1 °°~~°~~~_s,a !1+, PARCEL 2 ~ - - --~6•;°}n,-P a,; P.U.E. PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT AG 04-0614 ~f 'aN a°ib'Q'1'a 8x.00'• • m rs , ° N3°75Y10:E 74.W~~-°a:r °•I'~?•O.•°°a,a:~M PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, COUNTY OF s 1 ~ -1g';~g ~°°,<°I~ 8 SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA C;:+°°teJ 5.80' ° F;;.Ir, I°° :aaT m O PUBLIC WATER LINE EASEMENT BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PORTIONS OF L0T51 AND 2 AND ~ ~C:a~°,~I $ ° laa;~m ~~;:°°aimN 'f z PRIVATE DRAINAGEBUTILITY EASEMENT ABANDONED GRANDE AVENUE PER THE MAP FILED IN BOOK ~ Paa;°^;:af °°;I 'lo;aa;, ® BOF MAPS AT PAGE 75. RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. .15'.• ~ 25.15' 107.66' PRIVATE ACCESS, RECIPROCAL INGRESS, - eulgn m I I I I ~ EGRESS 8 DRAINAGE EASEMENT proleasionak ~ -I ©I- Jt © Y- a I I I I ~ P.U.E.. PUBLIC WATER LINE EASEMENT 8 PUBLIC I I _ ~`~K CAL' J ~ ~ STREET TREE PLANTING &MAINTENACE EASEMENT I I J F P N~ J!~ I I dYa an9lnaan, . Iona aNNaye,.. Iona planners 1 I I I 1996 aallta ba]bnra st • asn lula oblave, ca 93407 I EASEMENT INFORMATION SHEET ph: 80 515 49 2 6 51.smWl:ada®sddnc.com I i I I DATE: B-10-0fi ~ J.N. 2.2469.300 ~ SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS W r~ V ~ pRROyO V¦~¦ o ~ INCOgPOAA7E0 92 V ~ T ~ JULY 10. ,s„ MEMORANDUM c4~~FORN~P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: MICHAEL E. HUBERT, DIRECTOR OF BUILDING AND FIRE SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF JOINT RESERVE FIREFIGHTER PROGRAM AND AMENDMENTS TO: THE RESERVE FIREFIGHTER COMPENSATION PLAN DATE: DECEMBER 11, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City. Council: 1) Approve the proposed Joint Reserve Firefighter Program; and 2) Adopt a ',Resolution amending the Compensation Plan for- Reserve Firefighters. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Proposed changes to compensation are within amounts allocated in the FY 2007-08 / FY 2008-09 Bi-Annual Budget. BACKGROUND: Currently, part-time Fire Department'! members receive hourly wages for. provisionally staffing the station on a part-time!' basis, ' 24-hours a day and compensation, for emergency response call back. Hourly wages are determined. by the position the part- . .time staff member is filling. Emergency response call back wages are based on the part-time staff member's rank and qualifications. Over the past few months, a Committee made up of members from the Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach, and Oceano Fire Departments have met to discuss enhancing the part- . time firefighter program. As a result;; recommendations for a Joint Reserve Firefighter Program have been developed. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: 1. Approve staff's recommendation; 2. Do not approve staff's recommendation; 3. Modify as appropriate and approve staff's recommendation; or 4. Provide direction to staff. CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF JOINT RESERVE FIREFIGHTER PROGRAM AND AMENDMENTS TO THE RESERVE FIREFIGHTER COMPENSATION PLAN DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 2 ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The purpose of the new Reserve Firefighter Program is to develop qualified part-time firefighters within the Arroyo Grande, Grover .Beach, and Oceano Fire Departments with the goal of promoting cross-staffing opportunities to the Reserve Firefighter ranks within all three organizations. This new program will ensure minimum staffing levels are met in order to provide fire ground safety; better: service to our citizens and promote fiscal responsibility through further cooperative partnerships. As part of the new Reserve Firefighter Program, staff has developed a new rank structure and staffing guideline. Each fire station will staff 9 - 12 Reserve Firefighters, each assigned to a specific division. Entry-level firefighters will join the Department as a Trainee Firefighter and will be required to' complete all recruit level firefighter training prior to filling part-time shifts. Once completed, they will be promoted to the position of Probationary Firefighter, where they will complete the basic. entry level training in addition to completing a full year of service prior to being taken off probation and earning the rank of Firefighter. Once at the '.:rank of Firefighter, part-time personnel will be permitted to participate in mutual aid assignments, as well as Firefighter II and Driver Operator training. The rank of DriverOperator recognizes the advanced level firefighter who may be permitted to fill in for an absent career Fire Engineer. The new rank structure also includes the position of Fire Support Personnel, which provides current members of the Department with continued' opportunities to serve our communities in non-emergency support roles. In order to implement the program, staff is requesting the City Council approve a new classification and compensation plan. This new plan has been adopted by the City of Grover Beach and will be presented `to the Oceano Community Services District in the near future with the goal of creating an identical rank structure and pay scale within all the three jurisdictions. In addition, since the City of Arroyo Grande is the only agency out of the three that uses the title of Volunteer Firefighter, we request the position title be changed to Reserve Firefighter. 'The Fire, Oversight Committee has reviewed and approved the proposed Reserve.. Firefighter Program with the recommended compensation plan: Position Current Compensation Proposed Compensation Driver Operator $10.00 per hour $12.00 per hour Firefighter $9.00 per hour $11.00 per hour Trainee Firefighter None $10.00 per hour Fire Support Personnel Current rank $10.00 per hour; if currently Captain, $11.00 per hour $K-a CITY COUNCIL , CONSIDERATION OF JOINT :RESERVE FIREFIGHTER PROGRAM AND AMENDMENTS TO THE RESERVE FIREFIGHTER COMPENSATION PLAN DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 3 ADVANTAGES: With the development of the new Part-time Reserve Firefighter Program now complete, the Committee has identified the following program benefits: • An increased pool of personnel available to fill part-time shifts at each station • Daily application of standardized training criteria within all three stations • Provides each jurisdiction with a greater shared number of fully trained and qualified personnel to respond to major incidents and disasters • Allows for cost savings with the implementation of a joint recruitment program • Increases fire ground safety for personnel DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of :City Hall on Thursday, December 6, 2007. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, December 7, 2007. No public comments were received. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE JOINT RESERVE FIREFIGHTER PROGRAM AND AMENDING THE RESERVE FIREFIGHTER COMPENSATION PLAN WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande ("City") utilizes Reserve Firefighters as a critical component of its Fire Department and. fire protection services; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande deems it in the best interest of the City to adopt the Joint Reserve Firefighter Program and amend the Reserve Firefighter compensation plan herein provided, and add the position of Fire Support Personnel NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: 1. Reserve Firefighters will be paid at the following hourly rates: Driver Operator $12.00 Firefighter $11.00 Trainee/Probationary Firefighter $10.00 Fire Support Personnel $10.00 2. Effective January 18, 2008; in conjunction with the new work schedule implementation for full time staff, overtime shall be paid at time and one-half of the employee's base salary for: all actual hours worked in excess of one hundred eighty-two (182) hours in a twenty-four (24) day cycle and in accordance with the Fair labor Standards Act (ELBA). 3. The City shall continue to provide Workers' Compensation insurance for Reserve Firefighters for injuries/accidents that occur while performing services for the City. 4. All resolutions, regulations, and order that are inconsistent herewith, including but not limited to, Resolution No 3762, Resolution No. 3603, and Resolution No. 3928 are repealed. 5. This Resolution shall become effective as of January 1, 2008. ~I RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 On motion of Council Member ,seconded by Council Member and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of , 2007. ~,k~~ RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK I APPROVED'AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY I. ~ ~ 0 8~1¦ ~ pRRO y0 I ~ o~ ~ INCORPORATED 9Z U ' m JULY 10. 1911 c~~~FORN~P MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: ~~KELLY HEFFERNON, ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF TWO (2) ORDINANCES - AMENDING :THE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING AFFORDABLE '.HOUSING REQUIREMENTS, AND ADOPTION, OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING PROGRAM REGULATIONS IMPLEMENTING THE CITY'S AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAM; APPLICANT: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE; LOCATION: CITYWIDE DATE: DECEMBER 11,.,2007 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1) Adopt an Ordinance repealing and replacing Chapter .16.80 of Title 16 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code regarding the City's inclusionary affordable housing requirements; 2) Adopt an Ordinance adding Chapter 16.82 to Title 16 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code regarding the City's density bonus and, affordable housing incentives in ,.accordance with State density bonus law; and 3) adopt a Resolution approving program regulations implementing the City's affordable housing program. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There are no direct City costs related to amending Title 16 of the Municipal Code or approving program regulations implementing the City's affordable housing program. BACKGROUND: The City Council, at its meeting of November 27, 2007, introduced for first reading two (2) Ordinances; one to repeal and replace Chapter 16.80 of Title 16 of the Municipal Code regarding the City's inclusionary affordable housing requirements, and the second to add Chapter 16.82 to Title 16 of the Municipal .Code regarding the City's density bonus and affordable housing incentives in accordance with State density bonus law. It is recommended the City Council adopt the two Ordinances. Chapter 16.80 of the Municipal Code (also-,known as the "Development Code"), Affordable Housing Requirements, was adopted by Ordinance No. 514 C.S. on March 28, 2000, in part to implement policies of the amended 1993 Housing Element and State law. It provided for in-lieu fees or dedication of land for projects not including affordable housing units, and created the affordable housing trust fund. It also required ~ i CITY COUNCIL DCA 07-005 DECEMBER 11,, 2007 PAGE 2 that all residential development or land subdivision projects must provide for affordable, housing units rented or sold to lower income or very low-income households or pay in- lieu fees. However, it has not been subsequently amended to be consistent with the 2003 Amended Housing Element policies and programs. Therefore, the inclusionary housing policies and programs have not been integrated into the Municipal Code. Despite these inconsistencies, the City has required compliance with the adopted policies and programs of the General Plan on a case-by-case basis. Several pending projects in the pre-application stage may utilize these mandatory density bonus provisions, including I required incentives and/or concessions to obtain additional units or to reduce City specific development standards, in addition to conforming to City inclusionary standards. In addition, in 2005, State legislation was adopted that mandates cities to provide density bonuses and development concessions for the inclusion of affordable housing in new projects. Therefore, the proposed Ordinances are designed to make the City's regulations consistent with State law. The City's redevelopment special legal counsel prepared the recommended Ordinances changes, in conjunction with City staff and the City Attorney. The proposed Development Code Section 16.80.100 states that the "city council shall i adopt regulations for the implementation of this chapter." The proposed regulations are discussed below under "Affordable Housing Regulations". These regulations establish guidelines for administrating the affordable housing program, and are necessary to specify maximum sales price, loan standards and other criteria. i ALTERNATIVES: j The following alternatives are offered for Council's consideration: - Adopt the two (2) ordinances amending the Municipal Code to revise Chapter 16.80 to establish new inclusionary housing standards and adding new Chapter 16.82 for' consistency and compliance with State law, and adopt a Resolution approving program regulations implementing the City's affordable housing program. - Modify the Ordinances to increase or reduce the inclusionary housing requirements. While the City's requirements must be consistent State law, the City Council does have discretion with regard to inclusionary requirements. - Modify the Resolution implementing the City's affordable housing program as ' appropriate. - - Continue deliberations on the item to a date certain; or ,III - Provide other direction to staff. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Summary of .new requirements under Governmenf Code Section 65915 SB 1818 (chaptered as Government Code Section 65915-65918) requires cities and counties to overhaul their Codes to bring them into conformance with new State mandates (the previous law allowed fora 25% density bonus when housing projects CITY COUNCIL DCA 07-005 DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 3 provided between 10% to 20% of the units affordable, depending upon the level of affordability; in addition, cities and counties needed to provide at least one "concession" such as financial assistance or a reduction in development standards). The new law significantly reduces the amount of=units that a developer must provide in order to receive a density bonus and requires cities and counties to provide between one (1) to three (3) concessions, depending upon the percentage of affordable units that the developer provides (the basic qualifying definitions for very-low, lower and moderate income households are the same as those .found in the California Health and Safety Code). It also imposes a new land donation rule, mandatory density bonuses for a qualified senior housing project, mandatory density bonuses for affordable residential projects with a qualifying childcare facility, and statewide parking standards. In short, the new law imposes an abundance of far-reaching State mandates for projects qualifying for a density bonus. Primary Density Bonus Provisions The .number of affordable units that a developer must provide in order to receive a density bonus is significantly reduced from prior law, as follows: • If at least 5% of the units are affordable to very-low income households, the project is eligible fora 20% density bonus. • If at least 10% of the units are affordable to low income households, then the project is eligible fora 20% density bonus. • If 10% of condominium or planned development ("PD") units are affordable to moderate income households, then the project is eligible to receive a 5% density bonus. In addition to these minimum thresholds, the new law enacts a "sliding scale" for additional affordable units: • An additional 2.5% density bonus for each additional increase of 1 very-low income units above the initial 5% threshold. • A density increase of 1.5% for each additional 1 % increase in low income units above the initial 10% threshold. • A 1 % density increase for each 1 % increase in qualifying moderate income units above the initial 10% threshold. These bonuses reach a maximum density bonus of 35% when a project provides either 11 % very-low income units, 20% low' income units, or 40% qualifying moderate income units (Section 65915 sets forth numbered charts that demonstrate the density bonus "Sliding scale" on anumber-for-number basis). Importantly, the applicant for one of these density bonuses must elect which one income category under which he is seeking a bonus. Section 65915 no longer: provides bonuses based upon the provision of combined affordability levels. Additionally, Section 65915 generally requires that all gl-3 CITY COUNCIL DCA 07-005 DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 4 density bonus calculations resulting in fractional numbers must be rounded up for the purpose of providing a density bonus;' Continued Affordability The continued affordability requirements for very-low and low income units have not changed. However, the requirements for moderate income condominium units have changed significantly. The new lawispecifies that the city or county must ensure that the initial occupants of moderate-income units meet the income qualifications. Upon resale of the units, the seller retains the down-payment, the value of any improvements, and the seller's proportionate share of appreciation. The City recaptures its proportionate share of appreciation and those funds must be used within three years to promote lower or moderate-income home. ownership. It is unclear whether these ,units must be sold at market rate, or if a local agency can limit appreciation. The City has traditionally avoided equity-sharing agreements and instead has emphasized requirements that have the most likelihood to maintain affordable housing deed restrictions in place. Staff recommends addressing this inconsistency by directing inclusionary requirements at low, very-low and moderate-income affordable units that are not shared ownership. As a result, projects will not be eligible .for this portion of density bonus provisions unless they provide affordable units in addition to those. that meet the City's inclusionary requirements. Concessions or Incentives Local agencies must grant more "concessions or incentives" reducing development standards, depending on the percentage of affordable units provided. "Concessions and incentives" include reductions in zoning standards, other development standards, design requirements, mixed use zoning, and any other incentive that would reduce costs for the developer. Any project that meets the minimum criteria for a density bonus ; is entitled to one concession from the local government agency, increasing up to a ~ maximum of three concessions depending upon the amount of affordable housing provided. Again, the number of concessions or incentives granted takes the form of a sliding scale: • For projects that provide either 5% of the units affordable to very-low income households, 10% of the units affordable to low income households, or 10% moderate income common interest development households, then the developer is entitled to one concession. • When the number of affordable units is increased to 10% very-low income units, 20%I low income units, or 20% qualifying moderate income units, then the developer is entitled to two concessions. • When the number of affordable units is increased to 15% very-low income, 30% low income, or 30% qualifying moderate income units, then the number of concessions is increased to three. 8~-~ CITY COUNCIL DCA 07-005 ~ ' DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 5 There are some limits on concessions to be granted under Section 65915. The city shall grant the concession or incentive requested by the applicant unless the city makes a written finding, based upon substantial evidence, of either of the following: • The concession or incentive is not required in order to provide for affordable housing ;costs or for rents for the targeted units (i.e., the applicant is unable to demonstrate that the waiver or modification is necessary to make the housing units economically feasible); or • The concession or incentive would have a specific adverse impact, as defined in the Government Code. Waivers and Modifications of "Development Standards" A local agency may not impose a "development standard" that makes it infeasible to construct the housing development with the proposed density bonus ("Development Standards" are defined as "site or construction conditions"). In addition to requesting "incentives and concessions," applicants may request the waiver of an unlimited number of "development standards' ; however, the applicant must show that the waivers are needed to make the project economically feasible. A waiver of development standards may be denied if; • ,The development standards will not preclude or inhibit the utilization of the density bonus on specific sites in a housing development at the densities or with the, concessions or incentives permitted by the new density bonus law; or • The waiver/modification will have a specific adverse impact. Senior Citizen Projects Senior citizen projects qualified under Section 65915 shall receive a 20% density bonus. Qualified senior developments include "senior citizen housing developments" with a minimum of 35 dwelling units as defined in section 51.3 of the California Civil Code or a mobile-home park that limits residency based on age requirements for housing for older - persons pursuant to section 798.76 or 799.5 of the California Civil Code. Land Donation. Additional density is available to projects that donate land for residential use. To qualify for this additional density, the land must satisfy all of the following requirements: • The applicant donates and transfers the land no later than the date of approval of the final subdivision map, parcel map, or residential development application. • The developable acreage and zoning classification of the land being transferred are sufficient to permit construction of units affordable to very-low income households in an amount not less than 10% of the number of residential units of the proposed development. ~1-~ CITY COUNCIL DCA 07-005 DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 6 • The transferred land is at least one acre in size or of sufficient size to permit development. of at least 40 units, has the appropriate general plan designation, is ',appropriately zoned for development as affordable ,housing, and is or will be served by adequate public facilities and infrastructure. The land shall have appropriate zoning and development standards to make the development of the affordable units feasible. No later (than the date of approval of the final subdivision map, parcel map, or development application for the housing development, the transferred land shall have. all of the permits and approvals, other than building permits, necessary for the development of very-low income housing units on the transferred land, except that the City may subject the proposed development to subsequent design review to the extent authorized by subdivision (i) of section 65583.2 if the design is not reviewed:by the local government prior to the time of transfer. • The transferred land and the very-low income units constructed on the land will be subject to a deed restriction ensuring continued affordability of the units .consistent with Section 65915, which restriction will be recorded on the property at the time of dedication. • The land is transferred to the City onto a housing developer approved by the City. The City may require the applicant to identify and transfer the land to such City.-approved developer. • The transferred land shall be within the boundary of the proposed development or, if the City agrees in writing, within one-quarter mile of the boundary of the proposed development. If these conditions are met, the applicant shall be entitled to a 15% increase above the otherwise maximum allowable residential density under the applicable zoning ordinance and land use element of the general plan for the entire housing development, as follows: Percentage Very Low Income Percentage Density Units Bonus 10 15 11 16 12 17 13 18 14 19 15 20 16 21 17 22 18 23 ~(rI CITY COUNCIL DCA 07-005 DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 7 19 24 20 25 . 21 26 22 27 23 28 24 29 25 30 26 31 27 32 28 33 29 34 30 35 maximum This increase shall be in addition to any increase in density mandated pursuant to other provisions of Section 65915, up to a maximum combined mandated density increase of 35%. Bonuses for Childcare Facilities A developer may qualify for a density bonus by providing a childcare center (not a family daycare home) within or adjacent 'to the development. Where the development otherwise qualifies for a density bonus under Section 65915, and the developer agrees to include a childcare facility onsite or adjacent to the site, the developer is entitled to a density bonus in the amount of the' square footage of the childcare or an additional concession or incentive if that concession or incentive contributes to the economic feasibility of construction of the childcare facility. Where a childcare facility is provided in conjunction with the granting of a density bonus, the following provisions apply: • The childcare facility shall be operable at least as long as the affordable units are required., to remain affordable; • The children attending the childcare center are required to qualify based on household income in the same percentage as the percentage of affordable housing in the development in accordance with the proportional affordability level; • The number of children at each affordability level must be the same or greater than the percentage'required. If a finding can be made that there is sufficient childcare facilities in the community, no concession or density bonus is required to be given. Notably, the statute provides no guidance as to how these findings and requirements (some of which are inherently impractical, if not impossible, to enforce) are to be made or enforced. CITY COUNCIL DCA 07-005 DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 8 Parking Standards If a project qualifies for a density bonus, the developer may request (and the City must grant) new parking standards for the entire' development project (i.e., not just for the affordable units or the density bonus units). The new standards are: • zero to one bedroom -one onsite parking space; • two to three bedrooms -two onsite parking spaces; and • four or more bedrooms -two and one-half onsite parking spaces. These numbers are inclusive of guest parking and handicapped parking and may be tandem or uncovered (but cannot be on-street). Relationship Between New Density Bonus Law and Local Inclusionary Requirements Legislative history underlying the new density bonus law makes clear that Section 65915 is not intended to preclude local agencies from enforcing their own inclusionary housing requirements. "Inclusionary housing" is technically a separate issue from density bonuses. However, if a locality imposes the mandatory construction of affordable units through a local inclusionary ordinance, will those inclusionary. units count towards achieving a density bonus under Section 65915? The prevailing view is that inclusionary units do count towards a density bonus, although both the statute and its legislative history are unclear. This is contrary to the City's prior opinion. As a result, it is necessary to also amend the City's inclusionary requirements at this time. Inclusionary Housing Requirements Inclusionary affordable housing requirements ensure that a given share of residential construction is affordable to people with low to moderate incomes. These requirements are intended to combat housing shortages and provide for a wider range of housing options in any given neighborhood. The City's inclusionary requirements (as proposed to be amended in Chapter 16.80) apply to residential projects consisting of: • New construction of two (2) or more housing units; or • The substantial rehabilitation of two (2) or more housing units; or • The development that results from the conversion of two (2) or more existing rental housing units to ownership units or from such conversion of two (2) or more existing housing units. Such projects are required to construct on-site units, or where applicable, pay an in-lieu fee or dedicate land to provide for the'following number of affordable housing units: • Provision of affordable housing units of at least 5% very-low income units; or • Provision of at least 1'0% lower income units; or • Provision of at leastl15% moderate income units where the proposed project is planned for for-rent units or units that are not developed as a common interest development pursuant to Civil Code section 1351; or • An ,equivalent combination as determined by the community development director. g~- ~ _ _ CITY COUNCIL DCA 07-005 DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 9 Affordable Housing Regulations Projects subject to the City's inclusionary affordable housing requirements must enter into an affordable housing agreement with the City and record a deed restriction for each affordable unit. The agreement establishes the eligibility and maximum allowable sales price requirements. The table!„below is a summary of projects approved with an affordable housing component. Except for the Cortina d'Arroyo Grande apartment complex on Courtland Street, which; utilized:, State tax credits and financial assistance from the City, all of the below projects are .subject to an affordable housing agreement with the City. The City- is currently contracting with the San Luis Obispo Housing Authority to determine eligibility of qualified buyers. Through the process of implementing affordable housing agreements for several projects, a number of issues have occurred regarding loan types and income verification t#iat are not covered in the agreements. Therefore, Program Regulations are proposed to ensure all participants are aware 'of the criteria prior to submitting their application. The purpose of these Regulations is to assist the City, developers and lenders to implement the City's affordable housing: program. Specifically, the proposed Regulations address issues such as buyer eligibility requirements, unit financing and affordability standards, participation in affordable housing programs, and submission for City approval. The proposed Regulations are included as Exhibit "A" of the attached Resolution. Staff has distributed the' draft Program Regulations to affected developers for review and comment. No comments on the Regulations have been received to date. City Projects with Affordable Housing Status Project No. of ;Total No. of Owner/Developer name/address Units Affordable Units Constructed .Jasmine Place/ 47 12 Moderate S&S Homes South Courtland Street and Ash Street Constructed Cortina d'Arroyo 108 107 Very Low Pacific Harbor Homes Grande/ and Low North Courtland Street Constructed Ocean Oaks/ 60 6 Low Central Coast Real Camino Mercado 9 Moderate Estate Ga Youn Constructed Parkside/ 65 16 Moderate S&S Homes North side of Farroll Ave. between Oak Park Blvd. and _ Golden West Place Approved.- Grace Lane/ 19 4 Moderate Greg Nester Under Grace Lane Extension Construction Construction Constructed .Spanish Oaks/ 11 1 Moderate Eileen Dickey Northeast corner of Ma le St. and Elm St. - ~ _ _ CITY COUNCIL DCA 07-005 DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 10 Approved/ Oak Park Plaza/ 24 3 Moderate Russ Sheppel Final Map Oak Park Blvd. and not recorded James Wa Approved/ Cherry Creek/ 30 2 Moderate Damien Mavis, Final Map East Cherry Avenue Creekside Estates of not recorded and M rtle Street Arro o Grande, LLC Approved/ Fair Oaks/ 30 4 Moderate Jason Blankenship, Final Map Fair Oaks Avenue Arroyo View, LLC not recorded (Immediately East of Arroyo Grande Communit Hos ital County Affordable Housing Standards. On May 10, 2005 the City Council adopted State affordability housing standards and proposed calculation criteria for determining the maximum allowable sales price for affordable housing units. The maximum sales price was to be calculated and fixed twice annually by the City, on January 1 and. July 1 of each year. Previous to adopting State standards, the City utilized the County's formula. It was staff's opinion that the County's formula was too low and resulted in an insufficient range between minimum incomes required to qualify for a home loan and the maximum incomes allowed to qualify as an eligible family. As a result, it limited the number of individuals and families able to .purchase affordable homes even though they are unable to purchase market rate homes. In January of this year, the County adjusted its formula to be consistent with the State, similar to the formula that the City adopted in 2005. The primary difference is that the County updates its affordable housing standards and maximum sales prices on a monthly basis, while the City adjusts its maximum sales price twice per year. Staff is recommending that the Council adopt the County's formula and standards provided in its monthly bulletin for inland areas (see Attachment 1 for example bulletin). The bulletin is convenient and consistent with the City's goal of providing a fair and logical method of calculating affordable home prices. ADVANTAGES: The following are positive aspects of the proposed amendments to the Development Code with respect to the goals and policies of the City: • The amendments will help provide more affordable housing units within the City. • The City's Municipal Code will be in compliance with .State law. • The location and density of compact development allows for a more economical extension of public services and utilities than is possible under more dispersed development. • The location of compact development near existing developed areas enables natural features and agricultural areas to be preserved and protected from development. w- CITY COUNCILI DCA 07-005 DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 11 • The changes makeinclusionary requirements, consistent with density bonus requirements,- which will simplify the, process and help limit density bonuses beyond those originally intended by the City Council. • Increasing allowable densities has the potential to reduce the cost per unit, making more units affordable to more people., • Compact development generally results in lower infrastructure costs. • -The Program Regulations will assist the City, developers and lenders to consistently implement the City's affordable housing program. DISADVANTAGES: • State density bonus, aw has the potential to increase densities beyond what the 2001 General Plan anticipated, which will impact public services within the City. • State density bonus';'law allows for exceptions from normally applicable zoning and development standards for qualifying affordable housing projects, which could have an impact on the City's parking, setbacks, building height and other development standards. • There is potential for'.lower quality design with higher density projects. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the CEQA Guidelines and the City of Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA. Based 'ion the.. review, staff finds .that adoption of the Ordinances and Resolution is exempt, from the provisions of CEQA pursuant to Title 14 California Code of Regulations section 15061, subsection (b)(3), in that the proposed Ordinances and Resolution involve a proactive measure to implement recent changes in State law and does not have the potential to significantly effect the environment. Staff further finds and has determined that the proposed Ordinances are consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the City's General Plan, in that the Ordinances implement certain programs and policies contained in the General Plan Housing Element that expressly require compliance with`'. State density bonus law. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: A public hearing notice is not necessary for the second reading of these Ordinances. A public hearing notice was published;: in The Tribune on Friday, November 16, 2007. Following the Council's action to introduce the Ordinance on November 27, 2007, a summary of the Ordinance was published in The Tribune on Thursday, December 6, _ ~ 2007 as required by law. If the Ordinance is adopted, a summary of the Ordinance with the vote of the Council will be published again within 15 days. Attachments: 1. Example County Affordable Housing Standards -Inland Areas S:\Community Development\PROJECTS\DCA\07-005 Affordable Housing update\12-11-07 CC Staff Report - 2nd Reading.doc ~ - ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REPEALING AND REPLACING CHAPTER 16.80 OF TITLE 16 OF .THE .ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING, THE CITY'S INCLUSIONARY AFFORDABLE HOUSING REQUIREMENTS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. FINDINGS AND PURPOSE The City Council finds and declares: A. Rental and owner-occupied housing in the City has become. steadily more expensive. Housing costs have gone up faster than incomes for many groups in the community. B. Many persons who work in the City, who have grown. up or have family ties in the City, who already live in the City but must move, or who wish to live in the City for other reasons, cannot afford housing in the City. C. Federal and State government. programs do note provide nearly enough affordable housing or subsidies to satisfy the housing needs of moderate, low or very low income households. D. Rising land prices have been a key factor in preventing development of new affordable housing. New~;'housing construction in the City that does not include affordable units aggravates the existing shortage of affordable housing by absorbing the supply of available residential land. This reduces the supply of land for affordable housing and increases the price of remaining- . residential land. At the same time, new housing contributes to the demand for goods and services in the City, increasing local service employment at wage levels which often do not permit employees to afford housing in the City. Providing the affordable units required by this chapter will help to insure that part of the City's remaining developable land is used to provide affordable housing. E. .The City wishes to retain an economically balanced community, with housing available to very low income, low income and moderate income households. The City's General Plan implements the established policy of the State of California that each community should foster an adequate supply of housing for.persons at all economic levels. gl~i~ , ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 2 F. An economically balanced': community is only possible if part of the new housing built in the City is affordable to households with limited incomes. Requiring builders of new. housirig to include some housing affordable to households at a range of incomes is fair, not only because new development without affordable units contributes to the. shortage of affordable housing but also because zoning and other ordinances concerning new housing in the City should be consistent ;with the community's goal to foster an adequate supply of housing for persons at all, economic levels. SECTION 2. CHAPTER 16.80 "Affordable Housing Requirements" Chapter 16.80 of Title 16 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code, entitled "Affordable Housing Requirements", is hereby repealed and replaced in its .entirety as follows: Chapter 16.80 Inclusionary Affordable Housing Requirements 16.80.010 Purpose 16.80.020 Definitions 16.80.030 Applicability 16.80.040 Provision of Housing, :I,n-lieu Fee, or Dedication. of Land 16.80.050 Calculation of Housing; or In-lieu Fee 16.80.060 Implementation 16.80.070 Affordable Housing Trust Fund -Deposit 16.80.080 Affordable Housing Trust Fund -Administration 16.80.090 ..Project Approvals 16.80.100 Regulations 16.80.120 Application To Density Bonus Calculations 16.80.130 .Adjustment to Avoid Unlawful Exaction or Taking 16.80.010 Purpose. .The purpose of this chapter is to provide a continuing supply of affordable housing units to meet the needs of existing and future' Arroyo Grande residents in all income categories pursuant to the requirements of California state- law, and as outlined in the city's adopted housing element. 16.80.020 Definitions. The definitions of this section and of Section 16.04.070 shall govern this chapter. "Affordable housing cost" has the same meaning as defined in Section 50052.5(b) of the California Health and Safety Code. In addition, the City Council may adjust the definition of "affordable housing costs" as it applies to owner-occupied housing in the regulations, provided that such adjustments are consistent with the optional provisions of Sections 50052.5(b)(3) and/or 50052.5(b)(4) of the California Health and Safety g~-~3 i i ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 3 Code. Those expenses listed in Title 25 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 6920, shall be deducted from the affordable housing costs for owner-occupied housing. For tenant-occupied rental housing,; "affordable housing cost" shall have the same meaning as the term "affordable rent" as ,that term is used for each income level in Section 50053(b) of the California Health and Safety Code. Affordable housing costs for rental housing shall include a reasonable utility allowance, as such utility allowance may be adopted by the City Council from time to time in the regulations. In addition, the City Council, in the regulations, may~;adjust the definition of "affordable housing costs" as it applies to rental housing, provided that such adjustments are consistent with the optional provisions of Sections 50053(b)(3) and/or 50053(b)(4) of the California Health and Safety Code. "Affordable housing units" means units governed by a legal covenant or other restriction enforceable by the city restricting the availability of the units to lower income and very low income residents, which units are rented or sold to lower income or very low income households, as defined in this subsection. "Developer" means an applicant for an approval or a permit required for a residential subdivision or to construct a residential development project. "Housing unit" means one or more rooms, designed, occupied or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters; with full cooking, sleeping and bathroom facilities for the exclusive use of a single household. "In-lieu fee" means a fee paid to-the city by a developer subject to this chapter in-lieu of providing the required affordable housing units. "Lower income households" means those households defined in Section 50079.5 of the California Health and Safety Code. "Moderate Income" or "persons and families of moderate income" means those middle- income families as defined in Section 50093 of the California Health and Safety Code. "Project" means a residential developmenfi or land subdivision proposal for which city permits and approvals are required. "Redevelopment Agency" means the-Arroyo. Grande Redevelopment Agency, a public body, corporate and politic, organized and -existing under the California Community ~ Redevelopment Law (Health & Safety Code Section 33000 et seq.). i "Regulations" means the adopted regulations implementing this Chapter as provided in Section 16.80.100. "Substantial rehabilitation" or "substantially rehabilitated" means the substantial rehabilitation of a dwelling unit(s) as defined in section 33413(b)(2)(iv) of the California Health and Safety Code. i ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 4 "Very low income household" means~those households defined in Section 50105 of the California Health and Safety Code. 16.80.030 Applicability of Inclusionary Affordable Housing. Requirements. This chapter shall apply to the construction of any new residential project of two (2) or more housing units, or the substantial rehabilitation of two (2) or more housing units, and shall also apply to any development that results from the .conversion of two (2) or more existing rental housing units to ownership units or from such conversion of two (2) or more existing housing units from an exempt use to a nonexempt use. A project consisting of one (1) single family residence and/or a secondary dwelling on the same existing parcel shall be exempt from the requirements set forth in this chapter. 16.80.040 Provision of Affordable Housing, In-lieu Fee, or Dedication of Land. The developer .shall meet affordable housing requirements by providing on-site affordable housing units meeting the standards set forth in this chapter, or paying a fee in-lieu of providing such housing, or dedicating land to the city to be used for development of affordable housing. Payment of an in-lieu fee or the dedication of land shall be allowed pursuant to this chapter if the city council finds that any of the following circumstances apply: A. The provision of the required affordable housing units on the site is impractical for physical reasons including, but not limited to, the following: utility infrastructure limitations, traffic safety or traffic capacity 'limitations, site design constraints which preclude the development of the property to city standards at the density permitted pursuant to the general plan or zoning'district in which the property is located; or B. The city council determines that the' payment of in-lieu fees or the dedication of land will .provide a superior opportunity to satisfy the goals and policies of the general plan; or C. The payment of in-lieu fees or the dedication of land to the city will provide an equivalent level of mitigation to that.,, of on-site production of the required affordable housing units; or D. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a project consisting of two (2) to four (4) residential units may satisfy the inclu'sionary requirements by payment of an in-lieu fee as established by city council 16.80.050 Calculation of Inclusionary Affordable Housing Requirement or In-lieu Fee Or Dedication. A. Housing unit projects to which this chapter applies must provide for the following number of affordable housing units: I I i i ~ ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 5 1. Provision of affordable housing; units of at least 5% very-low income units; or 2. Provision of at least 10% lower income units; or 3. Provision of at least 1'S% moderate income units where the proposed project is planned for rental units or units that are not developed as a common interest development pursuanf to Civil Code section 1351; or 4. An equivalent combination as determined by the community development director. ' B. In-lieu of including the affordable:~housing units in the project pursuant to paragraph A of this Section 16.80.050, an applicant for a housing unit project may meet the requirements. of this chapter by payment of an in-lieu fee in accordance with fee amounts and standards adopted by the city council in the regulations implementing this chapter. Payment of the in-lieu fee shall be made as follows: 1. The amount of the fee shall be calculated using the fee schedule established by resolution of the' city council. 2. The in-lieu fee required by this section shall. be paid prior to issuance of the first ministerial permit, including but not limited to a grading, demolition, or building permit, for all or any part of the project. Payment may be made for each phase of a phased project before the issuance of the grading or building permit for such phase, as applicable.:: 3. The in-lieu fee collected, shall.:be deposited in the affordable housing trust fund pursuant to Section 16.80'.070. C. In-lieu of including the affordable housing units in the project pursuant to paragraph A of this Section 16.80:050, an applicant for a housing unit project may meet the requirements of this chapter by dedicating land to the city when land dedication is deemed suitable by the city council, pursuant to Section 16.80.040. Such land shall be offered in fee to the city or to another' ,public or non-profit agency approved in writing by the city. 16.80.060 Implementation. A. A written housing development agreement, in a form approved by the city, shall be entered into between the city and the developer prior to final approval of a subdivision map, or issuance of a building permit, as applicable. This agreement will set forth the developer's plan to meet the requirements of this chapter, and the city's approval of that plan. Any housing development agreement, deed restriction, or other instrument used to implement this cliapter'shall be signed by the applicant and by the city as parties. If the housing unit project 'is located within any redevelopment project area within the city, such housing development agreement, deed restriction, or other g1~1~ ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 6 instrument shall be signed by the: Redevelopment Agency as a party or, at the Redevelopment Agency's election;' the housing development agreement, deed restriction, or other instrument shall identify the Redevelopment Agency as an express third-party beneficiary with the right to enforce the terms of such housing development agreement, deed restriction, or other instrument. B. Affordable housing units shall be reserved for very-low, low, and moderate income households at the ratios established pursuant to section 16.80.050, and shall be provided of the applicable affordable housing cost. 1. An affordable housing unit that is for rent shall remain reserved for, and :occupied by, the target income level group at the applicable affordable housing cost for a period of at least fifty-five (55) years. 2. An affordable housing unit that is an owner-occupied unit shall remain reserved for, and occupied by, the target income level group at the applicable affordable housing cost for a period of at least forty-five (45) years. C. All affordable housing units (whether required by this chapter or provided on a voluntary basis) shall be reasonably dispersed throughout the project; shall be proportional, in size, bedroom number. and location to the market-rate units; and shall be comparable with the market-rate units in terms of the base design, architectural appearance, building materials and finished quality. All affordable housing units in a project shall be constructed concurrently with or prior to the construction of the market- rate units. In the event the city approves a phased project, the affordable housing units required by this chapter shall be provided within each phase of the residential development project unless otherwise approved by the community development director. D. If the number of affordable housing units required for a project includes a fraction of a unit, the developer shall round to the closest whole number unit for purposes of both providing affordable housing units or paying an in-lieu fee. 16.80.070 Inclusionary Affordable Housing Trust Fund -Deposit. Affordable housing in-lieu fees paid pursuant to this chapter shall be deposited in the affordable housing trust fund and used solely to increase the supply of affordable housing units.. Funds in the affordable housing trust fund may be used to better facilitate the improvement of the city's affordable housing stock as well as the provision of new affordable units. 16.80.080 Inclusionary Affordable Housing Trust Fund -Administration. Subject to the limitations set forth in. Section 16.80.070, the .affordable housing trust fund shall be administered under the general supervision of the community development director, and pursuant 'to the regulations as the city council shall adopt gi-i7 ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 7 and/or amend from time to time. The community development director shall make annual reports to the city- council ;::`regarding the administration and status of the. affordable housing trust fund. The city council may include in the regulations provisions governing the administration of the affordable housing trust fund consistent with the provisions of this chapter. 16.80.090 Project Approvals And Enforcement. A. No new housing unit project, ;:.residential subdivision, general plan amendment and/or rezoning of land for residential purposes, or other land use authorization related thereto, may be approved unless the :requirements of this chapter have been met. B. The city may institute any appropriate legal actions or proceedings necessary to ensure compliance with this chapter; including but not limited to: (i) actions to revoke, deny, or suspend any permit, including a building permit, certificate of occupancy; or discretionary approval, and (ii) actions for injunctive relief or damages. In any action to enforce this chapter or a housing development agreement entered hereunder, the city shall be entitled. to recover its costs; including. but not limited to attorney's fees and litigation costs. 16.80.100 Regulations. The city council shall adopt regulations for the implementation. of this chapter. The city council may also include in the regulations provisions allowing for the city's recovery of reasonable fees and deposits for the administration of this chapter. 16.80.120 Application To Density Bonus'... Calculations. In the case of a housing unit project for which, a density bonus is sought pursuant to California Government Code section 65915 and Chapter 16.82 of this Code, the construction and reservation of inclusionary. affordable housing ,pursuant to this chapter shall apply to the base number of units proposed, exclusive of the units that would be added by the density bonus. Inclusionary housing units provided pursuant to this chapter, however, will only count towards the;qualification of a density bonus under Government Code section 65915 if such inclusionary units otherwise qualify under the terms of that Government Code section. 16.80.130 Adjustment to Avoid Unlawful Exaction or Taking'. A. A developer of any project subject to the requirements of this chapter may appeal to the City Council for a reduction, adjustment, or waiver of :the requirements of this chapter based upon the absence of any reasonable relationship or nexus between the impact of the development and either the amount of the fee charged or the inclusionary requirement. The purpose of this section' is to ensure that no unlawful exactions or takings occur as a result of implementing the terms of this chapter. ~I-1~ i ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 8 B. Any such appeal shall be made in writing and filed with the city clerk not later than ten (10) days after imposition of the fees or imposition of the inclusionary affordable housing requirements objected to. The appeal shall set forth in detail the factual and legal basis for the claim of waiver, reduction, or adjustment. The City Council shall consider the appeal at:the public hearing within sixty (60) days after the filing of the appeal. The appellant 'shall bear the burden of presenting substantial evidence to support the appeal including comparable technical information to support appellant's position for reduction, adjustment or waiver. The decision of the City Council shall be final. SECTION 3: A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least five (5) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance shall, be posted in the office of the City Clerk. Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the summary with the names of those City Council Members voting for .and against the Ordinance shall be published again, and the City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted Ordinance. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after the date of its adoption. On motion of Council Member seconded by Council Member and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this day of , 2007. l~ ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 9 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY ~~-a~ ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADDING CHAPTER 16.82 TO TITLE 16 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL .CODE REGARDING THE CITY'S DENSITY BONUS AND AFFORDABLE' : HOUSING INCENTIVES IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE DENSITY BONUS LAW THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. FINDINGS AND PURPOSE The City Council.finds and declares: A. In September 2004, the Governor signed SB 1818 which significantly changed the State's density bonus law. B. SB 1818 imposes new state housing mandates on California cities in the form of required density bonuses and incentives for dousing developers. The law changes both the set-aside requirements for affordable units and the density bonus. As additional affordable units are set aside, it gradually increases the density bonus to a maximum of 35 percent: This law also provides! housing developers with additional incentives or ~ concessions as the percentage of`affordable`units is increased. It also permits housing developers to request a waiver of development standards if necessary to make a development feasible. Cities must grant `the requested concessions unless certain findings are made. SB 1818 also. includes density bonus provisions for senior housing development and for housing developers that donate land to the city for affordable .housing. This legislation also continued previous density bonus provisions to encourage the inclusion of child care facilities in affordable housing developments. C. In September 2005, the Governor also signed into law SB ~ 435. This law expanded the scope of developments entitled to obtain density bonuses to include senior mobilehome parks, community°apartment developments, and stock cooperatives and made additional, non-substantive clarifications to the law: D. SB 1818'. and SB 435 require cities to adopt implementing ordinances. Notwithstanding the city's constitutional right to control land use, this Ordinance incorporates the new density bonus provisions and establishes an implementation process addressing the incentives and concessions required. by State law. E. In accordance with State law,; this Ordinance would modify the city's existing density bonus regulations to alter the number of units that developers must agree to set aside as affordable to qualify for a density bonus and the corresponding density bonus percentages; to permit density bonuses for common interest developments, senior citizen developments, qualifying mobilehome parks, and donations of land; to authorize ~I-a( ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 2 density bonuses for affordable housing developments that include a child care facility on site; and to provide required incentives, concessions, and development waivers. F. The City Council finds and declares that the public health, safety and general welfare requires adoption of this Ordinance since these revisions are mandated by State law. G. The proposed Ordinance is consistent with the Arroyo Grande General Plan because it implements the General Plan Housing Element to assist in the fulfillment of Regional Housing Needs, Affordability and Special Housing Needs. SECTION 2. ADDITION OF CHAPTER 16.82. Title 16, "Development Code," of thee. City of Arroyo Grande Municipal Code is hereby amended to add a new Chapter 16.82 entitled "Density Bonuses," as follows: Chapter 16.82 Density Bonuses 16.82.010 Purpose and Application 16.82.020 Definitions 16.82.030 Qualifications for Density Bonus and Incentives and Concessions 16.82.040 Continued Affordability and Density Bonus Housing Standards 16.82.050 Incentives and Concessions ` 16.82.060 Waiver/Modification of Development Standards 16.82.070 Specified Density Bonus Percentages 16.82.080 Land Donation 16.82.090 Child Care Facilities 16.82.100 Condominium Conversions 16.82.110 ,Parking Incentives 16.82.120 Application and Review Procedures 16.82.130 State Law Amendments 16.82.010 Purpose and Application. The purpose of this Chapter is to establish procedures for implementing State density bonus requirements, as set forth in' California Government Code Section 65915, as amended, and to increase the production of affordable housing, consistent with the city's goals, objectives, and policies. 16.82.020 Definitions. The following definitions shall apply to this Chapter: "Affordable housing cost" bears the same meaning as defined in Section 50052.5 of the California Health and Safety Code. "Affordable housing unit" means a dwelling unit within a housing development which will be rented or sold to and reserved' for very low income households, lower income gi -~a- i. ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 3 households, moderate income households:. and/or senior citizens at an affordable housing cost for the respective group(s) in accordance with Section 65915 of the California Government Code and thisiChapter. "Affordable rent" means that level of rent .defined in Section 50053 of the California Health and Safety Code. "Applicant" means a developer or applicant for a density bonus pursuant to Section 65915, subdivision (b), of the California Government Code and Section 16.82.030 of this Chapter. "Child care facility" means a child day care facility other than a family day care home, including, but not limited to, infant centers, preschools, extended day care facilities, and school age child care centers. "Common interest development" bears the same meaning as defined in Section 1351 of the California Civil Code. "Density bonus" means a density increase over the otherwise maximum allowable residential density under the applicable zoning ordinance and land use element of the general plan as of the date of application by the applicant to the city. "Development standard" means site or construction conditions that. apply to a housing development pursuant to any ordinance, general plan element, specific plan, charter amendment, or other local condition, law, policy, resolution, or regulation. "Housing development," means one or more groups of projects for residential units in the planned development of the 'city. "Housing development" also includes a subdivision or common interest development, as defined in Section 1351 of the California Civil Code, approved by;'''the city and consisting of residential units or unimproved residential lots and either a project to substantially rehabilitate and convert an existing commercial building to residential use or the substantial rehabilitation of an existing multifamily dwelling, as defined in subdivision (d) of Section 65863.4, where the result of the rehabilitation would be a 'net increase in available residential units. "Lower income households" bears the same .meaning as defined in Section 50079.5 of the California Health and Safety Code. "Maximum. allowable residential density" means the density allowed under applicable zoning ordinances, or if a range of density is permitted, means the maximum allowable density for the specific zoning range applicable to the subject project. "Moderate Income" or "persons and families of moderate income" means those middle- income families as defined in Section`50093 of the California Health and Safety Code. "Qualified mobilehome park" means a mobilehome park that limits residency based on age requirements for housing for older persons pursuant to Section 798.76 or 799.5 of the California Civil Code. ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 4 "Redevelopment Agency" means the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency, a public body, corporate and politic, organized and 1, existing under the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health & Safety Code Section 33000 et seq.). "Senior citizen housing development" means senior citizen. housing as defined in Sections 51.3 and 51.12 of the California Civil Code. "Specific adverse impact" means any adverse impact as defined in paragraph (2), subdivision (d), of California Government Code Section 65589.5, upon public health and safety or the physical environment, or. on any real property that is listed in the California Register of ,Historical Resources, and for'. which there is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the specific adverse impact without rendering the housing development unaffordable to low- and moderate-income households. "Very low income households" bears the same meaning as defined in Section 50105 of the Health and- Safety Code. 16.82.030 Qualifications for Density Bonus and Incentives and Concessions. A. The city shall grant one density bonus as specified in Section 16.82.070, and incentives or concessions as described in Section 16.82.050, when an applicant seeks and agrees to construct a housing development, excluding any units permitted by the density bonus awarded pursuant to this Chapter, that will contain at least any one of the following: 1. Ten percent (10%) of the total units of the housing .development as affordable housing units affordable to lower income households; or 2. Five percent (5%) of the total units of the housing development as affordable housing units affordable to very low income households; or 3. A senior citizen housing development; or 4. A qualified mobilehome ;park; or 5. Ten percent (10%) of the total units of a common interest development as affordable housing .units affordable to moderate income households, provided that all units in the, development are offered to the public for .purchase subject to the restrictions specified in this Chapter. B. As used in paragraph A of this `Section 16.82.030, the term "total units" does not include units permitted by a density bonus awarded pursuant to this section or any other local law granting a greater density bonus. C. Each applicant who requests a density bonus pursuant to this Chapter, shall elect whether the bonus shall be awarded on the basis of subparagraph 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 of this Section 16.82.030, paragraph A. ,;.,;Each housing development is entitled to only one density bonus, which may be selected based on the percentage of either very low gf-a~ '''pit ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 5 affordable housing units, lower income affordable housing units or moderate income affordable housing units, or the development's status as a senior citizen housing development or qualified mobilehome park`: ~ Density bonuses from more than one category may not be combined. 16.82.040 .Continued Affordability And Density Bonus Housing Standards. A. Subject to paragraph C of this Section, an applicant shall agree to, and the city shall ensure, continued affordability of all low-and very low income units that qualified the applicant for the award of the density bonus for a period. of 30 years or a longer period of time if required by the construction or mortgage financing assistance program, mortgage insurance program, or rental subsidy program. Rents for affordable housing units for lower income households shall be set at an affordable rent. Owner-occupied affordable housing units shall be available at an affordable housing cost. B. An applicant shall agree to, and the city shall ensure, that the initial occupant of moderate-income units that are directly related to the receipt of the density bonus in a common interest development, are persons `and families of moderate income and that the units are offered at an affordable',housing cost. The local government shall enforce an equity-sharing agreement, unless it is in' conflict with the .requirements of another public funding source or law. The following shall apply to the equity-sharing agreement: 1. Upon resale, the seller of the unit shall retain the value of any improvements,-the downpayment, and the seller's proportionate share of appreciation. The city shall recapture any initial subsidy and its proportionate share of appreciation, which shall then be used within three years for any of the .purposes that promote homeownership as described in subdivision (e) of Section 33334.2 of the California Health and Safety Code that promote homeownership. 2. For purposes of this subdivision, the city's initial subsidy shall be equal to the fair market value of the home at the time of initial sale minus the initial sale price to the moderate-income household, plus the amount of any downpayment assistance or mortgage assistance. If upon resale the market value is lower than the' initial market value, then the value at the time of the resale shall be used as the initial market value. 3. For purposes of this ;`subdivision, the city's' proportionate share of appreciation shall be equal to the ratio of the initial subsidy to the fair market value of the home at the time of initial sale. C. Notwithstanding the foregoing, very low-, low-, and moderate-income units in housing developments qualified for a density bonus that are located in any redevelopment project area- within the City, shall remain at an affordable- level for a period of not less than 45 years for owner-occupied units, and not less than 55 years for rental units, in accordance with applicable provisions of the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health & Safety'Code: Section 33000 et seq.). g~- a~ ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 6 D. Any contract, deed restriction, ;or other. instrument used to implement paragraphs A and/or B and/or C of this Section 16.82.040, shall be signed by the applicant and by the City as parties. If the housing development is located within any redevelopment project area within the City, such contract, deed restriction, or other instrument shall be signed by the Redevelopment Agency as a party or, at the Redevelopment Agency's election, the contract, deed restriction, :or other instrument shall identify the Redevelopment Agency as an express third-party beneficiary with. the right to enforce the terms of such contract, deed restriction,. o'r other instrument. E. All affordable units shall be reasonably dispersed throughout the housing development; shall be proportional, in size, bedroom number and location to the market rate units; and shall be comparable:, with 'the market-rate units in terms of the base design, architectural appearance, building materials and finished quality. All affordable units in a housing development shall` be constructed concurrently with or prior to the construction of the market-rate units.' In the event the city approves a phased project, the affordable units required by this Chapter shall be provided within each phase of the residential development unless otherwise approved by the Director of Community Development. F. Applicants receiving density 'bonuses shall use best efforts to provide a substantial proportion of any affordable housing units in the housing development to citizens residing or employed within the city. 16.82.050 Incentives. and Concessions. A. An applicant for a density bonus may also submit to the city a proposal for specific incentives or concessions in exchange for the provision of affordable housing units in accordance with this Chapter. The applicant may also request a meeting with the city's Director of Community Development to discuss such proposal. The city shall grant the concession or incentive requested by the applicant unless the city makes. a written finding, based upon substantial evidence, of either of the following: 1. .The concession or incentive .is not required in order to provide for affordable housing cosfs or for rents for the targeted units to be set as specified in Section 16.82.040 (i.e., the applicant is unable to demonstrate that the waiver or modification is necessary to make the housing units .economically feasible); or 2. The concession or incentive would have a specific adverse impact. B. If the conditions of Section 16.82.030 and paragraph A of this Section 16.82.050 are met by an applicant, the city may grant an applicant applying for incentives or concessions the following number of incentives or concessions: 1. One incentive or concession for housing developments that include:. At least ten percent (10%) of the total units affordable to lower income households; or at least five percent (5%) of the total units affordable to very low income households; or at least ten percent (10%) of the total ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 7 units affordable to persons anti` families of moderate income in a common interest development. ` 2. Two incentives or concessions for housing developments that include: At least twenty percent (20%) of the total units affordable to lower income households; or at least; ten percent (10%) of the total units affordable to very-low income households;'or at least twenty percent (20%) of the total units affordable to persons and families of moderate income in a common interest development. 3. Three incentives or concessions for housing developments that include: At least thirty percent (3;0%) of the total units for lower income households; or at least fifteen percent (15%) for very low income households; or at least thirty percent (30%) for persons and families of moderate income in a common interest development. C. For the purposes of this Chapter, available concessions or incentives may include any of the following:- 1. A reduction in site development standards or a modification of zoning -code requirements or architectural design requirements. that exceed the minimum building standards' approved by the California Building Standards Commission';as provided in Part 2.5 (commencing with Section .18901) of Division 13 of the California Health and Safety. Code, including, but not limited to, a reduction in setback and square footage requirements ,and in the ratio of vehicular parking spaces that would otherwise be required that results in;~identifiable, financially. sufficient, and actual cost reductions. 2. Approval of mixed use zoning in conjunction with the housing development if commercial, office, industrial, or other land uses will reduce the cost of the housing development: and if 'the commercial, office, :industrial, or other. land uses are compatible with the housing project and the existing or planned- development in the area where the proposed housing development will be located. 3. Other regulatory incentives or concessions proposed by the applicant or the city that result in identifiable, financially sufficient, and actual cost .reductions. 4. For purposes of this Chapter, the parking ratios set forth in Government Code section 65915 (and Section 16.82.110 of this Chapter) for qualified affordable housing projects shall be deemed a concession or incentive available to the applicant. D. This Section 16.82.050 does not limit or require the provision of direct financial incentives for the housing development, including the provision of publicly-owned land, by the city or the waiver of fees or dedication requirements. Nor does any provision of g~ ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 8 this section require the city to grant an incentive or concession found to have a specific adverse impact. E. The granting of a concession or incentive shall not be interpreted, in and of itself, to require a general plan amendment; local coastal plan amendment, zoning change, or other discretionary approval. F. Applicants seeking a condominium conversion may apply for either a density bonus or an incentive of equivalent financial value (as that term is defined in Government .Code. section 65915.5) in accordance with Section 16.82.100 of this Chapter and Government Code section 65915.5. G. The application and review process for a proposal of incentives and concessions is set forth in Section 16.82.120. 16.82.060 Waiver/Modification ofDevelopment Standards. A. Applicants may, by application, seek a waiver, modification or reduction of development standards that will otherwise preclude or inhibit. the utilization of the density bonus on specific sites in a !,housing development at the densities or with the concessions or incentives permitted by this Chapter. The applicant may also request a meeting with the city to discuss such;:requesf for waiver/modification. In order to obtain a waiver/modification of development standards, the applicant shall show that (i) the waiver or modification is necessary to make the housing units economically feasible, and (ii) that the development standards :will have the effect of precluding the construction of a housing development meeting the criteria of Section 16.82.030, paragraph A, at the densities or with the concessions or incentives permitted by this Chapter. B. Nothing in this Section 16.82.060 shall be interpreted to require the city to waive, modify or reduce development standards if the wavier, modification or reduction would have a specific adverse impact. C. The application and review process for awaiver/modification of development standards is set forth in Section 16.82.120. 16.82.070 Specified Density Bonus Percentages. A. Only housing developments consisting of five (5) or more dwelling. units are eligible for the density bonus percentages provided by this Section 16.82.070. The amount of density bonus to which the applicant is entitled shall vary according to the amount by which the percentage of ';affordable housing units exceeds the percentage established in Section 16.82.030, paragraph A. B. For housing developments meeting the criteria of subparagraph. (1) of paragraph (A) of Section 16.82.030, the density bonus shall be calculated as follows: ~'1-~$ ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 9 Percentage Low-Income ;Units Percentage Densit Bonus 10 20 11 21.5 12 23 13 24.5 14 26 15 27.5 17 30.5 18 32 19 33.5 20 35 maximum C. For housing developments meeting the criteria of subparagraph (2) of paragraph (A) of Section 16.82.030, the densit bonus shall be calculated as follows: Percentage Very Low Income Percentage Densify Bonus Units 5 20 6 22.5 7 ~ 25 8 27.5 9 30 10 32.5 11 35 maximum D. For housing developments meeting :the criteria of subparagraphs (3) and (4) of paragraph (A) of Section 16.82.030, the density bonus shall be twenty percent (20%). E. For housing developments meeting the criteria of subparagraph (5) of paragraph (A) of Section 16.82.030, the density bonus shall be calculated as follows: g~ -a~ ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 10 Percentage Moderate Income Percentage Density Bonus Units 10 5 11 6 12 7 13 8 14 9 15 10 16 11 17 - 12 18 13 19 14 20 15 21 16 22 17 23 18 24 19 25 20 26 21 27 22 28 23 29 24 30 25 31 26 32 27 3 ° ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 11 33 28 34 29 35 30 36 31 37 32 38 33 39 34 40 35 maximum F. An applicant may elect to accept a lesser percentage of density bonus than that to which the. applicant is entitled under this Chapter. All density bonus calculations resulting in a fractional number shall: be rounded upwards to the next whole number. The granting of a density bonus shall not',be interpreted, in and of itself, to require a general plan amendment, zoning change, or other discretionary approval. G. For the purpose of calculating ~a density bonus, the residential units do not have to be based upon individual subdivision maps. or parcels. The density bonus shall be permitted in geographic areas of the':housing development other than the areas where the units for the lower income households are located. H. The. application and review process for a density bonus as provided by this section is set forth in Section 16.82.120. 16.82.080 Land Donation. i A. When an applicant for a tentative map, subdivision map, parcel map, or other residential development approval donates land to the city as provided for in this Section 16.82.080, the applicant shall be entitled to a fifteen percent (15%) increase above the otherwise maximum allowable residential density under the applicable zoning ordinance and land use element of the general -plan for the entire- housing development, as follows: Percentage Very Low In,eome Percentage Density Bonus Units (Based upon maximum ~ density allowed on donafed land) 10 15 g~-~? ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 12 11 16 12 17 13 18 14 19 15 20 16 21 17 22 18 23 19 24 20 25 21 26 22 27 23 28 24 29 25 30 26 31 27 32 28 33 29 34 30 35 maximum This increase shall be in addition to any increase in density mandated by Section 16.82.030, up to a maximum combined mandated density increase of thirty-five percent (35%), if an applicant seeks both the increase required pursuant to this section and Section 16.82.030. All density calculations resulting in fractional units shall be rounded up to-the next whole number. Nothing in this section shall be construed to enlarge or diminish the city's authority to require an applicant to donate land as a condition of development: g~-~~ ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 13 B. An applicant. shall be eligible Ifor the increased density bonus described in this section if the city is able to make all the following conditions and findings: 1. The applicant donates 'and transfers the land no later than the date of ,approval of the final subdivision map, parcel map, or date of approval of the residential development application. 2. The developable acreage and zoning classification of the land being transferred are sufficient to permit. construction of units affordable to very low income households in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of ,the number of residential units of the proposed development. 3. The transferred land is' at least one acre in size or of sufficient size to permit development of at least forty (40) .units, has the appropriate general plan designation, is appropriately zoned for development as affordable housing, and is or will be served by adequate public facilities and infrastructure. The land shall have appropriate zoning and development standards to make the 'development of the affordable units feasible. No later than the date of approval of the final subdivision map, parcel map, or date of approval of !:the development application for the housing development, the transferred .land shall have all of the permits and approvals, other than building permits, necessary for the development of very low income housing units on the transferred land, except that the city may subject the proposed development to subsequent design review to the extent authorized by subdivision (i) of Government Code Section :65583.2 if the design is~; not reviewed by the local government prior to the time of transfer. 4. The transferred land and the very low. income units constructed on the land will be subject to a"deed restriction ensuring continued affordability of the units consistent withahis Chapter, which restriction will be recorded on the property at the time of dedication. 5. The land is transferred to the,; city or to a housing developer approved by the city. The city may:, require! the applicant to identify and transfer the land to such city-approved developer, including but not limited to the .Redevelopment Agency. 6. The transferred land shall be within the boundary of the proposed development or, if the city agrees in writing, within one-quarter mile of the boundary of the proposed development. C. The application and review process for a donation of land and related density bonus is set forth in Section 16.82.120. ~33 ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 14 16.82.090 Child Care Facilities. A. When an applicant proposes to construct a housing development that includes affordable units as specified in Section 16.82.030 and includes a child care facility that will be located on the premises of, as part of or adjacent to such housing development, the city shall grant either of the following if requested by the applicant. 1. An additional density bonus that is an amount of square feet of residential space that is equal to or greater than the amount of square feet in the child care facility. 2. An additional concession or incentive that contributes significantly to the economic feasibility of the construction of the child care facility. B. A housing development shall', be eligible for the density .bonus or concession described in this section if the city, as': a condition of approving the housing development, requires all of the following to occur: 1. The child care facility will remain in operation for a period of time that is as long as or longer than;, the period of time during which the affordable housing units .are required to remain affordable pursuant to Section 16.82.040. 2. Of the children who attend ,the child care facility, the percentage of children of very low income households, lower.. income households, or moderate income households shall be equal to or greater than the percentage of affordable housing units that are proposed to be affordable to very low income households, lower income households, or moderate income households. 3. Notwithstanding any requirement of this Section 16.82.090, the city shall not be required to provide a density bonus or concession for a child care facility if it finds, based upon :substantial evidence, that the community already has adequate child care facilities. C. The application and review process for the provision of child care facilities and related density bonus or concessions'or incentives is set forth in Section 16.82.120. 16.82.100 Condominium Conversions. Any applicant seeking to convert apartments into condominiums may receive a density bonus or incentives of equivalent financial value (as that term is defined in Government Code section 65915.5) upon an application made in conjunction with its map application pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act; this code and consistent with Government Code section 65915.5. Any appeal of any',density bonus or incentive of equivalent financial value or review by the Planning Commission to the City Council shall automatically require an appeal of the underlying map to that body. An applicant shall be ineligible for a density bonus or other incentives under this Section 16.82.100 if the apartments ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 15 proposed for conversion constitute a ,housing development for which a density bonus or other incentives or concessions were'.provided under Government Code section 65915. Nothing in this section shall be construed :to require the city to approve a proposal to convert apartments: to condominiums': 16.82.110 Parking Incentives. A. Housing developments meefing any of the criteria of Section 16.82.030, paragraph A, shall be granted the': following maximum parking ratios, inclusive of handicapped and guest parking, which shall apply to the entire development, not just the restricted affordable units, when requested in writing by an applicant: 1. Zero to one bedroom dwelling unit: one onsite parking. space; 2. Two to three bedrooms'dwelling unit: two onsite parking spaces; 3. Four or more bedrooms: two and one-half parking spaces. B. If the total number of spaces required results in a fractional number, it shall be . rounded up to the next whole number: For purposes of this subdivision, a development may provide "onsite parking" through tandem parking or uncovered parking, but not through on-street parking. 16.82.120 Application and Review Procedures. A. A written application for a density bonus, incentive, concession, waiver, or modification pursuant to this Chapter shall be submitted with the first application for approval of a housing development and, processed concurrently with all other applications required for the housingdevelopment. The application shall be submitted on a form prescribed by the city and shall include at least the following information: 1. Site plan showing total number of units, number and location of affordable housing units, and number and .location of proposed density bonus units. 2. Level of affordability of affordable housing units and proposals for ensuring affordability. 3. .Description of any requested incentives, concessions, waivers or modifications of development standards, or modified parking standards. The application shall include evidence that the requested incentives and concessions are required for the provision of affordable housing. costs and/or affordable rents,'; as well as evidence relating to any other factual findings required under Section ;16.82.050. 4. If a density bonus or concession is requested in connection with a land donation, the application shall show the location of the land to be dedicated and provide"':evidence that each of the findings included in Section 16.82.080 can be made. gl - 3s ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 16 5. If a density bonus or concession/incentive is requested for a childcare .facility, the application shall show the location and. square footage of the child care facilities and provide evidence that each of the findings included Section 16.82.090 can be made. B. An application for a density :bonus, incentive or concession pursuant to this Chapter shall be considered by and acted upon by the approval body with authority to approve the housing development :and subject to the same administrative appeal procedure, if any. In accordance with state law, neither the granting of a concession, incentive, waiver, or modification nor the granting of a density bonus shall be interpreted, in and of itself, to require a ,general plan amendment, zoning change, variance, or other discretionary approval. C. For .housing developments requesting a waiver, modification or reduction of a development standard, an application, pursuant to this subdivision shall. be heard by the city planning commission. A public Bearing shall be held by the planning commission and the commission shall issue a determination. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65915, the planning commission shall approve the requested waiver/modification or reduction of development standards, unless one of the following conditions applies: 1. The waiver/modification ,is not required to make the proposed affordable housing units feasible; or 2. The waiver/modificationwill have a specific adverse impact. The decision of the city planning commission. may be appealed to the city council within fourteen consecutive calendar days.of the date the decision is made in the manner provided in Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. D. Notice- of any city determination pursuant to this section shall be provided to the same extent as required for the underlying development approval. 16.82.130 State Law Amendments. This Chapter implements the laws:: for density bonuses and other incentive and concessions available to qualified applicants- under Government Code Sections 65915- 65918. In the event these Government Code sections are amended, those .amended provisions shall be incorporated into this Chapter as if fully set forth herein. Should any inconsistencies exist between the amended State law and the provisions set forth in this Chapter, the amended State law shall ,prevail, SECTION 3. Any provision of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code or appendices thereto inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance, to the extent of such inconsistencies and no further, is hereby repealed or modified to that extent necessary to effect the provisions of this Ordinance. gL' 3 C~ ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 17 SECTION 4. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City ,Council:, hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each and every section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase not declared invalid or unconstitutional. without regard to whether any portion of the ordinance would be subsequently declared ;invalid or unconstitutional SECTION 5: A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least five (5) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance shall be', posted in the office of the Director` of Administrative Services/City Clerk. 'Within; fifteen (15) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the summary with the names of those City Council Members voting for and against the Ordinance shall be published again, and the Director of Administrative Services/City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted Ordinance. SECTION 6: This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after the date of its adoption. On motion of Council Member seconded by Council Member and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT:. the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this day of , 2007. ~~~~7 ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 18 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY ~1-3~ RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING PROGRAM REGULATIONS IMPLEMENTING THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE'S AFFORDLE HOUSING PROGRAM AND ADOPTING THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO'S AFFORDABLE HOUSING STANDARDS FOR. DETERMINATION OF MAXIMUM SALES PRICES AND RENTS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING UNITS WHEREAS, Goal A of the City's Housing Element is to provide a continuing supply of affordable housing to meet the needs 'of existing and future Arroyo Grande residents in all income categories; and WHEREAS, The City's Housing Element sets forth inclusionary housing requirements for all residential projects over two (2) units to include a percentage of moderate, low and very low income units; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to establish issues related to buyer eligibility requirements, unit financing and affordability standards, participation in affordable housing programs, and submission for City approval through the adoption of guidelines for the City's affordable housing program; and WHEREAS, The City Council deems ;that it is in the best interest of the City to establish specific standards for determining the 'maximum sales price for affordable housing units. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the, City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts Program Regulations for the City of Arroyo Grande's Affordable Housing Program, attached hereto ' as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this, reference. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts the formula and standards for determining the maximum sales prices and rents for affordable housing units established by the County of San Luis Obispo, updated and provided in its monthly bulletin for inland areas. This Resolution shall take effect upon the effective date of Ordinance No. ! (Inclusionary Affordable Housing Requirements). On a motion by Council Member seconded by Council Member ,and by the following roll call vote to wit: AYES: i NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted'this day of 2007. ~J ~ RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ' ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY i S:\Community Development\PROJECTS\DCA\07-005 Affordable Housing update\CC Reso Program Regulations.doc ~~~L~b , o~ PRROVOC EXHIBIT A INCORPORATED Z ti t~ D m JULY ,o, ,s„ Program Regulations~~ ca~~FORN~P City of Arroyo Grande Affordable Housing Program The City of Arroyo Grande's Affordable Housing program requires that most new home developers sell a percentage of their homes at affordable below-market prices to buyers who meet certain eligibility requirements. Each developer that is required to produce affordable housing must enter into an Affordable Housing Agreement with the City of Arroyo Grande that includes various requirements for their project. In addition to specifying the number and distribution of affordable units by number of bedrooms and level of affordability (i.e., Very Low, Low and Moderate), these requirements include: • Participating in available local, state and federal housing assistance programs , • Verifying the income and eligibility of the buyers of affordable units and providing this information to the City, or it's designated agent, prior to the close of escrow These Regulations were developed to assist the City, developers and lenders to implement the Affordable Housing Program, which is based on the City's Affordable Housing Ordinance and the Affordable Housing Agreements. The following areas are addressed in these Regulations: J • Buyer Eligibility Requirements • Unit Financing and Affordability Standards • Participation in Affordable Housing Programs • Submission for City Approval Other regulations exist for the various homebuyer assistance programs. 1. Buyer Eligibility Requirements The buyers of affordable homes must~meet certain eligibility requirements regarding the program income limits and household: size. 1.1 Income Eligibility To qualify to purchase an affordable home, each buyer must earn no more than the income limits established for the target income group established for the specific home to be purchased. These income limits are adjusted for household size. With limited exceptions, all income received by all members of the household must be included when calculating the buyer's income. The income of every person who will be on title must be counted even if they do not intend to occupy the property. The buyer's current income must be used and it must be projected for the upcoming twelve months. Trending and three year averaging may only be used for irregular income, such as seasonal employment, part-time employment, self- employment, bonuses and overtime. See Appendix A for a definition of a homebuyer's income. Arroyo Grande Affordable Housing Program. Regulations Page 1 of 5 ~J~~~ 1.2. Household Size Every person who intends to occupy the affordable home must be included when counting household size. In addition, every person who will be on title to the property must be counted as a'' member of the household. A pregnant woman counts as one household member. 2. Unit Financing and Affordability Standards The purpose of the Affordable Housing Ordinance is to produce homes that are affordable for households who cannot otherwise afford to purchase a home in this community. The City is concerned about the initial affordability of these units and their affordability over time in order to mairtain the inventory of deed restricted affordable units. Consequently, the following standards are established to prevent homebuyers from assuming financial risks that could compromise their abilityto maintain ownership of their home in the future. 2.1. First Loan Standards The City will .not approve the sale of an affordable home that will be financed by one of the following types of first loans: • A sub-prime loan2 • An adjustable rate loan • A loan that has negative amortization • A loan with a term of less than 30 years • A loan that is not fully amortized A loan that has a lower initial interest rate or payments will be approved by the City if the ultimate interest rate' is fixed, there is no negative amortization and the loan is fully amortized over its Perm. 2.2. Second Financing Standards These regulations require that all second mortgages must obtain prior, written approval of the City. 2.2.1. Government Secondary Financing The City will, in all cases, approve secondary financing that is provided by a local, state or federal government agency. 2.2.2. Private Secondary Financing Understanding that it may be less expensive and easier for a buyer to obtain an 80% first loan'', plus a second loan than to obtain a larger single loan with private mortgage insurance, the City will approve private secondary financing when all of the following conditions are met: For the purposes of the Affordable Housing Ordinance and the City/RDA home buyer assistance loans, aSub-Prime loan is one that charges a higher interest rate and)or loan fees than what is generally offered in the market for borrowers with good. credit. . Arroyo Grande Affordable Housing Program Regulations Page 2 of 5 g~" ~ C~` • The combined payments for the first and second loan are less than the payments for a first loan of the same combined loan amount plus private ,mortgage insurance premiums3 • The second loan does not have negative amortization • The second loan has a term of at least 15 years • The second loan does not have a balloon payment 2.3 Combined Loan-to-Value (CCTV) Ratios The maximum loan to value ratio allowed under these regulations is ninety-five percent (95%) unless a higherratio is specifically. allowed in writing by the City. The City will, in all cases, authorize the CCTV to exceed 95% when the buyer will receive government secondary financing. 2.4 Affordability -Payment Ratios In order to ensure that the affordable homes are, in fact, affordable to the buyers of those homes, the City has established the following guidelines for the buyers' payment or debt ratios: • Buyers may not pay more than 45% of their gross income for housing costs; and • Buyers may not pay more than 50% of their gross income for housing costs plus other long-term debt. The following standards and definitions shall apply for the purposes of calculating payment or debt ratios: • Housing costs includes mortgage payments (principle and interest), property taxes and hazard insurance, plus any special assessments, homeowner association:dues or mortgage insurance that the buyer must paY. • If the buyer will receive an adjustable rate loan or a loan for which the initial interest rate or payments have been reduced, the payment or debt ratio must be calculated using the fully indexed or non-discounted interest rate and payments that are fully amortized over the term of the loan. • The income used in calculating payment or debt ratios must be fully documented or the buyer(s) must certify the source and amount of any undocumented income. 3. Participation in Affordable Housing Programs Every Affordable Housing Agreement'includes arequirement that the developer participate in local, state and federal housing ;assistance programs to assist the buyers of both affordable and market rate homes. hen comparing mortgage costs, the payments must be calculated based on the same combined loan amount. In addition, if any loan has a reduced initial interest rate or initial payment, the comparison should be based on the fully indexed interest rate and/or full payment. Arroyo Grande Affordable Housing Program Regulations Page 3 of 5 gI ~3 3.1. County of San Luis Obispo • First Time Home Buyer',(FTHB)' Loans (when funds are available) 3.2. San Luis Obispo Housing Authority Program • Section 8 Homebuyers Assistance Program 3.3. California Housing Finance Agency4 • CaIHFA First Mortgage ,Loans • CaIHFA Extra Credit Teacher Loans Each and every buyer of an affordable or market rate home who may qualify for CaIHFA's School Fee Down payment Assistance Program must be informed that this grant is available and assisted with an application for assistance regardless of their need. 4. Submission for City Approval The Developer or Lender shall deliver the following forms and documentation to the City's Program Administrator (Housing Authority of the City of San Luis Obispo, 487 Leff Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401) no earlier than four weeks and no later than two weeks prior to the scheduled close of'escrow for each affordable unit: • Transmittal Form • Buyer's Application and Affidavit • Seller's Affidavit • Lender's Initial Certification,of Buyer Eligibility • Report of Action on Application • Affordable Housing Program Disclosure • Home Purchase Contract/Agreement (copy -signed by both the buyer and seller) • First Loan Application (signed updated Fannie Mae 1003 or equivalent) • Lender's Loan Approval(s) or Commitment(s) • Loan Transmittal Summary', (Fannie Mae 1008 or equivalent) • Income Verifications (copies of pay- stubs, VOEs, 1040s and/or other documentation) • Asset Verifications (copies of statements, VODs and/or other documentation) • Credit Report • Other information or documentation to support the Buyer's application 5. Maximum Sales Price The maximum sales price for an affordable unit shall be determined by the bulletin prepared by the San Luis Obispo County Department of Planning and Building. The Affordable Housing Standards bulletin summarizes the County's affordable housing standards for non-coastal areas; including maximum household .incomes, home purchase prices and rents. Information of the CaIHFA's loan programs are available online at www.calhfa.ca.gov/homeownership , Arroyo Grande Affordable Housing Program Regulations Page 4 of 5 01 " Lr Appendix A Income Defined "Income" shall mean any of the following: (1) All wages and salaries, overtime pay, commissions, fees, tips, bonuses, and other compensation for personal services before payroll deductions, for all persons in a household over twenty-one (21) who are on title; (2) The net income from the operation of a business or profession, or from the rental of real or personal property (without deducting expenditures for business expansion, ;amortization of capital indebtedness, or any allowance for depreciation of capital assets);. (3) Interest and dividends (including income from assets); (4) The full amount of periodic payments received from social security, annuities, - ~ insurance policies, retirement funds, pensions, disability or death benefits, and other similar types of periodic receipts, excluding any portion of a lump sum payment for the delayed start of a periodic payment that exceeds the amount of the on-going periodic payment;" (5) Payments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment, disability compensation, or severance pay; (6) The maximum amount of available public assistance other than the amount of any assistance specifically designated' for shelter and utilities; (7) Periodic and determinable allowances, such as alimony and child support payments, and regular contributions or gifts received from persons not residing in the dwelling; (8) All regular pay, special pay and allowances of a member of the Armed Forces (whether or not living in the. dwelling) who is the head of the household or a spouse; and (9) Any earned income tax credit to the extent that it exceeds income tax liability. Arroyo Grande Affordable Housing Program Regulations Page 5 of 5 - i ,s .Attachment 1 Affordable .Housing Standards -Inland Areas SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING Count Government Center San Luis Obis o, California 93408 Tele hone 805 781-5601 This bulletin summarizes the county's affordable housing standards for non-coastal areas, including maximum household incomes, home purchase prices and rents. These standards are effective January 19, 2007. Income limits: The state defines family income groups as follows: "Extremely Low Income" is defined by Health and Safety Code Section 50106 as 30% of county median',; income; "Very Low Income" is defined by Health and Safety, Code Section 50105 as 50% of county median': income; "Lower Income" is defined by Health and Satety Code Section 50079.5 as 80% of county median income; "Moderate Income" is defined by Health and Safety Code Seciton 50093 as 120% of county median income; "Workforce" is defined by Title 22 of the County Code as 160% of county median income. Persons in Extremely Low Very Low Lower Income Median Incom Moderate Workforce Famil Income ..Income Income , $13,500 $22,450 ' $35,950 $44,900 $53,900 $71,840 2 $15,400 $25,700 ? $41,100 $51,400 $61,600. $82,240 3 $17,350 $28,900 ; $46,200 $57,800 $69,300 $92,480 4 $19,250 $32,100 $51,350 $64,200 $77,000 $102,720 5 $20,800 $34,650 it $55,450 $69,300 $83,200 $110,880 6 $22,350 $37,250 ,:$59,550 $74,500 $89,300 $119,200 7 $23,850 $39,800 $63,650 $79,600 $95,500 $127,360 8 $25,400 $42,350 ' $67,800 $84,700 $101,600 $135,520 Sample maximum sales prices: (see footnotes) Unit Size Extremely Low Very Low Lower Income Moderate Workforce Bedrooms. J Income Income Income Studio $22,000 $49,000 ;'.$75,000 ~153,000~ $215,000 1 $28,000 $58;000 !:$88,800.. $178,000 $249,000 2 $34,000 $68,000 !'$102,000 $202,000 $282,000 3 $39,000 $77,300 !;$115,000 $226,000 $315,000 4 $44,000 $84,900,$126,000 $246,000 $341,000 - Note 1: Homeowner association fee asuumed at $150 per month. Note 2: Mortgage financing assumed at 7.22% fixed rate for 30 years (per HSH Associates for week ending 08/17/07). Note 3: Prices shown are preliminary estimates and may,. be revised. Note 4: Actual sales price limits will be determined by the County on acase-by-case basis. Updated: 8/22/2007 g~ -~fi~ Maximum rents: (see footnotes) Unit Size ~ Extremely Low Very Low Lower Income Moderate Workforce (Bedrooms) Income Income Income Studio $337 $561 ~ $674 $1,23 $1,684 1 $386 $643 ; $771 $1,414 $1,928 2 $434 $723 $867 $1,590 $2,168 3 $482 $803 , ' ~ $963 $1,766 $2,408 4 $520 $866 ~ $1,040. $1,906 $2,599 Note 1: These rent limits include allowances for utilities as determined by the Housing Authority of the City of San Luis Obipo (805-543-4478). Note 2: Rent limits are updated whenn the State issues its annual update to median incomes, . generally in April of each year. Updated: 8/22/2007 ~~""1 i 8.m. ~ p,RROyO o ~ INCORPORATED 92 V m * JULY 70. 1911 ,f. MEMORANDUM cQ~~FORN~P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF'~ SUPPLEMENTAL CONSULTANT CONTRACT FOR EAST BRANCH STREETSCAPE REVISED PROJECT COST ~ ESTIMATE DATE: DECEMBER 11, 2007 - RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council ;;authorize a supplemental consultant contract with C.P. O'Halloran Associates, Inc. to assist RRM Design Group with a revised project cost estimate for Branch Streetscape Enhancement. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The East. Branch Streetscape Enhancement project, including preliminary design, survey, improvement plans, and construction will be funded predominantly by a SLOCOG enhancement grant, but !the project scope and initial cost estimate have changed during 2007. To complete the plans and prepare additional grant requests, the ~ City and RRM Design Group need an ,updated and comprehensive itemized cost 'i estimate prepared by a professional 'cost estimator - C.P. O'Halloran Associates, Inc., of Westlake Village. The consultant fee for this ;contract service will be approximately $4,000 and RRM will coordinate this estimate for 10%, resulting in a need for $4,400 additional budget, to be reimbursed by the -grant. BACKGROUND: A preliminary concept plan was presented to the City Council in January 2D07, but did not include in-ground street trees. Additionally, the concept plans were incomplete regarding necessary storm drainage,system and recommended design details regarding i bulb-outs, landscape irrigation, lighted and patterned crosswalk materials and street ~ furniture such as benches and trash recycle receptacles. A preliminary concept plan ~ cost estimate was subsequently prepared, but revealed that the scope and design refinements were over budget of th'e SLOCOG enhancement grant and special;"safe crosswalk" funding already approved. It is anticipated that additional grants or ;supplemental funding may be needed to complete storm drainage system, in-ground street tree planting and irrigation systems, bulb-outs, lighted and patterned crosswalks, landscaping and furniture according to plan refinements. ~~,-1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF SUPPLEMENTAL CONSULTANT CONTRACT FOR EAST BRANCH STREETSCAPE REVISED PROJECT COST ESTIMATE DECEMBER 11, 2008 PAGE 2 During 2007, RRM Design Group has revised and refined the enhancement project design proposals and integrated in=ground street tree placement, including optional irrigation system. The recommended designs will be presented to the City Council at the January 8, 2008 regular meeting.; The project construction has been intentionally deferred until the City's request to I~ Caltrans for State Highway Route 227 relinquishment is approved. Topographic survey and more detailed improvement plans can be prepared while the City waits for State approval of the relinquishment, expected by Spring 2008. Staff is also pursuing additional enhancement grant applicants for supplemental funding. I ALTERNATIVES: The City and RRM Design Group need an updated and more detailed itemized project cost estimate prepared by a professional cost estimator to refine the project scope and additional funding required. Further revision and refinements may be needed when survey and improvement plans reveal additional design.. details, but a qualified professional cost estimation firm, C.P. O'Halloran Associates, Inc. of Westland Village, ' ~i has submitted its subcontract proposal to RRM Design Group for this needed service, at ~ a fee of $4,000. RRM will coordinate .with this firm, adding 10% for the total supplemental cost of $4,400. This is~'the recommended alternative. The City could separately bid out and award the cost estimation service proposal, but - this would complicate coordination ',with RRM and typically require a 15% contract administration cost as well as staff time to prepare a Request for Proposal (RFP) and selection process to screen responding firm qualifications. The City could also utilize its own engineering department estimates or request that ~ RRM's design team provide revisedf:cost estimates, but the specialized nature of the project and fluctuations in material and labor costs during the last year make this the least desirable and possibly most inaccurate .cost estimation alternative. Finally; not revising or refining the ;.cost estimates prior to further improvement plan preparation could cause the scope and selection of design options to be excessive or speculative if the project goes to bid without needed clarifications. ~ ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: i Recognizing that the East Branch Streetscape Enhancement project ,involves reconstruction of about three blocks',; in the heart of the historic Village. Its design is complex and dependent on both Iunderground and surface conditions yet to be determined. The City and RRM Piave been progressing with evaluation of design alternatives and revising plans to include underground storm drainage system, accurate utilities and lateral locations, considering in-ground street tree placement and possible optional irrigation system, etc. However; the construction plans and specifications cannot be resolved without more detailed survey and scoping enabled 'by more accurate ' - I' ~ ~ ~ CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF SUPPLEMENTAL CONSULTANT CONTRACT FOR EAST BRANCH STREETSCAPE REVISED PROJECT COST ESTIMATE DECEMBER 11, 2008 PAGE 3 itemized cost estimates. The City has intentionally deferred project construction #o allow for State highway relinquishment process and eliminate the time and expense associated with "Design Exceptions" for essential features. ADVANTAGES:. A revised and detailed cost estimate update will enable more accurate improvement plans and specifications, as well a's supplemental grant applications. It will focus proposed improvements on the heart!of the Village including the east half of the block of West Branch Street between Traffic Way and Bridge/Nevada Streets and two blocks of East Branch Street from Bridge/Nevada to Mason Streets. DISADVANTAGES: The additional cost of $4,400 is the basic disadvantage of an updated project cost estimate since the scheduling is already deferred for State highway relinquishment process to the completed. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The planning and project design are lnot projects according to CEQA, but will lead to a detailed initial study and probable Mitigated Negative Declaration prior to proposed construction. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The previous concept plans and design refinements and alternatives being considered have been previewed with the Village Improvement Association and affected property owners and merchants. The RRM Design presentation scheduled for January 8, 2008 Council meeting will also be advertised inviting public comment and the eventual project plans and specifications will be considered at a subsequent Council meeting when completed, including environmental initial study and determination. Attachments: 1. Letter from RRM re Cost Estimate Proposal ~fl~ "3 i2°Gd-G' g4:52PM FRuM-RRM Design Group 8115-543-4609 r I j ATTACHMENT 1 ApD9T1QNAL.SERViCES AUT>f-1~ltIZATtON ~ rrn1~~Smg~groUp creating environments people enjoy® ; Ciient: Ci of Arroyo Grande 1°ask ID Plo.: C.OI A Project: East Branch Street= Date: Decerraber 4, 2007 Streetscape ltrtoC~ve,.ments ' Work requested by: Rob Strong )ob lVo.: 1406563 s.. Request received by: Chris Manning, Request: I Date received: ? Verbai ? better Marked Prints ? Verbal authorization received ® Client authorization required Q Included in contract, authorization not required ? Qther_ . L ~ Non-chargeable ? Houriy ® FixNd Eee ? Other Desr-ription of Work to be Perforrated Construction cost management services provided by consultant to RRM C3esign Group, C.P. O'Halloran Associates Inc., to include preparation of single estimates of construction at the completion of preliminary design- ~ i The intent of this cost estimate is to establish the. preliminary cost for streetscape improvemert~ prior to initiaeing the construction document phase. Estimated RRM Additional Serviee fees: 54,400 Estimated Other Additional Eees: Total Estimated Additional fees 54,400 1 hereby auchore=e the above work to be performed 8y: Date: Client Signature Please sign and return original so that we may proceed with the above work. COMMUNITY 1 CIVIC & PUBLIC SAFETY ~--.RECREATION ~ EDUCATION, ~ URBAN - ARCHITECTS !ENGINEERS { EXHIBIT DESIGNERS I LAHOSCAPEARCHITECTS I PLANNERS {SURVEYORS ' RCaitwrla Capo(a•~cn~Y,~r MOryppmsy, MCM~aec~Ctt09C;lttry M~:lim:, PF a75635, LB Jd2751.A(Fomut,lAYZBda ` - ~f Q E ARROYO O INCORPORATED 9 ti Z V T ~ .nur ,o. ,e„ ,f CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE c4~~FORN~P ;CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF>PUBLIC HEARING On TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2007;; the Arroyo Grande City Council will conduct a public hearing at 7:00 P.M. in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET, to consider the following item: . 1. Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. The City Council will consider arequest from Leland and.Amy Simpson, dba Grover Beach Taxi, to issue a new Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to operate a taxicab company known as "234-Taxi, LLC". Under this new company name, the applicants propose to continue operating three taxicabs locally in the South County, expand to six taxicabs Countywide, dissolve "Grover Beach Taxi", and transition the taxicab color scheme from red with yellow lettering to whitewith red and yellow reflective lettering. The Council may also discuss other hearings or business items before or after the items listed above. If you challenge the proposed action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at 'the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. Failure of any person to receive the notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to invalidate the action of the legislative. body for which the notice';was given. Information relating to the proposals is available by contacting the Community Development Department at 473-5420. The City Council. meeting will be televised live on Charter Cable Channel 20. Kelly Wet ore ity Clerk Publish 1T, The Tribune, Friday, November 30, 2007 ~ P~aayQ ° MEMORANDUM ~ IMCONP0~IATED ~Z V ~ M ~ JULY 10, 1811 c4~1~ORN~P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ANNIBALI, CHIEF OF POLICE BY: KEVIN B. McBRIDE, POLICE SERGEANT SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION FOR A NEW CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY APPLIED FOR BY GROVER BEACH TAXI DATE: NOVEMBER 26, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended, after conducting a public hearing and making any modifications, the City Council adopt the resolution approving the request for a new Certificate of Public Convenience applied for by Leland and Amy Simpson. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The recommended action will have no financial impact on the City. BACKGROUND: The City has received a formal application from Leland and Amy Simpson, DBA Grover Beach Taxi, requesting a new Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to operate their taxicab company as 234-TAXI, L.L.C. The request includes the following changes: - A name change from Grover Beach Taxi to 234-TAXI, L.L.C. - The addition of three cabs to the existing fleet of three for a total of six (three of the six operating in the Five Cities area). - Color change by slowly phasing out the current red vehicles to white vehicles with the following color scheme: decals with a red background and yellow reflective lettering. Grover Beach Taxi was originally granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity by the City Council on May 8, 2001 to operate within the Arroyo Grande city limits. The business has been changed from a Sole Proprietor (Leland Simpson) to a Limited Liability Corporation on June 4, 2007. Grover Beach Taxi.. has now changed to 234-TAXI, L.L.C. Amy Simpson is now listed as the President of 234-TAXI, L.L.C. and Leland Simpson, is now the Vice-President of 234-TAXI, L.L.C. qa- CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION FORA NEW CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY APPLIED FOR BY GROVER BEACH TAXI NOVEMBER 26, 2007 PAGE 2 Currently, Grover Beach Taxi has no sustained complaints with the Police Department. The business will continue to be located at 1425 25th Street, Oceano CA 93445. They propose to continue to operate with the same rate schedule as below: - Fare for Pick-up: $3.00 - Fare per Mile: $3.00 - Waiting time: $50.00 - Credit Card Surcharge: N/A , - After-hours Surcharge: $3.00 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for Council's consideration: - Determine there is a public. need for 234-TAXI, L.L.C. (Grover Beach Taxi) to continue service and expand to six vehicles with the listed color changes and adopt the attached Resolution; - Find that there is no public need for the taxicab service in Arroyo Grande and do not .adopt the Resolution; or - Provide direction to staff. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: This is an existing business that operates in the City of Arroyo Grande and has had no negative contact with Police Department. The requested changes have no financial impact on the City of Arroyo Grande. Should the Council approve the Simpsons' request, they will be required to comply with the following prior to issuance of the Certificate of Public. Convenience and Necessity: a) submit vehicles for inspection by the Police Department; b) supply evidence of the required insurance; c) obtain taxi permits from the Police Department for all drivers; d) obtain a City business license; and e) submit acurrent -rate schedule to the City Clerk's Office. ADVANTAGES: There are only two taxicab companies in the Five Cities area and the proposed addition of three taxicabs at this time would provide additional convenience to the residents and visitors of Arroyo Grande. DISADVANTAGES: Approval of taxi cab services that exceed demand can risk damaging the ability to support existing business and result in a long-term reduction in service. However, staff does not believe this situation exists. qc~= 3 _ _ _ _ - CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION FORA NEW CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY APPLIED FOR BY GROVER BEACH TAXI NOVEMBER 26, 2007 PAGE 3 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENT: A public hearing notice was published in The Tribune on November 30, 2007. The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, December 6, 2007. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, December 7, 2007. No public comments were received. Attachments: 1. Letter from Amy Simpson requesting the listed changes to her existing business, Grover Beach Taxi. 2. Municipal Code -Title 5, Chapter 5.72 "Taxicabs"; 3. Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity form. ~G.~~ RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE- CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO 234-TAXI, L.L.C. FOR THE OPERATION OF A TAXICAB SERVICE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS CONTINGENT UPON FULL COMPLIANCE WITH. ALL CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS OF TITLE 5, CHAPTER 5.72 "TAXICABS" OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS, Amy and Leland Simpson, current owners of Grover Beach Taxi, have applied for a new Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to operate a taxicab service under the new name of 234-TAXI, L.L.C. within the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, a public hearing to consider the application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for operation of a taxicab service was duly noticed and held on December 11, 2007; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that public convenience and necessity requires the taxicab company to operate within the City limits. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby grants a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to 234-TAXI, L.L.C., contingent upon full and total compliance with all the conditions and requirements of Title 5, Chapter 5.72 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if the conditions and requirements of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code are not met by` the applicant, the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity will not be issued. On motion by Council Member ,seconded by Council Member ,and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed. and adopted this day of , 2007 ~a 5 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY J ~ b ATTACHMENT 1 P.O.Box749 Q~] OCT '2 ~a~ ~ Grover Beach, CA 93483 (805)709-9451 (805}481-5573 bajacap~?charter.net Grover Beach Taxi October 2, 2007 City of Arroyo Grande Mayor & Council & Staff Deaz Sir or Madam: This is a formal application from Leland and Amy Simpson DBA Grover Beach Taxi to request a new Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity which was previously granted on Apri12, 2001. We have changed the business from a Sole Proprietor to a Limited Liability Corporation. The Certificate of Incorporation was granted to me, Amy Simpson from the State of California June 4, 2007. I, Amy Simpson, residing at 1425 25`h ST. in Oceano am now listed as the President of 234- TAXI LLC. Leland Simpsori, my husband, Sole Proprietor of Grover Beach Taxi is now the Vice President of 234-TAXI LLC. We would like to expand our' business starting with a new name for mazketing reasons. Our proposed name~~~change will be 234-TAXI LLC. If permission is granted, the only visible difference in the taxicabs appeazance will'be the removal of Grover Beach Taxi from the labels. Our new name and phone # will be visible on the taxicabs according to the .municipal code for Taxi. Grover Beach Taxi currently operates three red taxicabs in the Five Cities area. We would like to ask permission to add three more taxicabs to our fleet for a total of six. taxicabs to be listed on our Certificate. We will still operate three vehicles on a daily basis in the five cities area but we will be insuring all six under our proposed new name so that we may operate uniformly in all cities of San Luis Obispo County. We aze asking permission in the city, of San Luis Obispo to run three white taxicabs. At this time we would also like to request a change in our color scheme. We would like to slowly phase out our current 3 red vehicles and replace them with white vehicles. We will use red background and yellow reflective lettering for our decals. These vehicles will be newer, :white, full sized vehicles similar or equivalent to the Chevrolet Impala. They will 'carry up to 5 passengers. c 1C~~7 I; i October 2, 2007 Page 2 April 2007 will be our 7`~ year in the business. We have a clean driving record and I believe a good relationship with the local police stations and city clerk offices. I have enjoyed learning the taxi business and would like to continue our service. Serving the Five Cities azea has been a pleasure and I look forwazd to our proposed expansion. We are still very proud to be members of the Grover Beach community, for business reasons we need to expand and not limit ourselves by using the city's name as our legal business name. .Thank you for your time and'consideration and we look forwazd to continuing our relationship with all of you. ~ Amy Simpson qa.-~~ f ATTACHMENT 2 5.72.010 Chapter 5.72 "Driver" means every person in charge of, or operating, any passenger-carrying motor- TAXICABS propelled vehicle, either as agent, employee, or otherwise, of the owner, as the owner, or under Sections: the direction of the owner. 5.72.010 Definitions. "Driver's permit" meansa permit issued by 5.72.020 Certificates of public. the chief of police to an .individual person convenience and necessity permitting that person to drive a taxicab upon required. the streets of the city. 5.72.030 License taxes. "Owner" means and includes every person 5.72.040 Certificates of public owning or having the use or control of any convenience and taxicab. necessity-Transfer:] "Rate card" means a card provided by the 5.72.050 Identifying colors and owner of a size and type to be specified by the insignia. city clerk for display in each taxicab, which 5.72.060 Periodic inspections- card shall set forth .the rates of fare then in Vehicle equipment and force. maintenance. "Street" means any piece of road commonly 5.72.070 Refusal to carry used for the purposes of public travel. passengers-Prohibition of ~~~icab" means a motor-propelled drivers. l passenger-carrying vehicle. used for the 5.72.080, Operating regulations- transportation of passengers who direct the Direct routes. route to be traveled over the streets and not 5.72.090 Taxicab drivers-Permits. 5.72.100 Taxicab drivers- operated over a fixed route .for compensation. Permits-Revocation. "Taxicab stand" means a public place 5.72.110 Public liability. alongside the curb of a street or elsewhere in 5.72.120 Rates of fare. the city which place has been designated by the 5.72.130 Taxicab stands. council as reserved exclusively for the use of a holder of a certificate of ublic convenience 5.72.140 Records and reports.: P 5.72.150. Rules and regulations. and necessity. (Prior code § 5-10.01) 5.72.010 Definitions. 5.72.020 Certificates of public convenience and necessity For the purposes of this chapter, unless required. otherwise apparent from the context, certain words and phrases used in this chapter are A. Applications. It is unlawful for any defined as follows: person to engage in the business of operating "Certificate" means a certificate of public anY taxicab in the city without first having convenience and necessity issued by the obtained from the council a certificate of public council. convenience and necessity. All ,persons applying for such certificates "shall file with the 154 1Ci.'~ x.72.020 council a verified application which shall set D. Determination-Criteria. [n determin- forth the following: ing whether the public convenience and ne- t . The name and address of the person cessity require the taxicab ;service for ~~hich making the application; the application is made, the council shall in- 2. If, at the time of making the applica- vestigate and consider: tion, such person is actually operating ataxi- I . The demand ofthe public for additional cab service in the city, the number of taxicabs taxicab service; owned and operated therein by the applicant; 2. The adequacy of the existing taxicab 3. The number of vehicles for which a service; certificate of public convenience and necessity 3. The financial responsibility and experi- is desired; ence of the applicant; 4. The make, type, year of manufacture, 4. The number, make' and type of the and passenger seating capacity ofeach taxicab equipment and the color scheme to be used; for which the application for such certificate is and made; 5. The effect which additional taxicab 5. A description of the proposed color service may have on traffic congestion and scheme, insignia, or any other distinguishing parking and whether such service will result in characteristics of the taxicab. In this respect, a greater hazard to the public. no two taxicab companies shall have the same E. Issuance. Ifthe council shall, by resolu- color scheme; and tion, declare that the public convenience and 6. Such other information as the council necessity require the additional taxicab ser- may require. vice, a certificate to that effect shall be issued B. Applications-Hearings. Upon the fil- to the persons entitled thereto; provided, how- - ing of the fully completed application for the ever, the council may, at its discretion, deter- certificate of public convenience and neces- mine the character and number of permits to sity, the city clerk shall fix the time for apub- be granted to furnish necessary service; and, lic hearing thereon before the council for the provided, further, no certificate authorized purpose of determining whether the public pursuant to the provisions of.this chapter shall convenience and necessity require the ',,pro- be issued to any person who shall not have posed taxicab service. No certificate shall be fully complied with all the necessary require- granted until the council shall, after the hear- ments of this chapter. .ing, declare by resolution that the public con- ' F. Cancellation. If the service permitted venience and necessity require the proposed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter is for taxicab service. any reason discontinued for a period of forty- C. Applications-Hearings-Notices.No- five (45) days, the certificate granted shall be , tice ofthe time and place ofthe public hearing automatically cancelled and shall be restored before the council shall be published once in a only in accordance with the provisions ofthis newspaper of general circulation in the city section. ten (10) days prior to the hearing. The cost of G. Sales and Transfers. If an owner sells such publication shall be at the expense of the or transfers title to a taxicab. for which a cer- applicant. tificate has been issued, or in the event a taxi- cab for which a certificate has been issued has - 155 (fvroyo Grande Supp. No. 6, 12-04) /Ll. 5.72.030 been destroyed, such owner shall be entitled, 5.72.040 Certificates of public ~ as a matter of right, upon written application convenience and necessity- I, to the council made within. fifteen (15) days Transfer. after such sale, transfer or destruction, to have No certificate of public convenience and a new certificate ,issued, but for no greater ;necessity may be sold, assigned, mortgaged or number than sold, transferred or destroyed, otherwise transferred without the consent of provided such owner has complied with all the the council first had and obtained. (Priorcode provisions ofthis chapter. 5-10.04) H. Revocation and Suspension. The coun- cil may. at any time, revoke or suspend the 5.72.050 Identifying colors and certificate granted on the following grounds'or insignia. any of them: Each holder of a certificate of public con- 1. If the owner's record is unsatisfactory; venience and necessity shall keep on file with 2. If the owner fails to operate taxicabs in the'city clerk a statement of the name under accordance with the provisions ofthis chapter; which he or she is doing business, the color 3. If the owner discontinues or suspends .scheme by which his or her taxicabs will be operations of taxicabs for a period of thirty marked and painted, and the insignia to be (30) days without permission first had and carried on such taxicabs. Such color scheme obtained; and and insignia shall conform to the application 4. If taxicabs are operated at a rate of fare of the holder on file with the city clerk. All other than that filed with the city clerk. taxicabs operated by the holder of such a cer- I. Surrender. All certificates which shall titicate shall be painted and marked in accor- have been suspended or revoked by the coun- .dance with the statement currently on file with cil shall be surrendered to the city clerk. (Ord. the city clerk. No holder of a certificate shall 556 § 1C, 2004; prior code § 5-10.02) file any statement of colors, markings or in- signiawhich is the same as, or similar to, the 5.72.030 License taxes. colors, markings or insignia then currently on No certificate of public convenience and file by any other holder of a certificate. Each necessity shall be issued or continued in op- taxicab shall, in plain view on the exterior eration unless the holder thereof has paid an .thereof, have the business name and address annual license tax as set forth in Section of the owner painted in letters at least one-half 5.08. l30(I) ofthis code. Such license tax shall inch high. (Prior code § 5-10.05) be for the calendar year and shall, be in addi- tion to any other license fees orcharges estab= 5.72.060 Periodic inspections- lished by, proper authority and applicable to Vehicle equipment and such holder of the vehicles under his or her maintenance. operation and control; provided, however; Prior to the use and operation of any vehi- wheneverany vehicle is placed in service after cle pursuant to the provisions ofthis chapter, the beginning of the calendar year, the tax for such vehicle shall be thoroughly examined such vehicle shall be prorated on a monthly and inspected by the police department and basis. (Prior code § 5-10.03) found to comply with all of the laws of the state and the city and with such reasonable (Arroyo Grande Supp. No. 6, 12-04) 156 ~(a -I ~ 5.72.070 rules and regulations for safety as may be pre- for services inside the city as soon as they can scribed by the chief of police or by the coun- do so, and if such service cannot be rendered cil. Every vehicle operating pursuant to the within a reasonable time, they shall then no- provisions ofthischapter shall be periodically tify the prospective passengers how. long it inspected by the police department every six will be before such call can be answered and months to insure the continued maintenance give the reason therefor. Any holder who shall of sate operating conditions. A fee, as estab- refuse to accept a call anywhere in the city at lisped by resolution of the city council, for any time when such holder has available taxi- - each inspection shall be paid to the city: cabs, or who shall fail or refuse to give overall In addition, every vehicle operating pursu- service, shall be deemed a violator of the pro- ant to the provisions of this chapter shall be visions of this chapter, and the certificate , kept in a-clean and sanitary condition. (Prior granted shall be revoked at the discretion of code § 5-,10.06) the council. (Prior code § 5-10.07) 5.72.070 Refusal to carry 5.72.080 Operating regulations- ~passengers-Prohibition of Direct routes. drivers. A. Any driver employed to transport pas- A. It shall be a violation of the provisions sengers to a definite point shall take the most of this chapter for any driver of a taxicab to direct route possible which will carry his or refuse or neglect to convey any orderly person her passenger to his or her destination safely upon request unless previously engaged or and expeditiously. unable or forbidden by the provisions o'f this B. No driver of any licensed taxicab shall chapter so to do. No driver of any taxicab refuse any person prompt taxicab service in shall solicit business for any hotel or motel or the city at any time while such taxicab is on attempt to divert patronage from one hotel or the public ,streets ready for service, unless motel to another. Neither shall such driver such taxicab is already engaged in the carry- engage in selling intoxicating liquor, nor in ing of one or more passengers or is enroute to transporting intoxicating liquor, except when answer a call for taxicab service; provided, the same is in the possession of a passenger, further, nothing in this subsection shall require nor solicit business for any house of ill repute, any owner or driver to furnish taxicab service nor use his or her vehicle for any purpose to any person under the influence of intoxicat- other than the transportation of passengers. ing liquor or narcotics or to any person who is B. All persons engaged in the taxicab insane or who is a known criminal. business in the city operating pursuant to the C. Every driver, upon request, shall give a provisions of this chapter, shall render an correct receipt for the amount of payment re- overall service to the public desiring to use ceived. taxicabs. Holders of certificates ofpublic`con- D. No driver of any taxicab shall accept, venience and necessity shall maintain a'cen- take into his or her vehicle,, or transport any tral place of business and keep the same open larger number of passengers than the rates twenty-four (24) hours a day for the purpose covering the seating capacity of his or her ve- of receiving calls and dispatching taxicabs. hicle. They shall answer all calls received by them 1 S7 (Arroyo Grande Supp. No. 6, 12-04) 5.72.090 E. No driver shall permit any taxicab to ing that in his or her opinion the applicant is remain standing in any established taxicab not inflicted with any disease or infirmity stand, unless the taxicab is attended by a which might make him or her an unsafe or driver or operator, except when assisting pas- unsatisfactory dri~~er. sengers to load or unload or when answering C. No permit shall be issued and a permit the telephone. theretofore granted shall be revoked: F. No driver shall carry any passenger 1. If the applicant is under twenty-one other than paying passengers or persons au- (2 I) years of age; thorized, by or on company business. 2. If the applicant has not resided in the ' G. Every driver shall at all times display county sixty (60) days immediately prior to his or her driver's permit and picture in acon- filing; spicuous place in the taxicab which he or she 3. If the applicant does not possess a valid is operating. Class C driver's license issued by the state; H. Any violation of the provisions of this 4. If tl~e applicant is a reckless driver or section shall because for the revocation ofthe has been convicted ofreckless driving ordriv- lpermit of the driver guilty of such violation. ing while under the influence of intoxicating (Prior code § 5-10.08) liquor or narcotic,: 5. If the applicant is guilty or has been 5.72.090 Taxicab drivers-Permits. convicted of a felony or crime involving A. No person shall drive or operate any moral turpitude; taxicab in the. city without having first ob- 6. If the applicant is not a fit and proper tamed a permit in writing to do so from the person to drive a taxicab; or chief of police ,or any person designated by 7. If the applicant violates any provision him or her. Such permit issued will entitle the of this chapter. driver to work only for those persons whose D. All applicants for drivers' permits shall names appear on the permit. A new permit be fingerprinted; and their applications will will be required for each subsequent employ- then be considered by the chief of police and ment; provided, however, no application shall either granted or denied within thirty (30) be necessary other than a ratification of days unless, for good cause, time for further change of employment. consideration is needed. Before any applica- B: Applicants for such permits shall file tion is finally passed upon, the police depart- applications therefor with the chief of police. ment shall conduct an investigation of the ap- The application shall contain the following plicant. ' information, together with a fee, as estab- E. Upon the approval of an application, lished by resolution of the city council, and the chiefofpolice shall issue a driver's permit pictures of the applicant: to the applicant, which permit shall bear the 1. The name, age, and last previous ad- ..name, address, race, and other identifying dress; and characteristics of the applicant, including the 2. The names and addresses to two resi- signature of the applicant. Such permit shall dents of the city acquainted with the applicant. be fixed in a conspicuous place in the taxicab Each application shall be accompanied by,a so as to be seen from the passengers' com- certificate from a reputable physician certify- partment. (Arroyo Grande Supp. No. 6, 12-04) 1 5g ~a-ice i 5.72.100 F. If a driver changes his or here employ- curcing during any consecutive period not ex- ment to a different owner, he or she shall, ceeding twelve (12) months; or within twenty-four (24) hours thereafter, no- E. Violated any of the provisions of this tify the chief of police for the purpose of hav- chapter. (Prior code § 5-10.10) ing his or her driver's permit changed so as to properly designate the name of the: new em- 5.72.110 Public liability. ployer. A. It isunlawful for anyowneroroperator G. When issued, the driver's permit shal I to drive or operate a taxicab or cause a taxicab be valid for one year from the date of issu- to be driven or operated in the city; and no ance, unless the permit has been revoked for license for the operation thereof shall be any of the causes set forth in this section. The granted, unless and until there is on file with driver, in making an application for a renewal the city clerk, and in full force and effect at all of this permit, shall follow the same procedure times while such taxicab is being operated, a as set forth in making his or her original ap- certificate of a policy of insurance, approved placation, except he or she shall not be finger- by the city attorney, with a solvent and re- printed or be required to furnish a photograph: sponsible company authorized to do business The applicant shall pay the fee, as established in the state, insuring the ownerofsuch taxicab by resolution of the city council, for the issu- (giving the manufacture number and state li- ance of the renewal permit. (Ord. '556 § 2J, cense number) against loss by reason of injury 2004; Prior code § 5-10.09) or damage that may result to persons or prop- erty from the negligent operation or defective 5.72.100 Taxicab drivers-Permits- construction of such taxicab, or for any other Revocation. cause. Such policy shall have policy limits of The chief of police may revoke or refuse to not less than five hundred thousand dollars renew an operator's permit if the driver or ($500,000.00) for the injury or death of one applicant has, since the granting of his or her person and one million dollars permit: ($1,000,000.00) for the injury of two or more A. Been convicted of a felony or a crime persons in the same accident and one hundred involving moral turpitude, pandering, using,. thousand dollars ($100,000.00) for injury or possessing, selling or transporting narcotics, destruction of property. or imparting information for obtaining narcot- B. Such policy of insurance shal) guaran- ies; tee the payment to any and persons suffering B. Been convicted of driving recklessly or injury or damage to persons or property of any while under the influence ofalcohol or narcot- final judgment rendered against such owner or acs; driver, within the limits set forth in subsection C. Had his or her driver's license'orchauf- A of this section, irrespective of the financial feur's license .issued by the state revoked or condition or any acts or omissions of such suspended; owner or driver, and shall insure to the benefit _ D. Had two or more convictions of mis- of such persons. demeanor hit-and-run or speed violations, as C. If, at any time, such policy of insurance set forth in the Vehicle Code of the state, oc- is cancelled by the company issuing such pol- icy, or if the authority of the company to do ~ 159 (Arroyo Grande Supp. No. 11, 9-oe) ~cz. 5.72.120. • business in the state shall be revoked, the city after hearing the evidence, the council finds clerk shall require the owner to replace such such rates to be excessive, the council may policy vti~ith another policy satisfactory to the then make an order setting forth ne~v and re- cityattorney and file a certificate thereof, and duced maximum rates. In the same mannerthe in default thereofthe ov.~ner's license to oper- council may establish minimum rates. (Prior ate shall be revoked. code § 5-10.13) D. All public passenger vehicles for hire shall be under the supervision and control of 5.72.130 Taxicab stands.. the chief of police; and he or she shall not A. The council may designate taxicab permit any driver to operate any taxicab in the stands on public streets for each holder of a city while the taxicab, or any equipment used certificate of public convenience and neces- thereof or therewith, shall be unsafe; defec- sity, which.designation shall remain in effect tive, or in any unsanitary conditions:, Every. until revoked by the council. taxicab shall be at all times subject to inspec- B. No owner or driver of any taxicab shall tion by any police officer of the city.;(Prior park a taxicab on any public street forthe pur- code § 5-.10.12) pose of soliciting business other than at the stands designated by the council. 5.72.120 Rates of fare. ~ C. The taxicab stands shall be designated A. The owner shall set his or her own rates by alternating stripes. (Ord. 556 § 2K, 2004; of fare, but he or she shall cause a copy of all prior code.§ 5-10.14) rates to be filed with the city clerk and also shall cause a schedule of rates to be !promi- 5.72.140 Records and reports. nently displayed in each taxicab operated in The holder of each certificate of public the city. All charges fixed, charged or col- convenience and necessity shall keep accurate lected for service shall be in accordance with records of receipts from operations, operating the rate schedules posted with the city, clerk; and all other expenses, capital expenditures, and it is unlawful for different charges to be and such other operating information as may made therefor. be required by the council. Every holder of B. No schedule of rates shall be changed such certificate shall maintain the recordscon- after the schedule has been posted except by taining such information and other data re- the owner filing a copy of the new schedule quired by this chapter at a place readily acces- with the city clerk. Bible for examination by the city clerk or the C. if at any time the council believes that. police department. (Prior code § 5-10.15) any presently in-force schedule of rates or proposed schedule of rates is or may beexces- 5.72.150 Rules and regulations. sive, the council may notify the owner who The council may from time to time by reso- filed such a schedule ofthe council's intention lution promulgate regulations for the opera- to reduce rates and may order such person to tion of taxicabs and for the maintenance of show cause why such rates should notybe re- records. The chief of police may from time to duced. In such event the council shall provide time promulgate regulations respecting the a hearing. The owner shall have the opportu- safety of operations and the maintenance of nity to present evidence at such hearing. If, taxicabs. (Prior code § 5-10.16) (Arroyo Grande Supp. No., I I, 9-OG) 160 q~-i~ ~~"Y ®F ATTACHMENT'S r n fit IFC)fi~NEA I7 zi ~.'}::Z ~ ~ CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY Pursuant to Resolution No. ,adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on ,this certificate is hereby issued to The authority granted by this Certificate is limited to those services and conditions, in all aspects, as contained upon the applicant's application, dated ,and this certificate shall become valid .and effective only upon signature of all parties listed below. License Taxes Paid DATE FINANCE DIRECTOR Certificate of DATE CITY ATTORNEY Insurance Complies Vehicles Inspected DATE POLICE CHIEF Vehicle Inspection DATE POLICE CHIEF. Fee Paid Taxicab Drivers' DATE POLICE CHIEF Permits Issued Rate Schedule DATE CITY CLERK Provided . Rate Schedules DATE POLICE CHIEF Posted in Taxi ~'a -1S ~ pRROyO O C? h INCONVpF~TED 92 U ~ m ~ JULY 10 1811 } c9~~FORN~P MEMORANDUM TO CITY COUNCIL FROM ANGELA KRAETSCH, FINANCIAL SERVICES DIRECTOR SUBJECT SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION DECEMBER 11, 2007 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, ITEM 11 a USER FEE STUDY AND ADOPTION OF MASTER FEE SCHEDULE DATE DECEMBER 11, 2007 Attached is a modified Resolution in which the Annual CPI adjustment provision was relocated from the recitals to the substantive portion of the Resolution Staff recommends the Council adopt the Resolution as modified c City Manager City Clerk KtJULU I IVIV NV A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE CITY'S MASTER FEE SCHEDULE WHEREAS, in September 2006 the Clty of Arroyo Grande retained Wohlford Consulting to conduct a User (operating) Fee Study for City services requested and Initiated by residents, businesses and others who benefit most from the service and WHEREAS, the cost of providing such services are to be paid by those Individuals and businesses that receive such services and WHEREAS, current fees charged for such services provided by the City no longer reflect the true costs of providing such services and WHEREAS, the Clty has established a proposed Master Fee Schedule based on the User Fee Study and an analysis of existing miscellaneous fees and WHEREAS the City Council has considered the question of whether or not to adjust or establish User (operating) Fees for Clty services to reflect the estimated amount that Is required to recover the actual cost to the Clty of providing such services, and WHEREAS, the Clty Council has considered all oral and written presentations evidence in the record for this matter NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Clty Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows 1 The schedule of fees entitled Master Fee Schedule Fiscal Year 2007-08 attached hereto as Exhibit A and Incorporated herein by this reference, Is hereby adopted 2 Fees shall be adjusted annually by modifying the adopted value up or down In conformance with the Consumer Pnce Index for the Los Angeles region The factor for the adjustment of the fees shall be calculated and established each January by the Director of Financial Services utilizing the following formula Factor = 1 + Current Index -Base Index for Date of Adootion Base Index for Date of Adoption 3 Thls Resolution shall be effective sixty (60) days after Its adoption RESOLUTION NO PAGE 2 On motion of Council Member seconded by Council Member and on the following roll call vote, to wit AYES NOES ABSENT the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 11'h day of December 2007 RESOLUTION NO PAGE 3 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM TIMOTHY J CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY ~ pRR0y0 ~ ~ o ~ INCORPORATED ~Z - ~ ?m MEMORANDUM JULY 10, 1911~~ ~ - cq~ ~ F O RN~P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ANGELA KRAETSCH,' DIRECTOR OF FINANCfAL SERVICES SUBJECT: .USER FEE STUDY AND RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A CITYWIDE MASTER FEE SCHEDULE DATE: DECEMBER 11, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council receive and file the Full Cost Analysis of User Fee Services for Arroyo Grande and adopt the Resolution establishing a Citywide Master Fee I, Schedule. FINANCIAL IMPACT: !~I The impact on operating revenues ;is expected to be an additional $80,000 in Fiscal Year 2007-08. Based on the fact that the fee increases will go into effect 60 days after adoption and there will only be four and half months remaining in FY 2007-08. The ~ User Fee Study shows a total projected increase of $413,OOD for a complete year. j ~ However, in .anticipation of the study results, staff had projected a 13% increase when preparing the Bi-Annual Budget. Staff is projecting an additional increase of $249,000 in FY 2008-09, .which is less than the study estimated due to an expected decrease in building activity and related fees. BACKGROUND: Propositions 4 and 13 reduced the' ability of cities to generate revenue from property and other taxes. As these traditional General Fund revenue sources became more difficult to forecast and to depend on for financing City services, alternative revenue sources became increasingly necessary. One alternative has been to shift the burden i ~ of paying for specific governmental services from the general populous to specific ' ~ recipients who benefit from the service through user fees. The underlying assumption is that for services benefiting specific individuals and businesses, and not the community i as a whole, those individuals and businesses should pay for the cost of some or all of the services: The need to determine the cost ofi providing user-specific services to individuals or ' ~ businesses was recognized in 2006 when the City Council approved a contract with ' ~ Wohlford Consulting to conduct a User (Operating) Fee Study. That study began September 2006. The last user fee study was prepared for the City in 2000 by DMG Maximus. The study recommendations were adopted at that time and fees were established at 80% to 100% of full cost recovery in most cases. However, cost recovery percentages have ~Q- CITY COUNCIL OPERATING FEE STUDY AND RESOLUTION DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 2 decreased substantially since that time, resulting in a significant increased subsidy of these services. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: - Approve staff recommendations for fee increases; - Modify specific proposed fee increases as deemed appropriate by the City Council and approve; - Establish a standard guideline for cost recovery percentage to apply to all fees; - Do not approve increases to fees. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The basic concept of a User Fee Study is to determine the full cost of each service provided by the City for which the City charges a user fee. In order to determine the full cost for each fee service and provide:: a basis for the City to establish full cost recovery, the cost analysis incorporated the following °components: • Direct salaries and benefits • Services and supplies • Indirect activities • Supervision and support • Cross department support • Department administration • Citywide administration • Capital (annualized), anticipated growth For most of the development related';user fees, State law establishes that "the fee may not exceed the estimated reasonable cost of providing the service for which the fee is charged" (Government Code 66014)!: This is the overriding principle in this User Fee Study. The costs calculated in the study represent the estimated full cost for each service and, therefore, the maximum; fee the City should charge for its services. Once the full cost is known, the City .can ;determine what portion of these costs should be recovered through user fees and what portion, if any, is appropriate for the City to subsidize. Included in the Full Cost Analysis of User Fee Services are recommended recovery rates and recommended fee; amounts. Attachment A shows the service provided by the City, the current fee, charged for that service, the costs incurred, to ,provide the service, the subsidy borne by the general populous, the recommended recovery rate, the recommended fee; and finally the increased revenue expected from the fee adjustment. The total expected revenue from increasing fees, by increasing the cost recovery, is estimated at $80,000 for FY 2007-08 and $249,000 in FY 2008-09. /~Q-~ ' CITY COUNCIL OPERATING FEE STUDY AND RESOLUTION DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 3 Once the full cost recovery amounts were determined, staff reviewed each fee to determine the necessary recovery amount. The following .items were taken into consideration: • Full cost recovery recommendation . Comparison with fees charged!,by other jurisdictions in the County • Degree to which service for the underlying fee benefits only the fee payer versus a general public good and/or customer service goal • Ability of targeted customer to assume increase • Amount of increase over current fee necessary to meet cost recovery recommendation • Potential compliance problems; that may occur related to the fee ;amount Staff has attempted to recommend recovery levels (fee amounts) that are equitable to the individuals/businesses receiving the services and fair to the general populous who subsidize any cost recovery that is less than 100%. It is recommended that Building Permit fees be recovered at 100% of cost. According to a survey of other surrounding Cities, the City of Arroyo Grande's recommended building fees for the most common projects will still be near the median range. The City recently received a request ',from SLO Green Build to provide ongoing funding support for their efforts. As a result, the consultant was requested to incorporate funding in the costs used to determine building permit fees. Therefore, staff will recommend $2,500 in funding for FY 2008-09 since the increased fees will not take effect until late this fiscal year. Also;;incorporated in the building fees ,are new costs to electronically scan and store building ;plans and documents. ADVANTAGES: The City last completed a comprehensive fee analysis in April of 2000. The City established user fees identified in the previous study, and regularly applied an inflation factor. However, for a variety of reasons there are significant gaps between the current fees and the recommended fees in this study. By approving the recommended fees, the City will be able to maximize revenue by recovering the estimated.cost of providing the service and reduce the subsidy borne by the General Fund. DISADVANTAGES: The disadvantage of the recommendations is that it will result in significant fee increases in some cases. However, fees will remain comparable to other jurisdictions in the County. In addition, a number of factors were considered in preparing the recommended fee levels in order to ''reduce the impact on residents, users of services on -fixed incomes, and charges for service that provide a general public benefit and/or serve customer service goals. i 1a-3 CITY COUNCIL OPERATING FEE STUDY AND RESOLUTION DECEMBER 11,.2007 PAGE 4 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061 (b)(3). PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of .:City Hall on Thursday, December 6, 2007. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, December 7, 2007. No public comments were received. Attachment(s): A. Final Fee Results; B. Full Cost Analysis of User Fee Services-Final Report (on file in the City Clerk's office) / 1 ~=~~f-- . I RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ~ OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE CITY'S MASTER FEE SCHEDULE WHEREAS, in September 2006 the City of Arroyo Grande retained Wohlford Consulting to conduct a User (operating) Fee Study for City services requested and initiated by residents, businesses and others who~ibenefit most from the service; and WHEREAS, the cost of providing such services are to be paid by those individuals and businesses that receive such services; and WHEREAS, current fees charged fo"r such services provided by the City, no longer reflect the true costs of providing such' services;. and WHEREAS, the City has established' a proposed Master Fee Schedule based on the User Fee Study and an analysis of existing miscellaneous fees; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the question of whether or not to adjust or establish User (operating) Fees for City services to reflect the estimated amount that is required to recover the actual cost to the City of providing such services; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all oral and written presentations evidence in the record for this matter; and WHEREAS, Fees shall be adjusted ,annually by modifying the adopted value up or down in conformance with the Consumer Price Index for the Los Angeles region. The factor for the adjustment of the fees shall be calculated and established each January by the Director of Financial Services, utilizing the following formula: Factor = 1 + Current Index - iBase Index for Date of Adoption Base Index for Date of Adoption NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the ,City of Arroyo Grande as follows: 1. The schedule of fees entitled "Master Fee Schedule, Fiscal .Year 2007-08" attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference, is hereby adopted. 2. This Resolution shall be effective sixty (60) days after its adoption. . j/~- ~ i RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 On motion of Council Member ,seconded by Council Member and on the following roll call vote, to wit: i, AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 11t" day of December, 2007. i I /~a - ~ . - , RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY ~ EXHIBIT A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MASTER ;FEE SCHDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 i i i ~ / EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Community Development (Planning) i 1 Fee Title Current Fee Appeals: _ CD Director fo Planning Commission $ 250.00 Planning Commission to City $ _ 250.00 _ AR_C Review and/or Amendment $ 300.00 Cert. of Compliance $ 750.00 Conditional Use Permit Project (multi building) $ 7,000.00_ Project (routine) - as det'd by CDD _ _$______3,450.00 _ _ _ _ Amendment $ 900.00 Design Review $ _ 600.00 _ Development Agreement $ 3,000.00 Dev. Code Amendment -Major $ 4,000.00 Dev. Code Amendment -Minor $ 2,000.00 _ _ General Plan Amendment (Major) $ _7,000.00 _ General_Plan Amendment (Minor) _ $ _ 1,_700.00_ _ _ Home O_c_cupation Per_m_it_ _ _ $ 8_0.00_ L_ot Line Adjustment 1,200.0_0_ Lot Merger /Reversion to Acreage _ $ 1,000.00 _ _ Request for Meeting C_o_ntinuance _ $ _ ___160.00 . _ _ Minor Exception _ $ 404.00 _ Planned Unit Development Permit (Major) $ 7,000.00 Planned Unit Development Permit (Minor) $ 3,450.00_ i _ Planning Commission Interpretation or Waiver 500.00_ ~ _ PI_ot Plan Review _ $ ____400.00_ ~ Pre-Application -S.A.C. _ $ _____250.00_ _ Pre-Application -ARC/PC/CC (each) _ $ 250.00 _ Research (deposit) $ _ 80.00_ _Mailing Label Production $ 100:00 Signs Planned Sign Program /Mural Permit $ 600.00 Administrative Sign Permit. $ 100.00 Administrative Sign Program $ _250.00_ Specific Plan or Amendment (deposit) _ _ $ 7,000.00 Temporary Use Permit _ $ ___150.00 T__entative Parcel Map (0-4 lots) _ _ 1_,2_85.00_ with _Vesting (added to base fee) $ .382.00 - Amendment _ - $---__--719_.0_0_ Tentative Tract Map: _ _ 5-20 lots plus $100 per lot 3,76_5.00_ ' over 20 lots _ _ with Vesting (added to base fee) _ $ _ 993.00_ Amendment 1,900.00 Time Extension _ _ _ $ 723.00_ Variance $ 1,285.00 1 ~I~- EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Community Development (Planning) Fee Title Current Fee Viewshed Review _ _ _ Staff Review $ 567.00 Planning Commission Review /Appeal $ _502.00 _ Tree Removal consultant cost) _ _ $ 60.00 Zoning Compliance Letter $ 60.00 Environmental Impact Determination: _ _ Initial Study Fee _ $ 943.00 _ __Exemption _ $ - _ _ __Negative Declaration _ $ 200.00 _ Mitigated Ne_g Dec _ $ 792.00 Hourly Rates: Community Development Director (per hour) $ 2_68.30 _ Associate Planner (per hour) $ 113.33_ Assistant Planner (per hour) _ $ 122._60 _ _ Admin. Secretary (per hour) $_____1_07.45_ Office Assistant (per hour) _ _ $ 92.40 _ Interns (per hour) $ _ 7_0.04 Misc Admin Fees: Development Code w/out Appendices $ 50.00 Apperidice 1 $ 15.00 Appendice 2 $ 5.00 _ Developmenf Code w/Appendices $ 70.00 General Plan _ $ ___25.00 _Housing Element 2003 $ 35.00 _ _General Plan EIR _ $ _ 12.00 _ _ Desig_n_Guidelines for Historic Districts $ ___25.00 Design Guidelines for Traffic Way/Station Way $ _ 6.0_0- Design Guidelines for Mixed Use Districts _ $ 30.00 _ East Grand Avenue Enhancement Plan $ 20.00_ Land Use Map and Zoning Maps (each): _ 24 x 36 _ $ 3.00 _ 36 x 48 $ 4.00 _ DVD (Planning Commission meetings) _ _ Vendor cost Audio Tape copies '__1.0.00_ p. - pp 9 ( ) - Co ies, er a e_Black and White $ 0.20__ Color copies Actual_cost Arroyo Grande Bike Plan $ _ 26.00 Notary -per document $ 10.00 2 EXHIBIT A .:City of;Arroyo Grande ' MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year~zQA7.0$ Engineering ' i Fee Title Current Fee _ Grading Plan Check (non-subdivision): 0-50 CY $ _ 51-100 CY $ 71.00_ _ 101-1,000 CY $ 81.00 ' 1,001 - 10,000 CY $ 91.00__ 10,001 - 100,000 CY: _ $ - _ _ _ First 10,000 CY $ 91.00 _ Each Additional 10,000 CY__ _ $ _ _ 20.00__ _ _ 100,001 - 200,000 CY: _ _ _ _ First 100,000 CY $ 303.00 Each Additional 10,000 CY $ 61.00 200,001 + CY: $ - First 200,000 CY _ $ 485.00 _ Each Additional 10,000 CY _ _ 81._00__ Grading Inspection Permit (non-subdivision)',: _ _ - 0-50 CY - _ 51-100 CY _ $ 55.00 _ 1_0_1-1,000 CY: _ _ $ - First 100 CY _ _ $ 55.00 - i _ Each Additional 100 CY $ _ 17.50 'i 1,001 - 10,000 CY: $ - First 1,000 CY $ 239.00 Each Additional 1,000 CY $ 13.00 10,001 - 100,000 CY: _ $ _ - First 10,000 CY _ $ 791.00_ Each Additional 10,000 CY $ _____66.00 _ 100,001 + CY: _ $ _ _ First 100,000 CY _ $ _920.00 Each Additional 10,000 CY $ 36.50 Reinspection (per hour) _ $ - _ Overtime Inspections (per hour - 2 hour min;) $ _ 137.00 Lot Line Adjustment _$__2___,8.40.00 _ Parcel Map (0-4 lots): _ _ $ - _ Tentative -First Lot _ 161.00_ Tentative -Each Add'I Lot $ 9.00 _ Final -First Lot 161.00 Final -Each Add'I Lot $ 9.00 - - -Tract Map: - Tentative -First Lot $ 588.00 _ Tentative -Each Add'I Lot $ _ 22.00_ ' _ Final.- First Lot $ 588.00 Final -Each Add'I Lot $ 22.00._ I 3 i' ~1~_ I ~ EXHIBIT A . City of Arroyo ,5,,rande =:MASTER'FEE SCHEDULE. Fiscal Year,2007-08 °Engineering Fee Title Current Fee _ Pre-Application Review $ - _ - - _ _ Encroachment Permit-Residential _ $ _75.00_ Encroachment Permit-Commercial $ 150.00 _ Expedited Plan Check: - _ Engineering Project Management $ 1,560 00 Consultant Review of Improvement Plan Checks: _ Engineering Project Management -Initial Review $ ______1__,560.00_ Engineering Project Management -Each Add'I _ Review _ $ 40.00 Certificate of Compliance: - Engineering Project Management $ 315.00 _Certificate of Correction $ 175.00 _ Building Plan Review One-time _ $ _ 73.00 _ Annual Permit _ _ _ $ _ __7___3__.__00_ Building % Structure Moving Permit: _ _ _ _ _Within the City _ $ 60.00 Into the City _ _ 60.00 Through the City $ 60.00 Hourly Rates: $ ! Public Works Director $ 24g.g7 _ Assistant City Engineer _ _ $ 185:89 _ _ Associate Engineer $ 142.2_0_ Assistant Engineer _ _ 112.00 _ Engineer Assistant /Technician _ $ 101.88 Construction Inspector _ _ $____113.62 Administrative Secretary $ .100.54 _ Interns $ 20.55 Misc Admin. Fees: Printing/Copying Charges -per page 8 1/2" x 11 $ 0.20 -18" x 30 $ - 3.00 24" x 36" $ 4.00__ - -------36" x 48" - $ -------5.00_ Standard Plans $ 35.00 i 4 ~~a~l~ EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE f=iscal Year 2007-08 Engineering Fee Title Current Fee _ Maps Land Use Map and Zoning Maps (each) 24 x 36 $ 3.00 36 x 48 $ 4.00 Welcome to Arroyo Grande Maps $ 4.00 _ Aerial Plans _ _ _ Aerial photos to CD 35.00 _ _ One sheet of Aerial photos (each) $ 35.00 Splice/Crop Specific area (computer file) $ 100.00_ - _ Splice/Crop Specific area (print out) plus $10 per sheet $ 100.00 Encroachment Permits Residential and Commercial projects (performed by licensed contractor) $ 133.00 Residential Projects (performed by homeowner) $ 66.00 i i i 5 / )C~ - C3 l EXHIBIT A Cify of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) Plan Check Ins ection i I Size Basis ICC (UBC) Type of (square Fee # Use Type Occupancy Construction feet) Current Fee Current Fee 2,000 $ 2,721.89 $ 2;486.82 _ - _ _ 8,000 $ 3,_572.52 $ 4,392.55 1 A-1 Assembly Group.- Theaters n/a 20,000 $ 5 687.24 $ 6,750.95 40,000 $ 9,527.74 $ 10,462.48 - - 100,000 $ 17,006.58 $ 21,830 54 - 1,000 $ 1,567.69 $ '2,134.61'. 4,000 $ 2 057.62 $ 3;770.43 - - _ _ 2 A-2 Assembly Group: Churches, restaurants n/a 10,000 $ 3,275.61 $ 5,794.81 20,000 ' $ 5 487.56 $ 8;980.67 - - - 50,000 $ 9,795.06 $ 18;738.66' - 250 $ 533.96 $ 433:83 - - - - 1,000. $ 700.83 766.28 , 3 A Assembly Group - TI n/a 2,500 $ 1,115.68 $ 1;177.71 - - - - 5,000 $ 1869.08 $ 1',825.49 12,500 $ 3,336.23 $ 3,808.35 1,000 $ 1,567.69 $ 1,852.84 - - - - - 4,000 $ 2,057_.62 3;272.7_3 4 _ A-3 Church and Religious Bldg -Complete n/a 10,000 $ 3 275.61 $ 5;029.89 20,000 $ 5 487.56 _ $ 7,795.23_ - - - _ 50,000 $ 9 795.06 $ 16,265.16 500 $ 947.45 $ 1,1'41.51_ 2,000 $ 1,243.55 $ 4,963.29 5 R-4 Congregate Care -Complete n/a 5,000 $ 1,979.65 $ 3,017.40. 10,000 $ 3,316.47 $ 4;676:31 25,000 " $ 5,919.76 $ 9;757:38 250 - $ 533.96 $ 328.16 1,000 $ 700.83 $ 579.65 6 A-3 Church and Religious Bldg - TI n/a 2,500 $ 1,115.68 $ 890.86 5,000 $ 1,869.08 $ '1;380.64- 12,500 $ 3 336 23 $ 2;880.78 - 2,000 $ 2;015.64 $ _2,451.59__ _ _ 8,000 $ 2,645.56 $ 4,330.33 7 E Educational Building -Complete n/a 20,000 $ 4,211.57 $ 6;655.33. 40,000 $ 7,055.57 $ 10,314.30 100,000 $ 12 593.88 $ 21;521.35 250 $ 533.96 $ 328.1'6 - 1,000 $ 700.83 $ 579.65 8 E Educational Building - TI n/a 2,500 $ 1,115.68 $ 890:86 5,000 $ 1,869.08 $ 1.,380:64 - 12,500 $ 3,336.23 $ - 2,880:78 500 $ 706.25 $ '433.83 ' 2,000 $ 926.96 $ 766.28. - - - 9" S-2 Parking Garage -Complete n/a 5,000 $ 1,475.67 $ 1,177.71. 10,000 $ 2.472.16 $ - 1,825.19_ 25,000 $ 4,412.70 $ 3,808.35'. i i i I 6 j~~- /~f ~i EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) Plan Check Ins ection Size Basis ICC(UBC) Type of " (square Fee # Use T pe; Occu anc Construction feet) ' Current Fee Current'Fee 1,OO+J $ 1,567.69 $ 1,852.84 - 4,000 $ ' 2,057.62 $ 3,272.73.: 10 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise -Complete n/a 10,000 $ 3,275.61 $ 5,029.89 20,000 $ ".5,487.56 $ _ 7;795.23 b0,000 $ 9,795.06 $ 16,26516: 1.,000 $ 671.79 $ 462.00: ' 4,000 $ 881.74 $ 816:05. - - 11 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise -Shell n/a 10,000 $ 1,403.67 $ 1,254.20 20,000 $ 2'351.55 $ 1,943.73: _ 50,000 $ 4,,197.40 $ 4,055.70:' - - ' ' 250 $ 499.50 $ 328. t6 ' - - ' ( 1,000 $ 655.61 $ 579,65 12 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise - TI n/a 2,500 $ 1,043.68 $ 890:86 5,000 $ 1,748.47 $ 1,380.64' - - _ _ 12,500 $ 3,120.93 $ :2;880.7:8.: _ 13 B- Offrces; etc: -.Complete n/a 500 $ 1,007.69 $ 1,684.75 14- - - - - - n/a 2,000. $ 1, 322.60 ; $ - - 2,975.83 15 n/a 5,000 $ 2,105.51 $ 4;573:58 16 n/a 10,000 $ ..3,527.32 $ .7,088.04 17 _ _ _ n/a - 25,000 - $ 6,296.1.1 _ $ _ 14,789:58 _ 1,000 $ 516.73 , 271.81 4,000 $ 678.22 $ 480.11.: 18 B Offices, etc. -Shell n/a _ 10,000 $ 1 079.68' $ 737:88::• 20,000 $ 1 808.77 $ 1; 443.55 , 50,000 $ 3,228.58 $ 2;386.08 _ _ 100 $ _ 368.56_ $ __203 13'_ 400 $ 483.75 $ 358.79 - - - 19 B Offices, etc. -TI n/a 1,000 770.09 551 43 ~ 2,000 $ `1,29012 $ 854.60 5,000 $ -.2,302.81 $ 1,783.17 I 1,000 $ 1,567.69 $ 1;817.62 ' 4,000 $ 2 057.62 $ 3,210:52 - - 20 F-1 Industrial Building -Complete n/a 10,000 $ 3 275.61 $ 4,934:28.: 20,000 $ 15,487:56 $ 7;647,04; - 50,000 $ 9,795.06 $ 15,955.97= - 1,000 $ 878.54 $ 312.31". 4,000 $ 1,153.09 $ 551.65 21 F-1 Industrial Building -Shell n/a 10,000 w $ 1,835.66 $ 847.84 - - - - - - 20,000 $ 3 075.24 $ 1',313.96 _ - 50,000 $ 5,489.1.7 ~ $ 2;741:65. 250 $ ' 499.50 $ 417.98'' 1,000 $ 655.61 $ 738.29'_ 22s F-1 Industrial Building -TI n/a 2,500 $ 1,043.68 $ 1,134.68 5,000 $ ; 1,748.47 $ 1,758.50- 12,500 $ 3;:120.93 $ -3;669;21. i 7 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grantle MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) ~ Plan Check Ins ection i Size Basis I ICC (UBC) Type of (square Fee # ..Use Type Occu ancy Construction feet) Current Fee Current Fee 50G $ 878.54 $ 900 18 ' - - - - - 2,000 $ 1,153.09 $ 1, 590.02 23 S-1 Repair Garage & Service St -Complete n/a 5,000 $ 1,835.66 $ 2,443.72 _ - 10,000 $ 3,075.24_ $ 3,787.23_ i - - I 25,000 $ 5 489.17 $ 7,902:25 - 500 $ 430'':59 $ 294:70 2,000 $ 565.15 $ 520:54: 24 S-1 Repair Garage & Service St -Shell n/a 5,000 $ '899.69 $ 800.03 , 10,000 $ 1;507.23 $ 1;239.87 - 25,000 $ 2,690.34 $ 2,587.06 ' 100 $ 482.27 $ 203.13 _ - - 400 $ 632.99 $ :358.79 - - - 25 S-1 Repair Garage & Service St - TI n/a 1,000 $ 1,007.69 $ 551.43 - - - - _ 2,000 $ 1,688.16 $ 854:60 , 5,000 3,013.29 $ 1,783.17 500 $ 947.45 $ 953.01 2,000 $ 1243.55 $ 1,683.34' - - 26 M Retail Sales -Complete ! n/a 5,000 $ 1,979.65 $ 2,587:14.' 10,000 $ 3,316.47 $ 4,009.50. - _ ii 25,000 $ 5,919.76 _ $ 8,366:03' 500 430.59 $ `356.34 - - 2,000 $ 565.15 $ y 629.42 27 M Retail Sales -Shell n/a 5,000 899.69 $ .967.35 ' 10,000 1,507.23 $ 1,499.19 25,000 $ .2,690.34 $ 3,128.13;; , ; 100 482.27 $ 203 13 I 400 $ 632.99 $ 358.79. I - - - - 28 M Retail Sales - TI n/a 1,000 $ 1 007.69 $ 551.43. - - 2;000 $ 1,688.16 $ .854.60.` i 5,000 $ 3,013:29 $ 1,783.17: 2,000 $ 878.54' $ ' 1',956.81 8,000 $ .1,153.09 $ 3;456[38 - _ 29 - Warehouse -Complete n/a 20,000 $ - 1,835.66 $ 5;312. Y5 40,000 3 075.24. $ .8,232.66 100,000 $ 5 489.'17 $ 17,177.88 1,000 $ 1,567.69 $ 1,852:84. 4,000 $ :'2;057.62 $ 3,272.73. 30 I-1 Medical/24 Hour Care -Complete n/a 10,000 $ 3;275.61 5,029.89 _ _ _ _ 20,000 $ 5,487.56 $ 7,795.23 50,000 $ 9795:06` $ 16,265.16 ' 1,000 706.25 $ 329.92" - - - ' 4,000 $ 926.96 $ ' 582.26 , 31 I-1 Medical/24 Hour Care -Shell ' n/a 10,000 $ 1;475.67 $ 895:64 - 20,000 $ '-'2,472.16 $ 1,388.05< 50,000 $ 4 412.70 $ 2;896.24'-' 8 . ~ /Ia-I~ i EXHIBIT A `City of-Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal -Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) ' Pian''Check ins ecfion Size Basis 1CC (UBC) Type of ' (square. "Fee # Use Type Occu ancy Construction. feet) Current Fee. ' ' Current Fee - 100 $ 637.33 $ 185.52 400 $ 836.51 $ 327.69_ ' 32 I-1 Medical/24Hour Care - TI n/a _ 1,000 $ 1,331.67 $ 503.63 - - 2,000 $ `2,230.93 $ 780.51 _ _ 5,000 $ 3,982.11 $ 1,628.52. _ _ ~ 1,000 $ 1,567.69 $ 1,852.84 - _ 4,000 $ 2,057.62 $ 3,272.73 33 _ B Medical Offices -Complete n/a 10,000 $ 3,275.61 $ 5;029:89- ' _ _ _ 20,000 5 487.56 $ 7;295:23 50,000 $ 9 795 06 $ 16;265.1.6 1,000 $ 706.25' $ 338.73 4,000 $ 926.96 $ 598:31. 34 B Medical Offices -Shell n/a 10,000 $ 1,475.67 $ 9.19.55 _ - - 20,000 $ 2,472:16 $ 1;425.1'0 50,000 $ 4,412.70 $ 2,973:54 250 $ 637.33 $ 435.59 1,000 $ 836.51 $ 769.39 ' _ _ - 35 _ B Medical Offices - TI n/a 2,500 $ 1,331.67 $ 1,182.49 5,000 $ 2 23_0.9_3_ $ 1;832.59 _ - - - ' _ 12,500 $ 3,98211 $ 3;823.8'1.' 500 $ _ 1,050.82 $ 953.01` 2,000 $ 1379.23 $ 1,683.34;; - - - T 36 _ - Restaurant -Complete n/a 5,000 $ 2,195:64 $ 2,587.14 - _ - - ' 10,000 3 678:32 $ - 4;009.50' h 25,000 $ 6 565.64 $ 8,366:03 500 $ 533.96 $ 303:51 - - - 2,000 700.83 $ 536.10`' 37 - Restaurant -Shell n/a 5,000 $ 1,1 15.68 $ _ _ 823:93'' - 10,000 $ 1 869.08_ $ _ 1,276:92 ~ _ 25,000 $ 3,336.23 $ 2,664.35- 250 $ 447 82" $ 435.59 1,000 $ 587.77 $ 769.39' _ ~ _ - 38 - Restaurant - TI n/a 2,500 $ 935.69 $ 1,182.49 _ 5,000 $ 1,567.54 $ 1,832.59 12,500 $ 2 797.99 $ 3,823.81 ',i 250 $ 844.08' $ _..953.01 1,000 $ 1,107.87 $ 1,683.34 39 I-4 Day Care Facility -Complete n/a 2,500 $ ' 1,763.66 $ 2,587.14 5,000 $ - 2,954:63 $ 4,,009.50; 12,500 $ 5,273.88 $ 8,366:03 100 $ 637.33 $ 167 91 _ r _ _ 400 $ 836':51 $ 296.58 ; 40 I-4 Day Care Facility - TI n/a 1,000 $ 1 331.67__ $ 455:82_ - 2,000 $ - 2,230.93_ $ 706.42 - 5,000 $ 3,982.11 ~ 1,473.98` j 9 ~2_ , EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 - Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) Plan Check Ins ection Size Basis ICC (UBC) Type.: of (square. Fee # Use T pe Occupancy Construction feet) Current Fee Current Fee 500 $ 740.71 $ 953.01 _ _ 2,000 $ 972.19 $ 1,683.34. - ~ - 41 H Hazardous H- Complete n/a 5,000 $ 1,547.67 $ 2,587.14 - - - 10,000 $ - 2,592.78 $ 4,009:50 25,000 $ 4,627.99 $ 8,366.03 - 500 $ 1,050.82 $ 285.90 - _ _ ; 2,000 $ 1,379.23 $ 50_4 99; - - 42 H Hazardous H- Shell n!a 5,000 $ 2,195.64 $ ' 776.13 10,000 $ -3,678.32 $ 1,_202.83. _ - - 25,000 $ -6,565.64 $ 2,509.76 100 $ 637.33 $ 167.91. - - - 400 $ _ 836.51 $ 296.58- - - - 43 H Hazardous H-T I n/a 1,000 $ .1,331.67 $ 455.82 2,000 $ 2,230.93 $ 706.42 5,000 $ 3,982.11 $ 1,473.98 ' 200 $ 361.67 $ 167 91: ` 800 _ 474.70 $ _ -296.58- 44- - Commercial Building -Foundation n/a 2,000 $ 755.69 $r 455.82 4,000 ' $ 1;266.00 $ 706:42 - - 10,000 $ 2,259.75 1,47398- 200 $ 396.13 $ 1.85.52- - - _ _ _ _ 800 $ 519.93 $ 327.69 - - = 45 - Commercial Building -Addition n/a 2,000 $ ..827.69 $ 503.63 - - - 4,000 $ 1,386.62 $ 780.51 10,000 $ - 2,475.05 $ 1,628.57. - - 1,000 $ 1,567.69 $ 1,786.06 _ 4,000 $ 2,057:62 3,154.79 46 R-2 Apartment Building n/a 10,000 $ 3,275.61 $ 4;848 62 - - 20,000 $ 5,487.56 $ 7,514.30?. _ _ - 50,000 $ 9,795.06 $ 15,678:99:'. 47 IRC SFD Single-Family (custom or model) _ n/a 1,000 $ ' 1,115.68 $ _1,321.61 ' ~ _ - 48 - n/a 2,000 $ 1,208.66 $ 2,108.17_.'. 49 h/a 3,000 $ 1,676.64 $ 2,912 78 - n!a 5,000 $ 2,177.51 $ 4,36_0.63 - n/a 7,500 $ 3,053.38 $ ' 5,831:90-' - . 667 $ 407.04 $ 7.96:82 - 1,333 $ 440.96 $ 1,271,06_ ' - 52 IRC SFD Single-Family -Production /Repeat n/a 2,000 $ 611.70 $ 1;756.17 - - 3,333 $ 794.43 $ 2;629.1 T - - . 5,000 $ 1,1 13.99 $ 3,516.17 - 333 $ 359.13 $ 148.25= 667 $ 389:06 $ _ 236.48 53 - Moved Building -Residential n/a 1,000 $ 539.70 $ 326.74 1,667 $ 700.93 $ 489.15. - 2,500 $ 982.87 $ $54.19 10 , lla.-l~ EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) Plan"Check lns~tion Size Basis ' ICC (UBC) Type of `(square Fee # Use T pe Occupant Construction feet) Current Fee Current Fee 800 $ ''272.90_ $ 115.7.1. - - 1,600 $ - 295.64 $ 184.58 54 R-3 Manufactured Home -Complete _ n/a 2,400 410:11 $ _ 255.03_, 4,000 ~ $ 532.62- - $ 381.80 - 6,000 $ 746.86 $ 510.61 ' 667 $ 272.90 $ 115.71' - - - 1,333 $ 295:64 $ 1'84.58' - _ - - - - 55 R-3 Prefabricated Dwelling -Complete n/a 2,000 $ 410.11 $ 255;03 3,333 $ 532.62 $ 381.80 5,000 $ 746.86 $ -510.61_; - 120 $ 179.05 $ 93.94 - - 480 $ 235.00 $ 165.94 56 - Commercial Coach -Complete ' n/a 1,200 $ 374.11 $ 255.03 - 2,400 $ 626.74 i $ -395.24 - - 6,000 $ 1,11'8.69 $ 824.69 240 $ 179.05 $ 93.94 - - 960 ' $ 235.00 ~ $ 165.94.. 57 - Modular Building -Complete n/a 2,400 ~ $ 374.11 $ 255.03' - - - 4;800 ~ $ 626.74 $ 395.24_. - _ - 12,000 $ 1,118:69 -.824:69 500 ' $ '.196:27 93.94._- - 2,000 $ 257':61 $ 165.94 58 - Manufactured Building - Fnd n/a 5,000 $ 410.11 $ 255.03 - 10,000 $ 687.04 $ 395.24 25,000 $ 1,226.34 $ 824.69' 167 $ 272.90 $ 1'78.62 333 295.64 $ 284.92 , 59 U Residential Garage 'n/a 500 $ 410.1'1_ $ 393.67 833 $ 532.62 $ 589;85 1,250 $ 746.86 _..788.20 40 $ 223.84 $ 160:86 - - 160 $ 293.80 $ 284::14 60 U Pool/Spa -Standard Plan ! n/a 400 $ 467.70 $ 436.7Q - 800 $ 783.54 $ 676':78 - - 2,000 I $ 1,398.58 $ 1,412:14 200 $ 637.33 $ 292.94 800 $ 836.51 $ ' 517 43 61 - Commercial Building -Remodel n/a 2,000 $ 1 331 67 $ ` 795.25` _ - - - - - - - _ _ _ 4,000 $ 2,230.93 $ 1,232.46';- 10,000 $ 3;982.11 $ 2,571':60.: 200 $ 602.88 $ 292.94 - 800 $ 791:28 $ 517.43" 62 - Commercial Building -Repair n/a 2,000 $ -1 259.68 $ 795:25 - - 4,000 ~ 2,1 T0.31 ' -1;232.46' 10,000 $ 3,766.82 $ 2;571.60 11 - - i EXHIBIT A Cify of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-OS Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) Plan Check !ns ection Size Basis ICC (UBC) Type of (square Fee # Use T pe Occupancy Construction feet) Current Fee Current Fee 500 $ 292.76 203:13 - - - 2,000 $ 384.25 $ 358.79` 63 S-2 Commercial Carport -Std. Plan n/a 5,000 $ 611.70 $ 551.:43 10,000 $ 1,024.77 $ 854:60 _ 25,000 $ 1829.17 $ 1,783.17 , 50 $ 210.06 _ $ 108:03 _ _ _ _ _ _ 200 $ _ 275.70 $ 190.82 64 U-1 Accessory Building -Commercial n/a 500 $ 438.91 $ 293.27" 1,000 $ 735 29 $ 454.5.1'_ 2,500 $ 1312.46 $ .948.36 50 $ 210.06 $ 127.40 200 275.70 $ ' 225:04 65 U-1 Commercial Carport n/a 500 $ 438.91 $ 345.86 1,000 $ 735.29 $ 536.01 2,500 $ 1,312.46 $ 1,118.41..: 167 $ 407.04 $ 211.1'6- _ - _ _ 333 $ 440.96 $ 336.83_ 66 IRC SFD Single-Family Residential -Addition n!a 500 $ 611.70 $ '4_65.38 - 833 $ .794.43- ~ $ - 696.71 1,250 ~ $ 1,113.99 931.77 _ r 333 $ 550.77 $ 536.53 _ _ 667 $ _ _ 596:67 _ $ 855.84 67 R-2 Multi-Family Residential -Addition n/a 1,000 $ 827.69 $ 1,1'82.49 1,667 1,074.95 $ 1,770.26 _ ' 2,500 $ 1507.34 $ 2;367.55 333 $ 263.31 $ '200.31-. _ - 667 $ _ 285.2.6 $ __319.53 68 IRC SFD Single-Family Residential -Remodel n/a 1,000 $ 395.71_ ' ' $ 441.48 - _ _ _ 1,667 $ 513.92 $ - 66_0.92_ 2,500 $ 720.63 $ 883 91 ~ I _ 667 $ 363.92 $ 282.74' _ I _ 1,333 $ 394.25 $ 451.01 69 R-2 Multi-Family Residential -Remodel n/a 2,000 $ 546.90 $ 623.14 - - - _ _ 3,333 $ 710.28 - $ 932.89 I 5,000 $ 995.98 $ - ~ 1,247.64 333 $ 292.06 $ - 1'78:62 _ - - 667 $ 316.40 $ - 284.92_ 70 IRC SFD Residential Building -Foundation ~ n/a 1,000 $ 438.91 $ .393.67 1;667 $ 570.02 $ 589.35 _ 2,500 $ 799.30 $ 788.20 _ 83 ~ $ 263.31 $ 126.56 _ 167 $ 285.26 $ 201.88_- 71 U-1 Accessory Building -Residential n/a 250 $ 395.71 $ 278.93 417 $ 513.92 $ 417:58 - - - 625 $ 720:63 558.47 12 J l a - 2~D EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande , MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life. Safety (Cost-Based) Plan-.Check Ins ection Size Basis ` ICC(UBC) Type of (square' Fee # Use Type OccupanC` Construction 'feet) Current Fee Current Fee 133 $ 263.31 $ 115:71 _ 267 _ $ 285._26 $ ' 184.58:' 72 U-1 Residential Carport n/a 400 $ 395.71 $ 255.03 _ - - 667 $ 513.92 381..80.: - - 1,000 $ 720.63 $ 510 61 83 $ 263.31 $ 115.71:! _ 167 _ $ 285.26 $ 184.58 73 IRC SFD Residential Patio Cover/Balcony/Deck n/a 250 $ 395.71 $ 255.03- - - _ - _ _ 417 $ 513.92 $ 381:80 625 $ ' 720.63 $ 510.61 83 $ 263.31 $ 115.71'. _ _ , 167 $ 285:26 $ 184.58 74 IRC SFD Residential Patio Cover ICC Approved n/a 250 $ 395.71 $ 255.03 - - - 417 $ 513.92 $ 381.80 625 $ 720.63 ~ $ - 510.61- - - ~ 83 $ 263.31 $ 115.7:1. - 167 $ 285.26 $ 184.58. ' . - - - _ 75 IRC SFD Residential Patio Enclosure n/a 250 $ 395.71 $ 255.03: ~ - 417 $ 513.92 $ - _ 381.80 ' ~ 625 $ 720.63 $ 510.61.. 83 $ 263.31 $ 1.15 71 167 $ - 285.26 $ _ 184.58 i 76 IRC SFD Residential Patio Enclosure ICC Approved' n/a 250 m $ ' ` 395.71 $ ' 255:03: , - - 417_ $ 513.92 $ 381.80 - 625 $ 720.63 $ 510.61 i I I i i 13 /la-aJ EXHBIT A- City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8< Life Safety (Cost-Based) i Plan Check Ins ection Fee Title Current Fee Current Fee _ - Cellular/Mobile Phone, free-standing $ 683.35 $ 1,112.04 - - - Cellular Tower with Equipment Shelter $ 683.35 $ 1,243.66 - - - Awning (not patio cover) $ 78.57 $ 123.28 - _ _ Carport $ _ $ 19.12: Carport (with Calcs) $ - ~ $ 19.12 - - Change of Occupancy No T.I. w/ plan check & I $ 128.97 $ 246 73 Close Existing Openings $ ' 78.57 $ 167.71 Commercial Coach (per unit) $ - $ 19.12 , _ - Compliance Inspections/Reihspections $ 143.37 $ 205.96 Deck $ 143.37 $ - 198.64.. - - Deck (with Calcs) $ 164.97 $ 222.54 ' , _ - Demolition $ 78.57 $ 258.54 Demolition - MultiFamily/Commercial $ 78 57 $ 258 54 - - - - Door $ ' 78.57 $ 177 27; Duplication Processing Application $ - $ - - - - _ - _ Fence or Wall (wood, chain link wrought iron) $ - $ - i _ _ - >6 feet in height, 1st 100 s.f. $ _ 78.57 $ _ .2_22.83 , Each additional 100 sf $ 57.60 $ ' 79_ .03 Fence or Freestanding Wall (masonry /garden) $ - _ $ - j _ City Standard, 1st 100 Lf. 78.57 $ 222.83 Each additional 100 If $ 57.60 $ _ 79.03._ Engineered Wall, 1st 100 If $ .100.17 „ $ 222.83 Each- additional 100 If $ 79.20 $ 79.03 Fireplace (masonry or pre-fab) $ 78.57 162.93 Flag pole (greater than 6 feet in height) $ 78.57 ~ $ 162.93 _ - - Garage (detached) $ - - - $ _ 19.12 Wood frame up to 499 s.f. S - $ 19.12 - . Wood frame from 500 s.f. to'999 s.f. S - _ $ _ 19.12 Each additional 500 s.f. S _ - $ 19.12 _ i Masonry up to 1,000 s.f. S - _ $ _ 19.12 each additional 500 s.f. $ _ - $ 1.9.12 14 ~~a~~ ~ ~I EXHIBIT A ':City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) Plan'Check Ins ection ' Fee Title Current Fee Current Fee - - - Grading (Cut and Fill) $ - $ _ 0-50 Cubic Yards (Cut and Fill) $ _ 100.17 $ 162:93 51-100 CY $ 1.36.17 $ 162:93 - - Each Add'I 100 CY or portion thereof $ 5.76 $ - - _ - - 1,000 CY (minimum) $ _.193.77 $ 162.93 _ Each Add'I 1,000 CY or portioh thereof $ 8.64 $ - 10,000 CY (minimum) $ 272.97 _ $ 162.93 _ Each Add'I 10,000 CY or portion thereof $ 12.96 _ - _ 100,000 CY (minimum) $ 395.36 $ 162.93 _ _ _ _ Each Add'I 1,0,000 CY or portion thereof $ _ 12.96 - Pilaster each 10 ' $ 78:57 $ 162.93 - - Greenhouse (non-commercial) $ - $ ' 19.12' _ Greenhouse (non-commercial) (.with Calcs) $ - $ _ __19.12 - Lighting pole (each) _ _ $ 78.57 $ '141.33 Mobile Home $ ~ $ - Mobile Home, double wide - $ _ 19.12" Partition -Commercial, Interior (each 30 Lf.) $ - $ 19.12 _ _ _ _ Partition -Residential, Interior (each 30 Lf.) $ - $ 19:12 ' Patio Cover (includes ICC Products) _ $ - $ 19.12 Lattice each 500 s.f. ~ $ - $ 19.12 ' - - Solid cover each 500 s.f. $ $ 19.12 Engineered design (not ICC products) $ - $ 19.12 ' - _ Patio Enclosure $ - $ 19.12 i Wood frame up to 1,000 s.f. $ _ - $ 19.12 - - each additional 1,000 s.f. $ - $ 19.12_ Other frame (ICC products) up to 1,000 s.f. $ - $ 19.12 _ - - additional 1,000 s.f. $ _ - $ 19.12 Engineered design (not ICC products) up to 1,0 $ - $ 19.12_ additional 1,000 s.f. $ - $ 19.12__ - - - Enclosure walls under existing roof first 1,000 s. $ - $ 19.1.2_ each additional 1,000 s.f. of enclosed area $ - $ 19.12 _ _ _ Photovoltaic System $ - $ 19.12 - - - - Caisson /Pile Foundation $ - $ 19.12 - - - Cast in Place Concrete (each 10piles) $ - $ 19.12 ' - i _ Additional Piles (increments of 10) $ - $ 19.12 Driven (steel, pre-stressed concrete) $ - $ 19.12 ' p Additional Piles (increments of 1~0) $ $ 43.03 15 /I~-~ - ~ EXHIBIT A .City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007=08 Building 8~ Life Safety (Cost-Based) Plan Check Ins ection ~ Fee Title 'Current Fee Current Fee - - - Stucco Applications $ 49.77 $ 162.93 Additional Stucco Application $ 49.77 $ 162:93 - - Relocated Building (within 25 miles of city office $ - 19.12 Each additional 10 miles (or portion thereof) $ - $ 19.12 - _ Retaining Wall (concrete or masonry) $ - $ - First 50 sf $ 157.77 $ 186.83 - _ _ - Each additional 50 sf $ 136.80 $ 102.93 Special Design, 3-10' high (up to 50 If) - [delete] $ - $ 19.12 _ _ Each additional 50 If - [delete] $ _ - $ 1.9.12 Special Design, over 10' high (up to 50 If) - [del $ _ - $ _ __19.12 Each additional 50 If - [delete] $ - ~ $ 19.12 - - Gravity /Crib Wall -First 50 If - (delete] $ - $ 19.12 Each additional 50 If - [delete] ' $ - $ _ 19.12 Gravit /Crib Wall, over 10' hi h u to 50,1 Y 9 (p $ $ 19.12 - Each additional 50 If - [delete] $ - $ 19.12 _ _ , Remodel -Residential (include garage conversi $ - $ 19.12_ first 500 s.f. $ - ~ 19:12 - - each additional 500 s.f. $ $ 19.12 Re-roofing $ - $ _ - Composition - no tear.off __64.17 $ _ 158.15 Other roofs (first 10 squares) $ 64.17 $ 158.15 ` Each additional 10 squares $ 14.40 ' $ 38.25 Roof Structure Replacement $ 100.12 $ 186.83 _ Se arate additional roof structur p e replacement $ 100.17 $ 102.93 Room Addition -Single Story $ - ~ $ 1.9.12'._ Up to 199 s.f. $ $ 19.12 _ _ from 200 to 499 s.f. $ - $ 19.12_ from 500 to 1000 s.f. $ - $ 19.12 - - Each additional 500 sq ft ~ $ - $ 19.12 - Room Addition -Multi-story (total square footag $ - $ 19.12 Up to 199 s.f. $ - ' $ 1'9.12 200 to 499 s.f. $ - " $ 19 12 - from 500 to 1000 s.f. _ $ _ $ 19:12 _ Each additional 500 sq ft $ - $ 19.12 Sauna -steam 78.57 $ - 196.39 16' l~a_~~F EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8~ Life.Safety (Cost-Based)- Plan Check Ins ection Fee Title Current Fee - Current Fee Siding $ - _ - $ - - - - Stone and Brick Veneer (interior or exterior) $ 64.17 $ 196.39 - All Other $ 49.77 ~ $ - - -196.39 Additional siding $ 43.20 $ 112.49. Signs $ - $ - - _ Permanent ! $ 1.57.77 $ 196.39_ Temporary $ 157.77 $ 186.83- - _ _ Directional $ 157.77 $ 196.39 - _ Each additional Directional Sigri $ 157.77' $ 196.39 Freeway sign $ ` 359.36 $ 215.52: - - - Freeway sign with Master Plan ~ $ 359.36 $ 215.52 Ground /Roof /Projecting Signs $ 150.57 $ 1.86.83 Master Plan Sign Check $ 157.77 $ 186.83 _ - Replacement -Permit Sticker $ _ 64.17 $ _ 158.15 _ _ Rework of any existing Ground -,Sign $ 64.17 $ 158.15 Wall/Awning Sign, Non-Electricl, $ 64.17 $ 196.39 _Wall, Electric 64:17 $ ' _196 39 Skylight (Residential each) $ 49.77 $ 1.72.49 Skylight (Commercial) one $ 64:17 $ 172.49 - Each additional 64.17 $ 172.49 Spa or Hot Tub (Pre-fabricated): $ 64.17 $ - 196.39 Stairs -per story $ 229.77 $ 186.83 - _ Each additional story $ 208.79 $ 102.93 Storage Racks each set of plans $ 265.77 $ 234.64 i - - - Swimming Pool /Spa $ - $ 19.12 j Vinyl-lined /fiberglass. $ - $ 19.12 - - - - Gunite (up to 800 s.f.) $ - $ 19.12 - - _Master Plan Coord -Prod. Unit; ; $ - $ 19.12 Each additional 800 s.f. - ~ $ 19.12 _ Commercial pool (up to 800 sf) _ - $ _ 19.12_ Each additional 800 s.f. $ - $ 19.12 - - Temporary Utility Connection or Occupancy - $ 66.93 Window or Sliding Glass Door (first) $ 157:77 $ 186.83 - _ Each additional $ 136:80_ $ 83.81 - Bay Window each $ 157.77 ~ $ 186.83 0 I ~ ~a-aS h EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8~ Life Safety (Cost-Based) Plan .Check Ins ection Fee Title Current Fee Current Fee ALTERNATE METHODS AND MATERIALS $ - _ - Alternate Methods $ - $ - ~ _ - Category 1 (repeats-and minimal complexity) $ - $ - - Category 2 (moderate complexity). $ ' - $ - - - - - - Category 3 .(complex issues) $ - $ - Category 4 (highly complex) $ - $ - _ Alternate Materials $ - - Request to Use Alternate Materials $ ' - $ - Standard Flat Fee ($300) $ - ~ $ - Standard Fee (hourly rate in addition to flat fee) _ $ ' _ - $ - ICC Fee ($500) - if required $ - _ $ - 0 - $ _ Board of Appeals $ 623.61 ~ $ - Business License Inspection $ 32.29 $ 45.56 - - - - Business License Re-inspection $ _ 32.29 _ $ 2.3.96 Product Review $ 440.38 $ - , - Disabled Access Compliance Inspection $ 92.20 $ 59.90 _0 $ - $ _ - Supplemental Plan Check Fee (first 1 /2-hour) $ 144.00 $ - Each Additional 1/2 hour (or portion thereof) $ 72.00 $ - - - - Supplemental Inspection Fee (first 1/2 hour) $ - $ 119.80 Each Additional 1/2 hour (or portion thereof) $ - $ 59.90 Emergency (Non-Scheduled) Call-Out Fee _ $ - $ 287.99 After Hours Inspection $ - $ _ _ 179.71 ; Each additional hour $ - $ 119:80 - - _ After Hours Plan Review $ r 287.99 $ - Each additional hour $ ' 144.00 ~ ' - - 0 $ $ . Services Beyond Standard Fee''(per the Directo $ - $ - ~ Non-Fee Activities: $ - $ I _ _ Counter: Pre-Project Support (a'nnual) $ 10_,741.88 $ - Counter: Public Information -not recoverable (a $ 1'A,741.88 $ - CIP (annual) $ - $ - _ 0 _ $ $ - Historic Preservation Comm. Support (annual) $ - $ Other Commission Support (annual) $ - $ 0 - $ 18 )Ct- ~ EXHIBIT A >City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Yeac2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) '`Plan Check Ins ection r I , Fee Title Current Fee Current Fee - _ _ Other Non-Fee Activities > $ - $ - Support to Other Departments /!Divisions: $ - - _ Support to Planning (annual) $ 563.51_ $ - Support to Zoning Code Enforcement (annual) $ 3,5_37.55 $ _ 60_,930.20 Support to Building Code Enforcement (annual) $ 3,537.55 $ 60,930.20 Support to Nuisance Code Enforcement (annual $ 3,537.55 $ 60,541.42 - - - Support to PW Engineering (annual) $ 563.51 $ - - - - Support to Police (annual) $ 72.00 $ _ - Support to Fire Operations (annual) 719.98 $ 1,439.95 Support to Fire Inspections (annual) $ 1,_1.39.49 $ 1,918.02 Support to All Other Departments (annual) $ - $ - - Support to RDA (annual) $ _ $ _ - Support to Business License $ 1,139.49 $ 3,472.14' 0 $ - $ _ _ _ 0 $ - $ - Support to All Other Departments (annual) $ - $ - 0 $ $ _ Hourly Rates: $ - $ - Building Official _ $ ' _ 144.00 $ _ Building Inspector $ - $ 95.61 j Building Permit Tech $ -83.90 $ _ - Director of Building and Fire $ 251.77 $ - - - Executive Secretary , , $ 108 49 $ - - - Neighborhood Services Staff $ - $ 178.59„ 19 l I _ _ _ _ i EXHIBIT A - City of~Arroyo Grande. MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year,2007=08 `Building 8 Life Safety(Cost=Based) Plan Check Ins ection g I Fee # Fee Title _ Current Fee Current Fee p y - - - 1 Fire S rinkler S stems -New Construction: $ - $ - 2 1-50 Heads $ 149.95 $ 151.97 - - _ 3 51-100 Heads $ '185.95 $ 223.68 ___4 101-200 Heads $ 335 90 $ 271:48 5 Every 200 Heads.above 200 $ 227.90_- $ 151.97 8 _ Fire Sprinkler Systems -Tenantlmprovement $ _ - - 9 1-25 Heads $ 113.95 151.97 - _ 10 26-100 Heads. $ '`221.95 $ -223.68''_ ~ 11 Every 100 Heads above 100 ! $ 185.95 $ 199 77 14 Fire Alarm System -New Construction: $ - $ - - - 15 1-50 Devices $ 149.95 _ $ 151.97 - 16 51-100 Devices ? $ 221.95 $ _ 223.68 17 Every 50 Devices above 100 LL $ 149.95 $ ` 199.77-- _ - - - 18 Sprinkler Monitoring System $ 329.94 $ 289.53 _ _ ~ 21 Fire Alarm System -Tenant Improvements: - $ 14:40 22 1-50 Devices $ 149.95 $ 151:97 _ _ _ _ 23 51-100 bevices $ 221.95 223.68 i 24 Every 50 Devices above 100 $ '149.95 $ 199.77 - - - - _25 Sprinkler Monitoring System $ 329.94 $ 289 53 j 28 Other Suppression Systems: $ - $ - 29 Inert Gas Systems $ - 149:95 $ 151.97 - - 30 Dry Chemical Systems $ 185.95 $ 128.06 31 Wet Chemical/Kitchen Hood $ _185':95 $ 199.77 32 Foam Systems $ 185.95 $ 27.1.48 33 Paint Spray Booth $ 329.94 $ 223.68 - - 35 Other Fire Fees: $ - $ - 36 Hydrants/Underground Fire Service Plan Check $ 221'.95 _ $ 1_28.06 37 Hydrant Flow Test (existing hydrants) $ 41.95 $ 14.40 20.. l~a- ; I? EXHIBIT A ,City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal-Year 2007-08 Building 8 fife Safety (Cost-Based).;` t Plan Check ' lns action ` Fee Title Current Fee. Current Fee - ADMINISTRATIVE (BASE) FEES $ ' - $ - - _ Permit Issuance $ 83.90 $ _ - ~ Supplemental Permit Issuance $ - $ - $ - $ - - - ' - - MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES; $ - $ - ' t ~ - _ $ FAU less than 100,000 Btu/h $ 36.00 $ _47.81 - - _ FAU greater than 100,000 Btu/h $ 36.00 $ 71.71 Floor furnace (including vent) $ 36.00 ~ $ 95.61 _ Suspended, wall, or floor-mouri'ted heaters $ 36.00 $ 71.71 Appliance vents not included it an appliance pe $ ' 36 00 $ 71.71 - - Addition to each heating appliance, refrigeration $ 36 00 $ 71.71 ' _ Boiler or compressor, up to 3HP /Absorption sy $ _ _36.00 $ 95:61__ - Boiler or compressor, from 3HP to 15 HP / Abso $ 72 00 $ 95:61 - - - - - - _ - Boiler or compressor, from 15 HP to 30 HP / Ab $ 72.00 $ 95.61 _ Boiler or compressor, from 30 HP to 50 HP, ! ab $ 10,799.63 $ 71.71 Boiler or compressor, over 50 HP / Absorption s $ 108.00. $ 71.71 Air-handling unit, including attached ducts. $ 72.00 $ 71:71 ~ Air-handling unit over 10,000 CFM $ 108 00 $ 95:61 - _ - _ Evaporative cooler _ _ 36.00 $ _ 47.81 Ventilation fan connected to a single duct ~ $ 72.00^ $ _ 71.71 Ventilation system (not a portion of heating or a/ 108.00 _ $ _ 95.61 1 _ Hood and duct system. _ $ 144.00 $ 119.52 _ i Incinerator, residential $ 179 99 $ 143.42 - - Commercial or Industrial-type incinerator $ 215.99 $ 143.42 I Misc. appliances or equipment;;,. $ 1.08:00 $ 95.61 - - Stand Alone Mechanical Plan Check (hourly rat $ 144.00 ' $ - Other Mechanical Inspections (pet hour) $ - $ 95.61 $ _ _ _ - r ' ~ - ! i I i 21' r I~-~~1 _ _ EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) ~ , Plan'Check :Ins ection " Fee Title Current Fee -'Current Fee EES $ _ $ PLUMBING /GAS PERMIT F Plumbing fixtures. $ 36.00 $ 47.81 - Building sewer $ 72.00 $ 71.71 - - - Rainwater systems (per drain).„ $ 36.00 ' ' ' $ 47.81 - _ Cesspool - [delete] 36.00 $ - 9 P Y - - - Private sewa a dis osal s stem. $ 1.08.00 $ 119.52 Water Heater $ `-72.00 $ 47.81 ~ Industrial waste pretreatment interceptor $ 36.00 $ 71.71 _ - - Water piping and/or water treating equipment (e $ 36.00. $ 71.71 Repair or alteration of drainage or vent piping, $ 36.00 $ 71.71 Each lawn sprinkler system on any one meter - $ 36.00 $ Backflow devices each unit $ 72.00 ~ $ 47.81 - - Atmospheric-type vacuum breakers: 1-5 units $ 72.00 $ ' 47.81` - - Atmospheric-type vacuum breakers: each unit o $ 72.00.. $ 47.81 Stand Alone Plumbin Plan Ch g eck (hourly rate) $ -144.00 $ - - - Other Plumbing and Gas Inspections (per hour) $ - $ 95.61 $ _ $ - $ $ - - - ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES I - ~ - - - SYSTEM FEES: $ " - _ _ - Residential swimming Pools $ 108.00 $ 167.32 $ _ $ Outdoor Events 108.00 $ 71.71 $ _ - , - . - Electric generator and electrically-driven rides $ 72.00 $ 71.71 - - - _ Mechanically-driven rides/ attractions with electr $ _108.00 $ 71.71._ Each system of area and booth lighting $ 72.00 ~ $ 71.71 - - $ $ - $ - $ Temporary Power Service $ 72.00 _ $ 47.81 _ Temporary power pole. $ 72.00 _ $ _ 47.81 Sub poles (each). $ 36.00 $ 33.46 22 Ala-~o EXHfBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) ~I. Plan Check Ins ection Fee Title 'Current Fee Current Fee UNIT FEES: $ - $ - = _ _ _ Receptacle, Switch, and Lighting Outlets $ 36.00 $ - _ $ $ First 10 72.00 $ .47.81 Each Additional 10 72.00 $ 47:81 _ - _ - $ _ $ _ _ _ - _ $ _ $ - - - Lighting Fixtures $ - $ - First 10 $ 72.00 ' $ 71.71 - - Each additional 10 $ 36.00 $ _ 71.71 Pole or platform-mounted lighting fixtures (each $ 72.00 $ 71.71__ Theatrical-type lighting fixtures:or assemblies (e $ 72:00 $ 95.61 Residential Appliances (each):' $ 7200. $ -47.81 , ~ $ _ Nonresidential Appliances $ 108.00 ` $ _ _ _ 9_5.61 Residential a liances and sel _ pp f-contained, Wont $ 108.00 $ 95.61 A liances not exceedin one" pp g I horsepower (HP) 144.00 $ 95.61 _ $ - - - _ - _ Power Apparatus $ - $ - Motors, generators, transformers, rectifiers, syn $ 108.00.'. $ 47.81 _ - _ I Rating in horsepower (HP), kilowatts (KW), or ki $ 1.08.00 $ _ _71.71 i Up to and including 1 (each) -.[delete] $ - $ - ~ - - Over 1-and not over 10 (each);- [delete] $ - $ - _Over 10 and not over 50 (each) - [delete] $ - $ _ _ - Over 50 and not over 100 (each) - [delete] $ - $ - Over 100 (each) - [delete] , $ - $ - - [delete] $ - _ $ - Note: These fees include all switches, circuit br $ 72.00 $ , - - _ I - - - - _ Busways $ 72'.00 $ 71.71 Trolley and plug-in-type busways -each 100 fee $ 72:00 $ 71.71. (An additional fee will be required for lighting fix 72.00 $ - - - Signs, Outline Lighting, and Marquees ' $ - $ - - - - Signs, Outline Lighting, or Marquees supplied fr $ 72.00 $ 71.71 - - - - - - - - Additional branch circuits within the same sign, $ 72.00. $ 47.81 j- 23 /la-~I i EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8~ Life Safety (Cost-Based).;:.' Plan Check Ins ection Fee Title Current Fee Current Fee ~ _ - _ Services $ $ Services of 600 volts or less and not over 200 a $ 108:00. $ 95.61 - I Services of 600 volts or less and over'200 amp $ 179.99 $ 119.52 - _ _ - Services over 600 volts or over 1000 amperes i $ 287.99 $ 143.42 Miscellaneous Apparatus, Conduits, and Condu $ 72.00 ' $ 71.71 Electrical apparatus, conduits,; and conductors f $ 72.00 $ 95.61 _ $ - $ - - y - _ Photovotaic S stems -each $ 1'08.00 ' $ 143.42 . $ $ Stand Alone Electrical Plan Check (hourly rate) $ .144.00^° $ - - Other Electrical Inspections (per hour) $ - $ 95:61 I I 24 lla-3~ ~z - _ EXHIBIT A CifyofArroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) PLAN CHECK VARIABLE. FEE SCHEDULE`FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Each ICC (UBC), Size Basis Additional' Fee # Use Type ` Occupancy" (square feet) ' Base Fee Base Cost SF ' 2,000 $ 2,722 $ 2,722. $ 0142 _ 8,000 $ 3,573 $ 3,573 0.176' 1 A-1 Assembly Group -Theaters 20,000 $ 5,687 $ ..5,687 $ 0.192 - _ 40,000 $ 9,528 $ _ ; 9,528_ $ 0.125 - - 100,000 17,007 $ 17,007 $ 0.170 _ 1,000 $ 1,568 $ 1,568 $ 0.163_ i ' 4,000 $ 2,058 $ 2,058 $ _ 0.203 - ; 2 A-2 Assembly Group: Churches, restaurants 10,000 $ 3,276 $ _ 3,276` $ 0.221 ; 20,000 5,488 $ 5_488- -0.144 50,000 ~ 9,795 $ 9,795 $ 0.196 ' 250 $ 534 $ 534 $ '0.223 - - 1,000 $ 701 701 $ 0.277 " 3 A Assembly Group - TI 2,500 $ 1,116 1,116 $ 0.301 _ 5,000 $ 1,869 $ 1,869 -0.196 12,500 $ 3,336 $ :3,336 $ 0.267 1,000 $ 1,568 $ 1,568 $ 0.163 _ _ _ _ 4,000 $ 2,058 2,058 $ 0 203 4 A-3 Church and Religious Bldg -Complete 10,000 $ 3,276 _ $ 3,276 $ 0:221 - 20,000 $ 5,488 $ 5,488 $ 0.144:' _ - 50,000 $ 9,795 $ 9,795 $ 0.196 _ 500 $ 947 $ 947 0.198 2,000 $ 1,244 _ $ 1,244 $ - 0.245 " i 5 R-4 Congregate Care -Complete 5,000 $ 1,980 _ _ _1,980 $ _ 0 267 _ 10,000 $ 3,316 $ 3,316..$ 0.174" - - 25,000 ~ 5,920 - _ $ .,5;920 $ 0.237 250 $ 534 $ 534 $ 0.223'? 1,000 $ 701 $ _ 701 $ 0.277 I 6 A-3 Church and Religious Bldg - TI 2,500 $ 1,116 _ $ 1,116 $ 0.301_ 5,000 _ $ 1,869 $ 1,869 $ 0.196 12,500 $ 3,336 $ _3,336.....-$ 0.267 2,000 $ 2,016 _ 2,016 $ 0.105 - 8,000 $ 2,646 _ $ 2,646 $ 0.131 7 E Educational Building -Complete 20,000 $ 4,212 $ 4,212 - $ 0.142 40,000 7,056 $ 7,056. $ 0.092 - - 100,000 $ 12,594 - $ 12,594 $ 0.126 i 250 $ 534 $ 534 $ -0.223 1,000 $ 701 $ 701 $ 0.277 ' 8 E Educational Building-TI " 2,500 $ 1,116 $ 1,116 $ 0.301 - - 5,000 $ 1,869 $ 1,869 0.196 - 12,500 3,336 - 3,336- ` $ - 0 267 25 ~IQ~3~ EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8~ Life Safety (Cost-Based) PLAN CHECK''VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Each ICC (UBC) Size Basis Additional Fee # Use Type Occupancy.. (square feet) Base Fee Base Cost SF ~ 500 $ 706 _ $ 706 0.147 2,000 $ 927 _ $ _ _ 9_27 $ 0.183 _ - 9 S-2 Parking Garage -Complete 5,000 $ 1-,476 $ 1,476. $ 0.199 - 10,000 $ 2,472 _ $ - 2,472 $ - 0.129_ 25,000 4,413 $ 4;413 $ 0.177 ' , 1,000 $ 1,568 _ 1,568 $ 0.163 4,000 $ 2,058 $ __.2,058- $ -0.203 10 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise -Complete 10,000 $ 3,276 $ 3,276 $ 0.221 - 20,000 $ .5,488 _ $ 5,488 $ _ _ 0.144 - 50,000 9,795 $ 9;795 $ 0.196 ' 1,000 $ 672 $ 672 0.070 - - _ 4,000 $ 882 $ - 882 $ - - 0.087 11 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise -Shell 10,000 $ 1,404 $ 1';404 $ 0.095 20,000 $ 2,352 $ - 2,352 $ 0.062 50,000 $ 4,197 $ 4,197 $ 0.084 ~ - - - 250 $ 500 $ 500 $ 0.208 - 1,000 $ 656 $ - 656 $ 0.259'' 12 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise - TI 2,500 $ 1,044_ _1;044 $ 0;282_ 5,000 $ 1,748 $ 1,748 $ 0.183 12,500 $ 3,121 $ 3;121 $ 0.250 13 B Offices, etc. -Complete is 500 $ 1,008 _ $ ' 1,008 $ 0.210 - - 14 _ 2,000 $ 1,323 $ 1,323 0.261 15 s 5,000 $ 2,106 _ $ 2;106 $ 0.284 16 - - ' 10,000 $ 3,527 $ 3,527 $ 0.185' 17 - 25,000 $ 6,296 $ 6,296 $ 0.252. - - 1,000 $ 517 _ $ 517 $ 0.054 _ _ _ 4,000 $ 678 _ $ 678 $ 0.067- 18 B Offices, etc. -Shell 10,000 $ 1,080 _ $ _ 1,080 $ 0.073- 20,000 1,809 $ 1,809 0"047 - 50,000 $ 3,229 - $ 3,229. $ 0.065 _ 100 $ 369 $ 369_ $ 0.383_ 400 $ 484 - $ - - 484 $ 0.477 19 B Offices, etc. - TI 1,000 $ 770 _ .770 $ 0.520" 2,000 $ 1,290 $ 1`;290 $ 0:338. 5,000 $ 2,303 - $ .2,303 $ 0:461- ' 1,000 $ 1,568 _ _1,5_68 $ 0.163 _ ; 4,000 $ 2,058 $ 2,058_ $ _ 0.203 - - _ 20 F-1 Industrial Building -Complete 10,000 $ 3,276 $ 3,276_ $ _ 0.221 20,000 $ 5,488 $ 5,488- 0.144 50,000 $ 9,795 $ 9,795 $ 0.196 26' lla -.~`f j - - - i EXHIBIT A . City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8< Life Safety (Cost-Based) -PLAN'CHECK VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION " - r~ Each ~I ICC (UBC) Size Basis Additional Fee # lJse Type Occupancy. (square feet) Base Fee Base Cost SF _ 1,000 $ 879 _ $ 879 0.091 4,000 $ 1,153 $ 1;153" $ 0114 21 F-1 Industrial Building -Shell 10,000 $ 1,836 $ _ 1,83_6_ $ 0.124 - 20,000 $ 3,075 $ 3,075 0.080 - - 50,000 5,489 $ 5,489 $ 0.110 _ 250 $ 500 500 $ 0.208'' - - _ 1,000 $ 656 $ 656 $ 0:259 22 F-1 Industrial Building-TI 2,500 $ 1,044 $ 1,044° $ 0.282^ - - - 5,000 $ 1,748 - $ .1,748 $ 0.183 - 12,500 $ 3,121 - _ - $ 3,121 ' $ 0.250: ' _ 500 $ 879 $ 879 $ 0.183 - 2,000 $ 1,153. $ 1;153 $ 0:228 i - - - - _ 23 S-1 Repair Garage & Service St -Complete 5,000 $ 1,836 $ _ 1,836 $ _ 0.248 10,000 $ 3,075 $ 3,075 $ 0.161 - - - 25,000 5,489 $ 5,489 $ .._.....0.220_.. 1', _ 500 $ 431 $ 431 $ .0._0_89; ' 2,000 $ 565 $ 565 $ 0.112 24 S-1 Repair Garage & Service St -Shell ` 5,000 $ 900 $ 900 $ 0.121 _ - - - - I: 10,000 $ 1,507 $ 1,507. $ --0.079 25,000 2,690 _ - - - - - $ 2,690 $ 0.108: _ _ 100 $ 482 $ 482` $ 0.503 400 $ 633 $ 633 $ 0:625 25 S-1 Repair Garage & Service St - TI 1,000 $ 1,008 $ 1,008 $ 0`.680__ ' ' 2,000 $ 1,688 $ 1 688 $ - - - 0.442 - 'i. 5,000 3,013 - $ ......3,013........$ _0.603' ' i 500 $ _947 ' 947 $ 0.198 2,000 $ 1,244 $ - 1,244 $ - 0.245 - - _ - 26 M Retail Sales -Complete ( 5,000 1,980_ _ $ 1,980 $ _ 0.267 - - - 10,000 $ 3,316 $ 3,316 $ 0.174 25,000 $ 5,920 - $ 5,920 $ 0.237.'. 500 $ 431 $ 431 $ 0.089' _ _ 2,000 $ 565 $ - -565 $ 0.112 27 M Retail Sales -Shell 5,000 $ 900 $ :..900 $ _0.121 'I - - _ 10,000 $ 1,507 $ 1;507 _ $ 0.079 I ' 25,000 2,690 $ ; 2,690 $ 0.108 ~ - ' 100 $ 482 _ ' 482 $ _ 0.503 _ 400_ $ 633 $ - 633 ' $ 0.6_25 28 M _ Retail Sales - TI 1,000 $ 1,008 _ $ 1;008 $ 0:680 - - - 2,000 $ 1,688 $ 1;688 $ 0'_:442 - 5,000 $ 3,013 _ $ 3,013 $ ..0.603.... i I 27 /~Q-3~ EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 Life Safety. (Cost-Based) PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Each ICC (UBC) Size`-Basis Additional Fee # Use Type Occupancy (square .feet) Base Fee Base Cost SF 2,000 $ 879 _ $ 879 $ 0.046 8, 000 $ 1,153 $ 1,153 $ 0.057 29 _ - Warehouse -Complete 20,000 $ 1,836 $ 1,836 $ 0.062_ _ 40,000 $ 3,075 _ $ 3,075 $ 0_ .0.40 100,000 5,489 $ 5,489. $ 0.055 1,000 $ 1,568 $ 1,568 $ 0.163 4,000 $ 2,058 - 2,058 $ 0.203: 30 1-1 Medical/24 Hour Care -Complete' 10,000 $ _ 3,276 _ 3,276 $ 0.221 - - 20,000 $ 5,488 $ 5,488 $ 0.144. 50,000 ~ 9,795 - - - - $ ':9,795 $ 0.196 - 1,000 $ 706 $ _ 706 $ 0.074. 4,000 $ 927 _ ' $ 9_27._- _ 0.092 - 31 I-1 Medical/24 Hour Care -Shell 10,000 $ 1,476 _ _ $ 1,476 $ 0.100 20,000 $ 2,472 $ 2,472. $ 0 065 50,000 $ 4,413 - - $ 4,413 $ 0 088 ' 100 $ 637 _ 637 $ 0.667 - _ _ 400 $ 837 $ 837 $ 0.825 32 ` I-1 Medical/24Hour Care - TI 1,000_ $ 1,332 _ $ 1,332.. $ 0.899_ 2,000 $ 2,231 _2,231:. $ 0.584 - - - 5,000 ~ 3,982 $ 3; 982 $ 0.796 1,000 $ 1,568 $ 1,568' _0.163 _ 4,000 $ 2,058 $ 2,058.. $ 0.203 33 B Medical Offices -Complete 10,000 $ 3,276 $ 3,276 ___0.221 20,000 $ 5,488 $ 5,488 $ 0.144. 50,000 9,795 $ - - 9,795 $ 0.196 1,000 $ 706 $ 706 $ 0.074 4,000 $ 927 $ , - 927 - 0.092 , 34 B Medical Offices -Shell 10,000 $ 1,476 $ 1,476 $ 0.100 ~ 20,000 $ 2,472 _ $ 2,472 $ __0.065 - 50,000 $ 4,413. $ 4,413 $ 0.088 250 $ 637 $ _ 637 , $ 0.267 i _ 1,000 $ 837 $ 837 $ _0.330 _ 35 B Medical Offices - TI 2,500 $ 1,332 1..,332 $ 0.360 5,000 $ 2,231 $ 2;231' $ 0.233 12,500 $ 3,982 $ 3,982 $ 0.3T9 i - , ' 500 $ 1,051 1,051 $ _ 0.219°` 2,000 $ 1,379 _ $ _1,379 $ 0'.272:-- 36 - Restaurant-Complete 5,000 $ 2,196 $ 2,196' $ 0.296 10,000 $ 3,678 _ $ 3,678.- $ 0.1.93 25,000 $ 6,566 $ 6,566 $ ._0.263: 28 2 I EXHIBIT A Ciry of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8~ Life Safety (Cost-Based) PLAN CHECK VARIABLE"FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION ..Each. ICC (UBC) Size Basis Additional Fee # Use Type Occupant (square feet) Base Fee Base Cost SF 500 $ 534 $ 534 $ __0.11<1 2,000 $ 701 - $ --_-.701 $ __0:138 37 - Restaurant-Shell 5,000 $ 1,116 $ 1,116 $ 0.151 10,000 $ 1,869 $ 1.,869 $ 0:098. - _ - _ 25,000 3,336 $ 3,336 $ 0.133. ' 250 $ 448 $ 448 $ 0.187 1,000 $ 588 $ 588 - 0.232' - _ _ - 38 ; - Restaurant - TI 2,500 $ 936 _ _ $ 936 ' $ 0.253 - 5,000 $ _ 1,568 $ 1,568 $ 0.164 - - 12,500 $ .2,798 _ $ 2,798. _ 0.224_. 250 $ 844 _ $ 844. $ 0.352 1,000 $ 1,108 $ 1,108 $ 0.437 _ - _ 39 I-4 Day Care Facility -Complete 2,500 $ 1,764 $ 1.:,764 $ 0 476 - - 5,000 $ 2,955 _ $ 2,955 $ 0.309 - - 12,500 5,274 $ - 5,274 $ 0.422 100 $ 637 $ 637 $ 0.667 400 $ 837 - - 837.- $ 0 825 40 I-4 pay Care Facility - TI 1,000 $ 1,332 $ 1,332 $ 0.899 - 2,000 $ 2,231 - - $ _-_-_2;231_ 0.584._ 5,000 3,982 _ 3,982 0.796 500 $ 741 $ 741: $ 0.154 _ 2,000 $ 972 $ ' 972 $ _ 0.192_ 41 - H HazardousH-Complete 5,000 $ 1,548 $ '1;548 $ 0.209 10,000 $ 2,593 $ 2;593 $ 0.136 - 25,000 $ 4,628 $ 4,628 $ 0.185 500 $ 1,051 $ 1,051 $ 0.219 _ _ _ _ 2,000 $ 1,379 $ 1, 379 $ 0.272 42 H Hazardous H- Shell 5,000 $ 2,196 _ $ 2,196 $ 0.296 10,000 $ 3,678 $ 3,678 $ 0.193_ - 25,000 $ 6,566 - $ 6,566 $ 0.263 100 $ 637 $ 637 $ 0.667 _ 400 $ 837 _ $ - 837 $ 0.825 43 H Hazardous H- T I 1,000 $ 1,332 _ 1,332 $ 0 899 - - 2,000 2,231 _ $ 2,231 - $ -0.584 _ - - 5,000 $ 3,982 $ 3,982 _ - 0.796- - 200 $ 362 _ $ 362 $ 0.188 _ 800 $ 475 _ $ 475 $ 0.234 44 _ T Commercial Building -Foundation 2,000 $ 756. _ $ 756- $ _ 0.255 , 4,000 $ 1,266 $ 1;266 $ 0.166 10,000 2,260 $ 2,260 $ -0.226 I i i 29 /fQ-~7 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8~ Life Safety (Cost-Based) PLAN CHECK VARIABLE_FEE SCHEDULE'FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION ...Each ICC (UBC) Size Basis - Additional Fee # Use Type' Occupancy, (square feet) Base Fee `'Base Cost SF 200 $ 396 _ $ 396_ $ 0.207- _ - 800 $ 520 $ 520 0.257 45 - Commercial Building -Addition 2,000 $ 828 $ 828 $ ..__0.280_ 4,000 $ 1,387 $ 1;387 $ 0.181 - - 10,000 2,475 $ 2,475 $ 0.248 1,000 $ 1,568 _ $ `'_1,568 0.163 4,001) $ 2,058 $ 2,058 $ _ _0.203 46 R-2 Apartment Building 10,000 $ 3,276 $ 3,276 ____0.221 _ 20,000 5,488 $ 5,488 $ _ 0_.144 - - 50,000 ~ 9,795 $ 9,795 $ 0.1.96.. 47 IRC SFD Single-Family (custom or model) 1,000 $ 1,116 $ 1,116 $ 0.093 - - I, 48 - - 2,000 $ 1,209 $ 1,209 ..0.468 - 49 - - 3,000 $ 1,677 $ 1,677, $ 0.251 - - 5,000 $ 2,178 2,178 $ 0.350_ _ - - - _ ! 7,00 $ 3,053 3,053- - 0.407 _667 $ 407 _ $ 407__ 0.051 _ - 1,333 $ 441 $ _ 441 $ 0.257 52 IRC SFD Single-Family -Production /Repeat 2,000 $ 612 $ 612 $ < .0.137. - 3,333 $ 794 $ 794 $ 0:192 _ - ' 5,001) $ 1,114 $ 1,114 $ 0.223 333_ $ 359 _ 359 $ 0.090 - - 667, $ 389 $ 389 $ 0.453 ' 53 - Moved Building -Residential 1,000 ~ $ 540 $ 540 $ 0.242 - - - 1,667 701 - $ ° - - 701 _ $ .0.338_ - 2,500 $ 983 - $ 983 $ 0.393 ' 800 _ 273 $ 27_3 $ 0.029- _ - 1,600 296 _ _-296- 0.143 54 R-3 Manufactured Home -Complete 2,400 $ ~ 410 _ $ 410 0.077 4,000 $ 533 $ 533 $ 0.107 - $ 747 $ ....0.125... 6,000 747 - _ 667 $ 273 $ 273 $ 0.035 1,333 $ 296 $ 296- - - 0.171.. 55 R-3 Prefabricated Dwelling -Complete. 2,000 $ 410 $ 410 $ _ 0.092 - - 3,333 $ 533 $ 533 $ 0.128: _ _ _ 5,000 ~ \747 _ $ _ 747._ _ $ ......0.149 ~ 120 $ '1,79 $ 179 $ 0.156 - 480 $ 23S_-_- $ 235 $ _0.193 56 - Commercial Coach -Complete 1,200 374 374 $ 0 211 - 2,400 $ 627 $ 627 $ 0.137. - 6,000 1,11---$ 1,119 -0187 i i. ~ . 30 / 1~= EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Each ~ ICC (UBC) Size Basis Additional Fee # Use Type Occupancy (square feet) Base Fee Base Cost SF _ 240 $ 179 $ - 179 $ 0:078 960 $ 235 $ - 235 $ 0.097 57 - Modular Building -Complete 2,400 $ 374 $ 374 ` $ 0 105 - - _ 4,800 $ 627 $ _ _ 627 $ 0.068 12,000 1,119 $ 1,119 $ 0.093 _ 500 $ 196 _ $ 19_6 $ _ 0_.041 2,000 $ 258 $ 258 $ 0 051 j 58 - Manufactured Building. - Fnd 5,000 $ 410 _ $ 410 $ 0 055_ - ; 10,000 $ 687 $ 687 $ 0.036 - 25,000 1,226 $ 1 226 _ - 0.049' 167 $ 273 $ 273 $ 0.138 ~ _ 333 $ 296 $ , _ 296_ $ 0.684 59 U Residential Garage ' 500 $ 410 $ 410 _ $ _ 0.3_69 833 -533 $ 533 $ .0.514. - 1,250 $ 747 $ 747 0 598 40 $ _ 224 $ 224' $ 0.583' - 160 $ 294 - 294 $ - 0.725 60 U Pool/Spa -Standard Plan 400 $ 468 $ 468' $ __0.790. 800 784 - - $ 784 ' $ 0.513 ' 2,000 $ 1,399 $ -..1..,399 $ '0.700- _ 200 $ 637 ' $ _ 637 $ 0.333 - - 800 $ 837 $ 837 $ _ 0.413 61 - Commercial Building -Remodel 2,000 $ 1,332 $ 1,332. $ 0.450 4,000 $ 2,231 $ 2,231 ' $ 0.292 ` - 10,000 3,982 - $ :3,982 - $ 0 398 ' 200 $ 603 603_ $ 0.313 - 800 $ 791 $ 791 $ 0 391 62 - Commercial Building -Repair 2,000 $ 1,260 $ 1,260_ $ 0.425 - - 4,000 $ 2,110 - - $ 2,110 $ 0.276' - 10,000 .3,767 $ 3,767 $ .0.377.. . - _ 500 $ 293 $ _ _ 293 , $ 0.061 2,000 $ 384 $ 384 $ 0:076 63- S-2 Commercial Carport -Std. Plan 5,000 $ 612 $ _ 612 $ 0.083 - - - _ - 10,000 $ .1,025 $ 1,025 $ 0.054_ - 25,000 1,829 - $ 1,829 $ 0.073 ' i', 50 $ 210 $ 210 _ 0.440_ _ _ _ 200 $ 276 $ - - - 276: $ 0.543 64 U-1 Accessory Building -Commercial 500 $ 439 $ 439 $ 0.592 1,000 $ 735 $ 735 $ 0.385 - 2,500 ~ 1,312 $ 1,312 $ 0.525 31 l~=~ 1 j ~k. EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Yeai• 2007-08 Building 8~ Life Safety (Cost-Based) s 'PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Each ICC (UBC) Size Basis AdditionaF -Fee # Use Type Occupancy (square feet) Base Fee .Base Cost SF _ 50 $ 210 $ 210 $ 0:440 _ _ 200 $ 276 _ $ 276 $ 0.543_ , 65 U-1 Commercial Carport 500 $ 439 _ 439 $ _ 0.592 1,000 $ 735 $ 735 $ 0.385 2,500 1,312 - $ 1 312 $ 0.525 - - 167 $ 407 _ ' $ _ _407 _ $ 0.204' _ _ 333 $ 441 $ 441 $ 1.026 66 IRC SFD Single-Family Residential -Addition 500 $ 612 $ 612 0.546 833 $ 794 $ 794 $ 0.768 ' i - 1,250 1,114 $ 1,114 $ 0.891 - ~ 333 $ 551 $ _551 $ 0.138 _ 667 $ 597 $ 597 -0:693_ 67 R-2 Multi-Family Residential -Addition 1,000 $ 828 _ $ 828 $ 0.371 i. 1,667 $ .1,075 $ 1,075 $ _ 0.518 - - 2,500 1,507 - $ 1.,507 $ 0.603 333 $ 263 263 $ ° 0.066 _ _ 667 $ 285 285 $ - ---0:333 68 IRC SFD Single-Family Residential -Remodel 1,000 $ _ 396 $ 396 $ O':177 1,667 $ 514 $ - 514 $ 0:248 - 2,500 .721 - - - - , $ 721 $ 0.288 667 $ 364 $ 364 $ 0:045 1,333 $ 394 - $ - 394 $ 0.230 69 R-2 Multi-Family Residential -Remodel; 2,000 $ 547 $ 547 $ 0.122 : - 3,333 $ 710 710 $ 0.172' - _ - 5,000 $ 996 $ 996 $ p.199 ' 333 $ 292 _ $ 292 $ .0.072 • _ 667 $ 316 _ $ 316 $ _ 0.369 70 IRC SFD Residential Building -Foundation 1,000 $ 439 $ 439_ $ 0.197 - - 1,667 $ 570 - --570 - 0.275 2,500 $ 799 $ 799 $ 0.320- 83 $ 263 $ ; _ 263 - ' $ 0.264 _ 167 $ 285 $ 285 $ 1.332 71 U-1 Accessory Building -Residential 250 $ 396 396 $ 0.708' 417 $ 514 $ ' 514 $ 0.994 . - _ - 625 $ 721 - - - - $ 721 $ 1..154 133 $ 263 $ 263 $ 0.165 _ _ _ 267 $ 285 $ - 285 $ 0.833 72- U-1 Residential Carport 400 $ 396 $ 396. $ 0.443 667 $ 514 $ _ 514 $ -:0.621 - 1,000 721 $ ` 721 - $ - _.0.721 t 32 / I~- ~ i. . EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE ' Fiscal Year 2007-08 ' Building'8~ Life Safety (Cost-Based) PLAN CHECK. VARIABLE FEE`SCHEDULE fOR NEW:CONSTRUCTION Each _ ~ ICC (UBC) Size Basis Additional Fee # Use Type Occupancy (square:feet). Base Fee Base Cost SF' 83 $ 263 $ 263 $ 0.264 ' 167 $ 285 $ - 285 _ $ 1.332 73 IRC SFD Residential Patio Cover/Balcony/Deck 250 $ 396 $ _ _ 396 $ _0.708 _ - 417 $ 514 $ 514_ $ 0.994 625 721 $ 721 $ 1.154, _ 83 $ 263 $ 263 $ 0_.264 167 $ 285 _ - $ 285 $ - _ 1.332 74 IRC SFD Residential Patio Cover ICC Approved 250 $ 396 _ 396__ $ 0.708 ' - 417 $ 514 $ - 514 $ 0 994 - _ 625 $ 721 $ 721 $ 1.154 , _ 83 $ 263 _ $ _ 263' $ 0.264_ 167 $ 285 $ 285__$ 1.332 75 IRC SFD Residential Patio Enclosure 250 $ 396 $ 396. $ _ 0.708 417 $ 514 $ - 514 $ 0 994 ~ _ _ _ 625 $ 721 $ 721. $ - _1.154 - 83 $ 263 _ _ $ 263_ 0:264. 167 $ 285 $ _ - 285 $ 1.332 76 IRC SFD Residential Patio Enclosure ICC Approved 250 $ 396 ` $ 396. $ 0 708- 417 $ 514 $ 514 $ 0.994 - 625 $ -721 $ 721 $ 1 154 ' I i j i i I~ ii EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building &-Life Safety (Cost-Based) INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE'FOR'NEW CONSTRUCTION ICC (UBC) Size Basis Each Fee # Use T e ' Occu anc s ware feet) Base Fee. Base Cost Additional SF 2,000 $ 2,487 $ , 2,487 $ '0.318 8,000 $ 4,393 $ 4;393 $ 0.197 - _ 1 A-1 Assembly Group -Theaters- 20,000 $ ,6,751 $ __6;751 ; _0.186 - - 40,000 $ 10,462 $ 10;462 $ 0_.189 - 100,000 $ 21,831 $ 21,831. $ 0.218 1,000 2,1_35 $ 2,:135 $ 0.545 _ 4,000 _ $ 3,770 $ 3,770 0.338_ 2 A-2 Assembly Group: Churches, restaurants 10,000 $ 5,795 $ 5,795 $ 0.319 - - - i~ 20,000 $ 8,981 $ 8,981- $ 0.325 50,000 $ 18,739 $ 18,739 $ 0.375: _ 250 $ 434 $ 434 $ 0:443 1,000 $ 766 $ 766 $ 0.275 3 A Assembly Group - TI 2,500 $ _ 1,178 1,178 $ _0.259. 5,000 1,825 $ 1.,825 0.264 - - 12,500 $ .3,808 3,808 $ 0.305 1,000 $ 1,853 1..,853 $ 0.473 4,000 $ 3,273 $ 3,273 $ 0.293 - - 4 A-3 Church and Religious Bldg -Complete - 10,000 $ .5,030 $ 5,030 $ 0.277 - 20,000 $ 7,795 _ $ 7,795 $ 0.28_2 50,000 _16,265 16;265 $ 0.325 _ ~ _ 500 $ .1,112 $ 1,112 0.567 _ ~ 2,000 $ ..1,963 $ 1;963 $ 0:351 5 R-4 Congregate. Care -Complete 5,000 $ 3,017 $ 3,017 $ 0.332 10,000 $ 4,676 $ 4,676 $ 0.339 - - 25,000 $ 9,757 $ - 9,757 - $ - 0.390` a 250 $ 328 328 $ 0.336 ' 1,000 $ ..580 $ 580 $ 0.207 ' 6 A-3 Church and Religious Bldg - TI ' 2,500 $ 891 $ - 8_9_1 $ 0.196 - i` 5,000 $ .1,381 $ --1,381 0.200 - - - 12,500 $ 2,881 $ 2,881 $ 0.230 ` 2,000 $ 2,452 $ 2,452` $ 0.3T3 - _ - 8,000 $ 4,330 $ 4,330. $ _ 0.194 7 E Educational Building -Complete 20,000 $ 6,655 _ _ $ 6;655 $ 0.-183 . - 40,000 10,314 _ 10,314 $ 0.182 - - 100,000 $ 21,521 $ :.21,521.: 0.215: 250 $ .328 $ 328 $ 0.336 - 1,000 $ 580 $ --580 $ 0.207. - 8 E Educational Building - TI 2,500 $ 891 _ 891 $ 0.1.96 5,000 $ 1,381 $ 1;381 $ 0.200 . 12,500 $ 2,881 $ 2,881 $ 0.230 34 ~ l Q~ EXHIBIT A-_-__' `City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8~ Life Safety (Cost-Based) INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION.: ICC (UBC) Size Basis' Each Fee # Use T e Occu anc. (s uare feet Base Fee Base Cost Additional SF ' _ 500 $ 434 $ 434_ _ 0:221 - 2,000 $ 766 - $ - 766 $ 0.137 _ - - 9 S-2 Parking Garage -Complete 5,000 $ 1,178 _ $ 1,178 $ 0.129 10,000 $ 1,825 1,825 $ 0:132 _ 25,000 X3,808 $ 3,808.. $ O.T52 1,000 $ 1,853 _ $ 1,_853_ $ 0.473 _ 4,000 $ 3,273 $ 3,273 $ 0.293 _ _ 10 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise -Complete i,° 10,000 $ 5,030 $ 5,030 $ 0.277 20,000. $ 7,795 $ '7,795 $ 0.282 50,000 $ 16,265 $ 16,265 $ 0.325. is 1, 000 $ 462 _ $ 462 $ _ 0.118 _ I 4,000 $ 816 $ 816 $ 0:073 - - - ' 11 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise -Shell 10,000 $ 1,254 $ 1;254 $ 0:069 _ 20,000 $ 1,944 $ 1,944 $ 0.070. 50,000 $ 4,056 $ 4,056 $ 0.081- - 250 $ 328 _ $ 328 $ .0.336 _ _ 1,000 $ 580 $ 580- $ 0.207 ' 12 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise - TI 2,500 $ 891 $ 891 _ $ 0.196`° _ _ 5,000 $ .1,381 - $ 1,381 $ 0.20Q - - 12,500 $ 2,881 $ 2,881 $ 0:230- 13 B Offices; etc. -Complete 500 $ :1,685 _ $ .1,685 $ _'.0:861 14 2,000 $ , 2,976 ' $ 2,976 $ 0:533 15 5,000 4,574 $ 4;574 $ 0.503 16 ' 10,000 $ 7,088 _ $ 7,088. $ 0.513 17 25,000 $ 14,790 $ .:..14,790- 0.592 „ 1,000 $ 272 $ 272 $ 0:069' i; 4,000 $ 480 $ 480 $ 0.043 - 18 B Offices, etc. -Shell ! 10,000. $ 738 $ 738 $ 0:041 20,000 $ 1,144 $ 1;144 $ 0.041 - - 50,000 $ 2,386 $ ' 2;386 $ 0.048 'i 100 $ 203 $ 203_ $ 0.520 _ ~ 400 $ 359 _ ` $ _ 359 $ 0.320 19 B Offices, etc. - TI 1,000 $ 551 _ $ 5_51 _ $ 0:304 ` 2,000 $ 855 $ 855 0:309 5,000 1,783 - - $ 1.,783 $ 0.357 1,000 $ 1,818 $ 1,818 $ 0.464.' I;` 4,000 $ ..3,211 $ 3,211 $ :0.287.' 20 F-1 .Industrial Building -Complete ' 10,000 $ 4,934 $ 4,934 $ 0:271 - - - - 20,000 $ 7,647 _ $ 7,647 $ 0.277 50,000 15,956 ' $ :`15,956 $ 0:319 35 ~3 ~ _ _ _ fXHiBIT Ciry, of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8< Ltfe Safety (cost-Based) INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULEFOR NEW CONSTRUCTION ICC (UBC) Size Basis Each Fee # Use T pe Occu anc s uare feet Base Fee Base Cost Additional SF 1,000 $ 312 _ $ 312 $ 0.080... _ - _ 4,000 $ 552 $ 552 $ 0.049 21 _ F-1 Industrial Building -Shell ; 10,000 $ 848 $ 848 $ 0.047 20,000 1,314 ' $ 1,314 $ 0.048 50,000 $ 2,742 - $ 2;742 $ 0'055 250 $ 418 $ 418 $ 0:427 _ _ 1,000 _ $ 738 $ 738 $ 0.265. - - - - '22 F-1 industrial Building-TI 2,500 $ _ 1,135 1,1`35.. $ 0.250_ 5,000 .1,759 _ _1,759 $ --0.255 12,500 3,669 $ 3,669 0.294. 500 $ 900 $ 900 0.460- _ _ _ 2,000 $ 1,590 $ 1,590 $ 0.285 - - - 23 S-1 Repair Garage & Service St -Complete 5,000 $ 2;444 $ _2,444 $ 0.269 10,000 $ 3,787 $ 3,787 _ $ 0:274 - - - 25,000 $ 7,902 $ 7,902 $ 0.316 500 $ 295 _ $ 295. $ 0.151 _ _ _ _ _ _ 2,000 $ 521 $ 521 $ 0.093- 24 S-1 Repair Garage & Service St -Shell;' 5,000 $ 800 $ 800 $ 0.088.: - _ _ _ 10,000 $ 1,240 _ $ 1,240 $ 0:090 - - 25,000 ~ 2,587 ' $ 2,587 $ 0:103- 100 $ 203 203.. $ 0.520 400 $ 359 - $ 359 $ - 0.320 - - 25 S-1 Repair Garage & Service St - TI 1,000 $ 551 $ 551 $ 0.304 - - - _ - , 2,000 $ 855 $ 855 $ 0.309: 5_,000 1,783 - $ - - 1;783 $ 0.357- - ~ _ 500 953 _ ' $ 953 $ 0.487 a 2,000 $ 1,683 1,683 - 0.301 26 M Retail Sales -Complete ~ 5,000 $ .2,587 _ $ 2,587 $ 0.284- - - - 10,000 $ 4,009 $ 4;009` $ 0.290 - - - _ 25,000 8,366 $ .:8,366 $ 0.335' - - 500. $ 356 $ 356 "0.182:. - - - - 2,000 $ 629 629 $ •0.113- 27 M Retail Sales -Shell 5,000 $ 967 $ 967 $ 0.106 10,000 $ 1,499 _ $ 1,499. $ 0.109 _ 25,000 $ 3_;128 $ _ 3,128 $ 0.125 _ 100 $ 203 $ 203 $ 0.520 400 $ 359 _ - ---359_ _ 0.320 28 M Retail Sales - TI ? 1,000 $ 551 $ 551- $ 0.304 _ 2,000 855 _ $ 855 0.309 5,000 $ 1,783 $ 1,783: $ 0.357 36 ~ ~ i~,, EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building &'Life$afety (Cost-Based) INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE `SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION ICC (UBC) Size Basis Each Fee # Use T e Occu anc s uare feet) Base Fee Base Cost Additional SF 2,000 $ 1,957 _ _ 1,957. $ 0.250 8,000 $ 3,456 $ 3,456 $ _ _ 0.155. - 29 - Warehouse -Complete 20,000 $ 5,312 $ 5;312 $ 0:146 40,000 $ 8,233 $ `8,233 $ 0:149 - - 100,000 17,178 $ 17,178 $ 0.172 1,000 $ 1,853 $ 1.,853 $ 0.4_73_ 4,000 $ __3,273 3,273 $ 0.293 30 I-1 Medical/24 Hour Care -Complete 10,000 $ 5,030 $ 5;030 $ 0.277 50,000 $ 16,265 16;265 $ 0.325 I~' 1,000 $ _ 330 $ 330 $ 0.084 4,000 $ 583 - $ 583 $ - _0.052 31 I-1 Medical/24 Hour Care -Shell 10,000 $ 896 $ 896 $ _ 0.049 - 20,000 $ 1,388 $ 1.;388 $ 0:050 50,000 $ 2,896 $ 2,896 $ -0.058 100 $ 186 $ 186 $ 0.473 400 $ 328 _ _ $ 328 $ _ 0.293 - - - 32 I-1 Medical/24Hour Care - TI 1,000 $ 504 $ b04 $ 0.277" - - _ 2,000 $ 781 781 $ 0.28_3 5,000 $ 1,629 $ 1;629 $ 0.326 1,000 $ 1,853 $ 1,853 $ 0.473 - 4,000 $ 3,273 $ 3,273 $ ` 0.293 33 B Medical Offices- Complete 10,000 $ 5,030 $ 5;030 $ 0.277 20,000 $ 7,795 $ 7;795 $ 0.282 50,000 $ 16,265 $ 16;265 $ 0:325 1, 000 $ 339 $ _ 339 $ _ 0.086. 4,000 $ 598 - 598 $ 0.054 - - 34 B Medical Offices -Shell 10,000 $ 920 920 $ 0.051 ~I - 20,000 $ 1,425 $ 1;425 $ 0.052 50,000 $ 2,974 - 2;974 $ 0.059. 250 $ 436 $ 436 $ 0.444 1,000 $ 769 $ 769 $ - 0.275- 35 B Medical Offices-TI 2,500 $ 1,182 $ 1,182 $ 0.260., - - - 5,000 $ 1,833 $ 1,833 $ _ 0.265.. 12,500 $ 3,824 $ 3';824 $ 0.306 500 $ 953 _ 953_ $ 0:487 2,000 $ 1,683 $ 1,683 0.301 `36 - Restaurant -Complete 5,000 $ 2,587 $.::._____2,587 $ __0.284 10,000 $ 4,009 $ 4,009 ' $ 0.290 25,000 $ 8,366 $ 8,366 $ 0.335 37 /1~--`~~ l!~ i EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION ICC (UBC) Size Basis Each Fee # Use T e Occu anc s uare feet Base Fee Base Cost Additional SF 500 $ 304 $ 304 $ 0:155 - _ 2,000 $ 536 636 $ _ _ ` 0:09_6 37 - Restaurant -Shell 5,000 $ 824 $ 824 $ 0.091 _ 10,000 $ 1,277 $ 1,277 $ _0.092 25,000 $ 2,664 $ 2,664 $ 0,107 250 $ 436 _ _ $ 436 $ 0.444_ 1,000 $ 769 $ 769 $ 0.275 38 - Restaurant-TI 2,500 $ 1,182 $ _1_,182 $ 0:260 5,000 $ .1,833 $ 1;833 $ 0.265 12,500 3,824 $ 3',824 $ 0.306- ! 250 $ 953 $ _ 953 $ 0.973 1,000 $ 1,683 $ 1,683 $ _0.603 39 I-4 Day Care Facility -Complete _ 2,500 $ 2,587 $ 2;587 $ 0:569__ _ _ - 5,000 $ 4,009 $ 4,009. $ _ __0.581 12,500 $ 8,366 $ -8,366 $ 0.669 100 $ 168 $ 168 $ 0:430 1 400 $ 297 $ .297_ $ 0.265 - - - - - 40 ` I-4 Day Care Facility - TI 1,000 $ 456 $ 456 $ 0.250 _ - - 2,000 706 _ $ 706 $ 0:256 ~ 5,000 $ 1,474 $ 1,474 $ 0.295 500 $ 953 _ 953 0:487 - - 2,000 $ 1,683 $ `1,683 $ 0.301 _ - - _ ' 41 H Hazardous H- Complete 5,000 $ 2,587 _ $ 2,587 $ 0 284 10,000 $ .4,009 $ 4,009 $ 0.290__ " 25,000 X366 $ 8,366 $ `.0.335 500 $ 286 _ $ 286 $ .:0:146 - 2,000 $ 505 $ 505 $ 0.090 - 42 H Hazardous H- Shell ' 5,000 $ _ 776 $ _ 776 $ 0.085 10,000 $ 1,203 _ _ $ 1;203 $ 0:087 ` - 25,000 2,510 $ 2,510 $ 0.100- _ 100 $ 168 $ ` 168 ' 0.430 400 $ 297 $ 297 $ -0.265 43 H Hazardous H- T I 1,000 $ 456 $ _ 456 $ 0.250 - - I, 2,000 $ 706 _ $ 706- $ ....0.25_6 - - 5,000 1,474 $ '.1,474 $ '.0'.295 - 200 $ 168 $ 168_ $ 0.215 _ 800 $ 297 $ 297 $ _0.133 44 Commercial Building -Foundation, 2,000 $ 456 $ _ 456 $ 0.125 - - 4,000 706 706 $ 0.128 _ 10,000 $ 1,474 $ ',1,474 -..0.147 38 / ~ ~ it EXHIBIT A. City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE- Fscal Year 2007-08 Building 8~ Life Safety (Cost Based) fNSPECTIONVARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW .CONSTRUCTION ICC (UBC) Size Basis Each Fee # Use T e Occu anc s uare feet) Base Fee Base Cost Additional SF 200 $ .186 $ 186 0;237 - - _ 800 $ 328 $ 328 $ 0.147 'I 45 - Commercial Building -Addition 2,000 $ 504 _ $ 504 $ 0.139 4,000 $ 781 $ 781 _ $ 0.141 - - 10,000 $ 1,629 $ -1,629 $ .0.163 1,000 $ 1,786 $ 1,786? $ 0.456 - _ 4,000 $ 3,155 _ $ - 3,155 _ 0.282._ I _ - 4,849 $ 4,849 _ $ 0 267 46 R-2 Apartment Building 10,000 $ 20,000 $ 7,514 $ 7,514 $ 0.272_ 50,000 15,679 15 679 $ 0 314 47 IRC SFD Single-Family (custom or model) 1,000 $ 1,322 _ 1,322 $ 0.786 48 - 2,000 $ 2,108 $ 2,108 $ _0.805 49 - 3,000 $ 2,913 $ 2,913 $ 0 724 " 5,000 4,361 $ 4,361 $ 0.588 - _ ~ . 7,_500 $ 5,832 5,832 $ 0.778 - 667 $ 797 $ 797 $ 0.711 i _ 1,333 $ 1,271 $ 1,271 $ 0.728 - - ~ 52 IRC SFD Single-Family -Production /Repeat 2;000 $ 1,756 $ 1,756 $ 0.655 ' ~ 3,333 $ 2,629 - $ -2,629 $ 0 532 5,000 $ 3,516 $ --3,516 $ 0.703 ~ 333 $ 148 $ 148 $ 0.264 667. $ 236 $ _ 236 _ -0.273_- 53 - Moved Building -Residential 1,000 $ 327 $ _ 327 $ 0.243_ 1,667 $ 489 $ 489 $ _ - -0.198 - 2,500 $ 654 - - _ $ 654 $ 0.262 800 $ 116 $ 116 $ 0.086 ~ 1,600 $ 185 - _ 185 _ $ 0.088 54 _ R-3 Manufactured Home -Complete 2,400 $ 255 ` $ 255 $ 0.079 4,000 $ 382 $ 382 $ 0.065 6,000 51 $ _ 51.1 $ ..__..0.085. 667 $ 116 $ 116. $ 0.104 1,333 $ 185 $ 185 $ 0.105 - - - - 55" R-3 Prefabricated Dwelling -Complete 2,000 $ 255 $ 255 $ 0.095 ` 3,333 $ 382 _ _ $ _ 382 $ 0.077 . _ 5,000 $ 511 - 511. $ 0.102.. j - 120 $ 94 $ 94 $ 0.2_00'' 480 $ 166 ' $ 166 $ 0.124 56 - Commercial Coach -Complete 1,200 $ 255 255 $ 0:117 ~ 2,400 $ 395 $ 395 $ 0.119 ~ - 6,000 825 ` $ 825 $ 0.138' 39 l lCE- ~ ~ i;, ~ ~ i; EXNIBIT.A- Cify of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 200:7-08. Building S Life Safety (Cost:-Based) ii INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE`SCHEDULE FOR NEW;CONSTRUCTION ICC (UBC) Size Basis' Each Fee # Use T e Occu anc s uare feet) Base Fee Base Cost Additional SF 240 94 $ 94 $ 0:100 _ 960 $ 166 - $ 166_ $ 0.062 57 - Modular Building -Complete ' 2,400 $ 255_ _ $ '255 $ 0:058 - 4,800 $ '395 _ -3_95 0.060 - _ - - 12,000 $ 825 825 0.069 500 $ 94 $ 94 $ 0.048_ 2,000 $ 166 $ 166 $ 0.030. 58 - Manufactured Building - Fnd 5,000 $ 255 $ 255 $ 0.028 ' 10,000 $ 395 $ 395 $ 0.029 - - 25,000 825 825 $ 0.033 - 167 $ 179 179 $ _0.636 333 $ 285 285 $ 0.654_ 59 U Residential Garage 500 $ 394 $ 394_ $ 0.585 • 833 $ 589 589.. - $ --0.478 a 1,250 788 $ : 788 $ 0.630 40 $ 161 $ ' 161 $ 1.025 - 160 $ 284 ' $ 284 $ 0.638._ 60 U Pool/Spa -Standard Plan 400 $ 437 $ -.437 $ 0:600 - - _ 800 $ 677 $ 677. $ 0:613 - 2,000 ~ 1,412 - $ .1,412 $ 0.706.... i. 200 $ 293 293 $ _ 0.373 _ 800 $ 517 $ -_-517 $ 0.232 61 - Commercial Building -Remodel 2,000 $ 795 _ $ 795 $ _.0.219 - ' 4,000 $ 1,232 $ 1:,232 $ 0.223.: ' 10,000 X72 - $ 2,572 $ 0.257 200 $ 293 $ 293 $ 0.373 800 $ 517 - 517- $ -0.232 62 - Commercial Building -Repair 2,000 $ 795 _ $ _ 795_ 0:219 4,000 $ 1,232 $ 1;232 $ 0:223 - - - - I 10,000 $ 2,572 - $ 2,572 $ -0:257 500 $ 203 $ 203 $ 0:104 - - _ 2,000 $ 359 $ 359 $ 0.064 63 S-2 Commercial Carport -Std. Plan 5,000 $ 551 551 $ 0.061 10,000 $ 855 _ $ _855 $ __0:062 - 25,000 $ 1,783 $ 1',783 $ 0'071 50 $ 108 _ $ 108 $ 0.553 , _ _ _ _ _ 200 $ 191 $ - 191 $ 0.340 64 U-1 Accessory Building -Commercial 500 $ 293 $ 293 $ 0.324 1,000 $ 455 - $ 455- 0.329... - - - - 2,500. $ 948 - - - $ '948 $ 0:379 4o I /Q_~~ I EXHIBIT A City. of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety f;Cost-Based) ' INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW`CONSTRUCTION- ICC (l)BC) Size Basis Each .Fee # Use T e Occu anc (s uare feet) Base Fee Base Cost Additional SF 50 $ 127 _ 127 $ 0.65_3 - _ _ 200 $ 225 $ 225 _ _ $ 0.403 65 U-1 Commercial Carport 500 $ 346 $ 346_ _ $ 0.380- _ 1,000 $ 536 536 $ -0.388 - - 2,500 $ 1,118 $ 1,118 $ 0.447 167 $ 211 $ 211 $ 0.756. _ 333 $ _ 337 337 _ $ 0.768 ; - - - 66 IRC SFD Single-Family Residential -Addition 500 $ 465 _ $ 465 $ 0.696_ 833 $ 697 $ 697 $ 0.564 1,250 932 - $ 932 0`.746 ' 333 $ 537 $ 537_ $ 0.957 _ - 667 $ 856 - 856 $ 0:978 67 - R-2 Multi-Family Residential -Addition 1,000 $ 1,182 1-,182 $ 0:882 1,667 $ 1,770 $ 1,770 0.718 - 2,500 ..2,368 2,368 $ 0.947- 333 $ 200 $ 200 $ 0:360 _ - _ _ 667 $ 320 $ - 320 $ 0:363 68 IRC SFD Single-Family Residential -Remodel 1,000 $ 441 $ 441 $ 0.330 j; 1,667 $ 661 $ 661 0.268` _ 2,500 884 $ 884 $ "0.354 - 667 $ 283 $ 283 0.252 _ 1,333 $ 451 $ 451 $ 0.258 69 R-2 Multi-Family Residential -Remodel;. 2,000 $ 623 $ 623 $ 0.233 3,333 $ 933 $ 933 $ 0.189 . 5,000 $ 1,248 $ `1',248 $ --0.250 - 333 $ 179 $ 179 $ 0.318 : _ _ 667 $ 285 $ 285 $ 0.327 70 IRC SFD Residential Building -Foundation 1,000 $ 394 $ 394 $ 0.293'' 1,667 $ 589 - $ - 589_ 0:239 _ _ ' - 2,500 $ 788 - $ 788 $ ...0.31..5_. 83 $ 127 $ 127 $ _ 0_.900 ' I: 167 $ 202 $ 202 $ 0.924 71 U-1 _ Accessory Building -Residential 250 $ 279 $ 279 $ 0.834- 417 $ 418 _ 418--$ 0.672 - 625 558 558 $ 0.893 133 $ 116_ _ 116_ 0'518 _ _ _ _ 267 $ 185 $ 185 $ _ 0.525 72 U-1 Residential Carport ~ 400 $ 255 _ $ 255 $ 0.476. 667 $ 382 $ 382 $ 0.387' - 1,000 511 - 511 -0.511 I. 41 / lla- EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 - Building Life Safety (Cost-Based) INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION ICC (UBC) Size Basis`' Each Fee # Use T e Occu anc s uare-feet) s Base Fee Base Cost Additional SF 83 $ 116 116 $ 0.828 167 $ 185 _ $ 185 $ 0.840 73 IRC SFD Residential Patio Cover/Balcony/Deck 250 $ 255 $ 255- $ 0.762_ i - 417 $ 382 $ - 382 $ - 0.6_19_ _ _ ! 625 511 511 $ 0:818 _ 83 $ 116 ;1.16 _ $ _ 0:828 _ _ 167 $ _ 185 $ 185 $ _ _0.840 74 IRC SFD Residential Patio Cover ICC Approved 250 $ 255. $ 255 0.762 - 417 382 - . $ 382 $ ...0.619 - - _ 625 511 $ 511 0:818. 83 $ .116 $ 116 $ 0.82_8 _ - 167 $ 185 $ -185 - 0`840 75 IRC SFD Residential Patio Enclosure 250 $ 255 255. $ 0.762 i - 417 $ 382 $ _ 382 0.619_ 625 $ 511 , $ 511 $ -_---0.818 83 $ 116 116 $ 0.828.. _ _ 167- $ 185 185 $ 0.840 76 IRC SFD Residential Patio Enclosure ICC Approved 250 $ 255 $ 255 $ 0.762 - - 417 $ 382 $ 382 $ 0.619 - 625 $ 511 $ 511 $ 0:818 ~i i i 42 _ _ .EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Fire & Emergency Services Type / Fee Title Descri tion Current Fee Special Event Inspection (e.g., fairs) 0 $ 27.00_ _ Booth /Tent with Electricity _ ' Flat _ $ _ 27.00 _ _ Booth /Tent with Cooking Flat _ _ $ _ _ 27.00 _ _ Booth / T_e_nt without Electricity Flat _ _ $ _ 27.00_ _Special Event Application Review__ Flat. $ 20._00__ _ Hydrant Flow Calculation__ _ Flat $ 250.00 _ Fireworks Permit (Pyrotechnic Show) Flat _ $ 245.00 _ Fireworks Booth Permit Flan _ $ 660.00_ _ Burn Permit Flat $ _ 10_0.00_ _ _ Excessive False Alarm Flat 60.00 Company Inspections Flat - _ _ _ _ _ Failed 2nd Inspection Flat $ 105.00 Multi-family Dwellings Inspections ' Flat $ - _ Weed Ab_ate_ment Processing (contract admin.) Flat. _ $ 240.00 Fire Code Permits and Inspections Flat $ 36_0.00 Service in Excess of Standard (per the _ Director) T&M $ - Hourly Rates: 0 _ _ _ Directorof Building and Fire (per hour). hourly' _ $ _ 388.03 Fire Captain (per hour) hourly _ $ _178.8_9 Fire Engineer (per hour) hourly. $ 141.38 Executive Secretary (per hour) hourly $ 134.28 Paid Cali Volunteer (per hour) hourly $ 29.70 Battalion Chief _ hourly ___197._2__3_ _ Misc Admin Fees: _ _ _ _ Incident reports _ $ 10.00 _ Copies, per page (Black and White) $ 0.20 Color copies Actual cost I i 43 l la --5~ _ EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Police Department Type / Fee Title Description- Current Fee PERMITS & LICENSES - ALARM PERMIT (ALA) - _ Original Application _ - _ $ _____45.00 _ _ _ Annual Renewal _ _ - _ $ 30.00 - - _ _ _ BICYCLE LICENSE (BL) - $ 5.00 COMMERCIAL FILMING /PHOTOGRAPHY PERMIT (CFP) (plus APS rates) - $ 232.00_ CONCEALED WEAPONS PERMIT - _ Original Application - _ Police Department investigation fee (CCW) - _ $ __247.0__0__ ___Dept of Justice fingerprint process (DOJ); passthrough $ _ _ FBI fingerprint processing (FBI) passthrough _ $ ' Fingerprint services (FPS) - $ 20.00 _ Firearms proficiency evaluation (CCW) - $ _ 67._0_0_ Bi-Annual Renewal _ - Police Department investigation fee (CCW) - $ 140.00_ ' _ ____Firearms Proficiency Evaluation (CCW) ~ - $ 67.00 ~ - _ Dept of Justice annual renewal fee (DOJ) passthrough $ MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENT PERMIT - _ Original Application - _ _ _ City processing fee (MASS) - _284.00__ Fingerprint processing (per applicant /partner / ' corporate officer) - _ Dept of Justice fingerprinting (DOJ) passthrough _ $ FBI fingerprint processing (FBI) passthrough - _ Fingerprinting services (FPS) - _ $ 35.00 Annual Renewal (MASS) _ - 180.00 MASSAGE TECHNICIAN PERMIT - Original Application _ - _ _ _ __City processing fee (MAST) - 156.00_ Dept of Justice fingerprint (DOJ) passthrough $ _ _ FBI fingerprint processing fee (FBI) _passthrough - _ Fingerprinting services (FPS) - 35.00 Annual Renewal - _ City processing fee (MAST) - $ 130.00 44 - i / EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Police Department Type / Fee Title Description Current Fee PUBLIC SAFETY AND WELFARE PERM6TS - Basic Permit (PSWP) -Processing and Admin. specific permits, if applicable) - $ _36.00_ _ _ _ Events with alcoholic beverages (PSWP - A) - _ V1/ith an ABC licensed caterer _ - $ 28.00 _ Without an ABC licensed caterer - $ _ 90.00 Dance Permit (PSWD) - $ __28.00_ _ Entertainment Permit (PSWE) - Non-commercial, w/o admission charge: - _ $ _ Under 200 people - $ 50.00 _ Over 200 people - $ 100.0__0___ Non-commercial, with admission charge::. - _ Under 300 people - $ 160.00 _ _ _ Over_300 people__ G - $ 300.00 _ _ _ Commercial, with admission charge: - $ - _ Under 400 people _ - $ _600.00 _ Over 400 people - $ 900.00__ Exhibitions (PSWEX) - _ General Permit (no admission) -per day ' - _ _ $ __79.00_ Commercial (admission) -per day - 79.00 Gun/Weapons Show -per day - _ $ 20__3._0__0_ REPLACEMENT OF LOST/STOLEN PERMITS, LICENSES AND REGISTRATION RECEIPTS (RPL) _ - $ _1_0.00 SECOND HAND DEALER PERMIT - Original Application " - _ City processing fee (SHD) - $ 110.00 Dept of Justice Application Fee passthrough _ $ Fingerprint processing (per applicant /partner / corporate officer) passthrough $ - ____Dept of Justice (D_OJ) passthrough _ _ - Fingerprint services (FPS) - $ 35.00 FBI__Fee -Not Applicable -per Susan [delete] passthrough $ Biennial Renewal - _ _ _ _ City_processing fee (SHD) - _ 55.00 Department of Justice renewal fee (DOJ)!; passthrough $ - - I 45 lla-~3 h EXHIBIT A Gity of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Police Department Type / Fee Title Description Current Fee _ TAXI CAB PERMIT/DRIVER - _ _ Original - City processing fee (TCD) - $ 202.00 Dept of Justice fingerprint (if nec) (DOJ) passthrough $ _ _ Fingerprinting services (FPS) - _ _ $ 35.00 Annual Renewal (TCD) - $ 36.00 TAXI CAB VEHICLE INSPECTION PERMIT (TCI) - $ 30.00 WIDE LOAD PERMITS PER CVC 35780 (WLP) - _ $ _ Permit Processing & Admin. _ - _ $ __60._0_0_ Staff Services (APS) actual cost $ - SERVICES _ _ _ ALARM RESPONSE (False Alarms) (CSTA) - _ _ _ _ Fourth false alarm within 12 months Fine _ $ ______68.00 _ Fifth false alarm within 12 months Fine $ 1_02.00__ ~ Sixth or more false alarm within 12 months (per incident) Fine _ 1_36.0.0___ BOOKING FEE -CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROCESSING FEE (BF) -County Fee passthrough County Pass $ - _ BOOKING FEE -City Holding -Book 8~ Release (new fee) Flat $ - _ CITATION CORRECTION CERTIFICATION{CC): - _ $ - _ _ Resident /AGPD-Issued Citation - _ _3_1.0_0_ Non-Resident /non-AGPD Cite - CRIMINAL HISTORY SUMMARY EXAMINATION - _ _ _ Local Summary (CHSL) _ - $ 30.00 State Summary (CHSS) _ - _ _ 106.00 FINGERPRINTING (FPS) - _ _ Two (2) cards or Livescan - $ _ 35.00 ' _ Each additional card [delete] - $ - Mailing Costs (public records) 'actual cost $ 15.00 INFORMATION RESEARCH (RES) (Per Hour) hourly rate $ 106.00 46 I1G(?~1 'ii EXHIBIT A City~of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Police Department Type / Fee Title Description Current Fee PHOTOGRAPH DUPLICATION (PHOTO) ' - _ Service Fee Actual Print Charges) - _ $ 20._0_0_ RECORDS SEALING PURSUANT TO 851P8 PC _ (RECS) - $ ___6_0.00_ RECORDS SEALING OTHER THAN 851.8„PC (RECS) - $ 85.00 REGISTRANT PROCESSING FEE -SEX or NARCOTIC (SNOR) - $ 149.00 REPORT PROCESSING (per CPRA) - $ - Traffic Collision Reports (RPT) (incl. officer time) - - _ Investigation w/Diagram - $ - __Summary/Cause _ - _ $ - Face Sheet Only - _ _ _ _ Accident Reconstruction /Analysis - $ - VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER VERIFICATION (VIN). - _ At police station _ - _ $ _ 10.00_ I At other location - _ _1.5.0__0__ VEHICLE RELEASES FROM POLICE STORAGE (VEHR) - Abandoned, 72 hour violation, parked for sale (2 trips) - $ 48.00 Illegal parking, vehicle registration, DL violations - $ 35.00 Driver arrested - $ _ 35.00_ Towed from Traffic Accident No Charge $ VISA /CLEARANCE LETTERS (VISA) - 26.00 _ REPOSSESSION FILING FEE (gc 41612) Flat _ _ $ 15.00 Vehicle Forfeiture Flat $ ____183._07_ _ Subpoena_Duces Tecum _ ,Flat - _ Civil Witness Fee Deposit Deposit _ _ 150.00 Emerg Resp -Impaired Driver Accident ($1,000 max) - APS hourly rate $ - 47 ~ la-5S - EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE-SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Police Department . Type / Fee Title Descri tion ~ Current Fee Ii - i _ _ Property Intake & Release (Guns) =Items 1,;- 5 Flat. $ 58.00 Property Intake & Release (Guns) -Each A'dd'I Item. ! Flat _ $ 11.00 _ Property Handling for Mailing /Shipping Flat $ 33.00 Nuisance response (second party response] `Flat $ 50.00 _ Juvenile Alcohol'Party Response _ ~ hourly rate _50.00 _ Tattoo.Parlor Flat $ 105.00 Tattoo Artist , 1 Flat- $ 105.00 - - _ Solicitation,(per solicitor) Flat - $ 62.50_ i _ Tobacco Retailers Flat $ 208.00 Palmreader/.Fortune Teller Flat $ 105.00 AUXILIARY POLICE SERVICES (APS) ; ` - Hourly Rates: ~ - - Hourly Rate:.Chief per hour $ 380.95 _ Hourly Rate: Commander ~ per hour $ 345.23 Hourly Rate: Sergeant per hour $ 181.31° _ Hourly Rate: Sr. Police Officer per hour $ .14_0.16__ _ Hourly. Rate: Police Officer _ f per hour $ 112.03 Hourly Rate: Support Services Tech per hour- $ 89.48 Hourly Rate: Executive Secretary per hour $ 126.72 Hourly Rate: Crossing Guard per hour $ _ 1.7.87 i Hourly Rate: Cadet per hour $ _ _ 1.9.89 Hourly Rate: Community Services Coordinator per,hour $ . 102.55 Hourly Rate: Support Services Superviso'r;, 'per hour $ 106.20_ Hourly Rate:- Blended P:O. and Sr. P O per hour $ 126.10 _ Misc Admin. Fees: T Copies, per page.{Black and White) . $ 0.20 - - Colorcopies. Actual cost i i I i 48 ` ` / /Q, ' EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 CITYMANAGER/GITY CLERK -Fee Title Current Fee Annual Subscri tions ~ ~ City Council A ends $ 20.00 Cit Council Agenda and Minutes 35.00 City Boards and Commissions Agenda ~ 15.00 Cit~r Boards and Commissions Agenda and Minutes ~y~ 25.00 City Council Meetin Audio Cassette Tae ~ 10.00/each City Council Meeting Audio CD 5.00/each City Council Meetin DVD Vendor cost Candidate Filing Fee No charge Candidate Statement _ ' No charge Notice of Intent to Circulate Petition EC 9202 _ ~ 200.00 Copies, per page (Black and White _ 0.20 j Color copies ~ ~~Actual cost Copies of records sent to a commercial copier'.. ~ Actual cost Document Certification 10.00 Fair Political Practices Commission Forms:!. Statement of Economic Interests Form 700 ~ GC 81008 .10/pa e_ Cam aigh Statements GC 81008. .10/pa e Retrieval fee for statements 5 or more ears old- GC 81008 5.00/request Municipal Code (w/out binder) 150.00 Municipal Code Supplement Subscription 25.00/ ear Notary 10.00/document mm Transcript of Cit Council proceedin s Actual cost billed 49 ~ /~-57 l ~ - - EXHIBIT A i City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE , Fiscal Year 2007-08 FINANCE Fee Title Current Fee Bud et (Bound Cop) $ 80.00 Financial Statements ~ cop costs Business License Fees (Basic fees are rorated er the application date:' Jan1-Jun30, 100%; Jul1-Dec31, 50%) Basic Fee--All businesses except Specific License Fees listed below- 30.00 >Businesses Per Emplo ee, Partner, or Associate Exce t those listed below) ~ ~ 5.00 S ecific License Fees Contractor - 60.00 Motels & Hotels (Basic Fee) 30.00 >Hotels per room 1.00 Trailer Parks 30.00 >Trailer Parks per space ~ 1.00 Hospitals, Sanitariums, Rest or Nursing Homes ~ 40.00 >Hospitals per bed 3.00 Taxi Cabs 45.00 >Taxi Cabsper vehicle 15.00 .Billboards ' 125.00 ' Commercial Auctions -Per Year ~ 85.00 Commercial Auctions -Per Da of Auctionin ~`~~~25.00 Copies, per pa a (Black and White) _ 0.20 Color co ies ~ ~ Actual cost Maps--Chamber of. Commerce ~ 1.00 Utili Fees Renter's Deposit . $ 180.00 _ New Utilit~r Account Set Up Fee ~ 15.00 -Past Due Penalt of Past Due Total) 10% Lock Cut Replacement Fee 10.00 Reconnection Fee (Reconnect b Cit Personnel) 30.00 Unauthorized Reconnection Fee (Reconnect b ~ non-Cit Personnel) 50.00 Returned check fee (NSF) 25.00 ' 50 / J~ J~ / EXHIBIT A i I City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 "PARKS AND RECREATION" Fee Title Current Fee Codes, per page (Black and White) $ ~ ~ 0.20 Park Facili Use.Fees Strother Park-Lar e.Barbecue ~ 75 Strother Park-Securit De osit 30 Strother Park-Small Barbecue 40 Strother Park-Weddin Reception 155 Strother Park-Securit 1,2,3 ? ~ ~ 70 Elm Street Park-Barbecue 75 Elm Street Park-Securit Deposit 30 Rancho Grande Park -Lar a BBQ 75 Rancho Grande Park -Small BBQ (areas 2 and 3) ~ 40 Strother Park Deposit 30 Rota Bandstand:Fees Rent ~ 75 Deposit 30 Soto Sports C_o_mplex Use Fees Campbell Field Rental Fee ~15 _ Campbell Field Rental Fee (with li hts) _ 35 Pil Field Rental Fee 15 Pil Field Rental Fee (with li hts 35 Santos Field Rental Fee 15 Volunteer Field Rental Fee 15 Volunteer Field with Li hts Rental Ma~ 35 Ikeda Field .Rental _ _ 15 Ikeda Field with Li htq s Rental 35 Porter Field Rental Fee 20 Porter Field with Li hts Rental 40 Tennis Court_Rental-1 Hour ~ 10 Tennis Courts - 4 Rental 100 Food Booth Rental Fee (Soto) 35 51 ~ J I' EXHIBIT A i i City of Arroyo Grande , MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 "PARKS AND RECREATION" Fee Title Current Fee Soto S orts Com lex Use Fees continued Meetin Room Rental Fee (Ja cee room) w_ 20 Field Prep Fees (exce t Porter) _ ~ ~W 20`~ Field Prep Fees -Porter ~ - 35 ' Tournam Sch. & Coordin Fee 65 Tournament Deposit Fee 260 Woman's Club Use Fees ~ ~ Rental Fee (non-re ular users 1-3 times per ear) 50 Full da r~_ental -Friday, Saturday, or Sunda 350 Securit Deposit 400 Building Supervision Fee ( er hour) 10 Rental Fee (re ula users) Non-profit groups (1-2 time er month per ear 100 Service clubs (3-4 times er month) 200 Private roups or clubs (1-2 times per month);', 200 For-profit roups (3-4 times er month) 400 Elm Street Comm. Ctr Use Fees Rental Fee 30 ' Full da rental-Saturda or Sunda _ 175 .Security deposit 150 Adult Sport L_eague Fees Adult Softball-Sprin 485 Adult Softball-Summer ~ 485 Adult_Basketball 530 Non-Resident Fee ~8 Child Care Pro ram Fees CIM Annual Re istration Fee 25.00 AM/PM CIM-Elm Street er hour 3.00 AM/PM CIM.-Branch Sch. 3.00 AM/PM CIM-Ocean 3.00 AM/PM CIM-Harloe ~ _ 3.00 i 52 11a-~ EXHIBIT A i City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 "PARKS AND RECREATION" Fee Title " Current Fee Seasonal Pla round Pro rams ~ ~ Annual Registration Fee 15.00 Pla round-Elm Street (Winter/Sprin /Summer):; per hour 2.28tl Pre-School Fees-Resident Discount Annual Re istration Fee 10.00 Play & Learn-Tues & Thur. per hour ~~~w~2.75 Play.& Learn-Mon, Wed & Fri. 2.75 I Kinder amens in Trainin 2.75 Summer Play & Learn ~ ~ 2 75 Pre-School Fees -.Non Residents ~ W~m~~Annual Re istration Fee 12.00 Pla & Learn-Tues & Thur. per hour _ 3.30 Pla & Learn-Mon, Wed & Fri. ~ 3.30 Kinder amens in Trainin 3.30 Summer Play & Learn 3.30 I i I i f 53 1 f a- cvl Attachment A Ciry of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Community Development (Planning) FINAL RESULTS Fee Service Information ~ Recommended Fees Potential Revenues Arroyo Potential Potential .Grande Remaining Revenue Potential Revenue Fee Current Full Cost Recommended Surplus / Recovery at Current Revenue at Growth / Rate of # Fee Title Fee er Unit Fee Subsid Rate Fees Recd Fees Decline Chan e 2 Appeals: _ $ - - $ $ - _ 0°h $ - $ - $ - 0% 3 CD Director to Planning Commission _ $ 240.00 2,215.40 $ 250.00 $ (1,965.40) 11°k $ 1,200 $ 1,250 $ 50 4% 4 Planning Commission to City $ 240.00 $ 2,955.83 $ 250.00 $ (2,705.83) 8% _ $ 1,440 $ 1,500 $ 60 4% 5 ARC Review and/or Amendment _ $ 270.00 $ 1,737.22 $ 300.00 $ (1,437.22) 17% $ 5,400 $ 6,000 $ 600 11% 6 Cert. of Compliance $ 550.00 1,874.32 $ 750.00 $ (1,124.32) 40% $ 1,100 $ 1,500 $ 400 36% 7 Conditional Use Permit $ - $ - $ - $ - _ 0% $ _ g _ $ _ p°/, 8 Project (multi building) _ $1,465.00_ $11,513.96 $ 7,000.00 $ (4,513.96) 61% $ 10,255 $ 49,000 $ 38,745 378% 9 Pro'ect (routine) - as det'd by CDD _ $1,215.00 5,009.90 $ 3,450.00 $ (1,559.90) 69°~ $ 3,645 $ 10,350 $ 6,705 184% 10 Amendment $ 805.00 $ 6,542.56 $ 900.00 $ (5,642.56) 14% $ 2,415 $ 2,700 $ 285 12% _ _ ,11_ Design Review- . - $ -540.00- $ °°830:38-: $ °600:00' $ , "{230.38) `72% - $ 5;400_ $ 6,000 $ 600- 11% _ 12 Development Agreement $ 2,455.00 $ 3,785.05 $ 3,000.00 $ (785.05) 79% $ 2,455 $ 3,000 $ 545 22% 13 Dev. Code Amendment - Major _ $1,515.00 9,714.22 $ 4,000.00 $ (5,714.22) 41% $ 4,545 $ 12,000 $ 7,455 164% 14 Dev. Code Amendment-Minor $ 805.00 $ 5,112.61 $ 2,000.00 $ (3,112.61) 39% $ -1,610 $ 4,000 $ 2,390 148% 15 General Plan Amendment (Major) $ 1,665.00 7,983.73 $ 7,000.00 $ (983.73) 88% _ $ 1,665 $ 7,000 $ 5,335 320% General Plan Amendment (Minor) $1,665.00 $_7,983.73 $ 1,700.00 $ (6,283.73) 21% $ 1,665 $ 1,700 $ 35 2% 16 Home Occupation Permit $ 60.00 $ 173.50 $ 80.00 $ (93.50) 46°h $ 4,800 $ 6,400 $ 1,600 33% 17 Lot Line Adjustment $ 730.00 $ 1,712.98 $ 1,200.00 $ (512.98) 70% _ $ 2,920 $ 4,800 $ 1,880 64% 18 Lot Merger / Reversion to Acreage $ 730.00 $ 1,632.40 $ 1,000.00 $ (632.40) 61% _ $ 1,460 $ 2,000 $ 540 _ 37% 19 Request for Meeting Continuance $ 160.00_ $ 547.11 $ 160.00 $ (387.11) 29% $ 320 $ 320 $ - _0% 20 Minor Exception $ 315.00 807.59 $ 404.00 $ (403.59) 50°~ _ $ 7,875 $ 10,100 $ 2,225 ~ 28% 21 Planned Unit Development Permit (Ma'orL) $ 1,400.00 $ 5,104.88 $ 7,000.00 $ 1,895.12 137% $ 7,000 $ 35,000 $ 28,000 400% Planned Unit Development Permit (Minor) $ 1,400.00 $ 5,104.88 $ 3,450.00 $ (1,654.88) 68% $ 7,000 $ 17,250 $ 10,250 146% 22 Planning Commission Interpretation or Waiver $ _500.00 $ 1,981.08 $ 500.00 $ (1,481.08) 25% $ 500 $ 500 $ - 0% 23 Plot Plan Review _ $ 275.00 $ 1,581.73 $ 400.00 $ (1,181.73) 25% $ 5,500 $ 8,000 $ 2,500 45% 24 Pre-Ap lication-S.A.C. $ 380.00 $ 1,170.12 $ 25_0.00 $ (920.12) 21%__ $ 3,040 $ 2,000 $ (1,040) -34% 25 Pre-Application -ARC/PC/CC (each) _ $ 240.00 $ 1,419.62 $ 250.00 $ (1,169.62) 18°~ $ 1,920 $ 2,000 $ 80 4% 26 Research (deposit) $ 80.00 $ 648.86 $ 80.00 $ (568.86) 12% $ 640 $ 640 $ - 0% - - - - - . 27 Mailin Label Production $ 85.00- 165.3T_ $ 100.00- $ (65.37) 80% _ $ -2,550 ` $ 3,000 $ 450 18% 28 Signs _ $ _ - _ $ - $ - $ _ 0% _ $ - $ - $ - 0% 29 Planned Sign Program /Mural Permit _ 505.00 $_3,426.22 $ 600.00 $ (2,826.22) 18% $ 1,515 $ 1,800 $ 285 19% 30 Administrative Sign Permit $ 80.00 886.22 $ 100.00 $ (786.22) 11% $ 2,720 $ 3,400 $ 680 25% 31 Administrative Sign Program _ $ 200.00 _$_1,789.72_ $ _ 250.00 $ (1,539.72) _ 14% $ 400 $ _ 500 $ 100 25% 32 Specific Plan or Amendment (deposit) $ 4,290.00 $11,419.62 $ _ 7,000.00_ (4,419.62) 61 % ~ $ 4,290 $ 7,000 $ 2,710 63% 33 Temporary Use Permit $ 130.00 $_1,487.06_ $ __150.00 $ (1,337.06) 10% _ $ 3,120_ 3,60_0__ $ 480_ _ 15% 34 Tentative Parcel Map (0-4 lots) $ 970.00 $ 2,569.02 1,285.00 $ (1,284.02) 50% $ 4,850_ $ ___6,425 $ 1,575 32% 35 with Vesting (added t_o_base fe_e) _ _ $ _ _ 764.48 $ 382.00_ (38_2_48) 50% _ $ - $ 1,528 $ 1,528 >10_0% 36 Amendment _$_970_00 $_1,437.22 $ __719.00 $ (718.22) 50% $ 1,940 $ 1,438 $ (502) -26% t Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Community Development (Planning) FINAL RESULTS Fee Service Ir?formation Recommended Fees Potential Revenues Arroyo Potential .Potential Grande Remaining Revenue Potential Revenue Fee Current Full Cost Recommended Surplus / Recovery at Current Revenue at Growth / Rate of # Fee Title Fee er Unit Fee Subsid Rate Fees Recd Fees Decline Chan e 37 Tentative Tract Map: $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 38 5-20 lots plus $100 per lot $ 970.00 $ 3,765.42 $ 3,765.00 $ (0.42) 100% $ 1,940 $ 7,530 $ 5,590 288% 39 over 201ots $ 970.00 $ 4,095.56. $ - $ (4,095.56) 0% $ 1,940 $ - $ (1,940) -100% 40 with Vesting (added to base fee) $ - $ 1,985.68 $ 993.00 $ (992.68) 50% $ - $ 3,972 $ 3,972 >100% 41 Amendment _ $ 970.00 $ 2,643.30 $ 1,900.00 $ (743.30) 72% $ 1,940 $ 3,800 $ 1,860 96% 42 Time Extension $ 375.00 $ 1,446.30 $ 723.00 $ (723.30) 50% $ 1,875 $ 3,615 $ 1,740 93% 43 Variance $ 970.00 $ 5,139.98 $ 1,285.00 $ (3,854.98) 25% $ 5,820 $ 7,710 $ 1;890 32% 44 Viewshed Review $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% _ $ - $ - $ - 0% 45 Staff Review $ 420.00 $ 2,267.35 $ 567.00 $ (1;700.35) 25% $ 6,300 $ 8,505 $ 2,205 35% 46 Planning Commission Review/Appeal $ 420.00 $ 2,008.44 $ .5.02.00.._$ :(1,506.44), 25% .$:::-2,100=_$ 2,510-. $ - 410 : ` ` 20% - 4T Tree-Removal:{+ consultant`cost) _ " ` $ 60:00 $ 892.45- $ 60.00 $ (832.45) 7% $ 360 $ 360 $ - 0% 48 Zoning Compliance Letter $ 60.00 $ 679.88 $ 60.00 $ (619.88) 9% $ 120 $ 120 $ - 0% 49 CC&R Review City Attorney cost) $ 540.00 $ 1,581.83 $ - $ (1,581.83) 0% _ $ 1,080. $ - $ (.1,080) -100% 50 Provide Property Profile - VerbaF $ - $ 472.34 $ - $ (472.34) 0% $ - $ - $ - - 0% 51 Provide Property Profile- Written $ 60.00 $ 1",014.90 $ - $ (1,014.90) 0% $ 720 $ - $ (720) -100% 52 Staff Review Code /Process Questions $ - $ 833.87 $ - $ (833.87) 0% $ - $ - $ _ 0% Services Beyond Standard Fee (hourly rates 53 per the Director) $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - p% 54 Environmental Impact Determination: $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 55 Initial Study Fee $ 130.00 $ 1,885.69 $ 943.00 $ (942.69) 50% $ 2,600 $ 18,860 $ 16,260 625% 56 Exemption $ 60.00 $ 813.13 $ - $ (813.13) 0% $ 720 $ - $ (720) -100% 57 Negative Declaration $ 60.00 $ 1,521.43 $ 200.00 $ (1,321.43) 13% $ 60 $ 200 $ 140 233% 58 Mitigated Neg Dec _ $ 275.00 $ 3,167.86 $ 792.00 $ (2,375.86) 25% $ 1,650 $ 4,752 $ 3,102 188% EIR Deposit (as determined by the CD 59 Director) $ 2,500.00 $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 60 Staff Review i£ Processing (administration) $ - $ 8,049.29 $ - $ (8,049.29) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 61 Consultant Cost (passthrough) $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ $ - 0% 62 Annexation $ - $ 2,799.29 $ - $ (2,799.29) _ 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% "63 Agricultural•Conservation'Agreement $ 240.00 $ 2,589.59 $ - $ (2,589.59) 0% $ 240 $ - $ (240) -100% 64 Building Plan Check -Major Projects $ - $ 1,055.51 $ - $ (1,055.51) 0% $ - $ - $ - p% Affordable Housing Agreement: staff review 65 City Atty Cost) $ - $ 799.00 $ - $ (799.00) 0% _ $ - $ - $ - p% Mitigation Monitoring (annual fee by 66 agreement) $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - p% Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 _ _ ~ City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Community Development (Planning) FINAL RESULTS Fee Service Information Recommended Fees Potential Revenues. Arroyo Potential Potential Grande Remaining Revenue Potential Revenue Fee Current Full Cost Recommended Surplus / Recovery at Current Revenue at Growth / Rate of # Fee Title Fee er Unit Fee Subsid Rate Fees Recd Fees Decline Chan e 68 Hourly Rates: $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 69 Community Development Director (per hour) $ 82.70 $ 268.30 $ 268.30 $ - 100% $ 83 $ 268 $ 186 224% 70 Associate Planner (per hour) $ 44.43 $ 113.33 $ 113.33 $ - 100% $ 44 $ 113 $ 69 155% 71 Assistant Planner (per hour) $ 42.41 $ 122.60 $ 122.60 $ - 100% $ 42 $ 123 $ 80 189% 72 Admin. Secretary (per hour)- $ 35.73 $ 107.45 $ 107.45 $ - 100% $ 36 $ 107 $ 72 201% 73 Office Assistant (per hour) _ $ 31.89 $ 92.40 $ 92.40 $ - 100% $ 32 $ 92 $ 61 190% 74 Interns (per hour) $ 10.00 $ 70.04 $ 70.04 $ - 100% $ 10 $ 70. $ 60 600% 77 Non-Fee Activities: $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - p% 78 Counter: Pre-Project Support (annual) _ $ - $ - $ - $ _ - - . 0% . _ $ _ $ _ _ 0% - Counter: Public'Information -not ~ecove~able 79 (annual) $ - $40,968.82 $ - $ (40,968.82) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 80 CIP (annual) $ - $ 3,341.65 $ - $ (3,341.65) 0% $ - $ $ - 0% 81 General Plan Update (annual) $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ $ - 0% 82 Development Code Update (annual) $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - p% ARC / PC /Other Commission Support 83 (annual) $ - $13,015.56 $ - $ (13,015.56) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 84 Council /Constituent Referrals (annual) $ - $ 2,457.21 $ - $ (2,457.21) 0% $ - $ - $ - p% Special Projects (e.g., creek, greenbuild) 85 (annual) $ - $36,151.19 $ - $ (36,151.19) 0% $ - $ - . $ - 0% 86 Other Non-Fee Activities (annual) $ - $ 2,428.38 $ - $ (2,428.38) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 87 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 88 Support to Other Departments I Divisions: $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - p% 89 Support to Housing (annual) $ - $ 3,079.98 $ - $ (3,079.98) 0% $ - $ - $ - p% 90 Support to Redevelopment (annual) $ - $40,280.50 $ - $ (40,280.50) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 91 Support to Economic Development (annual) $ - $40,280.50 $ - $ (40,280.50) 0% $ - $ $ - p% - 92 Support to Building'(annual) $ - $18,287.47 $ - $ (18,287.47) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% Support to Neighborhood Services -general 93 (annual) $ - $ 7,978.71 $ - $ (7,978.71) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% Support to Neighborhood Services -Zoning 94 Enforcement (annual) $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - p% l ,,1 1 1 ~ Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 City ofArroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 i, Community Development (Planning) FINAL RESULTS Fee Service'Infori?iaflon Recommended Fees Potential Revenues `s` Arroyo Potential Potential Grande Remaining Revenue Potential Revenue Fee Current Full Cost Recommended Surplus / Recovery at Current Revenue at Growth / Rate of # Fee Title Fee er Unit Fee Subsid Rate Fees Recd Fees Decline Chan e 95 Support to PW Engineering (annual) $ - $ 8,143.30 $ - $ (8,143.30) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 96 Support to Police (annual) $ - $ 1,376.66 $ - $ (1,376.66) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 97 Support to Fire (annual)- $ - $ 1,620.94 $ - $ (1,620.94) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 98 Support to CDBG (annuaq $ - $58,193.73 $ - $ (58,193.73) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 99 Support to Parks and Facilities (annual) $ - $ 1,526.23 $ - $ (1,526.23) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 100 Support to All Other Departments (annual) $ - $12,424.94 $ - $ (12,424.94) 0% $ - $ - $ - p% Support to Other Agencies and Jurisdictions 101 (annual) $ - $ 9,323.30 $ - $ (9,323.30) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% .TOTALS: _ $136,867 $ "286;409 $ 149,542 109% - - , . Revenue Totals I Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 ~i . City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Engineering FINAL RESULTS Fee. Service Information Recommended Fees Potential Revenues ~ I Potential Potential Arroyo Remaining Revenue :.Potential Revenue Grande Full Cosf per Recommended Surplus / Recovery at Current Revenue at Growth / Rate of Fee # Fee Title Current Fee Unit Fee (Subsid Rate Fees Recd Fees (Decline Chan e 1 Annexation $ 3,070.00 $ 4,781.24 $ - $ (4,781.24) 0% $ 307 $ - $ (307) -100% 2 Conditional Use Permit $ 1,115.00 $ 1,998.75 $ - $ (1,998.75) 0% $ 5,575 $ - $ (5,575) -100% 3 Grading Plan Check (non-subdivision): $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 4 0-50 CY $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 5 51-100 CY $ 23.50 $ 282.84 $ 71.00 $ (211.84) 25% $ 118 $ 355 $ 238 202% 6 101-1,000 CY $ 37.00 $ 323:24 $ 81.00 $ (242.24) 25% $ 111 $ 243 $ 132 119% 7 1,001 - 10,000 CY $ 49.25 $ 363.65 $ 91.00 $ (272.65) 25% $ 49 $ 91 $ 42 85% 8 10,001 - 100,000 CY: $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 9 First 10,000 CY $ 49.25. $ 363.65..$ 91.00 $ . (272.65) 25% $ 99 $ 182 84 85% 10 Each Additional 10,000 CY $ 24.50 $ 80.81 $ 20.00 $ (60.81) 25°1~ $ 49 $ 40 $ (9) -18% 11_, - .-100,001_-.200,OOO.CY:: - $ $ - $ - ° c ° _ -,•.0?„ $ - _ _ $ 0% 12 First 100,000 CY $ 269.75 $ 404.05 $ 303.00 $ (101.05) 75% $ .270 $ 303 $ 33 12% 13 Each Additional 10,000 CY $ 13.25 $ 80.81 $ 61.00 $ (19.81) 75% $ 13 $ 61 $ 48 360% 14 200,001 + CY: $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ $ - 0% 15 Fir8t.20Q000 CY $ 402.25 $ 484.86 $ 485.00. $ 0.14. .100% $ 40 $ 49 $ 8 21% 16 Each Additional 10,000 CY $ .7.25 $ 80.81 $ 81.00 $ 0.19 100% ° $ 1 . $ 8 $ - 7 1017 /0 18 Grading Inspection Permit (non-subdivision): $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 19 0-50 CY $ 23.50 $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 20 51-100 CY $ 37.00 $ 109.76 $ 55.00 $ (54.76) 50% $ 185 $ 275 $ 90 49% 21 101-1,000 CY: $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 22 First 100 CY $ 37.00 $ 109.76 $ 55.00 $ (54.76) 50% $ 111 $ 165 $ 54 49% 23 Each Additional 100 CY $ 17.50 $ 12.91 $ 17.50 $ 4.59 136% $ 53 $ 53 $ - 0% 24 1,001 - 10,000 CY: $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 25 First 1,000 CY $ 194.50 $ 238.89 $ 239.00 $ 0.11 100% $ 584 $ 717 $ 134 23% 26 Each Additiona1.1,000 CY $ _ 14.50 $ 12.91 $ 13.00 $ 0.09 101 % $ 44 $ 39 $ (5) -10% 27 10,001 - 100,000 CY: $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 28 First 10,000 CY $ 325.00 $ 790.56 $ 791.00 $ 0.44 100% $ 650 $ 1,582 $ 932 143% 29 Each Additional 10,000 CY $ 66.00 $ 12.91 $ 66.00 $ 53.09 511% $ 132 $ 132 $ - 0% 30 100,001 + CY:. $ - $ _ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ $ - - 0% 31- First 100,000 CY $ 919:00 $ 919.69 920.00 $ 0:31 100% $ 919 $ 920 $ 1 0% 32 Each Additional 10,000 CY $ 36.50 $ 12.91 $ 36.50 $ 23.59 283% $ 37 $ 37 $ - 0% 33 Reinspection (per hour) $ 50.10 $ - $ - $ - 0% $ 50 $ - $ (50) -100% 34 Overtime Inspections (per hour - 2 hour min.) $ 50.10 $ 137.17 $ 137.00 $ (0.17) 100% $ 100 $ 274 $ 174 173% 36 Lot Line Adjustment $ 2,840.00 $ 3,392.30 $ 2,840.00 $ (552.30) 84% $ 11,360 $ 11,360 $ - 0% 37 Parcel Map (0-4 lots): $ - $ - $ _ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 38 Tentative -First Lot $ 161.00 $ 2,375.71 $ 161.00 $ (2,214.71) 7% $ 644 $ 644 $ - 0% 39 Tentative -Each Add'I Lot. $ 9.00 $ 40.41 $ 9.00 $ (31.41) 22% $ 36 $ 36 $ - 0% 40 Final -First Lot $ 161.00 $ 719.21 $ 161.00 $ (558.21) 22% $ 644 $ 644 $ - 0% 41 Final -Each Add'I Lot $ 9.00 $ 40.41 $ 9.00 $ (31.41) 22% $ 36 $ 36 $ - 0% ~ it-_ Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 - City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Engineering FINAL RESULTS Fee Service Information Recommended Fees ' Potential Revenues.. Potential Potential ' Arroyo Remaining Revenue Potential Revenue Grande Full Cost per Recommended Surplus / Recovery at Current Revenue at Growtha Rate of Fee # Fee Title .Current Fee Unit Fee (Subsid Rate Fees Recd Fees Decline Chan e 42 Tract Map: $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0°~ 43 Tentative -First Lot $ 588.00 $ 2,424.20 $ 588.00 $ (1,836.20) 24% $ 2,352 $ 2,352 $ - 0% 44 Tentative -Each Add'I Lot $ 22.00 $ 40.41 $ 22.00 $ (18.41) 54% $ 88 $ 88 $ - 0°k 45 Final -First Lot $ 588.00 $ 969.72 $ 588.00 $ (381.72) 61% $ 2,352 $ 2,352 $ - 0°h 46 Final -Each Add'i Lot $ 22.00 $ 40.41 $ 22.00 $ (18.41) 54% $ 88 $ 88 $ - 0% 47 Pre-Application Review $ 220.00 $ 646.48 $ - $ (646.48) 0% $ 2,200 $ - $ (2,200) -100% 48 Encroachment Permit-Residential $ 70.00 $ 249.36 $ 75.00 $ (174.36) 30% $ 5,250 $ 5,625 $ 375 7% 49 Encroachment Permit-Commercial $ 140.00 $ 360.66 $ 150.00 $ (210.66) 42% _ $ 3,500 $ 3,750 $ 250 7% 50 Expedited Plan Check: $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 51 Engineering Project Management $ - $ 1,559.54 $ 1,560.00 $ 0.46 100% $ - $ 1,560 $ 1,560 >100% - 52 Consultant Cost:(passthroughactuatcost) $ _ _ _ $ _ $ - - $ _ --0°k $ _ $ _ < $ _ p% 53 Deposit (as specified by Director) $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% Consultant Review of Improvement Plan 54 Checks: $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ _ $ _ _ p% Engineering Project Management -Initial 55 Review $ - $ 1,559.54 1.,560.00 $ 0.46 100°/© _ $ - $ 23,400 $ 23,400 >100% Engineering Project Management -Each Add'I 56 Review $ - $ 40.41 $ 40.00 $ (0.41) 99% $ - $ 200 $ 200 >100% 57 Consultant Cost (passthrough actual cost) $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 58 Deposit (as specified by Director) $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 59 Certificate of Compliance: $ - $ - $ - $ - 0°~ $ - $ - $ - 0% 60 Engineering Project Management $ 161.00 $ 1,050:53 $ 315.00 $ (735.53) 30% $ 322 $ 630 $ 308 96% 61 Consultant /Surveyor Cost (passthrough) $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% Improvement Inspection Fee (summary 71 placeholder) $ - $ 27,757.55. $ - $ (27,757.55) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 81 Certificate of Correction $ 161.00 $ 242.43 $ 175.00 $ (67.43) 72% $ 322 $ 350 $ 28 9% 82 Building Plan Review $ - $ 202.03 $ - $ (202.03) 0%. $ - $ - $ - 0% Services Beyond Standard (per PW Director) 83 [placeholder] $ _ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - - 0% 85 Oversize`Transportation: $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ $ $ 0% 86 One-time $ - $ 73.76 $ 73.00 $ (0.76) 99% _ $ - $ 4,745 $ 4,745 >100% 87 Annual Permit $ - $ 73.76 $ 73.00 $ (0.76) 99% $ - $ 365 $ 365 >100% 89 Building /Structure Moving Permit:. $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 90 Within the City $ 10.00 $ 60.85 $ 60.00 $ (0.85) 99% $ 10 $ 60 $ 50 500% 91 Into the City $ 25.00 $ 60.85 $ 60.00 $ (0.85) 99% $ 75 $ 180 $ 105 140% 92 Through the City $ 10.00 $ 60.85 $ 60.00 $ (0.85) 99% $ 80 $ 480 $ 400 500% 93 - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% ~ Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 City of Arroyo Grande ~ MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Engineering FINAL RESULTS Fee Serviceslnformation Recommended Fees Potential Revenues: Potential Potential ` Arroyo Remaining Revenue Potential Revenue Grande Full Cost per Recommended Surplus / Recovery at Current Revenue at Growth / Rate of Fee # Fee Title Current Fee Unit Fee (Subsid Rate Fees Recd fees (Decline) Chan e 94 Hourly Rates• $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 95 Public Works Director $ 82.42 $ 249.97 $ 249.97 $ - 100% $ 82 $ 250 $ 168 203% 96 Assistant City Engineer $ 66.00 $ 185.89 $ 185.89 $ - 100% $ 66 $ 186 $ 120 182% 97 Associate Engineer $ 52.99 $ 142.20 $ 142.20 $ - 100% $ 53 $ 142 $ 89 168% 98 Assistant Engineer $ 42.65 $ 112.00 $ 112.00 $ - 100% ffi $ 43 $ 112 $ 69 163% 99 Engineer Assistant !Technician $ 37.50 $ 101.88 $ 101.88 $ - 100% $ 38 $ 1.02 $ 64 172% 100 Construction Inspector $ 50.10 $ 113.62 $ 113.62 $ - 100% $ 50 $ 114 $ 64 127% . 101 Administrative Secretary $ 33.98 $ 100.54 $ 100.54 $ - 100% $ 34 $ 101 $ 67 196% 102 Interns $ 10.69 $ 20.55 $ 20.55 $ - 100% 11 $ 21 $ 10 92% - 103 - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 104. - Non-Fee Activities: _ $ _ - $ _ $ _ _ , $ _ _0°~ _ $ _ $ _ , 0% Public Information Support -Pre-Project 105 (annual) $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 106 Public Information Su ort -General annual $ - $ 20,457.95 $ - $.(20,457.95 0% 107 CIP (annual) $ - $ 75,524.81 $ - $ (75,524.81) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 108 City Engineering (annual) $ - $ 17,641.29 $ - $ (17,641.29) 0% _ $ - $ - $ - 0°~ 109 Support to Streets (annual) $ - $ 5,132.97 $ - $ (5,132.97) 0% $ - $ - $ _ 0% 110 Special City Projects (annual) $ - $ 105,107.90 $ - $(105,107.90) 0% $ - $ - $ - p°/, Support to Traffic Safety Commission 111 (annual) $ - $ 34,493.85 $ - $ (34,493.85) 0% $ - $ - $ - p% Support to Water Conservation /Retrofit 112 (annual) $ - $ 1,999.79 $ - $ (1,999.79) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 113 All Other Non-Fee Activities (annual) $ - $ 63,138.34 $ - $ (63,138.34) 0% $ - $ - $ - p% - Support to Other Departments /.Divisions. _ 114 (non-fee): $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 115 Support to Building (annual) $ - $ 6,081.22 $ - $ (6,081.22) 0% $ - $ - $ _ 0% ' 116 Support to Fire (annual) $ - $ 4,169.68 $ - $ (4,169.68) 0% $ - $ - $ - Oq° 117 Support to Planning (annual) $ - $ 26,787.00 $ - $ (26,787.00) 0% $ - $ $ - p% . ~ 118 Support to Neighborhood Services (annual) $ - $ 2,690.74 $ _ - $ (2,690.74) 0% $ - $ - $ - p% 119 Support to Police (annual) $ - $ 6,179.54 $ - $ (6,179.54) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% Support to Other PW Divisions /Funds 120 (annual) $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 121 Support to Sewer Fund $ - $ - $ - $ _ 0% $ _ $ _ $ _ Q% 122 Support to Water Fund $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 123 Support to Parks and Facilities (annual) $ - $ 11,542.24 $ - $ (11,542.24) 0% $ - $ - $ - Oq0 124 Support to All Other Departments (annuaq $ - $ 7,032.10 $ - $ (7,032.10) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 125 0 $ _ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% TOTALS: $ 39,230 $ 65,496 $ 26,266 67% ( r - Revenue Totals Wohiford Consulting November 13, 2007 1. _ - City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost•Based? FINALRESULTS -NEW CONSTRUCTION I i Fee Servlee Inlormatlon Recommended Fees:-Plan Check Recommended Fees - lna ectfOn PotettNaFRevenuos ~I Potential Size Basis Potential Potential Revenue , ICC (UBC) Type of (square Recommended Recommended Fee Increase / Recovery Revenue at .Revenue at Growth / Rate of Feo # Use T e Occu anc Construction feet Curtent Fee Fee Current Fee Fee Decrease Rate Current Fees Reed Feas Decline Chan e 2,0 ! $ 865.00 $ 2 721 89 $ 1,660.00 $ . _ 2,486.82 $ 826.82 100°A $ - $ - $ - p 8,0:= $ 2,534.00 $ 3,57252 _ $ 5,127.00 $ 4',392.55 $ (734.45) 100°k _ $ $ $ 0°~ 1 A-1 Assembly Group -Theaters Na 20,000 $ 4,874.00 5 687 24 $ 10,525.00 $ 6,750:95 $ (3,774.05) 100°4 $ $ $ 0% 40,000 $ 8,150.00 $ 9 527 74 $ 18,561.00 $ 10,462.48.', $ (8,098.52) 100°~f $ $ $ 0°~ 100,000 $ 17,978.00 $ 17,006.58 $ 42,669.00 $ 21,830.54 $ (20,838.46) 100°.f $ $ $ p% _ 1,000 $ 560.00 $ 1;567.69 $ 1,043.00 $ _ 2,134.61. $ 1,091.61 100°h $ - $ $ 0°~ - - - - - 4,000 $ 1,461.00 $ 2 05262 2,878.00 _ 3,770.43 $ 892.43 100°k $ 8,678 $ 11,656 $ 2,978 34°h 2 _ A-2 Assembly Group: Churches, restaurants n/a 10,000 $ 3,059.00 $ 3 275.61_ $ 6,236.00 $ 5 794,81 $ (441.19) 100 % $ 9,295 $ 9,070 $ (225) -2°k 20,000 $ 4,915.00 $ 5 487 56 $ 10,592.00 $ _ _ .8,980._67 $ (1,611.33) 100°k $ $ $ 0% 50,000 $ 9,890.00 $ - 9 795 06 $ 22,747.00 $ 18,738.66 $ (4,008.34 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 250 $ 81.00 $ -533.96 $ 267.00 $ 433.83 $ 166.83 100% $ $ $ 0°~ - - - - - _ 1,000 $ 227.00 $ _ < 700.83 $ 495.00 $ _ 766.28 $ 271.28 100% $ $ $ 0% 3 A Assembly Group-TI Na 2,500 $ 441.00 $ _ `1,115.68 $ 832.00 $ 1,177.71 $ 345.71 100°~ $ $ $ 0°~ 5,000 $ 683.00 $ 1,869.08 $ 1,214.00 $ 1,825.19 $ 611.19 100°,6 $ - $ - $ - 0°~ 12,500 $ 1,283.00 $ 3 336 23 $ 2,173.00 3 808.35 1,635.35 100% $ - $ _ $ _ poi 1,000 $ 560.00 1 567 69 $ 1,043.00 $ 1,852.84 $ 809.84 100% _ $ - $ - $ - 0% 4,000 $ 1,461.00 $ _ 2 057 62 _ $ 2,878.00 $ 3 272_73 $ 394.73.- 100% $ . - - _ , $ - . - $ - . 0% - 4 ' A-3 Church ahdReligious Bld -Complete n/a 10,000 $ 3,059.00 3 275 61_ _ $ 6,236.00 '5,029.89 $ -(1,206:11) 100°k _ $ $ $ 0% 20,000 $ 4,915.00 $ _____5487.56 $ 10,592.00 $ 7,795.23, $ (2,796.77) 100%__ $ - $ - $ - 0% 50,000 $ 9,890.00 $ 9,795.06 $ 22,747.00 $ 16.265.16' $ (6,481.84) 100% $ $ $ 0°~ 500 $ 359.00 $ 947.45 $ 553.00 1,111.51. $ 558.51 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 2,000 $ -901.00 - 1,243.55. $ 1,366.00 $ 1,963.29. $ 577.29 100°b $ - $ - $ - 0% 5 R-4 Con re ateCare-Complete Na 5,000 $ 2,105:00 $ 1,979.65 $ 3,238.00 3,017.40 $ (220.60) 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 10,000 $ 3,266.00 $ 3 316.47 $ 5,024.00 $ _ 4,676.31 $ (347.69) 100°d, $ $ $ 0% - 25,000 $ 8,639.00 $ '5,919.76 $ 13,291.00 $ 9,757.38 $ 3,533.62 100% $ $ $ 0°d, 250 $ 81.00 $ 533.96 $ 267.00 $ '.328:16 $ 61.16 100°h _ $ $ $ 0°~ _ 1,000 $ 227.00 $ 700 83 $ 495.00 $ _ 579:65 $ 84.65 100°~ $ - $ - $ - 0% 6 A-3 Church and Reli ious Bld -TI Na 2,500 $ 441.00 $ r 1,115.68 i' $ 832.00 $ 890.86 $ 58.86 100°h $ 3,819 $ 6,020 $ 2,201 58°d; 5,000 $ 683.00 1,869.08 $ 1,214.00 $ 1,380.64 $ 166.64 100% $ $ $ 0°,~, _ 12,500 $ 1,283.00 $ 3,336.23 $ 2,173.00 $ 2,880.78 $ 707.78 100°r6 $ $ $ 0% - 2,000 $ 839.00 $ ' 2 015.64 $ 1,619.00 2 451._59 $ 832.59 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 8,000 $ 2,439.00 $ 2645.56 $ 3,752.00 $ 4,330.33_ $ 578.33 100% $ $ $ p°~ 7 E Educational Building - Com lete Na 20,000 $ 4,714.00 $ 4,211.57 ' $ 7,253.00 $ 6,655.33 $ (597.67 100% _ $ $ $ 0°~ 40,000 $ 7,831.00 $ 7,055.57 $ 12,047.00 $ _ 10,314.30 $ (1,732.70 100% _ $ $ $ 0% 100,000 $ 17,180.00 $ ".'12,59388 $ 28,430.00 $ 21,521.35.. $ 6,908.65 100% $ $ $ 0°/, 250 $ 81.00 $ 533 96 $ 267.00 $ 328.16 $ 61.16 100% _ $ $ $ 0% 1,000 $ 227.00 $ .700.83 ° $ 495.00 $ 579.65 $ 84.65 100% _ $ $ $ 0°~ 8. E Educational Buildin - TI Na 2,500 $ 441.00 $ 1 115.68 $ 832.00 ' $ _ 890.86 $ 58.86 100°h $ $ $ 0% 5,000 $ 683.00 $ 1869.08 $ 1,214.00 1.380.64 $ 166.64 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 12,500 $ 1,283.00 $ .'333623 $ 2,173.00 $ 2,880.78 $ 707.78 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% ~ _ 500 $ 182.00 $ 706 25 $ _`279.00 $ 433:83 $ _154.83 100% _ $ - $ - $ _ 0°~ 2,000 $ 501.00 $ 926 96 $ 770.00 766.28 $ (3.72) 100% $ $ $ 0% 9 S-2 Parkin Gara e-Complete Na 5,000 $ 897.00 $ 147567 ~ $ 1,380.00 $ 1,177,71: $ (202.29 100% _ _ $ $ $ 0% 10,000 $ 1,509.00 $ 2472.16 $ 2,321.00 $ C 1 625.:19 $ (495.81) 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 25,000 $ 3,161.00 $ 4 412.70 'i < $ 4,863.00 $ 3 808.35 $ (1,054.65 100°h $ $ $ 0°~ _ =i Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 - City o1 Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & LHe Safety (Cost-Based) FINAL RESULTS':- NEW CONSTRUCTION Fee Service Information ReFOmmen ed Fees Plan Check Recommendod Fees-7qs action Potentidl RfivenuesS Potential I Size Basis Potential Potential Revenue ICC (UBC) Type of (square Recommended Recommended Fee Increase / Recovery Revenue at Revenue at Growth / Rate of Fee # Use T e Occu anc Construction 'teat Current Fee Fee Current Fee Fee Decrease Rate Current Fees Reed Fees Decline Chan e $ 313.00 $ 156769 $ 482.00 $ 1,85_2.84 $ 1,370.84 100% $ - $ - $ - p°~ 4,C % $ 774.00 $ ' "2,057.67 $ 1,190.00 $ _3,272:73. $ 2,082.73 100°r6 _ $ $ $ 0% 10 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise -Complete Na 10,000 $ 1,509.00 $ 3 275 61 $ 2,321.00 5,029:89:. $ 2,708.89 100°~ $ $ _ $ 0 _ _ 20,000 $ 2,639.00 $ 5 487 56 $ 4,060.00 $ 7,795.23 $ 3,735.23 100°,6 $ 6,699 $ .13,283 $ 6,584 98 % 50,000 $ 5,049.00 $ 9 795 06 $ 7,767.00 $ 116,265 16 $ 8,498.16 100°~ $ - $ - $ - 0% 1,000 $ 219.00 67L79 $ 337.00 462.00 $ 125.00 100°~ $ $ $ 0°~ _ - - - - - _ - 4,000 $ 542.00 $ 881.74 $ 833.00 $ 816.05 $ (16.95) 100% $ $ $ 0°/, 11 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise-Shell Na 10,000 $ 1,056.00 $ _ 1403.67 $ 1,625.00 1,254.20 $ (370.80) 100°h $ $ $ 0% _ 20,000 $ 1,847.00 $ 2 351.55. $ 2,842.00 1 943.73 $ (898.27) 100°k $ $ $ 0% - - - - - 50,000 $ 3,534.00 $ _4,197.40 $ 5,436.00 $ 4,055.70 $ (1,380.30 100°~ $ - $ - $ - 0°~ 250 $ 81.00 499.50_ $ 267.00 $ 328.16 $ 61.16 100°~ $ $ $ 0% 1,000 $ 227.00 $ _ 655 61 $ . 495.00 $ 579.65 $ 84.65 100°k $ 722 $ 1,235 $ 513 71°k 12 - R-1 Hotel Low/M id Rise-TI Na 2,500 $ 441.00 $ 104368 $ 832.00 890.86_ $ 58.86 100% $ 1,273 $ 1,935 $ 662 52% 5,000 ~ $ 683.00 $ 174847 $ 1,214.00 $ 1,380.64 $ 166.64 100°~ $ $ - $ - p%, - 12,500 i $ 1,283.00 $ 3,120.93. $ 2,173.00 $ 2,880.78 $ 707.78 100°r6 $ $ $ 0% 13 B Offices, etc CompletE n/a 500 $ 320.00 1,ODZ69 $ 492.00 1,664.75 $ 1,192.75 100°~ $ - $ - $ - 0% 14 - Na 2,000 $ 781.00 $ 1 322.60 $ 1,201.00 $ 2,975.83. $ ° - 1,774.83... 100.6 $ ...-1,982: -,:4,298 _ - 2,316- - 117% - 15 - Na 5,000 $ 1,523.00 $ ' 2 105.51 $ 2,343.00 $ 4,573:58; $ 2,230.58 100°~ $ 7,732 $ 13,358 $ 5,626 73°~ _ _ - _ _ 16 " ~ Na 10,000 $ 2,661.00 i$ .3,527.32' ; $ 4,094.00 $ 7,088.04 $ 2,994.04 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% _ - - - 17 n/a 25,000 $ 5,085.00 $ 6 296 11 $ 7,623.00 $ 14,789.58" $ 6,966.58 100°~ $ - $ - $ - 0% 1,000 $ 306.00 $ 516.73 $ 470.00 $ 271.81 $ (198.19) 100% $ - $ - $ - 0°b - - 4,000 $ 743.00 $ 67822 $ 1,142.00 $ 480:11` $ (661.89) 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% _ _ _ 18'' B Offices, etc.-Shelf n/a 10,000 $ 1,547.00 $ 1,079.68 $ 2,380.00 $ 737.88 $ (1,642.12) 100°~ $ - $ - $ - 0% 20,000 $ 2,652.00 1,808.77 $ 4,080.00 $ 1,143.55 $ (2,936.45) 100°,6 $ $ $ 0°~ - - - - 50,000 $ 4,951.00 $ 3,226.58 $ 7,617.00 $ 2,386.08 $ (5,230.92 100% $ $ $ 0°~ 100 $ 54.00 $ 368 56 $ 83.00 - 203.13::. $ 120.13 100% $ $ $ 0% 400 $ 109.00 $ 463 75 $ 167.00 $ 356.79 ` $ 191.79 100°,6 $ $ $ 0°~ _ - - - 19 B Offices, etc. - TI Na 1,000 $ 227.00 $ 770 09 $ 349.00 551.43 $ 202.43 100% $ 2,880 $ 6,608 $ 3,728 129% 2,000 $ 379.00 $ 1,29012 _ $ 583.00 $ - 854.60. $ 271.60 100°.6 $ $ $ 0% 5,000 $ 682.00 $ 2,302.81 ~ $ 1,050.00 $ 1',783.17 $ 733.17 100% $ $ $ 0% 1,000 $ 340.00 156769 _ $ 523.00 $ 1,817.62 $ 1,294.62 100°~ $ - $ - $ - 0°h 4,000 $ 832.00 $ 2 057 62 ' _ $ 1,279.00_ $ ~ ~ 3,210.52 $ 1,931.52 100% $ - $ - $ - 0°h 20 F-1 Industrial Building -Complete Na 10,000 $ 1,650.00 $ 3 275 61 ' $ 2,539.00 $ 4,934.28 $ 2,395.28 100% $ $ $ 0% 20,000 $ 2,880.00 $ 5,487.56 $ 4,431.00 $ 7,647.D4' $ 3,216.04 100°~ $ $ $ 0% 50,000 $ 5,448.00 $ 9 795 06 $ 8,381.00 $ 15,955.97 $ 7,574.97 100% $ $ $ 0% 1,000 $ 238.00 .878.54 $ 366.00 $ ' 312.31 $ 53.69) 100°h _ $ $ $ 0% - _ - - - 4,000 $ 582.00 $ 1 153 09 $ 895.00 $ 551.65 $ 343.35) 100% $ $ $ 0% 21 F-1 IndustrialBuildin -Shell Na 10,000 $ 1,155.00 $ 1,835.66 $ 1,777.00 $ 84J.84 $ (929.16) 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 20,000 $ 2,016.00 $ 3,075.24 $ 3,102.00 $ 1,313.96 $ (1,788.04) 100% $ $ $ 0% 50,000 $ 3,814.00 $ 548917 is $ 5,867.00 $ 2,741.65 $ (3,125.35) 100°,6 $ - $ - $ - 0% ; . _ ..250 $ ,81.00 $ 499.50 ' $ 267.00 $ 417.98 $ 150.98 100°~F $ - $ - $ - 0% 1,000 $ 227.00 $ 65561 $ 495.00 $ 738.29 $ 243.29 100°i6 $ $ $ 0% 22 F-1 Industrial Building - TI Na 2,500 $ 441.00 $ 1043 66 $ 832.00 $ 1,134.68 $ 302.68 100°h $ $ $ 0% 5,000 $ 683.00 1,748.47 $ 1,214.00 $ 1,758.SOI $ 544.50 100% $ $ $ 0°,6 - - - - - 12,500 $ 1,283.00 $ 3,12093 $ 2,173.00 $ 3669.21 $ 1,496.21 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% t. 0 Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE ~ Fiseal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) FINAL RESULTS -rNEW:CONSTRUCTION Fee Service lnformatlon Recommended FeeB -'Plan Check Recommended Fees - ins ecsfon Porenflal Revenues Potential Size Basis Potential Potential Revenue ICC (UBC) Type of (squaro Recommended Recommended Fee Increase / Recovery Revenue at Revenue at Growth / Rate of Fea # Use T e Occu anc Construction teat Current Fee Fee Current Fee Fee Decrease Rate Current Fees Reed Fees beeline Chan e $ . 287.00 $ _ 878.54 $ 442.00 $ I' 900.18 $ 458.18 -100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 2,000 $ 719.00 $ 1,15309 $ 1,106.00 $ 1,590.02' $ 484.02 100°~ $ $ $ 0°k I 23 _ S-1 Repair Garage & Service St -Complete Na 5,000 $ 1,560.00 $ 1 835 66 I $ 2,399.00 2,443:72`: $ 44.72 100°h $ - $ $ 0°~ 10,000 $ 2,633.00 3,075.24 $ 4,051.00 $ 3,Z87.23< $ (263.77) 100°~ $ $ $ 0°~ - - - - - - _ _ 25,000 $ 5,038.00 $ 5 489 17 " $ 7,751.00 ' $ 7,90225:: $ 151.25 100°~ $ $ $ 0°k 500 $ 201.00 $ 430.59 $ 309.00 $ 294:70" $ (14.30) 100% $ $ $ 0% 2,000 $ 503.00 $ 565.15 $ 774.00 $ 520.541. $ (253.46) 100% $ $ $ 0% 24 S-1 Repair Garage & Service St -Shell Na 5,000 $ 1,092.00 $ _ _ 899 69 $ 1,679.00 $ 800.03 ~ $ (878.97) 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 10,000 $ 1,643.00 $ 1,507 23 $ 2,836.00 $ 1,239.87 $ (1,596.13) 100% $ $ $ 0% - - - 25,000 $ 3,527.00 $ 44.2 690 34 $ 5,426 00 $ 2,587.06 $ (2,838.94) 100°,fi $ $ $ 0°h 100 ~ $ 54.00 $ _ 48227 ' $ 83.00 $ 203.13: $ 120.13 100°~ $ - $ - $ - 0% 400 ~ $ 109.00 $ 632 99 $ 167.00 $ 358.79.. $ 191.79 100% $ - $ $ p 25T S-1 Repair Garage & Service St - TI n/a 1,000 $ 227.00 $ 1 007.69 $ 349.00 551.43 $ 202.43 100% $ - $ $ p°~ 2,000 $ 379.00 $ 168816 $ 583.00 $ 854.60 $ 271.60 100% $ $ $ 0% 5,000 $ 682.00 $ 3 013 29 $ 1,050.00 $ 1,783.17 $ . 733.17 -100% $ - $ - $ - p°~ 500 $ 245.00 $ 947 45 z $ 377.00 $ " ' 953.D1 $ 576.01 100°~ $ $ $ p°/, 2.000 $ 628.00 $ 1 243 55 $ 966.00 $ : 1,683.34 $ . 712.34, 100% $ - $ = _ p/, 26 M- RetaitSales -Complete - Na' " ` 5;000 $ 1,399.00 $ _ 1 979 65 $ 2;153.00 $ ' 2,587,14 $ 434.14 100% $ 3,552 $ 4,567 $ 1,015 29% 10,000 $ 2,451.00 $ 3,316.47 $ 3,771.00 $ 'I 4,009.50, $ 238.50 100°,6 $ $ $ 0°~ 25,000 $ 4,737.00 $ 5 919 76 $ 7,288.00 $ 8;366.03 $ 1,078.03 100°,t $ - $ - $ - 0% 500 $ 172.00 $ 430 59 $ 264.00 $ 356.34 $ 92.34 100°A _ $ - $ $ p°~ - - - 2:000 $ 440.00 $ 565.15 $ ..676.00 $ 629.42.: $ (46.58) 100% $ - $ - $ . _ 0% - - 27 M Retail Sales -Shell Na- 5,000 $ 560.00 $ 899.69 $ 1,507.00 $ 967.35 $ (539.65) 100% $ $ $ p°A 10,000 $ 1,716.00 $ 1,50223 $ 2,640.00 ,1,499.19` $ (1,140.61 100°6 $ $ $ 0°h 25,000 $ 3,316.00 2,690.34 ' $ 5,102.00 $ 3,128:13. $ 1,973.87) 100°k $ $ $ 0% 100 $ 54.00 $ , 482 27 $ 83.00 $ _ ' 203:13 $ 120.13 100% $ $ $ 0°,6 400 $ 109.00 $ 632 99 $ 167.00 $ 358.79 $ 191.79 100°~E $ 552 $ 1,984 $ 1,432 259°.6 28 M Retail Sales-TI Na 1,000 $ 227.00 100769 $ 349.00 $ - 551':43 $ 202.43 100°h. $ 1,728 $ 4,677 $ 2,949 171°~ 2,000 $ 379.00 $ 168816 $ 583.00 $ _ 854.60 $ 271.60 100°h $ 1,924 $ 5,086 $ 3,162 164% 5,000 $ 662.00 $ _ 3,013.29 $ 1,050.00 $ :1,783.17 $ 733.17 100°h $ $ $ p°~ 2,000 $ 482.00 $ 87854 I $ 742.00 ''.1,956.61'. $ 1,214.81 100°/ _ $ $ $ 0% 8,000 $ 1,203.00 $ 1,15309 $ 1,851.00 $ 3,456.38 $ 1,605.38 100% $ $ $ 0% 29 Warehouse-Complete Na 20,000 $ 2,510.00 $ 1,835.66 - $ 3,861.00 5,312.1& $ 1,451.15 100% $ - $ $ p°~ 40,000 $ 4,186.00 $ 3,075.24 _ $ 6,440.00 $ $232.66 $ 1,792.66 100% $ $ $ 0% 100,000 $ 8,068.00 $ - 548917 $ 12,413.00 17,177.88.. $ 4,764.88 100°~ $ $ $ p°~ 1,000 - $ 619.00 $ 1567 69 $ 952.00 $ 1,852.84 $ 900.84 100% $ $ $ 0% 4,000 $ 1,640.00 2,057.62 $ 2,523.00 $ _ 3,272.73 $ 749.73 100°~ $ $ $ 0% 30 I-1 Medicall24 Hour Care -Complete Na 10,000 $ 3,433.00 $ 3 275 61 $ 5,281.00 $ 5,029.89 $ (251.11 100°~ _ $ $ $ 0% 20,000 $ 5,411.00 $ 5,487:56 _ $ 8,324.00 $ 7.79523 $ (528.77 100% _ $ $ $ 0°A 50,000 $ 11,129.00 $ 9,79506 17,122.00 $ 16,265:16 $ 856.84 100% $ - $ - $ _ py, 1;000 $ -433:00 $ 706.25' , $ 666.00: $ 329.92 $ (336.08 100% $ - $ - $ - p°~ - - 4,000 $ 1,146.00 $ 926.96 I $ 1,766.00 $ _.582:76: $ (1,183.24) 100% $ - $ - $ - 0°~ 31 I-1 MedicaV24 Hour Care -Shell Na 10,000 $ 2,403.00 $ 1 475 67 $ 3,697.00 $ ' 895.64 $ 2,801.36) 100°~ $ $ $ 0% _ 20,000 $ 3,788.00 $ 2,47216: $ 5,827.00 $ 1;388.05, $ (4,438.95) 100% $ $ $ 0% 50,000 $ 7,790.00 $ 4 412 7D $ 11,985.00 ' $ 2,8fl6.24' $ 9,088.76 100% $ $ $ 0% it 1 1 t I, _ _ Wohiford Consultlng November 13, 2007 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Yaar 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) FINAL RESULTS -NEW CONSTRUCTION Fee Service Information Recmmended Feea'- Plan Check Recommended Fees -dna ectfoa Potential Revenues Potential j Size Basis Potential Potential Revenue ICC (UBC) Type of s (square Recommended Recommended Fee Increase / Recovery Revenue at Revenue at Growth / Rate of F.ee # Use T e Occu anc Construction '.feet Current Fee Fee Current Fee Fee Decrease) Rate Current Fees Recd Fees Decline Chan e I 100 54.00 637.33 $ 83.00 $ ' 185.52 $ 102.52 100°~ $ $ $ 0% j, 400 109.00 $ 836 51 $ 167.00 $ : 327.69 $ 160.69 100°/a _ $ $ $ p°~ I 32 I-1 MedicaU24HourCare-TI Na 1;000 $ 227.00 $ 1,331.67 $ 349.00 $'S __503.63 $ 154.63 100% $ $ $ 0°k _ 2,000 $ 379.00 $ - - 2,230.93 $ 583.00 $ 780:5f` $ _ 197.51 100% $ $ $ 0% 5,000 $ 682.00 $ 3,982.11 $ 1,050.00 1.628:57:': $ 578.57 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% _ 1,000 $ 619.00 1,567.69 $ 952.00 $ 1,852:84': $ 900.64 100% $ $ $ _ 0°~ 4,000 $ 1,640.00 2,057.62 $ 2,523.00 3:272:73' 749.73 100% $ $ _ $ _ 0% 33 B Medical offices -Complete n/a 10,000 $ 3,433.00 $ 3 275.61 $ 5,281.00 l:$ - 5;029.89: $ (251.11) 100°~ $ - $ $ 0°,6 20,000 $ 5,411.00 $ <5,48Z56 : $ 8,324.00 $ 7,Z95':23": $ (528.77) 100% _ $ - $ - $ - 0°h 50,000 ! $ 11,129.00 $ 9 795 06),' $ 17,122.00 $ 16;265:16;; $ (856.84 100°~ $ - $ - $ - 0% 1,000 , $ 433.00 $ 706 25 $ 666 00 $ ' 338.73 $ (327.27) 100% $ - $ - - 0°k _ _ 4,000 ~ I $ 1,148.00 $ 926.96 $ 1,76600 $ 598:31 (1,167.69) 100% $ - $ $ - 0% 34 B Medical Offices-Shell Na 10,000 ~ j $ 2,403.00 $ 147567 $ 3,697.00 919:55- $ (2,777.45) 100% $ - $ - $ - poi 20,000 $ 3,787.00 $ 2,472.16 $ 5,827.00 $ 1,425.10 (4,401.90) 100% $ $ $ 0% 50,000 ~ $ 7,790.00 $ 4,412.70. $ 11,985.00 $ 2,973:54. $ (9,011.46 100°k $ $ - - $ 0% 250 $ 81.00 $ 637.33 $ 267.00 $ 435.59. $ 168.59 100% $ - $ - $ - poi 1,000 227.00 $ 636.51 $ 495.00 769.39 $ 274.39 100% $ 722. :1,606_ $ 884 - 422°h - - 35 B Medical Offices-Tl n/a : 2500 441`00 $ II 1 331 6T $ 632.00 $ , 1,182.49 $ 350.49 100°~ $ 2,546 $ 5,028 $ 2,482 97% _ _ 5,000 $ 683.00 $ ' 2,230.93 $ 1,214.00 1,832.59 $ 618.59 100% $ 3,794 $ 8,127 $ 4,333 114% 12,500 $ 1,283.00 $ - 3 982 11' $ 2,173.00 $ - 3,823.81 $ 1,650.81 100% $ - $ - $ - 0°~ 500 $ 406.00 $ 1,050.82' $ 624.00 $ 953.01 $ 329.01 100% $ $ $ 0% - - - - - - 2,000 $ 970.00 $ 1,379.23_ _ $ 1';492.00 $ 1,683.34 $ 191.34 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 36 - Restaurant-Complete Na .5,000 $ 1,996.00 $ _2195.64 $ 3,071.00 $ 2,587.14 $ (483.66) 100% $ - $ - $ - poi _ - 10,000 $ 3,464.00 $ ` 3,678.32. $ 5,329.00 4,009.50 $ (1,319.50) 100°h $ $ $ 0% 25,000 $ 6,416.00 $ 6.565.64: ! $ 9,871.00 $ 6366.03 $ (1,504.97) 100°~ $ - $ - $ - 0°~ 500 $ 284.00 $ 533.96'. $ 437.00 $ 303.51 $ (133.49) 100°,6 $ $ $ 0°~ 2,000 $ 679.00 700.83 $ 1,044.00 _'536.10_ $ (507.90) 100% $ $ $ 0% 37:__ Restaurant -Shell Na 5,000 $ 1,397.00 $ 1 115.68. ! $ 2,150.00 $ 823.93 $ (1,326.07) 100°~ $ $ $ 0°,6 10,000 $ 2,425.00 $ 1,869.08 $ 3,730.00 $ 1,276.92 $ (2,453.08) 100% _ $ $ $ 0°~ _ 25,000 $ 4,491.00 : $ 3.33623: $ 6,910.00 $ '',',2,664.35 $ 4,245.65 100% $ $ $ 0% 250 $ 81.00 $ _ _ 447.82' ' $ 267.00 $ 435.59 $ 168.59 100% $ $ $ 0% 1,000 $ 227.00 $ 587.77 $ 495.00 $ _ 769.39; $ 274.39 100% _ _ $ $ $ Ooh - 38 Restaurant-TI Na 2,500 $ 441.00 935.69 $ 832.00 $ 1,182.49 $ 350.49 100°~ $ 2,546 $ 4,236 $ 1,690 66% - - - 5,000 $ 683.00 1,567.54 $ 1,214.00 1,832.59!. $ 618.59 100% $ 5,691 $ 10,200 $ 4,509 79°,6 12,500 $ 1,283.00 $ 2 797 99 $ 2,173.00 $ 3,823.81 $ 1,650.81 100% $ - $ - $ - 0°~ 250 $ 359.00 $ 844.08. ! $ 553.00 $ `953.01 $ 400.01 100°~ $ $ $ 0% 1,000 $ 901.00 $ 1,107.87''. $ 1;386.00 $ 1,683.34 $ 297.34 100% $ $ $ 0% - - - 39 I-4 Day Care Facilely - Com lete Na 2,500 $ 2,105.00 $ 1 763 66 ! $ 3,238.00 $ 2,587.14 $ 650.86) 100% $ - $ $ - 0°b 5,000 $ 3,266.00 rr$ 2,954.63'. $ 5,024.00 $ - 4,009.50 $ (1,014.50) 100% $ $ $ 0% 12,500 $ 8,639.00 $ 5 273 88 $ 13,291.00 $ 8,366.09 $ (4,924.97) 100°~ $ - $ - $ - 0°h _ 100 $ 54.00 $ 637.33 $ 83.00 $ L 167.91 $ 84.91 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 400 $ 109.00 $ _ 836 51 $ 167.00 $ 296.58 $ 129.58 100°6, $ $ $ 0% 40 I~ Da Care Facili -TI Na 1,000 $ 227.00 _ 1331 67 $ 349.00 _ 455,82_ $ 106.82 100°h $ - $ - $ - 0°~ 2,000 $ 379.00 2,230.93 ! $ 563.00 706.42: $ 123.42 100% $ $ $ 0% 5,000 $ 682.00 $ 3 982.11 $ 1,050.00 : ; 1,473.98 $ 423.98 100% $ $ $ 0°~ . 1 V Wohlford Consulting Novemtter 13, 2007 I - i City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE ~ Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & life Safety (Cost-Based) i FINAL'RESULTS -NEW CONSTRUCTION Fee Service.Information Rccommended:Fees"- PIa~:.Chcck Recommended Fees - fne eetlon P„otenttal-Revenues , Potential " Size Basis Potential Potential Revenue ICC (UBC) Type of c (squaro Recommended Recommended Fee Increase / Recovery Revenue at Revenue at Growth / Rate of Fee # Use T e Occu anc Construction feet Currant Fee Fee Current Fee Fee Decrease Rate Current Fees Reed Fees Decline Chan e 0 $ 218.00 $ 740 71 $ 335.00 $ 953.01 $ 618.01 100°,f $ - $ - $ - 0°~ 2,000 $ 569.00 $ - 97219 ~ $ 675.00 $ 1,683.34 $ 808.34 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% _ - 41 H HazardousH-Complete Na 5,000 $ 1,035.00 $ 154767 " $ 1,593.00 $ 2,587.14': $ 994.14 100% $ $ $ 0% 10,000 $ 1,769.00 $ _2 592 78 $ 2,752.00 $ 4,009:'50;. $ 1,257.50 100% $ $ $ 0% 25,000 ~ $ 3,717.00 $ 4 627 99 $ 5,719.00 $ 8,366:03- $ 2,647.03 100% $ $ $ 0% 500 $ 153.00 ' $ 1 050 82 1' $ 235.00 $ _ 285:90; $ 50.90 100% $ $ $ p°~ 2,000 $ 398.00 $ 1,379.23 $ 613.00 $ 504.99'. $ (108.01) 100% $ $ $ po/ 42 H HazardousH-Shell n/a 5,000 $ 725.00 $ 219564 $ 1,115.00 $ 776:13° $ (338.87) 100°k $ $ p°/, _ _ _ - - _ - _ _ - - 10,000 $ 1,252.00 3678.32 $ 1,629.00 $ 1,202.83::.. $ (426.17) 100°k $ $ $ _ 0°k 25,000 $ 2,602.00 $ 6 565 64 $ 4,003.00 $ 2,509 76' $ (1,493.24) 100°k $ $ $ 0°k 100 $ 54.00 $ _ _ 637 33_ $ 83.00 $ 167x91 `I $ 84.91 100°k $ $ $ 0°h 400 $ 109.00 $ 836 51 $ 167.00 $ _ _ _ 296:581 $ 129.58 100°k $ - $ - $ - _ 0% 43 H Hazardous H- T I Na 1,000 $ 227.00 $ 1 331 67 $ 349.00 $ _ 455:82. $ 106.82 100% $ $ $ p°A 2,000 $ 379.00 $ 2,230.93 $ 583.00 706:42'.: $ 123.42 100% $ $ $ 0% 5,000 $ 682.00 $ 3 982 11 $ 1,050.00 $ 1,473 98 423.98 100% $ - $ - $ - 0°~ 200 $ 143.00 $ 361 67 $ 221.00 167.91 $ (53.09) 100°~ $ $ $ 0% 800 $ 378.00 $ 47470 $ 582.00 $ 296.58'..$- _(285.42) 100% $ _ $ p°~ - 44 Commercial Building-Foundation- `Na 2;000 L• 712.00 $ 75569 $ 1,095.00 45582 $ (639.18) 100% $ - $ - $ - 0°r6 4,000 $ .1,303.00 $ 1 266.00 $ 2,005.00 $ _ 706.42 $ (1,298.58) 100°k _ $ - $ - $ - 0% 10,000 $ 3,882.00 $ 2 259 75 $ 5,973.00 $ 1,473.98- $ (4,499.02) 100°~ $ $ $ p°~ 200 $ 218.00 $ 39613 $ 335.00 $ _ 185.52 $ (149.48) 100% $ $ $ 0% 800 b 573.00 $ 519.93 $ ' 882.00 $ 327.69 $ (554.31) 100% $ - $ - $ - 0°~ - - - - 45 ` Commercial Buildin -Addition Na 2,000 $ 1,079.00 $ __827.69 _ $ 1,660.00 503.63. $ (1,156.37) 100% _ $ 2,739 $ 1,331 $ (1,408) -51 - - 4,000 $ 1,975.00 $ 1,386.62 $ 3,038.00 $ 780.51' $ (2,257.49) 100°~ $ $ $ 0% 10,000 $ 5,882.00 $ 2 475 O5 $ 9,050.00 $ 1,628.57. $ (7,421.43) 100°,L $ - $ - $ - 0°.G 1,000 $ 555.00 $ 1 567 69 $ 854.00 $ ' 1,786.06: $ 932.06 100% $ $ $ 0% 4,000 $ 1,447.00 $ 2 057 62 $ 2,226.00 $ 3,154.79 $ 928.79 100°r6 $ $ $ p°~ 46 R-2 Apartment Building Na 10,000 $ 3,028.00 $ 3 275 61 $ 4,659.00 $ 4_848.62_ $ 189.62 100 % $ 15,374 $ 16,248 $ 874 6% 20,000 $ 4,874.00 $ S 487 56 MI $ 7,499.00 $ 7,514.30 $ 15.30 100% $ $ $ 0°k 50,000 $ 9,788.00 $ 9795.06 $ 15,059.00 $ '15,678.99! $ 619.99 100% $ $ $ 0°~ _ ,rtomormoc.+~li n)~ 1,000 $ 614.00 $ 111568 $ 945.00 $ 1,321.61 $ 376.61 100% $ 23,385 $ 36,559 $ 13,174 56% 47 IRC SFD" Si """te-Famih~ > - - - - 48 n'a 2,000 $ 956.00 $ 1,20866 $ 1,470.00 2,108.17 $ 638.17 100% $ 48,520 $ 66,336 $ 17,816 37% - - ` 49 - Na 3,000 $ 1,294.00 $ 1,67664 $ 1,991.00 $ _ 2_912.78 $ 921.78 100% $ 26,280 $ 36,715 $ 10,435 40% _ - - Na 5,000 $ 1,964.00 $ 2,177.51 $ 3,021.00 $ 4,360.63 $ 1,339.63 100% $ 14,955 $ 19,614 $ 4,659 31°,6 - _ . n!a 7,500 $ 2,698.00 $ 3,05338 $ 4,151.00 $ 5,831.90 $ ..1,680.90 .100°~ $ - $ - $ - 0°.fi 667 $ 90.00 $ 407 04 $ 728.00 $ 796.82 $ 68.82 100°~ _ $ - $ - $ - 0°~ 1,333 $ 90.00 $ 440.96 $ 1,128.00 $ 1,271.06.. $ 143.06 100% $ 6,090 $ 8,560 $ 2,470 41°~ - - 52 " IRC SFD Sin le-Fami -Production/Repeat Na 2,000 $ 90.00 $ 61170 ! $ 1,470.00 $ 1,756.17. $ 266.17 100% $ 15,600 $ 23,679 $ 8,079 52% 3,333 $ 90.00 $ 79443 $ 2,159.00 $ 2,629.11. $ 470.11 100% $ $ $ 0% 5,000 $ 90.00 $ 1,11399 $ 3,021.00 $ 3,516.17. $ 495.17 100% $ $ $ p°~ 333 $ 118.00 $ _ 359.13 $ 181.00 $ 148.25' $ '(32.75) 100% $ - $ $ - 0% 667 $ 2113.00 $ 389.06 ! , $ 335.00 $ 236.48 $ (98.52) 100% _ $ $ $ 0°~ . - _ - - - 53 - Moved Buildin -Residential Na 1,000 $ 287.00 , $ 539.70 ' : $ 442.00 $ 326.74: $ (115.26) 100% _ $ 729 $ 866 $ 137 19°,6 1,667 $ 423.00 $ 700 93 ' ' $ 651.00 $ 489.15 $ (161.85 100% $ $ $ 0% - - - 2,500 $ 532.00 $ 982.87 $ 819.00 $ 854:19 $ 164.81 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% WohHord Consulting November 13, 2007 i City ofArroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & LHe Safety (Cost-Based) FINAL RESULTS -NEW CONSTRUCTION _ i Fee Service lnlormaflon Recommended Fees - PIanChock Recommended FeeF:- In ` ectlon Pofential Revenues Potential Size Basis Potential Potential Revenue ~ ICC (UBC) Type of (squaro Recommended Recommonded Fee Increase / Recovery Revenue at Revenue at Growth / Rate of Fee # Use T e Occu anc Construction feet Current Fee Fee Current Fee Fee Decrease Rate Current Fees Reed Fees Decline Chan ~e - 123.00 $ _ 272 90 - $ - 188.00 $ 115.71 $ (72.29) 100% $ - $ - $ - 0°~ 1,600 $ 202.00 $ 295.64. $ 312.00 $ 184.58 $ (127.42) 100% $ - $ - $ - 0°~ 54 " R-3. Manufactured Home -Complete n/a 2,400 $ 259.00 $ 410 11 $ 399.00 $ 255.03 $ (143.97) 100% $ 658 $ 665 $ 7 1 % ' 4,000 $ 354.00 $ _ 532 62 $ 553.00 _ _ _381.80.. $ (171.20) 100% $ - $ $ 0% - _ 6,000 $ 468.00 $ 746 86 $ 721 00 $ 510.61 $ (210.39) 100% $ - $ - $ - 0 667 $ 153.00 $ 272.90 $ 234.00 $ - 1.15:71 $ (118.29) 100°h $ $ - $ 0% 1,333 $ 247.00 $ 295.64: $ 380.00 -184.58. $ (195.42) 100°h $ $ _ - $ 0% 55 _ _ R-3 -Prefabricated Dwelling -Complete _ n/a___ 2,000 $ 325.00 $ _ 410 11 $ 500.00 $ _ 255 03" $___(244.97) 100°ti $ $ _ - _ $ _ - _ 0 _ 3,333 ~ $ 452.00 $ 532 62 $ 696.00 $ _ 381.80 $ (314.20) 100°ti _ $ $ $ 0 5,000 $ 580.00 $ 746.86 ~ $ 892.00 $ 510 51 $ (381.39) 100% $ $ $ p _ 120 $ 47.00 $ 179:05 $ 48.00 $ 93.94 $ 45.94 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 480 $ 82.00 $ 235.00 $ 126.00 ________165.94. $ 39.94 100°k, $ - $ - $ - 0% 56 - Commercial Coach-Complete n/a 1,200 $ - 164.00 37411 _ $ 251.00 _ 255.03 $ 4.03 100°k $ - $ - $ - p% 2,400 $ 260.00 $ .626.74: $ 399.00 $ 395.24 $ (3.76) 100°k $ 659 $ 1,022 $ 363 55% 6,000. I $ 469.00 $ 1 118 69 i $ 721.00 $ 824.69.: $ 103.69 100% $ - $ _ $ _ poi 240 i $ .50.00 $ 179.05 $ 76.00 93.94 $ 17.94 100°k $ - $ $ 0% _ - - _ 960 ! $ 121.00 $ 23500 $ 216.00 $ 165.94 $ _ .(50.06) _.._100% $ - - $ - _ poi : - 57 - Modular Biiildin -Complete n/a 2,40L I $ 259.00 $ 374 11 $ 399.00 $ 255_03 $ (143.97) 100% - $ . - $ - 0% 4,800 $ 403.00 $ 626.74 $ 620.00 $ '.395.24 $ (224.76) 100% $ $ $ 0% ' _ - - - 12,000 I, $ 796.00 $ 1 118 69' $ 1,225 00 $ - 824.69 $ (400.31) 100% $ - $ - $ _ p 500 , $ 49.00 $ 196.27 $ 75.00 $ 93.94 $ . 16.94' 100°k $ - $ - $ . _ - - p - _ 2,0001 $ 139.00 $ 25261 $ 214.00 165:94 $ (48.06) 100% $ - $ - _ 0~ 58 Manufactured Building - Fnd Na 5,000 ; $ 248.00 $ 410.11 ' _ $ 382.00 $ ' 255:03'. $ (126.97) 100% $ - $ - $ - 0°~ 10,000! 412.00 $ 66704 ; $ 634.00 $ 395.24- $ (238.76) 100°,5 $ - $ - $ - p°~ 25,000 $ 862.00 $ 1,22634 $ 1,326.00 $ 824.69 $ 501.31) .100°~ $ - $ - $ _ 0% 167 $ 33.00 $ 272.90 $ 51.00 178.62 $ 127.62 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 333 I 82.00 $ 295 64 _ $ 125.00 $ 284.92 $ 159.92 100°~G $ $ $ poi 59 U Residential Garage Na 500 $ 154.00 $ 41011 _ $ 237.00 393.67 $ 156.67 100°,6 $ 391 $ 804 $ 413 106% ' 833 $ 274.00 $ 53262 $ 422.00 $ 589.35 $ 167.35 100% $ 696 $ 1,122 $ .426 61°h - - 1,250 $ 505.00 $ 746 86 { $ 777.00 ' 78820 $ 11.20 100% $ $ $ 0% 40 $ 31.00 $ 223 84 $ 47.00 160.86 $ 113.86 100°k $ - $ - $ - 0% 160 $ 72.00 $ _ _ 293 80 $ 111.00 $ 284.14` $ 173.14 100°h $ $ $ 0 _ - - - 60 U PooyS a-Standard Plan Na 400 $ 136.00 $ 467.70 $ 209.00 $ 436.70 $ 227.70 100%_ $ 690 $ 1,809 $ 1,119 162°~ 800 $ 245.00 $ 783 54 $ 377.00 676.78 $ 299.78 100°~ $ $ $ 0% 2,000 $ 464.00 $ 1,398.58 $ 714.00 $ 1,412.14. $ 698.14_. .100°h $ $ $ 0% 200 $ 72.00 $ 637.33 $ 111.00 ' _ 292.94 $ 181.94 100% _ $ $ $ 0% 800 $ 209.00 $ 836 51 1 $ 321.00 $ c 517.43 $ 196.43 100°~ $ $ $ 0°~ - - - 61 - Commercial Building-Remodel Na 2,000 $ 418.00 $ 1,33167 $ 644.00 795.25. $ 151.25 100°~ _ $ - $ - $ _ Ooh - 4,000 $ 646.00 $ 223093 $ 994.00 1,232.46 $ 238.46 100% $ $ $ 0% 10,000 $ 1,192.00 $ ~ 396211 $ 1,834.00 $ 2,571.60 $ 737.60 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% , - - - - 20C $ 72.00 $ 602 88 " $ 111.00 $ C 292.94 $ 181.94 100°,5 $ - $ - $ _ p°~ 800 $ 209.00 _ 79128 $ 321.00 $ 517.43 $ 196.43 100°,5 $ $ $ 0°~ 62 Commercial Buildin -Repair Na 2,000 $ 418.00 $ _ 1 259.68 $ 644.00 $ 795.25 $ 151.25 100°k $ $ $ 0% 4,000 $ 646.00 $ 2 110.31 1 $ 994.00 ' 1,232.46 $ 238.46 100°h $ $ $ 0°~ 10,000 $ 1,192.00 $ 376682 $ 1,834.00 $ 2,571.60 $ 737.60 100% $ $ $ 0% r~ i Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 City ofArroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 ~ Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) FINAL RESULTS -NEW CONSTRUCTION s -Fee Service Information Recommended Fees!- Play Check Recommended Fees - /n ect3on Potential Revenuos Potential SizeBasis Potential Potential Revenue ICC (UBC) Type of ' (squaro .Recommended Recommended Fee Increase / Recovery Revenue at Revenue at Growth / Rate of Fee # Use T e Occu anc Constructiorr feet Current Fee Fee Current Fee Fee Decrease Rate Current Fees Recd Fees Decline) Chan e $ 154.00 $ 292:76: $ 237.00 $ 203.13' $ (33.87) 100°h $ - $ - $ - 0% 2,000 $ 441.00 $ 384 25 $ 679.00 $ S _ 358.79 $ (320.21) 100% $ $ $ 0% 63 S-2 Commercial Carport -Std. Plan n/a 5,000 $ 784.00 $ 611 70- $ 1,207 00 $ _ _ 551.43 $ (655.57) 100°~ $ - $ - $ - 0°k 10,000 $ 1,287.00 $ 1 024 77 $ 1,979.00 $ 854.60 $ (1,124.40) 100°k $ $ $ 0°k 25,000 $ 2,682.00 $ 1 829 17 S 4,127.00 $ - - -1'.783:17 $ (2,343.63) 100°h $ $ $ 0°~ 50 $ 33.00 $ 210 06 ; $ 51.00 $ 108.03 $ 57.03 100% $ - $ - $ 0% _ 200 $ 81.00 $ 275 70 $ 125.00 $ 190:82 $ 65.82 100% $ $ _ $ 0% 64 U-1 Accessory Building -Commercial Na 500 ~ $ 154.00 $ _ _ 438 91 f $ 237.00 29327' $ 56.27 100 % $ 391 $ 732 $ 341 87°~ - - - - 1,D00 $ 274.00 $ 73529: $ 422.00 $ 454.51 $ 32.51 100°~ $ 696 $ 1,190 $ 494 71°k - - 2,500 $ 505.00 1 312 46 $ 777.00 $ 948.36; $ 171.36 100°k $ $ $ 0% 50 $ 33.00 $ 210.06 ? $ 51.00 $ 127.40 $ 76.40 100°h $ $ $ 0% 200 $ 81.00 $ _ _ 27570 $ 125.00 225.04 $ 100.04 100% _ $ - $ - $ - 0% 65 U-1 Commercial Carport n/a 500 $ 154.00 $ _ _ 438 91 $ 237.00 $ 345.86 $ 108.86 100°rG $ - $ - $ - 0% 1,000 $ 274.00 $ 735.29 $ 422.00 $ 536.01 $ 114.01 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 2,500, $ 505.00 $ 131246 $ 777.00 $ -1,11841 $ 341.41 _ 100% $ - $ 0% 167 ~ $ 72.00 - 40704 $ 111.00 211_16. $ 100.16 100°h $ - $ - $ - 0°,6 _ 333 ' i 191.00 $ .440.96' ' $ 293.00 $ 336.83. $ 43.83' 100°iG 1,936..$___ .3,111 ......1,175_ _ - - 610 _ 6` IRGSFD Single-Family Residentia6-Addition - - n/a 500° -386100 $ 611 70 $ ' '593.00 $ "465.38. $ (127.62) 100% $ 5,874 6,462 $ b88 10% _ 833 $ 600.00 $ 794 43 $ 924.00. ..696,71 $ (227.29) 100°h $ 9,144 $ 8,947 $ (197) -2% 1,250 $ 1,101.00 $ 1113.99 4 $ 1,694.00 $ 931.77 $ (762.23) 100°k $ $ $ 0% 333 $ 109.00 $ __550.77 $ 167.00 $ 536.53 $ 369.53 100°k $ $ $ 0°~ - 667 327.00 $ 596.67 $ 502.00 $ 855.84. $ 353.84 100% $ - $ - $ - pol, 67 R-2 Multi-Family Residential -Addition n/a .1,000 $ 600.00 $ 827 69 $ 924.00 $ '.1.182:49 $ 258.49 100% _ $ - $ _ - $ - 0% 1,667 $ 937.00 $ 1 074.95 $ 1,442.00 $ 1,770.26:: $ _ 328.26 100% $ $ $ 0% 2,500 $ 1,920.00 $ 1 507:34 2,954.00 $ 2,367,555! $ (586.45) 100% $ - $ - $ - p% 333 . $ 54.00 $ 263.31' $ 63.00 $ 200.3E $ 117.31 100°k $ $ $ 0% 667 $ 118.00 $ _ 28526 $ 181.00 $ 319.53 $ 138.53 100°k $ 1,196 $ 2,419 $ 1,223 102°~ 68 s IRC SFD Single-Family Residential -Remodel Na 1,000 $ 254.00 $ 395 71.1 $ 391.00 $ 441.48 $ 50.48 100% $ 6,450 $ 8,372 $ 1,922 30% 1,667 $ 418.00 $ _513.92 _ $ 644.00 660.92 $ 16.92 100% $ 2,124 $ 2,350 $ 226 11°~ 2,500 $ 737.00 $ 720.63 $ 1,134.00 $ 883.91.. $ (250.09 100°6 $ $ $ 0°~ 667 $ 72.00 $ 363.92 _ $ 111.00 282.74 $ 171.74 100% _ $ $ $ 0% 1,333 $ 209.00 $ 394.25 $ 321.00 $ _ 451.01 $ 130.01 100% _ $ $ $ 0% 69 R-2 Multi-Family Residential -Remodel Na 2,000 $ 418.00 $ 546.90. $ 644.00 $ _623.14 $ (20.86) 100°k $ - $ - $ - 0% 3,333 $ 646.00 $ 71028 $ 994.00 $ 932.89 $ (61.11) 100% $ $ $ 0°r6 - - _ - - - 5,000 $ 1,192.00 $ 995.98' $ 1,834.00 $ 1,247.64 $ (586.36 100% $ - $ - $ - 0°~ • 333 $ 54.00 $ 292 06 $ 63.00 $ " ' 178.62 $ 95.62 100°k _ $ - $ - $ - 0°~ 667 $ 136.00 $ 316 40 - $ 209.00 $ 284.92 $ 75.92 100°/n $ - $ - $ - 0°~ 70 IRC SFD Residential Building -Foundation Na 1,000 $ 287.00 $ 438.91_ $ 442.00 $ 393.67 $ (48.33 100°.f _ $ _ $ _ g _ 0% - 1,667 $ 464.00 $ 57002 $ 714.00 $ ,589.35_ $ (124.65) 100°k $ - $ - $ - p°~ 2,500 $ 828.00 $ 799 30 $ 1,274.00 $ 788.20 $ 485.80 100°.E $ - $ - $ - 0% 83 $ 31.00 $ 263 31 $ 47.00 $ 126.56 $ 79.56 100% $ - $ - $ 0% - 167 $ '54.00 $ _ 285 26 $ 83.00 $ 201.88 $ 118.88 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 71 : U-1 Accessory Building -Residential Na 250 $ 91.00 $ 395 71 $ 139.00 $ t 278.93 $ 139.93 100% $ 1,380 $ 4,048 $ 2,668 193% 417 $ 154.00 $ 513 92 ss $ 237.00 417.58.. $ 180.58 100% $ 782 $ 1,863 $ 1,081 138% 625 $ 320.00 $ 720.fi3 $ 492.00 $ 558:47 $ 66.47 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% ~ i.. Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 City of A?royo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 L'He Safety (Cost-Based) FINAL':RESULTS.-NEW CONSTRUCTION? I Fee Service lnlormaGon " RecommendedFees ~ Plan Check Recommended Fees •slns ectlon Potently/Revenues , Potential Size Basis Potential Potential Revenue ICC (UBC) Type of {square Recommended Recommended Fee Increase / Recovery Revenue at Revenue at Growth ! Rate of Fee # Use T e Occu anc Construction feet) Current Fee Fee ; Current Fee Fee Decrease Rate Current Fees Recd Fees Decline Chan e 13'8 $ 31.00 $ 263 31 j $ 47.00 $ 115.71 $ 68:71 100% $ - $ - $ po/a 267 $ 54.00 $ _ 285 26 $ 83.00 $ _184.58 $ .101.58 100°h _ $ - $ _ $ - 0 % , 72 U-1 Residential Carport n/a 400 $ 100.00 $ 395 71 _ $ 153.00 $ ' 255.03 $ 102.03 100°~ $ 1,518- $ 3,904 $ 2,386 157 _ _ 667 $ _ 163.00 $ 513 92 $ 251.00 381.80 $ 130.80 100 % $ - $ - $ _ 0 % 1,000 $ 327.00 $ -.720.63 $ 502.00 $ 510.61. $ 6.61 100% $ - $ - $ _ 0~ 83 $ 31.00 $ 263.31 $ 47.00 $ 115:7T $ 68.71 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 167 $ 31.00 $ _ 285 26 $ 47.00 $ 184.58' $ 137.58 100% $ 156 $ 940 $ 784 502°k 73 IRC SFD Residential Patio Cover/Balcony/Deck n/a 250 $ 54.00 $ _ 395 71 $ 83.00 $ 255.03 $ 172.03 100% $ 548 $ 2,603 $ .2,055 375% 417 $ 72.00 $ _ _ X13 92 $ 111.00 $ 381.80 $ 270.80 100% $ 732 $ 3,583 $ 2,851 389% 625 $ 145.00 ra$ 72063 'i $ 223.00 51061 $ 287.61 100% $ 368 $ 1,231 $ 863 235% 83 $ 31.00_ $ 163 31 I $ 47.00 $ 115.71 $ 68.71 100%! I $ - - $ - 0 % ' 167 $ 31.00 $ 2ti7 26 I $ 47.00 $ 184.58 $ 137.58 100 % $ - $ - $ _ poi 4 _ IRC SFD Reside_n_tial Patio Cover ICC Approved _ n/a 250 $ 54.00 $ _ 3 ~"1 ~ $ 83.00 $ 255.03 $ 172.03 100% $ 274 $ 1,301 $ 1,027 375% 417 $ 72.00 $ 513 92 $ 111.00 $ 381':SG $ 270.80 100% $ 732 $ 3,583 $ 2,851 389°h 625 $ 145.00 $ 7X.63 $ 223.00 $ 510.61 $ 282.61 100% $ $ 0% , ' _ _ 63 $ 31.00 $ 263.31 $ 47.00 115. i 1 $ 68.71 100 % $ $ - $ - 0 % 167 $ 37.00 $ 285.26 $ 57.00 $ 184.58 $ 127.58. . _ _ "100% _ - . 0% r 75 IRC SFD ResidentialPatio.Eridosure n/a" "250 ! 83:00 $ - 39571 $ 97.00 $ 255.03 $ 158.03- 100% $ 320 1,301 $ 981 307% _ " 417 $ 100.00 $ 513 92 $ 153.00 $ 381.80.. $ 228.80 100°~ $ 506 $ 1,791 $ 1,285 254 625 ! $ 209.00 $ 720 63 $ 321.00 $ 510 6Y $ 189.61 100% $ $ $ 0% 83 $ 31.00 $ 263 31 $ 47.00 $ 1.15:7.1 $ 68.71 100 % $ $ $ _ poi 167 $ 37.00 $ 285 26 $ 57.00 $ 184.58 $ 127.58" 100%- $ - $ - $ _ p% 76 IRC SFD Residential Patio Enclosure ICGApproved Na 250 $ 63.00 $ 395 71 $ 97.00 $ 255.03'. $ 158.03- _ 100% $ 320 1-,301 $ 981 307°k - 417 $ 100.00 $ 51392 $ 153.00 $ 38L80 $ 228.80 100°h $ 759 $ 2,687 $ 1,928 254% - 625 $ 209.00 $ 720 63 ' " $ 321.00 $ 510.61 $ 189.61 100% $ $ 0 % $ 259,107 $ 392,027 $ 132,920 51°h Revenue Totals ' I -~T I~ v WohHord Consulting November 13, 2007 _ - City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8< Life Safety (Cost-Based) FINAL RESULTS -MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Fee Service Information - Recommended Fees -Plan Check Recommended Fees -Ins ection Potential Revenues Potential Potential Fee Revenue Potential Revenue Recommended Current Recommended Increase / Recovery at Current Revenue at Growth I Rate of Fee # Fee Title Current Fee Fee Fee Fee ' ' Decrease Rate Fees Recd Fees Decline Chan e 1 Cellular/Mobile Phone, free-standing $ 1,351.00 683.35 $ - $ 1,112.04 $ 1,112.04 100% $ _ $ - $ - 0% 2 Cellular Tower with Equipment Shelter $ 1,524.00 $ 683.35 $ 4,572.00 1,243.66 ' $ (3,328.34) 100% $ 4,572 $ 5,781 $ 1,209 26% 3 Awnin (not patio cover) $ 114.00 $ _ ' 78.57 $ 114.00 $ 123:28' $ 9.28 100% $ 114 $ 202 $ 88 77% 4 Ca ort $ - $ - $ - $ 19':12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 5 Carport (with Calcs) $ - $ - $ - $ 19.12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 6 Change of Occu ancy No T.I. w/ Ian check & Ir $ 78.00 $ _128T97 $ 78.00 $ 246.73 $ 168.73 100% $ 78 $ 376 $ 298 382% 7 Close Existin Openings $ 78.00 $ , 78.57 $ 234.00 $ _ 167.71. $ (66.29) 100% $ 234 $ 739 $ 505 216% 8 Commercial Coach (per unit) $ - $ - _ $ - $ 19.12': $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 9 Compliance Inspections/Reinspections $ 47.00 $ ' 143.37 $ 470.00 205.96' $ (264.04) 1.00% $ - $ - $ - 0% 10 Deck $ - $ 143.37 $ - $ _ 198.64, $ 198.64 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 11 -Deck (withCalcs) $ _ $ 164.97 - - $ 222.54 :222.54:_ ..,:100% $ _ _ _ -:p% 12 Demolition $ 25.00 $ 78.57 ' $ 150.00 $ 258.54 $ 108.54 100% $ 150 $ 2,023 $ 1,873 1248% 13 Demolition - MultiFamily/Commercial $ 125.00 $ 78.57 $ 250.00 $ 258__.54 $ 8.54 100% $ 250 $ 674 $ 424 170% _ ° $ 312 $ -1,023 $ 711 228% 14 Door - $ - 78.00 $ 78.57 $ .312.00 $ ' 177.27 $ (134.73) 100 /o 15 Du lication Processing Application $ $ - $ - - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 16 Fence or Wall (wood, chain link, wrought iron) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 17 >6 feet in height, 1st 100 s.f. $ 89.00 78.57 $ 356.00 $ 222.83 $ (133.17) 100% $ 356 $ 1,206 $ 850 239% 18 Each additional 100 sf $ 48.00 $ ' 57.60 $ 48.00 ''79.03 $ 31.03 100% $ 48 $ 137 $ 89 185% 19 Fence or Freestanding Wall (masonry / arden) $ - $ $ - $ - _ $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 20 City Standard, 1st 100 Lf. $ 89.00 $ 78.57 $ 178.00 $ ' _222.83 $ 44.83 100% $ 178 $ 603 $ 425 239% 21 Each additional 100 If $ 48.00 $ _ 57.60 $ 48.00 $ _ 79.03 $ 31.03 100% $ 48 $ 137 $ 89 185% 22 Engineered Wall, 1st 100 If $ 89.00 $ 100.17 $ 178.00 $ ,_2?2.83 $ 44.83 100% $ 178 $ 646 $ 468 263% 23 Each additional 100 If $ 48.00 $ _ 79.20 $ 48.00 $ 79.03_ $ 31.03 100% $ 48 $ 158 $ 110 230% 24 Fireplace (mason or pre-fab) $ 114.00 $ 78.57 ' $ 228.00 $ 162.93' $ (65.07 100% $ 228 $ 483 $ 255 112% 25 Flag pole (greater than 6 feet in height) $ 85.00- $ 78 57 mml $ 85.00 $ _162 93 $ 77.93 100% $ 85 $ 242 $ 157 184% 26 Garage (detached) $ - $ _ - $ - $ 19.12 ' $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 2T Wood frame up to 499 s.f. $ - $ _ _ - $ - $ 19.121, $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 28 Wood frame from 500 s.f. to 999 s.f. $ - _ - $ - $ ' 19:12: $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 29 Each additional 500 s.f. $ - $ - $ - $ _ 19.12_ $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 19.12 ° $ - $ - $ - 0% _ 30 Masonry up to 1,000 s.f. $ $ - ' $ - $ $ 19.12 100% _ _ 31 each additional 500 s.f. $ - $ $ - 19.12 $ 19.12 100% _ $ - $ - $ - 0% t ~1 Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 {r City ofArroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) FINAL RESULTS -MISCELLANEOUS !TENS Fee Service Information Recommended Fees -Plan Check Recommended Fees -`!ns"" coon PotenSa/ Revenues Potential Potential Fee Revenue Potential Revenue Recommended ' Current Recommended!- Increase / Recovery at Current Revenue at Growth / Rate of Fee # Fee Title Current Fee 'Fee Fee Fee. Decrease Rate Fees Recd Fees Decline Chan e 32 Grading (Cut and Fill) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 33 0-50 Cubic Yards (Cut and Fill) $ 23.50 $ 10D.17 $ - $ 162.93 $ 162.93 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 34 51-100 CY $ 74.00 $ 136.17 $ 74.00 $ 162:93 $ 88.93 100% $ 74 $ 299 $ 225 304% 35 Each Add'I 100 CY or ortion thereof $ 17.50 $ 5.76 $ 17.50 $ $ (17.50) 100% $ 18 $ 6 $ (12) -67% 36 1,000 CY (minimum) $ 243.75 $ __193:77 $ 243.75 $ 1.62.93 $ 80.82) 100% $ 244 $ 357 $ 113 46% 37 Each Add'I 1,000 CY or portion thereof $ 14.50 $ 8.64 $ 14.50 $ - $ (14.50) 100% $ 15 $ 9 $ (6) -40% • ° $ 374 $ 436 $ 62 16% 38 10,000 CY (minimum) $ 374.25 $ 272_97 $ 374.25 $ 162.93` $ (211.32) 100 /o 39 Each Add'I 10,000 CY or portion thereof $ 90.50 $ 12.96 $ 90.50 $ - $ (90.50) 100% $ 91 $ 13 $ (78) -86% 40 100,000 CY (minimum) $ 1,188.75 $ 395.36 $ - $ 1.6_2:93 $ 162.93 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 41- Each Add'I 10,000 CY or portion thereof $ 49.75 $ _ 12.96 $ - $ - $ - 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 42 Pilaster each 10 $ - 85.00 ' $ ' 78.57 85:00 $ 162:93 $ 77c93 -100% 85 $ 242 - 157 -184% 43 Greenhouse (non-commercial $ - $ - _ $ - $ 19.12 $ 19.12 100% _ $ - $ - $ - 0% 44 Greenhouse (non-commercial (with Calcs) $ - $ _ - $ - $ ' 19.12' $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 45 Lighting pole each). $ 85.00 $ 78.57 $ 85.00 $ 141.33 $ 56.33 100% $ 85 $ 220 $ 135 159% - 46 Mobile Home $ - ' $ _ $ - 19.12 $ 19.12 .100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 47 Mobile Home, double wide $ - I $ - $ - 19:12 $ 19.12. 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 48 Partition -Commercial, Interior (each 30 Lf.) $ - $ - $ - $ _ 19.12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 49 Partition -Residential, Interior (each 30 Lf.) $ - $ $ - $ 19.12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 50 Patio Cover includes ICC Products) $ - $ - _ $ - $ .19.12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 51 Lattice each 500 s.f. $ - $ _ _ - $ - $ _ 19.12 $ 19.12 100% 52 Solid cover each 500 s.f. $ - $ - $ - $ _ 19.12' $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 53 En ineered design (not ICC roducts $ - _ - $ - $ _ _ 19.12, $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 54 Patio Enclosure $ - $ _ - $ - $ _ 19,12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 55 Wood frame up to 1,000 s.f. $ - $ - $ - $ 19:12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 56 each additional 1,000 s.f. $ - $ $ - -19.12_ $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 57 Other frame ICC products) up to 1,000 s.f. $ - $ _ _ $ - $ 19.1,2 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 58 additional 1,000 s.f. $ - $ _ $ - $ _ 19.12,, $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 59 En ineered design (not ICC products) up to 1,0 $ - ' $ - $ - $ ' _ ' 19.12. $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 60 additional 1,000 s.f. $ - $ - $ - $ 19.12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 61 Enclosure walls under existing roof first 1,000 s. $ - _ ' $ - $ - $ _ 19.12 $ 19:12 100% $ - $ - - $ - 0% 62 each additional 1,000 s.f. of enclosed area $ - $ $ - $ 19.12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 63 Photovoltaic System $ - $ - - $ - $ .19.12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 64 Caisson /Pile Foundation $ - $ - _ $ - $ 19.12_ $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 65 Cast in Place Concrete each 10 files) $ - $ - $ 19.12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% - 66 Additional Piles (increments of 10) $ - ' $ - $ - $ 19.12_ $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 67 Driven (steel, re-stressed concrete) $ - $ _ - $ - $ _ 19.12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 68 Additional Piles (increments of 10) $ - $ - $ - $ _ 43.03 $ 43.03 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% S.~ ~ , Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 i City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) FINAL'RESULTS -MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS' Fee Senrice.lriforrriation Recommended Fees -`Plan Check ' Recommended Fees -Ins ection Poten#ia/'Revenues Potential Potential Fee Revenue Potential Revenue Recommended Current :Recommended Increase / Recovery at Current Revenue at Growth / Rate of Fee # Fee Title Current Fee Fee Fee Fee Decrease Rate Fees Recd Fees Decline Chan e 69 Stucco Applications $ 85.00 $ ' 49.77 $ 255.00 $ 162:93 $ (92.07) 100% $ 255 $ 638 $ 383 150% 70 Additional Stucco Application $ 85.00 $ - 49 77 $ - $ ____162:93 $ 162.93 100% _ $ - $ - $ - 0% 71 Relocated Building (within 25 miles of city office $ - $ _ - $ - $ ' 19.12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 72 Each additional 10 miles (or portion thereof) $ - $ - _ $ - $ ' _19_.12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 73 Retaining Wall (concrete or mason ) $ - $ _ - $ - $ _ - ' $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 74 First 50 sf $ 89.00 $ 157.77 $ 267.00 $ ' 186.83.. $ (80.17) 100% $ 267 $ 1,034 $ 767 287% 75 Each additional 50 sf $ 48.00 136.80 $ 48.00 102:93` $ 54.93 100% $ 48 $ 240 $ 192 399% 76 Special Design, 3-10' hi h (up to 50 If) - [delete] $ - $ - T $ - $ _ 19:12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 77 Each additional 50 If - delete $ - $ - $ - $ _ 19' 12 $ 19.12. 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% _ _ 78 . S ecial Design, over 10' high u to 50 If) - [del $ - $ - ' $ - $ _ 19.12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% - - - 79 Each additional 50 If - [delete].... _ $ $ $ $ 19.12 $ `19.12- _ ..::100°i: $ - $ _ $ - =-0% 80 Gravity /Crib Wall -First 50 If - [delete $ - $ $ - $ 19.12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 81 Each additional 50 If - [delete $ - $ - ` $ - $ ' 19.12, $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 82 Gravity /Crib Wall, over10' high (up to 50 If) - [ $ - $ - $ - $ 19.12 $ , 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 83 Each additional 501f - delete $ - $ - $ - $ 19:12'` $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 84 Remodel -Residential (include garage conversi $ - $ _ - $ - 19.12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 85 first 500 s.f. _ $ - $ _ $ - .19.12 $ 19.12 100% _ $ - $ - $ - 0% 86 each additional 500 s.f. $ - ' $ - $ - $ _ 19.12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 87 Re-roofing $ - $ - _ $ - $ - $ - 0% - $ - $ - $ - 0% 88 Composition - no tear off $ 47.00 $ 64.17 $ 1,222.00 $ 158.15 $ (1,063.85) 100% $ 1,222 $ 5,780 $ 4,558 373% 89 Other roofs (first 10 squares) $ 47.00 64.17 $ - $ _ 158:15, $ 158.15 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 90 Each additional 10 squares $ - $ 14.40 $ - $ 38.25 $ 38.25 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 91 Roof Structure Replacement $ 160.00 $ _.100.17 $ 320.00 $ 186.83:., $ 133.17) 100% $ 320 $ 574 $ 254 79% 92 Separate additional roof structure re lacement $ 160.00 $ :100.17 $ - $ 102.93 $ 102.93 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 93 Room Addition -Single Sto - $ - $ _ $ - $ 19.12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 94 Up to 199 s.f. $ - ' _ - $ - ' $ 19'.12,.. $ 19:12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 95 from 200 to 499 s.f. $ - $ ' - $ - $ .:19.1.2._ $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 96 from 500 to 1000 s.f. $ - $ - $ - $ _ 19:12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 97 Each additional 500 sq ft $ - $ - $ - $ '.19:12. $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% - - 98 Room Addition -Multi-story (total square footag $ - $ - $ - $ 19.12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - - -0% 99 Up to 199 S.f. $ - _ $ - $ _ 19.12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% f 100 200 to 499 s.f. $ - $ - $ - $ ' _ 19.12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 101 from 500 to 1000 s.f. $ - $ - ' $ - $ 19.12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 102 Each additional 500 sq ft $ - $ - $ - $ 19:12.' $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 103 Sauna -steam $ 85.00 78.57 $ 85.00 _ 196.39_', $ 111.39 100% $ 85 $ 275 $ 190 223% Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 1 t City of Anoyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) FINAL RESULTS -'MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Fee Service Information ` Recommended Fees -Plan Check Recommended Fees -Ins' ection Pofentia/..Revenues Potential Potential Fee Revenue Potential Revenue Recommended Current Recommended. Increase / Recovery at Current Revenue at Growth / Rate of Fee # Fee Title Current Fee Fee Fee Fee Decrease Rate Fees Recd Fees Decline Chan e 104 Sidin $ 85.00 $ - $ 340.00 $ - $ (340.00 0% $ 340 $ - $ (340) -100% 105 Stone and Brick Veneer (interior or exterior) $ 85.00 $ 64.17 $ - $ 196.39 $ 196.39 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 106 All Other $ - $ 49 77 'i $ - $ ` 196.39 $ 196.39 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 107 Additional siding _ $ - $ 43.20 ' $ - $ 112.49 $ 112.49 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 108 Signs $ 114.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 109 Permanent $ 114.00 $ 157.77 $ - $ 196.39 $ 196.39 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 110 Tem ovary $ 114.00 $ 157.77 $ - $ _ 186.83' $ 186.83 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 111 Directional $ .114.00 $ ' 157.77 $ - $ _ 196:39 $ 196.39 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% ~ 112 Each additional Directional Sign $ 114.00 $ 157.77 $ - _-196.39 $ 196.39 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% „ , . 113 Freeway sign $ 298.00 ' $ __359.36 $ - $ 216.52 $ 215.52 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 114 Freeway sign with Master Plan $ 29800 $ 359.36 $ - $ 215.52 $ 215:52:. 100%0 - $ - _ $ p% , - 115 Ground /Roof / Projectin Signs $ 114.00 $ 150.57 $ 684.00 _186.83: $ (497.17) 100% $ 684 $ 2,024 $ 1,340 196% 116 Master Plan Sign Check $ 114.00 $ 157.77 $ - $ 186.83 $ 186.83 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 117 Replacement -Permit Sticker $ - ' $ 64.17 $ - $ 158.15%~ $ 158.15 100% _ $ - $ - $ - 0% 118 Rework of any existin Ground Sign $ 76.00 $ 64.17 $ - $ _ 158.15 $ 158.15 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% -119 Wall/Awning Si n, Non-Electric $ - $ - 64.17 $ - $ 196.39 $ 196.39 100% $ - $ 1,042 $ 1,042 >100% 120 Wall, Electric $ 114.00 64.17 $ 1,026.00 $ 196.39_ $ (829.61) 100% $ 1,026 $ 2,345 $ 1,319 129% 121 Skyli ht (Residential each) $ 76.00 $ 49.77 $ 76.00 $ 172:49 $ 96.49 100% $ 76 $ 222 $ 146 192% 122 Skyli ht Commercial) one $ 76.00 $ 64.17 ' $ - $ 172.49 ' $ 172.49 100% $ - $ - $ - Q% 123 Each additional $ 76.00 $ 64.17 $ - $ 172:49 $ 172.49 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 124 S a or Hot Tub (Pre-fabricated) $ 206.00 $ 64.17 $ 412.00 $ 196:39 $ (215.61) 100% $ 412 $ 521 $ 109 26% 125 Stairs -per story $ 76.00 $ 229.77 $ 76.00 $ `186.83 $ 110.83 100% $ 76 $ 417 $ 341 448% 126 Each additional story $ 76.00 $ 208.79 ' $ - $ 102.93 $ 102.93 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 127 Storage Racks each set of laps $ 183.00 $ 265.77 $ 366.00 $ " 234.64 $ (131.36) 100% $ 366 $ 1,001 $ 635 173% 128 Swimmin Pool /Spa $ - $ - $ - 19.12, $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 129 Vin I-lined /fiberglass $ - $ - $ - $ _ f9.12, $ 19.12 100% $ - $ $ 0% 130 Gunite (up to 800 s.f.) $ - - ' $ - $ _ 19.12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 131 Master Plan Coord -Prod. Unit $ - $ - $ - $ 19.12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 132 Each additional 800 s.f. $ - ' $ _ _ - $ - 19:12 $ 19.12 100% _ $ - $ - $ - 0% 133 Commercial pool (up to'800 s $ _ $ _ - $ - $ _ 19.12 $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 134 Each additional 800 s.f. $ - $ _ - _ $ - 19:12. $ 19.12 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 135 Tempora Utility Connection or Occupanc $ - $ - ` $ - $ 66.93 $ 66.93 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 136 Window or Sliding Glass Door (first) $ 76.00 $ 157.77 $ 304.00 $ 186.83.. $ (117.17) 100% $ 304 $ 1,378 $ 1,074 353% 137 Each additional $ 76.00 $ _ 136.80 , , $ 76.00 $ ' 83.81 $ 7.81 100% _ $ 76 $ 221 $ 145 190% 138 Ba Window each $ 76.00 $ 157 77 $ 228.00 $ _ 186.83 $ (41.17) 100% $ 228 $ 1,034 $ 806 353% 139 0 $ - $ _ - $ - $ $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% t ~ ~ _ Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) FINAL RESULTS -MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS; ' Fee Serviceslnformation Recommended Fees -Plan Check Recommended Fees.-fns ection Potential Revenues Potential Potential Fee Revenue Potential Revenue I~ Recommended Current Recommended Increase / Recovery at Current Revenue at Growth / Rate of Fee # Fee Title Current Fee Fee Fee Fee Decrease Rate Fees Recd Fees Decline Chan e 140 ALTERNATE METHODS AND MATERIALS $ - $ - ' $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 141 Altemate Methods $ - $ ` - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 142 Category 1 (repeats and minimal complexity) $ - $ _ $ - - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 143 Catego 2 (moderate complexity) $ - $ _ $ - $ ' - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 144 Cate ory 3 (complex issues) $ - $ - $ - - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 145 Category 4 (highly complex) $ - $ $ - $ $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 146 Altemate Materials $ - $ $ - $ _ - _ $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 147 Request to Use Altemate Materials $ - $ - $ - $ _ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 148 Standard Flat Fee ($300) $ ` - $ _ - _ $ - $ _ - $ - 0% $ $ - $ - 0% 149 Standard Fee (hourly rate in addition to flat fee) _ $ - $ _ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ $ - $ - 0% 150 ICC Fee ($500) - if required.- _ $ - $ - - $ ! $ 0% $ - $ , _ $ - 0% 151 0 $ - $ - v< $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 152 Board of Appeals $ - $ .,623.61 $ - $ $ - 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 153 Business License Inspection $ - $ ....32_29 $ _ - $ 45.56 $ 45.56 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 154 Business License Re-ins ection $ - $ 32.29 . - $ 23.96_ . $ 23.96 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 155 Product Review $ - $ 440.38 $ - $ _ - $ - 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 156 Disabled Access Com liance Inspection $ - $ 92.20 $ - $ 59.90 $ 59.90 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 157 0 $ - - $ - $ _ - $ - 0% _ $ - $ - $ - 0% 158 Su elemental Plan Check Fee (first 1/2 hour) $ 47.00 $ 144.00 $ - $ - $ - 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 159 Each Additional 1/2 hour (or ortion thereof) $ 47.00 $ 72 00 $ - $ - $ - 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 160 Supplemental Ins ection Fee (first 1/2 hour) $ 47.00 $ - $ - $ 119.80' $ 119.80 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 161 Each Additional 1/2 hour (or ortion thereof) $ 47.00 $ - $ - 59:90 $ 59.90 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 162 Emergency (Non-Scheduled) Call-Out Fee $ 96.00 $ _ $ 480.00 $ _ 287.99 ' $ (192.01) 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 163 After Hours Inspection $ 96.00 - $ - $ 179.71, $ 179.71 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 164. Each additional hour $ 96.00. $ - $ - $ , _ 119.80 $ 119.80 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 165 After Hours Plan Review $ 96.00 $ ...287.99 $ - $ $ - 100% $ - $ $ - 0% 166 Each additional hour $ 96.00 $ '.144 00 $ - $ ' $ - 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 167 0 $ - $ _ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 168 Services Beyond Standard Fee (per the Directo $ _ - $ _ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 180 Non-Fee Activities: $ - ' $ - $ ~ ' - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 181 Counter: Pre-Project Support (annual) $ - $ 10,741.88 $ - $ - $ - 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 182 Counter: Public Information -not recoverable (a $ - $ 10,_741 88 $ - $ - _ _ $ - 100% _ $ - $ - $ - 0% 183 CIP (annual) $ - $ - $ - $ _ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 184 0 $ - $ - r? $ - $ $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 185 Historic Preservation Comm. Su ort (annual) $ - $ - $ - _ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 186 Other Commission Sup ort (annual) $ - $ $ - - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 187 0 $ - - $ - $ _ _ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% - 1 G~ November 13, 2007 Wohlford Consulting i ~ - . City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) FINAL RESULTS - MISCELLANEOUS' ITEMS Fee Service Information Recommended fees -Plan Check Recommended Fees - Ins' ection Potential Revenues Potential Potential Fee Revenue Potential Revenue Recommended Current Recommended' Increase / Recovery at Current Revenue at Growth / Rate of Fee # Fee Title Current Fee Fee Fee Fee Decrease Rate Fees Recd fees Decline Chan e 188 Other Non-Fee Activities $ - $ - $ - $ - ' $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 189 Support to Other Departments /Divisions: $ - $ - $ - - $ . - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 190 Sup ort to Planning (annual) $ - $ 563.51 $ - $ - $ - 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% - - 191 Su ort to Zoning Code Enforcement (annual) $ - $ 3;537.55 $ - $ _60,930:20 $ 60,930.20 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 192 Support to Building Code Enforcement (annual) $ - $ 3,537.55 $ - $ __60,930:20 $ 60,930.20 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 193 Support to Nuisance Code Enforcement (annual $ - $ 3;537.55 $ - $ 60,541.42 $60,541.42 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 194 Sup ort to PW Engineering (annual) $ - $ 563.51 $ - $ - $ - 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% - 195 Support to Police (annuaq $ - 72.00 $ - $ - $ - 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% - 196 Su port to Fire Operations (annual) $ - $ 719.9& $ - $ 1,439:95' $ 1,439.95 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% - 197 Su ort to Fire Ins ection& (annual) $ - $ 1,139.49 $ - $ 1,918.02 $ 1,918.02 100°' $ - $ - $ - 0% - 198 ° Support to All'Other Departments'(annual - $ _ _ $ _ $ - $ _ $ _ _ - U° , $ _ . _ $ _ >U°/u 199 Su ort to RDA (annual) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 200 Sup ort to Business License $ - $ 1,139.49 ' $ - $ 3,472.14 $ 3,472.14 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 201 0 $ - ' - $ $ _ $ - 0% $ - - $ - $ - 0% 202.0 $ - $ $ - = $ - 0% _ $ - $ - $ - p% 203 Su port to All Other Departments (annual) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 204 0 $ - $ _ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ $ - 0% 205 Hourly Rates: $ - $ $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 206 Building Official $ - 144A0 $ - $ - $ - 100% $ - $ 144 $ 144 >100% 207 Buildin Ins ector $ - $ - _ _ $ - $ 95.61 $ 95.61 100% $ - $ 96 $ 96 >100% - - 208 Building Permit Tech $ - $ 83.90 $ - $ - ' ' $ - 100% $ - $ 84 $ 84 >100% 209 Director of Building and Fire $ - $ 251.77 $ - $ - $ - 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 210 Executive Secreta $ - $ .108.49 $ - $ - _ _ $ - 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 211 Neighborhood Services Staff $ - - $ - $ '178.59 $ 178.59 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% TOTALS: $ 13,649 $ 35,079. $ 21,430 Revenue Totals ~ 1 Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 i Ciry of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) FINAL RESULTS.- OTHER ITEMS Fee Service Information Recommended fees -:Plan Check "_Recommended Fees -Ins ection Potential Revenues Potential Potential ~ - Fee Revenue Potential Revenue Recommended Current Recommended Increase / Recovery at Current Revenue at Growth / Rate of Fee # Fee Title Current Fee Fee Fee Fee Decrease) Rate Fees Recd Fees Decline Chan e 1 Fire Sprinkler Systems -New Construction: $ - $ _ - $ - $ _ $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0°/, 2 1-50 Heads $ 114.00 $ 149.95 $1,140.00 $ 151.97 $ (988.03) 100% $ 1,140 $ 3,019 $ 1,879 165% 3 51-100 Heads $ 137.00 $ "185:95 $1,096.00 $ 223.68 $ (872.32) 100% $ 1,096 $ 3,277 $ 2,181 199% 4 101-200 Heads $ 160.00 $ 335:90 $1,440.00 $ _ 271.48 $ (1,168.52) 100% _ $ 1,440 $ 5,466 $ 4,026 280% 5 Every 200 Heads above 200 $ 183.00 $ 227.90_ $1,098.00 $ 151.97 $ (946.03) 100% $ 1,098 $ 2,279 $ 1,181 108% 8 Fire Sprinkler Systems -Tenant Improvemen $ - $ _ - _ $ - $ - $ - 0% $ . - $ - $ - 0% 9 1-25 Heads $ 89.00 $ 113.95 $1,335.00 $ 151.97 $ (1,183.03) 100% $ 1,335 $ 3,989 $ 2,654 199% 10 26-100 Heads $ 137.00 $ 221.95 $1,233.00 $ 223.68 $ (1,009.32) 100% $ 1,233 $ 4,011 $ 2,778 225% 11 Every 100 Heads above 100 $ 160.00 $ 185.95 $1,120.00 $ _ 199.77 $ (920.23) 100% $ 1,120 $ 2,700 $ 1,580. 141% 14 Fire Alarm System -New Construction: $ - $ $ - $ $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 15 1-50 Devices $ 89.00 149.95 $ $ 151.97 ,.-:151:97, 100% _ _ $ p% - • 16 " 5t=100'DeviCes $ 114.00- $ 22T:95 ' ' $ - $ 223.68 $ 223.68 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 17 Every 50 Devices above 100 $ 148.00 $ -149:95 $1,036.00 $ 199.77 $ (836.23) 100% $ 1,036 $ 2,448 $ 1,412 136% - - 18 Sprinkler Monitoring System $ 137.00 $ _ _ 329.94 - $ 959.00 $ 289.53 $ (669.47) 100% $ 959 $ 4,336 $ 3,377 352% 21 Fire Alarm System -Tenant improvements:- $ - $ _ - $ - $ 14:40. $ 14:40 100% $ - $ - $ - 0°/, 22 1-50 Devices $ 89.00 ' $ 149.95 _ $ - $ 151:97 $ 151.97 100% $ - $ - $ 0% 23 51-100 Devices $ 114.00 $ 221 95 $ 342.00 $ 223.68' $ (118.32) 100% $ 342 $ 1,337 $ 995 291% 24 Every 50 Devices above 100 $ 148.00 _ 149.95 $ 740.00 $ 199.77 $ (540.23) 100% $ 740 $ 1,749 $ 1,009 136% 25 Sprinkler Monitoring System _ $ 137.00 $ _ 329.94 _ $ 685.00 $ 289.53 $ (395.47) 100% $ 685 $ 3,097 $ 2,412 352% 28 Other Suppression S stems: $ - ' $ $ - $ ' $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 29 Inert Gas Systems $ 89.00 $ _ 149.95 $ 267.00 $ 151:97;,' $ (115.03) 100% $ 267 $ 906 $ 639 239% 30 Dry Chemical Systems $ 89.00 _1.85.95 $ - $ 128.06 $ 128.06 100% $ - $ - $ - 0°/, 31 Wet Chemical/Kitchen Hood $ 89.00 $ 185:95 $ 801.00 $ 199:77` $ (601.23) 100% $ 801 $ 3,471 $ 2,670 333% 32 Foam Systems $ 137.00 $ 185:95 $ - $ 271.48 $ 271.48 100% $ - $ - $ - p% 33 Paint Spray Booth $ 89.00 _ 329:94 $ 89.00 $ ___223:68 $ 134.68 100% _ $ 89 $ 554 $ 465 522% 35 Other Fire Fees: $ - $ ' - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - O%, 36 HydrantsNndergrourid Fire Service Plan Check _ $ 230.00 $ 221.95 $1,610.00 $ 128:06 $ (1,481.94) 100% $ 1,610 $ 2,450 $ 840 52% 37 Hydrant Flow Test (existing hydrants) $ - $ ' 41.95 $ - $ 14:40 $ 14.40 100% $ - $ 845 $ 845 >100% TOTALS: $ 14,991 $ 45,934 $ 3Q,943' 206% Revenue Totals 1 ~ ~ ~ _ 1 o~ Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 i i II _ t City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8~ Life Safety (Cost-Based) FINAL RESULTS - MPE ITEMS Fee Service Information Recommended Fees -"Plan Check Recommended Fees -Ins ection Potential Revenues Potential . Potential Fee Revenue Potential Revenue Recommended Current Recommended Increase / Recovery at Current Revenue at Growth / Rate of Fee # Fee Title Current Fee Fee Fee Fee Decrease Rate Fees Recd Fees Decline Chan e 1 ADMINISTRATIVE (BASE) FEES $ - $ - - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 2 Permit Issuance $ 23.50 $ `83.9_0 $ 1,880.00 $ _ - $ (1,880.00) 100% $ 1,880 $ 6,712 $ 4,832 257% 3 Su lemental Permit Issuance $ 7.25 $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 5 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES $ - $ r - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 6 0 $ - $ - $ - $ ' - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 7 FAU less than 100,000 Btu/h $ 14.80 $ 36.00 $ .14.80 $ 47.81 ` $ 33.01- 100% $ 15 $ 84 $ 89 466% 8 FAU rester than 100,000 Btu/h. $ ....18.20 $ 36.00 $ 18.20 $ 71.71 $ 53.51 100% $ 18 $ 108 $ 90 492% 9 Floorfumace (including vent) $ 14.80 $ 36:00 $ - $ 95.61 $ 95.61 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 10 ' Suspended;=wall; orfloor-mounted heaters - - -14.80 $ 36.00 14.80 $ 71.71 $ .__..,56.91... 100% $ 15 108 $ 93 628% 11 Appliance vents not included in an a pliance pe $ 7.25 36.00 $ - $ 71.71 $ 71.7T 100% $ - $ - $ 0% 12 Addition to each heating appliance, refrigeration $ 13.70 $ ' 36.OG $ 13.70 $ 71.7.1_ $ 58.01 100% $ 14 $ 108 $ 94 686% _ 13 Boiler or compressor, up to 3HP /Absorption sy $ 14.70 $ _ 36.00 $ 14.70 $ 95.61_ $ 80.91 100% $ 15 $ 132 $ 117 795% 14 Boiler. or-compressor, from 3HP to 15 HP / Abs $ 27.15 ' $ 72:00 $ - 95.61 $ 95.61- 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 15 Boiler or compressor, from 15 HP to 30 HP / Ab $ 37.25 $ 72:00 $ - $ 95:61.,'.. $ 95.61 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 16 Boiler or com ressor, from 30 HP to 50 HP, / ab $ 55.45 _ $ 10;799.63 $ - $ 71.71 $ 71.71 100% $ - $ - - 0% 17 Boiler or compressor, over 50 HP / Absorption s $ 92.65 $ ' 108.00 $ - $ _ 71.71 $ 71.71 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 18 Air-handling unit, including attached ducts. $ 10.65 $ 72.00 $ - $ 71.71, $ 71.71 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% - - - 19 Air-handlin unit over 10,000 CFM $ 10.65 $ 108.OU $ - $ ' 95.61 $ 95.61 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 20 Eva orative cooler $ 10.65 $ _ '36A0 $ - $ 47.81 $ 47.81 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 21 Ventilation fan connected to a single duct $ 7.25 $ 72:00 $ 7.25 $ 71.71 ' $ 64.46 100% $ 7 $ 144 $ 136 1882% 22 Ventilation system (not a portion of heatin or a $ 10.65 108.00 $ 10.65 $ 95.61 $ 84.96 100% $ 11 $ 204 $ 193 1812% 23 Hood and duct system. $ 10.65 $ 144.00 $ - $ 119.52 $ 119.52 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 24 Incinerator, residential $ 18.20 $ 179.99 $ - $ 143.42 $ 143.42 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% - - - - 25 Commercial or Industrial-type incinerator $ 14.50 $ 215.99 $ - $ 143.42 $ 143.42 100% - $ - $ - $ - 0% 26 Misc. appliances or equi ment. $ 10.65 $ 108.0_0 $ - $ ' 95.6_1 $ 95.61 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 27 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% _ $ - $ - $ - 0% 28 Stand Alone Mechanical Plan Check (hourly rat $ 47.00 $ 144.00 $ 94.00 $ - $ (94.00) 100% $ 94 $ 288 $ 194 206% - 29 Other MechanicaFlnspections (per hour $ 47.00 $ - $ 235.00 $ 95.61 $ (139.39) 100% $ 235 $ 478 $ 243 103% 30 0 $ - $ $ - $ _ $ - U% $ $ _ $ _ 0% l ~7 ~ Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 i City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) FINAL RESULTS -'MPE ITEMS Fee Service /nforma6on F?ecorr?mended Fees -Plan Check" Recommended Fees -Ins ection Potential Revenues Potential Potential -Fee Revenue Potential Revenue Recommended Current Recommended Increase / Recovery at Current Revenue at Growth / Rate of Fee # Fee Title Current Fee Fee Fee Fee Decrease Rate Fees Recd Fees Decline Chan e 32 PLUMBING 1 GAS PERMIT FEES $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 33 0 $ - $ - $ - $ $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 34 Plumbing fixtures $ 9.80 $ 36.00 $ 29.40 $ _ 47.81 $ 18.41 100% $ 29 $ 251 $ 222 755% 35 Buildin sewer $ 24.65 $ 72.00 $ 123.25 $ 71.71 $ (51.54) 100% $ 123 $ 719 $ 595 483% 36 Rainwaters stems ( er drain) $ 9.80 $ ' 36.00 $ - $ 47.81 $ 47.81 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 37 Cesspool -delete] $ $ _ 36.00 $ - $ - $ - 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 38 Private sewage disposal system $ 74.50 $ _ 108.00 $ - $ 119:52„ $ 119.52 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 39 Water Heater $ 12.30 $ 72.00 123.00 $ 47.81 $ (75.19) 100% $ 123 $ 1,198 $ 1,075 874% 40 Industrial waste pretreatment interceptor $ 19.90 $ 36.00 $ 39.80 $ 71.71 $ .31.91 100% $ 40 $ 215 $ 176 441% '41 Waterpiping~and/orwatertreatinge uipment°(e $ - 4.75 36AU 23,75 $ 71.71 $ ° 24 $ 539 $ 515 2168% :.:_4Z.96. 100% 42 Repair or alteration of drainage or vent ipin $ 4.75 $ _ 36.0_0 $ - $ 71.7_1 $ 71.71 100% $ - $ ~ $ - ` 0% 43 Each lawn sprinkler system on any one meter - $ - $ 36.00 $ - $ - $ - 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 44 Backflow devices each. unit. $ 14.80 $ _ 72.00 $ - ! $ 47'81 $ 47.81 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 45 Atmospheric-type vacuum breakers:.1-5 units.. $ . 12.30 $ 72.OG $ - $ 47.81 $ 47:81, 100% $ - $ = $ - 0% - 46 Atmospheric-type vacuum breakers: each unite $ 2.25 $ 72.00 $ - $ 47.81.. $ 47.81 100% $ - $ - ' ' $ - 0% 48 Stand Alone Plumbing Plan Check (hourly rate) $ 47.00 $ '144.0[i $ - $ - $ - 100% _ $ - $ - $ - 0% 49 Other Plumbin and Gas Inspections (per hour $ 47.00 $ - $ - $ 95.61 $ 95.61 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 51 0 $ - $ _ $ - $ _ $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% i l Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 t_ City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) FINAL RESULTS - MPE ITEMS Fee Service:Infor?nation Recommended Fees -Plan Check Recommended Fees -Ins ec6on `Potential Revenues Potential Potential Fee Revenue Potential Revenue Recommended Current Recommended Increase / Recovery at Current Revenue at Growth / Rate of Fee # Fee Title Current Fee '.Fee Fee .Fee Decrease Rate Fees Recd Fees Decline Chan e 52 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES $ - $ - $ - $ _ $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 54 SYSTEM FEES: $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 55 0 $ _ $ - r $ - $ - $ _ 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 56 Residential swimming Pools $ 49.50 108.00 $ 198.00 $ 167.32 $ (30.68) 100% $ 198 $ 1,101 $ 903 456% 57.0 _ $ - $ - l $ - $ - $ . - 0% _ . $ . - $ - $ - 0% - 58 Outdoor Events - $ - $ 1.08.00 ` $ - $ 71.71 $ 71.71 100% $ - $ 539 $ 539 >100% 60 Electric generator and electrically-driven rides $ 23.50 $ 72.00 $ 70:50 $ 71.71 $ 1.21 100% $ 71 $ 431 $ 361 512% -61: Mechanical( -driven..ridesGattractions with electr $ - - 7.25 $ 08.00 _ 21:75 $ 71.71 $ 49:96' 100% $ '22 ' " 539 " 517 -2379% _ _ _ 62 Each system of area and booth lighting $ 7.25 '72.00 $ 14.50 $ rr 71.7.1 $ 57.21 100% $ 15 $ 287 $ 273 .1882% 63 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 65 Temporary-Power Service $ - $ 72.0_0 $ $ _-_._..47.81_ $ ..47.81 100% _ $ - , - $ , po/a . 66 Temporary power pole. $ 23.50 $ ::72:00 $ 117.50 $ 47.81 $ 69.69) 100% $ 118. $ 599 , $ 482" 410% 67 Sub oles (each). $ 12.30 $ "36:00 $ 49.20 $ '>33.46 $ (15.74) 100% $ 49 $ 278 $ 229 465% 68 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 69 UNIT FEES: _ $ - ! $ - _ $ - $ - _ $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 71 Receptacle, Switch, and Li htin Outlets $ - $ 36.00 $ - $ - $ - 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 72 0 $ - $ $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 73 First 10 $ 1.10 $ 72.0_0 $ 5.50 $ 47.81"' $ 42.31 100% _ $ 6 $ 599 $ 594 10791% 74 Each Additional 10 $ 0.73 $ 72.00 $ 0.73 $ 47,81,,, $ 47.08 100% $ 1 $ 120 $ 119 16312% 75 0 $ - $ c - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 77 Lighting Fixtures $ - $ _ - $ - ' - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 78 First 10 $ 1.10 , 72.00 $ 5.50 $ 71.71 $ 66.21 100% $ 6 $ 719 $ 713 12964% 79 Each additional 10 $ 0.73 $ '.'.36'00 $ - $ 71.71 $ 71.71 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% _ 80 .Pole or lattorm-mounted lightin fixtures (each $ 1.10 $ ' 72.00 _ $ - $ _ 71.71 $ 71.71 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 81 Theatrical-type lighting fixtures or assemblies (e $ 1.10 $ 72.00 $ - $ ` 95.61 $ 95.61 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 82 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% _ 83 Residential Appliances (each) $ 4.75 $ 72.00 $ - $ 47.81 $ 47.81 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 84 0 _ $ - $ - $ - $ - - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 85 Nonresidential Ap liances $ 4.75 $ 108.00 $ - $ 95.61 $ 95.61 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 86 Residential a liances and self-contained, nonr $ 4.75 $ 108.00.. , $ 19.00 $ _ [t 95.61 $ 76.61 100% $ 19 $ 814 $ 795 4187% 87 A liances not exceeding one horsepower (HP) $ 4.75 $ ..144.00 r~ $ - $ 95.61:': $ 95.61 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 88 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 89 0 $ - ' $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% `rte ~ ~ - C~ Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) FINAL RESULTS:- MPE ITEMS " Fee Service,lrifonnaSon Recommended Fees -Plan Check Recommended Fees-Ins ection Potential Revenues Potential Potential Fee Revenue Potential Revenue Recommended Current Recommended Increase / Recovery at Current Revenue at Growth / Rate of Fee # Fee Title Current Fee Fee Fee Fee Decrease Rate Fees Recd Fees Decline Chan e 90 Power Apparatus $ - $ - $ - $ - _ $ - 0% $ - $ - $ 0% 91. Motors, generators, transformers, rectifiers, syn $ - $ 108.00 $ - $ 47.81 $ 47.81 100% $ - .935 $ 935 >100% 92 Rating in horsepower (HP), kilowatts (K11~, or ki $ - $ 1b8.OG $ - $ 71.71.. $ 71.71 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% - 93 Up to and including 1 (each) - delete]- $ 4.75 ' $ $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 94 Over 1-and not over 10 (each) - [delete] $ 12.30. $ - $ - . $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% = 95 Over 10 and not over 50 (each) - [delete] $ 24.60 $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 96 Over 50 and not over.100 (each) - [delete] $ 49.50 $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% ' 97 Over 100_(each) - [delete] $ 74.50 $ _ $ - $ $ _ 0% $ $ $ - Oqo 98 - [delete] $ - $ - - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 99.- Note:.These fees.includeall witches: circuit-br S = - $ 72.00 $ _ $ _ $ _ _ _ _ _ 100% - ` $ -`"U°/, 100 0 $ - _ $ - $ - _ $ - 0% - $ - $ - $ - 0% ' 101 Busways ~ $ - $ <72.OG _ $ - $ ' 71.71 $ 71.71 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 102 Trolle and plug-in-type busways -each 100 fee $ 7.25 $ 172.00 $ - 71.71: $ _ .71.71 100% $ - $ _ - $ - 0% - 103 (An additional fee will berequired for lighting fixt $ - $ ' 72AG $ $ _ - $ - 100% $ , - - $ $ _ - 0% ' 104 0 $ $ $ , - $ - _ $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - . 0% _ _ _ o 105 Signs, Outline Lighting, and Mar uees _ $ - $ _ - ' $ - $ _ - $ _ po/, $ $ $ 0% 106 Signs, Outline Lighting, or Mar uees supplied fr $ 24.60 $ 72_.00 $ 147.60 $ _ 71.71 _ $ (75.89) 100% $ 148 $ 862 $ 715 484% 107 Additional-branch circuits within the same sign, $ 4.75 ' __72.00 $ 9.50 $ 47.81 $ 38.31 100% $ 10 $ 240 $ 230 2422% 108 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - - _ _ $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 109 Services $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 110 Services of 600 volts or less and not over 200 a $ 30.50 108.00 $ 305.00 $ 95:61 $ (209.39) 100% $ 305 $ 2,036 $ 1,731 568% 111 Services of 600 volts or less and over 200 am $ 62.15 $ 179.99 $ 186.45 $ 119.52' $ 66.93) 100% $ 186 $ 899 $ 712 382% 112 Services over 600 volts or over 1000 amperes i $ 124.30 .,___287.99 $ - $ 1143.42 $ 143.42 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 113 0 $ - _ - _ $ - $ _ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 114 Miscellaneous Apparatus, Conduits, and Condu $ 18.20 $ 72.00 $ - $ 71.71 $ 71.71 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 115 Electrical apparatus, conduits, and conductors f $ - $ 72.00 $ - $ _ 95.61 $ 95.61 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 116 0 $ - $ _ $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 117 0 - .I 118 - Photovotaic Systems -each - - 183.00 $ ..108:00 $ 915.00 $ ' 143.42.. $ (771:58) ; 100% $ 915 $ 1,257 $ 342 37% 119 0 $ . - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% _ $ - $ - $ . - 0% 120 0 $ - $ _ $ - $ ' _ $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 121 Stand Alone Electrical Plan Check (hourly rate) $ 47.00 $ 144:00 $ - $ - $ - 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 122 Other Electrical Inspections (per hour) $ 47.00 $ ' = $ - $ 95:61 $ 95.61 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% TOTALS: $ 4,708 $ 23,541 $ 18,833 Revenue Totals ~ ' Off` ~ , \ Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8~ Life Safety (Cost-Based) PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE:SCHEDUL'€ FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Base ICC (UBC) Size Basis Recommended Each Fee # `Use Type Occupancy (square feet) Fee Base Cost Additional SF 2,000 $ 2,722 ' $ 2,722. $ _ 0:142 8,000. $ 3;573 $ 3,573 $ 0.176. 1 A-1 Assembly Group -Theaters 20,000 $ 5,687 $ `5,687 0.192 40,000 $ 9,528 $ 9,528 $ 0.125 100,000 17,007 $ 17,007 $ 0.+170 1,000 $ 1,568 ~ 1,`568. $ 0.163 4,000 $ 2,058 ~ 2,058 $ 0.203 ~ - - 2 A-2 Assembly-Group: Churches;'restaurants ~ . - 10;000 3,276 S 3,276 0.221 20,000 $ 5,488 ~ 5,488 $ 0.144 50,000 9,795 $ 9,795 $ 0:196 250 $ 534 $ .:534 _0.223. 1,000 $ 701 $ 701 0.277 3 A Assembly Group - TI 2,500 $ 1,116 $ 1,116 $ _ 0.301 5,000 $ 1,869 $ 1,869_ 0,196 12,500 3,336 ~ 3,336 $ 0:267' 1,000 $ 1,568 $ 1,568 ; $ 0`163 4,000 $ 2,058 $ 2,058 $ 0.203 4 A-3 Church and Religious Bldg -Complete 10,000 $ 3,276 $ 3,276 $ 0:221 20,000 $ 5;488 $ 5,488 $ 0.144 50,000 9,795 $ 9,795:.: $ 0:196.. 500 $ 947 $ `947 $ 0.198 _ - _ 2,000 $ 1,244 $ 1,244 $ _ 0.245:. 5 R-4 Congregate Care -Complete 5,000 $ 1,980. $ 1,980 $ _0:267 10,000 $ 3,316 $ 3,316 $ 0:174 25,000 5,920 $ 5,920 $ 0'.237 250 $ 534 $ 534 $ - 0.223 1,000 $ 701 $ 701 $ 0.277 6 A-3 Church and Religious Bldg - TI 2,500 $ . 1,116 $ 1,116 $ 0'30'! 5,000 $ 1,869 $ 1,869 _ 0:196 S~ 12,500 3,336 $ 3,336 $ 0.267 OG~ Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 ~ - City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Base ICC (IJBC) Size Basis Recommended Each Fee # Use Type Occupancy (square feet) 'Fee Base Cost Additional SF 2,000 $ 2,016 $ 2;016 $ 0:105 8,000 $ 2,646 $ " 2,646 $ 0._131 7 E Educational Building -Complete 20,000 $ 4,212 $ 4,212° $ 0.142 40,000 $ 7,056 $ 7;056... $ 0:092_ 100,000 12,594 $ 12;594 0.126 250 $ 534 _ $ 534 0:223 1,000 $ 701 $ 701 $ - 0:277 - _ 8 - E Educational Building - Tt - .2;500 $ 1,116 _ $ 1,116 $ 0.301 - - _ _ 5,000 $ 1,869 $ 1,869 0.196 12,500 3,336 $ 3,336 $ 0.267 500. $ 706 706 0.147 2,000 $ 927 $ 927 $ 0:183 9 S-2 Parking Garage -Complete 5,000 $ 1,476 $ 1,476 $ 0.199 10,000 $ 2,472 $ 2,472 $ 0.129 25,000 4,413. $ 4,413 $ 0.177 1,000 $ 1,568 $ 1,568 0:163 4,000 $ 2,058 $ 2,058 _ 0.203 10 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise -Complete 10,000 $ 3,276 $ 3,276 $ 0.221 20,000 $ 5,488 $ 5,488 $ 0.144 50,000 9,795 $ 9,795 $ 0.196. 1,000 $ 672 $ 672 $ 0.070 4,000.- $ 882 882 0.087' 11 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise -Shell 10,000 $ 1,404 $ 1,404: $ 0.095 20,000 $ 2,352 $ 2;352 $ 0.062 50,000 4,197 $ 4,197 0.084 250 $ 500 $ 500 0.208 1,000 $ 656 $ '656 ' $ 0.259 12 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise - TI 2,500 $ 1,044 $ 1,044 $ 0.282 5,000 $ 1,748 $ 1,748 $ 0:183 ~ 12,500 3,121 $ 3;.121 0.250 i .S~ Wohlford Consulting t'' ' November 13, 2007 - _ . _ City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8~ Life Safety (Cost-Based) i PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR .NEW. CONSTRUCTION Base ICC (UBC) 'Size Basis Recommended Each Fee # Use Type Occupancy (square feet) Fee' Base Cost Atlditional SF 13 B Offices, etc. -Complete 500 $ 1,008 $ 1,008 $ 0.210 14 2,000 $ 1,323 $ 1,323 $ 0:261 15 5,000 $ 2,106 $ 2,106 $ 0.284 16 10,000 $ 3,527 5 3,527 $ 0.185 17 25,000 $ 6,296 ~ 6,296 $ 0'.252 - 1,000 $ 517 S 517 0.054 . , 4,000 $ 678 $ 678 0.067 18 B Offices,-etc. --Shell 10;000- 1`;080` $ 1,080 $ 0.073 20,000 $ 1,809 $ 1,809 $ 0:047 - 50,000 $ 3,229 $ 3,229 $ 0:065' 100 $ 369 369 $ 0.383 , 400 484 $ 484 $ 0.477 19 B Offices, etc. - TI 1,000 $ 770 $ 770 $ 0:520 2,000 $ 1,290 $ 1,290 $ 0.338_ 5,000 $ 2,303 $ 2,303 $ 0.461: 1,000 $ 1,568 $ 1';568 $ 0:163 4,000 $ 2,058 $ 2,058 $ ' 0:203'.. 20 F-1 Industrial Building -Complete 10,000 $ 3,276 $ . 3,276 $ 0:221 20,000 $ 5,488 $ '5,488 $ 0.144 50,000 9,795 $ _ 9,795 $ 0.196 1, 000 $ 879 $ '879 $ ' '0.091 4, 000 $ 1,153- $ 1,153 $ 0.114 , 21 F-1 Industrial Building.-Shell 10,000 $ 1,836 $ 1,836 0.124 20,000 $ 3,075 $ 3,075 $ 0.080 50,000 5,489 $ 5,489 $ 0.110 250 $ 500 $ 500' $ 0.208 1,000 $ 656 $ 656 $ `0.259 _ _ 22 F-1 Industrial Building - TI 2,500 $ 1,044 $ 1,044 $ 0:2_82: - 5,000 $ .1,748 $ 1,748 0.'183 ~ - 12,500 3,121 $ 3,121 .0.250 1 p Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 r~: " City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE ' ~ Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8: Life Safety (Cost-Based) PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW _CONSTRUCTION; :Base tCC (UBC) Size Basis Recommended Each Fee # Use T pe Occupancy. (square feet) Fee Base Cost Additional SF 500 $ 879. $ 879 $ 0..183 2,000 $ 1,153 $ 1,153 $ 0.228 23 S-1 Repair Garage & Service St -Complete 5,000 $ 1,836 $ 1,836 0.248:. 1.0,000 $ 3,075 $ 3,075 $ 0.161 25;000. 5,489 $ 5,489 ` $ 0.220 500 $ 434 $ 431 $ 0:089 2,000' $ _......565. $ :565 $ _ 0.112 24 S-1- _ " ;Repair=Garage=..&=Service:St -:Shell : - 5,000- 900.= $ 900 $ _0::121 ` - 10,000 $ - 1.,507 $ --1,507 $ 0.079 25,000 2,690 $ - 2,690 - 0.10'8 - - 100 $ 482 $ 482 $ 0.503 _ _ , ......400 - $ . - ..633 _ - 633 _ $ ` ...._0:625 25 S-1 Repair Garage & Service St - TI 1,000 $ 1,008 $ 1,008 $ 0.680.. '2,000 $ 4,688 $ 1,688 $ 0.442 5,000 $ 3,013 $ 3,01.3... $ 0.603 500 $ 947 $ 947, $ 0.198 . - 2,000 1,244 $ 1,244 0.245 26 M Retail Sales -Complete 5,000 $ 1,980 $ 1,980 $ 0.267 _ -10,000 $ - -3;316 $ 3,316.: $ 0.174 - . ..25,000 5,920 $ 5,920 $ -0.237 500 $ 431 $ 431: $ ..:.0.089 _ - _ _ _ . _ 2,000 . _ 565 $ 565 ' $ 0.112 27 M Retail Sales -Shelf 5,000 $ 900 _ 900 $ 0.121 10,000 $ 1,507 $ 1,507 $ 0.079 _ 25,000 2,690 $ _ _-2,690 $ 0.108 100 $ 482 ` $ 482 $ 0.503 400 $ 633 $ - ----633 $ 0.625 I - 28 M Retail Sales - TI 1,000 $ 1,008 $ 1,008 0.680` . 2,000 $ 1,688 $ 1,688 $ 0.442 ~j - : _ 5,000 3,013 $ _3,013 ~ 0.603 l Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8: Life Safety (Cost-Based) PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE`SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Base ICC (UBC) Size Basis Recommended Each Fee. # Use Type Occupancy (square;#eet) Fee Base Cost Additional SF 2,000 $ 879 $ 879- $ 0`'046 8, 000 $ 1,153 $ 1,153 $ 0:057 29 - Warehouse -Complete 20,000 $ 1,836 _ 1,836 $ 0:062 . 40,000 $ 3,075 $ 3,075 $ 0.040 100,000 $ 5,489 5,489 $ 0.55 1,000 $ 1,568 3 1;568 $ 0.163 4,000 $ 2,058 $ 2,058 $ 0.203 - = 30 - I-1- -Medical/24 Hour Care --Complete - - _ _ 10,000 3;276- - $ 3,276 $ 0.221 - 20,000 $ 5,488 $ 5,488 $ 0.'144 50,000 9,795 $ 9;795 $ 0.196 ` 1,000.$ 706 $ 706 $ 0'.074 4,000 $ 927. $ 927 $ 0:092 - 31 I-1 Medical/24 Hour Care -Shell 10,000 $ 1,476 $ 1,476 $ 0.100 _ 20,000 $ 2,472 _ $ _ 2,472 $ 0.065 50,000 4,413 $ 4,413 $ 0:088 100 $ 637 $ 637 $ 0:667 400 $ 837 $ - 837 $ 0:825' 32 I-1 Medical/24Hour Care - TI 1,000 $ 1,332 $ 1;332 $ 0:899 2,000 $ 2,231 $ 2;231 $ 0.584 5,000 3,982 $ 3,982 $ 0.796` 1, 000 $ 1, 568 $ 1; 568 $ 0.`163 4,000. $ 2,058 $ 2,058 $ 0:203 33 ' B Medical Offices -Complete 10,000 $ 3,276 $ 3,276 $ 0.221 - - 20,000 $ 5,488 $ 5,488. $ 0.144: 50,000 9,795 9,795 $ 0:196 1,000 $ 706 $ 706 ..0:074'. _ 4,000 $ 927 - 927 ` $ 0;092' ~ 34 B Medical Offices -Shell 10,000 $ 1,476 $ 1,476 0.100 20,000 $ 2,472 $ _ 2,472 $ 0:065 50,000 4,413 $ 4,413 0.088 Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 _ ..\1 ~ City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) PLAN' CHECK VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Base' ICC (UBC) Size Basis Recommended Each Fee # Use Type ' Occupancy '(square'feet) Fee Base Cost Additional SF ; 250 $ 637 $ 637 $ 0.267 1,000 $ 837 $ - 837 $ 0.330.: 35 B Medical Offices - TI 2,500 $ 1,332 1,332 $ ' 0.360 5,000 $ 2,231 $ 2.,231 $ 0.233 12,500 .3,982 $ 3,.982 $ ' 0.319 500 $ 1,051 $ 1,051 $ 0.219 2,000 $ ~ 1,379 $ 1,379 $ 0.272 36 _ - Restaurant - Complete_ _ _ 5,000_.. _ 2,196_.... $ ' 2,196 $ 0.296 . _ _ _ _ 10,000 $ 3,678 $ 3,678 $ 0.193 - 25,000 6,566 $ 6,566 $ ` 0.263 500 $ 534 $ ' 534 $ 0.111. 2,000 $ 701 $ 701 $ 0.138 _ 37 - Restaurant -Shell 5,000 $ 1,116 $ 1,116 $ 0.1`51 10,000 $ 1,869 $ 1,869 $ 0.098`' _ _ 25,000 $ 3,336 $ 3,336 $ 0.133 250 $ 448 $ :.448... $ 0.187 1,000 $ 588 588 $ 0.232. 38 - Restaurant - TI 2,500 $ 936 $ 936 $ 0.253 5,000 $ 1,568 $ 1;568 $ '0.164 12,500 2,798 2,79:8 $ 0.224 250 $ 844 $ 844 $ 0:352 1,000 $ 1,108 1,108 $ 0.437 i 39 I-4 Day Care Facility -Complete 2,500 $ 1,764 $ 1,764 ' $ 0.4_76 5,000 $ 2,955 $ 2,955 $ 0.309 12,500 5,274 - _ $ 5,274 $ 0.422 100 $ 637 $ 637 $ 0.667 400 $ 837 $ 837 $ 0825 40 I-4 Day Care Facility - TI 1,000 $ 1,332 $ 1;332 $ 0.899 ~ 2,000 $ 2,231 $ 2,231 $ 0.584' ~ 5,000 3,982 $ 3,982, $ 0.796 Wohlford Consulting s' November 13, 2007 - , j City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8: Life Safety (Cost-Based) PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE.:SCHEDULE FOR NEW..CONSTRUCTION Base ICC (UBC) Size Basis Recommended. Each Fee # Use Type Occupancy (square feet) Fee Base Cost Additional SF 500 $ 741 $ 741 $ ' 0.154 ` 2,000 $ 972 __972 $ 0.192= 41 H Hazardous H- Complete 5,000 $ 1,548. $ 1,548 ` 0.209 10,000 $ 2,593 $ 2,593 $ 0._._136 25,000 $ 4,628 4,628 $ 0.185 500 $ 1,051 $ 1,051 $ 0.219 2,000 $ 1,379 1,3_79 $ Or272 42 H Hazardous_H-Shell. 5,000_.$ 2,1.96- $ _2,196 `0.296 - - 10,000 $ 3,678 $ 3,678_ 0.193_ 25,000 6,566 $ 5,566 $ 0:263 100 $ 637 $ 637 $ 0.667 400 $ 837 $ 837 $ 0.825 - - 43 H Hazardous H-T I 1,000 $ 1,332 $ 1,332 $ 0.899._ 2,000 $ 2,231 $ 2,231 ~ 0.584 5,000 3,982 $ 3;982 $ 0.796 200 $ 362 $ 362 $ 0:18_8 800 $ 475 $ 475 $ 0.234 44 - Commercial Building -Foundation 2,000 $ 756 $ 756' $ `°0.255 4,000 $ 1,266 $ 1,266 $ 0.166" 10,000 2,260 $ 2,260 $ ; 0.226 200 $ 396 $ 396 $ 0..207 800 $ 520 $ 520 $ , 0.257 45 = Commercial Building -'Addition 2,000 $ 828 _ 828 $ _ 0.280' 4,000 $ 1,387 $ 1,387 $ 0:181 10,000 2,475 $ 2,475 0.248 1,000 $ 1,568 $ 1,568 0.1.63_ 4,000 $ 2,058 $ 2,058 $ 0.203 46 R-2 Apartment Building 10,000 $ 3,276 $ 3,276 $ 0.221 20,000 $ 5,488 $ 5,488 $ 0:1.44`_ 50,000. $ 9,795 $ 9,795 $ '0:196 Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) PLAN CHECK VARIABLE-FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION - Base ICC (UBC) Size Basis Recommended. Each Fee # Use Type Occupancy ;(square feet) Fee Base'Cost Additional SF 47 IRC SFD Single-Family (custom or model) 1,000 $ 1,116 $ 1,116 $ 0:093 48 - 2,000. $ 1,209 $ _ 1,209 $ 0.468.: 49 - 3,000 $ 1,677 $ 1;677 $ 0.251` " 5,000 $ 2,178 $ ; T2,178 $ - 0.350' _ 7,500 $ 3,053 $ 3,053 $ 0:407 667 $ 407 $ 407 0.051 1,333 $ 441 $ 441 " 0:257 52 IRC SFD Single-Family -Production /Repeat 2,000,_ - 6.12., . $ 612 $ 0.137 3, 333 $ 794 $ 794 $ 0.192 5,000 1,114 $ 1,114 $ 0:223 333 $ 359 $ 359 $ 0.090` _ 667 $ 389 $ 389 0.453`._ . 53 - Moved Building -Residential 1,000 $ 540 ' $ 540 $ 0.242 1,667 $ 701 $ 701 $ 0.338 2,500 983 $ 983 $ 0':393 800 $ 273 $ 273 $ 0.029 1,600 $ 296 $ 296 $ - 0.143 - 54 R-3 Manufactured Home -Complete 2,400 $ 410 $ 410 0:077 . 4,000. $ 533 $ 533 $ ''-0.107 6,000 747 $ 747 $ 0.125- 667 $ 273 , 273 $ 0:035 1,333 $ 296 $ 296 0.171` - - 55 R-3 Prefabricated Dwelling -Complete 2,000 $ 410 $ _ .41'0 ` $ 0.092 3,333 $ 533 $ `533 0:128' 5,000 $ 747 $ 747 $ 0:1.49 120 $ 179 $ _ 179 $ ° 0.1.56... 480 $ 235 $ 235 ; $ 0;193 56 - Commercial Coach -Complete 1,200 $ 374 $ 374 $ 0.211 2,400 $ 627 $ 627 $ 0.1_37 Q 6,000 1,119 $ 1,11.9 $ 0.1$7 - ~ _ Wohlford Consulting ~ November 13, 2007 } l _ _ _ City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) PLAN CHECK VARIABLE°`FEE SCHEDULE FOR'NEW<CONSTRUCTION Base ~ ICC (UBC) Size Basis Recommended Each Fee # Use Type Occupancy (square feet) Fee ' Base Cost Additional SF 240 $ 179 $ 179 " $ 0:078 960 $ 235 $ 235 $ 0:097 57 - Modular Building -Complete 2,400 $ 374 $ 374 $ _0:105 4,800 $ 627 $ 627 $ ` 0.0_68'' 12,000 1,119 $ ; 1,119 $ -0.093- 500 $ 196 $ 196 $ 0:041 2,000 $ 258 $ 258 $ 0:051 58 - Manufactured Building - Fnd 5,000_. .410., . $ 410 $ 0.055 - 10,000 $ 687 $ _ 687 $ 0.036 25,000 1,226 $ 1;226 $ 0:049 167 $ 273 $ 273:.. $ 0.138 - 333 $ 296 $ 296 $ 0.684. 59 U Residential Garage 500 $ 410 $ 410 _ $ 0.369 833 $ 533 _ $ 533 $ 0.514` 1,250 747 $ 747 $ 0:598 40 $ 224 $ _224 ` $ _ 0.583 160 $ 294 ; 294 $ 0.725:. 60 U Pool/Spa -Standard Plan 400 $ 468 .468 ' ; $ 0.790 800 $ 784 $ 784 ' $ 0.513.: 2,000 $ 1,399 $ 1;399 $ 0.700 200 $ 637 $ 637 $ 0.333 - _ 800 $ 837 $ 837 $ _ 0.413 _ 61 - Commercial Building -Remodel 2,000 $ 1,332 $ 1,332 $ 0.450 4,000 $ 2,231 $ 2,231 $ 0:292_ 10,000 3,982 $ ......_3,982 $ Os398 200 $ 603 603 $ 0.313 800 $ 791 $ 791 $ 0.391 62 - Commercial Building -Repair 2,000 $ 1,260 $ 1,260 $ _ 0.425 , 4,000 $ 2,110 $ 2,110 $ 0.276 ~ 10,000 3,767 $ 3,.767 $ 0:377 t Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 ' City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8~ Life Safety (Cost-Based) PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE-SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION.... Base ICC (UBC) Size $asis Recommended Each Fee # Use Type Occupancy (square feet) Fee Base `cost Additional SF t 500 $ 293 293 $ ' "0.061 2,000 $ 384 $ 384 $ _ 0:076 63 S-2 Commercial Carport -Std. Plan 5,000 $ 612 612 $ .0.083 10,000 $ 1,025 $ 1,025 0:054` 25,000 1,829 $ 1,829 $ 0.073; 50 $ 210 $ 210 $ ' 0.440 200 $ 276 $ 276 $ 0:543 64 U-1 Accessory Building -Commercial 500 $ 439 ~ 439 ' $ _ _0.592, . 1,000 $ 735 $ 735 $ ` 0.385 2,500 1, 312 $ 1,312 $ 0.525 - 50 $ 210 $ 210 $ 0:440 200 $ 276 $ ' _ 276 $ 0.543 65 _ U-1 Commercial Carport 500 $ 439 $ 439 $ 0.592 1,000 $ 735 $ 735 $ ` 0.385 2,500 1,312 $ 1,312 $ 0.525 167 $ 407 $ 407 $ 0.204 333 $ 441 $ 44.1 $ 1.026 66 IRC SFD Single-Family Residential -Addition 500 $ 612 612 $ 0.546 833 $ 794 $ 794 $ 0.:768 1,250 1,114 $ 1,114 $ 0.891 333 $ 551 $ 551 $ 0.138 667 $ 597. $ 597 $ 0.693 ' 67 R-2 Multi-Family Residential -Addition 1,000- $ 828 $ 828 $ 0:371 1,667 $ 1,075 $ 1,075 $ 0.518'` 2,500 1,507 $ 1,507 $ ' 0"603 333 $ 263 263.. $ 0.066 , 667 $ 285 $ 285 $ 0.333' 68 IRC SFD Single-Family Residential -Remodel 1,000 $ 396 396 $ 0.177 1,667 $ 514 $ 514 0.2_48: ~ _ 2,500 721 $ ' 721 $ 0.288 V - ~ Wohlford Consulting ~ November 13, 2007 t 1 . City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8~ Life Safety (Cost-Based) PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION ..Base' ICC (UBC)' Size Basis Recommended Each Fee # Use Type Occupancy (square feet) Fee ...Base Cost Additional SF , 667 $ 364 S 364 $ 0'':045_ 1,333 $ 394 $ 394 $ _ 0:230 69 R-2 Multi-Family Residential -Remodel 2,000 $ 547 $ 547 0.122 3,333. $ -710 $ 710 0.172 5,000 996 $ 996 $ 0.199' 333 $ 292 $ 292 $ 0:072 667 $ 316 $ .316 $ _ 0:369 70 IRC SFD Residential Building -Foundation 1,000 $ 43.9 _ $ " 439 $ 0:197 _ _ _ , _ 1,667 $ 570° ._..:._570 $ ' 0.275; 2,500 799 $ 799 0.320` 83 $ 263 $ 263 $ 0.264 167 $ 285 $ 285 $ 1.332 71 U-1 Accessory Building -Residential 250 $ 396 $ 396 $ _0.708 _ 417 $ 514 $ 514 $ 0.994 625 $ 721 $ 721 $ 1:154 ' 133 $ 263 $ 263 $ 0: 9 65 267 $ 285 $ 285 $ ; 0.833 72 U-1 Residential Carport 400 $ 396 $ 396 $ _ '0.44_3 667. $ 514 $ 514 $ 0.621 1000 721 $ 721 $ 0;721... 83 $ 263 $ 263 $ 0.264 167 $ 285 $ _285 _ $ _ 1:332 - - 73 IRC SFD Residential-Patio Cover/Balcony/Deck 250 $ 396° $ 396` $ 0.7_08 417 $ 514 514 $ 0:994' 625 721 $ 721 $ 1:,154 83 $ 263 263 $ 0:264 _ _ 167 $ 285 $ 285 $ 1:332- 74 _ IRC SFD Residential Patio Cover ICC Approved 250 $ 396 $ 396 $ 0.708. 417 $ 514 $ 514 $ ,0.994 ~ 625 721 $ 721 $ 1.154> OG~ Wohlford Consulting ~ November 13, 2007 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE'`SCHEDULE>FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Base ICC (UBC) Size Basis Recommended Each Fee # Use Type: Occupancy (square`feet) Fee Base Cost Additional SF 83 $ 263 $ 263 $ " 0.264 167 $ 285 ` 285 $ _ 1:332 75 ' IRC SFD Residential Patio Enclosure 250 $ 396 $ .396 $ 0:708 417 $ 514 $ 51_4_ $ 0.994 625 721 $ 721' $ 1.154 83 $ 263 $ 263 $ 0.264 .167 $ 285. $ _ 285 $ 1:332; 76 IRC SFD Residential Patio Enclosure ICC Approved 250. $ 396 $ _396 $ 0.708 _ 417 $ 514 $ _ 514 0.994 625 $ 721 $ 721 $ 1.154 I l .S~ ~ ~ ~ - Wohlford Consulting ~ November 13, 2007 - - - - City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8~ Life Safety (Cost-Based) INSPECTION'VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Base ICC_(UBC) Size Basis Recommended Each - Fee # Use T pe, Occupancy (square feet) Fee ' Base:Cost Additional SF ; 2,000 $ 2,487 $ 2;487 $ 0:318 8,000 $ 4,393 $ 4,393' $ _0:197 1 A-1 Assembly Group -Theaters 20,000 $ 6,751 $ - 6;751.. $ 0.186 40,000 $ 10,462 $ 1.0;462 $ 0.189 100,000 21,831 $ 21,831 $ 0:218. 1, 000 $ 2,135 $ 2,135 $ _ 0:545.. 4,000 $ 3;770 $ 3,770 $ 0.338 2 A-2 Assembly Group: Churches, restaurants ____10,000.: $ 5,795 $ 5,795 $ 0.319 20,000 ' 8,981 $ 8,981 $ 0'325 . 50,000 18,739 $ 18,739 $ .0:375 250 $ 434 $ 434 $ 0:443 1,000 $ 766 $ 766 $ 0.275 3 A Assembly Group - TI 2,500 $ 1,178 $ 1,:178 $ 0.259 5,000 $ 1,825 $ 1;825 $ 0.264 12,500 3,808 $ 3,808 $ 0.305 1,000 $ 1,853 1;853 $ 0.473 4,000 $ 3,273. $ 3,273 _ $ 0.293 4 A-3 Church and Religious Bldg -Complete ~ 10,000 $ 5,030 $ 5;030 $ :0.277` 20,000 $ .7,795 $ 7,795 $ 0.282; 50,000 16,265 $ 16,265 $ ` 0.325 500 $ 1,112 $ 1,1 T2 $ 0:567 2,000 $ 1,963 $ 1,963 $ _ 0.351 - - S R=4 Congregate Care =Complete 5,000 $ 3;017 $ 3,017 $ 0.332 10,000. $ 4,676 $ 4,676 s 0.339 25,000 9,757 $ 9,757 $ ` 0.390 250 $ 328 $ 328 $ 0.336' 1,000 $ 580 $ - 580`' $ 0.207 6 A-3 Church and Religious Bldg - TI 2,500 $ 891 $ 891 $ 0.196 ~ 5,000 $ 1,381 $ 1;381 $ 0.200: l 12,500 2,881 2,881 $ 0:230 Wohlford Consulting ~ November 13, 2007 s ~ _ City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8~ Life Safety (Cost-Based) INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION I Base ICC (UBC Size Basis Recommended Each_ Fee # lJse Type' Occupancy (square feet) Fee :Base Cosf Additional SF 2,000 $ 2,452 $ 2,452 $ 0.31..3 8,000 $ 4,330 $ 4;330 $ 0:'194' 7 E Educational Building -Complete 20,000 $ 6,655 $ 6,655. $ _ 0:183 40,000 $ 10,314 $ 10,314 0.187_ 100,000 21,521 $ 21,521 $ < 0.215 - 250 $ 328 $ 328 $ ' 0:336 1,000 $ 580 $ _580 $ 0.207 8 " E Educational Building - TI 2,500 $ 891. $ 891 $ 0.196 - - - - - _ _ 5;000 $ _ 1,381 $ 1,381 $ 0.200 12,500 $ 2,881 $ 2;881 $ 0.230': _ 500 $ 434 $ 434 $ 0.221 2,000 766 $ 766 $ Q`137 - - 9 S-2 Parking Garage -Complete 5,000 $ 1,178 $ 1,178 $ 0.129 _ 10,000 $ 1,825 $ 1,825 0.132 25,000 3,808 $ 3808 ~ 0.152 1, 000 $ 1, 853 $ 1., 853. ' $ 0.473 _ 4,000 $ 3,273 $ 3 2.73 $ ` 0:293 10 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise -Complete 10,000 $ 5,030 $ 5,030 $ 0.277 20,000 $ 7,795 $ 7,795 $ 0.282 50,000 $ 16,265. $ 16,265 $ 0.325 1,000 $ 462 $ 462 $ 0.118 4,000 $ 816 $ 81.6 $ 0.073 _ _ ; 11 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise -Shell 10,000 $ 1,254 $ 1,254 $ 0:069 20,000 $ 1,944 $ 1",944 $ _ 0.070-. 50,000 4,056 $ 4,056 $ 0.081 250 $ 328 $ 328 $ 0.336 1,000 $ 580 $ _ 580 $ 0.207 12 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise - TI 2,500 $ 891 $ 891 $ O. T96 5,000 $ 1,381 1,3_8.1 $ 0.200_ ~ 12,500 2,881 $ -2;881 $ 0.230. l O Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 ~ City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Base ICC'(UBC) Size Basis ' Recommended Each' Fee # Use Type Occupancy (square feet) Fee Base Cost Additional SF ~ i 13 B Offices, etc. -Complete 500 $ 1,685 $ 1,685 $ ' 0.861 j 14 2,000 $ 2,976 $ 2_,976. $ _0:533 15 5,000 $ 4,574 $ ' ` 4,574 $ 0`.503: 16 - 10,000 $ 7,088 $ 7,088 0.513 1,7--_- 25,000 $ 14,790 $ 14,790 $ 0.592' 1, 000 $ 272 $ 272 $ ; 0:069 4,000 $ 480 $ _ 480 $ ' 0.043 18 B Offices, etc..-.Shell 1,0,000_ 738 $ 738, $ OQ41 20, 000 $ 1,144 $ 1,144 $ _.0.041 50,000 $ 2,386 $ 2,386 $ 0.048.` 100 $ 203 $ ...203 $ _ '0.520.... 400 $ 359 $ 359 ' $ 0:320 19 B Offices, etc. - TI 1,000 $ 551 $ 551 ` $ 0.304 2,000 $ 855 $ 855 $ ' 0.309 5,000 $ 1,783 ` $ 1.,783 $ 0.357 1,000 $ 1,818 ' 1;818 $ 0.464:' 4,000. $ 3,211 $ 3,211 ' $ _0:287; 20 F-1 Industrial Building- Complete 10,000 $ 4,934 $ 4,934 $ 0.271 20,000 $ 7,647 $ 7,647 $ 0.277 50,000 $ 15,956 $ 15,956 ` $ 0.319 1,000 $ 312 $ ° " 312 ' $ 0:080 , _ 4,000 $ 552 $ 552 $ 0:049 21 F-1 Industrial Building-Shell 10,000 $ 848 _ 848 $ _ 0.047 ~ 20,000. $ 1,314 $ 1,314 $ 0.048 50,000 $ 2,742 $ 2,742 $ - 0.055 250. $ 418 418 ' $ 0.427 1,000 $ 738. 738 $ 0'265- 22 F-1 Industrial Building - TI 2,500 $ 1,135 $ 1_,135 0.250 5,000 $ 1,759 $ 1,759, $ _0.255 12,500 $ 3,669 $ 3,669 $ 0.294 t Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) INSPECTION VARIABLE ..FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Base' , ICC; (UBC) Size Basis Recommended' Each Fee # Use Type Occupancy (square feet) Fee Base Cost Additional SF 500 $ 900 $ 900 ` 0:460" _ 2,000 $ 1,590 $ 1;590 $ 0.28_5 23` _ S-1 Repair Garage & Service St -Complete 5,000 $ 2,444 2.,444 $ '0.269 10,000 $ 3,787 $ 3,787 $ 0`274 25,000 $ 7,902 $ 7,902 $ 0:316 500 $ 295 $ 295 $ 0.151 2,000 $ 521 $ 521 $ 0.093 24 S-1 Repair Garage & Service St -Shell 5,000. $ 800.. _ $ 800 $ 0.088_ - 10,000 $ 1,240 $ 1,240 $ 0.090 25,000 2,587 $ 2,587 $ O.T03r ..100- $ 203- $ 203 $ 0`520, 400 $ 359 $ 359 $ 0.320 _ - 25 S-1 Repair Garage & Service St - TI 1,000 $ 551 $ 551 $ _0.3_04 2,000 $ 855 $ 855 $ 0.309' 5,000 1,783 $ - 1,783 $ O'357.- 500 $ 953 $ 953 0:487_ 2,000 $ 1,683 $ 1,683 $ 0.301 - - 26 M Retail Sales -Complete 5,000 $ 2,587 $ 2,587 $ 0.284 10,000 $ 4,009. $ 4;.009 $ 0.290`` 25,000. 8,366 $ _ 8,366 $ 0.335 500 $ 356 $ ' 3_56 0.1'82 _ 2,000 $ 629 $ 629 $ 0.11`3_ 27 M Retail Sales -Shell- 5,000 $ 967 $ 967 $ _ 0.106_ 10,000 $ 1,499 $ - 1,499 ` $ 0,1.09 25,000 $ 3,128 - $ 3,128 $ 0.125 100 $ 203 $ 203 0.520 400 $ 359 $ 359 $ 0.320_ 28 M Retail Sales - TI 1,000 $ 551 _ 551 $ 0.304 _ 2,000 $ 855 $ 855 $ 0.309 ~ 5,000 1,783 $ 1,783 $ 0.357 `}J Wohlford Consulting , . ~ November 13, 2007 ~ - - City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE ~ Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8~ Life Safety (Cost-Based) INSPECTION`VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Base , ICC (UBC) Size Basis Recommended' Each - Fee# Use Type Occupancy (square feet) Fee Base Cost Atlditional SF - 2,000 $ 1,957 $ `..1.,957' $ _ 0.250 8,000 $ 3,456 $ _ 3,456 $ 0:155, 29 - Warehouse -Complete 20,000 $ 5,312 $ 5,3_12 0.146 40,000 $ 8,233 $ 8;233 $ _ 0.149` 100,000 $ 17,178 $ 17,1'78 $ D:172 1,000 $ 1,853 $ 1,853 $ 0:473 4,000 $ 3,273 $ 3,2.73 $ 0.293' i - 30 I-1 Medical/24 Hour Care -Complete _10,000_ .5,030,. 5,030 $ 0.277 _ 20,000 $ 7,795 $ 7;795 $ 0:282.. 50,000 16,265 $ :16,265 $ 0.325 1,000 $ 330 $ 330 $ _ 0.084> 4,000 $ 583 $ - 583 $ 0.052 31 I-1 Medical/24 Hour Care -Shell 10,000 $ 896 $ 896 $ 0:049 20, 000 $ 1, 388 $ 1, 388 $ 0.050 ' 50,000 2,896 $ ' ' 2,896 $ 0.058 100 $ 186 186 $ 0.473. 400 $ 328 $ .328 $ 0.293 32 I-1 Medical/24Hour Care - TI 1,000 $ 504 $ 504 $ 0.277 2,000 $ 781. $ 78:1 $ 0.283 - 5,000 $ 1,629 $ 1,629 0.326 1,000 $ 1,853 $ 1,853 $ 0.473 4,000 $ 3,273 $ 3,273 $ 0.293 ; 33 B Medical-0ffices -Complete 10,000 $ 6,030 $ 5;030 $ ` 0:277 _ 20,000 $ 7,795 $ 7,7_9__5 $ 0.282_ 50,000 16,265 16,265 $ 0.325 1,000 $ 339 $ , 339 $ 0.086 4,000 $ 598 $ 598 $ 0.054' r--~ 34 B Medical Offices -Shell 10,000 $ 920 $ 920 $ 0.051 _ ~ _ 20,000 $ 1,425 $ 1,425 $0.052 _ I 50,000 2,974 $ 2,974. $ X7'.059 - Wohlford Consulting _ November 13, 2007 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE;SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Base ICC (UBC) Size Basis Recommended Each Fee # Use Type Occupancy (square feet) Fee :Base Cost Additional SF 250 $ 436 $ 436 $ 0:444 1,000 $ 769 $ 769 0.275 35 B Medical Offices - TI 2,500 $ 1,182 1;182 $ 0.260 5,000 $ 1,833 $ , 1,833 0:265" 12,500 $ 3,824 $ 3,824 $ 0'306 500 $ 953 $ _ 953 $ 0.487 - 2,000 $ 1,683 $ _1,683 $ 0.301' 36 - Restaurant -Complete 5,000_ $ _ _ 2,587, _ $ _ 2,587 $ 0.284_ . . 10, 000 $ 4, 009 $ 4, 009 ' $ 0.290 25,000 8,366 $ 8,366 $ 0.335 _ .500 $ _ 304 $ 304 $ ` 0.155 .2,000 $ 536 $ 536 $ 0.096 37 - Restaurant -Shell 5,000 $ 824 $ 824 $ 0.091 10,000 $ 1,277 $ 1,277 $ 0.092.: 25,000 $ 2,664 $ 2,664 0.1'07 250 $ 436 $ - 436 $ 0.444'" 1,000 $ 769 $ 769 $ 0.275 38 - Restaurant - TI 2,500 $ 1,182 $ 1,182 $ `0.260 5,000 $ 1,833 $ 1.;833 $ 0:265 12, 500 $ 3, 824 $ 3, 824 $ 0.306 ` , 250 $ 953 $ 953 $ 0.973 - , 1,000 $ 1,683 $ 1,683 $ 0.603 39 I-4 Day Care Facility -Complete 2,500- $ -2,587 $ 2,587_ $ _ 0.569 5,000 $ 4,009 $ 4,009 $ 0.581 12,500 8,366 $ 8,366 0.669 100 $ 168 :168, 0.430 400 $ 297 $ 297 $ __0:2_65 40 I-4 Day Care Facility - TI 1,000 $ 456 _ 456 $ 0:250 2,000 $ 706 $ 706 $ 0.256. ~ 5,000 $ 1,474 $ " 1,474 $ 0.295' Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE j Fiscal Year 2007-08 ~ Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR'NEW CONSTRUCTION Base ICC (tJBC) 'Size Basis Recommended Each Fee # Use'Type Occupancy (square feet) Fee Base Cost Additional SF , 500 $ 953 ' $ _ _953...: $ 0:4'87 " 2,000 $ 1,683 $ 1,683 $ 0.301' 41 H Hazardous H- Complete 5,000 $ 2,587 $ 2,587 $ 0.284' . 10,000 $ 4,009 $ _ :4,009 ` $ 0.290 25,000 $ 8,366 8,366 $ 0.335 500 $ 286 $ '286 0.146 2,000 $ 505 $ 505 $ 0.090_._. 42 H Hazardous H-.Shell 5,000. 776 776 $ 0.085 , . 10,000 $ 1,203 $ 1,203 $ `0.087::: _ 25,000 2,510 $ 2,510 $ 0.100 100 168 $ 168 $ _ 0.430 400 $ 297 $ 297 $ .0.265 43 H Hazardous H- T I 1,000 $ 456 $ 456 $ 0.250 2,000 $ 706 $ _ 706 0.256 5,000 $ 1,474 $ ` 1,474 $ 0.295 200 $ 168 $ 168 $ 0:215" 800 $ 297 $ 297 0.133 44 - Commercial Building -Foundation 2,000 $ 456 $ 456 $ 0..1'25 4,000 $ .706 $ `706 ; $ 0.'128 10,000 $ 1,474 $ 1,474 0.1':47 200 $ 186 $ 1'86 $ 0.237 800 $ 328 $ 328 $ 0.147 45 - Commercial Building -Addition 2,000 $ 504 504 $ 0.1.39. 4,000 $ 781 781.:'.'$ 0.'141..... 10,000 $ 1,629 $ 1,629. $ 0.163 1,000 $ 1,786 $ 1,786 $ 0.456 4,000 $ 3,155 $ 3,155 $ 0.282 _ 46 _ R-2 Apartment Building 10,000 $ 4,849 $ 4:,849 0:26_7 ~ 20,000 $ 7,514 $ 7,514 $ 0.272' 1 50,000 15,679 $ 15,679 $ 0.314 Wohlford Consulting 1 November 13, 2007 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8~ Life Safety (Cost-Based) INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Base ICC (UBC)` Size Basis Recommended` Each Fee # Use Type. Occupancy -(square feet) Fee Base Cost Additional SF 47 IRC SFD Single-Family (custom or model) 1,000 $ 1,322 $ 1;322 $ . 0:786 I 48 - 2,000 $ 2,108 $ 2_,1`08 $ 0:805.:. 49 _ - 3,000 $ 2,913 $ _ 2,913 $ 0:724 " 5,000 $ 4,361 $ 4,36.1. $ `0.588 - - 7,500 $ 5,832 $ 5,832 $ 0:778 667 $ 797 $ 797 $ 0:71'1 1,333 $ _ 1,271 $ 1'.;271 0:728 _ 52 IRC SFD . Single-Family -Production../ Repeat.. 2,000 $ 1.,756... $ 1;756 0:655 _ 3,333 $ 2,629 $ 2,629 $ 0:532 . 5,000 3,516 $ - 3,:516 $ 0:703 333" $ 148 $ 148 $ ` 0.264 667 $ 236 $ 236 $ 0273 53 - Moved Building -Residential 1,000 $ 327 $ 327 $ 0:243' 1,667 $ 489 $ - 489 $ 0.198 2,500 654 $ 654 $ 0.262 800 $ 116 $ 116 $ 0.086 1,600 $ 185 $ 185 $ ' 0.088.:... 54 R-3 Manufactured Home -Complete 2,400 $ 255 $ `255 $ 0.079 4,000 $ 382 $ 382 _ $ 0.065 6,000 $ 511 $ 511 $ 0:085 667 $ 116 $ ' 116 $ 0:1.04_ 1,333 $ 185 $ 185 $ 0,105 55' R-3 Prefabricated Dwelling -Complete 2,000 $ 255 $ 255 $ _0.09_5 ~ 3,333 $ 382 $ 382 0:077 5,000 $ 511 $ 511 $ 0.102 120 $ 94 $ 94 $ 0.200 480 $ 166 $ 166 $ 0.1`24 - _ ~ 56 - Commercial Coach -Complete 1,200 $ 255 $ 255 $ _ 0:11.7 2,400 $ 395 $ 395 $ 0.`119 6,000 $ 825 $ 825 $ 0.1.38 Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 City of Arroyo Grande ~ MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE'$CHEDULE FOR NEW; CONSTRUCTION Base ICC (UBC) Size Basis Recommended Each - Fee # Use Type Occupancy (square feet) Fee Base Cost Additional SF 240 $ 94 $ 94 0.100 960 $ 166 $ - 166 $ 0.062 57 - Modular Building -Complete 2,400 $ 255 255 $ 0.058 4,800 $ 395 $ ..395 $ 0:060._ 12,000 825 $ 825 $ ` 0.069 500 $ 94 $ 94 $ 0.048 2,000 $ 166 $ 166 $ 0.030 58 - - _ Manufactured-.Building..- Fnd :5,000:, $ 255.- - $ 255 $ 0.028 10,000 $ 395 $ 395 $ 0:029 25,000 825 $ - 825 $ 0.033 ,167 $ 179 $ 179 $ 0.636 . 333 $ 285 $ 285 _ $ 0.654 59 U Residential Garage 500 $ 394 $ 394 $ 0.585' 833 $ 589 $ 58_9 $ 0.478. 4,250 788 $ 788 '0.630 40 $ 161 $ 161 $ 1.025_ 160 $ 284 - $ 284 $ 0.638 60 U Pool/Spa -Standard Plan 400 $ 437 $ 437 $ 0.600 800 $ 677 $ 677 $ 0.613 2,000 $ 1,412 $ 1,412 $ 0:706 ; 200 $ 293 _ 293 $ 0.373 800 $ 517. $ 517 $ 0.232 61 - Commercial Building -Remodel 2,000 $ 795 $ 795 $ 0.219 ~ 4,000 $ 1,232 $ 1;232 $ 0:223' 10,000 2,572 $ 2,572 $ 0.257 - - 200 $ 293 $ 293 ' $ '0.373 _ 800 $ 517 _ $ 517 $ , ---0:232 62 _ - Commercial Building -Repair 2,000. $ 795 $ 795 $ 0.219 ~ 4,000 $ 1,232 $ 1,232 $ 0.223' 1 10,000 2,572 $ 2;572 $ 0.257 Wohlford Consulting i., November 13; 2007 i City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8< Life Safety (Cost-Based) INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE `SCHEDULE'. FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Base 1 ICC (UBC) Size Basis Recommended Each'' Fee# Use Type Occupancy (square'feet) Fee Base Cost Additional SF 500 $ 203 $ 203 $ 0.1_04 2,000 $ 359 $ 359 $ 0.064 63 S-2 Commercial Carport -Std. Plan 5,000 $ 551 $ 551, $ 0061- 10,000 $ 855 $ 855 $ 0:062 25,000 $ 1,783 $ , 1,783 $ -0.071 50 $ 108 _ 108 $ 0_.553 " - 200 $ 191 $ 191 $ -0.340 ' 64 U-1 Accessory Building -Commercial 500_ $ 293__ $ 293 $ _0:324 1, 000 $ 455 $ - 455...:. $ 0.329 ' 2,500 948 $ 948 $ 0.379 50 $ 127 ' 127 $ ' 0:653 200 $ 225 $ 225 ' $ _ 0:403 65 U-1 Commercial Carport 500 $ 346 $ 346 $ 0:380 1,000 $ 536 $ ` 536 $ 0.388 " 2,500 1,118 $ ..1,118 $ 0.447 167 $ 211 $ _ 211 $ 0.756 333 $ 337 $ 337 $ 0:768 66 IRC SFD Single-Family Residential -Addition 500 $ 465 465 $ 0.696 833. $ 697 $ 697 $ 0.564 1,250 $ 932 $ 932 $ 0.746 . 333 $ 537 $ 537 $ 0.957 _ _ 667 $ 856 $ 856 $ 0.978_ 67 _ R-2 Multi-Family Residential -Addition 1,000 $ 1,182 $ 1,182 0;882 1,667 $ 1,770 $ 1,770 $ _0.718 2,500 $ 2,368 $ ' 2,368 $ 0.947 ` 333 $ 200 $ 200 $ '0.360 _ 667 $ 320 $ _ 320 $ 0:363_ 68 IRC SFD Single-Family Residential -Remodel 1,000 $ 441 $ 441 $ 0.330_. ~ 1,667 $ 661 $ 661 $ 0:268 ~ 2,500 $ 884 $ - 884 $ 0:354 d ~ Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 t _ . _ City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE j Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) ' INSPECTION VARIABLE`FEE' SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Base ICC (UBC) Size Basis Recommended ' Each Fee # Use Type Occupancy (square feet) Fee` Base Cost Additional SF 667 $ 283 $ 283 $ ` 0:252 1,333 $ 451 $ 451 $ 0:258 69 R-2 Multi-Family Residential -Remodel 2,000 $ 623 $ 623 0.233 3,333 $ 933 $ 933 $ 0.189 5,000 $ 1,248 $ 1;248 $ ' 0:250 333 $ 179 $ 479 $ ` 0.318 667- $ 285 $ 285 $ 0.327 ' 70 IRG SFD Residential Building -Foundation 1,000 $ 394 $ 394 $ 0.293 _::..1-,667. - $ 589 $ 589 $ 0:239 2,500 $ 788 $ ' 788 0.315 83 $ 127 $ 127 $ 0:900 167 $ 202 202 $ 0.924 71 U-1 Accessory Building -Residential 250 $ 279 $ ` 279 `0.834 417 $ 418 $ 418 $ 0.672 625 558 $ 558 $ 0.893 133 $ 116 $ 116 $ 0:518,:. 267 $ 185 $ 185 0.525 72 U-1 Residential Carport 400 $ 255 $ 255 $ 0:476 667 $ 382 382 $ 0:387,. 1, 000 511 $ 511 $ 0.511 83 $ 116 $ 1'1'6 $ 0.828 167 $ 185 $ 185 $ 0.840 73 IRC SFD Residential Patio Cover/Balcony/Deck 250- $ 255. $ 255 $ 0.762 417 $ 382 $ 382 $ 0:619 625 511 $ 511 $ 0.81'8' 83 $ 116 $ ' 116 $ _ 0:828 - _ 167 $ 185 $ _185 $ 0:840 74 IRC SFD Residential Patio Cover ICC Approved 250 $ 255 255 _ $ 0.762 ~ - 417 $ 382 $ 382 $ 0:619 ~ - - 625 511 $ 511 - 0.818 © _ Wohlford Consulting ! i November 13, 2007 } ~ ~ City ofArroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) I INSPECTION'`VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR=,NEW CONSTRUCTION ~ Base.::.:. ICC (UBC) Size Basis Recommended Each Fee # Use Type Occupancy. (square feet)`... Fee Base Cost Additional SF 83 $ 116 $ 116 $ 0.828 167 $ 185 $ - _ 185 _ $ 0.840 75 IRC SFD Residential Patio Enclosure 250 $ 255 $ 255 $ 0:762 .417 $ 382 $ 382 $ _ 0.619 625 $ 511 $ " 511 $ , '0.818 83 $ 116 $ '116 $ 0:828'' 167 $ 185 $ 1.85 $ 0:840..... 76 IRC SFD Residential Patio Enclosure ICC Approved 250 $ 255 $ 255 0.762 417...$ 382 382 $ _ '0.619 625 511 $ 511 $ 0.818 t Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 E-_ _ _ ` City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007.08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) REVENUE'SUMMARY OF FINAL RESULTS Fee~Service Areas Fu/hCosf Results Annual.-~All.SeiJices Pote`n'tial Re"venue Results~Fe'~~SerSlces Onl Potcre'bal ReJenues'° roiec a rolec e Projected Annual Annual Annual Projected Annual Annual Potential .Revenue at Revenue at Revenue Full Cost Revenue at Revenue at Annual Revenue Full Cost i Potential Potential Revenue i Current Fee / Full Cost per Surplus / Recovery Current Fee / Full Cost per Surplus / Recovery Revenue at Revenue at Growth / Rate of Fee Area De osit Unit Subsid Rate De osit Unit Subsid Rate Current Fees Recd Fees Decline Chan e New Construction $ 259,107 $ 392,027 $ (132,920) 66% $ 259,107 $ 392,027 $ (132,920) 66°h $ 259,107 $ 392,027 $ 132,920 51°h Miscellaneous Items $ 14,599 $ 270,754 $ (256,155) 5% $ 13,649 35,079 $ (21,430) 39% $ 13,649 $ 35,079 $ 21,430 157°h Fire Items $ 14,991 $ 45,934 $ (30,943) 33% $ 14,991 $ 45,934 $ (30,943) 33°k $ 14,991 $ 45,934 $ 30,943 206% MPE's $ 4,708 $ 23,541 $ (18,833) 20% $ 4,708 $ 23,541 $ (18,833) 20% $ 4,708 $ 23,541 $ 18,833 400% $ - 0% $ - 0% $ - 0°h TOTALS: $ 293,405 $ 732,257 $ 438,853 40% $ 292,455 $ 496 582 $ 204,127 59% $ 292,455 $ 496,582 $ 204,127 70% Revenue Totals Revenue Totals Revenue Totals _r ( - . Wohiford Consulting November 13, 2007 1 . City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Fire 8 Emergency Services RESULTS ANALYSIS I i `Fee Service Information Recommended Fees Potential Revenues Potential .Remaining. Potential Potential Revenue Type / Full Cost per Recommended Surplus / Recovery Revenue at Revenue at Growth / Rate of Fee # .Fee Title Descri lion Unit Fee Subsid Rate Current Fees Recd Fees (Decline Chan e 2 Special Event Inspection (e.g., fairs) 0 $ 136.09 $ 27.00 $ (109.09) 20% $ - $ 54 $ 54 >100% 3 Booth /Tent with Electricity Flat _ $ 136.09 $ 27.00 $ (109.09) 20% _ $ 675 $ 1,215 $ 540 80% 4 Booth /Tent with Cooking Flat $ 136.09 $ 27.00 $ (109.09) 20% $ - $ 675 $ 675 >100% 5 Booth /Tent without Electricity Flat $ 136.09 $ 27.00 $ (109.09) 20% $ - $ 270 $ 270 >100% 6 Special Event Application Review Flat $ 97.01 $ 20.00 $ (77.01) 21% $ - $ 40 $ 40 >100% 7 Hydrant Flow Calculation Flat $ 500.30 $ 250.00 $ (250.30) 50% $ 2,625 $ 3,750 $ 1,125 43% 8 Fireworks Permit (Pyrotechnic Show) Flat $ 1,222.25 $ 245.00 $ (977.25) 20% $ 110 $ 245 $ 135 123% 9 Fireworks Booth Permit Flat $ 5,516.83 $ 660.00 $ (4,856.83) 12% $ 3,540 $ 3,960 $ 420 12% 10 Burn Permit Flat $ 1,342.78 $ 100.00 $ (1,242.78) 7% $ 600 $ 2,000 $ 1,400 233% 11 Excessive False Alarm Flat $ 1,749.85 $ 60.00. (1,689.85). -:3% $ 60 $ 60 . $ - p% 12 " Company'Inspection§ Flat $ 729.81 $ - $ (729.81) 0°~ $ - $ - $ - p°~ 13 Failed 2nd Inspection Flat $ 524.96 $ 105.00 $ (419.96) 20% $ - $ - $ - 0% 14 Multi-family Dwellings Inspections Flat $ 524.96 $ - $ (524.96) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 15 Weed Abatement Processing (contract admin.) Flat $ 134.28 $ 240.00 $ 105.72 179% $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ - p°~ 16 Fire Code Permits and Inspections Flat $ 3,737.48 $ 360.00 $ (3,377.48) 10% $ - $ - $ - p°~ 17 Service in Excess of Standard (per the Director) T&M $ - $ - $ - 0°~ $ - $ - $ - 0% 18 Hourly Rates: 0 $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ _ Oo/, 19 Director of Building and Fire (per hour) hourly $ 388.03 $ 388.03 $ - 100% $ 494 $ 1,940 $ 1,446 293% 20 Fire Captain (per hour) hourly $ 178.89 $ 178.89 $ - 100% $ 330 $ 894 $ 565 171 21 Fire Engineer (per hour) hourly $ 141.38 $ 141.38 $ - 100% $ 257 $ 707 $ 450 176% 22 Executive Secretary (per hour) hourly $ 134.28 $ 134.28 $ - 100% $ 194 $ 671 $ 478 247% 23 Paid Call Volunteer (per hour) hourly $ 29.70 $ 29.70 $ - 100% $ 57 $ 149 $ 91 159% - 24 Battalion Chief hourly $ 197.23 $ 197.23 $ - 100% $ 337 $ 986 $ 649 192% 25 Apparatus Rates (City-determined): 0 $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% . 26 Emergency Response Apparatus (per hour) hourl $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ p% _ 27 Command. Vehicles (per hour) hourly $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% W Wohlford Consulting November 13; 2007 t City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Fire 8 Emergency Services RESULTS ANALYSIS Fee Service Information Recommended Fees Potenfia/Revenues Potential Remaining . Potential Potential Revenue Type I Full Cost per Recommended Surplus I Recovery Revenue at Revenue at Growth / Rate of Fee # Fee Title Description Unit Fee (Subsidy Rate Current Fees Recd Fees (Decline) Chan e ~ 28 Non-Fee Activities: annual $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% ~ 29 EMS /Fire Response (annual) annual $ 1,009,907 $ - $ (1,009,907) 0% $ - $ - $ - Oq0 30 EMS /Fire Trainin (annual) annual $ .133,591 $ - $ (133,591) 0% $ - $ - $ - p% 37 Fire Investigations (annual) annual $ 5,142.85 $ - $ (5,142.85) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 32 Dispatch (annual) annual $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ _ 0% 33 Public Education (annual) annual $ 73,468.66 $ - $ (73,468.66) 0% $ - $ - $ - p% 34 Support to Other Divisions (non-fee) (annual) 0 $ 63,299.04 $ - $ (63,299.04) 0% $ - $ - $ - p% 35 Other Non-Fee Services (annual) 0 _ $ 52,254.93 $ - $ (52,254.93) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 36 Support to Other Departments: 0 $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% Support to Building Plan Check and _ - 37 Inspectiori (arinuaq annual $ 7,796.08 $ - $ (7,796.08) 0% $ $ $ 0% " _ - - - ° 38 Support to Neighborhood Services (annual) annual $ 52,319.18 $ - $ (52,319.18) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 39 Support to PW Engineering (annual) annual $ 9,115.62 $ - $ (9,115.62) 0% $ - $ - $ - p% _ 40 Support to Planning (annual) - annual $ 9;445.50 $ - $ (9,445.50) 0% $ - $ - $ - p°~ - 41 Support to Police (annual) annual $ 19,370.37 $ - $ (19,370.37) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0°~ 43 Support to All Other Departments (annual) annual $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0°~ TOTALS: $ 10,478 $ 18,817 $ 8,339 $ 17 Revenue Totals 1 _ 4 a - - Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Police Department FINAL RESULTS Fee Service Information Recoininended Fee `Potential Revenues Potential Potential Remaining Revenue Potential Revenue Type / Full Cost per Recommended Surplus / Recovery at Current Revenue at Growth / Rate of Fee # Fee Title Description Unit Fee (Subsidy Rate Fees Recd Fees (Decline) Chan e 1 PERMITS & LICENSES - $ - $ - $ 0% _ $ - $ - $ - 0% 2 ALARM PERMIT (ALA) - - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 3 Original Application - $ 89.48 $ 45.00 $ (44.48) 50% $ 450 $ 675 $ 225 50% 4 Annual Renewal - $ 59.95 $ 30.00 $ (29.95) 50% $ 8,375 $ 10,050 $ 1,675 20% 5 BICYCLE LICENSE (BL) - $ 19.29 $ 5.00 $ (14.29) 26% _ $ 12 $ 20 $ 8 67% COMMERCIAL FILMING /PHOTOGRAPHY 6 PERMIT (CFP) (plus APS rates) - $ 289.41 $ 232.00 $ (57.41) 80% $ 54 $ 70 $ 16 29% 7 CONCEALED WEAPONS PERMIT - _ $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 8 Original Application - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 9 Police Department investigation fee_(CCW) - $ 494.38- 247:00° $ (247:38) b0% $ 127 $ 247 $ 120- 94% _ _ _ o 11 "-Dept of Justice fingerprint process (DOJ) passthrough $ - $ - $ - 0% $ $ $ 0% 12 FBI fingerprint processing (FBI) passthrough $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - - $ - 0% 13 Fingerprint services (FPS) - $ 20.08 $ ~ 20.00 $ (0.08) 100% $ 10 $ 20 $ 10 100% 14 Firearms proficiency evaluation (CCW) - $ 133.07 . $ 67.00 $ (66.07) 50% $ 40 $ 67 $ 27 68% 16 Bi-Annual Renewal - _ $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 17 Police Department investigation fee (CCW) - $ 279.88 $ 140.00 $ (139.88) 50% _ $ 67 $ 140 $ 73 109% 19 Firearms Proficiency Evaluation (CCW) - $ 133.07 $ 67.00 $ (66.07) 50% $ 40 $ 67 $ 27 68% 20 Dept of Justice annual renewal fee (DOJ) passthrough $ - $ - $ - 0% $ $ - $ - 0% 22 MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENT PERMIT - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 23 Original Application - $ - $ - $ - 0% _ $ - $ - $ - 0% 24 City processing fee (MASS) - $ 567.57 $ 284.00 $ (283.57) 50% $ 625 $ 1,420 $ 795 127% Fingerprint processing (per applicant / 25 partner /corporate officer) - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ $ - 0% 26 Dept of Justice fingerprinting (DOJ) passthrough $ - $ - $ - D% $ - $ - $ - 0% 27 FBI fingerprint processing (FBI) passthrough $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 28 Fingerprinting services (FPS) - $ 35.29 $ 35.00 $ (0.29) 99% $ 50 $ 175 $ 125 250% 30 Annual Renewal (MASS) - $ 359.07 $ 180.00 $ (179.07) 50% _ $ 380 $ 720 $ 340 89% 32 MASSAGE TECHNICIAN PERMIT - $ $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 33 Original Application - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 34 City processing fee (MAST) - $ 259.34 $ 156.00 $ (103.34) 60% $ 750 $ 936 $ 186 25% 35 Dept of Justice fingerprint (DOJ) passthrou h $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 36 FBI fingerprint processing fee (FBI) passthrough $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 37 Fingerprinting services (FPS) - $ 35.29 $ 35.00 $ (0.29) 99% $ 60 $ 210 $ 150 250% 39 Annual Renewal - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 40 City processing fee (MAST) - $ 215.83 $ 130.00 $ (85.83) 60% $ 770 $ 1,430 $ 660 86% r I \1! Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Police Department FINAL RESULTS Fee Service,lnformation Recommended Fee Potential Revenues ~ , Potential Potential Remaining Revenue Potential Revenue Type I Full Cost per Recommended Surplus / Recovery at Current Revenue at Growth I Rate of Fee # Fee Title Descri tion Unit Fee (Subsid Rate Fees Recd Fees Decline) Chan e 43 PUBLIC SAFETY AND WELFARE PERMITS - $ $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% Basic Permit (PSWP) -Processing and Admin. 44 specific permits, if applicable) - $ 143.45 $ 36.00 $ (107.45) 25% $ 1,600 $ 2,880 $ 1,280 80% 45 Events with alcoholic beverages (PSWP - A) - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 46 With an ABC licensed caterer - $ 112.62 $ 28.00 $ (84.62) 25% $ 200 $ 280 $ 80 40% 47 Without an ABC licensed caterer - $ 112.62 $ 90.00 $ (22.62) 80% $ 2,475 $ 2,970 $ 495 20% 48 Dance Permit (PSWD) - $ 112.62 $ . 28.00 $ (84.62) 25% $ 1,080 $ 1",512 $ 432 40% _ _ ° 49 Entertainment Permit (PSWE) - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - D-/o 50 Non-commercial, w/o-admission charge:..... _ _ $ _ : $ , , _ $ _ _ - ~ 0°/„ $ _ $ - 0% 51 Under 200 people - $ 157.95 $ 50.00 $ (107.95) 32% $ 50 $ 50 $ - 0% 52 Over 200 people - $ 248.61 $ 100.00 $ (148.61) 40% $ 100 $ 100 $ - 0% 53 Non-commercial, with admission charge: - $ $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 54 Under 300 people - $ .157.95 $ 160.00 $ 2.05 101 % $ 320 $ 320 $ - 0°k 55 Over 300 people - $ 248.61 $ 300.00 $ 51.39 121 % $ 300 $ 300 $ - 0% 56 Commercial, with admission charge: - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 57 Under 400 people - $ 157.95 $ 600.00 $ 442.05 380% $ 150 $ 150 $ - 0% 58 Over 400 people - $ 248.61 $ 900.00 $ 651.39 362% $ 225 $ 225 $ - 0% 59 Exhibitions (PSWEX) - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - p% 60 General Permit (no admission) -per day - $ 157.95 $ 79.00 $ (78.95) 50% $ 45 $ 237 $ 192 427% 61 Commercial (admission) -per day - $ 157.95 $ 79.00 $ (78.95) 50% $ 30 $ 79 $ 49 163% 62 Gun/Weapons Show -per day - $ 203.28 $ 203.00 $ (0.28) 100% $ 60 $ 61 $ 1 2% REPLACEMENT OF LOSTISTOLEN PERMITS, LICENSES AND REGISTRATION 63 RECEIPTS (RPL) - _ $ 109.05 $ 10.00 $ (99.05) 9% $ 10 $ 10 $ - 0% 64 SECOND HAND DEALER PERMIT - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 65 Original Application - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 66 City processing fee (SHD) - $ 137.51. $ 110.00 $ (27.51) 80% $ 16 $ 28' $ 11 69% 67 Dept of Justice Application Fee passthrough _ $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% Fingerprint processing (per applicant / 68 partner /corporate officer) passthrough $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - p% 69 Dept of Justice (DOJ) passthrou h _ $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 70 Fingerprint services (FPS) - $ 35.29 $ 35.00 $ (0.29) 99% $ 3 $ 9 $ 6 250% 72 FBI Fee -Not Applicable -per Susan [delete] passthrough $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 74 Biennial Renewal - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% ~ 75 City processing fee (SHD) - $ 54 81 $ 55 00 $ 0_19 100% $ 15 $ 17 $ 2 10% \ 76 Department of Justice renewal fee (DOJ) passthrough $ $ $ 0% $ $ $ p% ~ . Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Police Department FINAL RESULTS Fee Service Information Recommended Fee Potential Revenues Potential Potential Remaining Revenue Potential Revenue Type / Full Cost per Recommended Surplus I Recovery at Current Revenue at Growth I Rate of .Fee # Fee Title Descri tion Unit Fee (Subsid Rate Fees Recd Fees (Decline Chan e 78 TAXI CAB PERMIT/DRIVER - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 79 Original - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 80 City processing fee (TCD) - $ 202.20 $ 202.00 $ (0.20) 100% $ 100 $ 808 $ 708 708% 81 Dept of Justice fingerprint (if nec) (DOJ) passthrough $ - $ - $ - 0% $ 128 $ - $ (128) -100% 82 Fingerprinting services (FPS) - $ 35.29 $ 35.00 $ (0.29) 99% $ 40 $ 140 $ 100 250% 84 Annual Renewal (TCD) - $ 142.36 $ 36.00 $ (106.36) 25% $ 300 $ 540 $ 240 80% TAXI CAB VEHICLE INSPECTION PERMIT 86 (TCI) - $ 119.57.. $ 30.00 $ .(89.57) 25% $ - $ - $ - 0% WIDE LOAD PERMITS PER CVC 35780 - - _ 88 PermitProcessing & Admin. - $ 25.29 $ 60.00 $ 34.71 237% $ - $ - $ - 0% 89 Staff Services (APS) actual cost $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 91 SERVICES - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 92 ALARM RESPONSE (False Alarms) (CSTA) - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 93 Fourth false alarm within 12 months Fine $ 136.16 $ 68.00 $ (68.16) 50°~ $ 150 $ 408 $ 258 172% 94 Fifth false alarm within 12 months Fine $ 136.16 $ 102.00 $ (34.16) 75% $ 200 $ 408 $ 208 104% Sixth or more false alarm within 12 months (per 95 incident) Fine $ 136.16 $ 136.00 $ (0.16) 100% $ 400 $ 544 $ 144 36% BOOKING FEE -CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROCESSING FEE (BF) -County Fee 100 passthrough County Pass $ 8.96 $ - $ (8.96) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% BOOKING FEE -City Holding -Book 8 101 Release (new fee) Flat $ 246.93 $ - $ (246.93) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% CITATION CORRECTION CERTIFICATION 102 (CC): - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 103 Resident /AGPD-Issued Citation - $ 41.29 $ 31.00 $ (10.29) 75% $ - $ - $ - 0% 104 Non-Resident /non-AGPD Cite - $ 48.45 $ {48.45) 0% $ 120 $ - $ (120) -100% CRIMINAL HISTORY SUMMARY 107 EXAMINATION - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 108 Local Summary (CHSL) - $ 29.53 $ 30.00 $ 0.47 102% $ 35 $ 30 $ (5) -14% 110 State Summary (CHSS) - $ 105.81 $ 106.00 $ 0.19 100% $ 35 $ 106 $ 71 203% 113 FINGERPRINTING (FPS) - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 114 Two (2) cards or Livescan - $ 35.29 $ 35.00 $ (0.29) 99% $ 5,710 $ 19,985 $ 14,275 250% 115 Each additional card [delete] - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 116 Mailing Costs (public records) actual cost $ 15.21 $ 15.00 $ (0.21) 99% $ - $ 180 $ 180 >100% -123 INFORMATION RESEARCH (RES) (Per Hour) hourly rate $ 106.20 $ 106.00 $ (0.20) 100% $ 60 $ 212 $ 152 253% Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Police Department FINAL RESULTS FeesService Information Recommended Fee Potent/al Revenues " Potential Potential Remaining Revenue Potential Revenue Type / Full Cost per Recommended Surplus / Recovery at Current Revenue at Growth / Rate of Fee # Fee Title Description Unit Fee Subsidy Rate Fees Recd Fees (Decline Chan e 131 PHOTOGRAPH DUPLICATION (PHOTO) - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 132 Service Fee Actual Print Charges) - $ 50.91 $ 20.00 $ (30.91) 39% $ 340 $ 340 $ - 0% RECORDS SEALING PURSUANT TO 851.8 135 PC (RECS) - $ 186.11 $ 60.00 $ (126.11) 32% $ 60 $ 60 $ - 0% I'. RECORDS SEALING OTHER THAN 851.8 PC 136 (RECS) - $ 186.11 $ 85.00 $ (101.11) 46% $ - $ - $ - 0% REGISTRANT PROCESSING FEE -SEX or 138 NARCOTIC (SNOR) - $ . 149.26 $ 149.00 $ _ (0.26) 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 140 REPORT PROCESSING (per CPRA) - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - - $ - 0% Traffic Collision Reports_(RPT) (incl. officer , _ . - - = - ~ ` , - 147 time) - $ _ $ 0% 148 Investigation w/Diagram - $ 653.19 $ - $ (653.19) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 149. Summary/Cause - $ 339.35 $ - $ (339.35) 0% $ $ $ - - - 0% • 150.. Face Sheet Only $ 230.02 $ (230.02) 0% - $ - $ _ $ _ 0% 152 Accident Reconstruction/Analysis - $ 1,206.73 $ - $ (1,206.73) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 153 VERIFICATION (VIN) - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 154 At police station - $ 108.60 $ 10.00 $ (98.60) 9% $ 10 $ 10 $ - 0% 1'55 At other location - $ 119.81 $ 15.00 $ (104.81) 13% $ 15 $ 15 $ - 0% VEHICLE RELEASES FROM POLICE 156 STORAGE (VEHR) - $ - $ - $ _ 0% $ _ $ _ $ _ p°/, Abandoned, 72 hour violation, parked for sale 157 (2 trips) - $ 14.32 $ 48.00 $ 33.68 335% $ 288 $ . 288 $ - 0% Illegal parking, vehicle registration, DL , - 158 violations - $ .14.32 $ 35.00 $ 20.68 244% $ 3,492 $ 3,395 $ (97) -3% 1:.59.;: Driver arrested - $ 59.64 $ 35.00 $ (24.64) 59% $ 2,626 $ 3,535 $ 909 35% 160. Towed from Traffic Accident No Charge $ 14.32 $ - $ (14.32) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 161 VISA /CLEARANCE LETTERS (VISA) - $ _ 51.95 $ 26.00 . $ (25.95) 50% _ $ 100 $ 260 $ 160 160% 162 REPOSSESSION FILING FEE (gc 41612) Flat $ 12.48 $ 15.00 $ 2.52 120% $ 255 $ 255 $ - 0% 163 Vghicle Forfeiture• _ Flat $ 183.07 $ 183.07 $ - 100% $ - $ 732 $ 732 >100% 164 Subpoena Duces Tecum Flat $ 167.80 $ - $ (167.80) 0% $ 300 $ - $ (300) -100% 165 Civil Witness Fee Deposit Deposit $ 88.73 $ 150.00 $ 61.27 169%, $ 900 $ 900 $ - 0% Emerg Resp -Impaired Driver Accident ($1,000 166 max) - APS hourly rate $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% A OG' Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 - _ - City ofArroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Police Department FINAL RESULTS Fee Service Mfoimalion Recommended Fee Potential Reve"Hu"es Potential Potential Remaining Revenue Potential Revenue Type / Full Cost per Recommended Surplus / Recovery at Current Revenue at Growth / Rate of Fee # fee Title Description Unit Fee (Subsidy Rate Fees Recd Fees (Decline Chan e 167 Property Intake 8 Release (Guns) -Items 1 - 5 Flat $ 58.40 $ 58.00 $ _ (0.40) 99% $ - $ 29 $ 29 >100% Property Intake & Release (Guns) -Each Add'I - 168 Item Flat $ 10.65 $ 11.00 $ 0.35 103% $ - $ 6 $ 6 >100% .169 Property Handling for Mailing !Shipping Flat 33.27 $ 33.00 $ (0.27) ' 99% $ - $ 17 $ 17 >100% 170 Nuisance response (second party response) Flat $ 253.89 $ 50.00 $ (203.89) 20% $ - $ 100 $ 100 >100% 171 Juvenile Alcohol Party Response _ hourly rate $ 253.89 $ 50.00 $ (203.89) 20% _ $ - $ 100 $ 100 >100% 173 Tattoo Parlor Flat $ 105.16 $ 105.00. $ (0.16) ,100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 174 Tattoo Artist Flat $ 105.16 $ 105.00 $ (0.16) 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 175 Solicitation.-(per.-solicitor) , ,...Flat...:.... - _ $ - ...140:26. $ - 62:50 _ (77:76) -45% $ _ ,.750 ` 750" $ _ -0% 176 Tobacco Retailers Flat $ 124.11 $ 208.00 $ 83.89 168% $ 2,080 $ 2,080 $ - 0% ' 177 Palmreader/Fortune Teller Flat $ 105.16 $ 105.00 $ (0.16) 100% $ - $ 26 $ 26 >100% 179 AUXILIARY POLICE SERVICES (APS) - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - - $ - $ - p% 180 Hourly Rates: - $ - _ $ : 0% $ - $ - _ $ _ 0% 181 Hourly Rate: Chief per hour $ 380.95 $ 380.95 $ - 100% _ $ - $ - $ - 0% 182 Hourly Rate: Commander per hour $ 345.23 $ 345.23 $ - 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 183 Hourly Rate: Sergeant per hour $ 181.31 $ 181.31 $ - 100% $ 75 $ 181 $ 106 142% 184 Hourly Rate: Sr. Police Officer per hour _ $ 140.16 $ 140.16 $ - 100% $ 65 $ 140 $ 75 116% 185 Hourly Rate: Police Officer per hour $ 112.03 $ 112.03 $ - 100% $ 65 $ 112 $ 47 72% 186 Hourly Rate: Support Services Tech per hour J $ 89.48 $ 89.48 $ - 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 187 Hourly Rate: Executive Secretary per hour $ 126.72 $ 126.72 $ - 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 188 Hourly Rate: Crossing Guard per hour $ 17.87 $ 17.87 $ - 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 189 Hourly Rate: Cadet per hour $ 19.89 $ 19.89 $ - 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% ..Hourly Rate: Community Services 190 Coordinator per hour $ 102.55 $ 102.55 $ - 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 191 Hourly Rate: Support Services Supervisor per hour $ 106.20 $ 106.20 $ - 100% $ - $ - $ - 0% 192 Hourly Rate: Blended P.O. and Sr. P.O. per hour $ 126.10 $ 126.10 $ - 100% $ 65 $ 126 $ 61 94% i . - / .t Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 4 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Police Department FINAL RESULTS Fee Service Information Recommended Fee PotenSal Revenues Potential Potential Remaining Revenue Potential Revenue Type / Full Cost per Recommended Surplus / Recovery at Current Revenue at Growth I Rate of Fee # Fee Title Description Unit Fee (Subsidy Rate Fees Recd Fees (Decline) Chan e 194 Non-Fee Activities: - $ _ - $ - $ - 0% $ _ $ _ $ _ 0°/, 195 Records (non-fee) Annual annual $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ _ $ _ pq° 196 Patrol (non-fee): Annual annual $ 3,553,981.61 $ - $ (3,553,982) 0% $ - $ - $ - p% 197 Investigations (non-fee): Annual annual $ 628,016.40 $ - $ (628,016) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 198 Dispatch (non-fee): Annual annual $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ _ $ _ Oq° Grants and Special Projects (non-fee): 199 Annual annual $ 176,179.79 $ - $ (176,180) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 200 Evidence (non-fee): Annual annual $ .51,258.14. $ - $ (51,258) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 201 Traffic Enforcement (non-fee): Annual annual $ 449,455.11 $ - $ (449,455) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% .Emergency Services Program,(non-fee):_ , - _ . , - 202 _ ` Annual annual $ 37,690.66 $ - $ (37,691) 0% $ - $ - $ - p% 203 Support to Other Divisions (non-fee) -Annual annual $ 51,497.82 $ $ (51,498) - 0% $ - - $ - p% ` "Outside Agency (non-AG) Assistance (AOA) - 204 Annual annual $ .232,211.61 $ - $ (232,212) 0% $ - $ - $ - p% 205 Support to Schools -Annual annual $ 186,734.41 $ - $ (186,734) 0% $ - $ - $ - p% 206 Crossing Guard Services -Annual annual $ 86,010.89 $ - $ (86,011) 0% $ - $ - $ _ 0% 207 DARE -Annual annual $ 144,057.92 $ - $ (144,058) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 208 NTF-Annual annual $ 221,002.23 $ - $ (221,002) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 209 Other Non-Fee Services -Annual annual $ 229,714.37 $ - $ (229,714) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0°/, 210 Animal Control annual $ 112,675.31 $ - $ (112,675) 0% $ - $ - $ - p% 211 Support to Other Departments: - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ _ $ _ $ _ 0% 212 Support to Building (annual) annual $ - $ - $ - 0°/, $ _ $ _ $ _ p% 213. Support to Neighborhood Services (annual) annual $ 52,836.25 $ - , $ (52,836) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 214 Support to PW Engineering (annual) annual $ - $ - $ - p% $ _ $ _ $ _ 0°/, 215 Support to Other PW (annual) annual $ 13,374.21 $ - $ (13,374) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% Support to Community Development / 216 Planning (annual) annual $ _14,493.71, - $ (14,494) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 217 Support to Fire (annual) annual $ 13,681.88 $ - $ (13,682) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 218 Support to Parks and Facilities (annual) annual $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% 219 Support to All Other Departments (annual) annual $ 17,537.55 $ - $ (17,538) 0°/© $ - $ - $ - 0% Mutual Aid and Other Support to Other 220 Agencies (annual) annual $ 47,848.54 $ - $ (47,849) 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% TOTALS: $ 37,253 $ 62,291 $ 25,039 67% Revenue Totals 9 Wohlford Consulting November 13, 2007 I -1 PRROyo ~ 11.b. o~ ~ INCORPORATED 9 ti o MEMORANDUM V m ~ JULY 10: 19111' c4~ ~ F O RN~P, TO: CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES SUBJECT: FISCAL YEAR 2007-08 FIRST QUARTER BUDGET STATUS REPORT DATE: DECEMBER 11, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: ' It is recommended the City Council/Agency Board move to approve Carryover Appropriations as shown in Schedule A and approve budget adjustments and recommendations as shown in Schedules A and B. FINANCIAL IMPACT: ' The General ,Fund ending balance will, be impacted by the approval 'of the recommended revenue and appropriation adjustments'~as follows: Fund Balance 6/30/2007: $1,808,404 `,'Carryover Appropriations; , 19( 5,892) i Available Fund Balance 7/1%2007 ` 1,612,512 Net Approved Adjustments (136,660) ~ Adopted Budget Adjustments. 399,147 I' 'Proposed Adjustments (255,422) Total Increase to General Fund Balance 7,065 Adjusted Fund Balance 6/30/2008 $1 .619,577 Because sortie projects, operations,. and orders are not complete by ;the June 30 year-end close, it is common for the projected fund balance to be reduced by expenses (carryovers) to be paid in the :current fiscal year. ' I I BACKGROUND: Each year, the City Council/RDA Board of Directors adopts a ,budget, which commits resources toijthe accomplishment of its policies. The Financial Services Department routinely prepares quarterly budget updates for' he City Council. i i 'd ~1 CONSIDERATION OF FIRST QUARTER BUDGET STATUS REPORT DECEMBER 1.1, 2007 PAGE 2 ~ The purpose of the City's First Quarter budget review is to: • Provide a reconciliation of the expected and actual year-end General Fund Balance for Fiscal Year. 2007-08. • Recommend the re-appropriation (Carryovers) of prior year budgets for services/products ~ that were begun, but not completed as of June 30, 2007. • Conduct a; review of City funds to recommend budgetary changes to address known II budget deficiencies. • Identify budget changes that materially impact fund balances. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: 1. Approve the following Schedules A and B included in First Quarter Budget Status report that summarizes budget adjustments; 2. Do not approve recommended budget cuts and propose service level reductions to balance budget and/or increase General Fund reserve; 3. Provide direction to staff. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: After making :.all year-end closing, entries, it was discovered that Fiscal Year 2006-07 revenues were significantly below what staff had originally estimated. Since these estimates" were used for the base vvhen staff was preparing the Bi-Annual Budget projections, it `,has caused shortfalls in'', both years of the 2007-09 Bi-Annual Budget. This report includes. staff recommendations„, (listed in detail in the attached report) to address these budget :discrepancies and retain a balanced budget.. The following primary strategies were developed to address the existing shortfall: • The existing budget included a positive balance, which is proposed to be used to address a "significant portion of the reduction in revenue projections. • Departments were requested to recommend 2% reductions to their operational accounts. • Vehicle purchases were postponed where possible. • Additional' consultant service, intern and overtime expenditure reductions were recommended. • Fee increases are proposed based. on the findings of the comprehensive User Fee Study.. • All revenue and expenditure accounts were reviewed and adjustments were proposed where appropriate to maintain accuracy. • New revenues from PG&E and cel[ phone towers leases were budgeted. ~ Ib-a- i CONSIDERATION OF FIRST QUARTER BUDGET STATUS REPORT DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 3 • Funds'.are proposed to be withdrawn from the City's balance in Worker's Compensation and Liability .reserves remaining from tail claims when the City joined the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA). The City currently has a projected balance of~ $641,846 when remaining claims are closed. However, CJPIA has recently experienced major claims from other member jurisdictions, which are projected to substantially increase rates over the next 3-year period. Asa .result, only a small portion of the balance is recommended to be withdrawn. The remaining funds will be used to cover expected increases. Unfortunately,': staff was unable to meet the Council's fund balance :goal of 20% or a minimum 'of 15%. The projected fund balance is 11%. Immediately achieving the minimum fund balance goal would result in service level reductions. Therefore, staff proposes to build the reserve over the next 2-3 years through year-end savings. The General Fund Fiscal Year 2006-07, Fund Balance as of June 30, 2007 is $1,808,404. The projected available General FundBalance for the current fiscal year is approximately $1,619,577, The projected General fund balance is approximately 11% of appropriations. Carryover appropriations from FY 2006..-07 are reported on Schedule A. Carryover budget amounts are unused appropriations in the 2006-07 Fiscal Year added to the 2007-08 Fiscal Year. , The carryover appropriations are for items or projects that began the purchase process, but were uncompleted by June:30, 2007. The proposed. budget adjustments. include $195,892 for carryover appropriations in the General Fund. Carryover appropriations of $178,777 are for projects and equipment. Additionally, there is approximately $39;,;115 in carryover capital transfers to the CIP to fund capital projects still in progress. These projects include $1,036 for theCity Hall Complex, $7,931 for the ,benchmark survey, $10,000 for the Mason/Nelson ADA ramps, $7,500 for the Castillo Del Mar road extension/Valley_road drainage improvements, and $12,648 for the Newsom Springs drainage project. Staff is requesting that $22,000; of the Streets CIP projects be funded from Prop 1 B funding. This would reduce the CIP carryovers from the General Fund,`to $17,115. The proposed budget also includes carryover appropriations of $4,723,386 for, various other Capital Improvement Projects in the CIP fund. The proposed''budget adjustments include the following expenditures and revenues, which have already been approved by Council (Shown on Schedule B): • General Fund Expenditures - $15,000 for City Attorney's legal services, $149,160 for ' Management and Part-Time salary increases, $2,500 for membership in the South County Historical Society; ¦ General Fund Revenues -Council approved a temporary lease with PG&E for a park and ride lot. This will provide additional revenue of $30,000 in FY 2007-08. • CIP Fund - $90,000 for temporary park and ride lot for PG&E. The $90,000 funding is provided by PG&E; ' f /b r3 f CONSIDERATION OF FIRST QUARTER BUDGET STATUS REPORT DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 4 • Fire Bond Debt Svc - $199,500 increase in revenue for the Council approved bond property taz levy; • Water Facility Fund - $3,317 for a consultant services agreement with the Wallace group for the desalination funding study. The following adjustments are being requested by staff in order to address budget changes and to address known budget deficiencies (Shown on Schedule B): • General Fund - a net decrease of $255,422 (explained in detail on pages 3 and 4 of attached report); • Fire Facility, Fund -reduce transfers in by $100,000 (Purchase of Fire truck was made in FY 2006-07, entry was made to move the funds at year end); • Local Sales Tax Fund -reduce transfers out by $107,632 .(Purchase of Fire truck was made in FY 2006-07, entry was made to move the funds at year-end.. Savings of $7,632 is due to only paying for the Battalion Chief position for nine months); • Traffic'Con'gestion Relief Fund - a net increase of $63,000 ($100,000'in new funding and $37,000 in'carryover expenditures transferred from the General Fund); • Transportation Fund - $10,000 (Increase in transfer to the Streets Fund); • Redevelopment Agency - $5,600: ` (Increase in personnel transfers due to salary increases);1 • Redevelopment Set Aside - $600 (Increase in personnel transfers due to salary increases); • Water Fund - $10,600 (Increase in personnel transfers due to salary increases) and $1,0,000 to replace the Brisco Booster pump; • Sewer Fund - $7,200 (Increase in personnel transfers due to salary increases). ADVANTAGES: Staff conducted a .review of City funds and is recommending budgetary changes to address known budget deficiencies. By approving this recommendation the budget will again be balanced. 1Nhile significant User Fee increases are recommended, fees will remain competitive with other jurisdictions in the county. A balance will remain in FY 2008-09 in anticipation of labor negotiations. ~ Department staff is working on additional efficiency measures to further increase this balance. DISADVANTAGES: Based on the recommendations, departmental budgets will be constrained and will present a challenge to some accounts to maintain expenses within the budgeted amounts. In addition, reserves will be below the General Fund 15% policy minimum. Lastly, a significant increase in some User Fees will result. ENVIROMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item Ib -~f CONSIDERATION OF FIRST QUARTER BUDGET STATUS REPORT DECEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 5 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City; Hall on Thursday, December 6;,2007. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, December 7, 2007. No public comments were received. Attachment(s): • Quarterly Financial Report l lh i C1~'"iY ~F , ,r { . C.AN_NFC7RN IA,,,/ > , . _ . i , Quarterly Financial Report First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2006-07 OVERVIEW Top Ten Revenues: The top ten revenues account This report summarizes the City's overall financial position for for 74% of the General Fund revenue. Highlighting the fiscal year beginning'July 2007 through September 2007. these provides a better understanding of the City's Actual revenues for fiscal' year 2006-07 were below what staff revenue position. Although there are fluctuations originally proje'cted., Property tax revenue was substantially am ong revenue line items, the overall percentage is less than what'. staff estimated and the County of San Luis at 7 /o, which is consistent with the prior year. Any j Obispo is projecting., only a 5% growth in FY 2008-09 (City significant variances are noted on the next page. staff projected ~ 7%). This revenue source will need to be 13` Quarter -Current Fiscal Year monitored closely due to the stagnant real estate markets which Current YTD could have a negative impact on the City's future reverues. In Tap Ten Revenues Budget Actual addition, staff received notice this quarter that the State had Property Tax 4,101,750 118,143 3% overpaid the City its' "Triple Flip Sales Tax" paymerit in FY Triple Flip -Sales Tax 756,000 - 0% Triple Flip -VLF .1,209,355 - 0% 2006-07 by $106,000. This overpayment will be deducted Sales Tax 2,654,500 261,734 10% from the current year revenue. Since revenues for the 2007-09 TOT ` 508,000 105,628 21% Bi-Annual Budget were based on the estimated revenues from Franchise Tax 607,700 37,153 6% FY 2006-07, it was necessary for staff to make adjustments to Buildin Permits 226,600 47,270 21% the original budget. All departments were asked to;:.review VLF 123,000 14,522 12% Children in Motion 356,300 87,111 24% ~I their budgets for areas that could be reduced, as well as reduce their services and supplies budgets by 2%. Staff was' able to Telecommunication site balance the budget by making miscellaneous revenue leases 204,000 31,845 16% enhancements 'and various department cuts; however, the Total 1.0,747,205 703,407 7% g g e will be below both the goal of 20% st Q prior Year YTD Prior and the minimum ofl 15% at 11% for FY 2007-08. It is 1 uarter -Prior Fiscal Year ,',I anticipated that year-end ,department savings will meet the Top Ten Revenues Budget Year City's 15% minimum goal over time. Propert Tax 3,980,660 128,234 3% Triple Flip -Sales Tax 819,000 - 0% GENERAL FUND Triple Flip -VLF 1;072,600 - 0% Sales Tax '2;948,150 224,925 8% With 25% of the year complete, General Fund revenues are TOT 461,000 106,480 23% consistent based on prior year payment schedules and Franchise Tax '557,050 38,383 7% expenditures are at 25%. J The projected General Fund balance Building Permits 228,533 39,481 17% is approximately 11 % of appropriations. VLF 112,000 23,819 21 Children in Motion 268,000 89,916 34% Telecommunication General Fund' Balance Budget YTD Actual o/ site leases 164,700 38,980 24% Total ,10;611,693 690,218 7% Revenues 14,509,369 1,467,318 ,s10% gy comparing the YTD prior year revenue to the Ex enditures 14,698,196 3,650,245 25% Beginning Fund Balance 1,808,404 _ current YTD revenue we can see an overall increase Endin Fund Balance 1,619,577 1]% of 2%. As shown on the table on the following page: Quarterly Financial Report First Quarter. of Fiscal Year 2007-08 Com arison of Actual YTD Revenue to Prior YTD Reverie preparing the ~ 2007-09 Bi -Annual YTD Prior increase/ Budget, staff estimated an increase of a To Ter Revenues YTD Actual Year Decrease °r~ modest 1.5% for ' a budgeted amount of Property Tax 118,143 128,234 10,091 ' . -8% $962,000. This quarter, staff received notice Triple Flip -Sales Tax - - - 0% that the state had overpaid the City by Triple Flip -VLF ' - - - 0% Sales Tax I 261,734 224,925 36,809'; 16% $106,125. The actual amount the City is to TOT 105,628 106,480 852)' -1% receive is $862,068 minus the $106,125 Franchise Tax 37,153 38,383 1;230' ' -3% overpayment or $755,943. Staff is requesting Building Permits 47,270 39,481 7,789 ! 20% a reduction in this line item of $206,000. VLF 14,522 23,819 (9,297)' ' -39% . Triple flip -VLF: This revenue is received Children in Motion 87,111 89,916 2,805 -3% Telecommunication site in February and May. Staff is requesting an leases ~ 31,845 38,980 (7,135 -18% increase in this line item of $21,355 based on Total 703,406 690,218 13,188' . 2% the actual amount to be received per the County of San Luis Obispo. ' Comparison of ist Qtr .Current Year Budget to Prior Year . Sales Tax -Sales tax is higher than the prior Bud et year due to a larger clean-up payment received YTD Pnor Ina-ease,~ in September for the period of May 12th - Top Ten Revenues 1'TD Budget Yr Budget Decrease °~o August 13th. The Board of Equalization Property Tax 4';101,750 3,980,660 121,090 3% TripleFlip-SalesTax ('756,000 819,000 (63,000)' _g% (BOE) computes the monthly advances using Triple Flip -VLF 1;209,355 1,072,600 136,755'; 13% a formula based on prior year receipts and ~ Sales Tax 2j654,500 2,948,150 (293,650) -10% estimated growth: The BOE then reconciles TOT '508,000 461,000 47,0001; 10% the actual receipts .against the advances and Franchise Tax ':607,700 557,050 50,6,50;! 9% this results in the, clean-up payment that the Building Pemvts ',226,600 228,533 (1,933) -1% City receives. This revenue is below 25% due VLF 1;123,000 112,000 11,0001,:., 10% to only receiving one month of tax receipts at Children in Notion !356,300 268,000 88,300';; 33% the time of this report. Telecommunicatiohs1te • Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) -All of leases '204,000 164,700 39,300',: 24% the hotels reported slightly lower TOT than in Total 10;747,205 10,611,693 135,512;'!. 1% the prior year. This can be attributed to higher • Property tax -The City receives the majority of its gas prices, which' may be dissuading people property tax revenue in December and April': The from traveling. The TOT revenue is only for July and August; as September's TOT is decrease in property tax from the prior year is due to a received in October. Staff is requesting a decrease in supplemental taxes. Supplemental tax is reduction in this line item of $50,000 due to a when tax changes are put into immediate `effect once delay in the completion of the Hampton Inn property transfers ownership or new construction is completed instead'of waiting for the next tax lien date. project. This results in the levying of tax for a portion of the • Building Permits =The increase in building current fiscal year. The decrease is due to a decline in permits is 'due to the issued permits for the the housing market. In addition, staff made an,error in Hampton Inn this fiscal year. This revenue is calculating the FY 2006-07 estimated actual 'number still below 25%. However, an increase in fees when preparing the 2007-09 Bi-Annual Budget due to based on the adoption of the User Fee Study the expectation of an additional payment. This caused will increase future revenue in this line item. the current budget to be overstated. Staff is ~ Franchise Tax -There is a decrease in this ' recommending a decrease in this line item of $420,000. 'The .above budget of $4,101,750 reflects revenue due to a decrease in revenue collected this adjustment. by the South County Sanitary Services, in the j month of July. Staff contacted South County • Triple ';flip -Sales tax: This revenue is received in Sanitary Services to inquire about this and was ' February and May. In FY 2006-07, the City received told that two things factored into the decrease: $947,305 in triple flip sales tax revenue. When (1) increased recycling; and (2) no 2 ~f p , u 1 Quarterly Financial Report First Quarter. of Fiscal Year 2007-08 substantial increase in the number of ,pickups FIRST QUARTER ADJUSTMENTS required by businesses over summer or holiday season as experienced in the past. Council approved budget adjustments: • Telecommunication site leases -This decrease is due • AllQllSt 28, 2007 - Council approved an to an error in which $8,465 of revenue was recorded in increase in the City Attorney's legal services the prior year. .Had this been recorded .correctly it contract of $25,000. The current budget would have shown an increase of 3%. had $10,000 available for both fiscal years therefore; an additional appropriation of Expenditures: ~ Operating costs are on target for the first $15,000 was required. In addition, Council uarter as summarized below: approved salary increases for both management and .part-time employees. Actual appropriations totaled $149,160. Expenditures by Type Bud Et= YTD Actual Salaries and Benefits 011,284,204 2,744,527 24% • September 11, 2007 -Council appropriated Supplies 241,961 41,103 17% $2,500 for. membership in the South County Services ~ ' .1,095,107 229,696 21% Historical Society. Other operatin costs 1,590,623 587,593 • 37% • September 25, 2007 -Council approved a Capital purchases 486,301 47,326 10% temporary lease with PG&E for a Park and Total 14,698,196 3,650,245 25% Ride lot. This lease will provide additional revenue to the General Fund of $30,000 for The key variances "by type" are supplies, other operating costs FY 2007-08 and FY 2008-09. and capital purchases. Supplies are down due to the diligence of all departments. to contain their expenditures: Other Requested Budget Adjustments: operating costs'(Non=departmental listed below) are higher due As mentioned previously in this report, revenues for to the annual payment for the City's Liability insurance made FY 2006-07 were lower than what staff had in July 2007. A majority of capital purchases had not been estimated when preparing the 2007-09 Bi Annual made by the end of the first quarter. Budget. Staff is making the following recommendations in order to bring the budget back Departmental operating expenditures are also on target as in line: summarized b ;the followin Revenues: Expenditures by Department Budget YTD Actual City Manager 619,581 162,745 ' 26% 1. Property tax revenue to be decreased by City Clerk ' 186,168 35,594 19% ($420,000). City Attorney 198,250 28,867 ' 15% 2. Decrease Triple Flip Sales tax revenue by Finance 542,425 121;351 22% ($206,000). IT 349,933 59,998 17% 3. Personnel transfers to be increased by $24,000 Community Development 606,195 143,672 24% due to approved salary increases. Police ' 5,847,664 1,382,387 ' 24% 4. The reimbursement to be received from Fire 2,067,550 502,770 24% Grover Beach for the Battalion Chief be Public Works 1,218,962 265,413 22% increased by $13,000 to match actual revenue Parks and Recreation ' 2,289,358 513,235 22% received. Non-Departmental 772,110 434,212 56% 5. An increase in charges for services revenue by Total 14,698,198. 3,650,245. 25% a total of $80,000 due to the recommendations i of the User Fee Study. The main variance in departmental expenditures is in Non- 6. Increase Fire revenue by $15,000 due to I Departmental. ,This is due to the annual payment for liability anticipated reimbursement from OCSD for insurance of $367,378 made in July 2007. Fire personnel. This will be considered by City Council in January 2008. If not approved, further budget adjustments will be proposed. 3 i ~~1 -"0 i ~ ~I i i Quarterly Financial Report First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2007-08 7. Increase ~ insurance. refund revenue by $90,000. 12. Decrease 5 Cities Youth basketball However; this revenue also needs to be decreased by miscellaneous services by ($18,500). These ($33,600). Staff budgeted a refund from CJPIA but this funds are returned to the 5 Cities Youth was actually 'taken against Worker's Compensation basketbalF league, and will be refunded through expenditures. The net increase in this revenue would be the revenue account. $56,400. 13. Increase Fire overtime expense by $62,000 due 8. DecreaseiTransient Occupancy Tax by ($50,000). due to to Fire Strike team response. delays in the completion of the Hampton Inn. 14. Increase of $2,000 in capital transfers to fund 9. Decrease'.. operating', transfer in revenue by ($7,360) due additional expenses related to the PG&E park to the fact the Battalion Chief was hired at the~end of and ride lot. September and 12 months of reimbursement from the Sales Tax Fund had been budgeted. Total expenditure adjustments (including the 10. Increase Triple Flip., VLF revenue by $21,355 to match Council approved adjustments of $166,660) equal a actual amount to be received from the County. net increase of $44,207. 11. Increase Fire Strike Team reimbursement by $11'4,230 to Staff was able to balance the budget as shown on the match actual reimbursement for fire assistance. 12. Decrease; 5 Cities Youth basketball revenue by attached General Fund Summary page. The original ($18,500). Any revenue that exceeds expenditures is budget for FY 2007-08 included revenues that returned fo the 5 Cities Youth basketball league. exceeded expenditures by $399,147, which addresses the remaining difference between revenue Total revenue !adjustments (including the Council approved and expenditure adjustments. However, as $30,000 increase for the PG&E park and ride lot) :equal a mentioned previously the budget does not currently decrease of $347,875. meet the City Council Fund Balance goal of 20% or the minimum goal of 15%. Staff is continuing to Expenditures: work with the departments to find additional areas in which expenditures can be delayed, reduced or 1. A decrease in Worker's compensation expenditures of eliminated. Staff anticipates meeting the Council's ($30,329) to match actuals. minimum fund balance goal of 15% at year-end. 2. Increase expenditures by $10,000 to contract for assistance While this has been a difficult process, staff is to be with ongoing personnel issues. commended for their quick response and innovative 3. Decrease i Community Development department ideas in helping to reduce expenditures. The current expenditures by ($12;000) to eliminate one intern position. budget leaves little to no flexibility within 4. Reduce Public Works contractual services by ($15;000). departmental budgets and will require departments 5. Reduce Public Works salaries by ($10,000) due to staff to closely monitor their budgets to maintain ongoing charging their time directly to CIP projects. expenditures. 6. Decrease Police overtime by ($15,000). 7. Decrease capital transfers by ($15,000) due to receiving In addition to making revisions to the current year additional Prop 1B funding that will be used for scheduled budget, staff has also calculated adjustments for the ' CIP projects. In addition, a decrease of ($22,0.00) in FY 2008-09 budget. These adjustments will be carryovers is to be funded from Prop 1B funding fora explained in more detail in the Budget Update report total decrease of $37,000. that staff brings to Council in July of 2008. Below 8. Departments {excluding Non-Departmental) were is a brief summary of the recommendations: requested to decrease their supplies and services budgets by 2%. This amounted to a decrease of ($39,024). Revenues: 9. Delay a purchase of one Public Works vehicle in FY 1. An increase of $48,000 in cell tower 2007-08 for a decrease of ($27,000). 10. Decrease Non-Departmental by ($4,600) due to a decrease revenue. in the cost of mandated cost recovery services. 2. Increase of $30,000 for the PG&E park and 11. Reduce operating transfers by ($10,000) due to additional ride lot. revenue inthe Transportation Fund that can help fund the 3. Decrease of ($430,000) in Property tax Streets section. revenue. i 4. Decrease of ($101,000) in Sales tax revenue. 5. Increase- of $56,200 in Personnel transfers. 4 ~I~_ . i Quarterly Financial Report First. Quarter of Fiscal Year 2007-08 6. Increase of $40,900;; for Grover Beach Battalion chief reimbursement. 7. Increase of $35,000 in CCCSIF insurance revenue.,'' 8. Increase of$249,000''based on User fee study. 9. Increase o'f $20,000 from OCSD for Fire personnel reimbursement. 10. Decrease of ($50,000)"in Transient Occupancy.,Tax. 11. Decrease of ($10,900) in Operating Transfer In from the Local Sales tax fund. Total revenue adjustments equal a decrease of $112,800'. Expenditures: 1. Increase of;$320,015 for salary increases for Management, Fire and Part-time employees. 2. Increase of $15,000 related to the Council approved City Attorney legal services contract. 3. Decrease of ($15,000) in Public Works contractual services. 4. Decrease of ($40,200) for 2% reduction in departments services and supplies:;budget. 5. Decrease of ($4,000) in Non-departmental contract services due to lower''mandated services contract. Total expenditure adjustments equal an increase of $275,815. The projected ending fund balance for Fiscal Year .2008-09 is $1,830,057 or ;12% of appropriations. It is anticipated that department savings from Fiscal Year 2007-08 will increase this fund balance. i I 5 1/b-l~ - ~ ' I Quarterly Financial Report First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2007-08 OTHER FUNDS ' Sewer Fund: The Sewer. Fund ended the 2006-07 Fiscal Year with a fund balance of $345,823. The estimated ending fund balance for the Sewer Fund is $200,496. This does'. not yet meet the City Council's goal of 60 days of operating expenses plus $500,000 ,in part due to the carryover for the financing of the Fair Oaks Avenue Sewer Upgrade of $70,060 and $120,000 budgeted for the East Branch Street (Village Area) sewer-lining project. However, it does represent steady progress toward accomplishing this goal. Water Fund:' The Water Fund reports a fund.. balance of $2,588,063 at the end of'fiscal year 2006-07. The estimated ending fund balance in this fund is $2,359,366. This will meet the City Council's goal of 60 days of operating expenses plus $500,000. There are two budget adjustments requested from the Water Fund. The Brisco Booster pump was budgeted for replacement in FY 2008''-09. However, the pump has begun leaking excessively and ..,,can no longer be repaired. Staff is requesting that'the $10,000 budgeted in FY 08-09 be moved up to the current fiscal year. The Budget update report presented to Council in July 08 will reflect this decrease in the FY 08-09 budget. In addition; staff is recommending that the Personnel transfers be increased by $,10,600 to reflect the increase in staff salaries. The cost of much needed capital improvements has reduced this fund balance significantly. However, scheduled rate increases were put into place to provide for budgeted capital improvements ,while maintaining the current fund ;balance . goals. Anew; Water and Wastewater rate study is currently budgeted in this fiscal year. Water Facility Fund: The Water Facility Fund, has a beginning fund balance of $1,030,143. Currently, there is $253,700 budgeted for, capital improvement projects and $779,471 in carryovers for ongoing projects. The estimated fund balance for fiscal year 2007-08 is $107,655. Redevelopment Agency Fund: The Redevelopment Agency (RDA) fund finally -has a positive beginning fund balance of $292,146. The estimated ending fund balance is $339,711. The RDA issued bonds in fiscal year 2006-07, which 'enabled the Agency to repay its' debt and will now allow the agency to pursue new projects. The bonds will be repaid using the RDA tax increment. ~ ~ ~ I I l City of Arroyo Grande Fund Balance -Control _ - - - - - - - - _ _ All-Funds Operating..Budget - - _ _ - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - 2007/08 Adopted Budget As of December 11, 2007 Schedule A _ . Unaudited Estimated Total Total Unreserved Unreserved Fund Balance Original Adjustment Operating Operating FY 2006-07 Budgeted Adjustments to Fund Balance July 1, 2007 Revenues to Revenues Transfer In Transfer Out Carryovers Appropriations Appro riations June 30, 2008 General Fund 010 General Fund: $1,808,404 $12,855,065 ($347,875) $1,964,900 $125,600 $195,892 $14,295,218 $44,207 $1,619,577 ~ecial Revenue Funds: ...210 Fire Protection Impact Fees $6 $78,500 ($100,000) $100,000 $13,000 $0 $0- $0 _$65,506 - 211 Public Access Television 34,405 39,000 0 0 0 0 31,000 0 42,405 212 Police Protection Impact Fees 30,381 10,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,581 213 Park Development Fees 657,099 153,000 0 0 .225,000 170,007 0 0 415,092 214 Park Improvement Fees 609,774 .503,525. 0 0 493,525 97,344 0 0 522,430 215 Recreation Community Center 40,922 7,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 48,422 218 Grace Lane Assessment District 10,538 9,500 0 0 0 0 5,000 0 15,038 217 Landscape Maintenance District 38,034 6,800 0 0 2,100 0 3,800 0 38,934 218 Local Use Tax Fund 86,801 1,505,000 0 0 1,424,600 201,152 0 (107,360) 73,409 219 Parkside Assessment District 71,977 56,500 0 0 12,000 7,000 23,000 0 86,477 220 Streets 0 336,900 0 558,600 0 0 847,860 0 47,640 221 Traffic Congestion Relief 9,103 400 100,000 0 0 0 0 37,000 72,503 222 Traffic Signal 365,115 65,000 0 0 60,000 134,378 0 0 235,737 223 Traffic Circulation 213,226 1,500 0 0 90,000 119,717 0 0 5,009 224 "Transportation Facility Impact 2,605,390 198,000 0 0 400,000 800,551 0 0 1,602,839 225 Transportation 132,651 356,154 0 0 400,500 0 5,000 10,000 73,305 226 Water Neutralization Impact 737,172 175,000 0 0 360,000 253,505 0 0 298,667 230 Construction Tax 3,186 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 3,186 231 Drainage Facility 20,312 0 0 0 0 19,025 0 0 1,287 232 In-Lieu Affordable Housing 865,588 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 875,588 233 In-Lieu Underground Utility 75,649 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75,649 241 Lopez Facility Fund 1,699,690 179,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,878,690 250 CDBG Grant Funds 0 0 218,724 0 0 218,724 0 0 0 260 Federal Fire Act Grant 15,969 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,969 271 State COPS Block Grant 164,480 100,500 0 0 0 107,804 100,000 0 57,176 284 Redevelopment Agency 292,146 1,028,000 0 0 469,250 0 505,525 5,600 339,771 _ 285 Redevelopment Set Aside 2,589,513 280,000 0 0 33,250 0 129,325 600 2,706,338 Total Special Revenue Funds $11,369,128 $5,099,979 218,724 $658,600 $3,983,225 $2,129,207 1,650,510 ($54,160) $9,637,649 7 City of Arroyo Grande Fund Balance -Control _ _ _Al1 Funds_Operating Budget- - - - - 2007/08 Adopted Budget As of December 11, 2007 Schedule A Unaudited Estimated Total Total Unreserved Unreserved Fund Balance Original Adjustment Operating Operating FY 2006-07 Budgeted Adjustments to Fund Balance July 1, 2007 Revenues to Revenues Transfer In Transfer Out Carr overs Appropriations Appro riations June 30, 2008 Capital Project Funds: 350 Capital Improvement Fund $0 $931,589 $4,852,501 $3,615,325 $0 $4,762,501 $4,546,914 $92,000 ($2,000) Total Capital Project Funds $0 $931,589 $4,852,501 $3,615,325 $0 $4,762,501 $4,546,914 $92,000 ($2,000) Enterprise Funds: c-.612 Sewer. $345;823 $756;700 $0 $0 $533;700 $70,060 $291,067 $7,200 $200,496 I 634 Sewer Facility 506,738 76,000 0 0 32,300 437,997 0 0 112,441 640 Water Fund 2,588,063 2,262,650 0 0 1,032,200 159,592 1,278,955. 20,600 2,359,366 641 Lopez Water Availability 2,084,852 3,170,900_ 0 0 277,100 0 2,566,696 0 2,411,956 642 Water Facility 1,030,143 114,000 0 0 253,700 779,471 0 3,317 107,655 Total Enterprise Funds $6,555,620 $6,380,250 $0 $0 $2,129,000 $1,447,120 $4,136,718 $31,117 $5,191,915 Trust and Agency Fund: 751 Downtown Pazking $126,827 $12,000 $0 $0 $1,000 $0 $2,900 $0 $134,927 Total Trust & Agency Fund $126,827 $12,000 $0 $0 $1,000 $0 $2,900 $0 $134,927 Grand Total All Funds $19,859,979 $25,278,883 $4,723,350 $6,238,825 $6,238,825 $8,534,720 $24,632,260 $113,164 $8,047,348 f-. W $ City of Arroyo Grande Approved and Recommended Adjustments Fiscal Year 2007/08 FY_2007-OS Budget-Update- Reported December 11~ 2007 _ - Schedule B Ad'ustments Estimated Operating Operating Fund Balance - Fund Pro am [Number Descri tion Revenue-` Transfers-In Transfers-Out A ro riation Im act Comments General Fund (010) FY 2007-08 ADJUSTMENTS CITY COUNCIL APPROVED ADJUSTMENTS 010 4001-5504 Public Relations $ - $ - $ - $2,500 ($2,500) Historical Society Membership 010 0000-4350 Rent 30,000 30,000 PG&E lease agreement 010 4003-5304 Professional Services 15,000 (15,000) Increase in Legal services contract 010 various Salaries and benefits 149,160 (149,160) Mgmt & Part-time salary increases Total Council approved adjustments $30,000 $ - $ - $166,660 ($136,660) PROPOSED ADJUSTMENTS 010 0000-4001 Property taxes (420,000) (420,000) Overprojected when preparing the-07-08 Budget _ 010 0000-4008 Triple Flip -Sales tax (206,000) (206,000) Overprojected when preparing the 07-08 Budget 010 0000-4901 Transfers in -personnel 24,000 24,000 .Increase in_transfers.due to salary increases- - 010 0000-4445 Batallion Chief reimbursement 13,000 - 13,000 Increase reimbursement from Grover Beach 010 various Worker's comp (30,329) 30,329 Decrease in Worker's Comp 010 0000-4805 Insurance refunds 56,400 56,400 CCCSIF insurance refund 010 4101-5303, Personnel services 10,000 (10,000) Personnel services 010 various Charges for services 80,000 80,000 Increases based on the user fee-study 010 4130-5103 Salaries Temporary part-time (12,000) 12,000 Delete Community Dev Intem position 010 0000-4807 Expense recovery 15,000 15,000 OCSD revenue for Fire Chief 010 4301-5303 Contactual services (15,000) 15,000 Reduction in Public Works Contractual Svcs 010 4301-various Salaries and benefits (10,000) 10,000 Charge Public Works salaries to CIP projects 010 4201-5105 Overtime (15,000) 15,000 Reduction in Police overtime budget 010 4145-5904 Capital transfers (15,000) 15,000 CIP projects to be paid from Prop 1B funds 010 4145-5904 Capital transfers 2,000 (2,000) Additional expenses for PG&E park & ride lot 010 0000-4010 Transient Occupancy fee (50,000) (50,000) Hampton Inn completion later than budgeted 010 4145-5902 Operating transfers (7,360) (7,360) Savings due to Bat Chief being hired in Sept 010 0000-4007 Triple Flip -VLF 21,355 21,355 Increase in VLF triple flip payments 010 various Services and supplies (39,024) 39,024 2% reduction in department wide budget 010 4303-6301 Vehicles (27,000) 27,000 delay Public Works vehicle purchase until FY OS-09 010 4145-5303 Contactual services (4,600) 4,600 Mandated cost recovery costs decreased- 010 4145-5902 Operating transfers (10,000) 10,000 Decrease in operating traiisfer to Streets 010 0000-4730. ~ Fire Strike team reimbursement 114,230 114,230 Increase due to Zaca and San Diego area fires 010 4211-5105 Overtime 62,000 (62,000) Increase due to Zaca and San Diego area fires 010 4426-5319 5 Cities basketball reimbursement (18,500) 18,500 Decrease due to paying refund from revenue 010 0000-4613 5 Cities youth basketball (18,500) (18,500) Excess of revenue after expenditures is paid to 5 Cities Total Proposed adjustments (377,875) - (25,000) (97,453) (255,422) Total General Fund Adj ($347,875) ~ ($25,000) $69,207 ($392,082) _ Fire Facility Fund (210) 210 0000-4902 Transfer in $ - ($100,000) $ - $ i ($100,000) Transfer made in 2006-07 Year End Audit entry Budget Update Total $ ($100,000) $ $ ($100,000) 1 r 9 City of Arroyo Grande Approved and Recommended Adjustments Fiscal Year 2007/08 - - - --FY 2007-08 Budget Update= Reported December 11; 2007 - Schedule B Ad'ustments Estimated Operating. , -Operating. - -Fund Balance Fund Pro am Number Descri tion Revenue Transfers-In Transfers-Out A ro riation Im act Comments Local Sales-Tax Fund (218) 218 4104-5902 Operating transfer $ - $ - ($107,360) $ - $107,360 Transfer made in 2006-07 Yeaz End Audit entry and Budget Update Total $ - $ - ($107,360) $ - $107,360 $7,360 savings due to Bat Chief being hired in Sept Traffic Congestion Relief (221) 221 0000-4495 Traffic Congestion relief $100,000 $ - $37,000 $ - $63,000 Additional Prop 1B funds, CIP expenditures Budget Update Total $100,000 $ - $37,000 $ - $63,000 Transportation (225) 225 4553-5902 Operating transfer $ - $ - $10,000 $ - ($10,000) Increase operating transfer to Streets Fund Budget Update Total $ - $ - - $10,000 ($10,000) _ Redevelopment Agency (284) 284 4103=5901 Personnel transfer $ $ - $5,600 $ - ($5,600) Increase in transfers due to salaryincreases Budget Update Total $ - $ - $5,600 $ - ($5,600) Redevelopment Set Aside (285) 285 4103-5901 Personnel transfer $ - $ - $600 $ - ($600) Increase in transfers due to salary increases Budget Update Total $ - $ - $600 $ - ($600) Capital Project Fund (350) 350 5425-Various Temporary Park and Ride Lot - PGF $90,000 $ - $ - $90,000 $ - Council approved 9/25/07 350 5425-Various Temporary Park and Ride Lot - PGA 2,000 2,000 - Additional expenses for PG&E park & ride lot Budget Update Total $92,000 $ $ - $92,000 $ - Fire Bond Debt Svc 470 0000-4001 Property taxes $199,500 $ - $ - $ - $199,500 Council approved bond property tax levy Budget Update Total $199,500 $ - $ - $ - $199,500 Sewer Fund (612) 612 4610-5901 Personnel transfer $ - $ - $7,200 $ - ($7,200) Increase in transfers due to salary increases -Budget Update Total $ - $ - $7,200 $ - ($7,200) Water Fund (640) 640 4710-5901 Personnel transfer $ - $ - $10,600 $ - ($10,600) Increase in transfers due to salary increases 640 4712-6201 Machinery and Equipment 10,000 (10,000) Replace Brisco Booster pump Budget Update Total $ - $ - $10,600 $10,000 ($20,600) Water Facility Fund (642) 640 4710-5303 Contractual Services $ - $ - $ - $3,317 ($3,317) Council approved desalination funding study Budget Update Total $ - $ - $ - $3,317 ($3,317) Control Total $43,625 ($100,000) ($61,360) $174,524 ($169,539) 10 City of Arroyo Grande CIP ....Expenditures to Date - - - _ - 2007/08 Budget As of December 11,.2007- . , Schedule C. Year to Date Pro'ect # Pro'ect Descri tion Pro'ect Bud et Expenditures Balance 5410 Fire Station Addition $13,000 $ - $13;000 5412 Creekside Lighting Project 30,049 30,049 5413. Fema San Simeon Earthquake 11,706 11,706 5415 Radio Communication Upgrades 25,000 4,868 20,132 5417 City Hall Remodel 1,480 1,480 5419 Creek Ivy Removal Project 20,000 20,000. 5420- Police Dept. Expansion Feasibility Study 125,000 13,535 111,465 .5421,, GIS Database_and Aerial Photography Update , . • . 25-,000 ' , " -5;000` 20,000 ' 5424 Relocation of Utilities on E. Grande Ave 75,000 52,185 22,815 5425 Temporary Park & Ride Lot for PG&E 92,000 92,000 5515 Park Imprmts-Various La's 10,949 10,949 5522 Turf Renov-Elm St & Strother PK 2,007 2,007 5526 Picnic Shelter @ Elm St Park 49,840 29,431 20,409 5527 Irrigation Sys Replacement @ Elm St Pk 5,957 1,795 4,162 5528 Picnic Table Replacemt W/ADA Tables 18,000 4,263 13,737 5529 Replace Security Lights-Soto Spts Cmplx 18,000 18,000 5530 Picnic Area Improvements 15,000 15,000 5531 Village Green Master Plan 373,613 13,761 359,852 5532 Lighting Don Roberts Field 175,000 175,000 5533 ADA Improvements 309,316 1;446 307,870 5534 Resurface Courts 25,000 25,000 5536 Replacement. Lighting -.Lower Basin Fields. 170,000 170;000 ~ ' 5537 " Replacement Fencing -Porter Field 10,000 10,000 5538 Turf Renovations 50,000 50,000 5539 Fence replacement -James Way nature trail 21,000 21,000 5540 Central Irrigation System 35,000 35,000 5632 Annual Concrete Replacement Prog 25,000 2,594 22,406 5637 Grand & Halcyon Signal Rplmt 55,323 55,323 5638 Pavement Mgmt Program 95,275 731 94,544 ~ 5642 Brisco RD/101 Interchange 1,256,360 43,759 1,212,601 6` 5652 Traffic Signal-West Branch 72,602 2,752 69,850 5653 Traffic Count/ Model U date 35,012 35,012 11 City of Arroyo Grande CIP - -Expenditures to Date- - - - - - - - - - 2007/08 Budget - As of December 11, 2007 . Schedule C Year to Date Pro'ect # Pro'ect Descri tion Pro'ect Bud et Expenditures Balance I' 5655 Brisco RD Pavement Rehab 304,821 256,085 48,736 5657 Farroll Ave Rehab 557,000 2,674 554,326 5658 Misc Striping/Crosswalks/Handicap Ramps 125,000 125,000 5662 Benchmark Survey 17,931 17,931 5663 E. Grand Ave Enhancemnts CQ3 Courtland St 4,594 4,594 5666 Mason/Nelson ADA Ramps ~ 33,300 33,300 5667 "Left Tum & Signal Q W Branch/Oak PK Blv - - 25,000 25;000 5671 East Branch Streetscape 724,063 1,170 722,893 5672 Traffic Way Streetscape" - 149,535 70 149,465 5673 East Grand Ave Microsurfacing 126,000 148 125,852 5674 Poole Street Sidewalks 18,000 3,043 14,957 5675 James Way Street Repairs 589 405 184 5678 Castillo Del Mar Road Ext/Valley road drainage improvements 732,500 732,500 5681 Fair Oaks/ Halcyon Rd Traffic Signal Update 60,000 60,000 5752 Drainage Master Plan 4,350 363 3,987 5754 Newsom Springs Project 292,945 12,815 280,130 5760 Poplar St Drainage Basin Improv 19,250 19,250 5776 Drainage Pumps/Piping-Soto Spts Cmplx 164,322 164,322 5777 Storm Water Study 5,925 5,925 5778 Creek Preservation Projects 75,000 75,000 5809 Sewer Lift Station No.l Rplcmt 3,057 3,057 .5815.. Fair Oaks Ave Sewer Upgrade.. 546,600 546,600 5822 Tally Ho RD Sewer Upgrade""" 1,273 1,273 5826 Woodland Drive Sewer Upgrade 337 337 , 5830 EI Camino Real Sewer Upgrade 33,457 33,457 5831 Walnut Street Sewer Upgrade 17,973 17,973 ~ 5832 Ash Street Sewer Upgrade 44,100 44,100 5833 Farroll Ave Sewer relocation 994 994 5839 E. Branch Street (Village Area) Sewer lining 120,000 120,000 5904 Water Master Plan 30,000 30,000 5910 Reservoir No.6 Construction 4,824 4,824 12 City of Arroyo Grande CIP - - -Expenditures to Date - - - - _ - - - - - _ _ _ - - 2007/08 Budget Asof December 11; 2007- Schedule C Year to Date Pro'ect # Pro'ect Descri tion Pro'ect Bud et Expenditures Balance 5916 Waterline Install -Chilton & El Camino 13,307 5918 Pressure Zone Connection 594,700 594,700 5932 Waterline Upgrade - 4" to 8" Bell St/Faeh 275,000 275,000 5933 Waterline Upgrade - LePoint/Nevada 44,592 43,255 1,337 5934 Water Well #10 241,082 9,190 231,892 5935 Upgrades For Water Security 40,000 - 40,000 . 5936 Water Well No. 7 Rehabilitation 45,000 45,000 5937 Desalination;Feasibility Study.. 30;000. 30,000 - - 5938 Water Conservation Program 603,505. 14,540 588,965 5939 Water and Sewer Rate Study Update 25,000 25,000 Grand Total $ 9,401,415 $ 519,878 $ 8,868,231 I t 04 13 l GENERAL FUND -FUND SUMMARY FUND: 010 GENERAL FUND FISCAL YEAR 2006-07 BI-ANNUAL BUDGET 2004-05 .2005-06 ....ORIGINAL AMENDED. ESTIMATED 2007-08 - 2008-09 ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET. BUDGET Beginning Fund Balance $ 2,470,510 $ 2,633,632 $ 2,359,079 $ 2,359,079 $ 2,359,079 $ 1,612,512 $ 1,619,577 Revenues: Revenues 11,344,061 11,429,708 12,499,587 12,570,068 11,935,680 12,490,550 13,255,285 Transfers In 955,785 1,046,430 1,216,660 1,199,027 1,192,534 1,981,540 2,059,800 Total Revenues 12,299,846 12,476,138 13,716,247 13,769,095 13,128,214 14,472,090 15,315,085 Expenditures: _ _ _ . Salaries and Benefits 9,311,243 10,054,248 10,310,470 10,825,313 10,719,722 11,284,204 11,906,205 Current Expenses 2,432;648. 2;439;651 2,300;430 2,900;248 2,786;359 2,727;191 2,823,420 Debt Service 25,068 25,068 218,500 105,864 25,068 12,500 - Equipment Replacement 405,510 442,263 346,350 429,292 288,334 338,530 274,280 Transfers Out (348,543) (325,527) (345,385) (242,152) (280,880) 100,600 .60,700. Capital Transfers 310,796 114,987 145,000 179,974 140,286 2,000 38,700 Total Expenditures 12,136,723 12,750,691 12,975,365 14,198,539 13,678,889 14,465,025 15,103,305 Total Operating Increases (Decreases) 163,122 (274,553) 740,882 (429,443) (550,675) 7,065 211,780 Audit Adjustments to Fund Balance - - - - - - - Total Adjustments to Fund Balance 163,122 (274,553) 740,882 (429,443) (550,675) 7,065 211,780 Ending Fund Balance- 2,633,632 2,359,079 3,099,961 1,929,636. 1;808,404 1,619,577 1,831,357 Reserve for Carry-Over of Appropriations (195,914) (217,503) - - (195,892) - - Available Fund Balance $ 2,437,718 $ 2,141,576 $ 3,099,961 $ 1,929,636 $ 1,612,512 $ 1,619,577 $ 1,831,357 14 ` PRROyo 7 ~ ¦C¦ o~ c~ ~ INCOHPOAA7E0 92 V T * JULY 10, 1811 ~ MEMORANDUM 4~~FORN~P TO: CITY COUNCIL - FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION ~OF SELECTION OF COUNCIL MEMBER FELLOWS AS MAYOR PRO TEM DATE: DECEMBER 11,,2007 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council appoint Council Member Fellows as the Mayor Pro: Tem for the next one-year period. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no cost impact from this action. BACKGROUND: At the December 10, 2002 meeting, the City Council established a new policy regarding selection of the Mayor Piro Tem. At that time, the. City Council agreed to appoint the Mayor Pro Tem on:'a one-year rotational basis by seniority. The following provisions are set forth in the City Council Operations Manual under Policy 4. City Council Appointments: A. The: City Council appoints a Council Member as Mayor Pro Tem to serve the duties of Mayor in his/her absence. B. The Mayor Pro Tem shall serve a term of one year. ~ C. The,. appointment of the Mayor Pro Tem takes place at the first meeting in December of each year. D. It is the City Council's policy to rotate appointment of the Mayor Pro Tem based upon the seniority ,of City Council Members that have not yet served in the position of Mayor Pro ,Tem. i, Ir~~f CITY COUNCIL SELECTION OF COUNCIL MEMBER ARNOLD AS MAYOR PRO TEM DECEMBER 11, 2007 ` PAGE 2 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Appoint Council Member Fellows as the Mayor Pro Tem for the next one-year period; - Do not appoint C`oumcil Member Fellows and modify the established policy; - Provide staff direction. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Council Members Costello, Guthrie and Arnold have previously served as Mayor Pro Tem. Therefore, Council Member Fellows has the longest time of service of those that`have not served. ADVANTAGES: The current process provides an orderly and fair procedure for .alternating the position of Mayor Pro Tem. The proposed recommendations are consistent with the current policy. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified regarding this item. i ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, .December 6, 2007. i The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, December 7, 2007. No public comments were received. i i i (I ~ - a. S:\Administration\CITY MANAGER\STEVE\Council Reports\Mayor Pro Tem 12.11.07.doc i