O 371 C.S. . .. . .. 371 C.S. ORDINANC! NO. AN ORDINANrn OF '11m CITY 01' ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE AItROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL roDE TO ADD AHDAMEND FEI!S FOIt PLANNING PERMITS AND PR~""G WlffiREAS, Thc aty Cooncn oC the aty of Arroyo Grande does ordain that the CoUowirc amendments, os ouUincd in Exhibit A, are mode to the Arroyo Gromie Municipol QJde. Sectioo 1: SllcUon 8-4.2702. Archltecb.ral novll!W. (r) 111e fee for architccturol review by the PIBMlrc Commission or aty Cooncllls $165.00. When reviewed concurrently with a related project, the fee is $100.00. . Section 2: Sectioo 9-4.3005. Pumits: Applications. Applications for heme accupatlon permits sholl be made In wrltlrg by the owner of the property, IC$ee, purchoser In escrow, or optionee, with the written consent of the owner, on fonns prescribed by the person oppolnted by the PIOMlrg Ccmmission. 'l1le f,,'C Cor praces:ilrg 0 home accupotion pennlt shon be $12.00. Section 3: Section 9-4.3001. Permits: Appeals. Any person moy oppeul the determination at the Director oC PIOM!rg by tIlirg an appew in writil\:' with the City aerk, t~ether with a tilil\:' tee in the amount of $60.00 within tive (S) rCl,rulor workil\:' days after the detennination hos been mode. Upon receipt oC sueh Itppew, the City Oerk shuU set 0 time within thirty (30) days after the receipt of such notice for a plblie heorl~ on the oppew. Such appeul sholl be heard by.the Plwmir<< Commission. Notice of the hearil\:' oC such oppcw shull be given os set forth in Section 9-4.3303 of Artiele 33 of this alllpter. At the cla;e of the public henri~, the Plonnil1:' Ccmmission may afCirm, revise, or modify the decision of the Director of Plwming. If the PIDlVliI\:' Commission does not tukc uction 011 the appeal within sixty (60) days lifter the CilIrg thereof, the prior determinatiOlI shull be deemed affirmed. Section 4: Section 9-4.3102. Qnlltianal tile PumitB. (b) Application for 0 c~ltlonol use permit sholl be mode In wrltirc by the owners oC the property, lessee, purchaser In escrow, or optionee, with the eonsent at the owners, on n fOl'lll prescribed by the person pPpOInted by the PlOMII'u Ccmmlsslon. 11'1e application sholl be accompanied by a plot pion drown to liCole showll1:' the property Involved, the Improvements propaled, and the eontlrguous property and Improvements, oil dimensioned, ond by a lee of $2'16.00, with pions showl'1r the tletalls of the prepared US~ to be mode of the land or bundl'1r. The fe~ for extension of a conclltlon!ll use permit shlllJ be $51.00. Section 5: Sectioo 9-4.3103. Vorianees. (c) Applications for vorlonaes sholl be mode In wrltl~ by the property owner, lessee, pUI'Chuser In escrow or q>tionee, with the ~OI"6ent of the owners, on n form prescribed by the person IlppOinted by the Commission. 11'1e nppllcatlon shul1 be occompunlcd by 0 plot pion drown to scale showirc the property Involved, the Improvements PropaIed, and the contirc;ruous property ontllmprovements, 01\ dimensioned, 11'1e npplicont sholl Dlso provid~ evidence to moke the CoUowl'1r findlf1rS: (l) There ore ~xccptlonlll clrcumstonaes opp1ylrg to the subject property includlrg size, shope, topq;rophy, ond sulToundif1rS which do not apply generolly to other lund, bulldif1rS or uses In the some district. (2) Th~ g1'ontlrg of this vorionce Is necessary for the preservation ond enjoyment of substontlol property rl~hts of the I\PpUcont. -~ . ., . . 'Section 12: Section 9-3.611. PinIIl M~ Time Limit. (b) Upon the application of the sulxlivider, W\ extension of time not exceeding one (1) additionw year may be granted by the City Cwneu litter the review and recommendation of the Plnnnir(: Commission. The fee Cor Ci1I~ a request Cor e>.1emioll of time shull be $51.00. Section 13: Section 9-4.2407. Sign Regulations. (3) The fee for PIlIMi~ Commission review or a sign shall be $100.00. 'Ole fee for Phumi~ Director review of a sign shall be $42.00. Seetion 14: Section 9-4.351M. Additionlll Fees. Additional Cees ore hereby added to the 1.on1~ Code, rl!odi~ lIS foUowsl Cencrul Plan Amenanent - The Cee Cor CiIi~ such W\ opplicwton sholl bc $330.00. Meelilg CUltinuance - If 0 project Is eontirwed over one (1) month, It shoD be re- udvertised, lind new notices of hearll'Wi sent to SUI'I'OUndl~ pl'tlpCl'ty owners. 'I'he fee to cover the ca;t of ollvertisirg IInd time spent sendirg IlOtices shall be $34.00. PI~ Conuni!;sion InlerpretatiCXIIW aiver - The fee for filirg such 0 reqUl'St shall be $2'1.00. Uevmlion to k~ - Thc fee for filing such W\ applieation shall be $289.00, plus $10.00 per lot. Certificate of Canplianee - The Cee for filing said application shall be $11.00, plus recOJ'(Ji~ fee. Special Research - 'I1le fee for 0 request to research no Item shall be $23.50. Prc-8ppoontion CalfC!l'elll!e - The fee for 0 pre-application conference sholl be $50.00, whieh will be deducted fl'om the upplieoUon when the oCCielul proj,-ct is submitted. Section 151 This Or<linnnee shall be In Cull Corce and efCect thirty (30) doys litter Its possDge, and within fifteen (15) days litter plIS$/!ge, It shall be published once, tcgether with the IUIIIICS of the Cwneu Members votl~ thereon, In Q new~lIper of generol circulation within the City. On motion of CouncU Member Porter , seconded by Cwneu Member Moots , and on the rol1owl~ roll cull vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Porter, Moots, Millis, Johnspn and Mayor Mankins . . NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregol~ Ordinonce was pl\$ed end adopted this 8th day of March , 1988, ).t..... ...j/~"b. ~""..~~~ MAYOR ATTEST' '/ ~l a.~ . CITY CLERK (j - --"---- ,-- --.. -- - ~--,-"- -, - --- . .... .-- ---' ,. .... _. .. c,,., 1./. oJ EXHIBIT ^ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE App1ieatim Pee ,1.I1Cn!8IJC /Is or MIII'Ch, 1988 Applicotim 'I)pe Fee A. Condltlonol Use Permit (CUP) $ 276 B. 1.one Chll11fe; 1. RezonC!lPrc-zone . . 3:17 2. PlonnC!d DevC!l~ment . ~'ll C. CC!nerol PIon Amendment 330 D. VII/'ionce 276 E. TIme ExtC!nslonslPoreel MopsICUPtrentatlve 'n'act Mnps 51 F. Mcctl~ ConUnull/1Ce 34 C. PIOMI~ Commission Appeals 60 , H. PIOMi~ Commission Interpretotion/Walver 24 J. TC!ntotivC! Porcel M~lICt Mops 289 + 10/Lot J. Lot Line Adjustment 151 + 5/Lot + Actual PIIUI Cheek !(. Reversion to Acreage (Poreel Map) 289 + 10/Lot 1. Certificate of Compliance 11 .. Rccordl'1: Fee M. Sign Permit 1. I'lnnnir(t Commi.",lon Review 100 2. Administrative Review 42 N. ArchitccturoJ Review 165 (100 with Concurrent Project O. Special Research 23.50 P. Envlronmentnl Jmpoct Determination No Fee Q. Environmental Impnct Report (Administrative Review) Aetuol Cast + 15'" of Controct R. Homo OceupoUCIII Permit 12 . S. Pre-application Conrerence (Starr Advisory Committee) 50 (Would be deducted from eppllcatlon when project Is submitted) ,0 . ,- -----,,-- (3) ll\e gruntirg of this vppliclltlon wiD not, under the tenns WId conditions of this , pllrticulor CIl5C, mllterlolly affect adversely the health or safety of pel'llOOS residil\I in or worklrg in the nelglborhood, one! wiD not be matcrilily detriment iii La the public welfore or injurious to property or improvements in suid neiglbcrhood. (4) '1M grontirg or this application wl11 not be contrary to the Cencral PIIIII. I The fee for a vlII'lance application is $216.00. 1 Section 6: Section 9-4.3106. ~..'" Any person, includlrg elected and appointed City officials, may oppeal to the Councilll/lY order, requirement, decision, or detcnninlltion of the Commission In the mWVII....sot fo)rth in this s...'Ction. (8) Appeals sholl be made in wri~ and tiled with the City Clerk, t~ether with a filil1(: fee in the II/TIOWlt of $60.00, within ten (10) days alter the tinol octlon of the Commission. 'l'I1e filirg fee shull be wllived for on appeal oC Ii City elected or oppointed orficil1lactirg in such ellpucity. Upon the .'ceeipt or 110 uppeul, the City Clerk shull set II time, within thirty (30) duys IIrter the receipt or such appeal, for n public heorirg on such oppeal. Notice or such heuriry shall be givl.'fIlIS set forth in Article 33 oC this Cllllptl!r. 'O\il City aurk shull uI!Io notiry the CcmmlS>lion of SIIeh I!()peal. In the l.'Vent the City's expcns~, ineludirg 11.'1:111 noUces, lire I~ thW1 the filil\r fce,ony amcunt ot the filil\r fec not expended by the City shlill be retunded to the IiPpliclUlt. Section 7: Section 9-4.3203. Resolutions of Intcntlcn: Petitions: Pees. (0) A petition ot one or more record owners at the IlIIId which is the Slbject at the propooed lI/TIendment or their lIuthorized ogents sholl be tiled with U\il Plwll\if'G' Commission. A petition for omendment shall be on a Corm prescribed by the pl.'niIUI appolntl.'<I by the Plannirg Commission wx! shull be occomplUlled by a fl.oc of $337.00. Section 8: Section 9-4.3209. ~ of tJnincaporIIted Territay. The City of Arroyo Cro/lde moy prezone uninc~oted territory odjoinirg the City tor the purpCtie oC detenninirg the ~rg tlwt \Vlllllpply to such prc:ipo1rty in the event of subSequent anncXlltion to the City. ''he mt'lhoc:l of oocOll1(llilihl1lC _h 1)1'I!'~h., ,;hllU be lIS provided by this Article tor v.onllV within the City. Action to prezone mllY be Initiated by the PIOIVllrg Commission or City Council. Such rt.onIl'\t sholl become effective ot the same time that the IInIlexlltioll b~om. eCtectl"e. ^ foe ot f337.00 IIhllll be IIUOmlttecl with a pref.OIIC application. Section 9: Section 9-3,606. Tentlltlve Mq:JS: Canpletmess: FIlir1I. (b) FDlrg: Twenty (20) ec.ples at the tentative map slulll be !Ded, tcgC!ther wl,th 0 teo! In the omount ot $289.00, plus $10.00 per 1ot. , . . Section 10: Section 9-3.'103. PIIrCcl Mq:JS: PiliI\r Pees. Where required by the provIsIons oC this Qulpter, parcel maps os described In the State Subdivision Map Act slU1l1 be prepor~'C1 and tiled with the Slbdivision Review Boord, tqrethor wilh 8 CIII~ fee ot $289.00, plus $10.00 per lot. Section 11: Section 9-3.'102- Lot IJne Adj.6trncnts. A lot line adjustment sholl tallow the procedures outlined tor porccl maps. "1e tee tor pl'OCl";ISirg II \ot tine adjustment s11ll11 be $150.00, p\us $5.00 per lot, plus nctuol plnn chel'k cost.