Minutes 1973-05-29 20~ G'I~.'Y COUNGIL ME~Y' 22 ~ 19'~3 ARROYO G.RANDE, CAZIFORI~IA FAGE ,7 REMINDF=,R, RE BUDGET STUDY 'S~SSIONS '~SE~' 'FOR MAY Z3~.~~ J~'~~ ~o-Tl~.. & JL~E 1.1~ Administrat6r Btztch re~ninded ~he C~ncils~~n r~~~.rc~ing ~h~ baad.g~~ ~~aa~.~ sessions set tor 7:30 P.M. c~n ~Iag~ 29~h, Ja~~:~-4~Ya ~n.r~ ~~z~~ l~,~h. ADJOU~T On motion of Councilman Mi.llis, second~~. 1~~ C~~~.ci~snan c~~ I,~on-.a.nd. t~x~nim~~z:s~y carried, th~ meeting ad joasrned at IO o 50 P.M. ~an:ti~ 30 P,M. , MAY '2~ 9 I973. ATTES~: ~`~-y~ti~-,~j . ~ ~ ~ t~~~ DEPUfiY :CI'i'Y C'I~RK M~YOR; CITY CQUNCIL MAY-299 1973 ARR~YO GR.ANDE, CALIFORNIA ~.30 P.M. The regular -adjourned meeting scheduled far thi~ d.~.t~ tia~s not held dase to the lack of a quort~n, The regular adjourned meeting ~o study ~h~ prop~a~~d. 196~~~4 ~a~:nicipal budget:was resCheduled for J~zne 4, 1973:at 7e30 P j; . z ~ ATTEST: ~ ~'~l~r~ ~~~'~~-~'~--t' ~ D~PUTY CITY C~E~RK. 1~YOR CITY COUNC IL JUNE '4, 197`3 ARRQYO GRANDE , CALI~'O1t1~TTA 7: 30 ' P. M. The Citq Council met in regu;~ar -adjourn~d. s~ssion wa.tla Ma.g~or S~hlegei p~esiding. Upon xo11 ca11, C~unail M~mbers Mi1~is, Talley, Wood and ~e;I~ec~n regorted present. _BUD~T:_~„~ ;S~SSZON ~ ~ ~ The Coun,cil .and Admin~,strator B'cs~tch conti.xr.a~ed r~~i~ of the 19~3=7~ prel3:minary Munici.pal B~udget, starting ~ai~h ~Y~:e Fire D~p~.f~ri~nt°s bvadget an~ continuing thrrnzgh and completing the ~nd o~ the buclget. S,,~FT~,,, ~7~TDY SESSIQN FOR R Z1F=NUE SHARING I~UNDS„r,- _JUNE 11 As the study of the preliminary Municipal Btndget h.~.d been .carrrpleted, Admini.strator Butch recom~tended. and the C~aznc~~ .agreecl to s~t ~ st~:xdy session for June 11, 1973:at y;30 P.M. far ~h~ purp~se of disc~s~in~:th~ Federal Revenue Sharing funds . . ~,,DJ_flURNMENT On moti.on of Cauneilman Talle~9 s~cond~d by ~c~~ncil~san de L~on an~ unanimously carried, the m~e~ing -adjo~urne~. .a~ 11;00 P.M. a~ntil 7:30 .P.M., _ _ June 11, 1973. ~,~`y.,. ~ ~ ~ ~~--~-x..X~:~ AZ°~EST~ ~ DEPU'.~Y C~7,'Y CLERK MAY~R