Minutes 1972-12-26 1~~ ~ . ~~~;w z~8y ~.~~z LL_~~°~~~. _~}-:y~~~, ~:~~~~~°~~r~~n ~~a:r ~ ADJOURNMENT On motion of Co~uncilma.n d~ L~~~n, s~cand~d b;~ Cc~~.~c~,l~~.n ~a13.ey~ a~d unanimously carri~d, t~e m~eting ad~~~xrn~d. at 10.4~ P.M. ~ ATTEST'. x_:~~ DEPUTY CITY CLERK MAYOR CITY COUNCIZ DECEMBER 26, 1972 ARROYO GRANDE, CALTFORNIA The regular meeting schedv.led fur this da.te was n~t h~ld cl~t~ to a lack of a quo~um. The next regular meeting of the Cou.ncil wi1~. b~ held Janua~y 9, 1973. ~ ~ ATTEST': ~ "L~~~~,~ ~1I r~5~~~x--4~<~,/~ DEPUT'Y CI~I' CL~RK MAYOR