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Minutes 1972-06-27
c~~ co~c~~ .~uN~ z~, i9~z ~RRO~o cRaN~E, c~x~z~o~~ra C~,ty~ C~r~z~ci1 ~?~t ~.n r~~~lr~~ ~~~~~~csn ~r~~~~ M~y~~ 5~~1.~g~~ pr~~~.d~.ng. Upon a:o11 c~17,, C~ssr~c~,1 M~~b~;~s Millie, °~~1~~~, Waaad ~nd d~ L~aan ~~p~rt~d p~eaent. ~LEDGE QF ALLEGTANCE AND TNVOCATION Mkzy~r Sc'~l~g~:l 1~~d th~ ~~.~dg~ Al~.~g~.anc~ ~c~ a~x F1~~,; ~~s~ ~a~rn~~i~at~ly thereafte^~~ ~t~vex~~s~d ~7~me~ Wickst~oan of ~k~~ ~'ix°~t P~~sbyt~~i~n C'h~,~ch Qf A.~~~yo Grand~ d~li~r~red t~~ in~roca~i~~n. APPROVAT~ OF MIN[~''rES T'h~ ~~.nute~ of tk~~ adjc,~arnea r~g~zlar m~eting ~f J~n~ 1~, ~eg~l~~ maeting of Jun~ 13, and ~d~o~rn~d regular m~et~tng ~f Jtan~ 21, 3~972, ~a~~~ appxpv~d a$ pr~p~ar~d. APPROVAZ OF WARRANTS (~n mot~,an` caf Ca~aa~c~.lxnan de L~c~n, secc~nded by C~s~ncilm~~ ~'~1].~y, and unanim~usly carr~~d, G~n~ra,l W~.~~~nts Na, 106? t~ro~ngh No. ~17~, in th4~ tc~tal amou,n~ o~ $189,517.~+9; Pay~o11 Wa.rrants N+~, 159~ ~h~ottgYs Nc~. ~6~+2, in the tot~l amount o~ $13,9~9.~~; ~.nd Tr~st a~nd Ag~ncy W~~~a~nts ri1~. 1680 ~&~rough No. 17~~, 3.n th~ total ~amaun~t af $2,48]..84, wer~ app~ov~d an~i drde~~d paid. . f~ . . REVT~I ~F PROPOSED ~EGTSTaATIQN FROM ATTYa GEN. YOUNGER - CTTY ATTY, S~IPSEY Cit~ Atto~ney Sh,3.p~~g~ report~;d an his thorougk~ r~~ri~~ ofi ~ka~ sa~nma~i~s of leg~$l~tio~, p~opas~d ~nd r~c~3.ved fram Attc~rney Gen~ral E~re11~ J, Y~ungex°, which ~equ~st~d t~~: Ca~.nc~.l's support af th~ prUp~asa~~. Co~n~il. discues~,on ind3.cat~d favar of sc~cn~ ~f tY~~ propos~d 1~gisl~tion, but a~r~ed th~~t insuffici~nt in£r~rrn~t~.c~n ~nd kn~al~dge of sam~ vf the it~ms ~au].d nc~t warx~ant its suppc~~t of ~he fu~.l p~.~k~~~ of propos~ls, ~nd ag~~~d no ~~t~.~~n b~ talcen on this ~n~tt~r ~t th3s tisne. RECEIPT nF LETTER RE. REVENi~E SI~'A.RING PROPOSAI~ - CONGRESSMAN TAT~COTT Cit~ C~t~a~i1 ~,~el ~i~y ~ttorne~ BYxips~y~ ~~v~,~wed ~nd discuss~d t'he letter ~x~d f°L~r~s r~c~~v~d f~am U'.S. Cc~ngr~ss~a.n $urt L. Talcott r~g~rding t1~e ~~de~al R~~r~~~ S1~~r~.ng propos~l. NOT~CE TO 3U~MI'I' ~SOL~~IUNS FOR T~EAGUE MEETI~'G I~ ~C'Tl')13ER No ~~ti~n t~,k~n an ~ letter ~~ram City of S~n Bu~naven~x~ requ~sting t'~~t ~,11 ~~s~olu~~tions or id~a ~u~lin~s t~~ City v~i~h~~ to be cos~~id~r~d ~t tk~~ ~x~n~~l L~~gu~ of C~,1ifc~rni~ Cities Conventio~ b~ ~ubmitt~d a mont'h befa~r~ ttz~ r~~~t C~i~nr~~:l Cou~xti~s Div3~ion meet~ng t~ b~ h~ld on Aug~s~ 4, 19~7~. INVITATIQN Tp N~RRO ~AY ItOCTC-t~-R~A,1~. ~'~.RADE H SEPTEI~ER 2. 197~ C~~~ C~~a~eil ~dvi~~d ~k~,~ t~~ M~rra ~~y Cl~~mb~r a~ C~~°rc:~ h~s inuit~.~ t~,~~ tc~ p~~~~.cipat~ in t~~ 13t~~ Annu~l Rock-A~R~n~ par~d~ wl~ich wi11 b~ ~~ld S~t~~d~.~, S~pt~~a~~~ ~97~. Aft~x di~cu~~~.or~, i~ ~as ~~~^~~d that ~~c~pt~n~~ ~f ~kaia inu~.t~~~~~, ~ou~d ~at b~ ~~~Cnowl~dg~d ~fi tl~ie t~m~ dtt~ to t'h~ ~~~n~t`h~ t~z~~ ~l~m~nt inv~a7~v~do FIVE CITI~S JA7~C~~9 ~Q~i~ST F~R FEE E~CE1~T FTREWQRIZS LICENS~ N~3~pr Sc~1~g~1 ~d~r~~~d tk~~~t ~ l~tt~~ ~v~~ r~c~i~~d f~om tk~~ Fiv~ Citi~~ Jayc~~~ r~qu~~tin~ ~ f~~ €a~~mpt ~i~~~~~ t~ e~11 f~r~v~~rk,~. ~~t~~ C~+ttncil diecu~~ia~, ~~fi~~~ ~f C~uncil~n~n T~11~y, ~~aond~d by C~unc~lm~,n d~ L~o~ and un~ni~n~~~ 1~+ ~~~~i~d, ~ppxo~r~l e~~e ~~~n~~~l ta t~~ ~'~v~ Citi~~ J~.~c~~~ f~r ~ f@~ exempt busiz~~s~ ~.~c~~~~ for fir~~a~r1c~ ~~l~s ~t T~illiar~~ ~~~tk~~~~ Shc~pp~n~ Cent~r, fro~n Jur~~ ~~ttz fih~o~~ti J~til~r 4, 1972, ~ub~~ct ta ~11 ~ir~ ~~p~~~tn~nt req~tir~anen~a s ~c~:epT o~ ~z~s ~xc~ss g~.o~~~~~ ~~oNG oax Pa~~ ~z~r~. a~ ~~o„~t~.c~ C~.~y C1~~~ I~ir~g~l~~ ~d~ri~~d t~a~ ~nl~r ~~n~ bid h~d b~~n ~r~~~iv~d fox~ th,~e exc~se City p~op~~~~y ~,oc~t~d ~~o~,$ O~,k P~r~C ~~u1~~vr~rd ~.nd Fr~nt~$~ R~~c1s ~v~ich had b~~n d~cl~r~d ~~~p1u9 by th~ Cc~~r~ci1, w1~~.ch `bid ~aaa f~cx~ M~~ G~l~~n E~ P@t~xs, 1012 Granc3 A~~r~~~, in t'h~. a~ir~imt~ b~.d ~m~»r~t ~f $ZSQ.OOA Aft~x° C~~t~~il d~,~~ua- sion, City Atto~~.~~ S~.ip~~:~ ~~~a,d t~~ ti.tl~ of ~~~so~~afi~.~n a~d~~~~g tk~e ~~1~ af real p~ap~rt~r ~lon$ F~~~nt~~~ ~~~d ~~d O~k ~~~rk; ~caul~v~,~d; t~~r@~f~~~x°, ~ m~tion wa.s m~,d~ by C~~unc ~ lm~n 7.'~ 1~~y~, s~~ ~nd~d by C c~~~.~, ~ I~~n d~ ~nd ~n~~,itt~aua l~ ca~r~i~d, tc~ c~isper~s~ t~~t~, ~~~ding tk~~ b~.lanc~ of t~i~s ~~ac~luti~n, COUNCII,M~~T WOOD ~XC~S~D ~TTMS~LF FR(~M `~HE C(~LTN'CIL CI~AAI~ERS 3~AT~NG I~ I~,S A POTENTIA~ FIl~'~A.NCTAI~ ~'~TE~S'T ~'kTIS PR~PERT~, ~ s~ CITY CQUNCIL J'~T~TE 27, 19~2 ARROY~ GTtANDE, CAL~FORI~~A PAGE 2 RESqI.,~`~lU~ :~'c~ a 9~~ A RESOLT~~'Tt?~ C~~ ~H~ C:C~ ~~JT~T~T~, OF T~IE CTTY QF ~~OX'q ~~D~ t?R,D~;~I~S~ SA~ QF CERTAIN ~'TtUPERTX F~~,~W;I~]'G P'UBL".L~ ~AR'~~'G (G~v~rt~t~z~,t c~d~ s~C~~.o~ :~a4,~~ ~~~A a On m~tzon ~af Caunc~.l.a~n T~.~1~~ 9 s~~~crndPC~ 'by~ C~uncilxnan ~e ~.~on ~.nd an the following rca11 ca11 vc~te, w~.~; AYES: Caa~ncilxn~:n Mi3.~.~ts, ~.'a~.~.~~, d~ ~~~n and M~.;~c~~ 5~~1eg~1 NOES : 1V~sn~ ABSENT; Cauncilanan W~ac~ the foregoing r~so~utie~n wt~s p~c:sed ~.nd ~.d.c~pfitd t~is 2.7tk~ da~ ~f Jexn~, 1572. COUNCZLMA.N WOQD REJOINED `~'T~ C~t71VCIL AT 8:54 P.M. MUNI. CODE AMEN'D. - ORD. ADQP~s - ESTABZrSNR PQSITTON tl.F FTI~AlV'CE DIRECT'OR City Attoxn~y Sh~.pse3~ ~.d~r~s~d t~~.t ~his positican dtsignation m~zst be "FinancP Dir~ctox~" provided by tk~~ Gav~:rnmen~t Cod~ o~ t~e Stat~ af Calif- ornia, After Caun~i~, c~iscus~ion, C~.ty Attarn~y Sk~ips~~ r~~,d xhE title of an ordinance ~m~nding ~h~ Murc3.r.~.p~1. C~c~~ sa as to p~°ovid~ ~~r Financ~ Director in th~ C~ty af Arroy~a G~~.nd~;~ th~r~after, rnot~.on was mad~ by Councilman Talley, second~d L~~r Co~an~ilm~n Mi11i~ ~nd ~~n~nim.ous7.~ c~rri~3, to di.~pense with rsading t1a~ 'b~1~n~E a~ this orda~,na~.c~ ~ ORDTN~.NCE NU. 6~ CaS, .4~1 ORDINANCE OF T,HE GT'~'Y qF P~.RRC~XO ~RA1~1DE AMENDTNG ~'HE A~,RQYQ GR.A~TDE M[~TTCTPAL CQ'D~ BY ADDTNG CHAP~'ER ~ TO T~TT~E 2~Q ~?tOVTZ1E FAR A FTNA,~C~ DIREGTOR IN 'GHE CITX C~F AR.R~~J~~ GRANI~E. On motion of Ccaun~i~.m~tn Wca~~1, secc~nd~d bv CQt~n~ilm~n de I~eon ~nd o~ th~ following rnll ~~11~ vofie, ~o ~ait; AXES ; C~tzn~ilm~n, M~11t~, ~"a11~y, Tn~o~ad, de I,e~n and 1~Tayor Schlegel ~T~ES : N~n~ ~~3E1~~'; N~r~~ tY~~ for~g~~~~ ~~d~.n~r~c~~ ~aa~ p~~~~d ~r~~1 ~,3~pt~,d th~.s 27t~ d~~ of .Tun~, 1972. QuA~T~~~Y ~~~~~2 0~ s~~s A~ cz~~~~~i~~~ ~~x ~vENU~ T~~ P~og;~~~s R~pc~~t d~t~d :15, 197~ p~ep~r~d b~ .~dmin~.atx~t~r Butch an S~1~~ ~~~~c R~v@nu~~ fo~ ~k~~ First Q~~~xC~x of 1972 ~nd Ciga,r~t.t~ T~x for the S~cond Qu~,~t~~ o~ 1972 w~s ~~v~~~~d b~r t~~ Cc?e~r~c~,~. ~t ~as ~at~d ~~a,t th~ total S~le~ 'P~~ ~~e~~.p~s ~~t Q~ar~~~ 1972 r~fl~ct~d ~ 2'T.4~/~ inc~@ase from th~ 1,a t Qu~,~~~x ° 7~.. DISC'USSION RE. RA?~Ttl STATTUI~ PROPE~t~' TJEA3E D~r~ctaar ~~l~~.ic ~nrk~ aAndere~,~ ~~~ort~d th~t th~ ~.pprai~al of the praperty and ~~dic~ station lauildin~ lc~c~t~d at 211 V~~non Av~n~u~, h~,a b~en receiv~d. Coun~~.~ disGUasi~~ and ~~z~~:n~Ce by Captsi~, Cl,axk, i~d~cat~d favor i.n the id~a of a~cq~i~rir~~ ~;k~c: b~ilc~~n~ to~ t~~ r~locat~on c~f police 'h~~ad- quar~ters. M~s, ~1,i~~.~~~~ 4~i~~~~~~~, ~~p~~~ent~#:iw~ af th~ pa~~n~r~hip lea~ing the pxap~rty at ~~Z~ pr~~~~~~ ~~zn~, ~a~ p~~~~n~, indic.~ti~ng tk~a~ ~h~ w~s op~n to negotiations far ~'h~ Ct~y'~ }~~rcx~~~~ of b~~ldin~. Aft~~ Cc~u~.Gi1 diect~ssiona on motion of Coux~cilana~n Mi11is, ~~~c~1nd~:c~ by Cot~nci,lm~a..~ Wcaod ~nd ~tnanim,ously ~~arr~ed~ Ci~y A~t~orney Ship~~~ ~a~.s ~~.v~n app~a~r~1 tn ~~oa~~d wit~ negotiations wi~kh tlae lease hold~~r~ Co a~quire ~~i~ butldix~~ tor n~:~a pol.ice Y~~,r~dqua~ter~. ORDINADTCE AMEND. LTC~NSE TA~ FOR, N'E~WT~Y ~5~.'ABI~TSH BUSII~ESSES - FIR,~ST R~ADING City A~ttca~~ey S1~ip~~y x~vi~~~~ ~1~~ Pa.r,k~ng a~.d ~~us~.nes~ ~m~pra~r~m~at Boa~rd' s~eques t to ~m~nd t~ic~ o:~diz~~~nc~ ~ta1~ l~shin,~ th~ ~arki~g e,nd ~ua in~s~ Improv~m~nt A~ea ~,s~s~ssmentw ~o r,~f;~~ac~ ~ki~~ a s~.x-manths waivex on1Y ~PP1Y to newly establish~d k,~sin~ss~~ ~~.c~ r~c~~ ~wner~h~ip t~r~naf~rs ~f existing busines~es. C'~'I'S~ CCl'Cl'1~TC ~T~ ;~+T~ l'~ ~ d ~ A~t7Y'~ ~l~i~~:, C~Ia~:P'~t~'I~ PA~C~ ~ t~~~~~ C~~x~i~, c~~s~~;~~~~~~, C~,~~, F~.,,~~~~;~n~~ ~~s~p~~i~ ~~,~d~ ti~~+~din,~, ~~i~ ~~.~~~a .~rx~~~.r~~z~~~ ~~x~c3 C~~ ~t~ ~~t~~~~n ec~ ~~.~~n~~ t~~ ~4~~ ~~„ta ~a~a ~,~c C~ e ~ D ~ • ~~~'~ir?~ ~nd ~,n~r~~ ~p~cx~r~~,~ ~~~~Y ~~:~~s~~~~~~,~~ ~r ~~~1~~;~~~, b~ Cc~~;~ , ~ M~.1~~.~„ ~~~c~~d~d ~a~r ~w°~~r~c~~~~~~n ,~r~~ ~~~d~~~.~a~~~~;~:~ E,~~i,~~~~ d~~p~z~~~ ~a#.~~ ~d~~~ 'b~~~~.~s~ ~a~ a~~°l~~~a~:~~. ~ ~~~t~~ cc~~ c~~ , . , . , ~ ; y - ~~.~~c~rs:~ ~f ~1~~~'~~ ,~c~c'~~'~~a~r~ °~~~~~F~~e~ A~c~G,t~~~~~.~~~~ ~po~~ ~f t`~~ .Tt~~ 1~~ r~a~~~~~ ~~.y~~~~n~~~°~~~.r~~ ~'~~rr~~~tg~ ~~~~~~~F.a~~~in~ Cs~r~#~ S.. • S D . k~S Ci~" A~Co~rt~ya' 53~3.~~~y ~ir'~ ~:~~c~~~ `~t~~,1;~:~~.~t~ ~~~.~~i`~~~c~ f~ouu ~~i~ L~a~a~ c~~ C~1~.f~~t°~~.~. C~.~~.~,.~ ~ x~:p~a.='~in~ ~s~a ~~'~~3,'t~~ C~~~k~~~ ~.~s~i ~~tt~~~~ ~~.11 ~'hic~. h~~ p~,ss~d S~n;~~~ ~,~~~~.c'~ 'r~~~.c~ p~°~,~'~~n`t e.3.t3.E.~ ~'~l~a~ ~~~~1:a~.`~~.ting p~r~~c~r~ frc~~ 1~~r~n,~ ~n ~~~~~.x ~~~np~~~I~~~~~~~ ~~~~~a i~ ~s~~3c~~ o~ ~+~i.~a~~ p~ap+~~'~yr ~,l~c~ ~'~~ti~~t~~ t~~~ ~~a~a c~^~~~~'~~'~ ~~a'~~,~ n~~~ ~~s~~~~n~~~Ci~a~ Hil~ ~t#.~~ ~v~T~d ~~s ~~r?~~f~~.~~r~~ ~~~~~r~~ ~~:z~~?~, ~~?~~~~~~+~~~~~nQ ~~~~z ~II~~K~ 1 .~F~'~'~ ~ F.~ r . c~~ c~,~~k ~~~x~~~:~~ ~r~~~,~+~~ ~h~,~ ~~n~ ~~~~~~tt~ ~~n~~~~~ ~~k-~ p~~~ a~d~~n~~~~~~~ c~~.~.f~;~r~~~ ~a~~ ~g~in b~~n ~~~d ~~+~r~~~~~,~ C~~a~z~~~. ~~~~~~~~~+~~~~3 i~~* ~i~ s~~~.~ p~~~~~~~p~~~ ~~n ~~a ~~~a~~~. ~~~~r~~~~s~~ ~~~~~~i ~~n~~~.- m~n ~,1. ~3~~ ~ c~~;~c~ c~ri~~ ~~a~~ ~~~x~ ~r~ ~~~~~~~a~~ ~ w~rrk- , 9~~rdq ~~~r~~r~ ~~~:~.~d~3~~ ~e~~n~,~ ~~d ~~a~ c~~ t~~~~a~~ ~p~~~t~~d, ~ri~ ~y~~ w~~ ~c~~h~~~~,~~~d ~3.~~n ~~5~ ~~,~;y. , ~ ~ , . . 1~i~~~tr~~ c,f ~i'~;~~,~ tiT~~k~ ~1n~~~~~~ ~°~~~r~e~+~~~# ~~i~ ~'~~r~+~t~+~~~c:~~~rr?t~ ~a~ ~h~ P~~~3ng Gc ~~~`~c~~z ~~i~ ,~E~~~,~ar~,~~e T~ ~+~~~a~r~~~~ t~~di~~ ~r~aa~ C~t+~ n~z~~ ~.t:d~ c~~ ~t~~~~ r~n ~~~~`b~~~~~~~~ t~:~r~~e~~ ~~i~~.,~s~, ~?~~p~~~~~+ ~~~rc~~~~~ 2~ eu~~~.~1. c~~~~~~,n~ `k~~ ~~~'~~,~~h~~ ca~o~~~r~~ E~~1~ 5~~~~t ~at~ '~~~ff3.c ~~t~'; ~~i ~ic~r~~9. ~cr~~ ~~~rt~ ~i~s ~~~~iG~d c~ ~~"t~`g~ 3~~~~~ b+~~~~ Ni~~~pt~ S~~"~~t ~nd P~~1~ 5~~~~~~ ~U' r~~ ~+~~king ~~~r~ ~in ~~i~ ~~r~~~ ~~~4~ af 13x~;~~ star~~~ b~~inn~c~~ w~~t ~.in~a u~ ~~,°~,~g~ ~~~'~~a~ ~~zd ~~~;ndi~~ ~0' v~~~~~1~ p~r~~~~,~ ~~~k~'~ d~,~~~n~>~ ~t ~~a~~:~:L~ ~nt~~~,r~~ ~~~.~~~a ~C~~~~ ~xc~ 1~~~,d~ 5~x~~~; p~~'~in~ ~c~~~ ~7~t t1~~ ~uti~~~ :~~d~ ~~~~t~ sC~~w~t b~~inr~~c~ ~~0' ~~~ar~~ ~a~~~C ~,~n~i ~a~ 8~~,~~~ ~~~i~5~~~ ;~~d ~~~xa~~,~a~ ~n" t~~'l,y~~, C~ p~C+~~~~E ~i~~ di~~~nc~~ ~~~~~ne~+ ~f x~~~ ~~~~,~~n~ ~~~~'b~,ia~a~d d~~i~~~~ ~?z~d 6~ n~? p~?~~cin~ ar~ ~t~~~ ~~~dE~ o~ ~n ~1~~ ~h~ p~x~:t~~ ~r~~ ~nd ~l~~~ C~~~~.~: ~~,~~~~~~~n~ ~~~~'n~~ S~~.p~~~ ~ '~~t~ 9~i~1~ ~t ~~~v~.~~3~~n ~~~~a+~°~~~~n~ ~~d ~~~~~,b~~~~a~a~ ~an~~c~~. ~r~nm~~ o~~~~~ ~ sn~~~~~n ~~d~ t~~~ G~v~n~i~..~~ ~~~~o~.~~ ~iy C~~r~~~ ~+~n ~~~1 ~a~r~~~~~~~~ di~p~~~~ ~~~~li~ 1~~~.~n~~ ~~+~~,~?~~~~n. ~~.~fl~`'~ ` 1~. A 1~St°1~t~'1'~~~ G~'.~ (~4~t~~~ C'~'l~ AF ~t:t~'~ t~~,t~ ~~2~~~~T~C~ ~ 6~1 'x'~ ~~~t'2'~ ~~T~~; ~;F' ~ T~.` ~ : : i ER~~~ '~10~'I'~AS~ C(~~:"R ~F' ~'~C 1tq.AD 1~1I? 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