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Minutes 1972-06-21
ci~ couNCi~ ,TrrNE ~3, Z~az ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFQRN~A PAGE 9 PARKS & RECRE~,TION COI~lZSSION TE~iMS Diane M~ M~Cann~ 428 T~nn~r Lan~ ~'~r~~ 30, 1~7~ - J~n~ 30, 1975 W.A~ "Sharty" Hubbard, 1~009 G~~~d ~.~~r~~ .T~en~ 30, 1972 - Jun~ ~0, ~.9~5 Cont3.nuing th~ir t~rm~ on th~ P~;~~C~ ~.~~a~ I~cr~atior~ Ccr~n¢n~e~ ion are Commisaioners B~ntley, Bellot and ~T~k.~.snaa~~. PARKING COMMISSION TERMS Ha~old G. Moots, 403 Greencsood Dr. J~an~ 30, 19~~. ~ J~n~ 30, 197~ Riclc Le~, ~.00 E~st Br~,nc~ St. Ji~ne 30, 197~ - Jun~ 30, 1975 The abov~ ~ppo~.ntrs?~nts w~r~ made to ~~plac~ Co~ncnissiu~~^~ Pru~tt9: whose term will expir~ Jtune 30, 1,9`72; and Comcnission~r Cogg~~1a~11.r w~~ ~°~quest~d ~Go be r~li~ved of ~is cont3.nu~.ng t~xx~n. Administrato~ Butch was dir~ct~d ~o not~.fy ~11 ~ppl~.c~n~s of thei~ appointment ~r non-appointm~~nt to Ccr~rnnis~a~pns t~i~.s t~~n~, ~nd ~lso ta w~ite lett~rs of thanks ~nd apprec~ation tc~ out-going m~mb~rs ~f ~h~ v~,~3ous conani,e e ions . OBSERVA~ION OF FI~AG DA~ URGED ON JU'NE ~.4. 1972 - COUNCIT~I~IAI~ MI~L~S Cor~nci~.m~n Mi11i,s ~~mi~d~d citi~~~n~ t~~t F1~g D~y ~i~l b~ obse~r~d on . Ju~ne 14, ar~d ttrged ~11 citiz~ns to displag~ th~,s C~~ar~t~3~'~ F1~~ w~th ~nnor. ADJOU~MEI~T 0~ ms~tion of Coc~~e~lman d~ L~on, a~cand~d b~ Co~zncilrn~n M~l~,~,a and un~n~rnouely cax~r~.ed, the m~~~t~.ng ad,journ~d at 10:09 P.M. until 7;30 P.Me, Jt~n~ 21, 197~. ATTEST ~ C~TY C IC MQ.YOR ` CITY' C~~C~I~ JU'~~ 2lb '197~ ARROY~ G~4~'DE ~ CAY~~~'C~~tNIA 7 t~0 P.1~. C~~y C~~sn~il ~n~t ~n ~d3~~~~~~ ~~~~al~,r ~~~~~~n v~~t~ l~y~r S~'~l~g~~ p~~~idin~. ~Tp~n r~11 ~~~1 C~~ac~~3,~ M~~~`~~~~ ~~l~.i~, ~al~~}~, ~1o~d ~nd d~ L~~~ ~~p~~t~d p~~~~;~xt. S~JD~' ~~~570~' -~AT~~ SL~PP~~ ~ D~~,~TD ~~~dRT FOR C~TTY" B'Y Ka~~~~ ~~tOE~IG r Cit~ C~unc~t ~nnt3na~~~ ~t~ad~r t`~~ pr~l~.m~r~~~y ~~p~~~ ~~t~r ~uppl~r ~r~d D~~~d f~~ t~a~ C~ty~ ~f A~~~~~ ~rit1~ Mr. ~C~~th T~~nb~~~~~° ~f th~ fi~°m ~f lC~~b~~ & 'l~~~b~,~. ~JOURN~N~' ~ra ~~~i~r~ ~f C~~nc~~;m~n T~1~~~, ~~~~~~d~~d, b~ C~~a~xci~~n~n d~ ~~nn un~r?~.x~~t~~7~y c~,~~~~d, t~~ ~~~~~r~~ ~d~~~a~~~~ ~U.~~ ~.1~. r Ail~ID ~L i~~ . Cdkl1 L~ iJE~1Vi!