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Minutes 1972-05-30
~ ~r~'~' ~~UNCIL M~~' `~3 a 1,9~2 ~i~~~~~~ c~~~:~~~~~x~ STUDY SESSI01~ m W~.'T~R ~~pPP~~ A~D DE~1~VD R~P~R~ F~R CITY BY K.dEBIG & K~EBIG An in d~p~~ st~.d~ ~~f ~1~~ p~~~~~g~ry~,~°~ R~por~ on W~~~~ Sa~ppl~ ~nd D~;~~nd for the Ci,~~ of A~~o~~ G~~~nd~ fo~~~7~~c~~ ~~.~~a Mr°°e K~~~~L T~anb~.~°~~~~ of t~~ fi~ of Koebig ~ IC~a~'b:~~ r~;~a.~~in.~ tl~~ ~~~;d~°~ ~~n~l~a~~.c~n~ ~n~ 1~.~~cr~~n~~,t~,c~ns, No final action w~s t~ke~n i;~fin~ r~.~~~ G~~n~~'i., ADJOURNMEI`7T On mot~,a~ ~f Cc~~,n~~1~~~~~ ~~15~~~, ~~c~s~d~e~ b~ ~~~.n~~lgn~,~ Mi~1~~ ~nc~ unani?nota.sl~ c~.~~°i~c~~ ~~~c=v~~~g; ~c~jc~~~nc~c~ ~ 11m:f.6 P,M. ~n~~. ~:~0 P.Mo ~ . r~.y so9 ~.97z r_ . ATTES~': ~ ~ ~~~~r~.~~_~ t~~. ~ DEPUTY CI'~ CT.ERK Mc~~"OZt CITY C9L'~TG~I~ Nk~~' 30 ~ 19%2 ARROYQ ~RA~VDE , ~:~~arFt~R!4~ ~e~. ~ . .~Q ~ e M, Th~ ~~t~ Ce~~~~~1 ~n ~.e~~a.~~rn~r~ ~~g~'1~.~ s~~~~~an ~~t~ M~.g~~~' Sc~s1~g~1. pr~s~ci~ng, iYpon ~a11 Cc~~~a.ne~~ M~.yca~~~~ M~1~~~, `~~1~,~:~y anc~ d~ ~r~on r~po~°~~dl p~~~€~n~m G~r~.nc:i~d:.~n ~w~~c~~ ~~~=~n~e AMEI~TD. `TO JOI~T P~WERS ~UR~ENIE~'~ ~~..G, SE~;fE12 ASSESSME~~ DI~T1tICT Ac~~~ni~tr~~~r ~~~cl~ ~~s~s~~~~c~~ 1~e~~~~ ~ne~ A~n~nc~~~~~ ~i~o T r~~~~v~d f~o~? t~.~: Cc~~n~~~ ~r~~~1~ ~n~n~ ~'~.r~gr~ph~~ of ~t~~ J~a~n~ 1'~w~~r~ A~r~~~n~~t b~tw~~n t~~ C~,~c~ ~n~ Cc~~~n~~~ ~~n (~b~~p~a d.~~~~e~ J~.n~¢~~~ l b; ~9~29 for ~~e ~~n.s~r~c~~zzn ~,f ~~T~~~;~ c;.~~~.~~ac~~~cn ~~~~,:r.~~~~.~. ~f~,~;~ Co~nc~l. d~se~.~°° si~on, ~n k~ac~ti~-~n cP~ C~•!~n~i~~.~~ ~C~~~~^~~s :~~~ond~~ i~~;° Cc~~nczlE~~n d~ ~~~:~n ~.nc~ 1A11s~ri7,~It~4;.S y Cd'~'~~r',t~ ~ ~~Td.F_°'CEC~ Crc>L7~ s'v:`~, ~l"?'117~ ~Otir7~~°5 ~~~'~E'kTi-~'Il~ tT~~Sn/~c:ri the C~~~ ~nd C~~n~e~ t~~~ ~~»~~a~~~~~~n of ~s~~~~g~ ~.c~~~~~~~,a~n f~.~~l~ti~s ~ras approvec~,~ an~ M~.~~r~~ G;.~~y C~~.~k r~a~~~ ~~.k~c~~i~~cd ~e~ ~3g~ t~~~ ~in~n~a~~nt on b~h~.lf of C , ~ APPEARAI~;"~~ 1~F ~A~T~~CI~ ~1~~~~C ~"~CH~fJ~ Ac~~nini~~~~~c~~ ~n~~c~~~.~~~7 ~~~a I~`pl~ck; r~pre~~ntativ~ c~f P~b1ic ~ Technologg~. M~, ~v~~~~ ~r~~~1~ ~~~1~.n~~ th~ ~~~es pr~oposal t~ p~ovid~ cert~in t~c1~~a.nl~g~~~l. ~~,r~~~~.~s~ pub1~~ ~r~~it~.~~. BUDGET ST€~D~' SESSIO~' Ad~.inis~ra~cr 8~~~~ b~i~~l~ ~~~n~~iz~d ~~po~t c~~~e~ M~~ 25 in r~garc~ ~o ~~~1"~A~~6s~ T~~~~=~ ~u~rrc~ ~~.c~~~~e ~'~~~°~~.f~~~°9 ~~~~~~,1 an~ r~~.~i~n~s~~~.~or B~n.tch cont~n~~d disc~ss3on of Pr~l~~~~,n~,~~ ~.9~12~~~ Ma~nic~,p~l ~~~.g~t~ r~~~~raing ~Pag~s XII of t1~~ Su~a~~.~~~ c~f ~st~~~,n.~~,~~ 1~~~~n~~ ~n.c~ ~x~~~~z~°u~°~~ P~.g~ 5`L to Pag~ 64 of th~ D~pa~~t~en~~.~ po~tian o~ t~~~ b~,~g~~. R~v~~w of P'ag~~ TX to ~XV ~as covered ane~ s~bs~q~,~n~1.g~ ~~g~~ ~~~~~r~~~~~ ~ cac~~e ~~xl~y s~~.a~~,~~:a ADJOURNMEIVT ~n m~~~~n of Co~~.n~~.1~n~,~ M~~~~,s5 s~~s~n~~~ b~ Co~,n~ilxs~~.n Tall~~ ~.~xd ~.~anira~ux~Y~ ~~.~~~~c~s ~~~~~~~.g ~~~ca~rn~d ~.i~ 9:57 P.Mo ~.nt~l ~.~30 P,M, ~ Jtxn~ 59 1~`~2e ATTEST: ~ ~ C I T'Y C K 1~'5~~71Z ~