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R 4060
RESOLUTION N0.4060 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE CITY'S MASTER FEE SCHEDULE WHEREAS, in September 2006 the City of Arroyo Grande retained Wohlford Consulting to conduct a User (operating) Fee Study for City services requested and initiated by residents, businesses and others who benefit most from the service; and WHEREAS, the cost of providing such services are to be paid by those individuals and businesses that receive such services; and WHEREAS, current fees charged for such services provided by the City, no longer reflect the true costs of providing such services; and WHEREAS, the City has established a proposed Master Fee Schedule based on the User Fee Study and an analysis of existing miscellaneous fees; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the question of whether or not to adjust or establish User (operating) Fees for City services to reflect the estimated amount that is required to recover the actual cost to the City of providing such services; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all oral and written presentations evidence in the record for this matter. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: 1. The schedule of fees entitled "Master Fee Schedule, Fiscal Year 2007-08' attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference, is hereby adopted. 2. Fees shall be adjusted annually by modifying the adopted value up or down in conformance with the Consumer Price Index for the Los Angeles region. The factor for the adjustment of the fees shall be calculated and established each January by the Director of Financial Services, utilizing the following formula: Factor = 1 + Current Index -Base Index for Date of Adootion Base Index for Date of Adoption 3. This Resolution shall be effective sixty (60) days after its adoption. RESOLUTION N0.4060 PAGE 2 On motion of Council Member Guthrie, seconded by Council Member Costello, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Guthrie, Costello, Fellows, Arnold, and Mayor Ferzara NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 11~" day of December, 2007. RESOLUTION NO. y0lao PAGE 3 TONY FE ,MAYOR ATTEST: ~~'d ~'~h~.- KELLY ET RE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: S E N AD ,CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: /~2'1.~ / TI OTHY J. EL, CITY ATTORNEY EXHIBIT A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MASTER FEE SCHDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 EXHIBIT A City ofArroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Community Development (Planning) Fee Title CD Director to Planning Commission Planning Commission to City_ _ ARC Review and/or Amendment _ _ _ ____ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ Cert. of Compliance - - - -- - ---- - -- - ---- -------------------- Conditional Use Permit Current Fee $ _ 250.00 $ 250.00 $ 300.00 $ 750.00 Pro ect multi buildin )- ~ - - - - -9)-- - . -- - _ _ _ $ 7,000.00 Project (routine) - as det'd by CDD $ 3,450.00 Amendment $ 900.00 Design Review _ - - -- - $ 600.00 Development A rg Bement _ $ 3,000.00 Dev. Code Amendment -Major - _ _ - __ _ $ 4,000.00 Dev. Code Amendment -Minor - _ -- --- _ _ _ $ 2,000.00 General Plan Amendment (Major) __ _ _ _ ____ $ 7,000.00 General Plan Amendment (Minor) _ _ - _ _ $ 1,700.00 Home Occupation Permit $ 80.00 Lot Line Adjustment $ 1,200.00 Lot Merger /Reversion to Acreage - _ $ 1,000.00 Request for Meeting Continuance $ 160.00 Minor Exception_ _ - $ 404.00 Planned Unit Development Permit (Major) - - _-_ $ 7,000.00 _ Planned Unit Development Permit (Minor)_-__ .. $ 3,450.00 Planning Commission Interpretation or Waiver _-_ -- $ 500.00 Plot Plan Review _ _ $ 400.00 Pre-Application S A.C. $ 250.00 Pre-Application -ARC/PC/CC (each) Research (deposit) Mailing Label Production - ___ Signs Planned Sign Program /Mural Permit $ 250.00 - - $ 80.00 __ .. $ 100.00 Administrative Sign Permit Administrative Sign Program Specific Plan orAmendmenf (deposit) _ ___ __ Temporary Use Permit Tentative Parcel Map (0-4 lots) wdh Vesting (added to base fee) _ -_ Amendment Tentative Tract Map: - _ - __- __ 5 20 lots plus $100 per lot _- over201ots - -- - - with Vesting (added to base fee) Amendment -_.--____-- _-- ..__ _ - _ Time Extension - $ 600.00 $ 100.00 $ 250.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 150.00 $ 1,285.00 $ 382.00 $ 719.00 __ $ 3,765.00 $ _ $ 993.00 $ 1,900.00 $ 723.00 $ 1,285.00 1 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-OS Community Development (Planning) EXHIBIT A Staff Revew $ 567.00 Planning Commission Review /Appeal- - - __ _ _ .. $ 502.00 Tree Removal (+ consultant cost) _ _- - - - $ 60.00 Zoning_Compliance Letter --. _ _ --- . - __ __ - .. - _ $ 60.00 nvironmental Impact Determination: . _--__ ---- --- - Inttial Study Fee- _ __ $ 943.00 xemptian -- $ Negative Declaration $ 200.00 Mitigated Neg Dec $ 792.00 Hourly Rates: - --- - Community Development Director (per hour) $ 268.30 ssociate Planner (per hour) - __ _ $ 113.33 Assistant Planner (per hour) -- . -- __ - __ _ $ 122.60 - Admin. Secretary (per hour) _ _ . $ 707.45 Office Assistant_(per hour)- - - S 92 40 Interns (per hour) _ $ 70.04 Mlsc Admin Fees: _ _- _ - Development Code w/out Appendices - - _ __ - _ __ - $ 50.00 - -- Appendice 1 -- - _ - - - $ 15.00 ---- PPen ice 2 --- --- - -- - $ 5.00 Development Code w/Appendices _-- _ _ _- - $ 70.00 General Plan _ _ - - - - -- -- -- - _ _ $ 25.00 Housing Element 2003 _- _ $ 35.00 eneral Plan EIR - -_ _ $ 12.00 Design Guidelines for Historic Districts _ _ $ 25.00 Design Guidelines for Traffic Way/Station Way $ 6.00 Design- Guidelines for Mixed Use Districts- $ 30.00 East Grand Avenue Enhancement Plan $ 20.00 an se Map and Zoning Maps (each)- -- --- 24x36 -- --- -_..__ -- - - -__ - $ 3.00 36 x 48 -- -- - - $ 4.00 DVD (Planning Commission meetings) -- --- ---- -- - Vendor cost Audio Tape copies _ - _ _ ------ - __ ._ $ 10.00'. Copies, per page (Black and White) _ -- _ - $ 0.20 Color co ies P~- _ _ _ _ Actua Icost Arroyo Grande Bike Plan _ _ _- _ _-_ - . -_-_ - __ _ _ _ $ 26.00 Nota ry -per document - - _____ - - - - _ - $ 10.00 2 EXHIBIT A Clty o/Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fl;y;l Year 2007-08 Engineering ree r me Current Fee Grading Plan Check (non subdivision):- -- - _ - - 0-50 CY -- --- _ -- - - -- _ 51.100CY --- -- _- $ 71.00 101 1,000 CY - $ 81.00 1 001 _10,000 CY_ $ 91.00 10 001 - 100 000 CY: .. _ __ _ .. - _ _ $ _ First 10,000 CY --- __ $ 91.00 Each Additional 10,000 CY $ 20.00 100,001 - 200,00.0 CY: $ _ First 100,000 CY $ 303.00 Each Additional 10,000 CY $ 61.00 _ 200,001 +CY _ _ $ - First 200,000 CY ___ $ 485.00 Each Additional 10,000 CY -- $ 81.00 Grading Inspection Permit (non-subdivision): - _ _ - - 0-50 CY _ - _ $ - 51-100 CY - - _ _ .. $ 55.00 101-1,000 CY: _. $ - First 100 CY _ - - $ 55.00 Each Additional 100 CY $ 17.50 1,001 - 10,0_00 C_Y: _ _--- - - $ _ First 1 000 CY $ 239.00 Each Additional 1,000 CY $ 13.00 10,001 - 100 000 CY: $ _ First 10,000 CY $ 791.00 Each Additional 10,000 CY $ 66.00 100,001 + CY: _ - $ First 100,000 CY $ 920.00 Each Additional 10,000 CY $ 36.50 Remspection (per hour) _ - $ _ Overture Inspections (per hour - 2 hour rnin.) $ 137.00 - Lot Line Adjustment- _ $ 2,840.00 - Parcel Map (0 4 lots): -- - - - _ $ - - Tentalive -First Lot _... _ - - - $ 161.00 Tentative -Each Add'I Lot _- $ 9.00 - Final -First Lot _ __ _ _ _ - - $ 161.00 Final -Each Add I Lot --- - _ _ -_ g 9.00 Tract Map: Tentative -First Lot $ 588.00 Tentative -Each Add'I Lot _ $ 22.00 Final First Lot a 588.00 Final Each Add'I Lot $ 22.00 3 City o~Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Engineering EXHIBIT A Fee Title Current Fee Pre-Application Review - - - -- - Encroachment Permd Residential $ - - - - - - - Encroachment Permit-Commercial $ 75.00 _ - -- - -- ----- ---- Expedk~d Plan Check: -_ -- " $ 150.00 - .._ - --- Engineenng Project Management _ -- - - - - -- - $_ _ 1,56.0.00 Consultant Review of Improvement Plan Checks: Engineering Project Management -Initial Review Engineering Project Management -Each Add`I $ 1,560.00 Revew Certificate of Compliance: -"""" - " - $ 40.00 Engineerin Project Mana ement 9 ~ 9 - - - - _ - -- -- - Certfcate of Correction _ - - $ 315.00 - -- - Building Pian Review - -- - -"" _ -- $ 175.00 -_ -- One time _ _ - _ _ ___ _ Annual Permit - - $ 73.00 Building / StructuYe Moving Per miL - $ 73.00 _ Within the City . Into the City - - - $ 60.00 - -. --- Through the City _ - _- . _ $ 60.00 - _.. _ - _ $ 60.00 _. _ - Hourly Rates - - - - _ -- - _ Public Works Director - - - -- - $ _ - _ Assistant Ci En sneer 9 _. $ 249.97 - Associate Engineer - $ 185.89 _ __ Assistant Engineer -- -_ _ $ 142.20 - - _ .- _ _ _ Engineer Assistant /Technician - $ 112.00 Construction Inspector $ 101 88 Administrative Secretary _ _ - $ 113.62 -- - - - Interns _ - - -._ _ _ $ 100.54 --- ---- - ---- Mrsc Admin Fees: -- -- - - - - - $ 20.55 Pnntin /Co in Char es - er a e 9___ PY 9- 9 P 9 P - - - - -- -_ - 8 1/2" x t"1 -- -- --- - - _ __ 18" x 30 -- - _ __ - - --_ -- - $ 0.20 - - - 24" x 36" - _ - _ - $ 3.00 36" x 48" $ 4.00 Standard Plans - - -_ -__ $ 5.00 _ _ - - -- - $ 35.00 4 EXHIBIT A City ofArroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Engineering Fee Title Current Fee Maps - -- - - Land Use Map and Zoning Maps (each) -- ----__ - - - 24x36 $ 3.00 36 x 48-- - -- --- ------- -----.. _.. .-----...--------- - - -- - - $ 4.00 Welcome to Arroyo Grande Maps $ 4.00 Aerial Plans Aerial photos to CD $ 35.00 One sheet of Aerial photos (each) $ 35.00 _ Splice/Crop Specific area (computer file) _ $ 100.00 Splice/Crop Specific area (print out) plus $10 per sheet $ 100 .00 Encroachment Permits _ _ Residential and Commercial ro'ects p ~ (performed _ __ _ _ _ _ _ by licensed contractor) $ 133.00 Residential Projects (performed by homeowner) $ 66.00 F~CHIBIT A City ofArroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) Plan Check Ins ection Size Basis d' ICC (UBC) Type of (square Fee # Use T e Occu anc Construction feet) Current Fee Current Fee 2 000 ~_ $ 2,721.89 $ 2,486.82 8,000 *~ $ 3,572.52 $ 4,392.55 1 A-1 Assembly Group Theaters n/a 20,000 ~}~ _ $ 5,687.24 _ $_-- 6,750.95 _.. _- - ---- ---- - --------- 40,000 ,_ ~. $ 9527.74 $ 10,462.48 ---- - 100,000 ~s ~' ^: $ ---- 17,006.58 _ $ ~ 21,830.54 ... _- -- -- ----- ----- --- 1000 -- 'r; ..:. $_ 1,567.69 -:_ $ 2,134.61 - 4000 __ $ 2,057.62 _ $ 3,770.43 2 A-2 Assembly Group. Churches, restaurants _ n/a 10000 ~! -,, $ 3,275.61 ~~---- $ 5,794.81 _ ---~~-_ _ _ 20000 `:; '_: $ 5,487.56 --- - $-~~----8,980.67 - 50,000 ~? $ 9,795.08 $~~~--18,738.66 250 :'' < $ 533.96 433.83 $ _ - -- 1,000 P , $ 700.83 - __ __ $ - - 766.28 3__ A Assembly Group-TI n/a 2,500 -;; 9 $ 1,115.66 _ $ ~ ~ 1,17.77 - 5,000_ '!` :#; $ 1,869.08 $ - 1,625.19 _ __ 12,500 „~ ,:', $ 3,33623 _ $ 9,808.95 _ __- 1,000 ~r. „~.. $ 1,567.69 €. 1,852.84 $ 4 000 = ~_ =': $ 2,057.62 _ _ $ 3 272.73 4 _ A-3 Church and Religious Bldg.- Complete_ _ n/a _ __ _ _ 10 000 :; - - $ 3,275.61 _..._ $ 5,029.89- _ _ - __ 20000 ;`, '.. $_____ 5,487.56 ~ -$ -~-~ 7;79523 50,000 +: $ 9,795.06 _ ~$ --- 16,265.76 500 ', $ 947.45 -~~~~~- $ 1,111.51 _ _ 2,000 $ 1243.55 $~~ -1,963.29 5 R-4 Congregate Care -Complete . n/a 5,000 - $ __ _ 7,979.65 $ 3,017.40 10 000 ;; ' , $ 3 316.47 $ 4,676.31 - --- 25,000 i <:. $ 5,919.76 : _ $ 9,757.38 -. _ ._ -- --__ 250 _ ;? ;~ $ 533.98 --~ $ 328.16 - ____ 1 000 ,t. ".'~ $ 700.83 ---._ .-_-- $ 579 65 6 A-3 Church and Religious Bldg - TI n/a - 2 500 ~ '~ $ 1,115.68 $ 890 86 5,000 _!. $ 1,869.08 _ $ --- 1,380.64 _._ 12,500 `" '_ $ 3,336.23 $ 2,880.76 2,000 "'- - $ 2,015.64 ~ I: $ 2,451.59 - 8,000 $ 2 645.56 _ __ $ ~ 4,330.33 7 E Educational Building -Complete n/a 20,000 $ _ _4,211.57 - _ $ 6,655.33 40,000 -- ~ $ 7,055.57 -- ---- _ ~~$ --70,314.30 _-~ 100000 :' $ 12,593.88 _$ -_-27,527.35 250 .;;, $ 533.96 $ 328.16 - 1,000 ~;. ':r $ 700.83 -$~_~---579.65 8 - E __ Educational Building TI __ _ __ _ _ n/a_ _ _ 2,500 .;;-i _$ 1,115.68 $ 890.86 5 000 .c': '_ $ _ __ 1,869.08 - ~ _ _ _ _ _ $ 1,380.64 . 12,500 ~ - $ 3,336.23 -- $ 2,880.78 500 -, $ 706.25 $ 433.83 2,000 ;. ',~ . $ 926.96 ` $ 786.28 9 S-2 Parking Garage_ Complete. ___ _n/a _ _ 5,000 t n ' $ 1,475.67 $ 1,177.71 _ _-- - 10,000 - '° $ _ _ _ 2,472.16 $ ~ 1,825.19 __-_--___ 25,000 $ 4,412.70 - $ ~ 3,808.35 EXHIBIT A City o(Arroyo Grende MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Satety (Cost-Based) Size Basis ICC (UBC) Type of (square i Fee # Use T Occu anc Construction feet - --- - -_° _°-- - °- - q,000 10 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise -Complete _ n/a - 10,000 _ _ . 20,000 50,000 ------- ----- ------------------- -----------.. 1,000 ..--- 4,000 11 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise -Shell n/a 10,000 -- -- - - -------- ---- 20,000 50 000 _ 250 . ___ - 1,000 12 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise-TI n/a 2,500 5,000 12,500 13 B Offices, etc. -Complete Na 500 14 n/a 2,000 15 n/a _ _ 5,000 16 --- - n/a __ _ -10 000 17 n/a ~~~25000 1,000 - .___...... __ _ _ 4000 18 B Offices, etc. -Shell - n/a 10,000 _ _ __ zo.ooo 50,000 -- ------ ------~~------------- --- -- 100 - --- -- - 400 19 6 Offices, etc. -TI n/a 1,000 2,000 5,000 1,000 4,000 20 F-1 Industrial Building -Complete n/a 10 000 20,000 - - 50,000 1,000 4 000 21 _ F-1 Industrial Building -Shell nla 10,000 20 000 50 000 250 - ____ - _ _ _ 1,000 22 F-1 _ Industrial Budding- TI _--- n/a --- _ 2,500 5,000 12,500 - Plan Check Ins action Current Fee Current Fee '~ $ 1,567.69 - $ 1,852.84 c $ ~~ ~ 2,057.62 ~ - $ 3,272.73 :i _ 3,27_5.61 $ $ 5,029.89 <. _ $ ~ 5,487.56 - ---~~- $ 7,795.23 --- -~ $ 9,795.06 -' 16,285.16 $ >- $ 671.79 .'.~:'~~ $ 462.00_ ~_ $ 881.74 ---- ' $_ _ 816.05 1,403.67 $ $ 1,254.20 ~~~ $ 2,351.55 $ 1,943.73 $ 4,197.40 $ 4,055.70 '~ $ 499.50 ~ _$ _ _ _ _ 328.16 $ 655.61 $ 579.65 $ 1,043.68 $ 890.88 .;' $ 1,748.47 ': $ 1,380.64 --- „~-. $ ----3,120.93 ~ $ 2,880.78 ~~__ $ 1,007.69 -:- $ 1,684.75 r,~, $ 1,322.60 $__ 2,975.83 '~- $ 2,105.51 '. $ _4,573.58 ~. $ 3,527.32 $ __ 7,088.04 - ,'`: $ 6,296.11 =- $ 14,789.58 .~: $_ 516.73 -~ ~ - '. _$ 271.81 - ~ ~ r:] $ 678.22 -. 480.11 $ ", $-__- 1,079.68 .$_ .737.88 $ - 1,808.77 - -$ 1,143.55 $ - - 3,228.58 ~ ~ $~- 2,386.08 ;~;- $ 368.56 ;. $ 203.13 u $ 483.75 -, $ 358.79 -- =~ $ 770.09 $ -~---551.43 t' $ 1,290.12 _ $ 854.60 _": $ 2,302.81 $ 1,783.17 `'~. $ 1,567.69 $ 1,817.62 $ 2,057.62 $ 3,210.52 _-- $ 3,275.61 4,934.28 $ ::'.: 5,487.56 _$ $ 7,647.04 ;:; __ $ ~ 9,795.06 $ 15,955.97 ' '<_: $ 878.54 $ 312.31 $ 1,153.09 " _ $ 551.65 ~: $ --- 1,835.66 ?.; -$----847.84 ~,- $ 3,075.24 ;- 1,313.96 $ ~;. $-5,489.17 ___ $ 2,741.65 :rt. $ 499.50 '.' _ $ 417.98 __.. $ 655.61 $ 738.29 $_ 1,043.68 - - $ 1,134.68 $ ~ 1,748.47 -_ -- ' _ $ 1,758.50 " $ 3,120.93 $ 3,669.21 EXHIBITA City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-OS Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) ICC (UBC)I I - I Size Basis Type of (square Use Tvoe n~~„n~..~.. ..___. 23 -S-1 Repair Garage & Service St Complete_ -- n/a _ 5,000 _. _. . _. ___._._ 10000 --- 25,000 ------- -- 500 _~_ 24 _.. . - ..- S 1 _ -- ----~ Repair Garage 8 Service St -Shell ---- n/a 2,000 5,000 -- --- _ ..--------- - _ ----------- _ 10,000 - - - --- 25,000 _ __.- _ - 100 ---- 25 ----- - --- - S-1 - --- _ Re air Gara e 8 Service St - TI -P. __.. 9.. _-_._ __-__.__ __ n/a _ 400 - 1,000 -- --- _ _ . _ __ .- 2,000 -- ----- 5,000 ~. -. .. _. __ - _...--- -- - - -_ 500 _.-- - 26 _ - - M ---- _....-- ---- Retail Sales -Complete _ _ - n/a 2,000 5,000 -- .. _ ___. _ . 10,000 -- 25,000 - -- _ .- --- -------- 500 27 M Retail Sales -Shell ~ - ~ _ - n/a -. _ - ,000 5,000 ..- .-. _ -_. __.... _. - - _10,000 --- 25,000 - --- 28 - - ~ M - - - ---- __ _ ____ Retail Sales-TI ~~ - - ._ ~---- n/a 400 -- -----_-- 1,000 __ . ---- - ---- - 2,000 5,000 __ ___--- _ _- 2A00 --- 29_ - _ _ __ Warehouse-Complete - ..- - - -- - _ n/a - - _ _ 8,000_ 20,000 . _. -- _ _ . _ _ 4Q000_, _ - - ---~~-~-- 100,000 - __ 1,000:. -- 30 I-1 ---- ---- Medical/24 Hour Care Complete _ n/a - - . _ _ _ 4,000 ~ 10,000 ._- _ __._ __.--- -~--_ 20,000 50,000 - _.. .. ----_- - __._..-___ --- _ 1,000 -- i1 - I-1 ---- -- ---- _ _ _ Medical/24 Hour Care -Shell _. _ ---- --- ----- _ _ - ~ ~- - n/a - -__ 4000 -- - 10,000 --. ... _ -- .---- - -_ 20,000 :. --- 50,000 '''~ Plan Check Ins action ~. ' 4; yY. "~. ~~i. ;~: Current Fee Current Fee ': $ _ 878.54 $ 900.18 _ $ _ ___ 1,153.09 - $ 1,590.02 $ _ _ 1,835.66 $ 2,443.72 `.: _$_ _ _ 3 075.24 $ 3,787.23 __ $ 5,489.17 $ 7,902.25 r:. $ ,_ 430.59 ~. $ 294.70 '. ___ $_ 565.15 __ __ E 620.54 .: $ _ 899.69 _ _ __ $ - 800.03 `, _ $ ___ _ 1507_23 _ $ ~_- --1,239.87 is $ 2,890.34 $ -- - 2,587.06 $ 482.27 . $ 203.13 _ _ $ __ 632.99 $_ 358,79 -: $ __ 1,007.69 : S 551.43 ' $-_____1,688.16 $ 854.60 ~^ $ 3,013.29 $ _- ~ 1,783.17 ?. $ 947.45 -. $ 953.01 _~ $ 1,243.55 ,, $ ~~~-- 1,683.34 "~~ $ -_ 1,979.65 ,- $ 2,587.14 '. $ ___3,316.47 $ -~---4,009.50 $ 5,919.76 $ --_---8,366.03 .: $_ _ 430.59 -. $ 356.34 ~' $ 565.15 $ 629.42 899.69 $ 967.35 $-- -.. 1.507.23 ~. $ 1,499.19 `< $ 2,690.94 $ 3,128.13 a-: $ 482.27 ,,: $ 203.13 I $ _______632.99_ $ 358.79 ~.; $ _ 1,007.69 - $---~-~~--551.43 ~+: $ 1,688.16 $ - -~-854.60 "t _.._ -- - ---- $ 3,013.29 - _ _ _ _ _ $ 1,783.17- :- S __ 878.54 - --- r. $ 1,956.81 $ ____ 1,153.09 --- $---- 3,456.38 ^`- $._-_,_ 1 835.66 - -- _ $ 5,312.15 -: $ 3,075.24 __ _ $ ~~ 8,232.66 $ 5,489.17: ~ $~~---17,177.88- ~~~ $ ___ 1,567.69 ~ $ 1,852.84 $ _ 2,057.62 $ ---3,272.73 ;_' _ $__ 3,275.61 - --- $ _ ~ -5,029.89 '.. $ ____5,487.56 . - $---~-7,795.23 ^~ $ 9,795.06 $ -~--16,265.16 i:' $ 706.25 . ' $ 329.92 $ . __ _ 926.96 $ 582.76 j. $ 1,475.67 - $ 895.64 - -- $ ___ 2472.16 - $-- 1,388.05 ', $ 4,412.70 $ 2,896.24 8 C/ty o/Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) Size Basis ' ICC (UBC) Type of (square Fee # Use T pe Occu anc Construction feet - --_.. - -...-..,. - 100 ---- .. 400 32 I-1 __-. Medical/24Hour C a re TI - . _ n/a _..._ 1,000- .> _ _ _._ _- --- --- 2,000 - -._ 5,000 ...___-. ----------_... _...--------------- 1,000 4,000 33 B - Medical Offices -Complete _ _ _- ~ "n/a 10,000 ---_ _... - _. .20,000 __-._ 50,000 ` -. __. ..----- --------- ------- 1,000 ;. _ 4,000 34 ___ 6 _ . Medical Offices - Shell n/a 10,000 _.__ ~~ - -__ -_ -- ----- - 20,000 - - -_ 50,000 ., - __ _.. - - __-- - --- - - _ 250 a _ 1,000 35 B _ Medical Offices - TI n/a 2,500 --_-- _ _ _ 5,000 ' 12,500 a, ~. 2,000 , 36 - Restaurant-Com late p __ -_ n/a --- 5,000 - -. _ _.._----.._..- ----- --- 10,000 ; ___ 25,000 __._.. ----------- ----- 500 .~ -- __ _ _ _ __ ~ - - - 2,000 '„ 37 - - _ __ Restaurant- Shell - - -_ - __ __ _ -- n/a - ___ -5,000 '; -- _. - __ --- -10 000 ~ _... _. _.._- - - -- - - ---- - _..__. __ _ . , ... 25,000 _ 250 -- ~ _ __ ~ 1,000 38 --_ - __ Restaurant TI .-- n/a 2,500 - - - - - - _ __ .__. 5.000 ----- . __.__.. 12,500 ~. -. - --. - - -- - - - -- ---- 250 ,~ ~ 1,000 39 I-4 Day-Care Facility -Complete _ n!a 2,500 _ __- ;' _.--- . -- SA00 ,~ 12,500 , .. __ - ~-- -------------_.--------- 100 400 .~ 40 I-0 Day Care Facility - TI n/a 1,000 - _. _... - --.. 2,000 ___._. 5,000 F-XHIBIT A Plan Cheek - /ns action Y., Y' Current Fee Current Fee :_- ~ $ 637.33 ---- $ 185.52 ' $ 836.51 ~-~ $ --327.69 -. $ 1,331.67 ~ :. $ 503.63 - ` $ _ _ 2,230.93 - -": $ 780.51 ;.. $ 3,982.11 ;: $ 1,628.57 $ _1,567.69 ,- $ 1,852.84 -, $ 2,057.62 - -- $ 3,272.73 %;" $ 3,275.61 , _ __ $ 5,029.89 °° $ 5,487.56 -- - $ 7,79523 ". $ 9,795.06 ~$ -16,265.18 $ _ 706.25 - ". $ 33 8.73 `°. $ 926.96 -- _ _ _ _ $ 59 1 8.3 ;:: - $ ____1,475.67 " _ __ _ - $ - - 919.55 '"' $ 2,472.16 ---- __ _ _ _ $ 1,425.10 $ 4,412.70 - $ 2,973.54 r' $ 637.33 --~-- x, $ 435.59 ^ $ 836 51 = $ - --769.39 ~> $ 1,331.67 ~"--~- $ 1,182.49- _~' $ 2,230.93 ---- s: _ ___ ~$ 1,832.59 ~` $ 3,982.11 _ $ --- 3,823.81 lw:'- $ 1,050.82 ,~ $ 953.01 " - -- $ ~-- 1,379.23 - $ - - 1,683.34 ~.,'. _ $_ 2,195.64 $ 2,587.14 'r $ _ 3,678.32 ~.. $ 4,009.50 $ 6,565.64 $ 8,366.03 "# $ 533.96 -. $ 303.51 -.' $ 700.83 - -~--- - _ _ $ 536.10 ~': $ 1,115.68 $ _---- -- 823.93 "'- $ ,.___1,869.08 $ 1,276.92 ~? $ 3,33623 ___ _ $ ~ 2,664.35 ::: $ 447.82 $ 435.59 .. $ "_-_ 587.77 $ 769.39 ' _ $ 935.69 _ _ $ 1,182.49 ;: $ 1,567.54 :' _ $ 1,832.59 '> $ 2,797.99 -.: $ "3,823.81 _ ~. _ $ _ 844.08 -. $ 953.01 $ 1,107.87 -"--- ~ _ _$ -- _ 1,683.34 =:' $ 1,763.66 -. $ 2,587.14 3:' .$_____._2,954.63 ~ $ 4,009.50 -! $ 5,273.88 $ 8,366.03 :fi $ 637.33 - `- $ 187.91 -- - $ 836.51 -- _ - $ 296.58 >'. _$ 1,337.67 $ - -- 455.82 -!' $ 2,230.93 _-- - $ 706.42 $ -3,982.11 _ _ $ 1,473.98 9 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-OS Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) Plan Check Ins ecUon Size Basis `~ ~~ ICC (UBC) Type of (square r?. ~;~ Fee # Use T e Occu anc Construction feet " t' Current Fee Current Fee _:~-,; _. .:._-.-- -•---.> --,- -- - _ .....-.- _..: --- 500 ,;' a"'.. $ _ _ 740.71 $ 953.01 _ 2 000 '`: /i $ 972.19 ".: $ 1,683.34 41 H Hazardous H- Complete _, - - - _ --- -- _ n/a -_ 5,000 --- ~'; s'!. 1 ,547.67 $ ~- $ 2,587.14 10,000 ': •~,. _ _ _ $ 2,592.78 ~ $ 4,009.50 -- 25,000 , % ." $ 4,627.99 _ $-- 8 366.03 500 ,. ~, $ 1,050.82 ---~-- , $ 285.90 _ _ ____ __ ~ __ __ ~ __ 2 000 ~ $ 1.,379.23 $ 504.99 42 H _ Hazardous H-Shell Na 5 000 '.; _ $ 2,195.64 ___ _ $ - 776.13 __10000 -. ~ ~*: __ $ 3,678.32 ------ `~. _ $ 1,202.83 ____ 25000 -: ' '- -- $ 6,565.64 _ ~$ -- 2 509.76 _ _, -- _ _ _ 100 ~=' $ 637.33 :. , $ 167.91 _ _ _ ~ 400 $ 836.51 _ $ 296.58 43 H Hazardous H- T I n/a 1,000 ': ( <> ___ _ $ ~ -1,331.67 - __ _ - - $ 455.82 2,000 '' r $ 2,230.93 -~-- $706.42 --~ 5,000 $ 3 982.11 ~$- -1 473 98 200 ::: ;; , $ 361.67 :.. , . $ 167.91 800 ~° r $ 474 70 $ 8 44 C _ ~ ,, . 296.5 _ ommercial Buildm~ Foundation _ _ n/a - _ 2000 ',; ~,; $ 755.6 9 __ __ $ - 455.82_ 4 000 ;.,^ '. _ _ $ 1,266.00 $ -- ~ 706.42 --- _. 10,000 :n,'r ;:. $ .--~-- 2,259.75 ~~$--~-_---7 473 98 _ _ __ __.._ 200 $ 396.13 , . $ 18 5.52 -____ _ _ 800 •"'; -: _ _ $ . 5 1 9 .9 3 _ $ -- ---327.69 45 ~ - ___ - Commercial Buildm Addition _.. - _._ -- -_9 ---- ----- _ n/a 2 000 _ __ . _ _ $ _._ - 827.69 - - _ $ ...-503.63 - _- - 4,000 :~ $ 1 386.62 _--- $ 780.51 -~_--- 10,000 - $ 2,475.05 $ 1 628 57 _ __ ___ 1000 ;~: ,. $ 1,567.69 :-.. , . $ 1,786.06 _ _ A e _ 4,000 .,i:. -$ _- 2,057.62 $ -----3154.79 46 R-2 p rtmentBuilding __ n/a 10,000 _ $ 3,275.61 $ 4,848.62 -~---- - _ _ ._ _. 20,000 . ' ', $ -__- __5,487.56 : --- - $ 7,514.30 50,000 '' '. $ 9,795.06 _ _ $ - ~ -15 678 99 47 IRC SFD - Single Family (custom or model) _ , - _. _. n/a ---- - _ 1,000 $ 1 ,115.68 , . $ 1 321.61 48 - n/a . - - 2,000 ',i_ _ - $~- 1208.66 , - $ 2 108.17 49 - _ --- -._ __- _ _-- ...__ - _n/a -- _- 3,000 . ._-.. -- -- $ ___ 1,676.64 - , $ - 2.912.78 - -_-... -- -._---.__.--- -. -r-_. _---- -----~--- - n/a ---~-- ---- 5 000 -~- .;' $ _ ~ 2,177.51 $ - - 4,360.63 -- n/a - 7500 •::.. -; $ 3,053.38 $ 5 831 90 667 , ;_-;' $ 407.04 , . $ 796.62 -- 52 - --- IRC SFD - - -- Single Famtly -_Production /Repeat -. n/a 1,333 2 000 `- ~ ; ~i $_,-- 440.96' ~~ 611 70 $ $ _1.271.06 - - -- 756 $ 1 17 --. ------~ - --- ----- - - ~- , ~- ; . ------ . . - ----- - ~ ----- -- -- --- --- 3 333 =, : .' $ 794.43 $--_-- 2.629.11 _--__ 5,000 „. h,. $ 1 113.99 $ -_--3 516 17 _ _ 333 ~_ . ~,. , $ _ 359.13 - --- , . $ 148.25 -_-- 53 ---- - - _ - - - _ __.- _ _ Moved Budding -, Residential - --- -- n/a 667 1,000 ` ' ~ ,' $ _ _ 389.06 ~~~~ - - $ 539.70 ,. $_-_~~_~~~236.48 $ .... 326.74 1,667 _-- $ _ 700_93 $ 489.15 2500 '': ::. _ $ 982.87 $ -------654.19 10 EXHIBIT A City o/Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) Size Basis = ICC (UBC) Type of (square ' Fee # Use T e Occu anc Construction feet -. _ ., -- °.-- , . .--_4- - 800 ,n 1 600 54 R-3 Manufactured Home -Complete __- n/a ..-- 2 400 - -. - _ _ -- _ 4,000 __-- __. _. 6000 - ___ 667 ____.. .. _ 1,333 F 55 R-3 _ _ Prefabricated Dwelling -Complete ~- n/a 2,000 ----- " .._.._._ _. - - 9,333 __ _ 5,000 ~, ._ _. _- .__ _. .. 120 ~~,' 480 56 --- - - Commeraal Coach -Complete n/a 1 200 , , __._ 2,400 ,; _ 6 000 - -_ - - -- -- zao 960 57 --- - Modular Bmldmg -Complete _ _- n/a --- 2,400 -- ,_., _ - _ - - -- - - 4,800 °, 12 000 _ _-.---------- -.- 00 --- a' 2 000 , 58 - Manufactured Building Fnd n!a -_ 5,000 _- .,;. -_ _- ---.. _ _.. - --_..-- - - 10000 --- _, ---- 25000 . _- _- - --~ - ~ -- -333 59 --- U Residential Gara~e_ _ - - n/a 500 833 --- - --- -- ~ - - - - ---_. -- - _ , .. _ __ 1,250 ..._ -__ - ~-- 40 ---- - ----- ---. __. 160 60 - U -- - --- Pool/S a _Standard Plan P - - - n/a ---- 400 ; __ _.. - _ ._ -_. ---- ---- -- - - - -- ------ - _ - - 800 _ ' .__.._ _. 2,000 '~ - _ _ - -- _ 200 -- 800 61 _.- - Commercial Bwlding_ Remodel - - - -- n/a --- 2,000 ----- t: -..._ _ ---_ 4,000 _ io,ooo -_-- - 200 soo , 62 - Commeraal Building - Repair__ - n/a 2,000 .~ __- 4,000 _.__.__ 10,000 '. Plan Check Ins action ` , Current Fee Current Fee } -: $ 272.90 a. $ 115.71 w` $ 295.64 _ $ 184.58 ->' $ 410.11 -. __ $ --~ 255.03 ~~= _ $ 532.62 - - $ 381.80 ~~ $_ ~~-- --74686 ri -$ _ ~ 510.61 $ 272.90 $ 115.71 $ 295.64 ,. $~~ _---184.58 .-:: $ 410.11 -------- - $ 255.03 - "";`' - -- $ 532.62 $ ---- ~----381.80 $ 746.86 =' $ ~_~~~--510.61 ,''. $__ 179.05 =, $ 93.94 $ 235.00 ~: __ -$ - --165.84 -~ _ $ 374.11 - $ "" --255.03 ~:'- - $ 626.74 -- $ ~"~--395.24 w; $ 1,11sss $ ezass "'. $ 179.05 ---- •. $ 93.94 ~, $ 235.00 r _ $ _" --- 165.94 $ 374.11 $ 255.03 '~: $ 626.74 _ $ 395.24 ;. ~'. $ 1,118.69 4 $--_-- 824.69 °:°.: $ _ _ 196.27 - $ 93.94 ~- $ __ _ 257 61 % _ - $ 165.94 :I $ 410.11 ___ - _ _ $ 255.03 '~'; $ 687.04 --~-- ,- -$ - 395.24 `.. $ 1,22634 -$ - - 824.69 $ _ 272.90 $ 178.62 9: $ 295.64 --- $ 284:92 - "' $ 410.11 ° _ $ -~-_--393.67 $ __ _532 62 $ ---589.35 $ 74686 -$ ~-~ ~~~788.20- xx' $ _ 223.84 $ 160.86 '1 $ 293.80 --- _ $ --- 284.14 ~' -- _$ 467.70 --- j _ -$ - -436.70 - $ 783.54 -- _ - $ 676.78 ~': -- ---- $ 1,398.58 ~~$ -- --- 1,412.14 •; $ 637.33 --- '_ $ 292.94 --- $ 836.51 -- ~, - $ ~~ 517.43 $ 1,331.67 ---- ' _ $ - 795.25 ='" $ 2,230.93 __ $ 1,232.46 $ ----~~3,982.11 - -$-~ ""-2,571:60 $ soz.ea -- $ 2szsa - $ ~~_-791.28 __ $ - - ~ 517.43 .~ $ -_ 1,259.68 ~ " $- - 795.25 ' $ 2,110.31 - ~ - '.. $ 1,232.46 i" $ 3,766.82 " -$ 2,571.60 11 EXHIBITA City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) ICC (UBC)I I TYPe of I S(squares (;~ __ - -° 2,000 63 _ S-2 _ _ Commercial Carport Std. Plan -~ _ o/a - ___ _ ~ 3,000 _- ---- -- - -- -- - --- - ---- - - - 10,00[ __ zS,ooC - - ---___----- - -...-- - ---SC ---- 20C 54 U-1 Accessory Building -Commercial _ n/a 50C 1 000 _ --_----- . __.__ 2,SOC SC - i5 ll 1 Commercial Carport n/a - SOC - - _ - - - - ~,OOC _...._._ 2,SOC - ..- ------... _- ----------- 167 333 56 IRC SFD Single Family Residential-Addition __ _ _ __ - - n/e - - _ _ ~- 500 ___ 83_3_ _ 1,250 _ -- - --------------- 333 667 i7 R-2 _ Multi Family Resideritial - Addtion n/a - 1,000 - - - - ----- ---- 1,667 _._ 2,500 - - -- ---- - - - -- 333 667 i8 IRC SFD __ _ Single Family Residential -Remodel -- n7a ~~ __ _ _ 1,000 --._ _ 1,667 _ _-___ 2,500 -- - - - - -- 1,333 i9 R-2 Multi-Family Residential -Remodel --- n/a - 2,000 ... ..- .- --_. -------~ _3,333 5,000 667 '0 IRC SFD Residential Building -Foundation n/a - 1,000 --- __. 1,667 2,500 - _ _._...._- __-. _. __.._ _-__.__ _ 83 167 '1 _ - U-1 Ac_ce_ssory Building - Resid_e_ntial _ _ _ __ n /a _._ ~~ 250 -- _ ._.- .__-__ ...._---.. --- _ --... - 417 -- - 625 -Plan Check Ins ection Current Fee Current Fee ~~: <;. .<r '-- $ 292.76 $ 384.25 $ 611.70 ------ ------- $ 1,024.77 $ -_-- 1,829.17 $ 203.13 $ 358.79 $ 551.43 - -$ ~ -- ---854._60 ~~$-~--- 1,78317 ;:'.. $ __ 210.06 $ 108.03 - a $ 275.70 .; $ --~~- 190.82 :.;.. $ 438.91 ~. $ --- 293.27 =:: $ 735.29 •~ $ 454.51 `" $ 1,312.46 - _ $ 948.36 . '. $ 210.06 - $ 1 27.4 0 :. .: ~± `' $ _ --_ ~ 275.70 $ 438.91 $ - _ 735.29 $ _-- 1,312.46 _ _ _ _ _ $ 225.04 $ - 345.86 $ 536.01 $- 1,118.41 $ 407.04 ----- - $ 211.16 $ .440.96 $-_----611.70- .. __ _ $ 336.83 $ - 465.38 696.71 ' $ 596.67 $ ~-- _- 827.69 $ 1,074.95 $ 1,507.34 $ 855.84 ~$ _ _1,182.49 $ 1,770.26 $ 2,367.55 $ 263.31 -~-~-~- $ 200 .31 $ 285.26 --- - _ $----~-319.53 --- $ 395.71 ---------- $---441.46 $ 513.92 --- $ ---~--~-660.92 $ 720.63 $ 883.91 $ 363.92 -_-- ~ - $ 282.74 $ 39425 ---- $ ~ -- 451.01 __ -546.90 $ _.. 623.14 $ 710.28 _ $ - 932.89 $ 995.98 $ - 1.247.64 16.40 ;; <' $ 570.02 $ 799.30 ., . -- $ _-- ~__~-569.35 $ 78820 $ 263.31 _. $ 126.56 $ __-. 285.26 $ - -- 201.88 $ 395.77 ~ $ 278.93 rt:. $ __-__ _513.92 $ 417.58 _- $ 720.63 _ _ _- $ ~ 558.47 12 EXHIBIT A City o/Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building b Life Safety (Cost-Based) Size Basis ICC (UBC) Type of (square Fee # Use T e Occu anc Construction Teel °..-:._- -°°--°- -°-_z-- _-z-- - - -- ~.-.. 133 -._-_ . 267 72 ll-1 ___________ __ _ _ Residential Carport-- ____ _ __ __ n/a ___ _ ~ 400 ---_- 667 ___ - -.-.. 1,000 _ . _ --- - _ __ 83 _ 167 73 IRC SFD _ _ Residential Patio Cover/Be,lcony%Deck -- __ __ n/a - _.-- _ ~ ~~ 250 _._. _- - 625 83 167 74 IRC SFD Residential Patio Cover ICC Approved _- _- -- _ n%a - 250 -- __---- ---- --- 417 __- - ----- 625 83 ~ 167 75 -- IRC SFD _ _ __ _ _ _ Residential Patio Enclosure --- - -- _. _ ~~n/a _____ ~~ 250 _..-..._ - 417 625 - _- - - --------- 83 - -- 167 76 __._ IRC SFD _ -- - - Residential Patio Enclosure ICC Approved __ _ _ . n/a __ __ 250 - - __.._. --- 625 Plan Check Ins ection Current Fee Current Fee h~ $ 263 31 ---- ---- __ - $ 115.71 - _ -- n:~ $ 285.26 .`t 184.58 $ -:: _ _ _ _ $ 395.71 . -$ ---- - 255.03 $ 513 92 $ 381.80 ~`s: $ ---_720.63 $_-.____510.61 ~. $ 263.31 $ 115.71 `: $ 285 26 -- $ 184.58 's:. $ 395.71 $ 255.03 '+=t _ $ 513.92 --- $ ~-_ 381.80 -_--- - - '_' $ 720.63 - 510.61 $ ~- ~ :`~:: $ 263.31 $ 115.71 ~~'w $ 285.26 -- : $ _ 184.58 ~ $ 395.71 ~.. _ $ 255.03 ~`~; $ --- -- 513.92 i ~ $ _ ~~ ~- 381.80 $ 720.63 _ _ _ $ 510.61 ;:` $ 263.37 $ 115.71 .'~.: $ 285.26 `. $ 184.58 %' $ 395.71 _ $ -255.03 °.P $_ 513 92 - $ 381.80 ~+'- $ 720.63 $ 510.61 '+;_ $ 263.31 $ 115.71 "': $ 285.26 $ ~~ ~ ~ 184.58 - $ ~--_--- - 395.71 _ -$ 255.03 ~'~'. ------- $ 513.92 $ ---981.80 $ 720.63 $ 510.61 13 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) Fee Title ~-I Current Fee I I Current Fee - Cellular/Mobile Phone free-standing _ -- - - -- -- _. _- $ 683_35 $ 1,112.04 _ Cellular Tower with E ui _ment Shelter -__ __ 4 P__ ____ _ $ 683.35 -- - -- ---- $ 1,243.66 - Awning (not patio cover)- - _ _ _ $ 78_57 $ 123.28 Carport __ _- --- __-__ $ - -- - --- $ 19.12 Carport (with Calcs) $ - $ 1912 Change of Occupancy No T,I. w/ plan check 8 I $ 128.97 ' $ 246.73 _ Close Existm O enin s 9 p 9 _ _ __ -- -- _ _ - _ $ ---78.57 -- _ $ .- _..167.71 _- Commeraal Coach -- ---(per unit)----- - $ - - - - -- $ 19.12 _ _ Compliance Inspections/Reins ections __ - _ _ __- P $ 143.37 - "- - $ 205.96 Deck _ - - -- - ;' $ 143.37 $ 198.64 ___ Deck (with Calcs) _ _ _- _ _ _ -- ----- --- $ 164.97 . --- $ 222.54 Demolition $ 78.57 ?, _ $ 258.54 Demolition MultiFamily/Commercial $ 28.57 - $ 258.54 Door --- - _ _ _ _- _- $ 78.57 ------ $ 177.27 Duplication Processing Application _ _ -- -- $ _ $ - - Fence or Wall wood chain link wrou ht iron -- ~ - - ---- - _9 - ) - --------- $ - - - - $ - - >6 feet in hei ht, 1st 100 s.f. --- g _ . __ __ _ --- -- $ 78.57 - ---- - $ 222.83 Each additional 100 sf $ 57.60 _ ___ $ 79.03 -- Fence or Freestanding Wall (masonry /garden) -- $ _ $ _ City Standard, 1st1001.f. $ 78.57 '> _ $ 222.83 Each additional 1001f __ - $ 57.60 - $ 79.03 En ineered Wall, 1st 100 If Q __ __ .. _ __ _ __ -- $ 100_17 -- - $ 222.83 Each additional 1001f $ 79.20 $ 79.03 Fireplace (masonry or pre-fab)_ - $ 7 8.57 $ 162.93 Flag pole (greater than 6 feet in hei ht _ 9 ) _ - $ 78.57 _ $ 162.93 _ Garage (detached). _ -_ - _ _ __ $ - $ - 19.12 __ - Wood frame up to 499 s.f. ----- ---- -_ - ---- - $ - - - _ 19_12 $ Wood frame from 500 s.f. to 999 s.f. _ - $ -- ---- $ 1912 Each additional 500 s f _ _ --- _ - g _ $ 1912 Masonry up to 1 000 s.f. __ _- $ - - -- $ 19.12 each additiona1,500 s.f. _ $_ - $ 19.12 14 EXHIBIT A Clty o/ Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) Fee Title Grading (Cut and Fill)- . - _ 0 50 Cubic Yards (Cut and Fill) _ _ 51 100 CY - - --- - - Each Add'I 100 CY or portion thereof 1 000 CY (minimum) -- Each Add'I 1,000 CY or portion thereof_ _ 10,000 CY (minimum) Each Add'I 10,000 CY or portion thereof - --- -- ------------------ 100 000 CY (minimum) _ __ _ ._. Each Add'I 10,000 CY or portion thereof Pilaster each 10 Greenhouse (non-commercial) Greenhouse (non-commercial) (with Calcs) - -- - --- Lighting pole (each) _ _ _ _ Mobile Home Mobile Home double wide _ Partition -Commercial, Interior (each 30 Lf.) Partition -Residential, Interior (each 3.0 I.f.) Patio Cover (includes ICC Produ_ cts) lattice each 500 s.f. Solid cover each 500 s.f Engineered design (not ICC products) - ------ Patio Enclosure Wood frame up to 1,000 s.f. each additional 1,000 s.f Other frame (ICC products) up to 1,000 s.f. -- -- _ - additional 1,000 s.f. - - - - ---- Engineered_design (not ICC products) up to 1,0( additional 1,000 s.f. Enclosure walls under existing roof first 1,000__9_: each additional 1,000 s.f. of enclosed area Photovoltaic System---- .. - ----- - _ - - .. _ Caisson /Pile Foundation _ ___ Cast in Place Concrete (each 10 piles) Additional Piles increments of 10 Driven (steel,, pre-stressed concrete) Addtional Piles (increments of 10)- -- - Current Fee Current Fee $ - ---- $ - -- $___ 100.17 $ _ -- 162.93 _._ _ $ 136.17 --- $ - 162.93 $ __5.76 -_ - -- .- $ _ ---- _-- 193.77 $ -$ - 162.93 $__ 8.64 - _ _ $ - $ 272.97 -- ~~' -$ 162.93 $ .12.96 ---------- ,', $ -- $ _ 395.36 $ 162.93 $ 12.96 - '' $----- -_ . _. --- $ _78.57 '<' - $ - - 162.93 $ - ---- - -- ? _ $ 19.12 $ - - -- $ 19.12 78.57 $ - - - ! -$ -- 141.33 _ $ _ 19.12 ~ - 'ri $ -~ - 19.12 $ - $ _--19.12 S -- - $ 19.12 S - -- _-- _ $ 19.12 5 _ - -------- - S __-_. 1812- -- ~ - - 19.12.. $ 6 -- - ---- _ $ 19.12 6 - --_- -$ - - _ --19.12 6 -- $- _ -19.12 6 _ _ - '" $ 19.12 _ _ 6 - _ _ $ 19.12 6 - ---_- ___ . 18.12 $ --- 6 _ _ - - - _ $ 19.12 6 $ -- _.....18.12 6 - --- - _ $ 19.12 - 6 ----- - -- - - $ 19.12 _ S $ -- ----19.12 6 _ $ - __ - -18.12 6 - - -- [ $ 19.12 _ S -- ----- ,, $- 1 9.12 _. _._ - ; ' _ $ ------19.12 _- - - $ 43.03 15 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) ~~~~ Curren[ Fee Current Fee - - Stucco Applications _ ---- _ __ $ 49.77 - - - $ 162.93 _ Additional Stucco A Iication --- - pF - - --- ` $ 49 77 '' --- $ 162.93 - Relocated Budding (wdhm 25 miles of cit office - - - - - - y _ _ _ _ . $ _ __ ___ -- $ 19.12 - - Each additional 10 miles (or portion thereof) -- - --- -- - ' --- ---- $ _ -------- - $ 19.12 Retaining Wall (concrete or masonry)- -- _--- - __ -- - $ ----- $ - _ - First 50 sf -----. _ __ ---- -- $ 157.77 -- _ -- $ 186.83 Each adddional 50 sf - - _ - -- -- ? $ 136.80 `' $ 102.93 Special Design, 3-10' high (up to 50 If)_- [delete] • > ___ __ $ '- $ --jg-{2 Each additional 50 If - [delete] _ g ----- -- -- $ 19.12 ___ _ _ Special Design, over 10'~h (up to 50 If) - [del - ; _ $ - ;: __ _ $ 19.12 Each adddional 50 If [delete] _ - -- - - ~ $ _ -- $ 1 y 12 Gravity /Crib Wall -First 50 If --[delete] -- $ - -- ------ $ 19.12 Each adddional 50 If - [delete) - -- g --- __ _ - _ _ - $ 19.12 Gravit / Cnb Wall, over 10' hi h u to 50 I Y _. --- --- -9 (._P _ ..- ~-[ - $ -- '--- $ 19.12 Each additional 50 If - [delete] ---- -- -- $ - -- - - $ 19 12 - _ Remodel -Residential (include garage converse i --- -- ---------- $ - . --------- $ 1912 _-- first 500_s.f. _ $ -- -_ j $-- -19.12 __ _ each additional 500 s.f.- -- --- -- s $ _ $- 19 ~Z Re-roofin -- - - ------ $ -$ _ - Composition - no tear off _ _. _ __-_ $ 64.17 ` : -- --- $ 158.15 ._ Other roofs first 10 s uares -- -- - --( - - ._ 9 )- ____.-._ .. $ 64.17 - - $ 158.15 Each additional 10 s uares _ - 9 -- - $ 14.40 - -- $ 38.25 Roof Structure Re Iacement _ __ P _ - - $ 100.17 - $ 18 6 83 Separate additional roof structure replacement ;. $ 100.17 _ . $ 102.93 -- Room Addition -Single Sto -_ - -- ry-- __ $ - - -- $ 19.12 - Up to_ 199 s.f. ------- - - - ----- $ 19.12 - - from 200 to 499 s.f. - - - ---- -- $ _ -- - $-- -19.12- - -- from 500 to 1000 s.f -- --- --- -- $ _ $ 19.12 Each additional 500 sq ft - - -- -- ----- $ ' -- - - 19.12 $ _ - Room Addition Mufti story (total square footag ': ----- $ - -- $ - jg-jZ Up to 199 s.f. -- - - - $ < _ - - $ 19.12 200 to 499 s f. -- _ --- ----- - - $ $ _ -19.12 from 500 to 1000 s.f __ $ $ - 19.12 Each additional 500 sq ft __ - ------- - $ - ' ---- 19.12 $ - Sauna -steam --------_--- -- - -- - - ---- $ . _.._-78:57 _ - - --- $ .._- 196.39 EXHIBIT A 16 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) Plan Check Ins ection Fee Title Current Fee Current Fee Siding $ _ $ _ Stone and Brick Veneer (interior or exterior) $ 64.17 "- $ 196.39 All Other _ $ - -- 49.77 ~ $ 196.39 Additional siding _ __ $ 43.20 _ _ $ 112.49 -~ _- _ -- Permanent ---... -- - -- - $ 157.77 $ 196.39 - -- Temporary $ ----157.77 $--... _186.83 Directional ± $ 157.77 " $ 196.39 Each additional Directional Sign _ _ $ 157.77 $ 196.39 Freeway sign j _$___ __ _ 359.36 ,, $ 215.5 2 _ Freeway sign with Master Plan _ ; $ 359.36 ~ _ _ $ 215-52 Ground /Roof /Projecting Signs $ 150.57 ., _ $ 186.83 Master Plan Sign Check _ _ _ _ __ _ $ 157.77 __ _ _ _ $ 186.83 Replacement -Permit Sticker $ 64.17 °' __ _ $ 158.15 Rework of any existing Ground Sign _ _ __ _ $ 64.17 $ 158.15 Wall/Awning Sign, Non-Electric , $ 64.17 ", _ _ _ $ 196.39 Wall, Electric- _ r: _ $ 64.17 _ $ 196.39 Skylight (Residential each) "- $ 49.77 __ __ $ 172.49 Skylight (Commercial)one - - - __ __ $ 64.17 _ $ _ 172.49 Each additional __ $ _64.17 _ __ _ $ 172.49 Spa or Hot Tub (Pre-fabricated) $ 64.17 $ 196.39 Stairs -per story $ 229.77 $ 186.83 Each additional story $ 208.79 $ 102.93 Storage Racks each set of plans - $ 265.77 $ 234.64 Swimming Pool /Spa _ ; $ _ - $ - -19.12 Vinyl-lined/fiberglass ; $ - '~ $ 1g,1p Gunite (up to 800 s.f.) $ - _ $ 19.12 Master Plan Coord -Prod. Unit , $ - ' $ tg.12 Each additional 800 s.f. , _ _ _ $ - _ $ 18.12 __ _ __ Commercial pool (up to 800 s~ _ $ _$ 19.12 Each additional 800 s.f. _ ___ $ - __ $ 19 .1 2 - Temporary Utilit Connection or Occu anc - - Y _ _ _ -- p y _ _ _ $ - _ _ . $ 66.93 - -- --- Window or Sliding Glass Door (first) ? _ __ - ---- $ 157.77 _ _ - -- $ 186.83 Each additional __ __ _ $ 136.80 __ _ _ _ $ 83.81 -- Bay Window each _ -_ -___ _ _ $ 157.77 _ _ $ 186.83 0 - -$ - -- $ - __ - 17 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) Plan Check Ins ection Fee Title Current Fee Current Fee ALTERNATE METHODS AND MATERIALS $ - -- -- $ _ Alternate Methods _ - Category 1 (repeats and minimal complexity) $ - $ _ Category 2 (moderate complexity) _ $ - $ _ Category 3{complex issues) ------ --------- ------ ! $ - __ _ _ $ _ Category 4 (highly complex) _ __ $ - -- - - $ Alternate Materials _ _ _ _Request to Use Alternate M_ aterials___ __ ;,` $ - ~ $ _ Standard Flat Fee ($300) _ _ __ $ __ ._ $ _ - Standard Fee (hourly rate in addition to flat fee) ~ $ - $ _ ICC Fee ($500) - if required -- ------- ---- $ - --_ - g _ 0 -- $ _ $ --- _-- Board of Appeals -- ---- - - $ 623.61 ,. $ _ _ _ _ _ - - - Busmess License Inspection _ _ _ - _ $ 32.29 -- $ 45.56 Business License Re-inspection -- $ 32.29 - $ 23.96 Product Review- ___ $ 440 38 $ - Disabled Access Compliance Inspection $ 92.20 ;' $ 59.90 Supplemental Plan Check Fee (first 1/2 hour) $ 144.00 - _ $ - Each Additional 1/2 hour (or portion thereof) --- --- ~ $ 72.00 ! $ - - Supplemental Inspection Fee (first 112 hour) $ - __ _ $ ~ ~y,gp Each Additional 1/2 hour (or portion thereof) _______ $ - _ _ _ $ 59.90 Emergency (Non-Scheduled)-Call-Out Fee _ _ _ - $ - - $ 287.99 !, After Hours Inspection _.._ _ $ _ s g 17g.j1 Each additional hour _ __ _ $ - _ _ _ $ --119.80 After Hours Plan Review $ 287.99 :; $ _ - Each additional hour ---- °! $ 144.00 ( $ - 0 ---- --- -- _ Services Beyond Standard Fee (per the Directo $ _ $ - Non-Fee Activities: __ _ - Counter: Pre Project Support (annual) _ _ $ 10,741.88 $ - Counter: Public Information -not recoverable (a = $ 10,741.88 i $ - _... CIP_(annuaq _ ___- _-- - $ - --_ - __ _ $ - 0 $ - ------- --- $ - Historic Preservation Comm_Support (annual)_ ; $ , $ _ Other Commission Support (annual) _ $ _ $ - 0- _- -- --- ----- r $ ---- - $ - __ _ 18 EXHIBIT A Ciry o/Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-0B Building & Llfe Safety (Cost-Based) Plan Check Ins ection Fee Title Current Fee Current Fee Other Non-Fee Activities _ _ Support to Other Departments /Divisions: $ - $ _ _ Support to Planning (annual) $ 563.51 $ - _ - Support to Zoning Code Enforcement (annuaq S, $ 3,537.55 ,' $ 60,930.20 Support to Building Code Enforcement (annual) $ 3,537.55 _ $ 60,930.20 Support to Nuisance Code Enforcement (annua $ 3,537.55 $ 60,541.42 Support to PW En ig'neenng (annual) - - - _ - $ 563.51 _ $ - _ Support to Police (annual) ---- $ 72.00 --- - $ - -_ _ _ Support to Fire Operations (annual) _ - _ _ $ 719.98 _ $ 1 439.95 _ Support to Fire Inspections (annuaq $ 1,139.49 $ 1,9 18.0 2 Support to All Other Departments (annualj- g; __ $ - _ _ _ __ . _ $ _ Support to RDA (annual) - - -- - - $ !: $ - Support to Business License - -- -- -- - - -- !- $ 1,139.49 $ 3,472.14 0 - _ 0 -- Support to All Other Departments (annual)- __ - $ - $ _ - 0 -- --- $ _ $ Hourly Rates: $ _ $ - Bwldin Official - --9 - - _-_ _ . . 144.00 $ --- - - - $ - Building lns ector P ----- - - - --- $ _ -- -- $ 95.61 Building Permit Tech $ 83.90 _ $ - Director of Building and Fire -- --- - $ 251.77 .; $ - - - Executive Secrets -- -- ry ---- _ 108.49 $ ,' -- - - $ - Neighborhood Services Staff - --- $ - - - $ 1713.59 19 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Flscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) EXHIBIT A Plan Check /ns ecGon Fee # Fee Title Current Fee Current Fee 1 Fve Sprinkler Systems -New Construction: -_ $ - 2 1-50 Heads _ _-- _ ---_ __ $ -- 149.95 $ 151 97 3 51 100 Heads __ _._- -- - - $ 185.95 . $ 223 68 4 101 200 Heads -- -- - ~- - -- $ 335.90 . _ $ 271 48 5 Every 200 Heads above 200 - -- --- ;, $ 227.90 _. $ 151 97 8 _ - Fire Sprinkler Systems Tenant Im rovemen --- P- --- ` -_ $ . ----- --- - $ - 9 - 125 Heads _ _ ---- -_ - - -- - ------ $ 113.95 --- i $ 151.97 10 26-100 Heads ---- ---._ --- - - ='r $ 221.95 7 _ $ -- 223 68 11 -- Eve 100 Heads above 100 _ ry --- - --- - $ 185.95 . - $ 199 77 14 - - Fire Alarm System -New Construction: -- _ $ _ j . $ ------ 15 1-50 Devices ----- ------ --- - - - - -- 149.95 $ ___ _ _ $ 151 97 16 -- 51-100 Devices --- --- -- --- $ 221.95 . $ ----223 68 17 Eve 50-Devices above 100_ _ ry - - - - $ 149.95 . $ 199 77 18 Sprinkler Monitoring_System - - ` - -- --- $ 3 29.94 . - - $ - -"289 53 21 --- Fire Alarm S stem -Tenant Im rovements: y P _ ..-_ __ . _ $ - . - $ 14 22 __ -_...._ ------ 1-50 Devices _- --- ------ ---- -- 149.95 $ .40 - - - $ 151 97 23 _ .__ _ 51 100 Devices _.--_-. ---- _ - - $ 221.95 _. $ 223 68 24 -__ -_- Eve 50 Devices above 100 ry - -------- ' - 149.95 $ _---- $ 199 77 25 --- 5pnnkler Monitoring System- - - -- ----- $ 329.94 _--- _ _ . $ 289.53 28 Other Su_ ression Systems: P - _ -- $ -- - _ -___ $ - 29 . - Inert Gas S stems _ ---- Y - ; - - - $ 149.95 - -- $ 151.97 30 Dry Chemical Sstems -_._ _. Y _. - _. --- $ -185 95 - - -- $ 128 06 31 Wet Chemical%Kitchen Hood - - - $ 185.95 . $ 199 77 32 Foam S stems Y-- ----_ - .- _ _. _ ` --- _ - 185.95 $ . -- $ 271 48 33 _ Paint Spray Booth -_ --- - ----- --_ - - --- -- - 329 94 $ . $ 223.68 35 _ Other Fire Fees: r - -- - --- $ --- -$ - ---- - 36 Hydrants/Underground Fire Service Plan Check ' $ 221.95 $ 128.06 37 H dram Flow Test ewstm h drants __ 9--Y- )--_ ------- -$_ ___ 41.95 - --- $ 14.40 20 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) ADMINISTRATIVE (BASE) FEES Permd Issuance _ Supplemental Permit Issuance _ MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES -- Uless than 100,000 Btu/h -- - _ FAU greater than 100,000 Btu/h _ - -- -- Floor furn_ac_e (in_cluding vent) ___ Suspended, wall, or floor-mounted heaters - ------ --- ----- -- --------- Appliance vents not included ih an appliance pe Addition to each heating appliance refri~eratior Boiler or compressor, up to_ 3HP f Absorption sy Boiler or compressor, from 3HP to 15 HP /Absc Boiler orcompressor, from 15 HP to 30 HP / Ab Boiler or compressor, from 30 HP to 50 HP, / at Boiler or compressor, over 50 HP /Absorption s _ Air-handling unit, including attached ducts: Air-handling unit over 10,000 CFM _ --_ _ - - - Evaporative cooler Ventilation fan connected to a single duct -- - -- _ Ventilation system- (not a portion of heating or a~ __ - Hood and duct system. Incinerator, residential -- Commercial or Industnal-type incinerator Misc. appliances or egwpment Stand Alone Mechanical Plan Check (hourly ratE - - ----- Other Mechancal Inspections (per hour)_ _ Current Fee ~'~ Current Fee $ _ $ _ $ 83.90 $ $ 36.00 $ 47.81 $ 36.00 - - -- _ __ _ $ 71.71 --- $ _ 36.00 _ _ _ $ 95.61 $ 36.00 $ ---- 71.71 $ 36.00 $- - _7171 _ $ 36.00 -- _ $ - -- - 7 1.71 --- $ 36.00 ---- _ $ 95.61 --- $ 72.00 -- _ $ __ 95.61 ---- $ 72.00 - $ 95.61 _ $ 10,799.63 --- - ---- $ - --_ 71.71 --- $ 108.00 - $ - 71.71 $ 72.00 - -- - I $ 71.71- --- $ 108.00 ~-- - _ -$ ~ - 95.61 $ 36.00 - - _ $ -- -47.81 72.00 $ _ $ 71.71 $ _ 108.00 _ _ _ $ 95.61- $ 144.00 --- - $ 119.52 ---- $ 179.99 --- - - - _ $ - 143.42 - -- $ 215.99 -- $ 143.42 108.00 $ - - $ --_- 95.61- - $ - $ 144.00 -- _ $ - -- _- - $ $ - -95.61 2t EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) Fee Title Current Fee ' ' Current Fee s PLUMBING /GAS PERMIT FEES _ - '; $ - $ - _ Plumbing fixtures - _ _ _ __ $ 36.00 $ 47.81 _ - Building sewer _ _ - _ - - ;; - ----- $ 72.00 _ $ - - 71.71 Rainwater systems (per drain) -- _ _ $ 36 00 $ 47.61 Cesspool [delete) _ _ $ 36.00 $ - Private sewage disposal system _ - r- $ 108.00 ------ = $ 119.52 - Water Heater - --- -- - ------ - $ 72.00 .: "- -"-- - $ 47.81 Industrial waste preheatment interceptor --- _;, $ 36.00 $ 71.71 Water piping and/or water treating equipment (e ` ----- $ 36.00 '' _ _ $ 71.71 Repair oralteration of drainage or vent piping, _ -- -- - $ 36.00 -- $ 79.71 Each lawn sprinkler system on any one meter- _ $ 36:00 - --- -- $ - Backflow devices each unit ? $ 72.00 : $ 47.81 Atmospheric-type vacuum breakers: 1-5 units $ 72.00 $ 47.81 Atmospheric-type vacuum breakers: each unit o ;; $ 72.00 $ 47.81 - Stand Alone Plumbing Plan Check (hourly rate) $ 144.00 :: $ - Other Plumbing and Gas Inspections (per hour) . $ _ _ $ 95.61 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES _ - SYSTEM FEES: _ - ---- - _ _. _ - $ - $ - Residential swimming Pools $ 108.00 : _ $ 167.32 Outdoor Events - -----.. ---- --- - - - _ - -- - $ _ 108.00 71.71 $ _ -- ---- Electric generator and electrically driven ndes i $ 72.00 $ 71.71 _ Mechanicalt -driven ndes! attractions with elect - - y ---- ----- _ _ $ 108.00 $ 71.71 Each system of area and booth hghting_ -- = -- _ . - _ - $ - _ 72.00 - : _ --- $ 71.71 $ -_ _ $ - Temporary Power Service _ --. - $ 72.00 - ------ $ 47.81 _ Tem ora p ry power ole _ _ P __ --- $ 72.00 $ 47.81 Sub poles (each)- __ $ 36.00 r ___ _ $ 33.46 22 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) Plan Check Ins ection Fee Titie Current Fee Current Fee UNIT FEES: s $ - $ - 3 $ - $ - Receptacle, Switch, and Lighting Outlets $ 36.00 $ - - -- -- - '; $ - --- $ - First 10 _. _ ....__ ----- .: $ 72.00 $ 47.81 Each Additional 10 z; $ 72.00 ; $ 47.61 :: $ - _ $ - pl $ k $ _ Lighting Fixtures ~> $ - _ $ - First 10 $ 72.00 $ 71.71 _ ___ __ ___ _ Each additional 10 $ 36.00 _ $ 71.71 Pole or platform-mounted lighting fixtures (each :; $ 72.00 $ 71.71 Theatrical-type lighting fixtures or assemblies (e . $ 72.00 = $ 95.61 _ $ - -- - -- $ - - _ Residential Appliances (each) $ 72.00 $ 47.81 Nonresidential Appliances ~ - $ 108.00 $ 95.61 _ _ Residential appliances and self-contained, Wont . $ 108.00 `r _ _ _ $ 95.61 Appliances not exceeding one horsepower (HP) $ 144.00 i, $ 95.61 $ _ $ _ $ - $ - Power Apparatus $ - $ - Motors, generators, transformers rectifiers, syn ; $ 106.00 $ 47.81 Rating in horsepower (HP) kilowatts (KW), or ki ~ $ 108.0 0 $ 71.71 Up to and including 1 (each) - [delete] . $ - $ - Over 1 and not over 10 (each) - [delete] $ - $ - Over 10 and not over 50 (each) - [delete] __ _ $ - _ _ - $ - _ Over 50 and not over 100 (each) - [delete] $ - $ - Over 100 (each) - [delete] $ - $ - - [delete] ` $ - -$ -- ---- - Note: These fees include all switches, circuit br $ 72.00 $ - - - -. __ - '; $ - $ - -- __ Busways 5 $ - -...72.00 $- -71.71- - -- - - - _ _ - -- Trolley and plug-in-type busways -each 100 fe °: --- --- $ 72.00 : --- - -- --- $ 71.71 (An additional fee will be required for lighting fi $ 72.00 : $ - - _ Signs, Outline Lighting, and Marquees $ _ - $ - Signs, Outline Lighting, or Marquees supplied fr _$ 72.00 _ $ 71.71 Additional branch circuds within the same sign, ~ $ 72.00 $ 47.81 23 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) Plan Check Ins ection i Fee Title Current Fee Current Fee _ _ _ _ - - Services ----- - -- ------ Services of 600 volts or less and not over 200 a ' - $ 108.00 ': --- - $ 95.61 Services of 600 volts or less and over 200 amp :: $ 179.99 $ 119.52 Services over 600 volts or over 1000 amperes i '' $ 287.99 $ 143.42 Miscellaneous Apparatus, Conduits, and Condu " $ 72.00 $ 71.71 Electrical apparatus, conduits, and conductors f - $ 72.00 _ $ 95.61 -- -_. ---- -____ c - $ ------- $ - Pho tov_otaic Systems -each __ _ ';- $ _ 108.00 ! $ 143.42 _ - - _ - $ $ Stand Alone Electrcal Plan Check (hourly rate) s $ 144.00 $ - Other Electrical Inspections (per hour) _ $ - $ 95.61 24 EXHIBIT A City o/Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost•Based) PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Fee # ICC (UBC) Use T pe Occu anc Size Basis (square feet Base Fee Base Cost Eac Additional SF _ 2,000 $ 2,722 $ 2,722 $ 0.142 1 - A-1 __ ____ Assembly Group Theaters 8,000 20,000 _ $ 3,573 $ ___ __5,687 _ _ $ _ 3,573 $ 5,687 $ _ 0.176 $ 0.192 - _ _ . _ - -- - - ---- -_ - 40,000 --- f00,000 $ 9,528 $ 17,007 $ 9,528 $ 17,007 $ 0.125 $ 0.170 2 - - _ A-2 _____-_____ _. --- _ _ _ Assembly Group Churches restaurants ______ 1,000 ___ 4,000 10,000 $- 1,568- $ 2,058 $ 3,276 - $ 1,568 $ 2,058 $ 3,276 $ __0.163 $ _ 0.203 $ 0.221 _ _20,000 50,000 $ _ 5,488 $ 9,795 $ 5,488 $ 9,795 $ 0.144 $ 0.196 250 $ 534 -- $ 534 $ 0.223 3 __- A _ Assembly Group - TI - _ _- _ _ - - 1,000 - - -- 2,500 $_ -701 $ -_ _-1,116 $ 701 $ 1-,116 _ $ _ 0.277 $ 0.301 5,000 $ _ 1,869 $ 1,869 -- $ 0.196 _ __ 12,500 ~ 3,336 $ 3,336 $ 0.267 1,000 $ ___ _1,568 $ 1,568 $ 0.163 4 A-3 __ Church and Religious Bldg -Complete _ 4,000 10,000 _ 20,000 $ 2,058 $__ 3,276 $ 5,488 -- $_____2,058 $ 3,276 $ 5,488 _ $ 0.203 $ 0.221 $ 0.144 50,000 $ 9,795 $ 9,795 $ 0.196 500 $ 947 $ 947 $ 0.198 5 __.-_ _ R-4 Congregate Care-Complete __ 2,000 5,000 _ 10,000 25,000 $ 1,244 - ----- $ _ 1,980_ _$ 3,316 $ 5,920 . $ 1,244 $ 1,980 $ 3,316 $ 5,920 $ 0.245 $ 0.267 $ 0.174 $ 0.237 - - _ ---- -- . __ ---- 250 ------ - $_ _ _ 534 $ 534 $ 0.223 6 _ _.- _ _. -3 - __ __. Church and Religious Bldg - TI -- j,000 2,500 - - 5,000 " 12,500 $ 701 $ 1,116 $ 1,869 $ 3,336 $ 701 $ 1,116 $ 1,869 $ 3,336 $ 0.277 $ 0.301 $ 0.196 $ 0.267 2,000 $ 2,016 $ 2,016 $ 0.105 7 E ---- Educational Building--Complete ___ _ 8 000 20,000 $ 2,646 $ __4,212 _$ 2,646 $ 4,212 $ 0.131 $ 0.142 40,000_ - -- $ __ 7,056 $ 7,056 _ $ 0.092 ____ _ 10,000 $ 12,594 $ 12,594 $ -- - 0.126 - ------ -- _ - ---- -__- --- ---- -- ----- 250 $------ 534 $ 534 $ 0.223 8 ----__. E _ Educational Bwldm TI - - 9-_ _ _-_"__ 1,000 2,500 _ _ $ 701 -- $ __ _1,116 $ 701 - $ 1,116 $ 0.277 - $ 0.301 - 5,000 _ ---- $ 1,869 _ - $ 1,869 -- $ 0.196 12,500 $ 3;336 $ 3,336 $ 0.267 25 EXHIBIT A City ofArroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) Fee # ICC (UBC) Use T e Occu anc Size Basis square feet) Base Fee Base Cost Each Additional SF _- _.. -- 500 -- $ 706 - - _ $ 706 $ 0.147 9 --- S-2 Parking Garage - Com lete - P __ 2,000 - __ 5,000 $ 927 $__ _1,476 $ 927 - -- $ 1,476 $ 0.183 --- $ 0.199 --- - - -- --- - -- -- - ---- -- - - -----10,000 $ 2,472 -- _ $ 2,472 $ ---0.129 -_ __ 25,000 $ 4,413 $ 4,413 $ 0.177 _ _ 1,000 $_ 1,568 $ 1,568 $ 0.163 1 R-1 - - --- Hotel Low/Mid Rise -Complete ~ _ _ _ __ -_ _ 4,000 10,000 $ 2 058 _$- - 3,276 $ 2,058 $ 3,276 __ $ 0.203 $ 0 .221 -- - - - - -- -- ___ 20,000 ---- $ __ _5,488 $ 5,488 __ _ _ _ $ 0.144 50,000 $ 9,795 $ 9,795 _ _ -$ 0.196 1,000 - $ 672 - -- $ 672 $ 0.070 1 --- --- R-1 --- __ -_.-_ ----- -- Hotel Low/Mid Rise -Shell _ _ 4,000 _ 10,000 _ $_ 882 _ $ 1,404 - 882 --- - $ 1,404 $ 0.087 - - $ 0.095 ----- - 20,000 _$ -2,352 $ 2,352 _ $ 0.062 5U000 $ 4,19 $ 4,197 __ $ 0.084 _ ___ -- - - --- -- -- -- ------250 - $---- -500 $ 500 $ 0.208 12 R-1. Hotel-Low/Mid Rise - TI _ 1,000 - 2 500 $_ __ 656 $ 1,044 _ $_ 656 $ - -1,044 $ 0.259 $ 0.282 3 _ -- „ - Offices, etc. -Complete _ - -- 5 000 - -12,500 . 500 - - $ 1,748 $ __3,121 $ 1,008 $ 1,748 ------ $ 3,121 $ 1,008 $ -- 0.183 ---- _. $ 0.250 $ 0.210 14 15 - - 16 , - - - - -- 2,000 - -- - 5,000 - -- $_ 1,323 $_ 2,106 $ 1,323 $ 2,106 _$ 0.261 $ 0284 17 - - _ - -- 10,000 _ $ 3,527 _ - $ 3,527 - - _ $ 0.185 - - 2~0 6,296 $ $ 6,296 $ - 0252 1,000 $_ sn $ sn $ o.osa 18 ---_ B - - - -- Offices, etc Shell _ _ _ 4 000 10,000 _ _ _ $ 678 $ 1,080 _$_ _ 678_ $ 1,080 $ 0.067 $ 0.073 _.__ 20,000 _ $ 1,809 $_1,809 _ $ 0.047- 30,000 $ 3,229 $ 3,229 $ ---0.065 - - - -- ___ 100 - $_ 369 _ $ 369 $ 0.383 19 B Offices, etc TI . ---- -- 400 1 000 - - -- $ 484 $ - T70 - - $ 484 $ - -770 ___ $ 0.477 $ 0.520 -_._ 2000 - -- $_ 1,290 $ 1,290 _ $ 0.338 5.000 $ 2,303 --- $ 2,303 - - ---- $ 0.461 _ - 1,000 $ 1,568 - $ 1,568 $ 0.163 0 -1 I -- - - -_ _ ndustrial Building -Complete 4 000 _ 10,000 -- $ 2,058_ $ 3,276 ~ - $ 2_,058 $ .3.276 __ _ $ 0.203 $ 0.221 20 000 50,000 $ 5,488 $ 9,795 $___ 5,488 $ 8,795 $ __ 0.144 $ 0.196 26 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Fee # ICC (UBC) Use Type Occu anc Size Basis (square feet) Base Fee Base Cost Each Additional SF 1,000 $ 879 $ 879 $ 0.091 21 F-1 _ __ Industrial Building -Shell __ _ 4,000 _ 10,000 _ $_____1,_153_ $ _ __1.836__ $ 1,15_3_ $ 1,836 $ 0.114 $_ _0.124_ __ --------------- - -- -- 20,000 --- 500 $ 3,075 $ --- 5,489 $ 3,075 $ 5,489 $ 0.080 -$ - 0.110 __ _ _ _ _ _250 $ _ _ _ _ 500 $ 500 $ 0.208 22 F-1 Industral Building-TI 1,000 2,500 $ 656 $ 1,044_- _ $ _ 656 $ 1,044 $ _ _0.259 $ 0.282 - - -- ---- - -- - - - - - 5,000 12.500 $ 1,748 $ - 3.121 $ 1,748 $ 3,121 _ $ 0.183 $ 0.250 500 $ 879 $ 879 $ 0.183 23 S-1 Repair Garage 8 Service St -Complete- _ 2,000 - ------ 5,000 $ 1,153 $ 1,836 $ 1,153 $ 1,836 $ 0.228 $ 0.248 - _ -- ----- -- 10,000 ----....- $ 3,075 . . $ 3,075 $ 0.161 - 25,000 ~ 5,48J $ 5,489 __ $ 0.220 _ - __ __-__..._________ 500 -- $ 431 $ 431 $ 0.089 24 - - S-1 _ Repair Garage & Service St Shell - -- -- - 2,000 5,000 10,000 _ - - -- --- $ 565 $ 900 $ - 1,507 - $_ 565 $ 900 $ 1,507 $ 0.112 _ $ _ 0.121 $ 0.079 - -- - 25,000 $ 2,690 $ 2,690 _ $ 0.108 - _.. ---- ------ 100 ----- $ 482 - $ 482 $ 0.503 25 S-1 _ __ Repair Garage 8 Service St - TI 400 _ 1,000 $ 633 ______ - $ 1,008 -$,_._ 633 $ 1,008 -- $ 0.625 $ 0.6 80 2,000 $ 1,688 $ 1,688 _ _ $ 0.442 5,000 $ 3,013 $ 3,013 $ 0.603 500 $ 947 $ 947 $ 0.198 26 __._ M _ ____ _ Retail Sales -Complete _ 2,000 _ _5,0_00 $ 1244 $ 1-,980 $ _ 1,244 $ 1,980 $ 0.245 $ 0.267 _ _ - 10,000 25,000 $ _ 3,316 $ 5,920 $ 3,316 _ $ 5,920 $ 0.174 $ 0.237 - - - --- -- 500 -- -- $ _ __431 $ 431 $ 0.089 27 M _ Retail Sales -Shell 2,000 5,000 - $ 56_5 $ 900 $__ _ 565 $ 900 $_ _0.112 $ 0.121 _ ,: 10,000 $_ 1,507 - - $ 1,507 $ 0.079 -- --- 25,000 $ 2,690 $ 2,690 $ 0.108 100 $ _ 482 $ 482 $ 0.503 28 M - __ - - - -- RetadSales-TI 400 _ 1,000 $ 63_3 $ __ _1,008 $ 633 $ 1,008 $_ _ 0.625 $ 0.680 _ _ ____2,000 5,000 $ 1,688 $ 3,013 $ 1,688 $ 3,013 $ 0.442 $ 0.603 27 EXHIBIT A City o/Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) Fee # ICC (UBC) Use T e Occu anc Size Basis (square feet) Base Fee Base Cost Each Additional SF _ _ .- - -- - - 2,000 - $ _ _ 879 -- - $ 879 $ 0.046 29 _ - - - -- --- - -- Warehouse_Complete _ - 8,000 - - 20,000 _ $ _ 1 153_ $_ _1,836 _ $ 1,153 $ 1,836 _ $ 0.057 $ 0.062 -.__ _ _- _ --- --- __--- - -- - 40,000 $_ 3,075 $ 3,075 $ 0.040 100,000 $ 5,489 $ 5,489 ___ _ $ 0.055 __..-- -------------------------- --_-- _ 1,000 $ 1.568__ $ 1,568 $ 0.163 - 30 - -_- I-1 __ _ _ Medical/24 Hour Care -Complete _ __ __ _ __ 4 000 10 000 $ 2,058 $ _ 3,276 $ _ 2,058 $ 3,276 _ $ 0.203 $ 0.221 20,000 - ----- $ 5,488 $ 5,468 _ _ $ 0.144 50,000 $ 9,795 $ 9,795 $ - 0.196 - -. _ __ - ---- - - 1,000 - - - $ 706 - - $ 706 $ 0:074 -- 31 _._ - I-1 -_ - - - - -- -- Medical/24 Hour Care -Shell _-----_ -_.-- - -- _ 4,000 --- 10,000 --- $ 927 -- _$ 1,ais _ $ 927 $ - --i,dis $ 0.092 -g. _ o.ioo ------ -- 20,000 ---- _$ 2,472 $ 2,472 $ 0.065 -- 5 ,00 $ 4,413 $ 4,413 __ $ 0.088 - _ -- --- -------- --- - _ 100 -- _ $ _ _637 $ 637 $ 0.667 32 -- -- _ I-1 _- _ -- - - - - Medical/24Hour Care TI - - - -- -- - 400 - - - - 1 000 2 000 _ - - $ 837 - " $ 1,332 $ 2,231 _ $ 837 $ 1,332 - $ 2,231 -- $ 0.825 $ 0.899 -- - $ 0.584 - 5,000 ~ 3,9$2 $ 3,982 --- $ 0.796 _ -_ 1 000 $ 1,568 - $ 1,568 $ 0.163 33 ----- - - -- - 8 __-_-__ _ _ _ __ Medical Offices -Com lete -_ - _ _-___P __-- -_--- ___ 4,000 - _ 10,000 $ 2,058 - $ 3,276 _ -- $ 2,058 $ 3.276 $ 0.203 $ 0.221 ----- - -_ _ ------------ ----- ---- 20,000 ------- 50,000 $ 5,488_ $-- - 8,795 $ --5,488 $ 9.795 --- $ 0.144 $ --0.196 - - _ 1,000 - - $_ 706 $ 706 $ 0.074 34 __ B _ _ _ Medical Offices -Shell - -- - -- __ _ 4 000 -_-- 10,000 _$ 927 $ _ 1,476_ $ _927_ $ 1,476 $ 0.092 $ 0.100 - - __--__ _ - -- - 20 000 - -- 50,000 $ _ 2 472 _ _ $ 4,413 $ _ 2,472 y 4,413 $ 0.065 $ _ 0.088 - - - - -- - -- _ ------- --------- - ---- 250 $ _637 _ $ 637 $ 0.267 35 ---- -- B -. - ---__ - Medical Offices - TI _. -- - _.. _ 1,000 _2500 5,000 -- - -12,500 $ 837 - $- 1,332 $ 2,231 $ _ 3,982 $ 837 - --- -- $ 1,332 ----- $ 2,231 $ 3,982 $ 0.330 $ 0.360 ---- $__ _ 0.233 $ 0.319- _. _ ._ _ -_ 500 - $__ 1,051 $ 1,051 $ 0.219 I6 --_-- - _ _ Restaurant Com lete P-_ __ _ - - .- 2 000 5000 - $ 1 379 -- $ 2,196__ $ 1,379 - -- - $ _ 2,196 _ $ 0.272 - $ 0.296 --- ---- 10 000 -- - $ 3 678 _$ 3,678 __ _ $ 0.193 25,000 $ 6,566 $ 6,566 -- $ -0.263 28 EXHIBIT A City ofArroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Flscal Year 2007-OS Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Fee # ICC (UBC) Use T pe Occupant Size Basis square feet Base Fee Base Cost Each Additional SF 500 $ 534 $ 534 $ 0.111 37 - -- ---- ---- Restaurant-Shell - -~- -2,000 5,000 $ --- 701 $ 1,116 $ 701 $ 1,116 $ 0.138 $ 0.151 ---- --- ------- - - 10,000 $ 1,869 $ 1,869 _$__ 0.098_ -- _ 25,000 $ _ 3,336 $ 3,336 $ 0.133 250 $ 448 $ 448 $ 0.187 38 - ___ _ __ _ Restaurant-TI 1,000 2,500 $ 588 $ 936 $ 588 $ 936 $ 0.232 $ 0.253 5,000 _. _ 12,500 $ 1,568 $ 2,798 $ 1,568 $ 2,798 $ 0.164 $ 0.224 250 $ 844 $ 844 $ 0.352 39 I-4 Day Care Facility-Complete 1,000 2,500 $ 1,108 $ 1,764 $ 1,108 $ 1,764 $ 0.437 $ 0.476 _ _ __ 5,000 __ $ _ 2,955 _ $ 2,955 $ 0.309 12,500 _ _ ~ ,274 _ $ 5,274 $ 0.422 100 $ 637 $ 637 $ 0.667 40 I-4 Day Care Facility-TI - -400 1,000 -$ - - - 837 $ 1,332 $ 837 $ 1,332 $ 0.825 $ 0.899 _ 2,000 $ 2,231 $ 2,231 $ 0.584 - -- - ,00 3,982 $ 3,982 $ 0.796 " 500 $ 741 $ 741 $ 0.154 41 H Hazardous H- Complete -- - 2,000 _ 5,000 $ 972 _ $ _ __1,548 _ $ 972 -- $ 1,548 $ 0.192 - - $ 0.209 _ 10,000 2~0~ _ _$ 2,593 $ 4,628 $ 2,593 $ 4,628 $ 0.136 $ 0.185 500 $ 1,051 $ 1,051 $ 0.219 42 H Hazardous H-.Shell 2,000 5,000 $ 1,379 $ 2,196 $ 1,379 $ 2,196 $ 0.272 $ 0.296 - - - _ _ .._ _ 10,000 25,000 _ $ 3,678 $ 6,566- _ $ 3,678 $ 6,566 $ 0.193 $ 0.263 100 $ 637 $ 637 $ 0.667 43 H ___ __ _ _ Hazardous H- T I 400 1,000 $ 837 $ 1,332 $ 837 - $ 1,332 $ 0.825 - $ 0.899 2,000 5,000 $ 2,231 $ 3,82 $ 2,231 $ 3,982 $ 0.584 $ 0.796 200 $ 362 $ 362 $ 0.188 44 - _- Commercial Building -Foundation -___._---800. 2,000 ..$ 475 $ 756 $ 475 $ 758 $ 0.234 $ 0.255 4,000 1~,0-00 $ 1,266 ~ 2,260 $ 1,266 $ 2,260 _$ 0.166 $ 0.226 29 EXHIBIT A City o/Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Fee # ICC (UBC) Use T pe Occupant Size Basis (s uare feet) Base Fee Base Cost Each Additional SF 200 $ _396 $ 396 $ 0.207 45 - _ Commercial Building -Addition 800 2,000 ___ $ _ 520 $ 828 $ 520 $ 826 $ 0.257 $ 0.280 -- - _ _ -- ---- -- --- ----- 4,000 ---- - _ $ 1,387 - $ 1,387 $ 0.181 _ ____ 10,000 _ 2.475 $ 2,475 $ 0.248 1,000 --- - $ 1,568 $ 1,568 $ 0.163 46 _ R-2 Apartment Building - 4,OOti 10,000 -- - - - $ 2,056 $ 3,276 -- $ 2,058 $ 3,276 __ $ 0.203 $ 0.221 - -- - -- --- - _- -- ------ 20,000 $ 5,488 $ 5,488 _ ___ $ 0.144 5b,000 $ 9,79 $ 9,795 $ 0.196 47 IRC SFD - - Single-Family (custom ar model) --- - 1,000 --- $ 1,116_ _ $ 1,116 $ 0.093 45 49 _ 2,000 3,000 $ 1,209 $ _ _1,677 _ $ 1,209 $ 1,677 _ $ 0.468 $ 0.251 5,000 -.___.. $ 2,178_ - _ $ 2,178 $ 0.350 _ _ 7,500 ~ $,053 $ 3,053 _ $ 0.407 667 $ _407 $ 407 $ 0.051 52 -- IRC SFD - Single-Family Production /Repeat __ 1,333 2,000 $ 441 $ 612 - $ 441 $ 612 $ 0.257 $ 0.137 3,333 $ 794 -- $ 794 _ $ 0.192 5,001 $ 1,114 $ 1,114 $ 0.223 333 $ _ 359 $ 359 $ 0.090 53 - Moved Building -Residential 667 1,000 $ _ 389 $ _ _ 540 _ $ _ _ 389 $ 540 $ 0.453 $ 0.242 1,667 - - - 3 701 - - $ 701 $ 0.338 -- - 2,500 $ 963 _ $ 983 $ 0.393 -- _ __ _ -- -_ 800 - ---- $ 273 _ $ 273 $ 0.029 54 - -__ R-3 Manufactured Home-Complete. - - _ - _ _ - _ ___ 1,600 2,400 _ 4 000 - --._. _5,000 $ 296 $ 410 $ 533 $ 747 _ $ 296- $ ___ 410 $ 533- $ 747 $- -- 0.143 _$ _ __0.077 $ 0.107 $ 0.125 667 ---- $ _273 $ 273 $ 0.035 55 R-3 Prefabricated Dwelling Complete ___ _ -- 1,333_ __ __ 2,000_ - $ __ 296 $ 410_ $ __296 $ 410 $ 0.171 $ 0.092 - -- - -- __ ----- ------------ - - 3,333 ---- -J 5,000 $ 533 $- - 747 $ 533 $ 747 $ 0.128 $ 0.148 __ 120 $ _ t79 - $ 179 $ 0.156 56 - Commercial Coach -Complete 480 1,200 2,400 ---6,000 $ 235 $ 374 $ 627 $~ 1,116 $ __ 235 $ 374 $ 627 $ 1,119 $ 0.193 $ 0.211. $ 0.137 $ 0.187 30 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007.08 Building & Llfe Safety (Cost-Based) PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Fee # ICC (UBC) Use Tye Occu anc Size Basis s uare feet) Base Fee Base Cost Each Additional SF 240 $ 179 $ 179 $ 0.078 57 - _ _ Modular Building .Complete _ _ 960 2,400 $ _ __235 $ 374 _ $ 235 -- _ -- $ 374 $ 0.097 - - $ 0.105 __ _ _ ___ 4,800 ---- $ 627 - $ 627 $ 0.068 ----- 12,000 ~ 1,119 $ 1,119 _ $ 0.093 __ _ _ __ _ _ __-_ 500 $ 196 $ 196 $ 0.041 58 -- - - ___ _____ _ Manufactured Bwldmg - Fnd -- _ 2,000 _5,000_ __ _ _ $_ _ _ 258 _$ 410 $_ 258 $ 410 $ _ 0.051 $ 0.055 10,000 $ 687 $ 687 $ 0.036 _ ___ 25,000 ~ 1,228 $ 1,226 $ 0.049 _ 167. $- 273 $ 273 $ 0.138 59_ ___ U - Residential Garage _ -- - --- 333 _ _ 500 $ 296 $_ 410 $ 296 $ 410 $ 0.684 $ 0.369 833 $ 533 - - - $ 533 $ 0.514 `--- - x,250 $ 747 $ 747 $ 0.598 _ ---- --- -- - 40 -- --... _$ 224 .__... _ $ 224 $ 0.583 60 - __ - U _ _ PoollSpa -Standard Plan - -- .. - 160 ____ 400 -- _ _ $ 294 __ _ $ 468 - $ __294 $ 468 $ 0.725 $ 0.790 _ _ _ _ _ ...- 800 _. _2.000 $ 784 $- 1,399 $ 784 $ ---1,399 $ 0.513 $ 0.700 _____200 $ _ __637 $ 637 $ 0.333 61 -_ - - _ - - --- - -- Commercial Bwldmg -Remodel _ - - ___ 800 2,000 _ __ $ _ 837 $ 1,332_ _ _ $ _ 837 $ -1,332 $ 0.413 $ 0.450 4,000 $ 2,231 --- $ 2,231 $ 0.292 ____ 10,001 $ 3,982 $ 3,982 $ 0.398 200 _ $ 603 -- - $ 603 $ 0.313 62 - Commercial Building -Repair 800 2,000 $ 791 $ 1,260 $ Z91 $ 1,260 $ 0.391 $ 0.425 _ _ _ _ _ _ 4,000 10,000 $ 2,110 $ 3,787 $ 2,110 $ _ 3,767 $ 0.276 $ 0.377 500 $_ ___ 293 $ 293 $ 0.061 63 S-2 _ Cormercial Carport _Std Plan __ _ 2,000 b,000 $ _ 384 $ 612 $ __ _ _ 364 $ 612 $ _ 0.076 $ 0.083 _ _ 10,000 25,000 $ 1,025 $ 1,89 _ $ _ 1,025 $ -1,829 $ 0.054 $ 0.073 - - - - - 50 --- -- $ _ 210 $ _ 210 $ 0.440 64 - . _. U-1 Accessory Building Commercial _ 200 500 --- - $ 276 $ _ _ 439_ - $ ___ 276 $ 439 __ $ 0.543 $ 0.592 1,000 $ 735 - - $ 735 $ 0.385 2,500 5 - 1,312 $ 1,312 _ $ 0.525 31 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) EXHIBIT A Fee # ICC (UBC) Use Type Occupant Size Basis (square feet) Base Fee Base Cost Each Additional SF - - -_ ---- --------_ -_. - --- 50 - - $_ 210 $ 210 $ 0.440 65 ---- U-1 - - - - - - - - Commercial Carport_ -- - --- - ---- ---- 200 _ -- 500 ------ $ 276 - $ 439 . . $ 276 $ 439 $ 0.543 $ 0.592 -_ .. - - _ _ ---- -- -- 1,000 __ 2,500 $ 735 $ 1,312 $ 735 --- ---_ $ 1,312 $ 0.385 _ $ 0.525 -______-_ __ - 167 $___ 407 $ 407 $ 0.204 66 IRC SFD - -- - _ - - - -- Sin le-Famd Residenti l Addi 9 _ 333 $ _ 441 _ - $ 441 __ $ 1.026 ---.. a tion Y -- ---- - -- 500 ---- - $ 612 - --- $ 612 $ 0.546 ----- --- 833 - --- $ 794_ - $ 794 _ $ 0.768 1,250 $ 1,114 $ 1,114 $ " - 0.891 - _ - - - - -- ---- --- ----- -- - ------ 333 $ --- 551 $ 551 $ 0.138 67 - R 2 - --- -- - - -- -- M --- 667 - $ 597 $ 597 $ 0.693 _ u18=Family Residential =Addition _ 1 000 $ 828- $ -- -g2g $ 0 371 _ -- _ ---- --- ---------_ ---- - - -- 1667- 2,500 __ _ _ $ 1,075 -$- --107 $ .1.075 -$ - 1,507 . _$ 0.518 $ 0.603 - _ _.-- ------- ------_-_.------ _ - --- 333 - -- - _$ 263 - $ 263 $ 0.066 - 68 IRC SFD ___ Single-Family Resid ti l Remod _ 667 $ 285_ $ _285 $ 0.333 . en a - el - - 1 000 -- $ 396 -- $ 398 _ $ _ 0.177 - - - - 1,667 2,500 $ 514 $ 721 $ 514 $ 721 __ $ 0.248 $ 0.288 --- - --- - - -- - -- 667 -- - $ _ _ 364 - $ 364 $ 0.045 69 R-2 - __ Multi-Family Residential -Remodel _ . - - - _ _ 1 333 -_- 2,000 - $ _ _ 394_... $ __ -547_ _ -$ 394 $ ~ $47 $__ _ 0.230 $ ~ 0.122 - __ _----- . - - --- ----- 3.333 --- 5,000 $ 710 -rte..- - -99~ - $ _ _ _710 _ $ 996 $ 0.172 $ 0.199 - _-_ - . -_ _ 333 $ 292 $ 292 $ 0.072 ~0 --- IRC SFD - Residential Buildin Foundation _. 9 -__ _. -_ _ _ __ __ __ 667 - -- - 1 000 - -- $ 316 _ - _$ _ _ _ 439_ $ _ 31g _ $ 439 __ $ 0.369_ - $ -- 0 .197 - - -- - - - 1 667 - $ 570_ _ $ 570 _ $ 0.275 - ---- 2,500 ~ 799 $ 799 $ -- -0.320 -- - -- - --- - __-_._ 263 $ 263 $ 0.264 '1 --- - U 1 --- - __ __ __ - -- - Accesso Buildin _--- ry- g - _ esidential - -- - - 167 " _250- - - $ 285 _ $ _ _ 396 _ _$ _ 285 -- $ 398 $ 1.332 0.708 - -- - _ _ _-_ -- -- 417 _ - X25 $ 514 $- - 72i - $ 514 - ----- $ 721 $ 0.994 - $ 1.154 - _ ---_ _ 133 -- $ 263 - S 263 $ 0.165 - - - '2 _ __ U-1 Residential Car ort - - ~ _ 267 --~ 400 -- - $ 285 $ 396 _ $ 285_ $ 396 $_ ___0.833 $ - 0.443 - -_--_ - -- - - - _ __ 667 - 1,000 $ 514 $ 721- $ 514 _ $ 721 __ $_ 0.621 $ 0.721 32 EXHIBIT A City ofArroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-OS Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Fee # ICC (UBC) Use T e Occu anc Size Basls (square feet Base Fee Base Cost Each Additional SF 83 $ 263 $ 263 $ 0.264 73 IRC SFD _ _ Residential Patio Cover/Balcony/Deck _ _ ___167 _ 250 $ __ 285 $ 398 $_____ _285 $ 396 $ 1.332 b 0.708 417 --_~25 __ __ $ 514 $ _ _ 721 _ $ 514 $ - 721 $ 0.994 $ 1.154 83 -_ - - - $ 263_ - $ 263 $ 0.264_ __ _ - __ _ 167 ~~~ ~~~~ $ 285 $ 285 $ 1.332 74 IRC SFD Residential Patio Cover ICC Approved - 250 - - _ - $ 396 -_ _ $ ~ 396 $ _0.708 __ _ _ _ - 417 ~ - _ - 625 $ 514 $ 721 $ 514 $ 721 $ 0.994 $ 1.154 _ 83 $ 263 -- -- $ 263 $ 0.264 75 IRC SFD _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Residential Patio Enclosure - _ ___ _ 167 250 - -- _- $ 285 $ 396 - _ $ _ _ _ _ 285_ $ 396 $ 1.332 $ 0.708_ - _ -_ - -- ----- ------- 417 -- -- 625 $ 514 $- - 721 $ 514 - - $ 721 $ 0.994 $ 1.154 _ _ 83 $ 263 _ $ 263 $ 0.264 _ _ 78 IRC SFD Residential Patio Enclosure ICC Approved - _ _ _ 167 250 - -- - - $ 285 $ 398 - - $ __ 285 $ - 396 $ ___ 1.332_ $ 0308 - - 417 _ - - $ 514_ - - _- $ 514 $ 0.994 825 $ 721 $ 721 $ 1.154 33 EXFiIB1T A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-OB Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION ICC (UBC) Size Basis Each Fee # Use T e Occu anc s uare feet Base Fee Base Cost Additional SF 2,000 $__ __ 2,487_ - $ 2,487 $ 0.318 1 8,000 $ 4,393 -~--- - $ 4,393 _ $ 0.197 A-1 Assembl_Grou y _ P- Theaters_ _ - - 20,000 $ _ 6,751 _$ 6,751 _ $ 0.186 __ 40,000 - - $_ 10,462 $ 10,462 $ 0.189 _ _ 10b00b $ 21,831 $ 21,831 _ $ 0.218 1,000_ $_ _ 2,135 $ 2,135 $ 0.545 - 4,000 $ 3,770 _ $ 3,770 $ 0 338 2 A-2 Assembly Group: Churches, restaurants - - ... 10,000 - $ 5,795 _ - __ $ 5,795 _ _ . $ 0.319 - - 20,000 - _ . $ 8,981 _ $ 8,981 $ 0.325 ---- 50,000 .-$ -- f8,73 - - $ 18,739 ---- --- $ 0.375 - - - ----- 250 $ _ _ _ 434_ _ $ 434 $ 0.443 _. _-_ 3 A A 1,000 $ 766 - - $ 766 $ 0.275 ssemblyGroup-Tl-_ _ _ 2,500 $ 1_,178 $ _ 1,178_ _ $ 0.259 - - _ __ _ _ 5,000 $ 1,825 - _ $ 1,825 $ 0.264 12,500 ~ 3,808 $ .3,808 $ 0.305 1,000 - $ 1,853 - _ $ 1,853 $ 0.473 4,000 $ 3 273 _ $ 3 273 $ ----0 293 4 ----- A-3 - Church and Reii sous Bld Complete - --_ 9- -~ 10,000 __ - $, 5,030 _ _. _ _ , __ $ 5,030 _ . $ 0.277 - _ - - ---- -------- -- - --- - - ---- 20.000 ---- $ 7,795 - $ 7,795 _ -$ 0.282 - --- 50~0~ $----16,288 ---- - $ 16,265 _ - $ 0.325 __ __-_ __ _ ____-_ 500- $ _ 1,112 $ 1,112 $ 0.567 5 R-4 Con re ate Care - Com lete 9 9 P 2,000 - 5 000 $ 1,963 $ 3 017 _$ 1,963 __ _ $ __ 0.351 - --- - , , $ 3,017 $ 0.332 --- _ 10,000 $ 4,676 $ _4,676 $ 0.339 23,000 $ 9,757 $ 9,757 $ -- -0.390 - -_ 250 $ 328 $ 328 $ 0.336 -- ----- 6 A-3 _ -_ _ . __ - -- -- Church and Reh sous Bld TI 9 9 _ _1,0.00 2 500 $ 580 - - -- - $ 580 - --- $ 0.207 ---- _ -- _ _ -_ - ._ _ -_ , $__ 891 $ 891 $ 0.196 - ---- - --- - 5,000 - - $ 1,381 -$ 1,381 $ 0.200 _...--._ 12,500 $- --2,881 _ _ $ 2,881 __ $ 0230 _ -_ - 2 000 - '- $ _ __ 2,452 $ 2,452 $ 0.313 ---- 7 E _ Educational Buildin g -Complete 8,000 - 20 000 $ 4,330 $ 6 $ 4,330 ---- $ 0.194 ------ - --__ - - - , - ,655 .... $ 6,655 $ 0.183 -- - - _ - - - 40.000 .. $ 10,314 _ _ --------- $ 10,314 ----- -- $ 0.187 100,000 $ 21,321 $ 21,521 _ $ 0.215 - - - _ - 250 $ 328 _ - $ 328 $ 0.33 6 - 8 - E - - _-__ _ - - Educational Bwldin TI g 1,000 -- - 2 500 $ 580 -- -- _ $ 580 - -- - _ _ $_ 0.207 _..... --- - - - --- -- --- -- , . - $ .----891 $ 891 $ 0.196 - _ -- - _-- ------__-- - _--- _-- 5.000 $ 1,381 $ 1.381 _ $ ---0.200 (2,506 _ $ - 2,881 $ 2,881 $ 0.230 34 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 Life Safely (Cost-Based) INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Fee # ICC (UBC) Use T e Occu anc Size Basis s uare feet Base Fee Base Cost Each Additional SF 500 $ 434 $ 434 $ 0.221 --- _ - 2,000 $ - -766 _ $ 766 $ 0.137 9 S-2 Parking Garage -Complete 5,000 $ 1,178 $ 1,178 $ 0.129 10,000 1,825 $ $ 1,825 0.132 $ _ _ 25,bb~ _ __ 3,808 $ 3,808 _ $ 0.152 10 R-1 _ _ Hotel Low/Mid Rise -Complete ___ 1,000 __ 4,000 10,000 20,000 $ 1,853 $ 3,273 $ 5,030 7,795 $ - _ _ __ $ 1,853 $ 3,273 _$ _ _ 5,_030_ $ 7,795 $ 0.473 _$ 0.293 $ 0.277 $ 0.282 ___ - _ - - _ ~~0 __ _ $ 1(%255 $ 16,265 $ 0.325 1,000 $ 462 $ 462 $ 0.118 _ ____ 4,000 _ $ 816 _ $ 816 $ 0.073 -__._- 11 - R-1 _ _ _ __ _ ___ Hotel Low/Mid Rise -Shell _ __ 10,000 $ 1,254 $ 1,254 $ 0.069 20,000 $ 1,944 $ 1,944 $ 0.070 50,00- $-- 4,05fi _ $ 4,056 $ 0.081 12 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise - TI _250 _ 1,000- 2,500 $ 328 $ _" 580_ $ 891 _ $ 328 $_-_-_-580- $ 891 $ 0.336 $ 0.207 $ 0.196 -_ -- - - - ------ - _ 5,000 _.7230b $ 1,381 -$ ~,88~ _ _$ 1,381 $ 2,881 $ _ _0:200 $ 0.230 13 B Offices, etc. -Complete 500 $ 1,685 $ 1,685 $ 0.861 -_ 14---- - --. - _- - .. _-----,~ ------~---. __._ .-_- --- -2,000 _ _ $ --..-.2.976 $ 2.976 S 0.533 15 5,000 $ 4,574 $ 4,574 $ 0.503 16 - 10,000 $ --7,088 _ $ 7,088 $ 0.513 17 --- -„- _- - - -- _ -- - ----~5;t5~b- $ -- t4;79~ _ $ 14,790 $ 0.592 - --- 18 - B ____ __ __ _- Offices, etc. -Shell _________1,000 4,000 10,000 20,000 _$ _ 272 $ 480 $ 738 $ 1,144 $_ 272 $ 480 $ 738 $ 1,144 $ 0.069 $_ __-0.043 $ 0.041 _0.041 $ Sb;Db~ $ 2,386 $ 2,386 _ $ 0.048 100 203 $ $ 203 _$ _ 0.520 400 _ _ _ $ 359 _ _ $ 359 $ 0.320 19 B Offices, etc.-TI 1,000 551 $ $ 551 $ 0.304 - _______ _ 2,000 _ _ $ 855 $ 855 $ 0.309 0 83 $ 1,783 $ 0.357 0 -1 _ _- __ Industrial Building -Complete -__ -- 1,000 -- - 4,000 _ -- - 10,000 -- 20,000 Sb,ObO $ 1,818 $ " 3,211 - - $ __4,934 $__ _ 7,647 $ 15,958 _ _ $ _1,818. $ __3,211 $ 4,934 $ 7,647 $ 15,956 $_ _ 0.464 _ $ 0.287 _ $ __ 0_271 _ $_- _ 0.277 $ 0.319 35 rxHislr a City o/Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-OS Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Fee # ICC (UBC) Use T e Occu anc Size Basis s uare feet Base Fee Base Cost Each Additional SF 1,000_ $ 312 $ 312 $ 0.080 4,000 ____ _ $ 552 _ $ 552 $ 0.049 21 F-1 Industrial Bwlding -Shell 10,000 $ 848 $ 848 $ 0.047 _ - __ 20,000 __ __ $ 1,314 _ _ _ $ 1,314 $ 0.048 Sa,66o ~ 2,742 $ 2,742 $ 0.055 22 F-1 - - Industrial Building-TI 250 --__-- 1.000 2,500 5,000 - $ 418 _$ - ._.738- $ 1,135 $ 1,759 -- - $ 418 $ - "738 $ _ 1,135 $ 1,759 $ 0.427 $ 0-.265 $_ 0250 $ 0.255 12,500 ~ 3,669 $ 3,669 _ $ 0.294 500 _$ 900 $ 900 $ 0.460 2,000 $ 1,590 _ $ 1,590 $ 0.285 23 S-1 Repair Garage & Service St -Complete _ _ 5 000 $_ 2,444 $ 2,444 $ 0.269 10,000 -- $ - _. 3,787 $ 3,787 $ 0.274 25~3)a $ 7,502 $ 7,902 $ 0.316 4 -- -1 - - __ -- epair Garage & Service St -Shell _,_ -._500 _ 2,000 5,000 -- . ____ __10,000 25,E $ _ _295 --- $ 521 $ _ 800 -- - $ 1,240 $-----2,587 $ 295 $ 521 $ 800 $ -- -1,240 $ _2,587 $ 0.151 $ 0.093 $ 0.088 -$_ 0.090 $ 0.103 - - -- - - 100 - $ _ _ _203 _ $ 203 $ 0.520 400 $ 359 $ 359 $ 0.320 25 S-1 Repair Garage 8 Service St - TI 1,000 $ 551 _ $ 551 _ $ 0.304 ___ - 2,000 - ---- $ 855 - _ $ 855 $ 0.309 3,006 ~ 3;783 $ 1,763 $ 0.357 ____ ~ - _ _ 500 _-_2,000 $_ 953 $ ____1,683 _ - $ 953 $ 1,683 $ 0.487 $ 0.301 26 M Retail Sales -Complete _ 5,000 -__10,000 $ 2,587 $- -4,009 $ 2,587 $ 4,009- $ 0.284 $- 0.290 - -- 25,000 $ $,3~6 ' $ 8,366 $ 0.335 __ 500 $ - 356 $ 356 $ 0.182 2,000_ $___ _ 629 $ 629 $ 0.713 27 - M Retail Sales -Shell __ - - --- _ 5 000 $ _ 967 $ 967 $ 0.106 10000 $ 1,499 - $ 1,499 $ 0.109 25,006 $ 3,128 $ 3,128 __ $ 0.125 8 __ M _ --- - Retail Sales TI 100 400 __ 1,000 2,000 --S,Ot76 $ 203 $ - 359 $____ 551 $ 855 $ --- 1,783 $ ___203 $ - 359 $ _ 551 $ 855 $ 1,783 $ 0.520 $ 0.320 $ _ 0.304 $ 0.309 $ 0.357 36 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Fee # ICC (UBC) Use T e Occu anc Size Basis s uare feet Base Fee Base Cost Each Additional SF _2,000_ $ 1,957 $ 1,957 $ 0.250 _ _______ 8,000 ~ ___ $ 3,456 $ 3,456 $ 0.155 __ 29_. - _ Warehouse-Complete __ --- -- _ _20,000 - ~$____ 5,312_ $ _5,312 _ $ 0.146 _... __ 40,000 $ 8,233 - - $ 8,233 $ 0.149 - 10,360 g 1776 $ 17.178 $ 0.172 0 --- -1 - - --- Medical/24 HourCare-Complete __ - - . --- ---- - --- 1,000_ -- - __ _ --4,000 10,000 20,000 $__ 1,853_ $_ 3,273 $__ 5,030 $ 7,795_ - - _ $ 1,653_ -$ 3,273 $ 5,030 $ 7,795 $ _ 0.473 $ 0.293 $ 0.277 $ 0.282 X06 $ 1~i;385 $ 16.265 $ 0.325 1,000 $ _ _ _ 330 _ $ 330 $ 0.084 _ ..__ _ ___ _ 4,000 _$_ ___583_ $ 583 $ 0.052 31 I-1 Medical/24 Hour Care -Shell 10,000 ---- _ $ 896 $ 896 $ 0.049 - _ - - _____.,-____ - 20,000 $ 1,388 $ 1,388 $ 0.050- ___ 50~~~ -$- -2,896 _ $ 2,896 $ 0.058 _ 100 $ 186 $ _ 186 $ 0.473 32 -- -.. I-1 _ _ _ _ Medical/24Hour Care - Tl _ _ _ _ 400_ _- 1,000 - 2,000 5,000 $ 328 $ 504 $ 781 $ _ 1,829 $ _ _ 328 $ 504 $ --781 $ -- 1,629 __ _ _ $ 0.293 $ 0.277 $ 0.283- $ 0.328 1,000 $ 1;853 $ 1,853 $ 0.473 __ _ __ _ _ 4,00_0 $ _ _3,273 $ 3,273 $ 0.2 93 33 6 Medical Offices -Complete - - - - 10,000 _ $ 5,030 $ 5,030 _ _ $ 0.277 ---. _ - - _ -_ - - ---- - -- - - _ _ 20,000 - _ $ 7,795 $ 7,795 $ 0.282 --__ SOOT) $ 16.288 $ 16,265 $ 0.325 --- _ _ _ 1,000_ _____ _ 4,000 _ $ 339 $ _ _ _ 598 $ 339 $ _ 598 $ _ _0.086 $ 0.054 34 B Medical Offices -Shell __ 10,000 20,000 - _-- $ 920 $ 1,425 - $ ___ 920 $ 1,425 _ $ 0.051 $ 0.052 _-____ 566 $ 2,954 $ 2,974 $ 0.059 250 $ 436 $ .436 $ 0.444 - _ _ _ - - 1,000 - - $ 769 - $ 769 $ 0.275 35 B Medical Offices TI 2,500 $ _ 1,182 $ 1,182 $ 0.260 __ - 5,000 -- - $ 1,833 _ $ 1,833 _ $ 0.265 T~ 500 $ 3,824 $ 3.824 $ 0.306 - -_ 500 _ - $ _ _ 953 $ 953 $ 0.487 6 --- - - - - Restaurant-Complele_ _ __ _ - _ _ 2,000 _ __5,000. 10,000 ~6,a00- $ 1,683_ _ $ 2,587 $ 4,009_ $ ---8,366 _ $ 1,683 - - - $ _2,587 $ 4,009 -$ 8,366. __ _ $ 0.301 $_ __0.284_ $ 0.290 $ 0.335 37 EXHIBIT A City ofArroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-OS Building & Life Safety (Cost-Based) INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Fee # ICC (UBC) Use T e Occu anc Size Basis s uare feet Base Fee Base Cost Each Additional SF 500 $ 304 $ 304 $ 0.155 2,000 $ 536 $ 536 $ 0.096 37 - Restaurant -Shell 5,000 $ 824 $ 824 $ 0.091 _ _ _ _ 10,000 $- 1,277 $ 1,277 $ _ 0.092 2~,Obb $ _ -2,864 $ 2,664 $ 0.107 8 - estaurant-TI _ -- __ 250 1,000 2_,500 --5,000 1500 $ 436 $ 769 $ 1,182 $ - 1,833 $ 3,~4 _ $ 436 $ 769 $ 1,182 _ $ - 1,833 $ 3,824 $ 0.444 $ 0.275 -- -- $ 0.260 $____0.265 $ 0.306 250 $ 953 $ 953 $ 0.973 _ 1,000_ $ 1,683 $ 1,683 $ 0.603 39 I-4 Day Care Facility-Complete 2,500 $ 2,587 $ 2,587 $ __0.569 5,000 $ 4,009 $ 4,009 $ 0.581 'T230a _ __ _ $ 8,3fi8 $ 8,366 $ 0.669 100 $ 168 - $ 168 $ 0.43 0 40 -- -- I-4 Day Care Facility - TI _ - - 400 _ 1,000 - $ --~ 297 $ 456 _ $ 297 $ _ 456 _ _ $ ~-- 0.265 $ 0.250 _ 2,000 S~iS6 $ _ __ 706 S i;a7a $ 706 __ -- - $ 1,474 $ 0.256 - - $ 0.295 500 $ 953 $ 953 $ 0.487 2,000 ___ - $ 1,683 - - $ 1,683 $ 0.301 41 H Hazardous H-Complete 5,000 - --- $ 2,5_87 $ 2,567 _ $ 0.284 __ ___ - _ ___-. ----- .._------- -_.. 10,000 ___ _- _$ 4,009 - $ 4,009 $ 0.290 _ _ E5,00~ 8,366 ~ $ 8,366 $ 0.335 42 H _ Hazardous H-Shell - -_ - - - - - _ ------ 500 ----- 2,000 5,000 10,000 __---- 25,506 $ 286_ $----505 $ 776 $ 1,203 $ _ 2.510 _ $ 2_8_6 _$ _._.505. $ 776 $ _1,203 $ 2,510 $_ _ _ 0.146 ..$___0.090 $ 0.085 $ 0.087_ $_..__ 0.100 __..._- 100 - - - $ 168_ - $ 168 $ 0.430 ------ _ _ _ _ 400 $ _ 297 $ 297 $ 0.265 43 H Hazardous H- T I 1,000 - $ 456 - $ 456 _ $ 0.250 2,000 $ 706 $ 706 _ $ 0.256 ~00~ $ 1,474 $ 1,474 _ $ 0.295 44 - __ Commercial-Building -Foundation - -- ---- - ------ ------ - ----- - - - _ __ _ -- -- 200 __ _ 800 2,000 _ ---- q,000 - --- -10,000 $ 168 $ 297 $ 456 $_ __ 706. $ ......1.474 _ _ $ 168 $__ __ 297_ $ _ 458 $ 706. $ - 1,474 $ 0.215 $ 0.133 $ 0.125 _$ .0.128 $ 0.147 38 EXHIBIT A Ciry o/Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Fee # ICC (UBC) Use T e Occu anc Size Basis s uare feet Base Fee Base Cost Each Additional SF 200 $ 186 $ 186 $ 0.237 - _-- -- - -- - 800 $- 328 _ $ 328 $ 0.147 45 - Commercial Bulding -Addition 2,000 -- - - $ 504 $ 504 - $ 0.139 _ 4,000 ~a,00~ $ 781 $-- -1,69 __ $ 781- $ 1,629 $ 0.141 $ --0.163 1,000 ___-4000_ $ 1,786 $-_ -_-_3,155 _$ _ _ 1,788 $ 3,155 $ 0.456 $ _ 0.2_82 46 - --._._ R 2 . - Apartment Building - -- - -- _- 10,000 - __ _ 20,000 $ _ 4,849 $ __ 7,514- $ 4,849 -$ - 7,514 $ 0.267 $ 0.272 50,0 0 $ 15,3 $ 15,679 $ 0.314 47 IRC SFD - _ Single-Family (custom or model) - - -- - - - - ---- -- 1,000 ---- - --- $_ 1,322 $ 1,322 $ 0.786 48 - " -- -- --- ----- - 2,000 $ 2,108 $ 2,108 $ 0.805 49 __ 3,000 $ 2,913 $ 2,913 $ 0.724 - ---------- 5,000 ------ $ 4,361 --- _ $ 4,361 $ O.Sti8 .. T,530 $ 5,x32 $ 5,832 $ 0.778 667 $ 797 $ 797 0.711 $ 52 - - IRC SFD Single-Family -Production /Repeat _____1,333 2,000 3,333 5,000 $ _ _1,271 $ _ _ 1,756 $ 2,629_ $ 3,516 _$__ __1,271 $ _ 1,756_ $ 2,629 $ 3,516 _ _ $ _ _ 0.728 $ __0.655 $ 0.532 $ 0.703 333 - $ 148 ---- - $ 148 $ 0.264 667 $ 236 $ 236 $ 0.273 53 - Moved Building -Residential 1,000 $ 327 $ 327 $ 0.243 --- - - _-- _ - -1,667 $ - - 489 _ __--_- _ $ 489 $ 0.198 _. 2,50 $ ss4 $ ssa $ o.zsz - 54 _---- -3 _ _ - P Manufactured Home - Com lete aoo 1,600 2,400 - - -- 4,000 $ 11s $- -_185_ - $ 255 $ -- 382 - _ _ $ ns $'- 185 $ _ 255 $ 382 - $ o.oas _$ 0.088_ $ 0.079 $ _ - 0.085 5, 51 i ~ $ 511 $ - _ 0.085 667 $ 116 - -- $ 116 $ 0.104 .-.__ _ _____ __ _1,333 $ ___ ___185_ $ 185 $ 0.105 55 R-3 Prefabricated Dwelling -Complete _2,000 - - - $_ 255 $ 255 _ $ __ 0.095 3,333 - $ 382 $ 382 $ 0.077 --~00~ _ $ ---- 511 $ 511 $ 0.102 6 _ _ - _ -- - Commercial Coach -Complete _ . _ 120 aeo 1,200 $ 94 s__ __iss $ 255 $ 94 $_ _ _ _iss $ 255 $ 0.200 $ __ o.-i2a $ 0.117 - _ -- - __ 2,400 -- --- 6,~0~ $ ___ _395 S _ 825 $ 395 $ 825 $ 0.119 $ 0.138 39 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8: Life Safety (Cost-Based) INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Fee # ICC (UBC) Use T e Occu anc Size Basis s uare feet Base Fee Base Cost Each Additional SF 240 $ 94 - - - $ 94 $ 0.100 960 $ 166 $ 166 $ 0.062 57 - ModularBwldmg Complete___ - 2,400_ $ 255. $ 255 $ 0.058 _ _ _ --_._ _ 4,800 $ 395 _- - $ 395 $ 0.060 --- ~,~06 $ 825 $ 825 $ 0.069 58 _ --- - ___ Manufactured Building Fnd _ - - - - 500 2,000 5_,000 10,000_ _ 25.00 $ 94 $ -166 $ _ _ _ _255 $ 395 $ _ - 825 $ 94 $-- - 166 $ 255 $ 395 $ -- 825 $ 0.048 $ _ _ _0.030 _$ 0.028 $ 0.029 $ --- 0.033 -- - -_ --- -- 167 - _ ... $_ 179 - . _ - $ 179 $ 0.636 _....-.. __... _.. ---- - 333 - ---- 285 $ - ----- $ 285 $ 0.654 59 __ U Residential Garage _ _ _ _ 500 $ 394 $ 394 $ 0.585 - 833 -- - $ 589_ -- - $ 589 $ 0.478 1250 ~ 7$8 $ 788 $ 0.630 - _40 -- $ 1_61 -- $ 161 -- $ 1.025 60 _ _ _ U -- --- - -- PooUSpa -Standard Plan - _ 160 -- - __ 400 -- $ 284 _ $ 437 $_ 284 $ 437 --- -- _$ 0.638 $ -0.600 ___ 800 2~ $ 677 ~ _ 1,412 $ 677_ $ 1;412 _ _ $ 0.613 $ 0.706 200- - - $ 293 _ $ 293 $ 0.373 800 $ 517 $ 517 $ 0.232 61 - Commercial Budding _ Remodel_ 2,000 $ 795 $ 795 $ 0.219 - -____ __.___ __ _ ______ _-__ 4,000 $ 1,232 $ .1,232 $ 0.223 _ ___ i~006 _ ~--- -572 _ $ 2,572 $ 0.257 62 - _ _ _ Commercial Bwlding -Repair - __ - 200 800 2,000 4,000_ -- $ 293 $ 517 $ 795 $ 1,232 $ _293_ $ ___517 $ _ 795 $ 1,232 $ 0.373 $ 0.232 $ 0.219 $ 0.223 _...._. i0,00t5 $ 2,572 $ 2,572 __ $ 0.257 500 $__ ___ 203 $ 203 $ 0.104 2,000 $ __ 359_ _ $ 359 _ $ 0.064 63 - S 2 Commercial Carport -Std Plan __ _ _ _ ----- _ - _5,000 $ _ _551 $ 551 $ 0.061 ------ -, - ---------- --- 10,000 - - $ 855 -- . $ 855 _ $ 0.062 _-.._- 25;00 $ 1,783 $ .1,783 _ $ 0.071 64 -- U 1 _ Acces§ory Bwldmg_ _Commercial _ -- 50 __ -__- 200. 500 - _$ 108 $ __ .....191- $ _ 293 _ _ $ 108 _$ --- 191 $ 293 $ 0.553 _$ -.___0.340 $ 0.324 1,000 ---2;50 $ 455 ~- - 948 $ 455 $ --948 _ $ _ _0.329 $ 0.379 40 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building 8 Life Safety (Cost-Based) INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Fee # ICC (UBC) Use T e Occu anc Size Basis s uare feet Base Fee Base Cost Each Additional SF 50 $ 127 $ 127 $ 0.653 __ __ _ _200_ $ ___225 _ $ 225 $ 0.403 65 U 1 Commercial Carport - 500 _ --- - - _ $ 346 - _ $ 346 $ 0.380 1,000_ $ 536 $ 536. _ $ 0.388 b0 _ ~ 1,115 _ $ 1,118 $ 0.447 __ _. - - _- _ -- - 167 $ 211 $ 211 $ 0.756 66 IRC SFD _ __ _ Single Family_l2esidential -Addition _ - -------- _ __ __ __ _333 500 _ -- 833 -___ ----------- $ 337 $ 465 _ $ - - _ _697 - _ _$ 337 $ _465 $ - - - 697.. ___ $ 0.768 $ 0.6_96 $ 0.564 f~~ _ _ $ .. 932. $ 932 _ $ 0.746 -- - -- 333 - - - $ 537 - - - $ 537 $ 0.957_ 667 $ 856 $ 856 $ 0.978 67 R-2 Multi Family Residential-Addition - -- 1,000 $ 1,182 $ 1,182 $ 0.882 ---- 1,667. $ 1,270 $ 1,770 $ 0.718 --- - --- __ ------- 23ba ~ -2.368 $ 2.368 $ 0.947 __ _ _ _ 333 667_ $ 200 $_ _ _320 $ __200 $` 320 __$ 0.360 $ 0.363 68 __ IRC SFD Single-Family Residential -Remodel _. - - - -- 1,000 - - $ 441 _ - - $ 441 $ 0.330 _ --_ ss7 ~ _ --2sob $ ssi $ __~84 $ sst $ 884 $ o.zsa $ 0.354 667 $ 263 $ 283 $ .0.252 - -- _ _ _ 1,333 $ 451 $ 451 $ 0.258 69 R-2 Multi-Family Residential -Remodel 2,000 $ 623 $ 623 $ 0.233 3,333 - -- - $ 933 $ 933 $ 0.189 5,00 $ 1,248- -- $ 1,248 $ 0.250 333 - ~ - $ 179 -~ $ 179 $ _ 0.318_ 70 -- -- IRC SFD Residential Building. Founda4iori __ 667 1,000_ -1,667 -2,500 $ _ 285 $ 394 $ _ 589 $ 788 _ _ _ _$_ _ _ 285_ $ 394_ -$ - 589 $ 788 __ _$ _ _0.327 $ 0.293_ _$_- 0.239_ $ 0.315 83 $ 127 $ 127 $ 0.900 _ _ 167 $ _ 202 $ 202 $ 0.924 71 U-1 Accessory Building Residential 250 $ 279 - - $ 279 $ 0.834 __._.. -- - _ - - --- 417 $ 418 $ 418 _ $ 0.672 ____ 6~5 $ 555 $ 558 $ 0.893 72 - U-1 Residential Carport - _ -- 133 267 400 -667 -1,000 $___ __116 $ 185 $ 255 _ $ 382_ $ 511 $ 116 $ - 185 $ 255 $ --382 $ 511 $_ 0.518 $ 0.525 $_ _ _ 0.476 $ 0.387 $ 0.511 41 EXHIBIT A City o/Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Building & Life Safety Cost-Based) Fee # ICC (UBC) Use T e Occu anc Size Basis s uare feet Base Fee Base Cost Each Additional SF __ ____,_-_ 83 $ 116 - $ 116 $ 0.828 _ 73 - IRC SFD - -- R d i at _ ,_-__.167 $ _ - 185 _ $ _185 $ 0.840 esi ent al P io Cover/Balcony%Deck_ _ 2b0 $ 255 - $ 255 $ 0.762 ------ - __-_ _417 -- $ 382 $ 382 $ 0.619 ti ~ 6i~ _ $ 511 $ 0.818 -_ .._ --- ------- _- -- - _ -- ----- -- - 83 --- $ __ 116 -- - $ 116 - 0.828 $ 74 -.__. IRC SFD __ _ Residential Patio Cover ICC Approved -- _ _ _ 167 -250 ___ - -.417 - $ 185 $ - 255 $ 382 -_ - _ $ 185 $ - 255 382 $ __ $ _ _0.840 $ ~ 0.762 $ 0.619 - ---- 825 _ ~ 5i`~ _ _ $ 511 _ $ 0.818 83 $_ _ 116 $ 116 $ 0.828 75 IRC SFD __ __ _ - - Re d i l E - 167 - --- ------- $ 185 _ - - - - _ $ 185 $ 0.840 _ ___. _ si ent a Paho nclosure --_- -_-__-- _-_--- -----250 $ 255 - - -- .. $ 255 $ 0.762 -- - - --- ------------ - -- 417 $ 382 - -- $ 382 $ 0.619 - - -- $ -- 51 ~ $ 511 $ 0.818 5 - ~ ___ RC SFD - _. __ - Residential Patw Enclosure ICCApproved - - -_ -- _ 83 - _ -_ -167 - ~ 250 - - $ 116 $ 185 $ ~ 255 _ _ $ 116 $ --185 $ _ 255 $ 0.828 $ _ 0.840 $ ~ 0.762 - --- - 417 - - ~25 $ 382 -$- 51-1- $ 382_ $ - 511 _ $ -0.619 $ 0.818 42 .EXHIBIT A City o/Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Fire & Emergency Services Type/ Fee Title Descri lion Current Fee Special Event Inspection (e.g., fairs) 0 $ 27.00 _ Booth /Tent with Electricity Flat $ 27.00 Booth /Tent with Cooking FIa4 _ _ _ $ 27.00 Booth /Tent without Electricity Flat $ 27.00 Special Event Application Review __ _ Ftat _ $ 20.00 Hydrant Fiow Calculation Flat __ $ 250.00 Fireworks Permit (Pyrotechnic Sh o w ) Flat $ 245.00 __ _ _ _ __ _ __ t _ --~ ~ ~ th ermi Fireworks Boo P _ __ Flat $ 660.00 _ __ _ _ Burn Permit Flat $ 100.00 Excessive False Alarm Flat $ 60.00 Company Inspections Flal $ - Failed 2nd Inspection Flal $ 105.00 Multi-family Dwellings Inspections _ Flat $ - Weed Abatement Processing (contract admin.) Flat ~ _ 240.00 $ Fire Code Permits and Inspections Flat _ $ 360.00 Service in Excess of Standard (per the Director) T&M $ - Hourly Rates: 0 Director of Bwlding and Fire (per hour) __ _ hours __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ $ 388.03 Fire Captain (per hour) hourly -- ---- _._ - _- ---. . - _. $ 178.89 - - Fire En meer g' (per hour) hourly _ _ - _ $ 141.38 Executive Secretary (per hour) hourly $ 134.28 Paid Call Volunteer (per hour) - - hourly - - _ - ~~ $ 29.70 - - Battalion Chief hourly $ 197.23 Misc Admin Fees: - Incident reports. _..-----._--.. _. ~ _..... _. -- - __._. _. _. -_.__. __--.- - -- -. - __._._.__ _ - -- g __ 10.00 - Copies, Per page (Black and White) ~ $ 0.20 Color copies Actual cost 43 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-OS Police Department Fee Title Type / Current Fee LARM PERMIT (ALA) _ Ongmal Applicati_o_n _ __ Annual Renewal BICYCLE LICENSE (BL) (COMMERCIAL FILMING /PHOTOGRAPHY _ CONCEALED WEAP_O_NS PERMIT ___ __ __ Original Application Police Department investigation fee (CCW) _ _ Dept of_Juslice fingerprint process (DOJ) __ p -- - - FBI fingerprint processing (FBI)- Fingerprint services (FPS) _ - _ -- - Firearms proficiency evaluation (CCW) Bi-Annual Renewal Police Department investigation fee (CCVNj Firearms Proficiency Evaluation (CCW) -- ---- De t of Justice annual renewal fee (DOJj ___ p _._P --- MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENT PERMIT _ _ _ _ Original Application City processing fee (MASS) - - _ $ 45.00 -- $ 30.00 _ $ 5.00 - $ 232.00 - --- - -- $ - 247.00 assthrough _ $ _ assthrough - -_ --- - $ _ - - - __ _ - _ $ 20.00 - $ 67.00 - $ 140.00 - $ 67.00 assthrough g _ $ 284.00 Fingerprint processing (per applicant /partner / corporate officer) _ Dept of Justice fin er rintin DOJ - --- 9 P___9 ( ) -- __- Passthrough -- _.- _ FBI fingerprint processing (FBI) passthrough --_-- Fingerprinting services (FPS) _ _ Annual Renewal (MASS) - - MASSAGETECHNICIAN PERMIT _ _ - -_ _ - - Original Application -- ----- -_ --_-_--. --__ _ City processing fee (MAST] _ Dept of Justice fingerprint (DOJ) _ _ - passthrough FBI fine riot rocessin fee FBI 9 rP P 9 -__ ( ) --_ _ _ __ -- _passthrough - ---- --- Fingerprinting services (FPS) - _ _ - _- Annual Renewal - - - - - ---- City processing fee (MAST) _ $ - $ 35.00 $ 180.00 $ 156.00 $ - $ 35.00 $ 130.00 44 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Police Department Type / Fee Title Descri lion Current Fee PUBLIC SAFETY AND WELFARE PERMITS - Basic Permit (PSWP) -Processing and Admin. (+ specific permits, if applicable) - $ 36.00 Events with alcoholic beverages (PSWP - A) - _ With an ABC licensed caterer - _ $ 28.00 _ _ _ _ Without an ABC licensed caterer ___ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ $ 90.00 Dance Permit (PSWD) - - - --_ -- _ _ $ 28.00 Entertainment Permit (PSWE) - Non-commercial, w/o admission charge: - $ - Under 200 people _ __ _ __ __ __ _ $ 50.00 Over 200 people - $ 100.00 Non-commercial, with admission charge: - $ - Under 300 people _ g 160.00 Over 300 people _ _ _ _ - $ 300.00 Commercial, with admission charge: - $ - Under 400 people - - - - - _ $ 600.00 Over 400 people __ _ $ 90 0.00 Exhibitions (PSWEX) General Permit (no admission) -per day _ -- --- __ _ _ - _ _ _ _ . _ .... _ $ 79.00 Commercial admission y ( ) -per da _ - _ $ 79.00 GunlWeapons Show -per day - --- -- - g 203.00 ' _ REPLACEMENT OF LOST%STOLEN PERMITS, _ _ _ __ - _ - __ LICENSES AND REGISTRATION RECEIPTS (RPL) - $ 10.00 SECOND HAND DEALER PERMIT _-- - _ __-_ ___. __-__ _ __ . Original Application --------- -- City processing fee (SHD) ---- - ---- -- - -------- -- - - - - $ 110.00 Dept of Justice Application Fee_ --- - _ _ passthrough $ - __ _____ _ Fingerprint processing (per applicant /partner / __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ corporate_officer) ___ _ _ _ _ passthrough $ - Dept of Justice (DOJ) passthrough $ - Fingerprint services (FPSj _ _ _ _ _ _ $ 35.00 FBI Fee -Not Applicable.-per Susan [delete] ___ passthrough $ - Biennial Renewal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ City processing fee (SHD) - $ 55.00 Department of Justice renewal fee (DOJ) passthrough $ - 45 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-OS Police Department Fee Type/ TAXI CAB PERMIT/DRIVER - - _" -" Original -- ---. _ - -___ City processing fee (TCD)_._ _ De t of Justice fin er rint if nec DOJ P _ _ 9 P- C_- ) (__-) Passthrough Fingerpnnting services (FPS) _ - - -_ Annual Renewal (TCD) _ TAXI CAB VEHICLE INSPECTION PERMIT (TCI) _ WIDE LOAD PERMITS PER CVC 35780 (WLP) - - Permit Processing & Admin. -- -------- - - _ - --- - Staff Services APS __(_ ) - -- --- -- ---- actual cost - - SERVICES -- - ALARM RESPONSE (False Alarms) (CSTA) --- - --- _ _ Fourth false alarm within 12 months Fine Fifth false alarm within l2 months Fine -" -_ " Sixth or more false alarm within 12 months (per incident) ----- Fine PROCESSING FEE (BF) -County Fee passthrough _ County Pass _ __ BOOKING FEE -City Holding -Book 8 Release - - - - (new fee) Flat -- _ CITATION CORRECTION CERTIFICATION (CC): _ - - --- - -- - Resident /AGPD-Issued Citation -- Non-Resident /non-AGPD Cite - CRIMINAL HISTORY SUMMARY EXAMINATION - - - ------ ----- ----- - ocal Summary (CHSL) _ -- - State §ummary (CHSS) -- - _ --------- _ - -- -- - - -_ FINGERPRINTING (FPS) _ - _ _- - _ - Two (2) cards or Livescan - -- Each additional card (delete] __ - - -" " -"- - -- - - - _ _ -- -- - __ -- - -- Mailln Costs 9 IPublfc records - -- "- -- - - - - . _ ~ ..- - - actual cost INFORMATION RESEARCH (RES) (Per Hour) hourly rate EXHIBIT A Current Fee $ _ .- 202.00 $ - $_ 35.00 $ 36.00 $ 30.00 $ - so:oo $ - 68.00 102.00 136.00 $ - $ - $ - $ 31.00 $ 30.00 $ 106.00 $ 35.00 $ - $ 15.00 $ 106.00 46 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 Police Department Fee Title _ _. PHOTOGRAPH DUPLICATION (PHOTO) Service Fee (+Actual Print Charges) RECORDS SEALING PURSUANT TO 851.8 PC PROCESSING FEE -SEX or REPS Collision officer Summary/Cause _ _ _ __ _ _ Face Sheet Only Accident Reconstruction /Analysis Type/ Oescrl lion Current Fee $ 20.00 - $ 60.00 - $ 6s.oo - $ 149.00 - $ . _. _ $ $ - -- - - - - - - $ - _ $ VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER VERIFICATION (VIN) - At police station - At other location _ VEHICLE RELEASES FROM POLICE §TORAGE (VEHR) _ Abandoned, 72 hour violation, parked for sale (2 trips) - Illegal parking, vehicle registration, DL violations - Driverarrested - - Towed from Traffic Accident No Charge VISA /CLEARANCE LETTERS (VISA) - REPOSSESSION FILING FEE (gc 41612) ____ Flat - -- ___ Vehicle Forfeiture Flat Subpoena Duces Tecum Flat Civil Witness Fee Deposit Deposit Emerg Resp -Impaired Driver Accident ($1,000 max) - APS hourly rate $ 10.00 $ 15.00 $ 48.00 $ 35.00 $ 35.00 $ - $ 26.00 $ 15.00 $ 183.07 $ 150.00 47 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-OS Police Department Type/ Fee Title Description Current Fee Property Intake 8 Release (Guns) -Items 1 - 5 Flat $ 58.00 _ Property Intake & Release (Guns).- Each Add'I ----- _ Item __ Flat - $ 11.00 Pro_ert H p __ y _andling for Mailing /Shipping _ ---- _ Flat - _ $ 33.00 Nuisance response (second party response) Flat $ 50.00 Juvenile Alcohol Party Response _ -- -- hourly rate. $ 50.00 Tattoo Parlor __________- Flat $ 105.00 Tattoo Artist Flat $ 105.00 Sohcdation (per solicitor) - Flat - $ 62.50 Tobacco Retailers Flat _- - _ $ 208.00 Palmreader/ Fortune Teller _ _ Flat _- $ 105.00 AUXILIARY POLICE SERVICES (APS) ---- - Hourly Rates: _ Hourly Rate Chief _ per hour $ 380.95 Hourly Rate: Commander _ per hour $ 345.23 Hourly Rate: Sergeant _ per hour $ 181.31 Hourly-Rate: Sr. Police Officer _ per hour $ 140.16 Hourly Rate: Police Officer _ -- - - _ per hour _ $ 112.03 _. Hourl Ftate:Su____ ___Y._-__ PPort Services Tech„___ _ _ . _ Per hour - _ $ 89.48 Hourly Rate: Executive Secretary - - - _ _ per hour _ - _ - - $ 126.72 Hourly Rate: Crossing Guard -- ----- per hour _ $ j7.87 Hourly Rate: Cadet - - - per hour - _ $ jg.gg Hourly Rate: Commurnty Services Coordinator - per hour $ 102.55 Hourl Rate: Su y pport Services Supervisor per hour $ 106.20 Hourly Rate. Blended P O, and Sr. P.O. per hour $ 126.10 Misc Admin Fees: Copies, per page (Black and White) $ 0.20 Color copies Actual cost 48 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 CITYMANAGER/CITYOLERK Fee Title Current Fee Annual Subscri lions Cit Council A enda Cit Council A enda and Minutes $ 20.00 35.00 Cit Boards and Commissions A enda Cit Boards and Commissions A enda and Minutes 15.00 25.00 Ci Council Meetin Audio Cassette Tae Cit Council Meetin Audio CD 10.00/each 5.00/each Ci Council Meetin DVD .Vendor cost Candidate Filin Fee No char e Candidate Statement Notice of Intent to Circulate Petition EC 9202 No char e 200.00 Co ies, er a e (Black and White Color co ies 0.20 Actual cost Copies of records sent to a commercial co ier Actual cost Document Certification 10.00 Fair Political Practices Commission Forms: Statement of Economic Interests Form 700 GC 81008 .10/ a e Cam ai n Statements Retrieval fee for statements 5 or more ears old GC 81008 GC 81008 .10/pa e 5.00/request Munici al Code (w/out binder 150.00 Municipal Code Su lement Subscri tion 25.00/ ear Nola 10.00/document Transcri t of Cit Council proceedin s Actual cost billed 49 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-08 FINANCE Fee Title Current Fee Bud et (Bound Co ) $ 80.00 Financial Statements co costs Business License Fees (Basic fees are rorated er the a lication date: Jan1-Jun30, 100%; Jul1- Basic Fee--All businesses exce t S ecific License Fees listed below Dec31, 50%) 30.00 >Businesses Per Emplo ee, Partner, or Associate Exce t those listed below) 5.00 S ecific License Fees Contractor 60.00 Motels & Hotels (Basic Fee) _ 30.00 >Hotels er room 1.00 Trailer Parks 30.00 >Trailer Parks er space 1.00 Hos itals, Sanitariums, Rest or Nursin Homes 40.00 >Hos itals per bed ~ 3.00 Taxi Cabs 45.00 >Taxi Cabs per vehicle 15.00 Billboards 125.00 Commercial Auctions -Per Year 85.00 Commercial Auctions -Per Da of Auctionin 25.00 Copies, er pa a (Black and White) 0 20 Color co ies Actual cost Maps--Chamber of Commerce 1.00 Utili Fees Renter's De osit $ 180.00 New Utili Account Set U Fee 15.00 Past Due Penatt (% of Past Due Total 10% Lock Cut Re lacement Fee 10.00 Reconnection Fee (Reconnect b Ci Personnel 30.00 Unauthorized Reconnection Fee Reconnect b non-Cit Personnel) 50.00 Returned check fee (NSF) 25.00 50 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-OS "PARKS AND RECREATION" Fee Tltle Current Fee Copies, er pa a (Black and White) $ 0.20 Park Facfli Use Fees Strother Park-Lar a Barbecue 75 Strother Park-Securi Deposit 30 Strother Park-Small Barbecue 40 Strother Park-Weddin Rece lion 155 Strother Park-Securit 1,2,3 70 Elm StreetPark-Barbecue 75 Elm Street Park-Securi Deposit 30 Rancho Grande Park -Lar a BBQ 75 Rancho Grande Park -Small BBQ areas 2 and 3) 40 Strother Park De osit 30 Rota Bandstand Fees Rent 75 De osit 30 Soto S orts Com lex Use Fees Cam bell Field Rental Fee 15 Campbell Field Rental Fee (with li hts 35 Pil Field Rental Fee 15 Pil Field Rental Fee (with li hts 35 Santos Field Rental Fee 15 Volunteer Field Rental Fee 15 Volunteer Field with Li hts Rental 35 Ikeda Field Rental 15 Ikeda Field with Li hts Rental __ 35 Porter Field Rental Fee 20 Porter Field with Li hts Rental 40 Tennis Court Rental-1 Hour 10 Tennis Courts - 4 Rental 100 Food Booth Rental Fee (Soto) 35 51 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-OS "PARKS AND RECREATION" Fee Title Current Fee Soto S orts Com lex Use Fees continued Meetin Room Rental Fee (Ja cee room) 20 Field Prep Fees exce t Porter) 20 Field Pre Fees -Porter 35 Tournam Sch. & Coordin Fee 65 Tournament De osit Fee 260 Woman's Club Use Fees Rental Fee non-re ular users 1-3 times er ear 50 Full da rental - Frida ,Saturda , or Sunda 350 Securit De osit 400 Buildin Su ervision Fee per hour) 10 __ Rental Fee re ula users Non-profit- rou s (1-2 time per month per ear 100 Service clubs 3-4 times er month 200 Private rou sorclubs 1-2 times ermonth 200 For- rofit rou s (3-4 times er month 400 Elm Street Comm: Ctr Use Fees Rental Fee 30 Full da rental-Saturda or Sunda 1~g Securit deposit 150 Adult S ort Lea ue Fees Adult Softball-Sprin 485 Adult Softball-Summer 485 Adult Basketball 530 Non-Resident Fee 8 Child Care Pro ram Fees IM Annual Re istretion Fee 25.00 AM/PM CIM-Elm Street er hour 3.00 AM/PM CIM.-Branch Sch. 3.00 AM/PM CIM-Ocean 3.00 AM/PM CIM-Harloe 3.00 52 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2007-OS "PARKS AND RECREATION" Fee Title Current Fee Seasonal Pla round Pro rams Annual Re istrationfee 15.00 Pla round-Elm Street WinterlS rin /Summer per hour 228 Pre-School Fees-Resident Discount Annual Re istration Fee 10.00 Pla 8 Leam-Tues 8 Thur. per hour 2.75 Pla & Learn-Mon, Wed 8 Fri. 2.75 Kinder artens in Trainin 2.75 Summer Pla 8 Learn 2.75 Pre-School Fees -Non Residents Annual Re istration Fee 12.00 Pla &Leam-Tues & Thur. er hour 3.30 Pla & Learn-Mon, Wed B Fri. 3.30 Kinder artens in Trainin 3.30 Summer Pla & Learn 3.30 53 OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION I, KELLY WETMORE, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the attached Resolution No. 4060 is a true, full, and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the 11"' day of December 2007. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 13~' day of December 2007. G~. KELLY ET ORE, CITY CLERK