Minutes 1970-05-18 _ CITY COUNCIL MAY 12, 1970 . ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 LETTER FROM MR. & MRS. F.F. MISBACH-COMME?~:DING F'IRE DEPT, FOR EFF'TCIENT'SERVICE Administrator Butch reviewed a~apy~ c~f a letter dir~cted te the Five Cities Publishing Co., from Mr, and Mrs, Frari~is F. Mis'ba~h, 755 Dc~dson Way, commend- ing and thanking the Arr~yo Grande P'ire Departanernt f~~r the effi~ient manner in which they contained the fire at thein c~~:m~e, alsc~ prever~ting further damage to the property while removfng thE damaged artiel~s al~i~.g:with the effective and orderly manner ixi whieh the ~7_ea~.~up wa:~ mada, AUTH(JRIZEb AGREEMENT TO EXCHA~TGE PR.OPERT~? ° GIT.Y A~~ A.. BROW~iE City Attorney Shipsey reviewed the prepar~d agreeme»t f~r property ex- change between the City a~.d . Al Br~wr.e, f~r. :pr~~ieiti~s .~i~~:ich 'w~.11 better align a eurve existing on the trontage rc~ad or the easterly side of the freeway be- tween Central Avenue and the c~ld Cathc~lic ~ce~etery. Atter Courcil discussion, on motion of Councilwoma.n Thomgsai-~, seccndEd by Cou~~ilxn~an Sch"legel an.d unani- mously carried, the. agreement was appr~ved for the exch.ange of property be- tween the Citq and Al BrUwne, ta pr~~vide ~etter ;.treet alignmer~t on fron~age road, between Central B1vd, a~.d the c~"ld C~.tYicli~ ~:~~rn~~t~ry easterly of the free- way right-of-way; and the Maye,r an.d Ci`ty ~~1c~'ric w~:t•e a.uthc,rized and instructed to sign the agreemen.t on b~ha1~ ~:~f the Gity. AD,TOURNMENT On motion. of Councilma.an Schleg~l, se~c~.°~ded b3~ C~~~~a•v~cil`a4~maxi Thompson and unanimously carried, the meeting ~.djnurn~~3 a.t 10:~5 P.M. ~zr~til 7:00 P.M., May ~ 13, 1970, ~ . ,o'` ; i~ ,d ATTEST : ~ d-- l~~'`ry~---= CLERK ~ MAYOR CITY COUNCIL MAX 13, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:00 P.M. The City Cour.cil met in ddjoux~.e~l regular sessia~. with Mayor Levine pre- siding. Upon rall call, Cour.~;il Members Schlege~, Thomp~~n, Wood and Talley reported present. BUDGET STUDY SESSION The City Council and Administrator Butch continued dis~cussion ot the Preliminary 1970-71 Municipal Budget from Page 25, Building Regulations through Page 60, Lopez Water Gontract, whic;h cancluded review of the expenditure portion of the prelimin.ary budget. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilm~an Ta11ey, secon.ded by Couracilman Wood and unani- mously carried, the meeting adj~urned at 10:27 P. ~I. until 7:00 P.M., May 18, 1970. ~ ` ATTES T • t~'=-~,-~...,~.~`.- ` _ ~ CLERK ` MA OR CITY COUNCIL MAY 18, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:00 P.M. The City Council mEt in adaourned regular session with Mayor Levine presiding. Upon ro11 call, Council Members Schleg~l, Thompson, Wood and Ta11ey reported present. BUDGET STUDY SESSION The City Council and Administra.t~r Bu~ch continued diseu~sion and review of the `salary portions of the Prelimin.ary 1970-~71 Murii~cipal Budget, which °conGluded review of the total prelim.inary budget. The Cauncil instructed Administrator $utch to prepare a revised budget showi.ng all additions, deletions and amend- ments as directed for final adcaptian. t~DJOURNMENT On motion of Councilm~.xi S~hl.egel, secon:ded by Gouncilm~.n Wood and unani- mously carried, the meeting adjaurn~d at 10;30 F.M. ~ ; f , ATTEST: ~ ~~-U~r~.~ lJr~'`,~ ~~~e~_,~ ,_~.~>,.r.,- ~f~ `.-~~~,E d` c~. DEPUTY CITY CLER.K MAYOR