Minutes 1970-04-21 253 CITY COUNCIZ APRIL 13, 1970 ARROYO GRAl~TDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 ~ttendance to dis~uss the several acts which provide va~io~s ~ethods for e~tablishing vehicle parking di~~ri~ts, AUTHORIZED RENTAL FEE FO~R VOTI~G PRECINCT N0, 3 POLLING PLACE On motion of Councilman Talley~ s~conded by Gounc~lm~n Wood and una~i~ mously°.car~ied, a portion o~ th~ buflding lo~ated at 1U12 Grand Avees o~r?ed by Jim Clawson, was approve~ as a Polling Pl~ee for Pr~~in~t No. 3 voters9 for the April 14th, 1970 General Municipal Ele~ti~n, at a~ost ~ot to ex~e~d $15,00 for o~e days rent, ADJOURNMENT On motion of Coun~ilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Woad and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10012 P<Me ATTEST° c~z~ CZERK MA. R ~ CITY COLTNC3L APRIL 21., 197Q ARROYO GRANDE, ~AL~FC?RN~:A 7:3Q PoMo '~`he Gi-~~r Council m~~ ~.n session a~ rsq~.ir~d by i~Y~e El~~~ions Code of t~~e Sta~~ of Gals£ornia, ~vi~h M~~or °3~~omp~on ~r~~~dirag. Upon rol.l call, Cc~un~.iln~Pn S~~?lec~eld Levine, Wood and 'b°alley repor~ed presen~. PLED~~ OF ALI~G~.ALQC~ ANI) INVOCA'I°1~OI~T May~r ".b"hoa~pson led -~l~,e Pledge All.egi~n~~ our flac~; a~ad ir~~dia~ely ~.:~~rea£~ere ~o~.n~;il.z~~n S~h.~.egel delivered ~he invo~~~ion. R~SOIBU'I°~OI~T F~G~'~~NG ~'HE ~'AG'~' '~°E~ (.~~~RP~I~~ M~JI~~~~~AI~ ELEC'~°ION Admis~is~~a~or B~a~~Y~ read ~Y~e ~i.~.l~ af. ~~°~~ol.u~ion reci~ing t~ae fac~ of ~~.e General M~:ni.~ip~l E~ec~ionfl t~kaer~a.f~~r a n~au~eion vaas r~ade by Cour.cil~an L~v~ne, se~oncled by C~~.ncilrnan ScYnlegel an~ unania~ously carried, ~o d~spense ~aitl~a. reading ~xae balan~e of this resolution. ~ cr~~ cou~~~r~ ~i, ~~70 ~ et'!.L\~~JA.Q ~T~*]LM.LdtO~ Aad"~1L~5: ~k~L,Hd!~ . . . . ~L'1"~7t~, ~ . . . . . ~E SOL~TIO~T NO o ~ 71. A RESOLL'TION 0~ TI3~ GI`P~ C0~'I~T~IL OF' TH~ GITY OF ARR0~0 GRA1V~~9 CALI~OI~IA, RECZTI~G TH~ FACT OF THE G~'I~ERAL MtY~3ICSPAL ELECTIOI~ I3F;LID IN SATD C~TX OF ARR05~'0 GRANDE ON THE 14•TH DAY 0~° APRIL 9 1970, DFCLAIZI~TG T~~ RESx~LT THEREOF A~TD S~.TCH OTHER MATTER~ A~ `ARE PRO~'I;DED B~' LAWe WHEREAS, a~°egula~ gener~l. munic~pal el.e~:~i~n w~~ held. ax~d ~,onducted in the City of Arro~c~ G~a~d~A Coun~~ of San T,aai~ Ol~i~po~ St~.t~ of Ca3.ifornia, on Tuesday9 the 14th da~ of AprY1, 19I0~ as requi~ed by 1aw; ~.nd WHEREAS, not~ce of sa~d ~1e~:tion w~.s duly and regaxlarly given in time, form and manner as prov~ded by law; that vot~ng pre~cincts were pr~perly established; tnat ei~~r~o~ ~fficer~ were appointed and that izl a11 respects ~aid ele~tion was held ~.r~d r.~ndu~t~d ~.~d the. v~tes ~ast th~.x°Eat9 received and canvass~d and the retux°ns .m~.de ~nd de~lared. ir~ t~..~ney fo~~xa and man.rcex as required by the provi.sidns of the Ele~,tzons Code of ~h~ Sta.t~ af California for the h~lcii~.g of ~lec~i.on.~ ir~. ~.itx.~~; ~r~cl WHEREAS, pur.~uan.t to Re~ola~tion I~c~e $6$ ad.apted the ~~'+th d.ay cs~ Mar~h, 1970, the Cit~ Cl~rk a~ the G~t~ ~E Ar.rc~~y~ Grar~d~ ~anvas~~cl the r~turns of said elec°tzo~. and h~s c:~rt:if'~~d the r~~ult~ t.~v thi~ Cit~ (~~un~yi.l, waid results are recei~red, at~ta~h~d an.d ~n.ade ~ p~rt h~.~e~:~~ "Exh~..bit Ao" NOW, TH.EREFORE ~ THE CaITY (;O~i"~C~TT, OF 'TH~ C:ITY 0~ ARR.OYO GRA:'~DE, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE AS ~'OLLOWS. SECTIO~T 1, That ther.e w~~r~ rhre~ (3) vc~tir~g pre<~ir~~ts e4t~bla.sh~d for the purpose of ~oldzng s~id ele~ta.~r~.~°a~.~i~ting of con~solida~iuns of the regula~ el~~tiort pr~r:in~ts i~ ~he ~.;i~y ca~' A.rrvyo Grande a~ t~st~blished for the holding of state ~.~.c~. cr~~rstq ~1e~:tian; o SECTIO~T ~e Thai~ sa~.d r~gul~.r general. znu~icipa7. e~~c.t.ic~n was held far the purpose af el~~;tixag ~he f.oll~wing officex°s of' said City as required b~ the` laws rela~a~ng to ~ities ~:n th~ Sta~.te of Califc~r~.ia, to wi.t: 'Itaa {2) Members of the `Gity~ C;oun~il `af said City for the full t~rm af four ~ears; S~CTION 3o That at said x°egular gener~l muni~ipal electzon, the follow- ing measvre was ~~b~ritGed. to th~ aleetars of said ~ity, to wit; Shall th~ ordi.~a~.c.e am~.~d~.n.g the Arroyo Gr~.~n.de Muni~ipal. Gode pro~ vidi~.g for future am~n.dment caf its p~ovisic~rns relatin.g to garbage and refuse by Cit~ ~our~~;i1 a~ti~n, be adopt~d? SEGTIO~T 4, Thafi the whole ~umber af ballots c~ast in said City (except absent voter ballots) was orYe thous~.r~d f~.ve hundr.ed thix°ty four (1534) . That the whole number o~ ~b~~nt voter b~.llots ~;a~t in saf.d Gity was twenty two (22) 9 mak.ii~g total ~f ~ne tho~~~and five hur~dred fifty~ six (1556) 1~a11ots cast i.n s~~d City, SECTIOI3 5,o Th~.t ~he na~~u~s c~f pers~n~ voted ~or at said electi.on for ~ Member of the City Cduncil af s~.id City are as fo1l.~ws~ Calvin (~al) Schlegel Addis~n Ba Wo~d M~.tth~w P< Gallagher, Jr, Fe Je (Kirk).-Kirkpatric.k Rf.c~k T~ee Johr~ Ae McCorxagl~.y That ~he measure voted upo~ at said el.es:ti~s~. is as follows: Shall t:he O~di.n.anc~ amending the Arrc~y~ Grande Municipal Code provi,din.g fc~r. futu~~ . azn~ndment of its pr.ovisicn.s relat~.ng tc~ garb~ge and refuse t~y Ci.fiy Caun.~:~l acrtic~n, be ` adopted? z~~ CIZ°Y COUNCIL, ARROYO GRAND~, CAI~IFORNIA APRII~ 21, 1970 PAGE ~ That the number of votes given at each precinct;,and the n~am~er of votes given in the City to each of such persons above named for the respective offices for which,said persons were candidates and for and ag~.inst the measuze were as listed in Exhibit "A" attachede SECTION 6. The City Coun~il does declare and determine that: Calvin "Cal" Schlegel was elected as Member of the City Council of said City for the full term of four years; Addison B. Wood was elected as Member of the City Council of said City for the full term of four years; That as a result o~ said election, a rnajority of the qualified voters voting oxx said measure relating to an ordinance amending the Arroyo Grande Municipal ~ode providing for future amendment of its provisions relating ta garbage and refuse by City CourAcil ~.ction did not vote in favor thereof, and that said proposita fon was not carried, and sha11 not be deemed adopted ar~d ratified. SECTION 7. The City Clerk sha11 enter on the records of the Ci.ty Council ~ of said City„ a statement of thE result of said election, showing: (1) The whole num~er of' votes cast in the city; (2) The names af the persons voted for; (3) Th~ measures voted upon; (4) For what office each person was voted for; (5) The number of votes given at each precinct to each person, and for and against each measure. (6) The number of votes given in the city to each per- son, and for and agairist each measure. SECTION 8. That the Git~ G1erk sha11 innnediately make and, upon compli- ance by the persons elected with the provisions of Se~tion 11565 and Section 11568 of the Electians Code of the State of California, shall deliver to eac~ of such persons so elected a Certificate of Election signed by him and duly authenticated; that she shall also administer to each person elected, the Oath of Office prescrib~d in the State Constitution of the State of Galifornia and sha11 have them subscribe thereto and file the same in her office. Where- . upon, each and all of~.said persons so elected shall be inducted into the re- spective office to which they have been electeda SECTION 9, That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adopt- ion of this resolution; shall enter the same in the book of original Resolu- tions of said City; and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption there- of in the records of the praceedings of the City Coun~il of said Gity, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. On motion of Councilman L,ev ine, s~conded by Councilman Ta 1 ley and by the following ro11 ca11 vote, to wit: AYES:, Councilmen Schlegel, Levine, Wood, Talley and Mayor 'Igh.ompson NOES : Non~ ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 21st day of April, 1970. ATTE MAYOR TY LERK I, POLLY S. MILLER, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution.NQ. 87X is.a.true,. full.and,c~orrect copy of said Resolution passed and adopted by the City Couricil of the -City of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of sai,d Council held on the 21st day of April, 1970. ' WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 22nd day of April, 1970a City Cler - of the Cit~ of Arroyo Grande ~~s ~ w~~'°"~~~~;+~r~~r~:;~:, ~ ',~~F'~,~`~~~~'~~~~"~~`~~~:~~'~'.~~~`~~~~ , a 47`~, ~ ~ ° + ~ ~Ci EXHIB2T ~~A~~ CITY CLERK'S CERTTFICATE OF CANVASS I, Po11y S. Mi11er, City Clerk of the Gity of Arroyo Grande, Gountg of S~n Luis Obispo, State of Californfa, duly authorized by Resolution No. 86$, adopted by the Gity Council of :said City on the 24th day of March, 1970, do hereby.certi~y that I have canvassed the returns of the regular general municipaT eles:tion held in said city on the 14th day of April, 1970, and find that the number of votes given at each preeinct and-the number of votes given in the City to person,s voted for, Che re- spective offices for which said persons were candida`tes and for and against the measure were as follows: , Dated: April 17, 1970 City Clerk the City of Arroyo Grande For MEMBER of the PREGINGT - TQTAL ABSFN- TOTAL CITY COUNCIL TEE VOTES NO 1 ~TO. 2 N0. 3 CAST Calvin "Cal"' Schlegel 292 241 303 836 8 ~ 844 Addisan B. Wood 224 239 226 689 7 696 Ma.thew P, Gallagher, Jr. 95 49 59 203 3 206 F. J. "Kirk" Kirkpatrick 232 154 142 5~g 14 5/~2 Rick Lee 187 125 138 450 9 459 , ,Tohn A. McConaghy 72 79 67 218 0 218 MEASURE Shall the Ordinance Yes 216 Yes 197 Yes 188 Yes 601 yes10 ye$ 611 amending the Arroyo No 345 No 251 No 276 No 872 No 12' No 884 Gr.ande Municipal Code providing for future amendment o~ its pro- visions relating to Garbage and Refuse by City Council action be adopted? ' TOTAL VOTES CAST AT PRECINCT 1663 1335 1399 4397 63 4460 TOTAL BALLOTS VOTED AT PRECINCT 581 466 487 1534 22 1556 ~25'~ : . h CITY COUNCIL APRIL 21, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 ADMIL~TISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE TO NEWLY ELEC'I'ED COUNC~L MEMB~RS City Clerk Mill~r administered tlrae oath of office to Ci~~ Council Members Calvin Ho Schlegel and Addison Bo Wood and ~igned and delivered to each, a Certificate of Electiono ELECTION OF MAYOR AND MAYOR PRO-TEM Mayor Thompson turned the s~eeting over to ~he City Clerko Ci~y Clerk Miller placed all Gouncil Members-on an equal basis ~.nd s~~t~d nominations for Mayor were now opened. Gouncilman Levine nominated Calvin. H. Schlegel for Mayor and Councilman Wood nominated Kenne~ R. Levine for Mayoro On motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Wood and unanimously carried, nominations for Ma~or were closed. The five Council Members then cas~ their vo~es by secret ballot and Kenneth R. Levine was elected Mayor by a tih.ree fifths majority vote. Nomina~ions for Mayor Pro-Tem were no~a opened. G~~xnc~il.woman Thompson norziinated Calvin I~. Schlegel for Ma~or Pro-T~m and Councilman Wood n.ominated Jane R. '~°hompson for Ma~~or Pro-Tear. On motion of Councilman. Talley, seconded by Councilman Levine and unanimously carried, nonninations for Mayor Pro-Tem were clos~do The five Council Memb~rs then cast their vo~es k~y se~ret ball~t ~.nd Calvin H. Schlegsl was elected Mayor Pro-Tem by a four fifths major- ity vote. COMMENTS BY COLTNCILWOMAN THOMPSON ANI) MAYOR LEVINE Gouncilwoman Thompson expressed h~r thanks an~d appreciation for having.ha~ the opgortunity to serve the City an~l ~he Council as :i.~s Mayor. Mayor Levine thanked the Council for tY~eir confidence and , expressed his hopes that his guidence as Ma.yor woulr~ be as pro- ductive and benefi~ial. ~o the Gity as it k~.~s bsen under t~he leadership of the two prior Mayors. AI9JOURNMENT On motion of Councilwoman Th~mpson, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 7:40 P.M. k . ~ _ . . : ~ ~~~,,r~ a , ATTEST: ~ ~'L-~~ CI CLERK MAYOR