Minutes 1969-12-03 ~.07 CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 25th9 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA P.AGE 5 DIV, OF H/W RECONIM~NDATION REe BRAI~CH STo REALIG~NT TRAF'FIC PROBLEMS Administr~tor Butch ~~pca~ted tha~ ~he State Divi~io~ of Highwa~s has completed a stud~r a~c~ f~rwarded t~ the Lity, a re~~~~~.datic~r~ c~n the t~°a.ffi~ flow problems st~.ll existing witYc the ~a~apletior~ mf t~ae realig~.m~nt c~f B~anch St,, Tra.ffic Way and Grand Avee, Dire~t~~ of Pu~lic Wo~1e~ Aa~:derson9 has re~ viewed the study and ~e~ox?~nends t~hat the Coun~il authoriz~ this traffi~. flow pattern ehange ancl aclopt a resolution e~tablisnxng no parlci~g area~ as sh~wr~. on the map presented~ The Coun~il di5~us~ed and approv~d tl~e proposed traffic flow pattern changeb City Attorney Shipsey r~ad the title of a resolution prohibi~ing parkin~ on the ~.ortherly side of West Bran~h ~t~°eet and Grand Ave., thereafter, a mot~on was made by Cmuncilman Schlegel~ secdnded by Coun~cilman Levine, ar~d unanimously ~arried9 to dispen~e with x°eadi~:g the balance of this resolutian. RESOLUTION 1~0, 8~+8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TAE CITY OF ~ ARROXO GRANDE PROHIBITIl~G PARK.ING ON THE NORTHERLY SIbE QF WEST BRAI~CH STREET Al~'D GRAND AVEI~[TE, On motia~t of (;oun~3.lanan Wood~ se~o~aded ~S~r Cour~cilma~. S~hlegel and on the following roll carZ vot~, to wit: AYES: Ce~utx~iltn~n S~hlegel ~ Levine p W~od, Ta11ey a~d Ma:3~or Thampson. NOES . No~te ~ A$SEN'~, ~ta~e~~•. the forego~ng r~~c~lnt~c~s, was ga~s~d and adeopted this 25th da~ caf November, 19690 ADJOURNM.~NT On m~at~on of Co~na~ilman S~hleg~l, s~co~.~ed ~y Cour~~ilman Levine, and un~.ni- mously ~arr~ed, th~ meetirag adj~ux~~ed at 9:~2 PaM. AT~EST . . ~T.ERK R . C~TY COUNCIL . . DECEMBER 3rd, 1969 ARRO'YO GRAND~ ,~CAL~,~`ORNIA. , 4: 00 P. M. The C~ty'Council•met i~: special session with Mayor Thompson presiding. Upon roll.ca21, Gouncilmen~Levi.ne, Woad aizd Talley reported pxesent. Council+~~ m~n- Schlegel absei~t.` A~so in attendaxxce are City Administrator Butch, D~recror of Public Works' Artders~n~ Ri~hard Drahn, ~d NeBry and Xork Peterson. ~ D~SCUSSION~ARROYO GRANDE SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ENGI„1V'~ER~NG. CONTRACT fihe Cou~Cil reviewed the propmsed engineering c~ntract for the Arroyo Grande Sewer Assessment Di~trx~t9 between the County of San Luis Obispo, on behalf of t1~e,City of Arroyo GrandeA and the engineering firm of York Peterson and Asso~iatese After a great deal of dis~ussio~~ York Peterson agreed to sign the contract based upan a fee of 5,23'/ of the actual constructa.on costs of the project, plus hourly and fix~d fee for other items o~ zaorl~.~ AbJOURNMENT ° There being no further dis~uss~.on reg,arding this matte~y Mayor ~hompson adjourned the meeting at 5:15 P.Ma _ r-.` ~ ` ~ ~ , ~ ) ~ ? 4 ATTE S T : ,~t?^u~ _ l - ~,~--s_ ~ DEPUTY CZTY CLERK ~ YOR