O 366 C.S.
ORDINANCE NO. 366 c.s.
SECTION 1. Article 36 of the MW1iclplll Code Is repealed, and a new Article 36 Is added as
1.1 STATUl'ORY AUTHORIZATION. 'I1It ,~"" 01 the State 01 0IIJifqnia .. in
ac..~~ 0xIe 8eL"*~ &5302, 65560 IIDd 65800 OIIIIfced U(ICIIlJDc8lgv,..~.~.-. .....lUtbarityto
8dopt ftI',I-m.'~ ~ to puIDte the pItiic he8Itb, lIIIfety IIDd gf!I 'ftI weIfIn 01 118 citizeoty.
'I1IenItcn, u. aty ""rfI of the Qt)' ot Ano.vo Grande does udIin .. ,.......:
A. The flood hazard areas of Arroyo Grande are aubjeot to periodic inundation which results in
loss of lite and ~ty, health and safety hazards, disnlption of cannerce and govemnental services,
extrawdinary public expenditures for flood protection and relief, and imJojnnent of the tax base, all of
which adversely affect the public health, safety and general welfare.
B. TheIie flood IaIies are caused by the cllllllative effect of obitructions in areas of special
flood /1IIZ8rdI which Increase flood heights and velocities, and when 1nsrie!JlAtely anchored, dlmlge
I1'IeII in other areas. DIleS that are Inadequately ~ed, elevated or otherwise protected from
flood damage also contribute to the flood loss.
~ 9-4.3601. aJRPOSE. The propaied wnenc:ment establishes certain requirements gov~ or
prohibitq construction within the flood hazard district. It Is the purpose of this Q:dInance to
[lfUlX)te the public health, safety, and general welfare, and to minimize public and private losses due to
flood conditions in specific areas by provi:;ions designedl
a) To protect hIIIIIID lite and healthj
b) To minimize expenditure of public nxmey for coetly flood control projectsj
c) To ninimIze th.I need for rescue and fOl1et efforts "'!1Iatedw1tb -.lIIdpa..4ID.y
WIdertAIIkm at tile ~..e or tbD g<-..al (IItiIc;
d) To ~1noW.e (a'CIkqpIIJ ...""- r ~
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ORDINANCE NO. 366 c.s. 2
e) To......... dIAl.. to pIb1Je taelUtlel_uUlldellU!h.......8IId........I1J_~
v' 11.110118 IIIIIIII!IIII!I' Jines, .dNeIB -' ~ Jot!ated In ... ~ lI!"""'I&1lJoad I ~
f) To help smlntain a stable tax bIIse by II'O~ tor the III!COhd tile and deve10pnent of
&re88 or special flood h8zard 110 88 to nU1ImIze future f100cI b1IgI\t erell'
g) To Insure that potential buyers ere notified that property Is In an erea of lIpeCIalllood
h8zard; and
h) To insure that those who occupy the erellS or special flood hoz8rd 8S!IlII18 1esp.AlSlbllity
for their actions.
In order to aCCCXl{llish Its purposes, this ordinance Includes methods and provisions for:
8) Restrlc~ or prohlblt~ tIleS which ere ~ to health, safety, and P'~ ty due
to water or erosion hl1ZlU'd9, or which result in d8mIIgI~ IncreIlllE!S In erosion or flood
helghtB or Yf!1oclties;
b) Requiring that tIleS wlner8b1e to floods, Incl~ facl11t1es which /II!I'Ve such uses, be
protected against flood damIIge at the time of initial construction;
c) Controlling the alteration or natural floodplains, stream cl8me!s, and natural protective
berrlers, which help accalll10date 01' channel flood YIIIters;
d) Controlling rilling, grading, ~, and other deYf!1opment which may IncreIlSe flood
damIIge; and
e) Preventing or regWating the constr\.K!tlon or flood b8rr1ers which will Ullllllturally divert
flood waters or which may IncreIlSe flood hez8rds in other aretIS.
~ 9-4.3603. DBFINITIOHS.
Unless specifically defined below, words or phrases used In this ordinance shall be interpreted 80 lIS to
give them the meaning they have in ""'"''''' lISIIge and to give this ordinance Its meet reasonable
"Aooeal" means a request for a review of the Floodplain AamnlstrRtOl"s interpretation of IIIIY provision
or this ordinance or a request for II variance.
~ D1!1hAl1nw flnM~" means 8 designated AO, All or VO Zone on the Flood InIur8nce Rate Map
(FIRM). The bIIse flood depths ~e from one to three feet; a clearly defined ch8me1 does not exist;
the path of flooding Is unpredictable and Indetennmate; and velocity now may be evident.
~~means the flood having a one percent chance or bel~ equalled 01' exceeded In IIIIY given
yell!' (&!so called the "lOo-yell!' flood").
"D! .te..t" -IIIIY area or the ~ I1IrvIng its floor ~.. (beloIf ground 1eft4) on en IIIdes.
OlWINANCE NO. 366 C.s. 3
"DevelQJ;ilIlf'lIl" llle8llll any 1III1II-nJIIde chw\:e ta UI{)I'OVed or WlinproVed real estate, including but not
lJnited to buil~ or ather structures, mini~, dreqpJ~, fjJJiJ~, gra~, pavlq;t, excavatJoner dr~
wJ!1ood ar ~ _ Ii Id*al and ~ condition of pertIa1 ar caapete .....tion of
....-Il,ckyllnd_lnIII(l) tile ovwt:Iowof IJoadwater. (2) tile ......._rapId -...lIAtioo ar
ruDIIIf oflU'falle.un traP anylDl.l'Ce, ...var (I) the ....n..- ar 8INo..... ofllDd.... the slue
of . I8Ire ar other bodJ of water .. . r8JIt of .... ar qcJicaIlewJI ar ..od' '~......... by en
''''_1A1ty bigb water level In . natural bodJ of .._. _..V"ofIied by......stam, ar by an
1PIIIt~~ farce of natIn. .-eI. II tIIIIb IJoad ar 1ft at!IIIInIIId tidal .... ar by ... lIiIiIarly
.",_..1 end "tf.ouu, pI"o eWQt 1Iot1Icb reuJ18 In ~ II deC'tned In .thiJ cWInJtIIn.
"FInn<! now......"Y I11III FlnntIw'lY ~ 1OO8lIII the attlclal map on which the Federal Fmergency
Manttgement ^seney or Federal ltwrance AmllnlstraUon has delJneated both the areas of fiood hazard
WId tile lJoodway.
"Flnn<l Insurance 8m fltm WJl~ llle8llll the oCficlal map on which the Federal Fmergency
Management Agency or Federal Insurance AchinlstraUon has delineated both the areas of apecIal flood
hazardt m:I the risk premi\l1l zones epp11cable to UIe CUlmmity.
"Flood Imurance StuQY" OIe/lll8 the officlll1 report p-ovlded by the Federal IIIIIW'8IICe AWinlstratJon
U..t Includes flood p-ofIJes, the FIRM, tile Flood Boundary and FJoodway Map, m:I the water 8Ul'face
elevation of the base flood.
wfIno<\I"'~ ar lJood:-pune _W _anyJendarea8lBCeplil.... to beit4t ltutdated by water traPIIIIY
...... 6Iee deflRitkm or wfJoodallr).
wP'nn<\""i'l IIIIIIIIIpIIIeItW _ the qJerIltioo 01111 ownII ~ 01 oa.ledive end t'cwrttive
....... far ~ fiood cIamage. incIuditv but not Jitited to ~ ~ - (111m. flood
CX1111nt11UIcB end ~i.Q JIIUIII&UIII!II ......tmI.
W~..ln 1IIII~.t regulationl" JJJeIIIII ZCIIIkw orcIII--. BUlxlivillion ...,....ev.w, .,...... oodes,
I1BaIIb regulatlant, >peIA1 (UpOB8 ~ fIu:It .. fkJoo\JJ,'" ........ pr. ,~..._1IId
...... _&nil CII'CIIhIace) IIId other lI(JpI.....tionI 01 police pIIM!I'. 'J1Ie ... 41.:1'" .at ..te ar
Jocal npJa....1n any CIIIdIinatiao thenol. Wldlidt puvide ....nrlArdltar the ~ 01 tIoad dIoage
1'6N1tioo 8Dd recb:tIon. ' .
"FJnn<Irwv.rl~" llle8llll any <IOIWinalion of structural 8I1d nonstructural addItIors, ~es. or
adjAatmen18 to structures which reduce or. eliminate fiood damllge to real estate or ~ed real
~ty, waler and sanitary facilities, structures and their contents.
"PlnndwAy" 100I11III the channel of a rlver or ot.berwatercour.. and the adjacent Jend &reM that nut be
reserved In order to dJIIcharge the basetlood .w1thaut ClllUlat1vely incI'easq the water IIIII'face
elevation II11II'8 thBn one toot. Also referred to IS ilK_tory tJoodwaY".
"Hlp!st acijI1cent ""AM" means the h/ihest natural elevat1onof the ground surface prior to
COQStr\ICtlon next to the propaMId walls of a 1\rUOtUre.
"Lav..A JkuII ..... the kM8t tJoar or the ~ .....-... ... tJ-to.... II I -.). An
.I11III""'-1 ar tIoad. . tlllt fIRe.....". UIIbIe IOIeI,y tar pIrIdIw 01 veI..1'~....... 4 - tIlltGrIp
In 1ft .. ou.r 0. a t --d .. II Dot ~~ alUldllw'l kM8t tJoarJ P'lM'JdeI\ u.t IIICb
......n II.. built 10. to... tbe Idructure In WllatIaD or the "",'--tta 11GB *JMImD dI8Ip
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ORDINANCE NO. 366 c.s. 4
reqJNnet.1B or this ordIlIIIJ1t!e.
"MaIad'8C!bncI1xmt" 1111!8111 II 1ItnJcttIoe, IrIlIllpOl table In one rllDe IIeC!tbIr, ..... II built 011 II
~u...lII!Ist cI "- IIlIlllI &:4I1ed ror ... with eI' without II ..........st r..IM .... .._,ut..d to
the recPNd utmtfe8. For ~ n........t IU'PD! ! the tenD "h_........s ...... .
Inc1udI!s perk traDen, tnneI tntDen end other a6Ir whIc!Jm pIIIOI!d on . lite tor ....... tI1M 180
"",&..-utlw days.
"MInIt8etured IIIII! perk or 1dJdivIRIon" IIII!fIIIJ . pIIft@l (or C!lllltIguQ per_) 01.... dI,1IW into
two or JIlIN IIWIIIIII!bftd I1IIne Jots 1<<1' IIIIIe or. rent. .
"Mmn geI1 level" III!IIII, r<<l' IJlI'I>o J or the NatIoml Flood IIIU'fIIII!e 1\ "'5' ..., the NIItIanBt GeudbtIt:
Vertie8l DItton (NGVD) or 1929erotherdlltun,towl1leh '- flood elentionlllllOllll on . eonmnty'B
flood InsI.nnee Rate Mep 1ft reC<<weecL
"New COIIItruc!tJon" III!IIII, t<<l' ftnrw\:Ibolq nllh~,~4 IU'P' . atrucIt.ft8 tel' whIeh the "sWt or
COII!Itructim" aA..,"",.,.,d on <<I' atteI' the erteetift dllteor II ~ ......g"".II!I.t repJatIon~
by this unfiI_1I!e. .
"one 1UIIhd)'elll' fJood" <<I' ".0""" fJood" III!IIIIIII flood wI1Ieh till. one pe..'I!I1t ..... pHbebIUty
or beq ecpIled er """,,'I!eded. It Is IdentIee1 to the "bile fIood", 1IhIeh 1IDl be tile tIJIm 18ed
~ this CItdIillll-' .
"Pet8on"1II!IIIII en IndivkbII <<I' his egmt. linn, II8Ib",""il(),lIII!IDt!IatIaner~&d.lfon,oregeatorthe
8t\Ad.d4b1ed gnqB, <<I' this stllte <<I' Its ...~.d. <<I' poIItkW aMw""",
"Remedy II vioJatiDn" IIII!IIfII to ~ the IItnJcttIoe CI' other ckm!Iopnent 1nto....1Mee with State or
Joc8I ~In ..~....td.t regu18t1on!1,<<I', It this II not ~, to tecb:e the II.... at 1111
Jd~ltAlanee. Ways thIIt ..~IIIIY berecb!ed IneJude lI'OteetllCthe.lhdlhoroa.lffeeted
deftIopnent Iran flood ch,.,ga., krIJIementI. the entiA..-d,"",t ~~ or the ...6...c!Io or
oUldl..b.. &tt:..a~ tubna6lr vIoIetlon!l, <<I' .e&MiC FedI!te1 fh_odlel ~with,,,,"_d to the
struetan <<I' other de~I",,'t.
"Ri....h"," 1111!8111 relathv to, tonned by, <<I' 1.!!,_JbIq II rIwr (1neJudIrw tr!but.-). ..b_,,, JIoook,
"BpeeIftl flood 1..;1 _ (SPJIA)" III!IIIII en _ ...... IiP'!cIeI flood er flood ...fed 8.....
IJuaoch, IIIJd sboIIIn on en PlIBM <<I' FffiM III Zcne A. AO, At-3D, An, A9I <<I' Alt.
"StIIrt at 0nItrudJ0n" III!RIII the rmd p!AM'b.t or ~....,etlt t!OIIItJuI!tIonat..true.... (ott. u.n
8 ndJIIe June) on 8 site, IIIk!h III the ~ or sI8bI or twthClf or "" MIItr b&~.d the .... or
~tJOn. Pa......ent ~ does not IneIude 1and ~.Uan,IUC!hI8 eh""I.c,.",1hd
fiIIq, nordoellt incJude the IrBtaIJAtJon or "MIl ..vcr1lllDtwltyll;norcb!llt""'" ....-1n6... rer
bfIa.'II",,'i, rooth., piers <<I' t....tkn <<I' the eret!tJou at ta't-M" rCllftlll .... dDea It .IA fe the
instaDatJon on the tt't-'ty or IIC!C 1 .., 00IIcIII910 IIII!h .. P'~"" cr tIhIdI not ~~ . ""q
mIts <<I' not III pIJI't. ~ the IIIIIn IIbuc!bn. Fer ~ (othI!r .... . IIIJbIIe ....) 11111_ a
I! IIb4 <<I' poured tooU~ the "stat or "",oj~'" lIII!1udes the lint r'I"~od. A.M.. or
h...4,bty ~ the struetan <<I' l1li1 pIJI't thereof on 1111 pO" or r....tJon. P<<I' 1IIIbOa..... not tIItNn II
I11IbDe lane perk <<I' lI'IIbIIe I1IIne IdxIvIsIon, "stMt d C!UIIIIJuetIm" ...... the 1IIfIbcL. at tile IIIObIIe
June to 1111 ~.."lI!Ilt site. F<<I' I11IbDe ...... within mobile lane t*taIorlllJblle ....1IIbt1. '" I ....
"start or C!UIIIIJuetIm"1s the dllte on wtJIch the C!OIIJIruetiDn or IJlC!lUt1C!8 1<<1' __ ...... the lite an whIeh
the I11IbDe lane Is to be atfIxed (Includi~, at 8 nmlnm1, the C!OnItruetIon ~ ~ ".. either find lite
. H_
~ or tile (IIU'hc of CIIOIftte (IIIIb, ..-.I ........II"WIl of uillities) ill ......p..ted.
"SIIuI:bn" JIIIIJUI . tIIIIIIed IIIId rooted buiIdiIc. .......I(jjpg . PI or licpd wnp t8nIc, that is
~L.,;..Pll1bove puwd, . well . . IIIIdIIacCured lane.
RllhHt8l1Ul1llnprovemenl" meanJ any repair, recortIItrucUon, or lnlJl'Ovement of a structure the cost of
wbiclI equoIs or exceeds 50 percentot tile morket velue at the structure either, '
1) before tile klp'OVelllellt or repelr Is started, or
2) It the structure hils been <Ian1Ige, and B be~ restored, before the denItge occurred.
Por the pIJI'pOfIe of this definition "sultitlllltllll iIIp'Ovement" Is considered to ace"," When the first
elteratlon of any wllll, ce~, floor, or other structurel part of the buikII~ conmences, whether or not
that elteratlon effects the external dimensions ot the structure. The tenn does not, however,1ncIude
either, . .
1) 0111 project for iIqJrovelllent of a structure to con{JIy with existing state or local heelth,
SIIIIItery, or safety code specifications which are solely necessary to IISIIUI'e safe ll~
conditioltij or .
2) any elteration of a structure'liste4 on the National Register ot Historic Places or a State
Inventory of Historic Places.
"Variance" mealls a grant of relief from the re<plrements of tllis ordinance which pennits COIIItruction
In a lIVJOIIer thet V<<XI1d otherwise be prohibited by this ordinance.
.VilllaLioa. IIIeIIIIJ the faikn of . strucbn or other deVe\ 9'......t to be"'" """P.... with the
.......ritJ'8 fIntw\II"in 1IIII'...~4 reguIationI. A strucbn or other de\~( 1t"1itbaut the
elevatilln certifacate. other certUleetionl,orotherevideoce of~""" fa tIia_d...aill
~ to be In vioIaLioa ...W BUClI tiJIIt . tIIIt ~""tat.ioa iII.pvyided.
~ 9-4.3604.
LAtfW 1'Q W UK;U IWa allD.WA~ APP1,.IES. 'lbis ordinance sIvIl1 apply to all &reIII of specie\
flood IIIIZIII'ds within th8 jurIadIction at Arroyo Grende.
~ 9-4.3605. UAWa t:aB tm:ABLISHINQ IUB AlliAa at: SPFr.IAL fLQQD UAZABDJbe Brees
of special flood hazard identified by the Pedenl J:meIgency Manepment Apnc)' or the Pedenl
InInnce AanlnlstraUon In a sclentltlc and tqlneerq repcl't entltled.FIood IrIu'IInoe Study for th8
aty of ~ Grande, elated olJl" 11183, witb IIIllCOClJ1l8llylng Flood JmurIJI10e Bate Map II hereby
lIdoptod by reference 8Dd declared to be a part ot this ordinance. 'l1III PJaod .........-....., lion
IDe at tlleolJloeat tile at, ~ lIr. 'l1tiIJIood .......SIudI. Ute -'-' r- _ II ~"h 1'tIll;J
ol...wJIo....~ lid.., be.w-tedbJatudIea"oUe'...1IIIIIab"'~'. r '-Gfthil
~ IIId ..... .. ~1.''''J''''d to tile Q&J ~..,.o bJ .... ~ ~ 1 . . .......
tJec.. 9-4.3608. WMPLI AtfCZJ{o structure or land shIIIl hereelter be COIBtruated,loaated, extended,
CXIIMII'ted, or 8ltered without tu1l CCIqI\JIIIICO with tho termI ot this ordInIJI1ce lOCI ottw eppUcable
resutatloR9. vw-v. at tile (IOViIIanI of thII ~ by feIUe to ...""" *" IIIf 01 its
....~... (for..... vlDlatlant cat cadtkn aad eatcpII'dI ~- fa....1 1~1'" wltb
....tbw) IIhdQll.uwe .~. NoUq....1Id INvent tlleat,...... ..,..tIIcq
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ORDINANCE NO. 366 c,s. 8
8UCh JawtulIlC!tlon .. Is ~ ~ to ...-'o:walt c.- ,&..ed) eny YIoIatIon.
Sea. 9-4.3807. ABBOGATJON AND aBEAm 81!STR1crJOus.. 11118 crdInIme II mt Intended to
repeal, abrogate, or In1,xIIr any ex19tlng easements, COYel18J1ts, or deed restrIetIonI. HatP.vv<<, where
this a'd1r1ar1ce and RIIOther a'dlnsnce. eesG\1eI.t, aownant, or deed restriction eonI1lct or ov..J8p,
whichever Int'tses the roore stringent restrlctlorll 8h8I1 prevaIL
11&.11-4.380.8.. ItcrBBfBEIATJON... In the interpretation and appUcatlon or this Cl'dlnance. 811
provIsIong 8h8I1 bel
a) amstdered lIS mlnInun requlrementsl
b) Llber8lly constroed In tav(X' or the goveml~ bodyl end,
c) Deemed neither to IJmlt nor repeal any other pov,m s grIU1ted under state statutes.
~ 9-4.31109. WARWHa AND IlWCLc\lMl::B Of. L1ABJL1IL. 'l11e deg1ee or flood protection
required by this ordinance Is considered rellSOllllble t(X' regulatory purposes end Is b8sed on1lC!lentlClc
end ~~ considerations. l.arger C1000J C8I1 end will OCCIII' on rare OC!C8SIonr. Flood heights
my be Increll!led by tmII-rmde or natural cal1'leS. ThIs ordInlUlC!e does mt Inply ht land outside the
IlreIlS or special nood h8Z111'd9, or I1'IeS pemdtted within IlUC!h &re1lS, wID be Cree Cront CJocIdIJv 01' CIood
dorIIIges. This ordinance shRl1 not create lJabUlty on the pgrt or the CIty or Arroyo Grande, &nY
ortlcer or dl'C>loyee thereot, or the Federal II1'II4'8I1<!e AdrlnlstrBtlon. tor any Clood dII,~ ht retRIIt
trom re1i8l1Ce .011 this ordIn8l1Ce or any 8dnInlstratlve decision lawfully IIIIIde thereunder.
See!. 9-UG1o. SEVERAB1LttY. ". crilnenee MId the YIII'IoI8I8'1s theNal.......... ..-1eI
to bue.~ab1e. ShbukI eny _tIan or tHsClldh...becleelM:edb.rthl...to....r ..tmwu.....
or 1ma1Id,8UCh deelslonftD not ertect the VIIUcIty of the Cltdbollloll!e ..1III1DIe. c.-.., ..... U- thI!reoI
other tImt the _tIoIl 80 decl8red to be 1n!IIIIIItftutJ or ImRJId.
~ H.3811. ESIABWSHMEHI Of. DEY.EL02MBtiI PERMlL. A Deve10pnent Pennlt shell be
obtained betore constnJctlOll or developnent begin! within any III't!8 or special flood husrds.
established In Sec. 9-4.3605. Application for a Developnent Pennlt 8h8Il be nIIde on fonrs Ctmi!Ihed
by the CIty E~eer and ITIIIY Include. bUt not be llrrited tOI pllll19ln duplicate drawn to 8C81e IlIUWhIlJ
the nature. location, dimensions, and elevation of the &rea In questionl exlstlrv 01' ptOpCi8ed structures,
fill. storage ot ITIIIterials. dralnage fecUitle!ll1lnd the location or the foregolrllJ. Spec:!lCIcRlly, the
toUowIr1t lnConmtlon Is required:
8) Propooed elevet/on In relation to meAn sealevel, or tile lowest nOOl' (lnc1udl~ bl1t2.ftIel.t) of
all Structuresl In Zone AO or VO, elevation ot highest adjAcent grade end pt\J(JOsed
elevation of 100000t noor of all structures.
b) ~ elevation In relBtlon to mean see level to whl!!h any structure will be n<>udpl\lOfedl
c) Certltlcatlon by 8 registered proresslonnl e~neer or erchltect thAt the CIoOOprootI~
meth0d9 for any nonresldentlolstructore meet the CJoodprooCl~ criteria In Section 9-4.3614
(c) (3) lind,
d) Description of the extent to which fill}' WQterCOlll'Re will be altered or relocnt!'d II!! R result of
---.._- --- ------ ..
ORDINANCE NO.366 C.s. 'l
~ deve1o(xnent.
~9-4.3612. U~tfAIlOtfOt: IU~ 1!LOOUf1,Alli ADMINISTIlAl'Oil.. The City ~ineer is
hereby eppointed lo achinister and In\Jlementlhis crdillllnce bygrantq cr den~ developnent
permits in accordance with its provislom.
~ 9-4.3613. IU.!~ AtfD R~~SIBILITI~ Of IUt: CITr ~tfWHBmL.. The duties and
respoIliibllllies 01 the aty ~ Shall Include, but not be lindted lo:
a) Pennit review.
1) Review all develo(fl1ent pennits lo detennille that the pennit reCJJirements of this
ordinance have been satisfiedj ,
2) All other required state iliad federal pennits have been obtained;
3) The site is reasonably Sltte fran fIoodi~.
4) The propaied deve1o(xnent does not adversely affect the carrybV capacity of areas
where base flood elevations have been detemdned, but a CIoodWey has not been
designated". For purposes of this ordinance, "adversely affects" meaIW that the
CUI11J1atlve elfect 01 the proposed developnent when caJbined with all other exist~ and
IIIItlclpeted developnent will not Increase till! water 8I.I1'lace elevation of the base CIood
roore than one loot at IIIIY point.
5) Review all pcoposaJs lor the developnent 01 5 parcels or roore lo IIIIIIUre that the
flood discharge exitbc the developnent after construction Is IIIJIIIllo or )1IfiB than the
CIood discharge at the location prior lo developnenL
b) Usa of Otllll1' Base Flood Data. W hen baBe flood elevation data has not been provided in
accordance with Section 9-4.3605, the City Iqlneer shall obtain, review, mI reasonably
utlllze IIIIY baBe flood elevation mI fIoodway data avallab1e fran a Pederal, state or other
source, In order to oanInlster Section 9-4.3613 - 3619. Any such 1nf0000000tion shall be
sutoitted to the aty for adoption.
c) Whenever a watercourse is to be altered or relocated: .
1. Notify adjacent camudtles mI till! CIIlitomla Department of Water Resources
prior to such alteration or re)ocatlon of a watercoul'Sl!, mI sutoit evklenl:e of such
notification to tile Federal. Insurance MnInIstratJonj
2. Require that tile flood carrylqr capacity at the altered or relocated portion at saki
watercourse Is IIIIIInta1necl.
d) Obtain mI maintain tor ~c inspection mI make avallab1e II naededl
1) the certification required In Sec. 9-4.3613 (C) (1) (floor elevations);
2) the certlflcatJon required In. Sec. 9-4.3613 (C). (2) (elevat\onlln areas of shalJoW
3) till! certification required In Sec. p.;4.3613 (C) (3) (elevation or flooqJrooll~ of
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ORDINANCE NO. 366c.s. 8
nonresldentlel structtn'eB), .
4) the certlClcstlon re<JIlred In Sec. 9-4.3813 (C) ((48), or (C) (4b) (Nt ~sv
standord), .. .
s) the certified elevation re<JI/red In Sec. 9-4.3818 B (8UbdIvlslon IItsndlwdJ),
8) the certltlcatlon required In Sec. 9-4.3818 4) (floodway etK!l'08C!hnentsh
e) Make Interpretatlom where needed, IS to the exact loc!8tlon of the boIIlCIer.. of the
orem oC speclel flood hll7.1U'ds, (Cor exmc>le, where there ~RI'S to be s C!OI1fIIct between s
mapped boundory end oetuel field conditlolll). The person contest~ the Joe8tlon ot the
boundory 8h8Il be given a rellSOl'loble UVIM tunlty to eppeel the interpretation lIS provided In
Sec. 9-4.3820 - 21 V ARIANCR PROCEDURE
C) MoIntenonce of Flood Protection MeBSUreS
The II1Blntenonce of any end BIl flood protection rneBSllreS, (IeveeII, dikes; demI or
resenolrs), will be required of the jurisdiction where such rneB8lnll provide protection. If
these mensures ore Bre prlvotely owned, on operation or II1Blntenonce pion wID be re<JIIred of
the owner to be on rue with the aty E~neer.
g) 1I8ZI11'd Mitigation Plon
The loco! agency or boord responsible Cor revl~ BIl propcsals Cor new deveIopnent
sholl weigh RIl req\lt'5ts for future flood plain development ogoJnrt the C!CmIIIIIty's General
PIon. Consideration oC the Collowlng elements Bre required beCore epproVRlt
1) Determination of pt<lpOSed development Is In or orfects a knoMt flood pleln.
2) Infonn the pubIfc of the proposed ootlvity.
3) Detennlne If there Is a practicable eltematlve or site tor the (JrOPO!IE!d activity.
4) Identify Intmct of the oetlvlty on the flood ploln.
5) Provide a plan to mitigate the &r(mct oC the octlvlty with provlslOlllln Sec. 9-4.3612
(a) (4)
~ 9-4.3614. SIANDAROO Qf OONSIIUlcrJ.QH.. In all BreIS of speclel flood h8z8rds the
following stendardl Bre required:
0) Anchori~
1) All new COIIItMICtlon 1100 sul:rltantlol ~nts sI1IIl1 be onclued to prevent
flotation, collapse or loterlll movement of thestnicture resultlsv fmn "~i"'lIIId
J.,d""IIItic! Iooch, illeludlrv the erfechl of ~...III!I.
2) Allll1llJlllfoctured IIOO1e!I 9hll11 meet the n""horlrv 9tendOl'd!! of Sec. 9-4.3617.
OltDINANCll NO. 366c.s. 9
b) CoIl5tructlon Mllterials and MeUIOds
1) All new construction end sulJlumtlal inprovemenls IIbaIl be CO/lltructed with
materials end utility equl(ment resistant to flood d8mage.
2) All new COOItruction end subitllntill1 inprovements alll1l1 be constructed !Bing
methods end prllCtices that minimize flood danxlge.
3) AU.- COIIItructioo end ........ntial ~ .... be CIIIIIIInI:ted with
el",;hl...d, M8t1qr, wntiIatfon, ~ end ... conditba!qr ACf~ .... other
BerVIce f8ci1itieB that ere ...~ eaJI,. Jocated80.. to ~_4mt __ tram enterq
,. fICCIIIIIIatq within the """"",.ta (QJq: CIIIIIitkIIII 01 ~
4) RecJIire within Zane8 All ,. AO, fdIoq..te chinIIp patlll ...... IdnIcbnI 00
&q1eII to pide flood _ters ...... IIIId II1II8Y fran )1Iq"-' IIbUctInB.
c) Elevlltlon end Floodprootl~
1) Hew COIIItndioo 1IIId.....t.ntilll mpowment 0I1IIIysUuet&n....... the lowest
floor, .....I"..i~ '; r i .."..t, elevated to ,. IIbove the '- flood elevation.
HCIIII'IIIIideotill 1Itrucbn8' DBY meet the IIt.IIndIIIdI In See. 8 UI1S Co Upon De
~ 01 Ue struebn, the elevation 01 Ue kIMIst floor .... be certified by II
ftgistered prulerIIionIII e.,.p. ff"" IUW)U', << wrified by Ue --.Ity buiIdiIc
~tobe ~eJevated. KoWicatlonol ~--.... be.-dbd.. eet
fcdh in Section H.361S (C) (1). .
2) New construction end sulJltantllll iIqJrovement of eny structure In ZOIIII AO IIbaIl hIIve
the lowest tIoor,lncJudIre bllsement, elevated above the highest adjIIcent grade It least
lIS high lIS the depth IUIDer speclt1ed In feet on the FIRM, ell' .t~ Do feet If no depth
........1iIpIIdIIed. , Hon resldentJlI1 structUI'EII DIllY meet thestandllrds In See. 9-4.3613
C. Upon tlle ~etlon of the structure, the elevation of the lowest floor, Including
bllsement,lIhII1l be certified by II n!gIstered proIesslonlll tq\neer at' aneyor. at' verified
by the camunIty IJuIIdq llllpector to be properly elevated. SUch cert1tIcation at'
verltlcatlon sI1aIl be recorded 88 set fat'th In 9-4.3613 (C) (2).
3) Nonresidentlll1 CO/lltruction IIbaIl either be eleVllted In contot'll1llllCe with' Sec. 9-
4.3613 C. 1 at' 2 at' together with attendllnt utility end sanitlll')' facllitlesl
a. be ~ed 80 that below the base flood level the structure Is watertight
with willis suiBtantllll1y ~aliI! to the pIIIISIIgII of waterl
b. have struotural ~18 capeble of reslstlqf hydrostatlo IIIId hyG'odynIImIo
loIIds end effects. of ~11IIId
0. be certltled by II registered professional elVineel' at' II'ddtect that the
8tand11rd& of this subsection ere satlBtled. Such oertItlae.tioIalMl1 be ~ to
Ue atJ II"" u. .
4) RecJdre, tar en DIIW COIIItIUIrtIGa IIIIIBIDtaPtIal.......' :.....a., tlllttully......-1
--. below thB JoMIIt tJacJr that .. ujeGt tolJo.",..." .... be 111 'J" to
_.....~1(y0!l..1.... ~ Goad tcnee GllIIIIeIb ..._ ~ I r _ tar thB
entry 8JMI alt 01 ~ o.IpI tar DI88tiI.r 0111 ~ ... ... be
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ORDINANCE NO. 366 c.s. 10
eertiIk!d by a rePtered tnr'-''.408l .A"'IIMI er Ifthltec!t er meet er thLsecl the
tollowlqr rinInun erltai,tI
A. mu.. nWmn 01 bIG qN!I\lio. havhc. ...... net... 01 not .. u...
IIIpII'e Inch ler fl'II'IylCpll'e tout 01 t!II!bIed ... .... to IIa. n... ..... be
plWJded. 'Ibe bottmtol d............ be lID .....u.onefGot......
~di'P IIII,J be ecppped With I(!I~ bu.alJ, ..,. << .... J)........ _ ...
devb8, poovIded thet u., pemft the IUIanItJo entrr ..., BIt 01 fIG" J ._.~...
b. Be emlfIed to ""'.~ With . JoeeI ~ .t8l".lI.id .......v.~ by the
Fedenl Inuanee Ad......ln.tIb...
5) MlIIJItaebnd Imm 8h&I1 aI80 meet the sta..&&do In see. H.381'1.
6) Storoge of MAter11l1s StandArd!.
A. The storsge 01' proc-'~ of mRterlA1s thAt III'e In tn of flooding buoyant,
fllIIJIJ1IIble, explosive, or could be InjurlOllJ to IUIIUI, anImAl or plMt, Ufe Is
b. Storoge or other rmterlRl or equlpnent may be Bllowed If not subject to major
domoge by flood! III1d flnnly IIIIChored to prevent flotation 01' It readily I'8IIOVIIble
fran the lll'ea within the time aV8llable After flood WBI'II1ng.
~ 9-4.3815. SIAHDABm fOB 1}TILI1'IEIi
a) AU new IU1d replacement WIIter slIpply III1d IIIII1ltary sewoge systellll shnll be designated to
ninlmlv.e or eliminAte mrntratlon of flood waters Into the system III1d dischArge tran systellll
Into flood water!!.
b) On-slte waste dIsposal systellll sl18ll be located to awld ~ to them or
contmnlnatlon fran them durI~ noodl~.
~ 9-4.3818. SIAHD4Bm fOB SJ;1BDlVISIOlm
a) AU preliminary SIIbdivlslon proposA1s shall Identify the flood hllP.8I'd lll'ea And the
elevation of the base flood.
b) AU final SIIbdlvhdon plRII9 will provide the elevation of pI\IP09OO struclure(s) And pIIdrI.
If the site Is filled above the base flood, the final peel elevation shan be eertlfled by a
registered professional ~Ineer or surveyor III1d provided to the FloodpIan Adnlnlstrator, IS
set forth In Section 9-4.3612 (C) ((3). .
c) AU subdivision proposA1s shall be conJlBtent with the need to minimize flood dImIge.
d) AU subdivision proposals sl18ll hAve public utWtles III1d facWtles 8UC!h IS 1K!WeI', gns,
e1ectrlcRl And water systellll locAted iInd conJtnJcted to mInImIr.e flood dImIge.
e) AU SIIbdlvlsions shall pI'OYIde adequate dralnnge to reduce exposure to flood dab..ge, IS
set forth In Section 9-4.3612 (a) (4). Qrilflcate of OOII1?IIAnce shRIJ be required of the
-_...~-_.,-_., -.
OItDlNANCE NO. 366 c.s. 11
~ 9-4.3617. IiIAtiUAll~ fOil II:1AtiUfA!d:IUU~D UOIl:1~ AtlD MAtllJfA!d:llBHD lIOMH
fABKIi AtlD auUDlVISIOfm .
s) Alllll8l1llfsctured hanes and IIdditioal to nl8llu!sctured homes sbull be enchored to resist
flotation, co\Japse, a- Iater81 nDvement by me at the follo~ methods,
1) by provi~ 811 811Chor~ ~tem designed to withstand horizontal bees at 15
pounds per Bq\IIU'e foot; a-
2) by 811Chor~ ot the unit 's ~tem, designed to be in coopIiance to the Deperbnent at
lIollibg and Development Ms.wtactured Halle Comtruction and Safety Stllndaral; a-
3) 8S set forth in Sec. 9-4.3612 (c) (6), certification meeting the standards above is
required of the Installer a- state egency responsible for regulatJqf the placement,
iustallatlon and 811CtxIrbg at indlviduul lIIIIlIIIIactured hane WIlts.
b) Manufactured lIane Perks and Manufactured lIane SUbdivisions
The following standards are required fa- (8) manufactured banes /lOt placed in
lIIIIlIIIIactured home parka or subdivisims, (b) new lII8I1IIfactured home parka or aPlivisions,
(c) expamIons, to exist~ lIWIIfactured home parka a- subdivlsionJ and, (d) repair,
recomtruction, or Improvements to exlstirg nmwtactured home parks a- sulxlivlslms that
e<pIIs or exceeds 50 percent ot the value ot the streets, utilities and pads before the repair,
r8COllitructlon a- IIqJrovement cannenced.
1) Adequate 8Ul'lace dr~e and access for a hauler shall be provided.
2) AIlnwwtactured banes shall be placed on pads a- lots elevated on calt*ted fill a-
on ~80 thet the lowest floor at thel118llllactured home Is at a- above the base flood
leveL U elevated on p~'
tbe lots shaI1 be large enough to pennit steps;
the pllbwJ shall be placed in stable soil /10 Due than ten feet apart and,
relnfa-cement shall be provided fa- p~ IroI'e than six feet above the ground leveL
c) No lIWIIfactured home shall be placed in a fIoodway except in an exlst~ lIIIIlIIIIactured
home (IW'k a- exlst~ nwwtsctured home subdivision.
d) OIrtitLcatlon at C<IqIIIancels fe(fIIred of the developer responsible fa- the plan a'state
agency rellpodIibIe for regulatirg 1IWIIf8Ctured home placement.
h 11-4.3618. fWQQW Ala.. Located within 81"88S of speclsl flood J18Z8rd .tIbUIbed In See. 9-
4.380181"8 areas designated IS fioodways. Since the tIoodway Is 11/1 extremely hIurdDuI...., clue to
the veJoa1ty of tIood waterl which oerrydebrls, potenUll projectiles, erd."" pottfttlal, the
tollowlrw provl8kn apply. .
a) 1'rohIb1t encroacl1Dents, Includq fW, new corBtructlon, IIIIbttantlal.wments, and
other develO(mmt WIlB certltlcation by a registered prot_onal qiI1eer CI' architect Is
provided, demoIIItratq that enaroactments IIIw1l oot result In q M88118 In flood levels
~ the occurrence at the bII8e tIoocI dIscIwge.
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ORDINANCE NO. 366 c.s. 12
b) It See. .....3815 ^ IsIIIItIstIed, an.. C!OI8Iruc!tIan end ......tW t1~._._.b.1Ih8I
a..~ with an other eppIIc!8b1e flood I..... d I'8Ib!tfGn liv~"''' eI Bee. .........
See.. 9-4.3619. AIrEAL BOARD
a) 'I11e A8mq 0........ or the at} or Arro,o GrInde 8hR11 henr end dec!lde IJppeeIs end
requests for vnrllUlCe8 from the requirements or this ordfnanee.
b) 'I11e ~ a.....IwI..n shllll helll' end decide IIppel!!! when It Is lII1eged there Is l1li error
In III1Y requirement, decision, or determlnlltJon BIllIe by the FloodplaIn AdRnlstrlltor In the
enforcement or IIOnInlstratlon or this ordfnanee.
c) In poss~ upon such IIppllcatlons; the aty Q)uncl} shRl1 C!OI1Blder IIIl technical
evoluntlolll, IIIl relevent factors, standnrdl specified In other sectlonJ or this ordinance, endl
1) the dn~er that RIIterials RIIY be swept onto other Illllds to the In)Iry ~ others;
2) the dqer of life and property due to flooding or erosion damRge,
3) the Blllceptlbllltyof the proposed facility end Ita contents to flood dsmnge end the
effect or such dllRllge on the Individual owner,
4) the frrtxrlttnce or the services provided by the proposed facility to the ccnmmIty,
5) the necessity to the facility of aWlltertront location, where applicable;
6) the avnllnblllty of alternative locations for the proposed use which 81'8 not subject to
flooding or erosion dnmIIge;
7) the COII1J8tibUlty of the proposed use with existing end IIIItlclpnted development,
8) the relationship of the proposed use to the t"U.",,-ehelllive pllIII end floodplain
lI1I1Mgement progrnm for that 81'80;
9) the safety or sccess to the property In time or flood for ordinary and emergency
10) the expected heights, velocity, untlon, rote of rise, and sediment tramport of the
flood waters expected at, the site; and,
11) the costs of provl~ gov"...."'..tal services during and after flood condItlolll,
including maintenance and repair of plbllc utDitles end faC!Ditles, such 118 sewer, gntI,
electrical, and water system, and streets mid bridges.
d) GenerlllJy, varlllnces RIIY be 18SlJed lor new C!OI1BtrtK!tlon /lnd wlBtlUltfal ~ts to
be erected on o lot 01 one-lvIIf acre or 18!ll In size contlguolll to IInd tIUI'I'otJnded by lobi with
existing stnJcttJres constructed below the base flood level, providing Itenw (1-11) Sec!tlon 9-
4.3620 have been lully considered. As the lot size Increllllell beyond one-lvIIf 1ICft!, the
tecmlcal jurtlflcatlon required lor lllsulng the VOrl8l1Ce Increllllell.
e) Upon comlderatlon of the fnctors of Section 9-4.3620 nnd the pllI'pmc!l or th!!, ordlnnnce,
- ___n. -~-----_.-..- _._'.,-.-.""------
ORUlNANCll NO. 366 C.s. 13
tile Qly Council may altuch IlUCh conditlOllll to tile grW1ti~ ot variances u it deeoB necessary
to turther the purpoIies ot this ordinance.
t) The aty EI\:Ineer shall maintain tile records of ell appeal acliom and repcc't any
variances to the Federal IlIIiUI'ance AOnInIstraUon upon I'eCJHIIt.
~ 9-4.3620. OOtiWIW~ fOR YARJAtiQf.a
a) Variances may be Iaiued tor the reconstruction. reh8bilitatlon or restoration of
_,u structures listed In the Nlltlonal Register of Historic Places or the State Inventory of Historic
Places, without regard to the .proced\I'es set forth in the renBinder of ttis section.
b) Variances shall not be issued within any designated floodway It any Increase In flood
levels durlq{ tile bese flood dIscI1Iirse would reaIlt.
c) Variances shall only be Issued upon a determination that the variance Is the mininun
necessary, colIslclerlq{ the flood hazIIrd,to aftord relief.
d) Variances shall only be Iaiued Uponl
1) a ~ of good and sufficient cause;
2) a determination that fallure to grent tile variance would result In exceptional
hardship to the applicant; and
3) a detennlnallon that the grlUltlq{ of a variance win not result In increllled flood
heights, additional tbreats.to pWIic safety, extraordinary puWo exptne, create
nuisances, cause fraud on or vIctimization of, the public, or contlIct with exIstIq{ local
1&.,. or crd1nIUIces.
e) V......y be Issued fel:' _00IIIInIetI0n8llll-otwt.~u.1 ~_. .........Uel:'othBr
de1Ie' V'~lt I'"'{ ry tel:' the ""V"--t ol . tIn:tIon8IIr ~~ -. ~ u.t the
~ ol See. 8 1..3620 IN _tidied ... u.t tile ...,.,.... eI:' otIw lInT' ~....t Is
(JI'Otected by IIIItIIId U.t "'.....".. I]ood dIiugee cUq the ... ftoDd IIId create no
'- adIItiooal tIna&8 to pIbIic BBtely.
t) Any 8p(iIcant to WlICDI a variance Is grlUlted shall be given Mitten notice that the
structure win be pemitted to be bunt With a lowest floor elevation beiow the regulatory fiood
elevation IUId that the coat of flood Insurance wm be CCI11IIeI\Uate with the Increlllled risk
reaIltlq{ fran the reduced lowaJt lIoor elevation. A oopy ol... notIDe.... be .--~ by
the ~'" IIoIId III the cIfIce cI the SIn LuIs 0biIip0 CWIIl..... 1IId.... be
NOCIrded In . _10 u.t it .., ..... 1M alliin at title at 1M aft__ paeI ol Jend.
SECTION 21 ThIs Ordinance shall be In full force IUId effect Ullrtl (30) _ ener 118 ~, and
within tlfteen (15) da)'ll alter Ita pII8IIIIp, a 8IIImII'Y of Ametdnent to the ZoniJV 0cdInIn0e W01 be
puWIhed COle In a nev.&p8pII\' of general cIraulaticl\ within the Qty.
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ORDINANCE NO. 388 c.s. 14
On tmtlOll of c::ounctt MeniH!r Porter. IIeCOIIded by 0IuMI1 M.mer ObI..",n, and 011 the
ronowbv roll cllU vote, to witt
AYES. c::ounctt Merrbers Porter, John!Ion, MU1Is, Moots and Mayor MankfrB
NOES. None
the foregoing Ordfnance was poS!Ied end adopted the 8th day of Decmber, 11187.
. ~~\"--J .~~
~. --
ATl~h ~r2, f;Jn.a~J ,
I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County
of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty
of perjury that the foregoing Ordinance No. 366 C.S. is a true, full
and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meeting
of said Council on the 8th day of December, 1987.
WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed
this 10th day of December, 1987.
CI Y CL RK ---.-.-'