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Minutes 1969-02-05
~ ~ C I'I@Y C OUNC ~ I~ JANUARY 3 0 0 19 6 9 ARROYO GRANDEo CP,L7CF'O1~T~A ~m00 PoMo Tkae ~i~~ Co~~nc~~ a~a~~ r~~r~~~~° a~l~~~~a~~d sess~oa~ wi~l~ Mayor Thornpson presicl~~~o i~g~~~a ~~~~~~1~~~ Sc~~~c~elo Levz~n~o Wood an,d S~ai~k~ repmr~~~ pr~s~r~~m GENERAI~ D~SCiJSSI~N ~ S'~°~D~ ~~SS~~1~ Ger~eral dis~~ss.~~~ ~el.d. ~~~a~~~~c~ ~~r~~~s ~~~y ~a~a~r~~re~aa~rnt projec~s ~~.d~r ~~~ns~de~~~~~~ a~d ~~~~ewed ~}~~~ct~v~s aa~d c~~,~de ~,ir~es ~o~° pr~g~~ra~i~~ ~»d~~~ ~~g° ~~sc~~ y~~~ ~969~~G m AD~OiJRNNNbEE N~' Oa~ ~.rno~i~r~ ~~~~~~~~;a~~ ~~~a~~~o s~~~~de~. ~o~~~~l~aan S~~~~~ela ar~d ~aa~an~a~aou~ ca~~~~~, ~a~~ti~~ ~c1~ ~~r~°u~c1 1,~ m 45 P oMo ATTES T: ~E~~°~'~ C~'I~~ ~I~~ ~~R ~ ~ C~'I'S~ CO~I~I~~L FE~~2UAR~,' 5 0 1969 ARROYO GRANDE o~AI~~~ORLV~C~ 1~ m 3 0 P, o M o '~n~ C~t~ C~~r~~~l ~~e~ s~ec:~.~1, s~s~~~a~ vai~~ I~~ay~r '~~a~pso~ p~°esa.d~ngs LFp~~ ~~~1 ~~~rrt~~l~a~~ Sc~~~~~lo ~~~a~~,e and W~od reported preser~~.o ~~~~~~l~aa~~ Sa~:u~~~ w~s a~se~~m RESOL~7'I°ION RE: D~S.~SZ°~1~ ASS~S°~'~~:~' I~~I~S ~E ~Nic~m[n~~'~H S7G~ ~~oA~P~ICATIONo Ad~i~~~~ra~~x~ re~~~~~d ~:~~a~ ~.~ac~ ~.~~e~n~~d a z~~~tia~g of all F~~lic Ager~c~es ~ ~~e Sa~{ ~~~~s ~b~s~~ ~"l~od Co~~rol and Wa-~er Conserva°~im~ D~s~~~,~~o ~~~~rd~~,g ~°~~.er~~ s~~ra~ daa~agea and ~hat R~b~r~ Borno ~f D~s~ri~~, ~ac1 ~d~~~~c~ ~~r ~~s~ ef~ic~.~r~cy. . exped~,e~c~r a~d c~~~d~r~~~~~~ al1 ~p~.l~~~~~~~s s-~ora~ and floodwater danaage ~I~r~ug~n~~a~ ~~i~ G~a~~t~~ Sar~ I~~~s c~~i~p~ sfl~~u~ld be fi.led through tYne Coa~nt~r F"lm~d C~~a-~r~~ a~d Wa~er ~~att~sex°~a~~,~c~n D~,s~tr~c~a and ~tll~aat all applica~~ons sk~~~ld f~~~d in~mGaedi~~e~.~ ~s San La~is O~ispo County Board of Sa~pervisors ~~d a~l~p~~d. a res~l~nt~~,o~ req~aestirag financial ass~star~ce ~:~der P~3~1.~~ L~w ~~5 m~. Ndorad~~o ~~~ruary 30 1969g arnd prior to f~l~,x~c~ ~acYn P~blic Agency ~~st~ 3~y ~°~~~~~~ior~ ada~ptic~n aaa.-thorize and r~q~es~ tY~at Sara I~a~~s O~~s~~ ~o~n~y F"l~ocl Control arad Wa-ter Conservation Distr~c~ ia~cl~ad~ s~nc~ ac~~m~y ° s app~~cation. Aft,er Cm~ncil d~sc~~.ssi~~a Ada~airni.s~~ra~¢~r B~a~ckn read the title of a resol~tio~ r~q~,~s-~~~ac~ ~li.s~s~~r assisi~~nc~ needs of tkais City be included w~tkn t~e Saxa I~~ais O~~.sp~ C~~~a~;~ ~~omc~ Co~~rol ~nd Water Conservation Distri~t ° s appl~~at~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ex° a a~~~.~o~ was aaaad~ bga Councilanan Levimeo seconded Y~~ ~~~a~,c~~a~aar~ Sc~.~~c~e~o ar~d ~n~za~a~a~aously carried, ~o dispense wi~~. read~~c~ ~al~~-uc;e of ~~~s ~°eso~a~t~onv RESOTeL~~°~~N N~o ~15 A R.E S OI~~T'I° ~ ON O~ `~°I-~ ~ 1.'.~°~ CO~LNC ~~:E' '~I~ OF ARRO~'O GRAIVS)E RE QUE S"~°3NG Dy SAS'I°E R AS S~ S'IBP,NCE ~TEE D~ C)F T'HE C I'I°X OF ARROYO GR.ANDE BE INCLLTD~D W~'~H APPIdICP."I°~ON OF T'~'E ~AN L~~S OB~SPO COUNTY FLOOD CON'I~ROI~ AND WATER COI~]SERVAT3~N D~STR~~'I° ~'OR A~SISTANCE UNDER PIJ~LIC LAW Oa~ a~otios~ of c'~~a~~,~~m;a~~ Wo~do ~~~or~de~ ~y Cc~n~~ncila~uan ScYn~egel, and or~ tl~~ foll~wir~.g r~l~ c:al.~, v~~eo ~,a~t. ' A~'ES: C~~m~a.lr~~a~ S~:~l~~~~o ~~~rin~a TiJo~d a~d Magror "~.'Y~o~apson I~TOE S : Non~ ABSEN'~: C~3aricil~aa~n S~i~i~ the forec~o~a~g reso~,~~i~a~ uvas passed ad~pt~d ~kn~.s 5~~a day ~f Febrtzary, 19Fi9. ADJOURNMENZ° Oa~ aa~~tion o~ C~~rac~~~a~n L~~~as.~ed sec.~~ad~d by C~~~c~.la~ari Schlegel, and ~nnanimously carx°~.ed. t1~~ ~a~~~~.~.s~ ~.djo~r~~ed a~: 11:3C AmM! ATZ°ESTo~ ~ ~ C I C I~E MAY~R