Minutes 1967-06-12 4~~ CITY COUNCIL JUNE 12, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in rec~ular adjo~axned session with Mayor Wood presiding.. Upon roll call, Cou.ncilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel and Burt reported present, BUDGET STUDY SESSION City Administrator Butch continu.ed review of tYae proposed . 1967-68 budget, from Street Construc~ion, page 14 to comple~iono T'he Salary portion of the budget was held over for furthsr stazdy. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and una~aiznously carried, the meeting adjo~rned at 11:00 PoMo , A'~'TE S T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ci.ty C rk Mayor C I Z°Y COUNC I L JUNE 13 , 19 6 7 ARROYO GRANDE, CALI.FORNIA '~Yae Cit~r Cou~cil met in regular session with Mayor Wood pre- si.dinc~. Upon roll call Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Sc~al.~gel ~nd Burt reported present. FI~DGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATI(aN l~ayor Wood led the Pledge of Allegiance to our fl~g; and immed- i~i~el.;y t~.~reafter Reverend Otis Fox of the Firs~ Southern Baptist ~~~.~e*::~a. of G~over City, delivered ~~he invocation. APFR.OVAL OF MT1d~UTES 'i~e n~inu~tes of ~t.he regular meeti~g ~f May 23, 1967 and the ~e~~~1ar adjourned meeting of May 31, 1967 were approved as prepared. APPROVAL ~F WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Council- a~an Levir~e, that General Warrants No.1034 to and including No.1094, ~ in tYae total amount of $49,082.10; and Payroll Warrants No.1464 to and inGluding No.15Qd~ in the total amount of $19,833.93, b~ approved and ordered paid. Mo~kion carried. PROGRESS REPORT-REQUEST TO BUDGET FUNDS FOR SLO CO.ECONOMIC DEVELoASSOC. Ci.ty Administrator Butch advised that a progress report had been received from the San Luis Obispo County Development Associa- ~ion, ~nc., ~lso a letter requestinc~ that the Council approve an additional $1,500,00 in budget preparation for 1967-68 fiscal year for this city's proportionate cost for the support of the San Luis Obispo County Development Association, Inc. .After Council discussion a motion was made by Gouncilman , Schlegsl, seconded ~y Councilman Burt that the amount of $1,500.00 bs budgeted in the 1967-68 fiscal year as the Gity of Arroyo Grande's propor~ionate cost for the support and operation of the San Luis ~ O~aispo County Economic Development Association, Inco Motion carried. ABSTRACTS FROM THE 1967 REGIONAL PLANNING CONFERENCE MEETING IN S.L.O. Gity Administrator Butch briefly reviewed the abstracts from the 1967 Regional Planning Coraference held in San Luis Obispo as ~ prepared by evaluation teams of ~he San Luis Ob'ispo County Economic Devel.opment Assoc., Inc. MAYOR WOOD SAID HE HAS A FINANC~AL INTEREST IN RADIO PAGE CENTBAL ~ COAST,~HE WOULD NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE DISCUSSION OR ACTION OF THE COUNCIL :REGARL~ING THTS MATTER. ~ REQUEST-GOUNCIL, SUPPORT AND ENDORSEMENT-~RA,I)IO PAGE CENTRAL COAST F Gity Administrator But~h repor~ed that a letter had been ~ re~~ived from Radio Page Central Coast, stating that they no~a have an app.licatian for approval of a Pub].ic U~i1i~y Franchi~e, to op- ~xate a ora.e way paging ~~rvice in ~he c~n~t~al ~o~st a~e~, before . _ -1- r