Minutes 2007-11-27 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2007 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro Tem Arnold called the Regular City Councl meeting to order at 7 00 p m 2 ROLL CALL City Councl Council Members Chuck Fellows Jim Guthrie Joe Costello Mayor Pro Tem Ed Arnold and Mayor Tony Ferrara were present City Staff Present City Manager Steven Adams City Attorney Tim I Carmel Director of Administrative Services/City Clerk Kelly Wetmore Director of Finanaal Services Angela Kraetsch Director of Public Works Don Spagnolo Director of Community Development Rob Strong Director of Building and Fire Mike Hubert Assoaate Planner Kelly Heffernon Assoaate Planner Teresa McClish Buldng Official Johnathan Hurst and Assistant Planner Jim Bergman 3 FLAG SALUTE Allen Olivares and Jerry Kaufman representing American Legion Post No 136 led the Flag Salute 4 INVOCATION Pastor George Lepper Peace Lutheran Church delroered the invocation 5 SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None 6 AGENDA REVIEW 6 a Ordinances Read m Trtle Only Council Member Costello moved Mayor Pro Tem Arnold seconded and the motion passed unarnmously that all ordinances moved for introduction or adoption at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived 7 CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS Bob Brownson Asilo expressed concerns about the eucalyptus trees located behind Asdo Street which he stated are extremely flammable He requested that the Fire Chief survey the area to determine potential fire hazards He then referred to James Way and expressed concern about the condition of the road He asked when James Way was going to be repaved and stated it was long overdue He also observed that the Bnsco Road item is the last item on the Agenda and requested that items of significant community interest be scheduled earlier on the Agenda in the future 8 CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Ferrara invited members of the public who wished to comment on any Consent Agenda Item to do so at this time No public comments were receroed Minutes Crty Counul Meeting Page 2 Tuesday, November 27, 2007 Mayor Ferrara requested that Items S c and 8 d be pulled Council Member Guthne requested that Item 8 e be pulled Action Council Member Fellows moved to approve Consent Agenda Items 8 a through 8 i with the exception of Items 8 c 8 d and 8 e with the recommended courses of action Council Member Guthne seconded City Attorney Carmel read the title of the Ordinance m Item 8 h The motion passed on the following roll call vote AYES Fellows Guthrie Costello Arnold Ferrara NOES None ABSENT None 8 a Cash Disbursement Ratification Action Ratified the listing of cash disbursements for the period November 1 2007 through November 15 2007 8 b Cons~derat~on of Statement of Investment Deposits Action Received and filed the report of current investment deposits as of October 31 2007 8 f Consideration of Acceptance of the P~cmc Shelter Structure at Elm Street Park Protect, PW 2006-OS Action 1) Accepted the protect improvements as constructed by JPG Construction Inc in accordance with the plans and specifications for the Picnic Shelter Structure at Elm Street Park Protect 2) Directed staff to file a Notice of Completion and 3) Authorized release of the retention as allowed per the Public Contract Code and after the Notice of Completion has been recorded if no liens have been filed 8 g Consideration to Adopt A Resolution Approving an Application by Scott Trees to Drill and Install a Replacement Irrigation Well on a Property Zoned Agriculture Preserve, APN 007-711-007, 871 East Cherry Avenue Action Adopted Resolution No 4053 as follows "A RESOLUTION OF THE C/TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING AN APPLICATION BY SCOTT TREES TO DRILL A REPLACEMENT IRRIGATION WELL ON A PROPERTY ZONED AGRICULTURE PRESERVE, APN 007-711-007, 871 EAST CHERRY AVENUE (STAFF PROJECT CASE NO 07-010J" 8 h Consideration of Adoption of Ordinance Approving Development Code Amendment Case No 06-005 to Change the Zoning for Frye properties at the Northwest corner of S Halcyon Road and Fair Oaks Avenue from Multi Family Residential Very High Density to Office Mixed Use, and Change the Zoning for the Properties in the Vicinity of S Elm Street Near Poplar Street from Single Family Residential to Condominwm/Townhouse-Mu Iti-Family Action Adopted Ordinance No 593 as follows "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT CASE NO 06-005 TO CHANGE THE ZONING FOR THE PROPERTIES AT 362, 370, 378, 8 382 S HALCYON ROAD & 906 FAIR OAKS AVENUE FROM MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL VERY HIGH DENSITY TO OFFICE MIXED USE, AND CHANGE THE ZONING FOR THE PROPERTIES AT 160, 162, 166, 168, 170, 174 178, 180, 186, 190, 194, & 198 S ELM STREET & 1205 POPLAR STREET FROM SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO MULTI- FAMILY" Minutes City Council Meeting Page 3 Tuesday, November 27, 2007 8 i Consideration of Approval of Employment Agreement (City Manager) Action Approve the revised Employment Agreement between the City of Arroyo Grande and Steven D Adams and authorize an appropriation of $6 468 from the General Fund Mayor Ferrara requested a separate roll-call vote on Item 8 c and stated he would abstain from voting due to his absence from the October 23 2007 meeting 8 c Consideration of Approval of Minutes Recommended Action Approve the minutes of the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting of October 23 2007 as submitted Council Member Costello moved to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting of October 23 2007 as submitted Counal Member Guthrie seconded and the motion passed on the following roll call vote AYES Costello Guthrie Fellows Arnold NOES None ABSENT None ABSTAIN Ferrara 8 d Consideration to Purchase a'/. Ton Pick Up Truck Recommended Action Authorize the purchase of a'/,-ton pick up truck and the Extra Care Extended Care Warranty from Mullahey Ford at a cost of $18 976 71 Mayor Ferrara ingwred about the City s purchasing policy as it relates to alternative fuel vehicles or the potential for hybrid vehicles in order to become less dependent ,on fossil fuels He acknowledged the information in the staff report that a propane truck had been considered and noted he had taken a look at flex-fuel (gasoline/ethanol) vehicles which did not seem to be very pracUCal However he said he came across the new Silverado truck hybrid (gas/electric) model coming out next year and asked if Public Works could delay the purchase of•the proposed truck in order to evaluate the new hybrid truck Director Spagnolo responded that he would be willing to wait on the purchase of the proposed truck in order to evaluate the Silverado hybrid truck Mayor Ferrara moved to delay the purchase of the proposed truck and to direct staff to look at the feasibility and timing of purchasing the new hybrid truck when it is available next year and if it is found not to be feasible he recommended approval of staffs recommendation Mayor Pro Tem Arnold seconded and the motion passed on the following roll call vote AYES Ferrara Arnold Costello Guthrie Fellows NOES None ABSENT None 8 e Consideration of Award of Contract for Construction of the Farroll Avenue Rehabilitation Protect, PW 2007-04 Recommended Action 1) Award a contract for the rehabilitation of Farroll Avenue and waterline upgrades to Union Asphalt Inc in the amount of $512 831 00 2) Award Bid Alternate A as part of the contract various concrete improvements in the amount of Minutes City Council Meeting Page 4 Tuesday November 27, 2007 $48 818 50 3) Authorize transfers in the amount of $13 100 00 from the Bnsco Road Rehabilitation Protect $13 900 00 from the East Grand Avenue Resurfaang Protect and $29 540 00 from the Miscellaneous Striping Crosswalks Sidewalks and Handicap Ramp Protect toward the roadway improvements concrete improvements and to provide for the project contingency 4) Authorize the transfer of Water Fund funds in the amount of $10 000 00 and Water Faality funds in the amount of $10 000 00 towards the water line replacement and 5) Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the 10% contingency of $ 56 165 00 for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the protect Counal Member Guthrie asked for clarification on whether this proposal included approving the striping of the bike lanes or whether it would be delayed Director Spagnolo stated the Counctl would be approving the contract which includes the bike lanes and striping Council Member Guthrie noted there had been discussions with Luaa Mar Unified School Distract officals and was not sure if the residents on Farroll Avenue had been contacted He stated he thought the bike route had been moved from Farroll Avenue to Fair Oaks Director Spagnolo recommended the Counal approve the contract since the bid was only valid for 30 days and noted that the issue concerning bike lanes would be considered at the Traffic Commissions December meeting where affected residents would be notified and invited to attend Counal Member Guthrie moved to approve staffs recommendations Mayor Pro Tem Arnold seconded and the motion passed on the following roll call vote AYES Guthrie Arnold Costello Fellows Ferrara NOES None ABSENT None 9 PUBLIC HEARINGS 9 a Consideration of General Plan Amendment Case No 07-002, Development Code Amendment Case No 07-005, and Approval to Issue a Request for Proposals for an Affordable Housing In-Lieu Fee Nexus Study, Applicant City of Arroyo Grande, Location Citywide Assoaate Planner Kelly Heffernon introduced Lona Laymon speaal legal counsel from Rutan & Tucker who gave an overview of the State s density bonus laws Assoaate Planner Heffernon then presented the staff report and recommended the Counal 1) Adopt a Resolution approving General Plan Amendment Case No 07-002 to update the 2003 Housing Element regarding affordable housing requirements for consistency with State law 2) Introduce an Ordinance repealing and replaang Chapter 16 80 of Title 16 of the Arroyo Grande Muniapal Code regarding the City s inclusionary affordable housing requrements 3) Introduce an Ordinance adding Chapter 16 82 to Title 16 of the Arroyo Grande Muniapal Code regarding the City s density bonus and affordable housing incentives m accordance with State density bonus law and 4) Authorize staff to issue a request for proposals (RFP) for an affordable housing in-lieu fee nexus study Counal asked questions of staff and legal counsel concerning the proposed Density Bonus Ordinance including requests for waiver modification or reduction of development standards and how speafic adverse impact is defined (by State law GC Section 65589 5) elaboration of Minutes City Counal Meeting Page 5 Tuesday November 27, 2007 Ordinance Section 16 82 060 G concerning calculation of a densely bonus (language taken directly from State statute) clarification regarding the Counal s discretion in approving protects and making the requred findings (not regulating based on the density bonus itself but reviewing the protect as a whole including CEQA review to determine specific adverse impacts), what the proposed affordable housing in-lieu fee nexus study includes and its cost (to determine the appropriate legal affordable housing unit in-lieu fee cost of the study is unknown at this time until a Request for Proposals is issued) clarification of concessions versus incentives explanation of proposed clean- up legislation (SB 435) being considered to clarify and refine provisions in GC Section 65915 relating to density bonuses and clarification about whether inclusionary housing regwres that affordable housing units be similar in design to the market units Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing Bob Brownson Asilo asked who pays for the oversight of the affordable units to determine who qualifies for the units and how the units remain affordable when they are sold City Manager Adams responded that while this is an unfunded State mandate the City has some funds earmarked for affordable housing administration including in-lieu fees and a 10% set-aside fund in the Redevelopment Agency budget as required by State law He stated the City currently has an agreement with the San Luis Obispo Housing Authority to administer the affordable housing program Hearing no further public comments Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing Counal comments included support for the proposals as presented in order to be in compliance with State law that developers may develop more moderate income units to make their protects work finanaally acknowledgement that the City already has an inclusionary housing ordinance in effect and that the State mandate may make it more difficult for developers to comply with the changes acknowledgement that the City has the opportunity to continue to evaluate protect on their own meats that the City needs to provide for inclusionary housing and ensure the General Plan is compliant with State law recognition that aties who did not have inclusionary housing ordinances have made it more difficult for those who did and acknowledgement that materially or procedurally this would not change the way the Counal approaches protects of this type and that the Counal should keep evaluating protects on their meat while being mindful of the State regwrement for density bonuses Mayor Ferrara requested that Rutan & Tucker provide a summary of necessary legislative clean-up language that has been identified regarding State affordable housing density bonus law to be presented to the League of California Cities Action Counal Member Guthrie moved to adopt a Resolution as follows "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT CASE NO 07 002 TO UPDATE THE 2003 HOUSING ELEMENT REGARDING AFFORDABLE HOUSING REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSISTENCY WITH STATE LAW" Counal Member Fellows seconded and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote AYES Guthrie Fellows Costello Arnold Ferrara NOES None ABSENT None Minutes City Council Meeting Page 6 Tuesday November 27 2007 Action Counal Member Costello moved to introduce an Ordinance as follows "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REPEALING AND REPLACING CHAPTER 16 80 OF TITLE 16 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING THE CITY'S INCLUSIONARY AFFORDABLE HOUSING REQUIREMENTS" Council Member Fellows seconded and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote AYES Costello Fellows Guthne Arnold Ferrara NOES None ABSENT None Action Counal Member Costello moved to introduce an Ordinance as follows "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADDING CHAPTER 16 82 TO TITLE 16 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING THE CITY'S DENSITY BONUS AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING INCENTIVES IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE DENSITY BONUS LAW" Council Member Fellows seconded and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote , AYES Costello Fellows Guthrie Arnold Ferrara NOES None ABSENT None Action Counal Member Costello moved to authorize staff to issue a request for proposals (RFP) for an affordable housing in lieu fee nexus study Council Member Guthne seconded and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote AYES Costello, Guthrie Fellows Arnold Ferrara NOES None ABSENT None Mayor Ferrara called a recess at 8 12 p m The Council reconvened at 8 25 p m 9 b Consideration of Adoption of an Ordinance Amending the Arroyo Grande Muniapal Code as it relates to Bwlding and Construction Codes ' Bwlding Offiaal Hurst presented the staff report and recommended the Counal 1) Adopt an Ordinance amending Arroyo Grande Muniapal Code Section 8 04 010 related to the adoption of the California Fire Code and International Fire Code adding Section 8 04 020'related to automatic fire sprinklers amending Section 15 04 010 related to the adoption of the California Bwlding Code California Electrical Code California Mechanical Code California Plumbing Code California Existing Bwlding Code and the International Property Maintenance Code and repealing and amending provisions within Titles 8 12 15 and 16 for internal consistency and clarification and 2) Duect the City Clerk to file a Notice of Exemption Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing and upon hearing no public comments he closed the public hearing Minutes City Council Meeting Page 7 Tuesday, November 27, 2007 Action Counal Member Costello moved to adopt an Ordinance as follows AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 8 04 010 RELATED TO THE ADOPTION OF THE CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE AND INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE, ADDING SECTION 8 04 020 RELATED TO AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLERS, AMENDING SECTION 15 04 010 'RELATED TO THE ADOPTION OF THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE, CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE, CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE, CALIFORNIA EXISTING BUILDING CODE, AND THE INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE AND REPEALING AND AMENDING PROVISIONS WITHIN TITLES 8, 12, 15 AND 16 FOR INTERNAL CONSISTENCY AND CLARIFICATION' and direct the City Clerk to file a Notice of Exemption Mayor Pro Tem Arnold seconded and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote AYES Costello Arnold Guthre Fellows Ferrara NOES None ABSENT None 9 c Consideration of 2005, 2006, and 2007 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Reallocation and Clarrfrcatron of Facade Enhancement Program Grant Allowances Associate Planner Bergman presented the staff report and recommended the Counal 1) Adopt a Resolution to amend the 2005-2007 CDBG Program to reallocate $33 192 36 from unused facade enhancement program grant funds to a Courtland/East Grand Avenue Recycle Center and ADA Improvement Protect to enhance these facilities within the Arroyo Grande Town and Country (Spencers/Applebees) Shopping Center and 2) Authorize staff to administer the facade enhancement program matching grant allowance to increase the maximum from $5 000 to $10 000 per prolect or property and expand the area to all properties within the Redevelopment Protect Area Staff responded to questions from Counal concerning unused grant funds and the proposed protects Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing and upon hearng no public comments he closed the public hearing Counal Member Guthrie provided the following comments - Supports basic concept of reallocating funding in the facade program - Stated that the proposed ADA improvements tie in well with the shopping center however there are other access issues with sidewalks and ADA ramps in the City that would be much better for the community overall than the proposed prolect - Acknowledged timeframes required for reallocating the funding - Can support the proposed improvements to the recycling center Counal Member Costello provided the following comments - Inquired about the time factor for reallocation of funding and whether other protects could be identified and brought forward for consideration - Agreed with Counal Member Guthrie about the need for ADA sidewalk and ramp improvements in other areas of the City - Acknowledged that the sidewalk prolect within the shopping was a nice prolect however should consider looking at areas elsewhere m the City for use of the funding - Can support the proposed improvements to the recycling center Minutes City Council Meeting Page 8 Tuesday November 27, 2007 Councl Member Fellows provided the following comments - Supports the proposed improvements to the recycling center - Stated that although it would be nice to have a protected pedestrian path through the shopping center parking lot however he stated there were other areas in the City where the public would benefit more from a sidewalk than in this location could support reallocating the funding to other protects - Provided suggestions for landscaping at the recycling center by planting taller shrubs and stated a fence may not be necessary stated there is a need for more trees along Courtland and would like the ARC to review a landscape plan for the area Mayor Pro Tem Arnold provided the following comments - Agreed that the funds should be spent on sidewalk improvements in other areas of the City of higher priority - Suggested moving the concrete stops in the parking spaces to provide for a wider pedestrian path - Supports screening of the Recycling Center Mayor Ferrara provided the following comments - No preference on use of trees or fenang around the Recycling Center as long as it looks nice however he wants to see consistency with style/complimenting themes (i a facade improvements at Gil s Market) - Can support considering other priorities for sidewalk improvement protects Council Member Guthrie recommended setting aside $5 000 for screening the recycling center including the trees and reallocating the remaining funds to other ADA sidewalk improvement protects Brief discussion ensued concerning the proposed distribution of funds Action Council Member Guthrie moved to adopt a Resolution as follows "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHOR121NG AND RECOMMENDING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OB/SPO TO REALLOCATE $33,192 36 FROM UNUSED FACADE ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM GRANT FUNDS, AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ADMINISTER THE FACADE ENHANCEMENT MATCHING GRANT ALLOWANCE TO INCREASE THE MAXIMUM FROM $5,000 TO'$10,000 PER PROJECT OR PROPERTY, AND EXPAND THE AREA TO ALL PROPERTIES WITHIN THE RDA'; as amended to allocate $5 000 to the Recycling Center to remove blight and the balance of $28 192 36 for sidewalk and ramp protects to remove architectural barriers Mayor Pro Tem Arnold seconded and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote AYES Guthrie Arnold Costello Fellows Ferrara NOES None ABSENT None 10 CONTINUED BUSINESS ITEMS 10 a Consideration of Brisco Road-Halcyon Road/Route 107 Interchange Protect Approval and Environmental Determination Analysis and Alternatives Minutes Crty Council Meeting Page 9 Tuesday November 27 2007 Director of Public Works Spagnolo gave a brief overview of the status of the project and then introduced Ravi Narayanan and Mark Rayback from Wood Rodgers Inc Mr Rayback gave a presentation on the SR 101/Brisco/Halcyon Interchange Improvements including an overview of the protect s history dating back to 1997 the protects need and purpose (to improve traffic operations and quewng at Brisco Road undercrossmg to improve traffic operations and queuing at Grand Avenue overcrossmg and to improve SR 101 ramp and mainline operations through the City) review of the Protect Report (PR) Alternatives (1-3) an overview of the phased approach (STIP process funding available deadlines for submittal) an overview of Improvement Phase 1 (Alternative 1A) recommendations for discussion and request for direction in moving forward an overview of previously discussed PR Alternatroes an overview of Phase II (Year 2030) Options an overview of a new Alternative 1 3 (Alternative 1 plus new hook off-ramp to Rodeo Dnve/W Branch) an overview of traffic and design challenges associated with Alternative 1 3 and discussion concerning Caltrans design exceptions Mr Rayback and Mr Narayanan responded to questions from Council about Phase II options Mayor Ferrara stated that traffic is dynamic in this area and he has been involved with many traffic studies related to this protect in and around this location for twelve years He spoke of the challenge of the protect the increased intensity of uses that are programmed along W Branch Street and not having quick access to on-and off ramps to a mainline (freeway) He referred to Alternative 1 which exacerbates the existing situation said Alternative 1-A is a slight improvement noted that Alternative 2 was not feasible due to right-of-way issues and constraints with the badge stated that Alternative 3 could work however Caltrans design exceptions impact this option and did not agree with mainline weave issues as determined by Caltrans He then showed video segments taken while driving northbound on 101 at N 4'" Street in Pismo Beach and its proximity to the exit at Price Canyon noting that it is closer than what is being proposed m Arroyo Grande from Grand Avenue to Rodeo and northbound on 101 m San Lws Obispo from Broad Street to Monterey Street to demonstrate the short distances between on- and off-ramps in San Lws Obispo County He also showed video segments going southbound from the Cal Poly on-ramp to Marsh Street to show the short distances between the ramps He concluded by stating the City needs to challenge Caltrans design exceptions in order to meet the community s unique traffic and surface arculation needs He emphasized that Caltrans design exceptions fail to address local street layout and circulation and do not even attempt to address local driving needs He stated he could support a phased approach to include ramps at Rodeo but would not want to lose any access to the mainline Mayor Ferrara invited comments from those m the audience who wished to be heard on the matter Upon heanng no public comments Mayor Ferrara closed the public comment period Council questions and discussion ensued regarding the STIP funding cycle and regwred timelines for submitting a protect how much funding is available and other county-wide protects the City would be competing with for funding Council Member Costello provided the following comments - Stated there was a need to widen the undercrossmg at Basco and could support closing the on- and off-ramps at Brisco Road - Wants to avoid an option that results in Level of Service E at year 2022 - Stated the phased approach is appropriate - Need some sort of relief to prevent stacking on W Branch options presented to provide two left turn lanes from Camino Mercado would prevent stacking Minutes Cdy Council Meeting Page ]0 Tuesday November 27 2007 Would support northbound hook ramp at Rodeo need to pursue approval of design exception - Does not want to accept a protect that results in Level of Service E m year 2022 - Does not want to duplicate on-and off-ramp patterns shown in San Luis Obispo - Need to find a solution to meet the City s traffic needs and to protect City streets and provide access to the freeway - Supports Alternative 1 4 in Phase II as preferred option Counal Member Guthrie provided the following comments - Stated that redistnbution of traffic can create problems but it also solves problems and noted that cross town traffic problems almost stopped when the Bnsco ramps were closed - Stated that Alternative 3 is the best Alternative however it would not be approved by Caltrans - Stated it would be best to retain the existing access - Expressed concern about missing the upcoming STIP funding cycle and waiting for the next funding cycle m two years and risking the entire protect when some portion of protect can potentially be approved - Supports Phase 1 improvements - Need to deade if City wants to get m this STIP cycle now or delay for two years and pursue the Rodeo hook ramps Counal Member Fellows referred to the staff report and noted that there s a comment by staff regarding the reason they are recommending keeping the ramps open Council Member Fellows indicated he thought the ramps would be closed dunng construction for safety related reasons Staff explained how the ramps could remain open dunng construction of Phase 1 and that if the ramps were closed it would be more difficult to obtain Caltrans approval for relocating the ramps at a later date as Caltrans would likely treat them as new ramps Mayor Ferrara clarified that the City could make the STIP funding cycle for Phase I (Alternative 1A) now and start pushing for the Rodeo option in Phase II In response to a question by Counal Member Fellows discussion ensued about phasing the protect and Caltrans willingness to process Phase I with no approved Phase II option at this time The Counal continued discussion on the various Alternatives and Counal Member Fellows mgwred whether they could defer a deasion on Phase II improvements Rich Murphy representing SLOCOG stated that other jurisdictions are m the same predicament as far as identifying a preferred alternative m their projects, commented on the STIP funding and recommendation process and commented on whether phased improvements would be approved by Caltrans Mayor Pro Tem Arnold provided the following comments - Stated that Alternative 1 m Phase I is the best option - Likes Alternative 3 but recogrnzed that realignment of W Branch Street with the northbound on- ramp at Grand would not be approved - Likes Alternatives 1 1 and 1 4 m Phase II and did not think it would cost that much more money to have the extra on-ramp at Camino Mercado and to add the hook ramps at Rodeo Drive - Suggested five or six lanes under the Brisco underpass which could include two left turn lanes to get on to southbound 101 that would alleviate stacking issues, - Supports including hook ramps at Rodeo Drive Minutes City Council Meeting Page 11 Tuesday November 27, 2007 - Acknowledged that Camino Mercado on-ramp is important does not like the idea of metering at Camino Mercado - Interested m getting to the right protect rather than getting into this STIP cycle Mayor Ferrara provided the following comments - Commented that the underpass could be expanded to four lanes without reengmeenng the grade on the mainline noted that five or six lanes would require reengmeenng of the tunnel and the freeway would have to be elevated which is mator work and something Caltrans is not ready or able to do from a funding standpoint - Spoke about vision as it relates to cross-town traffic and future new intensity of use along W Branch Street and noted that steps needed to be taken now to include additional access to the freeway from high intensity areas - Supported going back to Alternative 1 4 and rethinking some of the assumptions - Acknowledged the need to get the right protect however he expressed concern about available STIP funding m the future - Can support moving forward with a phased approach Based on the discussion City Manager Adams recommended moving forward with Phase I (including an analysis and consideration of adding more lanes to the underpass) and holding off on Phase II to study and develop recommendations if il is determined feasible If it is not feasible and Phase I I needs to be included initially he suggested pursuing Alternative 1 4,as the City s preferred alternative and accepting Alternate 1 1 as a backup if Alternative 1 4 is not accepted by Caltrans Action Council Member Guthrie moved to direct staff to pursue with SLOCOG the possibility of programming Phase I m the current STIP cycle and taking a second look at the traffic analysis for Alternative 1 4 to see if the Year 2030 rule can be met and to pursue Alternative 1 1 as a backup rf Alternative 1 4 is not accepted Mayor Pro Tem Arnold seconded and the motion passed on the following roll call vote AYES Guthrie Arnold Costello Fellows Ferrara NOES None ABSENT None 11 NEW BUSINESS ITEMS None 12 CITY COUNCIL REPORTS a MAYOR TONY FERRARA (1) San Lws Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOGlSLORTA) SLOCOG Board discussed issues regarding the STIP funding cycle as well as other transportation and housing related issues committees have been meeting on the RHNA figures and rewewmg criteria for distribution of regional housing allocation numbers SLORTA:has been working on issues concerning the new maintenance facility and the maintenance and operation contract related to the facility Minutes City Counal Meeting Page 12 Tuesday, November 27 2007 (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) The sanitation plant is operating normally some work is being done in-house in order for the District to save money the Board unanimously approved the MOU (3) Other None b MAYOR PRO TEM ED ARNOLD (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA) Discussed recycling containers and pursuing grant funds to increase containers in parks and other public spaces discussed issues concerning medical waste disposal (speafically prescription medication) as it relates to water pollution and wastewater treatment and a new educational campaign to discourage flushing and providing options for disposing of medianes at pharmaaes (2) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC) The Board has tentatively awarded a contract for the Tourism Study expected to cost $60 000 there wdl be some potential for City participation at a cost requested placement of the matter on a future Counal agenda for discussion (3) Other None c COUNCIL MEMBER JOE COSTELLO (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board Met on 11/15 reported that there are no updates on the Habitat Conservation Plan and implementation of the new treatment faality continues (2) Air Pollution Control Distract (APCD) Meets tomorrow (3) Fire Oversight Committee Met 10/26 OCSD is interested in partiapating more in toint services will be studying further cooperation between Arroyo Grande and Grover Beach in terms of training and emergency response is outstanding (4) Fire Consolidation Oversight Committee No report (5) Other None d COUNCIL MEMBER JIM GUTHRIE (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT) No report (2) California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) No report (3) Other None e COUNCIL MEMBER CHUCK FELLOWS (1) South County Youth Coalition No report ' (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC) Discussed water banking concept distributed draft final report on DVD to staff (3) Other None 13 CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS Mayor Ferrara inquired about the status of the concert issues and City Manager Adams responded that staff would be developing new procedures and gwdelines to address issues regarding amplified music in public places 14 CITY MANAGER ITEMS None Minutes Cdy Council Meeting Page 73 Tuesday November 27 2007 15 COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Fellows referred to a recent music event at the Village Green and supported efforts to curtail this type of activity in the area 16 STAFF COMMUNICATIONS City Manager Adams reported on the status of the W Branch Street closure due to a broken Lopez waterline by the contractor installing electrical to the City owned lot as part of the PG&E Park and Ride Lot protect He stated the County did not properly mark the waterline and the City believes the County is liable for the cost of repairs to the road He explained that County officials directed City staff to submit a claim therefore staff solicited bids for the repair work on an emergency basis without going through the formal bid process due to time constraints and the need to reopen the road in a timely manner 17 COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS None 18 ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ferrara adtourned the meeting at 11 20 p m Ton terra ~ yor ATTEST Kelly Wet ore ity Clerk (Approved at CC Mtg x'12-2oogt