O 362 C.S. !)5 OJWINANCH NO. 362 C. S. AN OIlDINANrn 01' TUB aTY OOUNClL OF TUB Cl'n OF ARROYO GBANDHADDING aIAPI'HR 7 TO 'IT1t.B :I OF THE IIUHIaPAL roDB AWROVIHG' TUB IMPLEIIBNTATlON' OP BrATE .. AUTHORIZED PBOGRAII TO RJKX)YEI1 a~n1i OP IUH'ONSJj8 1'0 EllBltGBNam CAUSJID BY DRUNK OR Jllnll,- DRIVRRB. AND PROVIDING GUIDHLlNJjS AND PROCBDURES TlIERBPOR (adif&ImiI ~ ~ 53150, et ~ W1WRBAB. tile Lei,'i:ilIIlure hils /IdotJled Government Code Sections 53150 through 53158 which apecilleall~ 8Utborize the at~ to recover COIits of emergenc~ respontieS to "incidents" cause<! by clrlvertl WIder tbtI tnnuence of IIlcohol or drugs. or drivertl whose conWct Is Intentionally \W'O~j III1d WHHRHAB, the aty Cooncil de:ilres to provide &uidelines and procedures for City use. NOW, THHRRIlOI1B, the aty Council of tbtI aty of Arroyo Grande does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Olllfi)ler 11:1 hereby lidded to Ii1ht~Fin8nce of the Mwlicipal Code, reod~ in fu1las folloNil OIIIpter 7, n""D"""" II1II1 Enforcement E=. ~ 3-'1.01. ErI"M:!rvencqr R~DO~es.. a. Drivi'\"r RruttiI\fr Qt t:b1I& 1lDs;k:t ~ Innuence The followi~ quidelines and procedures are estllblished tor inpIementation and aantnIstratlon ot 'l'iUe 5, Division 2, PIIrt I, Qwpter I, Article 8 of the Qilitornill Governnent Code entlUed "Caita of Emergency Response" (P8I'IIgI'aphs 53150 et seq) as it may be ameOOed from time to time. (1) AU City line departments (police, tire, public worka, etc.) particlpat~ in emergency responses to III1Y incident Invol~ a person WIder the Intluence of IIlcohol or drugs, or a person whose conduct is Intentionally ~ful, while operat~ a lOOtor' vehicle, boot, or civil llircrlllt shall log all peI'IIO/II\eI time, equipmmt time and use, and all incident III ca:;ts Involved in wch emergency l'eliponse. I (2) 'l11e costs to the City for allllUCh per50lUIeI time, equipment use, and incidenW item; shall be reported by each Department within ten (10) days thereatter to the City Mlmager, 1nc1~, without lImitatiolll (Ii) AU direct wuge costa tor all department pen;orIIIelliO Involved, includiI\: the 'department head. I (b) AU 4\(fII~nt costs, inc~ rellliOl\llb1e depreciation or ataOOard Indllilry hourly rentlll amount, pius the cost of all incident III IIIIterillls and supplies, Involved In tllII emergency resporwe. (c) The department head responslbie tor det~ that the person calli~ the incident was WIder the Influence of IIlcohol aM/or cngs, or that said person's corWct was Intentionally ~, shall be respoDIlble tor coordInati~ the prepal'lItIon and tur~ of the departmental reports to the aty MlllUl&er. b. The provialoiw hereot shall be app1Jed unltonnly agllinst all such peI'IiOftI charged with a Penal QxIe, Vehicle QxIe, Health /WI Safety QxIe or other State IIIw statutory vIolatlonj no City ofticial other than a lllljority of tbtI aty CouncIl shall have authority to reduce or cancel tile debt oblIsatlon lifter criminal chalies 8I'~ trom the incident have been ~ved by the District Attorney. c. The debt oblIsatlon herein shall only be excUied or cancelled upon 1111 expIIci t verdict or ~ by a QIurt, or by the aty Q)uncU alter a duly noticed public he8l'~, that said penon did not C8UIICI the incident, or that said person was not WIder the Intluence of alcohol aM/or drup and said person's coOOuct was not Intentlonal1y wro~tul at the time ot the Incident. II. AU jldicial actioRl tor ~t /WI collection ot tile debt obliglltion herein shall be tiled in the San LuIs Obispo Coonty MWllclpal CoIa1, Small Cainu Division, Grover aty, ailitomia. , -, .,--- ..---'-- \ ->,-------, --- - 01. v''.: e. All lOOnies collected shall be placed In the Oty's GeJ1@l'81 Fund, and shRll be Included In Cty budget projections. SECfION 2: The Ordinnnce sh8ll be In lull Coree end affect thirty (30) days after its p&ss&geJ and within fifteen (15) days after Its passage it sh8ll be pubUshed once, together with the nmnes of Council Merrbers vot~ thereon, In n newspAper published end circulated In 88Id Cty. On ootion of Council Merrber . Porter , Bet!Onded byCouncD Member Johnson ,ond on the rollowi~ roll c8l1 vote, to wit: A YES: Council Members Porter, Johnson, Millis and Mayor Mankins NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Moots : the roregoi~ Ordinance W9S possed and adopted this 11tb day of Octnb~r., 1987. l~. ~CI'" .,A,t;. - _':.. --'P'"' - MAYOR ATm1r:~ CI CLERK I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Ordinance No. 362 C.S. is a true, full . and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meetlng of said Council on the 13th day of October, 1987. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 20th day of October, 1987. ~a.~~ CITY CLERK