O 361 C.S. 91 OltDINANCE NO. 361 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF 'l1IE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRfdIDE AMENDING TUE MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROVWE 'l11ATCHRTAIN PERM1TS, LlCBNsmi, FEES AND PINES SlIALL DE PROVWED FOR BY CITY COUNCIL RESOL1J1'ION I 'I11B Cl1Y COUNCIL OP THE CI'IYOP ARROYO GRANDE HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS; SECTION 1: The f~ sections ot the Municipal Code of the City of Arroyo Gnmde shall be amended to read in their entirety 115 follows: ~ 4-7.07. Renti~ 2U1. bil:ycles. All persons who rent, hire out or loan bicycles for a charge shall first obtain a license plate or tag to be used on each bicycle by pa~ a fee 115 detennined by Council resolution. ~ 4-7.09. License ~ The license fee for the n!gbtration of each bicycle shall be as detennined by Council resolution. The same fee Shall be paid for replacement of a lost or naatilated plate or tab. All such fees shall be paid into the Generlll Fund and shall be so designated as "Bicycle Fees" to cover the cost of license plates or tllbl and the expense ot lIaninistration. I ~ 5-3.05. fIIbli!: ~ IID!1 EntertnilVlY!nt License ~ The license fee for public dunces shall be 115 estub1ished by resolution of the City Q)W1Cil. The license fee for public entertaimlent activities I11a1l be 115 established by resolution of the City Council. The Council DIllY waive such license fee tor any dance or public entertairvnent activity by an organization or individual, the main (JW'pOI>e of which Is to raise funds for charity. ~ 5-10..06. Periodic in.cmeetiOl\~: Vehiale equimvmt .una ffit1intenonce.. Prior to the use and operation ot any vehicle pursuant to the provisions of this chapter I su('h vehicle shall be thoroughly eX8lllined and insp6cted by the Police Dep/ll1lrent and fOWlCl to canply with all ot the laws of the State and the City and with such reasonable nIles and regulutions for slItety os DIllY be prescribed by the QUef of Police or by the Cooncil. Every vehicle opetatil1t pw'SUW'It to the I provisions of this chapter shall be periodically Inspected by the Police Department every six (6) IOOlIths to Insure the continued maintenance of safe operating conditions. A fee, 115 establiShed by resolution of the City Council, tor each Inspection shall be paid to the City. I In addition, every vehicle operating pursuant to the provisions ot this chapter shall be kept in a clean and II8I1itory coOOition. ' I ~ 5-10..09. Taxicab drlv~rs~ Pennits.. (a) No peniOII shall drive or operate any taxicab In UJe City without ha~ first obtulned a pemit in wri~ to do so tran the QUef of Police or any person designated by him. Such permit issued will enUUe the driver to work only tor thc&e persons who5e IIIIl1IeII appear on the permit. A new permit will be NX;JUired tor each subtiequent efJt1Ioyment; provided, however, no application shall be iIecessary other than a ratification of chltrge ot Page 1 of 4 - , 92 I! ~. I . I eflt)loyment. (b) Applicants for such ~Is shall IDeepplications therefor with the Q\\et of Police. 'The eppUcation shall contain the foJJowiJ'e lntomBtion, .tber with a tee, as established by resolution of the City CooncIl, 8IJ1 pictures at the eppUcanb (1) The name, mrnital statlll, age, residence, last previous address, 8IJ1 the le~ of residence at such last B<kftss 8IJ1 In the City; and (2) The names and addresses of tv<<) (2) residents of the aty acquainted with the epplicant. ElIch application shall be accocrpanied by a certificate from a reputable physician certifyil1t that in his opinion the applicant lei not InfiIcted with any disease or Intinnity which night make him an unsafe or unsatisfactory driver. (c) No pennlt shall be islued and a pennlt theretofore granted shall be revoked: (1) If the applicant Is under twenty--one (21) years of age; - (2) If the applicant Is not a citizen of the United States; (3) If the applicant has not resided In the County sixty (60) days inmediately prior tof~; I (4) If the applicant does not p(iSstSS 8 valid chauffeur's license issued by the State; (:;) If the applicant Is a reckless driver or has been convictcclof reckless drivil1tor drivil1t While wider the influence of intoxicat~ llcplr or /IIII'COtics; (6) If the applicant Is guilty or has been convicted of a felony or crime Involvil1t I I\1)ral turpitude; (7) If the applicant is not a fit 8IJ1 proper person to drive a taxicab; or (B) If the eppUcant violates any provision of this chapter. (d) All applicants Cor drivers' pem'dts shall be li~erprinted, and their applications will then be considered by the alief of Police and either granted or denied within thirty (3D) days, unless for good came time for further coR!lideratlon Is needed. Before any application Is finally passed upon, the Police Department shall conduct an investigation of, the applicant. (e) Upon the approval of an application, the alief of Police shall ia9ue a driver's permit to - the applicant Which pennlt shall bear the name, address, race, and otherldentlfyl~ characteristics of the applicant, includil1t the signature of the applicant; Such permi t shall be fixed In a con<Jplcuous place In the taxicab so as to be seen tran the passe~' carpartment. (f) If a driver ~es his eIT()loyment to a different owner, he shall, within twenty-four (24) hours thereafter, notify the OJief of Police for the purpose of ha~ his driver's Page 2 of 4 93 pt:!1uit cllW~ed tiO us to L'I~'ly del;igllllte the IIlIme of tile lIew aT{J1oyer. (g) When btiued, the driver's permit IIhaIl be vulid for one year from the date of ilwuIlCe, W1l_ the pennit hull been revoked for any of the ClIuseII set forth In this section. The driver,ln~ an appliClltlonfor a renewlllof thispennit,shslI follow tlteswne procedure lIS set forth In ~, his origlnalllppUClItion, except he shall not be fUJgerprinted or be required to furnish a photograph. The applicant sha1I I.>IIY the fee, lIS estllblished by resolutiOll of the City Council, for the iIiSuance of the renewlll pem~t. ~ 5-11.21. Mas.....urs' ~ ~ I The pemlit fee for IJIIISseW'S per calendar year, or any part thereof, shII1I be lIS established by I resolution of the City Council. The pennit fee for a ~e estlibli:;hnent per buliiness location shall be lIS established by resolution of the City Council, pllS the IndIvldulll pemJit fee for each lI18$Cur workir€ on the praTlises, full or part-tlm!. ~ 6-7.04. Delinauent.bill:i1 DiseontirnJl)n~e g! service: 1'urn-off WJQ turn-on cha~es. All meters shall be read by the Water Depm1ment lIS provided In Section 6-7.07 of this chapter, and IIll bills for water or service shall be due and l.>IIyable at the City Hall upon presentation. All water bills ~ Wlpaid for a period of thirty (30) days shall thereupon be cane delinquent. Where water bills so become delinquent, service may be shut off at any tlm! after the five (5) day written notice. The Director of Public Works,ln his discretion, may cause a meter reading to be made at !lilY tim!, and thereupon the bill for water Ltied lIince the previous rell~ shIIlI become inmediately due and l.>IIyab1e, and sholl becane delinquent on the thirtieth <Illy followi~ the ~ or presentation of such bill, and IIhall be subject to the wllter turn-off and tlB"n-on charge provided for In this section. I The water turn-off and turn-on charge shall be lIS detenl1ined by Council resolution. ~ 9-4.3106. t\pgenls Any person, includi~ elected and appointed City officials, may appelll to the Council any order, requirement, decision, or determination of the ConniSsion in the manner set forth in this Section. (a) Appeals shall be made in wrl~ and filed with the City Clerk, together with a filing fee In the amoWlt established by City Council resolution, within ten (10) days after the final action of the CaJ1llission. The filing fee shall be wllived for an appeal of II City elected or IIppolnted official acting In such capllcity. Upon the receipt of an appelll, the City Cerk shllll set a tim!, within thirty (30) days after the receipt of such appelll for 11 public heW'iIJg on such appeal. Notice of such heariIJg shall be given lIS set forth In Article 33 of this chapter. The City Clerk shIIlI also notify the CooJniftiion of such appeal. In tile event the City's expenses, including leglll notices, ere less thw1 the filing fce, any 1II10W1t of tile filing I' fee not expended by the City shall be refW1ded to tile appliclUlt. ~ 9-4.3203. R~lutions g! intention:: Petitions: t:=. Any lllllenanent of the natw-e specified In Section 9-4.3202 of this DrUcie may be Initiated by: I (a) Filing with tiae Coomissioo a resolution of intention of the Council; (b) The pll5S8ge of a resolution of intention by tile Carrnil,wIP; or Pllge 3 of 4 --,--- - ---,-- -----'--- - 94. ,-. I . . (c) Fili~ with the OJnIni$lon a petition ot ane or more record owners ot the land which Is the subject ot the proposed mnenanent <r their authorized agents. A petition tor mnenanent shall be on a tonn designated theretore by the CamUsIon and sI1aIl be nccarponled by a fee, as detennlned by a resolution ot the aty Council, t<r all publication costs, lnc1ud~ ordinances and public notices. , (d) In the event an envlrorlmntal ~t report Is required; the applicant shall pay the ca;t ot the envll'OM1t!l1tallrtpact repert, plus an additional tee, as detenDned by resolution at the aty Cooncu, to cover the Oty's expense In connection with the actrmlstration of the process, plU9 a deposit, as detemdned by a resolution ot the aty Q)uncU, t<r all publieation ca;ts, Inc~ ordinances and public notices. i (e) In the cvent the publication 008ts do not equal a deposit, the aty will retund to the epplicant any unexpended portion at SUch pub1ieation deposit. In the event publleatlon costs exceed the deposit, the applicant shall pay such additional costs. SECrION 1: 'This ordIlI8IK!e shall be In full toree and etfect on Jarwary 1, 1988, or thirty (30) days aCter its passsge, whichever 0CClI'S later, and within tltteen (I5) days aCter its p_nge, It shall be published once, together with the IIIIII1eS otthe Qxa1cll Menbers voting thereon, In a newspeper of general circulation within the aty. On rrotlon of Council Menber Porter , seconded by Council Menber Johnj.Q!L_, and on the tollowi~ roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Porter, Johnson, Millis and Mayor Mankins NO&'5: None ABSENT:Council Member Moots the toregoq Ordinance was passed and adopted on this 13th day of October 1987. --, )..{~ ~.:-"!.T;- t:. .}.-~ . ~ . . 'v I MAYOR Ani::8T: __!2~ 0, ~ CITY CLER I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of, Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty -_. of perjury that the foregoing Ordinance No. 361 C.S. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 13th day of October, 1987. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 20th day of October, 1987. ~a. ~~-c~J CITY CLERK Page 4 of 4 -,--- -.' Ul:iPLt1fJON ~O 3157 A BHSOLUTJON OJ.l THB CITY OOUNCIL 01' ''lIE QTr 01' AJUIOYO QIiANDJl ADOPrlNG lBBS AND PIN_FOR VARIOUS SWl.VlCBj.l'~ U~W!8 AND lNPR.ACflONS WH'Wl' M. 'lbo aty of Arroyo Qr~ pcII'fonlll Qj;:ftu!n liCU'v\c\JII,1IIIiueII pem1itli wid licenses, If4Iio1I blmuftt IipOCltlc btdivldllllla &IIId buliirl_1 &IIId WIIRRR&B.1IIIOh &erv\,*, peanlbi &IIId U_ are to be pIIid ~ ihoee pw11eB who receive IUI:h 8etv\COII, pondbi &IIId lJcen5eIi. NOW, ~ the a.ty C41uncU ot the Qty ot Arroyo Gr~ hereby adopts the Fee ScheO.IIe IIt\llChod to thIa ReIIOlutlcn &IIId 0IIII'ked 118 Exhibit A. IU\d wid hereby Incorporllttll IiUch Exhibit Into thIa Reldutlon. On Qlotlon of C41uncU Meaber Moobi, secol~ by C41uncU MeoDer Porter, &IIId on the foUow~ roll cIII1 vote, to witl AY~I CwncIl MeoOers Mools, Porter, MiWa &IIId M#yor MIUIkins NO~I None AlISHNTI CwncIl Meober Jolnon the fClreGO~ ReIIOIutloo W8S p&&sed 8IId IIIIopted thia 2200 da~ of Septenber, 1987 wid shllll become effective uLJOll UIU ettectlvedllle ot Ordinance No. 361 C, " 1L.. ~ .J ,~ ~eo.-- .&--': ~ . -- MAYOR ATl'11ST1 __~AA'.;tI a, Q:p.....:.. J CITY a.ERK 1, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of purjury th,t the foregoing Resolution No. 2157 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the ZZnd day of September, 1987. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this Z4th day of september, 1987. 7k~\1 Q. 9mJ~:V CfT -- --~------'- Emmrr A. RIroLUTION NO. 2151 FEE SCHEDULE Police J)cpIJrtIrent Fingerprinting $ 2.50 per set Rcport Duplicnting $ 2.75 per report V chicle Registrntion Verification $ 2.25 lit police station Vehicle Registration Verification $ 4.50 at other location Conceroed Weapons Pennit~, Original $ 73.00 annually ('.()nccnled Weapons PClTI1lts, Renewol $ 25.00 annunl1y Bicycle Liecnsc $ 2.00 annually, original a: renewal DRnce Permit $ 8.80 per event Entertair1T1Cmt Pennit $100.00 per event Mn.~ge Fstobllsnront Pmt $ '14.50 per estab1ishnent Mn.~eur IndivldUlll Permit $ 74.50 per Indlvldusl Taxi Cob Permit, Originnl $ 10.00 per vehicle Taxi Cob Vehicle Inspection Permi t $ 4.50 per vehicle inspection ~ ]Jq..a&b'~ll E.I.Rs. Actual Cost pllll I5!t Finnnee ]XV'" b'o:Ilt Non-Sufficient Funds O1cck Qulrge $ 8.00 per check Photocopies $ .28 per pAge Computer PrInt Outs $ .54 per pAge BL5iness License Account Initial Set Up Fee $ 6.36 per aCCOlU1t , Scwo- Snnitation Dist., New Conncctiom $ 1.50 per connection Snnitstioon Dist., Collcctiom $ .24 per billing Woter Tum On/Ofr OIorge $ 11.88 per turn orr 1100 turn on Jnitial Account Set Up Fee $ 13.40 per account Oty aerie Plnnnir<< Calmlssion Appeals to Oty Council $ 59.69 per appenl DevelO[mCnt a: Zoning Ord. Publication Resulting rrom Application to Oty Actusl Publication Costs!$300 filing Cee Election Csndldate Printing Fee $ 25.00 per CWng Cor eleetlve mayor, council melllber and city clerk orrlce Election Csndldate Administrative Fee $ 50.00 per elective Il18)'Ol', COIII1Cll mesroer and city clerk office --,-~~'--- -