Minutes 1961-05-23 2tti~ Arroyo Grande, California May 23, 1961 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding. Present were Councilmen Lee, Pence and Hartwig. Absent Councilman Jacobs. The minutes of the regular meeting of Ma.y 9th, 1961_were approved as prepared. A letter was received from the Peace Lutheran Church re- questing the City abandon the remaining half of Ram:mna Avenue south of 18th Street adjacent to the church owned property, and permission_to use the abandoned portion of the street as parking area. Mr. Harris was to prepare the abandonment papers far the next:~regular meeting. Mr. Harris ~.~.so advised the council could not grant permission for the :streets usage after the abandonment. RESOLUTION NO. 4$7 A RESOLUTION ~F THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, AUTHORIZING::. AND DIRECTING THE CANCELLATION OF GENERAL FUND WARRANT # 801:DATED MARCH 14, 1961 0n motion of Councilman Pence, seconded by Councilman Lee, and on the following roll call-vote: AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Lee, Pence, Hartyvig NOES: None ABSENT: Counc~lman Jacobs the foregoing resolution was adopted this 23rd day of May, 1961. Correspondence was received from the Ma.rgaret Harloe School Executive Board requesting some aetion be taken to eliminate the hazard for children at the Halcyon_Road and Fair 0alcs Avenue intersection. Stanley_Gr~eb suggested the possibility of two crosswalks instead of one. Chief Richardson was to contact the school to determine if a school children safety patrol would ~dvisable, and Mr. Anderson-was to get the new pavement striped as soon_as possible. The City Clerk_was instructed to write to the Executive Board and adv~.se them the elevation of the road ha~ been lowered to increase the visibility from vehicles and should eleminate some of the hazard. The Council approved a tentative plan_for refunds for future connections to the Latter_Day Saints Church for a proposed sewer main extension to their property, as presented by Mr. Anderson. Tentative cost estimates for imp~ovement of Valley Road and Grand Avenue was presented by Mr. McLennan, and were taken under advisement,by the Council. A motion was made by Councilman_Lee, seconded by Council- man Pence, that the cost estimate and plans for the installation of the Huasna Road_sewers be prepared, and that Mr. Harris be the attorney and Mr. McLennan be the engineer for the assessment project. All membe~s present voted "Aye". Absent Councilman Jacobs. Gr~~3 Mayor Burt_appointed Councilman Hartwig and Councilman Jacobs as a committee to meet with Planning,Commission for a study of a road across the cree~. It was agreed_to send a letter to the County Board of Supervisors requesting they authorize Aerial mapping to in- clude the area embraced by the praposed regional sewerage system for Arroyo Grande, Grover City and Oceano, particu- larly the entire fringe area surrounding the area already mapped, as reque~ted by Mr. Jenks. A motion was made by Councilman Hartwig, seconded.by Counc~lman_Lee, to authorize Harry N'. Jenks, ~onsulting Sanitary Engineer_to prepare in_behalf of the City af Arroyo Grande an application to the Federal Housing and Home Finance Agency for.Advance Planning funds ~or_the proposed-area-wide sewage disposal_project, application to be subject to approval of the Arroyo Grande City Attorney. Mayor Burt, Councilmen Lee, Pence and Hartwig voted "Aye°. Councilman Jacabs was absent. The final approval of Tracts Nq. 202 and 175 was post- poned until the May 31st, 1961 adjourned meeting. It was agreed to purchase one Fire Hydrant Meter at this time to be installed for consumers on a$100.00 de- posit basis with no monthly charge for the use of the meter. Approval was given to purchase a meter test bench for the water department as set forth in the budget. Mr. Robert Folkerts requested the date set for the he~ring of annexation of his property on Grand-Avenue. There was,no date available at this time as the hearir~g would 1-~ave to be reset. Martin Polin.was advised sidewalk signs were not per- mi:tted_on City Property and that he could irstall overhead signs if they were approved by the City$u~.lding Inspector. Stanley Grieb requested permission to connect his house outside the City to the City Sewer Line, in_accordance with an o'ral agreement.made during,the original sewer installation. There was no decision made at'this time, as Mr. Harris was not present. The request for signs on-City owned prc~perty for the State Employment Office on Old Highway 101 Frontage Road was denied. Councilman Hartwig presented an artists sketch of a decal for the City Equipment. Approval was given and authorization_to purchase l00 decals. RESOLUTION N0. 488 ~~M irH /~o~a~ C?n motion of Councilman Hartwig, seconded by Councilman Lee, and upon_the following,vote: AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Hartwig, Pence, Lee. NOES: None • Af3SENT: Councilman Jacobs the foregoing;Resolution was adopted-this 23rd day of Ma.y, 1961. s ~ ~ ~ ,266 It ~as requested the budgets for all departments be sub-~ mitted at the last.meeting of June. A motion was made by Councilman Pence seconded by Council- man Lee th+~t the replaced Ford Police Car was no longer a piece of_equipment necessary to operate the police department and that it.was to be sold subject to a local_aar dealers judge- ment. Al1 members present voted "Aye". Absent_Councilman Jacobs . No ~urther business appearing, the meeting adjourned at 9r55 p.m. to 7;30 p.m. Wednesday, May 31st, 1961. ATTEST;.~%~ ~a~~li . GC/y~ ~J CITY CLERK MAY ~