Minutes 1956-02-07 ~3J2. . ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Arroyv ~rand~e, ~aliforni~ ~ . February 7, 1956 ~ 'i 7'he ~ity Council met in regul~r session and upon roll call ~ouncilmen Le~, , Pence znd.Dixsan reported present. Abserat l~yor Burt ~nd ~ouncilm~n Brennan. ' ' UpOn motion ef Councilm~n Pence, scconded by Councilman Lee Councilms~n Dixson was 4 appointed to zct zs.l~yor. The minutes of the previous regular ~nd speci~l meetings wdr~ read a,nd approved as read. Councilman Lee reported on prices for new fire equipment. A new pumper and housing for the equipment would in all probability run over ~32,000. It was suggsstsd the City present the propos~l of s~ bond issue to the voters at the ~pril lOth election. More figures znd iriformation would bs r~ady at the Feb. 21~i~ meeting as th~ notice of election would have to be r~ady ta publish in t,he ps~per F~b. 24th, 1956, ~ number of property opners from South Alpine were present to ask zbout sewers in their area. Mr. Anderson was to prep~re ~n estirr?ate ~nd I4Ir. Harris suggestsd a committee from that s~rea see how ms~ny would go for it on s~ voluntary basis. An assessment district would make th~ sewers cost a great deal more and were mors difficult to put over. ~ir., Diedrichsen from Newm~n Drive asked about a sign for N~wm~n Drive as it - was A deead-end street. He zlso Asked zbout drainzge on the Fast end of Newman ~ Drivm and t~r. Anderson was to check with him. He ~lso asked about the haz~rd zlong the creek en his propcrty zs children played there and the f~nce which h~ - ha.d put up had eaved in after the lASt r~ins. Mr. H~rris said thzt he d3.d not feel that the city flr Mr. Diedrichsen had any liability but suggested he pm~t the property. - t The communicatian from the Div3.sion of Highways~on relocatian of the city stt~ver ,I I~ main was read and vn motion of Councilman.Pence, seconded by Councilman 1ts t~hs ~ city Engineer was to prepnre pl~ns ~nd specifications for thee rel~cztion o,f th~e sewer. ~ It was understood the city would be reimbursed for the work by th~ Stzte. The recommend.~tion of the Plznning Commission asking ths Council to authorize exceptions to the subdivision regulations in regard to Tract ~101 w~s re~d and it wa.s agreed to hold it over until ~11 Council members could bes pr~~ent before mzking a d~cision. ~ ~ ~ Mr. J. W. T~ylor w~s present to discuss insurance coverage on the ; suggcsted pistol rzngc and stated he had talked with the hezd office znd it was tha ; understa,nding tha~ it would be under the control of the city offici~ls and would ~ ~ be used by authorized persannel or under the authoriz~tion cf the city police. ; No zction w~s taken howev~r at this meeting. It was zgrced to publish the notice calling for bids on the garb~ge fr~nchise to be opened rebruary 21, 1956 at 8 P.M. Bills against the General Fund for $l~881~.36, the Water Fund for $~6284.68, the water Deposit Fund for ~12.00 and the Sew~r Rcntal Fund for ~15.l~0 were audited~ approved and ordered paid. . - . . Councilman Pence moved that vouchers 38 thru !~3 be zuthorized for . tr~nsfer, his motion was seconded by Councilman Lee ~nd the motion czrried. The elerk was authorized to ask the County Clerk's offic• to h~ve the polling place cards or envelopes ~ddr~ssed ~nd prepare the list of registered voters. i No further business appearing it was moved and scconded th~ meeting be adjourned. . ~ fd ' A~l~~i'F.:ST : . /U City Clerk ~ror ~ o ' ~ ~ i i ~ i , ~ , ;