Minutes 1955-06-14 . 362 ~ _ ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~R ~ ~ Arr~y~ Grande, Calif~rnia su~e ].la, 1955 ~ ; The City ~~uncil ~eet in an ad~~urned meetir~g xit.h 1~y~r Burt preaidi~tg. Up~a r~17, call ~~unciLaen Pence and Brennan rep~rted present. ~baent Cwncilw~a Lea. The ~d.nntes ~Y Lhe pre~?i~ua regular meeting xere read and appr~ved aa re~. 'f Sev~era7. xater e~nsu~era fr~~ the~ Briaeā€¢ Tract ~rere preaent t~ diaeuas ~e xater situati~n i~ t.hat axea and se~ if the~ eity had sr~y? ree~~eudati~~t t~ ~ reaed3r the aituati~n. They xare int~ra~ed that the Citi~l~r?' a C~~ittee wirki~g ~n a xater aurvey xere alm~st ready t~ turn in their rep~rt, and it xaa e~cpaetad t~ be in ~ith i~ the next c~uple ~f xeeks. C~uncil~en Penee said he felt th~r x~uld try and x~rk ~ut a~me relief ~n the xater t~ the traet in the neat ~erar~a bud get. Th~re xaa a lengthy diacuaai~n ~n participatien by the pr~perty ~ers anch ae laying larger lines and a b~~ster pu~np. It was agreed t~ dia~s tht a~ttt~er f~rther at the see~nd meeting in July. The ps~ple xere ala~ t~ld the city had ~ne xell ~ut ~f ~perati~a and x~rs n~t sure if anything c~t~,].d be dine t~ save it sr if it x~uld be n~ceasary t~ ~ ~ drill a new srell uzd lay new linea t~ take eare ~f t~he rtater fr~~ a ne~ xa11. C~u:usil~an Brennan wade a a~ti~n and C~uncilur~?n Pe~e aec~nd~d tt~t mirLi~ r t,~ app~int fi~rd~n H. Diza~n t,~ fili the `unexp3red term ~f W. H. Si~su~. ~11 aseEbers v~t~d , Hr. Dixs~n -#i~it t~k the ~ath ~P ~Yfiee and May~r Burt app~inte~ him ~~t.er c~aiaai~r3er. ~l representative fr~m the Divi~i~n ~Y Highr?ays xas present t~ fin~i ~t~t it #~ha eit~ int~end~d ~p~eplace the ~ter line t~ l~iz~. Stu~nnsn. ~'lley xere t~1d tlie city ~e~ls they ean n~t replace the line ss the e~st x~nld 1~ t~~ gr~at.a~t il~ls ~i1r~.. RE30LUTION N0. 329 RSSOLUTI~N OF 3'HB CITX CO~+iCII. OF THE CITY OF ~OYO (3R,~NDE ~DOPTIN(~ BUD((}ST Il1~D APPR.OYI~16 ~t~3Kli?NNDtTK OF _ ~iT F(~R ~ITZIRS OF GJ4S T,It7C AI.IAC,~TION F'QR ~ ~ cis~r s~~. On a~t~~n si G~uACil.~+an Penee an~ll eee~nded by C~unail~n ~r~t~nan, an~ by t~s t~ll~ing r~l~ call 'v~te t,~~its wYES: C~uneila~an Burt, Pence, ~~a and Brexu?aa N4E3 s li~ ~,BS~A1T: C~~nc3.l~xn I.ee th~ l~r~g~in~ r~s~luti~# ~+a~e ~d~pted. . ~ 3~~ ~ ~ Bills against the General Fund f~r ~,tt119.22, tt?e Water Fund f~r ~2081~.01, ~ , the SeWer ~ental Fund f~r ~10.00 and the Water Dep~sit Fund f~r ~30.~0 Were ~ ~ audited, appr.ved and ~rdered paid. ; It waa ~uved and see0nded ths~t v~uchers ~61~ through ~69 be appr~v~d f~r tarans- ' Per. ~ On m~ti~n ~f C~uncil.m~n Brennan and sec~nded by C~uneilman Dixs~n, C~uneil~an Pence xaa given permissi~n t~ leav~ the state. N~ further busineas the ~ee~ing was ad~~urned. ~ . ATTEST; ~ . . tq lerk y~r i' ~ 1 a ~ ~ ~ '~a - . N. ~