Minutes 1953-07-08 262 ~
It Was agreed to ask Mr. Harris for a copy of th~ letter he xrote Mr. Lad?~ig.
On motion of Councila~n Burt and seconded by Councilman Kerr, Mayor Sin~son xaa
authori$ed to sign t?he release on the Hs~rtford Insurance Policy.
'Hills against the General Fund for ~38l~7.l~5, the water Fund for ~3313.50
and the Water Deposit Fund for ~72.OQ were s~udited, approved and ordered psrid.
On motion of Councilraan Stnrges and aeconded ~y ~ouncilmon Kerr uid'`by
unaninwus vote transfer of wouchers 50 through 60 xas authorised.
No flirther buainess nppes~ring and upon motion the meeting was ad~c?urned
to July 8, 1953 at 7 P.M. to xork on the budget. -
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y erk y
Arroyo (~rande, C~lifornia
July 8, 1953
The City Council met in an ad3ourned session with Mayor Simpson presiding. ,
Upon roll call Couricilmen Kerr, Burt and Sturges reported preaent. Councf2ma?t~
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Kirkpatrick arriving a little later.
I~ The letter from Hal Ladwig asking for s~n extension of ti~ on the removai
of buildings from his property was read a~nd diacussed and it was agreed to tsk+e
, '
~ care of the matter at the July 15th meeting when 1~Ir. Harria the City Attorney '
~ would be present.
~ The purpose of the ~neeting was to xorkon the new budget. After discussing '
various parts of the budgets a motion Was made by Councilman Kirkpatrick~
seconded by Councilman ~urt to make at least s~ 5~ inerease in sll sal~ries.
~7.1 members voted /~?,ye. ~
' i
Various ad~ustments were mside in all budgets as it Was necessary to trim I
the budget down to ~et the estimated revenues for the comi.ng year. , ~,I
After numeroug changes a motion ~as made by Councilman Kerr to adopt the '
i budget. Councilman Burt said he xould second the motion providing the ~ouncil
Would agree to aending Richardson to school if the Chief could get him in thia
year and the money Was available. After discussion all members veted Aye.
No further buainesa appeAring and upon ~otion the meeting was~ ad3ourned.:
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~,TTEST: ,
i y erk yo .