Minutes 1950-06-15 ~ ~
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. - . . . . . R~~a°'af~
~rroyo Grande~ California +
J~~e z5~ 1950
The City ~ouncil me~ in Special ses~ion, for the p~zrpose of
ordering some Jolin.s ~Ianville Transi~~ pipe and to disetzss the •
Grand Avenue extensic~n. ~iayor t~aiters presided. Councilrnen ,
present were Dixson, T~arnmann and ~onrad. ~bsent ~ouncilman Clark.
i ~ ~
It was moved and seconded that ~r. ~~e ~oy place an order for
I000 feet of 4in. transite pipe.
The Grand Avenue ~xtension was discussed and the ehange ~s
s~zg~;ested by the Engin~~ ~vas to be obtained as soan as pos~ible
and bids on a yardag~ basis of the ~ub-gr~de, was to be ealleci f`or.
~To further b~zsiness appearing~ the meetin~ ~as adja~rned.
~ ~ ~ ~
a' -
. ~~~~1 a ~ / G .
ity Clerk ~ ~ _ _ ayor _
~rroyo Grande~ ~aZifornia
June 2I~ IS50
The City Council met in regular sessian, with ~ayor ~aitera
presiding. ~1p~n roll call ~ouncilm~n I~ixso~~ ~ammann and Conrad
reported presen~, Abs~rt ~auneil,man ~Iarl~.
The minute~ of` the previor~s re~zlar~ adjourned and sp~eial
meetings were read and apprc~ved as read.
~ request to erect a tent and conduct tent revival by th.e
~[ssembly o£ ~od Church, w~s r~eeived and it was mo~red and seconded
that the request be gr~.nted, subjeet to their meeting with parkin~
re~ula~ians to meet with the aprrov~l of` ~r. Frnncis eorr~ Of`_'ieer
in Charge.
A request for employment was reeeived from Joe G. ~antas and
order~d filed u~t~I a later date~ when several ap~Iieants:might be
RESOTATIf7N ~#22`~
~ Resolation of the City ~ounci~ o~' the City of Arroyo ~rande
adopting memorandum of ~greement f~r~ expenditure of ~as `~a.~c
~llocation for l~ajar eity ~treets.
Passed and adopted by the following roll ca11 vate:
~YES: Councilmen ~a~ters~ Di~son~ Dair~rnann and Conrad
NO~t None
ABSIItTT: Councilman (~larI~.